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sky sailing 和 owl city 是什么?

2023-07-05 10:43:15

Sky Sailing 意思是翱翔天空

创建人:Adam Young

Sky Sailing宣传海报即美国当红乐队Owl City的主唱也是唯一的成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。09年11月份,Owl City开启了中国巡演,陆续登陆香港、武汉、上海、北京的live house,所到之处现场观众爆棚,反响十分热烈。

Before Owl City,there was Sky Sailing.”(在Owl City之前,是Sky Sailing。Adam官网为宣传Sky Sailing打出的醒目标题)Sky Sailing是Adam Young早期的一只乐队,目前有一张专辑《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》。Sky Sailing的曲风区别于Owl City,并没有走电音路线,但依然是很清新的风格,给人很惬意的感觉。《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》完成于2007年,当时Adam并没有发布这张专辑这张专辑,在Owl City乐队凭借清新风格开始风靡全球之时,Adam决定发布这张专辑,专辑已在2010年7月27日全美发行

owl city 是美国当红乐团



原名: Adam Young

身高: 目测为185至190之间

体重: 未知


最喜欢的食物:pizza 朋友john的妹妹做的奶酪蛋糕




来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学生,随之独立发行的首张EP《Of June》,20Owl City带给了很多人不一样的感受08年发行了首张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》,随后在2009年7月14日发行了他们的第二张专辑《Ocean Eyes 》。但他的主流厂牌的首张录音室大碟《海洋之眼》(Ocean Eyes)令每个人为之振奋,尤其在金秋,他标志性主打单曲《萤火虫》(Fireflies)飞上了公告牌单曲榜的冠军宝座。音乐风格 他的声音就像少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.专辑以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,像宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I"m Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌似简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽和惬意。 Owl City只是美国大学生Adam Young一个人搞的乐队。他深受80年代欧洲电子合成器和新浪潮音乐的影响。 Adam Yound称自己为一个“害羞的孩子”,他从2007年开始从事音乐行业。在签约环球音乐之后,唱片公司通过广播、网络和电视在内的全方位的媒体支持,将他这种带有快乐催眠力量的歌曲渗透到了全美国人们的日常生活中。Owl City音乐中那对于活泼的电子节奏的神奇混音和丰富的旋律 最初是在他父母的地下室中创作出来的。他在《Fireflies》的MV中再现了这一场景,这首MV描绘的是一个和善的歌手在他理想中的地下室环境中表演他的歌曲。这支MV在Youtube上拥有令人惊讶的超过850万的点击量,在VH-1电视台和其他电视机网络平台上有超高的播放量。从人口仅为22,000的明尼苏达小城走出来的Adam Young,用歌声传达了一种异常简单快乐的情绪,但正是这样的小情绪却牢牢抓住了听众的耳朵和心灵,成为当今纷繁乐坛的一股清新潮流。他管他自己家的地下室叫“山洞”,他在那里制作了专辑中大多数歌曲,包括《Cave in》, 《the saltwater room》, 《Umbrella Beach》, 《Dental Care》和登上iTunes榜单的《Vanilla Twilight》。


嗯 差不多就是这个意思


Sky Sailing 意思是翱翔天空

创建人:Adam Young

Sky Sailing宣传海报即美国当红乐队Owl City的主唱也是唯一的成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。09年11月份,Owl City开启了中国巡演,陆续登陆香港、武汉、上海、北京的live house,所到之处现场观众爆棚,反响十分热烈。

Before Owl City,there was Sky Sailing.”(在Owl City之前,是Sky Sailing。Adam官网为宣传Sky Sailing打出的醒目标题)Sky Sailing是Adam Young早期的一只乐队,目前有一张专辑《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》。Sky Sailing的曲风区别于Owl City,并没有走电音路线,但依然是很清新的风格,给人很惬意的感觉。《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》完成于2007年,当时Adam并没有发布这张专辑这张专辑,在Owl City乐队凭借清新风格开始风靡全球之时,Adam决定发布这张专辑,专辑已在2010年7月27日全美发行

