It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,nothing more.--Dumbledore
The teuth,It is a beautiful and terrible thing,and should therefore be treated with great caution.--Dumbledore
That suggests that what you fear most of all... is fear itself. --Remus Lupin你最恐惧的其实是恐惧本身。--莱姆斯·卢平
Do not pity the dead,pity the living,and above all,those who live without love.--Dumbledore
Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself.--Dumbledore
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are it is our choices.--Dumbledore
Differences of habit and language are nothing at all our aims are identical and our hearts are open.--Dumbledore
It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.--Dumbledore
It matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be.--Dumbledore
Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.--Dumbledore
It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.--Dumbledore
If you want to know what a man"s like , take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his wquals.--Sirius
Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been.Well it may have escaped you notice, but life isn"t fair--Severus
We"ve all got both light and darkness inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on.That"s who we really are. --Sirius
分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 问题描述: 就是哈利教导同学学习黑魔法防御术的组织 另外,书中有明确提到Dumbledore是哪个学院的吗?有的话,是哪个?(请注明出处) 解析: Dumbledore`s Amy(邓不利多军)是为了应付乌姆里奇才这么说的,而且魔法部很怕邓不利多。原来的意思是(Defense Association)防御协会,在凤凰社第269页上部有说明。 邓不利多应该是格兰芬多的。文中多次提过,只有勇敢聪明的人才能进格兰芬多的,而老邓符合这些条件。所以我想他应该是格兰芬多的。全名:阿不思·博知维·巫服利·布莱恩·邓不利多 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 阿不思·邓不利多有一个弟弟阿伯福思·邓不利多 生于1845年,卒于1997年6月 期间被公认为当代最伟大的巫师。 1945年击败黑巫师格德沃林, 发现龙血的12种用途, 与合作伙伴尼克·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效。 阿不思·邓不利多于1856年就读霍格沃茨,属格兰芬多学院,完成学业以后成为教职员,教授变形学。 当1940年代,汤姆·里德尔指责了鲁伯·海格打开密室,唯有邓不利多认为海格是无辜的,并且当海格的魔杖被折断,逐出了学校,邓不利多坚持,使他留在霍格沃茨为员工。 1945年击败黑巫师格德沃林。 1971年一名狼人卢平就读霍格沃茨。阿不思·邓不利多种植打人柳守卫一条通往霍格莫德的尖叫棚屋秘密通道。卢平在每个满月在那里变身,使他不能攻击其他人。 1980年,西比尔·特里劳妮申请成为新占卜学老师,阿不思·邓不利多聘用她的原因是特里劳妮说出真正的预言,预言伏地魔败亡。 当莉莉·波特和詹姆·波特被伏地魔杀害后,邓不利多决定安置现在成为孤儿的哈利在他姨父弗农·德思礼和姨妈佩妮·德思礼家中。这是因为邓不利多安置了一个咒语使到他母亲的牺牲成为孩子的特别保护。只要哈利把他的母亲亲属居住的地方依然称作家,母亲的血统就成为他的保护,他会安全地避开所有攻击。 1995年,阿不思·邓不利多与伏地魔见面。 邓不利多曾被两次罢免校长资格,但阴谋者两次都失败。 1997年,邓不利多亲自指导哈利·波特。 同年6月,西弗勒斯·斯内普在虚弱时向邓不利多发射阿瓦达索命咒,阿不思·邓不利多逝世在逝世之前发出了少有的哀求。2023-07-01 02:25:311
《哈利·波特》中的经典台词语录"lt takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our firiends."/Dumbledore反抗敌人需要很大的勇气,但要反抗朋友同样需要勇气。/邓布利多"l am what l am, an"l"m not ashamed."/Hagrid我就是我,我不会感到羞耻。/海格"We"ve all got both light and dark inside us.What mattersis the part we choose to act on.That"s who we really are."/Sirius Black我们所有人内心都有光明和黑暗。重要的是我们选择表现出来的部分,这才是真正的我们。/小天狼星"lt is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.“/Dumbledore哈利,是我们的选择决定了我们的真正面貌,而不是我们的能力。/邓布利多"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself."/Hermione Granger害怕一个名字会让人更害怕这个东西本身。/赫敏"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."/Dumbledore"The ones that love us never really leave us."/Sirius Black爱我们的人永远不会真正离开我们。/小天狼星"I solemnly swear that l am up to no good." /Marauder"s Map我郑重宣誓我没有做坏事。/魔法地图"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way weexpect."/Luna Lovegood我们失去的东西最终会以一种我们意想不到的方式回到我们身边。/卢娜·洛夫古德Curiosity is not a sin, But we should exercise caution with our curiosity.” Dumbledore好奇不是罪,但我们应该小心谨慎地满足好奇心。/邓布利多“Happiness can be found,even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."Dumbledore即使在最黑暗的时刻,只要记得开灯,就能找到幸福。/邓布利多"I don"t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me."/Harry Potter我不会去找麻烦,但麻烦经常找到我。/哈利波特2023-07-01 02:25:381
阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(1844或1881-1997)(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) 伏地魔(Lord Voldemort)(1926-1998),原名汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle),但是极其厌恶这个名字,认为这个名字属于自己无能的麻瓜父亲,平庸又可恶. 霍格沃茨(Hogwarts),共分四个学院,分别是格兰芬多(Gryffindor),赫奇帕奇 (Hufflepuff),拉文克劳(Ravenclaw),斯莱特林(Slytherin).,2,邓布利多 全名 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 伏地魔 Lord Voldemort 霍格沃茨 Hogwarts,2,邓布利多 Albus Dumbledore 伏地魔 Lord Voldemort 霍格沃茨 Hogwarts,2,邓布利多 全名 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 伏地魔 Lord Voldemort 霍格沃茨 Hogwarts,2,Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,2,邓布利多 全名 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 伏地魔 Lord Voldemort 霍格沃茨 Hogwarts,0,Denbuliduo(邓布利多)Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (全名) Tangmulideer(里德尔)Lord Voldemort(伏地魔) Huogewoci(霍格沃茨)Hogwarts (简称),0,《哈利波特》里邓布利多用英语怎么拼? 还有伏地魔、霍格沃茨2023-07-01 02:26:211
阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(1844或1881-1997)(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)伏地魔(Lord Voldemort)(1926-1998),原名汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle),但是极其厌恶这个名字,认为这个名字属于自己无能的麻瓜父亲,平庸又可恶。霍格沃茨(Hogwarts),共分四个学院,分别是格兰芬多(Gryffindor),赫奇帕奇 (Hufflepuff),拉文克劳(Ravenclaw),斯莱特林(Slytherin)。2023-07-01 02:26:318
伏地魔 邓不利多用英文怎么说
阿不思邓不利多:Albus.Dumbledore 伏地魔:Lord Voldemort 神秘人:You-Know-Who2023-07-01 02:26:553
阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)。本人:阿布思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brain Dumbledore) 霍格沃滋魔法学校校长。父亲:珀西瓦尔·邓布利多(Percival Dumbledore) 巫师。母亲:凯德拉·邓布利多(Kendra Dumbledore) 来自麻瓜家庭的女巫。弟弟:阿布福斯·邓布利多(Aberforth Dumbledore) 猪头酒吧的老板。英文起名注意事项:1、注意所用的的英文名字的含义有一些英文名字在国外会有不好的歧义,所以在大家起英文名的时候应该好好了解一下所用名字的含义,再决定是否适用。2、避免把中文名字直译成英文除非你有过硬的英文功底和对英美文化的了解,否则不推荐直接翻译中文名。中国人起名,要求是含义好、听着上口。外国人起名,则是要尽量从约定俗成的已有的名字中选一个。如果任性地把自己的名字翻译成英文,得到的回应很可能是“That"s not even a name”我曾经见过男生给自己起名叫Tree的。还有女生英文名叫Smiley的。且不说这根本不是个名字,万一你的字母“i”没发完整,读成了Smelly(臭臭的),岂不糟糕。2023-07-01 02:27:048
McGonagall. 麦格(教授)Dumbledore 邓布利多Albus 阿不思(阿不思 邓不利多 Albus Dumbledore)Hagrid 海格Bristol. 布里斯托(地名)Muggle 麻瓜Petunia. 佩妮(姨妈)Dudley 达利(表兄)Vernon. 弗农(姨父)GOBLIN 妖精GRIPHOOK 拉环Ollivander奥利凡德形声字会破坏掉英语读音的感觉,怪怪的~还是不要写的好中文已经列出来了,你可以自己比着拼拼,读读看~2023-07-01 02:27:303
阿不思·邓布利多(1844-1997)不完全资料 全名:阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)。通常我们提到的“邓布利多”就是指他。 头衔/职务:已故霍格沃茨校长;国际魔法师联合会(the International Confederation of Wizards)主席 ;威森加摩(Wizengamot)即最高巫师法庭(the Wizard High Court)首席法师;梅林爵士团一级勋章(Order of Merlin, First Class); 照片及简介长期出现在巧克力蛙卡片上。 主要贡献:1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃;发现龙血的十二种用途;与尼可u2022勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效。 爱好:室内乐;十柱滚木球戏;研究麻瓜杂志上的编制图案 。 外表:又高又瘦,巫师气质突出,有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带),长长的鹰钩鼻,好像折断过几次,半月形眼镜,明亮湛蓝的眼睛,极具穿透性(像X光),手指修长,说话时经常把指尖对在一起,左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地铁图,写得一手细长的,向一边倾斜,圈圈套圈圈的字。 家庭成员:父亲珀西瓦尔·邓布利多,死于阿兹卡班。母亲坎德拉·邓布利多,被自己的女儿失控后杀死。弟弟阿不福思u2022邓布利多,猪头酒吧老板。 妹妹阿利安娜u2022邓不利多 由于受到了麻瓜的刺激,未曾进霍格沃茨,后死亡(在邓布利多.格林德沃以及邓不利多弟弟阿不福思的三人争斗中致死)(邓不利多为此感到难过而自责)。 出生地:不确定,可能是沃土原 最喜爱的麻瓜食品:柠檬雪糕。 喜爱的零食:覆盆子果酱、酸味汽水(在《混血王子》中提到)、太妃手指饼、滋滋蜂蜜糖、蟑螂堆、冰镇柠檬汁、黄油啤酒、蜂蜜酒 。 不喜爱的零食:比比多味豆。 守护神:凤凰 宠物:凤凰福克斯(羽毛红金相间,极为忠诚,能携带极为沉重的东西,眼泪有疗伤作用) 着装:一件长袍,披一件拖地的紫色斗篷,登一双带搭扣的高跟靴子(第一部第1章);长长的羊毛晨衣,戴着睡帽(第二部第10章);华贵的深绿色长袍,上面绣着许多星星和月亮(第四部第12章);深蓝色长袍(第五部第8章);布满银色星星的深紫色长袍(第五部第11章);雪白的睡衣,外罩一件紫底镶金的便袍(第五部第22章);黑色的旅行斗篷,头戴一顶尖帽子(第六部第3章);紫色的魔法长袍上点缀着金色的星星(第六部第8章);考究的紫红色天鹅绒西服(第六部第13章). 办公室:位于霍格沃茨八楼,门口有只巨石兽看守,巨兽身后是一道活动的螺旋型楼梯 ,楼梯尽头是一扇闪闪发亮的栋木门,门上有狮鹰首形状的铜门环,圆形的办公室墙上都是历届校长照片,细长腿的桌子上有许多精致的银器,旋转着喷射雾气,桌后面的一块搁板上是分院帽,门后一根高高的镀金栖枝上呆着福克斯。 书中描写: 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布莱恩·邓布利多(凤凰社第8章)被公认为是当代最伟大的巫师。邓布利多是前任霍格沃茨魔法学校校长。他广为人知的贡献包括:一九四五年击败黑巫师格林德沃,发现龙血的十二种用途,与合作伙伴尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效(魔法石第6章)。 邓布利多是一级梅林勋章获得者、大魔法师、凤凰社创始人和保密人(凤凰社地6章)、国际魔法石联合会主席(凤凰社第5章)、威森加摩首席魔法师(曾短期内被解职;凤凰社第5章)。 邓布利多于1990年被邀请出任魔法部部长一职(魔法石第5章、凤凰社第10章),但是他回绝了,所以福吉担任了魔法部部长。福吉每天派猫头鹰到邓布利多那里要邓布利多出点子(魔法石第5章)。 邓布利多是一位令伏地魔畏惧的巫师。由于他在霍格沃茨,使得这所学校在20世纪70年代期间成为最安全的地方;伏地魔从来没有试图占领这所学校。邓布利多在那些可怕的岁月里不遗余力地同伏地魔作斗争,并组建了一个叫凤凰社的组织来与食死徒较量。现在伏地魔已经复活,邓布利多重又召集了凤凰社的成员与黑魔王斗争(火焰杯第36章)。 “他个子瘦高。银发和银须长到都能够塞到腰带里了,凭这一点就可以断定他年级已经很大了。他穿一件长袍,披一件拖到地的紫色斗篷,登一双带搭扣的高跟靴子。半月形的眼镜后面一对湛蓝湛蓝的明亮眼睛闪闪发光。他的鼻子很长,但是扭歪了,看来至少断过两次。(魔法石第1章)”在1996年夏天之后,他的右手变得枯黑(混血王子第3章)。 大约是在右手受伤的同时,邓布利多左手戴了一个戒指:“戒指很大,像是金子做的,工艺粗糙,上面嵌着一块沉甸甸的、中间有裂纹的黑石头。”(混血王子第4章) 传记摘要 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布莱恩·邓布利多 头发:曾经是赤褐色的(密室第17章),现在是银色的,齐腰长(魔法石第1、7章) 眼睛:蓝色的(魔法石第1章),通常是闪烁着的 面部特征:长且弯的鹰钩鼻子,半月形眼镜,长长的胡须,断了的鼻子(魔法石第1章) 体形:又高又瘦 年龄:逝世时为153岁(1844年出生) 所在学院:格兰芬多(公元1851-1858)(魔法石第6章) 专长:变形术(曾在1940年是变形术教师)(密室第17章),于公元1971年成为校长,直至1997年身亡。 爱好:室内乐和保龄球,十柱滚木球戏。 家庭成员:父亲,珀西瓦尔·邓布利多,因教训对女儿下手的三个麻瓜男孩而进阿兹卡班,不肯为自己辩护。长相很好。 母亲,坎德拉·邓布利多,因女儿失控时所施的魔法致死。 弟弟,阿不福思·邓布利多,曾因对一只山羊不适当地施用魔法而被起诉。阿不福斯也出现在凤凰社最初的照片上(凤凰社第9章),他是霍格沃德村猪头酒吧的招待员。 妹妹,阿利安娜·邓布利多,小时候施魔法被三个麻瓜男孩看见,三个男孩对她做了可怕的事,从此魔法失去控制,在哥哥阿不思毕业后的一年中,被哥哥阿不思或者格林德沃或者阿布福斯误伤致死。 阿不思的母亲与妹妹葬于戈德里克山谷,墓志铭为“珍宝在何处,心也在何处”。 魔杖:老魔杖(又名死亡棒、命运杖,三死圣之一) 语言:会讲人鱼语言(火焰杯),能听懂蛇佬腔(混血王子第26章)。还会讲哈利听不懂的语言。喜爱的食物:冰冻柠檬汁、热巧克力、酸汽水、越橘酱 技能:炼金术、变形术、摄神取念术(凤凰社第38章)、没有魔杖也能施魔法、不用隐身斗篷也能隐身(魔法石第12章)、可能能够看透隐身斗篷(魔法石第12章、密室第14章)、 能用守护神发送信息(火焰杯第28章)。 守护神:是一只凤凰,在1993年的魁地奇比赛中曾经变出,但未说明具体形象。1995年再次变出,被描述为像一只“可怕的鸟”(火焰杯第28章)。 预言:根据麦格教授的说法,邓布利多曾经预言霍格沃茨的终止(密室第16章)。 1844左右阿不思·邓布利多诞生。 J.K.罗琳将邓布利多的年龄定为“大约150岁,而且由于故事发生在20世纪90年代初,所以我们推测他的出生日期大约在1844年。很明显,这个年份和邓布利多在学校的日期都应提早或错后五年。” 1851年左右进入霍格沃茨,分到格兰芬多学院。 赫敏说:“我到处打听了,我希望我能进格兰芬多,听上去它是目前最好的;我听说邓布利多就是这个学院的,但是我认为拉文克劳也不错……”(魔法石第6章)。 1858年左右进行N.E.W.T考试,其中变形学和魔咒学考试是由格丝尔达·玛奇班监考的。 玛奇班告诉乌姆里奇:“他参加 N.E.W.T时,是我本人考他的变形学和魔咒学……他用魔杖做出了我以前从来没见过的事情……”(凤凰社第31章)。 1858年左右离开霍格沃茨。 20世纪40年代是霍格沃茨变形学教授,头发仍然是褐色的,不信任尖子生汤姆·里德尔(密室第13、17章)。 校长办公室 位置:书中关于邓布利多办公室的位置有些冲突,在《火焰杯》第28章中,入口处于在城堡二楼的一个隐蔽处,但在《混血王子》中,办公室坐落于一座塔楼的第8层。 书中的描述 “这是一个宽敞、美丽的圆形房间,充满各种滑稽的小声音。细长腿的桌子上,放着许多稀奇古怪的银器,喷出一小股一小股的烟雾。墙上挂满了昔日男女老校长们的肖像,他们都在各自的像框里轻轻地打着呼噜。房间里还有一张巨大的桌子,桌脚是爪子形的。在桌子后面的一块搁板上,放着一顶破破烂烂的、皱皱巴巴的巫师帽——分院帽。”(密室第12章) 关于邓布利多的神秘事物和不解之谜 他在1993年和1996年两度被撤销霍格沃茨校长职位之后都去了哪里? 他真的是150岁么?他所在的巫师卡上没有标明日期。如果他年纪这么大了,那玛奇班肯定是古人了! 邓布利多能不能像以前的校长们一样在自己的画像之间来回穿行呢?他能在巧克力蛙卡片之间来回穿行么?毕竟,当哈利第一次看到邓布利多的卡片时,这位校长的画像转眼就消失了。而且,当邓布利多被排挤出众多巫师组织时(如:威森加魔和国际巫师联合会),传说他告诉比尔他只在乎自己在巧克力巫师卡上的形象不被除去。 “笨蛋!哭鼻子!残渣!拧!”我曾经听到过这些关于这些词的十分荒谬的解释,但是这些解释都令人难以相信。罗琳让邓布利多说出这样不寻常的笑话来,是想向我们介绍他的个性,这种表现手法也体现在邓布利多于1994-1995学年开学宴会上说的笑话以及与伊戈尔在圣诞舞会上聊天时谈到的一间满是便壶的屋子。所以, 答:“笨蛋!哭鼻子!残渣!拧!”根本不可能是邓布利多试图给出的什么秘密信息,整个故事都没有表现出这一点来。 从他办公室里那台精巧的银制仪器喷出来的两条缠绕的蛇代表了什么涵义? 答:一条是哈利身上伏地魔的灵魂碎片,另一条自然是伏地魔…… 魔法石是邓布利多和尼可·勒梅一起制造的吗? 答:邓布利多并没有与勒梅一起制造魔法石,或者更准确的说,他并没有同勒梅一起制造这个勒梅用来维持生命600年的魔法石(因为那个石头制造出来的时候邓布利多还没出生呢)。巫师卡上只是简单的介绍说他是勒梅在炼金术上的合作伙伴,并不是说邓布利多与魔法石有什么联系。 名字的含义 Albus(阿不思)在拉丁文字中表示白色的意思,在古代亚瑟王时期是对大不列颠的一种雅称。 Percival(珀西瓦尔)意思是刺穿帷幔,帷幔一词在神秘事务司的死刑室里提及过。Percival这个名字在姓名学中的释义是“刺穿帷幔”或“穿过山谷”。此名的由来是否与神秘事务司中的帷幔有所关联还是个迷。Percival是一名获得圣杯的圆桌骑士。 Dumbledore(邓布利多)在古英语中是大黄蜂的意思,J.K.罗琳想象他口中嗡嗡般念念有词地漫步在城堡的四周。 另外,中文版对人名的翻译简直莫名其妙,邓布利多这个译名无论如何也难以与Dumbledore联系起来。只能认为译者英文发音水平太高,否则那个“利”字是怎么“造”出来的?!但由于大家已经习惯了中文版的译文,我们也只能“人云亦云”了——无奈呀! 概述 以下是阿不思·邓不利多重要事迹: 1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃 发现龙血12种用途 现任霍格沃兹校长 梅林一级勋章获得者 最高巫师法庭首席魔法师 国际魔法师联合会主席 曾获魔法部部长提名 指挥哈利击败伏地魔 当然还有很多,他跟尼可·勒梅一起制造了魔法石。尽管在巧克力蛙卡片上只是写“与合作伙伴尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效”。但就像赫敏在图书馆找到的关于尼可·勒梅的资料中的一句话一样:“古代炼金术涉及魔法石的炼造。”如果邓不利多跟勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效,那魔法石很有可能是他跟勒梅一起制造的。 毫无疑问,邓不利多教授是个独具天赋、仁慈、温和、拥有绝佳洞察力、睿智的人,所以他理所当然地成了霍格沃兹的校长。在危难时期,他公开了许多问题,而这也令他身在校长之位上不断遭到部分人的唾骂,而这些都基于邓不利多作为一个人一和个魔法师而不是一个校长上的。 对于邓不利多早年的生活,我们知道他大概是生于18世纪40年代,大概是个巫师家族。他有个古怪的弟弟阿布福斯,他们的关系一直很好。阿布福斯还是猪头酒吧的老板,所以他和邓不利多一直保持密切联系,而他们紧密的关系也让他于1970年左右以130岁高龄加入了凤凰社。 年轻的阿不思进入霍格沃兹时被分到了格兰芬多——直到现在他一直深爱着的学院。在1940年间他成为学校的变形术课教师,那时他还是赤褐色的头发,才100 多岁。在没什么能力的阿曼德·迪佩奇校长的松懈管制下,汤姆·里德尔打开了密室——导致了哭泣的桃金娘的死亡——他还诬陷鲁伯·海格,让所有人相信海格的宠物阿拉戈克是杀人凶手。只有邓不利多一个人怀疑汤姆,他开始设法阻止汤姆再次打开密室。他敏锐的洞察力在这一点上表露无疑。 他还一直坚持与黑魔法做斗争,并于1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃。 在1970年左右邓不利多教授成为霍格沃兹校长,一直到现在。在那段时期他组织了凤凰社——一个专门打击新生的伏地魔力量的组织。这个组织随着伏地魔1980年失败而解散,但在90年代中期重组。 邓不利多被一些纯血狂热者指责,因为他喜欢麻瓜、麻瓜出身的巫师和一些被公众所不认可的人。他不歧视任何人:凤凰社欢迎麻瓜出身的巫师、哑炮和狼人,他还破例允许莱姆斯·卢平到霍格沃兹教书,尽管他是个狼人。这些都不是什么热爱麻瓜的极端主义行为,这只不过是公平的对待每一个人。 现在他已经150多岁了,但他依然拥有强大的魔力,依然可以作战并取得胜利,尽管他已渐渐年迈。汤姆·里德尔1942年打开密室的行为没有逃过邓不利多的眼睛,他一直害怕邓不利多这个从来没有输过的人。在1995年魔法部一役,邓不利多不费吹灰之力就将他再次赶走。伏地魔,这个极度自负的人,甚至还不能算是跟他势均力敌。 除了这些成就外,邓不利多还喜欢十桩滚木球和室内乐,同时他还要担任国际魔法师联合会的工作。他是学校学生的榜样——他赢得了老师和学生的尊重——得到学生的全部爱戴的校长是很难得的。尽管作为一个校长来说他也会偶尔出点小错,但在他的领导下霍格沃兹可说是兴盛昌隆。阿不思·邓不利多有一个弟弟阿伯福思·邓不利多,此人是霍格莫德村猪头酒吧的老板。 一生简述 生于1844年,卒于1997年6月,享年153岁。 生前爱好室内乐和十柱滚木球戏。 三次拒绝英国魔法部部长职位。 与合作伙伴尼可·勒梅(1327-1992)在炼金术方面卓有成效。 曾发现龙血的十二种用途。 拥有一只凤凰——福克斯。 是反黑魔法团体——凤凰社的创建者和领导人。 阿不思·邓不利多于1855年就读霍格沃茨,属格兰芬多学院,完成学业以后成为教职员,教授变形学。 当1940年代,汤姆·里德尔指责了鲁伯特·海格打开密室,唯有邓不利多认为海格是无辜的,并且当海格的魔杖被折断,逐出了学校,邓不利多坚持,使他留在霍格沃茨为员工。 1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃。 1971年一名狼人卢平就读霍格沃茨。阿不思·邓不利多种植打人柳守卫一条通往霍格莫德的尖叫棚屋秘密通道。卢平在每个满月在那里变身,使他不能攻击其他人。 1980年,西比尔·特里劳妮申请成为新占卜学老师,阿不思·邓不利多聘用她的原因是特里劳妮说出真正的预言,预言伏地魔与哈利只有一人能活下来。 当莉莉·波特和詹姆·波特被伏地魔杀害后,邓不利多决定安置现在成为孤儿的哈利在他姨父弗农·德思礼和姨妈佩妮·德思礼家中。这是因为邓不利多安置了一个咒语使到他母亲的牺牲成为孩子的特别保护。只要哈利把他的母亲亲属居住的地方依然称作家,母亲的血统就成为他的保护,他会安全地避开所有攻击。 1995年,阿不思·邓不利多与伏地魔见面。 邓不利多曾被两次罢免校长资格(1993;1996),但阴谋者两次都失败。 1996年,邓不利多亲自指导哈利·波特。 同年6月,西弗勒斯·斯内普在邓不利多虚弱时向邓不利多发射阿瓦达索命咒,阿不思·邓不利多逝世。 另外:阿不思 (Albus):在拉丁语中是白的意思(大概是因为白胡子吧)。贤者。或在Pertinax王朝灭亡后的不列颠地方官员,Decimus Clodius Albinus(Albinus=Albus?),他想掌握王权,但被和恺撒结盟的竞争者塞普蒂缪斯·西弗勒斯(西弗勒斯·斯内普?)击败。在西弗勒斯打败两个对手(伏地魔……也许是斯莱特林?)之后,Albinus现在只有被迫试着篡夺王位,但他的努力在里昂的一场血战后走到了末路。 阿不思u2022邓不利多曾试图收集the Deathly Hallows,但是最后良心发现,另外他的死也是早有预谋的,是他和斯内普已经计划好的,目的是不让伏地魔得到长老魔杖。2023-07-01 02:28:054
格兰芬多 GRYFFINDOE 斯莱特林 SLYTHERIN 拉文克劳 REVENCLAW 赫奇帕奇 HUFFLEPUFF 哈利 波特 Harry Potter 罗恩 韦斯莱 Ron Weasley 赫敏 格兰杰 Hermione Granger 阿不思 邓不利多 Albus Dumbledore 吉德罗 洛哈特 Gibleroy Lockhart 米勒娃 麦格(Professor是教授) Professor Minerva Mcgonagall 西弗勒斯 斯内普 Professor Severus Snape 卢平Professor Lupin 多比Dobby 闪闪Winky 伏地魔 Voldemort 汤姆 里德尔 Tom Riddle 鲁伯 海格 Rubeus Hagrid 奇洛Professor Quirrel 斯普劳特 Professor Sprout 霍琦夫人 Madam Hooch 特里劳妮 Porfessor Trelawney 小天狼星布莱克 Sirius Black 小矮星彼得 Peter Pettigrew 弗立维 Professor Flitwick 塞德里克 迪戈里 Cedric Diggory 威克多尔 克鲁姆 Viktor Krum 费尔奇 Filch 芙蓉 德拉库尔 Fleur Delacour 疯眼汉穆迪 Mad-eye Moody 巴蒂 克劳奇 Mr Crouch 卢多 巴格曼 Ludo Bagman 康奈利 福吉 Cornelius Fudge 比尔 韦斯莱 Bill Weasley 查理 韦斯莱 Charlie Weasley 弗雷德 韦斯莱 Fred Weasley 乔治 韦斯莱 George Weasley 金妮 韦斯莱 Ginny Weasley 珀西 韦斯莱 Percy Weasley 亚瑟 韦斯莱 Aurthor Weasley 莫丽 韦斯莱 Molly Weasley 弗农 德斯礼 Vernon Dursley 佩妮 德斯礼 Petunia Dursley 达力 德斯礼 Dudley Dursley 秋张Cho Chang 拉文德 布朗 Lavender Brown 帕瓦蒂 佩蒂尔 Parvati Patil 德拉科 马尔福 Draco Malfoy 伊戈尔 卡卡洛夫 Igor Karkaroff 马克西姆夫人 Madam Maxime 帕德玛 佩蒂尔 Padma Patil 奥利弗 伍德 Oliver Wood 高尔Goyle 文森特 Vincent Crabbe 庞弗雷夫人 Madam Pomfrey 李 乔丹 Lee Jordan 安吉利娜 约翰逊 Angelina Johnson 西莫 斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan 迪安 托马斯 Dean Thomas 纳威 隆巴顿 Neville Longbottom 厄尼 麦克米兰 Ernie Mcmillan 科林 克里维 Colin Creevey 丹尼斯 克里维 Dennis Creevey 詹姆 波特 James Potter 莉莉 波特 Lily Potter 凯蒂 贝尔 Katie Bell 佩内洛 克里瓦特 Penelop Clearwater 艾丽娅 斯平内特 Alicia SpinnetProfessor Binns 平斯夫人 Madam Pince 奥利凡德 Mr Ollivander 摩金夫人 Madam Malkin 尼可 勒梅 Nicolas Flamel 皮皮鬼 Peeves 胖修士 Fat Friar 哭泣的桃金娘 Moaning Murtle 血人巴罗 Bloody Baron 差点没头的尼克 Nearly Headless Nick 丽塔 斯基特 Rita Skeeter 辛尼斯塔教授 Professor Sinistra 格兰普兰教授 Professor Grubbly_plank 潘西 帕金森 Pansy Parkinson 伯莎 乔金斯 Bertha Jorkins 罗杰 戴维斯 Roger Davis 戈德里克 格兰芬多 Godric Gryffindor 赫尔加 赫奇帕奇 Helga Hufflepuff 罗伊纳 拉文克劳 Rowena Ravenclaw 萨拉查 斯莱特林 Salazar Slytherin 月亮脸 Moony 尖头*子 Prongs 大脚板 Padfoot 虫尾巴 Wormtail 巴克比克 Buckbeak 牙牙Fang 诺伯Norbert 路威Fluffy 阿拉戈克 Aragog 克鲁克山 Crookshanks 朱薇琼 Pigwidgeon 斑斑Scabbers 海德薇 Hedwig 汉娜 艾博 Hannah Abbott 米里森 伯斯德 Millicent Bulstrode 贾斯廷 芬列里 Justin Finch-Fletchley 福克斯 Fawkes 拉环Griphook 马库斯 弗林特 卢修斯 马尔福 罗南Ronan 贝恩Bane 费伦泽 Firenze 卡多根爵士 Sir Cadogan 阿莫斯 迪戈里 Amos Diggory 英标找不到,也不会打,看这中文,照着拼音念就行了。2023-07-01 02:28:157
