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2023-07-24 10:23:15
TAG: 分答

1.as red as an apple

2.as happy as a bird

3.as quiet as a sheep

4.as green as grass

5.as cold as ice

6 as big as an elephant

7as balck as a mouse

8as white as snow

9as small as a pea


1.as red as an apple

2.as happy as a bird

3.as quiet as a sheep

4.as green as grass

5.as cold as ice.

6.as big as an elephant

7.as balck as a mouse

8.as white as snow

9.as small as a pea





剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(starters)、二级(movers)和三级(flyers)。 剑桥少儿英语考级级别划分 剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(starters)、二级(movers)和三级(flyers)。 因为最高的级别flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的ket,因此它可以作为长大以后通向ket或迈向pet的桥梁。 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(starters): 一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加; 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(movers): 二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加; 剑桥少儿英语考试三级(flyers): 三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。 在中国由于考生的语言背景与其它国家的差异,剑桥少儿英语考试的年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时的训练,具有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。 剑桥少儿英语是什么 剑桥少儿英语(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试7-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。 该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters)、一级(Starters), 二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 考试的目标是推动生动、精彩的语言使用,精确考察英语水平,展示国际化水平考试,促进有效的语言教育和学习。每级考试分为三个部分:读写、听力和口试。 考试在设计上易于掌握且生动有趣,没有及格和不及格的区别。每一个参加并完成考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到一个写实性成绩证书。
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少儿英语没有及格这个说法,每个完成了考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到以剑桥盾牌表示的成绩证书分。剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(STARTERS)、二级(MOVERS)和三级(FLYERS)。剑桥少儿英语考试一级(STARTERS):一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加;剑桥少儿英语考试二级(MOVERS):二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加;剑桥少儿英语考试三级(FLYERS):三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。剑桥少儿英语考试考生使用证件规定(1)考试当日,考生如未持报名时登记的证件或该证件不符合报考规定或所持证件与准考证上显示的信息不一致,均将被拒绝进入考场,考试费不予退还。(2)中国大陆考生参加剑桥少儿英语考试,必须携带唯一有效的证件即“中华人民共和国居民身份证”原件。根据《中华人民共和国身份证法》,任何居民无论是何年龄,均可向户籍所在派出所申领身份证。户口本不可用于参加考试。
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剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(starters)、二级(movers)和三级(flyers)。剑桥少儿英语(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试7-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。 扩展资料   剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(starters)、二级(movers)和三级(flyers)。 因为最高的级别flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的ket,因此它可以作为长大以后通向ket或迈向pet的桥梁。   剑桥少儿英语考试一级(starters):   一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习掌握近400个词汇的学生参加;   剑桥少儿英语考试二级(movers):   二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习掌握约600个词汇的学生参加;   剑桥少儿英语考试三级(flyers):   三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习掌握约1000个词汇的"学生参加。   在中国由于考生的语言背景与其它国家的差异,剑桥少儿英语考试的年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时的训练,具有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。
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下册 Unit one 基本句型: Where would you like to go in the holiday? Iu2019d like to go to the countryside Where did you go on the holiday? Did you go to Huang Mountain? What other places did you go to ? Iu2019m sure you had a good time. Thatu2019s great He couldnu2019t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil. 重点朗读词汇: Jungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous 重点记忆内容: 单词: forest, lake, island, field, village, river, cinema, bank, hospital, library, park, 句型: 见第3页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第4页的第4部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生根据本单元的第五部分写出五句话分别回答所给的问题。 Unit two 基本句型: Whatu2019s the weather like today? Itu2019s sunny I like sunny days because I can do many things outside. I donu2019t like rainy days because itu2019s wet outside Where are they going today? What can you do when you cycle in the country? 重点朗读词汇: Weather, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy, rainbow, sunny, because, outside, enjoy, soccer, beach, snowflake, sunset, dark, light, mean, along, sea, bicycle, cousin, grandparent, different, Daisy, Fred, Nick. 重点记忆内容: 单词:Weather, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy, rainbow, sunny, 句型: 见第7--8页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第12页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师让学生自制一个天气预报牌并用英语标明。比如: Today is sunny Unit three 基本句型: Whatu2019s the matter with this doll? She has got an earache It doesnu2019t matter Sheu2019ll be OK in two days Whatu2019s the matter with you ? Have you got a toothache? Which comes first and which is the last? 重点朗读词汇: Earache, toothache, stomach, ache, cold, temperature, cough, headache, sweet, medicine, doctor, bandage,kiss, zookeeper, although, knee, hand span, centimrtre,find out, longest, shortest, nurse 重点记忆内容: 单词:Earache, toothache, stomach, cold, temperature, cough, headache, medicine, 句型: 见第13--14页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第17页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、让学生认真朗读主图中的对话练习。 Unit four 基本句型: I can clean the elephant with a brush I can smell the flowers with my nose This animal uses its legs to catch food What can you see in the picture? What body parts does a plant have? 重点朗读词汇: Clean, brush, different, use, climb, special, hear, smell, taste, touch, see, leaves, plants, ground, grow, upwards, simliar, hand, leg, head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes 重点记忆内容: 单词:Clean, brush, use, climb, hear, smell, taste, touch, see, ground, grow, hand, leg, head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes 句型: 见第19--20页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师进行听写,并让学生模仿本句型会写出其他的句子 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第21页的第2部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师要求学生用第六部分的五个句型各造两个句子,并把它们写在作业本上 Unit five 基本句型: Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? I donu2019t like going to the city There are too many cats How about you , Peter? Would you like to go? Can I go there? Iu2019ve never been to a big city Where do you like living? Iu2019d like living in the city What can you do in the city? What can you do in the country? 重点朗读词汇: Live, country, visit, cousin, never, ready, nowhere, either, city, field, forest, island, mountain, remember, worry, somewhere, inside, outside, wait, picnic, breathe, sofa, still 重点记忆内容: 单词: country, nowhere, city, field, forest, island, mountain, somewhere, inside, outside, picnic, sofa 句型: 见第24--26页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,把第28页的第5部分句型练习熟练。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师让学生继续完成第八部分的创作画,并让学生用英语给爸爸妈妈朗读本单元的课文。 Unit six 基本句型: What would you like ,sir? Iu2019d like a glass of water How about a juice , Miss? Sorry. We donu2019t have any at the moment. Iu2019d like a pair of sport shoes. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, I would Would you like a glass of milk? No, thank you 重点朗读词汇: Tea, coffee, glass, juice, boel, soup, bottle, lemonade, moment, then, kilo, pasta, question, dialogue, cry, nothing, somebody, pick, slip 重点记忆内容: 单词:Tea, coffee, glass, juice, boel, soup, bottle, lemonade 句型: 见第33页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第35页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、鼓励学生在家用所学过的句型问自己的爸爸妈妈五个以上的问题。同时要求学生找一些自己旅游时拍的好看的照片,准备下次课推荐给大家。 Unit seven 基本句型: I must go and see it. Where did many children stand? Was it interesting and exciting ? How long was the show? Whatu2019s it about? What are these people doing? Please cunt the numbers in twos 重点朗读词汇: Invite, clown, classroom, show, interesting, exciting, wall, homework, carry, gift, countryside, buckle, knock, stick, apartment, building, elevator, parrot, really, one, two, three, four, five, sixu2026. 重点记忆内容: 单词: classroom, show, interesting, exciting, wall, homework, carry, gift, knock, building, parrot, 句型: 见第35页的第1部分需要学生会用实际图片回答,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,参照第39页的第3部分,自己进行造句练习。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生回家后自制从1~20的英语数字卡片,并在背面写上阿拉伯数字。 Unit eight 基本句型: who is the first? Who is the second and the third? This is the first. Which floor do you live on ? I live on the fifth floor What are the differences? Who is the first person to get up in your family? 重点朗读词汇: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteen, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth,twentieth, live, floor, same, difference, newspaper, balloon 重点记忆内容: 单词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteen, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth,twentieth, 句型: 见第46页的第4部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第45页的第3部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生认真做好第47页的第7部分, 4、请学生把自己居住的楼房画下来并在旁边用英语注出这些楼的楼层。 《剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容(3)》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)
