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2023-07-23 16:20:50

和亲公主》 完结 前篇《惜取眼前人》


2007.6 鲜橙 32万字 已出版,












“头可断,血可流,豆腐不可丢! ……

《爱就一个字》 连载


2007.2 zy喜悦 25万字




女主属没事找事型人才,秉承没事变有事,小事变大事的生活方针 ,整天打打闹闹,后来发现她的死党楚琦也穿来了,不过却附身在无双山庄庄主烟无双身上,女变男,俩人见面那场巨搞笑 ,有段时间的文了,推荐这文的也很多

《歌尽桃花》 连载VIP


2007.6 靡宝 11万字






最近发现的好文,写了10万字了,一开始就觉得谢昭瑛这二哥古怪,不管从哪方面看,都不可能和女主无关感情,从老和尚那里就看明白了,君临天下和母仪天下都不是瞎说的 ,很好玩的文

《青岚》 1~2月一更


2006.2 紫夜轻岚 7万字










一弃坑的、才写了7万字,无人问津的文,我就是喜欢。尤其喜欢小修啊 英俊却纯情,温馨的一声“嗯”,就让女主心甘情愿的臣服。。呵呵~~人物很简单一女一男,有人说这篇文对男主的性格描写的不够好,可我却能完全感觉的出来男主的性格:因为没有亲人所以冰冷漠然却又渴望人的关爱,哪怕只是在他身边有目的的生活三年的婆婆也不忍。青岚总觉得小修是小孩子,于是“母爱泛滥”。

《多多益善》 完结


2006.12 喜善大人 19万字







《穿越与反穿越》 完结


2006.7 妖舟 26万字









《我要跟你走》 极品坑 下载页


2006.11 月上玲珑 18万字





再说留在古代也是有好处滴~~说不定什么时候我碰见个世外高人 学了绝世武艺所向披靡 又遇见个有钱有权又专一的帅哥 对我一见钟情穷追不舍 他非卿不娶我非君不嫁 奈何家有世仇不共戴天 可是我俩情比金坚义比海深不顾反对私定终生 离家出走跳涯殉情却又峰回路转双双获救 从此隐姓埋名浪迹天涯 你耕田来我织布比翼双飞在人间 最后执子之手与子偕老儿孙绕膝共享天伦……

《穿越之死缠烂打》 完结


2007.4 共剪西窗烛 18万字


文笔,剧情都不错,语言那个幽默啊,没的说,实在、实在太喜欢了~~ ,可惜作者因事草草结了文



《美食江湖不思议》 完结


2006.8 疯丢子 28万字





















《华丽穿越》 完结


2007.1 T丫丫T 13万字


穿越前 姓名:花菜菜 性别:女 年龄:20(大二,菜鸟) 诗词歌(负),年龄与诗词的记忆成反比,歌,由于 专业问题,基本只听外文,注意:"听"意味着不会唱.厨艺保证自己饿不死:饭,白饭;菜,水煮蔬菜;汤,鸡蛋汤。 外貌:美女不是,丑女不像

穿越后 姓名:花菜菜 性别:女 年龄:20(貌似大年女青年) 诗词歌依旧负 外貌:美女不是,丑女不像





《夕阳红 我是康熙的奶奶》 完结







《清空万里》 完结


2006.12 星野樱 43万字 已出版







































2023-07-23 09:53:402


专辑名称:Illmatic发行时间:1994年03月29日专辑介绍:只有10首歌,而且Nas在Stillmatic里说了:“我的第一张专集没有有名的客座明星”,比起jay-z第一张专集Notorious B.I.G.、Mary J. Blige、Foxy Brown来说,Nas真是很了不起了,N.Y.State Of Mind讲了Nas眼中的NY(New York),不同于Jay-Z的大城市感觉,Nas的NY更多的是街头,Ghetto人民的生活。Life is A Bitch说出了Nas对现在生活的厌倦,都是他的真情实感。The world is yours又显示了他的野心,Nas歌曲的成功在于取样人声的恰到好处。One Love是这张专集里我最喜欢的一首,谁说街头的东西就不能有柔情,One Love表现了Nas作为街头诗人的爱心。这张专集也是没有一首让人失望的,都可以拿来做主打。专辑曲目:1. The Genesis2. N.Y. State Of Mind 3. Life"s A Bitch 4. The World Is Yours 5. Halftime 6. Memory Lane (Sittin" In Da Park) 7. One Love 8. One Time 4 Your Mind 9. Represent 10. It Ain"t Hard To Tell专辑名称:It Was Written发行时间:1996年07月02日专辑介绍:专辑曲目:1. Album Intro 2. The Message 3. Street Dreams 4. I Gave You Power 5. Watch Dem Niggas 6. Take It In Blood 7. Nas Is Coming 8. Affirmative Action 9. The Set Up 10. Black Girl Lost 11. Suspect 12. Shootouts 13. Live Nigga Rap 14. If I Ruled The World (Imagine That) (Feat. Lauryn Hill)专辑名称:I Am...发行时间:1999年04月06日专辑介绍:这张是对nas很重要的一张专集,经过这张专集nas也小有转型,n.y. state of mind pt2感觉一点不比1差。hate me now里puff daddy好象很激动啊,表现了nas走到关键时刻,类似人在江湖身不由己的一些感受,这歌的mv里nas还把自己钉在十字架上,受尽打骂。we will Survive是献给biggie和pac的歌,不知道那唱的是谁,有点象r.kelly。倒是那些和dmx,aaliyah的歌曲显得逊色了,也许nas不喜欢和人合作吧i want to talk to you把矛头直指FBI,CIA乃至美国总统,质问他们为什么街头的生活为什么无法得到改善。nas is like是我最喜欢的一首,就喜欢这样的nas。kisssing用了r.kelly when a women"s fed up的一段,nas不喜欢合作,取样人家的一段和他的rap结合的确更适合。专辑曲目:1. Album Intro 2. N.Y. State Of Mind Pt. II 3. Hate Me Now (Feat. Puff Daddy)4. Small World 5. Favor For A Favor (Feat. Scarface)6. We Will Survive 7. Ghetto Prisoners 8. You Won"t See Me Tonight (Feat. Aaliyah) 9. I Want To Talk To you 10. Dr. Knockboot 11. Life Is What You Make It (Feat. DMX)12. Big Things en 13. Nas Is Like 14. K-I-SS-I-N-G 15. Money Is My Bitch 16. Undying Love
2023-07-23 09:53:501

50 cent jay-z dr.dre eminem nas akon t-pain kanye west snoop dogg 他们的辈份和关系?hip hop大神求解!

Dr.Dre是资格最牛逼的,当年和n.w.a一手继承ice t创立并发扬的westcoast gangsta rapn.w.a在80年代末期不合很快大家就单飞了,于是Dre和suge knight创立了death raw records长篇公司。dre从当时流行的funk音乐组合parliament受到了很多启发,进行了很多采样。然后我记得是在92年,反正是90年代出发行了chronic这张专辑,标志了g funk这个说唱类别的诞生以及西海岸说唱的耿强势的崛起。当时snoop dogg在这张专辑作为一个新人里客串了,于是一跑走红,加入death raw旗下。至于dre发掘snoop的过程,没记错的话有传言说他俩是远房亲戚还是什么的,反正算上warren g这个人,他们仨有扯不清的关系,然后dre在一个party上当dj的时候发掘了snoop,这个party是warren g带snoop去的。后来dre把2pac从监狱里保释出来,2pac加入death raw旗下,然后和biggie闹出了最著名的那场东西岸的战争,俩都死了,suge knight也死了。于是dre创办了aftermath entertainment公司,当时eminem跑去la参加了rap olympics获得了第二,然后dre一看这小子不错,就收了。然后eminem又自己创立了shady records,收了50 cent,50cent又创了g unit收了下面要谈到的老将mobb deep.现在说东岸。Jay-z一开始是打杂的,其实90年代初就出道了,具体作品你可以听听big daddy kane的show n prove,里面jay-z有一段很扭笔的说唱。当时90年代初期是nas最红的时代,因为rakim差不多退出江湖了,然后纽约说唱之王的大旗没有人来抗,大家很看好nas。nas那会儿就出了illmatic这张经典的专辑。nas是来自纽约的queens区,当时在queens还有一个很牛逼的做hardcore的组合叫mobb deep。然后逐渐崛起的jay-z是来自brooklyn的,看着queens的人那么风光很不爽,他于是开始和nas和mobb deep宣战,三方开始对骂。这是hip hop史上三大战争中的另一场,不过有了之前biggie 2pa的事件也没有人动真格的,而且这也是很好的商机,jay-z得到了很大的成长,nas则达到了辉煌,出了stillmatic这张专辑,唯一被搞臭的是可怜的mobb deep(我超喜欢他们。。。)。pitbull, lil wayne, t.i, ludacris, t-pain可以分到南部说唱里,都是后期之辈,南部说唱叫做dirty south,就是说很不好的意思,都是当年被master p搞臭了名声。不过现在我还是很讨厌lil wayne。ludacris很不错.kanye west,我觉得他是伪说唱。怎么说呢,他的唱功很烂的,battle没赢过几次。flo rida,这个比较特殊,他很返璞归真,hip hop最初的目的就是舞会party用的,而他正好做的是这些。usher, chris brown, akin不是说唱, 是r n b.给你大致列一下:1. Dr.Dre 这是老大,没有争议,推动hip hop历史发展的一个神。2. 2pac,这个也没争议,只要rakim不在就是一人之下万人之上。3. jay-z, snoop dogg, nas,这些人在说唱技术上是一个层面的4. ludacris, t.i 复出前的eminem,这些人比上面的人辈分小,但是技术基本是一个层面。5.现在的eminem, lil wayne,pitbull, 50 cent, kanye west这些人辈分小,技术也一般6. flo rida,tpain,和上面那些不是一个层次没法比较。7. wale 辈分最小。8. bob不了解,usher,akon, chris brown不是hip hop 楼下说的就好像我不是手打的一样
2023-07-23 09:53:585


1 eminem -当今美国说唱天王,一个世俗缠身的天才,他的歌抨击社会,抨击总统,抨击自己的母亲,以及一切下流卑鄙的行为,他的歌词充满了性,暴力等脏话,却深受歌迷喜爱,而且他的说唱风格与其他说唱歌手不同,动感十足,而且有优美的旋律,是美国说唱的旗帜 2 Jay-z -碧昂斯的老板见男友,美国说唱教父,但他的说唱很单调,我并不喜欢 3 2pac -美国说唱的灵魂,一个黑帮成员,虽多次被逮捕,但这掩饰不了他的说唱才华,在监狱里发行的唱片一周内就登上冠军宝座,但天度英才,96年她在街头被人枪杀 4 Snoop -史努比狗狗,也叫狗狗教父,本名Calvin Broadus,1972年出生於美国加州Long Beach, 因为小时候的他长的像史努比,所以父亲就把他取了Snoop Doggy Dog这个名字。1994年,Snoop Dogg发行首张专辑「Doggystyle」大受欢迎,更是嘻哈圈里首位以新人姿态发片就能打上Billboard榜的第一名,从此典定了他西岸G-funk帮派饶舌教父的地位。 尽管经常进出监狱,也曾经一度与大麻、酒精天天为伍的snoop dogg,对自己的事业倒是相当的有规划。近年来,Snoop Dogg不仅主演多部电影,也自创品牌Doggystyle Records 5 Dr.dre -对他只能用伟大来形容,是他将hip-pop音乐做成了艺术,得到了美国人的肯定,是他把Rap推广到了全世界,是他让人们认识了rap,他是一个真正的伯乐,发现了像eminem,snoop dogg这样的说唱歌手 参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/40147566.html?si=1
2023-07-23 09:54:133


剧 终.回答您的提问,为您提供最前线的流行音乐,希望楼主满意,谢谢采纳!楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊!(以下的超好听,推荐先听)朴尚民-不要哭 受了点伤(英文)最终幻想10主题曲-素敌だね(日文版)sg wannabe—我的人金钟国-如果我爱你劲舞团-姐姐今晚我感觉离你很近-仓木麻衣far away from home七公主—love song黄牌—高耀太飞翔—高耀太为什么这样—乌龟我爱摇滚—高耀太唱啦啦啦—乌龟花样—松隆子我在那一角患过伤风zone - despre tinetake play love甜蜜的爱—七公主飞机—乌龟男人也没办法劲舞团-question小情歌—苏打绿念奴娇—伊能静老人与海—海鸣威我们都是好孩子—王筝My all —滨崎步特别天使—高耀太英雄—高耀太起立—仓木麻衣原地踏步—劲舞团7公主—悲伤恋歌结婚—朴慧京As long as you love me—后街男孩7 Days —Craig David罪与罚—sg wanna bebe what you wanna be施展咒语—七公主hey boy—徐智英火花—高耀太坚持—Us倾我所有—(DONNA LEWIS)Swan—(劲舞团)莫失莫忘upside只恨我一个人初春踏青(音乐)(以上的超好听)纯音乐:(超级好听)紫日Kiss The Rain神秘园之歌天空之城再见警察classic river卡农夏日香气迷情仙境Tearsdream catcher被遗忘的天使我在那一角落患过伤风雨的印记罗密欧与朱丽叶寂寞之声很流行的韩日歌曲rain-sadtango李孝利 TOC TOC TOC李孝利 不要爱上他所以冰淇淋 MC梦爱情过后 劲舞歌曲30次左右question ha,yoo suni believe 劲舞歌曲坚持 usnever say goodbyeu superjunior听我说 papaya不能遗忘你tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿我的人 sg wannabe试着说 WaWa2年零2月 fod一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍花样 松隆子Come on/飞机 乌龟relove 徐智英英文歌:I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦>Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼Barbie Girl--AquaWhen You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧Back to you--Bryan AdamsThe Power Of Love--Celine Dionyellow--coldplayI COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique IglesiasAny one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green DayMoonlight Shadow --Groove CoverageYesterday Yes A Day--Jane BirkinBecause You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的Nothing gonna chang my love for youWe Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典better man--Robbie Williams第一首:Stand第二首:peerless第三首:floorfiller第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号)第五首:hey-oh第六首:OneForDaMoney第七首:Ein Kleines Lied第八首:la isla alizee第九首:groove coverage第十首:LET"S TALK ABOUT A MAN第十一首:Human Sacrifice第十二首:Wet Wet Wet第十三首: 冰河时代2第十四首:i saw you walking in the rain第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran第十七首:doo be di boy第十八首:dreams come true ``第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain ``第二十首:sound of my dream ``DJ舞曲:TIME TO ROCK 舞曲大帝国大爆炸lalaloveIts Oki"m gonna getcha good ! 仙尼亚 唐恩辛巴达皇冠一刻钟AU坚持ARE YOU DJtalalawalking in the sunone for da moneymove somethindo somethinClose to You Radio Jay DelanoDJ Let s Talk About A ManLa Club kingchipz in black我敢保证一定很好听,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。好听记得加分哦!谢谢
2023-07-23 09:54:522


纽约的Rap皇帝.Eninem的早期模仿对象.JAY-Z的死对头.东岸的领军人物.被称做街头诗人.其作品It was written和I can早被认做是rap界的经典. 在多张畅销专辑推波助澜下,Nas已傲然成为90年代中后期Hip Hop界的中坚份子。但Nas出众的纽约Hip Hop气息,深深吸引歌迷。,Nas在叙事上不见义正词严的拘束感,而是无比真实的敏锐观察。一会儿b***h一会儿f**k,Nas在词藻里惯用的连串脏话,也正勾勒出他自贫穷生活走来的街头风格。在中慢版的节奏里,Nas以他滑溜如Q-Tip的嗓音,娓娓道来一篇篇urban tales,却自在得不带一丝压力。 噜苏大叔 自九○年代中期至今,席卷整个东岸饶舌圈身为爵士界好手OluPara之子,并被美誉为街头诗人的Nas,从他的曲中反射出一场场街头事件与种种社会现象,尤其是一九九四年发表的首张专辑「lllmatic」,不仅是震撼了整个嘻哈界,乐评的超高赞誉也随之锋涌而来,更在Nas高超的饶舌技巧,豊富且具有诗意的辞藻,配入深受父亲乐曲影响的Soul/Funk/Jazz等调性,流畅且精彩的谱出属於自己音乐风格!第二张首周发行便跃居排行冠军的专辑「ItWasWritten」将这位新生代的饶舌高手之人气拉到了顶点;99年一连两发的专辑「IAM..」及「Nastradamus」,找来PuffDaddy、DMX、Aaliyah等人的合作,更具旋律与韵味感十足的乐曲铺陈,在销售数字上开出令人亮眼的成绩! 《God"s Son》被期待能够成为一张起着关键的转折性作用的唱片。它的前5首歌曲延续了Nas在《Illmatic》中的风格:犀利的歌词,急速的背景音乐效果,并配合以融化了的巧克力般的嗓音。朴实无华的采样很适合Nas,他的说唱风格源自old school的RAP类型。他极少会像在开头歌曲《Get Down》中表现的那么激烈,声音那么华丽繁杂。《Made You Look》的取样来源于Deep Funk界泰斗Incredible Bongo Band的《Apache》,经过一番编排显得生机勃勃、给人以新鲜感。《The Cross》由Eminem创作。 专辑中值得一提的作品还有《Warrior Song》,它展现了与他合唱的Alicia Keys已经不仅仅是个超级明星,而且决定要在hip hop音乐中占据一席之地。《Book Of Rhymes》则是一个新的概念,Nas令人讨厌至极的不停翻看一本被遗忘的笔记本,直到最后找到线索之前他都在喋喋不休。《Thug Mansion (NY)》中他与Tupac Shakur在两把吉他的伴奏下一起演唱。《Dance》则是Nas唱给母亲的安魂曲,她在2001年四月死于癌症。 最出色的歌曲是《Last Real N**** Alive》,用的是一种具有启示作用的写作形式。他把我们带回1993年的Wu-Tang,在如今每个人都大喊大叫说别人抄袭了自己想法的时代,Nas承认自己借用了这两个人的音乐风格。当我们回顾他的道路,就会发现他的每一步都经过了深思熟虑。 这张专辑有着无穷的魅力,其中的歌曲足以令人相信Nas绝对可以被列入hip-hop历史中最杰出的艺人之一。它并不是无懈可击,但的确是才华横溢。 这几年来英美两地的Hip Hop乐坛好象都是各自为政,很少有互相交流的情况出现,美国饶舌歌手Nas决定成为英美Hip Hop大使,向英国地区征召有潜力的Hip Hop新秀来加入他新专辑《Streets Disciple》的录音工作。 Nas与他所属的Sony唱片公司在网站上放了一首新歌Thief"s Theme的乐器演奏录音,他们邀请有兴趣在Nas专辑中露脸的英国或爱尔兰地区的饶舌歌手把演奏下载下来,然后把自己创作的歌词以及人声表演加进去,再寄给唱片公司,Nas会在所有参赛者中选出一位优胜者,加入《Streets Disciple》其它歌曲的表演,让有潜力的新人获得初试啼声的机会
2023-07-23 09:55:171


乱讲什么,AKON和usher根本就不算RAPPER,搞不懂你们为什么老是喜欢讲不是重点的人,他们RAP过吗,那两位主要的曲风是RNB好不好,要是HIPHOP的歌曲的话也是跨刀献唱的对象。对你们无语,推荐你一些我觉得不错的专辑和歌曲,希望你会喜欢。The Notorious B.I.G《ready to die》GZA/Genius《Pro Tools》(这是去年发的)wu-tang clan 的专辑蛮不的,其成员的专辑也是很牛的,他们在hiphop的地位很高。jay-z《the black album》《reasonable doubt》《in my lifetimeVOL.1》《the blueprint》A Tribe Called Quest《The Low End Theory》(jazz hip-hop乐队,曲风柔软舒服,not gangsta rap)50cent《get rich or die tryin"》(他的经典专辑,也是他最好的,之后出的水平差很多。nas《Illmatic》(影响了很多之后的RAPPER的经典专辑,可能你会觉得很乏味,其实不要一味听旋律,这张专辑真的不错!)consequence<<don"t quik you day job>> (专辑销量很差,但是音乐上乘)snoop dog 《Doggystyle>>Braille<<Shades Of Grey>>以上的是专辑,都挺不错的,可以听听~~单曲的话 我也给你推荐一些吧~~snoop dog 《deep cover》《beatiful>> 《Gin And Juice》jay-z《dead president2》《allure》《excuse me miss》《99problem》clipse 《the grindin》busta rhymes《new York shit》kanye west 《heard"em say》《gone》《we major》nas 《the world is yours》《still dreaming》j-love 《when the money comes》braille《10years》the game《put you on the game>>T.I<<why you wanna>>transplant《What I Can"t Describe》mobb deep<<the shook one>>好像也蛮多了也,好累啊,你可以起听听看哦~~~
2023-07-23 09:55:255


纳西尔·本·奥卢·达拉·琼斯(英语:Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones,发音为 /nɑu02d0u02c8su026au0259r/,1973年9月14日-),艺名“纳斯”(Nas,/u02c8nɑu02d0z/,全称Nasty Nas)出道13年,累积出全球一千两百余万惊人销售量,坐拥90年代东岸纽约帮派饶舌巨星地位的Nas,总是以坦率直言的辞汇,揭发出街头生活现实黑暗面,贴切抒发压抑已久情绪,让黑色同胞们感同身受,不仅是位全才型音乐创作者,更被美誉为充满人文素养的街头诗人。本名为Nasir Jones的Nas,是爵士音乐家Olu Dara的儿子,虽出生在充满音乐薰陶的环境,叛逆的Nas,却在国二时期便辍学到街头讨生活,还好有音乐支撑,加上自我努力学习下,激发对饶舌词汇的高敏感度,不断藉由犀利文字描绘险象环生的街头文化。1991年Nas助阵於Main Source演唱会上,完全展放实力的公开表演,造成东岸饶舌圈不小震撼,3rd Bass团员MC Serch闻风而至,力邀Nas在原声带《Zebrahead》中试露一手,引起Columbia唱片公司兴趣,签入旗下发行首张个人大碟《Illmatic》,获得节奏蓝调/饶舌榜亚军+流行榜Top12,不仅快速突破百万销量,并获AMG网站5星满分评价,滚石杂志四星肯定,The Source则赞誉此辑为嘻哈乐界完美示范盘。
2023-07-23 09:55:391

小鹿斑比 主题曲

1.主题曲是《Love is a Song》2.作曲:Frank Churchill作词:Larry Morey3.《Love is a Song》歌词: I guess I"m trippin for me to ask you to take me back I"m just bitter cause I won"t ever get a taste of that, againI am can"t delete your number out my phone Sendin you messages hopin that you are down to boneI bet you find it pathetic that I be still at it Had me some one hit wonders babygirl you"re illmatic A real classic, I"m such a bastard, chasin after a bunch of plastics It"s over passion, now you madBut no hard feelins, I"m not your arch villain You got me writin more love songs than john lennon There"s nothing wrong with it, you love every minute of it I"m pennin every sentence hopin you feel pity from itYou say I"m so sweet but only on beats Cause in person I always seem say the wrong things He"s such an asshole, look at him rap though A sweet apology with a Jason mraz flowI"m just playin" you used to find me funny though Before you saw me use same jokes on other hoes Girl you were so pissed you tried to let my mother know I fucked it up with my credibility runnin lowAnd I ain"t sayin I"m a changed man But I"m switchin from fake bitches to namebrands You got this player forgettin about his gameplan I got your name stuck in my head like rainmanYou never know what you have till you lose it And all the other girls that I smash are illusions Late night ass, there"s really nothing to it You got them killer moves, and they don"t know the way you do it, was a student
2023-07-23 09:55:533

