take place

美 [tekples]英 [teikpleis]
  • na.发生;举行
  • 网络产生;多指通过人为安排的发生;进行

take placetake place

take place


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of place 不相称;不合适 take place 发生;进行;举行 take the place of 代替 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of place 不相称;不合适 take place 发生;进行;举行 take the place of 代替 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... be suited for 适合做……,对……适宜 take place 发生,产生;进行,举行 turn down 拒绝,不 …


词语辨析2 - 【英语教学论坛】 - K12教育论坛 - ... pistol〓 指手枪。 take place多指通过人为安排的发生。 seaport〓 指港埠 …


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... be suited for 适合做……,对……适宜 take place 发生,产生;进行,举行 turn down 拒绝,不 …


英语动词词组大全[1] - 豆丁网 ... click …away 点击……发送 13. take place = happen 发生,举行 a few= 有些,几个 ...


考研阅读核心词汇 ... occur vi. 发生, 出现 take place 指有计划的使某事发生 era 强调整个历程; ...

The first wedding to take place at the abbey was that of King Henry I of England and Princess Matilda of Scotland in 1100. 第一对在威斯敏斯特大教堂完婚的新人是1100年英格兰国王亨利一世和苏格兰的马蒂尔德公主。
Keep your eyes and ears open as much is about to take place that should have an impact upon the media. 继续开放你们的眼睛与耳朵,因为许多事情就要发生,将对媒体产生影响力。
Our focus on education and science can ensure that the breakthroughs of tomorrow take place in the United States. 我们在教育和科研上的投入可以确保明天的突破点发生着美国。
The hearings shall take place in London, United Kingdom. 听证会将在伦敦发生,英国。
Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象。
While stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may take place through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus. 同时伸出你的手施行医治,使神迹奇事,藉著你圣仆耶稣的名行出来。
Today we'll have a chance to see the preparation for the maneuvers on gun support river motorboats that take place in the Caspian Sea. 今天我们有机会参观进行演习准备的舰艇,它们将在里海军事演习中完成炮火支援任务。
A clinical trial to see if the results could be replicated in humans could take place in around two years, he said. 大约2年内要进行临床试验看(在大鼠身上的)结果能否在人体内进行重复。
A court in Virginia ordered Mr. Stanford to be held for a detention hearing which will take place in Texas, his home state. 佛吉尼亚法庭命令将斯坦福暂时关押,等待随后在得克萨斯州进行的听证会。
The most difficult challenge is to let the process take place, and yet that is the only release from the pressure of the dark night. 这里最困难的挑战就是让这个过程发生,然而那是从黑夜的压力中释放出来的唯一方式。
After opening the tomb, however, strange and unpleasant events began to take place in the lives of those involved in the expedition. 开业后的坟墓,然而,奇怪的和不愉快的事件开始参与在远征有关人员的生活场所。
The Court of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce shall take place in Singapore. 法庭的国际商会仲裁将在新加坡。
Even the meetings take place in IRC, and that took a while to get used to, but I think they're now my favorite type of meeting! 尽管会议在IRC中进行,但这需要一段时间才能适应,但我认为这目前是我最喜欢的会议类型。
People close to Baosteel said the deal would take place by the end of the year. 接近宝钢的人士表示,该公司将在年底前发售这批债券。
For even the healthiest of youth, a search for a navel piercing specialist should not take place in a limited amount of time. 甚至为了你青春的健康,寻找一位肚脐穿刺专家不应该只是有限的一点时间。
The next training will be co-sponsored by the Small Farmers project and CNCA to take place in Chengdu, Sichuan this spring. 下次培训将由小农户项目和中国国家认监委共同组织,在四川成都举行。
The meeting, which will be the fourth such dialogue between the two countries, will take place in Annapolis, Maryland. 这次会议将于本周在美国马里兰州的安纳波利斯召开,这将是两国之间的第4轮战略对话。
We have been able to control such issues, but certain Earth changes will have to take place as part of the cleansing. 我们已经能够控制这样的问题,但是某些地球的转变还是必须让它发生,作为大清洗的一部分。
Did everything that happened over the series' run take place in real time, or can the whole mess be undone by going back in time? 故事剧发生的一切会在现实生活中一一重现,混乱的局面放到过去处理不了吗?
The unusual, primitive quality of the various creatures gave Darwin a clue to the theory that changes take place in living forms. 各种各样的生物所具有的异乎寻常的原始特性,给达尔文的变化产生在生存方式中这个理论提供了线索。
Don't worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour. 不要担心那些将在一周、一天甚至一小时后发生的事。
One of the Formula One races, the San Marino Grand Prix, is named after the state, although it does not actually take place in San Marino. 一级方程式圣马力诺站-圣马力诺国际汽车大奖赛,虽然它并不在圣马力诺举行,但这一赛事仍以该国命名。
This issue reinforces, again, the point that it is important for model evolution to take place in an orderly fashion. 这个问题再次强调了,模型按照传统的方式发展是多么的重要。
But they would take place in private, and the process essentially involved rich people taking money out of one another's pockets. 不过这些都是在私下进行的,基本上就是一个有钱人从另一个有钱人的口袋里掏钱出来。
This change in mass consciousness did not take place in any serene and academic atmosphere, but in one highly charged with emotion. 这种人心向背的变化不是在冷静的学术性气氛中,而是在十分激情高昂的情况下发生的。
Like the novella on which it's based, the film will take place in the Antarctic, where humans encounter a race called the Ancient Ones. 这部电影根据该小说的原创,叙述一群人类在南极探险时遇到了一种远古的种族(AncientOnes)。
Setting expected terms means the offering itself could take place in the next several weeks. 敲定期望的规模就意味着在家下来几周内就可进行发行。
Many countries seek such a move, and a few leaders may boycott the opening of the Beijing Olympics if such talks don't take place. 很多国家力求促成此事,如果这类对话没有举行,少数领袖可能会由此抵制北京奥运会的开幕式。
Context changes due to page switching with a cross-page wire or selection change take place in the central components. 上下文根据页面切换而变化,此时在中心组件中会产生跨页面连接和选择变更。
The White House said the talks would take place in the next few weeks, and the final date's soon going to be finalized. 白宫表示,谈话将在未来几周后进行,很快将确定最终日期。