
美 [ˈterər]英 [ˈterə(r)]
  • n.恐怖;恐惧;惊恐;惊骇
  • 网络可怕的人;恐怖活动;恐惧术


abject terror,sheer terror
strike terror



1.[u][sing]惊恐;恐惧;惊骇a feeling of extreme fear

2.[c]可怕的人;恐怖的事;可怕的情况a person, situation or thing that makes you very afraid

3.[u](通常出于政治目的)恐怖行动,恐怖violent action or the threat of violent action that is intended to cause fear, usually for political purposes

4.[c](informal)讨厌鬼;小捣蛋a person (usually a child) or an animal that causes you trouble or is difficult to control


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... temptation n. 诱惑,引诱 388. terror n. 恐怖 389. thrust v. 挤,推,插 390. ...


UdieToo_百度百科 ... Dim 072 Weaken: 削弱;降低敌人伤害 076 IM 077 Terror恐惧; 081 Dec 091 Lower Resist: 降低 …


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... He was seized with panic. 他突然地感到惊慌失措。 terror n. 惊骇 fright n. 害怕 ...


高一英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... relative n. 亲戚;亲属 terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人; 恐怖时期;恐怖活动 cruelty n. 残忍;残酷 ...


高中必背3500词汇表听写版 - 豆丁网 ... terrify vt. 使人感到恐怖 terror n. 恐惧,惊恐 text n. 文本,课文 ...


高一英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... relative n. 亲戚;亲属 terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人; 恐怖时期;恐怖活动 cruelty n. 残忍;残酷 ...


5 恐惧术TERROR):唯一可以与其他诅咒重叠使用的招数。不过相信大家也不会人为敌人被吓得到处跑是什么好事吧。


王长喜英语四级高频词汇_maoxiaoliu_百度空间 ... terminal a 末端的 n终点 terror n 恐怖活动;引起恐怖的人 theme n 主题,题 …

Between the red cheeks and that white forehead shone a pair of black red eyes well suited to strike terror into the bravest heart. 在红脸颊和白额头之间有着一对可以把最大胆的人吓懵的小眼睛。
She asked me whether I had been afraid to see her that day; I admitted that I felt spasms of deep terror. 她问我,那天我是不是害怕看见她。我承认,我感到深深的恐惧禁不住痉挛。
She did not realize that the little boy lived shoulder to shoulder with terror too great for an adult to comprehend. 她不明白,这孩子怎么经常生活在一种大人无法理解的恐怖气氛中。
Despite all that power, all that wealth, he was alone when he finally died -- his ultimate terror realized. 尽管他获得了那么大的权力,那么多的财富,到最后还是孤独地死去他最害怕的事情还是出现了。
He said the U. S. Government is at war against extremists bound by ideology who are willing to use terror to achieve their objectives. 他说美国政府正在意识上和极端分子进行斗争,这些极端分子喜欢用暴力实现他们的目标。
In 2005, Bush invited Sharansky to the White House to discuss how the book's ideas could be applied to the war on terror. 2005年布什把Sharansky请到白宫共同讨论他书中的观点如何应用到反恐战争上面来。
She stood beside him in her silk dress, looking at him strangely, so that a certain terror, horror took possession of him. 她穿着丝绸睡衣站在他身边异样地看着他,以至于他被一种恐怖,一种惊惧攫住了。
Her mind suddenly emerge out of these two terror-stricken people of the word. 她的脑海中猛地浮现出这两个让人惊恐万状的字。
So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with miraculous signs and wonders. 他就用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,并大可畏的事与神迹奇事,领我们出了埃及,
Anyway, I could see that he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would scarcely support his stout, bulky form. 总之,我看出他是吓得要命,他那哆哆嗦嗦的双腿好像支撑不住他那高大魁梧的身躯。
It was Passepartout who, playing his part with a happy audacity, had passed through the crowd amid the general terror. 路路通这是谁,玩一个快乐的大胆他的一部分,已通过的人群中传递的一般恐怖。
The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. 随那东西而来的恐惧与茫然从她眼中消失了。
In terror, I ran into my room, locked the door and stayed in there for ages. I then crept back to see if it was still there. 我恐慌地跑回房间锁上门呆了好久,才悄悄地回去看是不是还在。
You brought your people Israel out of Egypt with signs and wonders, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with great terror. 用神迹奇事和大能的手,并伸出来的膀臂与大可畏的事,领你的百姓以色列出了埃及。
She had had a great doubt and terror lest Arthur should not know her, but that pang was spared to her, in part at least. 她本来毫无把握,提心吊胆,怕亚瑟认不出她,结果这种忧虑是多余的,至少并不那么严重。
During a night terror, which may last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour, the child is still asleep. 夜惊可能持续几分钟至一小时,发作时小孩仍处于睡眼中。
Me, a short story! Began to feel terror in the middle is very funny, very sad ending. Once there was a ghost, put the ass, dead. 我来讲一个简短的故事!开始很恐怖,中间很搞笑,结尾很悲伤。从前,有一个鬼,放了个屁,死了。
Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin called the U. S charge of 'terror' unacceptable and propaganda which has no place in the council. 俄罗斯外交大使维塔利。克金声称美国的恐怖指控让人无法接受,相关的宣传活动在理事会里也不会有任何影响。
SINCE the beginning of the so-called war on terror, many Britons have been appalled by the dirty tactics employed by American intelligence. 自从所谓的反恐战争拉开帷幕,许多英国人都觉得美国情报员采用的一些卑鄙伎俩实在令人发指。
(Mark 15: 34), he knew the overpowering terror of separation from God as he took on himself the curse of our sins. (马可福音15:34),当祂为我们背负罪的咒诅时,祂深深体会到被神离弃是何等可怕。
Our military has put the terror training camps of Afghanistan out of business, yet camps still exist in at least a dozen countries. 我军已经将阿富汗境内的恐怖训练营捣毁,但这样的训练营还遍布在其他十几个国家中。
And he stared at him in terror and said, "What is it, Lord? " 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说:「主啊,什麽事呢?」
The defense secretary rejected some of her specific criticisms as simply wrong and said the war against terror will be a drawn-out process. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德并没有简单地否认希拉里的一些批评,他说抗击恐怖主义将是一场持久战。
This woman voice is clear and fragile, that clumsy and timid and serene exterior even if is loudly talk to all terror to scare her to her. 这女子声音清脆,那羞涩恬静的样子就算是对她大声说话都怕吓着她。
forgive my servants , " he said , " for a terror i cannot blame them for ; from being suspected they have become suspicious . “请原谅我的仆人这种惊惶失措的样子,”他说,“他们因为受到猜疑,所以就特别多疑了。”
If Pakistan's world view were not distorted by India, it might be able to see straight on terror. 如果巴基斯坦的世界观并没因印度而扭曲,它也许能够看清恐怖主义的真面目。
Finally, even when I was a teenage terror, Mom and Dad always let me know how proud they were of me. 最后一点,在我十几岁的时候,即使我像个混世魔王似的把家里闹个底朝天,爸爸妈妈也总是让我明白我是他们的骄傲。
Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest. 现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。
THROUGHOUT most of history, lightning was as much a mystery as it was a terror. 综观历史,闪电有多可怕它同样也就有多神秘。
Lightning held only terror for man until he made of electricity his servant. Steam was only so much waste until man learned to harness it. 当人们利用电能为自己服务之前对闪电只有恐惧,人们一直认为蒸汽是一种浪费知道人们了解了可以利用它来驱动机器。