推荐几张 Hip Hop 说唱的专辑

此文来自我的百度空间、、、hipa我听得很多... ...网上也有很多的评论十大经典专辑的帖子... 当然了,智者见智了...每个人对自己喜欢的rappa有偏爱而造成评价偏颇在所难免,新鸟尤甚...作为老鸟,相信我的评价比较客观,至少听过的hipa歌曲5000+了吧...每张专辑都有自己的亮点和不足,不过总体看来有几点很重要的不能回避的东西: 商业性:就是专辑销量,这是一个不可争辩的指标... 音乐性:就是可听性,如果beat听起来就不爽,很难说它是经典... 社会性:就是歌词要好,要有思想,要能反映社会现象,不能就是money&sex的,不能就是fuck来shit去的... 技巧性:就是rappa的自己的flow等等的技巧,是rappa自己的功底了...好的rappa会让你听起来很流畅很爽...其实有些地下的hipa音乐也很经典,歌词很牛,但是销量很差只不用说,单是音乐性一项,可能就是很多人受不了了...还有一些音乐性很强,听起来超爽,比如nelly的歌,但是由于太过于接近流行音乐,而失去了hipa本来的内涵...有的是其他都好,但是歌手本身实力不够使得虽然销量很好,音乐性很强也不得入选,所以50 cent等人没能入选就是因为这个...他的flow真是烂的可以...唉...再有的就是歌曲内容空洞,除了fuck,shit,money,sex没有什么实际的东西,没什么价值...综合考虑以上几个因素,我评选了Hip-Hop十大经典专辑,比较可观的说...上个世纪八九十年代的老砖也有,本世纪初的相对较新的专辑也有...但是前者居多,时间证明了一切,证明了它们的经典...废话不多说了,上专辑吧!!![排名不分先后]1.--- De La Soul - De La Soul Is Dead [1991]De La Soul 1989的首张专辑《3 Feet High and Rising》以鲜明讨喜的hippie-hop一举打响了De La Soul的名号,然而两年后,同样邀来Prince Paul制作的《De La Soul Is Dead》才是De La Soul丰沛创作才能的铁证,并一展他们强烈的音乐企图心。在词作上,De La Soul在此专辑添入大量的黑色幽默,以及令人屏息的故事性叙述,诸如讽刺自我盛名的Ring Ring Ring,满载情绪化反叛的My Brother"s A Basehead,甚至在Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa论及乱伦。而这般极具挑战性的词章,却建构在轻快且多样化的音乐元素上,穿插多个skit / interlude的曲目编排,更让《De La Soul Is Dead》幻化为一本精彩绝伦的小说,当然它绝对是一张Arty Hip Hop经典。 专辑曲目:1. Intro2. Oodles Of O"s3. Talkin" Bout Hey Love 4. Pease Porridge 5. Skit 1 6. Johnny"s Dead Aka Vincent Mason (Live From The BK Lounge) 7. A Roller Skating Jam Named "Saturdays" 8. WRMS" Dedication To The Bitty 9. Bitties In The BK Lounge 10. Skit 2 11. My Brother"s A Basehead 12. Let, Let Me In 13. Afro Connections At A Hi 5 (In The Eyes Of The Hoodlum) 14. Rap De Rap Show 15. Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa 16. Who Do U Worship? 17. Skit 3 18. Kicked Out The House 19. Pass The Plugs 20. Not Over Till The Fat Lady Plays The Demo 21. Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey) 22. WRMS: Cat"s In Control 23. Skit 4 24. Shwingalokate 25. Fanatic Of The B Word 26. Keepin" The Faith 27. Skit 5 2.--- N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton [1989]这张唱片最大的功绩在于它催生了帮匪说唱,什么是帮匪说唱,看看人家的歌名就知道有多么直白了--《Fuck Police》。就是这样一张充满暴力与反政府主义的唱片却影响了后来无数说唱歌手,还记得去年Fort Minor在《Remember The Name》中如何念到的吗? he knows the code,it"s not about the salary,It"s all about reality 没错,这句被Fort Minor奉为信条的歌词正是出自N.W.A的《Gangsta Gangsta》 。现在看来N.W.A简直就是当年的ALLSTAR团队,包括了擅长把握节奏的Ice Cube, Easy E和MC Ren,还有充满激情的Dr.Dre和DJ Yella。后来这些人的成就就更不要多提了… 专辑曲目:01 - Straight Outta Compton.mp302 - Fuck Tha Police.mp303 - Gangsta Gangsta.mp304 - If It Ain"t Ruff.mp305 - Parental Discretion Iz Advised.mp306 - 8 Ball (remix).mp307 - Something Like That.mp308 - Express Yourself.mp309 - Compton"s N The House (remix).mp310 - I Ain"t Tha 1.mp311 - Dopeman (remix).mp312 - Quiet On Tha Set.mp313 - Something 2 Dance 2.mp314 - Express Yourself (extended mix).mp315 - Bonus Beats.mp316 - Straight Outta Compton (extended mix).mp317 - A Bitch Iz A Bitch.mp33.--- Dr.Dre - The Chronic [1992]Dr. Dre 800万张的销售量,八个月盘据在Billboard Album chart Top 10,2首Top 10单曲,这些显赫的商业成绩并不足以形容脱胎自N.W.A.的Dr. Dre首张个人作品《The Chronic》在当年所掀起的G-Funk狂潮,及对乐坛爆炸性的影响。《The Chronic》冷融70年代George Clinton之音的取样,源于Donny Hathway、Issac Hayes的旋律曲式,加倍厚重的电子鼓中版节拍,高音频的合成音效,还有70年代风味长笛solo演奏。Dre管此种Hip Hop新产物叫G-Funk,而G-Funk更使西岸成为好一阵子的Hip Hop能量来源地。犹记当时美国黑人青少年老爱随着Dr. Dre与其爱徒Snoop Doggy Dogg合作的laidback经典《Nothing But A "G" Thang》,上下夸张式地摇晃车子。而Dr. Dre看似狂妄的词作,则是当时街头文化的忠实反映。尽管争议不断,《The Chronic》的打破成规让Hip Hop文化一举攀至高峰,Dr. Dre的确是正格的"N***a With Attitude"。 专辑曲目:01 - The Chronic (Intro)02 - Fuck Wit Dre Day (And Everybody"s Celebratin")03 - Let Me Ride04 - The Day The Niggaz Took Over05 - Nuthin" But A G Thang06 - Deeez Nuuuts07 - Lil" Ghetto Boy08 - A Nigga Witta Gun09 - Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat10 - The 20 Sack Pyramid11 - Lyrical Gangbang12 - High Powered13 - The Doctor"s Office14 - Stranded On Death Row15 - The Roach (The Chronic Outro)16 - Bitches Ain"t Shit4.--- Nas - Illmatic [1994]Nas 在多张畅销专辑推波助澜下,Nas已傲然成为90年代中后期Hip Hop界的中坚份子。但Nas出众的纽约嘻哈气息,还是最能在他于1994年发表的debut album《Illmatic》中嗅出。完全随性而downbeat是《Illmatic》予人的第一印象,Nas在叙事上不见义正词严的拘束感,而是无比真实的敏锐观察。一会儿b***h一会儿f**k,Nas在词藻里惯用的连串脏话,也正勾勒出他自贫穷生活走来的街头风格。在中慢版的节奏里,Nas以他滑溜如Q-Tip的嗓音,娓娓道来一篇篇urban tales,却自在得不带一丝压力。 专辑曲目:01. The Genesis 02. N.Y. State Of Mind 03. Life"s A Bitch04. The World Is Yours 05. Halftime 06. Memory Lane (Sittin" In Da Park) 07. One Love 08. One Time 4 Your Mind 09. Represent 10. It Ain"t Hard To Tell 5.--- The Notorious B.I.G - Ready To Die [1994]the Notorious B.I.G. 是一个不寻常的巧合,The Notorious B.I.G.在94年发行的首张专辑名称《Ready To Die》,像是暗示了Biggie三年后遭枪击身亡的悲。然而, Ready To Die着实是这位早逝英才震撼Hip Hop界的masterpiece,在将Biggie半辈子的帮派生活缩影在80年代funk中的《Ready To Die》中,毒品、谋杀、抢劫,样样真实地穿插在Biggie比gangster rap更黑暗的音乐笔记里,拥有将幽默感发挥在人生最黑暗面上的功力,Biggie以生命历练来创作的态度,实在难得。但是两首remix后的畅销Top 10单曲“Big Poppa”、“One More Chance”却别于深沉的专辑走向,带来慵懒的funk风情。 1.Intro 2.Things Done Changed 3.Gimme The Loot 4.Machine Gun Funk 5.Warning 6.Ready To Die 7.One More Chance 8.Fuck Me(Interlude)9.Juicy 10.Everyday Stuggle 11.Me & My Bitch 12.Big Poppa 13.Respect 14.Friend Of Mine 15.Unbelievable 16.Suicidal Thoughts6.--- 2Pac - All Eyez On Me [1996]2Pac是个高产的rapper,他总是以双CD形式推出唱片,而这张《All Eyez On Me》无疑是他最具代表性的唱片了。这是张伟大的流行唱片,对,没错,就是流行唱片。2pac那极富旋律感的饶舌使得整张唱片听起来更像是一张纯粹的"唱"片。几乎每首歌都是如此的动听,而《Life Goes On》是我的最爱。也许你已经厌倦了没完没了的念叨,那么2pac绝对可以让你的挑剔的耳朵放松。 2Pac的影响是巨大的,EMINEM就是深受其影响之一。现在听来EMINEM的歌,很大程度上承袭了2Pac的风格。同时,2Pac还是thug这个单词的定义者,看看现在这个单词已经给rappers们给用烂了.专辑曲目:Book OneAmbitionz Az A RidahAll Bout USkandalouzGot My Mind Made UpHow Do U Want It2 Of Amerikaz Most WantedNo More PainHeartz Of MenLife Goes OnOnly God Can Judge MeTradin War StoriesCalifornia Love (remix)I Ain"t Mad At ChaWhat"z Ya Phone #Book TwoCan"t C MeShorty Wanna Be A ThugHolla At MeWonda Why They Call U BytchWhen We RideThug PassionPicture Me Rollin"Check Out TimeRatha Be Ya NiggaAll Eyez On MeRun Tha StreetzAin"t Hard 2 FindHeaven Ain"t Hard 2 Find7.--- Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle [1993]单看专辑名字就知道Snoop Doggy Dogg绝不是什么好家伙,专辑名《Doggystyle》在俚语中的意思指男女像狗一样进行性交,当然Dogg在俚语中也指的是大人物的意思,所以也可以理解为大人物风范,可见Snoop Doggy Dogg的狂傲。要是没有Dr.Dre的《The Chronic》就没有这张这张唱片,这张唱片可以看到是对《The Chronic》的延续,因为在《The Chronic》中几乎有一半歌曲Snoop Doggy Dogg参与了饶舌,而制作人又恰恰是Dr.Dre。 流畅的Funk节奏加上帮派色彩强烈的歌词成就了Snoop Doggy Dogg的Doggy风格,Snoop Dogg在作品音乐性上的把握完全得益于Funk之父George Clinton和他的Parliament-Funkadelic,同时Snoop Dogg懒洋洋的拿腔拿调和Tha Dogg Pound(Nate Dogg,Warren G,Kurput和Dat Nigger Daz)滑稽的和声也让这张专辑带着些趣味性。Snoop Doggy Dogg将13首不同形态的作品巧妙地串连起来,用极为讽刺的手法大胆地描绘出黑人社会中地爱欲,情色,帮派斗争及自杀事件。 专辑曲目:1. Nuthin" But A G Thang 2. Head Doctor 3. Gin & Juice 4. Eastside Party 5. Murder Was The Case (remix) 6. Ain"t No Fun (If The Homies Can"t Have None) 7. Doggfather (remix) 8. Midnight Love 9. Eastside 10. Who Am I (What"s My Name) 11. Doggy Dogg World 12. Too High (Poly High) 13. Vapors 14. Usual Suspects 15. Keep It Real 8.--- Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back [1988]说唱团体Public Enemy自从组建以来,就一直有别于那些只知出言不逊的说唱团体。由Chuck D带领的Public Enemy岂止是言之有物,他们就是说唱音乐中的The Clash或Bob Dylan,像摇滚音乐一样睿智而勇敢地对种族和社会问题做出深刻地反思与批判。Public Enemy在1989年发表地这张《It Takes a Nation of Milli ons to Hold Us Back》,带给说唱音乐甚至整个流行音乐界强大地震撼,它跨越了音乐风格的限制,以至于有媒体在评选最伟大的摇滚专辑时也将其收入,它无疑是帮匪说唱史 最英勇,最强大的概念专辑。 专辑曲目:1.Countdown To Armageddon2.Bring The Noise3.Don"t Believe The Hype4.Cold Lampin With Flavour5.Terminator X To The Edge Of Panic6.Mind Terrorist7.Louder Than A Bomb8.Caught,Can We Get A Witness9.Show Em Whatcha Got10.She Watch Channel Zero!11.Night Of The Living Baseheads12.Black Steel In The First World13.Security Of The First World14.Rebel Without A Pause15.Prophets Of Rage16.Party For Your Right To Fight9.--- Jay-Z - The Black Album [2003]当年Jay-Z和Nas的那场beef简直是惊动了整个说唱界。好在他们没有重蹈2Pac和The Notorious B.I.G的悲剧,不然说唱界又损失了两位巨匠。 尽管人们普遍愿意把Jay-Z的那张《The Blueprint》奉为经典,但是我更偏爱这张归隐之作《The Black Album》。专辑继续由Roc a Fella的黄金制作人Kayne West操刀,但是整张专辑却没有出现说唱界里很普遍的跨刀献唱,14首歌完全由Jay-Z一个人flow。Jay-Z的音乐最大的特点在于他的音乐总是包含丰富的R&B采样,嘹亮的号角,清脆的打击乐以及天真无邪的童声。这张专辑无疑是把这些特点发挥到了极致。 有趣的是收山之作的最后一首歌竟然是《My 1st Song》,表明了Jay-Z对这张唱片的重视.专辑曲目:01. Interlude02. December 4th03. What More Can I Say04. Encore05. Change Clothes06. Dirt Off Your Shoulder 07. Threat08. Moment of Clarity09. 99 Problems10. Public Service Announcement (Interlude) 11. Justify My Thug12. Lucifer13. Allure 14. My 1st Song 10.--- Eminem - The Eminem Show [2002]超级大痞子阿姆绝对是乐坛话题人物,不断地制造新闻也让其他艺人望尘莫及,与艾尔顿强在葛莱美奖的合作更成为不朽经典。而阿姆Rap词间充满讥讽娱乐圈名人、鼓吹暴力仇恨、挑衅同性恋族群甚至骂尽所有人,有人对他恨得牙痒痒、有人则对他的大放厥词直呼过瘾! 虽然在"The Real Slim Shady"中摆明对葛莱美奖百般不屑,却依旧风光夺得本届葛莱美奖3项大奖,想必那些被阿姆臭骂却又得表现出风度的评审委员们,一定是对他又爱又恨。而 “超级大痞子”在美国突破7白金、英国5白金、爱尔兰12白金、加拿大6白金…全球总计1000万张的销售量让人不得不期待,所以他这张专辑的表现也就格外令人瞩目。 而阿姆2002年全新专辑“阿姆秀”中的首支单曲"Without Me",阿姆在首支单曲音乐录影带之中大玩角色扮演,先扮蝙蝠侠罗宾,再扮恐怖份子宾拉登,让人不得不佩服其搞笑功力,当然其教主级的饶舌功力也再次在专辑中展现,这张“阿姆秀”正是阿姆向世人展示他饶舌功力无人能出其右的又一佳作。专辑曲目:1.Curtains Up [Skit]2.White America3.Business4.Cleanin Out My Closet5.Square Dance6.The Kiss [Skit]7.Soldier8.Say Goodbye Hollywood9.Drips10.Without Me11.Paul Rosenberg [Skit]12.Sing for the Moment13.Superman14.Hailie"s Song15.Steve Berman (Skit)16.When the Music Stops17.Say What You Say18."Till I Collapse19.My Dad"s Gone Crazy20.Curtains Close [Skit]哈哈,终于完了,累死了...
2023-07-23 09:56:2511


王者之路 - D-Evil发行时间:2008-01-01 歌词:king of east的军队我打头阵在战场上杀敌绝对是游刃有余立下汉马功劳是首席的将领冲锋陷阵会上瘾看 我是王者在一路走来叛党在防守 却极度丑还耍口才逃兵只顾着加速被抓住 面临的只有杀戮我从来都没有忘记要怎么样子才能够真的回到那个没有那硝烟没有战火的和平年代但是 王者的路 不是那么好走的鲜血都伴随着我们的每一个脚步骑上我的战马,向着东方出发游骑承载着梦想现在回家HIP-HOP HIP-HOP 我们都在同一挂再多的困难险阻我都不怕前面路漫漫,沿途凄惨惨刀光剑影狂风黄沙陪我做伴一缕阳光指引我,走在王者路上心中渴望的力量在陪我成长胜利女神在把勇者召唤,就像敌人发出最后一声呐喊回到战场上面对冲天火光这条革命路上胜者为王H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃They call me chinese Prince PaulNiggaz waitin for my track dropYa never heard where my samples fromcos diggin in da crates just like my day jobI take u back to da classicKing Of East dat be another Illmatichow dat sound, my enemies is donefrom none to some, my kindom comeso what u want迎接你们的大王 my kingdom come my kingdom come奴才们都叫我皇上 what u want now what u want manH I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃硝烟没停 打乱这宁静战斗血腥 划破了黎明没有输赢 换不来和平为了理想可以不顾性命当人们开始歌颂我的丰功伟绩谁知道我的战甲 为谁哭泣片甲不留 成王败寇跪在面前乞求拥有自由H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃
2023-07-23 09:56:474


Sonja的那段“如果情况不容乐观,就一天天/一小时/一分钟的来”绝不是编剧凭空写下的台词,只有陪伴躁郁症患者的人能说出这样的肺腑之言。或许Even在现实生活中确有原型——刚好住在我们这个平行世界里。有人在豆瓣八组用SKAM的剧情发了一个帖子,文章标题是“我的男友患了精神病我该怎么办”,底下的高赞留言一水的都是劝分。这个恶搞贴某种程度上也反映了冰冷的现实,《风月俏佳人》和《Skam》只是存在于银幕上的最佳结局。但,有时候,我是说有时候,我们也需要骑士拔剑爬上阳台拯救公主的童话故事,好让我们觉得可能现实还没有那么糟。即使童话故事发生的概率微乎其微,在数万个平行世界中,或许刚好有一个,Isak and Even are together for all eternity.:)-------------------------以上是看完第九集的感想--------------这部剧直到第八集才揭开了隐藏在even身后的“部分真相”,而前七集则被刻意地包装成一个北欧清新同性恋歌。你看Isak因为自己的性向苦恼时刚好有个even出现在他眼前,刚好两人看对眼,之后的感情发展也算顺风顺水,isak出柜后得到了除母亲之外所有人的理解,even也宣称和sonja彻底掰了。这一系列剧情相比skam前两季,太梦幻而显得不真实。事实上剧组也为第八集的反转做过许多铺垫,比如第二集出现了Nas的《The message》,hook正是even在纸条上写下的“I never sleep,cause sleep is the cousin of death.”又比如第三集Isak向Emma推荐Nas的《Illmatic》。官推po出的两人短信里Even的跳跃思维(引用kanye的歌词和发Jerry Seinfeld的表情包)以及万圣节当晚Even带他进入陌生人家的泳池和厨房戏里听到五朵金花突然亢奋,都是对他可能有躁狂症的暗示。剧情进行到这里,坏心眼的剧组交代给Isak的难题远比前两季的主角们的更尖锐——如果Even真的是躁狂症患者,少年一时涌起的爱情能否给他带来足够的勇气去陪伴Even克服心理障碍?又或是像父亲一样做出同样的选择?毕竟他自己也认为“没有精神病在他身边日子会好过很多”。在没有给出Even的视角前,似乎两种都有可能。PS:微博上太多人用“互撩”“高颜值腐剧”来概括《Skam》第三季,但想想也知道北欧人怎么会甘心于只是拍一部两个美少年的梦幻爱情剧?我承认这部剧里的吻戏的确能让人感受到悸动,但如果要选一个最爱的片段,我认为是第二集两个人坐在窗台上,聊怎么逃课,聊爱听的音乐来消磨时间,总让我想起了渡边和绿子坐在阳台上度过的那个下午。这是感情的萌芽,一切行为尚在安全线以内,两人表情平静,但是胸中河流奔涌。
2023-07-23 09:57:083


king of east的军队我打头阵在战场上杀敌绝对是游刃有余立下汉马功劳是首席的将领冲锋陷阵会上瘾看 我是王者在一路走来叛党在防守 却极度丑还耍口才逃兵只顾着加速被抓住 面临的只有杀戮 我从来都没有忘记要怎么样子才能够真的回到那个没有那硝烟没有战火的和平年代可是但是 王者的路 不是那么好走的鲜血都伴随着我们的每一个脚步 Verse 2(老王)骑上我的战马,向着东方出发游骑承载着梦想现在回家HIP-HOP 我们都在同一挂再多的困难险阻我都不怕前面路漫漫,沿途凄惨惨刀光剑影狂风黄沙陪我做伴一缕阳光指引我,走在王者路上心中渴望的力量在陪我成长胜利女神在把勇者召唤,就像敌人发出最后一声呐喊回到战场上面对冲天火光这条革命路上胜者为王 Chrous*2H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃 Verse 3(ScRaTcH_P)They call me chinese Prince PaulNiggaz waitin for my track dropYa never heard where my samples fromcos diggin in da crates just like my day jobI take u back to da classicKing Of East dat be another Illmatichow dat sound, my enemies is donefrom none to some, my kindom come so what u want bridge迎接你们的大王 my kingdom come my kingdom come奴才们都叫我皇上 now what u want now what u want man Chrous*2H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃 bridge verse 4(Lil Devil)硝烟没停 打乱这宁静战斗血腥 划破了黎明没有输赢 换不来和平为了理想可以不顾*命当人们开始歌颂我的丰功伟绩谁知道我的战甲 为谁哭泣片甲不留 成王败寇跪在面前乞求拥有自由 Chrous*2H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃
2023-07-23 09:57:152


