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2023-07-22 21:04:45
TAG: 翻译
不知道这个网址是否对您有所帮助?http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/things/ 里面包含有things fall apart 这本原著的全文、人物关系、主题、读后掌握度测验题目等。以下我复制了其中的课后掌握度测试题目:

1. Why does Things Fall Apart end with the District Commissioner musing about the book that he is writing on Africa?

The novel"s ending is Achebe"s most potent satirical stab at the tradition of Western ethnography. At the end of Okonkwo"s story, Achebe alludes to the lack of depth and sensitivity with which the Europeans will inevitably treat Okonkwo"s life. Achebe shows that a book such as The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger, which the commissioner plans to write, reveals much more about the writers—the colonialists—than about the subjects supposedly being studied. The title of the book is also ironic, as it reflects the utter lack of communication between the Europeans and the Africans. Although the Commissioner thinks he has achieved the “[p]acification” of these tribes, he has only contributed to their unrest and increasing lack of peace.

Additionally, the artifice of wrapping up the narrative as fodder for an ethnographic study hearkens back to the close of Joseph Conrad"s Heart of Darkness. As Marlow, the teller of the main story in Heart of Darkness, concludes his tale about colonization in Africa, the initial narrator, waiting with Marlow to sail out to sea, returns and ponders the water, leaving the reader to wonder what atrocities beyond those in Marlow"s story the British Empire will commit. The conclusion of Things Fall Apart gives the impression of a similar story-within-a-story structure. When the account of how the colonizers have imposed themselves upon Umuofia concludes, the commissioner contemplates the account, leaving little doubt that he will now proceed to impose European values on his version of the account.

2. What is the nature of Okonkwo"s relationship with Ezinma?

Although Okonkwo is generally misogynistic, his favorite child is his daughter Ezinma. Of all Okonkwo"s children, Ezinma best understands how to handle her father"s anger. One example of her sensitivity to his needs is her comforting of him after he has killed Ikemefuna. Ezinma can tell that Okonkwo is depressed but, not wanting to upset him, she doesn"t address his sorrow directly. Instead, she brings him food and urges him to eat. His frequent remarks that he wishes Ezinma were his son because she has the “right spirit” suggest that he desires an affectionate attachment with his sons, so long as it is not openly shown or acknowledged. He values Ezinma not because she exhibits desirable masculine traits but because of their tacit bond of sympathy and understanding.

3. What does the repetition of the number seven suggest about the novel?

In several places (Mr. Brown"s conversations with Akunna, for example), the novel explicitly focuses on the theological and moral similarities between Christianity and Igbo religion. The repetition of the number seven—symbolically important to both religions—is another way of highlighting the similarities between the two cultures. The text seems to draw a parallel between the apparent randomness of the symbolic number often chosen by the Igbo and the determinism of Christianity"s reliance on the number seven in the Bible and in the myth of creation. Indeed, the text explicitly refers to resting on the seventh day; this return to the number seven marks a similarity between the two cultures" belief systems.

Scroll through the page to review your answers. The correct answer is highlighted in green. Your incorrect answers (if any) are highlighted in red. If you"d like to take the test over again, click the reset button at the end of the test.

1. What is the name of Okonkwo"s motherland?

(A) Mbaino
(B) Mbutu
(C) Mbanta
(D) Mantra

2. What holy animal does Okonkwo"s clan suspect the Christians have killed and eaten?

(A) A locust
(B) A python
(C) A monkey
(D) A tortoise

3. What is the name of the first missionary who comes to Umuofia?

(A) Mr. Brown
(B) Reverend Smith
(C) Mr. Jones
(D) Missionary Man

4. How many villages does Umuofia comprise?

(A) One
(B) Four
(C) Nine
(D) Seven

5. Whom did Okonkwo beat in his legendary wrestling match?

(A) Ekwefi Ogbuedi the Rooster
(B) Ogbuedi the Snake
(C) Isaac the Toad
(D) Amalinze the Cat

6. In what country does Things Fall Apart take place?

(A) Kenya
(B) Nigeria
(C) Chad
(D) South Africa

7. What do the inhabitants of Mbanta believe is responsible for the white man"s miraculous survival after having built his church in the Evil Forest?

(A) His eyeglasses
(B) His Bible
(C) His borrowed machete
(D) His attitude

8. What is an ogbanje?

(A) A masked spirit
(B) A type of yam soup
(C) A changeling child
(D) A musical instrument

9. What does Okonkwo constantly wish Ezinma had been?

(A) His firstborn child
(B) A son
(C) A better cook
(D) A donkey

10. What does a palm tapper tap?

(A) His hand, to keep the beat
(B) A shoulder, for advice
(C) A tree, for wine
(D) The ground, for oil

11. For what reason is Okonkwo exiled?

(A) He owes money.
(B) He willfully kills a fellow clan member.
(C) He steals yams.
(D) He unintentionally kills a fellow clan member.

12. What are the outcasts required to do before they may join the church?

(A) Shave their heads
(B) Pierce their tongues
(C) Get cam wood tattoos
(D) Change their names

13. What is the name of Okonkwo"s second wife?

(A) Chielo
(B) Ojiugo
(C) Ekwefi
(D) Ezinma

14. Where are the Christian women forbidden to go when the clan hears of the killing of a royal python?

(A) To the Evil Forest
(B) To the stream
(C) To the church
(D) To the Tribal Council Meeting

15. What does Okonkwo do even though he is advised not to?

(A) Marry Ojiugo
(B) Beat Nwoye twice
(C) Attack Chielo
(D) Help kill Ikemefuna

16. What crop is king for the Igbo?

(A) Cassava
(B) Yam
(C) Cotton
(D) Riding Crop

17. When the Igbo refer to the “iron-horse,” what do they mean?

(A) A train carriage
(B) Maduka, the star wrestler
(C) A bicycle
(D) An elephant

18. What is the polite name for leprosy among the Igbo?

(A) The swelling sickness
(B) The white skin
(C) The heathen state
(D) The albino condition

19. When do the clan members share the kola nut?

(A) When declaring war
(B) When giving birth to children
(C) When wrestling
(D) When gathering for social occasions

20. In the allegory of Tortoise, what do the birds give to Tortoise?

(A) Bird seed
(B) Feathers
(C) Water
(D) A branch

21. What does Enoch do to provoke the rage of the clan?

(A) He unmasks an egwugwu.
(B) He converts Nwoye.
(C) He steals 200 cowry shells.
(D) He mutilates twins.

22. How does Okonkwo die?

(A) He is poisoned by the Commissioner.
(B) He hangs himself.
(C) He is stabbed by Enoch.
(D) He dies of the swelling disease.

23. Why are the villagers happy when the locusts arrive?

(A) Because they represent future happiness
(B) Because they mean good weather and good crops
(C) Because their bodies can be made into glue
(D) Because they taste good

24. What does Okonkwo fear most?

(A) Joining the missionaries
(B) Confronting his father
(C) Becoming like his father
(D) The overthrow of the village elders

25. The title Things Fall Apart is taken from a poem by

(A) Alfred Lord Tennyson
(B) Joseph Conrad
(C) T.S. Eliot
(D) William Butler Yeats


sparknotes 是什麽?

2023-07-22 09:55:351


Sparknotes是美国著名文学指南网站,由哈佛大学学生Sam Yagan, Max Krohn, Chris Coyne, and Eli Bolotin等创建于1999年,提供了海量优质的文学指南学习资料,包括作家简介,作品梗概,写作特色,人物分析,关键问题解析等等,深受美国学生欢迎。 Sparknotes在国内的英美文学考研界更是神一样的存在,很多名校英美文学考研试题都可以在该网站找到权威答案,国内的大部分英美文学考研指导书都曾大段引用过Sparknotes里的内容。最难能可贵的是Sparknotes的几乎所有资料都是免费的。
2023-07-22 09:55:441

the joy luck club里面的half and half讲什么的?

Bookrags的比较短一点:http://www.bookrags.com/notes/jlc/PART9.htmlSparkNotes - 学生的圣经。比较详细。Rose Hsu Jordan begins by describing the Bible belonging to her mother, An-mei. Although An-mei carried the white leatherette volume with great pride for many years, the Bible now serves to prop up one of the kitchen table legs in her apartment. Rose sits at her mother"s kitchen table, watches her mother sweep around the Bible, and wonders how she will break the news that she and her husband, Ted, are getting divorced. Rose knows An-mei will tell her that she must save the marriage, but she also knows that an attempt to do so would be hopeless.Rose remembers when she first began dating Ted. At that time, both An-mei and Mrs. Jordan, Ted"s mother, had been opposed to their relationship. As a result, Rose and Ted clung to one another. Ted made all the decisions, and Rose enjoyed playing the part of Ted"s maiden in distress, whom he would always save. However, after they married, Ted, a dermatologist, lost a serious malpractice suit; he lost his confidence and began forcing Rose to make some of the decisions. He became angry when she resisted, accusing her of shirking responsibility and blame. Soon afterward, Ted asked for a divorce, to Rose"s utter shock.This meditation leads into a narration of another such emotional blow, an event from Rose"s childhood that scarred her and engendered An-mei"s loss of religious faith. The family had taken a trip to the beach, in what Rose describes as an attempt to act like a white American family. An-mei instructed Rose to watch over her younger brothers, and because Matthew, Mark, and Luke were only a few years younger than Rose and could play together self-sufficiently, the four-year-old Bing became Rose"s main responsibility. At one point during the day, Bing asked if he could walk out on the reef to where their father was fishing. Rose gave him permission, but watched him nervously as he made his way out along the crashing waves. Suddenly, Mark and Luke started a fight, and An-mei called to Rose to separate them. Rose looked up just in time to see Bing fall into the water without leaving a ripple. She stood motionless, in shock, but her sisters, returning at that moment from another stretch of the beach, instantly noticed Bing"s absence. The family rushed to the water in panic. They called state authorities, but the search for Bing"s body lasted hours with no success. Each person felt responsible for the accident.Refusing to accept their fate, An-mei drove with Rose to the beach early in the morning, although to Rose"s knowledge her mother had never driven before. An-mei took her Bible with her and stood on the shore, offering prayers to God. She also attempted to appease “the Coiling Dragon,” whom she said had stolen Bing because one of their ancestors once stole water from a sacred well. To the Dragon, An-mei made offerings of sweetened tea and a watery-blue sapphire ring, both of which she tossed into the ocean. She also voiced to Rose her belief that her nengkan, her “ability to do whatever she put her mind to,” would bring Bing back. Only after she threw a rescue tube into the ocean and saw it sucked away and turned to shreds did An-mei give up her search for Bing.At the time, Rose thought that her mother had yielded to the realization that faith could not change fate. Yet Rose comments that she now realizes “fate is shaped half by expectation, half by inattention” (hence the title of the story, “Half and Half”). Just as she believes her inattention caused Bing to drown, she thinks that her inattention to signs of her marriage deteriorating resulted in Ted"s request for a divorce. Rose ends her story on an optimistic note, by emphasizing the “expectation” side of fate. She concludes by returning to the Bible under the kitchen table, saying that she once flipped through it and saw her little brother"s name written in the “Deaths” section, “lightly, in erasable pencil.”
2023-07-22 09:55:511


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2023-07-22 09:56:014


2023-07-22 09:56:091


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2023-07-22 09:56:162


2023-07-22 09:56:241


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2023-07-22 09:56:322

谁知道哪个英语小说网站(类似 起点 的)?

2023-07-22 09:56:391


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2023-07-22 09:56:504

跪求莎士比亚《奥赛罗》剧中主要人物的英文姓名,不是中文啊 !!

