the note

  • 网络便条;笔录人生;音符

the notethe note

the note


蚂蚁格格与四个活宝/蚂蚁格格双语可... ... 169.End the Quarrel 结束争吵 170.The Note 便条 171.Love at First Sight 一见 …


笔录人生 (The Note) 推荐影视 网友还在看 温馨提示 一架飞机坠毁, 报社栏目作家Peyton MacGruder 发现一张某位乘客留给他 …


Blues ... 重音 ACCENT 音符 THE NOTE 速度( TEMPO) ...

It stirred them like the note of a trumpet; just as it had often stirred the man who was coming home tonight, in his boyhood. 汽笛声,像喇叭里吹出的音符,使他们激动;就像它使今晚回家的那个男人在童年时代常常激动地那样。
In the note Heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism. " 他在遗书中写道,他之所以结束自己的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义实验”的哲学研究。
Maurice did not reply, but first put the note with the letters he had received during the vac and afterwards burnt them all. 起初他把这封短笺与假期中收到的那一摞信放在一起,随后将它们一古脑儿烧掉了。
Very soon, people are attracted by the note goes on, wanted to know exactly how the matter . 很快,人们都被那张字条所吸引,都想知道那究竟是怎么一回事。
The note next to a garter belt says: "I never put them on. The relationship might have lasted longer if I had. " 一只吊袜束腰带旁边的说明写道:“我从没用过。如果我用过,我们的爱情可能还维持得久一些。”
Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm. 海格把纸条卷起来,让那只猫头鹰用嘴叼着,接着走向房门,便把它放飞在暴风雨中。
You can email or mail the note just a few hours after the interview or the next day. 你可以在面试几个小时后甚至第二天再发。
We'll issue a receipt to you certifying that the note We' you presented to us is counterfeit, and has been confiscated by the bank. 我们会给您开收据,这张收据能证明您的钞票是假钞,且已被我行没收。
"Then, " said the tradesman, "I change MY debt into one of honour; " and he tore up the note. 商人说:“好吧,那我也靠信誉吧。”说完,他撕掉了期票。
As I was waiting for the teacher, I fiddled with the note with my finger and thought of a pair of green eyes, which made me lonely no more. 等老师的时候,我用手指拨弄着短笺,想起另一双眼睛,那双让我不再那么孤独的绿眼睛。
Had he been a little less jealous and a little more perceptive, it is possible he might even have heard the note of quiet desperation. 他一直有点儿嫉妒和敏感,可能他甚至听到了藏在心里的绝望的暗示。
Then try to get just a small bend on the 2D. Once you can get the note to move, then extra practice will help you to get the bend you want. 接着去尝试在2D上做小幅度的压音,一旦音高被压低之后,然后额外的练习会帮助你实现所需的压音效果。
I stare at it, completely puzzled as to how the note is applicable to anything significant. It seems irrelevant to my life. 我盯着该笔记,完全困惑不知道这个笔记怎么会有任何重要价值,它看上去和我的生活无关。
The name derives from the fact that the technology incorporated to create the note exceeds that of the original. 这种假币的名字得自这样的事实:即所使用的多种伪造技术甚至超过了真币。
He said he sent the note, envelope and bullet to the secret service. 他说他已经把便条、信封还有子弹送到秘密警察部门。
The next day, his neighbor, Wang-Er saw the note. He thought that there must be silver here. Then he stole it. 第二天,邻居王二看到木牌,知道下面一定有银子,于是把银子偷走了。
The note, signed by Mr. Bezos, said it was 'not the outcome any of us wanted, ' but 'we're signed up for this to be hard. ' 声明说,这是我们所有人都不愿看到的结果,但我们在签约时就知道这并非易事。声明在落款处有贝佐斯的签名。
In the new note, Benjamin Franklin is joined by a shiny Liberty Bell inside an inkwell, which seems to disappear as you tilt the note. 在新版纸钞中,本杰明.富兰克林的头像与嵌入油墨中闪亮的自由钟相连,只要将其稍加倾斜,自由钟就会消失。
Even if one or the other gets moved, you will still be able to see that the note refers to that particular activity. 即使其中之一被移动,您仍然能够看到说明指向该特定的活动。
That way, the tooth fairy would be able to see the note before going into Julia's room. 那样的话,牙仙就能在进茱丽娅的房间之前先看到纸条了。
Later that day, he walked back up to me, tossed the note at me and said "You know I recognize your handwriting, right? " 哪天晚点,他走过来,把那篇东西团起来扔到我身上,说:“你知道我能认出你的笔记,不是么?”
Even the original owners of the DEATH NOTE, gods of death, do not know much about the note. 有关死亡笔记,就连它原来的主人死神都有很多不明之处。
On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me. 圣诞节前夕,我把信封放在了圣诞树上,信的内容是告诉迈克我所做的事,就是我送给他的礼物。
The note sang out pure and heavenly, and there was no stopping what was coming. I sat rocking with my guitar until late into the night. 音乐自然流出,听起来很纯洁、流畅,好像来自天堂。我好像没法停下来,就这样弹着吉他一直到深夜。
As you are reminded in the note at the bottom of this SubPanel, deleting a link category does not delete the links it contains. 你在这个面板的底部得到了提示,删除链接类别不会删除链接类别所包含的链接。
"The two men who came in, " he said, the note of exasperation creeping into his voice again. “就是那两个进来的男人,”他再次语带恼怒。
If the note were somehow exposed, the girl in question would be deeply ashamed, as if she herself had done something wrong. 接到纸条的女生立刻明白那小子想干什么,女生普遍的反应是紧张和害怕,假如纸条一旦曝光,女生就会深感羞愧,好像她自己做错了什么。
Then he picked up the note, which had been very dirty and wrinkled. 尔后他拾起钞票,钞票已变得又脏又皱。
Convinced that the letter had been delivered to her by mistake, Ellie put the note on her desk and forgot about it. 她相信一定是有人搞错了,于是就把纸条扔在桌子上,很快就忘记了这件事。
It is possible that the DEATH will leave the use of the note to you based on your fulfillment of his requirement. 死神将书的持有权留给你,而向你提出交换条件,这种情形也是有可能存在的。