USMC(United State Marine Corps)的Marines Running Cadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,严格来说,这更象是一种“号子”,歌曲调子一定,而歌词就可以任意更改,可以说,任何一个Drill Sargent(操练教官)都编得出自己的歌词。
号子的节奏鲜明,和跑步的步子很合拍,调子也很容易学,加上美国佬特有的幽默,这些号子通常是十分风趣的。下面就是美国大片《Full Metal Jacket》(全金属弹头)里的版本:
mama & papa are lying in bed
mama roll over & this"s what she said
oh gimme some
oh gimme some
good for you
good for me
hmmm good
up in the morning in the rising sun
gotta run all day till the running is done
ho chi min is son-of-a-bitch
got the blue-ball"s crab & the 7 year itch
i love working 4 uncle sam
let"s me know just who i am
1,2,3,4 unite state marine corps
1,2,3,4 unite state marine corps
my corps
ur corps
our corps
marine corps!
i dont know but i"ve been told
Eskimo pussy is mighty cold
hmmm good
feels good
tasts good
real good
1、美国陆军军歌 :《The Army Goes Rolling Along》(《陆军勇往直前》)《陆军勇往直前》(The Army Goes Rolling Along)是美国陆军的官方歌曲,通常也被称作《陆军歌》。这首歌曲的是陆军野战炮兵中尉(后晋升准将)爱德蒙德 L.格鲁伯(EdmundL.Gruber)和罗伯特.丹福德中尉(后晋升少将)在1908年三月驻扎在菲律宾的斯托斯伯格营地时写下的。2、美国空军军歌 :《The U.S. Air Force》(《美国空军》)《美国空军》(The U.S. Air Force)是美国空军的标准军歌,简称《空军歌》,有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。 歌词和歌曲是美国陆军上尉罗伯特.克劳福德写于1939年。这首歌曲原来是《陆军航空队歌》。3、美国海军军歌 :《anchor Aweigh》(《起锚进行曲》)起锚歌此曲流传中国海军的时间于第二次世界大战期间,原是美国海军进行曲。至于歌词部分,虽不可考,但可能出自海军官兵之手,因歌词充分将海军在海上生活中的心情很自然的表达出来。4、美国海军陆战队军歌:《Marines" Hymn》《海军陆战队军歌》(Marines" Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)。美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。扩展资料The Army Goes Rolling Along创作背景:美国海军,海军陆战队,空军和海岸警卫队已经采用了官方歌曲,陆军急于找到自己的歌曲。他们在1948年举办了一场比赛来寻找官方歌曲,但没有得到很多人的支持。 1952年,陆军部长弗兰克佩斯要求音乐界提交歌曲并收到800多份意见书。 Sam Stept赢得的“陆军的永远在那里”和一支陆军乐队在1953年1月20日总统德怀特·艾森豪威尔举行的首次游行中表演。然而,许多人认为这首曲子太类似于“我有一串可爱的椰子”,因此陆军决定保留美国野战炮兵3月份的大部分旋律,但用新的歌词。 Harold W. Arberg是副总监的音乐顾问;他提交了被接受的歌词。1956年11月11日,军队威尔伯·马里昂布鲁克尔部长在退伍军人节致力于音乐。这首歌是在美国大多数军队仪式结束时播放的,所有的士兵都应该受到关注和唱歌。当播放一首以上的歌曲时,他们按照国防部指令的顺序播放:陆军,海军陆战队,海军,空军和海岸警卫队。参考资料来源:百度百科—The Army Goes Rolling Along百度百科:美国海军陆战队百度百科:起锚歌2023-07-21 02:20:364
美国陆军军歌 《陆军勇往直前》"The Army Goes RollingAlong"美国空军军歌 《美国空军》"The U.S. Air Force”(有时也取歌曲的第一句wild blue yonder,叫《蓝色远方》)美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!)美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn"美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备)2023-07-21 02:21:095
是的海军陆战队:《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。 歌词的第一句“从蒙特祖玛的大厅到的黎波里的海岸”分别表现了美墨战争中的查普特提战役(Battle of Chapultepec)和第一次伯伯里战争(First Barbary War)。唱此歌曲时一般处于立正姿势以表示尊敬/。 歌词大意: 第一段: From the halls of Montezuma(从蒙特祖玛的大厅) To the shores of Tripoli,(到的黎波里的海岸) We fight our country"s battles(我们为国家而战) In the air, on land, and sea.(在空中、陆地和大海上) First to fight for right and freedom,(首先为正义和自由而战) And to keep our honor clean,(并保持我们干净的名誉) We are proud to claim the title(我们为自己的称号自豪) Of United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队) 第二段: Our flag"s unfurl"d to every breeze(我们的旗帜在风中飞扬) From the dawn to setting sun;(从日出到日落) We have fought in every clime and place(我们在所有的地方战斗过) Where we could take a gun.(只要我们拿起武器) In the snow of far-off northern lands(从寒冷的北方岛屿) And in sunny tropic scenes,(到阳光明媚的热带风景) You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着) The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队) 第三段: Here"s health to you and to our Corps(韦尼和我们部队的健康干杯) Which we are proud to serve;(我们荣誉的服务对象) In many a strife we"ve fought for life(在无数的战斗中我们为活下去而战) And have never lost our nerve.(但从来没为此发狂) If the Army and the Navy(如果陆军和海军) Ever look on Heaven"s scenes,(看到过天堂的景象) They will find the streets are guarded(他们会发现天堂的街道上) By United States Marines.(守卫着陆战队士兵) 罕见的歌词:因为海军陆战队在不同的地方战斗过,所以很多情况下会加上一些特别的歌词,举例: Again in nineteen forty-one, we sailed anorth"ard course (在1941年,我们再次向北航行) and found beneath the midnight sun, theViking and the Norse. (去追寻午夜的太阳,维京人和北方人) The Iceland girls were slim and fair, andfair the Iceland scenes, (冰岛的女孩苗条又漂亮,冰岛的景色美丽) and the Army found in landing there, theUnited States Marines. (陆军会发现在那里登陆的,是海军陆战队的士兵) 1890到1919年之间原来的第一段则在电影《蒙特祖玛的神庙》中出现:From the halls of Montezuma, to the shoresof Tripoli,(从蒙特祖玛的大厅,到的黎波里的海岸) We fight our country"s battles, on the landas on the sea.(我们在海上和陆地上为国而战) Admiration of the nation, we"re the finestever seen;(我们是国家的骄傲,我们是最强的军团) And we glory in the title of United StatesMarines(我们为美国海军陆战队这一荣誉而自豪) [attach]10350[/attach]2023-07-21 02:21:241
海军陆战队军歌:The Marines" Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country"s battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag"s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- The United States Marines. Here"s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we"ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven"s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines 中文歌词:从蒙提祖马的大厅,到的黎波里海岸; 我们为祖国战斗, 在陆地也在海洋; 首先为权利和自由,也为我们的荣誉而战; 当一名海军陆战队员,我们心中充满自豪。 我们的战旗迎风招展从黎明直到太阳下山; 我们在任何地方作战,只要能拿起枪杆; 从白雪皑皑的北方,到赤日炎炎的热带, 你都能看到我们在忙碌,美国海军陆战队员。 为你的健康也为陆战队干杯我们骄傲地组成这支部队; 我们经历了多少次生死搏斗从未有过惊慌失措和后退; 如果陆军和海军兄弟,放眼看看天堂的景象; 他们将发现大街由我们警卫,美国海军陆战队员。2023-07-21 02:21:432
歌名:Blood up on the Risers歌手:Various Artists作词:佚名作曲:佚名Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!"Is everybody happy?" cried the Sergeant looking up“我说各位高兴么!”中士抬头大声喊Our Hero meekly answered "Yes," and then they stood him up咱的英雄小声“欸”,然后就被架起来He jumped right out into the blast, his static line unhooked他跳进汹涌的气旋,忘扣开伞尼龙带And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!He counted loud, he counted long, he waited for the shock他拖长调子大声数,苦等这降落伞震开He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt that awful drop感到冷风迎面胡乱拍,地心引力好厉害The silk from his reserves spilled out and wrapped around his legs背包喷出备用伞,引绳将他双腿紧紧缠And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!The risers wrapped around his neck, connectors cracked his dome牵引伞乱扭绕颈项,伞盖接缝全裂开Suspension lines were tied in knots, around his skinny bones伞弦结结实实捆上他皮包骨的小身板The canopy became a shroud as he hurtled to the ground伞布成了裹尸布,他眼看就要掉地面And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!The days he"d lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind往日的欢笑与情爱如跑马灯浮现眼前He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind思念着故乡的女孩,彼岸唯一的牵绊He thought about the medics, and he wondered what they"d find想像军医找到他尸体的表情有多精彩And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild救护踩点踩得准,吉普车也飙飞快The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled军医欢呼雀跃把袖挽,总算有事干For it had been a week or so since last a chute had failed等了一个星期没出事,无聊又清闲And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!He hit the ground, the sound was splat, the blood went spurting high他“轰隆”一声砸地面,鲜血狂喷如涌泉His comrades were heard to say "What a helluva way to die!"有人听他战友开口道:“这死法真变态!”He lay there rolling around in all the welter of his gore他躺在自己的血泊中,痛苦翻滚直打颤And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!There was blood upon the risers; there was brains upon his chute鲜血染透这伞绳,脑浆糊上降落伞Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit肠子晃晃悠悠流出他的伞兵夹克外They poured him from his helmet, and they poured him from his boots战友把血泥肉酱从钢盔军靴倒出来And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!Beautiful streamer please open for me美丽的开伞索,求你给我打开Blue skies above me, and no canopy蔚蓝的天空下,就我的伞没开I counted ten thousand waited too long我数了一万次,苦等这伞花开Reached for my ripcord, the handle was gone去够我的手柄,它却已经完蛋Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,风采由血染,这死法真特么惨And he ain"t gonna jump no more!他再也不用去跳伞!扩展资料:《Blood on the Risers》是《兄弟连》电视剧中出现的一首歌曲。歌曲背景《Blood on the Risers》(伞绳上的鲜血),原曲是一首基督教赞歌,用这个曲调的歌最有名的是美国内战北方的军歌:《Battle hymn of the republic》,也据说是林肯生平最喜欢的歌曲 。曼联队歌《GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED》也是这个曲调。该曲当时曾在欧洲地区的盟军伞兵中广为传唱。2023-07-21 02:21:513
美国陆军On brave old army team的歌词