OthelloThe play"s protagonist and hero. Othello is the highly respected general of the armies of Venice, although he is not a native of Venice but rather a Moor, or North African. He is an eloquent and powerful figure, respected by all those around him. In spite of his elevated status, Othello is nevertheless easy prey to insecurities because of his age, his life as a soldier, and his self-consciousness about being a racial and cultural outsider. He possesses a free and open nature that his ensign Iago exploits to twist Othello"s love for his wife, Desdemona, into a powerful and destructive jealousy. DesdemonaThe daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio. Desdemona and Othello are secretly married before the play begins. While in some ways stereotypically pure and meek, Desdemona is also determined and self-possessed. She is equally capable of defending her marriage, jesting bawdily with Iago, and responding with dignity to Othello"s incomprehensible jealousy. IagoOthello"s ensign (a senior position also known as “ancient” or “standard-bearer”), a twenty-eight-year-old military veteran from Venice. Iago is the villain of the play. Although he is obsessive, relentless, bold, and ingenius in his efforts to manipulate and deceive the other characters—particularly Othello—Iago"s motivations are notoriously murky. At various points in the play, he claims to be motivated by different things: resentment that Othello passed him over for a promotion in favor of Michael Cassio; jealousy because he heard a rumor that Othello slept with Iago"s wife, Emilia; suspicion that Cassio slept with Emilia too. Iago gives the impression that he"s tossing out plausible motivations as he thinks of them, and that we"ll never understand what really drives his villainy. He hates women and is obsessed with other people"s sex lives. Michael CassioOthello"s lieutenant, or second-in-command. Cassio is highly educated but young and inexperienced in battle. Iago resents Cassio"s high position and dismisses him as a bookkeeper. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio is ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio"s youth, good looks, and flirtatious manner with women to play on Othello"s insecurities about Desdemona"s fidelity. EmiliaIago"s wife and Desdemona"s attendant. A cynical, worldly woman, Emilia is deeply attached to her mistress and distrustful of her husband. RoderigoA jealous suitor of Desdemona. Young, rich, and foolish, Roderigo is convinced that if he gives Iago all of his money, Iago will help him win Desdemona"s hand. Repeatedly frustrated as Othello marries Desdemona and then takes her to Cyprus, Roderigo is ultimately desperate enough to agree to help Iago kill Cassio after Iago points out that Cassio is another potential rival for Desdemona. BiancaA courtesan, or prostitute, in Cyprus. Bianca"s favorite customer is Cassio, who teases her with promises of marriage but laughs at her behind her back. BrabantioDesdemona"s father, a somewhat blustering and self-important Venetian senator. As a friend of Othello, Brabantio feels betrayed when the general marries his daughter in secret. Duke of VeniceThe official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello as a public and military servant. His primary role within the play is to make Othello tell his story of how he wooed Desdemona, and then to send Othello to Cyprus. MontanoThe governor of Cyprus before Othello. We see Montano first in Act Two, as he recounts the status of the war and awaits the Venetian ships. LodovicoOne of Brabantio"s kinsmen, Lodovico acts as a messenger from Venice to Cyprus. He arrives in Cyprus in Act Four with letters announcing that Cassio is to replace Othello as governor. GrazianoBrabantio"s kinsman who accompanies Lodovico to Cyprus. Amidst the chaos of the play"s final scene, Graziano mentions that Desdemona"s father has died. ClownOthello"s servant. Although the clown appears only in two short scenes, his jokes reflect and distort the action and words of the main plots: his puns on the word “lie” in Act Three, scene 4, for example, anticipate Othello"s confusion of two meanings of that word in Act Four, scene 1.
2023-07-22 09:57:332


Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare 宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。-莎士比亚 A light heart lives long . 豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.) In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth"s a stuff that will not endure . 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long . 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Don"t gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .) The empty vessels make the greatest sound . 满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) The course of true love never did run smooth. 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。(莎士比亚) Love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. Allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred 爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦 Laughter is the root of all evil. 笑是一切罪恶的根源 Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears. It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey. 爱情是叹息吹起的一阵烟;恋人的眼中有它净化了的火星;恋人的眼泪是它激起的波涛。它又是最智慧的疯狂,哽喉的苦味,吃不到嘴的蜜糖。 Love is like a game of tug-of-war competition not stop to the beginning 爱就像一场拔河比赛 一开始就不能停下来 I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful 我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏 Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over 爱让人变乖 突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏 懂得了什么时候该耍赖 Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury 谈一场恋爱 学会了忍耐 总有些意外 会让人受伤害 If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future 只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来 Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap 你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调 No matter how long night, the arrival of daylight Association 黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来 Words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation 真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明 Love is a woman with the ears, and if the men will love, but love is to use your eyes 女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人如果会产生爱情的话,却是用眼睛来恋爱 I bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper 我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒,退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深
2023-07-22 09:57:425


Author: Jonathan Swift (Irish, born in 1667)Finished: 1726Plot Overview:Gulliveru2019s Travels recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman trained as a surgeon who takes to the seas when his business fails. In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels.Gulliveru2019s adventure in Lilliput begins when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by innumerable tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors who are in awe of him but fiercely protective of their kingdom. They are not afraid to use violence against Gulliver, though their arrows are little more than pinpricks. But overall, they are hospitable, risking famine in their land by feeding Gulliver, who consumes more food than a thousand Lilliputians combined could. Gulliver is taken into the capital city by a vast wagon the Lilliputians have specially built. He is presented to the emperor, who is entertained by Gulliver, just as Gulliver is flattered by the attention of royalty. Eventually Gulliver becomes a national resource, used by the army in its war against the people of Blefuscu, whom the Lilliputians hate for doctrinal differences concerning the proper way to crack eggs. But things change when Gulliver is convicted of treason for putting out a fire in the royal palace with his urine and is condemned to be shot in the eyes with poisoned arrows. The emperor eventually pardons him and he goes to Blefuscu, where he is able to repair a boat he finds and set sail for England.After staying in England with his wife and family for two months, Gulliver undertakes his next sea voyage, which takes him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Here, a farmer discovers him and initially treats him as little more than an animal, keeping him for amusement. The farmer eventually sells Gulliver to the queen, who makes him a courtly diversion and is entertained by his musical talents. Social life is easy for Gulliver after his discovery by the court, but not particularly enjoyable. Gulliver is often repulsed by the physicality of the Brobdingnagians, whose ordinary flaws are many times magnified by their huge size. Thus, when a couple of courtly ladies let him play on their naked bodies, he is not attracted to them but rather disgusted by their enormous skin pores and the sound of their torrential urination. He is generally startled by the ignorance of the people here—even the king knows nothing about politics. More unsettling findings in Brobdingnag come in the form of various animals of the realm that endanger his life. Even Brobdingnagian insects leave slimy trails on his food that make eating difficult. On a trip to the frontier, accompanying the royal couple, Gulliver leaves Brobdingnag when his cage is plucked up by an eagle and dropped into the sea.Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack by pirates, ends up in Laputa, where a floating island inhabited by theoreticians and academics oppresses the land below, called Balnibarbi. The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and in Balnibarbi seems totally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear wholly out of touch with reality. Taking a short side trip to Glubbdubdrib, Gulliver is able to witness the conjuring up of figures from history, such as Julius Caesar and other military leaders, whom he finds much less impressive than in books. After visiting the Luggnaggians and the Struldbrugs, the latter of which are senile immortals who prove that age does not bring wisdom, he is able to sail to Japan and from there back to England.Finally, on his fourth journey, Gulliver sets out as captain of a ship, but after the mutiny of his crew and a long confinement in his cabin, he arrives in an unknown land. This land is populated by Houyhnhnms, rational-thinking horses who rule, and by Yahoos, brutish humanlike creatures who serve the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver sets about learning their language, and when he can speak he narrates his voyages to them and explains the constitution of England. He is treated with great courtesy and kindness by the horses and is enlightened by his many conversations with them and by his exposure to their noble culture. He wants to stay with the Houyhnhnms, but his bared body reveals to the horses that he is very much like a Yahoo, and he is banished. Gulliver is grief-stricken but agrees to leave. He fashions a canoe and makes his way to a nearby island, where he is picked up by a Portuguese ship captain who treats him well, though Gulliver cannot help now seeing the captain—and all humans—as shamefully Yahoolike. Gulliver then concludes his narrative with a claim that the lands he has visited belong by rights to England, as her colonies, even though he questions the whole idea of colonialism.
2023-07-22 09:57:591

谁给我一个李尔王中的葛罗斯特这个人物的分析?急 ....先谢谢了

2023-07-22 09:58:162

英文评价了不起的盖茨比中的盖茨比comment on Gatsby

这是sparknotes我感觉很管用。http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/gatsby/canalysis.html大概说的话,Gatsby这个角色 你可以说他是个被爱冲昏了头的年轻儿,也可以把它看作美国梦的化身。不知道你这是作业还是随笔,要comment的话 我建议和其他角色对比下eg. nick, 还有加上一些symbolism eg. the green light.
2023-07-22 09:58:232

themes of Robinson Crusoe

给你个网址 上面有~~http://www.sparknotes.com/ 可以在搜索栏上找Robinson Crusoe 会给你写作参考内容 题目 之类的 比如宗教 比如Robinson的情感什么的因为是英文网站 所以最好用Google翻译一下 这是翻译过来的 复制汉语的时候英语同时复制了(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 我觉得还不错~~~ http://translate.google.cn/translate?hl=zh-CN&sl=en&u=http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/crusoe/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsparknotes%2B%2Brobinson%2Bcrusoe%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DG
2023-07-22 09:58:322


这些地址都有英文版的The Bluest Eyehttp://www.sparknotes.com/lit/bluesteye/http://www.randomhouse.com/features/morrison/excerpt.htmlhttp://www.en8848.com.cn/Soft/Class19/Class22/2006-11-08/1861.htmlhttp://www.oprah.com/obc/pastbooks/toni_morrison/obc_pb_20000427.jhtml
2023-07-22 09:58:402


