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2023-07-23 13:12:06

Village People的Y.M.C.A.




http://bt.box.n0808.com/95/C0/95E31F4E1DBEFEA6DE3BBC0C0B5D623A5936EFC0.torrent这是种子地址 全十季的 每一季后面都有个 春城购物.jpg 用来隔开不同的季顺序是第一季之后是第十季,然后是依次23456789如果单要第二季的话 勾选种子中第二个春城购物.jpg后面的1-24集就可以了
2023-07-22 23:27:513


2023-07-22 23:28:063


古宅老友记 1-4季全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_8tw2WmDvXmD56bkLoLnWA?pwd=6x7j 提取码: 6x7j简介:Ghosts是一部英国情景喜剧,于 2019 年 4 月在BBC One上首次播出。该系列讲述了一系列来自不同历史时期的鬼魂在乡间别墅中出没,同时与新居住者共享房屋的故事。该系列产品是由许多的书面和执行的剧组成员的糟糕历史和Yonderland。该系列还在美国的HBO Max上播出。
2023-07-22 23:28:401


《古宅老友记第二季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nmOepWjwXSR9PWm636FoFQ?pwd=1234 提取码: 1234
2023-07-22 23:28:531


9号秘事: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SADGDBuIaudWL6EbylLSsw?pwd=6d37 提取码:6d37 办公室: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/18GWcDTH3xR5KMd--LlE-mQ?pwd=wen7 提取码:wen7古宅老友记第二季: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YO62d-s6VlhWgALkQm7Fdg?pwd=jmbt 提取码:jmbt爱玛: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SOSUx_0YOU2lvmJpKcuPJg?pwd=fcnv 提取码:fcnv
2023-07-22 23:29:092


2023-07-22 23:29:584

求 古宅老友记 第二季 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HdMArOkKJF4ef1KIYFLZLg 提取码: w3cn讲述一对年轻夫妻麦克和艾莉森继承了一座古宅,他们本打算把房子重新装修下住进去,没想到这老房子里生活着很多不同历史时期的鬼,由于各自生活的时代不同,他们之间几乎难以沟通,鬼跟鬼、鬼跟人常常闹得不可开交……
2023-07-22 23:30:061

老友记第二季 23集 结尾时音乐 ross穿着海军服抱着rachel的时候放的音乐

2023-07-22 23:30:211


2023-07-22 23:30:281


歌名是copa cabana 百度的下载地址是:http://www.justkostas.com/...s/CopaCabana.mp3歌词如下:Her name was Lola 她的名字叫罗拉 She was a showgirl 她是一个歌舞女孩 With yellow feathers in her hair 她的头发插着黄色羽毛 And a dress cut down to there 一条裙子被剪到很短 She would Merengue 她会跳梅伦格(一种交际舞) And do the Cha-Cha 也会跳恰恰 And, while she tried to be a star 当她想要成为一个明星 Tony always tended bar 托尼总是在酒吧 Across the crowded floor 穿越杂乱的地板 They worked from eight to four 他们朝八晚四 They were young and they had each other 他们年轻并且彼此拥有 Who could ask for more? 谁又能要求什么呐 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 The hottest spot north of Havana 在哈瓦那北部最热的地方 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 Music and passion 音乐和激情 Were always the fashion 总是最流行的 At the Copa 在科巴 They fell in love 他们相爱啦 His name was Rico 他的名字叫rico He wore a diamond 他带着一块钻石 He was escorted to his chair He saw Lola dancing there 他看见劳拉在那儿跳舞 And, when she finished 当她跳完 He called her over 他叫她过去 But Rico went a bit too far 但是rico做得太过火 Tony sailed across the bar 托尼穿过酒吧 And, then, the punches flew 然后,拳头落下 And chairs were smashed in two 椅子碎成两半 There was blood and a single gunshot 血流出来一声枪响 But just who shot who? 但是是谁开枪打了谁 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 The hottest spot north of Havana 在哈瓦那北部最热的地方 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 Music and passion 音乐和激情 Were always the fashion 总是最流行的 At the Copa 在科巴 She lost her love 她失去了她的爱情 Copa, Copacabana 科巴,科巴卡巴那 Copacabana 科巴卡巴那 Music and passion 音乐和激情 Were always the fashion 总是最流行的 Her name is Lola 她的名字是罗拉 She was a showgirl 她是一个歌舞女孩 But that was thirty years ago 但那已经是30年前的事了 When they used to have a show 那时候他们正有一场演出 Now, it"s a Disco 现在有一只disco But not for Lola 但是不是为了罗拉 Still in the dress she used to wear 她仍然穿着以前的裙子 Faded feathers in her hair 她头发里的羽毛褪了色 She sits there, so refined 她坐在那儿,那么优雅 And drinks herself half blind 喝酒喝到半醉 She lost her youth and she lost her Tony 她失去了她的青春,失去了她的托尼 Now, she"s lost her mind! 现在,她疯了 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 The hottest spot north of Havana 在哈瓦那北部最热的地方 At the Copa, Copacabana 在科巴,科巴卡巴那 Music and passion 音乐和激情 Were always the fashion 总是最流行的 At the Copa 在科巴 Don"t fall in love 不要爱啊 Don"t fall in love 不要爱啊 另外歌曲的一点背景:Copa-Cabana 是一个酒吧的名字,在古巴首府哈瓦那的北部 这个歌儿是说,在50-60年代的美国,迪斯科还没流行,还是音乐舞剧的时期 一对青年恋人在热恋,男的是 Copa-Cabana 的调酒师,女的是舞女。一天晚上一个黑帮老大看上了这个女子,和那个男子大打出手,最终把男的打死了,女的则伤心的度过了余生。背景是,古巴有很多大毒枭,黑帮恶霸,在酒吧甚至大街上强抢民女的事情,经常发生。这首歌创作时候是70年代初,古巴还很乱的时候。这首歌儿反映了当时的乱世。这首音乐还是周星驰演的电影《百变星君》电影开头那段描述夏威夷风光的音乐
2023-07-22 23:30:374