  A]字母索引  Angela AAA Aquarius  ア カッペラーズ 安全地帯 アリス九号  Aqua Timez acid android 幻形 Anthem  Asia Engineer Angel Note Angelo  All Japan Goith AKB48 Aice5  abingdon boys school ART-SCHOOL AcQuA EP  ALvino access APOGEE  Acid Black Cherry ACIDMAN アルファ  アイドリング!!! Aming アンティック-珈琲店-  AVEX Advantage Lucy アナム&マキ  AGE/AGE-OF-EP ASIAN2 Akeboshi  Asparagus ANATAKIKOU アテナ&ロビケロッツ  アヲイ アンダーグラフ any for delight  aluto AIDS チャリティProject ala & UNCHAIN  as.milk AILE ANUBIS  ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION ala a·chi-a·chi  ARIA ave;new ACID  Avengers In Sci-Fi  [B]字母索引  BLACK VELVET BAND FOR SANKA  BLANKEY JET CITY BREAKERZ バニラビーンズ  BOOGIE MATSUDA&FUNKY★FREAKS Buono! ビリー  ビリケン Berry Roll BERLIN  Blue Trike Big Bang BOMB FACTORY  BETTA FLASH 8otto Bergerac  Bibus Music Club BREMEN BACK-ON  BOΦWY Boom Boom Satellites BRIGHT  BEGIN BIGMAMA BON JOVI  BLOODTHIRSTY BUTCHERS 80★PAN! BLOOD  bis B-DASH バイオレット  BENNIE K BON-BON BLANCO BAAD  BRAHMAN 棒球熊 BEAT CRUSADERS  BeForU BUMP OF CHICKEN BoA (ボア) BRATZ feat. BoA Howie D  BEGIN BUCK-TICK BUZZLIP  Berryz工房 BREATH BRACE;d  B"Z Bank Band  [C]字母索引  CRACK6  彩虹 COLOR CHARCOAL FILTER  CHEMISTRY CHAGE&ASKA CLOVER  Clavier 彩冷える Casiopea  ℃-ute Chocolat & Akito チャットモンチー  Core of Soul Ciel Coaltar of the Deepers  超飞行少年 Campus Summit CHARCOAL FILTER  Cy-Rim rev. 椿屋四重奏 COLTEMONIKHA  capsule ClearVeil CASSIS  chariots C☆NA(シーナ)&カーキーズ CLUB PRINCE  COLDPLAY C-999 Changin"My Life  CHERRYBLOSSOM Clench &Blistah cossami  Crazy Ken Band C.G mix  [D]字母索引  Dream5  DE DE MOUSE DEATHGAZE ディラン&キャサリン  地狱车 大和 电気グルーヴ  DOES Dew Dio  D=OUT DJ Deckstream DangerGang  dustbox Duel Jewel DOREMI团  Def Tech DRM DS455  Digitalism DOPING PANDA 大鸦  D-51 D"ERLANGER 电气式华怜音乐集团  DEPAPEPE D Dreams Come True  东京エスムジカ Day After Tomorrow Due le Quartz  Deadman doa DA PUMP  东京事变 D"espairsRay Dir en grey  Dream 东方神起 deen  东京スカパラダイスオーケストラ Dragon Ash  [E]字母索引  Every Little Thing  EXILE ET-KING エイジアエンジニア  enie meenie EU PHORIA 二千花  ENAMEL BROTHERS ELLEGARDEN emmuree  envy 2BACKKA eastern youth  エレファントカシマシ 20th Century Elements Garden  [F]字母索引  FictionJunction flumpool FULLARMOR  飞轮海 FUTABA FLEET  F-BLOOD Flower Companyz FOR LIFE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT  FoZZtone Favorite Blue 福耳  F.I.B FreeTEMPO FREENOTE  faith Fishmans Five Stones  Full of Harmony Foxxi misQ FIRE BALL  风味堂 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS Flame  FLOW フジファブリック 蜉蝣  feel[Elements Garden] 风叶×MintJam FictionJunction YUUKA  [G]字母索引  GLAY GOING UNDER GROUND GARNET CROW  ゴスペラーズ 関ジャニ∞(エイト) GAM  Gazette GO!GO!7188 Gutevolk  Globe Gulliver Get GReeeeN  GOLLBETTY 高铃 グループ魂  GOLF & MIKE ギャルル GTP  Galneryus Golden Circle ギルガメッシュ  GRANRODEO gossip GHOST  GRAPEVINE ガチャピン ムックとアイドリング!!! GOOD 4 NOTHING  グレイシア GUY"S FAMILY gift  GPKISM ガガガSP GIRL NEXT DOOR  [H]字母索引  黑濑真奈美 with 12人のヴァイオリニスト HUMBERT HUMBERT Hi-Fi CAMP  High King HY 鹤  H2O ホイフェスタ ハルコ  HAWAIIAN6 Hearts Grow Hey!Say!JUMP  Head Phones President Hello!Project 横道坊主  heidi. HASYMO/YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA Hey! Say! 7  海援队 HIGHWAY61 HIZAKI grace project  Hawaiian6 黑梦 黒百合姉妹  HALCALI 花*花 HOME MADE 家族  猴子把戏 Heartsdales HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR  HINOIチーム  [I]字母索引  I WiSH I"ve  ILLMATIC HEADLOCK いきものがかり i-dep  INSPi INFINITY16 イロクイ。  I"s CUBE  [J]字母索引  堀江美都子&栗原正己 J  9GOATS BLACK OUT JUN YAMABE & ENITOKWA Jazzida Grande  JULEPS ジン 筋肉少女带  jealkb ★ジョージ★ 9mm Parabellum Bullet  Jazztronik 金鱼 吉田兄弟  JANGA69 Jackson vibe JAPAHARINET  井ノ上奈&稲村优奈 Janne Da Arc ジャパハリネット  JAM Project 井上阳水&奥田民生 今井大介&唐沢美帆  [K]字母索引  Kagrra Kiroro Kitty GYM  空気公団 くるり KAT-TUN  K.M.E ケツメイシ Kinki Kids[近畿小子]  コブクロ K Ken  Kisaki PROJECT Klaha カレン カーペンター  カントリー娘。 Kaya くず  コルベッツ クラムボン kannivalism  ketchup mania キンモクセイ Kra  KEMURI Kiss and Cry カルテット  kukui かりゆし58 キャナァーリ倶楽部  KAME & L.N.K コンタクト カラーボトル  キグルミ キマグレン キャプテンストライダム  KELUN KAREN クサカンムリ  KEY GOT CREW Kids Alive KOH+  可怜Girl"s Kalafina  [L]字母索引  Lil"B  凛として时雨 locofrank L×L(エル)  丽兰 LUV AND RESPONSE LiZ  LOVERIN TAMBURIN LOST IN TIME LM.C  Little Hippies LUNKHEAD 蓝坊主  Loudness Lunacy Le Couple  Luna Sea LOVEHOLIC 岚  泷&翼 LAST ALLIANCE 雷鼓  LOVE PSYCHEDELICO Lead Lucifer(∧ucifer)  [M]字母索引  ムック Malice Mizer MOVE  マルガ リ マイク m-flo 美勇伝  mihimaru GT MAX メリー  My Little Lover Mi midnightPumpkin  MEGARYU MARIA MAKE-UP  メガマソ Mr.Children Moi dix mois  めろ@ドラマCD まんすりぃ 萌音系列 Medical sound series MICRON"STUFF  米米CLUB Melocure マボロシ  MO"SOME TONEBENDER m.c.A·T メレンゲ  蜜瓜纪念日 ムラマサ☆ MIGHTY JAM ROCK  MONORAL Micro of Def Tech monobright  MONGOL800 MILKRUN メトロノーム  MAMALAID RAG 满福 茉奈佳奈  MIX MARKET Mix Speaker"s,Inc メトロオンゲン  Metis Gretel モダーン今夜 摩天楼オペラ  MOSAIC.WAV ムニムニ marble  MATCHY with QUESTION MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS milktub  moumoon マキシマム ザ ホルモン mihimaru GT with SOFFet  Micro MICA 3 CHU(中岛美嘉×森三中) 梦中梦  MiChi  [N]字母索引  ノースリーブス ニルギリス  ナナ·イロ No.9 NICOTINE  NICO Touches the Walls navy&ivory nobodyknows+  ネガ 怒发天 Natural Punch Drunker  Natural High ナナカナ ナナムジカ  Naomi & Goro NIRGILIS NewS  ナイトメア  [O]字母索引  ORANGE RANGE ONE☆DRAFT  OLIVIA Our Love To Stay オレスカバンド  ORIGINAL LOVE OCEANLANE OVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUN  ONE OK ROCK orange pekoe OVER ARM THROW  OGRE YOU ASSHOLE オムニバス OBLIVION DUST  オトナモード ON/OFF  [P]字母索引  People in The Box  ポワトリン ピース Prits  ペトロールズ PUFFY perfect piano lesson  PhilHarmoUniQue Paradise Go!!Go!! Perfume  Pay money To my Pain Pabo Phantasmagoria  plane Pistol Valve Parking Out  PaniCrew ポルノグラフィティ PANG  POLYSICS Pierrot PE"Z  PINK☆PANDA Paris Match PAMELAH  PENICILLIN 帕妃-Puffy 平川地一丁目  Plastic tree Psycho Le Cému  [Q]字母索引  绮罗  气志团 秋叶原少年団☆电脳ロメオ 犬神サーカス団  群星合集  [R]字母索引  レインブック らっぷびと  RYTHEM with キマグレン Ruvie Ragdoll  R-15 ラムジ RIP SLYME  ROCK"A"TRENCH Rin" rumania montevideo  redballoon rockwell Rock-senti  RSP RAM RIDER レミオロメン  ROACH Ryohei RYUKYUDISKO  RADIO CAROLINE Road of Major REV  Rag Fair RIP SLYME RADWIMPS  ラッパ我リヤ Ruppina ROUND TABLE featuring Nino  RYTHEM Rentrer en soi RIZE  [S]字母索引  少年ナイフ SunSet Swish 175R  スキマスイッチ 树海 SOFFet  SOPHIA SMAP Summer Snow Surprise  Sweetbox Sambomaster savage genius  see-saw Sound Horizon S.O.A.P  Sads SBK September  Sex Machineguns SHAKALABBITS Siam Shade  Sound Schedule SOURCE SOUTH BLOW  Speed speena Spitz  STANCE PUNKS Sugar SUITE CHIC  SURFACE SweetS Syrup16g  Southern All Stars サスケ シド  スーパーカー スクービードゥー スチャダラパー  Skoop On Somebody 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 Sigh  圣饥魔 II Shazna SING LIKE TALKING  Sister Q SMOOTH ACE SOFT BALLET  Something ELse Sony Music SOUL"d OUT  SOULHEAD 森田クラブ Schwarz Stein  SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITH SUPERCAR SOIL& PIMP SESSIONS  10 FEET サンタラ 19  SunSet Swish セカイイチ SPECIAL OTHERS  Spontania 3B LAB. S SPLAY  START FROM SCRATCH Shocking Lemon ストレイテナー  sunny-side up SPARTA LOCALS サンチャゴ  サクラメリーメン サンボマスター シュノーケル  STACK44 少年カミカゼ スパークリング☆ポイント  Sadie SIVA SuG  SS501 SUNSGRIND SEAMO  STARDUST REVUE STUDIO APARTMENT SKULL CANDY  Splash Candy シャ乱Q SCREW  SOUL SOUCE PRODUCTION スカー smarttail  Starboard SKAMODOKI START OF THE DAY  SMOOTH系列 Sotte Bosse 矢泽永吉  school food punishment シリアルu21d4NUMBER SHERBETS  So"Fly SKELT 8 BAMBINO SUICIDE ALI  sleepy.ab SNAIL RAMP サカナクション  三叉路 Spontania feat. JUJU スネオヘアー  Spangle call Lilli line SOUNDHEAD 石井竜也&高杉さと美  Sound Around SOFFet with mihimaru GT SLASH  Safarii supercell ステレオポニー(stereopony)  SCANDAL 神谷浩史+小野大辅 少年队  [T]字母索引  TWISTED CLOCK Tribal Chair the prodigy  the generous 太阳族 桃  TUBE tobaccojuice TRIPLANE  THE RODEO CARBURETTOR tick THE BLUE HEARTS  Tourbillon TERIYAKI BOYZ THE BLACK MAGES  tomboy 藤兵卫ドンと农民たち T-BOLAN  TM NETWORK トクマルシューゴ texas pandaa  the tambourines TRIPLE-P THE ALFEE  TEAM BOOTCAMP The Phanky OKstra twenty4-7  the FIELD OF VIEW THE KIDDIE The ピーズ  the brilliant green THE CRO-MAGNONS the band apart  THYME THE BIRTHDAY THE LOCAL ART  THE LOOSE DOGS telephones the do-nuts  THE BACK HORN THE Possible The White Stripes  the GazettE the ARROWS The Chemical Brothers  toddle the studs Triumphal Records(同人)  Taiji All Stars the pillows つばき  THE INDIGO TWINZER タッキー&翼  T-Square Thoroughblend Tiaraway  TWO-MIX Teranoid & MC Natsack 松本孝弘.featuring.仓木麻衣  TOKIO 推定少女 The Babystars  The Beatles The Mass Missile THE STROKES  TRF TЁЯRA T.M.Revolution  [U]字母索引  UVERworld unMOMENT UNDER17  UZI ウルフルズ UNDER THE COUNTER  unkie UnsraW UNICORN  URCHIN FARM Up and Coming UNLIMITS  うぇぶたま  [V]字母索引  Versailles Viored  ヴィドール V.A VIEW  Vlidge V6  [W]字母索引  w-inds.  W Wands WaT  Whiteberry wyolica Wyse  微热DANJI うたいびと はね WIZARD  Walkabout WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY WRONG SCALE  winnie WIRE 5050  ワイルド3人娘  [X]字母索引  xTRiPx 绚香×コブクロ  羞耻心&Pabo 细美武士[the HIATUS] 仙台货物  新兴宗教楽団NoGoD X-Japan 湘南乃风  XBS レミオロメン 向风  [Y]字母索引  Yellow Generation 鸭川 阴阳座  野狐禅 YO-KING 韵シスト  やなわらばー 柚子 妖精帝国  100s ゆずおだ(ゆず+小田和正) 银杏BOYZ  yanokami 宇宙战队NOIZ ゆらゆら帝国  焰 音楽ガッタス Yellow Cherry  Your Song Is Good 音速ライン ゆずグレン  ゆこそ YA-KYIM YMCK  游吟 Yum!yum!ORANGE 宇宙  12012  [Z]字母索引  ZAZEN BOYS ZABADAK  Zwei 髭(HiGE) ZuTTo  0 SOUL 7 ザ☆ボン ZEEBRA  真心BROTHERS ゾロ 早安少女组  中原麻衣&清水爱 ZIGGY ZONE  ZYX ZZ ザ コブラツイスターズ  中ノ森BAND
2023-07-23 09:57:252

如何评价电影wild style?或者谁有中文字幕版的

中文名字:疯狂街头导演:Charlie Ahearn发行时间:1982年主演:Lee Quinones,Fab Five Freddy, Rock Steady Crew, The Cold Crush Brothers, Patti Astor, Sandra Fabara,Grandmaster Flash国家:美国《Wild Style》,是有史以来第一部Hip-hop题材的电影,在1982年由First Run出版发行,其后又由Rhino Home Video再版。纽约传奇涂鸦艺术家Lee Quinones扮演了电影主人公Zoro,其他参与的演员包括Fab Five Freddy,Rock Steady Crew, The Cold Crush Brothers, Patti Astor, Sandra Fabara和Grandmaster Flash等,其中不乏当时最优秀的街舞组合和说唱歌手。白人地下电影工作者Charlie Ahearn,自己筹资拍摄了《Wild Style》一片,希望借助这部电影来呈现出纽约布朗克斯区兴起的新风潮 - Hip-hop,这一被市中心居民视为反叛艺术的文化。为了让电影能够被搬上大银幕,Ahearn编写了一个简单的故事情节,然后这个故事并不是《Wild Style》大受欢迎的主要原因,更吸引人的是《Wild Style》本身的特殊性,出境的这些演员都在出演自己,他们各自在电影中展现了自己在现实生活中和Hip-hop文化的故事。这些传奇街头艺人(包括说唱、DJ、涂鸦和街舞各类别)的本色出演和Hip-hop这一当时还刚刚兴起的文化才是这是部影片的最大卖点。《Wild Style》概念的最初发起者Tracy 168曾这样说道,“这不是单单是一种艺术形式,是人们生活的方式。”《Wild Style》上映后曾一度掀起了一股嘻哈题材电影的热潮,并且它的影响力一直延续到90年代。一些经典的说唱专辑比如Nas的《Illmatic》,A Tribe Called Quest的《Midnight Marauders》,Cypress Hill的《Black Sunday》,Common的《Resurrection》,MF Doom的《Doomsday》,Beastie Boys的《Check Your Head》以及Jurassic 5的《Quality Control》等都含有这部电影里的采样。2007年VH1嘻哈颁奖典礼现场,众新生代艺人一起向《Wild Style》做了致敬演出,感谢它对Hip-hop文化的发展起到的重要作用。
2023-07-23 09:57:331

美国HIP HOP说唱界 有过节的歌手有哪些?

  Jay-Z和Nas  首先我们都知道,Jay-Z的首张专辑<Reasonable Doubt>里有首歌<Dead President II>,开头便采样了Nas的<The World Is Yours>,“I"m out for presidents to represent me”……相信他们当时就算不是朋友也不至于是敌人的关系把。但是,从2001年起,他们的beef愈演愈烈,两人也成为了继当年Pac和Biggie之后Hip-hop界最为针锋相对的对头。  但这段beef的最初源头可能要追溯到1999年,那一年Nas发行了专辑<I Am...>,其中的<Nas IsLike>一曲由DJ Premier制作,无疑是专辑中最大的亮点。而后Roc-a-fella的歌手Memphis Bleek采样这首歌做了一首名为<Memphis Bleek is>的东西。明显地,Nas觉得非常愤怒,认为Bleek侵犯了他的创作(好像他忘记了自己采样Pac的<All Eyez On Me>做<Street Dreams>的故事似的……),下半年<Nastradamus>发行,专辑中出现了这样的语句“You wanna ball "till you fall,I can help with that”,这正是对Bleek专辑<Coming Of Age>中歌词“I ma ball "till I fall,what you think of that”的回复。  自从这次之后,两人的矛盾渐渐白热化,<My Mind Right>和<Da Bridge 2001>中都有互相攻击的词句。在一些mixtape中的freestyles里,两人的互相攻击更是猛烈。但Bleek的能量肯定无法与Nas相对峙,“Ball "till I fall”事件以他的完败告终,在一次广播节目中,Bleek指责Nas小心眼,不能容忍他这个新人,且丝毫不给他老大Jay-Z的面子。显而易见,此时的beef双方,已经从Bleek和Nas上升到了Jay-Z和Nas!(传闻说在99年的一次公众活动上,Jay-Z曾当面向Nas提出希望他能停止对Bleek的攻击,因为Bleek(当时仅19岁)“是Nas的歌迷”……)  其实在<Nastradamus>中,Nas已经在间接地攻击Jay-Z了。Nas提到了他比另一个crew的头儿更强,并明确指出了那是个drug dealer——明显针对Jay-Z曾当过贩毒者的往事。以下的词句就是引自<Come Get Me>这首歌:  “You too feminine to kill again, jail got you soft  You talk but you scared to go back up North  Keep your face twisted, but you don"t really want nuttin  Talk a bunch of shit mother**er and stop frontin  You don"t wanna flip again, and sell drugs again  Be on the run again, catch you at the Comfort Inn..”  可能是Nas眼见Jay-Z和他的Roc-a-fella越来越红火,而自己的The Firm的专辑遭到惨败,<I Am..>的评价也不尽如人意,妒意横生……矛盾就这么产生了。  关于Jay-Z为什么会对Nas产生恨意,原因则很复杂了,一则是前文提到的“Ball "till I fall”事件,对于Nas对自己厂牌的攻击的回击;二则可能是Nas以King of NY自居,而他认为这是他亡故的老友Notorious B.I.G.的位置,Nas不够资格;还有就是<Come Get Me>中Nas的攻击激怒了他……不管如何,两个大佬的梁子就此结下,无数的freestyle攻击就此见诸于世。直到了在专辑中明确的出现diss track!  2001年初,Nas摆脱了<Nastradamus>过度商业化的指责,开始了对Jay-Z的新一轮攻击,他发行了一个名为<H to tha OMO>的 freestyle, 后来被称为<Stillmatic>,剑指Jay-Z,Roc-a-fella的Freeway和The Firm之前是朋友,之后是死敌的Cormega。Roc-a-fella方面随即展开了回击,在hot 97的电台节目中,The State Property(包括Beanie Sigel,Freeway等)通过freestyle攻击了Nas和Ruff Ryders的Jadakiss,总时长近1个小时。但这还不是主要的回击,Jay-Z自身的声音还没有出现……直到2001年的Summerjam,Jay-Z登台表演了<The Takeover>,攻击Nas和同样来自皇后区的Mobb Deep,其中以一整段歌词讥讽Nas,说他自<Illmatic>之后的音乐全是垃圾。<The Takeover>气势澎湃,引起了极大的震动。  以下引用<The Takeover>中提到的关于当年采用Nas的词句,确实绝妙……  I showed you your first tec on tour with Large Professor  (Me, that"s who!) Then I heard your album bout your tec on the dresser  So yeah I sampled your voice, you was usin it wrong  You made it a hot line, I made it a hot song  <The Takeover>之后,大家普遍认为Nas被击败了,确实,在<Nastradamus>给人带来的失望之后,Nas的才华似乎已经耗尽,King of NY的王冠似乎属于Jay-Z了。但略带意外的是,Nas以一首<Ether>做出了如此完美的还击!甫一开始的枪声之后,赫然就是Tupac的声音“Fuck Jay-Z”!<Ether>中是采用了Jay-Z自己在<The Takeover>的句式来攻击,并指出自诩Biggie好友的Jay-Z曾经抄袭Biggie的歌词,是个缺乏才华的家伙,全歌最后以RIP Jay-Z告终……Nas自己也通过<Stillmatic>这张专辑重新获得了赞誉,同<The Blueprint>收录<The Takeover>一样,<Ether>也放进了<Stillmatic>,而且也都是同样的第二首  歌!  如下的词句,是<Ether>中的点睛之笔:  Ha, R-O-C get gunned up and clapped quick  J.J. Evans get gunned up and clapped quick  Your whole damn record label gunned up and clapped quick  Shawn Carter to Jay-Z, damn you on Jaz dick  So little shorty"s gettin gunned up and clapped quick  How much of Biggie"s rhymes is gon" come out your fat lips?  Wanted to be on every last one of my classics  You pop shit, apologize, *****, just ask Kiss  虽然Hot 97对Roc-a-fella有一定的偏移,但听众更多地站在了Nas身后,虽然Kay Slay禁止播放<Stillmatic Freestyle>,但在调查中,<Ether>还是以52%略胜<The Takeover>4个百分点。但这场beef当然不会就此告终,Jay-Z录制的<Supa Ugly>很快放出,这首歌采用了Nas的<Got Yourself A Gun>和<Bad Intentions>的伴奏,提起了Nas当年采用<All Eyez On Me>被Suge掌掴的往事,宣称自己比Nas在QB更有势力,甚至辱骂了Nas的母亲和女儿……但Nas并没有立即做出回应,直到2002年,<The Lost Tapes>中间出现了一首<Everybody"s Crazy>。相比<Supa Ugly>中缺乏理智的谩骂,Nas通过<Everybody"s  Crazy>展示了他比Jay-Z出色的写词功夫。  这个时期,Nas的母亲Ann Jones因癌症去世,对于Jay-Z的攻击,Nas开始显得不那么在乎,2002夏天的Summerjam,Nas被禁止演唱<Ether>,而一年之前Jay-Z首次表演<The Takeover>正是在这里!Hot 97态度的倾斜昭然可见,而Roc-a-fella的CEO之一Dame Dash也跳出来捣乱,阻挠<Ether>出现在Summerjam上。Nas的情绪明显有些失控,甚至宣称要做掉Jay-Z!这也使警部紧张了一阵子。  接下来Nas跑到了hot 97的竞争对手,Power 105电台。在与该电台的Stef Lova的节目中,他攻击了Hot 97和Angie Martinez,Kay Slay和其他人,并指责了Hot 97对Roc-a-fella的偏袒。虽然Nas不久以后就上Hot 97道歉,并宣称想结束与Jay-Z的beef,但这个事件已经使他失去大量的支持,与此同时,Nas又同Roc-a-fella公司另一大牌歌Cam"Ron闹起了beef……Nas宣称Cam"Ron的flow虽然不错,但专辑却很烂,让人毫无兴趣。Cam"Ron也不是好惹的主,他用了Nas的<Hate Me Now>的伴奏制造了一首diss track<Hate Me Now Pt.2>,并攻击了Nas和前女友Carmen之间的一些事,可惜的是这些State Property和Jay-Z早就提过了,Cam"Ron的diss老调重弹,显得软弱无力。Nas在同Cam"Ron和他的Dipsets的beef中,占到上风。  Nas和Jay-Z之后还在<Blueprint 2>和<God"s Son>中有过互相diss,但已经不复2001年的热烈,Nas自身的退让是显著的原因。Jay-Z曾经向Nas下过在p.p.v freestyle match中现场较量的战书,但Nas拒绝了,母亲的去世使他性情改变了不少,他宣称自己现在是个“Peaceful Brother”,并对Hip-Hop Industry感到由衷的厌恶.在2003年的一次采访中,Nas已经表示Jay-Z是很优秀的rapper,并愿意收回在<Ether>中的那些攻击,和Jay-Z的beef他不想再进行下去了,但如果别的rapper(如50 cent之流)攻击他,他将奉陪到底……
2023-07-23 09:57:524