哈利波特邓布利多的扮演者塞伦·希德。阿不福思·邓布利多(Aberforth Dumbledore)是阿不思·邓布利多(Albus Dumbledore)的弟弟。由于妹妹阿利安娜的死,与阿不思的关系一直不好。他是猪头酒吧(Hog"s Head)的老板,曾经被控告对山羊使用不正当魔法(第四部海格因巨人血统被丽塔·斯基特披露而提出辞职时阿不思安慰海格时说的,这是小说中首次提到阿不思有个叫阿不福思的弟弟),人们称他是怪人(而且第六部里邓布利多也证实了他的身份是自己的弟弟)。他出现在《哈利波特与凤凰社》十六章中:阿不福思目睹了D.A.(由赫敏提出,哈利领导的“防御协会”又称“邓布利多军”)首次集会,并与凤凰社(邓布利多创立的一个反抗伏地魔的组织)的人说了此事。阿不福思是边偷听边同时反复用抹布擦玻璃杯伪装的。塞伦·希德简介:1981年,因出演个人银幕处女作《黑暗时代》,在演艺圈出道;1996年,出演电影《致命化身》;1997年,与拉尔夫·费因斯等人出演电影《奥斯卡与露辛达》;2002年与汤姆·汉克斯等人出演电影《毁灭之路》;2003年,相继出演《古墓丽影2》、《毒家新闻》、《屠杀报告》、《卡斯特桥市长》;2005年,与丹尼尔·克雷格等人出演电影《慕尼黑惨案》;2012年,相继出演《异星战场》、《黑衣女人》等两部电影;2017年,出演的电影《正义联盟》在中国上映。2023-07-01 02:28:372
永远的校长: 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(1844或1881-1997)(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) 邓布利多的两任扮演者: 在第一、二集的《哈利·波特》电影中,阿不思·邓布利多一角由理查德·哈理斯(Richard Harris)饰演,但他不幸辞世,于是从第三集开始阿不思·邓布利多一角由迈克尔·甘本(Michael Gambon)饰演。 [编辑本段]头衔/职务 前任霍格沃茨魔法学校校长 国际魔法师联合会(The International Confederation of Wizards)主席 威森加摩(Wizengamot)即最高巫师法庭(The Wizard High Court)首席法师 (哈利四年级假期后被开除出威森加摩,然后老邓又回来了) 梅林爵士团一级勋章(Order of Merlin, First Class) [编辑本段]主要贡献 1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃 发现龙血的十二种用途 与尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效 成立凤凰社 为打败伏地魔做出重要的贡献,销毁一个魂器(冈特的戒指)并引导哈利波特最终除掉了黑魔头。 [编辑本段]爱好 室内乐 十柱滚木球戏 和小孩子一样喜欢零食 研究麻瓜杂志上的编织图案 [编辑本段]外表 高大削瘦,和蔼慈祥,巫师气质突出 有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带) 长长的有弯折的鹰钩鼻,折断过一次(被弟弟阿不福思打断) 半月形的眼镜 明亮湛蓝的眼睛,极具穿透性,目光常常是顺着鼻梁往下 手指修长,说话时经常把指尖对在一起 左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地铁地图 写得一手细长的、歪向一边的、圈圈套圈圈的斜体字 [编辑本段]名字含义 Albus(阿不思)在拉丁文字中表示白色的意思,在古代亚瑟王时期是对大不列颠的一种雅称。 Percival(珀西瓦尔)意思是刺穿帷幔,帷幔一词在神秘事务司的死刑室里提及过。Percival这个名字在姓名学中的释义是“刺穿帷幔”或“穿过山谷”。Percival是一名获得圣杯的圆桌骑士。 Dumbledore(邓布利多)在古英语中是大黄蜂的意思,J.K.罗琳想象他口中嗡嗡般念念有词地漫步在城堡的四周。 [编辑本段]家庭成员 父亲:珀西瓦尔·邓布利多(Percival Dumbledore) 母亲:坎德拉·邓布利多(Kendra Dumbledore) 妹妹:阿利安娜·邓布利多(Ariana Dumbledore) 弟弟:阿不福思·邓布利多(Aberforth Dumbledore),霍格莫德猪头酒吧老板,因怀疑是邓布利多害死阿利安娜所以跟邓布利多的关系很不好,后来因哈利的劝说改变了对他的看法。 [编辑本段]个人资料 出生地:Mould-on-the-Wold 邓布利多校长居住地:原来居住在沃土原,后来搬到戈德里克山谷(高锥克山谷) 最喜爱的麻瓜食品:柠檬雪糕 最喜爱的果酱:覆盆子果酱 喜爱的零食: 酸味汽水 太妃手指饼 滋滋蜂蜜糖 蟑螂堆 冰镇柠檬汁 (邓布利多喜欢用自己爱吃的东西做办公室口令) 不喜爱的零食:比比多味豆(因为年轻时吃到一颗臭烘烘的豆子,后来硬着头皮吃了一颗,又是一颗臭烘烘的豆子……) 宠物:凤凰福克斯(羽毛红金相间,忠诚聪慧,能携带极为沉重的东西,眼泪有疗伤作用) 守护神:凤凰 喜爱的颜色:紫色、金色、银色(衣服经常是这三种颜色) 终生的遗憾:在盖勒特·格林德沃与阿不思的混战中,永远失去了他的妹妹阿利安娜 爱恨交织者:黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃 着装: 一件长袍,披一件拖地的紫色斗篷,登一双带搭扣的高跟靴子(第一部第1章) 长长的羊毛晨衣,戴着睡帽(第二部第10章) 华贵的深绿色长袍,上面绣着许多星星和月亮(第四部第12章) 深蓝色长袍(第五部第8章) 布满银色星星的深紫色长袍(第五部第11章) 雪白的睡衣,外罩一件紫底镶金的便袍(第五部第22章) 黑色的旅行斗篷,头戴一顶尖帽子(第六部第3章) 紫色的魔法长袍上点缀着金色的星星(第六部第8章) 考究的紫红色天鹅绒西服(第六部第13章) 个人收藏: 一个银质熄灯器(后送给罗恩·韦斯莱) 冥想盆 一些贵重的银器 格兰芬多的宝剑 以及其他许多珍贵的个人藏品 邓布利多时期的校长办公室: 位于霍格沃茨八楼,门口有一个奇丑无比的巨大的滴水状石头怪兽 巨兽身后是一道活动的螺旋型楼梯 楼梯尽头是一扇闪闪发亮的栋木门,门上有狮鹰首形状的铜门环 圆形的办公室墙上都是历届校长画像 细长腿的桌子上有许多精致的银器,旋转着喷射蒸气 婚姻状况: 书中并未提到这位德高望重的巫师的人生伴侣,但是在罗琳的某次访谈中,罗琳委婉的指出,邓布利多一生都未结婚,且原因在于,他是个同性恋。(罗琳大人亲口证实,而且提出,邓布利多喜欢的,正是邪恶的巫师,也是他一生的敌人和挚友,格林德沃) [编辑本段]生平简介 1881年 出生在Mould-om-the-Wold 1893年 就读霍格沃茨,属格兰芬多学院 1899年 以优异成绩完成学业。同年夏因母亲坎德拉去世回戈德里克山谷,遇到盖勒特·格林德沃。两人的友谊两个月后以妹妹阿利安娜的死结束。 之后成为教职员,教授变形学。 1940年 汤姆·里德尔诬陷鲁伯·海格打开密室,唯有邓布利多认为海格是无辜的,并且当海格的魔杖被打断,并逐出了学校,邓布利多坚持留他在霍格沃茨为员工。 1945年 击败黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃。 1971年 一名狼人莱姆斯·卢平就读霍格沃茨。阿不思61邓布利多种植打人柳守卫一条通往霍格莫德村的尖叫屋秘密信道。卢平在每个满月在那里变身,保护并使他不能攻击其他人。 1980年 西比尔·特里劳妮申请成为新占卜学老师,阿不思61邓布利多聘用她的原因是特里劳妮说出失落的预言,预言伏地魔和哈利之中必有一人会被对方杀死。 同年 当莉莉·波特和詹姆·波特被伏地魔杀害后,邓布利多决定安置现在成为孤儿的哈利在他姨父弗农·德思礼和姨妈佩妮·德思礼家中。这是因为邓布利多安置了一个咒语使得哈利的母亲的牺牲成为孩子之特别保护。只要哈利未满17岁前在他的母亲亲属居住的地方依然称作家,母亲的血统就成为他的保护,他会安全地避开所有攻击。 1992年 由于卢修斯·马尔福诬陷,被董事会解除校长职务,同年又恢复。 1995年 阿不思·邓布利多被解除威森加摩(Wizengamot)即最高巫师法庭(The Wizard High Court)首席法师身份,又被开除出国际魔法师联合会(The International Confederation of Wizards)。 同年,又被恢复以上所有职位;在魔法部与伏地魔展开战斗,将其击退。 1996年6月 在霍格沃茨被斯内普所杀(邓布利多的主意),终年150岁。2023-07-01 02:28:561
分别是指:盖勒特·格林德沃(Gellert Grindelwald)和 阿不思·邓布利多(Albus Dumbledore)1、盖勒特·格林德沃1945年被邓布利多击败的黑巫师。巧克力蛙里都附带有名巫师的画片,阿不思·邓布利多的画片的背面写着他的名字。格林德沃就读于德姆斯特朗魔法学校(未毕业,因为袭击同学险出人命而被开除),那是一所环绕着黑魔法的学校。他像邓布利多一样年纪轻轻就表现出了极高的魔法天赋。然而他并没有把精力耗在追求获得荣誉和奖章上,而是把心思花费在黑魔法上。在他十六岁的时候,德姆斯特朗发现不能再对盖勒特·格林德沃邪恶的、乱七八糟的实验熟视无睹了,于是把他开除出校。2、阿不思·邓布利多阿不思·邓布利多(1881-1997),全名阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore),小说《哈利·波特》系列与《神奇动物在哪里》系列的主要人物,1881年出生于英国沃土原-戈德里克山谷,于1892-1899年就读于霍格沃茨魔法学校格兰芬多学院,专长变形术、黑魔法防御术。1899年暑假,结识盖勒特·格林德沃,相约共同寻找死亡圣器,两人相爱,并立下血盟,发誓永不互相伤害。(后分道扬镳)邓布利多懂得人鱼语、妖精语。著名的成就有发现火龙血的十二种用途,与尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效,1945年击败黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃,指导哈利波特击败伏地魔等。是唯一一位令伏地魔感到畏惧的巫师。扩展资料1、盖勒特·格林德沃1945年,他被邓布利多击败,一直单独关押在纽蒙迦德最高的塔里。据说他在晚年流露出了悔恨。哈利通过巧克力蛙卡片听说并了解格林德沃,在比尔和芙蓉的婚礼上又从威克多尔·克鲁姆听说格林德沃的一些事情,克鲁姆说格林德沃杀了他的祖父。1998年,伏地魔潜入纽蒙伽德逼问格林德沃老魔杖的下落,格林德沃谎称自己从未得到过它,并嘲讽伏地魔。随后遇害。2、阿不思·邓布利多1995-1996年,邓布利多为了避免伏地魔控制哈利的思想,和哈利几乎没有交流,但他帮他摆脱了福吉意欲加害哈利的罪名;之后又替哈利向魔法部通风报信,救下了遭到伏地魔的大蛇纳吉尼袭击、身负重伤的亚瑟·韦斯莱;然后替哈利揽下了邓布利多军这件事的罪名并击昏福吉、乌姆里奇以及魔法部派来的傲罗;最后在神秘事务司之战中亲自赶到和伏地魔决斗,并导致福吉因亲眼目睹伏地魔归来真相,被迫公开承认此事。福吉随后因为在这件事上的一系列错误被免职。1996年夏暑假,亲自去了德思礼家并接走哈利,和他一起见了斯拉格霍恩,并将他送到陋居。2023-07-01 02:29:056
不是的。邓布利多的两任扮演者:在第一、二集的《哈利·波特》电影中,阿不思·邓布利多一角由理察·哈理斯(RichardHarris)饰演,但他不幸辞世,于是从第三集开始阿不思·邓布利多一角由迈克尔·甘本(MichaelGambon)饰演。魔戒中演甘道夫的是伊恩-麦凯伦。他还饰演了X战警中的万磁王及在达芬奇密码中饰演雷·提彬爵士。具体资料可以在百度百科里输入他们的名字看到。2023-07-01 02:29:503
阿不思 · 邓布利多译自英文名字:Albus Dumbledore注:Albus Dumbledore 是小说《哈利·波特》系列的主要人物,霍格沃茨魔法学校校长。希望帮助到你,欢迎追问。欢迎采纳!2023-07-01 02:29:573
Last Of The Wilds - Nightwish这首曲子表达什么内容
这首歌让我的思绪回到了大约一千年前,在酒馆中人们在桌子上蹦啊跳啊,跟着那些古老乐器奏出的旋律大声的唱歌。(这是)一个在芬兰和 爱尔兰之间进行的派对竞赛(Carl.Dumbledore注:就是在派对中的斗酒或者斗乐斗舞),或者说是一个酒吧竞赛,Emppu对小提琴对爱尔兰肘风笛 (Carl.Dumbledore注:不是打错了,Uilean这个词在爱尔兰语中就是胳膊肘的意思。如果觉得不够西洋味的话,不妨译作乌林关或者尤里安风笛)。然 后芬兰在C调中扬起了她的头,在她的手中演奏着康特勒琴(Carl.Dumbledore注:一种芬兰的传统乐器,原来是五根弦,现在是二十根到三十根弦,维基 百科中提供了一张足有三十八根弦的康特勒琴的图片)。有一点戏谑的成分,但是最终每个人都成了朋友。确切的说这是整张专辑中最正面的 歌曲。在那些录制专辑的时光里我们突然拥有了一个正面的日子。这首歌真的很好,我们将会在演唱会中演奏它。2023-07-01 02:30:053
哈利波特与混血王子经典台词 哈利波特与混血王子经典台词 出自Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince英文原版 Voldemort sneered. "If you do not want to give me a job-" "Of course I don"t," said Dumbledore."And I don"t think for a moment you expected me to. Nevertheless, you came here, you asked, you must have had a purpose." Voldemort stood up. He looked less like Tom Riddle than ever, his features thick with rage. "This is your final word?" "It is," said Dumbledore, also standing. "Then we have nothing more to say to each other." "No, nothing," said Dumbledore, and a great sadness filled his face. "The time is long gone when I could frighten you with a burning wardrobe and force you to make repayment for your crimes. But I wish I could, Tom... I wish I could..."伏地魔冷笑。 “如果你不打算给我一份工作——” “我当然不打算,”邓布利多说,“并且我从不认为你会期望我这么做。不过,你来这里,你提出要求,你就一定有你的目的。” 伏地魔站起来,他看上去比任何时候都不像汤姆·里德尔,他的特征由于愤怒而变得厚重。 “这就是你最后的话了?” “是的。”邓布利多说,站起身。 “那么我们之间就没什么可说的了。” “的确,没什么可说的了。”邓布利多说,脸上充满了极度悲哀的神色,“我能够用燃烧的衣橱来吓唬你让你为你的过错还债的日子早就已经过去了。但是我希望我可以,汤姆……我希望我可以……” ——Lord Voldemort"s Request "Well, it is clear to me that he has done a very good job on you,"said Scrimgeour, his eyes cold and hard behind his wire-rimmed glasses. "Dumbledore"s man through and through, aren"t you ,Potter?" "Yeah, I am,"said Harry. "Glad we straightened that out."“好吧,对我来说很显然,他在你身上下足了功夫,”斯克林杰说, 他的眼睛在线框眼镜后面显得冷酷无情, “自始至终都是邓布利多的人,不是吗,波特?” “没错,是这样的,”哈利说,“很高兴我们能开诚布公。” ——A Very Frosty Christmas "Draco, Draco, you are not a killer."(Dumbledore) “德拉科,德拉科,你不是一个会去杀人的人。”(邓布利多) "Killing is not nearly as easy as the innocent believe..."(Dumbledore) “谋杀远比无辜的人想象的要困难得多……”(邓布利多) ——The Lightning-Struck Tower "You thought I would not weesh to marry him? Or per"aps, you "oped?" said Fleur, her nostrils flaring. "What do I care how "e looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk! All these scars show is that my husband is brave! And I shall do zat!" she added fiercely, pushing Mrs Weasley aside and snatching the ointment from her.(这段英文里面单词拼错之类的的都是因为芙蓉的法语口音) “你觉得我会不想跟他(比尔)结婚?或者也许,你希望我不想?”芙蓉说,鼻孔翕动着,“我干嘛在乎他长得怎么样?我认为,我的美貌够我们两个人用了!这些伤疤展示的只是我的丈夫有多么勇敢而已!我会这么做的!”她狠狠地说,把韦斯莱夫人推到一边,从她手中夺走软膏。 ——The Phoenix Lament "The Ministry can offer you all sorts of protection, you know, Harry. I would be delighted to place a couple of my Aurors at your service-" Harry laughed. "Voldemort wants to kill me himself and Aurors won"t stop him. So thanks for the offer, but no thanks." "So,"said Scrimgeour, his voice cold now,"the request I made of you at Christmas-" "What request? Oh yeah...the one where I tell the world what a great job you"re doing in exchange for-" "-for raising everyone"s morale!"snapped Scrimgeour. Harry considered him for a moment. "Released Stan Shumpike yet?" Scrimgeour turned a nasty purple colour highly reminiscent of Uncle Vernon. "I see you are-" "Dumbledore"s man through and through,"said Harry."That"s right."“魔法部可以给你提供各种保护,你知道的,哈利。我会很高兴派我的几个傲罗供你调用——” 哈利笑了。 “伏地魔想亲自杀了我,傲罗阻止不了他。所以谢谢你的好意,我心领了。” “那么,”斯克林杰说,他的声音变得冷漠了,“我在圣诞节向你提出的请求——” “什么请求?哦是的……就是让我告诉全世界你做出了多大的贡献,为了——” “——为了提升所有人的士气!”斯克林杰厉声说。 哈利想了一会儿。 “斯坦·桑巴克被释放了么?” 斯克林杰的脸上显出卑鄙的紫色,让人想起弗农姨父。 “我知道了,你——” “自始至终都是邓布利多的人,”哈利说,“没错。” ——The White Tomb To the Dark Lord I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.致黑暗勋爵 我知道在你读到这个之前我早就死了 不过我希望你知道是我发现了你的秘密。 我偷了真正的魂器并试图尽快毁掉它。 我面临死亡,是因为希望看到当你面对你的对手的时候, 你又会变成凡人了(或“你不再是永生的”)。希望采纳2023-07-01 02:30:121
Dumbledore为什么会被翻译成邓布利多。。念起来应该是“邓波多” Umbridge怎么可能是乌姆里奇呢。。
因为翻译的人喜欢那样翻?就说台湾翻译版的人名就很多跟内地的不一样就好, 就看翻译的团队感觉怎么样翻最好...2023-07-01 02:30:211
别听他们的,我读了一下,语法很多错。我的是本人自己翻译的,绝对标准。不信问你英文老师! 1.Do you really think that there is magic in this World? 2.In my personal opinion, you are a very imaginative woman, your books are very very good. 3.I love to read Harry Potter. My favorite character in the books is Professor Dumbledore. He is unarguably the good character in the book. I also think he is a great philosopher, I still remember some of his quotes till today. What"s your impression of Professor Dumbledore and what is your personal favorite character in the book? By the way, I think Harry is an excellent character, a good wizard. He is brave, clever but most importantly he is loyal. He stick together with his friends through thick and thin. I"m very envious of Harry, Ron and Hermione"s friendship. I long for such a relationship, but that might not be possible since I"m now in 9th grade. 9th grade is a very busy year in terms of academic and i might be able to forge such great friendship. Do you think that it is possible for such lasting friendship like Harry, Ron and Hermione"s to exist in reality? I also want to discuss some contents of the book with you.In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is the whimpering "child" in the King"s Cross Station Voldemort? Is King"s Cross station the junction of life and death? Since Dumbledore is already dead, why did he still appear in front of Harry and even answered him some questions? Can you tell me what did you think about that? Actually, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a very profound book, many of the Harry Potter fans in China did not understand this part as well. Recently on the internet, I read that you wrote a prequel of the series. Is this true? I really hope so. I had always wanted to know more about lily, severus, and James. If this is true, when will the book be brought into China? By the way, do you plan to write an eighth book? If so, however, i do not really want to read a book on their children as this might seem a little out of point. In the seventh book, the ending was fast-forward to 19 year later which made people feel a little empty. I believe, the period of 19 years that were skipped in the book might also prove to be interesting to readers. Harry Potter had a great influence on me and is also a great help in times of stress. it helped me cope with pressure from studying, and made my life fuller. Actually, i really like fantasizing, what about you? Last but not least, I hope you can write more books for us to enjoy. I sincerely hope that you can reply, if you do, i will be very happy. 这么长,累死我了!花了45分钟才翻译完。 有一个部分:“我想建议一下您,我认为您最好不要写哈利波特孩子们的故事,” 翻译成 i do not really want to read a book on their children, 在英文听起来稍微有点不礼貌,虽然我努尝试让它听起来礼貌,但毕竟英文和中文有他的却别。 再说,你是记者啊?还是老师留的作业? 我英语绝对标准,不用怀疑,还给你用了几个好词好句。2023-07-01 02:30:423
哈里波特与魔法石-介绍-英文 let me teii youy four movies,they are
Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s StoneBeginningThe novel begins with the wizarding world"s celebration of the downfall of Lord Voldemort, an evil, powerful and cruel Dark wizard. Killing Lily and James Potter, Voldemort attempted to kill one-year-old Harry Potter, but the curse rebounded upon him, destroying his body and leaving a lightning-bolt scar on Harry"s forehead. Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall and Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid leave Harry on the doorstep of his ultra-conventional and unsympathetic Muggle relatives, the Dursley family. Petunia Dursley is the sister of Harry"s mother Lily, although Petunia never approved of her magical sister. The Dursleys resolve to conceal Harry"s magical heritage from him, and mistreat him while overindulging their own son Dudley. They tell Harry that his parents" deaths and his scar were caused by a car accident.Shortly before Harry"s eleventh birthday, he receives a mysterious letter addressed specifically to him. His outraged uncle reads and burns the letter before Harry can see it. The sender does not capitulate, and the Dursleys receive increasingly greater numbers of the same correspondence over the next few days. Soon, his uncle becomes so paranoid that the Dursleys, with Harry in tow, hide in a hut on a small island to escape. That night, Hagrid bursts through the hut"s locked door. As Hagrid holds the Dursleys at bay, Harry finally reads his letter in which he learns he has been invited to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day, Harry and Hagrid leave the hut and head to London"s magic hub Diagon Alley via famous wizarding pub The Leaky Cauldron. Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous for his defeat of Voldemort, and meets the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. He returns to the Dursleys and a month later, takes the train to Hogwarts from Platform Nine and Three Quarters at King"s Cross Station. On the trip to Hogwarts, Harry befriends Ron Weasley and meets the forgetful Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger, a precocious, if bossy, Muggle-born witch.Admission to HogwartsUpon arrival, the Sorting Hat places Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville in Gryffindor House, one of the four houses at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy, an arrogant and elitist student, is placed in Slytherin. At the end of his first week at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron discover that the wizarding bank Gringotts was robbed, and a vault that Harry and Hagrid visited had been the subject of the burglary. Later, Harry discovers he has a talent for riding broomsticks, and after a broom-mounted game of keep away with Malfoy over Neville"s Remembrall, he is recruited to join Gryffindor"s Quidditch team as Seeker. He is the youngest Quidditch player at the school in a century, much to Malfoy"s displeasure.Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in Hogwarts" halls late at night, accidentally stumble across the door to a corridor on the third floor that they had been warned not to enter, finding in the corridor a monstrous three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, that guards a trapdoor. On Halloween, Quirrell informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle and is in the dungeon. As the rest of the students are ushered to their dorms, Ron and Harry remember overhearing that Hermione is in the girls" bathroom crying because Ron insulted her, and they realise that she would not know about the troll. The two of them go to the girls" bathroom, fight the troll, and save Hermione. When confronted by Professor McGonagall over why they did not go back to their dorms when directed, Hermione defends the boys and takes the blame, which results in the three becoming best friends.SuspicionsAt Harry"s first Quidditch match, Harry"s broom becomes jinxed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Professor Severus Snape, the sinister Potions master, staring at Harry and mouthing words, leading her to believe that Snape has cursed the broom. Hoping to save Harry, she runs to Snape, accidentally knocking over Professor Quirrell in the process. Hermione secretly sets Snape"s robes on fire, distracting him and others and allowing Harry to survive and catch the Snitch to win the game for Gryffindor.At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, once belonging to his father, which renders its wearer invisible. Harry uses it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to learn about Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid let slip when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy. On being discovered in the library by caretaker Argus Filch, Harry escapes to an unused classroom in which he finds the Mirror of Erised, which shows Harry standing amongst his entire family. After three nights of returning to the mirror, once accompanied by Ron, Harry is confronted by Dumbledore, who explains that the mirror shows nothing more or less than our deepest desires: Harry sees his family, while Ron sees himself achieving more than his older brothers. Dumbledore explains that the mirror gives neither knowledge or truth and that men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they see. Dumbledore tells Harry the mirror is to be moved, and if he sees it again, he will be prepared. Eventually, Harry learns (through Dumbledore"s Chocolate Frog card) that "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher"s Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal."Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrell about getting past Fluffy; Quirrell says he does not know what he"s talking about. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sure that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher"s Stone in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it. While at Hagrid"s hut, the trio discover a dragon egg Hagrid is nursing in a fire. The egg hatches a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, Norbert. The friends are nervous for Hagrid, since dragon breeding has long been outlawed in the wizarding world, and Hagrid, with his reckless nature, has long nursed a strong desire to own a dragon. Finally, the trio are able to convince Hagrid to let Norbert go live with other dragons of his kind with Ron"s older dragon trainer brother, Charlie, in Romania. They arrange for the dragon, (now quite large in size), to be picked up by friends of Charlie"s at midnight.Harry and Hermione are caught out late at night while sending off Norbert (Ron is in the hospital wing, being treated for a bite from Norbert), and they are forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest along with Draco, who had been spying on them. Neville is also present, having been caught out-of-bounds while trying to warn Harry of Draco"s mal-intent. Harry sees a hooded figure drink the blood of an injured unicorn, which causes pain in Harry"s forehead scar. Firenze, a centaur, tells Harry that it is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood, that unicorn blood sustains life but gives the drinker a cursed life in return, and that the hooded figure is in fact Voldemort.The Philosopher"s StoneHarry, Hermione, and Ron discover that an intoxicated Hagrid told a hooded stranger how to get past Fluffy in exchange for Norbert"s egg, and they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. Rushing to finally confide their news to Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, they meet Professor McGonagall. McGonagall is shocked to find out how much they know about the Stone, but reassures them that it is safe in the castle. She also tells them that Dumbledore has been sent away on an important mission by the Ministry of Magic. Positive that Dumbledore"s summons was a red herring to take him away from Hogwarts, the trio make plans to thwart Snape"s theft of the stone. They set out to reach the stone first, navigating the security system, which is a series of complex magical challenges set up by the school"s faculty. The three make it through the rooms together, with Hermione using her talent at logic and Ron using his chess skills, until finally, Harry enters the inner chamber alone. There he finds that meek Professor Quirrell, not Snape, is the one attempting to steal the Stone; Snape was trying to protect him from Quirrell all along. The final challenge protecting the Stone is the Mirror of Erised, and by looking in the mirror, the Stone falls into Harry"s pocket. Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has possessed Quirrell and appears as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell"s head. Voldemort tells Harry that Lily Potter died protecting him. Quirrell feels severe pain when he touches Harry"s skin, and Harry"s scar feels immense pain because of his close proximity to Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives just in time to rescue Harry. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies in the aftermath of his possession.AftermathDumbledore confirms to Harry that Lily died while protecting Harry as an infant. Her pure, loving sacrifice provides Harry with an ancient magical protection against Voldemort"s lethal spells and prevents Voldemort from touching Harry without suffering terrible pain. Dumbledore also says that the Philosopher"s Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it. Harry asks how he managed to get the Stone from the mirror, and Dumbledore explains that only those who wanted the Stone to protect it but not use it, would be able to retrieve it. Asked by Harry why Voldemort attempted to kill him when he was an infant, Dumbledore promises to tell Harry when he is older.At the end-of-year feast, where Harry is welcomed as a hero, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor is in last place. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions," granting points to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, so that Gryffindor wins the House Cup, ending Slytherin"s six-year reign as house champion.2023-07-01 02:31:051
哈利波特原版人物介绍 哈利·波特 Harry Potter 本书主角,是个瘦弱、戴眼镜的黑发少年,额头上有一个闪电形的伤痕,就像那些短时间内猛然拔高的孩子一样气色不大好。他是魔法学校五年级的学生,也是霍格沃茨的风云人物。自从伏地魔复活之后,额头上的疤就常常令他灼痛不已 阿不思·邓布利多 Albus Dumbledore 霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长。众人公认他是当代最伟大的巫师,戴着半月形的眼镜,银白色的胡须长到可以塞进腰带里,是令人敬仰的长者。 罗恩 Ron Weasley 哈利在魔法学校结交的好友,是来自古老的魔法家族的么子 赫敏 Hermione Granger 魔法学校里的高材生,和哈利、罗恩是学校里的三人组。 小天狼星布莱克 Sirius Black 阿兹卡班最恶名昭彰的囚犯,是不为人知的化兽师,可以随心所欲变成一只大黑狗,他是哈利·波特的教父。 韦斯莱一家人 The Weasleys 是古老的魔法家族。阿瑟和茉莉是罗恩的爸妈,育有查理、比尔、珀西、弗雷德、乔治和罗恩六个儿子,和一个女儿金妮,都拥有一头火焰般的红发。阿瑟、茉莉、查理和比尔都是凤凰会的成员,珀西却成为魔法部长的初级助理。 金妮 Ginny Weasley 罗恩的妹妹,有一头红发。她是魔法学校的新生,一直暗恋哈利·波特。 卢娜·洛夫古德 Luna Lovegood 霍格沃茨魔法学校拉文克劳学院的学生,父亲是《谬论家》杂志的编辑。她有一头凌乱而肮脏的及腰金发,眉毛很淡,眼珠凸出,让她看起来好像始终处于惊吓状态,很明显的散发出一种怪里怪气的气质。 张秋 Cho Chang 霍格沃茨魔法学校五年级的学生,是拉文克劳学院魁地奇球队的找球手,是哈利·波特暗恋的对象。 恩不里居教授 Dolores Jane Umbridge 霍格沃茨魔法学校新任的黑魔法防御术老师,并兼任霍格沃茨总督察,完全听从魔法部的指挥。有一张大饼脸和像小女孩的尖锐嗓音,身材矮胖。 疯眼汉穆迪 Mad-Eye Moody 霍格沃茨魔法学校的新任黑魔法防御术老师,有着一头如鬃毛般的深灰色长发,脸和双手的皮肤上处处是伤疤,嘴巴像一条歪斜的切痕;一只眼睛小而漆黑晶亮,另一眼则是鲜蓝色,可以上下左右转个不停;有一条腿是木腿,尾端还附着一个爪状脚掌,行走时总是发出咚、咚、咚的声音。是魔法世界最有名的退休正气师。 卢平教授 Remus J. Lupin 雷木思·卢平,凤凰会的成员之一。不太重视外表,有着一头开始泛白的浅褐色头发,总是穿着一套补钉斑斑的巫师长袍,在担任霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御术老师时教哈利学会了护法咒。 唐克斯 Nymphadora Tonks 凤凰会的成员之一。拥有随意改变发色和外型的能力,擅长隐藏与乔装,是天生的变形师,也是魔法部的正气师。但是动作很粗鲁,常常打翻东西 金斯莱·沙克尔 Kingsley Shacklebolt 凤凰会的成员之一,也是魔法部的正气师。他是位高大的黑人巫师,拥有一副低沉的嗓音,负责追捕小天狼星布莱克。 费伦泽 Firenze 霍格沃茨魔法学校的新任占卜学教授。有一头白金色头发和美得惊人的蓝眼睛,头和上半身是个男人,腰部以下则是奶油色的马身,是个神秘的人马,平常栖息在禁忌森林里。 摄魂怪 The Dementor 阿兹卡班的狱卒,全身罩着斗篷,会吸走人们的希望、幸福与生存的渴望,而魔法界最恐怖的刑罚“摄魂怪之吻”,也由它们负责施行。 格洛普 Grawp 被藏在禁忌森林的巨人,只会讲巨人话。他有十六呎高,头上长满了羊齿蕨类颜色的浓密小鬈发,有两只雪橇般大的肮脏脚板。 斯内普教授 Professor Severus Snape 凤凰会的成员之一,在霍格沃茨魔法学校教授魔药学,非常厌恶哈利。手臂上有食死人的标记,但不知为了什么,邓布利多非常信任他。 康奈利·福吉 Cornelius Fudge 魔法部的部长,是一位圆圆胖胖的矮小巫师,捍卫着魔法界的安全。因为对伏地魔复活的消息,采不相信的态度,而和邓布利多分道扬镳。 “那个人” You-Know-Who 魔法世界里的大坏蛋,真正的名字令人闻之色变。法力高强,想要统治整个魔法世界,并用坏魔法杀害许多不服从他的巫师。 伏地魔 Voldemort 魔法世界里的大坏蛋,法力高强,想要统治整个魔法世界,并用坏魔法杀害许多不服从他的巫师,令人闻之色变。 克利切 Kreacher 布莱克老宅的家庭小精灵,看起来很老了,有个肥厚的尖鼻子,只有在腰际围着一条看起来像裤裆布的脏抹布。最大的愿望是能像他的祖先一样,将头挂在墙上一整排镶嵌着缩干头颅的饰板上。 多比 Dobby 家庭小精灵,身上老是穿着代表他们奴隶身分的标志——旧枕头套。他终身为奴,除非得到一只主人的袜子,才可以重获自由。 特里劳妮教授 Professor Trelawney 霍格沃茨的占卜学老师。人很瘦,戴着一副大眼镜,脖子上挂着数不清的链子和珠串,传授如何从茶渣和水晶球里预测未来。 威克尔多·克鲁姆 ViKtor Krum 十八岁,保加利亚国家魁地奇代表队的找球手,长得黑黑瘦瘦,有一个大鹰钩鼻和一双粗黑的浓眉,他的脚有点外八字,也是德姆斯特朗魔法学校的学生。 桃金娘 Myrtle 住在女生厕所马桶里的爱哭鬼,她很喜欢闹脾气,哭声又相当吓人。 闪闪 Winky 巴蒂·克劳奇的家庭小精灵,身上披了一块系成罗马袍式样的擦碗布,有一对像蝙蝠似的长耳朵。 丽塔·斯基特 Rita Skeeter 四十三岁,是《预言家日报》的记者,有一头金发及一张下巴厚实的大脸,喜欢批评魔法界的一切。 德思礼一家人 The Dursleys 弗农姨父、佩妮姨妈与他们的儿子达力,是完全不能接受魔法的“麻瓜”家庭。 麦格教授 Minerva McGonagall 霍格沃茨魔法学校的副校长。黑发女巫,对学生极为严厉,专门教授变形的魔法。 德拉科·马尔福 Draco Malfoy 跋扈的富家子弟,跟哈利在魔法学校里是死对头。 芙蓉·德拉库尔 Fleur Delacour 布斯巴顿魔法学校的学生,有一头垂到腰际的银金色长发,深蓝色的大眼睛,拥有迷拉的血统。 塞德里克·迪戈里 Cedric Diggory 十七岁,长得非常英俊,是霍格沃茨魔法学校七年级的学生,也是赫奇帕奇学院魁地奇球队的队长与搜捕手。 汤姆·里德尔 Tom Riddle 霍格沃茨五十年前的学生,无父无母,但很勇敢、成绩优秀,曾获“特殊贡献奖”。 依果·卡卡洛夫 Igor Karkaroff 德姆斯特朗魔法学校的校长,身材和邓布利多一样瘦高,一头短白发,留着尾端微微翘起的山羊胡。 卢多·巴格曼 Ludo Bagman 前英格兰温伯黄蜂队打击手,有着短短的金发和塌扁的鼻子,现为魔法游戏与运动部的主管。 巴蒂·克劳奇 Barty Crouch 国际魔法交流合作部主管,为人一板一眼,有一头梳得一丝不乱的短灰发,也是珀西·韦斯莱极端崇拜的上司。 马克西姆夫人 Madame Maxime 布斯巴顿魔法学校的校长,有一张橄榄色的漂亮面孔,身材和海格一样高大。 杰克 Nick 格兰芬多的驻塔幽灵,因为头和脖子只靠一点皮肤相连,所以大家都叫他“差点没头的杰克”。 奇洛教授 Professor Quirrell 教授黑魔法防御术,说话结结巴巴,性格懦弱。2023-07-01 02:31:151
我找到了哈利波特3的全部英文台词~``不知道能不能帮到你哦~``我再尽力帮你找找其它几部的~``这个你就先拿去吧~`先帖一部分就不全帖了.剩下的你就到网址里看哈.*^^*~~Harry: Lumos Maxima.Marge: Harry, Harry.Vernon: Harry, open the door.Harry: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.Vernon: What is it?Harry: Nothing, school stuff.Vernon: Later perhaps, if you behave.Harry: I will if she does.Marge: Oh, you"re still here, are you?Harry: Yes.Marge: Don"t say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up.Vernon: Take Marge"s suitcase upstairs.Harry: Okay.Marge: Finish that off for Mommy. Good boy, Nippy-pooh.Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?Marge: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. Just a bit more. That is a boy. You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at?Harry:(Nothing)Marge: Where did you send the boy, Vernon?Vernon: St Brutus"s. It"s a fine institution for hopeless cases.Marge: Do they use a cane at St Brutus"s, boy?Harry: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I"ve been beaten loads of times.Marge: Excellent. I won"t have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn"t blame yourself about how this one turned out. It"s all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy"s father did, Petunia?Petunia: Nothing. He didn"t work. He was unemployed.Marge: And a drunk too, no doubt?Harry: That"s a lie.Marge: What did you say?Harry: My dad wasn"t a drunk.Marge: Don"t worry. Don"t fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip.Vernon: I think it"s time you went to bed.Marge: Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up. Actually, it"s nothing to do with the father. It"s all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If something"s wrong with the *****, then something"s wrong with the pup.Harry: Shut up! Shut up!Marge: Right, let me tell you… Vernon, Vernon, do something!(Screaming.)Vernon: Stop! I"ve got you, Marge! I"ve got you!Marge: Hold on! Hold on!Vernon: Get off!Marge: Don"t you dare!Vernon: Sorry!Petunia: Oh, Vernon! Oh god!Vernon: Marge!Vernon: You bring her back! You bring her back now! You put her right!Harry: No! She deserved what she got! Keep away from me!Vernon: You can"t do magic outside school!Harry: Yeah? Try me!Vernon: They won"t let you back now. You"ve nowhere to go.Harry: I don"t care. Anywhere is better than here.Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. What"re you doing down there?Harry: I fell over.Stan: What do you fell over for?Harry: I didn"t do it on purpose.Stan: Oh, come on, then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. What are you looking at?Harry: Nothing.Stan: Well, come on, then. In. No, no, no. I"ll get this. You get in.Harry: Come on.Stan: Come on, move on, move on, move on.A: Take her away, Ern.B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie. It"s going to be a bumpy ride.Stan: What did you say your name was again?Harry: I didn"t.Stan: Whereabouts are you headed?Harry: The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.Stan: You hear that “The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.”B: The Leaky Cauldron. If you have a pea soup make sure you eat it before it eats you.Harry: But the muggles, can"t they see us?Stan: Muggles? They don"t see anything, do they?B: No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel. Ernie, little old lady at 12 o"clock. Ten, nine, eight…seven, six, five…four, three, three and a half, two, one and three quarters…Yes!Harry: Who is that? That man?Stan: Who is that? Who is? That is Sirius Black, that is. Don"t tell me you"ve never been hearing of Sirius Black. He"s a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.Harry: How did he escape?Stan: Well, that"s the question, isn"t it? He"s the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of…You-Know-Who. I reckon you"ve heard of him.Harry: Yeah. Him I"ve heard of.B: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o"clock. They are getting closer, Ernie. They are right on top of us. Mind your head. Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces? Yeah, yeah. Nearly there, nearly there.Stan: The Leaky Cauldron. Next stop, Knockturn Alley.Waiter: Oh, Mr. Potter, at last.A: Take her away, Ern.B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie.Waiter: Room 11.Harry: Hedwig.Waiter: Right smart bird you got there, Mr. Potter. He arrived here just 5 minutes before yourself.Fudge: As the minister of magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter. Earlier this evening, your uncle"s sister was located…a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So that"s that…and no harm done. Pea soup?Harry: No, thank you.Minister?Fudge: Yes?Harry: I don"t understand.Fudge: Understand?Harry: I broke the low. Underage wizards can"t use magic outside home.Fudge: Come now, Harry. The ministry doesn"t send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts. On the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things was very, very irresponsible.Harry: “The state of things”, sir?Fudge: We have a killer on the loose.Harry: Sirius Black, you mean? But what"s he got to do with me?Fudge: Nothing, of course. You are safe, and that"s what matters. And tomorrow you will be on your way back to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought here. Now Tom will show you to your room.Harry: Hedwig.Fudge: Oh, by the way, Harry. Whilst you"re here, it would be best if you didn"t wander.2023-07-01 02:31:483
哈利波特与混血王子 英文简介