2023-07-22 23:30:553


2023-07-22 23:31:233

老友记 第二季第8集音乐

这首歌是U2的<With or Without You>,出自他们1987年发行的专辑<The Joshua Tree>该首歌曲下载地址:http://pickup.mofile.com/7049414400809307Live版本视频在线观看:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ye8GLPUVsM&feature=related楼主可以自己确认一下,这里是老友记第二季第8集的在线视频:http://v.youku.com/v_playlist/f1079052o1p7.html以下是此歌歌词:See the stone set in your eyesSee the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me waitAnd I wait....without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shoreYou give it all but I want moreAnd I"m waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI can"t liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised, she"s got me withNothing to winAnd nothing left to loseWith or without youWith or without youI can"t liveWith or without you
2023-07-22 23:31:301


2023-07-22 23:31:374


2023-07-22 23:31:511


2023-07-22 23:31:571


2023-07-22 23:32:041


老友记第九季第十五集瑞秋为什么说她不准和洛夫说话 额 这个没啥的哇,就是说她只是个喽罗目前还不被允许(没有权利)和拉夫劳伦说话~ 第九季老友记 第十五集中的 莱纳特.黑斯 是谁演的 杰夫·戈德布拉姆(Jeff Goldblum),原名杰弗里·林恩·戈德布拉姆。他的表演风格独特,因为害怕忘记台词,在参加伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)导演的《安妮-霍尔》 (Annie Hall)一片拍摄时,给观众的感觉是每次出场好象只有一句台词。1978年,戈德布拉姆在翻拍的科幻恐怖片《人体入侵者》 (Invasion of the Body Snatchers)中再次出演角色,几年后,高调出演《山水又相逢》 (The Big Chill)。 :baike.baidu./link?url=HCB516PK2d0rmPNH6eFrot77etFDpHJk1S_gfFoOySep35UMH-H7f7V0zuFEurVPkPh9kfczLALzWRlhTMT9U_ 老友记第六季第十五集怎么剧情突变了 我也是看到这里了,第14集,刚到瑞秋的妹妹离开。第15集莫妮卡是胖妞了,钱德勒和乔伊一个落魄另一个成了名人,菲比变商人,罗斯和卡罗在一起著,儿子本,,,,,,,,,,剧情完全反转了,是不是编剧编不下去了,重新来了的,希望后期再看几集再变回去,第14,第15集的笑料变少了,感觉编剧变了 老友记第二季第十五集乔伊和钱德结尾看的动画是什么 《Beavis and Butthead》 国内有的翻译为《瘪四与大头蛋》。 求老友记第九季和第十季下载地址 你好,老友记(又名六人行)全十季Bt已上传,请及时下载 你下载免积分 希望帮助到你 老友记第九季 瑞秋的同事盖文 扮演者 德蒙特·穆罗尼 Dermot Mulroney 和茱莉亚罗伯茨一起演过《最好朋友的婚礼》 求老友记第三季第十五集,罗斯和瑞秋分手了,罗斯在酒吧里喝酒,瑞秋坐在窗前看雪的那段背景音乐 是第四季的第20集,剧情如下: 第20集 镜头闪回,罗斯邀请瑞秋参加婚礼,瑞秋拒绝赴约。乔伊和钱德认为他们的生活远不如罗斯的精彩,所以立志做一些惊人之举,例如攀登珠穆朗玛峰,或——至少看一些录影带。 请支援《Friends》,一起祝愿版权早日 老友记第九季下载 连结: :pan.baidu./s/1mgrg3Za 密码: rmyt 直接给你网盘下载吧 为什么那么多人说瑞秋贱呢(老友记 第十季)剧评 我觉得要是论谁贱的话罗斯最贱好吧! 瑞秋和乔伊在一起罗斯就各种装。难道他忘了是他先和乔伊的女友kiss的。 当然我们只是讨论剧中的人物, 主要是编剧,刻画人物让人太讨厌了。 就像电影一样,有坏人才能凸显出好人。
2023-07-22 23:32:261


亲爱的楼主你好……你要的资源,已发送或发送中……请注意查收……如果没有,请一定查看【垃圾箱】……满意请及时采纳……有问题请回邮或HI我……(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… BY:年年……
2023-07-22 23:32:443


第一季和第二季的老友记么?吾巴盘 龙生九子,九子中子曰,凡是白度一下前面的什么盘,就可以看到事情的真香。
2023-07-22 23:32:511


这首歌一共出现了两次。第一季第十八集、第二季第十二集名称:The lion sleeps tonight 演唱者:Zulu singer Soloman Linda. 有点狮子王的意思