生肖 : 猴 出生地:美国纽约生日:1980年12月18日星座 : 射手座 身高 :1.56m 体重 :45kg 嗜好:看电影,和朋友出去玩,唱歌,跳舞,购物,运动最喜欢的运动:棒球、排球最喜欢的颜色:粉红、白最喜欢的零食:Steak and potatoes最喜欢的歌手:MADONNA、LAURYN HILL、PINK最喜欢的休闲:唱歌、跳舞、购物、运动最喜欢的电影:《花木兰》、《骇客帝国》、《美人鱼》专辑:《Headliners》2000《In The Spotlight With Christina Aguilera》 2000《Mi Reflejo》 2000《My Kind Of Christmas 》2000《Christina Aguilera》 1999 作为演员,曾经拍摄过的电影:克里斯蒂娜出生于纽约的Staten岛。但是她最初却是在宾夕法尼亚州的Wexford长大的。她的第一首歌是在日本录制的,这支《Reflection》是迪士尼动画片《花木兰》(Mulan)的主题曲,在美国和中国都引起了很大的反响。1999年,克里斯蒂娜发行了她的第一张专辑《Christina Auilera》。在当时青春歌手正受到欢迎的背景下,克里斯蒂娜迅速成为红极一时的偶像歌手,和她先后成名的还有布兰妮等人。在2000年,她发行了她的拉丁专辑《Mi Reflejo》。她正式发行的第二张英语专辑是2002年的《Stripped》。在这张专辑中,克里斯蒂娜将她富有穿透力的嗓音发挥到了极致。同时伴随着这张专辑的发行,她也一改往日有如邻家女孩般的清纯形象,而是以自己性感的一面示人。她为《Maxim》,《Rolling Stone》,《Cosmo Girls》等杂志拍摄了很多照片,其中有很多是半裸或者全裸的。但是她否认这是出于宣传的需要。她认为比起过去那种世人眼中她清纯的模样,现在她这种性感的形象更符合她的性格。她曾经对一家德国的报纸《Netzeitung》说:“我喜欢做爱,这非常刺激......我喜欢实验各种不同的方式,并且也尽可能地去尝试。隐瞒自己的个性是错误的。我现在更加性感也更加粗暴,但是这很有意思。”在《Stripped》中一首主打歌《Dirrty》的录影带中,出现了很多具有性特征的画面。而克里斯蒂娜在其中的装扮也十分性感和具有煽动性。在其中的一段画面中,她只穿了一件很小的胸衣和短裤。正如她所讲的那样:“我喜欢我自己的路,这是我释放自己性感的方式。”有关《Dirrty》录影带的另外一条新闻是该录影带在泰国被禁止播出。这是因为在录影带中出现的一张海报上的文字在泰文当中具有污辱性的意思,但是专辑的制作人表示对此并不知情。由于被认为对泰国人民进行了攻击,克里斯蒂娜因此被禁止进入泰国。一些流行音乐明星,比如夏琪拉(Sakira),杰西卡·辛普森(Jessica Simpson)和凯利·奥斯本(Kelly Osbourne)对这支录影带进行了强烈的批评,但是克里斯蒂娜在回应时指出:“也许我是在里面露出屁股的那个女孩,但是如果你仔细看清楚的话就会明白,我是整个音乐的主角。我不是那种说唱录影带里面可有可无的瘸腿小鸡。整个录影带以我为主,其他的一切都只起一个辅助作用。就像它所反映出来的的那样,这是我作为一个艺术家的标准。”在《Dirrty》因为录影带受到各种非议的同时,这张专辑中的另外一首歌《Beautiful》却为克里斯蒂娜赢得了一片喝彩声。而《Stripped》中的《Fighter》成为NBA2003年季后赛的宣传曲目。克里斯蒂娜对自己的前一张专辑进行了批评,在一次访谈节目中,它说:“我只是按照当时我的经理和制作公司的授意去做一切事情。现在我讨厌那个时候......”在2003年7月,克里斯蒂娜和贾斯汀(Justin Timberlake)开始了他们起名为“Justified & Stripped”的环球寻演。在2003年8月,由于克里斯蒂娜对和她同阶段的其他青春歌手进行的批评,挑起了一场论战。她在接受一本名为《Blender》的杂志采访时说: “看看其他的人比如布兰妮(Britney Spears)和碧昂丝(Beyoncé),她们总是不顾一切地装出一副清纯小女孩的样子。但是她们在杂志上的照片却是如此的性感。既然这样又何必在接受采访时候装得像个处女呢?”在谈到她的竞争对手--布兰妮时候,克里斯蒂娜说:“她们这些人根本不是什么艺术家,她们只是一些表演者--虚假并且肤浅。我随时准备亲吻布兰妮,但是她不会这样......她看起来和人间隔很远,甚至在排练的时候也是这样。每次我想和她谈谈的时候她都自始自终象是很害羞一样。我很想帮她,因为我觉得她现在需要一个人来帮助她,引导她。”2004年,克里斯蒂娜凭借《Beautiful》夺得了第28届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。 2005年 克里斯蒂娜应邀成为05年MTV主持人。
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王者之路 - D-Evilking of east的军队我打头阵在战场上杀敌绝对是游刃有余立下汉马功劳是首席的将领冲锋陷阵会上瘾看 我是王者在一路走来叛党在防守 却极度丑还耍口才逃兵只顾着加速被抓住 面临的只有杀戮我从来都没有忘记要怎么样子才能够真的回到那个没有那硝烟没有战火的和平年代但是 王者的路 不是那么好走的鲜血都伴随着我们的每一个脚步骑上我的战马,向着东方出发游骑承载着梦想现在回家HIP-HOP HIP-HOP 我们都在同一挂再多的困难险阻我都不怕前面路漫漫,沿途凄惨惨刀光剑影狂风黄沙陪我做伴一缕阳光指引我,走在王者路上心中渴望的力量在陪我成长胜利女神在把勇者召唤,就像敌人发出最后一声呐喊回到战场上面对冲天火光这条革命路上胜者为王H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃They call me chinese Prince PaulNiggaz waitin for my track dropYa never heard where my samples fromcos diggin in da crates just like my day jobI take u back to da classicKing Of East dat be another Illmatichow dat sound, my enemies is donefrom none to some, my kindom comeso what u want迎接你们的大王 my kingdom come my kingdom come奴才们都叫我皇上 what u want now what u want manH I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃硝烟没停 打乱这宁静战斗血腥 划破了黎明没有输赢 换不来和平为了理想可以不顾性命当人们开始歌颂我的丰功伟绩谁知道我的战甲 为谁哭泣片甲不留 成王败寇跪在面前乞求拥有自由H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃
2023-07-23 09:58:241


10. ScarfaceOnly a handful MCs have managed to sustain their alignment with the streets regardless of success. "Face is at the top of that list. His wistful ghetto tales and poetic raps are constant reminders that Brad Jordan is the voice of the hood.Best Album: The Diary9. Ice CubePolitically salient with an in-your-face delivery, Ice Cube developed a cult-like following with or without N.W.A.Best Album: Death Certificate8. Kool G RapThe next time your favorite emcee commits a double-homicide on wax, blame it on the notorious Kool G Rap. Why? He"s the grandfather of hardcore hip-hop, of course. Some of the grittiest street tales in hip-hop have emerged from G Rap"s rhyme book.Best Album: wanted: Dead or Alive (w/ DJ Polo)7. 2PacUndoubtedly the most influential of all time, "Pac remains a transcendental MC that"s often imitated but never duplicated.Best Album: Me Against the World6. Jay-ZYou wouldn"t know it from the plethora of hustler-turned-trappers he"s inspired, but Jay-Z is paradigm of rags-to-riches rap dream. Forget his flawless flow and nerve-wracking humor, that marketing plan was him.Best Album: Reasonable Doubt小翻译:10. Scarface只有少数的MC可以靠街头故事来成功。Scarface无疑在这个榜单的前列。他的ghetto故事和诗意的rap一直在提醒着人们,Brad Jordan 才是hood之声。最佳专集: The Diary9. Ice Cube政治观点鲜明的象直接在你面前的表述,Ice Cube有一帮拥趸不管他是否是N.W.A.的一员。最佳专集: Death Certificate8. Kool G Rap如果下一次你最爱的MC参加了double-homicide, 就去埋怨声名狼藉的Kool G Rap吧。为什么呢?他就是hardcore hip-hop的始祖。一些最为强硬的街头故事都是从G Rap的词作来的。最佳专集: wanted: Dead or Alive (和DJ Polo一起)7. 2Pac无疑是最有影响力的,"Pac 依旧是卓越的MC。他只可模仿,无可复制。最佳专集: Me Against the World6. Jay-Z也许无人知道他所说的从hustler到trappers的故事,但是Jay-Z肯定是从穷人到富人的rap神话。忘掉他那无可挑剔的flow和让人忍俊不禁的幽默,因为那是他的销售计划。最佳专集: Reasonable Doubt10. Scarface南部老大,Geto Boys的灵魂,南部Gangsta的代表,疤脸鲜明的态度,无敌的强力Flow,满是暴力和犯罪的歌词,让每一个爱Gangsta的人奉为神人~同时,当你厌倦了西部的Gangsta的时候,听听他,你会猛然有一股热血冲上脑壳,要冲出去犯罪..9. Ice Cube无疑是西部的最强悍的MC,他的攻击性,无人能敌.人家才是真正的Gangsta.8. Kool G Rap机关枪的Flow,就是用来形容他的,强力且清楚,的确是很难做到的.而且,他的一套又一套的黑帮故事,让人读起来津津有味~7. 2Pac他,我就不多形容了,Hip-hop界最伟大的偶像,永垂不朽.6. Jay-Z他不属于Hardcore的范畴,最起码的嗓音就不是很强烈,但是他的Flow优雅有致,恰到好处的幽默感,和强大的Battle技巧.让他在人们心里留下浓重的一笔.5. The Notorious B.I.G. Lacking any real social message, Biggie possessed enough pizzazz to sway audiences young and old.Best Album: Ready to Die4. NasSome call him a street prophet for his poetic, conversational-style lyrics. An absolute master of lyrical extravaganza, Nas often paints a picture of urban life in his rhymes.Best Album: Illmatic3. Big Daddy KaneThe King of Swagger, Kane dazzled the rap world with his peculiar flair and flamboyant wardrobe. Countless others (including Jay-Z, Biggie, and Snoop) would later adopt his player persona.Best Album: Long Live the Kane2. KRS-OneThe Teacha transformed the violent brusque of ghetto life into a story of uplift and self-awareness, starting with BDP"s incendiary debut, Criminal Minded.Best Album: By All Means Necessary (w/ Boogie Down Productions)1. RakimWhile others bragged about their guns, Rakim celebrated his swagger. A smooth, laid-back flow, intense lyricism, and positivity were his stately hallmarks.Best Album: Paid in Full (Eric B. & Rakim)小翻译:5. The Notorious B.I.G.很少有真正的社交讯息,Biggie花了很大精力在如何感动他的老老少少的听众上。最佳专集: Ready to Die4. Nas因为他如诗又如平常对话的词作,很多人都称他为街头诗人。作为一个绝对充满热情的狂妄词作的大师,Nas常常在他的词作中勾画出一幅幅现代生活的图画。最佳专集: Illmatic3. Big Daddy Kane时尚之王,Kane的特殊的才能和眩目的行头震动整个Rap界。数不清的人 (包括Jay-Z, Biggie,和Snoop)都在后来模仿着他的表演魅力。最佳专集: Long Live the Kane2. KRS-One从BDP的首张专集Criminal Minded开始,“教师”就将暴力粗鲁的黑人区故事变成了振奋和自我意识觉醒的故事。最佳专集: By All Means Necessary (在Boogie Down Productions中的一员)1. Rakim当别人都在吹嘘他的枪时,Rakim 正在庆祝他的巨大成功。流畅,松弛的flow, 激烈的词作和积极的态度是他特有的风格。最佳专集: Paid in Full (Eric B. & Rakim)5. The Notorious B.I.G.Biggie是怎么样的伟大.我想,应该是不用多说了吧.如日中天的时候死去,留下了很大的遗憾.后世的所有喜欢嘻哈的歌迷们,都会记得他的.R.I.P.4. Nas貌似很多人开始了解他是因为他和Jay-z的beef..自然,我也不想多说了,街头诗人,不是谁都可以称的上的.请去听听他的专集,你不可能不喜欢他的..3. Big Daddy Kane嘻哈界伟大的Pimp前辈..无数人模仿的对象.他的Long Live The Kane也是无数采样的来源.2. KRS-One一位积极的"嘻哈教师"..自然,他不是不吹嘘自己..而是,的确会教人不少东西.而且他的风格,总是高高在上的,这个让常听的人会有些反感,但是,无疑,他是一个伟大的导师.而且,Diss无敌手...1. Rakim真正的Rap天才,他的词作,引导了后来无数的MC.而他则在Golden Age发出了如此惊人的光芒.以至后来的他,虽然逐渐暗淡,但是无数的MC都承认,Rakim对他们有着巨大的影响.是Rakim教会了他们什么是Rap..
2023-07-23 09:58:468

The World Is Yours 歌词

歌曲名:The World Is Yours歌手:Nas专辑:10 Year Anniversary Illmatic Platinum SeriesJealousy Curve - The World Is YouApt Club > KamOo.47#Wouldn"t you like to take some timeFeel yourself completelyBreathing out the songThat you keep insideWouldn"t you like to make them smileShow them you"re a wonderOffer them the worldAnd the world is...You...Wouldn"t you like a second chanceUse what you"ve been givenProve it to us allThat there"s one more danceWouldn"t you like to see a changeShow us we can make oneOffer us the worldAnd the world is...You...On the left sideFacing us the wrong waySpending lifetimes searching for your own disguiseThe feeling keeps you from believingIn the one thing some of us were born to hideA greatness lives within your reachesAnd the hope isMaybe when you lie to sleepYou"ll be looking forward to the morningAnd the mirrorWaking to the face of love虽然我们渐行渐远有些融入信仰的东西永远不会改变我爱你 每一句都是真的by AKfrom NirvanaGarden汕头APT游戏俱乐部www.stapt.cn┄┄┄ The End ┄┄┄http://music.baidu.com/song/9678683
2023-07-23 09:59:001


呵呵~LZ看了好多啊银魂,不看妄为动漫迷了,不过不知道你几岁哎,这个年纪大点看比较好。属于恶搞,也蛮热血的,一边笑一边流泪。前面2集主要是人物出场介绍,很容易让人扫兴的,相信偶,坚持看个5集你就放不下了!神作啊神作!夏目友人帐,今年刚结束第二季,4月新番里面人气很高,不知道是不是LZ喜欢是类型,女孩子比较喜欢看吧,我个人也蛮有爱的,淡淡的幸福跟孤独。黑执事,也是今年刚完结,还不错隐之王,这个画面很漂亮,里面的OP ED也很好听,去年好多人狂爱的。NANA,如果你是女的,这个是一定要看的。还有忘了,呵呵,首推银魂,太经典太经典......
2023-07-23 09:59:109

高分!急求Outcast(Cherine Nouri的)歌词!!

1. cherine nouri - so alive Tell the swine We will make it out alive There"s a note In the pages of a book So sleep tonight We"ll sleep dreamlessly this time When we awake, We"ll know that everything"s alright. Sing to me, About the end of the world, End of these hammers and needles for you. Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for There"s some strength left in us yet Hold on to the world we all remember dying for There"s some hope left in it yet There"s snow on your face And your razorblade Twilight is bruised And there you lie Sing to me, About the end of the world, End of these hammers and needles for you. We"ll cry tonight But in the morning we are new Stand in the sun will dry your eyes Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for There"s some strength left in us yet Hold on to the world we all remember dying for There"s some hope left in it yet Sing Sing Arise Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. 2. cherine nouri - unlove I fell in a perfect way Never had a choice to make Crashed into your tidal wave I didn"t even struggle Sailed right through your atmosphere Closed my eyes and landed there Didn"t see the trouble And I didn"t careI can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have toBut this one thing I cannot change I almost kind of like the pain Wear your tattoo like a stain It will take forever To fade awayI can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have toI can"t unlove you Why would I want to I can"t unlove you Can"t do that I can"t unlove you Can"t do that There"s always time for other dreams Why must we erase these things? I can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too But I can"t unlove you Get through that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have to But I can"t unlove youAshley Tisdale - Unlove You 3. cherine nouri - Again Is it heaven or hell that dawns? You"re either going up Or you"re going down Do you say your prayers Late at night? Or do you save them for The desperate times? Do you see the beauty in a rose? I doubt it Do you hear the children sing aloud? No. Can you see the leaves change their colours Out there? Can you taste the water in your mouth? Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow Do you believe in good Will forever guide? Or does your devil take you To your other side? Can karma kill you in your mind? Or do you cleanse your soul At least once a night? Do you see the beauty in a rose? I doubt it Can you hear the children sing aloud? Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow You"re running out of time My friend You"re running out of time Again Again Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow The race just still feels slow The race just still feels slow4. cherine nouri - i will love you I wanna say 「友情」でもいつかは love again? You say 「この爱情」とっくに fallin" love again? 急がずに baby, take 远くの街まで I wanna say good boy 楽しもうヨ Here we go! I am in best condition I don"t mind, that is my life I take 明るくみてるヨ 未来 It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can you feel? It"s gonna be fun, baby 爱の定义 いつか见たあの白波 皆で夜の海を走って笑いころげたよね I wanna see 现状 この関系 never end? You say 「I don"t know」2人は never failing? 焦らずに go in 明日も会いに来て You say どうだろ 今の気持ち let me know I must be going now でも 言わないでまだ “See you” Just give me その爱 そろそろ欲しい… It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can you feel? It gonna be fun, baby 爱の定期 いつか见たその scene of beauty now you so good 昔よりも。 これなら I will do anything for you… It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can"t you feel? It"s paradise baby 爱の定义 见えそで见せなくなる 耐えられなくてポツリ “そろそろ手をつないで…” いつか途绝えそう 爱の定义 気づかれた 私の恋 今なら誓いあえる? これから I will do anything for you… きみを信じていいの わからず“tell me why” ちかくにあって 大切なもの 见つけた? holy love 5. cherine nouri - outcast(J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, (Jay-Z:) I seen Mase do it, I seen Ye do it, X came through, caught lighter fluid, Still I came through it, Clap for em, But I"m the blueprint, I"m like the map for em, I dropped another classic, Made Puff pass it, Nobody could touch Puff back when Puff had it, Wayne scorching, I"ll applaud him, If he keep going, pass the torch to him, 50 came through like hurricanes do, Thought I"d finish his ass at summerjam too, I had the Illmatic on bootleg, Sh-t was so ahead, thought we was all dead, Wayne did a millie, 50 did a millie, Ye too, but what Em did was silly, The white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him, His flow on Renegade, f-cking awesome, Applaud him, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, Snoop Dogg did, Nelly came down, The Face Mob, kept it ghetto for the H town. Luda moved digits after he moved b-tches, Drake"s up next, see what he do with it, Rule had a run, couple movie parts, T.I literally wanted to shoot up the charts, Wat up Jeezy, wat it do, Y"all remind me of us in early 92, Outcast landed, 3 thou was I"ll, Like a male version of Lauren Hill, Mobb Deep shook it but Prodigy took it a lil too far, Can"t f-ck with Brooklyn, Wu Tang gang bang, Meth ate, Rae" took on the date with the Purple Tape. Passed on to Ason and then Ghostface, They had a hell of a run, Standing Ova, ayyy, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, And I am one of one, Can"t you see just how long my I"ve run, My reign new lou sun shine Been a star since I was back in one time, One time give it up for him, December 4th a star was born, Clap for him, He went from moving that corner To this corner office is so enormous, Hey, Pres Carter, Watch him get a Monica on all day, Hey, Got so many different monikers but only 1 Jay They come they go, Some real some foe, Some friends some hoes But no I goes nowhere this Hov, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, (J. Cole:) And could I be a star, Does fame in this game have to change who you are? Could I be the same one who came from a far away life, Just to make it in this broadway lights, Now shining in the broad day light, go figure, A slow transition from a lil broke n-gga from the Ville, Got a deal a real life saver, Dreams of being behind the Will like Jada, I chill now, cop a lil ice later, Cole you go the glow like a lil lightsaber, So clap for him, then applaud Hov, he gave him the platform Flow so sick thought he wrote the rap for him, No sir, The flows cold as a shoulder of a gold digging hoes when a broke n-gga approaches, Told ya I"m focused man, I"ll let you muthf-ckers soak it in,(J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born
2023-07-23 09:59:535