owl city 是美国当红乐团



原名: Adam Young

身高: 目测为185至190之间

体重: 未知


最喜欢的食物:pizza 朋友john的妹妹做的奶酪蛋糕




来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学生,随之独立发行的首张EP《Of June》,20Owl City带给了很多人不一样的感受08年发行了首张专辑《Maybe Im Dreaming》,随后在2009年7月14日发行了他们的第二张专辑《Ocean Eyes 》。但他的主流厂牌的首张录音室大碟《海洋之眼》(Ocean Eyes)令每个人为之振奋,尤其在金秋,他标志性主打单曲《萤火虫》(Fireflies)飞上了公告牌单曲榜的冠军宝座。音乐风格 他的声音就像少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.专辑以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,像宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe Im Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌似简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽和惬意。 Owl City只是美国大学生Adam Young一个人搞的乐队。他深受80年代欧洲电子合成器和新浪潮音乐的影响。 Adam Yound称自己为一个“害羞的孩子”,他从2007年开始从事音乐行业。在签约环球音乐之后,唱片公司通过广播、网络和电视在内的全方位的媒体支持,将他这种带有快乐催眠力量的歌曲渗透到了全美国人们的日常生活中。Owl City音乐中那对于活泼的电子节奏的神奇混音和丰富的旋律 最初是在他父母的地下室中创作出来的。他在《Fireflies》的MV中再现了这一场景,这首MV描绘的是一个和善的歌手在他理想中的地下室环境中表演他的歌曲。这支MV在Youtube上拥有令人惊讶的超过850万的点击量,在VH-1电视台和其他电视机网络平台上有超高的播放量。从人口仅为22,000的明尼苏达小城走出来的Adam Young,用歌声传达了一种异常简单快乐的情绪,但正是这样的小情绪却牢牢抓住了听众的耳朵和心灵,成为当今纷繁乐坛的一股清新潮流。他管他自己家的地下室叫“山洞”,他在那里制作了专辑中大多数歌曲,包括《Cave in》, 《the saltwater room》, 《Umbrella Beach》, 《Dental Care》和登上iTunes榜单的《Vanilla Twilight》。


嗯 差不多就是这个意思。


owl city 是猫头鹰之城,一个乐队,但是就有一个人,真名叫Adam Young

sky sailing是他的一首歌

推荐听the saltwater room 超好听的一首歌,旋律很迷人


owl city是什么意思

Owl City, [aul"siti]一个乐队的名称,可翻译为“猫头鹰之城”。是由美国人亚当·扬(Adam Young)所组成的个人乐队。官方简介:(转载自[owlcity吧],并感谢[ys_奔驰的蜗牛]的翻译【OC】官网更新了Adam的个人简介,有关于新专【附全文翻http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3534008216)独一无二的猫头鹰之城不断扩展自己创作领域的歌手、创作者、多种乐器的演奏者Adam Young,不断接受着充满阳光的和声、葱翠的电子音乐和柔软的旋律。2014年这位有创造力的创作者正驾驭者一股灵感的海浪,带着丰富的成果回到属于自己的创作海岸。2014到2015年贯穿着一系列的作品,他的创作世界迎来的前所未有的发展和光明。在Midsummer Station的巡演安排像旋风一样袭来时,Adam步入了一个重要的现实中,他决定在未来发挥自己最进取的创作才能。“在过去的两年里,我希望尝试一些新东西,并乘上一股对于歌迷们来说很稳定的创作流中。”他说,“这是一个改变的节奏。故事会被收集并结合成一张完整专辑。”就在他结束旅程不久后,Adam回到他的故乡,钻进他奥瓦通那的家中,他热衷于独自一人创作,并在这个过程中重新回到自己早期的作品中。“上一张专辑中有很多的合作项目,”Adam说,“我很喜欢这样,这让我学到了很多,但我希望回到最根源的地方。我需要把自己隔离在工作室的区域里,这样才是最真实的Owl City。我希望把‘老学校"也就是2007年时影响到我的一些旋律和那些新学到的创作技巧结合起来,像是新和旧的混合,这正是我所希望的。”作为结果,六月份的Ultraviolet EP的4首歌,十月份的两首单曲与当红的日本组合Sekai no Owari 合作的“Tokyo”,与Britt Nicole合作的“You"reNot Alone”,在完整专辑来临之前,用这两首歌来满足歌迷们。就个人而言,Adam已经进入了流行乐的席位。他的成名曲Fireflies获得了六倍白金唱片认证,空降26国第一,此外,销量还超过了千万。The Midsummer Station中也产生了与Carly合作的双白金认证单曲Good Time,也是美国的Top5单曲。与此同时,导演Zack Snyder也在寻找Adam来创作《猫头鹰王国:守护者传奇》的主题曲,而迪士尼也请求Adam为获得奥斯卡奖的电影《无敌破坏王》创作歌曲,他的作品也出现在《疯狂原始人》, 《Veggietales》和《蓝精灵2》中。同样,Armin Van Buuren和Paul Van Dyk也成功与他合作。最终Adam会回归到同样的事情上。“我希望所有人放下令人振奋的氛围,”Adam说,“去挖掘更自身深层的意义并让来自内心的讯息回响。我希望人们带着乐观的心境面对一切。我总是沉浸在自己的世界,而我用音乐来邀请别人进入我的世界。
2023-07-05 03:16:395