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Unit nine 基本句型: Sally is taller than Ben. This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. Fred is fatter than John. Which of these two building is longer? He often wears a shirt She never talks in class She is afraid of snake 重点朗读词汇: Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, Bill, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim, kilometers, hundred, thousand, fatter, distance, twice 重点记忆内容: 单词: kilometers, hundred, thousand, fatter, distance, twice 句型: 见第52页的第4部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第54页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生自己写出五个四位数的数字,然后自己读出来,并在会读的上面打勾。 Unit ten 基本句型: The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world How tall are you? I am one-hundred and forty-nine centimetres tall What can you easily do when you are very tall? What canu2019t you easily do when you are very tall? Which animal is bigger? Which animal is the biggest of the three? 重点朗读词汇: Tallest, shortest, Australia, travel, river, Britain, giraffe, land, animal, sailfish, snowman, mountain, mount,Eerest,whale, difficult, strongest, weakest 重点记忆内容: 单词:Tallest, shortest, most difficult, strongest, weakest 比较级和最高级: 见第57页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第57页的第3部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用英文回答下列的问题,并将答案写在练习本上 Who is the tallest person in your family? Who is the shortest person in your family? Who is the strongest person in your family? Who is the thinnest person in your family? Unit eleven 基本句型: Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday I fished in the pond Thatu2019s too bad Did you see a lot of animals? What did Nancy do at the zoo? 重点朗读词汇: Film ,saw, movie, wonderful, together, took, photo, mask, hill, shark, parrot, pond, porridge, gave, spoke, rode, bought, climbed, painted, played, square, missing, wood 重点记忆内容: 单词: saw, took, gave, spoke, rode, bought, climbed, painted, played 句型: 见第61--62页的第1部分图片底下的句子需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第66页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生听几遍第二部分的录音并跟着一起朗读,再用英语给自己的爸爸妈妈讲三个小熊的故事。 Unit twelve 基本句型: Have your school got a swimming pool? Paul and Peter get up very early They are going to meet their best friend , Bob. Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have / No, I havenu2019t What big eyes have you got? How many bikes has your family bought? Has your family got a computer? 重点朗读词汇: Visit, famous, around, show, indoor, learn, pick, arrive, think, different, cried for help, cupboard, minute, digit, kangaroo, story, coffee, lemonde, lime, camera,piano, guitar, radio, video-camera, London, bridge, river, Thames, Cambridge 重点记忆内容: 单词:Visit, famous, around, show, indoor, learn, pick, arrive, think, different, cupboard, minute, story, coffee, camera 动词过去式和过去分词: 见第69页的第2部分单词需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第72页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生回家后找几张自己去过某处的照片,让他们将这些照片贴在A4纸上,并在每张照片的下面写上一个句子。I have been to the Great Wall. (去长城的照片) I have been to the zoo ( 去动物园的照片) Unit thirteen 基本句型: Itu2019s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. Itu2019s a holiday If you have one more day in the week, what are you going to call it ? I can play soccer. We meet each Wednesday at 7 p.m. Which one would you like to go to ? At what time are you free? On which day did Fred do these things? 重点朗读词汇: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, meet, Britain, learner, rest, middle, workday, interesting, footballer,head, opposite,team, tie, rock, club, pasta,coconut, lemon, sausages, cheese, coffee, sandwich, lemonade, supermarket, between, under,behind 重点记忆内容: 单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, workday, 动词过去式和过去分词: 接着背第69页的第2部分单词,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第76页的第4部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生参照第73—74页做成几张卡片,自己设计看谁做的好看。 Unit fourteen 基本句型: How often does he have sports? How often does he read books? Whatu2019s your favourite colour? What sports do you enjoy playing? What do you wear on you feet? How many pupils are there in Class One ? 重点朗读词汇: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, piano, music, games, beans, rice, chicken, cheese, beef, steak, sandwich, juice, chocolate, coffee, fries, pasta, pie, bread, cakes, sea food, milk, butter, vegetable, coconut, tea, anytime, sometimes, rarely 重点记忆内容: 单词: beans, rice, chicken, cheese, beef, steak, sandwich, juice, chocolate, coffee, fries, pasta, pie, bread, cakes, sea food, milk, butter, vegetable, coconut, tea, 句型: 第84页第8部分句型需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第84页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用所学过的句型给自己的爸爸妈妈各提问五个问题,如:How often do you go to work? Unit fifteen 基本句型: I enjoy reading picture stories! Which comes first? What happens next? Match the ones that sound alike Can you spot them all? Can you do one of the following things? 重点朗读词汇: Market, bean, angry, throw, beanstalk, castle, monster, fairy, seed, correct, order, English, comic, cooking, hide-and-seek, cupboard, onions, soup, grams, laugh, Anna, Ben, Daisy, Fred, Sally, Jill, Jim, John, Mary 重点记忆内容: 单词: bean, angry, throw, fairy, seed, correct, order, comic, cupboard, soup, laugh, 句型: 第87页上第三部分的词组需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第90页的第10部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师让学生回家后自己设计两幅大致相同的图,然后在某一张图上添加一些内容。完成之后,自己用英语进行一下描述,说明两张图的不同之处。 Unit sixteen 基本句型: Where are the animals? How about making a bigger snowman? Catch it! I like coffee. I donu2019t like tea What do we have for breakfast? Who is your friend? Where do you live? What do you want to drink? 重点朗读词汇: Winter, snowy, skating, snowman, hide-and-seek, outside, Paul, Daisy, Mary, John, Bill, Fred, Peter, Jim, Ben, falling, sky, knee, snowflake, hoorary, holiday, cinema, kangaroo, guitar 重点记忆内容: 单词:Winter, snowy, skating, snowman, sky, knee, holiday, cinema, kangaroo, guitar 句型: 第94页上第4部分的词组需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第93页的第3部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师继续提醒学生完成课堂上未完成的图画,同时鼓励学生用英语去问爸爸妈妈一些问题 《剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容(2)》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
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上 册 Unit one 基本句型: Iu2019ve got many new friends They are so lovely Maybe I can meet her tomorrow I like to play with toys My Chinese name is “Zhou Changcheng” My English name is “Ann” Please give it to me. Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇: Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 重点记忆内容: 单词:Chinese, English, American, robot, piano, crayon, strong, weak, fat, thin, 句型: 见第3页的第5部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第4页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生找一张自己的照片,将其贴在A4纸上,并在下面做一个自我介绍。 Unit two 基本句型: Is this book yours? No, itu2019s not mine. Maybe you can ask Bob You should ask Tina This book is not yours Which one is different? His beard is short, but his is long 重点朗读词汇: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different,scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand 重点记忆内容: 单词:mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, 句型: 见第11页的第8部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第9页的第2部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生按照第二部分的句子自己编一段歌谣。 Unit three 基本句型: This is our school Itu2019s very beautiful Weu2019ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. This is the place where children can buy things Where do you often play sports? I often play sports on the playground Can you tell what these rooms are? Where is Mr.White? 重点朗读词汇: beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, diningroom, classroom, swimming pool, sports cetre, playground, practise, round, square, quiet, thin, hungry, thirsty, tired, different, famous 重点记忆内容: 单词: library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, diningroom, classroom, swimming pool, sports cetre, playground, 句型: 见第15页的第4部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第17页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用英文写一篇介绍自己学校的小短文 Unit four 基本句型: Can I ask a question? What does this word mean? Who can say a riddle? Whatu2019s the English for “Jian”? Whatu2019s the Chinese for “ straight hair”? Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? May I sit here? May I come in? Who wants have a try? Let me try. Shall I help you make sandwiches? 重点朗读词汇: Question, sure, mean, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, enjoy 重点记忆内容: 单词:Question, riddle, picture, address, video, film, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, 句型: 见第21页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第23页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生回家后查下列的单词是什么意思: beach, cinema, station, market, waterfall, island, mountain, village, forest, river Unit five 基本句型: How about coming with us ? Where are you going ? Iu2019d love to . But Iu2019m going to Xiu2019an this afternoon. Where is the truck/lorry? Opposite the market By the river In the park Find a man reading a newpapers 重点朗读词汇: Market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming pool, library, playground, road, beach, street, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain 重点记忆内容: 单词:Market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, 句型: 见第27页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第25页的第1部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生以自己家为中心画出一张地图并用英语标出一些商店的名称等。 Unit six 基本句型: He likes reading picture books Itu2019s time to get up Come and play with us. What does Bob like doing best? He likes drawing. I like playing football What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read picture books 重点朗读词汇: Get up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washing up, cleaning the floor, cookery book, comic book, bouncings, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the piano 重点记忆内容: 单词:Get up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washing up, cleaning the floor, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the piano 句型: 见第33页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第33页的第4部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生继续完成第九部分的内容,并用英文写一小段文字介绍一下自己的爸爸或妈妈。 Unit seven 基本句型: You mustnu2019t drop litter in the park I like this park There is a swimming pool in the park If itu2019s edible, clap your hands in front There is a parrot standing on a book There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe 重点朗读词汇: Litter, animals, throw, dolphin, river, behind, must, mustnu2019t, grass, really, missing, sky, edible, cover, try, pretty, shout, pick, ride, bounce, jump, kick, climb, shower 重点记忆内容: 单词: animals, dolphin, must, grass, sky, try, pretty, pick, ride, jump, kick, climb, 句型: 见第39页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第41页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生回家后用一张纸为班级里同学定几条规矩:You mustnu2019tu2026in the classroom Unit eight 基本句型: Letu2019s play the game. You start first Iu2019ll do the odd numbers. Youu2019ll do the even numbers. Whose turn is it ? Itu2019s your turn Thatu2019s not a problem What have you got in your bag? Which school do you like to go to? 重点朗读词汇: Winner, whose, turn, start, odd, even, problem, opposite, different, meaning, stick, coffee, pot, sock, boring, fun, outside, naughty 重点记忆内容: 单词:Winner, whose, turn, start, different, stick, coffee, pot, sock, fun, outside 句型: 见第45页的第3部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第47页的第6部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生和自己的爸爸或妈妈一起玩第六部分绕口令的游戏,让学生跟父母比比看。 《剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容(1)》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