先说你名单里没有的,我觉得很不错的fort minor,里面有Linkin的成员,,linkin park不是只玩摇滚哦。推荐:remember the name-fort minor where"d you go-fort minor(还有个Eminem,Jay-z,2pac的remix版很不错) numb-linkin park ft Jay-z in the end-linkin park黑眼豆豆,虽然解散了,但是他们的歌的经典不言而喻推荐:where is the love let"s get it startedOK,接下来就说哈你说的人的Jay-z-99problemsKanye West-never let me down Ft Jay-zT.I-Whatever You LikeLil Wanye-lollipop Fat joe- Make It Rain The game-my life Ft ft lil" wayneNas -hip hop is deadNelly -dilemmaSnoop dog- that"s my name(这歌主唱是他侄子bow wow..他只ft吧)T-pain - low Ft flo ride Soulja boy-Crank That Usher-yeah Juelz santana-the game of love (这位“老人”我都不太熟)Young jeezy:TI feat Young Jeezy, Young Dro, BG Top Back (Remix)
2023-07-23 10:00:1916


专辑名称:Illmatic发行时间:1994年03月29日专辑介绍:只有10首歌,而且N.A.S.在Stillmatic里说了:“我的第一张专集没有有名的客座明星”,比起Jay-z第一张专集Notorious B.I.G.、Mary J. Blige、Foxy Brown来说,N.A.S.真是很了不起了,N.Y.State Of Mind讲了Nas眼中的NY(New York),不同于Jay-Z的大城市感觉,N.A.S.的NY更多的是街头,Ghetto人民的生活。Life is A Bitch说出了N.A.S.对生活的厌倦,都是他的真情实感。The world is yours又显示了他的野心,N.A.S.歌曲的成功在于取样人声的恰到好处。One Love是这张专集里我最喜欢的一首,谁说街头的东西就不能有柔情,One Love表现了N.A.S.作为街头诗人的爱心。这张专集也是没有一首让人失望的,都可以拿来做主打。 专辑名称:It Was Written发行时间:1996年07月02日 专辑介绍: 这张的intro就很有感觉,一开始的the message就让人迅速进入N.A.S. 世界,但是一句“fake thug,no love”一句得罪了2pac,加上street dreams未经2pac同意取样了他的all eyez on me,一次聚会上N.A.S.被和2pac一起的suge扇了一嘴巴,但这两首真是N.A.S.杰作。为专集开了个好头,afffirmative是N.A.S. ,foxy brown ,az的the firm的作品,也是nas至今仍为人津津乐道的作品,其他N.A.S.的歌曲的那些取样真不知道是哪里来的,都是一个感觉--非常贴切!营造出一个外表平静,却暗藏着不满,杀机的街区。和dre的nas is coimg反而被埋没在其中了,N.A.S.的专集里完全不写和谁谁合作,大概是他根本不在乎也不需要炫耀那些大牌客座明星吧。最后的if i rule the world和劳伦西尔的合作,取样了早期的Hip-Hop曲子“friends”又是体现N.A.S.野心的,我最喜欢这首了。 专辑名称:I Am...发行时间:1999年04月06日专辑介绍:这张是对N.A.S.很重要的一张专集,经过这张专集nas也小有转型,n.y. state of mind pt2感觉一点不比1差。hate me now里puff daddy好象很激动啊,表现了nas走到关键时刻,类似人在江湖身不由己的一些感受,这歌的mv里nas还把自己钉在十字架上,受尽打骂。we will Survive是献给biggie和pac的歌,不知道那唱的是谁,有点象r.kelly。倒是那些和dmx,aaliyah的歌曲显得逊色了,也许nas不喜欢和人合作吧i want to talk to you把矛头直指FBI,CIA乃至美国总统,质问他们为什么街头的生活为什么无法得到改善。nas is like是我最喜欢的一首,就喜欢这样的nas。kisssing用了r.kelly when a women"s fed up的一段,nas不喜欢合作,取样人家的一段和他的rap结合的确更适合。 专辑名称:Nastradamus发行时间:1999年11月23日专辑介绍:这是我认为nas比较逊色的一张,但有人说这是他最喜欢的一张nas看来个人口味真是有不同啊。这张歌曲倒都不差,但影响深刻的只有you own me这首。倒不是说这张失去了nas街头诗歌的风格,诗歌风格仍十分浓郁。 专辑名称:QB Finest发行时间:2000年12月19日专辑介绍:这张当然不算nas个人专集了,但nas仍占了相当大的比重,oochie wally算是这张的主打吧。但人一多就杂了,nas的风格减弱了些。算是一张献给nas所在皇后区的精品。 专辑名称:Stillmatic发行时间:2001年12月18日专辑介绍:Nas这两年最成功的一张了。intro就铿锵有力,Ether里f**kjay-z,虽说我喜欢jay-z但这歌也很不错,真是矛盾啊,反正好音乐就听吧。Got Ur Self A...是我最喜欢的一首,mv里nas还扮2pac扮biggie,也是铿锵有力型的。One Mic是前段时候很红的歌曲,除了一贯的街头诗歌风格外,nas还越说越激动,高潮处又突然降下语调“all i need is one mic”Nas真是天才啊! 专辑名称:From Illmatic to Stillmatic: This Is Remix发行时间:2002年07月02日专辑介绍:一张EP,都是remix,最好的是street dreams的remix加入R.kelly后来了个大变样。one mic加入更重的节奏后感觉更hip-hop一些了。这张remix可比mary j.那张舞曲的remix好太多了,起码没糟蹋了nas的歌。 专辑名称:Lost Tapes发行时间:2002年09月24日专辑介绍:这张专集没有主打,没有mv,都是未发行的歌曲,但决不是你想象的那种作的差所以不发行的歌曲,既然拿出来发行了,就不会有一首孬的。感觉这样的歌曲有体现了本来的nas,我比较喜欢Drunk By Myself,其他未收录nas专辑里的歌,都不错,我只举一些例子! 专辑名称:God"s Son发行时间:2002年12月13日专辑介绍:《God"s Son》被期待能够成为一张起着关键的转折性作用的唱片。它的前5首歌曲延续了Nas在《Illmatic》中的风格:犀利的歌词,急速的背景音乐效果,并配合以融化了的巧克力般的嗓音。朴实无华的采样很适合Nas,他的说唱风格源自old school的RAP类型。他极少会像在开头歌曲《Get Down》中表现的那么激烈,声音那么华丽繁杂。《Made You Look》的取样来源于Deep Funk界泰斗Incredible Bongo Band的《Apache》,经过一番编排显得生机勃勃、给人以新鲜感。《The Cross》由Eminem创作。
2023-07-23 10:00:421

life is a bitch, then you die是谁说的?

出自Nas Feat. AZ - Life"s A Bitch, off the album "Illmatic" 参考:WikiAnswer
2023-07-23 10:00:562

Nas的《One Love》 歌词

歌曲名:One Love歌手:Nas专辑:IllmaticArtist: NasAlbum: IllmaticSong: One LoveWhattup kid? I know shit is rough doing your bidWhen the cops came you shoulda slid to my cribFuck it black, no time for looking back it"s donePlus congratulations you know you got a sonI heard he looks like you, why don"t your lady write you?Told her she should visit, that"s when she got hyperFlippin, talk about he acts too roughHe didn"t listen he be riffin" while I"m telling him stuffI was like yeah, shorty don"t care, she a snake tooFucking with the niggaz from that fake crew that hate youBut yo, guess who got shot in the dome-piece?Jerome"s niece, on her way home from Jones Beach - it"s buggedPlus little Rob is selling drugs on the dimeHangin out with young thugs that all carry 9"sat night time there"s more trife than everWhattup with Cormega, did you see "em, are y"all together?If so then hold the fort down, represent to the fullestSay whassup to Herb, Ice and BulletI left a half a hundred in your commissaryYou was my nigga when push came to shoveOne what? one loveDear Born, you"ll be out soon, stay strongOut in New York the same shit is goin onthe crack-heads stalking, loud-mouths is talkinghold, check out the story yesterday when I was walkingthe nigga you shot last year tried to appear like he hurtin somethinword to mother, I heard him frontinand he be pumping on your blockyour man gave him your glockand now they run together, what up son, whateversince I"m on the streets I"ma put it to a ceasebut I heard you blew a nigga with a ox for the phone pieceWhylin on the Island, but now with Elmirabetter chill cause them niggaz will put that ass on fireLast time you wrote you said they tried you in the showersbut maintain when you come home the corner"s oursOn the reels, all these crab niggaz know the dealWhen we start the revolution all they probably do is squealBut chill, see you on the next V-II gave your mom dukes loot for kicks, plus sent you flicksYour brother"s buck whylin" in four maine he wrote mehe might beat his case, "til he come home I play it low keyso stay civilised, time fliesthough incarcerated your mindI hate it when your mum criesit kinda wants to make me murder, for real-aI"ve even got a mask and gloves to bust slugs for one loveSometimes I sit back with a buddha sackmind"s in another world thinking how can we exist through the factswritten in school text books, bibles, et ceteraFuck a school lecture, the lies get me vexed-erSo I be ghost from my projectsI take my pen and pad for the week and hittin L"s while I"m sleepinA two day stay, you may say I need the time aloneto relax my dome, no phone, left the 9 at homeYou see the streets have me stressed somethin terribleFuckin with the corners have a nigga up in Bellevueor h.d.m., hit with numbers from 8 to 10a future in a maximum state pen is grimSo I comes back home, nobody"s out but shorty doo-wopRollin two phillies together in the Bridge we called "em oowopsHe said, "Nas, niggaz could be bustin" off the roofso I wear a bullet proof and pack a black tres-deuce"He inhaled so deep, shut his eyes like he was sleepStarted coughing one eye peeked to watch me speakI sat back like the mack, my army suit was blackWe was chillin" on these bitches where he pumped his loose cracksI took an l when he passed it, this little bastardkeeps me blasted he starts talkin mad shitI had to school him, told him don"t let niggaz fool himcause when the pistol blow the ones that"s murdered be the cool oneTough luck when niggaz are struck, families fucked upCould"ve cought your man, but didn"t look when you bucked upMistakes happen, so take heed never bust upat the crowd catch him solo, make the right man bleedShorty"s laugh was cold blooded as he spoke so foulOnly twelve trying to tell me that he liked my styleThen I rose, wiping the blunts ash from my clothesthen froze only to blow the herb smoke through my noseand told my little man that i"m a go cyprosethere"s some jewels in the skull that he can sell if he chosewords of wisdom from nas try to rise up abovekeep an eye out for jake shorty whatone lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1194488
2023-07-23 10:01:111

The Genesis 歌词

歌曲名:The Genesis歌手:Nas专辑:10 Year Anniversary Illmatic Platinum SeriesArtist: Nas w/ AZ, The FirmAlbum: IllmaticSong: The GenesisTyped by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash(Street"s disciple, my raps are trifleshoot slugs from my brain just like a rifleStampede the stage, I leave the microphone splitPlay Mr. Tuffy while I"m on some Pretty Tone shitVerbal assassin, my architect pleasesWhen I was twelve, I went to ... )Hector: And you"re sitting at home doing this shit? I should be earning amedal for this. Stop fucking around and be a man, there ain"t nothing outhere for you...ZORO: Oh yes there is...this!Yo NasYo what the fuck is this bullshit on the radio Son?Chill chill, that"s the shit God, chillAiyyo yo, pull down the shade, man. Let"s count this money, nigguhAiyyo Nas, put the Jacksons and the Grants over thereYou know what I"m sayin? Cause we spendin the JacksonsRight, yeah.You know how we get down babyTrue, true"Nas, yo Nas, man shit is mad real right now in the Projectsfor a nigga yo, word to mother. All them crab ass rappersbe comin up to me man word to mother man I think we needto let them niggaz know it"s real manTrue indeed, knahmsayin, but when it"s real you doin thiseven without a record contract, knahmsayin?No questionBeen doin this since back thenNo doubtI"m saying regardless how it go down we gon keep it realWe trying to see many mansions and...and Coupes kid!No doubt, we gon keep it realTrue, true...Aiyyo where"s Grand Wizard and Mayo at man?Takin niggas a long time, man..."Who got the Phillies? Take this HennesseyAiyyo Dunn! C"mon, c"mon, man stop waving that manStop pointing that at me Dunn, take the clip outNigga alright but take this Hennessey manI"m saying take the clip manC"mon, take it out...Light them Phillies up manNiggaz stop fucking burning Phillies manLight some Phillies up then!Pass that Amber Boch, pass that Amber Boch, nigga! Act like you know.Yo, we drinking this straight up with no chaserI ain"t fucking with you niggaI"m saying though man...What is it, what is it baby?What is it Son, what is it?You know what time it isI"m saying man, ya know what I"m saying?Niggaz don"t listen man, representingIt"s Illmatichttp://music.baidu.com/song/9717076
2023-07-23 10:01:191

A Star Is Born 歌词

歌曲名:A Star Is Born歌手:Shout专辑:NatalJay-Z Ft. J.Cole - A Star Is Born(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(Jay-Z)I seen Mase do it, I seen Ye do it,X came through, caught lighter fluid,Still i came through it,Clap for em,But I"m the blueprint,I"m like the map for em,I dropped another classic,Made Puff pass it,Nobody could touch Puff back when Puff had it,Wayne scorching, I"ll applaud him,If he keep going, pass the torch to him,50 came through like hurricanes do,Thought I"d finish his ass at summerjam too,I had the Illmatic on bootleg,Sh-t was so ahead, thought we was all dead,Wayne did a millie, 50 did a millie,Ye too, but what Em did was silly,The white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him,His flow on Renegade, f-cking awesome,Applaud him,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Snoop Dogg did, Nelly came down,The Face Mob, kept it ghetto for the H town.Luda moved digits after he moved b-tches,Drake"s up next, see what he do with it,Rule had a run, couple movie parts,T.I literally wanted to shoot up the charts,Wat up Jeezy, wat it do,Y"all remind me of us in early 92,Outcast landed, 3 thou was ill,Like a male version of Lauren Hill,Mobb Deep shook it but Prodigy took it a lil too far,Can"t f-ck with Brooklyn,Wu Tang gang bang, Meth ate,Rae" took on the date with the Purple Tape.Passed on to Ason ? and then Ghostface,They had a hell of a run,Standing Ova, ayyy,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)And I am one of one,Can"t you see just along my front,My brain new lou sun shineBeen a star since i was back in one time,One time give it up for him,December 4th a star was born,Clap for him,He went from moving that cornerTo this corner office is so enormous,Hey, Pres Carter,Watch him get a Monica on all day,Hey,Got so many monikers but only 1 JayThey come they go,Some real some foe,Some friends some hoesBut no i goes nowhere this Hov,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(J. Cole)And could i be a star,This fame and this game have to change who you are,Could i be the same one who came from a far away life,Just to make it in this broadway lights,Now shining in the broad day light, go figure,A slow transition from a lil broke n-gga from the Ville,Got a deal a real life saver,Dreams of being behind the wheel like Jada,I chill now a lil ice later, Cole you go the glow like a lil lightsaber,So clap for him, then applaud Hov, he gave em a plat for him,Flow so sick thought he wrote the rap for him,No sir,The flows cold as a shoulder of a gold digging hoes when a broke n-gga approaches,Told ya I"m focused man, I"ll let you muthf-ckers soak it in,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)http://music.baidu.com/song/14973731
2023-07-23 10:01:261

有一句是是fack you baby歌词

Songs Title:fuck youPain in da ass fuck you Pain in da ass fuck you Pain in da ass fuck you Styles I dont give a fuckStyles I dont give a fuckStyles I dont give a fuckStyles I dont give a fuck who you arePain in the ass fuck youNas niggaz is this and thatBig pun Im even, even better than beforeStyles I dont give a fuck who you arePain in da ass fuck youNas niggaz is this and that, Im just, Im just, Im just the bestStyles I dont give a fuck who you arePain in da ass fuck youNas niggaz is this and thatBig pun Im even, even better than beforeStyles I dont give a fuck who you areNas niggaz is this and that, Im just, Im just, Im just the bestEither Im trippin off the ecstasyOr I could feel the world turninIm havin flashbacks, I can feel the shells burninComin up, I was taught never back downThats why I act the way I act now, hold the mac down32 shots, squeeze til there aint a shell leftCome with my gun smokin, you can smell deathThey get the first laugh, I get the last laugh homieHit the gas on it, pull up and mash on emTheres a lot of talk in the streets about meNiggaz know, aint nothing sweet about meGet back to questions, like 50, who shot ya? ...You think it was preme, freeze or tah, tah?Nigga, street shit should stay in the streetSo, keep it on the lowBut everybody whos somebody already knowA few words for any nigga that get hit the fuck upMy advice if you get shot down, is get the fuck upLets goMaaaaaaaaanI told niggaz not to fuck with me they still push meFigured theyd get away with it cause tone and poke pussyI been gone through static, shot at with automaticsSince 90, when nas came out with illmaticIf suge was home, death row would be good for meCause tommy matola aint shootin out in the hood wit meIve been shot 9 times my nigga thats why I walk funnyHit in the jaw once, why I talk funnyWith a ruger on my hip, I walk the street with no careThink my grandmas prayers the only reason Im hereMy wrist icy, keep my ears icy, keep my neck icyThats why you bitch like me, so Im a heavyweightHow dare these niggaz take me lightly?I aint come to make friends and niggaz aint gotta like meMy own homie said 50, you done lost yo mindCause I shootout in broad day, run and toss my nineCant find a nigga in the hood, that say 50 aint hotWhen I drop, Im sound like eminem and kid rockPlay the block, with the watch all rocked the fuck upJukes me, a week later yall be shot the fuck upBorn a healthy baby, I wasnt always crazyThis aint how moma rasied me, this how the hood made meThe ds call me by my government nameI be dumb and shoot up parksHave niggaz runnin like jesus cominTheres wet pillows in prison, niggaz cry in the darkCause if they did in the day, niggaz would question they heartSo when they come home, the come homeWalking that tough walk, talking that rockavaledeTalkll get you shot in new york - bbbbllllatttttSex, money, murder, I gotta eatBut I aint tryin do +hard time+ like +pistol p+See, niggaz uptown understand me in the streetYou niggaz uptownll stan me in the streetHa-ha
2023-07-23 10:01:341

Nas的《One Love》 歌词

歌曲名:One Love歌手:Nas专辑:Greatest HitsArtist: NasAlbum: IllmaticSong: One LoveWhattup kid? I know shit is rough doing your bidWhen the cops came you shoulda slid to my cribFuck it black, no time for looking back it"s donePlus congratulations you know you got a sonI heard he looks like you, why don"t your lady write you?Told her she should visit, that"s when she got hyperFlippin, talk about he acts too roughHe didn"t listen he be riffin" while I"m telling him stuffI was like yeah, shorty don"t care, she a snake tooFucking with the niggaz from that fake crew that hate youBut yo, guess who got shot in the dome-piece?Jerome"s niece, on her way home from Jones Beach - it"s buggedPlus little Rob is selling drugs on the dimeHangin out with young thugs that all carry 9"sat night time there"s more trife than everWhattup with Cormega, did you see "em, are y"all together?If so then hold the fort down, represent to the fullestSay whassup to Herb, Ice and BulletI left a half a hundred in your commissaryYou was my nigga when push came to shoveOne what? one loveDear Born, you"ll be out soon, stay strongOut in New York the same shit is goin onthe crack-heads stalking, loud-mouths is talkinghold, check out the story yesterday when I was walkingthe nigga you shot last year tried to appear like he hurtin somethinword to mother, I heard him frontinand he be pumping on your blockyour man gave him your glockand now they run together, what up son, whateversince I"m on the streets I"ma put it to a ceasebut I heard you blew a nigga with a ox for the phone pieceWhylin on the Island, but now with Elmirabetter chill cause them niggaz will put that ass on fireLast time you wrote you said they tried you in the showersbut maintain when you come home the corner"s oursOn the reels, all these crab niggaz know the dealWhen we start the revolution all they probably do is squealBut chill, see you on the next V-II gave your mom dukes loot for kicks, plus sent you flicksYour brother"s buck whylin" in four maine he wrote mehe might beat his case, "til he come home I play it low keyso stay civilised, time fliesthough incarcerated your mindI hate it when your mum criesit kinda wants to make me murder, for real-aI"ve even got a mask and gloves to bust slugs for one loveSometimes I sit back with a buddha sackmind"s in another world thinking how can we exist through the factswritten in school text books, bibles, et ceteraFuck a school lecture, the lies get me vexed-erSo I be ghost from my projectsI take my pen and pad for the week and hittin L"s while I"m sleepinA two day stay, you may say I need the time aloneto relax my dome, no phone, left the 9 at homeYou see the streets have me stressed somethin terribleFuckin with the corners have a nigga up in Bellevueor h.d.m., hit with numbers from 8 to 10a future in a maximum state pen is grimSo I comes back home, nobody"s out but shorty doo-wopRollin two phillies together in the Bridge we called "em oowopsHe said, "Nas, niggaz could be bustin" off the roofso I wear a bullet proof and pack a black tres-deuce"He inhaled so deep, shut his eyes like he was sleepStarted coughing one eye peeked to watch me speakI sat back like the mack, my army suit was blackWe was chillin" on these bitches where he pumped his loose cracksI took an l when he passed it, this little bastardkeeps me blasted he starts talkin mad shitI had to school him, told him don"t let niggaz fool himcause when the pistol blow the ones that"s murdered be the cool oneTough luck when niggaz are struck, families fucked upCould"ve cought your man, but didn"t look when you bucked upMistakes happen, so take heed never bust upat the crowd catch him solo, make the right man bleedShorty"s laugh was cold blooded as he spoke so foulOnly twelve trying to tell me that he liked my styleThen I rose, wiping the blunts ash from my clothesthen froze only to blow the herb smoke through my noseand told my little man that i"m a go cyprosethere"s some jewels in the skull that he can sell if he chosewords of wisdom from nas try to rise up abovekeep an eye out for jake shorty whatone lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7973401
2023-07-23 10:01:411