OWL CITY明明是一个人 为什么要说是一个组合

因为Adam Young住在明尼苏达州的小城镇里,以前曾和朋友组成过多个乐团。Owl City只是美国大学生Adam Young一个人搞的乐队。他深受80年代欧洲电子合成器和新浪潮音乐的影响。 Adam Young称自己为一个“害羞的孩子”,他从2007年开始从事音乐行业。在签约环球音乐之后,唱片公司通过广播、网络和电视在内的全方位的媒体支持,将他这种带有快乐催眠力量的歌曲渗透到了全美国人们的日常生活中。Owl City音乐中那对于活泼的电子节奏的神奇混音和丰富的旋律,最初是在他父母的地下室中创作出来的。他在《Fireflies》的MV中再现了这一场景,这首MV描绘的是一个和善的歌手在他理想中的地下室环境中表演他的歌曲。这支MV在Youtube上拥有令人惊讶的超过850万的点击量,在VH-1电视台和其他电视机网络平台上有超高的播放量。从人口仅为22,000的明尼苏达小城走出来的Adam Young,用歌声传达了一种异常简单快乐的情绪,但正是这样的小情绪却牢牢抓住了听众的耳朵和心灵,成为当今纷繁乐坛的一股清新潮流。他管他自己家的地下室叫“山洞”,他在那里制作了专辑中大多数歌曲,包括《Cave In》 《The Saltwater Room》《Umbrella Beach》 《Dental Care》和登上iTunes榜单的《Vanilla Twilight》。扩展资料:经历:2011年情人节期间,流行电子乐队Owl City的主创人物亚当·扬发布了一首翻唱自泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的《Enchanted》献给泰勒,并且在自己的网站上发布信息公开向泰勒表达爱意。看来泰勒-斯威夫特自己的“Love Story”在情人节似乎要收获一个幸福甜蜜的结局了。美国著名乡村歌手泰勒,她曾经在歌曲中诉说过自己陷入困境的感情经历,但这丝毫没有影响她在最新的浪漫情歌《Enchanted》中描述那次她和Owl City的亚当·扬(Adam Young)的一见钟情。参考资料来源:百度百科-Owl City
2023-07-05 03:16:532

Owl City超详细的资料?拜托了各位 谢谢

Owl City简介 来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。 随之独立发行的首张EP《Of June》,2008年发行了首张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》,随后在2009年7月14日发行了他们的第二张专辑《Ocean Eyes 》 音乐风格 他的声音就象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.专辑以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I'm Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌似简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意。 [编辑本段]音乐专辑 Owl City带给了很多人不一样的感受 [编辑本段]专辑名称:【Maybe I"m Dreaming】 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2008.3.18 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01. On The Wing 02. Rainbow Veins 03. Super Honeymoon 04. The Saltwater Room 05. Early Birdie 06. Air Traffic 07. The Technicolor Phase 08. Sky Diver 09. Dear Vienna 10. I"II Meet You There 11. This Is The Future 12. West Coast Friendship (Bouns Track) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [编辑本段]专辑名称:【Of June】 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2007 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01.Swimming In Miami 02.Captains and Cruise Ships 03.Designer Skyline 04.Panda Bear 05.The Airway 06.Fuzzy Blue Lights 07.Hello Seattle 08.The Christmas Song (Bouns Track) 09.Super Honeymoon (Bouns Track) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [编辑本段]专辑名称:【Hot Air Balloon-single】 专辑封面 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2009.5.5 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01.Hot Air Balloon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [编辑本段]专辑名称:【Strawberry Avalanche】 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2009.6 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01.Strawberry Avalanche ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [编辑本段]专辑名称:【Ocean Eyes】 歌手姓名:Owl City 发行厂牌:Republic 发行时间:2009年7月14日 专辑语言:英语 专辑流派:Electric-Pop 地区:美国 在2008年深受广大独立乐迷喜爱的那张《Maybe I"m Dreaming》之后,这个夜晚睡不着于是生出许许多多音乐创作灵感的大男孩Owl City身上,就不得不背负上这样一个猜疑:他的这种“似乎每首歌听起来都一样”的音乐创作方式会让他走得多远。果不其然,在2009年的新作《Ocean Eyes》当中,他相当“遗憾”地没有为乐迷们贡献出太多新的玩意儿,除了不厌其烦地继续鼓捣他的电音小清新之外,只能是“装作”玩鲜一样地将上张专辑当中的几首歌曲做了一点点的编曲创新。但小清新经年不衰的原因就在于总会有一批人在特殊的时段特别特别需要这种声音来安抚心灵,尤其是在这燥热的夏季里,于是,这张《Ocean Eyes》再一次受到了大范围的关注,在一开始也不乏好评和追捧,但我仍旧为Owl City担忧他的下一张专辑,他能乘着这股清新之风走很远很久吗?而在这张完全延续了上张《Maybe I"m Dreaming》专辑风格的《Ocean Eyes》之中,我确实已经听到他的无力和紧张了,毕竟他所进行的这种曲风,是很难很难有所突破和创新的。也许恰恰是电子乐弊端的体现,毕竟不是纯天然人声。 专辑曲目 01. Cave In 02. The Bird and The Worm 03. Hello Seattle 04. Umbrella Beach 05. The Saltwater Room 06. Dental Care 07. Meteor Shower 08. On The Wing 09. Fireflie 10. The Tip Of The Iceberg 11. Vanilla Twilight 12. Tidal Wave 13. Hello Seattle (Remix) 14. If My Heart Was a House 参考资料 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1561820.htm
2023-07-05 03:17:051