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众所周知,剑桥少儿英语考试分三个级别,那剑桥三级就是剑少最高等级,Starter"s Exam (剑桥一级) (词汇量要求500)Movers Exam (剑桥二级) (词汇量要求900)Flyers Exam (剑桥三级) (词汇量要求1420)相比分数,剑桥少儿每项成绩(听力、读写、口语),都分别用1-5个剑桥盾牌来表示成果(满盾为15盾)。9盾:通过,10-11盾:良好,12-13盾:优秀,14盾:卓越,15盾:满盾。剑桥三级是什么水平?其中剑桥三级相当于小学五六年级的英语水平。现在很多家长给孩子报考KET、PET就是为了在小升初的时候有竞争力,增加进入重点小学的机会。但是,并不是所有的孩子都可以直接考KET,毕竟每个孩子的英语启蒙基础不同,对于基础薄弱的孩子来说,备考时的学习难度跨度过大,不仅不会揠苗助长,还会打击孩子对英语的学习兴趣。所以,这个时候就可以考虑一下难度较剑桥五级考试小一些的剑桥少儿英语考试。如果你觉得孩子的英语水平还不错,可以先考一下剑少三级来感受一下。
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这篇关于剑桥少儿英语二级上册期末试题,是 特地为大家收集的,希望对大家有所帮助! A、听力部分(20分)   一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10ⅹ1")   ( ) 1. A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy   ( ) 2. A. mine B. his C. he   ( ) 3. A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( ) 4. A. go B. goes C. went   ( ) 5. A. Friday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday   ( ) 6. A. bread B. juice C. tomato   ( ) 7. A. thirty B. thirteen C. three   ( ) 8. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths   ( ) 9. A. on B. under C. in   ( )10. A. glass B. class C. pass      二、根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语。(5ⅹ2")   ( ) 1. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn"t C. To the office   ( ) 2. A. Yes, there is B. No, there are C. No, there aren"t   ( ) 3. A. I watched TV B. He went swimming C. Yes, I did   ( ) 4. A. It"s that B. It"s mine C. It"s the short one   ( ) 5. A. Sausages and burgers B. Yes, I did C. I didn"t like it   B、笔试部分(80分)   三、单词听写(10ⅹ1")                                                                        四、单项选择(10ⅹ1")   ( ) 1. Can I come and see you this afternoon ?    A. Excuse me, please. B. Don"t walk there. C. Yes, I"m at home.   ( ) 2. Do you like my new bike ?    A. Yes, it"s beautiful. B. Yes, I like. C. Yes, I am.    ( ) 3. Is this book yours ? 这个句子的同义句是         A. Whose book is it ? B. Is this your book ? C. Who has a book ?   ( ) 4. Tom     swimming last Sunday .    A. goes B. went C. go   ( ) 5. What     your father do yesterday ?    A. do B. did C. does   ( ) 6. There     an apple and some bread in the fridge.    A. is B. are C. am   ( ) 7. There     books on the desk, but there     any books on the desk now.    A. are, aren"t B. were, weren"t C. were, aren"t   ( ) 8. Have you got a computer ?        A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I have C. No, I don"t   ( ) 9. Did you do your homework last night ?        A. Yes, I did B. No, I did C. Yes, I do   ( )10. Which one is     , the rabbit or the turtle ?    A. fast B. faster C. the fastest      五、按要求写词(10ⅹ1")   1. good (比较级)      2. do (过去式)        3. its (名词性物主代词)     4. swim (过去式)        5. put (过去式)    6. easy (级)        7. wash (三单形式)      8. you (宾格)        9. I will(缩写形式)    10. my (名词性物主代词)         六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点。(5ⅹ2")   1. bike, is, whose, this ?      2. are, books, on, there, some, the desk      3. is, there, juice, any, in the bottle       4. Tom, had, at school, lunch      5. did, do, your friend, what, last Sunday         七、句型转换(5ⅹ2")   1. Tom has a car. (用we 代替Tom)      2. Is there any food in the fridge ?(作否定回答)      3. 用 tall, taller 写两个句子。      4. I"m ten .(对划线部分提问)      5. I do homework erery day. (用yesterday 代替 every day)         八、阅读理解。(10ⅹ2")   (A)   Jim and Jack are twin(双胞胎)brothers. They are in No.14 Middle School. They are new in Mr.Hu"s class. They are English. They are 14.   This is their room. It"s a nice room. The two beds look the same. A desk and two chairs are in the room. Their coats are on their beds. We can"t see their shoes. Thry"re under their beds.   The twins have two schoolbags. They are behind the chairs. What"re in the schoolbags ? We can"t see. I think they are books and pencil-boxes.   ( ) 1. What kind of room is it ? It"s .   A. a classroom B. a bedroom   C. a big room D. a dining-room(餐厅)   (  )2. Which one(哪一个)is not right(对的) ?     A. Jack"s coat is on the bed B. Jim"s shoes are under the bed   C. They are students. D. You can see a pen in the room.   ( ) 3. Where do they come from(来自哪儿)?   A. England B. the USA. C. France D. China   ( ) 4. Where"s Jack"s pencil-box?   A. It"s on the desk. B. I think it"s on the bed.   C. It"s on the chair. D. I think it"s in the schoolbag.   ( ) 5. What class are they in ?   A. Class5,Grade1. B. Class1,Grade5.   C. Class5,Grade5 D. We don"t know.   (B)   Look! I have a picture. In the picture, you can see a hill, trees and a school. You can see boys and girls. They are at school. Their school is No.4 Middle School. Joan and Jane are good friends. Joan is twelve . Jane is twelve, too. They are in the same school. They are American(美国人). Miss Gao is their teacher . She is a good teacher. She likes her students, her students like her too.   ( ) 6. I have a .   A. picture B. hill C. tree D. TV   ( ) 7. What"s in the picture?   A. Two hills, a tree and a school. B. A hill, many trees and a school.   C. A hill, a tree and a school. D. Some hills, trees and a school.   ( ) 8. is Joan and Jane" teacher.   A. Miss Liu B. Mr Ding C. Miss Gao D. Mr Hu   ( ) 9. How old is Joan ?   A. Eleven B. Twelve C. Thirteen. D. Sorry, I don"t know   ( ) 10. Joan and Jane are in Middle School.   A. No.1 B. No.2 C. No.4 D. No.8      九、作文(用一般过去时态描写一下上周日你家人所从事的活动)(10分)
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剑桥少儿英语二级上知识点   英语教材不在多,只要挑选好了一套教材,最好不要中途更换,只要把整套教材学懂、吃透,你的英语水平一定有不可思议的提高。下面是我整理的剑桥少儿英语二级上知识点,欢迎大家参考!   Unit one   基本句型: I have many new friends. They are so lovely.   Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. I like to play with toys.   My Chinese name is “Zhou Changcheng”. My English name is “Ann”. Please give it to me.   Can I help you (with the bag)?   重点词汇:Chinese English friend American maybe tomorrow sure piano crayon strong weak fat thin garden   This is the place where children can buy things cetre, square, quiet, thin, hungry, thirsty, Unit four   Unit two   基本句型: Is this your book? No, itu2019s not mine.   Maybe you can ask Bob. You should ask Tina. This book is not yours. Which one is different?   重点词汇: Unit three   Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? May I sit here? May I come in?   Who wants have a try? Let me try.   Shall I help you make sandwiches? 重点词汇:   Question, sure, mean, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, enjoy   基本句型: This is our school Itu2019s very beautiful   Weu2019ve got a big library, a playground,   Unit five   基本句型: How about coming with us ?   Where are you going ?   Iu2019d love to . But Iu2019m going to Xiu2019an this afternoon. Where is the truck/lorry? Opposite the market By the river In the park   Find a man reading a newpapers 重点词汇:   Market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming pool, library, playground, road, beach, street, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain Unit six   I like this park   重点词汇:   Litter, behind, must, mustnu2019t, grass, really,   Unit eight   基本句型: He likes reading picture books Itu2019s time to get up   Come and play with us.   What does Bob like doing best? He likes drawing.   I like playing football   What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read picture books 重点词汇:   Get up, picture book, reading a up, cleaning floor, cookery book, comic book, bouncings, doing maths, playing the piano   What have you got in your bag? Which school do you like to go to?   Winner, whose, turn, start, odd, even, problem, opposite, different, meaning, stick, coffee, pot, sock, boring, fun, outside, naughty Unit nine   Unit seven   基本句型: You mustnu2019t drop litter in the park   基本句型: Sally is taller than Ben.   This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. Fred is fatter than John.   Which of these two building is longer? He often wears a shirt She never talks in class   第2 / 4页   She is afraid of snake 重点词汇:   Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, Bill, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim, kilometers, hundred, thousand, fatter, distance, twice   基本句型:   show, indoor, learn, pick, arrive, think, different, cried minute, digit, kangaroo, story, coffee, lemonde, lime, radio, video-camera, London, bridge, river, Thames,   Unit ten   基本句型:   The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world How tall are you?   