Memory Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane歌手:Jamosa专辑:CryArtist: NasAlbum: IllmaticSong: Memory Lane (Sittin" in Da Park)Typed by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash(Check that shit)Aight fuck that shit, word wordFuck that other shit, youknowhatI"msayin?We gon" do a little somethin like this, yaknahmsayin?(Is they up on this?)Keep it on and on and on and on and..KnowhatI"msayin? Big Nas, Grand Wizard, God what it is?(What it is like?) Hah, knowhatI"msayin?Yo go "head, do that shit niggaI rap for listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisonersHenessey holders and old school niggaz, then I be dissin aunofficial that smoke woolie thaiI dropped out of Kooley High, gassed up by a cokehead cutie pieJungle survivor, fuck who"s the liverMy man put the battery in my back, a differencem from EnergizerSentence begins indented.. with formalityMy duration"s infinite, moneywise or physiologyPoetry, that"s a part of me, retardedly bopI drop the ancient manifested hip-hop, straight off the blockI reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coatChildhood lesson make me see him drop in my weed smokeIt"s real, grew up in trife life, did times or white linesThe hype vice, murderous nighttimes, and knife fights invite crimesChill on the block with Cog-nac, hold strapwith my peeps that"s into drug money, market into rapNo sign of the beast in the blue Chrysler, I guess that means peaceFor niggaz no sheisty vice to just snipe yaStart off the dice-rollin mats for craps to cee-loWith sidebets, I roll a deuce, nothin below (Peace God!)Peace God -- now the shit is explainedI"m takin niggaz on a trip straight through memory laneIt"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"allChorus: repeat scratches 4X"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge"One for the moneyTwo for pussy and foreign carsThree for Alize niggaz deceased or behind barsI rap divine Gods check the prognosis, is it real or showbiz?My window faces shootouts, drug overdosesLive amongst no roses, only the drama, for realA nickel-plate is my fate, my medicine is the ganjaHere"s my basis, my razor embraces, many facesYour telephone blowin, black stitches or fat shoelacesPeoples are petrol, dramatic automatic fo"-fo" I let blowand back down po-po when I"m vexed somy pen taps the paper then my brain"s blankI see dark streets, hustlin brothers who keep the same rankPumpin for somethin, some uprise, plus some failJudges hangin niggaz, uncorrect bails, for direct salesMy intellect prevails from a hangin cross with nailsI reinforce the frail, with lyrics that"s realWord to Christ, a disciple of streets, trifle on beatsI decifer prophecies through a mic and say peace.I hung around the older crews while they sling smack to dingbatsThey spoke of Fat Cat, that nigga"s name made bell rings, blackSome fiends scream, about Supreme Team, a Jamaica Queens thingUptown was Alpo, son, heard he was kingpin, yoFuck "rap is real", watch the herbs stand stillNever talkin to snakes cause the words of man killTrue in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veinsI pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory laneChorus"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is..Me numba won, and you know where me fromhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13775264
2023-07-23 10:02:001


21岁MILIYAHの个人资料」  加藤ミリヤ姓名(艺名):加藤ミリヤ(Kato Miriya)  原名:加藤美穗  英文名:Miliyah  性别:女  国籍:日本  出生地:日本琉球群岛冲绳岛北部的名护市  出生年月:1988年6月22日  身份:歌手  最喜欢的音乐风格:R&B、HIP HOP、REGGAE  最崇拜的音乐人:Mary J. Blige  出道契机:参加了Sony的选拔会而出道  所属公司:SONY「MILIYAHの所有专辑及歌曲」  按时间先后顺序排列:  《夜空 ~DO THE BOBO JAMES RMX.~ feat. ILLMATIC BUDDHA MC"S》(2004.8.12):  1.《夜空 ~DO THE BOBO JAMES RMX.~ feat. ILLMATIC BUDDHA MC"S》  2.《夜空 ~DO THE BOBO JAMES RMX.~ INSTRUMENTAL》  3.《Never let go》  4.《夜空》  《Never let go / 夜空》(2004.9.8):  1.《Never let go》  2.《夜空》  3.《Never let go ~Shingo.S RMX.~》  4.《Never let go ~No More Mix~》  5.《Never let go ~Dance Hall Mix~ feat. BASS ODYSSEY》  6.《夜空~DO THE BOBO JAMES RMX.~ feat. ILLMATIC BUDDHA MC"S (CD Version)》  《Beautiful》/《Beautiful(初回生产限定盘)》(2004.11.17):  1.《Beautiful》  2.《AT THE FEVER feat. TWIGY,NIPPS,DEV LARGE,SHINNOSK8》  3.《Never let go~Dance Hall Remix~feat. Rudeboy Face》  4.《Beautiful~BR Remix~》  《AT THE FEVER feat. TWIGY, NIPPS, DEV LARGE, SHINNOSK8》(2005.1.26):  1.《AT THE FEVER feat. TWIGY, NIPPS, DEV LARGE, SHINNOSK8》  2.《AT THE FEVER feat. TWIGY, NIPPS, DEV LARGE, SHINNOSK8 INSTRUMENTAL》  3.《Never let go~Dance Hall Remix~feat. Rudeboy Face》  4.《Beautiful~BR Remix~》  《ディア99ロンリーガール》(2005.3.11):  1.《ディア99ロンリーガール》  2.《ディア99ロンリーガール INSTRUMENTAL》  3.《Never let go ~2L8 GUITAR MIXX~》  4.《Never let go ~2L8 GUITAR MIXX~ INSTRUMENTAL》  《ディア99ロンリーガール》(2005.3.24):  1.《ディア99ロンリーガール》  2.《Dreaming under the moon》  3.《Ooh...Baby》  4.《ディア99ロンリーガール INSTRUMENTAL》  《ジョウネツ》(2005.9.21):  1.《ジョウネツ》  2.《ONE DAY ~夜空 Remix~ 加藤ミリヤ_m-flo》  3.《My sorrow》  4.《ジョウネツ~take 2 Remix~》  《Rose》(2005.10.26/2006.1.18-1st Album):  1.《夜空》  2.《ディア ロンリーガール》  3.《Don"t stop!》  4.《Beautiful》  5.《My life》  6.《Love me i love you》  7.《RIDE wit u》  8.《永远の声》  9.《Never let go》  10.《I Cry》  11.《ジョウネツ》  12.《ROSE》  13.《STAR》  14.《ONE DAY ~夜空 Remix~ 加藤ミリヤ_m-flo》  《ソツギョウ》(2006.2.1):  1.《ソツギョウ》  2.《Caught up》  3.《ready or not》  4.《ソツギョウ~DJ Mitsu the Beats School Gate Mix~》  《Last Summer》(2006.7.19):  1.《Last Summer》  2.《for so long》  3.《24 HOURS feat. TWIGY》  4.《for so long PART II》
2023-07-23 10:02:072

Kanye West的《We Major》 歌词

歌曲名:We Major歌手:Kanye West专辑:Late RegistrationYou motherfuckers better do your job and roll upand watch how we roll up andI can"t control it, can"t hold it, it"s so nutsI take a sip of that yak, I wanna fuckI take a hit of that chronic, it got me stuckBut really what"s amazing is how I keep blazingTowel under the door smoke until the days endPuff, puff then pass, don"t fuck up rotationHpnotic for Henny, now nigga that"s your chaserTurn nothin to something now pimpin" that"s a saviorBest things are green now pimp and get your paperHigh off the ground instead of skyscraperToo low thinkin" we local, come on homie, we majorWe major (come on, homie, we major)Feeling better than some head on a sunday afternoonBetter than a chick that say yes to soonUntil you have a daughter, that"s what I call karmaAnd you pray to god she don"t grow breasts too soon.Projects to" up, gang signs is thrown upNiggas hats broke off that"s how we grow upWhy else you think shorty"s write rhymes just to blow up?Get they first car and then IRS show upHe ain"t never had shit but he had that nineNigga come through flickin" and he had that shinePut two and two together in a little bad weatherGon" be a whole family on that funeral lineAsk the reverand was the strip club coolif my tips help send a pretty girl through schoolThat"s all I want like wino"s want they good whiskyI ain"t in the Klan, but I brought my hood with meYou motherfuckers better do your job and roll upand watch how we roll up andI can"t control it, can"t hold it, it"s so nutsI take a sip of that yak, I wanna fuckI take a hit of that chronic, it got me stuckBut really what"s amazing is how I keep blazingTowel under the door smoke until the days endPuff, puff then pass, don"t fuck up rotationHpnotic for Henny, now nigga that"s your chaserTurn nothin to something now pimpin" that"s a saviorBest things are green now pimp and get your paperHigh off the ground instead of skyscraperToo low thinkin" we local, come on homie, we majorI heard the beat and I ain"t know what to writeFirst line, should it be about the hos or the ice?Four-four"s or black christ? Both flows would be niceRap about big paper or the black man"s plightAt the studio consol asked my man to the rightWhat this verse sound like, should I freestyle or write?He said, Nas, what the fans want is Illmatic, StillmaticPicked up the pad and pencil and jotted what I feelBeen like 12 years since a nigga first signedNow I"m a free agentAnd I"m thinking it"s timeTo build my very own MotownCuz rappers be deprived of executive 9 to 5sAnd it hurts to see these companies be stealing the lifeAnd I love to give my blood sweat and tears to the micSo y"all copped the LPs and y"all fiends got dealtI"m Jesse Jackson on the balcony where King got killedI survived the livest niggas aroundLasting longer than more than half of you clownsLook, I used to cook before I had the game tookEither way my change came like Sam Cooke.Feeling better than I ever felt before todayLike better late than never is orientationStill we can make it better throwing all your cares awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7922807
2023-07-23 10:02:141


  歌曲下载并听了,找到了它的歌词。  my way  歌手:nas 专辑:the lost tapes  Word to Will, buried in his fila suit and heavy chain  I wanna be iced-up nigga, bury me the same  I live for street glory and I die for ghetto fame  Respect all, fear none, my pride is everything  Initials in swimming pools floors, women lose draws  A true boss, never lose wars, got cheddar to floss  Guns under beds, mask and a flashlight  Living my life like everyday"s my last night  Alcoholic on toilets, I shit blood  Foreign cars, models and stars, life of a rich thug  Mama told me from weed, I would switch drugs  To cocaine and hit clubs and deep-dish dubs  How would she know unless she hit the clubs, got her mack-on  Back in the 60"s with an afro and her platforms  Bopping to the supremes, smoking joints  That"s cool, but I"ma live how I want  [Chorus 1]  I did it my way, from crumbs and roaches and rats  I did it my way, converted in from hustling to raps  I did it my way, from break dancing, back spins on the cardboard  I did it my way, to bullet proof bentleys, gats in the car"s door  I did it my way, never gave a fuck what nobody said  I did it my way, they hope that I fail and wished I was dead  I did it my way, if I fucked op it falls on me  I did it my way, I"m lucked up and struck rich, now we all can eat  Gateways, marble floors, chandeliers  Juzzi"s, gucci soap, throwing cash in the air  Though I, still feel broke with millions in the bank  And deals on the table, I focus to stay afloat  And just to think some would die to get with I got  They think its alot, the blink of an eye, you could get shot  Niggas is wolves, coming if you ruthless or not  But i be on point, put you in places where bodies rot  Never knew murder till I seen my man get popped  No blood soaking, laying there, eyes still open  I got a little closer, put my hand in his palm  He was looking right through me, Yo staring beyond  I wonder what he saw, the limoes, movies and tours  Did he die in vain and represent for the cause  Now I put his name on everything I"m involved  And that"s the game, Ya"ll can"t relate, fuck ya"ll (Ill Will)  [Chorus 2]  I did it my way, from crumbs, roaches and rats  I did it my way, converted in from hustling to raps  I did it my way, I call it how I see it niggas  I did it my way, if you don"t like it so be it niggas  I did it my way, I make my own rules, I do my own plans  I did it my way, gangstas do what they want  Suckers do what they can"t  I did it my way, taking sacrifices kid  I did it my way, but now you only getting one life to live  Yo, hoes in my fold can slow me, roll with the brokest homies  Cold and we hopeless lonelies, scolding my foes who phony  From blocks where coke can feed you and cops are over evil  They know some people who tell on felons who sold some diesil  Here on and blow it rurals, its mine, knew a crew one time  "89, they took work to Caroline and blew big time  In just two years, their crew disappear  Snitches and bitches, smeared the paint on their pictures  Years back, I reminiscence and remember, sitting on wood benches  Gave me splinters, just a baby nigga thankful  When them killers came through, guns out, moving  I think the ones who said shorty go home, we about to be shooting  RAP歌手NAS  RAP歌手NAS纽约的Rap皇帝.Eninem的早期模仿对象JAY-Z的死对头,东岸的领军人物,被称做街头诗人,其作品It was written和I can早被认做是rap界的经典。  在多张畅销专辑推波助澜下,Nas已傲然成为90年代中后期Hip Hop界的中坚份子。但Nas出众的纽约Hip Hop气息,深深吸引歌迷。,Nas在叙事上不见义正词严的拘束感,而是无比真实的敏锐观察。一会儿b***h一会儿fuck,Nas在词藻里惯用的连串脏话,也正勾勒出他自贫穷生活走来的街头风格。在中慢版的节奏里,Nas以他滑溜如Q-Tip的嗓音,娓娓道来一篇篇urban tales,却自在得不带一丝压力。  噜苏大叔  自九○年代中期至今,席卷整个东岸饶舌圈身为爵士界好手OluPara之子,并被美誉为街头诗人的Nas,从他的曲中反射出一场场街头事件与种种社会现象,尤其是一九九四年发表的首张专辑「lllmatic」,不仅是震撼了整个嘻哈界,乐评的超高赞誉也随之锋涌而来,更在Nas高超的饶舌技巧,豊富且具有诗意的辞藻,配入深受父亲乐曲影响的Soul/Funk/Jazz等调性,流畅且精彩的谱出属于自己音乐风格!第二张首周发行便跃居排行冠军的专辑「ItWasWritten」将这位新生代的饶舌高手之人气拉到了顶点;99年一连两发的专辑「IAM..」及「Nastradamus」,找来PuffDaddy、DMX、Aaliyah等人的合作,更具旋律与韵味感十足的乐曲铺陈,在销售数字上开出令人亮眼的成绩!  《God"s Son》被期待能够成为一张起着关键的转折性作用的唱片。它的前5首歌曲延续了Nas在《Illmatic》中的风格:犀利的歌词,急速的背景音乐效果,并配合以融化了的巧克力般的嗓音。朴实无华的采样很适合Nas,他的说唱风格源自old school的RAP类型。他极少会像在开头歌曲《Get Down》中表现的那么激烈,声音那么华丽繁杂。《Made You Look》的取样来源于Deep Funk界泰斗Incredible Bongo Band的《Apache》,经过一番编排显得生机勃勃、给人以新鲜感。  《The Cross》由Eminem创作。  专辑中值得一提的作品还有《Warrior Song》,它展现了与他合唱的Alicia Keys已经不仅仅是个超级明星,而且决定要在hip hop音乐中占据一席之地。  《Book Of Rhymes》则是一个新的概念,Nas令人讨厌至极的不停翻看一本被遗忘的笔记本,直到最后找到线索之前他都在喋喋不休。  《Thug Mansion (NY)》中他与Tupac Shakur在两把吉他的伴奏下一起演唱。  《Dance》则是Nas唱给母亲的安魂曲,她在2001年四月死于癌症。  最出色的歌曲是《Last Real N**** Alive》,用的是一种具有启示作用的写作形式。他把我们带回1993年的Wu-Tang,在如今每个人都大喊大叫说别人抄袭了自己想法的时代,Nas承认自己借用了这两个人的音乐风格。当我们回顾他的道路,就会发现他的每一步都经过了深思熟虑。  这张专辑有着无穷的魅力,其中的歌曲足以令人相信Nas绝对可以被列入hip-hop历史中最杰出的艺人之一。它并不是无懈可击,但的确是才华横溢。  这几年来英美两地的Hip Hop乐坛好像都是各自为政,很少有互相交流的情况出现,美国饶舌歌手Nas决定成为英美Hip Hop大使,向英国地区征召有潜力的Hip Hop新秀来加入他新专辑《Streets Disciple》的录音工作。  Nas与他所属的Sony唱片公司在网站上放了一首新歌Thief"s Theme的乐器演奏录音,他们邀请有兴趣在Nas专辑中露脸的英国或爱尔兰地区的饶舌歌手把演奏下载下来,然后把自己创作的歌词以及人声表演加进去,再寄给唱片公司,Nas会在所有参赛者中选出一位优胜者,加入《Streets Disciple》其它歌曲的表演,让有潜力的新人获得初试啼声的机会。  近来,Nas于意大利品牌Fila签约。
2023-07-23 10:02:222


2023-07-23 10:02:323

Memory Lane Mix 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane Mix歌手:林忆莲专辑:林忆莲MMXI演唱会Artist: NasAlbum: IllmaticSong: Memory Lane (Sittin" in Da Park)Typed by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash(Check that shit)Aight fuck that shit, word wordFuck that other shit, youknowhatI"msayin?We gon" do a little somethin like this, yaknahmsayin?(Is they up on this?)Keep it on and on and on and on and..KnowhatI"msayin? Big Nas, Grand Wizard, God what it is?(What it is like?) Hah, knowhatI"msayin?Yo go "head, do that shit niggaI rap for listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisonersHenessey holders and old school niggaz, then I be dissin aunofficial that smoke woolie thaiI dropped out of Kooley High, gassed up by a cokehead cutie pieJungle survivor, fuck who"s the liverMy man put the battery in my back, a differencem from EnergizerSentence begins indented.. with formalityMy duration"s infinite, moneywise or physiologyPoetry, that"s a part of me, retardedly bopI drop the ancient manifested hip-hop, straight off the blockI reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coatChildhood lesson make me see him drop in my weed smokeIt"s real, grew up in trife life, did times or white linesThe hype vice, murderous nighttimes, and knife fights invite crimesChill on the block with Cog-nac, hold strapwith my peeps that"s into drug money, market into rapNo sign of the beast in the blue Chrysler, I guess that means peaceFor niggaz no sheisty vice to just snipe yaStart off the dice-rollin mats for craps to cee-loWith sidebets, I roll a deuce, nothin below (Peace God!)Peace God -- now the shit is explainedI"m takin niggaz on a trip straight through memory laneIt"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"allChorus: repeat scratches 4X"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge"One for the moneyTwo for pussy and foreign carsThree for Alize niggaz deceased or behind barsI rap divine Gods check the prognosis, is it real or showbiz?My window faces shootouts, drug overdosesLive amongst no roses, only the drama, for realA nickel-plate is my fate, my medicine is the ganjaHere"s my basis, my razor embraces, many facesYour telephone blowin, black stitches or fat shoelacesPeoples are petrol, dramatic automatic fo"-fo" I let blowand back down po-po when I"m vexed somy pen taps the paper then my brain"s blankI see dark streets, hustlin brothers who keep the same rankPumpin for somethin, some uprise, plus some failJudges hangin niggaz, uncorrect bails, for direct salesMy intellect prevails from a hangin cross with nailsI reinforce the frail, with lyrics that"s realWord to Christ, a disciple of streets, trifle on beatsI decifer prophecies through a mic and say peace.I hung around the older crews while they sling smack to dingbatsThey spoke of Fat Cat, that nigga"s name made bell rings, blackSome fiends scream, about Supreme Team, a Jamaica Queens thingUptown was Alpo, son, heard he was kingpin, yoFuck "rap is real", watch the herbs stand stillNever talkin to snakes cause the words of man killTrue in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veinsI pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory laneChorus"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is..Me numba won, and you know where me fromhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14878331
2023-07-23 10:02:401


王者之路 - D-Evil发行时间:2008-01-01 歌词:king of east的军队我打头阵在战场上杀敌绝对是游刃有余立下汉马功劳是首席的将领冲锋陷阵会上瘾看 我是王者在一路走来叛党在防守 却极度丑还耍口才逃兵只顾着加速被抓住 面临的只有杀戮我从来都没有忘记要怎么样子才能够真的回到那个没有那硝烟没有战火的和平年代但是 王者的路 不是那么好走的鲜血都伴随着我们的每一个脚步骑上我的战马,向着东方出发游骑承载着梦想现在回家HIP-HOP HIP-HOP 我们都在同一挂再多的困难险阻我都不怕前面路漫漫,沿途凄惨惨刀光剑影狂风黄沙陪我做伴一缕阳光指引我,走在王者路上心中渴望的力量在陪我成长胜利女神在把勇者召唤,就像敌人发出最后一声呐喊回到战场上面对冲天火光这条革命路上胜者为王H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃They call me chinese Prince PaulNiggaz waitin for my track dropYa never heard where my samples fromcos diggin in da crates just like my day jobI take u back to da classicKing Of East dat be another Illmatichow dat sound, my enemies is donefrom none to some, my kindom comeso what u want迎接你们的大王 my kingdom come my kingdom come奴才们都叫我皇上 what u want now what u want manH I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃硝烟没停 打乱这宁静战斗血腥 划破了黎明没有输赢 换不来和平为了理想可以不顾性命当人们开始歌颂我的丰功伟绩谁知道我的战甲 为谁哭泣片甲不留 成王败寇跪在面前乞求拥有自由H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃H I P H O P BLAA王者的势力在不段扩大把手举过头顶这样晃像我这样晃,像我这样晃
2023-07-23 10:02:471

Fuck you 50cent的那首的歌词。

[Chorus: *Scratching*]Pain In Da Ass "Fuck You" 3xStyles "I don"t give a fuck" 3xStyles "I don"t give a fuck who you are"Pain In The Ass " Fuck You"Nas "Niggaz is this and that"Big Pun "I"m even, even better than before"Styles "I don"t give a fuck who you are"Pain In Da Ass "Fuck you"Nas "Niggaz is this and that, I"m just, I"m just, I"m just the best"Styles "I don"t give a fuck who you are"Pain In Da Ass "Fuck you"Nas "Niggaz is this and that"Big Pun "I"m even, even better than before"Styles "I don"t give a fuck who you are"Nas "Niggaz is this and that, I"m just, I"m just, I"m just the best"[Verse]Either I"m trippin" off the ecstasyOr I could feel the world turnin"I"m havin" flashbacks, I can feel the shells burnin"Comin" up, I was taught never back downThat"s why I act the way I act now, hold the mac down32 shots, squeeze til there ain"t a shell leftCome with my gun smokin", you can smell deathThey get the first laugh, I get the last laugh homieHit the gas on it, pull up and mash on "emThere"s a lot of talk in the streets about meNiggaz know, ain"t nothing sweet about meGet back to questions, like "50, who shot ya?...You think it was Preme, Freeze or Tah, Tah?"Nigga, street shit should stay in the streetSo, keep it on the lowBut everybody who"s somebody already knowA few words for any nigga that get hit the fuck upMy advice if you get shot down, is get the fuck upLET"S GOChorus (Different Variations)[Verse]MaaaaaaaaanI told niggaz not to fuck with me they still push meFigured they"d get away with it cause Tone and Poke pussyI been gone through static, shot at with automaticsSince 90, when Nas came out with "Illmatic"If Suge was home, Death Row would be good for meCause Tommy Matola ain"t shootin out in the hood wit meI"ve been shot 9 times my nigga that"s why I walk funnyHit in the jaw once, why I talk funnyWith a Ruger on my hip, I walk the street with no careThink my grandma"s prayers the only reason I"m hereMy wrist icy, keep my ears icy, keep my neck icyThat"s why you bitch like me, so I"m a heavyweightHow dare these niggaz take me lightly?I ain"t come to make friends and niggaz aint gotta like meMy own homie said "50, you done lost yo" mind"Cause I shootout in broad day, run and toss my nineChorus [Different Variations][Verse]Can"t find a nigga in the hood, that say "50 ain"t hot"When I drop, I"m sound like Eminem and Kid RockPlay the block, with the watch all rocked the fuck upJukes me, A week later y"all be shot the fuck upBorn a healthy baby, I wasn"t always crazyThis aint how moma rasied me, this how the hood made meThe D"s call me by my government nameI be dumb and shoot up parksHave niggaz runnin" like "Jesus Comin""There"s wet pillows in prison, niggaz cry in the darkCause if they did in the day, niggaz would question they heartSo when they come home, the come homeWalking that tough walk, talking that "Rockavalede"Talk"ll get you shot in New York - BBBBLLLLATTTTTSex, money, murder, I gotta eatBut I aint tryin do +Hard Time+ like +Pistol P+See, niggaz uptown understand me in the streetYou niggaz uptown"ll "Stan" me in the streetHa-haChorus [Different Variations]
2023-07-23 10:02:552