2023-07-22 23:32:591


Ross was allergic and had to go to the hospital. He left Ben with Joey and Chandler. They left their baby on the bus.Monica goes with Ross to the hospital. Ross scratches Monica"s hand while getting an injection,Phoebe can"t sing at central perk anymore.... Ross过敏了不得不去医院,他把Ben留给Joey和Chandler照顾,他们两个不小心把孩子落在公交车上面了,Monica陪Ross去医院,Ross在打针的时候抓伤了Monica的手,Phoebe不能在central perk 唱歌了。。。 照例喜欢的图片镇场 Monica, will you stop? This is nuts . Do you know how long it"s gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? 莫妮卡,打住,你疯了吗?你知道你还要多久才会遇到这个问题吗? Ok, well, if you do take him out for his walk , you might wanna bring his hat, and there"s extra milk in the fridge, and there"s extra diapers in the bag. 好吧,如果你要带他去散步,记得要帮他戴帽子,冰箱里还有一些牛奶。尿布在袋子里。 Rachel, it"s not that your friend is bad, it"s that she"s so bad ,...she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain...and swirl it around. -瑞秋,你的朋友不只是差而已,她实在是太差……差到让我想把手指头插进我的眼睛里一直插到脑浆里然后搅成浆糊。 No, huh uh, I"m sorry, no. No, I"m not some like sloppy second , charity band. 不,对不起,不,不,我可不是什么二流的……慈善乐团。 My brother has a slight phobia about needles . 我哥哥有一点点害怕打针。 Eight dollars and 27 cents. But not really, "cause I put in the first two, Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better. 这里一共是八块又二十七分。其实没那么多啦,头两块是我放的,只是让钱滚滚来,还有让自己舒服一点。 下面是歌词。 There"ll be no strings to bind your hands. Not if my love can"t bind your heart. And there"s no need to take a stand. For it was I who chose to start I see no need to take me home. I"m old enough to face the dark. Just call me angel of the morning, angel. Just touch my cheek Before you leave me, baby. Just call me angel Of the morning, angel. Then slowly turn away. I won"t beg you to stay with me. Maybe the sun"s light will be dim. So it won"t matter anyhow. If morning"s echo says we"ve sinned. Well it was what I wanted now. And we were victims of the night. I won"t be blinded by the light. Just call me angel Of the morning, angel. Just touch my cheek Before you leave me, baby. Just call me angel Of the morning, angel. Then slowly turn away. I won"t beg you to stay with me. Through the tears, of the pain. Of the years, baby, baby, baby, baby. Just call me angel of the morning angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby. Just call me angel of the morning angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby, baby, oh baby.
2023-07-22 23:33:171