I am one-hundred and forty-nine centimetres tall What can you easily do when you are very tall? What canu2019t you easily do when you are very tall? Which animal is bigger?   Which animal is the biggest of the three? 重点词汇:   Unit thirteen   Unit eleven   基本句型: Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday   I fished in the pond   Thatu2019s too bad   Did you see a lot of animals? What did Nancy do at the zoo? 重点词汇:   Film ,saw, movie, wonderful, hill, shark, parrot, wood   基本句型: Itu2019s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. Itu2019s a holiday   If you have one more day in the week, what are you going to call it ? I can play soccer.   We meet each Wednesday at 7 p.m. Which one would you like to go to ? At what time are you free?   On which day did Fred do these things? 重点词汇:   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, meet, Britain, learner, rest, middle, workday, interesting, footballer,head, opposite,team, tie, rock, club, pasta,coconut, lemon, sausages, cheese, coffee, sandwich, lemonade,   第3 / 4页   supermarket, between, under,behind   Unit fourteen   基本句型: How often does he have sports? How often does he read books? Whatu2019s your favourite colour? What sports do you enjoy playing? What do you wear on you feet?   How many pupils are there in Class One ? 重点词汇:   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, music, games, beans, rice, chicken, cheese, beef, steak, sandwich, juice, chocolate, coffee, fries, pasta, pie, bread, cakes, sea food, milk, butter, vegetable, coconut, tea, anytime, sometimes, rarely   How about making a bigger snowman? Catch it! skating, hide-and-seek, outside, Paul, Daisy, Mary, Peter, Ben, falling, sky, knee, snowflake, hoorary, holiday, Unit fifteen   基本句型: I enjoy reading picture stories! Which comes first? What happens next?   Match the ones that sound alike Can you spot them all?   重点词汇:   Unit sixteen   基本句型: Where are the animals? ;
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剑桥少儿英语等级考试二级都考是模块设置,剑桥少儿英语二级考试一共有三个模块,听力、读写、口语。1、听力,5个大题,每个答题5个小题,一共25个小题,考试时间25分钟;2、读写,6个大题,一共40个小题,考试时间30分钟;3、口语,4个大题,考试时间5-7分钟左右;4、听力。第一大题—连线题。考察人名的识别、介词、动作、外貌特征(如:blonde wavy curly straight)。第二大题—写词题考察名称(人名 街道名等)、数字、时间等。剑桥小院士英语评核试分为三个阶段,这三个阶段按年龄划分,分别如下:1、Starter"s Exam (初级试,适合7岁或小一、二学生)。2、Movers Exam (中级试,适合8-11岁或小三、四学生)。3、Flyers Exam (高级试,适合9-12岁或小五、六学生)。不过,这个划分其实只是一种指示性质,指成功的考生的能力等同于某个水平的小学生的语文能力,因此并不是硬性的。
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剑桥少儿英语等级考试二级都考是模块设置,剑桥少儿英语二级考试一共有三个模块,听力、读写、口语。1、听力,5个大题,每个答题5个小题,一共25个小题,考试时间25分钟;2、读写,6个大题,一共40个小题,考试时间30分钟;3、口语,4个大题,考试时间5-7分钟左右;4、听力。第一大题—连线题。考察人名的识别、介词、动作、外貌特征(如:blonde wavy curly straight)。第二大题—写词题考察名称(人名 街道名等)、数字、时间等。注意:1、每空填一词;2、名称首字母大写;3、注意听到double时,其后的字母或数字要写2个;4、数字写阿拉伯数字。第三大题-对应题考察名词、动作(过去式)、环境或地点(如:village forest)。注意:1、快速读取图片及单词信息;2、下方标有字母的图片要对应上一页左边的图片;3、会多出2图,所以,不是所有字母都能找到对应的方框;4、遇到不认识的单词,要根据图片获得信息。第四大题-选择题注意:1、 快速准确地观察图片的异同;2、抓关键词;3、全部听完后再在方框中打“√”。第五大题-涂色写词题考察形状、位置—介词、颜色、外貌等。扩展资料:剑桥小院士英语评核试分为三个阶段,这三个阶段按年龄划分,分别如下:1、Starter"s Exam (初级试,适合7岁或小一、二学生)。2、Movers Exam (中级试,适合8-11岁或小三、四学生)。3、Flyers Exam (高级试,适合9-12岁或小五、六学生)。不过,这个划分其实只是一种指示性质,指成功的考生的能力等同于某个水平的小学生的语文能力,因此并不是硬性的。在香港曾经有一位被传媒称为“神童”的六岁小童,就曾在Flyers Exam中取得最高成绩。这不过表示该位小童的英语能力等同于一个一般的小六学生。在香港,一般学校都会选取 Movers Exam 作为课外英语训练的选择,因为这个阶段的学生有一定的英语能力之余,亦不用面对公开试,所以对学生造成的压力最少,成效也最大。参考资料来源:百度百科—剑桥少儿英语考试
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  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
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共有3级桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。 因为最高的级别Flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的KET,因此它可以作为长大以后通向KET或迈向PET的桥梁。 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters):一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加; 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers):二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加;剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers):三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。在中国由于考生的语言背景与其它国家的差异,剑桥少儿英语考试的年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时的训练,具有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。下表列举出三级考试的一般特性和区别:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。听力(Listening)这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。口试(Speaking)这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执行。考生按照考官的视觉提示回答提问,提供自我的简单情况。
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由于中国学生的语言背景与其他国家学生的不同,剑桥少儿英语考试的考试年龄被延长到6-12岁甚至更大。下面就来看看这篇剑桥少儿英语等级证书有什么用,相信你们会喜欢的。一、剑桥少儿英语考试的作用这个等级考试基本上没有实际的用途,以前孩子幼升小,小升初都看证书,现在都禁止了。所以证书基本上是对孩子学习成绩的一种检验,但也是鼓励孩子学习的一种方式。剑桥少儿英语考试是由剑桥大学考试中心设计的一项考试,于1996年6月推出,旨在发展和提高非英语国家6至12岁儿童的英语水平。它分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级和剑桥少儿英语三级。考试还包括听力、口语和阅读。该项目由中国教育部考试中心的中英教育测量交流中心在中国引入和推广,剑桥少儿英语已经逐渐成为一种成熟的学习体系,并已在中国30个省份推广,同时还建立了一支由剑桥少儿英语教师和口试考官组成的团队。剑桥少儿英语考试简称为剑桥英语,由剑桥大学考试委员会举办,是目前在香港、深圳、上海、杭州等城市非常受欢迎的课外英语课程。也是唯一一个正式推广和专业评估的少儿英语培训项目。剑桥少儿英语是由剑桥考试中心为非英语国家的孩子设计的英语学习系统。它在全球50多个国家得到推广。二、剑桥少儿英语考级有哪些要求剑桥少儿英语考试预备级:预备级:适合5 - 6岁,经过80小时左右的英语学习,掌握约280个词汇的学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力和读写内容。剑桥少儿英语等级考试一级:一级:适合6 - 8岁的学生,经过100小时左右的英语学习,掌握约460个词汇的学生参加。剑桥少儿英语考试二级:二级:适合8-11岁的学生,经过100小时左右的英语学习,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加。剑桥少儿英语考试三级:三级:适合9-12岁的学生,在150小时左右的英语学习中,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加。由于中国学生的语言背景与其他国家学生的不同,剑桥少儿英语考试的考试年龄被延长到6-12岁甚至更大。无论你接受了多少小时的培训,有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。
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3级。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters)、一级(Starters), 二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。)扩展资料和其它教材不同,剑桥的语法学习并不枯燥,而是通过各种符合生活场景的例句让孩子对语法形成初步概念,也能让他在今后的语法学习中更一帆风顺。剑桥的每一级考试都对词汇掌握有一定的要求,剑一四会的要求词汇是497个,剑二四会的要求词汇是900个,剑三四会的要求词汇是1411个。四会指的是孩子不仅会听、会认、会读这个词,更要会拼写这个词。所以在课堂上,老师也会对考纲词汇通过各种趣味形式进行教学。剑桥考试每年3月和9月举办,包括听、说、读写三部分。考试成绩盾牌为准,每个部分都是5个盾,人们常说的满盾就是把15个盾全部获得。不过满盾的获得并不是说一道题都不能错,而是在每个部分中可以错一两道题。参考资料来源:百度百科—剑桥少儿英语
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剑桥少儿英语二级下册第4课原文:[00:00.00]Unit 4 Would you like some apples?[00:15.93]1.Let"s talk.[00:22.73]Would you like some apples?Yes,I"d love some.[00:29.10]Would you like some apples?Yes,please[00:34.69]Would you like some apples?No,thank you.[00:39.89]Would you like a big apple? Yes,I"d love one.[00:46.68]Would you like some apples?No,thank you.[00:54.60]4. Let"s read.[00:59.79]After you play some sport,you often feel thirsty.[01:05.59]So you like to drink some water or some orange juice.[01:11.08]But you mustn"t drink anything cold.[01:15.26]It"s not good for your stomach.[01:19.07]If you have a cold drink,you may be sick.[01:23.57]Your parents will worry about you.[01:27.46]And you can"t go to school.[01:30.78]You can"t see you friends.You can"t play outside.[01:36.97]Why can"t you drink cold water right after sport?[01:43.47]6.Let"s sing.[01:49.48]Would you like,would you like,would you like a cup of tea?[02:03.06]Would you like,would you like,would you like a glass of wine?[02:09.57]Would you like,would you like,would you like a bottle of juice?[02:15.86]Would you like,would you like,would you like a bowl of rice?[02:27.75]Would you like,would you like,would you like some pasta?[02:34.25]Would you like,would you like,would you like some cheese?[02:40.55]Would you like,would you like,would you like some fish?[02:47.24]Would you like,would you like,would you like some meat?[02:55.12]7.Look and read.[03:00.22]Miss Jane teaches English in America.[03:04.63]Her students are very smart,and polite.[03:09.41]One day she was having an English class.[03:14.51]She said to her students,"Would you please read the lesson in pairs?"[03:20.91]Everybody started to read with a smiling face.[03:25.51]Miss Jane was walking slowly,listening to each pupil.[03:31.10]Suddenly she saw her own shoes were different.[03:35.41]They were not a pair.[03:38.91]She quickly went to stand behind the big table and taught her class from there.[03:46.01]Ten minutes later,while the bell was ringing,she went out of the classroom.[03:53.01]The next day she came to her English class.[03:58.39]Everybody was reading English.[04:01.79]She was very happy.She went to check every student.[04:07.77]To her great surprise,everyone was wearing a pair of mismatched shoes.[04:15.35]Exercises 4 3.Listen and tick.[04:23.86]1.What would you like,sir?[04:29.66]I would like a bottle of orange juice,a burger and French fries.[04:36.06]Would you like some coffee?No,thanks.[04:40.66]OK,a bottle of orange juice,a burger and some French fries.Right.[04:48.47]2.Sir,we"ve got three bedrooms.[04:55.55]One is facing a lake,one is facing a garden,and one is facing a forest.[05:03.02]Which one would you like?[05:06.42]I would like to the one facing the lake.[05:10.41]OK.Would you like a bedroom with a bathroom?[05:15.72]Yes.All right.A bedroom facing the lake with a bathroom.[05:23.00]3.Welcome to our pet-store.[05:28.91]Which one do you like?Dog,parrot,cat or snake?[05:37.11]How old is the dog?Just two month old.[05:43.41]I"d like to have the dog.[05:46.80]Would you like to have a parrot?[05:50.20]Yes,I would like a parrot,too.[05:54.30]OK.A dog and a parrot?Yes,please.
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剑桥少儿英语没有及格这个说法,每个完成了考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到以剑桥盾牌表示的成绩证书分。剑桥少儿英语考试分为三级,即一级、二级、三级,每一级都有15个盾:听力(Listening)——5盾、读写(Reading and Writing)——5盾、口试(Speaking)——5盾。剑桥三级满盾说明英语能力已经到达了初中生的水平。盾牌是从听力、读写、口语表达三个方面对英语学习状况进行评价,满盾及是最好的成绩。扩展资料1、考试内容剑桥少儿英语考试由剑桥大学考试委员会统一命题,中英中心负责统一制卷,采用笔试和口试相结合的形式,包括听力、读写和口语三个部分。笔试要求各考点统一在规定的时间内完成,口试在笔试之后进行,由口试考官在规定的时间内主持完成。2、考试形式分为笔试及口试两部分(预备级只有口试),笔试又分为听力与读写两部分。无论具备什么英语基础的考生,不管通过多少个小时的学习,只要完成了相应级别剑桥少儿英语指定教材的学习,即可参加该级别的考试。参考资料来源:百度百科——剑桥国际少儿英语
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2023-07-23 20:04:506