《陆军勇往直前》歌词(1956年,标准军歌)The Army Goes Rolling Along (1956,current official version)开头:March along, sing our song, with the Armyof the free(向前进)Count the brave, count the true, who havefought to victory(我们为胜利而战)We"re the Army and proud of our name(我们是陆军,我们为此骄傲)We"re the Army and proudly proclaim(我们是陆军,我们为此自豪)第一节:First to fight for the right,(首先为正义而战)And to build the Nation"s might,(建立国家的权力)And The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军勇往直前)Proud of all we have done,(为我们所作的一切骄傲)Fighting till the battle"s won,(战斗不息直到胜利)And the Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前)重复:Then it"s Hi! Hi! Hey!(然后是嗨—嗨—嘿!)The Army"s on its way.(陆军正在路上)Count off the cadence loud and strong *(报数声音响又壮)For where e"er we go,(无论我们到哪里)You will always know(你总会知道)That The Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前!)第二节:Valley Forge, Custer"s ranks,(福吉谷,卡斯特的肩章)*福吉谷为华盛顿冬季休整的兵营,卡斯特是美国骑兵军官,印第安战争中战死于小巨角;San Juan Hill and Patton"s tanks,(圣胡安山和巴顿的坦克)*圣胡安山是西奥多.罗斯福在美西战争中带领第七骑兵师黑色团冲锋的地点, “巴顿的坦克”意指西西里战役And the Army went rolling along(陆军勇往直前)Minute men, from the start,(一分钟人,刚刚开始)“一分钟人”指独立战争中的民兵,“刚刚开始”是大陆军的别称Always fighting from the heart,(永远战斗不息)And the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)第三节:Men in rags, men who froze,(尽管军服破烂,尽管饥寒交迫)Still that Army met its foes,(陆军仍然能面对敌人)And the Army went rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)Faith in God, then we"re right,(信仰上帝,于是我们就是正确的)And we"ll fight with all our might,(我们为我们的威武而战)As the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)2023-07-21 02:22:101
勇士之歌The Warrior Song我是武装到牙齿的杀人机器I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine,绿光闪烁之间让你血流如溅with a need to bleed you when the light goes green,不要怀疑,这是我的地盘best blieve, I"m in a zone to be,我的阴阳两界,我的长江流域from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze.当你奔袭而来我得意地微笑Put a grin on my chin when you come to me,因为胜利是属于我的,我是一流的杀手,带给你的将是死亡"cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death大地在我脚下to the place you"re about to be:你将成为另一条在我脚下流淌的血河another river of blood runnin" under my feet.历练之火早已燃起Forged in a fire lit long ago,与我比肩,你将永不孤独stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone.第一个冲锋,最后一个离去I"m last to leave, but the first to go,上帝啊,请在老去之前赐我以死亡Lord, make me dead before you make me old.吞噬着恐惧,当敌人以魔鬼的面孔进入视线I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights:用手瞄准,用意志扣动扳机,用冷酷的心杀戮aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice我是一个战士,战士在前进I am a soldier and I"m marching on,我是勇士,这是勇士之歌I am a warrior and this is my song.乐战好斗,令敌国焦土一片I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore,跋涉血海,誓要斩尽杀绝wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more.子弹飞啸,电光石火Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline,假如死亡不能带给你恐惧if death don"t bring you fear,我发誓,定要让你敬畏我的铁足I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet.走近噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在地黑暗Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de,咽喉横亘,利刀如鲨in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,地狱火起,天使哭泣where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps.我的影子将是你的死神,当你被我遇到,呼唤所有的神明吧Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag;希望瞬间寂灭,我的身影就是你死亡的影子hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast.我是一个战士,战士在前进I am a soldier and I"m marching on,我是勇士,这是勇士之歌I am a warrior and this is my song.目光似铁,视野无限My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,我是勇士,这是勇士之歌I am a warrior and this is my song.(巴顿将军:我们不仅仅要射杀那些杂种)(General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards)(我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑)(We"re going to cut out their living guts)(掏出五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带)(and use them to grease the treads of our tanks)(我们还要大把大把地干掉这些该死的杂种)(We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel)我身轻体健,誓要让你承受悲伤Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,而且让你无力还手and the least of me"s still out of your reach.杀人机器启动,一路勇猛冲锋The killing machine"s gonna do the deed,直到河流枯竭,直到生命的最后until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves.昂首迎风Chin in the air with a head held high,直面敌人I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line.没有恐惧,只有自豪Feet no fear, know my pride:为了上帝,为了祖国,我将结束你的生命for God and Country I"ll end your life.我是一个战士,战士在前进I am a soldier and I"m marching on,我是一个勇士,这是勇士之歌I am a warrior and this is my song.目光似铁,视野无限My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,我是勇士,这就是勇士之歌I am a warrior and this is my song.===================================================下面是英文的歌词,保存问.lrc格式文件可以添加到千千静听里面[00:00.00]勇士之歌The Warrior Song[00:27.00]I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine,[00:30.00]with a need to bleed you when the light goes green,[00:33.00]best blieve, I"m in a zone to be,[00:36.00]from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze.[00:38.00]Put a grin on my chin when you come to me,[00:41.00]"cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death[00:44.00]to the place you"re about to be:[00:45.20]another river of blood runnin" under my feet.[00:48.00]Forged in a fire lit long ago,[00:50.00]stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone.[00:53.00]I"m last to leave, but the first to go,[00:55.00]Lord, make me dead before you make me old.[00:58.00]I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights:[01:03.00]aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice[01:07.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on,[01:12.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on,[01:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[01:22.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[01:27.00]I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore,[01:31.00]wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more.[01:36.00]Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline,[01:41.00]if death don"t bring you fear,[01:42.30]I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet.[01:46.00]Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de,[01:50.00]in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,[01:53.00]where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps.[01:55.00]Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag;[02:00.00]hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast.[02:04.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on,[02:10.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[02:15.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,[02:20.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[02:24.00] [02:25.00](General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards)[02:29.00](We"re going to cut out their living guts)[02:32.00](and use them to grease the treads of our tanks)[02:38.00](We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel)[02:43.00]Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,[02:45.00]and the least of me"s still out of your reach.[02:48.00]The killing machine"s gonna do the deed,[02:50.00]until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves.[02:52.00]Chin in the air with a head held high,[02:55.00]I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line.[02:58.00]Feet no fear, know my pride:[03:00.00]for God and Country I"ll end your life.[03:03.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on,[03:07.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[03:12.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,[03:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song.[03:22.00]2023-07-21 02:22:181
美国士兵跑操时唱的军歌是《Marines Running Cadence》。USMC(United State Marine Corps)的Marines Running Cadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,通常都是一个曲子,但歌词并不固定,各个军营教官都可以自己填词,因此有很多版本。以下是电影《全金属外壳》曾经选用的版本:1:mama and papa were laying in bed ! 妈妈和爸爸躺在床上! Mama rolled over and this is what she said : 妈妈翻身向上然后说道: oh, give me sone ….. 哦给我些 oh, give me sone ….. 哦给我些 P T 体能训练 P T 体能训练 good for you , and good for me ! 对你对我都有好处! Mum good ! 好啊! Up in the morning to the rising sun ! 随着太阳东升而起床! Gotta run all day till the runing"s done! 整日跑步,直到完成训练! Ho chi minh is a son of a bithc ! 胡志明是个***的! Got the blueballs , crabs and the seven-year itch!他染上了性 病,患7年之痒!2:“ 队列操”: this is my rife ! this is my gun ! 这是我的步枪!这是我的家伙! This is for fighting ! this is for fun ! 作战之用!享乐之用! 3: I love working for uncle sam ! 我喜欢为山姆大叔工作! Let me know just who I am ! 让我知道自己究竟是谁! One two three four united states marine corps ! 1 2 3 4 美国海军陆战队! One two three four I love the marine corps ! 1 2 3 4 我爱这个海军陆战队! My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps ! 我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队!I don"t know but I been told ! 我本不知道但据说! Eskimo pussy is mighty cold ! 爱斯基摩女人**很冰冷! Muu good ! 好啊! Feels good ! 感觉好! Is good !它好! Real good !真好! Tastes good !味道好! Mighty good !错不了! Good for you !对你好! Good for me !对我好! 4. I don"t want no teen age queen ! 我不要什么青春王后! I just want my M-14! 我只要我的M-14 ! if I die in the combat zone ! 如果我死在战场上! Box me up and ship me home ! 把我装在棺材里用船运回家! Pin my medals upon my chest ! 在我胸口别上勋章! Tell my mom I"ve done my best ! 告诉妈妈我已经尽力!2023-07-21 02:22:252