The Merchant of Venice (II)原文:The Merchant of Venice(II)PART 1D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter.S: I"ve promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?译文:第一部分公爵:宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克,别这样怀恨在心。夏洛克:我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现,人们将不再信你们的法律了。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。巴萨尼奥:难道所有的人都要铲除他们所不爱的东西吗?A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don"t wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.B: I"ll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh!D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh.As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer"s clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head."After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer"s clothes, enters the room and takes her seat as judge.安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。巴萨尼奥:我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。夏洛克:即使你愿意我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我!公爵:先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?夏洛克:我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位著名的律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。"我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有学问的年轻博士在一起。我把夏洛克与安东尼奥之间的争执对他讲了。我们研究了很多法典,因此他知道我想要说的话。我请您让他替我作出判决。他很年轻,但是,我还从来不知道有这么年轻又这么聪明的人。"这封信当庭宣读之后,鲍西娅穿着律师的衣服进屋来了。她作为法官就座了。PART 2D: Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.P: Greetings! Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock?A: It is.P: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio.S: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that!P: Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? S: I ask for what is mine by law!B: I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio.P: Use your head a little, sir! We cannot change a law. If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws.S: Oh, wise young judge!P: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you.S: Here it is.P: I see. According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio"s heart. Be merciful! Let me destroy this paper.--No? Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.公爵;您好,博学的法官!我并不羡慕您的职业。这是一个最麻烦的案子。鲍西娅:您好!请坐下。你叫安东尼奥吗?这是你与夏洛克签订的借约吗?安东尼奥;是的。鲍西娅:那么,夏洛克可得大发慈悲才是。他可得宽恕安东尼奥啊。夏洛克:为什么我必得宽恕他呢?请告诉我这一点!鲍西娅:慈悲带来益处。慈悲像甘露从天空中降到地面上,它不但赐福施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。我们应该学会宽恕他人。你还要求得到这一磅肉吗?夏洛克:我要求得到根据法律属于我的东西。巴萨尼奥:我愿出十倍于安东尼奥的借款,请您把法律稍为变更一下,使我们能够救出安东尼奥的生命。鲍西娅:请用你的脑袋想一想,先生。我们不能变更法律,要是变更了一条法律,那么人们还会要变更别的法律的。夏洛克:噢,聪明年轻的法官啊!鲍西娅;让我看一看借约,就是安东尼奥向你许下的诺言。夏活克:给您。鲍西娅:我明白了。根据法律,夏洛克可以得到一磅肉,由他从最靠近安东尼奥心脏的部位割下来。慈悲一点吧!让我撕毁这张借约吧。不能撕?那么,安东尼奥,你做好准备;夏洛克,拿起你的刀子准备割肉吧。S: Oh, learned judge! Oh, wise young man!P: Have you brought anything to weigh the flesh?S: Yes. I have everything ready here.P: Do you have a doctor, Shylock, to stop Antonio"s blood?B: That fox!P: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio?A: Only a little. Goodbye Bassanio. Don"t be sad for me. Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you. If Shylock cuts deep enough, I"ll pay him back with all my heart.B: Let me take you in my arms and say goodbye. I love you more than my own life, more than my wife, and more than all the world. (He cries.)P: Your wife would not be pleased to hear you say that.S: We are wasting time.P: Take your pound of flesh! I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.Shylock advances towards Antonio and prepares to use his knife.P: Wait! There is something else. Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh. But he has not promised to give you any of his blood. If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money.S: Is that the law?P: That is the law. You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. : I will take the money. Give me three more than Antonio borrowed from me.夏洛克;噢,博学的法官!噢,聪明的年轻人!鲍西娅:你带来了称肉的器具吗?夏洛克:是的。我把一切都准备好了。 鲍西娅:夏洛克,你是否请了医生来给安东尼奥止血呢?夏洛克:借约上可没有这一条。巴萨尼奥:你这只狐狸!鲍西娅:安东尼奥,你还想说什么吗?安东尼奥:我只想说一点。巴萨尼奥,永别了。不要为我悲伤。把我的情况告诉你的妻子,对她说我多么爱你。要是夏洛克割得够深的话,我就要以整个心偿还他的债了。巴萨尼奥:让我拥抱你一下,说声再见吧。我爱你胜过爱我自己的生命、自己的妻子和整个世界。(他哭了。)鲍西娅:你的妻子听到你那么说是会不高兴的。夏洛克:我们是在浪费时间。鲍西娅:割走你要的那一磅肉吗!我宣布法庭许可你(这样做),法律(把它)判给你。(夏洛克走向安东尼奥,准备动他的刀子。)鲍西娅:且慢!事情还没完。安东尼奥许诺给你他身上的一磅肉。但是他并没有答应给你他身上的任何一滴血。要是你让他身上的血流下一滴,你将失去你所有的土地和财产。夏洛克:法律上是这样说的吗?鲍西娅:这就是法律。你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正吗,比你要求的还要多。夏洛克:我愿意要钱。请给我加三倍还给我安东尼奥向我借的钱。B: Here it is. (He cries out, full of joy.)P: Wait! Shylock would not take the money earlier. All he wanted was right to be done. That is all he can have now. you must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall.Shylock turns and starts to leave the court.P: Wait, Shylock. The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.S: Good sir. I beg for mercy and beg your pardon..D: I shall not have you killed. But as your punishment, half of your money is now Antonio"s. You must give the other half to the city of Venice.S: Take my life too! My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself. They are my only comfort. When you take those away from me, you also take my life.A: I shall be happy to give up my part of Shylock"s money. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.S: I promise. Let me go home now. I am not well.相关链接: The Merchant of Venice(I)巴萨尼奥:钱在这儿。(他满怀喜悦地喊了出来。)鲍西娅:别忙!夏洛克先前已经拒绝要钱了。他所要求的只是公正。这是他现在所能得到的一切。你必须割下整一磅肉,不准多也不准少。而且不准流一滴血。(夏洛克转过身,要离开法庭。)鲍西娅:等一等,夏洛克。威尼斯的法律规定任何企图杀害或谋害任何威尼斯公民的人,他所有的一切必须被没收。他的钱和财产的一半必须给威尼斯城,另一半必须给他企图杀害的人。他的生命全凭公爵处置。因此你快快跪下请求公爵开恩吧。夏洛克:仁慈的先生,我乞求你的饶恕和原谅。公爵:我将不处死你,但是作为对你的惩罚,你的财产的一半现在是安东尼奥的了。你必须把另一半交给威尼斯城。夏洛克:把我的命也拿走吧!我的钱财对我就像生命一样宝贵。它们是我唯一的安慰。你们没收了我的财物,也就是要了我的命。安东尼奥:我将高兴地放弃我应得的夏洛克财产的那一半。夏洛克必须答应在他死后把这笔财产留给他的女儿和女婿。夏洛克:我答应。现在让我回家吧。我不舒服。
2023-07-22 09:58:503

求 henry james The Portrait of A Lady的英文读后感 500字

Portrait of a Lady Henry James Isabel Archer is an American young woman brought to Europe by her aunt, Mrs. Touchette. She meets her uncle, Mr. Touchette, and cousin, Ralph, and lives with the Touchette family in their home at Gardencourt. As she stays with the Touchettes, a neighbor, Lord Warburton, falls in love with her and proposes. She turns him down. Her friend from America, Henrietta Stackpole, also comes to England and spends some time with Isabel. Henrietta is more outspoken and opinionated than Isabel and tries to guide her friend before she leaves Isabel at Gardencourt. Ralph Touchette stands back and watches all of them with a bit of cynicism. Mrs. Touchette is planning to take Isabel to her residence in Europe. First she must stay in England while family matters conclude. While Ralph and his parents are tied up, another visitor comes to Gardencourt. Madame Merle is the most fascinating person Isabel has ever met. She seems to be her own person and very accomplished. This synopsis barely gets the story started. Isabel comes into a great deal of money and is now independent. She goes to Europe with Mrs. Touchette and meets yet another suitor, Gilbert Osmond, and his daughter, Pansy. Lord Warburton meets her in Rome. An American suitor comes over to see her in Europe. Isabel makes choices that affect the rest of her life, and then has to deal with the consequences. The Portrait of a Lady is a classic, first published in England in 1881 and in the United States in 1901. James takes us through Isabel"s life, never apologizing for her actions. James also is not known for happy endings. Unfortunately, he also is known for being wordy. I found him very wordy. And boring by the middle of the book. By the time Isabel was is Florence and meeting Gilbert Osmond I was tired of reading the droning paragraphs. I liked his characters" interactions and development. But those were not enough to keep me awake. Too often I found this book to be a good sleeping tool. While there are others who agree with me, this book is still considered a masterpiece. Many a student will have to study it in school. Thank goodness for those people with my temperament there are Cliff notes.The simple story here is of a brilliant, sensitive young woman who is given a fortune by a cousin"s intervention with the goal of helping her find her destiny. The story is beautifully designed to lead inexorably to a tragic ending, affirming at the same time an unbreakable adherence to moral codes between individuals, and only incidentally the product of church or state. The plot is developed solely upon the heroine"s character. All others are tools of her fulfillment or destruction. Her lofty intellect, in the end, gives her an awareness of the inevitable conclusion to her own decisions and the need to accept them, and to hopefully await a better situation. All the characters are deeply drawn and faulted, and even the heroine has the self esteem to warn her of the trap that has been set against her. There are slow spots, as in any 700 page novel, but I am greatly looking forward to my book club discussion of this next month. It will be followed by high tea at the Ritz Carlton. A month later this discussion will lead to luncheon and a movie excursion to see the perfect Nicole Kidman in the role of Isabel Archer. There is a great deal of wonderful information on line to enhance understanding and enrich pleasure. It is, in spite of its length, a book to read at least once again. It is not dirtied by frog princes. If you require this, I recommend Hans Christian Anderson! 再给你一个英文简介http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/portraitlady/summary.html
2023-07-22 09:58:571


2023-07-22 09:59:151


海明威研究第一辑1.《海明威研究在中国/The Study Of E·hemingway In China 》作者:邱平壤编著 出版社:黑龙江教育出版社ISBN:9787531610335 / 7531610337出版时间:1990.5 丛编项:开放丛书 思想文化系列简介:本书包括对海明威四大小说、短篇小说,思想以及艺术成就,艺术风格之研究。主题项:海明威-E.-文学研究 文学研究-海明威,E.更多同类图书:文学艺术?文学?作品集?外国文学作品集2.《迷惘者的一生——海明威传》[M]. 著名海明威研究专家卡洛斯 贝克,林基海译.湖南人民出版社3.董衡巽 中国社会科学院外国文学研究所研究员、博士生导师。浙江人,1934年1月生。1958年毕业于北京大学西语系,发表作品有:《美国文学简史》(负责人)、《美国现代小说论》(主编)、《海明威研究》、《海明威谈创作》、《海明威研究》, 北京,中国社会科学院出版社,1980。4. 杨仁敬教授《海明威在中国》一书的增订本(厦门大学出版社,2006年)5.《海明威死亡意识的宗教意识》[J].曹明伦.《国外文学》,2004 (3). 第二辑[1]裴立鹏 张敏.《自卑与超越——海明威“硬汉性格”的心理成因》.《齐齐哈尔大学学报》(哲学社会科学版).2000年5月. [2]徐乐怡. 《论海明威小说的悲剧美》. 《许昌师专学报》2000年第4期. [3]刘久明. 《“重压下的优雅风度” 与海明威的“准则英雄” 》.北京:《外国文学研究》.1998年第2期. [4]苏顺强. 《论海明威的虚无思想》.人大报刊复印资料 《外国文学研究》.2000年第1期. [5]罗明洲. 《论海明威的死亡情结》.北京:《外国文学研究》.1999年第2期. [6]曾塞男. 《论海明威作品中的死亡意识》. 北京 :《外国文学研究》.1998年第3期. [7]刘久明. 《海明威文化心理结构浅析》. 北京:《外国文学研究》.1998年第4期. [8]刘铁.《给人类增添信心与力量的文学形象——论海明威的“生命英雄” 》.北京:《外国文学研究》.1998年第2期.第三辑1.浅析海明威《老人与海》的艺术风格及其硬汉性格 The Artistic Writing Style and Hemingway"s Unyielding Character in "The Old Man and the Sea" [青海民族研究 Nationalities Research in Qinghai] 罗雪娟 , LUO Xue-juan 2.海明威的文艺思想探析 Brief Analysis of Hemingway"s Literary Thought [郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版) Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management(Social Science Edition)] 王爱玲 , WANG Ai-Ling 3.海明威的"青丝情结"——试论海明威的妇女观 Hemingway"s "Hair Complex"——Hemingway"s Idea on Women [哈尔滨学院学报 Journal of Harbin University] 孙玉琢 4.海明威小说的对话性 The Conversational Characteristics in Hemingway"s Novels [济南职业学院学报 Journal of Jinan Vocational College] 赵若纯 , Zhao Ruochun 5.海明威与他的硬汉英雄 Hemingway and His Unyielding Hero [天津外国语学院学报 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University] 田耀 , 蒋瑜 6.并存于海明威作品中的双重意识 On Double Consciousness Existing in the Works by Earnest Hemingway [东北财经大学学报 Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics] 张巧毅 7.海明威小说的情绪线索 The Emotional Plot of Hemingway"s Novels [佳木斯大学社会科学学报 Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University] 郑孝萍 , ZHENG Xiao-ping 8.存在?生存?人生--海明威的长篇小说《永别了,武器》解读 Existence, Living and Life--the Interpretation of Hemingway"s Novel "Farewell to Arms" [武汉科技学院学报 Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering] 李晓珍 9.从《老人与海》看海明威的自然生态意识 Hemingway" s Ecological Consciousness Reflected in The Old Man and the Sea [商丘职业技术学院学报 Journal of Shangqiu Vocational and Technical College] 王育烽 , WANG Yu-feng 10.孤寂的心灵 自尊的生活——论海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》的主题 A Desolate Soul Lives a Dignified Life: The Theme of Hemingway"s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place [浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)] 毛坚舫 11.海明威、古巴渔夫与《老人与海》的经典硬汉形象 Ernest Hemingway. Cuban Fisherman. and the Classical Heroic Character in "The Old Man and the Sea" [贵阳学院学报(社会科学版) Journal of Guiyang Teacher"s College] 杨植 , YANG Zhi 12.看海明威如何"表现"《十个印第安人》的故事 How Hemingway Shows the Story of Ten Indians [台州学院学报 Journal of Tanzhou University] 毛华奋
2023-07-22 09:59:247