Harry Potter"s sixth year at Hogwarts turns out to be quite the exciting year. First off is the arrival of a new teacher at Hogwarts, Horace Slughorn, who is a bit more useful to Harry than he realizes. Next, Harry obtains a Potions book which used to be belong to the very mysterious Half-Blood Prince. Harry finds that the Half-Blood Prince"s ancient scribbles are written along the margins of almost every page, giving Harry advice on how to improve greatly on his Potions work, and also teaching him a few helpful (and dangerous) spells along the way. Amidst this, Harry is starting private lessons with Professor Dumbledore, during which Harry learns the dark secrets of Voldemort"s past, hoping that they could use these secrets to find a way to defeat him. Harry"s year gets even more stressful with the suspicious actions of Draco Malfoy, who has been sneaking around the school doing, so Harry assumes, Voldemort"s bidding. Harry quickly becomes determined, and slightly obsessed, to find out exactly what Malfoy has been up to and putting an end to it. Yet, during this time, Harry and his friends go through daily life, busy with school work, Quidditch, (in which Harry has been made captain of the team) and of course, romance. Ron has found a new girlfriend, Lavender Brown, a perky (if not obnoxious) Gryffindor student, and Hermione is not happy about it. Ron and Hermione"s friendship takes a toll throughout the school year and Harry, as usual, is stuck in the middle. Harry, meanwhile, is facing a romantic dilemma of his own: he realizes he is falling for his best friend"s sister, Ginny Weasley, who is unfortunately dating Harry"s classmate, Dean Thomas. Harry"s pining for Ginny and Ron"s hilarious relationship with Lavender gives this story a large dose of reality. Throughout all the school drama, however, the obvious darkness of Voldemort"s impending rise to power is always apparent. The incredible action-packed climax is sure to leave the audience stunned and, inevitably, prove that you shouldn"t trust everybody who you think is good, and also prove that not everyone can manage to survive. 书 : Plot As Voldemort and his Death Eaters openly wreak havoc throughout Britain, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge has been forced to resign following public outcry over his mishandling the situation. Before he leaves office, he pays a visit to the Muggle Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to warn him that events occurring in the magical world are now having an effect on the Muggle world and that things are going pretty badly for the Ministry of Magic at present. The Prime Minister is then introduced to Fudge"s successor, Rufus Scrimgeour. At his home in Spinner"s End, Severus Snape is sworn to an Unbreakable Vow by Draco Malfoy"s mother Narcissa. Although her sister, Bellatrix Lestrange, distrusts Snape, he agrees to protect Draco during his task assigned by the Dark Lord, and complete the mission should Draco fail. During the summer, Albus Dumbledore enlists Harry Potter"s unwitting help to persuade retired professor Horace Slughorn to return to his old Hogwarts post. When Albus Dumbledore comes to collect Harry, an unsuspecting Harry is told that he has inherited all of Sirius Black"s (his deceased godfather) possessions, including the house, Buckbeak, and his house-elf, Kreacher. Harry then spends the remaining holiday at The Burrow with the Weasleys and Hermione. To his family"s dismay (especially Mrs Weasley and Ginny), Bill Weasley has become engaged to Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons champion in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry, Ron, and Hermione receive their O.W.L. results. Hermione receives top "Outstanding" marks in all her subjects with the exception of Defence Against the Dark Arts. To become Aurors, Harry and Ron must take N.E.W.T.-Level Potions as a prerequisite, but their grades in the subject are too low for Snape"s advanced class, thus ending their career ambitions. However, Harry is very pleased (and secretly smug) to discover that he was the only one out of the three of them to get an "Outstanding" in Defence Against the Dark Arts. While in Diagon Alley, Harry, Ron and Hermione spot Draco Malfoy and follow him. At Borgin & Burkes, a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley, Malfoy threatens Mr Borgin about repairing one item and keeping another safe. Hermione goes in after to try to find out what he was reserving. Suspecting Draco may be a Death Eater, Harry resolves to keep a close watch on him. As school begins, Snape is unexpectedly announced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor while Slughorn replaces him as the Potions teacher. Slughorn only requires a minimum "E" grade (Exceeds Expectations) at O.W.L. to take his N.E.W.T.-level Potion classes, making Harry and Ron eligible for the class. Slughorn lends them old Potions textbooks until they buy their own. Harry"s copy is marked on the bottom of the back cover, "This book is the Property of the Half-Blood Prince". The talented former owner"s notes help Harry excel in the class (as well as learn a few new spells, some even including the dark arts), but the identity of the "Half-Blood Prince" remains a mystery. As a reward for Harry"s performance in Potions, Slughorn gives him a small vial of Felix Felicis, a good luck potion. Death Eater attacks continue throughout the year and may be linked to events at Hogwarts. On the first Hogsmeade visit, Katie Bell, a Gryffindor student, is seriously injured while carrying a cursed necklace through Hogsmeade, apparently while under the Imperius Curse. In another incident, Ron accidentally drinks poisoned mead intended for Dumbledore. Harry reacts by administering the Bezoar he had submitted previously as an assignment to Slughorn. Hermione is so distraught over this that she and Ron, who were feuding mostly over Ron dating Lavender Brown and Hermione"s relationship with Viktor Krum, reconcile; Ron soon breaks it off with Lavender. Meanwhile, Harry realises his true feelings for Ginny, although she is now dating Dean Thomas. Dumbledore privately tutors Harry using his Pensieve to view collected memories about Voldemort"s past. Dumbledore speculates that Voldemort splintered his soul into six fragments called Horcruxes to attain immortality, while leaving a seventh piece in his body. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed (Tom Riddle"s diary by Harry[HP2] and Marvolo Gaunt"s ring by Dumbledore). When Harry finds Malfoy sobbing in Moaning Myrtle"s bathroom, they hurl curses at each other. Harry casts "Sectumsempra" inflicting huge gashes across Malfoy"s body. Snape arrives and saves Malfoy. He attempts to re-possess the Half-Blood Prince"s Potions book, but Harry hands him "Roonil Wazlib"s" (a.k.a. Ron"s) copy. Harry receives detention, causing him to miss the Quidditch finals. Nonetheless, Gryffindor wins the Cup, and during the victory celebration, Harry"s suppressed feelings for Ginny are revealed when he spontaneously kisses her; Ginny has just broken up with Dean Thomas, and she and Harry begin dating. Harry reports Malfoy"s suspicious behaviour to a seemingly unconcerned Dumbledore. He reassures Harry that he trusts Severus in keeping a lookout. Soon after, Harry learns from Professor Trelawney that it was Snape who passed a prophecy to Voldemort that ultimately led to James and Lily Potter"s deaths. Enraged, Harry confronts Dumbledore, but the Professor affirms Snape"s loyalty. Dumbledore, meanwhile, has located another Horcrux and asks Harry to accompany him in retrieving it. Distrusting Malfoy and Snape, Harry asks Ron, Hermione, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Ginny to patrol the halls while he and Dumbledore are gone and gives them the remaining Felix Felicis potion for luck. Harry and Dumbledore apparate to a secret cave. They aim to retrieve the Horcrux (Salazar Slytherin"s locket), by advancing past Voldemort"s defences. Dumbledore, however, has been greatly weakened due to the mysterious liquid he had to drink in order to acquire the locket. Returning to Hogsmeade, Harry and Dumbledore see Lord Voldemort"s Dark Mark hovering over Hogwarts. They fly to the Astronomy Tower on borrowed broomsticks and are ambushed by Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore paralyses Harry, who is under his Invisibility Cloak, just before Draco disarms Dumbledore. Draco admits he was behind the school attacks and has helped Death Eaters secretly enter Hogwarts via the pair of Vanishing Cabinets, although Dumbledore discerns that Voldemort has cursed the obviously frightened boy. As members of the Order and the few from Dumbledore"s Army battle Voldemort"s followers in the castle below, Death Eaters appear in the tower and urge Draco to fulfil his mission—killing Dumbledore—but Draco hesitates. Snape arrives and a weakened Dumbledore entreats him with an ambiguous plea; Snape casts Avada Kedavra which hits Dumbledore squarely in the chest. The impact hurls his body over the tower wall. Upon Dumbledore"s death, Harry is released from the paralysing spell. Harry pursues Snape and Malfoy, as their only way of escape would be to disapparate outside the boundaries of Hogwarts. Malfoy escapes as Snape duels Harry. During the duel, Snape reveals that he is the Half-Blood Prince. Though instructive, the duel was ended by Buckbeak"s intervention. Snape disapparates and escapes. Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore"s body, only to discover it is a fake. Inside is a note from someone with the initials R. A. B. who has stolen the real Horcrux. The school year ends abruptly with Dumbledore"s funeral. Professor McGonagall is appointed Hogwarts"s interim headmistress and Professor Slughorn replaces Snape as the head of Slytherin House. Hogwarts is rumoured to close down due to the murder of Dumbledore. Harry decides to leave school in search for the remaining Horcruxes. Ron and Hermione vow to accompany him, while Harry ends his relationship with Ginny to protect her from Voldemort. The book concludes as Harry looks forward to Bill and Fleur"s wedding and being comforted that "...there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione." 自己觉得很长2023-07-01 02:31:564
他被伏地魔勋爵本人杀死。鲁弗斯·斯克林杰1996年至1997年Scrimgeour是第三位上任的极光人物,在伏地魔勋爵的手中去世。魔法部长-波特莫尔Scrimgeour可能是整个传奇中最被低估的巫师,很可能是另一位在伏地魔大人的心中感到恐惧的巫师。最起码,斯克林杰似乎恐吓阿不思·邓布利多的时候,他拒绝忍受阿不思废话,之后校长没有透露任何答案,或分享任何分析上市公司如何魔法部可能会搞垮黑魔王。罗琳说,佳能是,斯克林杰坚持斯坦·尼克·派克留在阿兹卡班是僵局,这场僵局终止了鲁弗斯和邓布利多之间的任何对话,但那从来没有真正意义,所以我们也许应该尝试超越古老,罗琳说,栗子在这里。更有可能发生的是,邓布利多可能回答了斯克林杰的传票,然后立即要求释放顺派克,当斯克林杰拒绝简单地屈服于邓布利多的愿望时,阿不思假装自己根本无法通过斯克林杰。Scrimgeour仅仅挖了他的脚跟根本不能很好地满足叙述,因为像Scrimgeour这样的人不会通过在谈判中采用严格的策略而升任魔术部长。邓布利多不想让那只笨拙的家伙放到他的计划中,因为他计划将哈利·波特放置在伏地魔的十字准线中,而且鉴于斯克林杰是个灰头土脑的傲罗老手,他很有可能从中提取信息如果Albus停留太久,Rufus可能会比Dumbledore愿意透露的更多信息超出他职业生涯中暗黑巫师的份额。换句话说,Scrimgeour可能不仅是Albus Dumbledore的知识分子比赛,而且还可能用一根魔杖将Dumbledore的技能与之相提并论,即使不是很了解Dumbledore已有一个多世纪的积累。不过,像Scrimgeour这样的终生Auror将拥有自己的全面的神秘知识图书馆。伏地魔勋爵很可能会惧怕鲁弗斯,就像他惧怕阿不思·邓布利多一样。所以,当亚瑟是指一组黑巫师的折磨斯克林杰死亡,这可能是因为伏地魔用来庇护辛克尼斯亲近和丧失能力Scrimgreour,然后有他的其他的食死徒,可能Corbain亚克斯利和安东宁多洛霍夫,完全禁用鲁弗斯前伏地魔去对他的工作,先用读心术,这可能斯克林杰击败,然后在钻心咒,在这之后我只能想象贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇可能把命送了沮丧和愤怒充满了伏地魔。2023-07-01 02:32:092
哈利波特了的校长名字Albus Dumbledore怎么发音?
显示不出来,给你个网站, 这是Albus 这个是Dumbledore2023-07-01 02:34:232
建议可以去搜索电影片断相关视频,听他们是怎么说的~2023-07-01 02:34:301
"You are omniscient as ever, Dumbledore." "Oh no, merely friendly with the local barmen," said Dumbledore lightly. "Now, Tom . . ." 这是原文,在第556面。后面一句是Dumbledore set down his empty glass and drew himself up in his seat, the tips of his fingers together in a very characteristic gesture.我有哈六的英文原版,要的话我可以发给你。只想告诉你这绝对真实2023-07-01 02:34:362
最后一部叫《哈利·波特与福马特金字塔》,也有翻译成《哈波与死圣的》我觉得不太好听啊!!英文版将于2007年7月7日上市 Rowling向挚友透露的哈7情节 J. K. Rowling的新书还未开笔,但她向挚友透露了新书的初步构思: Dumbledore死了,但他生前将Gryffindor的宝剑(也可能是另一件类似物品)做成的自己的魂器,我们知道Dumbledore没有直接杀人,但是他通过某种高超的魔法完成了魂器。由于魂器中并未保存完整的Dumbledore的灵魂,所以Dumbledore不能复活,又由于Dumbledore生前很快乐,所以不能以幽灵的形式存在,因此Dumbledore以一种特别的方式与Harry联系(估计是像Riddle曰记),并给与帮助。 凤凰社成员推选Harry为凤凰社首领,但是由于凤凰社里或是D.A.里的某些人背叛(Rowling说是主角),Harry被逼上绝路,Snape出现,救走了Harry。Harry得知了Snape的真实身份(早就猜到了),但凤凰社其余成员并不知道Snape的真实身份,杀死了Snape。 Harry最后与Voldemort决战,并召唤出了Jame和Lily的灵魂(类似闪回咒),Jame和Lily的灵魂说出了17年前所有事情的真相(也有可能是Dumbledore的灵魂出现),Voldemort最终被杀死,但还有部分灵魂存在,最终被Harry破坏了。在这场激战中,小天狼星出现——原来他在第5部中通过神秘事务司的帷幔回到了16年前,并阻挠了Voldemort的一个计划(与第3部Hermione逆转时间类似,虽说这样一来他的年龄增大了16岁,但我们同样会很高兴)。 但是Rowling并没有透露Dumbledore最终是否复活,不过最后的战役中Draco起到了非常重要的作用。 Rowling也并没有提到Harry最后会喜欢谁,但她说道Luna在Harry面对Voldemort逐渐强大的过程中起了重要的引导作用。 Hagrid最后和Maksim成婚。 Percy在Harry组织凤凰社时起了十分重要的作用(有人猜测Percy是Dumbledore派到魔法部的卧底)。 哈7第一稿至今尚未完全定稿,因为人物的设定有重大偏差。所以以上内容可能会有改动。最终稿大概将在2006年的圣诞节完成。 同时也有以下传言: 哈利波特7将是7本中的最厚一本(只要不出哈8) Dumbledore会用另一种方式回来,但不是复活,会给哈7剧情带来大推动 Hogwarts会无限期停课,直到Voldemort被消灭为止 罗哈赫3位仍留在霍格沃茨,因Dumbledore留下的曰记认为,Hogwarts遗留着Voldemort恐惧的力量,Voldemort想得到它,可3位主角必须比他先得到 在下一集JK会带着主角正式揭开Hogwarts的历史和他神秘的力量以及《霍格沃茨.一段校史》这本书背后隐藏的秘密 Ginny正式和Harry表白,表示:无论发生什么,她将永远和Harry站在一起.....看来是Rowling早就安排好了 凤凰社成员和食死徒展开殊死搏斗,为Harry争取时间 Dumbledore的计划是让Harry直接面对Voldermort.....理由是凤凰社无法组织起对抗Voldermort军团的力量 最后的较量是在Harry出生时的家展开,双方好象用了时光倒流的方法,并要阻止什么 小说将揭开3个令人目瞪口呆的秘密:为什么Voldemort要干掉Harry和为什么Voldemort不能干掉Harry和为什么Harry有击败Voldemort的力量 4位主角(你没看错,有一个是Ginny)的3位都将因受重伤和牵制时间而不能陪Harry走到最后,噢...万幸是大家都没丢命 Ron向Hermione表白了,但当时场面太混乱,事后Hermione问他又不承认 Neville和Malfoy都将起到扭转乾坤的作用 Snape会没命 百度有哈里波特7的贴吧~~可以去看看~~ 回答者:qinxuanzi - 门吏 三级 4-1 14:06 修改答复: qinxuanzi,您要修改的答复如下: 积分规则 关闭 最后一部叫《哈利·波特与福马特金字塔》,英文版将于2007年7月7日上市 Rowling向挚友透露的哈7情节 J. K. Rowling的新书还未开笔,但她向挚友透露了新书的初步构思: Dumbledore死了,但他生前将Gryffindor的宝剑(也可能是另一件类似物品)做成的自己的魂器,我们知道Dumbledore没有直接杀人,但是他通过某种高超的魔法完成了魂器。由于魂器中并未保存完整的Dumbledore的灵魂,所以Dumbledore不能复活,又由于Dumbledore生前很快乐,所以不能以幽灵的形式存在,因此Dumbledore以一种特别的方式与Harry联系(估计是像Riddle曰记),并给与帮助。 凤凰社成员推选Harry为凤凰社首领,但是由于凤凰社里或是D.A.里的某些人背叛(Rowling说是主角),Harry被逼上绝路,Snape出现,救走了Harry。Harry得知了Snape的真实身份(早就猜到了),但凤凰社其余成员并不知道Snape的真实身份,杀死了Snape。 Harry最后与Voldemort决战,并召唤出了Jame和Lily的灵魂(类似闪回咒),Jame和Lily的灵魂说出了17年前所有事情的真相(也有可能是Dumbledore的灵魂出现),Voldemort最终被杀死,但还有部分灵魂存在,最终被Harry破坏了。在这场激战中,小天狼星出现——原来他在第5部中通过神秘事务司的帷幔回到了16年前,并阻挠了Voldemort的一个计划(与第3部Hermione逆转时间类似,虽说这样一来他的年龄增大了16岁,但我们同样会很高兴)。 但是Rowling并没有透露Dumbledore最终是否复活,不过最后的战役中Draco起到了非常重要的作用。 Rowling也并没有提到Harry最后会喜欢谁,但她说道Luna在Harry面对Voldemort逐渐强大的过程中起了重要的引导作用。 Hagrid最后和Maksim成婚。 Percy在Harry组织凤凰社时起了十分重要的作用(有人猜测Percy是Dumbledore派到魔法部的卧底)。 哈7第一稿至今尚未完全定稿,因为人物的设定有重大偏差。所以以上内容可能会有改动。最终稿大概将在2006年的圣诞节完成。 同时也有以下传言: 哈利波特7将是7本中的最厚一本(只要不出哈8) Dumbledore会用另一种方式回来,但不是复活,会给哈7剧情带来大推动 Hogwarts会无限期停课,直到Voldemort被消灭为止 罗哈赫3位仍留在霍格沃茨,因Dumbledore留下的曰记认为,Hogwarts遗留着Voldemort恐惧的力量,Voldemort想得到它,可3位主角必须比他先得到 在下一集JK会带着主角正式揭开Hogwarts的历史和他神秘的力量以及《霍格沃茨.一段校史》这本书背后隐藏的秘密 Ginny正式和Harry表白,表示:无论发生什么,她将永远和Harry站在一起.....看来是Rowling早就安排好了 凤凰社成员和食死徒展开殊死搏斗,为Harry争取时间 Dumbledore的计划是让Harry直接面对Voldermort.....理由是凤凰社无法组织起对抗Voldermort军团的力量 最后的较量是在Harry出生时的家展开,双方好象用了时光倒流的方法,并要阻止什么 小说将揭开3个令人目瞪口呆的秘密:为什么Voldemort要干掉Harry和为什么Voldemort不能干掉Harry和为什么Harry有击败Voldemort的力量 4位主角(你没看错,有一个是Ginny)的3位都将因受重伤和牵制时间而不能陪Harry走到最后,噢...万幸是大家都没丢命 Ron向Hermione表白了,但当时场面太混乱,事后Hermione问他又不承认 Neville和Malfoy都将起到扭转乾坤的作用 Snape会没命 百度有哈里波特7的贴吧~~可以去看看~~2023-07-01 02:34:4714
理查德·哈里斯 Richard Harris——Albus Dumbledore霍格沃兹校长邓不利多校长的第一位扮演者出生日期:1930-10-01出生地点:Limerick, Ireland 代表作品:“哈利波特1、2”、“新基督山伯爵”、“角斗士”、“启示录”、“爱国者游戏”、“野鹅敢死队”……之所以把他排在第一位是因为这位爱尔兰的老牌明星是霍格沃兹校长邓不利多校长的第一位扮演者,这位出生于1930年的他的身上似乎有一种与生俱来的仙风道骨,第一次看到他就觉得他就是阿不思邓不利多这位伟大的魔法师最合适的演绎者,只可惜就在2002年10月25日,哈利波特的第二部电影首映之前几天,他却因病不幸去世……迈克尔·甘伯恩Michael Gambon——Albus Dumbledore在理查德哈里斯去世后,找一个新邓不利多是势在必行的出生日期 1940-10-19出生地 Dublin, Ireland代表作品:“哈利波特3、4、5”、“凶兆2006”、“高斯福德庄园”、“断头谷”……在理查德哈里斯去世后,找一个新邓不利多是势在必行的,经过多次选择,同样出生于爱尔兰、并是舞台剧出身、并出演过《高斯福庄园》等影片的著名演员迈克尔甘伯恩进入了大家的视线,并从“哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒”开始担任邓不利多这一角色,而我自己完整的看过的他的影片是强尼戴普和克丽斯蒂娜里奇的《断头谷》,作为一个老牌的舞台剧演员,他的演技自不必多说,但不知道是不是先入为主的关系,我始终还是比较认可理查德版的邓不利多……2023-07-01 02:35:131
哈利波特电影中斯内普那句and my soul, dumbledore, mine在哪里?