I don"t want no teen age queen ! 我不要什么青春王后! I just want my M-14! 我只要我的M-14 ! if I die in the combat zone ! 如果我死在战场上! Box me up and ship me home ! 把我装在棺材里用船运回家! Pin my medals upon my chest ! 在我胸口别上勋章! Tell my mom I"ve done my best ! 告诉妈妈我已经尽力! I love working for uncle sam ! 我喜欢为山姆大叔工作! Let me know just who I am ! 让我知道自己究竟是谁! One two three four united states marine corps ! 1 2 3 4 美国海军陆战队! One two three four I love the marine corps ! 1 2 3 4 我爱这个海军陆战队! My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps ! 我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队! I don"t know but I been told ! 我本不知道但据说! Eskimo pussy is mighty cold ! 爱斯基摩女人的性器官很冰冷! Muu good ! 好啊! Feels good ! 感觉好! Is good ! 它好! Real good !真好! Tastes good !味道好! Mighty good !错不了! Good for you !对你好! Good for me ! 对我好! mama and papa were laying in bed ! 妈妈和爸爸躺在床上! Mama rolled over and this is what she said : 妈妈翻身向上然后说道: oh, give me sone ….. 哦 给我些 oh, give me sone ….. 哦 给我些 P T 体能训练 P T 体能训练 good for you , and good for me ! 对你对我都有好处! Mum good ! 好啊! Up in the morning to the rising sun ! 随着太阳东升而起床! Gotta run all day till the runing"s done! 整日跑步,直到完成训练! Ho chi minh is a son of a bithc ! 胡志明是个狗娘养的! Got the blueballs , crabs and the seven-year itch! 他染上了性病阴虱,患7年之痒! this is my rife ! this is my gun ! 这是我的步枪!这是我的家伙! This is for fighting ! this is for fun ! 作战之用!享乐之用!2023-07-21 02:22:432
跪求美国著名的第82空降师军歌 中文歌词
《The All American Soldier》——美军82空降师军歌穿上你的伞兵靴,整理好你的降落伞,我们准备起飞,降落,去和这个世界上最凶猛的敌人作战!我们是自豪的美军士兵,因为我们是为解放事业而战的军人。我们从滑翔机中出击,我们从高空冲下,将敌人打得落花流水!我们都是光荣的美国兵,我们坚持战斗,直到消灭最后一个敌人!无畏的82空降师从蓝天冲下,让我们去消灭那些敌人!穿好你的伞兵靴,整理好你的降落伞,检查好那些滑翔机,让我们现在就出击,去把敌人消灭干净!我们立即起飞,拂晓出击,让我们光荣的82空降师凌厉的攻势将敌人消灭的一干二净!嗨!嗨!穿上你的伞兵靴,整理好你的降落伞,我们准备起飞,降落,去和这个世界上最凶猛的敌人作战!我们是自豪的美军士兵,因为我们是为解放事业而战的军人。我们从滑翔机中冲出,我们从高空伞降,将敌人打得落花流水我们都是光荣的美国兵,我们将会坚持战斗,直到消灭最后一个敌人!无畏的82空降师从蓝天而冲下,让我们去消灭那些敌人!2023-07-21 02:22:511
您好,美国陆军军歌 《陆军勇往直前》"The Army Goes RollingAlong"美国空军军歌 《美国空军》"The U.S. Air Force”(有时也取歌曲的第一句wild blue yonder,叫《蓝色远方》)美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!)美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn"美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备)2023-07-21 02:22:581
美国骑兵军歌 i left my love 的歌词
An empty street 空寂的街道An empty house 空寂的房间A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中I"m all alone 孤孤单单The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我I wonder how 我想知道怎样I wonder why 我想知道是何原因I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属The days we had 我们在一起的时光The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲Oh yeah 哦 耶And oh my love 还有你 吾爱I"m holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱I try to read 我尝试阅读I go to work 我尽力工作I"m laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢But I can"t stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻止我的幻想 哦I wonder how 我想知道怎样I wonder why 我想知道是何原因I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属The days we had 我们在一起的时光The songs we sang together Oh yeah 我们共同吟唱的歌曲And oh my love 还有你 吾爱I"m holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again 还有翠绿的草原上飘扬的你To hold you in my arms 我想包紧你To promise you my love 我向你保证 吾爱To tell you from the heart 我决不是在撒谎You"re all I"m thinking of 你是我所想的一切I"m reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱Say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求I dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿Where the skies are blue to see you once again 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方Where the fields are green to see you once again 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神My love 吾爱2023-07-21 02:23:051
我这里有N多德国的···苏联:《神圣的卫国战争》,《草原啊草原》,《斯拉夫进行曲》,《苏维埃进行曲》,《海港之夜》,最经典的《喀秋莎》···德国:《The Mass》(也就是弥撒,德国党卫军第一装甲师进行曲),《冲锋队与党卫队坚不可催》 ,《潜艇部队军歌》 ,《U型潜艇之歌》 ,《德国U艇之情》 ,《我们向英国出征》 ,《西部森林之歌》 《守卫那莱茵河》《突击炮之歌》 《德国同志》 《我们的卫兵》 《希特勒战士》 《党卫军之歌》 《元首万岁》 《德意志万岁》 《胜利万岁》 《德国装甲兵之歌》《我们的隆美尔》美国好像木有啥子···听过一个叫啥的《陆军勇往直前》法国高卢雄鸡···好像也木有啥子···壮哉我大天朝···《黄河大合唱》···2023-07-21 02:23:134
Marines Running Cadence美国海军陆战队跑步口号Mama and papa were laying in bed! 妈妈和爸爸躺在床上!Mama rolled over and this is what she said: 妈妈翻身向上然后说道:Oh, give me sone... 哦 给我些…Oh, give me sone... 哦 给我些…PT! 体能训练!PT! 体能训练!Good for you! And good for me! 对你对我都有好处!Mmm good! 好啊!Up in the morning to the rising sun! 随着太阳东升而起床!Gotta run all day till the runing"s done! 整日跑步,直到完成训练![00:31.13]Ho chi minh is a son of a bi*tch! 胡志明是个狗*娘养的!Got the blueballs, crabs and the seven-year itch!他染上了性*病阴*虱,患7年之痒!I love working for our Uncle Sam! 我喜欢为山姆大叔工作!Let me know just who I am! 让我知道自己究竟是谁!One two three four United States Marine Corps! 1 2 3 4 美*国海军陆战队!One two three four I love the marine corps! 1 2 3 4 我爱这个海军陆战队!My corps! Your corps! Our corps! Marine corps! 我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队!Full Metal Jacket合金子弹头2023-07-21 02:23:211
西点的军歌唱道,“老兵永远不死,他只是凋零”(Old soldiers never die. They just fade away),麦克阿瑟在国会的演讲使这句话广被引用。 “老兵永远不死,只会慢慢凋零”(Old soldiers never die, they just fade away),就不由得想起那个叼着玉米棒子烟斗的麦克阿瑟,和他在1951年4月19日被解职后在国会大厦发表的题为《老兵不死》演讲,于是许多人把这句名言归在麦帅名下,其实在那篇演讲里就提到了,这句话是来自于一首军歌的副歌那首歌的歌词如下: Old Soldiers Never Die There is an old cookhouse, far far away Where we get pork and beans, three times a day. Beefsteak we never see, damn-all sugar for our tea And we are gradually fading away. cho: Old soldiers never die, Never die, never die, Old soldiers never die They just fade away. Privates they love their beer, "most every day. Corporals, they love their stripes, that"s what they say. Sergeants they love to drill. Guess them bastards always will So we drill and drill until we fade away.2023-07-21 02:23:281
陆军:《陆军勇往直前》《陆军勇往直前》("The Army Goes RollingAlong")是美国陆军的官方歌曲,通常也被称作《陆军歌》。这首歌曲的是陆军野战炮兵中尉(后晋升准将)爱德蒙德 L.格鲁伯(Edmund L.Gruber)和罗伯特.丹福德中尉(后晋升少将)在1908年三月驻扎在菲律宾的斯托斯伯格营地时写下的。这首歌曲很快在炮兵部队中流行起来。1917年,海军部长和306炮兵团的乔治.费德南德中尉请约翰.飞利浦.苏萨(John Philip Sousa,美军著名音乐指挥,创作过很多名曲)用这首被命名为《炮弹箱之歌》的歌曲来创作一首进行曲。苏萨在这首歌的基础上创作了《野战炮兵进行曲》。这支曲子卖出了75分拷贝。尽管如此,这支歌曲因为太倾向于美军炮兵而未能被选作美国陆军军歌。寻找标准军歌当美国海军陆战队、空军和海岸警备队都拥有自己的官方歌曲之后,陆军也急切地想拥有自己的。1948年,陆军发起了军歌竞选比赛,但没有一首歌曲赢得了广泛支持。1952年,陆军部长佛兰克.佩斯(Frank Pace)要求音乐界提供军歌,对方提供了800首歌词。其中山姆.斯提科特的《陆军总会在那里》获得了广泛支持,1953年一月20日,陆军乐队在艾森豪威尔总统的就职典礼上演奏了这首歌。但因为这首歌的曲调及其类似《我遭到了椰子的可爱一击》("I"ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts",一首40年代很受欢迎的游戏歌),所以陆军决定保持《弹药箱之歌》的曲调。于是总参谋长的音乐助理哈罗德W. 阿尔伯格的填词被选中。陆军部长怀尔博.马里沃.布拉克尔在1956年的老兵节上宣布了这首歌曲。这首歌曲在陆军的主要典礼上都要演奏,全体陆军官兵都要求会唱这首歌曲。当多于一首的服役歌曲演奏时,遵循陆军、海军陆战队、海军、空军和海岸警备队的顺序。《炮弹箱之歌》原版歌词Over hill over dale we have hit the dustytrail(山顶上,溪谷中,我们碾出尘土飞扬的轨迹)As our caissons go rolling along.(我们的弹药箱横扫而过)Up and down, in and out,(上上下下,里里外外)Countermarch and right about,(掉头返回和原地就位)For it"s hi-hi-hee(嗨——嗨——嘿)In the Fifth Artillery,(在第十五炮兵团中)Shout out the number loud and strong.(报数的声音响又壮)Till our final ride,(直到我们最后一次出击)It will always be our pride(这将永远是我们的荣誉)To keep those caissons a rolling along.(让这些弹药箱勇往直前)(Keep them rolling—keep them rolling)(让它们冲——让它们冲)Keep those caissons a rolling along. (让这些弹药箱勇往直前)(B-a-t-t-e-r-y H-a-l-t!)(炮兵——停!)《陆军勇往直前》歌词(1956年,标准军歌)[edit] The Army Goes Rolling Along (1956,current official version)[9]开头:March along, sing our song, with the Armyof the free(向前进)Count the brave, count the true, who havefought to victory(我们为胜利而战)We"re the Army and proud of our name(我们是陆军,我们为此骄傲)We"re the Army and proudly proclaim(我们是陆军,我们为此自豪)第一节:First to fight for the right,(首先为正义而战)And to build the Nation"s might,(建立国家的权力)And The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军勇往直前)Proud of all we have done,(为我们所作的一切骄傲)Fighting till the battle"s won,(战斗不息直到胜利)And the Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前)重复:Then it"s Hi! Hi! Hey!(然后是嗨—嗨—嘿!)The Army"s on its way.(陆军正在路上)Count off the cadence loud and strong *(报数声音响又壮)For where e"er we go,(无论我们到哪里)You will always know(你总会知道)That The Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前!)第二节:Valley Forge, Custer"s ranks,(福吉谷,喀斯特的肩章)*福吉谷为华盛顿冬季休整的兵营,卡斯特是美国骑兵军官,印第安战争中战死于小巨角;San Juan Hill and Patton"s tanks,(圣胡安山和巴顿的坦克)*圣胡安山是西奥多.罗斯福在美西战争中带领第七骑兵师黑色团冲锋的地点, “巴顿的坦克”意指西西里战役And the Army went rolling along(陆军勇往直前)Minute men, from the start,(一分钟人,刚刚开始)“一分钟人”指独立战争中的民兵,“刚刚开始”是大陆军的别称Always fighting from the heart,(永远战斗不息)And the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)第三节:Men in rags, men who froze,(尽管军服破烂,尽管饥寒交迫)Still that Army met its foes,(陆军仍然能面对敌人)And the Army went rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)Faith in God, then we"re right,(信仰上帝,于是我们就是正确的)And we"ll fight with all our might,(我们为我们的威武而战)As the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)海军陆战队:《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。