Careful What You Wish For 歌词

歌曲名:Careful What You Wish For歌手:Glasvegas专辑:GlasvegasEminem - Careful What You Wish ForSo this is it, this is what I"ve wished forJust isn"t how I invisioned it, fame to the point of imprisonmentI just thought the shit"da be differentBut something changed the minute that I got a whiff of itI started to inhale it, smell it, started sniffing itAnd it became my cocaine, I just couldn"t quitI just wanted a little bit, then it turned me to monsterI became a hypocrite, concert after concertI was raking in the dough, rolling in greenHad the game hemmed up, like a sewing machineBut I was losing my freedom, there was nowhere for meTo not go and be seen, and just go and be meAnd there was no inbetween, you either loved it or hatedEvery CD, critics gave it a three, then threeyears later, they go back and rerate itAnd called The Slim Shady LP the greatestThe Marshall Mathers was a classicThe Eminem Show was fantasticBut Encore just didn"t have the caliber to match itI guess enough time just ain"t passed yetA couple more years, that shit"ll be IllmaticAnd 8 years later I"m still at itDivorced, remarried, a felon, a father, sleeping pill addictAnd this is real talk, I feel like the Incredible HulkMy back has been broken, I can still walkSo be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I got a letter from a fan that said, he"s been praying for meEveryday and for some reason it"s been weighing on my mind heavyCause I don"t read every letter I getBut something told me to go ahead and open itBut, why would someone pray for you when they dont know youYou didn"t pray for me when I was localAnd as I lay these vocals, I think of all the shit I had to go throughJust to get to where I"m at, I"ve already told youAt least, a thousand times in these rhymesI appreciate the prayer, but I"ve already got god on my sideand its been one hell of a ride, hasnt it?Just watching it, from an opposite"s stand pointMan, boy it"s got to look, nutsAnd thats the only word I can think of right nowOn how to describe this shitThis is like a vibe you get it, go ahead and vibe to itJust watch what you wish for, cause I got the shit!So be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!http://music.baidu.com/song/8756966
2023-07-23 10:03:031


2023-07-23 10:03:102

Careful What You Wish For 歌词

歌曲名:Careful What You Wish For歌手:Glasvegas专辑:A Snowflake Fell (And It Felt Like A Kiss)Eminem - Careful What You Wish ForSo this is it, this is what I"ve wished forJust isn"t how I invisioned it, fame to the point of imprisonmentI just thought the shit"da be differentBut something changed the minute that I got a whiff of itI started to inhale it, smell it, started sniffing itAnd it became my cocaine, I just couldn"t quitI just wanted a little bit, then it turned me to monsterI became a hypocrite, concert after concertI was raking in the dough, rolling in greenHad the game hemmed up, like a sewing machineBut I was losing my freedom, there was nowhere for meTo not go and be seen, and just go and be meAnd there was no inbetween, you either loved it or hatedEvery CD, critics gave it a three, then threeyears later, they go back and rerate itAnd called The Slim Shady LP the greatestThe Marshall Mathers was a classicThe Eminem Show was fantasticBut Encore just didn"t have the caliber to match itI guess enough time just ain"t passed yetA couple more years, that shit"ll be IllmaticAnd 8 years later I"m still at itDivorced, remarried, a felon, a father, sleeping pill addictAnd this is real talk, I feel like the Incredible HulkMy back has been broken, I can still walkSo be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I got a letter from a fan that said, he"s been praying for meEveryday and for some reason it"s been weighing on my mind heavyCause I don"t read every letter I getBut something told me to go ahead and open itBut, why would someone pray for you when they dont know youYou didn"t pray for me when I was localAnd as I lay these vocals, I think of all the shit I had to go throughJust to get to where I"m at, I"ve already told youAt least, a thousand times in these rhymesI appreciate the prayer, but I"ve already got god on my sideand its been one hell of a ride, hasnt it?Just watching it, from an opposite"s stand pointMan, boy it"s got to look, nutsAnd thats the only word I can think of right nowOn how to describe this shitThis is like a vibe you get it, go ahead and vibe to itJust watch what you wish for, cause I got the shit!So be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!http://music.baidu.com/song/8899397
2023-07-23 10:03:291

Nas的《One Mic》 歌词

歌曲名:One Mic歌手:Nas专辑:From Illmatic To Stillmatic The RemixesArtist: NasAlbum: StillmaticSong: One MicTyped by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ FlashOne time.. yeah.. yeah..Yo, all I need is one mic, one beat, one stageOne nigga front, my face on the front pageOnly if I had one gun, one girl and one cribOne God to show me how to do things his son didPure, like a cup of virgin blood; mixed with151, one sip"ll make a nigga flipWritin names on my hollow tips, plottin shitMad violence who I"m gon" body, this hood politicsAckowledge it, leave bodies chopped up in garbagesSeeds watch us, grow up and try to follow usOne knee I ducked, could it be my time is upBut my luck, I got up, the cop shot againBus stop glass bursts, a fiend drops his HeinekenRichochetin between the spots that I"m hidin inThis is my hood I"ma rep, to the death of it"til everybody come home, little niggaz is grownHoodrats, don"t abortion your womb, we need more warriors soonSent from the star sun and the moonIn this life of police chases street sweepers and coppersStick-up kids with no conscience, leavin victims with doctorsIF YOU REALLY THINK YOU READY TO DIE, WITH NINES OUTTHIS IS WHAT NAS IS BOUT, NIGGA THE TIME IS NOW!Yo, all I need is one mic..All I need is one mic.. that"s all I needAll I need is one mic.. all I need niggazAll I need is one mic.. yeahAll I need is one blunt, one page, and one penOne prayer - tell God forgive me for one sinMatter fact maybe more than one, look backat all the hatred against me, fuck alla themJesus died at age 33, there"s thirty-three shotsfrom twin glocks there"s sixteen apiece, that"s thirty-twoWhich means, one of my guns was holdin 17Twenty-seven hit your crew, six went into youEverybody gotta die sometime; hope your funeralnever gets shot up, bullets tear through the innocentNothin is fair, niggaz roll up, shootin from wheelchairsMy heart is racin, tastin revenge in the airI let the shit slide for too many years, too many timesNow I"m strapped with a couple of macs, too many ninesIf y"all niggaz really wit me get busy load up the semisDo more than just hold it explode the clip until you emptyThere"s nothin in our way - they bust, we bust, they rust, we rustLed flyin, feel it? I feel it in my gutTHAT WE TAKE THESE BITCHES TO WAR, LIE "EM DOWNCAUSE WE STRONGER NOW MY NIGGA THE TIME IS NOW!!All I need is one mic.. that"s all I need, that"s all I needAll I need is one mic.. there"s nuttin else in the worldAll I need is one mic.. that"s all a nigga need to do his thing y"knowAll I need is one mic..ALL I NEED IS ONE LIFE, ONE TRY, ONE BREATH I"M ONE MANWHAT I STAND FOR SPEAKS FOR ITSELF, THEY DON"T UNDERSTANDOr wanna see me on top, too egotisticalTalkin all that slick shit, the same way these bitches doWonder what my secrets is, niggaz"ll move on youonly if they know, what your weakness is I have noneToo late to grab guns I"m blastin cause I"m a cool niggaThought I wouldn"t have that ass done? Fooled you niggazWhat you call a infinite brawl, eternal souls clashinWar gets deep, some beef is everlastinComplete with thick scars, brothers knifin each otherup in prison yards, drama, where does it start?You know the block was ill as a youngsterEvery night it was like a, cop would get killed body found in the dumpsterFor real a hustler, purchased my Range, niggaz throwin dirt on my nameJealous cause fiends got they work and complainBitches left me cause they thought I was finishedShoulda knew she wasn"t true she came to me when her man caught a sentenceDiamonds are blindin, I never make the same mistakesMovin with a change of pace, lighter load, see now the king is straightSwellin my melon cause none of these niggaz realHeard he was, tellin police, how can a kingpin squeal?This is crazy, I"m on the right track I"m finally foundYou need some soul searchin, the time is nowAll I need is one mic.. yeah, yeah yeah yeahAll I need is one mic.. that"s all I ever needed in this world, fuck cashAll I need is one mic.. fuck the cars, the jewelryAll I need is one mic.. to spread my voice to the whole worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8711141
2023-07-23 10:03:361

A Star Is Born [Jay-Z + J. Cole] (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A Star Is Born [Jay-Z + J. Cole] (Amended Album Version)歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:The Blueprint 3Jay-Z Ft. J.Cole - A Star Is Born(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(Jay-Z)I seen Mase do it, I seen Ye do it,X came through, caught lighter fluid,Still i came through it,Clap for em,But I"m the blueprint,I"m like the map for em,I dropped another classic,Made Puff pass it,Nobody could touch Puff back when Puff had it,Wayne scorching, I"ll applaud him,If he keep going, pass the torch to him,50 came through like hurricanes do,Thought I"d finish his ass at summerjam too,I had the Illmatic on bootleg,Sh-t was so ahead, thought we was all dead,Wayne did a millie, 50 did a millie,Ye too, but what Em did was silly,The white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him,His flow on Renegade, f-cking awesome,Applaud him,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Snoop Dogg did, Nelly came down,The Face Mob, kept it ghetto for the H town.Luda moved digits after he moved b-tches,Drake"s up next, see what he do with it,Rule had a run, couple movie parts,T.I literally wanted to shoot up the charts,Wat up Jeezy, wat it do,Y"all remind me of us in early 92,Outcast landed, 3 thou was ill,Like a male version of Lauren Hill,Mobb Deep shook it but Prodigy took it a lil too far,Can"t f-ck with Brooklyn,Wu Tang gang bang, Meth ate,Rae" took on the date with the Purple Tape.Passed on to Ason ? and then Ghostface,They had a hell of a run,Standing Ova, ayyy,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)And I am one of one,Can"t you see just along my front,My brain new lou sun shineBeen a star since i was back in one time,One time give it up for him,December 4th a star was born,Clap for him,He went from moving that cornerTo this corner office is so enormous,Hey, Pres Carter,Watch him get a Monica on all day,Hey,Got so many monikers but only 1 JayThey come they go,Some real some foe,Some friends some hoesBut no i goes nowhere this Hov,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(J. Cole)And could i be a star,This fame and this game have to change who you are,Could i be the same one who came from a far away life,Just to make it in this broadway lights,Now shining in the broad day light, go figure,A slow transition from a lil broke n-gga from the Ville,Got a deal a real life saver,Dreams of being behind the wheel like Jada,I chill now a lil ice later, Cole you go the glow like a lil lightsaber,So clap for him, then applaud Hov, he gave em a plat for him,Flow so sick thought he wrote the rap for him,No sir,The flows cold as a shoulder of a gold digging hoes when a broke n-gga approaches,Told ya I"m focused man, I"ll let you muthf-ckers soak it in,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)http://music.baidu.com/song/7449259
2023-07-23 10:03:441

Rap poets ( Remix by Eminem , Jay - Z ) 的歌词 .

  [intro:]as soon as hip hop came out it was a music that i could grasp and identify with the millennium.  chorus:all round and round!from the first to the last, it is in the… passionate clear shit! all my nigger want my.. the hip pop is dying out!..my rap poem.  [eminem:]there"s a certain mystique when i speak that you noticecause it"s sort of unique,  cause you know it"s me,my poetry is deep and i"m still mad at the way i flow his beat!  i can"t stand still, it"s like trying smoke crap and go to sleep  ,i"m strapped it"s known any minute i could snap,  i"m the equivalent of what would happen if bush rappedi  bully these rappers so bad lyricallyit ain"t even funny,  i ain"t even hungry, it ain"t even money  you can"t pay me enough for you to play me  it"s cockamanie you just ain"t zany enough  to rock with shadymy noodle is cock-a-doodle, my clock"s coo-coo  i got screws loose, yea the whole kitten caboodle,  i"m just brutalit"s no rumor, i"m numero uno,  assume itthere"s no more humor in it, you knowi"m rolling with a swollen bowling ball in my bag  you need a fag and tear a near hole in my ass!  chorus:  [jay-z]young hov got the game in a frenzy  twenty million sold all independently,so when you mention me  make sure you got together your "semblieslike, "he"s the games j.f.kennedy"  i started out, i ain"t have no chimneymy ma was santa claus, well, at least she pretended to be"til one night, well, that"s if memory serves me correcti caught her under the christmas tree.  young hov ain"t have no popsthank god, man, i had the blockya"ll hear me though  you young fucks got the game all wrongthis is my life, man, this ain"t no song!  you ain"t livin" your rhymes out, you live at your mom"s housein that tight-ass room, pullin" the cars outand the mirror pointin" at your reflection, killing yourself  you american pie, stop feeling yourself!  chorus:  [nas :]i woke up early on my born day, i"m twenty years of blessingthe essence of adolescent leaves my body now i"m fresh  in my physical frame is celebrated cause i made it  one quarter through life some god-ly like thing created got rhymes  365 days annual plus someload up the mic and bust one, cuss while i puffs from my  skull cause it"s pain in my brain vein money maintaindon"t go against the grain simple and plain!  when i was young at this i used to do my thing hard  robbin" foreigners take they wallets they jewels and rip they green cards  dipped to the projects flashin" my quick cashand got my first piece of ass smokin" blunts with hash  now it"s all about cash in abundance, niggaz i used to run withis rich or doin years in the hundredsi switched my motto  -- instead of sayin fuck tomorrow that buck that bought a bottle could"ve struck the lotto.  once i stood on the block, loose cracks produce stacksi  cooked up and cut small pieces to get my loot backtime is illmatic keep static like wool fabric  pack a four-matic that crack your whole cabbage!  chorus:
2023-07-23 10:03:521

Jay-Z和Nas 合作的Success 歌词

这个应该和百科不一样,如果你还需要特别介绍什么,补充问题Nas"街头诗人",歌词可以用”完美”形容纽约的Rap皇帝.Eninem的早期模仿对象.JAY-Z的死对头.东岸的领军人物.被称做街头诗人.其作品It was written和I can早被认做是rap界的经典. 在多张畅销专辑推波助澜下,Nas已傲然成为90年代中后期Hip Hop界的中坚份子。但Nas出众的纽约HipHop气息,深深吸引歌迷。,Nas在叙事上不见义正词严的拘束感,而是无比真实的敏锐观察。一会儿b***h一会儿f**k,Nas在词藻里惯用的连串脏话,也正勾勒出他自贫穷生活走来的街头风格。在中慢版的节奏里,Nas以他滑溜如Q-Tip的嗓音,娓娓道来一篇篇urbantales,却自在得不带一丝压力。 噜苏大叔 自九○年代中期至今,席卷整个东岸饶舌圈身为爵士界好手OluPara之子,并被美誉为街头诗人的Nas,从他的曲中反射出一场场街头事件与种种社会现象,尤其是一九九四年发表的首张专辑「lllmatic」,不仅是震撼了整个嘻哈界,乐评的超高赞誉也随之锋涌而来,更在Nas高超的饶舌技巧 英文介绍,不翻译了,太长Origin: Long Island City, Queens, NYDecades: 1990"s and 2000"sBeginning with his classic debut, Illmatic (1994), Nas stood tall for years as one of New York City"s leading rap voices, outspokenly expressing a righteous, self-empowered swagger that endeared him to critics and hip-hop purists. Whether proclaiming himself "Nasty Nas" or "Nas Escobar" or "Nastradamus" or "God"s Son," the self-appointed King of New York battled numerous adversaries for his position atop the epicenter of East Coast rap, none more challenging than Jay-Z, who vied with Nas for the vacated throne left in the wake of the Notorious B.I.G."s 1997 assassination. Such headline-worthy drama informed Nas" provocative rhymes, which he delivered with both a masterful flow and a wise perspective over beats by a range of producers: legends like DJ Premier, Large Professor, and Pete Rock; hitmakers like Trackmasters, Timbaland, and will.i.am; street favorites like Swizz Beatz, Megahertz, and the Alchemist; and personal favorites of his own like L.E.S., Salaam Remi, and Chucky Thompson. Nas likewise collaborated with some of the industry"s leading video directors, including Hype Williams and Chris Robinson, presenting singles like "Hate Me Now," "One Mic," and "I Can" with dramatic flair. Th
2023-07-23 10:03:591


If I Ruled the World太长了。参考:http://www.songtaste.com/song/1161244/Message[00:00.00]The Message --- NAS [00:02.30]by Snakie28 [00:10.06]Fake thug, no love, you get the slug, CB4 Gusto [00:13.68]Your luck low, I didn"t know til I was drunk though [00:16.23]You freak niggaz played out, get fucked and ate out [00:19.29]Prostitute turned bitch, I got the gauge out [00:21.65]96 ways I made out, Montana way [00:24.41]The Good-F-E-L-L-A, verbal AK spray [00:27.20]Dipped attache, jumped out the Range, empty out the ashtray [00:30.12]A glass of "ze make a man Cassius Clay [00:32.18]Red dot plots, murder schemes, thirty-two shotguns [00:35.03]Regulate wit my Dunn"s, 17 rocks gleam from one ring [00:38.24]Yo let me let y"all niggaz know one thing [00:40.65]There"s one life, one love, so there can only be one King [00:43.00]The highlights of livin, Vegas style roll dice in linen [00:45.83]Antera spinnin on Milleniums, twenty G bets I"m winnin them [00:49.61]Threats I"m sendin them, Lex with TV sets the minimum [00:52.77]Ill sex adrenaline [00:54.40]Party with villians, a case of Demi-Sec to chase the Henny [00:56.76]Wet any clique, with the semi-tech who want it [00:59.11]Diamonds I flaunt it, chickenheads flock I lace em [01:02.35]Fried broiled with basil, taste em, crack the legs [01:04.49]way out of formation, it"s horizontal how I have em [01:07.20]fuckin me in the Benz wagon [01:08.98]Can it be Vanity from Last Dragon [01:11.36]Grab your gun it"s on though [01:13.15]Shit is grimy, real niggaz buck in broad daylight [01:15.76]with the broke Mac it won"t spray right [01:17.78]Don"t give a fuck who they hit, as long as the drama"s lit [01:20.68]Yo, overnight thugs, bug cause they ain"t promised shit [01:23.69]Hungry-ass hooligans stay on that piranha shit Chorus: samples from New York State of Mind (repeat 4X) [01:42.23][01:36.72][01:31.39][01:25.96]I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death -> Nas [01:44.56][01:39.80][01:34.48][01:28.69]I ain"t the type of brother made for you to start testin -> Nas [Nas] [01:47.88]I peeped you frontin, I was in the Jeep [01:50.19]Sunk in the seat, tinted with heat, beats bumpin [01:52.58]Across the streat you was wildin [01:54.43]Talkin bout how you ran the Island in eighty-nine [01:56.49]Layin up, playin the yard with crazy shine [01:58.76]I cocked a baby 9 that nigga grave be mine, clanked him [02:01.69]What was he thinkin on my corner when it"s pay me time [02:04.06]Dug em you owe me cousin somethin told me plug him [02:06.53]So dumb, felt my leg burn, then it got numb [02:09.27]Spun around and shot one, heard shots and dropped son [02:12.08]Caught a hot one, somebody take this biscuit "fore the cops come [02:14.71]Then they came askin me my name, what the fuck [02:17.38]I got stitched up and went through [02:19.11]Left the hospital that same night, what [02:21.00]Got my gat back, time to backtrack [02:23.09]I had to drop so how the fuck I get clapped [02:25.10]Black was in the Jeep watchin all these scenes speed by [02:27.71]It was a brown Datsun, and yo nobody in my hood got one [02:30.41]That clown nigga"s through, blazin at his crew daily [02:33.25]The "Bridge touched me up severely hear me? [02:36.03]So when I rhyme it"s sincerely yours [02:38.08]Be lightin L"s sippin Coors, on all floors in project halls [02:41.14]Contemplatin war niggaz I was cool with before [02:43.98]We used to score together, Uptown coppin the raw [02:46.66]But uhh, a thug changes, and love changes [02:50.55]and best friends become strangers, word up Chorus: first from New York State of Mind, then Halftime (repeat 4X) [03:08.64][03:02.83][02:57.14][02:52.37]Y"all know my steelo -> Nas [03:09.67][03:04.69][02:59.39][02:53.95]There ain"t an army that could strike back -> Nas [Nas] [03:15.72]Thug niggaz [03:16.41]Yo, to them thug niggaz gettin it on in the world you know? [03:19.17]To them niggaz that"s locked down [03:21.12]doin they thing survivin yaknowmsayin? [03:23.90]To my thorough niggaz, New York and world wide [03:27.14]Yo to the Queensbridge Militia [03:30.02]9-6 shit.. The Firm clique, Illmatic nigga [03:36.25]It Was Written though [03:38.96]It"s been a long time comin [03:41.07]Y"all fake niggaz, tryin to copy [03:43.33]better come with the real though [03:46.42]Fake ass niggaz yo.. [03:47.93](They throw us slugs we throwin em back, what?) [03:50.23]Bring the shit man, live man [03:52.07](Fuck that son) [03:53.63]Nine-six shit.. 参考:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=167417195
2023-07-23 10:04:073