Joey was asked to kiss a man in an audition, but he was told he was a bad kisser. He wanted to find out what was wrong, so he asked Ross and Chandler for help. Would they agree?Chandler met a woman he liked very much on the Internet. Would this woman be his right one? Rachel is going to the wedding of her ex boyfriend, the man she escaped from, and she"s going to be the bridesmaid.Can Rachel make it through the wedding? When Monica and Richard talk about the future, Monica find that Richard doesn"t want children, but Monica really wants children. How can they solve this problem? Joey在一次试镜中被要求亲一个男人,但是对方说他是一个bad kisser,他想弄明白哪里有问题,于是他向Ross和Chandler求助,他们两个会同意吗?Chandler在网络上遇到了一个他很喜欢的女人,这个女人会是他的right one吗?Rachel要去参加她的前男友,也就是她逃婚的那个人的婚礼,而且是作为伴娘。Rachel能安稳的度过这个婚礼吗?Monica和Richard聊到未来的时候发现Richard不想要孩子,但是Monica非常非常想要孩子,他们会怎么解决这个问题? 照例喜欢的图片镇场。 Man, I gotta figure out what I"m doing wrong. 老天爷,我得找出自己到底哪里做错。 I"d recommend you to a friend. 我会跟朋友推荐你。 We"re just living in the moment . 我们只是活在当下。 It is so nice for once not to get hung up on , "Where is this going?" 终于不用一直绕着〝我们未来会怎样〞问题打转。 Do you ever, uh, think about the future? Sure, I do. Yeah? Am I in it? Honey,you are it. You"re about to get so lucky. 你马上就会很幸福了。 Why do people keep saying it"s good to see me up and about? 为什么大家一直说很高兴见到我重新振作起来? Oh, my God. I can"t believe what I"m getting ready to say. I wanna have a baby. But I don"t want to have one with someone who doesn"t really want to have one.
2023-07-22 23:33:301


《古宅老友记第二季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nmOepWjwXSR9PWm636FoFQ?pwd=1234 提取码: 1234
2023-07-22 23:34:391


办公室: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/18GWcDTH3xR5KMd--LlE-mQ?pwd=wen7 提取码:wen7爱玛: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SOSUx_0YOU2lvmJpKcuPJg?pwd=fcnv 提取码:fcnv9号秘事: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SADGDBuIaudWL6EbylLSsw?pwd=6d37 提取码:6d37古宅老友记第二季: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YO62d-s6VlhWgALkQm7Fdg?pwd=jmbt 提取码:jmbt
2023-07-22 23:34:531


恩,圣城家园版本的老友记很不错哦,我还有其他几个版本的介绍和下载,具体见参考资料第一季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/201001241329475114.torrent第二季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第二季£loveliness.torrent第三季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2008/5/200805102123411532.torrent第四季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第4季£圣城lovelines.torrent第五季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第5季£lovelines.torrent 第六季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第六季£圣城lovelines.torrent第七季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第七季£圣城lovelines.torrent第八季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第八季£圣城lovelines.torrent第九季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第九季£圣城lovelines.torrent第十季 http://www.akeyfly.cn/akeyfly/2010/1/六人行第十季£圣城lovelines.torrent十个种子,自己下吧 :)
2023-07-22 23:35:163