二级分上下两册,每册书有十六个单元, 一学期学完一册,一学期18课时,每课时两个小时,两个学期就能学完二级上下册.07年版的能用,今年改版的教材只是在后面加了词汇表,课文内容是完全一样的. 我正教这教材,人在北京,至于成都的教学点,不了解没有发言权.
2023-07-23 20:05:163


以下是 为大家整理的关于剑桥少儿英语考试等级划分的文章,供大家学习参考。 剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。 因为的级别Flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的KET,因此它可以作为长大以后通向KET或迈向PET的桥梁。   剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters):   一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加;   剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers):   二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加;   剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers):   三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。   在中国由于考生的语言背景与其它国家的差异,剑桥少儿英语考试的年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时的训练,具有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。   下表列举出三级考试的一般特性和区别:   读写(Reading and Writing )   这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。   听力(Listening)   这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。   口试(Speaking)   这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执行。考生按照考官的视觉提示回答提问,提供自我的简单情况。
2023-07-23 20:06:101


Unit nine 基本句型: I like sunny days but I donu2019t like rainy days. I like to play on the beach, but I donu2019t like to play in the water. How many children like to play with sand? Why do you like sunny days? On a cold day I watched TV at home. 重点朗读词汇: Sand, games, boat, swim, sunbathe, ride, next, anything, trunk, cool, clap, much, potatoes, need, lower, note, outside, yummy, cute, face, grace, woe, go, bonny, blithe, gay, cloudy, windy, fine, sunny, cold, hot 重点记忆内容: 单词:Sand, games, boat, swim, face, grace, go, cloudy, windy, fine, sunny, cold, hot 句型: 见第49--50页的第1部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第54页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、告诉学生多听第四部分及第九部分的录音并模仿录音进行朗读,适当时候让父母听朗读的效果。 Unit ten 基本句型: Letu2019s guess How many things beginning with letter C can you find in this picture? She is a person who teaches children at school This is a person who can make you happy When did he come here? 重点朗读词汇: Guess, panda, dress, clown, plane, uncle, aunt, computer, teacher, hippo, rabbit, camera, television, pirate, parrot, treasure, pick, bear, rock, know, moustache 重点记忆内容: 单词:Guess, panda, dress, ,plane, uncle, aunt, computer, teacher, hippo, rabbit, camera, 重点技能训练: 第57页的第2部分和第59页的第5部分,这是考级需要掌握的题型,需要教师认真总结和引导。 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第59页的第5部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生自编几个谜语到学校后让班级同学猜,看哪个同学猜中多。 Unit eleven 基本句型: Whatu2019s your hobby? I like to play table tennis I like flying a kite Do you like reading books? Yes , I do Do you like dancing? No , I donu2019t What did you do yesterday? I went fishing yesterday 重点朗读词汇: Hobby, table tennis, tennis, badminton, fishing, football, piano, comic, baseball, radio, party, hockey, basketball, computer games, skating, film, kite, beach 重点记忆内容: 单词:Hobby, table tennis, tennis, badminton, , football, piano, baseball, party, hockey, basketball 句型: 见第61--62页的第1部分的句子需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第64页的第5部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用英语询问家庭成员的爱好,并将答案写在一张纸上。如:My father likes to play soccer.所采访的家庭成员不能低于五个人。 Unit twelve 基本句型: Animals are our good friends Letu2019s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song Do I have to sing a song?. Are bats useful animals? What do bats eat? Do bats have eyes? A duck is a pet. What animals are they? 重点朗读词汇: Animal, friend, lizard, spider, parrot, giraffe, tiger, bat, fly, lion, bear, goat, puppy, kangaroo, panda, chichen, country, China, Amercian, England, Australia, useful, reddish, joey, pouch,hippo, move,truck 重点记忆内容: 单词:Animal, friend, lizard, spider, parrot, giraffe, tiger, bat, fly, lion, bear, goat, puppy, kangaroo, panda, chichen, hippo 句型: 见第67--68页的第1部分的句子需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第71页的第7部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生再做一遍第70页的第5部分,仔细体会一下做题的技巧。 Unit thirteen 基本句型: I can spot the elephant, can you?. He went to the cafe to have a drink Can you go shopping with me? Sorry, I have no time How high can a kangaroo hop? Why canu2019t I see in the dark ? How can you do that? 重点朗读词汇: Spot, bookshop, cafe, shop, giraffe, turtle, Chinese,sorry, crocodile, mountain, climb, piano, underground, angry, stop, train, push, pick, happen, next 重点记忆内容: 单词: bookshop, cafe, shop, mountain, climb, piano, underground, angry, train, push, 句型: 见第75页的第3部分的句子需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第75页的第4部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生把第77页的第7部分连线后再做成卡片,背会 Unit fourteen 基本句型: There is a hungry dog between the trees There are two big clocks on the table There is only some milk There are only some apples There isnu2019t any bread in the kitchen! There arenu2019t any eggs in the bag 重点朗读词汇: Kitchen, lemons, potatoes,beans, carrots, pineapples, chips, oranges, coconuts, tomatoes, pears, chicken, cheese, fish, milk,water, rice, bread, soup 重点记忆内容: 单词: lemons, potatoes,beans, carrots, pineapples, oranges, coconuts, tomatoes, pears 句型: 第79--80页第1部分句型需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第81页的第2部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生用所学过的句型There is / there are 各造五个句子,注意区分可数名词及不可数名词。 Unit fifteen 基本句型: Letu2019s find it quickly Where the giraffe? Itu2019s behind the van How did the train go? The train went slowly What do you want to buy? How much does it cost in all? 重点朗读词汇: Behind, between, under, lion, parrot, snake, crocodile, tiger, slowly, happily, beautifully, quickly, carefully, quietly,badly, differently, money, classroom, cost, spoon, race, dinner, cookies, bell, taste, basement, film, snowflake, teeth, floor, balcony, shoulder 重点记忆内容: 单词:Behind, between, under slowly, happily, beautifully, quickly, carefully, quietly, badly, differently, 词性变化: 第87页上第三部分的词性转化需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第89页的第6部分读熟,下次课时表演。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、让学生回家找到下列的东西:TV, table, bed, sofa, bookcase, 并让学生用英语写出句子说明这些东西在什么地方。 Unit sixteen 基本句型: He can do better than his brother How often do you eat cake? Why is she talking to him? Whatu2019s the weather like today? Whatu2019s your favourite colour? Whatu2019s your favourite animal? How much water do you want? When does the class begin? Whatu2019s the name of your school? 重点朗读词汇: Better, round, score, darts, throw, outer, ring, double, triple, same, sadly, miss, fair, bright, early, feel, wheel, circle, fix, space, opposite 重点记忆内容: 单词:Better, round, throw, ring, double, , same, sadly, miss, fair, bright, early, feel, 重点认知内容: 第95页上第5部分的问句需要学生回答,教师可以选择部分进行听写 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第94页的第4部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、教师让学生复习93页的第2部分内容,下次课时表演。 《剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容(4)》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)
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2级A Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben. l shorter, longer, smaller, bigger, older, younger, thinner, fatter, stronger, weaker, slower, quicker, happier, quieter,kilometers, hundred, thousand l Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, Bill, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim 词汇 l Fred is taller than Jim.(二级) l This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. (二级) l as tall as a tree(二级) 句型 l 形容词的比较级; l asu2026asu2026的用法; l 数字的读法 语法点 自然拼读 er Unit 10 Did you know? l the shortest, the strongest, the tallest, the weakest, the youngest, the happiest,the biggest, the cleanest, the fastest, the highest, the longest, the loudest, the quickest,, the slowest, the smallest 词汇 l The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. (二级) l How tall are you? (二级) l I am one hundred and forty-nine centimeters tall. (二级) l Which animal is the biggest of the three? (二级) l In Picture A, there are two trees, but in Picture B, there are four trees. (二级考级题型) 句型 语法点 形容词的最高级 自然拼读 -est Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday. l climbed a little hill, played with some kangaroos, painted a mask, fished in the pond, bought a big ice cream, took many photos, saw a movie, spoke to a parrot, saw a big shark, gavea banana to a monkey, rode a horse 词汇 l Where did you go yesterday? (二级) I went to the zoo. (二级) l Did you see a lot of animals? Yes, I did. No, I didnu2019t. (二级) l What did Nancy do at the zoo? (二级) 句型 语法点 l 一般过去时 l - ed 自拼 Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool? l seen a tiger, flown a kite, swum in a river, had a dog, caught a mouse, read, hurt your leg, sent an email, eaten English food, sung an English song, been to the Great Wall, ridden a horse, bought a bike 词汇 l Has your school got a swimming pool? Yes, it has. No, it has not. (二级) l How many birthdays have you had? Iu2019ve had nine. (二级) l Have you ever been to Beijing Zoo to see a kangaroo? Yes, I have.No, I havenu2019t. (二级) 句型 语法点 l 现在完成时 Unit 13 My seven days l Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, working days, weekend l between, behind, under, in front of, before, after, at, in, on,next to 词汇 l Itu2019s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. (二级) l Which one would you like to go to? Iu2019d like to go to the cinema. (一级) l At what time are you free? Iu2019m free at 9:00. (二级) l It is the first day of the week. (二级) Itu2019s the day right after Monday. (二级) Itu2019s the day before Thursday. (二级) Itu2019s in the middle of the working days. (二级) Itu2019s the end of the working week. (二级) Itu2019s the last day of the week. (二级) l Which time is the best for you? 句型 Monday is the best time for me. (二级) l 介词的用法 语法点 Unit 14 How often does he have sports? l every day, once a week, twice a week, three times a week, every other day, every other week l have sports, do homework, have piano lessons, learn English, read books, draw pictures, listen to music, watch TV, play computer games 词/短语 l How often does he have sports? (二级) l How many pupils are in Class One?(一级) l Whatu2019s your favourite colour? l What sports do you enjoy playing? l What do you wear on your feet? 句型 l How often do you go to school? (二级) 语法点 l 表频率的词 Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories! l Anna, Ben, Daisy, Fred, Sally, Jill, Jim, John, Mary l eating ice cream, taking pictures, learning English, having a party, talking with friends, swimming, reading comic books, riding a horse, cooking l under the bed, behind the desk, in the wardrobe, behind the window, at the moment 词汇/短语 l I like reading books. = I enjoy reading books. l In Picture A, u2026; 句型 but in Picture B,u2026 l (二级考级题型) 语法点 l enjoy+doing喜欢做某事 Unit 16 Winter fun l Paul, Daisy, Mary, John, Bill, Fred, Peter, Jim, Ben l winter, snowy, skating, snowman, hide-and-seek, outside, falling, sky, knee, snowflake, hooray, holiday, cinema, guitar, houses 词汇 l How about making a bigger snowman?(二级) l What do we have for breakfast? Meat and eggs. (二级) l Who is your friend? My friend is Jill. (二级) l What do you want to drink? I would like fruit juice, please.(二级) l This is a place where you can catch a bus. (一级) l Why are you so sad? I hurt my leg. (二级) l Where do you live? I live in Beijing. (二级) 句型 《剑桥少儿英语二级上9-16单元考点总结》由liuxue86.com我整理
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剑桥少儿英语二级: 动物是我们的好朋友