书中有,电影中是没有这一段的。为了找确切一些,我又看了一次教授的回忆,虐死我了啊!!!!呜呜呜~~~~80分04秒的时候 邓布利多告诉教授 一定要由你来杀死我之后就跳到邓布利多死的时候了接着就是邓布利多说:你要告诉哈利一件事 XXXXX没有教授的那句话 我去了 虐死我了 我要平复一下心情楼主~~我恨你~~~好不想重温这一段啊啊啊啊啊2023-07-01 02:35:204
哈利波特(Harry James Potter) 金妮·卫斯理(Ginny Weasley) 荣恩·卫斯理(Ronald Bilius Weasley) 柯林·克里维(Colin Creevey) 妙丽·格兰杰(Hermione Jane Granger)罗咪·凡(Romilda Vane) 奈威·隆巴顿(Neville Longbottom) 丹尼·克利维(Danny Creevy) 西莫·斐尼干(Seamus Finnigan) 吉米·皮克斯(Jimmy Peakes) 丁·汤玛斯(Dean Thomas) 凯娣·贝尔(Katie Bell) 芭蒂·巴提(Parvati Patil) 寇马·麦拉(Cormac McLaggen) 文妲·布朗(Lavender Brown)弗雷·卫斯理(Fred Weasley) 乔治·卫斯理(Gee Weasley)莉娜·强生(Angelina Johnson) 李·乔丹(Lee Jordan)爱利西亚·史宾特(Alicia Spin) 派西·卫斯理(Percy Weasley) 奥利佛·木透(Oliver Wood) 芮奇·库特(Ritchie Coote) 狄梅沙·罗宾斯(Demelza Robins) 维琪·弗罗比舍(Vicky Frobisher) 杰佛瑞·胡珀(Geoffrey Hooper) 露娜·罗古德(Luna Lovegood) 泰瑞·布特(Terry Boot) 安东尼·金坦(Anthony Goldstein) 曼蒂·布洛贺(Mandy Brocklehurst) 张秋(Cho Chang) 罗杰·达维(Roger Davies) 潘妮·清水(Penelope Clearwater) 阿尼·麦米兰(Ernie Macmillan) 汉娜·艾宝(Hannah Abbott) 苏珊·波恩(Susan Bones) 贾斯汀·方列里(Justin Finch-Fletchley) 西追·迪哥里(Cedric Diggory)跩哥·马份(Draco Malfoy) 文森·克拉(Vincent Crabbe) 格瑞·高尔(Gregory Goyle) 潘西·帕金森(Py Parkinson) 个性尖酸刻薄,喜欢跩哥。 喜多·诺特(Theodore Nott) 布雷司·刹比(Blaise Zabini) 米莉森·布洛德(Millicent Bulstrode) 艾佛瑞(Avery) 汤姆·瑞斗(Tom Riddle)佛地魔在霍格华兹时的名字 鲁霸·海格(Rubeus Hagrid ) 爱哭鬼麦朵(Moaning Myrtle) 奥丽u2027轰碧(Olive Hornby)艾佛瑞 (Possibly related to the Avery from Tom Riddle"s time) Bertram Aubrey 詹姆·波特(James Potter) 天狼星·布莱克(Sirius Black) 雷木斯·路平(Remus Lupin) 彼得·佩迪鲁(Peter Pettigrew) 莉莉·波特(Lily Ev)本名莉莉·伊凡,因与詹姆·波特结婚,改为「莉莉·波特」 赛佛勒斯·石内卜(Severus Snape) 贝拉·雷斯壮(Bellatrix Black)本名贝拉·布莱克,因与道夫.雷斯壮结婚后,改为「贝拉·雷斯壮」 Davey Gudgeon 道夫.雷斯壮(Rodolphus Lestrange) 伊凡u2027罗西儿(Evan Rosier)伊凡u2027罗西儿高锥客·葛来分多(Godric Griffindor) 萨拉札·史莱哲林(Salazar Slitherin) 罗威娜·雷文克劳(Rowena Ravenclaw) 海加·赫夫帕夫(Haga Hufflepuff) 赛佛勒斯·石内卜(Severus Snape,1997年9月-1998年6月) 米奈娃·麦(Minerva McGonagall,1997年6月开始代理) 桃乐丝·恩不里居(Dolores Umbridge,1995年-1996年6月间代理) 阿不思·邓不利多(Albus Dumbledore,1955-1995、1996年6月-1997年6月) 阿曼多·狄劈(Armando Dippet,1955之前) 阿不思·邓不利多的前一任校长,汤姆·瑞斗学生时期的校长。 非尼呀·耐吉(Phineas Nigellus) 可能是阿曼多·狄劈的前一任校长。 得丽·德温(Dilys Derwent,1741年-1768年担任校长) 埃拉(Everard) 福球(Fortescue) 米奈娃·麦(Minerva McGonagall,葛莱芬多) 赫瑞司·史拉轰(Horace Slughorn,史莱哲林,1981之前和1997之后) 赛佛勒斯·石内卜(Severus Snape,史莱哲林,1987—1997) 孚立维(Filius Fliick,雷文克劳) 芽菜(Sprout,学院:赫夫帕夫)奎若(Quirell)吉德罗·洛哈(Gilderoy Lockhart) 雷木思·路平(Remus Lupin)阿拉特·穆敌(Alastor Moody) 恩不里居(Dolores Umbridge)赛佛勒斯·石内卜(Severus Snape)阿不思·邓不利多(Albus Dumbledore)焦壶(Kettleburn) 嘉拉堤·美思(Galatea Merrythought)米奈娃·麦(Minerva McGonagall, 米奈娃·麦 变形学) 孚立维(Filius Fliick, 孚立维 符咒学) 芽菜(Pomona Sprout, 芽菜 药草学) 鲁霸·海格(Rubeus Hagrid, 丙斯(Binns, 丙斯 魔法史) 西碧·崔老妮(Kettleburn, 西碧·崔老妮 占卜学) 翡冷翠(Firenze, 翡冷翠 占卜学) 辛尼区(Aurora Sinistra, 辛尼区 天文学) 胡奇夫人(Madam Hooch, 胡奇夫人 飞行课) 薇朵(Septima Vector, 薇朵 算命学) 薇米·葛柏兰(Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, 薇米·葛柏兰) 阿破·普哥(Apollyon Pringle, 阿破·普哥 过去的管理员) 阿各·飞七(Argus Filch, 阿各·飞七 现在的管理员) 欧哥(Ogg, 欧哥 过去的钥匙管理员) 平斯(Irma Pince, 平斯 图书管理员) 庞芮夫人(Poppy Pomfrey, 庞芮夫人 护士) 秃福教授(Tofty, 秃福教授) 温顺·马治邦(Griselda Marchbanks, 温顺·马治邦)差点没头的尼克(Nearly Headless Nick, 差点没头的尼克 葛莱分多) 正式名称为波平—西敏汀的尼古拉斯爵士(Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington)。 胖修士(The Fat Friar, 胖修士 赫夫帕夫) 血腥男爵(The Bloody Baron, 血腥男爵 史莱哲林) The Grey Lady(, The Grey Lady 雷文克劳) 其他幽灵 皮皮鬼(Peeves, 皮皮鬼) 喜爱捉弄学生,有时连教师和幽灵都玩。 丙斯(Binns, 丙斯) 爱哭鬼麦朵(Moaning Myrtle, 爱哭鬼麦朵) 伊果u2027卡卡夫 (Igor Karkaroff) 维克多·喀浪(ViKtor Krum)美心夫人 (Olympe Maxime) 花儿·戴乐古(Fleur Delacour)胖女士 (The Fat Lady) 阿不思·邓不利多 (校长办公室) 卡多甘伯爵 得丽·德温 (校长办公室;连接到 圣蒙果魔法疾病与伤害医院) 斐尼呀·耐吉(Phineas Nigellus; 校长办公室 ~ 连接到凤凰社的前社址) Everard Proudfoot (Head"s Office ~ 连接到 魔法部) Fortescue (Head"s Office) 维奥莱特 (位于胖女士旁 ~ 连接到 圣蒙果魔法疾病与伤害医院) 凤凰会 米奈娃·麦(Minerva McGonagall, 米奈娃·麦) 鲁霸·海格(Rubeus Hagrid, 鲁霸·海格) 雷木思·路平(Remus Lupin, 雷木思·路平) 金利·侠钩帽(Kingsley Shacklebolt, 金利·侠钩帽) 小仙女·东施(Nymphadora Tonks, 小仙女·东施) 亚瑟·卫斯理(Arthur Weasley, 亚瑟·卫斯理) 比尔·卫斯理(Bill Weasley, 比尔·卫斯理) 1997年6月受重伤。 参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E5%93%88%E5%88%A9%C2%B7%E6%B3%A2%E7%89%B9 哈利.波特 Harry.Potter 荣恩.卫斯理 Ran.Weasley 妙丽.格兰杰 Hermione.Granger 阿不思.邓不利多 Albus.Dumbledore 麦教授 Minerva.McGonagall 跩哥.马份 Draco.Malfoy 海格 Rubeus.Hagrid 金妮.卫斯理 Ginny.Weasley 多比 Dobby 佛地魔 Voldemort 天狼星.布莱克 Sirius.Black 雷木思.J.路平 Remus.J.Lupin 维克多.喀浪 ViKtor.Krum 露娜.罗古德 Luna.Lovegood 小仙女.东施 Nymphadora.Tonks 疯眼.穆敌 Mad-Eye.Moody 奈威 Neville.Longbottom 赛佛勒斯.石内卜 Severus.Snape 如果你真的看不懂英文 今年年底应该会出哈利波特7ge中文版 参考: crown/harrypotter/ 中ge人物快译通 哈利波特(Harry James Potter) 荣恩·卫斯理(Ronald Bilius Weasley) 妙丽·格兰杰(Hermione Jane Granger) 奈威·隆巴顿(Neville Longbottom) 弗雷·卫斯理(Fred Weasley) 乔治·卫斯理(Gee Weasley) 派西·卫斯理(Percy Weasley) 跩哥·马份(Draco Malfoy) 文森·克拉(Vincent Crabbe) 格瑞·高尔(Gregory Goyle) 赛佛勒斯·石内卜(Severus Snape) 米奈娃·麦(Minerva McGonagall,1997年6月开始代理) 阿不思·邓不利多(Albus Dumbledore,1955-1995、1996年6月-1997年6月) 奎若(Quirell) 鲁霸·海格(Rubeus Hagrid) 阿各·飞七(Argus Filch) 佛地魔(Lord Voldemort) 参考: Wikipedia2023-07-01 02:35:271
哈利波特7的内容提要 用英语
这是英文原版书上的内容:1)HarryiswaitinginPrivetDrive(女贞路).TheOrderofthePhoenix(凤凰社)iscomingtoescorthimsafelyawaywithoutVoldemort(伏地魔)andhissupportersknowing-iftheycan.ButwhatwillHarrydothen?HowcanhefulfilthemomentousangseeminglyimpossibletaskthatProfessorDumbledore(邓不利多教授)haslefthim?哈利在女贞路等待着。凤凰社将在伏地魔和他的支持者不知道的情况下护送哈利安全地远离伏地魔--如果他们可以.但是哈利接下来做什么呢?他怎样才能完成邓不利多教授留给他的重要但又似乎是不可能的任务呢?主要内容:2)Harryhasbeenburdenedwithadark,dangerousandseeminglyimpossibletask:thatoflocatinganddestroyingVoldemort"sremainingHorcruxes(魂器).NeverhasHarryfeltsoalone,orfacedafuturesofullofshadows.ButHarrymustsomehowfindwithinhimselfthestrengthtocompletethetaskhehasbeengiven.Hemustleavethewarmth,safetyandcompanionshipoftheBurrowandfollowwithoutfearorhesitationtheinexorablepathlaidoutforhim...哈利正肩负着一个黑暗的,危险的,看似不可能完成的任务:即寻找并摧毁伏地魔所留下的魂器.哈利从未感到如此孤单,面临充满阴影的未来.但是哈利必须靠自己的力量来完成他被给予的任务.他必须离开温暖,安全的庇所,和以后那没有恐惧或犹豫的必然之路奠定了他...章节名称:1.TheDarkLordAscending2.InMemoriam3.TheDursleysDeparting4.TheSevenPotters5.FallenWarrior6.TheGhoulinPyjamas7.TheWillofAlbusDumbledore8.TheWedding9.APlacetoHide10.Kreacher"sTale11.TheBribe12.MagicisMight13.TheMuggle-bornRegistrationCommission14.TheThief15.TheGoblin"sRevenge16.Godric"sHollow17.Bathilda"sSecret18.TheLifeandLiesofAlbusDumbledore19.TheSilverDoe20.XenophiliusLovegood21.TheTaleoftheThreeBrothers22.TheDeathlyHallows23.MalfoyManor24.TheWandmaker25.ShellCottage26.Gringotts27.TheFinalHidingPlace28.TheMissingMirror29.TheLostDiadem30.TheSackingofSeverusSnape31.TheBattleofHogwarts32.TheElderWand33.ThePrince"sTale34.TheForestAgain35.King"sCross36.TheFlawinthePlanNineteenYearsLater2023-07-01 02:35:331
"噢,是的,确实是每个人都在庆祝。"她不耐烦地说。 ”你以为他们会更小心一点,但是,并没有——甚至麻瓜都注意到发生了一些事,就登在他们的新闻上。“她扭回脖子朝向德思丽一家的漆黑的卧室窗户。”我都听到了,成群的猫头鹰,,,流星雨,,好吧,他们并不是完全地愚蠢,他们很有可能察觉到了一些事情。流星雨坠落在肯特——我打赌一定是达拉斯迪哥所为。他做事总是没脑子。“ ”你不能责怪他们,“邓布利多轻声地说,”我们在过去11年里,仅有可怜的宝贵的庆祝活动。“ ”这些我知道“麦格教授怒气地说。”但他们并没有理由抛头露面啊?,彻底地粗心大意,在光天化日之下,连麻瓜的衣服也不穿,交换着流言蛮语。“ ”他往侧面锐利地瞥了一眼邓布利多,好像希望他能告诉她些什么,但是邓布利多没有开口,所以她继续说。“好消息是,神秘人消失的那天,麻瓜就发现了我们所有的事情。他真的消失了吗,邓布利多?” “我确定是消失了。”邓布利多说“我们真应该心怀感激,来吃一个柠檬冰棍儿吧”。 “一个什么?” “一个柠檬冰棍儿,它们是一种麻瓜世界的甜品,我想当喜欢吃。“ ”不了,谢谢。“麦格教授严肃地说道,显然她不认为现在是吃柠檬冰棍儿的时候。“依我说,即使神秘人消失了——” “我亲爱的教授,想必像您这么明智的人应该叫他本来的名字吧?类似神秘人,这算什么名字—11年来我一直努力劝告人们叫他的正名:伏地魔。” 麦格教授颤抖地,但是邓布利多打开第二支柠檬冰棍儿,好像并没有发觉。“这会带来困扰的,如果我们称他们神秘人。我想应该没有理由去害怕一个叫伏地魔的名字。” “我知道你不会害怕。”麦格教授说道,一半是恼怒,一半是钦佩。 “但是你与众不同,所有人都知道你是唯一一个令神秘人,噢,好吧,是令伏地魔害怕的人。” “你在讨好我,”邓布利多平静地说。“伏地魔拥有的力量我可没有。” “那只是因为您太高尚了,而不去使用它们罢了。” “好在,现在天黑。自从庞母菲夫人说她喜欢我的新耳包,我就再也没有像现在这样脸红过了。” 麦格教授尖锐地瞥了邓布利多一眼,然后说道:“漫天的猫头鹰和流言没有关系。你知道每个人说什么吗?还有为何他消失了吗?是什么最后阻止了他吗?” 看来,麦格教授已经谈到了最关键的点上了。这就是她整天站在冰冷,生硬的墙上等待的原因。从一只猫到一个女人,他从未像现在这样用这样尖锐的目光盯着邓布利多。其实就是每个人都那么说,但非要从邓布利多口中听到才会相信。可是,邓布利多又拿出另外一支柠檬冰棍儿,没有回答。 “他们说”她接着说,“在上周伏地魔出现在戈德里克山谷,他去找波特夫妇。流言是莉莉和吉姆,他们,他们死了。” 邓布利多低丧着头,麦格教授说到哽咽。 ”莉莉和吉姆,,我简直不敢,我无法相信这个,噢,邓布,,“ 邓布利多,轻抚她的肩膀“我知道,我知道,”他沉重地说。 "Oh yes, I"ve celebrating, all right," she said impatiently. "You"d think they"d be a bit more careful, but no — even the Muggles have noticed something"s going on. It was on their news." She jerked her head back at the Dursleys" dark living-room window. "I heard it. Flocks of owls… shooting stars… Well, they"re not completely stupid. They were bound to notice something. Shooting stars down in Kent — I"ll bet that was Dedalus Diggle. He never had much sense." "You can"t blame them," said Dumbledore gently. "We"ve had precious little to celebrate for eleven years." "I know that," said Professor McGonagall irritably. "But that"s no reason to lose our heads. People are being downright careless, out on the streets in broad daylight, not even dressed in Muggle clothes, swapping rumors." She threw a sharp, sideways glance at Dumbledore here, as though hoping he was going to tell her something, but he didn"t, so she went on. "A fine thing it would be if, on the very day You-Know-Who seems to have disappeared at last, the Muggles found out about us all. I suppose he really has gone, Dumbledore?" "It certainly seems so," said Dumbledore. "We have much to be thankful for. Would you care for a lemon drop?" "A what?" "A lemon drop. They"re a kind of Muggle sweet I"m rather fond of." "No, thank you," said Professor McGonagall coldly, as though she didn"t think this was the moment for lemon drops. "As I say, even if You-Know-Who has gone—" "My dear Professor, surely a sensible person like yourself can call him by his name? All this "You-Know-Who" nonsense — for eleven years I have been trying to persuade people to call him by his proper name: Voldemort." Professor McGonagall flinched, but Dumbledore, who was unsticking two lemon drops, seemed not to notice. "It all gets so confusing if we keep saying "You-Know-Who." I have never seen any reason to be frightened of saying Voldemort"s name." "I know you haven"t," said Professor McGonagall, sounding half exasprated, half admiring. "But you"re different. Everyone knows you"re the only one You-Know- oh, all right, Voldemort, was frightened of." "You flatter me," said Dumbledore calmly. "Voldemort had powers I will never have." "Only because you"re too — well — noble to use them." "It"s lucky it"s dark. I haven"t blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs." Professor McGonagall shot a sharp look at Dumbledore and said "The owls are nothing next to the rumors that are flying around. You know what they"re saying? About why he"s disappeared? About what finally stopped him?" It seemed that Professor McGonagall had reached the point she was most anxious to discuss, the real reason she had been waiting on a cold, hard wall all day, for neither as a cat nor as a woman had she fixed Dumbledore with such a piercing stare as she did now. It was plain that whatever "everyone" was saying, she was not going to believe it until Dumbledore told her it was true. Dumbledore, however, was choosing another lemon drop and did not answer. "What they"re saying,” she pressed on, "is that last night Voldemort turned up in Godric"s Hollow. He went to find the Potters. The rumor is that Lily and James Potter are — are — that they"re — dead." Dumbledore bowed his head. Professor McGonagall gasped. "Lily and James… I can"t believe it… I didn"t want to believe it… Oh, Albus…" Dumbledore reached out and patted her on the shoulder. "I know… I know…" he said heavily.2023-07-01 02:35:391
Dumbledore`s Amy(邓不利多军)是为了应付乌姆里奇才这么说的,而且魔法部很怕邓不利多。原来的意思是(Defense Association)防御协会,在凤凰社第269页上部有说明。邓不利多应该是格兰芬多的。文中多次提过,只有勇敢聪明的人才能进格兰芬多的,而老邓符合这些条件。所以我想他应该是格兰芬多的。全名:阿不思·博知维·巫服利·布莱恩·邓不利多 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 阿不思·邓不利多有一个弟弟阿伯福思·邓不利多 生于1845年,卒于1997年6月 期间被公认为当代最伟大的巫师。 1945年击败黑巫师格德沃林, 发现龙血的12种用途, 与合作伙伴尼克·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效。 阿不思·邓不利多于1856年就读霍格沃茨,属格兰芬多学院,完成学业以后成为教职员,教授变形学。 当1940年代,汤姆·里德尔指责了鲁伯·海格打开密室,唯有邓不利多认为海格是无辜的,并且当海格的魔杖被折断,逐出了学校,邓不利多坚持,使他留在霍格沃茨为员工。 1945年击败黑巫师格德沃林。 1971年一名狼人卢平就读霍格沃茨。阿不思·邓不利多种植打人柳守卫一条通往霍格莫德的尖叫棚屋秘密通道。卢平在每个满月在那里变身,使他不能攻击其他人。 1980年,西比尔·特里劳妮申请成为新占卜学老师,阿不思·邓不利多聘用她的原因是特里劳妮说出真正的预言,预言伏地魔败亡。 当莉莉·波特和詹姆·波特被伏地魔杀害后,邓不利多决定安置现在成为孤儿的哈利在他姨父弗农·德思礼和姨妈佩妮·德思礼家中。这是因为邓不利多安置了一个咒语使到他母亲的牺牲成为孩子的特别保护。只要哈利把他的母亲亲属居住的地方依然称作家,母亲的血统就成为他的保护,他会安全地避开所有攻击。 1995年,阿不思·邓不利多与伏地魔见面。 邓不利多曾被两次罢免校长资格,但阴谋者两次都失败。 1997年,邓不利多亲自指导哈利·波特。 同年6月,西弗勒斯·斯内普在虚弱时向邓不利多发射阿瓦达索命咒,阿不思·邓不利多逝世在逝世之前发出了少有的哀求。2023-07-01 02:36:003