歌词的第一句“从蒙特祖玛的大厅到的黎波里的海岸”分别表现了美墨战争中的查普特提战役(Battle of Chapultepec)和第一次伯伯里战争(First Barbary War)。唱此歌曲时一般处于立正姿势以表示尊敬/。歌词大意:第一段:From the halls of Montezuma(从蒙特祖玛的大厅)To the shores of Tripoli,(到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles(我们为国家而战)In the air, on land, and sea.(在空中、陆地和大海上)First to fight for right and freedom,(首先为正义和自由而战)And to keep our honor clean,(并保持我们干净的名誉)We are proud to claim the title(我们为自己的称号自豪)Of United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第二段:Our flag"s unfurl"d to every breeze(我们的旗帜在风中飞扬)From the dawn to setting sun;(从日出到日落)We have fought in every clime and place(我们在所有的地方战斗过)Where we could take a gun.(只要我们拿起武器)In the snow of far-off northern lands(从寒冷的北方岛屿)And in sunny tropic scenes,(到阳光明媚的热带风景)You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着)The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第三段:Here"s health to you and to our Corps(韦尼和我们部队的健康干杯)Which we are proud to serve;(我们荣誉的服务对象)In many a strife we"ve fought for life(在无数的战斗中我们为活下去而战)And have never lost our nerve.(但从来没为此发狂)If the Army and the Navy(如果陆军和海军)Ever look on Heaven"s scenes,(看到过天堂的景象)They will find the streets are guarded(他们会发现天堂的街道上)By United States Marines.(守卫着陆战队士兵)罕见的歌词:因为海军陆战队在不同的地方战斗过,所以很多情况下会加上一些特别的歌词,举例:Again in nineteen forty-one, we sailed anorth"ard course(在1941年,我们再次向北航行)and found beneath the midnight sun, theViking and the Norse.(去追寻午夜的太阳,维京人和北方人)The Iceland girls were slim and fair, andfair the Iceland scenes,(冰岛的女孩苗条又漂亮,冰岛的景色美丽)and the Army found in landing there, theUnited States Marines.(陆军会发现在那里登陆的,是海军陆战队的士兵)1890到1919年之间原来的第一段则在电影《蒙特祖玛的神庙》中出现:From the halls of Montezuma, to the shoresof Tripoli,(从蒙特祖玛的大厅,到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles, on the landas on the sea.(我们在海上和陆地上为国而战)Admiration of the nation, we"re the finestever seen;(我们是国家的骄傲,我们是最强的军团)And we glory in the title of United StatesMarines(我们为美国海军陆战队这一荣誉而自豪)[attach]10350[/attach]美国空军军歌:《美国空军》《美国空军》(The U.S. Air Force)是美国空军的标准军歌,简称《空军歌》,有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。这首歌曲原来是《陆军航空队歌》,歌词和歌曲是美国陆军上尉罗伯特.克劳福德写于1939年。在1937年,陆军航空队副指挥官阿诺德向他的上司奥斯卡.韦斯特欧文提议说他的人需要一首歌曲来赞颂他们的部队,并提议搞一个有奖竞赛。但由于陆军航空兵没有自己的财政(怎么可能?),由《自由》杂志发出了一个1000美金的奖项。757首歌曲入选,但是没有一首歌曲能让委员会满意。1938年阿诺德取代死于空难的韦斯特欧文成为航空队指挥,但即使是著名作词家埃文.柏林的歌词都不能让他满意。就在竞赛终止前,克劳福德的歌词参加了比赛并获得了大奖。尽管阿诺德喜欢这首歌,并想将其向大众推广,但是航空队缺乏资金来建立自己的乐队,克劳福德在征得政府同意后将版权出让给纽约的音乐出版商费切尔公司。所以美国空军和其他军种不一样,并不拥有自己的军歌。歌词大意:全部歌词如下:第一节:Off we go into the wild blue yonder,(让我们飞向蓝色远方)Climbing high into the sun;(向高空飞去,冲向太阳)Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,(敌人飞来招架我们的雷电)At "em boys, Give "er the gun!(瞄准他们,小子们,给他们点颜色!)Down we dive, spouting our flame fromunder,(向下俯冲,我们喷射着火焰)Off with one hell of a roar!*(留下地狱般的怒吼)We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!(我们生活在火焰中,或者死在火焰中)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没人能阻挡美国空军!)第二段:Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,(人类的大脑创造了一个充满雷电的箱子)Sent it high into the blue;(让它高高地飞向天空)Hands of men blasted the world asunder;(人类的手创造出毁灭的雷霆)How they lived God only knew! (只有上帝知道他们怎么活着!)Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer(人类的梦想要征服天空)Gave us wings, ever to soar!(给予了我们翅膀,向上高飞!)With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey!(空中侦察,轰炸机呼啸,嗨!)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没人能阻挡美国空军!)第三段:Off we go into the wild sky yonder,(让我们飞向蓝色远方)Keep the wings level and true;(让我们的翅膀平坦而真实)If you"d live to be a grey-haired wonder(如果你想做一个灰发的帅哥)Keep the nose out of the blue! (那就转向蓝色天空!)Flying men, guarding the nation"s border,(空中部队保卫着国家的疆界)We"ll be there, followed by more!(我们马上到,更多地会来)In echelon we carry on. Hey!(在我们的梯队中,嗨!)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没什么能阻挡美国空军!)2023-07-21 02:23:461
是《扬基歌》http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM3OTYwODQ0.html早在美国革命以前,在这些英国殖民地上《扬基歌》的曲调和歌词的某些段落就已经很流行。甚至在十八世纪七十年代以前,英军就曾唱《扬基歌》来嘲笑美国的大陆军。歌词的早期版本是嘲笑这些殖民地居民的勇气以及他们粗俗的衣着和举止。当时英军被迫向大陆军投降,但是心中不服气。军官下令军乐队演奏《扬基歌》来羞辱前来受降的大陆军。当时大陆军总司令华盛顿将军为了更加羞辱英国人,曾经把这首歌曲作为大陆军的军歌,“扬基”是对新英格兰土包子的轻蔑之词,而“嘟得儿”(也可以读为都达尔)的意思即蠢货或傻瓜。然而,在美国革命期间,美军却采用《扬基歌》作为他们自己的歌,以表明他们对自己朴素,家纺的衣着和毫不矫揉造作的举止感到自豪。歌词有许多不同版本。多年来,这首歌一直被当作非正式的第二国歌(公认的美国第二国歌应该是《美丽的亚美利加》,也就是当年尼克松访问中国周总理亲自安排在机场演奏的乐曲),而且是人们最喜欢的儿歌,在许多电影,电视,动画中出现。扬 基 歌扬基·都达尔进城,骑着一匹小马。他帽子上插着翎毛,被人叫做纨绔子弟[(麦卡洛尼)音译名}。扬基·都达尔,战斗吧!扬基·都达尔,公子哥!听着音乐和着脚步同姑娘跳舞。我和爸爸跟着古丁上尉来到军营,见到人群熙熙攘攘,往来穿流不停。扬基·都达尔,战斗吧!扬基·都达尔,公子哥!听着音乐和着脚步同姑娘跳舞。看,上尉华盛顿骑在高大的骏马上,向战士们发出命令,就走来了千军万马。扬基·都达尔,战斗吧!扬基·都达尔,公子哥!听着音乐和着脚步同姑娘们跳舞。扬基·都达尔吹着曲子准备大显身手,敌人见了扬基都会吓得屁滚尿流。扬基·都达尔,战斗吧!扬基·都达尔,公子哥!听着音乐和着脚步同姑娘们跳舞。2023-07-21 02:23:542
就是个梗,The Army Goes Rolling Along可以翻译为陆军勇往直前,可到了国人带有嘲讽的翻译后就变成了陆军自个向前滚(Rolling有滚的意思)2023-07-21 02:24:021
这类歌曲并不固定,类似曲调最常见的应属乔迪训调(jody calls)。一般美国军队中的此类歌谣被统称为出操歌或行军歌(Military cadence),或者称之为军伍歌谣/民谣更为妥帖,,下述三种最常见的歌曲,并包括了其他一些仍在广泛流传的军伍歌曲。老国王(Old King Cole),这一首出现最早,大约在1708年的英国就已流传民间,最早是作为童谣出现的,但后来因为参军将士得以被代入军伍之中。在美国军队里同样有传唱者。血染伞绳(Blood Upon the Risers),它应该算是历史中最为大名鼎鼎的一首歌谣了。在二战时,欧洲区战场中,几乎每个盟军士兵都会哼唱它。而后因《兄弟连》再一次名声大噪。值得说明的是,传统节奏的该曲目前仍旧是美国空降兵的钦点军歌。最后介绍的这首,应该是影视作品里最为常见的,无论《美国队长》、《全金属外壳》还是港产的《唐伯虎点秋香》都有用到它。这首歌曲原歌名叫乔迪训调(jody calls),因为更多时间内,乔迪会作为一个军人的负面形象出现在歌词中(一些反战或黄赌毒内容的歌词会被禁止哼唱)。据称乔迪的名字源于一名非裔美国公民‘乔(joe)",但目前只能肯定它与一些黑奴时期的歌谣或蓝调音乐非常相近。在民间,很多时候我们能听到这首‘我祝愿所有女人/女孩/女士(I Wish All the Girls Were)或(I wish that all the ladies)",以及这首‘我爱为山姆大叔工作(I love working for Uncle Sam)",它应该因《全金属外壳》而为人们所熟知。(注:上述三首均可在百度搜到)一般这种曲调是为了士兵在集体运动中的保持节奏、呼吸频率、长途跋涉中转移注意力等用意出现的,和国内常见的一些军伍歌曲并无太多异同。但最明显的特征是这些歌谣的曲调简单易懂,且歌词或节奏往往会因班排连营之间有所不同,会哼唱同一歌词者才更可能是战场上的‘自己人",这也算是早期的通行口令了。(注:部分摘自《军事运动的风俗》Military Folklore in Motion,作者Kent Lineberry,November 2002)补充其他一些较为常见的美国行军歌曲:Anchors AweighArchitect of VictoryThe Army Goes Rolling AlongChimes of LibertyDixie (song)The Gallant SeventhGarryowen (air)The Girl I Left BehindHands Across the Sea (march)High School CadetsInvercargill MarchIrene Irene (Air Force cadence)The Liberty Bell (march)Marines" HymnNapalm Sticks to KidsThe Road to BostonSemper Fidelis (march)Semper Paratus (march)Satan"s RaidersThe Stars and Stripes ForeverThe ThundererU.S. Field Artillery MarchYankee Doodle2023-07-21 02:24:119
Blood on the Riser 血流成河 - 101空降师军歌 美国军歌集合http://www.armyonline.org/bbs/music/music/BloodOnTheRisers1958.mp3 美国野战炮兵进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/US_Field_Artillery.mp3 Gladiator进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/The_Gladiator_March.mp3 无敌鹰进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/The_Invincible_Eagle.mp3 怒吼进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/The_Thunderer.mp3 曼哈顿海滩进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/Manhattan_Beach.mp3 King Cotton进行曲,美国海军比较喜欢 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/King_Cotton.mp3 船长进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/El_Capitan.mp3 Semper Fidelis进行曲,美军日常使用比较多的进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/Semper_Fidelis.mp3 军校生进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/High_School_Cadets.mp3 向解放精神致敬进行曲 http://www.vetscor.org/sounds/Sousa%20Favorites/Hail_to_the_Spirit_of_Liberty.mp3 美军第一次世界大战军歌《Over There》 http://www.firstworldwar.com/audio/Billy%20Murray%20-%20Over%20There.mp3 第一次世界大战军歌《我多么痛恨早上早起》Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning 本歌是音乐家入伍后在军营里仍然喜欢早上赖床,屡屡被早上的起床号吵的十分恼火,因此即兴拌着起床号的节奏写下了这首歌 http://www.firstworldwar.com/audio/Eddie%20Cantor%20-%20Oh!%20How%20I%20Hate%20To%20Get%20Up%20In%20The%20Morning.wav 美国陆军空降部队军歌,第18空降军The XVII Airborne Corps March http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/TheXVIIIAirborneCorpsMarch1958.mp3 美国陆军空降部队军歌Beautiful Streamer http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/BeautifulStreamer1958.mp3 美国陆军空降部队军歌Down From Heaven http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/DownFromHeaven1958.mp3 美国陆军空降部队军歌,第82空降师The All-American Soldier http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/TheAllAmericanSoldier1958.mp3 美国陆军空降部队军歌,第101空降师Screaming Eagles http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/ScreamingEagles1958.mp3 美国陆军空降部队军歌March of the New Infantry http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/MarchOfTheNewInfantry1958.mp3 美国陆军传统军歌Alma Mater http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/download/AlmaMater1958b.mp3 美国陆军传统军歌Army Blue http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/download/ArmyBlue1950.mp3 美国陆军传统军歌Benny Havens, Oh! http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/download/BennyHavens1950.mp3 美国陆军传统军歌The Corps http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/download/TheCorps1957.mp3 美国陆军传统军歌On, Brave Old Army Team http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/download/ArmyTeam1958.mp32023-07-21 02:24:283