老友记(Friends)全10季.中英双字幕.终极收藏版 自己下第二季就行了
2023-07-22 23:35:231

老友记第一季、第二季、第三季 老友记全集中英文字幕下载

  老友记第一季、第二季、第三季 老友记全集中英文字幕下载 http://r.baidu.com/1VnRE  八哥这种鸟儿都喜欢把窝搭在高高的毛刺竹上,我们听见它们在上面唱着动听的歌,但是根本看不见它躲在哪儿。虽说我对爬树捉鸟比较在行,但那些毛刺竹实在太高了,而且它尖尖的枝丫缠缠绕绕,看起来就像一团插满了针的面团,根本没法子爬。当当可不管这一套,他像虫子一样躲躲闪闪地钻进竹堆里,然后又躲躲闪闪地爬上去。我劝他不要这么干,因为即使爬上去的时候能够躲开刺针,可呆会儿爬下来的时候,就难免像被困在一个刺球的一根刺针顶上。  当当说我这么想简直就是一又懦弱又愚蠢的驴子,他说他上得去就下得来。结果他顺利地上去,又顺利地下到了地面,只不过付出了一点点代价——刺竹竹子越往上越细小,快到顶端的时候,就会像卷着的狗尾巴一样垂下来。当当抓住一根刺竹的尾巴,从三十多米高的竹尾巴上尖叫着飞到了水田里。我以为他高兴坏了,可是他躺在泥巴堆里好久都没有爬起来,还问我是打哪儿来的混蛋,没事在他面前转来转去干什么。我以为他摔坏了脑子,可不不一会儿他又活蹦乱跳了。  我们到河里洗了个澡,又摸了一会鱼,捉了些漂亮的婆娑鱼。这种鱼烤着吃特香,就是不好捉,因为它是鱼里的机灵鬼调皮蛋,游起来快得像箭一样,掉头拐弯样样在行。当然,遇见我们两个馋鬼,只能算它们倒霉。  后来当当觉得干这些事情太无聊了,我们又爬到山上转悠了好几圈,鸟窝倒是发现了不少,可是没有一窝是八哥。连这类鸟蛋都没有。后来我们捉了几只山虎,还用草刀割下了两辨绿菰叶,把它两边的锯齿削掉,折了一个漂亮舒服的房子,然后让山虎在房子的上面决斗。这些家伙都勇猛极了,你咬我,我咬你,最后一只黑色的家伙赢得了房子,其它山虎被它咬得不是断手就是断脚,有一只还死掉了。真是残忍。  当当这时候说老天爷让他捉不到八哥,可是却把一只英勇的山虎赐给了他。他觉得他现在浑身都是力量,差不多可以预测未来了。我说有山虎的人可多了,可是大家还不都是一样。当当说我什么也不懂,生下来就是为了吃饭睡觉。他还让我等着瞧,十天之内定有大事发生。我觉得他就是他家里供奉的那个半仙。
2023-07-22 23:35:311

