- 余辉
But it"s not fully integrated into the universal celebration program, college director Mike. Kane said that with regard to the design of the ball, Haran and his colleagues were surprised to learn that there were so many complaints in the media. The design was even fired as "the most round football design in history".
, she said with great enthusia *** , which was amazing.
, the car almost fell into the valley. We were surprised. We were glad that although our life was saved, we were sweating hard.
It shows the instrument and equipment and potential power surprisingly
The crazy jazz player stared at the white spot on the razor in astonishment.
When you look, you throw a certain amount of energy. Wait, keep quiet, let that energy return. You will be surprised. If you let the energy return, you will never feel exhausted.
Really? I"m surprised. The resort on Guam should be quite good
, the car almost fell into the valley. We were surprised. We were glad that although our life was saved, we were sweating hard.
"I"m surprised that he remembered that I asked him to type a list four months ago," Hagrid said.
I"m surprised at the level of intellectual development of these young British men
However, observers have foreseen the improvement of the sixth sense in the future, and there may be surprising results in the future.
, the car almost fell into the valley. We were surprised. We were glad that although our life was saved, we were sweating hard.
Gradually, a group of people came back to the cave mouth sporadically, panting and having fun. From head to toe, they were all covered with candle oil. Their bodies were full of mud and they were completely immersed in the joy of the day. At this time, they were surprised to find that they were patronizing and playing. They didn"t pay attention to the time, and it was going to be dark on the Tianma.
It"s amazing that they suddenly become very popular. Many people want to pet pigs.
, and then, in front of my mother"s surprised eyes, he poured the salty and black things like "yihebang" into the porcelain basin.
I was surprised to see that when his wife revealed a family secret, he slapped her in the face.
Surprisingly, those who believed that the soul would disappear immediately after death also showed the cognition of psychological continuity occasionally.
His clear mind is like a huge appetite. As long as it"s artificial bait, he can swallow a surprising amount, even friendship. mishima yukio
Although he was a *** iling boy, it was a little surprising that he started a fire.
It shows how the ordinary people show "unconsciousness" when they obey authority and abuse other people, and the energy of obedience and anxiety caused by group pressure is surprising.
People now realize that the impact on survival probability, on the surface, even if it is very *** all, can also have a great effect on evolution. This is a surprising consequence of the latest interpretation of Darwini *** .
At first, it seemed *** all, but to his surprise, the gentle pressure of his fingers made the ring bigger until he could easily put it on.
Now she is surprised by the fact that men and women are equal in this respect.
The mood in which she read the letter was beyond description. At the beginning, when she read that he thought he could be forgiven by others, she could not help but read on with surprise, and felt that he was full of Self Justification everywhere, and there was a kind of shame to cover up everywhere.
, my brother"s every move surprised me, so I only stare at him with big eyes.
He was so angry that he surprised everyone.
With more options, secondary schools may surprise applicants with rejection letters they never thought they would.
There are a lot of women in the world. You will only be surprised if you know them without any other feelings. There are men in the world who like them and want to marry them when they like them.
He was surprised that the workers in the color department, except the leaders, were all girls.
At the same time, the peddler was shouting at the sky high prices, which was surprising and disgusting.
It"s not surprising to knock at the door at night. Ling Meng Chu
This is just a world that has not been eliminated. But what kind of strong and special personality has the world made him feel? Hell, there"s almost no other word for it: it"s just amazing how realistic it is.
, the guest was a little surprised, but he immediately regained his elegant demeanor.
It"s amazing that seven year olds write such good poems.
惊讶、 惊诧、 惊呀、
惊愕、 诧异 惊异、
惊奇、 受惊、
【成语】: 受宠若惊 【拼音】: shòu chǒng ruò jīng
【解释】: 宠:宠爱。因为得到宠爱或赏识而又高兴,又不安。
【出处】: 《老子》第十三章:“宠辱若惊……得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。”宋·欧阳修《辞特转吏部侍郎表》:“受宠若惊,况被非常之命,事君无隐,敢倾至恳之诚。”
【成语】: 惊愕失色 【拼音】: jīng è shī sè
【解释】: 失色:由于受惊或害怕而面色苍白。惊恐得改变了神色。形容十分吃惊。
【出处】: 《新编五代史平话·唐史·上卷》:“契丹以马军万人拒之于前,将士皆惊愕失色。”
【成语】: 口呆目瞪 【拼音】: kǒu dāi mù dèng
【解释】: 嘴说不出话,眼发直。形容很吃惊的样子。
【出处】: 明·许仲林《封神演义》第九十七回:“那军士见妲己美貌,已自有十分怜惜,再加他娇滴滴,叫了几声将军长,将军短。便把这些军士,叫得骨软筋酥,口呆目瞪,软痴痴作一堆麻,酥酥成一块,莫能动履。”
【成语】: 危言耸听 【拼音】: wēi yán sǒng tīng
【解释】: 危言:使人吃惊的话;耸:惊动;耸听:使听话的人吃惊。指故意说些夸大的吓人的话,使人惊疑震动。
【出处】: 清·梁启超《米禁危言》:“我国民勿以吾为危言悚听也。”