the event

  • 网络惊世;大事件;惊世第一季

the eventthe event

the event


政治悬疑剧《惊世》(The Event)由创作过科幻悬疑剧《The 4400》的制片人NickWauters打造,来自《24》的制片人Evan K…


有个美剧叫《灵异之城》仿若不错,好友一个美剧叫《大事件》(The event)也不错看看吧评论| 星球大战评论| 评论| 不知道 …


搜寻商品 - youtube 中文网站影片 ... 介质: DVD9 惊世第一季 The Event 死亡地带第二季/死亡区域第二季 The Dead Zone ...


...第一周就集中了一系列期望值极高的新电视连续剧,如《惊世谎言》(The Event),《追踪》(Chase),《秘谍夫妻》(Undercovers) …


马来西亚 瑜珈马拉松 | Yogathon Malaysia ... 关于我们 About Us 活动 The Event 培训 Training ...


英国个人旅... ... the event 您被邀请参加活动的证明 official headed paper. 此类文件应为由活动组织者用其抬头纸出具的要求信 …

In Figure 1, you can see that the data capture environment is intended to run in a distributed model and close to the event data sources. 在图1中,您可以看到数据捕获环境用于在一个分布式模型中运行,并且靠近时间数据资源。
Forty years later, the event on the train was far from my thoughts as we visited the home of a Christian lady in the northern part of Tokyo. 40多年过去了,当我在东京北部的一名基督教友家做客时,在火车上发生的那一幕早已被我淡忘。
loan period of more than one year, the event rate adjustment, the next the beginning of the implementation of new rate regulations. 贷款期限在一年以上的,遇利率调整,于下年初开始,执行新的利率规定。
it's the same size as the booth we had last year. how much time will we have to set up the booth before the event starts? 活动开始之前我们要用多长时间才能布置好展位?
The event marketing is a thought "the event marketing" seems to be a good solution. 事件营销是个思路“事件营销”似乎是一个很好的解决方式。
Are the causes analysed and is corrective action initiated in the event of any deviations from product and process requirements? 有分析原因,并采取纠正行动,在发生任何偏差,从产品和工艺的要求?。
A backup of a database is a database copy, together with control information, ready to be restored in the event of a failure. 数据库的备份是数据库的副本以及一些控制信息,在出现故障的情况下,可以随时用它进行恢复。
I did not realize the significance of the event till he pointed it out to me. 直到他向我指出,我才体会到这件事的意义。
The right of a state not to be sued and its protection from seizure of assets in the event of a . . . 指一个国家在贷款违约时免于被提起诉讼及资产免受被没收的权利。
In the case of a condo , the owner has title to the unit , which the bank can repossess in the event of a default . 在分户出售公寓大喷香的情形下,原权力属于公寓单元所有人的公寓单元在拖欠债务的情形下,银行有权谋回。
Represents the event code indicating that there was an error during the deserialization of a property. 表示事件代码,该代码指示在反序列化属性期间发生了错误。
Officials decided not to inform the crowd about the incident, saying it was safer to let the event continue rather than create more panic. 官员决定不向人群通告此次事故的发生,他们说让活动继续进行要比制造更多的恐慌更安全。
But even in the event of Israel "winning" in Gaza, a hundred years of war suggest that the Palestinians cannot be silenced by brute force. 但是,即使以色列在加沙“打赢”的时候,一百多年的战争表明,巴勒斯坦人不会对暴力保持沉默。
When you create custom events this way, you can think of the event as if it were a property. 当你用这种方式创建了这些自定义事件,你就可以把该事件当作属性来看待。
The famed red phone to call the Russian premier in the event of a national security emergency could now be replaced by a red smart phone. 白宫有台著名的红色电话机,当国家安全面临危机时可以通过它跟俄罗斯总理通话,如今完全可以用红色智能手机取而代之。
Element, and assign to it a custom method name that will handle the event. 属性,并为该属性指定一个用于处理事件的自定义方法名称。
And the answer is yes, we can, because as long as the matter that swirls in is outside the event horizon, it would still be very hot. 因为只要物质,在视界外部,旋转,它还是会变得很热,因为重力势能。
The effectiveness of the IAD shall be part of the accountability review process in the event of any major control failure within the HKMA. 金管局的内部监控如出现任何重大的失误,当局亦应把内部审核处的效用一并列入问责性检讨工作之内。
In a CDS, one party agrees to insure the other in the event of a bond default, in return for a fee (the equivalent of an insurance premium). 在CDS中,一方向另一方提供债券违约保险,代价是收取一笔费用(相当于保费)。
She said in a local Starbucks on the day before the event. "I'm just a normal Jewish girl, anywhere. " 在仪式举行当天的早些时候,她在当地一家星巴克说,“无论在哪里,我也仅仅是个正常的犹太女孩”。
prior to the event , the center had not enjoyed a visit by a qy messenger for nearly two years. 已经将近有两年的时间,不曾有观音使者到访马尼拉小中心。
In the event of a liquidation, creditors now trying to increase their incremental recoveries would get nothing. 如果进行清算,那么现在希望尽可能多地收回资金的债权人将一无所获。
During the suspension period, the listed company shall make public announcement of the status of the event at least once in a week. 停牌期间,上市公司应当至少每周发布一次事件进展情况公告。
After the child is born, you can still select someone else to be the legal guardian in the event something happens to you and your husband. 在孩子出生之后,你仍然可以选择某个人,在你和你丈夫发生事情的时候,成为合法的保护者。
If an event has no event handler, the event is raised to the next container up the container hierarchy in a package. 如果事件没有事件处理程序,则将该事件提升到包中容器层次结构中的上一级容器。
The pastor was supportive and pleasant, and personally came out to help organize the event so that it would proceed in an orderly fashion. 牧师非常支持我们,也很和蔼可亲,他亲自来到停车场帮忙,让一切都进行得井然有序。
But China might have to act faster in the event we do get a full-blown dollar crisis leading to much higher interest rates in the U. 但如果出现大规模的美元危机,导致美国大幅上调利率,中国可能必须加快行动。
The event handler determines which button was clicked, and if it was the shopping cart button, performs appropriate logic. 事件处理程序确定所单击的是哪个按钮,如果是购物车按钮,则执行相应的逻辑。
In 1971, Stephen Hawking showed that the total area of the event horizons of any collection of classical black holes can never decrease. 在1971年,史蒂芬·霍金指出任何经典黑洞集合活动视界总面积无法减少。
"I know the cost of my wedding is a bit higher than the average, but it is the event of a lifetime, " she said. 我知道我在婚礼上的花费比一般人高些,但毕竟这是一辈子的大事。