求老友记第二季到第十季的下载资源~谢谢 yushuyi62@yahoo.com.cn

2023-07-22 23:35:381


2022年5月2日 There was always little voice inside that kept saying. 我心里有个声音告诉我 I don"t care what you guys say,something"s bothering her 我不管你们怎么说, 她肯定心里有事 You"re gonna have to not touch my ass. 你不许再碰我的屁股 This isn"t the face of a person who trusts a person 但这不是一幅信任的表情 If i could go back in time and do it again, I wouldn"t 如果我能使时光倒转 我不会那么做 I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee. 下了班要不要去喝咖啡 This isn"t supposed to mean anything to you 对你来说毫无意义 2022年5月4日 第3集 Our trains are on the same track. 我们的人生道路方向一样 She is my last chance to have somebody. 她是我最后的一根救命稻草 Did you know I"m allergic to shellfish?你知道我对贝类过敏吗? You"re not gonna end up alone. 你不会孤独终老的 I reject anyone who"s crazy enough to actually go out with me. 我甩了所有笨的愿意和我交往的女孩 My major was totally useless我完全学非所用 Maybe It"s the lightning也许是灯光的原因 we lived together, we told each other everything. 我们住在一起,我们无话不谈 I don"t know how to tell you this 我不知道要怎么说 whoever stood you up is jerk. 放你鸽子的人是混蛋. 5集 It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it. 从别人嘴里说出来感觉更酷 He was nothing compared to you. 他跟你没法比 6集 I see someone"s having a little allergic reaction. 我看有人有点儿过敏反应 Don"t squeeze it so hard. 别握那么紧. Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better. 只是开始 并且让我舒服一些7集 You know what I go through the exact same thing 我也有过相同的经历 You had feelings for me first.你先对我有感觉的 I"ve got a cab waiting. 出租车在等着 You had no right to say you ever had feelings foe me. 你没有权利告诉我说 你喜欢过我 I think It"s wonderful how much energy you have 我觉得你精力这么充沛真好 Who I care about and who cares about me 我们互相关怀 I"m telling you this thing won"t print.我说这个机器打印不出来 I pressed that button like 100 times 那个按钮我按了100次了 Why don"t you read it to her? 为什么不念给她听呢? Just remember how crazy I am about you. 你只要记得我多么疯狂爱你就好 2022年5月6日 8集 You gonna give me another chance.你再给我一次机会 That"s what I said 这是我想说的 You guys really don"t have to go. we"re done talking. 你们真的不用走,我们已经谈完了 I guess that the difference between us 我想这就是我们的不同之处 He wants to know he"s deeply sorry for what He did.他为他的行为深感抱歉 He hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him. 希望你能从心底原谅他 2022年5月8日 9集 You liked me for a year and you didn"t do anything about it. 你暗恋我一年了吧,你什么都没有为我做 It turns out that she wants to get back together with me. 她想和我和好 I want more than anything to just work it out with her. 我无比希望能和她继续交往 Could you please chop some up and put it right in the sauce?麻烦把它剁碎搅到酱汁里好吗 10集 I"m not really anything at him anymore. 我对他一点儿也没有什么了 You"re Just gonna have to used to the fact that i will not be dating with him 你们只好习惯我不会和他约会这个事实 I know what your problem is. 我知道你的问题是什么 They wanna celebrate that love with the people that are close with them. 他们想和亲朋好友一起庆祝这份爱 I know who it is you remind me of. 我知道你让我想起谁了 I"ve never seen you this happy.我从来没见过你这么快乐 The only thing that i can think of is that 我唯一能够想到的是 12集 Speed it up 加快速度 Now you can understand how i feel every single day. 现在你可以理解我每天的感受了吧 It"s not what you think that 这不是你想的那样 2022年5月9日 13集 We"re getting off the track.我们扯太远了 2022年5月10日 14集 I want you tell me what you"re doing while you"re doing it. 我想让你告诉我 你一边做一边告诉我进度 If i couldn"t pay you back right away then i feel guilty and tense every time i saw you. 如果我不能立即还你,我看到你就会紧张和内疚 It"s just not worth it. 根本不值得 You can pay me back whenever you like. 什么时候还都可以 15集 He barely touched her with the needle, she screamed. 针还没有碰到她,她就开始叫唤了 17集 I figured I"d have time alone with my thoughts.我以为我会有时间自己思考 It turns out i don"t have as many thoughs as you think. 事实上我的思想并没有你们那么多 2022年5月12日 19集 I"m someone who needs the wholesecurity thing. 我是个需要安全感的人I can"t tell you how much respect i have for you. 你不知道我多么尊重你You guys are not gonna believe what happened.你们一定不会相信发生了什么事2022年5月13日 21集 This kind of stuff isn"t supposed to happen anyone. 不应该碰上这种事儿了 put all money on me. 拿钱投资我自己 You don"t know the first thing about the stock market.你对股市一窍不通 2022年5月14日 22集 The head of the bed is where the Sun would be. 床头的位置就是太阳的方向 2022年5月15日 23集 This is the most romantic disease I"ve ever had. 这是我得过的最浪漫的病 Just getting ready to roll the dice. 准备掷骰子了 This is what i do for luck.我在祈求好运 I"m confused. 我困惑了 In my bedroom I set my clock six minutes fast.我把房间的时钟调快了6分钟 2022年5月16日 24集 It"s not a lot of women would"ve had the guts to come back here tonight.没有多少女人有胆量今晚回来这里 I can"t believe what I"m getting ready to say. 真不敢相信我就要这么说了
2023-07-22 23:35:451