Owl City中文是什么意思?

owl city是猫头鹰之城的意思,是一个乐队,可只有亚当。杨一个人,歌曲不错,像什么Good time,the saltwater room以及成名曲Fireflies都不错的
2023-07-05 03:17:137

owl city的beautiful times的歌词

owl city的beautiful times的歌词 Times(双语歌词) Sparks soaring down through the pouring rain 绚烂的烟火透过一场倾盆大雨落了下来 And restoring life to the lighthouse 它们让破旧的灯塔得以重生 A slow-motion wave on the ocean 海面卷起一阵小小的波浪 Stirs my emotion up like a raincloud 我的心情就像一朵雨云一样慢慢地升到了空中 When did the sky turn black? 天空究竟是何时变得灰暗的呢? And when will the light e back? 那希望的光又能何时归来? Cab driver, turn to sky diver 计程车司机飞向天空成了一名跳伞者 Then to survivor, dying to break down 然后在余下的生命中,急切地想要与尘世分离 A blood brother, surrogate mother, Hug at each other, crying their eyes out A血型的男孩和他的代孕母亲紧紧的拥抱在一起,泣不成声 When did the sky turn black? 1/5 天空是什么时候开始变得灰暗的呢? And when will the light e back? 那希望的光又能在何时归来? I"m ecstatic like a drug addict Locked in the attic, Strong out and spell bound 我就像一个被锁在阁楼的巫师一样欣喜若狂,发出强大的法术结界 I fought all through the night 我整夜都在同它战斗 Oh, oh, but I made it alive 但我会让它重获生机的 The sun"s starting to rise 太阳开始慢慢升起 Oh, oh, these are beautiful times 嗯,这些都是美好的时光呐。 This fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hard 我生命中的这场战斗是如此的艰难,艰难,难 I"m gonna survive, 我将会好好地生活 Oh, oh, these are beautiful times. 因为这都是美好的时光呐。 Bad feeling, burned through the ceiling 那些令人厌恶的感觉,被穿过天花板的火焰所烧成灰烬 Leaving my healing heart with a new scar 离开了我已痊愈的心,却留下一个新的伤疤 A dead fire rose and rose higher 那朵被死亡之火围绕的玫瑰飞到了更高的地方 Like a vampire up from the graveyard 就像那些从墓地中重获自由的吸血鬼一样 When did the sky turn black? 天空是什么时候开始变得灰暗的呢 And when will the light e back? 那希望之光又能在何时回来 We all suffer but we recover 我们都曾遭受苦难但如今一切都安然无恙了 Just to discover life where we all are 我们都只是在探索我们都存在的那个人生罢了 I fought all through the night 我整夜都在奋斗 Oh, oh, but I made it alive 但我会让它重获生机 The sun"s starting to rise 3/5 太阳开始慢慢地升起 Oh, oh, these are beautiful times 这都是美好的时光呐 This fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hard 我生命中的这场战役是如此的艰难,艰难,难。 I"m gonna survive 我还是要好好地生活 Oh, oh these are beautiful times 因为这都是美好的时光呐 This fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hard 我生命中的这场战役是如此的艰难,艰难,难。 I"m gonna survive 但我还是会好好地活着 Oh, oh these are beautiful times 因为这都是美好的时光呐 My heart"s burning bad and it"s turning black 我的心就快要被烧坏了,它已慢慢变成死亡的黑色 But I"m learning how to be stronger 但我会学着如何成为一个更强大的人 And sincerely I love you dearly 4/5 亲爱的我是如此真诚地爱着你 Oh, but I"m clearly destined to wander 但我清楚的知道,我注定要流浪下去。 Owl City的beautiful times 最喜欢哪一句歌词 I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow (我想我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由 ) ----from [the salater room] 求owl city《all things bright and beautiful》歌词 这不是同名专辑,所以all things bright and beautiful只是专辑名,专辑中没有这首歌。同名专辑比如《曹操》,曹操是专辑名,但是专辑中也有曹操这首歌。《all things bright and beautiful》专辑中的歌曲有 01.The Real World[2] 02.Deer In The Headlights 03.Angels 04.Dreams Don"t Turn To Dust 05.Honey And The Bee 06.Kamikaze 07.January 28, 1986 08.Galaxies 09.Hospital Flowers 10.Alligator Sky(feat.Shawn Chrysher) 11.The Yacht Club 12.Plant Life 13.Alligator Sky (独唱版) 望采纳! 求Owl City的beautiful times原版伴奏 非官方伴奏。。是网上别人自己做的,作者是synthsrule1。。还原度还可以的样子将就用吧。。 求 owl-city 的beautiful times 空间连结 您好,很高兴为您解答。 已为您提供可用连结。点选绿色方框里面的【点选下载】,然后开启下载好的档案,复制里面的连结,新增背景音乐即可。音乐设定完成后,请重登空间,重新整理3到5次,连结方可生效。提问者下载无需财富值。 如若满意,请点选【采纳为满意回答】,如若还有问题,请点选【追问】 希望我的回答对您有所帮助,望采纳! 同求空间歌曲连结的朋友,可以在百度发起提问,然后私信我提问连结,我看见就会去处理了。 ~ O(∩_∩)O~ Gold Owl City的歌词 Standing open take a bow There is something there and it"s showing There is no need to look around you are the best we got going Shout out to the dreams you chase Shout out to the heart you break Nothing is gonna s you know I guess you better be going Before keep it in here inside my heart you hear Is not the time to shine cause what you have got is... Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know I don"t even need stars in the night I have found my treasure All I need is you by my side So shine forever Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know It won"t take long to get when you feel like .. So ride it on don"t fet you got to tell us your story Shout out to the friends back home Shout out to the hearts you have known You gave them nothing but the best You can tell them your story You never be far I"m keeping you near Inside of my heart you are here Is not the time to shine cause what you have got is Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know I don"t even need stars in the night I have found my treasure All I need is you by my side So shine forever Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know Cause what you have got is Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know I don"t even need stars in the night I have found my treasure All I need is you by my side So shine forever Oh I know you"re gold Oh I know I know Owl City 的《This is the future》的歌词? THIS IS THE FUTURE oWL cITy Wake up on your own And look around you cuz you"re not alone Release your high hopes and they"ll survive Cuz this is the future and you are alive Dive in and swim away From your loneliness and miserable days And when you wake up on your own Look around you cuz you"re not alone Let your hopes go and they"ll survive Cuz this is the future and you are alive …You"re headed home …You"re headed home Owl City 的The Airway的歌词 Owl City -The Airway When I am fast asleep I dream and see you floating high above me And I awake at dawn Before the rays of morning paint the front lawn From on the bedroom floor I watch you sailing far above the seashore In deep Atlantic skies You float as I look aft to watch the moon rise Above the avenue I search among the clouds, trying to see you But you are just a blur In the sky when you parachute over the harbor I can see You above with the ocean around me If I could only stay Overhead in the airway You sail through Endless sky with the evening around you When I"m out on the bay You"re aloft in the airway When I"m alone at night I dream you paint the stars against the ilight Suspended in the air I wish your silhouette would always stay there When I am on the beach I watch you held aloft way out of my reach But I cannot take flight Or float upon the air the way that you might When I am in the sea You gaze down from the sky, trying to see me But I am just a blur Through the waves as I scuba dive below the harbor The airway You and I in the airway Aloft in the airway In love on the airway Owl City 《Butterfly Wings》的歌词 歌曲:Butterfly Wings 歌手:Owl City 语言:英语 所属专辑:Ocean Eyes 发行时间:2009-07-14 歌词: If I was a raindrop" Would you be my thunderstorm? It"s cold so surround me" With rain clouds to keep me warm. I feel like I"m falling" So darling dont let me go. The thought is appalling" but should I slip away" Into the stormy sea" will you remember me? Asleep in the warm cocoons" We dream of lovely things Were both gonna wake up soon" So we hope that tomorrow brings- Us our butterfly wings If I was a grain of sand" Would you be Miami Beach? So dusty with starlight" Close your eyes and cuddle close to me. I"ll try not to wake you" Or make a sound while youre dozing off. But in the night should the high tide Sweep me away from you" Tell me again my dear" will you be waiting here? Whenever we leave the ground" And take to the sky. I"ll *** ile as I"m gazing down" Cause I"ve always wondered why We won"t need feathers to fly? owl city --In Christ Alone的歌词 歌名:In Christ Alone 歌手:Owl City In Christ alone, my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My forter, my all-in-all Here in the love of Christ I stand There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in victory Sin"s curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ No guilt in life, no fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life"s first cry to final breath Jesus mands my destiny No power of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand Till He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I"ll stand Till He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I"ll stand Here in the power of Christ I"ll stand
2023-07-05 03:17:271

Owl City的歌属于什么风格啊?蛮好听的

是电子乐,我很喜欢,今年夏天一直在听!音乐风格  他的声音就象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.专辑以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑MaybeI'mDreaming在演绎方面OwlCity显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,OwlCity的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌似简单的配搭却被OwlCity演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意。
2023-07-05 03:17:331

owl city 比较好听的歌有哪些?