勇士之歌 里面有巴顿将军骂德国人的话。 We"re not just going to shoot the bastards.我们不仅仅要射杀那些杂种We"re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease thethreads of our tanks我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel我们还要大把大把地干掉这些该死的德国杂种2023-07-21 02:24:362
德国:接近一千首, 国歌:德意志高于一切 非正式国歌:霍斯特·威塞尔之歌 Panzerlied(装甲兵之歌) 莉莉玛莲 突击炮之歌 火绒草 空降兵之歌 三朵百合花 当人们不再忠诚 埃丽卡 轰炸英格兰 我们出征英格兰 我们的隆美尔 飞吧,德国的国旗飞吧! 斯图卡之歌 我有一个好战友 注:the mass绝对不是德军军歌苏联: 国歌:牢不可破的联盟 神圣的战争 喀秋莎 莫斯科保卫者之歌中国:当时义勇军进行曲似乎不算国歌 非正式国歌:义勇军进行曲 大刀向鬼子头上砍去英国 国歌:天佑女皇法国:都亡国了哪还有什么军歌啊 国歌:马赛曲 锡士兵检阅进行曲凯旋进行曲(意大利) 美国巡逻兵(美国)星条旗进行曲 双头鹰旗下(德国) 英雄进行曲(俄罗斯) 军队进行曲威风凛凛进行曲 赖烈基进行曲2023-07-21 02:24:551
美国101空降师军歌《blood on the risers》正确翻译
He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. 他只是个伞兵新手,他当然会害怕的发抖。 He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. 他检查了他的装备,确保他的包裹包装严实。 He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. 他不得不坐着听着那些可怕地发动机的轰鸣。 You ain"t gonna jump no more. 你不用再跳了。 Chorus: 副歌 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 He ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. 警官在查阅队伍,并大声说:“大家都开心吗?” Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. 我们的英雄们(指的是伞兵)虚弱的回答道:“是的”,然后他们帮他站起来。 He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. 他跳入凛冽寒风中,他的开伞拉绳解开了。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. 他长声的数着,他大声的数着,等著那令人激动的一刻(指跳伞的时刻). He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. 他感觉到了寒风,他感觉到了冰冷,他感觉到了可怕的雨滴。 The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. 降落伞的丝带飘散着,缠在了他的腿上。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. 那些叛徒(指的是飘散的降落伞丝带)缠在他的脖子上,伞绳撕碎了伞顶。 Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. 飘舞的那些线打成结,缠着他的骨头。 The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. 苍穹成了他的衣服(覆盖物),他急速的向地面跌去。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. 那些他生活的、有爱的、有欢笑的日子不停地涌上他的心头。 He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. 他想起了他都忘了的、他家后面的女孩子。 He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. 他想起了那些学医的学生,在想他们又发现了什么。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. 救护车在现场奔忙着,吉普车在野外奔驰。 The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. 医科学生跳跃着,由于欢乐在大叫着,卷着他们的袖子,笑着。 For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. 因为从上次失败到现在已经一周甚至更长时间了。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. 他撞击到了地面,发出“Splat”(象声词)一样的声音,他的血飞溅得很高。 His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." 他的同志们听说了他的死讯,都说,“这是多么残酷的(很难的)死亡” He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. 他躺在那儿,由于失血,在那翻滚着。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. 那些叛徒(我想跟上文一样,指的是那些丝带)上面有血,降落伞上有脑浆。 Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. 肠子从他的伞兵服里留出来,摇晃着。 He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. 他弄得一团糟,人们把他扶起来,把他的靴子脱了下来。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more。 他不用再跳了2023-07-21 02:25:021
这个曲子没有固定名称,曲调属于jody calls(朱迪口令),一般美国军队中的此类歌谣被统称为出操歌或行军歌(Military cadence),或者称之为军伍歌谣/民谣。相关介绍:行军歌曲和进行曲不一样,前者不需要伴奏,很多都是以一问一答的形式出现,一个士兵喊出第一句,后面的士兵接上。行军歌的节拍和旋律和正步走的节奏一致这种歌曲的初衷就是为了士兵们在列队操练时掌握速度和节拍。扩展资料常见曲调歌曲:1、老国王(Old King Cole):这一首出现最早,大约在1708年的英国就已流传民间,最早是作为童谣出现的,但后来因为参军将士得以被代入军伍之中。在美国军队里同样有传唱者。2、达科沃斯行军曲:根据一张1944年的“胜利唱片”(V-Disc,二战中由美国政F购买供军队使用的音乐唱片),上等兵威利.达科沃斯是“肃静!”(或称达科沃斯行军曲)的创作者。在1944年五月,当他和他的部队疲惫的返回营地时,达科沃斯开始唱起美军第一支行军歌曲,“肃静”。2023-07-21 02:25:103
美国军歌,《让我们飞黄腾达吧》 用酷狗输兄弟连就找到了2023-07-21 02:25:351
《美国空军》(The U.S. Air Force)是美国空军的标准军歌,简称《空军歌》,有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。2023-07-21 02:25:421
1、《第七交响曲》音乐家肖斯塔科维奇一手拿着枪,一手拿着笔写出的乐曲。它是对家乡列宁格勒,这座被纳粹围困900天却没有倒下的城市的礼赞。2、《神圣的战争》由诗人瓦列别杰夫-库马契作词,苏军红旗歌舞团第一任团长亚历山大-瓦西里耶维奇-亚历山德罗夫作曲,被誉为“苏联卫国战争的音乐纪念碑”。3、《喀秋莎》是一首俄罗斯民歌,代表着俄罗斯女性最坚强和最纯真的感情。也是一种让德军闻风丧胆的武器。2023-07-21 02:25:514
Blood on the Riser101空降师军歌看过兄弟连的人应该都知道这首振奋人心的歌吧。。。给个下载地址:(西点军校的官方下载地址哦)http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1981/38405/west_point/songs/as/BloodOnTheRisers1958.mp3He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright.He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.You ain"t gonna jump no more.Chorus:Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.He ain"t gonna jump no more."Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up.Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up.He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked.And he ain"t gonna jump no more.He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock.He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop.The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs.And he ain"t gonna jump no more.The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome.Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones.The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground.And he ain"t gonna jump no more.The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind.He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind.He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find.And he ain"t gonna jump no more.The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild.The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled.For it had been a week or more since last a chute had failed.And he gonna jump no more.2023-07-21 02:25:582
因该是气势恢宏的背景音乐,为楼主推荐十大气势背景音乐。x0dx0aNO.1《she is my sin》 (夜愿)对Cser们来说,Night Wish的歌曲早已深入人心,众所皆知,世界不少顶级战队的宣传片都采用的是他们的歌曲,Night Wish的歌曲大都是重金属音乐,而这首She is My Sin就是1.6版CS的主题曲,很多翻译版本的1.6进入界面就会响起这首歌,当你在游戏前更改各种按键设置的时候,这首歌仿佛预示着大战马上爆发。在she is my sin出名后,因为其震撼的歌声,成为许多视频或集锦的音乐x0dx0aNO.2《the dawn》 (亡灵序曲)From 梦境传说(Dreamtale) 《The Dawn》的原意为黎明、拂晓、破晓,但在国内网络上,广被讹传为“亡灵序曲”。这是因为在2005年,国内一个电子游戏竞技网站中,一位《魔兽争霸3》亡灵族的拥趸,推荐这首曲子作为亡灵论坛专区的区歌;后来另一名网友以《The Dawn》作为背景音乐,用《魔兽争霸3》中亡灵族的过场画面,剪辑制作了一部MV,并命名为《亡灵序曲》。至此,该曲的中文名就随着这部MV以讹传讹地流传开来,而真实名字却不被广为人知。 值得一提的是,本曲在节奏处理上,保留了金属音乐最基本的连续猛烈的伴奏,却淡化了狂乱、低沉和无序的节奏,这使得该曲少缺一些狂躁、恐惧和迷惘,多了一份神秘和向往。而那段迷惘的男声独白,恰如破晓前黑暗中初现的第一缕晨光,给人以直接和真实的感受。此曲也因此被金属与非金属迷所喜爱,并被奉为金属音乐中的经典之作。x0dx0aNO.3《The Mass》 The Mass改编自Carmina Burana(布兰诗歌),据说“二战期间德国武装party卫军第一装甲师军歌也改编于此”,导致调子相似而张冠李戴以为The Mass就是纳粹军歌。 而现在,随着这首歌的名声日躁,越来越多的游戏也吸收了其动感,鼓舞人心的一面,其中当前最红网络游戏《魔兽世界》中很多玩家自制的游戏视频就大量使用了《THE Mass》作为背景音乐。x0dx0aNO.4《Hero"s Theme》 出自次世代新主机XBOX360上面的一款作品:Kameo(卡美奥),是由著名的英国RARE工作室开发的。其配乐是由捷克的一个很出名的乐团做的。曲风气势磅礴,多作为英雄人物出场背景音乐。x0dx0aNO.5《he"s a pirate》 黑珍珠Pirates.of.the.Caribbean-The.Curse.of.the.Black.Pearl)是Klaus Badelt写的,相当于是确立了加勒比海盗主题音乐的人吧.集子里最后一首叫Hes a Pirate,印象中就是jack最后跳下去之后的音乐,也是加勒比海盗的主题.x0dx0aNO.6《conquest of paradise》 (1492征服天堂) 《1492征服天堂》(英文全称:《1492 CONQUEST OF PARADISE 》)是一首世界名曲,本作品属于《1492 Conquest Of Paradise 1492征服天堂/哥伦布传》专辑中的第二轨。每次听到它,都让我迷茫而感觉到自己是如此的微小,然而恢弘的音乐激发出内心的雄壮,我热血沸腾,我一往无前,古典的韵味在现代音乐的诠释下是如此的突显!这是激沸的音乐,这是振奋的音乐,这是人类对于音乐极限的挑战!该名曲也被作为中国电视剧《士兵突击》插曲。题曲《Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂》,那种史诗般的气派,完完全全是慑人的感觉,精彩绝伦。这部讲述哥伦布征服南美洲故事的电影也成为了史诗般的巨作!x0dx0aNO.7《 rock house jail》 电影《石破天惊》插曲,承担本片配乐的是好莱坞三大配乐大师之一——汉斯季莫,本片的配乐非常优秀,以至于在全球各媒体都借用,仅CCTV就在1、2、5、10等频道都出现过。易中天品三国第二辑的主题曲也出自《石破天惊》,还有王立群读史记。x0dx0aNO.8《hummell gets the rockets》 电影《勇闯夺命岛》中的音乐将电子合成器加管弦乐团的视觉音乐手法发挥到了极至,打击乐的表现尤其突出,紧张激烈之余不乏悲壮豪迈之情。铜管与弦乐的配合,浑然一体,气势恢宏、宽广壮阔,把宏大的电影场面表现的淋漓尽致。激昂、婉转、狂野与喜悦,在整个乐曲中交替出现,随着影片的展开一步步呈现出来,即使影片结束了,那种紧张仍在心头久久不去。 Hummell Gets The Rockets,这段音乐分成两部分,第一部分用管弦乐表现Hummell将军矛盾复杂的心情,同时他在对爱妻极度的怀念下做出了艰难的抉择,这段音乐以悲壮为基调,从一开始低沉的前奏到激昂的曲调,Hummell将军的复杂心理被表现的淋漓尽致;接下来就是Hummell将军率领海军陆战队在海军ammo库盗取VX毒气导弹的段落,此时音乐立即爆发出了强烈的节奏感,配合海军陆战队员以娴熟的技巧潜入ammo库盗取导弹的动作镜头,同时在曲子的末尾还运用了一处柔调表达出Hummell将军对被困在ammo库中的手下的无奈心情。x0dx0aNO.9《in the tunnels》 同上 出自《石破天惊》x0dx0aNO.10《halo theme mjolnir mix》 微软最具影响力游戏《光晕;最后一战》主题2023-07-21 02:26:051
求音乐:美国军歌 我是个士兵
