
美 [ˈsutəd]英 [ˈsuːtɪd]
  • adj.合适;适宜;适当;般配的
  • v.“suit”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络适合的;同花;合适的



1.合适;适宜;适当right or appropriate for sb/sth

2.般配的if two people aresuited orwell suited , they are likely to make a good couple

3.穿西装的;穿…套装的wearing a suit, or a suit of the type mentioned

the intriguing question is to which extent the neural approach proves to be better suited for certain applications than existing models. 迷人的问题是神经系统的方法到什么程度比现有的模型证明更好地适合某些应用。
His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. "He never grew up; but he never stopped growing. " 他为自己书写的墓志铭,恰是他毕生所追寻的人生境界的写照:“他始终未曾长大,却从未停止过成长。”
"Don't you like to dance, Miss Jo? " asked Laurie, looking as if he thought the name suited her. “喜欢跳舞吗,乔小姐?”劳里问,似乎认为这个称呼挺适合她。
He said political pressure is understandable, but warned legislation is the 'least well suited' of the many options for dealing with China. 他提醒说,虽然政治压力可以理解,但立法是解决中国相关问题众多手段中“最不合适的”。
It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers; but the role of a background worker, patiently picking up after Jo, also suited her. 整天埋头在纸山案牍中,难免会有些沮丧,但是做一位幕后工作者,耐心地接过乔尚未完成的任务,倒也很适合她。
I once saw a suited and affluent man almost punching his way out of a brothel. 我曾经看到过一个富态西装男几乎是一路冲出妓院。
The easy-going nature of Southeast Asian workers is not always suited to Taiwan - style management. 东南亚国家这群乐天知命的汉子,并不适合用「台湾模式」来管理。
Who better suited to raise the question of justice than Cephalus, whose life might seem to be the expression of it? 又有谁比塞弗路斯更适合向正义提问?谁的生活看似正义的表情?
The military forces of other nations would be more suited than U. S. forces in a great many global situations, he said. 他说,其他国家的军队在很多全球情势中会比美国军队具有更合适的作用。
Locate and place personnel on best suited tasks, compare employees, projects etc, to name just a few of Analyzer's uses. 找到并发生人员最适合的任务,比较员工,项目等,仅举几例的分析仪的使用。
But his docility did make him well suited to be a genial family man and good husband to a strong-willed woman. 但是他的这种温和正适合于做一个意志坚定的女人的丈夫。
It was another good choice: the easier league suited his waning legs, and the US was the new market he and his wife wanted to exploit. 这又是一次不错的选择:一个踢球更容易的联盟更适合他日渐老迈的双腿,同时美国也是他们夫妇俩想要开发的新市场。
But it is the same for everybody, and some seem to be more suited to hotter or cooler conditions, so we have to try and make the best of it. 但这对所有人来说都是一样的,有些车队更适应高温,而有些则更适应低温情况,所以我们必须平衡这两者,以做到最好。
That made it a durable material well-suited for insulating. 这一点使之成为耐久绝缘材料。
The design of a business document is often very well suited to object-oriented architectures. 业务文档的设计通常很好地适于面向对象的体系结构。
But for problems demanding an iron will and a quasi-military strategy, like the war on crime, few were better suited. 但是对于那些需要钢铁意志和准军事策略的问题,像与犯罪开战,很少人会比他更胜任。
Some, doubtless, were no better than tramps, ready to dig a hole in any bank and stay only as long as it suited them. 毋庸置疑,有的就是些流浪汉,随便找个堤岸就可以挖个洞住进去,只要合身就行。
China was obviously better suited to export manufacturing. It always had been. China's leaders just had not realised it. 很明显,中国内地更适合出口制造业,而且一直如此。只是中国领导人之前未意识到这点。
One of the senior vice president's subordinates, he said, "would be better suited to conduct this inquiry. " 他还说,那位高级副总裁的一位下属“更适合对该案进行调查”。
The new historical approach brought with it the advantage of a more nuanced conception of the art, better suited to a wider public. 而新从历史视角入手的优点是对艺术进行更细致多元的分析,适合更多的大众接受。
So my son's reaction got to the root of a serious issue: Is written Chinese suited to a digitalizing, globalizing world? 其实,我儿子的反应触及了一个严肃问题的根源:汉字是否适应一个数字化、全球化的世界?
"I am convinced that General James Jones is uniquely suited to be a strong and skilled national security advisor, " he said. 我相信,琼斯将军独具的条件,使他能成为一位坚强而有才能的国家安全顾问。
But Sonne worked in IT, a field more suited to people with autism and related conditions like Asperger's syndrome. 不过,索恩从事资讯科技,IT领域比较适合孤独症和类似亚斯伯格综合症相关疾病患者。
target Luis Suarez has confirmed that he ready to move to England, as he believes his game would be suited to the Premier League. 苏小牙今天确认他做好了转会英格兰的准备,他也很相信自己适合英超联赛。
Between the red cheeks and that white forehead shone a pair of black red eyes well suited to strike terror into the bravest heart. 在红脸颊和白额头之间有着一对可以把最大胆的人吓懵的小眼睛。
That made sense -- that suited both the content and device, and we're going to see more unique interfaces like this to come. 这非常的合适--既考虑到了内容又考虑到了设备,我们会看到更多这这类独特的界面。
I have added this as a bonus rather than putting it in the list because it seems to me to be more suited to the surrealist genre. 我加上该片作为奖励而不是将它列入排行榜中是因为于我而言该片更适合列为超现实类型。
It suited Hitler's book at the moment not to declare war on the United States -that was all . 希特勒当时不对美国宣战只是为了适应他自已的计划。
Hydrogen technology is better suited for generator applications and for industrial uses at its current stage of development, he said. 在目前发展阶段,氢气技术更适合运用到发电机和工业。
OSS is not always right for an institution and certain applications and types of institution are more suited to open source than others. OSS不一定最适宜于某家机构,而某种应用以及机构类型比别的更适合于开源。