经典的有the saltwater roomrainbow veinswest coast friendshiphot air balloonair trafficthe Technicolordear Viennahello seattle最新的去年的专辑The Midsummer Station的歌有1 Dreams And Disasters2 Shooting Star3 Gold4 Dementia5 I"m Coming After You6 Speed Of Love7 Good Time8 Embers9 Silhouette10 Metropolis11 Take It All Awayowl city的音乐风格是当下最为流行、时尚的电子混音音乐,但不同于传统的电子舞曲所营造出的喧闹、躁动不安的动感音乐氛围,猫头鹰之城乐队的电子音乐通过使用简单的电子乐器,摒弃了电子舞曲的乐器混杂使用,通过亚当·扬空灵飘逸的嗓音和精致的和声,从而把广大乐迷带入了充满梦幻色彩并且活泼、跃动的音乐奇异王国。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐风格在很大程度上受到了Disco 和欧洲电子音乐(European Electronic Music)的影响。同时,在乐队的音乐中还能听到合成器流行音乐(SynthPop)和新浪潮音乐(New Wave Music)的众多元素。最近北京演唱会落幕现场爆满全程大合唱!
2023-07-05 03:17:415

Owl City 不是一个组合吗?为什么只有主唱一个人?

owl city这个组合只有一个人 大学二年级生Adam Young在2007年组建的乐队,他是这个乐队的唯一成员 编曲填词合成都是一个人做 也是乐队的唯一主唱 听他的歌感觉是电子乐比较多 可以说差不多都是电子乐 就像百度百科上说的也会觉得他的曲风太单一 The Saltwater Room比较好听 Strawberry Avalanche推荐一下 从这首歌你就更可以听出电子乐多么的重了 里面的女生不是乐队的成员
2023-07-05 03:17:541

owl city为什么要翻唱enchanted?

是真的,Owl City承认了。Taylor的Enchanted就是写给他的,Owl City的真名叫做Adam Young,Taylor的enchanted的歌词本暗语拼起来就是A-D-A-M,Owl City录制这首歌时还改了歌词,最后一句话就是“And i just wish you knew taylor i was so in love with you”(我只是希望你知道Taylor我是那么地爱你)据说两人是曾经见过一面,好像只是一面而已……但是就一见钟情了= =虽然有点童话色彩但是的确是真的Owl City还给Taylor Swift写了一封信:Dearest Taylor,I"ll be the first to admit i"m rather shy boy and since music is the most eloquent form of communication i can muster,i decided to record sth for u -- as sort of a "reply" to the breathtaking song on your current record.This is what i wanted so badly to tell you in person but could never quite put into words:Everything about you is lovely.You"re an immensely charming girl with a beautiful hear and more grace and elegance than i know how to describe.You are a true princess from a dreamy fairytale,and above all,i just want you to know...I WAS ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU TOO.Love,Adam.“我该会是第一个承认自己比较害羞的男孩吧,因为音乐才是我可以拿得出手的最真实生动的方式。我决定为你录一些东西——就作为对你新专辑里那首令我激动万分的歌曲的回应吧。”他写道,“你就像是一个从梦幻般的童话故事里走出来的公主,最重要的,我只想让你知道,我也对你着了迷。”-------------------------------Owl City个人主页上的日记:Dear TaylorOn February 14th, 2011 by Adam Young One blustery evening last October, I waited impatiently until the clock tolled midnight and then promptly bought Taylor Swift"s new record on iTunes. I played it in the kitchen, I played it in the car, I played it at the studio, I played it on flights to Japan and back; I just couldn"t keep away from it. Speak Now was the indisputable leader of my “top 5〃 record list of 2010, which is slightly ironic because the other four albums were abstract experimental/post-rock/ambient works.I always love decoding the sneaky secret messages hidden in Taylor"s written lyrics, so naturally the day Speak Now came out, I played the whole thing from top to bottom as I added up the capital letters per each song"s set of lyrics.As track 8 came to a close and the album switched over to track 9 (a breathtaking song called Enchanted and one of my favorites on the entire record), something began to feel curiously “familiar.”I couldn"t put my finger on it. Why did the song feel so personal? Why was it ringing a bell? Perhaps it was merely the word “wonderstruck” that indeed struck a sweet chord, but before the second chorus hit, I"d already added up the letters:A-D-AAnd then it hit me like a freight train. I didn"t even need to find that last letter “M.” A colorful swirl of memories flashed before my eyes as it all added up. My jaw hit the floor.The track is absolutely gorgeous and I"m so tremendously honored that Taylor would write such an elegant song and thereby offer a gracious nod in my direction. Needless to say, I was lost for words and utterly smitten. I couldn"t stop smiling.I figured such an eloquent gesture should be reciprocated by the most polite, heartfelt and respectful response I could possibly muster. It"s no secret that I"m a bit shy, so naturally music was the most articulate way of attempting such a sincere endeavor. How does one respond to such a personal outpouring of emotion and sentiment? I tossed and turned over that one.They say “timing is everything” and that brings us to now. Today is Valentine"s Day.亲爱的TaylorAdam Young写于2011年2月14日去年十月份的一个狂风大作的晚上,我耐心的等着时钟转过午夜,然后在iTunes上购买了Taylor Swift的新专辑。Speak Now是我2010年最喜欢的5张专辑中最喜欢的一张,这有一点奇怪,因为另外四张专辑是abstract experiment/post-rock/ambient works。(这应该是什么风格之类的吧…不会译…)我一直喜欢解开Taylor歌词中隐藏的秘密信息,所以很自然地,当Speak Now面世的时候,我把所有的歌曲播放,从第一首到最后一首,将每一首歌歌词中的关键词放在一起。当第8首歌放完,专辑开始播放第9首(一首激动人心的歌——Enchanted,这也是整张专辑中我最喜欢的一首)时,一些东西让我觉得非常熟悉。我无法用我的手指去触摸它,为什么这首歌的感觉这样亲近?为什么我的心中仿佛有铃声在响?或许这仅仅是想知道而又无法知道答案,而我确实是陷入了这甜蜜的旋律之中,但是在第二部分开始之前,我已经将这些字母放在了一起:A-D-A而后这些像一辆列车一样撞击着我,我甚至不需要再去寻找最后一个字母“M”。随着他们组合起来,一个明亮而绚丽的旋转着的记忆在我的眼前浮现出来。我无法合拢我的嘴。这首歌非常令人陶醉,我对Taylor写了这样优美的一首歌给我感到兴奋且荣幸。不得不说,我已经找不到合适的词语来形容我对她的一见钟情。我无法停止微笑。我知道这样的表示应当有一个礼貌真诚而尊重的回应。也许我可以激起一些勇气。大家都知道我有一点害羞,所以音乐是最能表达清楚的一个途径。一个人要怎样将这样将及其私人的感情倾泻而出?我摇摆着,选择了这一种。人们说,“时间就是一切”,并且它将我们带到这里。今天,是情人节。
2023-07-05 03:18:023