Unit 28 Animals are our good friends. 【课文内容】 Next, let"s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. 接下来,让我们邀请美丽的兔子来给我们唱首歌。 Rabbit, please. 兔子,请。 Do I have to sing a song? 我能唱首歌? Yes, you should. 是的。 You can do it. 你能去做。 【听读写】 The red kangaroo moves very quickly by jumping. 红色袋鼠跳着移动的很快。 Each jump can be as far as 10 metres. 每次可以跳10米。 The kangaroo can stand very tall on its strong back legs. 袋鼠能够靠它强壮的后腿站的非常高。 It has small front legs that are used like arms. 它有较小的前腿常用来当手臂。 It is usually a reddish colour, but it can be grey, and has a small head with large ears. 它一般是微红色的,但是它也可能是灰的,有个小小的头和大大的耳朵。 The baby kangaroo is called a joey and lived in a pouch on the front of its mother. 小袋鼠叫朱宜,住在它妈妈的前袋里。 The joey lives there for about 8 months. 朱宜在那呆了8个月。 Kangaroos eat grass. 袋鼠吃草。 【唱唱跳跳】 A dog is a pet. 狗是宠物。 A rabbit is a pet. 兔子是宠物。 A monkey is a pet. 猴子是宠物。 A fish is a pet. 鱼是宠物。 A cat is a pet. 猫是宠物。 A parrot is a pet. 鹦鹉是宠物。 A frog is a pet. 青蛙是宠物。 A duck is a pet. 鸭子是宠物。 【听读重复】 1) This hippo is very naughty. 河马非常顽皮。 He often plays by himself and never takes a walk with his friends. 他经常自己玩但从未和他的朋友去散步。 One day he saw a big tree trunk on the road. 一天他在路上看见一个大树干。 2) He tried to move it. 他试着移动它。 But he couldn"t, because the tree trunk was too big and too long. 但是他不能,因为树干太长太大。 He didn"t know what to do. 他不知道该怎么做。 3) Just then, an elephant and a cow came and moved to the hippo. 正巧,一头大象和一只奶牛来到河马这。 Then, they helped move the tree trunk away. 之后,他们帮助把树干移走。 4) The hippo was very happy and he quickly made friends with them. 河马非常开心并且他很快和他们成为了朋友。
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1。Last week I tried to catch a mouse.上周,我设法抓住一只老鼠2. I followed it around the house.我追着它满屋子跑。3.It ran behind the bedroom chair .它躲到了卧室的椅子下面。4.And then I followed it down the stair.接着,我追着它到了楼下。5.It moved quickly across the floor.它在地上跑的很快6.And it jumped happily out of the door .它活跃地跳出了门外7.Down the road with flying feet .脚底抹油似地逃向街上8.And straight onto the busy street.区直溜进了车水马龙的街道9.but I stayed at the garden wall.但我待在花园的墙边10. And I didn"t go out there at all.我压根没有跑出去11.The street is dangerous ,they see.很明显,马路上太危险了12.So I"ll stayat home and play .所以,我会在家玩13.I don"t like mice any way . 总之,我讨厌老鼠。
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  剑桥少儿英语三级考试 剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。  因为最高的级别Flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的KET,因此它可以作为长大以后通向KET或迈向PET的桥梁。 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters): 一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加; 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers): 二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加; 剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers): 三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。 在中国由于考生的语言背景与其它国家的差异,剑桥少儿英语考试的年龄段扩展到6-12岁甚至更广。不论参加过多少学时的训练,具有什么样的基础,都可以参加考试。 下表列举出三级考试的一般特性和区别: 读写(Reading and Writing ) 这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 听力(Listening) 这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 口试(Speaking) 这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执行。考生按照考官的视觉提示回答提问,提供自我的简单情况。 所以我认为剑桥三级大概等于大学英语的一级都不到。大概连公共英语的一级都不到。
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1.Listen,read and act. 1.听,读,演。 Act I 第一幕 WWhat"s the matter with this doll? 这个娃娃怎么了? She"s got an earache. She can"t hear me. 她耳朵痛。她听不到我说话。 Let me see. 让我看看。 Oh, it doesn"t matter. She"ll be OK in two days. 哦,那没事。她两天内会好的。 Really? Thank you, doctor. 真的?谢谢你,医生。 Act II 第二幕 What"s the matter with you? Have you got a toothache? 你怎么了?你牙痛吗? Yes, I can"t eat sweet food. 是的,我不能吃甜食。 Let me have a look. OK, you"ve got a bad tooth. I can pull out the bad tooth for you. 让我看看。好的,你有一颗蛀牙。我要给你拔掉。 Does it hurt? 痛吗? No, it doesn"t. Come on! You are a big boy now. 不痛的。来吧!你现在是个大男孩了。 OK! Please do it slowly. 好的!慢点来。 Yes, I will. 好的,我会的。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Act III 第三幕 What"s the matter with you? 你怎么了? I"ve got a stomach ache. 我胃痛。 Did you eat something this morning? 你今早有吃什么吗? Yes, I ate two burgers and two eggs, and had a glass of cold milk. 是的,我吃了两个汉堡,两个蛋还有一杯冰牛奶。 I see. You"ve eaten too much. You"ll be OK. 我知道了。你吃太多了。你会好的。 Can I eat lunch? It"s lunch time now! 我能吃午饭吗?现在是午饭时间! Yes, but only a little. 可以,但是少吃点。 Act IV 第四幕 What"s the matter with you? 你怎么了? I"m running a temperature. 我发烧了。 Let me see. Yes, you"ve got a cold. Did you cough last night? 让我看看。是的,有发烧了。你昨晚又咳嗽吗? Yes, I did. I coughed all night. 是的,我咳了一整晚。 All night, then, I"ll give you some medicine. You"ll feel fine. 好的,之后我会给你配些药,你会感觉好点的。 Doctor, can I go out and play football today? 医生,我今天能外出踢足球吗? No, you can"t. You must stay in bed for a day or two. Drink a lot of water. 不行。你必须在家躺床上休息一天或两天,多喝水。 Thank you, doctor. 谢谢你,医生。 7.Listen and chant. 7.听,唱。 Nurse,come quick!Teddy"s been sick! 护士,快来!泰迪生病了! Dolly"s got an earache.Mickey can"t kick. 多利耳朵痛。米奇不能踢腿。 Nurse comes along. 护士来了。 Sings them a beautiful song. 给他们唱了一首好听的歌。 They all feel OK now. 他们现在都感觉挺好的。 Thank the nurse with a chant. 唱了首歌来感谢护士。 Nurse,come quick!Teddy"s been sick! 护士,快来!泰迪生病了! Dolly"s got an earache.Mickey can"t kick. 多利耳朵痛。米奇不能踢腿。 Nurse comes along. 护士来了。 Sings them a beautiful song. 给他们唱了一首好听的歌。 They all feel OK now. 他们现在都感觉挺好的。 Thank the nurse with a chant. 唱了首歌来感谢护士。 Read aloud 朗读 earache 耳朵痛  toothache 牙痛 a headache 头痛 a cold 感冒 stomach ache 胃痛 a cough 咳嗽 a temperature 发烧
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  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
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以下是 无 少儿英语频道为大家整理的《剑桥少儿英语二级下册:动物是我们的好朋友》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 少儿英语 频道。 Unit 12 Animals are our good friends. 第12课 动物是我们的好朋友 1.Look,point and say. 1.看,指,说。 Next, let"s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. 接下来,让我们邀请美丽的兔子来给我们唱首歌。 Rabbit, please. 兔子,请。 Do I have to sing a song? 我能唱首歌? Yes, you should.You can do it. 是的。你能去做。 5.Listen,read and write. 5.听,读,写。 The red kangaroo moves very quickly by jumping. 红色袋鼠跳着移动的很快。 Each jump can be as far as 10 metres. 每次可以跳10米。 The kangaroo can stand very tall on its strong back legs. 袋鼠能够靠它强壮的后腿站的非常高。 It has small front legs that are used like arms. 它有较小的前腿常用来当手臂。 It is usually a reddish colour, but it can be grey, and has a small head with large ears. 它一般是微红色的,但是它也可能是灰的,有个小小的头和大大的耳朵。 The baby kangaroo is called a joey and lived in a pouch on the front of its mother. 小袋鼠叫朱宜,住在它妈妈的前袋里。 The joey lives there for about 8 months. 朱宜在那呆了8个月。 Kangaroos eat grass. 袋鼠吃草。 6.Listen.Chant and sing. 6.听,诵,唱。 A dog is a pet. 狗是宠物。 A rabbit is a pet. 兔子是宠物。 A monkey is a pet. 猴子是宠物。 A fish is a pet. 鱼是宠物。 A cat is a pet. 猫是宠物。 A parrot is a pet. 鹦鹉是宠物。 A frog is a pet. 青蛙是宠物。 A duck is a pet. 鸭子是宠物。 A dog is a pet. 狗是宠物。 A rabbit is a pet. 兔子是宠物。 A monkey is a pet. 猴子是宠物。 A fish is a pet. 鱼是宠物。 A cat is a pet. 猫是宠物。 A parrot is a pet. 鹦鹉是宠物。 A frog is a pet. 青蛙是宠物。 A duck is a pet. 鸭子是宠物。 7.Listen,read and retell. 7.听,读,复述。 1) This hippo is very naughty. 河马非常顽皮。 He often plays by himself and never takes a walk with his friends. 他经常自己玩但从未和他的朋友去散步。 One day he saw a big tree trunk on the road. 一天他在路上看见一个大树干。 2) He tried to move it. 他试着移动它。 But he couldn"t, because the tree trunk was too big and too long. 但是他不能,因为树干太长太大。 He didn"t know what to do. 他不知道该怎么做。 3) Just then, an elephant and a cow came and moved to the hippo. 正巧,一头大象和一只奶牛来到河马这。 Then, they helped move the tree trunk away. 之后,他们帮助把树干移走。 4) The hippo was very happy and he quickly made friends with them. 河马非常开心并且他很快和他们成为了朋友。 9.Listen,draw and colour. 9.听,画,涂色。 This is an island. 这是一座岛屿。 Two monkeys are on the island. 岛上有两只猴子。 One monkey is on the tree. 一只猴子在树上。 Do you see him on the tree top? 你能看见他在树顶吗? Yes,I can. 是的,我能。 Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. 把树顶的猴子涂成棕色。 Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. 把树顶的猴子涂成棕色。 Can I colour the other monkey brown,too? 我们把另一只猴子也涂成棕色吗? No,colour the other monkey black. 不,另一只涂成黑色。 OK,colour the monkey black. 好,这只猴子涂成黑色。 Do you see the sun now? 你现在能看见太阳吗? Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. 在太阳旁边画一只鸟,涂成蓝色。 I beg your pardon? 再重复一遍? Sorry,draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. 不好意思,在太阳旁边画一只鸟,涂成蓝色。 OK,draw a bird and colour it blue. 好的,画一只鸟,涂成蓝色。 Very good. 很好。 Do you see a boat in the sea? 你能看见海里有一只船吗? Yes,I do. 是的,我能。 Colour the boat yellow and draw a boy on the boat. 把船涂成黄色,在船上画一个男孩。 Colour the boat yellow and draw a boy on the boat. 把船涂成黄色,在船上画一个男孩。 Very good,now please draw two fish in the sea. 很好,现在在海里画两条鱼。 One red fish and one green fish. 一条红色的,一条绿色的。 Draw a red fish and a green fish. 画一条红色的鱼和一条绿色的鱼。 Oh,please draw a boy swimming in the sea. 啊,请画一个在海里游泳的男孩。 OK,draw a boy swimming in the sea. 好,画一个在海里游泳的男孩。 Can I colour the boy? 我能给男孩涂色吗? No,thanks. 不能,谢谢。 Read aloud 朗读 lizard 蜥蜴    monkey 猴子    elephant 大象 panda 熊猫    mouse 老鼠    sheep 绵羊 spider 蜘蛛    bird 鸟  fly 飞  parrot 鹦鹉 bat 球拍     giraffe 长颈鹿  chicken 鸡 lion 狮子     tiger 老虎    pig 猪  fox 狐狸 horse 马     frog 青蛙     kangaroo 袋鼠 duck 鸭子    snake 蛇     bear 熊 puppy 小狗    kitten 小猫 goat 山羊     cow 母牛
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Unit 1 Iu2019ve got many new friends 重点句型: Iu2019ve got many new friends. I like to do sth. My Chinese name isu2026 My English name isu2026 Can I help youu2026? 重点词汇: Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden Unit 2 Is this book yours? 重点句型: Is this book yours? This book is not yours. Which one is different? No, itu2019s not mine. 重点词汇: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, scarf, sweater, pet, socks, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand Unit 3 Our school is beautiful. 重点句型: This is our school. Itu2019s very beautiful. Weu2019ve gotu2026 Where do you often play sports? Where isu2026 重点词汇: beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, dining room, classroom, swimming pool, sports centre, playground, round, square, quiet, hungry, thirsty, tired Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question? 重点句型: Can I ask a question? What does this word mean? Whatu2019s the English foru2026? Whatu2019s the Chinese foru2026? Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? Who wants have a try? 重点词汇: question, sure, riddle, picture, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, enjoy Unit 5 How about coming with us? 重点句型: How about coming with us? Where are you going? Iu2019d love to, butu2026 Opposite the market. 重点词汇: market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, beach, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain Unit 6 He likes reading picture books. 重点句型: He likes reading picture books. Itu2019s time to get up. Come and play with us. What does Bob like doing best? What kind of books do you like to read? 重点词汇: get up, picture book 《剑桥少儿英语二级上重点句型和词汇》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
2023-07-23 20:08:261