求音乐:美国军歌 我是个士兵 官网并提供下载:三w.thewarriorsong. 这首歌叫《勇士之歌》(The Warrior),分原版和陆战队专用版,马上就要出空军和海军的专用版。它是美军征兵广告的BGM,由民间流行音乐艺术家创作。”我是个士兵,我在前进“是歌词中“I am a soldier and I"m marching on”段落。 在国内各大视屏网站,特别是土豆有各种版本提供下载(需itudou工具)。由于其他网站过于不安全或存在各种质量问题,请注意。 美利坚合众国武装力量通用军歌(目前没有得到官方立法确认) March into War(向战争进军)(2007年起) 各军兵种军歌: 陆军:The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军挺进) 陆战队:Marines" Hymn(陆战队之颂) 空军:The U.S. Air Force (合众国空中力量) 海军:Anchors Aweigh(起锚) 海岸警卫队:Semper Paratus (进行曲)(时刻准备就绪) 求音乐:美国军校军歌 西点军校校歌 Hail, Alma Mater dear, To us be ever near, Help us thy motto bear Through all the years. Let duty be well performed, Honor be e"er untarned, Country be ever armed, West Point, by thee. 亲爱母校, 永驻心头, 校训铭记, 岁月悠悠。 职责毋忘, 荣耀闪光, 西点西点, 戍吾家乡。 Guide us, thy sons, aright, Teach us by day, by night, To keep thine honor bright, For thee to fight. When we depart from thee, Serving on land or sea, May we still loyal be, West Point, to thee. 日夜教诲, 您之赤子, 珍惜荣誉, 为之战之。 吾等毕业, 卫戍海空 求美国军歌《这就是陆军》 试试这个连线 美国陆军军歌《这就是陆军》 :uspatrioticpictures./music/Patriotic%20-%2082nd%20Airborne%20All%20American%20Chorus%20-%20This%20Is%20The%20Army%20Mr.%20Jones%20(vocals).mp3 参考资料::wswin./home/forumdata/viewthread_cache/15/2004/08/25/130623_1.htm 求一首歌。是美国的军歌还是国歌来着。关于士兵的。 勇士之歌 求美国军歌勇士之歌 MP3版 谢谢啊 附件给你了 美国101空降师军歌和中国军歌 个人感觉 101说是歌 不如说是一种真实的情感流露 通过歌曲表达了战争的残酷 而我军 歌曲主要是宣扬主旋律的 鼓舞人心 一听就一种要冲锋的感觉 体现东西不一样没有什么可比性 美国军歌有哪些 您好,美国陆军军歌 《陆军勇往直前》"The Army Goes RollingAlong" 美国空军军歌 《美国空军》"The U.S. Air Force”(有时也取歌曲的第一句wild blue yonder,叫《蓝色远方》) 美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!) 美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn" 美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备) 求音乐:德国陆军军歌 "闪电部队在行动"不是德军军歌...以讹传讹了,那个的原版是<布兰诗歌>的第一章<O Fortuna>, 现在流传的<The Mass>是流行乐团Era同名专辑里的. 和德国装甲兵有关的军歌是<Panzerlied>,就是<坦克大决战>里德国人跺着脚唱的那个. 另外比较有名的是<Die Horst Wessel Lied>,<Westerwaldlied>,<我们的隆美尔>等等. 我收藏了一个德国军歌很全的站,找一下再发上来 :nazi..uk/multimedia.htm 另外国内视讯网站也有一些 :56./u93/v_NDQ3MDA0NzQ. 美国大兵军歌歌词 勇士之歌The Warrior Song 我是武装到牙齿的杀人机器 I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine, 绿光闪烁之间让你血流如溅 with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, 不要怀疑,这是我的地盘 best blieve, I"m in a zone to be, 我的阴阳两界,我的长江流域 from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze. 当你奔袭而来我得意地微笑 Put a grin on my chin when you e to me, 因为胜利是属于我的,我是一流的杀手,带给你的将是死亡 "cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death 大地在我脚下 to the place you"re about to be: 你将成为另一条在我脚下流淌的血河 another river of blood runnin" under my feet. 历练之火早已燃起 Fed in a fire lit long ago, 与我比肩,你将永不孤独 stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone. 第一个冲锋,最后一个离去 I"m last to leave, but the first to go, 上帝啊,请在老去之前赐我以死亡 Lord, make me dead before you make me old. 吞噬著恐惧,当敌人以魔鬼的面孔进入视线 I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights: 用手瞄准,用意志扣动扳机,用冷酷的心杀戮 aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 乐战好斗,令敌国焦土一片 I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, 跋涉血海,誓要斩尽杀绝 wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more. 子弹飞啸,电光石火 Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, 假如死亡不能带给你恐惧 if death don"t bring you fear, 我发誓,定要让你敬畏我的铁足 I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet. 走近噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在地黑暗 Come to the nightmare, e to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de, 咽喉横亘,利刀如鲨 in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, 地狱火起,天使哭泣 where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. 我的影子将是你的死神,当你被我遇到,呼唤所有的神明吧 Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; 希望瞬间寂灭,我的身影就是你死亡的影子 hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast. 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 目光似铁,视野无限 My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. (巴顿将军:我们不仅仅要射杀那些杂种) (General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards) (我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑) (We"re going to cut out their living guts) (掏出五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带) (and use them to grease the treads of our tanks) (我们还要大把大把地干掉这些该死的杂种) (We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel) 我身轻体健,誓要让你承受悲伤 Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, 而且让你无力还手 and the least of me"s still out of your reach. 杀人机器启动,一路勇猛冲锋 The killing machine"s gonna do the deed, 直到河流枯竭,直到生命的最后 until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. 昂首迎风 Chin in the air with a head held high, 直面敌人 I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line. 没有恐惧,只有自豪 Feet no fear, know my pride: 为了上帝,为了祖国,我将结束你的生命 for God and Country I"ll end your life. 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是一个勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 目光似铁,视野无限 My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, 我是勇士,这就是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. =================================================== 下面是英文的歌词,储存问.lrc格式档案可以新增到千千静听里面 [00:00.00]勇士之歌The Warrior Song [00:27.00]I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine, [00:30.00]with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, [00:33.00]best blieve, I"m in a zone to be, [00:36.00]from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze. [00:38.00]Put a grin on my chin when you e to me, [00:41.00]"cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death [00:44.00]to the place you"re about to be: [00:45.20]another river of blood runnin" under my feet. [00:48.00]Fed in a fire lit long ago, [00:50.00]stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone. [00:53.00]I"m last to leave, but the first to go, [00:55.00]Lord, make me dead before you make me old. [00:58.00]I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights: [01:03.00]aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice [01:07.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [01:12.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [01:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [01:22.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [01:27.00]I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, [01:31.00]wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more. [01:36.00]Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, [01:41.00]if death don"t bring you fear, [01:42.30]I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet. [01:46.00]Come to the nightmare, e to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de, [01:50.00]in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, [01:53.00]where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. [01:55.00]Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; [02:00.00]hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast. [02:04.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [02:10.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [02:15.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, [02:20.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [02:24.00] [02:25.00](General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards) [02:29.00](We"re going to cut out their living guts) [02:32.00](and use them to grease the treads of our tanks) [02:38.00](We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel) [02:43.00]Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, [02:45.00]and the least of me"s still out of your reach. [02:48.00]The killing machine"s gonna do the deed, [02:50.00]until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. [02:52.00]Chin in the air with a head held high, [02:55.00]I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line. [02:58.00]Feet no fear, know my pride: [03:00.00]for God and Country I"ll end your life. [03:03.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [03:07.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [03:12.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, [03:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [03:22.00]2023-07-21 02:26:291
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIyNDQ5OTY=.html《陆军勇往直前》歌词(1956年,标准军歌) The Army Goes Rolling Along(1956,current official version)March along, sing our song, with the Armyof the free(向前进)Count the brave, count the true, who havefought to victory(我们为胜利而战)We"re the Army and proud of our name(我们是陆军,我们为此骄傲)We"re the Army and proudly proclaim(我们是陆军,我们为此自豪)第一节:First to fight for the right,(首先为正义而战)And to build the Nation"s might,(建立国家的权力)And The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军勇往直前)Proud of all we have done,(为我们所作的一切骄傲)Fighting till the battle"s won,(战斗不息直到胜利)And the Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前)重复:Then it"s Hi! Hi! Hey!(然后是嗨—嗨—嘿!)The Army"s on its way.(陆军正在路上)Count off the cadence loud and strong *(报数声音响又壮)For where e"er we go,(无论我们到哪里)You will always know(你总会知道)That The Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前!)第二节:Valley Forge, Custer"s ranks,(福吉谷,喀斯特的肩章)*福吉谷为华盛顿冬季休整的兵营,卡斯特是美国骑兵军官,印第安战争中战死于小巨角;San Juan Hill and Patton"s tanks,(圣胡安山和巴顿的坦克)*圣胡安山是西奥多.罗斯福在美西战争中带领第七骑兵师黑色团冲锋的地点, “巴顿的坦克”意指西西里战役And the Army went rolling along(陆军勇往直前)Minute men, from the start,(一分钟人,刚刚开始)“一分钟人”指独立战争中的民兵,“刚刚开始”是大陆军的别称Always fighting from the heart,(永远战斗不息)And the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)第三节:Men in rags, men who froze,(尽管军服破烂,尽管饥寒交迫)Still that Army met its foes,(陆军仍然能面对敌人)And the Army went rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)Faith in God, then we"re right,(信仰上帝,于是我们就是正确的)And we"ll fight with all our might,(我们为我们的威武而战)As the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)2023-07-21 02:26:371