永远的校长: 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(1844或1881-1997)(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) 前任霍格沃茨魔法学校校长 国际魔法师联合会(The International Confederation of Wizards)主席 威森加摩(Wizengamot)即最高巫师法庭(The Wizard High Court)首席法师 (哈利四年级假期后被开除出威森加摩,然后邓布利多又回来了) 梅林爵士团一级勋章(Order of Merlin, First Class) [编辑本段]主要贡献 1945年击败黑巫师格林德沃 发现龙血的十二种用途 与尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效 成立凤凰社 为打败伏地魔做出重要的贡献,销毁一个魂器(冈特的戒指)并引导哈利波特最终除掉了黑魔头。 [编辑本段]爱好 室内乐 十柱滚木球戏 和小孩子一样喜欢零食 研究麻瓜杂志上的编织图案 [编辑本段]外表 高大削瘦,和蔼慈祥,巫师气质突出 有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带) 长长的有弯折的鹰钩鼻,折断过一次(被弟弟阿不福思打断) 半月形的眼镜 明亮湛蓝的眼睛,极具穿透性,目光常常是顺着鼻梁往下 手指修长,说话时经常把指尖对在一起 左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地铁地图 写得一手细长的、歪向一边的、圈圈套圈圈的斜体字 [编辑本段]名字含义 Albus(阿不思)在拉丁文字中表示白色的意思,在古代亚瑟王时期是对大不列颠的一种雅称。 Percival(珀西瓦尔)意思是刺穿帷幔,帷幔一词在神秘事务司的死刑室里提及过。Percival这个名字在姓名学中的释义是“刺穿帷幔”或“穿过山谷”。Percival是一名获得圣杯的圆桌骑士。 Dumbledore(邓布利多)在古英语中是大黄蜂的意思,J.K.罗琳想象他口中嗡嗡般念念有词地漫步在城堡的四周。 [编辑本段]家庭成员 父亲:珀西瓦尔·邓布利多(Percival Dumbledore) 母亲:坎德拉·邓布利多(Kendra Dumbledore) 妹妹:阿利安娜·邓布利多(Ariana Dumbledore) 弟弟:阿不福思·邓布利多(Aberforth Dumbledore),霍格莫德猪头酒吧老板,因怀疑是邓布利多害死阿利安娜所以跟邓布利多的关系很不好,后来因哈利的劝说改变了对他的看法。 [编辑本段]个人资料 出生地:Mould-on-the-Wold 邓布利多校长居住地:原来居住在沃土原,后来搬到戈德里克山谷(高锥克山谷) 最喜爱的麻瓜食品:柠檬雪糕 最喜爱的果酱:覆盆子果酱 喜爱的零食: 酸味汽水 太妃手指饼 滋滋蜂蜜糖 蟑螂堆 冰镇柠檬汁 (邓布利多喜欢用自己爱吃的东西做办公室口令) 不喜爱的零食:比比多味豆(因为年轻时吃到一颗臭烘烘的豆子,后来硬着头皮吃了一颗,又是一颗臭烘烘的豆子……) 宠物:凤凰福克斯(羽毛红金相间,忠诚聪慧,能携带极为沉重的东西,眼泪有疗伤作用) 守护神:凤凰 喜爱的颜色:紫色、金色、银色(衣服经常是这三种颜色) 终生的遗憾:在盖勒特·格林德沃与阿不思的混战中,永远失去了他的妹妹阿利安娜 爱恨交织者:黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃 着装: 一件长袍,披一件拖地的紫色斗篷,登一双带搭扣的高跟靴子(第一部第1章) 长长的羊毛晨衣,戴着睡帽(第二部第10章) 华贵的深绿色长袍,上面绣着许多星星和月亮(第四部第12章) 深蓝色长袍(第五部第8章) 布满银色星星的深紫色长袍(第五部第11章) 雪白的睡衣,外罩一件紫底镶金的便袍(第五部第22章) 黑色的旅行斗篷,头戴一顶尖帽子(第六部第3章) 紫色的魔法长袍上点缀着金色的星星(第六部第8章) 考究的紫红色天鹅绒西服(第六部第13章) 个人收藏: 一个银质熄灯器(后送给罗恩·韦斯莱) 冥想盆 一些贵重的银器 格兰芬多的宝剑 以及其他许多珍贵的个人藏品 邓布利多时期的校长办公室: 位于霍格沃茨八楼,门口有一个奇丑无比的巨大的滴水状石头怪兽 巨兽身后是一道活动的螺旋型楼梯 楼梯尽头是一扇闪闪发亮的栋木门,门上有狮鹰首形状的铜门环 圆形的办公室墙上都是历届校长画像 细长腿的桌子上有许多精致的银器,旋转着喷射蒸气 婚姻状况: 书中并未提到这位德高望重的巫师的人生伴侣,但是在罗琳的某次访谈中,罗琳委婉的指出,邓布利多一生都未结婚,且原因在于,他是个同性恋。(罗琳大人亲口证实,而且提出,邓布利多喜欢的,正是邪恶的巫师,也是他一生的敌人和挚友,格林德沃) [编辑本段]生平简介 1881年 出生在Mould-om-the-Wold 1893年 就读霍格沃茨,属格兰芬多学院 1899年 以优异成绩完成学业。同年夏因母亲坎德拉去世回戈德里克山谷,遇到盖勒特·格林德沃。两人的友谊两个月后以妹妹阿利安娜的死结束。 之后成为教职员,教授变形学。 1940年 汤姆·里德尔诬陷鲁伯·海格打开密室,唯有邓布利多认为海格是无辜的,并且当海格的魔杖被打断,并逐出了学校,邓布利多坚持留他在霍格沃茨为员工。 1945年 击败黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃。 1971年 一名狼人莱姆斯·卢平就读霍格沃茨。阿不思u2022邓布利多种植打人柳守卫一条通往霍格莫德村的尖叫屋秘密信道。卢平在每个满月在那里变身,保护并使他不能攻击其他人。 1980年 西比尔·特里劳妮申请成为新占卜学老师,阿不思u2022邓布利多聘用她的原因是特里劳妮说出失落的预言,预言伏地魔和哈利之中必有一人会被对方杀死。 同年 当莉莉·波特和詹姆·波特被伏地魔杀害后,邓布利多决定安置现在成为孤儿的哈利在他姨父弗农·德思礼和姨妈佩妮·德思礼家中。这是因为邓布利多安置了一个咒语使得哈利的母亲的牺牲成为孩子之特别保护。只要哈利未满17岁前在他的母亲亲属居住的地方依然称作家,母亲的血统就成为他的保护,他会安全地避开所有攻击。 1992年 由于卢修斯·马尔福诬陷,被董事会解除校长职务,同年又恢复。 1995年 阿不思·邓布利多被解除威森加摩(Wizengamot)即最高巫师法庭(The Wizard High Court)首席法师身份,又被开除出国际魔法师联合会(The International Confederation of Wizards)。 同年,又被恢复以上所有职位;在魔法部与伏地魔展开战斗,将其击退。 1996年6月 在霍格沃茨被斯内普所杀(邓布利多的主意),终年115岁。2023-07-01 02:36:103
哈波特段D:Ishould"veknownyouwouldhavebeenhereProfessorMcGonagall.McGonagall教授我早该知道您Mc:GoodeveningProfessorDumbledore.AretherumorstrueAlbus?Dumbledore教授您早谣言真Albus先D:I"mafraidsoProfessor.Thegoodandthebad.恐怕事坏事都Mc:Andtheboy?孩D:Hagridisbringinghim.Hagrid带Mc:DoyouthinkitwisetotrustHagridw/somethingasimportantasthis?认重要事情托付给Hagrid明智举D:Ah,Prof.IwouldtrustHagridw/mylife哦教授于Hagrid我愿意性命相托Hag:Professor.Dumbledore,sir.ProfessorMcGonagall.Hagrid:Professor.教授McGonagall教授D;NoproblemsItrustHagrid?我信任Hagrid呀没问题吧Hag:No,sir.LittletykefellasleepaswewereflyingoverBristol.Trynottowakehim.Thereyougo.没事先我飞布斯托尔候孩睡着要惊醒Mc:Albus,doreallythinkit"ssafeleavinghimwiththesepeople?I"vewatchedthemallday.There"retheworstsortofMugglesimaginable.Theyreallyare--Albus真认交给些安全我留意整麻瓜(赖)极品简直……D:Theonlyfamilyhehas.唯亲Mc:Thisboywillbefamous.Therewon"tbeachildinourworldwhodoesn"tknowhisname.孩名世界没鬼知道名D:Exactly.He"sfarbetteroffgrowingupawayfromallofthat.Untilheisready.There,thereHagrid.It"snotreallygoodbyeafterall.GoodLuck,HarryPotter.确远离切更祝运哈波特2023-07-01 02:36:181
如何理解哈利波特1中的Yeah,Dumbledore’s barking?
邓布利多正在骂人。barking是bark的现在分词,按语境来看应该是to shout someone in a forceful manner,就是骂人的意思。2023-07-01 02:36:261
格兰芬多、拉文克劳等。名字是指人或者产品、物体的名称,姓名有广义与狭义之分,还有小名、别名、绰号、乳名等。广义的姓名包括公民的姓氏和名字以及法人和非法人团体的名称;狭义的姓名仅指公民的姓氏和名字。为名和字的合称。在中国古代,名、字分开使用。今合称“名字”,则指姓名或名。作用姓名诱导性格倾向不同的姓名诱导着不同特点的的性格。给宝宝取好名字可以使人性格开朗、豁达,思维活跃、行事稳重,不落俗套,好的性格自然影响命运,使其向好的方面转变。姓名诱导人的精神读起来哑仄、听起来模糊的名字,会使人消沉、颓唐等,比如叫“阿毛、狗娃”的;相反,一个读起来响亮、听起来清晰的名字,会使人联想到名主目光炯炯有神,举止自信有力,性格刚毅,胸襟开阔,无论魁梧高大还是短小精悍,都是浑身充满朝气,比如“李小龙、岳明朗”等。2023-07-01 02:36:341
《哈利波特》美到爆炸的双语句子Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn"t fair.——Severus你这个令人失望多愁善感的小子,只会苦涩的抱怨生活如何的不公平。你可能没有注意到,生活本来就是不公平的。 ——斯内普We"ve all got both light and darkness inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That"s who we really are. ——Sirius每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。——小天狼星It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. ——Dumbledore要挺身而出对抗敌人的确需要很大的勇气,但要挺身而出反抗朋友却需要更大的勇气。——邓布利多If you want to know what a man"s like , take a good look at how he treats his inferiors , not his wquals. ——Sirius如果你想知道一个人到底怎么样,那就好好看看他是怎么对待比他卑微的物种的,而非和他平等的人。--小天狼星It matters not what someone is born,but what they grow to be. --Dumbledore一个人的出生并不重要,重要的是他长大之后会变得怎么样。--邓布利多Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.--Dumbledore时间不会因为不好的事情即将发生而慢下来。--邓布利多Working hard is important.But there is something that matters even more, beliexing in yourself.--Dumbledore努力很重要,然而更重要的是:相信自己。一邓布利多It is not our abilities that show what we truly are,it is our choices.--Dumbledore决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。--邓布利多It is our choices that show what trule are,far more than our abilitles.一- Dumbledore表现我们真正自我的是我们的选择,选择比我们的能力重要的多。--邓布利多《哈利波特》美到爆炸的双语句子That suggests that what you fear most of all.. is fear itself.--Remus Lupin你最恐惧的其实是恐惧本身。--莱姆斯.卢平The teuth,It is a beautiful and terrible thing,and should therefore be treated with great caution.--Dumbledore真相,这是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。-- 邓布利多Do not pity the dead,pity the livjing,and above all those who live withoutlove.--Dumbledore不要怜悯死者, 哈利,怜悯活人,最重要的是,怜悯那些生活中没有爱的人。--邓布利多2023-07-01 02:37:141
以下台词出自Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince英文原版,中文翻译是自己写的"Well, it is clear to me that he has done a very good job on you,"said Scrimgeour, his eyes cold and hard behind his wire-rimmed glasses. "Dumbledore"s man through and through, aren"t you ,Potter?""Yeah, I am,"said Harry. "Glad we straightened that out."“好吧,对我来说很显然,他在你身上下足了功夫,”斯克林杰说,他的眼睛在线框眼镜后面显得冷酷无情,“自始至终都是邓布利多的人,不是吗,波特?”“没错,是这样的,”哈利说,“很高兴我们能开诚布公。”——A Very Frosty ChristmasVoldemort sneered."If you do not want to give me a job-""Of course I don"t," said Dumbledore."And I don"t think for a moment you expected me to. Nevertheless, you came here, you asked, you must have had a purpose."Voldemort stood up. He looked less like Tom Riddle than ever, his features thick with rage."This is your final word?""It is," said Dumbledore, also standing."Then we have nothing more to say to each other.""No, nothing," said Dumbledore, and a great sadness filled his face. "The time is long gone when I could frighten you with a burning wardrobe and force you to make repayment for your crimes. But I wish I could, Tom... I wish I could..."伏地魔冷笑。“如果你不打算给我一份工作——”“我当然不打算,”邓布利多说,“并且我从不认为你会期望我这么做。不过,你来这里,你提出要求,你就一定有你的目的。”伏地魔站起来,他看上去比任何时候都不像汤姆·里德尔,他的特征由于愤怒而变得厚重。“这就是你最后的话了?”“是的。”邓布利多说,站起身。“那么我们之间就没什么可说的了。”“的确,没什么可说的了。”邓布利多说,脸上充满了极度悲哀的神色,“我能够用燃烧的衣橱来吓唬你让你为你的过错还债的日子早就已经过去了。但是我希望我可以,汤姆……我希望我可以……”——Lord Voldemort"s Request"Draco, Draco, you are not a killer."(Dumbledore)“德拉科,德拉科,你不是一个会杀人的人。”(邓布利多)<--这句翻译的时候比较挣扎,翻成中文彻底失去感觉了= ="Killing is not nearly as easy as the innocent believe..."(Dumbledore)“谋杀远比无辜的人想象的要困难得多……”(邓布利多)——The Lightning-Struck TowerTo the Dark LordI know I will be dead long before you read thisbut I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.I face death in the hope that when you meet your match,you will be mortal once more.R.A.B.致黑暗勋爵我知道在你读到这个之前我早就死了不过我希望你知道是我发现了你的秘密。我偷了真正的魂器并试图尽快毁掉它。我面临死亡,是因为希望看到当你面对你的对手的时候,你又会变成凡人了(或“你不再是永生的”)。R.A.B——Flight of the Prince"You thought I would not weesh to marry him? Or per"aps, you "oped?" said Fleur, her nostrils flaring. "What do I care how "e looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk! All these scars show is that my husband is brave! And I shall do zat!" she added fiercely, pushing Mrs Weasley aside and snatching the ointment from her.(这段英文里面单词拼错之类的的都是因为芙蓉的法语口音)“你觉得我会不想跟他(比尔)结婚?或者也许,你希望我不想?”芙蓉说,鼻孔翕动着,“我干嘛在乎他长得怎么样?我认为,我的美貌够我们两个人用了!这些伤疤展示的只是我的丈夫有多么勇敢而已!我会这么做的!”她狠狠地说,把韦斯莱夫人推到一边,从她手中夺走软膏。——The Phoenix Lament"The Ministry can offer you all sorts of protection, you know, Harry. I would be delighted to place a couple of my Aurors at your service-"Harry laughed."Voldemort wants to kill me himself and Aurors won"t stop him. So thanks for the offer, but no thanks.""So,"said Scrimgeour, his voice cold now,"the request I made of you at Christmas-""What request? Oh yeah...the one where I tell the world what a great job you"re doing in exchange for-""-for raising everyone"s morale!"snapped Scrimgeour.Harry considered him for a moment."Released Stan Shumpike yet?"Scrimgeour turned a nasty purple colour highly reminiscent of Uncle Vernon."I see you are-""Dumbledore"s man through and through,"said Harry."That"s right."“魔法部可以给你提供各种保护,你知道的,哈利。我会很高兴派我的几个傲罗供你调用——”哈利笑了。“伏地魔想亲自杀了我,傲罗阻止不了他。所以谢谢你的好意,我心领了。”“那么,”斯克林杰说,他的声音变得冷漠了,“我在圣诞节向你提出的请求——”“什么请求?哦是的……就是让我告诉全世界你做出了多大的贡献,为了——”“——为了提升所有人的士气!”斯克林杰厉声说。哈利想了一会儿。“斯坦·桑巴克被释放了么?”斯克林杰的脸上显出卑鄙的紫色,让人想起弗农姨父。“我知道了,你——”“自始至终都是邓布利多的人,”哈利说,“没错。”——The White Tomb2023-07-01 02:42:573
Harry Potter Hogwarts will soon become the fifth grade students,but it also means that his life will be more difficult.Among them,the greatest threat still comes from his enemy Voldemort Forever.However,the Minister of Magic Fuji view that is rumors,Dumbledore and Harry reason to spread these rumors,the sole purpose of causing all the panic,the Minister took the opportunity to snatch his throne. Dumbledore would be proud of a group called Romania specialized to deal with black magic shaman together to deal with the composition of the Phoenix Voldemort and fresh dead followers of the counterattack.The Forge is still worried that Dumbledore will be plotting to seize,so send a deputy minister of magic to Hogwarts Ms.wuliqi any black magic defense teacher.Harry only ask them to endorse the practice of lessons that are not,because she was afraid of these students will have learned to deal with the Ministry of Magic.Harry,Ron and Hermione to determine their own learning black magic defense techniques,in order to eat only the arrival time of death to join the fighting.In the shadow of the shadow of Voldemort"s magic community,Dumbledore"s Army and the Phoenix are in combat readiness,and to find organizations also eat dead only too eager World War II failed to be triggered at any moment.In support of friends,formed a secret Harry Dumbledore Regiment,together with you to practice black magic defense operation. Nightmares,Harry always Voldemort appears perspective,it seems that they have some kind of mysterious links..In Dumbledore is under the direction of Professor Harry to Snape learning sealant technique,but rarely effective.Finally induces in a nightmare,the Harry rushed paranoid Ministry of Magic to rescue a small Sirius,Voldemort did not want to fall into the trap,the Phoenix lead to death and eat only the conflict between the positive.In the melee,the small Sirius died. What Harry and Voldemort the link between how?In grief,the Dumbledore Harry opened for answers,Harry was also longer,more difficult way to go ......2023-07-01 02:43:031
Last of the wilds-Nightwish里面主要有哪些乐器?