owl city所有歌的歌词(要全)

On the wing 羽翼之上Owl CityBreathe and I"ll carry you away into the velvet sky深深呼吸,我将要把你带入这天鹅绒般柔软光滑的天空。And we"ll stir the stars around我们会唤醒周围的每一颗星星,And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay注视着他们垂直落入哈德逊河海湾,And plummet out of sight and sound凝望着他们从眼里、从耳中渐渐消失。The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills where I live in the alpine heights那旷野里吹来的夏季风会把你带到我居住的山间,那里的犹如阿尔卑斯般高耸。Below the Northern Lights,I spend my coldest nights在炫美的北极光下面,我度过了我最冷的一个夜晚。Alone, awake and thinking of...the weekend we were in love独自一人、从梦中醒来,不断的回想,那个我们相爱的周末。Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull坐落在群山山顶上的家异常的宁静单调A thousand miles from the tide远离了主流生活的浪潮But photos on the walls of New York shopping mallsDistract me so I stay inside但是墙上那纽约购物中心的照片中那一片喧嚣却又让我如此困扰,所以我待在安静的家里。I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade我希望火箭能在在我们散步的地方暂时的停下,Cuz I would make a hook and eye因为我将会制作一个挂钩和一个孔环And fish them from the sky,然后从星空里像钓竿一般垂下来,my darling, she and I ,we"re hanging on so take us high我亲爱的,她和我在一起,我们只要抓紧绳子,那火箭就一定能带我们飞很高。To sing the world goodbye:向整个世界吟唱着道别I am floating away我随风而去,Lost in a silent ballet迷失在沉静的芭蕾舞中。I"m dreaming you"re out in the blue andI am right beside you我梦想着你被天空包围,我就刚好在你的旁边。Awake to take in the view梦醒过来,看着眼前景色:Late nights and early parades那些深夜和清晨的炫耀,Still photos and noisy arcades沉静的影像和吵闹的走廊。My darling, we"re both on the wing,我亲爱的,我们两个都在那羽翼之上。look down and keep on singing.向下张望,不断地吟唱。And we can go anywhere并且我们可以去想去的任何地方。Are you there?你在那儿吗?Are you there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head?你真的在那儿吗?还是你仅仅是我脑海中诱惑我的梦?Am I home or am I simply tumbling all alone?我真的是在家中吗?还是说我只是一个人孤单的慢慢从梦境中坠落… I am floating away我随风而去。Lost in a silent ballet迷失在沉静的芭蕾舞中。I"m dreaming you"re out in the blue andI am right beside you我梦想着你被天空包围,我就刚好在你的旁边。Awake to take in the view梦醒过来,看着眼前景色:Late nights and early parades那些深夜和清晨的炫耀,Still photos and noisy arcades沉静的影像和吵闹的走廊。My darling, we"re both on the wing,我亲爱的,我们两个都在那羽翼之上。look down and keep on singing!向下张望,不断地吟唱。And we can go anywhere我们可以去想去的任何地方。Are you there?你在那儿吗?Are you there?你在那儿吗?.
2023-07-05 03:18:091