美国101空降师军歌《blood on the risers》 歌词: He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. You ain‘t gonna jump no more. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. He ain"t gonna jump no more. "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. And he ain"t gonna jump no more.2023-07-21 02:26:441
德国装甲师战歌2023-07-21 02:26:523
USMC(United State Marine Corps)的Marines Running Cadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,严格来说,这更象是一种“号子”,歌曲调子一定,而歌词就可以任意更改,可以说,任何一个Drill Sargent(操练教官)都编得出自己的歌词。号子的节奏鲜明,和跑步的步子很合拍,调子也很容易学,加上美国佬特有的幽默,这些号子通常是十分风趣的。下面就是美国大片《Full Metal Jacket》(全金属弹头)里的版本:mama & papa are lying in bedmama roll over & this"s what she saidoh gimme someoh gimme somePTPTgood for yougood for mehmmm goodup in the morning in the rising sungotta run all day till the running is doneho chi min is son-of-a-bitchgot the blue-ball"s crab & the 7 year itchi love working 4 uncle samlet"s me know just who i am1,2,3,4 unite state marine corps1,2,3,4 unite state marine corpsmy corpsur corpsour corpsmarine corps!i dont know but i"ve been toldEskimo pussy is mighty coldhmmm good feels goodtasts goodreal good2023-07-21 02:27:012
海军陆战队军歌:The Marines" Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country"s battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag"s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- The United States Marines. Here"s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we"ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven"s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines 中文歌词:从蒙提祖马的大厅,到的黎波里海岸; 我们为祖国战斗, 在陆地也在海洋; 首先为权利和自由,也为我们的荣誉而战; 当一名海军陆战队员,我们心中充满自豪。 我们的战旗迎风招展从黎明直到太阳下山; 我们在任何地方作战,只要能拿起枪杆; 从白雪皑皑的北方,到赤日炎炎的热带, 你都能看到我们在忙碌,美国海军陆战队员。 为你的健康也为陆战队干杯我们骄傲地组成这支部队; 我们经历了多少次生死搏斗从未有过惊慌失措和后退; 如果陆军和海军兄弟,放眼看看天堂的景象; 他们将发现大街由我们警卫,美国海军陆战队员。2023-07-21 02:27:162
是的海军陆战队:《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。歌词的第一句“从蒙特祖玛的大厅到的黎波里的海岸”分别表现了美墨战争中的查普特提战役(Battle of Chapultepec)和第一次伯伯里战争(First Barbary War)。唱此歌曲时一般处于立正姿势以表示尊敬/。歌词大意:第一段:From the halls of Montezuma(从蒙特祖玛的大厅)To the shores of Tripoli,(到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles(我们为国家而战)In the air, on land, and sea.(在空中、陆地和大海上)First to fight for right and freedom,(首先为正义和自由而战)And to keep our honor clean,(并保持我们干净的名誉)We are proud to claim the title(我们为自己的称号自豪)Of United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第二段:Our flag"s unfurl"d to every breeze(我们的旗帜在风中飞扬)From the dawn to setting sun;(从日出到日落)We have fought in every clime and place(我们在所有的地方战斗过)Where we could take a gun.(只要我们拿起武器)In the snow of far-off northern lands(从寒冷的北方岛屿)And in sunny tropic scenes,(到阳光明媚的热带风景)You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着)The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第三段:Here"s health to you and to our Corps(韦尼和我们部队的健康干杯)Which we are proud to serve;(我们荣誉的服务对象)In many a strife we"ve fought for life(在无数的战斗中我们为活下去而战)And have never lost our nerve.(但从来没为此发狂)If the Army and the Navy(如果陆军和海军)Ever look on Heaven"s scenes,(看到过天堂的景象)They will find the streets are guarded(他们会发现天堂的街道上)By United States Marines.(守卫着陆战队士兵)罕见的歌词:因为海军陆战队在不同的地方战斗过,所以很多情况下会加上一些特别的歌词,举例:Again in nineteen forty-one, we sailed anorth"ard course(在1941年,我们再次向北航行)and found beneath the midnight sun, theViking and the Norse.(去追寻午夜的太阳,维京人和北方人)The Iceland girls were slim and fair, andfair the Iceland scenes,(冰岛的女孩苗条又漂亮,冰岛的景色美丽)and the Army found in landing there, theUnited States Marines.(陆军会发现在那里登陆的,是海军陆战队的士兵)1890到1919年之间原来的第一段则在电影《蒙特祖玛的神庙》中出现:From the halls of Montezuma, to the shoresof Tripoli,(从蒙特祖玛的大厅,到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles, on the landas on the sea.(我们在海上和陆地上为国而战)Admiration of the nation, we"re the finestever seen;(我们是国家的骄傲,我们是最强的军团)And we glory in the title of United StatesMarines(我们为美国海军陆战队这一荣誉而自豪)[attach]10350[/attach]2023-07-21 02:27:294
二战德国海军军歌:《再见我的小宝贝》《我们向英格兰出征》《海上的同志们》《鱼雷.发射》 二战英国海军军歌:击毁俾斯麦 英国海军军歌《不列颠万岁》(Rule, Britannia!),这是英国的国歌之一。二战美国《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!)美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn"美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备)2023-07-21 02:27:482
USMC(United State Marine Corps)的Marines Running Cadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,严格来说,这更象是一种“号子”,歌曲调子一定,而歌词就可以任意更改,可以说,任何一个Drill Sargent(操练教官)都编得出自己的歌词。号子的节奏鲜明,和跑步的步子很合拍,调子也很容易学,加上美国佬特有的幽默,这些号子通常是十分风趣的。下面就是美国大片《Full Metal Jacket》(全金属弹头)里的版本:mama & papa are lying in bedmama roll over & this"s what she saidoh gimme someoh gimme somePTPTgood for yougood for mehmmm goodup in the morning in the rising sungotta run all day till the running is doneho chi min is son-of-a-bitchgot the blue-ball"s crab & the 7 year itchi love working 4 uncle samlet"s me know just who i am1,2,3,4 unite state marine corps1,2,3,4 unite state marine corpsmy corpsur corpsour corpsmarine corps!i dont know but i"ve been toldEskimo pussy is mighty coldhmmm good feels goodtasts goodreal good百度里有这歌,调子相同但歌词不同,不过很经典的说http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Marines+Running+Cadence&lm=-12023-07-21 02:27:563
海军陆战队军歌 The Marines" Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country"s battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag"s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- The United States Marines. Here"s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we"ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven"s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines中文歌词从蒙提祖马的大厅,到的黎波里海岸;我们为祖国战斗, 在陆地也在海洋;首先为权利和自由,也为我们的荣誉而战;当一名海军陆战队员,我们心中充满自豪。我们的战旗迎风招展从黎明直到太阳下山;我们在任何地方作战,只要能拿起枪杆;从白雪皑皑的北方,到赤日炎炎的热带,你都能看到我们在忙碌,美国海军陆战队员。为你的健康也为陆战队干杯我们骄傲地组成这支部队;我们经历了多少次生死搏斗从未有过惊慌失措和后退;如果陆军和海军兄弟,放眼看看天堂的景象; 他们将发现大街由我们警卫,美国海军陆战队员。2023-07-21 02:28:041
这个歌,不能说是一首歌,而应该说是一首曲,因为在不同的军校,歌词是不一样的,教官们经常会改动词,但是曲是一直固定的,下面就是详细的:美国101空降师的军歌,二战欧洲战区主题歌,原曲是一首基督教赞歌,用这个曲调的歌最有名的是美国内战北方的军歌:《Battle hymn of the republic》,据说是林肯生平最喜欢的歌曲 。曼联队歌《GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED》也是这个曲,但是词不同。 《Blood on the Risers》是《兄弟连》电视剧中出现的一首军歌,当时曾在欧洲地区的盟军伞兵中广为传唱。乍听上去,这首歌节奏稳健、旋律高昂,充满战斗精神。而实际上,这首歌的歌词描写的是一名菜鸟伞兵在跳伞练习的时候,因为过度紧张,没有挂上降落伞开伞的尼龙带就纵身越出机舱,伞具失灵,最后坠落地面的过程。期间还略带讽刺地描写了他坠落时的心理活动。歌词: He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. You ain"t gonna jump no more. Chorus: Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. He ain"t gonna jump no more. "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. And he ain"t gonna jump no more。 他仅仅是一个新伞兵,他真的在战斗中颤栗,他核对他的装备,打紧他的伞包,他不得不坐在机舱中听着烦躁的引擎咆哮。你再也不想多跳一次。 复唱: 盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法;盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法;盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法。他再也不想多跳一次。 "有人高兴吗?"军士长大声喊着看去,我们的英雄们微弱的回答:是!,然后他们使自己站起来,跳进冰冷的疾风中,降落伞从伞钩上解脱。他再也不想多跳一次。 他用长长的洪亮的声音数着,等待开伞那一刹的强大震动,他感觉到风,感觉到寒冷,感觉到可怕的下降,伞从伞包冲飞出,将他的腿缠绕。他再也不想多跳一次。 伞绳缠住他的脖子,将他包裹在伞蓬中,伞绳死死的缠绕在他瘦弱的身体上,伞衣成了他的寿衣,他高速坠向地面。他再也不想多跳一次。 那天他还想着生活、想着爱情,欢笑着飞奔,他想带女孩回家;他左后面一个兄弟在想军医如何能找到他。他再也不想多跳一次。 脚下有了平衡,吉普在野地上飞驰,军医跳了下来,苦笑着卷起袖子;为了这个从一周前甚至更长......自从降落伞失效后。他再也不想多跳一次。 他砸在地面上,传出液体飞溅的声音,鲜血从他身上高高的喷出,他的战友中有人说了声:"这是个糟糕的死法!"他再也不想多跳一次。 鲜血粘在伞绳上,脑浆在......降落伞上,肠子挂在伞兵衣外摇晃,他是一团糟了,他的战友将他收拾起来放进了他的军靴里。他再也不想多跳一次。2023-07-21 02:28:122
Suzy said, "Don"t Join the Corps"---USMC专集:Running To Cadence: U.S. Marines Volume IIhttp://www.oohrah.net/music/14.mp32023-07-21 02:28:193