准确的说是爱尔兰风笛。可以肯定CD里的调子不是键盘弹的,因为键盘上上是没有这么逼真的音色的。里面主要的乐器有 键盘、吉它、贝司、鼓(废话) 小提琴:你们觉得像二胡的东西 爱尔兰肘风笛(乌林管):你们觉得好像是吹奏的东西 康特勒琴(芬兰):就是高潮时突然有一处音色很奇怪的乐器,弹拨类弦乐。2023-07-01 02:43:102
As Lord Voldemort retrieves the Elder Wand from Albus Dumbledore"s grave, Severus Snape has become Hogwarts" headmaster. Meanwhile, after burying Dobby, Harry Potter speaks with the goblin Griphook about breaking into Bellatrix Lestrange"s vault at Gringotts bank, suspecting that a Horcrux may be hidden there. Griphook agrees to take Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the vault in exchange for the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry asks Ollivander, the wandmaker, to identify two wands they took from Malfoy Manor. Ollivander says they belonged to Bellatrix and Draco Malfoy, but Malfoy"s wand has changed its allegiance to Harry.At Bellatrix"s vault, Harry discovers that the Horcrux is Helga Hufflepuff"s Cup. He obtains the cup but Griphook takes the sword and abandons the trio, leaving them cornered by the alerted security. However, the three release the dragon guardian and flee. Harry has a vision of Voldemort killing goblins, including Griphook (the sword can be seen vanishing from his dead hands), and learns that the Dark Lord has discovered the theft. Harry also learns there is a Horcrux at Hogwarts, that is in some way related to Rowena Ravenclaw. The trio apparate into Hogsmeade, which sets off an alarm. They are rescued by Aberforth Dumbledore, who instructs a portrait of his younger sister, Ariana, to fetch Neville Longbottom, who leads the trio through a secret passageway into Hogwarts.Snape hears of Harry"s return and informs staff and students of the severe punishment for aiding Harry. Harry confronts Snape, who flees after Minerva McGonagall challenges him to a duel. McGonagall gathers the community of Hogwarts to prepare for battle. At Luna Lovegood"s insistence, Harry speaks to Helena Ravenclaw"s ghost. She reveals that Voldemort performed "dark magic" on her mother"s diadem, which is in the Room of Requirement. Ron and Hermione go to the Chamber of Secrets, where Hermione destroys Helga Hufflepuff"s Cup with a Basilisk fang. In the Room of Requirement, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini attack Harry, but Ron and Hermione intervene. Goyle casts a Fiendfyre curse and is burned to death, but Malfoy and Zabini are saved by the trio before destroying the Ravenclaw diadem. As the school is attacked by Voldemort"s forces, Harry, during a trip into Voldemort"s mind, realizes that his snake, Nagini, is the final Horcrux. After entering the boathouse, the trio witness Voldemort telling Snape that the Elder Wand cannot serve him until Snape dies, and has Nagini kill Snape. Before dying, Snape tells Harry to take his memories to the Pensieve. Meanwhile, in the battle, Fred, Remus, Tonks and Lavender are killed.Harry learns from Snape"s memories that Snape loved Harry"s mother Lily. Following her death, Snape agreed with Dumbledore to protect Harry from Voldemort out of his love for Lily. He also learns that Dumbledore"s death at Snape"s hands was planned between them. Harry learns that he became a Horcrux when Voldemort originally failed to kill him and that he must die in order to destroy the piece of soul within him. Harry goes to die at the hands of Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, after being comforted by the appearance of his parents, Sirius and Remus with the Resurrection Stone. Voldemort casts the Killing Curse upon Harry, who finds himself in a strange limbo where Dumbledore"s spirit meets him and explains that the part of Voldemort within Harry was killed by Voldemort"s own curse. Harry decides to return to his body to face Voldermort for the final time.Voldemort announces Harry"s death to everyone at Hogwarts, and that anyone who defies him will be killed. As Neville gives a speech, Harry reveals that he is alive. Neville draws forth the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat, and as Harry and Voldemort duel across the school, Neville decapitates Nagini, leaving Voldemort mortal. During this time, Molly Weasley disarms and kills Bellatrix. Voldemort is killed as the Elder Wand returns to Harry. After the battle, Harry explains that the Elder Wand had recognised him as its master because he had disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor, who in turn had disarmed its previous owner, Dumbledore. Harry snaps the Elder Wand, rejecting its power.Nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny Potter, along with Ron and Hermione Weasley, watch proudly as their children leave for Hogwarts from King"s Cross station. 是不是多了点。。。Google上搜的,电影版的详细介绍2023-07-01 02:43:372
Last Of The Wilds - Nightwish这首曲子表达什么内容
这首歌让我的思绪回到了大约一千年前,在酒馆中人们在桌子上蹦啊跳啊,跟着那些古老乐器奏出的旋律大声的唱歌。(这是)一个在芬兰和 爱尔兰之间进行的派对竞赛(Carl.Dumbledore注:就是在派对中的斗酒或者斗乐斗舞),或者说是一个酒吧竞赛,Emppu对小提琴对爱尔兰肘风笛 (Carl.Dumbledore注:不是打错了,Uilean这个词在爱尔兰语中就是胳膊肘的意思。如果觉得不够西洋味的话,不妨译作乌林关或者尤里安风笛)。然 后芬兰在C调中扬起了她的头,在她的手中演奏着康特勒琴(Carl.Dumbledore注:一种芬兰的传统乐器,原来是五根弦,现在是二十根到三十根弦,维基 百科中提供了一张足有三十八根弦的康特勒琴的图片)。有一点戏谑的成分,但是最终每个人都成了朋友。确切的说这是整张专辑中最正面的 歌曲。在那些录制专辑的时光里我们突然拥有了一个正面的日子。这首歌真的很好,我们将会在演唱会中演奏它。2023-07-01 02:43:443
《哈利波特》主要人物介绍如下哈利·波特(Harry James Potter),该作主角,生于1980年7月31日,是巫师夫妇詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特的独生子。他是伊诺特u2027皮福雷的后裔,而书中的反派势力伏地魔,则是卡德马u2027皮福雷之后代,因此两人有共同的祖先。哈利有着黑发绿眼,就像他的父亲一样,黑色的头发总是四处乱翘,有着波特家族的飞行天赋。赫敏·格兰杰(Hermione Jean Granger),生于1979年9月19日,出身一个麻瓜家庭。在书中以一个喜好钻研学术及无所不知的聪明女孩形象出现,有时显得独断专行,她的知识在他们许多的冒险旅程中证明有用。赫敏到霍格沃茨不久就成为全年级最聪明的学生。罗恩·韦斯莱(Ronald Bilius "Ron" Weasley),生于1980年3月1日,哈利在霍格沃茨最要好的朋友,书中的喜剧角色。韦斯莱家族是古老的纯血统家族,他们都拥有一头火焰般的红发。阿不思·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore),变形术教授兼霍格沃茨魔法学校校长,被公认为是当代最伟大的巫师,哈利最尊敬的人之一。第六卷时为了得到魂器牺牲。西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape),魔药课教授,斯莱特林学院院长,哈利六年级黑魔法防御术教授。在莉莉死后就成为凤凰社正式成员,在伏地魔要杀死哈利父母前是食死徒,之后为邓布利多的密探。邓布利多死后升为校长。扩展资料《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling)于1997~2007年所著的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部。其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)为主要舞台,描写的是主人公——年轻的巫师学生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前后六年的学习生活和冒险故事;第七本描写的是哈利·波特在第二次魔法界大战中在外寻找魂器并消灭伏地魔的故事。美国华纳兄弟电影公司把这7集小说改拍成8部电影,前6集各一部,而第七集分成上下两部。哈利·波特电影系列是全球史上最卖座的电影系列,总票房收入达78亿美元。《哈利·波特》小说中的善与恶的矛盾对立主要分为两条线索:第一条是以哈利与伏地魔为代表的善与恶的对立,第二条是以哈利自我心中对于恶的抗争作为暗线而展开的。正是因为故事的设定有着哈利的自我抗争,也才使其英雄形象更为饱满。参考资料:百度百科-哈利波特2023-07-01 02:43:548
答 共 9 条哈利 波特 Harry Potter 罗恩 韦斯莱 Ron Weasley 赫敏 格兰杰 Hermione Granger 阿不思 邓不利多 Albus Dumbledore 吉德罗 洛哈特 Gibleroy Lockhart 米勒娃 麦格(Professor是教授) Professor Minerva Mcgonagall 西弗勒斯 斯内普 Professor Severus Snape 卢平 Professor Lupin 多比 Dobby 闪闪 Winky 伏地魔 Voldemort 汤姆 里德尔 Tom Riddle 鲁伯 海格 Rubeus Hagrid 奇洛 Professor Quirrel 斯普劳特 Professor Sprout 霍琦夫人 Madam Hooch 特里劳妮 Porfessor Trelawney 小天狼星布莱克 Sirius Black 小矮星彼得 Peter Pettigrew 弗立维 Professor Flitwick 塞德里克 迪戈里 Cedric Diggory 威克多尔 克鲁姆 Viktor Krum 费尔奇 Filch 芙蓉 德拉库尔 Fleur Delacour 疯眼汉穆迪 Mad-eye Moody 巴蒂 克劳奇 Mr Crouch 卢多 巴格曼 Ludo Bagman 康奈利 福吉 Cornelius Fudge 比尔 韦斯莱 Bill Weasley 查理 韦斯莱 Charlie Weasley 弗雷德 韦斯莱 Fred Weasley 乔治 韦斯莱 George Weasley 金妮 韦斯莱 Ginny Weasley 珀西 韦斯莱 Percy Weasley 亚瑟 韦斯莱 Aurthor Weasley 莫丽 韦斯莱 Molly Weasley 弗农 德斯礼 Vernon Dursley 佩妮 德斯礼 Petunia Dursley 达力 德斯礼 Dudley Dursley 秋 张 Cho Chang 拉文德 布朗 Lavender Brown 帕瓦蒂 佩蒂尔 Parvati Patil 德拉科 马尔福 Draco Malfoy 伊戈尔 卡卡洛夫 Igor Karkaroff 马克西姆夫人 Madam Maxime 帕德玛 佩蒂尔 Padma Patil 奥利弗 伍德 Oliver Wood 高尔 Goyle 文森特 Vincent Crabbe 庞弗雷夫人 Madam Pomfrey 李 乔丹 Lee Jordan 安吉利娜 约翰逊 Angelina Johnson 西莫 斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan 迪安 托马斯 Dean Thomas 纳威 隆巴顿 Neville Longbottom 厄尼 麦克米兰 Ernie Mcmillan 科林 克里维 Colin Creevey 丹尼斯 克里维 Dennis Creevey 詹姆 波特 James Potter 莉莉 波特 Lily Potter 凯蒂 贝尔 Katie Bell 佩内洛 克里瓦特 Penelop Clearwater 艾丽娅 斯平内特 Alicia SpinnetProfessor Binns 平斯夫人 Madam Pince 奥利凡德 Mr Ollivander 摩金夫人 Madam Malkin 尼可 勒梅 Nicolas Flamel 皮皮鬼 Peeves 胖修士 Fat Friar 哭泣的桃金娘 Moaning Murtle 血人巴罗 Bloody Baron 差点没头的尼克 Nearly Headless Nick 丽塔 斯基特 Rita Skeeter 辛尼斯塔教授 Professor Sinistra 格兰普兰教授 Professor Grubbly_plank 潘西 帕金森 Pansy Parkinson 伯莎 乔金斯 Bertha Jorkins 罗杰 戴维斯 Roger Davis 戈德里克 格兰芬多 Godric Gryffindor 赫尔加 赫奇帕奇 Helga Hufflepuff 罗伊纳 拉文克劳 Rowena Ravenclaw 萨拉查 斯莱特林 Salazar Slytherin 月亮脸 Moony 尖头叉子 Prongs 大脚板 Padfoot 虫尾巴 Wormtail 巴克比克 Buckbeak 牙牙 Fang 诺伯 Norbert 路威 Fluffy 阿拉戈克 Aragog 克鲁克山 Crookshanks 朱薇琼 Pigwidgeon 斑斑 Scabbers 海德薇 Hedwig 汉娜 艾博 Hannah Abbott 米里森 伯斯德 Millicent Bulstrode 贾斯廷 芬列里 Justin Finch-Fletchley 福克斯 Fawkes 拉环 Griphook 马库斯 弗林特 卢修斯 马尔福 罗南 Ronan 贝恩 Bane 费伦泽 Firenze 卡多根爵士 Sir Cadogan 阿莫斯 迪戈里 Amos Diggory 地名: 霍格沃茨 Hogwarts 霍格莫德 Hogsmeade 德姆斯特朗 Durmstrang 布斯巴顿 Beauxbatons 古灵阁 Gringotts 翻倒巷 Knockturn Alley 对角巷 Diagon Alley 尖叫棚屋 The Shrieking Shack 蜜蜂公爵 Honeydukes 佐科玩笑商店 Zonko"s Joke Shop 丽痕书店 Flourish and Blotts 破釜酒吧 Leaky Cauldron 陋居 The Burrow 三把扫帚 The Three Broomsticks 阿兹卡班 Azkaban 女贞街 Privit 魔法部 Ministry of Magic Astronomy Tower 占星塔 霍格华兹最高的地方。 Forbidden Forest 禁忌森林 霍格华资学生们的禁地,人马、独角兽等奇兽居住其中。 Platform9 3 / 4 九又四分之三月台 搭乘霍格华兹特快车的月台。 Smeltings 司梅汀中学 达力的学校。 Stonewall High 石墙高中 哈利本来预计要进入就读的麻瓜学校。 The Owlery 猫头鹰屋 霍格华兹中猫头鹰的宿舍。 变形课 Transfiguration Class 魔咒课 Charms Class 黑魔法防御术 Defence Against The Dark Arts Class 保护神奇生物课 Care of Magical Creature Class 草药课 Herbology Class 飞行课 Flying Lessons 魔药课 Potions Class 媚娃 Veela 摄魂怪 Dementor 小矮妖 Leprechaun 光轮200 Nimbus 2000 火弩箭 Firebolt 级长 Prefect 魔杖 Wand 隐形衣 Invisibility Cloak 坩埚 Cauldron 分院帽 Sorting Har 长袍 Robes 魁地奇 Quiddich 鬼飞球 Quaffle 游走球 Bludger 金色飞贼 Golden Snitch 追球手 Chaser 找球手 Seeker 击球手 Beater 守门员 Keeper 麻瓜 Muggle 活点地图 The Marauder"s Map 飞路粉 Floo Powder 韦斯莱魔法把戏 Weasley"s Wizard Wheezes 预言家日报 Daily Prophet 三强争霸赛 Triwizard Tournament 魔法石 Philosopher"s Stone 火焰杯 Goblet of Fire 打人柳 Whomping Willow 黑魔标记 The Dark Mark 门钥匙 Portkeys 吼叫信 Howler 猫头鹰邮递 Owler 加隆 Galleons 西可 Sickels 速记笔 Quick-Quotes Quill 纳特 Knut 教科类: A Beginners" Guide to Transfiguration 《初学变形指南》埃默瑞u2022斯威奇著 Curses and Countercurse 《诅咒与反诅咒》温迪克教授著 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 《怪兽及其产地》纽特u2022斯卡曼著 Magical Drafts and Potions 《魔法药剂与药水》阿森尼u2022斯波尔著 Magical Theory 《魔法理论》阿德贝u2022沃夫林著 One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi 《一千种神奇药草与菌类》 The Dark Forces :A Guide to Self-Protection 《黑暗力量:自卫指南》昆丁u2022特林布著 The History of Magic 《魔法史》巴希达u2022巴沙特著 The Standard Book of Spells(Grade1) 《标准咒语,初级》米兰达u2022戈沙克著 The Standard Book of Spells(Grade2)《标准咒语,二级》米兰达u2022戈沙克著 The Standard Book of Spells(Grade3)《标准咒语,三级》米兰达u2022戈沙克著 The Standard Book of Spells(Grade4)《标准咒语,四级》米兰达u2022戈沙克著 Encyclopedia of Toadstools 《毒菌大全》 The Dark Forced—A Guide to Protection 《黑暗力量:自卫指南》昆丁u2022特林布著 Monster Book of Monsters 《妖怪们的妖怪书》 有关龙的: Dragon-Breeding for Pleasure and Profit 《养龙指南》 Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland 《大不列颠和爱尔兰的龙的种类》 From Egg to Inferno ,A Dragon Keeper"s Guide 《从孵蛋到涅磐》 魁地奇: Quidditch Through the Ages 《魁地奇溯源》 Flying with the Cannons 《和火炮队一起飞翔》 Handbook of Do-it Yourself Broomcare 《飞天扫帚护理手册》 洛哈特的书: Gadding with Ghouls 《与食尸鬼同游》 Holidays with Hags 《与母夜叉一起度假》 Magical me 《会魔法的我》 Travels with Troll 《与山怪共游》 Voyages With Vampires 《与吸血鬼同船旅行》 Wanderings With Werewolves 《与狼人一起流浪》 Year With The Yeti 《与西藏雪人在一起的一年》 Break with a banshee 《与食尸鬼同游》 烹饪: Charm Your Own Cheese 《给你的奶酪施上魔法》 Enchantment in Baking 《烤面包的魔法》 One Minute Feasts——It"s Magic 《变出一桌成盛宴!》 占卜: Unfogging the Future 《拨开迷雾看未来》卡桑德拉u2022瓦布拉斯基著 其他: Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century 《二十世纪重要魔法事件》 Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century 《二十世纪的大巫师》 Hogwarts ,A History 《霍格沃茨 一段校史》 Important Modern Magical Discoveries 《现代魔法的重大发现》 Modern Magical History 《现代魔法史》 Notable Magical Names of Our Time 《当代著名魔法家名录》 Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry 《近代巫术发展研究》 The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts 《黑魔法的兴衰》 Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle 《疯麻瓜马丁@米格历险记》 Gilderoy Lockhart"s Guide to household Pets 《家禽还是怪兽?》 Moste Potente Potions 《强力药剂》 Prefects Who Gained Power 《级长怎样获得权力》 Invisible Book of Invisibility 《隐形术的隐形书》 Old and Forgotten Bewitchment and Charms 《被遗忘的古老魔法和咒语》 Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is coming 《死亡预兆:当你知道最坏的事即将到来的时候,你该怎么办?》 Sites of Historical Sorcery 《中世纪巫术指南》2023-07-01 02:45:0710
在书正式发行之前,看到各种宣传以及一些媒体直接称它为哈利波特八…我隐约记得罗琳阿姨表示过她不会再写哈利波特系列的续集,开始的时候以为剧本是三个人完成的,有罗琳阿姨的参与。后来发现剧本完全是Jack Thorne写的,罗琳阿姨差不多就只是给一个授权,然后看了一下,给一些指导意见而已。(见上图,第一张图还是维基百科里的…为了宣传还真是…) 先说一下结论:我会当自己没看过这个剧本(尽管它给我造成的这些伤痛和不高兴已经存在了…),这只是一个官方的同人续集,哈利波特的书在2007年的7月21日就已经完结了。 出书那天大概也是一个全世界哈迷都很熟悉的日子吧……7月31日,刚好是哈利和罗琳的生日。七月初就看到在亚马逊上预定的销售排名就第一了。 7月31号晚上开始看,8月3号晚上看完。速度远远不及当年死亡圣器一发行就冲到书店,一天半的时间除了吃饭睡觉就是看书…而且这本书的厚度也远不及死亡圣器。 舞台剧怎么样没有看所以不做出评价,但这个剧本烂的让我有一种有一种看不下去的感觉…看到一半真的有一种我不想看了想弃了,最终压抑着怒气(…)看完了。不看完怎么吐槽怎么安利别人不要看啊不要看啊毁童年啊。 以下为吐槽: 1.没有新意: 时间转换器已经在这部剧里玩坏了…当初看哈利波特系列觉得很欢快的一个原因就是每一部里都有新的梗,一般用过的在新的书里就不会当做关键的道具(?呃,这个词有点奇怪)使用,比如1里是魔法石,2里是汤姆里德尔的日记,3里是时间转换器,4里是火焰杯(也可以说是门钥匙…),5里是大脑封闭术(哈利和伏地魔的连接),6里是混血王子的魔药书,7是死亡圣器以及魂器。而时间转换器在这部里用了三次。被两个熊孩子玩成了平行时空的既视感,在一个时空里Voldemort统治了世界,Harry死掉了,Snape活着为Ron和Hermione当卧底(我觉得如果Lily的儿子死了,Snape友善度一定不是这样的…想想他撕合照的事情吧……)。另一个平行时空里Hermione和Ron没有结婚,Hermione成了一个偏执狂,Ron变得一点也不幽默。原因是Albus和Scoripus穿着德姆斯特朗的袍子和Hermione说了两句话。个人觉得穿越时空这种梗在前几年的电影和小说中已经用的太多了,阿兹卡班的囚徒出书时尚且还觉得很新奇,在这个剧本中反复用,还用的很尴尬…这就不好说什么了…并且原书中说过时间转换器在哈利波特与凤凰社里在魔法部的那一场乱战中已经被全部销毁,冒出来一次被魔法部收着,Hermione放在书柜里…然后被那两个熊孩子拿走也就算了…剧的最后他们苦于无法回到过去救两个熊孩子的时候Draco突然跳出来说,“啊我爹以前喜欢收藏这些东西,我家藏有一个!而且不限制回到过去的时间!”我…… 2.剧情不完整:(1)在这个剧本里,Harry做了很多个关于Voldemort的梦,但在剧本后都没有给出这些梦的缘由,但在H7系列中,哈利的梦全都是与Voldemort真实的行为相关(除了神秘事务司诱导的那一次),好像这些梦就只是来制造一点氛围,啊Voldemort在梦里出来了,叫一声“Haarrry Pottter. ”然后…哈利惊醒了…没了……(2)Harry在禁林里遇到了马人Bane,他告诉HARRY,Albus周围有一片黑云笼罩,但最后也没说清楚这团黑云是啥…(或许就像是Trelawney教授的不祥???) 原剧本里是“A black cloud that may danger us all. You"ll find your son again, Harry Potter. But then you"ll lose him forever. ”…按照我的理解是Delphie…吧…?还有为什么找到了Albus就会永远的失去他?最后也没能解释清楚。 3.与原著设定冲突:(1)在死亡圣器中的最后一句话是"The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well. "而在这个剧本中,有一次Harry做梦惊醒说伤疤疼,Ginny问他伤疤疼了多久了,他说22年…两处明显不符合。而且Harry的伤疤只有在与Voldemort相关的事情的时候发生的时候才会疼,这部剧里Voldemort只是在别的时空里出现了,难道疼是因为Voldemort他女儿…?(2)在霍格沃茨决战中Harry身上Voldemort的那一部分已经不存在了。Albus为什么会被分到斯莱特林我觉得也是一件很匪夷所思的事情(或许只是剧情需要吧),并且时间转化器转换回去的另一次他又被分到的格兰芬多,而我们知道的是,分院帽在分配学院的时候看的是巫师的本质,并且分院帽会尊重每个孩子自己的选择,Harry分院时就是因为自己选择了不要斯莱特林,分院帽才把他分到了格兰芬多。而Albus如此的厌倦自己和自己的家人还有堂姐不一样,很渴望进格兰芬多,又很害怕分到斯莱特林,成为波特家的异类,分院帽一扣上他的头就大呼斯莱特林也不合理啊。(3)在某一个时空中Cedric没有死去,他成了Voldemort活下来的关键人物,他成了一个食死徒。预言(不是Trelawney教授的,只是在他们在一面墙上发现的用荧光剂写下的)“When spares are spared, when time is turned, when unseen children murder their fathers: Then will the Dark Lord return. "首先预言是一件非常玄幻的事情,在H7系列中预言只有在Trelawney教授无意识的暴走状态下才会预言准…而且这样的预言全书只有一个。这个用荧光剂写在墙上的预言来自于谁?真的可信吗…其次是Cedric在原著中是一个帅气又有正义的孩子,因为三强争霸赛输了所以变成食死徒,而且杀了Neville简直是难以理解,为了报答Harry在第一局中告诉他赛情,他第二局在知道赛情后作为报答也告诉了Harry。要是他真的那么渴望三强争霸赛的胜利,他完全可以捂着赛情不告诉Harry。 4.无法接受人设:(1) Harry的小儿子Albus和Draco的儿子Scorpius因为在火车上分糖吃成为了好朋友,但真正促使他们成为好基友的原因是Albus被分到了斯莱特林,人们处处拿他和Harry比较,他觉得自己在Harry的光环下很难好好生活,这我还能理解…在part one,act one有一段他的内心独白“I didn"t choose, you know that? I didn"t choose to be his son. ”啊…这已经深度触及了亲情问题啊…有一次与Harry吵架的时候直接对Harry说,有些时候我真希望自己不是你儿子。各种抗拒Harry的关心,拒绝和Harry交流,甚至讨厌霍格莫德,仅仅是因为那里有很多霍格沃茨的学生……恩,这是轻量级的了…我觉得很多Albus的行为我都无法理解。如果说H7系列中Harry总是被麻烦找上门,那我感觉Albus就是没事我要找点事,我要证明我和我爹是不一样的。(2)Scorpius被被人说是Voldemort的儿子,谣言Draco和她的妻子Astoria无法生育(WTF???),Astoria比Harry还要晚两年进霍格沃茨,哈7决战的时候Harry是17岁,Voldemort72岁,然后Voldemort死掉了。按照推测,Astoria当时15岁左右,有了一个Voldemort的儿子???然后七年以后生下来??为什么让我想起了高中生物书中摩尔根的果蝇……好吧剧中有一种谣言是说Astoria用了时间转换器回去和Voldemort有了个孩子…想象她回到过去,"我知道您将来在霍格沃茨战役中即将死去,为了马尔福家族和食死徒(她还不是食死徒…)的荣耀,请让我为您生个孩子吧?”魔法世界谣言(脑洞)的力量真是强大。(3)整部剧本里,哈利变得不像哈利,有一种“我就是全剧里最讨厌的人,我随时为魔法部代言”的感觉,Draco上Harry家门求Harry澄清谣言(Draco会有这样的行为?),Harry的回答也是惊呆了,“If you answer the gossip, you feed the gossip. There"ve been runors Voldemort had a child for years, Scorpius is not the first to be accused. The Ministry, for your sake as well as ours, needs to steer well clear. ”内心一万句,这是哈利波特?这是成年以后的哈利波特?这是老了的哈利波特?你确定这不是喝了复方汤剂的乌姆里奇?这个剧本里Harry成了最不讨人喜欢的一个主角…对Albus的控制欲极其强烈,甚至用自己的权利来威胁Professor McGonagall用活点地图来监视Albus(我觉得光是这里就有两个BUG了,一是Harry对权利的态度,二是Harry用活点地图做这种事…),强行把Albus和他唯一的朋友Scorpius分开口口声声只是为了Albus的安全,威胁Albus不准和Scorpius一起玩儿(最讨人厌的家长类型)。因为没有家人的关爱,在小天狼星出现之前,Harry最珍惜的大概就是和Ron还有Hermione的友谊了,明知Scorpius是Albus唯一的朋友,Harry能做出这种事情,我只能说我拒绝接受这样设定的Harry。(4)最狗血的设定绝对是Delphi,开始的时候待在医院照顾Cedric的爸爸Amos,说是Cedric的堂姐,最后揭露是Voldemort的女儿,并且是Vlodemort和Bellatrix的女儿,BUG是Bellatrix在霍格沃茨决战中已经死掉了(又是用烂了的时间转换器?时间转换器专门用来生孩子么…)并且Delphi的爸爸是Voldemort是Bellatrix的丈夫告诉她的……想象一下这有多开脑洞多奇妙把… 5.感情戏突兀: 在H7系列中,感情的表达都很自然。在H7中感动你的方法不是直白的语言和对话,而是细节,你把这些细节串联起来,会被很自然的打动(好吧可能是剧本本身就有这种弊端)尤其是7中混血王子的故事那一章中,想起从魔法石开始每一个第一次见到Harry的人都对他说,你有一双你妈妈的眼睛,再想到Snape为保护哈利做的事情…他的自私,他对Lily的爱,让人觉得深沉而不造作。而在这个剧本中,感情戏多直接以语言的方式呈现,读的我一身鸡皮疙瘩…摘录Harry和Dumbledore肖像的一段对话。HARRY: Don"t go!DUMBLEDORE: Those that we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death can not touch. Paint… and memery… and love.HARRY: I love you too, Dumbleddore.DUMBLEDORE: I know.前后问是在讲哈利向Dumbledore询问怎么才可以保护自己的儿子,在H7系列中Dumbledore一直都是一个睿智的长者的形象,并且7本书里Harry直接的表达I love you的情况不超过三次。个人觉得这里读起来实在是很不舒服……不过剧本里还是有许多很有爱,读起来感觉很棒的环节的。比如说他们几个在Harry家决定去救两个熊孩子的时候,Ron的保护欲爆发,对Draco说话带刺儿,Hermione出来缓解气氛的时候特别的可爱。RON: Malfoy, you may be chummy chummy with Harry, and you may have produced a relatively nice child, but you"ve said some very unfair thing to and about my wife...HERMIONE: And your wife doesn"t need you fighting her battles for her.RON: Fine. But if you say one thing about her or me…DRACO: You"ll do what? Weasley?HERMIONE: He"ll hug you. Because we are all on the same team, aren"t we, Ron?RON: Fine. I, um, I think you "ve got really nice hair. Draco.看到这段的时候特别的开心。想起7里Harry把Draco从烧起来了的有求必应屋里救出来的时候也是有一种莫名的开心。Draco的存在让H7系列多了很多让人咬牙也让人欢喜的地方。啊重点大概还是演员选的好…其实,我觉得最重要的一点还是,它读起来不像哈利波特。哈利波特七本书随便拿起一本,随便翻开一章,都会让我有一种放不下,想要继续读下去的愿望。对于这个剧本,完全没有这样的感觉。磕原文和设定其实是一件没什么意思的事情。要是这本书读起来让我很畅快很欢喜我大概是不会干这样的事情的。恩,这就只是一个官方一点的同人本而已,再给我一次选择我不会读,花的时间和精力不如在多回味几章老H7系列、研究一下罗琳阿姨写的各种戳萌点的神奇动物在哪里以及默默期待一下今年十一月要上映的电影。2023-07-01 02:45:412
