take it off

  • 网络脱掉;脱下;脱掉衣服

take it offtake it off

take it off


take off的用法_百度知道 ... take off 脱下 Take It Off 脱掉;脱下;起渍膏;直至关闭 take-off roll 起飞滑跑;牵引滚轮 ...


take off的用法_百度知道 ... take off 脱下 Take It Off 脱掉;脱下;起渍膏;直至关闭 take-off roll 起飞滑跑;牵引滚轮 ...


那一段跨国情缘,... ... Take it off,give it to me 脱掉衣服,把它给我 Take it off,like youd do me 脱掉衣服,就像你会对我做的 ...


沪江博客 - 妖°The End Of The Rainbow -... ... levitate 轻轻浮起 take it off 把衣服脱掉 insatiable 贪求无厌的 ...


★Movie Trailer Karate Kid--独家中英字幕★... ... Put it on. 穿上 Take it off. 脱下来 I already did. 刚才我已经做过了 ...


Kaya Jones的歌曲,专辑 - 美乐网,在线试听 ... Boyfriend( 男朋友) Take it Off离开它) Release the Energy( 能量释放) ...


...世纪80年代长发金属中大男子主义的活力四射的颂歌《脱下它》(Take It Off),也有那种老套的关于撬走你的男人的故事的 …


求Adamlambert《naked love》歌词翻译_百度知道 ... Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶 Take it off 脱掉它 and try me on 接受 …

Danny: You can't do this! My scooter just went on the truck. It would be so easy to take it off! 丹尼:妳不能这样做!我的摩哆才刚被吊上卡车,要卸下来很容易的!
Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im alive again! When you get out of this retreat. 所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!
Pointing at her own red coat, Li said she had to wear it in her shop to keep warm but would take it off if she had to venture out. 指着她自己的红外套,李说,在店中,他不得不穿着以保暖,但当她需求外出时,会脱下外套。
When Jess she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home. 而当乔的女友杰斯看到他的忏悔牌时,赶紧让他取了下来,并且最终同意给他一次机会,允许他回家。
The medicine-woman told him that the scar had been placed on his face by the Sun, and that only the Sun himself could take it off. 女巫医告诉星孩说:“这疤痕是太阳烙在你脸上的,只有太阳自己能把它去掉。”
He was everywhere, fought for every ball, came back to take it off his own players when he felt that the tempo needed upping. 德罗巴在场上无处不在,追逐着每一个球,当他感觉需要提高比赛的节奏时,他会回到中场帮助队友拿球接应。
If anyone has a crusty old Honda without any lights in their shed, with a funny tach that "goes up to 18, " I'll take it off your hands! ! 如果任何人有任何一个没有灯光的硬壳本田的老棚,一个有趣的盛德说:“上升至18,”我买了把你的手!
'If I'm wearing a hat and it's part of my look, I don't think I should have to take it off, ' he says. 拉米雷兹说,“既然我戴了帽子,这就成为我整体形象的一部分,我觉得就没必要一进屋就摘下来。”
If you had a jacket over the back of your chair, he would take it off. 如果你把衣服搭在椅背上,他也会把它拿开。
Just let me get it sized, and I promise you'll never have to take it off again. 让我去调一下大小。我保证你再也不会把它脱下来。
"He told the woman to take it off the roof, " she said, "because he didn't see any benefit in it. " “房主告诉那位女房客把花园从屋顶清理掉,”她说,“因为他没有看到任何好处在里面”。
"All that stupid stuff you put on Facebook -- take it off, " said Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions. 优势职业方案的老板RichardPhillips建议说:“将你在Facebook上存放的那些愚蠢的东西都删掉吧。”
Do you want to take off the other part of it? Go ahead and take it off, you're OK. We'll just stop for a second. KB:好,我正要把它取下来,你没事的,没事的.你想把其它部分也取下来吗?接着取下来,你没事的.我们先停一秒钟。
As he raised his hand to take it off, a cake, flying through the air, took it off for him. 就在他抬手要把帽子摘下的时候,一块蛋糕临空飞来,替他把帽子弄下来了。
Your shirt is torn. Take it off. Let me mend it for you. 你的衬衫坏了,脱下来,让我替你补一补。
We started with, you can take it off in the office. 开始我说,在办公室里你们可以不戴面纱。
If I have a goal that I don't make by the date I put down, I don't just give up and take it off the list. 如果有一个目标,在我所定的日期之前我还没达成,我不会只是放弃,将它从清单上除掉;
Well, if I had a cool cowboy hat like that, I probably wouldn't take it off either. 如果我有一顶像这么酷的牛仔帽,我大也不会摘下来。
When Hermione says, "Take it off! I said take it off now! " 当赫敏说:“脱掉,我说现在把它脱掉!”
When the seedlings have come up far enough to touch the paper, take it off. 当幼苗长到能接触到纸时,就把它摘掉。
"Unbutton my blouse and take it off, " she said. “解开我的衬衣的纽扣,脱下它”,他说。
It took us years to put on this weight, so let's not be tempted to think we can take it off in mere weeks. 我们花了几年就提出这个重量,所以,让我们不要碰想我们可以慢慢来,在短短几个星期对开。
I know you go away for the weight that happened on your shoulders. And I know the only person you can ever take it off is you. 我知道你是因为发生在你身上的事情而离开,我也知道唯一能解决的人是你自己。
If it's a matter that I won't get on the plane, then I will take it off. ' 如果因为它我不能上飞机,那我就把它摘下来。
Take it off the flame and pour water on it, or let it cool down, the piston moves down. 停止燃烧用水冷去,活塞就做向下运动。
I take it off right away and give it to her, only Mrs. Price pretends like everything's okay. 我赶紧脱下来还给她。只有普赖斯太太装的若无其事。
"They had written that I was overbearing, " she replied with a shrug. "I made them take it off. " “他们写的是,我‘负担过重’”,她耸耸肩回答说,“(看来)是我主动让他们给我减压了”。
To do this, they needed to capture most of the world's gold supply that was not already in their hands and take it off market. 为了达成这个目标,他们需要的是掠夺全世界的黄金,那些曾经没在他们掌握中的和落入市场的。
I take it off and then it goes back to its roughly ten seconds. 我把它放下,它就又回到,原来的10秒了。
Wukong replied: if I take it off, it soon wither. 悟空回答道:我如果把它摘下来,它马上就枯萎。