USMC(UnitedStateMarineCorps)的MarinesRunningCadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,严格来说,这更象是一种“号子”,歌曲调子一定,而歌词就可以任意更改,可以说,任何一个DrillSargent(操练教官)都编得出自己的歌词。x0dx0a号子的节奏鲜明,和跑步的步子很合拍,调子也很容易学,加上美国佬特有的幽默,这些号子通常是十分风趣的。下面就是美国大片《FullMetalJacket》(全金属弹头)里的版本:x0dx0amama&papaarelyinginbedx0dx0amamarollover&this"swhatshesaidx0dx0aohgimmesomex0dx0aohgimmesomex0dx0aPTx0dx0aPTx0dx0agoodforyoux0dx0agoodformex0dx0ahmmmgoodx0dx0ax0dx0aupinthemorningintherisingsunx0dx0agottarunalldaytilltherunningisdonex0dx0ahochiminisson-of-a-bitchx0dx0agottheblue-ball"scrab&the7yearitchx0dx0ax0dx0ailoveworking4unclesamx0dx0alet"smeknowjustwhoiamx0dx0a1,2,3,4unitestatemarinecorpsx0dx0a1,2,3,4unitestatemarinecorpsx0dx0amycorpsx0dx0aurcorpsx0dx0aourcorpsx0dx0amarinecorps!x0dx0ax0dx0aidontknowbuti"vebeentoldx0dx0aEskimopussyismightycoldx0dx0ahmmmgoodx0dx0afeelsgoodx0dx0atastsgoodx0dx0arealgood2023-07-21 02:28:261
海军陆战队军歌 The Marines" Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country"s battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. Our flag"s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job-- The United States Marines. Here"s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we"ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven"s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines 中文歌词 从蒙提祖马的大厅,到的黎波里海岸; 我们为祖国战斗, 在陆地也在海洋; 首先为权利和自由,也为我们的荣誉而战; 当一名海军陆战队员,我们心中充满自豪。 我们的战旗迎风招展从黎明直到太阳下山; 我们在任何地方作战,只要能拿起枪杆; 从白雪皑皑的北方,到赤日炎炎的热带, 你都能看到我们在忙碌,美国海军陆战队员。 为你的健康也为陆战队干杯我们骄傲地组成这支部队; 我们经历了多少次生死搏斗从未有过惊慌失措和后退; 如果陆军和海军兄弟,放眼看看天堂的景象; 他们将发现大街由我们警卫,美国海军陆战队员。2023-07-21 02:28:341
美国海军陆战队四首跑步歌中英文歌词对照~ 1.Mama and papa were laying in bed !妈妈和爸爸躺在床上!Mama rolled over and this is what she said :妈妈翻身向上然后说道:Oh, give me some......哦 给我些Oh, give me some......哦 给我些PT体能训练PT体能训练2.Good for you , and good for me !对你对我都有好处!Mum good !好啊!Up in the morning to the rising sun !随着太阳东升而起床!Gotta run all day till the runing"s done!整日跑步,直到完成训练!Ho chi minh is a son of a bitch !胡志明是个狗娘养的!Got the blueballs , crabs and the seven-year itch!他染上了性病阴虱,患7年之痒!3.This is my rife ! this is my gun !这是我的步枪!这是我的家伙!This is for fighting ! this is for fun !作战之用!享乐之用!I love working for uncle sam !我喜欢为山姆大叔工作!Let me know just who I am !让我知道自己究竟是谁!One two three four united states marine corps !1 2 3 4 美国海军陆战队!One two three four I love the marine corps !1 2 3 4 我爱这个海军陆战队!My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps !我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队!I don"t know but I been told !我本不知道但据说!Eskimo pussy is mighty cold !爱斯基摩女人的性器官很冰冷!Muu good ! 好啊!Feels good ! 感觉好!Is good !它好!Real good !真好!Tastes good !味道好!Mighty good !错不了!Good for you !对你好!Good for me ! 对我好!4.I don"t want no teen age queen !我不要什么青春王后!I just want my M-14!我只要我的M-14 !If I die in the combat zone !如果我死在战场上!Box me up and ship me home !把我装在棺材里用船运回家!Pin my medals upon my chest !在我胸口别上勋章!Tell my mom I"ve done my best !告诉妈妈我已经尽力!http://www.w2war.com/read.php?tid=134058&uid=929802023-07-21 02:28:533
西点军校校歌 Hail, Alma Mater dear, To us be ever near, Help us thy motto bear Through all the years. Let duty be well performed, Honor be e"er untarned, Country be ever armed, West Point, by thee. 亲爱母校, 永驻心头, 校训铭记, 岁月悠悠。 职责毋忘, 荣耀闪光, 西点西点, 戍吾家乡。 Guide us, thy sons, aright, Teach us by day, by night, To keep thine honor bright, For thee to fight. When we depart from thee, Serving on land or sea, May we still loyal be, West Point, to thee. 日夜教诲, 您之赤子, 珍惜荣誉, 为之战之。 吾等毕业, 卫戍海空2023-07-21 02:28:592
《兄弟连》中E连唱过那首歌是《Blood on the Risers》《Blood on the Risers》是《兄弟连》电视剧中出现的一首军歌,当时曾在欧洲地区的盟军伞兵中广为传唱。乍听上去,这首歌节奏稳健、旋律高昂,充满战斗精神。而实际上,这首歌的歌词描写的是一名菜鸟伞兵在跳伞练习的时候,因为过度紧张,没有挂上降落伞开伞的尼龙带就纵身越出机舱,伞具失灵,最后坠落地面的过程。期间还略带讽刺地描写了他坠落时的心理活动。歌词:He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright,He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight;He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar,"You ain"t gonna jump no more!"(CHORUS)Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,He ain"t gonna jump no more!"Is everybody happy?" cried the Sergeant looking up,Our Hero feebly answered "Yes," and then they stood him up;He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock,He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop,The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)The risers wrapped around his neck, connectors cracked his dome,Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones;The canopy became his shroud; he hurtled to the ground.And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)The days he"d lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind,He thought about the girl back home, the one he"d left behind;He thought about the medicals, and he wondered what they"d find,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild,The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled,For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)He hit the ground, the sound was "SPLAT", his blood went spurting high;His comrades, they were hurt to say "A hell of a way to die!"He lay there, rolling "round in the welter of his gore,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.(CHORUS)(slowly, solemnly; about half the speed of the other verses)There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute,Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit,He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots,And he ain"t gonna jump no more.Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,He ain"t gonna jump no more!歌词翻译:菜鸟伞兵处女跳他浑身直冒汗。检查装备打紧伞包只怕出意外。他正襟而坐引擎轰鸣已然震破胆。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!班长豪气冲天高呼一声“大家爽不爽?”我们的英雄怯生生一句YES就被架到舱门旁。他纵身一跃乘风翔可伞钩没挂上。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!他大声数数数半天,苦等伞花开风吹JJ透心凉方知引力多牛掰备用伞包自动开,把他两腿缠废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!伞绳绕颈缠,伞花被刮烂皮包骨头打了个死结伞弦解不开降落伞变成裹尸布他眼看要玩完废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!唯有豆蔻花季美,回忆多珍贵更念故乡痴情女,夜夜思君归收尸也是辛苦活儿不知该多累废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!急救车踩点踩得准,小吉普跑得快军医欢呼雀跃摩拳擦掌,只为有事干个把星期没出事故实在太无奈废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!他轰隆一声砸进地面血溅三丈外他队友不禁纵声喊:“这死法真他妈惨!”只见血喷如尿崩,肉泥直打颤废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!鲜血染红伞绳脑浆涂在伞花上肥肠流出步兵夹克摇摇又晃晃钢盔军靴倒出来他最后一点肉酱废柴再也没法玩跳伞!风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。风采由血染这死法真是惨。废柴再也没法玩跳伞!2023-07-21 02:29:177
USMC(United State Marine Corps)的Marines Running Cadence(跑步军歌)是美军海军陆战队里的士兵们,尤其是在bootcamp(新兵训练营)里的士兵们跑步的时候常唱的一首歌,严格来说,这更象是一种“号子”,歌曲调子一定,而歌词就可以任意更改,可以说,任何一个Drill Sargent(操练教官)都编得出自己的歌词。2023-07-21 02:29:321
让我们飞向蓝色远方向高空飞去,冲向太阳敌人飞来招架我们的雷电瞄准他们,小子们,给他们点颜色!向下俯冲,我们喷射着火焰留下地狱般的怒吼我们生活在火焰中,或者死在火焰中没人能阻挡美国空军!2023-07-21 02:29:413
Blood on the Risers 美国101空降师的军歌,二战欧洲战区主题歌,原曲是一首基督教赞歌,用这个曲调的歌最有名的是美国内战北方的军歌:《Battle hymn of the republic》,据说是林肯生平最喜欢的歌曲 。曼联队歌《GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED》也是这个曲,但是词不同。 《Blood on the Risers》是《兄弟连》电视剧中出现的一首军歌,当时曾在欧洲地区的盟军伞兵中广为传唱。乍听上去,这首歌节奏稳健、旋律高昂,充满战斗精神。而实际上,这首歌的歌词描写的是一名菜鸟伞兵在跳伞练习的时候,因为过度紧张,没有挂上降落伞开伞的尼龙带就纵身越出机舱,伞具失灵,最后坠落地面的过程。期间还略带讽刺地描写了他坠落时的心理活动。歌词: He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. You ain"t gonna jump no more. Chorus: Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. He ain"t gonna jump no more. "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. And he ain"t gonna jump no more。 他仅仅是一个新伞兵,他真的在战斗中颤栗,他核对他的装备,打紧他的伞包,他不得不坐在机舱中听着烦躁的引擎咆哮。你再也不想多跳一次。 复唱: 盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法;盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法;盖瑞,盖瑞,TMD糟糕的死法。他再也不想多跳一次。 "有人高兴吗?"军士长大声喊着看去,我们的英雄们微弱的回答:是!,然后他们使自己站起来,跳进冰冷的疾风中,降落伞从伞钩上解脱。他再也不想多跳一次。 他用长长的洪亮的声音数着,等待开伞那一刹的强大震动,他感觉到风,感觉到寒冷,感觉到可怕的下降,伞从伞包冲飞出,将他的腿缠绕。他再也不想多跳一次。 伞绳缠住他的脖子,将他包裹在伞蓬中,伞绳死死的缠绕在他瘦弱的身体上,伞衣成了他的寿衣,他高速坠向地面。他再也不想多跳一次。 那天他还想着生活、想着爱情,欢笑着飞奔,他想带女孩回家;他左后面一个兄弟在想军医如何能找到他。他再也不想多跳一次。 脚下有了平衡,吉普在野地上飞驰,军医跳了下来,苦笑着卷起袖子;为了这个从一周前甚至更长......自从降落伞失效后。他再也不想多跳一次。 他砸在地面上,传出液体飞溅的声音,鲜血从他身上高高的喷出,他的战友中有人说了声:"这是个糟糕的死法!"他再也不想多跳一次。 鲜血粘在伞绳上,脑浆在......降落伞上,肠子挂在伞兵衣外摇晃,他是一团糟了,他的战友将他收拾起来放进了他的军靴里。他再也不想多跳一次。2023-07-21 02:29:483
西点的军歌唱道,“老兵永远不死,他只是凋零”(Old soldiers never die. They just fade away),麦克阿瑟在国会的演讲使这句话广被引用。 “老兵永远不死,只会慢慢凋零”(Old soldiers never die, they just fade away),就不由得想起那个叼着玉米棒子烟斗的麦克阿瑟,和他在1951年4月19日被解职后在国会大厦发表的题为《老兵不死》演讲,于是许多人把这句名言归在麦帅名下,其实在那篇演讲里就提到了,这句话是来自于一首军歌的副歌那首歌的歌词如下: Old Soldiers Never Die There is an old cookhouse, far far away Where we get pork and beans, three times a day. Beefsteak we never see, damn-all sugar for our tea And we are gradually fading away. cho: Old soldiers never die, Never die, never die, Old soldiers never die They just fade away. Privates they love their beer, "most every day. Corporals, they love their stripes, that"s what they say. Sergeants they love to drill. Guess them bastards always will So we drill and drill until we fade away.2023-07-21 02:29:551