剑桥少儿英语二级A1—9单元重点句型: Unit 1: I like doing/to do Iu2019ve got he/sheu2019s got My Chinese/English name isu2026 My friend is adj. Can I help you with the bag? Unit 2: This is my bike. The bike is mine. Is this book yours? No, itu2019s not mine. 口语考试重点: 经典考试句型: D is different, because D is white, but the others are all black. Unit 3: This is our beautiful school. Weu2019ve got a library, a playground, a garden, and a u2026. In our school. 有BE 动词现在时的单复数认识:The trees are green. The sky is blue. Where do you often do sth.? I often do sth. in/on the u2026 Unit 4: Can I ask you a question?. What does dog mean? Dog means XIAOGOU. Whatu2019s the English/Chinese foru2026? Who wants to have a try? Let me try. Can I do sth. Yes, you can./ No, you canu2019t. May I do sth.? Yes, of course. When do you come to school? I come to school at time. In the morning/afternoon/evening Unit 5: Which place would you like to go? Iu2019d like to go to u2026 How about going to u2026? Yes, Iu2019d like to./ No, Iu2019d like to go to u2026 Where is sth.? 介词复习:on in near between by in front of under behind next to How about doing sth. Yes, Iu2019d like to. / No, Iu2019d like to do sth. Unit 6: What do you like doing? I like doing sth. What does he/she/my father/my mother/Sally like doing? e/she/my father/my mother/Sally likes doing sth. What kind of books do you like to read? I like to read u2026 books. Unit 7: You mustnu2019t drop litter in the park. There are some N(pl.) in the (place). There is a/one N in the (place). Itu2019s edible. There is a parrot standing on a book. There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe. Unit 8: What have you got in your bag? Iu2019ve got a pencil, a pen, an eraser, and lots of books. How many books are there in your bag? There are 2 books in my bag. There is one book in my bag. Which school do you like to go? I like to go to the second school. Unit 9: Itu2019s 137 km from Tianjin to Beijing. This bear is short, but this bear is shorter than this one. Fred is fatter than John. 点击进入论坛,名师在线答疑解惑! 学而思教育版权所有,未经许可,请勿转载! 剑桥少儿英语
2023-07-23 20:08:331