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2023-07-22 09:59:393


个人认为,这道题应该不是高中物理题,因为我记得高中的时候还没有学过角动量的概念. 当轮子旋转的时候除非是完全水平,否则一定会有倾斜角,因为不水平的话,角动量方向就会与重力方向有夹角,那么重力就会使轮子产生一个角加速度,当角动量在角加速度的作用下就会产生一个"附加角动量"(这个词并不准确,但是好理解),将产生由横动和进动组合而成的旋转运动,所以,这个夹角是不会消失的. 不知道你明白了没 补充答案:角动量的方向,用右手四指圈成旋转方向,拇指所指的方向就是角动量的方向.另外回答突鲁反丈的提问,当有倾斜角的时候,绳子也是竖直的,只是角动量不在竖直方向上.
2023-07-22 09:59:462

Things Fall Apart 中文版 作者是 Chinua achebe pdf,txt格式什么都可以只要是中文版的!中文版!要完整

= =有卖书不代表网上有TXT流传~当然~你要是觉得你水平足够~可以去问出版社要~以上~
2023-07-22 10:00:043

《After visting hours》 U.A.Fanthorpe 我需要这首诗的详细英文赏析 有link也行 重奖!

替你找到了,以下就是你要的整篇诗:AFTER VISITING HOURS by U.A.FanthorpeLike gulls they are still calling-"I"ll come again Tuesday.Our DadSends his love.They diminish,are gone.Their world has received them,As our world confirms us.Their debrisIs tidied into vases, lockers, minds.We become pulses; mouthpiecesOf thermometers and bowels.The trolley"s rattle dispatchesThe last lover. Now we can relaxInto illness, and reliably abstractedNurses will straighten our sheets,Reorganize our symptoms. OutsideDarkness descends like an eyelid.It rains on our nearest and dearestIn car-parks,at bus-stops.Now the bed-bound rehearseTheir repertoire of movements,The dressing-gowned shuffles,cluthingTheir glass bodies.Now siren voices whisperFrom headphones, and vagrantDoctors appear, wreathed in stethoscopesLike South Sea dancers.All"s well, all"s quiet as the greatArk noses her way into night,Caulked, battened, blessed for her trip,And behind, the gulls crying.希望会对你有帮助,若满意请采纳。
2023-07-22 10:00:583


2023-07-22 10:01:051


2023-07-22 10:02:163


两个月拿下GRE,这个和自己的逻辑思维、英语水平,每天的有效学习时间,学习效率等等都有密不可分的关系。今天,我就从:单词、刷题材料、时间分配来给大家做一个规划吧!一、 单词其实无论是多么小白的学生都知道GRE单词对于GRE考试的重要性。举个例子:The company is so old-fashioned and opposed to innovation that it can seem downright _____.【选自真经GRE填空机经1200题section8第8题】A. antediluvianB. flightyC. archaicD. chauvinisticE. capriciousF. patronizing这个题从难度上来说基本上属于最简单的类型了,但是这6个选项很少有学生能够全部认识。所以在实际做题的时候正确率其实不算高,很明显都是因为词汇影响了正确率。当然,类似这样的题目举不胜举。所以,尤其是对于小白同学来说,一定要重视单词的问题。对于词汇书的选择,目前比较推荐的是《GRE镇考机经词6.0》和《GRE高频真词表》,这两本词汇书的单词全部选自于真题,对于考试时间比较有限的同学来说,是效率非常高的。目前市面上其他的词汇书可能存在以下问题:①选词过于偏,很多单词根本考试没考过;②不贴近考试,很多考试的单词词汇书却没有,比如我举一个例子evangelist(热情推动者),这个单词你在绝大部分GRE词汇书中根本查不到,但是这个单词却是在GRE考试中真正的考过。③不体现单词重点,低频词和高频词放在一起无法区分,让时间有限的同学很难抉择。而很多同学可能会有一个误区:我一定要先背单词,然后再开始培训,刷题。其实在60天的时间中,这种做法肯定是不合适的。如果等你真的把单词背好了,你留下的学习时间也不多了。所以我给出的建议是:边学边背单词,无论你是纯自学还是结合机构的培训课程学,这种规划都是更合理的。为什么边学边背词更好呢?首先,你的学习时间有限,必须每天安排得更加充实;其次,在学习过程中做题也是一个非常好的背单词或复习单词的方法,有些可能背过好几遍都记不住的单词,可能在做题的时候错过一次就永远记住了(这个感觉自己想想有没有在学习过程中出现过)。这两个月,可以每天安排200个单词的任务,然后同时复习200个之前的单词,剩下的时间就用来刷题巩固知识点。二、刷题的材料现在市面上同学用的最多的应该就是《GRE填空机经1200题》、《GRE阅读机经240篇》、《GRE数学机经200题》《最新回忆版数学机经238题》《GRE数学满分宝典》《数学难题170》这几个吧。上面的这些资料是行业内为数不多既提供真题还提供解析的资料。解析对于同学们来说尤为重要,GRE的很多题目是看了答案,很可能都想不明白的,所以大家要通过解析去反思和总结自己的问题和错题原因。另外,以上所有的机经均为考试真题,大家就知道它的意义和能量了。对于GRE备考而言,把机经做好就足够了,其他的一些资料,例如OG、150、mangoosh、kaplan,不建议做,原因一OG、150都是很多年前的题目了,很老了。 而mangoosh和kaplan等这种国外培训机构出的题目,本身和ETS的出题思路差别很大。当然了,如果你实在不放心,机经都做透了,且时间还有一大推,那么想去做做其他的,也不拦着。当然,个人觉得有这个时间还不如多弄弄gpa,多提升一些自己的软背景。60天该如何分配刷题时间呢?首先,我一直强调,真题最好要刷“两遍”。第一遍先测试自己的水平,知道自己的问题所在,然后把一些错题做好标记。第二遍是准确分析题目,知道自己为什么错,该用什么方法去做对,下次怎么避免出错。具体安排:填空第一遍每天5个section,阅读每天5篇,数学每天50个题目。按照这个量来做的话,60天是可以做完两遍的。不过这个过程是真的很难熬,尤其是初期做题方法比较差的时候,可能要花很多时间来完成任何,甚至让你没有时间去刷朋友圈,没有时间去约会,没有时间去开一把王者荣耀,但是考GRE的选择本身就是选择了hard模式,坚持吧,少年!第二遍就会好很多,一方面是单词量明显上升了,另外一方面,随着自己学习的过程,做题的方法技巧也学到了很多。这个过程中,可以去参加机构的GRE培训课程,如果经济条件不允许的同学可以去各个机构蹭蹭公开课,里面也是会有老师讲解干货知识的。真经GRE团队还会对每次考试的真题做免费的直播解析,也可以来听听,看看真题到底怎么去入手。具体该如何去分析错题呢?首先,要做到做题一定要有标记,最初级的标记就是至少能够查到哪个题错了。高级一点的呢是得知道错误的原因。当然大家前期可能只能做到初级的标记,不过这个能力是逐渐提升的,不用太急,等过一段时间之后你就开始学会去标记错误的原因了。到最后阶段,大家还必须学会自己给题目写解析。如果大家最后达到了给题目写解析的能力,那么非常好,你已经可以被称为准大神了。三、 刷题过程填空:先不查任何单词做一遍,请记住,不要怕错误率高,前期的打击就是努力的动力。做完一个section之后可以一个题一个题地查生词,然后分析题目,是否是因为单词的原因错了,还是说就算单词认识这个题也不会做。如果是纯单词原因,这种题可以不设为难题,记得加强单词就ok。但是如果是方法理解出了问题错的题,请一定要更加重视,务必做到知道如何错的,该怎么去改正,自己写出正确的解析。阅读:首先记住,阅读是不会有词汇问题的!如果有,只能说明你连比GRE还低级的词汇量都没有掌握好,所以一个优秀的阅读老师在课堂中是不会像填空老师一样去讲解单词的。阅读最重要的就是找到每一个选项的错误原因,是混淆是非,无中生有,以偏概全还是其他的类型,当然这些东西GRE老师都会自己教会你去区别。最后,正确答案为什么是对的,对应到文章哪个部分,如何和原文表述的一样的意思,这个内容一定要懂!数学:数学影响高分有两个点:一个点是知识体系,数字的敏感度, 第二点是坑题。知识体系是GRE数学的基础:比如排列组合概率知识点是否还熟悉,例如高中数学里面的插空法捆绑法在GRE数学中就经常考察到。正态分布的知识点是否学过,例如离平均数不超过一个标准方差和两个标准方差的比例是否背得下来(而且这个比例和国内数学书里面的数据有一点小小的出入)。知识点体系大家可以阅读《GRE数学满分宝典》来进行补充,数字敏感度是否到位,能够30秒以内列举出所有100以内的质数。比如真题曾经考过这样一个题目说a和b都是正整数,然后a平方+b平方=145,问a+b的值可能是多少。这个题很多同学就在想可能有什么代数公式可以直接一次算出来,其实这个题正确的做法就是代入数字试,所以可以算出一个是12一个是1,或者一个是8一个是9,所以答案是13或者17。GRE坑题可以说是制约很多同学拿高分的黑手,坑很多 ,一不小心就踩坑,踩了坑还自己都不知道。很多国内和美本的数学专业的同学GRE数学考不好,他们很郁闷,觉得知识点都会,题目都会做,怎么分数就这么低呢?这就是踩坑了还浑然不知。举一个例子吧,还算比较坑的题目。例:15% of the class is 16 years old or older, at least how many students are there in the class?很多同学一看这个题总觉得缺条件,说我咋算班级人数呢。。。可是这个题真的就出现在GRE考试中,其实考的就是一个点:人数必须是整数,所以这个题的意思是保证15%乘以人数=整数,然后问人数的最小值,所以答案应该是20!攻克坑题,大家可以用《数学难题170》写作:GRE写作是技巧性很强的一个科目,如果是理工科学生,那么3.5万岁,那么文科学生最好还是4+的分数。如果是写作问题不大,且不要求写作高分的同学,可以去一些论坛上找一些高分文章和写作攻略就OK。如果是目标分数要求高,且自己写作问题比较严重的,最好找老师学习。写作作为输出科目,自学效果应该是最差的,所以建议大家写作还是不要偷懒,踏踏实实上课考前模考:大家一定要注意在正式考试之前一定要模考,模考只推荐官方题目pp2,ppo,ppp都是非常优良的材料,模考主要是为了适应考试的节奏。祝福大家备考顺利,旗开得胜!!
2023-07-22 10:02:262