全名:阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)。通常我们提到的“邓布利多”就是指他。 电影中的扮演者:理查德·哈里斯(Richard Harris)饰演:(Albus Dumbledore) 阿不思·邓布利多(第一、二部出演,伦敦时间2002年10月25日晚7时在伦敦病逝,享年72岁) 迈克尔·甘本(Michael Gambon) 饰演:(Albus Dumbledore) 阿不思·邓布利多 (第三部以后) 头发:曾经是赤褐色的(密室第17章),现在是银白色的,齐腰长(魔法石第1、7章) 眼睛:蓝色的(魔法石第1章),通常是闪烁着的 面部特征:长长的被打断了的鹰钩鼻,戴着半月形眼镜,一双湛蓝色的锐利的双眼,长长的银白色胡须 体形:又高又瘦 喜欢的人:盖勒特·格林德沃(曾经败给邓布利多的巫师,老魔杖曾经的拥有者) 年龄:逝世时为116岁(1881年出生) 所属学院:格兰芬多(公元1891-1898) (在校时是个极其聪明的学生。玛奇班告诉乌姆里奇:“他参加 N.E.W.Ts时,是我本人考他的变形学和魔咒学……他用魔杖做出了我以前从来没见过的事情……”(凤凰社第31章)。 头衔/职务:于公元1971年成为校长(曾在1940年是变形术教师),直至1997年身亡。前任霍格沃茨校长;国际魔法师联合会(the International Confederation of Wizards)主席 ;威森加摩(Wizengamot)即巫师协会(the Wizard High Court)首席法师;梅林爵士团一级勋章(Order of Merlin, First Class); 照片及简介长期出现在巧克力蛙卡片上。 专长:变形术(曾在1940年是变形术教师)(密室第17章),于公元1971年成为校长,直至1997年身亡。 主要贡献:1945年击败黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃;发现龙血的十二种用途;与尼可·勒梅在炼金术方面卓有成效。 爱好:室内乐;十柱滚木球戏;研究麻瓜杂志上的编织图案 。 外表:又高又瘦,巫师气质突出,有飘逸的银白色(年轻时是赤褐色)长发和胡子(有几英尺长,可以束进腰带),长长的鹰钩鼻,被其弟弟阿不福思打断,半月形眼镜,锐利而明亮的湛蓝色眼睛,极具穿透性(像X光,也许是因为会摄神取念)。手指修长,说话时经常把十个指尖对在一起,左膝盖上有疤痕,是一副完整的伦敦地铁图。写得一手细长的,向一边倾斜,圈圈套圈圈的字。 用左手拿魔杖。 家庭成员:父亲珀西瓦尔·邓布利多,死于阿兹卡班。母亲坎德拉·邓布利多,被自己的女儿失控后杀死。弟弟阿不福思·邓布利多,猪头酒吧老板。 妹妹阿利安娜·邓不利多 由于受到了几个麻瓜男孩的刺激,精神失常,未曾进霍格沃茨,后死亡(在邓布利多.格林德沃以及邓不利多弟弟阿不福思的三人争斗中致死)(邓不利多为此感到难过而自责)。阿不思的母亲与妹妹葬于戈德里克山谷,墓志铭为“珍宝在何处,心也在何处”。(圣经中的话) 魔杖:老魔杖(又名接骨木魔杖,死亡圣器之一) 语言:会讲人鱼语言(火焰杯),能听懂蛇佬腔(混血王子),还会讲哈利听不懂的语言(混血王子第26章)。 技能:幻影移形、炼金术、摄神取念术(凤凰社第38章)、没有魔杖也能施魔法、不用隐身斗篷也能隐身(魔法石第12章)、 用守护神发送信息(火焰杯第28章)(这项技能是他发明的,很多人都会,比如凤凰社成员傲罗金斯莱·沙克尔、罗恩的爸爸亚瑟·韦斯莱等)。 守护神:凤凰,在1993年的魁地奇比赛中曾经变出,但未说明具体形象。1995年再次变出,被描述 阿不思·邓布利多为像一只“可怕的鸟”(火焰杯第28章)。(在密室中拯救了哈利的,是邓布利多的宠物凤凰,不是守护神)。 预言:根据麦格教授的说法,邓布利多曾经预言霍格沃茨的终止(密室第16章)。 出生地:Mould-on-the-Wold 居住地: 原来在沃土原,其妹妹出事后搬至戈德里克山谷. 喜爱的食品:柠檬雪糕、覆盆子果酱、酸味汽水(在《混血王子》中提到)、太妃手指饼、滋滋蜂蜜糖、蟑螂堆、冰镇柠檬汁、黄油啤酒、蜂蜜酒 等甜食。 不喜爱的零食:比比多味豆。因为曾在年轻时,吃到过不好的味道(鼻涕味) 宠物:凤凰福克斯(羽毛红金相间,极为忠诚,能携带极为沉重的东西,眼泪有疗伤作用,能涅槃再生) 着装:一件长袍,披一件拖地的紫色斗篷,登一双带搭扣的高跟靴子(第一部第1章);长长的羊毛晨衣,戴着睡帽(第二部第10章);华贵的深绿色长袍,上面绣着许多星星和月亮(第四部第12章);深蓝色长袍(第五部第8章);布满银色星星的深紫色长袍(第五部第11章);雪白的睡衣,外罩一件紫底镶金的便袍(第五部第22章);黑色的旅行斗篷,头戴一顶尖帽子(第六部第3章);紫色的魔法长袍上点缀着金色的星星(第六部第8章);考究的紫红色天鹅绒西服(第六部第13章)2023-07-01 02:45:501
There once was a boy named Harry.Destined to be a star.His parents were killed by Voldemort who gave him a lightning scar."Now Harry,you are a wizard."Harry goes to Hogwarts.He meets Ron and Hermione.McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor.Draco is a daddy"s boy.Quirrell becomes unemployed.The Sorcerer"s stone is destruyed by Dumbledore.Ron breaks his wand.Now Ginny"s gone.And Harry"s in mortal danger.Tom Riddle hides his snake inside.His ginormous secret chamber.Harry bolws up Aunt Marge.The dementors come and take charge.Lupin is a wolf.The rat is a man.And now the prisoner is at large.They use time travel so they can.Save the prisoner of Azkanban.Who just so happens to be Harry"s Godfather.I don"t really get it either.Harry gets put in the Triwizard Tournament with dragons and mermaids.Oh no! Edward Cullen gets slayed.He is back.Harry,Harry,it"s getting scary.Voldemort is back.Now you"re a revolutionary Harry.Dumbledore,Dumbledore,why is he ignoring you.Constant attempts to contact him?He is forced to leave the school.Umbridge arrives.Draco is a tool.Kids break into the Ministry.Sirius Black is dead as can be.Split your soul.Seven parts of a whole.They"re horcruxes.It"s Dumbledore"s end.There once was a boy named Harry who constantly conquered death.But one final duel between good and bad.He may take his final breath.2023-07-01 02:45:581
哈利波特 圣灵 石的英文简介
Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone Beginning The novel begins with the wizarding world"s celebration of the downfall of Lord Voldemort, an evil, powerful and cruel Dark wizard. Killing Lily and James Potter, Voldemort attempted to kill one-year-old Harry Potter, but the curse rebounded upon him, destroying his body and leaving a lightning-bolt scar on Harry"s forehead. Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall and Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid leave Harry on the doorstep of his ultra-conventional and unsympathetic Muggle relatives, the Dursley family. Petunia Dursley is the sister of Harry"s mother Lily, although Petunia never approved of her magical sister. The Dursleys resolve to conceal Harry"s magical heritage from him, and mistreat him while overindulging their own son Dudley. They tell Harry that his parents" deaths and his scar were caused by a car accident. Shortly before Harry"s eleventh birthday, he receives a mysterious letter addressed specifically to him. His outraged uncle reads and burns the letter before Harry can see it. The sender does not capitulate, and the Dursleys receive increasingly greater numbers of the same correspondence over the next few days. Soon, his uncle becomes so paranoid that the Dursleys, with Harry in tow, hide in a hut on a small island to escape. That night, Hagrid bursts through the hut"s locked door. As Hagrid holds the Dursleys at bay, Harry finally reads his letter in which he learns he has been invited to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day, Harry and Hagrid leave the hut and head to London"s magic hub Diagon Alley via famous wizarding pub The Leaky Cauldron. Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous for his defeat of Voldemort, and meets the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. He returns to the Dursleys and a month later, takes the train to Hogwarts from Platform Nine and Three Quarters at King"s Cross Station. On the trip to Hogwarts, Harry befriends Ron Weasley and meets the forgetful Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger, a precocious, if bossy, Muggle-born witch. Admission to Hogwarts Upon arrival, the Sorting Hat places Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville in Gryffindor House, one of the four houses at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy, an arrogant and elitist student, is placed in Slytherin. At the end of his first week at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron discover that the wizarding bank Gringotts was robbed, and a vault that Harry and Hagrid visited had been the subject of the burglary. Later, Harry discovers he has a talent for riding broomsticks, and after a broom-mounted game of keep away with Malfoy over Neville"s Remembrall, he is recruited to join Gryffindor"s Quidditch team as Seeker. He is the youngest Quidditch player at the school in a century, much to Malfoy"s displeasure. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in Hogwarts" halls late at night, accidentally stumble across the door to a corridor on the third floor that they had been warned not to enter, finding in the corridor a monstrous three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, that guards a trapdoor. On Halloween, Quirrell informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle and is in the dungeon. As the rest of the students are ushered to their dorms, Ron and Harry remember overhearing that Hermione is in the girls" bathroom crying because Ron insulted her, and they realise that she would not know about the troll. The two of them go to the girls" bathroom, fight the troll, and save Hermione. When confronted by Professor McGonagall over why they did not go back to their dorms when directed, Hermione defends the boys and takes the blame, which results in the three becoming best friends. Suspicions At Harry"s first Quidditch match, Harry"s broom becomes jinxed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Professor Severus Snape, the sinister Potions master, staring at Harry and mouthing words, leading her to believe that Snape has cursed the broom. Hoping to save Harry, she runs to Snape, accidentally knocking over Professor Quirrell in the process. Hermione secretly sets Snape"s robes on fire, distracting him and others and allowing Harry to survive and catch the Snitch to win the game for Gryffindor. At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, once belonging to his father, which renders its wearer invisible. Harry uses it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to learn about Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid let slip when confronted about his knowledge of Fluffy. On being discovered in the library by caretaker Argus Filch, Harry escapes to an unused classroom in which he finds the Mirror of Erised, which shows Harry standing amongst his entire family. After three nights of returning to the mirror, once accompanied by Ron, Harry is confronted by Dumbledore, who explains that the mirror shows nothing more or less than our deepest desires: Harry sees his family, while Ron sees himself achieving more than his older brothers. Dumbledore explains that the mirror gives neither knowledge or truth and that men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they see. Dumbledore tells Harry the mirror is to be moved, and if he sees it again, he will be prepared. Eventually, Harry learns (through Dumbledore"s Chocolate Frog card) that "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher"s Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal." Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrell about getting past Fluffy; Quirrell says he does not know what he"s talking about. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sure that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher"s Stone in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it. While at Hagrid"s hut, the trio discover a dragon egg Hagrid is nursing in a fire. The egg hatches a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, Norbert. The friends are nervous for Hagrid, since dragon breeding has long been outlawed in the wizarding world, and Hagrid, with his reckless nature, has long nursed a strong desire to own a dragon. Finally, the trio are able to convince Hagrid to let Norbert go live with other dragons of his kind with Ron"s older dragon trainer brother, Charlie, in Romania. They arrange for the dragon, (now quite large in size), to be picked up by friends of Charlie"s at midnight. Harry and Hermione are caught out late at night while sending off Norbert (Ron is in the hospital wing, being treated for a bite from Norbert), and they are forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest along with Draco, who had been spying on them. Neville is also present, having been caught out-of-bounds while trying to warn Harry of Draco"s mal-intent. Harry sees a hooded figure drink the blood of an injured unicorn, which causes pain in Harry"s forehead scar. Firenze, a centaur, tells Harry that it is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood, that unicorn blood sustains life but gives the drinker a cursed life in return, and that the hooded figure is in fact Voldemort. The Philosopher"s Stone Harry, Hermione, and Ron discover that an intoxicated Hagrid told a hooded stranger how to get past Fluffy in exchange for Norbert"s egg, and they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. Rushing to finally confide their news to Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, they meet Professor McGonagall. McGonagall is shocked to find out how much they know about the Stone, but reassures them that it is safe in the castle. She also tells them that Dumbledore has been sent away on an important mission by the Ministry of Magic. Positive that Dumbledore"s summons was a red herring to take him away from Hogwarts, the trio make plans to thwart Snape"s theft of the stone. They set out to reach the stone first, navigating the security system, which is a series of complex magical challenges set up by the school"s faculty. The three make it through the rooms together, with Hermione using her talent at logic and Ron using his chess skills, until finally, Harry enters the inner chamber alone. There he finds that meek Professor Quirrell, not Snape, is the one attempting to steal the Stone; Snape was trying to protect him from Quirrell all along. The final challenge protecting the Stone is the Mirror of Erised, and by looking in the mirror, the Stone falls into Harry"s pocket. Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has possessed Quirrell and appears as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell"s head. Voldemort tells Harry that Lily Potter died protecting him. Quirrell feels severe pain when he touches Harry"s skin, and Harry"s scar feels immense pain because of his close proximity to Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives just in time to rescue Harry. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies in the aftermath of his possession. Aftermath Dumbledore confirms to Harry that Lily died while protecting Harry as an infant. Her pure, loving sacrifice provides Harry with an ancient magical protection against Voldemort"s lethal spells and prevents Voldemort from touching Harry without suffering terrible pain. Dumbledore also says that the Philosopher"s Stone has been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it. Harry asks how he managed to get the Stone from the mirror, and Dumbledore explains that only those who wanted the Stone to protect it but not use it, would be able to retrieve it. Asked by Harry why Voldemort attempted to kill him when he was an infant, Dumbledore promises to tell Harry when he is older. At the end-of-year feast, where Harry is welcomed as a hero, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor is in last place. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions," granting points to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, so that Gryffindor wins the House Cup, ending Slytherin"s six-year reign as house champion.2023-07-01 02:46:062