Street Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Street Dreams歌手:Nas Featuring R. Kelly专辑:From Illmatic To Stillmatic The RemixesArtist: NasAlbum: Street Dreams 12"Song: Street Dreams (Bonus Verse)"Uh. What?! What?! Uh."Street dreams are made of theseThugs drop Beemers wit" three-hundred E"sA drug dealer"s destiny is reachin" a kiEverybody"s lookin" for somethin"Street dreams are made of theseShorties on they knees for playas wit" big cheeseWho am I to disagree?Everybody"s lookin" for somethin"My man put me up for the share, one-fourth of a squareHeaded for Delaware wit" one change of gearNothin" on my mind but the dime sack we blazedwit" the glaze in my eye that we find when we cravedollars and cents- A fugitive with two attemptsJakes had no trace of the face, now they drew a printThough I"m innocent "til proven guilty,I"ma try to get filthy, purchase a club and start up for realtyFor real, G, I"ma fullfill my dreamIf I conceal my scheme, then precisely I"ll build my C.R.E.A.M.The first trip without the cliqueSent the bitch wit" the quarter brick, this is itFresh face, NY plates, got a crooked eye for the JakesI want it all, ArmorAll Benz and endless papesF" God sake, what a nigga got to do to make a half millionwithout the FBI catchin" feelin"sStreet dreams are made of theseThugs drop Beemers wit" three-hundred E"sA drug dealer"s destiny is reachin" a kiEverybody"s lookin" for somethin"Street dreams are made of theseShorties on they knees for playas wit" big cheeseWho am I to disagree?Everybody"s lookin" for somethin"From fat cat to papi, niggas see the cattwenty-five to flat, push a thousand feet backHoldin" gats wasn"t making me fat, snitches on my backLivin wit" moms, gettin it on, flushin" crackdown the toilet- Two sips from bein" alcoholicNine-hundred-ninety-nine thou from bein" rich but now I"m all for itMy man saw it like Dionne WarwickA wiser team for a wiser dream, we could all score itThe cartel, Argentina coke with the ninaUp in the hotel smokin" on sessaminaTrina got the fishscale between herThe way the bitch shook her ass, yo, the dogs never seen herShe got me back livin" sweeter, fresh Caesar,Guess, David Robinson"s, Walle" moccasinsBitches blow me while hoppin" in the drop-top B-M."Word is bond, son, I had that bitch down on my shit like this."("Uh. What? What? Word?")Street dreams are made of theseThugs drop Beemers wit" three-hundred E"sA drug dealer"s destiny is reachin" a kiEverybody"s lookin" for somethin"Street dreams are made of theseShorties on they knees for playas wit" big cheeseWho am I to disagree?Everybody"s lookin" for somethin"Street dreams are made of theseThugs drop Beemers wit" three-hundred E"sA drug dealer"s destiny is reachin" a kiEverybody"s lookin" for somethin"Street dreams are made of theseShorties on they knees for playas wit" big cheeseWho am I to disagree?Everybody"s lookin" for somethin"http://music.baidu.com/song/8723677
2023-07-23 10:04:151


  这是日本的组合,自己找找吧!  [A]字母索引  Angela AAA Aquarius  ア カッペラーズ 安全地帯 アリス九号  Aqua Timez acid android 幻形 Anthem  Asia Engineer Angel Note Angelo  All Japan Goith AKB48 Aice5  abingdon boys school ART-SCHOOL AcQuA EP  ALvino access APOGEE  Acid Black Cherry ACIDMAN アルファ  アイドリング!!! Aming アンティック-珈琲店-  AVEX Advantage Lucy アナム&マキ  AGE/AGE-OF-EP ASIAN2 Akeboshi  Asparagus ANATAKIKOU アテナ&ロビケロッツ  アヲイ アンダーグラフ any for delight  aluto AIDS チャリティProject ala & UNCHAIN  as.milk AILE ANUBIS  ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION ala a·chi-a·chi  ARIA ave;new ACID  Avengers In Sci-Fi  [B]字母索引  BLACK VELVET BAND FOR SANKA  BLANKEY JET CITY BREAKERZ バニラビーンズ  BOOGIE MATSUDA&FUNKY★FREAKS Buono! ビリー  ビリケン Berry Roll BERLIN  Blue Trike Big Bang BOMB FACTORY  BETTA FLASH 8otto Bergerac  Bibus Music Club BREMEN BACK-ON  BOΦWY Boom Boom Satellites BRIGHT  BEGIN BIGMAMA BON JOVI  BLOODTHIRSTY BUTCHERS 80★PAN! BLOOD  bis B-DASH バイオレット  BENNIE K BON-BON BLANCO BAAD  BRAHMAN 棒球熊 BEAT CRUSADERS  BeForU BUMP OF CHICKEN BoA (ボア) BRATZ feat. BoA Howie D  BEGIN BUCK-TICK BUZZLIP  Berryz工房 BREATH BRACE;d  B"Z Bank Band  [C]字母索引  CRACK6  彩虹 COLOR CHARCOAL FILTER  CHEMISTRY CHAGE&ASKA CLOVER  Clavier 彩冷える Casiopea  ℃-ute Chocolat & Akito チャットモンチー  Core of Soul Ciel Coaltar of the Deepers  超飞行少年 Campus Summit CHARCOAL FILTER  Cy-Rim rev. 椿屋四重奏 COLTEMONIKHA  capsule ClearVeil CASSIS  chariots C☆NA(シーナ)&カーキーズ CLUB PRINCE  COLDPLAY C-999 Changin"My Life  CHERRYBLOSSOM Clench &Blistah cossami  Crazy Ken Band C.G mix  [D]字母索引  Dream5  DE DE MOUSE DEATHGAZE ディラン&キャサリン  地狱车 大和 电気グルーヴ  DOES Dew Dio  D=OUT DJ Deckstream DangerGang  dustbox Duel Jewel DOREMI团  Def Tech DRM DS455  Digitalism DOPING PANDA 大鸦  D-51 D"ERLANGER 电气式华怜音乐集团  DEPAPEPE D Dreams Come True  东京エスムジカ Day After Tomorrow Due le Quartz  Deadman doa DA PUMP  东京事变 D"espairsRay Dir en grey  Dream 东方神起 deen  东京スカパラダイスオーケストラ Dragon Ash  [E]字母索引  Every Little Thing  EXILE ET-KING エイジアエンジニア  enie meenie EU PHORIA 二千花  ENAMEL BROTHERS ELLEGARDEN emmuree  envy 2BACKKA eastern youth  エレファントカシマシ 20th Century Elements Garden  [F]字母索引  FictionJunction flumpool FULLARMOR  FUTABA FLEET  F-BLOOD Flower Companyz FOR LIFE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT  FoZZtone Favorite Blue 福耳  F.I.B FreeTEMPO FREENOTE  faith Fishmans Five Stones  Full of Harmony Foxxi misQ FIRE BALL  风味堂 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS Flame  FLOW フジファブリック 蜉蝣  feel[Elements Garden] 风叶×MintJam FictionJunction YUUKA  [G]字母索引  GLAY GOING UNDER GROUND GARNET CROW  ゴスペラーズ 関ジャニ∞(エイト) GAM  Gazette GO!GO!7188 Gutevolk  Globe Gulliver Get GReeeeN  GOLLBETTY 高铃 グループ魂  GOLF & MIKE ギャルル GTP  Galneryus Golden Circle ギルガメッシュ  GRANRODEO gossip GHOST  GRAPEVINE ガチャピン ムックとアイドリング!!! GOOD 4 NOTHING  グレイシア GUY"S FAMILY gift  GPKISM ガガガSP GIRL NEXT DOOR  [H]字母索引  黑濑真奈美 with 12人のヴァイオリニスト HUMBERT HUMBERT Hi-Fi CAMP  High King HY 鹤  H2O ホイフェスタ ハルコ  HAWAIIAN6 Hearts Grow Hey!Say!JUMP  Head Phones President Hello!Project 横道坊主  heidi. HASYMO/YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA Hey! Say! 7  海援队 HIGHWAY61 HIZAKI grace project  Hawaiian6 黑梦 黒百合姉妹  HALCALI 花*花 HOME MADE 家族  猴子把戏 Heartsdales HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR  HINOIチーム  [I]字母索引  I WiSH I"ve  ILLMATIC HEADLOCK いきものがかり i-dep  INSPi INFINITY16 イロクイ。  I"s CUBE  [J]字母索引  堀江美都子&栗原正己 J  9GOATS BLACK OUT JUN YAMABE & ENITOKWA Jazzida Grande  JULEPS ジン 筋肉少女带  jealkb ★ジョージ★ 9mm Parabellum Bullet  Jazztronik 金鱼 吉田兄弟  JANGA69 Jackson vibe JAPAHARINET  井ノ上奈&稲村优奈 Janne Da Arc ジャパハリネット  JAM Project 井上阳水&奥田民生 今井大介&唐沢美帆  [K]字母索引  Kagrra Kiroro Kitty GYM  空気公団 くるり KAT-TUN  K.M.E ケツメイシ Kinki Kids[近畿小子]  コブクロ K Ken  Kisaki PROJECT Klaha カレン カーペンター  カントリー娘。 Kaya くず  コルベッツ クラムボン kannivalism  ketchup mania キンモクセイ Kra  KEMURI Kiss and Cry カルテット  kukui かりゆし58 キャナァーリ倶楽部  KAME & L.N.K コンタクト カラーボトル  キグルミ キマグレン キャプテンストライダム  KELUN KAREN クサカンムリ  KEY GOT CREW Kids Alive KOH+  可怜Girl"s Kalafina  [L]字母索引  Lil"B  凛として时雨 locofrank L×L(エル)  丽兰 LUV AND RESPONSE LiZ  LOVERIN TAMBURIN LOST IN TIME LM.C  Little Hippies LUNKHEAD 蓝坊主  Loudness Lunacy Le Couple  Luna Sea LOVEHOLIC 岚  泷&翼 LAST ALLIANCE 雷鼓  LOVE PSYCHEDELICO Lead Lucifer(∧ucifer)  [M]字母索引  ムック Malice Mizer MOVE  マルガ リ マイク m-flo 美勇伝  mihimaru GT MAX メリー  My Little Lover Mi midnightPumpkin  MEGARYU MARIA MAKE-UP  メガマソ Mr.Children Moi dix mois  めろ@ドラマCD まんすりぃ 萌音系列 Medical sound series MICRON"STUFF  米米CLUB Melocure マボロシ  MO"SOME TONEBENDER m.c.A·T メレンゲ  蜜瓜纪念日 ムラマサ☆ MIGHTY JAM ROCK  MONORAL Micro of Def Tech monobright  MONGOL800 MILKRUN メトロノーム  MAMALAID RAG 满福 茉奈佳奈  MIX MARKET Mix Speaker"s,Inc メトロオンゲン  Metis Gretel モダーン今夜 摩天楼オペラ  MOSAIC.WAV ムニムニ marble  MATCHY with QUESTION MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS milktub  moumoon マキシマム ザ ホルモン mihimaru GT with SOFFet  Micro MICA 3 CHU(中岛美嘉×森三中) 梦中梦  MiChi  [N]字母索引  ノースリーブス ニルギリス  ナナ·イロ No.9 NICOTINE  NICO Touches the Walls navy&ivory nobodyknows+  ネガ 怒发天 Natural Punch Drunker  Natural High ナナカナ ナナムジカ  Naomi & Goro NIRGILIS NewS  ナイトメア  [O]字母索引  ORANGE RANGE ONE☆DRAFT  OLIVIA Our Love To Stay オレスカバンド  ORIGINAL LOVE OCEANLANE OVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUN  ONE OK ROCK orange pekoe OVER ARM THROW  OGRE YOU ASSHOLE オムニバス OBLIVION DUST  オトナモード ON/OFF  [P]字母索引  People in The Box  ポワトリン ピース Prits  ペトロールズ PUFFY perfect piano lesson  PhilHarmoUniQue Paradise Go!!Go!! Perfume  Pay money To my Pain Pabo Phantasmagoria  plane Pistol Valve Parking Out  PaniCrew ポルノグラフィティ PANG  POLYSICS Pierrot PE"Z  PINK☆PANDA Paris Match PAMELAH  PENICILLIN 帕妃-Puffy 平川地一丁目  Plastic tree Psycho Le Cému  [Q]字母索引  绮罗  气志团 秋叶原少年団☆电脳ロメオ 犬神サーカス団  群星合集  [R]字母索引  レインブック らっぷびと  RYTHEM with キマグレン Ruvie Ragdoll  R-15 ラムジ RIP SLYME  ROCK"A"TRENCH Rin" rumania montevideo  redballoon rockwell Rock-senti  RSP RAM RIDER レミオロメン  ROACH Ryohei RYUKYUDISKO  RADIO CAROLINE Road of Major REV  Rag Fair RIP SLYME RADWIMPS  ラッパ我リヤ Ruppina ROUND TABLE featuring Nino  RYTHEM Rentrer en soi RIZE  [S]字母索引  少年ナイフ SunSet Swish 175R  スキマスイッチ 树海 SOFFet  SOPHIA SMAP Summer Snow Surprise  Sweetbox Sambomaster savage genius  see-saw Sound Horizon S.O.A.P  Sads SBK September  Sex Machineguns SHAKALABBITS Siam Shade  Sound Schedule SOURCE SOUTH BLOW  Speed speena Spitz  STANCE PUNKS Sugar SUITE CHIC  SURFACE SweetS Syrup16g  Southern All Stars サスケ シド  スーパーカー スクービードゥー スチャダラパー  Skoop On Somebody 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 Sigh  圣饥魔 II Shazna SING LIKE TALKING  Sister Q SMOOTH ACE SOFT BALLET  Something ELse Sony Music SOUL"d OUT  SOULHEAD 森田クラブ Schwarz Stein  SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITH SUPERCAR SOIL& PIMP SESSIONS  10 FEET サンタラ 19  SunSet Swish セカイイチ SPECIAL OTHERS  Spontania 3B LAB. S SPLAY  START FROM SCRATCH Shocking Lemon ストレイテナー  sunny-side up SPARTA LOCALS サンチャゴ  サクラメリーメン サンボマスター シュノーケル  STACK44 少年カミカゼ スパークリング☆ポイント  Sadie SIVA SuG  SS501 SUNSGRIND SEAMO  STARDUST REVUE STUDIO APARTMENT SKULL CANDY  Splash Candy シャ乱Q SCREW  SOUL SOUCE PRODUCTION スカー smarttail  Starboard SKAMODOKI START OF THE DAY  SMOOTH系列 Sotte Bosse 矢泽永吉  school food punishment シリアルu21d4NUMBER SHERBETS  So"Fly SKELT 8 BAMBINO SUICIDE ALI  sleepy.ab SNAIL RAMP サカナクション  三叉路 Spontania feat. JUJU スネオヘアー  Spangle call Lilli line SOUNDHEAD 石井竜也&高杉さと美  Sound Around SOFFet with mihimaru GT SLASH  Safarii supercell ステレオポニー(stereopony)  SCANDAL 神谷浩史+小野大辅 少年队  [T]字母索引  TWISTED CLOCK Tribal Chair the prodigy  the generous 太阳族 桃  TUBE tobaccojuice TRIPLANE  THE RODEO CARBURETTOR tick THE BLUE HEARTS  Tourbillon TERIYAKI BOYZ THE BLACK MAGES  tomboy 藤兵卫ドンと农民たち T-BOLAN  TM NETWORK トクマルシューゴ texas pandaa  the tambourines TRIPLE-P THE ALFEE  TEAM BOOTCAMP The Phanky OKstra twenty4-7  the FIELD OF VIEW THE KIDDIE The ピーズ  the brilliant green THE CRO-MAGNONS the band apart  THYME THE BIRTHDAY THE LOCAL ART  THE LOOSE DOGS telephones the do-nuts  THE BACK HORN THE Possible The White Stripes  the GazettE the ARROWS The Chemical Brothers  toddle the studs Triumphal Records(同人)  Taiji All Stars the pillows つばき  THE INDIGO TWINZER タッキー&翼  T-Square Thoroughblend Tiaraway  TWO-MIX Teranoid & MC Natsack 松本孝弘.featuring.仓木麻衣  TOKIO 推定少女 The Babystars  The Beatles The Mass Missile THE STROKES  TRF TЁЯRA T.M.Revolution  [U]字母索引  UVERworld unMOMENT UNDER17  UZI ウルフルズ UNDER THE COUNTER  unkie UnsraW UNICORN  URCHIN FARM Up and Coming UNLIMITS  うぇぶたま  [V]字母索引  Versailles Viored  ヴィドール V.A VIEW  Vlidge V6  [W]字母索引  w-inds.  W Wands WaT  Whiteberry wyolica Wyse  微热DANJI うたいびと はね WIZARD  Walkabout WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY WRONG SCALE  winnie WIRE 5050  ワイルド3人娘  [X]字母索引  xTRiPx 绚香×コブクロ  羞耻心&Pabo 细美武士[the HIATUS] 仙台货物  新兴宗教楽団NoGoD X-Japan 湘南乃风  XBS レミオロメン 向风  [Y]字母索引  Yellow Generation 鸭川 阴阳座  野狐禅 YO-KING 韵シスト  やなわらばー 柚子 妖精帝国  100s ゆずおだ(ゆず+小田和正) 银杏BOYZ  yanokami 宇宙战队NOIZ ゆらゆら帝国  焰 音楽ガッタス Yellow Cherry  Your Song Is Good 音速ライン ゆずグレン  ゆこそ YA-KYIM YMCK  游吟 Yum!yum!ORANGE 宇宙  12012  [Z]字母索引  ZAZEN BOYS ZABADAK  Zwei 髭(HiGE) ZuTTo  0 SOUL 7 ザ☆ボン ZEEBRA  真心BROTHERS ゾロ 早安少女组  中原麻衣&清水爱 ZIGGY ZONE  ZYX ZZ ザ コブラツイスターズ  中ノ森BAND
2023-07-23 10:04:221

求cherine nouri的以下歌曲歌词

1. cherine nouri - so alive Tell the swine We will make it out alive There"s a note In the pages of a book So sleep tonight We"ll sleep dreamlessly this time When we awake, We"ll know that everything"s alright. Sing to me, About the end of the world, End of these hammers and needles for you. Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for There"s some strength left in us yet Hold on to the world we all remember dying for There"s some hope left in it yet There"s snow on your face And your razorblade Twilight is bruised And there you lie Sing to me, About the end of the world, End of these hammers and needles for you. We"ll cry tonight But in the morning we are new Stand in the sun will dry your eyes Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for There"s some strength left in us yet Hold on to the world we all remember dying for There"s some hope left in it yet Sing Sing Arise Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. Arise and be all that you dream, All that you dream. 2. cherine nouri - unlove I fell in a perfect way Never had a choice to make Crashed into your tidal wave I didn"t even struggle Sailed right through your atmosphere Closed my eyes and landed there Didn"t see the trouble And I didn"t careI can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have toBut this one thing I cannot change I almost kind of like the pain Wear your tattoo like a stain It will take forever To fade awayI can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have toI can"t unlove you Why would I want to I can"t unlove you Can"t do that I can"t unlove you Can"t do that There"s always time for other dreams Why must we erase these things? I can"t unlove you Can"t do that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too But I can"t unlove you Get through that No matter how I try I"ll never turn my back on Someone who loved me too I can do most anything I have to But I can"t unlove youAshley Tisdale - Unlove You 3. cherine nouri - Again Is it heaven or hell that dawns? You"re either going up Or you"re going down Do you say your prayers Late at night? Or do you save them for The desperate times? Do you see the beauty in a rose? I doubt it Do you hear the children sing aloud? No. Can you see the leaves change their colours Out there? Can you taste the water in your mouth? Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow Do you believe in good Will forever guide? Or does your devil take you To your other side? Can karma kill you in your mind? Or do you cleanse your soul At least once a night? Do you see the beauty in a rose? I doubt it Can you hear the children sing aloud? Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow You"re running out of time My friend You"re running out of time Again Again Is there any wonder? Is there any hope? 100 mph Yet the race just still runs slow The race just still feels slow The race just still feels slow The race just still feels slow4. cherine nouri - i will love you I wanna say 「友情」でもいつかは love again? You say 「この爱情」とっくに fallin" love again? 急がずに baby, take 远くの街まで I wanna say good boy 楽しもうヨ Here we go! I am in best condition I don"t mind, that is my life I take 明るくみてるヨ 未来 It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can you feel? It"s gonna be fun, baby 爱の定义 いつか见たあの白波 皆で夜の海を走って笑いころげたよね I wanna see 现状 この関系 never end? You say 「I don"t know」2人は never failing? 焦らずに go in 明日も会いに来て You say どうだろ 今の気持ち let me know I must be going now でも 言わないでまだ “See you” Just give me その爱 そろそろ欲しい… It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can you feel? It gonna be fun, baby 爱の定期 いつか见たその scene of beauty now you so good 昔よりも。 これなら I will do anything for you… It would be fun, baby I will take it. いつか见た青い光 暗やみ Can"t you see? Can"t you see? 手探り Can you feel? Can"t you feel? It"s paradise baby 爱の定义 见えそで见せなくなる 耐えられなくてポツリ “そろそろ手をつないで…” いつか途绝えそう 爱の定义 気づかれた 私の恋 今なら誓いあえる? これから I will do anything for you… きみを信じていいの わからず“tell me why” ちかくにあって 大切なもの 见つけた? holy love 5. cherine nouri - outcast(J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, (Jay-Z:) I seen Mase do it, I seen Ye do it, X came through, caught lighter fluid, Still I came through it, Clap for em, But I"m the blueprint, I"m like the map for em, I dropped another classic, Made Puff pass it, Nobody could touch Puff back when Puff had it, Wayne scorching, I"ll applaud him, If he keep going, pass the torch to him, 50 came through like hurricanes do, Thought I"d finish his ass at summerjam too, I had the Illmatic on bootleg, Sh-t was so ahead, thought we was all dead, Wayne did a millie, 50 did a millie, Ye too, but what Em did was silly, The white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him, His flow on Renegade, f-cking awesome, Applaud him, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, Snoop Dogg did, Nelly came down, The Face Mob, kept it ghetto for the H town. Luda moved digits after he moved b-tches, Drake"s up next, see what he do with it, Rule had a run, couple movie parts, T.I literally wanted to shoot up the charts, Wat up Jeezy, wat it do, Y"all remind me of us in early 92, Outcast landed, 3 thou was I"ll, Like a male version of Lauren Hill, Mobb Deep shook it but Prodigy took it a lil too far, Can"t f-ck with Brooklyn, Wu Tang gang bang, Meth ate, Rae" took on the date with the Purple Tape. Passed on to Ason and then Ghostface, They had a hell of a run, Standing Ova, ayyy, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, And I am one of one, Can"t you see just how long my I"ve run, My reign new lou sun shine Been a star since I was back in one time, One time give it up for him, December 4th a star was born, Clap for him, He went from moving that corner To this corner office is so enormous, Hey, Pres Carter, Watch him get a Monica on all day, Hey, Got so many different monikers but only 1 Jay They come they go, Some real some foe, Some friends some hoes But no I goes nowhere this Hov, (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em Hey, (J. Cole:) And could I be a star, Does fame in this game have to change who you are? Could I be the same one who came from a far away life, Just to make it in this broadway lights, Now shining in the broad day light, go figure, A slow transition from a lil broke n-gga from the Ville, Got a deal a real life saver, Dreams of being behind the Will like Jada, I chill now, cop a lil ice later, Cole you go the glow like a lil lightsaber, So clap for him, then applaud Hov, he gave him the platform Flow so sick thought he wrote the rap for him, No sir, The flows cold as a shoulder of a gold digging hoes when a broke n-gga approaches, Told ya I"m focused man, I"ll let you muthf-ckers soak it in,(J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born (Jay-Z:) Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (J. Cole:) Everyday a star is born
2023-07-23 10:04:302


歌手:nas专辑:illmatic, stillmatic歌手:dr. dre专辑:the chronic, 2001歌手:tupac shakur专辑:me against the world, all eyes on me歌手:the notorious b.i.g.专辑:ready to die, life after death歌手:common 专辑:like water for chocolate, be歌手:jay-z专辑:the blueprint歌手:the game专辑:doctor"s advocate歌手:xzibit专辑:restless, 40 dayz & 40 nightz歌手:eminem专辑:slim shady lp, marshall mathers lp, the eminem show, encore歌手:50 cent专辑:get rich or die tryin", the massacre
2023-07-23 10:04:371