问清楚点啊 我感觉 百度 不错呵呵华军 太平洋 下软件还不错下游戏的话就用比特精灵 BT特工
2023-07-22 10:02:365


WUTHERING HEIGHTS uff08BOOK REVIEWuff09 "Wuthering Heights" which written by Emily Bronte who revered as one of the finest writers of the nineteenth century is one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature.But when it frist published in 1847, it was not well received by the reading public. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place until Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff, everything changed. Catherine the daughter of the house found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she is. Soon Catherine falls in love with him and recognizes him as her soulmate. Even their love is stronger than death but she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. Under an obsession of desire for social prominence, her married Edgar Linton instead. By doing this brought on a necessary consequence--- Heathcliff destroied them all including himself. "Wuthering Heights" is a bit difficult to get into. The story feed into the flow of the work in a unusuall way. The story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. What impressed me most is the love between Heathcliff and Catherine. Also they have found their ture love which is as strong as death,but none of them turn to a ture lover, what is ture love then ?LOVE is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast,it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seekig, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. LOVE does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevers.LOVE never fails. ----(13:4-8 CORINTHIANS) The ememies of the love is animosity and jealous,these can ruin a loving relationship very quickly. The animosity between them is expressed when Heathcliff and Edgar start a hostile conversation after Cathy"s homecoming at Christmas near the beginning of the book. As the story progresses these two become bitter enemies who will not speak to one another. Another relationship which jealousy ruined is the one between Hareton and Linton. these two become jealous of each other over Cathy"s affections. this relationship ends as Hareton and Linton hating each other. In our life we often fall shout of Jesus" injunction to be perfect. to forgive and forget offenses enable imperfect people to grow and improve and exemplify unconditional love. It is easier said than done. It seems totally unfair that we should have to forgive when we have been hurt. The longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it becomes. Time cures wounds, but sometimes it really doesn"t heal, it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away people"s goodness. Just ask yourself "How many of us have never be hurt ?". For the truth is that unless we can forgive, our wound can never recover, they will continue to fester and never heal. As it says "Whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves" just like Heathcliff ,if he could recognize this principle and follow it, all the tragedies shall be avoid. Love and forgive makes the world go round.Patience is a plaster for all sores. Next time when you get hurt, remember the saying "To err is human; to forgive divine" and following those instructions.
2023-07-22 10:03:162

《哈姆莱特》赏析 或者是莎士比亚任意作品的赏析,要英文的

- Navigate Here -ContextPlot OverviewCharacter ListAnalysis of Major CharactersThemes, Motifs & Symbols--------------------Act I, scene iAct I, scene iiAct I, scenes iii–ivAct I, scene v–Act II, scene iAct II, scene iiAct III, scene iAct III, scene iiAct III, scene iiiAct III, scene ivAct IV, scenes i–iiAct IV, scenes iii–ivAct IV, scenes v–viAct IV, scene viiAct V, scene iAct V, scene ii--------------------Important Quotations ExplainedKey FactsStudy Questions & Essay TopicsQuizSuggestions for Further Reading Themes, Motifs & SymbolsThemesThemes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.The Impossibility of CertaintyWhat separates Hamlet from other revenge plays (and maybe from every play written before it) is that the action we expect to see, particularly from Hamlet himself, is continually postponed while Hamlet tries to obtain more certain knowledge about what he is doing. This play poses many questions that other plays would simply take for granted. Can we have certain knowledge about ghosts? Is the ghost what it appears to be, or is it really a misleading fiend? Does the ghost have reliable knowledge about its own death, or is the ghost itself deluded? Moving to more earthly matters: How can we know for certain the facts about a crime that has no witnesses? Can Hamlet know the state of Claudius"s soul by watching his behavior? If so, can he know the facts of what Claudius did by observing the state of his soul? Can Claudius (or the audience) know the state of Hamlet"s mind by observing his behavior and listening to his speech? Can we know whether our actions will have the consequences we want them to have? Can we know anything about the afterlife?Many people have seen Hamlet as a play about indecisiveness, and thus about Hamlet"s failure to act appropriately. It might be more interesting to consider that the play shows us how many uncertainties our lives are built upon, how many unknown quantities are taken for granted when people act or when they evaluate one another"s actions.The Complexity of ActionDirectly related to the theme of certainty is the theme of action. How is it possible to take reasonable, effective, purposeful action? In Hamlet, the question of how to act is affected not only by rational considerations, such as the need for certainty, but also by emotional, ethical, and psychological factors. Hamlet himself appears to distrust the idea that it"s even possible to act in a controlled, purposeful way. When he does act, he prefers to do it blindly, recklessly, and violently. The other characters obviously think much less about “action” in the abstract than Hamlet does, and are therefore less troubled about the possibility of acting effectively. They simply act as they feel is appropriate. But in some sense they prove that Hamlet is right, because all of their actions miscarry. Claudius possesses himself of queen and crown through bold action, but his conscience torments him, and he is beset by threats to his authority (and, of course, he dies). Laertes resolves that nothing will distract him from acting out his revenge, but he is easily influenced and manipulated into serving Claudius"s ends, and his poisoned rapier is turned back upon himself.The Mystery of DeathIn the aftermath of his father"s murder, Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of death, and over the course of the play he considers death from a great many perspectives. He ponders both the spiritual aftermath of death, embodied in the ghost, and the physical remainders of the dead, such as by Yorick"s skull and the decaying corpses in the cemetery. Throughout, the idea of death is closely tied to the themes of spirituality, truth, and uncertainty in that death may bring the answers to Hamlet"s deepest questions, ending once and for all the problem of trying to determine truth in an ambiguous world. And, since death is both the cause and the consequence of revenge, it is intimately tied to the theme of revenge and justice—Claudius"s murder of King Hamlet initiates Hamlet"s quest for revenge, and Claudius"s death is the end of that quest.The question of his own death plagues Hamlet as well, as he repeatedly contemplates whether or not suicide is a morally legitimate action in an unbearably painful world. Hamlet"s grief and misery is such that he frequently longs for death to end his suffering, but he fears that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to eternal suffering in hell because of the Christian religion"s prohibition of suicide. In his famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy (III.i), Hamlet philosophically concludes that no one would choose to endure the pain of life if he or she were not afraid of what will come after death, and that it is this fear which causes complex moral considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.The Nation as a Diseased BodyEverything is connected in Hamlet, including the welfare of the royal family and the health of the state as a whole. The play"s early scenes explore the sense of anxiety and dread that surrounds the transfer of power from one ruler to the next. Throughout the play, characters draw explicit connections between the moral legitimacy of a ruler and the health of the nation. Denmark is frequently described as a physical body made ill by the moral corruption of Claudius and Gertrude, and many observers interpret the presence of the ghost as a supernatural omen indicating that “[s]omething is rotten in the state of Denmark” (I.iv.67). The dead King Hamlet is portrayed as a strong, forthright ruler under whose guard the state was in good health, while Claudius, a wicked politician, has corrupted and compromised Denmark to satisfy his own appetites. At the end of the play, the rise to power of the upright Fortinbras suggests that Denmark will be strengthened once again.MotifsMotifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text"s major themes.Incest and Incestuous DesireThe motif of incest runs throughout the play and is frequently alluded to by Hamlet and the ghost, most obviously in conversations about Gertrude and Claudius, the former brother-in-law and sister-in-law who are now married. A subtle motif of incestuous desire can be found in the relationship of Laertes and Ophelia, as Laertes sometimes speaks to his sister in suggestively sexual terms and, at her funeral, leaps into her grave to hold her in his arms. However, the strongest overtones of incestuous desire arise in the relationship of Hamlet and Gertrude, in Hamlet"s fixation on Gertrude"s sex life with Claudius and his preoccupation with her in general. MisogynyShattered by his mother"s decision to marry Claudius so soon after her husband"s death, Hamlet becomes cynical about women in general, showing a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection between female sexuality and moral corruption. This motif of misogyny, or hatred of women, occurs sporadically throughout the play, but it is an important inhibiting factor in Hamlet"s relationships with Ophelia and Gertrude. He urges Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the corruptions of sexuality and exclaims of Gertrude, “Frailty, thy name is woman” (I.ii.146).Ears and HearingOne facet of Hamlet"s exploration of the difficulty of attaining true knowledge is slipperiness of language. Words are used to communicate ideas, but they can also be used to distort the truth, manipulate other people, and serve as tools in corrupt quests for power. Claudius, the shrewd politician, is the most obvious example of a man who manipulates words to enhance his own power. The sinister uses of words are represented by images of ears and hearing, from Claudius"s murder of the king by pouring poison into his ear to Hamlet"s claim to Horatio that “I have words to speak in thine ear will make thee dumb” (IV.vi.21). The poison poured in the king"s ear by Claudius is used by the ghost to symbolize the corrosive effect of Claudius"s dishonesty on the health of Denmark. Declaring that the story that he was killed by a snake is a lie, he says that “the whole ear of Denmark” is “Rankly abused. . . .” (I.v.36–38).SymbolsSymbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.Yorick"s SkullIn Hamlet, physical objects are rarely used to represent thematic ideas. One important exception is Yorick"s skull, which Hamlet discovers in the graveyard in the first scene of Act V. As Hamlet speaks to the skull and about the skull of the king"s former jester, he fixates on death"s inevitability and the disintegration of the body. He urges the skull to “get you to my lady"s chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come”—no one can avoid death (V.i.178–179). He traces the skull"s mouth and says, “Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft,” indicating his fascination with the physical consequences of death (V.i.174–175). This latter idea is an important motif throughout the play, as Hamlet frequently makes comments referring to every human body"s eventual decay, noting that Polonius will be eaten by worms, that even kings are eaten by worms, and that dust from the decayed body of Alexander the Great might be used to stop a hole in a beer barrel. Classic Books Hamlet Shakespeare http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/hamlet/themes.html
2023-07-22 10:03:272

蝇王里的simon是怎么死的? 求各位前辈用英文回答一下,,坐等答案。

楼上的大哥啊piggy才是被石头砸死的Simon是被一群小孩打死的应为是大雷天,他们在搞party时发现simon窜回来了然后Jack误以为Simon是beastie然后一鼓作气带着一群小孩把Simon打死了我Summerschool刚修过这本书保证正确老师的作业你就写Simon was slaughtered by a group of kids.
2023-07-22 10:03:364


Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》 by William Shakespearehttp://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/merchant/http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/merchant/summary.htmlPlot OverviewAntonio, a Venetian merchant, complains to his friends of a melancholy that he cannot explain. His friend Bassanio is desperately in need of money to court Portia, a wealthy heiress who lives in the city of Belmont. Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan in order to travel in style to Portia"s estate. Antonio agrees, but is unable to make the loan himself because his own money is all invested in a number of trade ships that are still at sea. Antonio suggests that Bassanio secure the loan from one of the city"s moneylenders and name Antonio as the loan"s guarantor. In Belmont, Portia expresses sadness over the terms of her father"s will, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of three caskets. None of Portia"s current suitors are to her liking, and she and her lady-in-waiting, Nerissa, fondly remember a visit paid some time before by Bassanio. In Venice, Antonio and Bassanio approach Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, for a loan. Shylock nurses a long-standing grudge against Antonio, who has made a habit of berating Shylock and other Jews for their usury, the practice of loaning money at exorbitant rates of interest, and who undermines their business by offering interest-free loans. Although Antonio refuses to apologize for his behavior, Shylock acts agreeably and offers to lend Bassanio three thousand ducats with no interest. Shylock adds, however, that should the loan go unpaid, Shylock will be entitled to a pound of Antonio"s own flesh. Despite Bassanio"s warnings, Antonio agrees. In Shylock"s own household, his servant Lancelot decides to leave Shylock"s service to work for Bassanio, and Shylock"s daughter Jessica schemes to elope with Antonio"s friend Lorenzo. That night, the streets of Venice fill up with revelers, and Jessica escapes with Lorenzo by dressing as his page. After a night of celebration, Bassanio and his friend Graziano leave for Belmont, where Bassanio intends to win Portia"s hand.In Belmont, Portia welcomes the prince of Morocco, who has come in an attempt to choose the right casket to marry her. The prince studies the inscriptions on the three caskets and chooses the gold one, which proves to be an incorrect choice. In Venice, Shylock is furious to find that his daughter has run away, but rejoices in the fact that Antonio"s ships are rumored to have been wrecked and that he will soon be able to claim his debt. In Belmont, the prince of Aragon also visits Portia. He, too, studies the caskets carefully, but he picks the silver one, which is also incorrect. Bassanio arrives at Portia"s estate, and they declare their love for one another. Despite Portia"s request that he wait before choosing, Bassanio immediately picks the correct casket, which is made of lead. He and Portia rejoice, and Graziano confesses that he has fallen in love with Nerissa. The couples decide on a double wedding. Portia gives Bassanio a ring as a token of love, and makes him swear that under no circumstances will he part with it. They are joined, unexpectedly, by Lorenzo and Jessica. The celebration, however, is cut short by the news that Antonio has indeed lost his ships, and that he has forfeited his bond to Shylock. Bassanio and Graziano immediately travel to Venice to try and save Antonio"s life. After they leave, Portia tells Nerissa that they will go to Venice disguised as men.Shylock ignores the many pleas to spare Antonio"s life, and a trial is called to decide the matter. The duke of Venice, who presides over the trial, announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who turns out to be Portia disguised as a young man of law. Portia asks Shylock to show mercy, but he remains inflexible and insists the pound of flesh is rightfully his. Bassanio offers Shylock twice the money due him, but Shylock insists on collecting the bond as it is written. Portia examines the contract and, finding it legally binding, declares that Shylock is entitled to the merchant"s flesh. Shylock ecstatically praises her wisdom, but as he is on the verge of collecting his due, Portia reminds him that he must do so without causing Antonio to bleed, as the contract does not entitle him to any blood. Trapped by this logic, Shylock hastily agrees to take Bassanio"s money instead, but Portia insists that Shylock take his bond as written, or nothing at all. Portia informs Shylock that he is guilty of conspiring against the life of a Venetian citizen, which means he must turn over half of his property to the state and the other half to Antonio. The duke spares Shylock"s life and takes a fine instead of Shylock"s property. Antonio also forgoes his half of Shylock"s wealth on two conditions: first, Shylock must convert to Christianity, and second, he must will the entirety of his estate to Lorenzo and Jessica upon his death. Shylock agrees and takes his leave.Bassanio, who does not see through Portia"s disguise, showers the young law clerk with thanks, and is eventually pressured into giving Portia the ring with which he promised never to part. Graziano gives Nerissa, who is disguised as Portia"s clerk, his ring. The two women return to Belmont, where they find Lorenzo and Jessica declaring their love to each other under the moonlight. When Bassanio and Graziano arrive the next day, their wives accuse them of faithlessly giving their rings to other women. Before the deception goes too far, however, Portia reveals that she was, in fact, the law clerk, and both she and Nerissa reconcile with their husbands. Lorenzo and Jessica are pleased to learn of their inheritance from Shylock, and the joyful news arrives that Antonio"s ships have in fact made it back safely. The group celebrates its good fortune.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~http://www-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/merchant/full.html英文版 http://www.lezai.com/book/book/waiguo/shakespeare/wnss/index.html中文版
2023-07-22 10:03:453


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2023-07-22 10:04:121


Character ListOliver Twist - The novel"s protagonist. Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse, and Dickens uses his situation to criticize public policy toward the poor in 1830s England. Oliver is between nine and twelve years old when the main action of the novel occurs. Though treated with cruelty and surrounded by coarseness for most of his life, he is a pious, innocent child, and his charms draw the attention of several wealthy benefactors. His true identity is the central mystery of the novel.Fagin - A conniving career criminal. Fagin takes in homeless children and trains them to pick pockets for him. He is also a buyer of other people"s stolen goods. He rarely commits crimes himself, preferring to employ others to commit them—and often suffer legal retribution—in his place. Dickens"s portrait of Fagin displays the influence of anti-Semitic stereotypes.Nancy - A young prostitute and one of Fagin"s former child pickpockets. Nancy is also Bill Sikes"s lover. Her love for Sikes and her sense of moral decency come into conflict when Sikes abuses Oliver. Despite her criminal lifestyle, she is among the noblest characters in the novel. In effect, she gives her life for Oliver when Sikes murders her for revealing Monks"s plots.Rose Maylie - Agnes Fleming"s sister, raised by Mr.. Maylie after the death of Rose"s father. A beautiful, compassionate, and forgiving young woman, Rose is the novel"s model of female virtue. She establishes a loving relationship with Oliver even before it is revealed that the two are related.Mr. Brownlow - A well-off, erudite gentleman who serves as Oliver"s first benefactor. Mr. Brownlow owns a portrait of Agnes Fleming and was engaged to Mr. Leeford"s sister when she died. Throughout the novel, he behaves with compassion and common sense and emerges as a natural leader.Monks - A sickly, vicious young man, prone to violent fits and teeming with inexplicable hatred. With Fagin, he schemes to give Oliver a bad reputation.Bill Sikes - A brutal professional burglar brought up in Fagin"s gang. Sikes and Nancy are lovers, and he treats both her and his dog Bull"s-eye with an odd combination of cruelty and grudging familiarity. His murder of Nancy is the most heinous of the many crimes that occur in the novel.Mr. Bumble - The pompous, self-important beadle—a minor church official—for the workhouse where Oliver is born. Though Mr. Bumble preaches Christian morality, he behaves without compassion toward the paupers under his care. Dickens mercilessly satirizes his self-righteousness, greed, hypocrisy, and folly, of which his name is an obvious symbol.Agnes Fleming - Oliver"s mother. After falling in love with and becoming pregnant by Mr. Leeford, she chooses to die anonymously in a workhouse rather than stain her family"s reputation. A retired naval officer"s daughter, she was a beautiful, loving woman. Oliver"s face closely resembles hers.Mr. Leeford - Oliver and Monks"s father, who dies long before the events of the novel. He was an intelligent, high-minded man whose family forced him into an unhappy marriage with a wealthy woman. He eventually separated from his wife and had an illicit love affair with Agnes Fleming. He intended to flee the country with Agnes but died before he could do so.Mr. Losberne - Mrs. Maylie"s family physician. A hot-tempered but good-hearted old bachelor, Mr. Losberne is fiercely loyal to the Maylies and, eventually, to Oliver.Mrs. Maylie - A kind, wealthy older woman, the mother of Harry Maylie and adoptive “aunt” of Rose.Harry Maylie - Mrs. Maylie"s son. Harry is a dashing young man with grand political ambitions and career prospects, which he eventually gives up to marry Rose.The Artful Dodger - The cleverest of Fagin"s pickpockets. The Dodger"s real name is Jack Dawkins. Though no older than Oliver, the Dodger talks and dresses like a grown man. He introduces Oliver to Fagin.Charley Bates - One of Fagin"s pickpockets. Charley is ready to laugh at anything.Old Sally - An elderly pauper who serves as the nurse at Oliver"s birth. Old Sally steals Agnes"s gold locket, the only clue to Oliver"s identity.Mrs. Corney - The matron of the workhouse where Oliver is born. Mrs. Corney is hypocritical, callous, and materialistic. After she marries Mr. Bumble, she hounds him mercilessly.Noah Claypole - A charity boy and Mr. Sowerberry"s apprentice. Noah is an overgrown, cowardly bully who mistreats Oliver and eventually joins Fagin"s gang.Charlotte - The Sowerberrys" maid. Charlotte becomes romantically involved with Noah Claypole and follows him about slavishly.Toby Crackit - One of Fagin and Sikes"s associates, crass and not too bright. Toby participates in the attempted burglary of Mrs. Maylie"s home.Mrs. Bedwin - Mr. Brownlow"s kindhearted housekeeper. Mrs. Bedwin is unwilling to believe Mr. Bumble"s negative report of Oliver"s character.Bull"s-eye - Bill Sikes"s dog. As vicious as his master, Bull"s-eye functions as Sikes"s alter ego.Monks"s mother - An heiress who lived a decadent life and alienated her husband, Mr. Leeford. Monks"s mother destroyed Mr. Leeford"s will, which left part of his property to Oliver. Much of Monks"s nastiness is presumably inherited from her.Mr. Sowerberry - The undertaker to whom Oliver is apprenticed. Though Mr. Sowerberry makes a grotesque living arranging cut-rate burials for paupers, he is a decent man who is kind to Oliver.Mrs. Sowerberry - Sowerberry"s wife. Mrs. Sowerberry is a mean, judgmental woman who henpecks her husband.Mr. Grimwig - Brownlow"s pessimistic, curmudgeonly friend. Mr. Grimwig is essentially good-hearted, and his pessimism is mostly just a provocative character quirk.Mr. Giles - Mrs. Maylie"s loyal, though somewhat pompous, butler.Mr. Brittles - A sort of handyman for Mrs. Maylie"s estate. It is implied that Mr. Brittles is slightly mentally handicapped.Mrs. Mann - The superintendent of the juvenile workhouse where Oliver is raised. Mrs. Mann physically abuses and half-starves the children in her care.Mr. Gamfield - A brutal chimney sweep. Oliver almost becomes Mr. Gamfield"s apprentice.Bet - One of Fagin"s former child pickpockets, now a prostitute.Mr. Fang - The harsh, irrational, power-hungry magistrate who presides over Oliver"s trial for pickpocketing.Barney - One of Fagin"s criminal associates. Like Fagin, Barney is Jewish.Duff and Blathers - Two bumbling police officers who investigate the attempted burglary of Mrs. Maylie"s home.Tom Chitling - A rather dim member of Fagin"s gang. Tom has served time in jail for doing Fagin"s bidding.
2023-07-22 10:04:223


Felony murder even harder to love than hide; love night with the noon sun.
2023-07-22 10:04:293


《Macbeth by William Shakespeare》(SparkNotes Editors)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LewU8GSIgd5fbvGCGTcyZw 提取码:0hvs书名:Macbeth by William Shakespeare作者:SparkNotes Editors出版社:SparkNotes出版年份:2014-3-7页数:80
2023-07-22 10:04:371

求The Bluest Eye 的英文简介,急急急还有对其主角的分析。。

http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/bluesteye/ 内容非常丰富,而且非常有启发性。如果只要情节简介就看plot overview. 主要人物分析是major characters analysis
2023-07-22 10:04:501


《Much Ado About Nothing》(William Shakespeare)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XOwzT7Jg8AxX2zaxYe00sA 提取码: hami书名:Much Ado About Nothing作者:William Shakespeare出版社:SparkNotes出版年份:2004-1-22页数:256内容简介:**Read Shakespeare"s plays in all their brilliance—and understand what every word means!**Don"t be intimidated by Shakespeare! These popular guides make the Bard"s plays accessible and enjoyable.*Each No Fear guide contains*:- The complete text of the original play- A line-by-line translation that puts the words into everyday language- A complete list of characters, with descriptions- Plenty of helpful commentary
2023-07-22 10:05:041