  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
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  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
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【课文内容】 It"s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. 它在星期天和星期二的中间。 In Britain, it is the first day of the week. 在英国,它是一周的第一天。 It"s the day right after Monday. 它是星期一的后一天。 It"s the day before Thursday. 它在星期三之前。 It"s in the middle of the working days. 它是一周的中间一天。 It"s the day before Friday. 它是星期五的前一天。 It"s the end of the working week. 它是一周工作的最后一天。 You are going to have fun in the afternoon. 你在下午会很开心。 It"s a holiday. 它是假日。 You don"t work at this day. 你今天不用工作。 You can enjoy yourself! 你可以尽情的享受! It"s the last day of the week. 它是一周的最后一天。 You can have a good rest. 你能有个很好的休息。 【唱唱跳跳】 Monday, Monday, I like Monday. 星期一,星期一,我喜欢星期一。 It"s the best day for our sports games. 它是我们运动的好日子。 Tuesday, Tuesday, I like Tuesday. 星期二,星期二,我喜欢星期二。 We can put on our short school play. 我们可以进行短小的学校演出。 Wednesday, Wednesday, I like Wednesday. 星期三,星期三,我喜欢星期三。 We can have an hour to play computer games. 我们可以有一个小时来玩电脑游戏。 Thursday, Thursday, I like Thursday. 星期四,星期四,我喜欢星期四。 We eat ice creams and drink lemonade. 我们吃冰激凌和喝柠檬汁。 Friday, Friday, I like Friday. 星期五,星期五,我喜欢星期五。 We have no homework but only play. 我们没有作业只有玩。 Saturday, Saturday, I like Saturday. 星期六,星期六,我喜欢星期六。 I can go to the supermarket to buy a big cake. 我可以到超市去买大蛋糕。 Sunday, Sunday, I like Sunday. 星期天,星期天,我喜欢星期天。 I can stay at home and enjoy the holiday. 我可以呆在家享受假日。 【听读演】 Li Ming: Hello! Zhang Xin, would you like to see a film with me on Wednesday? 李明:你好!张鑫,星期三你可以和我一起去看电影吗? Zhang Xin: Sorry, I have a piano lesson on that day. 张鑫:对不起,我在那天有钢琴课。 Li Ming: What about Thursday evening? 李明:那星期四晚上呢? Zhang Xin: Sorry, I have my swimming lessons. 张鑫:对不起,我有游泳课。 Li Ming: How about Monday evening? 李明:那周一早上呢? Zhang Xin: Sorry, I have my drawing lessons. 张鑫:对不起,我有画画课。 Li Ming: Come on! When are you free? 李明:不会吧!那你什么时候有空? Zhang Xin: I have no free time. On Tuesday and Friday evenings I have English lessons. 张鑫:我没有空闲时间。星期二和星期五我要上英语课。 Li Ming: I can never get to see a film with you, then. 李明:那我就不能和你看电影了。 Zhang Xin: Maybe this Saturday or Sunday. 张鑫:也许星期六或星期天。
2023-07-23 20:08:551


少儿英语频道为大家整理了《剑桥少儿英语口语二级:我们的学校是美丽的》,供大家学习参考。 【课文内容】 Hello, this is our school. 你好,这是我们的学校。 It"s very beautiful. 它非常漂亮。 We"ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. 我们拥有一个大图书馆,一个操场,一个很漂亮的花园和许多教室。 Now some children are playing soccer, some…… 现在一些孩子在踢足球,一些…… 【句型学习】 —Where do you often play sports? —你经常在哪运动? —I often play sports on the playground. —我经常在操场上运动。 Where do you often sing songs? 你经常在哪唱歌? I often sing songs in the Music Room. 我经常在音乐室唱歌。 Where do you often draw pictures? 你经常在哪画画? I often draw pictures in the Art Room. 我经常在艺术室画画。 Where do you often swim? 你经常在哪游泳? I often swim in the swimming pool. 我经常在游泳池里游泳。 Where do you often watch TV? 你经常在哪看电视? I often watch TV in the TV Room. 我经常在电视室看电视。 Where do you often learn English? 你经常在哪学英语? I often learn English in the classroom. 我经常在教室学英语。 【唱唱跳跳】 This is our beautiful school. 这是我们美丽的学校。 This is our beautiful school. 这是我们美丽的学校。 The trees are green and the sky is blue. 绿树蓝天。 The birds are singing and the flowers bloom. 鸟语花香。 Cool! Cool! Cool! 酷!酷!酷! This is our beautiful school. 这是我们美丽的学校。 This is our beautiful school. 这是我们美丽的学校。 We walk in the garden and swim in the pool. 我们在花园里走路,在泳池里游泳。 We all say,"Cool, cool, cool!Cool, cool, cool!" 我们都说:“酷!酷!酷!酷!酷!酷!”
2023-07-23 20:09:121


剑桥少儿英语没有及格这个说法,每个完成了考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到以剑桥盾牌表示的成绩证书分。剑桥少儿英语考试包括三个关键的级别:一级(STARTERS)、二级(MOVERS)和三级(FLYERS)。剑桥少儿英语考试一级(STARTERS):一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握近400个词汇的学生参加;剑桥少儿英语考试二级(MOVERS):二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约175小时的英语学习,掌握约600个词汇的学生参加;剑桥少儿英语考试三级(FLYERS):三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约250小时的英语学习, 掌握约1000个词汇的学生参加。剑桥少儿英语考试考生使用证件规定(1)考试当日,考生如未持报名时登记的证件或该证件不符合报考规定或所持证件与准考证上显示的信息不一致,均将被拒绝进入考场,考试费不予退还。(2)中国大陆考生参加剑桥少儿英语考试,必须携带唯一有效的证件即“中华人民共和国居民身份证”原件。根据《中华人民共和国身份证法》,任何居民无论是何年龄,均可向户籍所在派出所申领身份证。户口本不可用于参加考试。
2023-07-23 20:09:364


是二级上册还是下册? 上册的第四题答案是:1 mouse 2 house 3 chair 4 stairs 5 floor 6 door 7 feet 8 street 9 wall 10 all 11 say 12 play 13 way 下册答案:1 suny 2 zoo 3 monkeys 4 pandas 5 tigers 6 sleeping 7 lions 8 little 9 laugh
2023-07-23 20:10:341


剑桥少儿英语二级必背词汇1. 序数词: first second third fourth last  2. 次数: once twice (3, 4, …) times  3. 交通工具:car bus train bike boat plane  4. 公园: trees flowers games clowns money parrot pirate treasure  5. 食物: coffee tea juice lemonade milk water   bread cake cheese chips egg fish fries ice cream   pasta rice salad sandwich soup burger chicken sausage   bean carrot onion pea potato  6. 水果: apple banana coconut grapes lemon lime mango orange   pear pineapple tomato watermelon  7. 学科: English Chinese Maths Music Art P.E. Science  8. 人名:Alex Anna Ben Bill Daisy Fred Jack Jane Jim   John Kim Lucy Mary May Nick Pat Paul Peter   Sally Sam Tom Tony Vicky Brown Black Green  9. 动物:bat bear bird cat cow crocodile dog dolphin fly   frog goat kagaroo lion mice/mouse panda parrot rabbit   shark snake whale chicken duck elephant fish giraffe   hippo horse kitten lizard monkey pet puppy sheep   spider tiger  10. 周围事物:farm jungle sea water city countryside hill town   village field forest ground island waterfall   bank supermarket library hospital cafe shop   swimming pool bus station cinema zoo park  11. 毛发:beard moustache curly straight long short   black blonde brown fair grey orange red white  12. 服装:coat dress hat jacket jeans scarf shirt shoe skirt   sock sweater T-shirt trousers  13. 形容词:best new old pink purple green wet bad good  14. 家人与朋友:father mother brother sister son daughter aunt   uncle cousin grandfather grandmother grandson   granddaughter friend doctor  15. 星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday   Sunday weekend  16.时间:morning afternoon evening night 8: 20 9:30  17.电影:cartoons
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剑桥少儿英语没有及格这个说法,每个完成了考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到以剑桥盾牌表示的成绩证书分。剑桥少儿英语考试分为三级,即一级、二级、三级,每一级都有15个盾:听力(Listening)——5盾、读写(Reading and Writing)——5盾、口试(Speaking)——5盾。剑桥三级满盾说明英语能力已经到达了初中生的水平。盾牌是从听力、读写、口语表达三个方面对英语学习状况进行评价,满盾及是最好的成绩。扩展资料1、考试内容剑桥少儿英语考试由剑桥大学考试委员会统一命题,中英中心负责统一制卷,采用笔试和口试相结合的形式,包括听力、读写和口语三个部分。笔试要求各考点统一在规定的时间内完成,口试在笔试之后进行,由口试考官在规定的时间内主持完成。2、考试形式分为笔试及口试两部分(预备级只有口试),笔试又分为听力与读写两部分。无论具备什么英语基础的考生,不管通过多少个小时的学习,只要完成了相应级别剑桥少儿英语指定教材的学习,即可参加该级别的考试。参考资料来源:百度百科——剑桥国际少儿英语
2023-07-23 20:11:131