求 老友记第二季中英双字 全集

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2023-07-22 23:35:521


2023-07-22 23:35:592


[绝望的主妇1-4季第4季更新13集][RMVB/13.9G][英语中字] 我为喜剧狂第1季-30.Rock.Season1][全21集]RMVB [我为喜剧狂第2季-30.Rock.Season2][全15集]HDTV-RMVB :超级制作人-30 Rock第三季][HDTV-R]更新第4集 [应求--威尔与格蕾丝-Will&Grace][第二季][收视率比肩老友记的经典喜剧] ][英雄第1季-Heroes.Season1][全23集]HR-RMVB 英雄第2季-Heroes.Season2][全11集]RMVB heroes第三季 http://www.gougou.com/search?search=%68%65%72%6f%65%73%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%89%e5%ad%a3&restype=-1&sortby=8&suffix=1&page=1&id=10000003&f=3&r=0&ty=1&b=0&pattern=0&al=&m=0&st=-1老友记六人行(Friends)
2023-07-22 23:36:182


歌名叫Angel of the morninigChrissie Hynde在第二季第六集客串弹唱的,她是The Pretenders,一个新浪潮摇滚乐队的主唱下面是歌词,可以建议看字幕的翻译求采纳,谢谢·~~!Angel of the MorningThere"ll be no strings to bind your handsNot if my love can"t bind your heartAnd there"s no need to take a standFor it was I who chose to startI see no need to take me homeI"m old enough to face the darkJust call me angel of the morning, angelJust touch my cheek before you leave me, babyJust call me angel of the morning angel, angelThen slowly turn awayI won"t beg you to stay with meMaybe the sun"s light will be dimAnd it won"t matter anyhowIf morning"s echo says we"ve sinnedWell it was what I wanted nowAnd we were victims of the nightI won"t be blinded by the lightJust call me angel of the morning angel, angelJust touch my cheek before you leave me, babyJust call me angel of the morning, angelThen slowly turn awayI won"t beg you to stay with meThrough the tears of the day,Of the years, baby, baby, baby.Just call me angel of the morning angel, angelJust touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
2023-07-22 23:36:252


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2023-07-22 23:36:451

老友记第二季21集 结尾时monica在餐厅跳舞时的背景音乐

"YMCA" by The Village People Young man, there"s no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground. I said, young man, "cause you"re in a new town There"s no need to be unhappy. Young man, there"s a place you can go. I said, young man, when you"re short on your dough. You can stay there, and I"m sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys ... It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, You can do what about you feel ... Young man, are you listening to me? I said, young man, what do you want to be? I said, young man, you can make real your dreams. But you got to know this one thing! No man does it all by himself. I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf, And just go there, to the y.m.c.a. I"m sure they can help you today. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys ... It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, You can do what about you feel ... Young man, I was once in your shoes. I said, I was down and out with the blues. I felt no man cared if I were alive. I felt the whole world was so tight ... That"s when someone came up to me, And said, young man, take a walk up the street. There"s a place there called the y.m.c.a. They can start you back on your way. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. It"s fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys ... Y-m-c-a ... you"ll find it at the y-m-c-a. Young man, young man, there"s no need to feel down. Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground. Y-m-c-a ... you"ll find it at the y-m-c-a. Young man, young man, there"s no need to feel down. Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground. Y-m-c-a ... just go to the y-m-c-a. Young man, young man, are you listening to me? Young man, young man, what do you wanna be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5oFbkZIPz8
2023-07-22 23:36:521