这是雾都孤儿的角色档案Character Profiles Agnes- Oliver"s mother who died giving birth. The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed.Nurse- Woman who delivered Oliver, and later died in the workhouse revealing the story of the locket and the night Oliver was born.Oliver Twist- The main character of the story, Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not commit crimes. He was abused as a young child, and only wants to be loved. His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Mrs. Mann - The woman who raised Oliver for the first nine years. She treated him and her other orphans very poorly by beating and starving them.Mr. Bumble- The town beadle who thinks very lowly of Oliver. He eventually marries Mrs. Corney and makes Oliver"s life more difficult. Mr. Gamfield- A chimneysweeper who wanted Oliver as an apprentice. Mr. Sowerberry- A coffin maker that Oliver was apprenticed to. He generally treated the boy well, but chose his wife"s lies over Oliver"s truths. Mrs. Sowerberry- Wife of the coffin maker who disliked young Oliver.Charlotte- Maid to the Sowerberry"s that ends up running away with Noah and beginning a life of crime.Noah Claypole - Another worker for the Sowerberry"s, Noah antagonizes Oliver when he was there, and when he begins to work for Fagin, his actions lead to the death of Nancy.Young Dick- A friend of Oliver"s at Mrs. Mann"s who loves him. Jack Dawkins- “Artful Dodger” is a young accomplished thief who finds Oliver on the road to London and introduces him to Fagin.Fagin- The main antagonist in the story, “The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him. He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way.Charley Bates- Another one of Fagin"s thieves who tends to laugh at everything in life.Betsy- A woman who works for Fagin.Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death. She is passionate, caring, and loves Sikes, who eventually kills her. Mr. Brownlow- A man who Oliver"s thief friends rob on the street. He takes Oliver in, and discovers his true parentage. Mrs. Bedwin- Mr. Brownlow"s housekeeper who nurses Oliver back to health.Mr. Grimwig- A friend of Mr. Brownlow who is very cynical of the boy but eventually helps to keep him safe.Mr. Sikes - Another evil character who is a member of Fagin"s gang. He has a little white dog that follows him everywhere. He threatens Oliver and reluctantly leaves him to die in a field after the boy was shot. He kills Nancy in a rage, and eventually kills himself.Tom Chitling- Another petty thief of Fagin"sToby Crackit- A “flash” man who helps Sikes attempt to commit the robbery.Barney- A thief who helps Sikes. Mrs. Corney/ Mrs. Bumble- The matron of the workhouse Oliver was born in who eventually marries Mr. Brumble and here"s the confession of the nurse on her deathbed. She finds the evidence of Oliver"s parentage, and sells it to Monks. Giles- The butler of the Maylie household, he is the man who shot Oliver.Brittles- The “boy” of the Maylie household who was also there the night Oliver was shot. Rose Maylie- The adopted niece of Mrs. Maylie who turns out to be Oliver"s Aunt. She is kind, loving, and a great joy in Oliver"s life. Mrs. Maylie- An old woman who accepts Oliver into her home and finally gives him a loving atmosphere to live in.Mr. Losberne - The doctor and friend of Mrs. Maylie who helps Oliver in his adventures. He is impatient and earnest, but also happy and kindhearted.Blathers Duff- The two Bow Street Runners who come to investigate the attempted robbery. They are filled with stories to tell, and are suspicious of Oliver.Harry Maylie- The son of Mrs. Maylie, Harry is deeply in love with Rose and would do anything to marry her. He befriends Oliver and adds to the boy"s loving atmosphere.Monks/ Edward Leeford- Oliver"s older half brother who does not want to split his inheritance with the bastard child. He destroys the evidence of Oliver"s mother, and is a cohort of Fagin and his gang 这里是对三个主要角色的英文人物分析http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/oliver/canalysis.html
2023-07-22 10:05:231

英文版 当我们在谈论爱情时 我们在谈论什么

英文原版 What We Talk about When We Talk about Loveyou might need thishttp://m.sparknotes.com/short-stories/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-love/and thishttp://headzthenovel.com/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-love/
2023-07-22 10:05:321

谁有Emily Dickinson success&to make a prairie的诗评!!!

"Success is counted sweetest..." Summary The speaker says that "those who ne"er succeed" place the highest value on success. (They "count" it "sweetest".) To understand the value of a nectar, the speaker says, one must feel "sorest need." She says that the members of the victorious army ("the purple Host / Who took the flag today") are not able to define victory as well as the defeated, dying man who hears from a distance the music of the victors. The three stanzas of this poem take the form of iambic trimeter--with the exception of the first two lines of the second stanza, which add a fourth stress at the end of the line. (Virtually all of Dickinson"s poems are written in an iambic meter that fluctuates fluidly between three and four stresses.) As in most of Dickinson"s poems, the stanzas here rhyme according to an ABCB scheme, so that the second and fourth lines in each stanza constitute the stanza"s only rhyme. Commentary Many of Emily Dickinson"s most famous lyrics take the form of homilies, or short moral sayings, which appear quite simple but that actually describe complicated moral and psychological truths. "Success is counted sweetest" is such a poem; its first two lines express its homiletic point, that "Success is counted sweetest / By those who ne"er succeed" (or, more generally, that people tend to desire things more acutely when they do not have them). The subsequent lines then develop that axiomatic truth by offering a pair of images that exemplify it: the nectar--a symbol of triumph, luxury, "success"--can best be comprehended by someone who "needs" it; the defeated, dying man understands victory more clearly than the victorious army does. The poem exhibits Dickinson"s keen awareness of the complicated truths of human desire (in a later poem on a similar theme, she wrote that "Hunger--was a way / Of Persons outside Windows-- / The Entering--takes away--"), and it shows the beginnings of her terse, compacted style, whereby complicated meanings are compressed into extremely short phrases (e.g., "On whose forbidden ear").Dickinson"s tiny poem makes a huge statement about the nature of musing, day-dreaming, or as she puts it, "revery." To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,One clover, and a bee,And revery.The revery alone will do,If bees are few.AnalysisThis little poem expresses Dickinsonu2019s continuing love affair with the spiritual level of being. She begins by claiming that to make a physically large item, “a prairie,” all one needs is two small physical items, “a clover and one bee.”Then she qualifies that by saying, “One clover, and a bee / And revery”; then she qualifies that claim further, by saying if you donu2019t have one of those physical components, “bees,” (and by implication, the clover as well), then you can still make the prairie by revery alone.“Revery” means dream, thought, extended concentration on any subject, or even day-dreaming wherein the mind is allowed to roam free over the landscape of unlimited expansion, but to the speaker in this poem, “revery” is more like meditation which results in a true vision.The speakeru2019s power of revery demonstrates an advanced achievement, far beyond ordinary day-dreaming or cogitation. Ultimately, this speaker is claiming that without any physical objects at all, the mind of one advanced in the art of revery can produce any object that mind desires.Other Dickinson poems that focus on a similar themes are #632 “The Brain is wider than the sky,” #670 “One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted,” #674 “The Soul that hath a Guest,” and many others.http://poetry.suite101.com/blog.cfm/dickinsons_to_make_a_prairie
2023-07-22 10:05:511

谁能给我关于Toni Morrison的《beloved》的英文简介

我google 了一下 :)Beloved is a 1987 novel by the American writer Toni Morrison. Set after the American Civil War (1861–1865), it is inspired by the story of an African-American slave, Margaret Garner, who escaped slavery in Kentucky late January 1856 by fleeing to Ohio, a free state. In the novel, the protagonist Sethe is also a slave who escapes slavery, running to Cincinnati, Ohio. After twenty-eight days of freedom, a posse arrives to retrieve her and her children under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which gave slave owners the right to pursue slaves across state borders. Sethe kills her two-year-old daughter rather than allow her to be recaptured and taken back to Sweet Home, the Kentucky plantation from which Sethe recently fled. A woman presumed to be her daughter, called Beloved, returns years later to haunt Sethe"s home at 124 Bluestone Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. The story opens with an introduction to the ghost: "124 was spiteful. Full of a baby"s venom."[1]The novel won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988[2] and was a finalist for the 1987 National Book Award.[3] It was adapted during 1998 into a movie of the same name starring Oprah Winfrey. A New York Times survey of writers and literary critics ranked it the best work of American fiction from 1981 to 2006.[4]The book"s dedication reads "Sixty Million and more", referring to the Africans and their descendants who died as a result of the Atlantic slave trade.[5]The book"s epigraph is Romans 9:25.然后我还在sparknotes上找到了这本书的情节简介:Beloved begins in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio, where Sethe, a former slave, has been living with her eighteen-year-old daughter Denver. Sethe"s mother-in-law, Baby Suggs, lived with them until her death eight years earlier. Just before Baby Suggs"s death, Sethe"s two sons, Howard and Buglar, ran away. Sethe believes they fled because of the malevolent presence of an abusive ghost that has haunted their house at 124 Bluestone Road for years. Denver, however, likes the ghost, which everyone believes to be the spirit of her dead sister.On the day the novel begins, Paul D, whom Sethe has not seen since they worked together on Mr. Garner"s Sweet Home plantation in Kentucky approximately twenty years earlier, stops by Sethe"s house. His presence resurrects memories that have lain buried in Sethe"s mind for almost two decades. From this point on, the story will unfold on two temporal planes. The present in Cincinnati constitutes one plane, while a series of events that took place around twenty years earlier, mostly in Kentucky, constitutes the other. This latter plane is accessed and described through the fragmented flashbacks of the major characters. Accordingly, we frequently read these flashbacks several times, sometimes from varying perspectives, with each successive narration of an event adding a little more information to the previous ones.From these fragmented memories, the following story begins to emerge: Sethe, the protagonist, was born in the South to an African mother she never knew. When she is thirteen, she is sold to the Garners, who own Sweet Home and practice a comparatively benevolent kind of slavery. There, the other slaves, who are all men, lust after her but never touch her. Their names are Sixo, Paul D, Paul A, Paul F, and Halle. Sethe chooses to marry Halle, apparently in part because he has proven generous enough to buy his mother"s freedom by hiring himself out on the weekends. Together, Sethe and Halle have two sons, Howard and Buglar, as well as a baby daughter whose name we never learn. When she leaves Sweet Home, Sethe is also pregnant with a fourth child. After the eventual death of the proprietor, Mr. Garner, the widowed Mrs. Garner asks her sadistic, vehemently racist brother-in-law to help her run the farm. He is known to the slaves as schoolteacher, and his oppressive presence makes life on the plantation even more unbearable than it had been before. The slaves decide to run.Schoolteacher and his nephews anticipate the slaves" escape, however, and capture Paul D and Sixo. Schoolteacher kills Sixo and brings Paul D back to Sweet Home, where Paul D sees Sethe for what he believes will be the last time. She is still intent on running, having already sent her children ahead to her mother-in-law Baby Suggs"s house in Cincinnati. Invigorated by the recent capture, schoolteacher"s nephews seize Sethe in the barn and violate her, stealing the milk her body is storing for her infant daughter. Unbeknownst to Sethe, Halle is watching the event from a loft above her, where he lies frozen with horror. Afterward, Halle goes mad: Paul D sees him sitting by a churn with butter slathered all over his face. Paul D, meanwhile, is forced to suffer the indignity of wearing an iron bit in his mouth.When schoolteacher finds out that Sethe has reported his and his nephews" misdeeds to Mrs. Garner, he has her whipped severely, despite the fact that she is pregnant. Swollen and scarred, Sethe nevertheless runs away, but along the way she collapses from exhaustion in a forest. A white girl, Amy Denver, finds her and nurses her back to health. When Amy later helps Sethe deliver her baby in a boat, Sethe names this second daughter Denver after the girl who helped her. Sethe receives further help from Stamp Paid, who rows her across the Ohio River to Baby Suggs"s house. Baby Suggs cleans Sethe up before allowing her to see her three older children.Sethe spends twenty-eight wonderful days in Cincinnati, where Baby Suggs serves as an unofficial preacher to the black community. On the last day, however, schoolteacher comes for Sethe to take her and her children back to Sweet Home. Rather than surrender her children to a life of dehumanizing slavery, she flees with them to the woodshed and tries to kill them. Only the third child, her older daughter, dies, her throat having been cut with a handsaw by Sethe. Sethe later arranges for the baby"s headstone to be carved with the word “Beloved.” The sheriff takes Sethe and Denver to jail, but a group of white abolitionists, led by the Bodwins, fights for her release. Sethe returns to the house at 124, where Baby Suggs has sunk into a deep depression. The community shuns the house, and the family continues to live in isolation.Meanwhile, Paul D has endured torturous experiences in a chain gang in Georgia, where he was sent after trying to kill Brandywine, a slave owner to whom he was sold by schoolteacher. His traumatic experiences have caused him to lock away his memories, emotions, and ability to love in the “tin tobacco box” of his heart. One day, a fortuitous rainstorm allows Paul D and the other chain gang members to escape. He travels northward by following the blossoming spring flowers. Years later, he ends up on Sethe"s porch in Cincinnati.Paul D"s arrival at 124 commences the series of events taking place in the present time frame. Prior to moving in, Paul D chases the house"s resident ghost away, which makes the already lonely Denver resent him from the start. Sethe and Paul D look forward to a promising future together, until one day, on their way home from a carnival, they encounter a strange young woman sleeping near the steps of 124. Most of the characters believe that the woman—who calls herself Beloved—is the embodied spirit of Sethe"s dead daughter, and the novel provides a wealth of evidence supporting this interpretation. Denver develops an obsessive attachment to Beloved, and Beloved"s attachment to Sethe is equally if not more intense. Paul D and Beloved hate each other, and Beloved controls Paul D by moving him around the house like a rag doll and by seducing him against his will.When Paul D learns the story of Sethe"s “rough choice”—her infanticide—he leaves 124 and begins sleeping in the basement of the local church. In his absence, Sethe and Beloved"s relationship becomes more intense and exclusive. Beloved grows increasingly abusive, manipulative, and parasitic, and Sethe is obsessed with satisfying Beloved"s demands and making her understand why she murdered her. Worried by the way her mother is wasting away, Denver leaves the premises of 124 for the first time in twelve years in order to seek help from Lady Jones, her former teacher. The community provides the family with food and eventually organizes under the leadership of Ella, a woman who had worked on the Underground Railroad and helped with Sethe"s escape, in order to exorcise Beloved from 124. When they arrive at Sethe"s house, they see Sethe on the porch with Beloved, who stands smiling at them, naked and pregnant. Mr. Bodwin, who has come to 124 to take Denver to her new job, arrives at the house. Mistaking him for schoolteacher, Sethe runs at Mr. Bodwin with an ice pick. She is restrained, but in the confusion Beloved disappears, never to return.Afterward, Paul D comes back to Sethe, who has retreated to Baby Suggs"s bed to die. Mourning Beloved, Sethe laments, “She was my best thing.” But Paul D replies, “You your best thing, Sethe.” The novel then ends with a warning that “[t]his is not a story to pass on.” The town, and even the residents of 124, have forgotten Beloved “[l]ike an unpleasant dream during a troubling sleep.”希望有用!
2023-07-22 10:06:001

