the facebook

  • 网络脸谱;脸谱网站;脸书

the facebookthe facebook

the facebook


当她透过"脸谱( the Facebook)"网站找到她高中的老同学后,便已着了迷。后来,她便开始利用线上毕业纪念册,来寻找小... [ "脸谱" …


这群愤怒的年轻人受到了脸谱网站the Facebook)上关于如何应对催泪毒气的帖子的鼓舞,而且受到此前抗议中遇害身亡的 …


...博客,发现其实台湾的人都不怎麽好"博客",反而兴"脸书(The Facebook)"、兴其他的网路玩意儿,虽然之中不免牵涉其他特 …


并找了同窗好友:爱德华多来作创始人与投资,这即是「那个脸书」(The Facebook) 的由来然而事情都有一体两面,那个脸 …


  纽约时报最畅销小说家   奥斯卡获奖影片《意外的亿万富翁》(《The Facebook》)作者最新力作。   带来史上最强悍盗窃案的 …

With a Facebook IPO at least a year off, many investors are keen for a slice of "the Facebook of China" . 鉴于Facebook至少还有一年才会启动IPO,许多投资者渴望从“中国版Facebook”的增长中分得一杯羹。
The Facebook platform allows you, as a user, to take your Facebook profile and your Facebook friends with you to any other website. 中文英文作为一个用户,通过使用Facebook的平台,你就能够将你在Facebook上的个人信息和好友关系原封不动地带到任意一个其他的网站上去。
What made F8 significant, historic even, was that it was the first time the Facebook platform was thrown open to developers. F8之所以如此重要,甚至可以说是历史性的,是因为这是Facebook平台第一次呈现在开发者们眼前。
They spent an afternoon together in New York, when the Facebook CEO was on his way to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. 在Facebook的CEO去往瑞士的达沃斯的路上,他们在纽约共同度过了一个下午。
In an interview, Mr. Mehdi declined to say how much he thought the Facebook partnership could increase its share of the search market. 门迪在一个采访中拒绝透露与Facebook的这次合作会为微软在搜索市场增加多少市场份额。
The potential, however, is clear: the Facebook data could have been used to deanonymise the browsing histories associated with the cookies. 这种行为的潜力是显而易见的:根据cookies的浏览历史,Facebook的数据可以用来被反匿名。
I wasn the only one to notice; this was discussed in at least one of the Facebook groups promoting candidacies. 这种情况并不是只有我一个人注意到了,Facebook拉票团围绕着这件事至少进行了一次讨论。
From what I understood, Facebook did not receive any help from the schools themselves to promote the Facebook site to the student body. 据我所了解,Facebook没有借助任何自己学校的帮助来讲Facebook网站推广到学生用户中。
The Facebook application will contain a profile box listing all of the user's photo albums, each a link to a Flex slideshow of that album. Facebook应用程序将包含一个档案盒(profilebox),在其中列出用户的所有相册,每个相册都链接到一个Flex幻灯片显示。
The Facebook SDK for Android also brings a couple of useful examples that you can use as a baseline for your own applications. FacebookSDKforAndroid也带来一些有用的例子,您可以用来作为自己应用程序的起点。
It was his big day announcing the opening of the Facebook platform and I characterized his onstage performance as awkward. 在他宣布Facebook平台化的那天,我说过他的舞台表演非常笨拙。
According to The Wall Street Journal the Facebook founder is ready to take his social media company public in the second quarter of 2012. 据《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)报道,这位Facebook创始人正准备于2012年第二季度带领旗下社交媒体公司上市。
A former classmate of Butler's from Lincoln confirmed the Facebook post to The Associated Press and provided AP with a copy of it. 从林肯的巴特勒的老同学证实了Facebook邮政美联社和提供它的一个副本的AP。
We therefore establish these Principles as the foundation of the rights and responsibilities of those within the Facebook Service. 我们因此创立了原则作为这些Facebook服务的权利和责任的基础。
Users interact with that application through the Facebook UI, implemented on a number of devices (web, mobile, etc. ). 用户通过在很多种设备上(网络,移动终端等)实现的FacebookUI与此应用交互。
And a thank you to the Facebook fans, and the Twitter friends for helping me come up with these questions. 同时要感谢我的Facebook粉丝和微博朋友们,帮我整理出上述问题。
They facilitated conversations between various workers' groups. They functioned like the Facebook page of their era. 他们在不同工人群体中促进沟通,他们的作用就像那个时代的脸书一样。
By opening the door to a single investor, he avoided increasing the Facebook's shareholder base. 扎克伯格通过向单个投资者打开大门,避免了Facebook股东基数的增加。
You can test the Facebook application by going to your application developer profile and allowing it to be viewed by others (see Figure 41). 要测试这个Facebook应用程序,可以进入此应用程序开发人员概要文件并允许它被他人查看(参见图41)。
The Facebook founder isn't nearly as famous to most Chinese as he is in the U. S. and other countries. Facebook创始人在多数中国人中的知名度完全赶不上他在美国和其他国家。
The article would sit on the site homepage, looking like an article, but when clicked on, would take people to the Facebook page. 这样的文章会放在网站主页上,看起来像一篇文章,但是点开后,会链接到脸谱网页上。
He does muse about the Facebook that might have been had he not left to join Obama. 他的确为如果不加入奥巴马他在Facebook会怎样的念头而着迷。
Remember what you did with the facebook. php file, renaming it to facebook_pi. php and placing it in the plugins folder? 记得您对facebook.php文件所做的操作,即将其重新命名为facebook_pi.php并放入插件文件夹中吗?
There should be a single set of principles, rights, and responsibilities that should apply to all People using the Facebook Service. 在Facebook中有单独的一套原则权利和责任应用于所有Facebook的用户。
Facebook owns exclusive trademark rights to the Facebook name in the United States and internationally, including related common law rights. 拥有独家商标权的脸谱,脸谱的名字在美国和在国际上,包括相关的普通法的权利。
After he was involved in a fatal on-duty shooting in February, a local television station dug up the Facebook page. 在他今年2月当值期间卷入一场致命的枪击事件之后,一家当地电视台发现了他的Facebook个人网页。
If it is set to "desktop mode is false, " the Facebook server will understand when you try to pass a session secret. 如果它被设置为“desktopmodeisfalse”,那么当您传递一个会话secret时,Facebook服务器就会理解。
You could use the Facebook connect API on your site and let your viewers share content on their own profiles. 您可以在您的站点上使用FacebookconnectAPI并让站点的查看者得以在其各自的概要文件上共享内容。
Almost overnight, the Facebook Class fired up the careers and fortunes of more than two dozen students and teachers here. 几乎一夜之间,整个facebook班级里的20多个学生和教师点亮了他们的事业和财富。
To get started with Causes, a nonprofit can join as a partner or start immediately by adding a cause within the Facebook app. 要开始使用Causes,非营利组织可以加入成为一个合作伙伴,或者直接在这个Facebook应用中添加一个公益话题。