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2023-07-22 23:37:262


Copa Cabana Copacabana 市位于巴西里约热内卢南边的一个区,以它延长4km的海滩而出名。这也是世界上最出名的海滩之一。"Copacabana"是 1979年的歌,由Barry Manilow 作曲演唱,Jack Feldman, Barry Manilow,和Bruce Sussman作词. 2005年法国歌手Amanda Lear依法语翻唱了这首歌作为单曲发布。每当听到熟悉的COPACABANA.--令人振奋和激情的new musical,关于爱与浪漫的故事,心脏摆动夜总会现场的1940年。从这个充满异国风味,遥远的新的世界,老式的爱情,嫉妒,和谋杀案,案中纠缠的生命,洛拉,托尼和里科各自展开中,令人眼花缭乱的服装,壮观的集和煽情的舞蹈、鲜血和枪伤。这首copacabana是Barry Manilow的代表作之一,虽然优美轻快,但歌词讲述的却是一个令人心碎的爱情故事。歌词:Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl她的名子叫Lola,她曾经是名歌舞女郎With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there头上扎着黄色的羽毛穿着一身舞服美过一切She would merengue and do the cha-cha她跳过梅伦格舞(海地和多米尼加的一种交际舞)还会恰恰But while she tried to be a star但是她却尝试成为一个明星Tony always tended barTony总是照顾着酒吧Across the crowded floor, he worked from 8 til 4穿过拥挤的走廊,他从早上8点工作到4点They were young and they had each other他们都曾年轻而且拥有过对方Who could ask for more?谁还想知道更多呢?At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)在Copa, Copacabana海滩The hottest spot north of Havana (here)哈瓦那最热闹的地方At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana在Copa, Copacabana海滩Music and passion were always in fashion音乐和激情永远不缀At the Copa....they fell in love.在Copa .... 他们坠入爱河。His name was Rico. He wore a diamond.他的名子叫Rico, 他带着一各钻戒He was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing there当他送他椅子的时候,曾经看到了Lola在那起舞 [感觉翻译不太准]And when she finished, he called her over,当她结束时,Rico约她出去But Rico went a bit to far,但是Rico去的地方有些远Tony sailed across the barTony驾船冲过了这间酒吧And then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two然后碎片横飞椅子成了两半There was blood and a single gun shot紧接着伴随一声枪响血流成河But just who shot who?但到底是谁射了谁呢?At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)The hottest spot north of Havana (here)At the Copa (CO!), CopacabanaMusic and passion were always in fashionAt the Copa....she lost her love.Copa... Copacabana... music and passion... always the fashion...Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl,她的名子叫Lola,她曾是一名舞女郎But that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show.但是那是30年前了,当人们习惯有人跳舞Now it"s a disco, but not for Lola,现在是disco的天下但不是为Lola而曲Still in the dress she used to wear,过去的舞衣仍然穿在她身Faded feathers in her hair.颜色渐退的羽毛仍在她的发间She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind.她如此优雅的坐在那里,喝着她自己的half-blind(也许是苦酒吧,不确定)。She lost her youth and she lost her Tony,她是去了她的青春和她的TonyNow she"s lost her mind!现在她又失去了她的思想!At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)The hottest spot north of Havana (here)At the Copa (CO!), CopacabanaMusic and passion were always in fashionAt the Copa....don"t fall in love.QQ音yue还有另外叫John Barrowman得演唱的版本
2023-07-22 23:37:441


[11:02.17]Ross! Hi,it"s Rachel. 罗斯!嗨,我是瑞秋 [11:05.84]I"m just calling to say that... 我只是打来说… [11:08.61]...everything"s fine. …一切都很好 [11:10.41]And I"m really happy for you... 我为你感到高兴… [11:12.72]...and your cat. …还有你的猫.. [11:15.25]Who,by the way,I think you should name Michael. 对了,我认为你应该叫他麦克 [11:22.09]You see there, I"m thinking of names... 你看 我都已经在想名字了… [11:24.76]...so obviously I am over you. …所以显然我不在乎你了 [11:28.37]I am over you. 我不在乎你了。我已经忘掉你了 [11:31.70]And that,my friend, is what they call "closure." 所以,我的朋友,这就是他们所说的“结束”
2023-07-22 23:37:522


第二季第十五集215 The One Where Ross & Rachel... You Know - 场景:What song was playing when they... you know? 歌曲名称:Wicked Game, 演唱者:Chris Isaak 专辑出处:Heart Shaped World. 歌词: The world was on fire and no one could save me but you It""s strange What desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I""d meet somebody like you I never dreamed that I""d love somebody like you Chorus: I don""t wanna fall in love No I don""t wanna fall in love with you What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say you never felt this way What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you Chorus: And I don""t wanna fall in love No I don""t wanna fall in love with you I never dreamed that I""d love somebody like you I never dreamed that I""d lose somebody like you Chorus: No I don""t wanna fall in love No I don""t wanna fall in love Nobody else loves no one
2023-07-22 23:37:591


2023-07-22 23:38:051

老友记 第二季 15集 结尾处 动画片

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2023-07-22 23:38:192


《Beavis and Butthead》 国内有的翻译为《瘪四与大头蛋》。
2023-07-22 23:38:262

求老友记第二季的 字幕有的发邮箱。。。631218371@qq.com

2023-07-22 23:38:332