谁有Emily Dickinson success&to make a prairie的诗评?大神们帮帮忙

Success is counted sweetest..." Summary The speaker says that "those who ne"er succeed" place the highest value on success. (They "count" it "sweetest".) To understand the value of a nectar, the speaker says, one must feel "sorest need." She says that the members of the victorious army ("the purple Host / Who took the flag today") are not able to define victory as well as the defeated, dying man who hears from a distance the music of the victors. The three stanzas of this poem take the form of iambic trimeter--with the exception of the first two lines of the second stanza, which add a fourth stress at the end of the line. (Virtually all of Dickinson"s poems are written in an iambic meter that fluctuates fluidly between three and four stresses.) As in most of Dickinson"s poems, the stanzas here rhyme according to an ABCB scheme, so that the second and fourth lines in each stanza constitute the stanza"s only rhyme. Commentary Many of Emily Dickinson"s most famous lyrics take the form of homilies, or short moral sayings, which appear quite simple but that actually describe complicated moral and psychological truths. "Success is counted sweetest" is such a poem; its first two lines express its homiletic point, that "Success is counted sweetest / By those who ne"er succeed" (or, more generally, that people tend to desire things more acutely when they do not have them). The subsequent lines then develop that axiomatic truth by offering a pair of images that exemplify it: the nectar--a symbol of triumph, luxury, "success"--can best be comprehended by someone who "needs" it; the defeated, dying man understands victory more clearly than the victorious army does. The poem exhibits Dickinson"s keen awareness of the complicated truths of human desire (in a later poem on a similar theme, she wrote that "Hunger--was a way / Of Persons outside Windows-- / The Entering--takes away--"), and it shows the beginnings of her terse, compacted style, whereby complicated meanings are compressed into extremely short phrases (e.g., "On whose forbidden ear"). Dickinson"s tiny poem makes a huge statement about the nature of musing, day-dreaming, or as she puts it, "revery." To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. Analysis This little poem expresses Dickinson"s continuing love affair with the spiritual level of being. She begins by claiming that to make a physically large item, “a prairie,” all one needs is two small physical items, “a clover and one bee.” Then she qualifies that by saying, “One clover, and a bee / And revery”; then she qualifies that claim further, by saying if you don"t have one of those physical components, “bees,” (and by implication, the clover as well), then you can still make the prairie by revery alone. “Revery” means dream, thought, extended concentration on any subject, or even day-dreaming wherein the mind is allowed to roam free over the landscape of unlimited expansion, but to the speaker in this poem, “revery” is more like meditation which results in a true vision. The speaker"s power of revery demonstrates an advanced achievement, far beyond ordinary day-dreaming or cogitation. Ultimately, this speaker is claiming that without any physical objects at all, the mind of one advanced in the art of revery can produce any object that mind desires. Other Dickinson poems that focus on a similar themes are #632 “The Brain is wider than the sky,” #670 “One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted,” #674 “The Soul that hath a Guest,” and many others. http://poetry.suite101.com/ blog.cfm/dickinsons_to_make_a_ prairie 参考资料: http://www.sparknotes. com/poetry/dickinson/section1. html满意请采纳
2023-07-22 10:06:161


Elinor Dashwood - The nineteen-year-old eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood and the heroine of Austen"s novel. Elinor is composed but affectionate, both when she falls in love with Edward Ferrars and when she comforts and supports her younger sister Marianne. Marianne Dashwood - The seventeen-year-old second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. Marianne"s spontaneity, excessive sensibility, and romantic idealism lead her to fall in love with the debaucherous John Willoughby, though he painfully spurns her, causing her to finally recognize her misjudgment of him. After this turn of heart, she ultimately marries her long-standing admirer, Colonel Brandon. Lucy的名字你打错了。Lucy Steele - Mrs. Jennings" cousin and a sly, selfish, and insecure young woman. She has been secretly engaged to Edward Ferrars for four years but she ultimately marries his brother, Robert, once Edward is disinherited. Edward的名字你也打错了。Edward Ferrars - The sensible and friendly older brother of Fanny Dashwood and Robert Ferrars. Edward develops a close relationship with Elinor while staying at Norland and ultimately marries her, after he is freed from a four-year secret engagement to Lucy Steele. Colonel Brandon - A retired officer and friend of Sir John Middleton who falls in love with Marianne Dashwood and acts kindly, honorably, and graciously towards the Dashwoods throughout the novel John Willoughby - An attractive but deceitful young man who wins Marianne Dashwood"s heart but then abandons her (greedily) in favor of the wealthy Miss Sophia Grey.
2023-07-22 10:06:231

求《Jane Eyre》的英文版内容简介,120~200词之间的概括性文字,急!

2023-07-22 10:06:311


2023-07-22 10:06:383


吴伟仁的《英国文学选读》《美国文学选读》那套不错。可以搭配常耀信的《美国文学简史》 刘炳善的《英国文学简史》来看。因为选读毕竟只是大致介绍每位作家的得出名的作品和作品节选。配上简史来看更容易形成框架。常耀信的美国文学简史不太容易看,最好在网上下点笔记什么的,英语专业考研论坛上很多笔记。刘炳善的简明易懂。
2023-07-22 10:06:593

What is the theme of "Hamlet"?

ThemesThemes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.The Impossibility of CertaintyWhat separates Hamlet from other revenge plays (and maybe from every play written before it) is that the action we expect to see, particularly from Hamlet himself, is continually postponed while Hamlet tries to obtain more certain knowledge about what he is doing. This play poses many questions that other plays would simply take for granted. Can we have certain knowledge about ghosts? Is the ghost what it appears to be, or is it really a misleading fiend? Does the ghost have reliable knowledge about its own death, or is the ghost itself deluded? Moving to more earthly matters: How can we know for certain the facts about a crime that has no witnesses? Can Hamlet know the state of Claudiusu2019s soul by watching his behavior? If so, can he know the facts of what Claudius did by observing the state of his soul? Can Claudius (or the audience) know the state of Hamletu2019s mind by observing his behavior and listening to his speech? Can we know whether our actions will have the consequences we want them to have? Can we know anything about the afterlife?Many people have seen Hamlet as a play about indecisiveness, and thus about Hamletu2019s failure to act appropriately. It might be more interesting to consider that the play shows us how many uncertainties our lives are built upon, how many unknown quantities are taken for granted when people act or when they evaluate one anotheru2019s actions.The Complexity of ActionDirectly related to the theme of certainty is the theme of action. How is it possible to take reasonable, effective, purposeful action? In Hamlet, the question of how to act is affected not only by rational considerations, such as the need for certainty, but also by emotional, ethical, and psychological factors. Hamlet himself appears to distrust the idea that itu2019s even possible to act in a controlled, purposeful way. When he does act, he prefers to do it blindly, recklessly, and violently. The other characters obviously think much less about “action” in the abstract than Hamlet does, and are therefore less troubled about the possibility of acting effectively. They simply act as they feel is appropriate. But in some sense they prove that Hamlet is right, because all of their actions miscarry. Claudius possesses himself of queen and crown through bold action, but his conscience torments him, and he is beset by threats to his authority (and, of course, he dies). Laertes resolves that nothing will distract him from acting out his revenge, but he is easily influenced and manipulated into serving Claudiusu2019s ends, and his poisoned rapier is turned back upon himself.The Mystery of DeathIn the aftermath of his fatheru2019s murder, Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of death, and over the course of the play he considers death from a great many perspectives. He ponders both the spiritual aftermath of death, embodied in the ghost, and the physical remainders of the dead, such as by Yoricku2019s skull and the decaying corpses in the cemetery. Throughout, the idea of death is closely tied to the themes of spirituality, truth, and uncertainty in that death may bring the answers to Hamletu2019s deepest questions, ending once and for all the problem of trying to determine truth in an ambiguous world. And, since death is both the cause and the consequence of revenge, it is intimately tied to the theme of revenge and justice—Claudiusu2019s murder of King Hamlet initiates Hamletu2019s quest for revenge, and Claudiusu2019s death is the end of that quest.The question of his own death plagues Hamlet as well, as he repeatedly contemplates whether or not suicide is a morally legitimate action in an unbearably painful world. Hamletu2019s grief and misery is such that he frequently longs for death to end his suffering, but he fears that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to eternal suffering in hell because of the Christian religionu2019s prohibition of suicide. In his famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy (III.i), Hamlet philosophically concludes that no one would choose to endure the pain of life if he or she were not afraid of what will come after death, and that it is this fear which causes complex moral considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.The Nation as a Diseased BodyEverything is connected in Hamlet, including the welfare of the royal family and the health of the state as a whole. The playu2019s early scenes explore the sense of anxiety and dread that surrounds the transfer of power from one ruler to the next. Throughout the play, characters draw explicit connections between the moral legitimacy of a ruler and the health of the nation. Denmark is frequently described as a physical body made ill by the moral corruption of Claudius and Gertrude, and many observers interpret the presence of the ghost as a supernatural omen indicating that “[s]omething is rotten in the state of Denmark” (I.iv.67). The dead King Hamlet is portrayed as a strong, forthright ruler under whose guard the state was in good health, while Claudius, a wicked politician, has corrupted and compromised Denmark to satisfy his own appetites. At the end of the play, the rise to power of the upright Fortinbras suggests that Denmark will be strengthened once again.
2023-07-22 10:07:251


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2023-07-22 10:07:322