Owl City 的所有专辑

《Ocean Eyes》 《Maybe I"m Dreaming》 《Of June》 《Hot Air Balloon-single》 《Strawberry Avalanche》 《Sunburn》 《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》 Maybe I"m Dreaming 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2008.3.18 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01. On The Wing 02. Rainbow Veins 03. Super Honeymoon 04. The Saltwater Room 05. Early Birdie 06. Air Traffic 07. The Technicolor Phase 08. Sky Diver 09. Dear Vienna 10. I"II Meet You There 11. This Is The Future 12. West Coast Friendship (Bouns Track) Of June 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2007 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01.Swimming In Miami 02.Captains and Cruise Ships 03.Designer Skyline 04.Panda Bear 05.The Airway 06.Fuzzy Blue Lights 07.Hello Seattle 08.The Christmas Song (Bouns Track) 09.Super Honeymoon (Bouns Track) the christmas song 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 地区:美国 发行时间: 2008-12-08 曲目数:1 语种: 英文 专辑封面 专辑曲目 the christmas song Hot Air Balloon-single 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2009.5.5 地区:美国 专辑曲目 Hot Air Balloon Strawberry Avalanche 歌手名称:Owl City 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2009.6 地区:美国 专辑曲目 Strawberry Avalanche Ocean Eyes 歌手姓名:Owl City 发行厂牌:Republic 发行时间:2009年7月14日 专辑语言:英语 专辑流派:Electric-Pop 地区:美国 专辑曲目 01. Cave In 02. The Bird and The Worm 03. Hello Seattle 04. Umbrella Beach 05. The Saltwater Room 06. Dental Care 07. Meteor Shower 08. On The Wing 09. Fireflies 10. The Tip Of The Iceberg 11. Vanilla Twilight 12. Tidal Wave 13. Hello Seattle (Remix) 14. If My Heart Was a House 专辑中的FIREFLIES(萤火虫)使更多的中国人认识了他. 专辑图 Sunburn 歌手姓名:Owl City 发行厂牌:Republic 发行时间:2009年10月15日 专辑语言:英语 专辑流派:Electric-Pop 地区:美国 专辑曲目 Sunburn An Airplane Carried Me To Bed 歌手名称:Owl City 专辑封面 [1] 音乐类型:Electronica / Pop 发行日期:2010 7.13 地区:美国 歌曲曲目: 1 Captains of the Sky 2 Brielle 3 Steady As She Goes 4 Explorers 5 A Little Opera Goes a Long Way 6 Tennis Elbow 7 Blue and Red 8 Alaska 9 I Live Alone 10 Take Me Somewhere Nice 11 Sailboats 本张专辑以Sky Sailing(主唱Adam Young,是Owl City成立之前的乐队)乐队的名义在7月27日全美发行。
2023-07-05 03:18:271

owl city简介及08年最新专辑

  来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于去年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。  2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭。此外《Rainbow Veins》和《Dear Vienna》也都是重点推荐的曲目。  08年新专辑:  中文名称:Maybe I"m Dreaming  发行时间:2008年03月18日  专辑歌手:Owl City  地区:美国  语言:英语  专辑类型:Electronica / Pop  专辑曲目:  01. On The Wing  02. Rainbow Veins  03. Super Honeymoon  04. The Saltwater Room  05. Early Birdie  06. Air Traffic  07. The Technicolor Phase  08. Sky Diver  09. Dear Vienna  10. Ill Meet You There  11. This Is The Future  如果想下载整张专辑,可以去这个网址:http://www.verycd.com/topics/260021/  不过要用电驴下.
2023-07-05 03:18:342

Owl City的歌属于什么风格

在美国音乐有这些分类:Country Music(乡村音乐),Blue Grass Music(蓝草音乐),Metal Music(重金属音乐),Disco Music(的士高),Rock Music(摇滚乐),Electric Music(电子乐),等等,Owl City 就属于电子乐了。像现在美国当红女歌手泰勒斯威夫特就是Country Music .
2023-07-05 03:18:443

owl city最好听的歌?

代表作《 Good Time 》欢快的好听的歌曲《 Gold 》《 Shooting Star 》《 Fireflies 》《 Hello Seattle 》《 Hey Anna》情感神曲《 My Everything》《 The Saltwater Room》活跃气氛《 Rainbow Veins》神曲《 When Can I See You Again》(这个歌会唱的话,能嗨翻全场!)高潮激情感人的歌曲《 You"re Not Alone 》灵动的神曲《 Unbelievable 》电影插曲《 Shine Your Way 》我是Owl City的忠实粉丝,这些歌曲都是经过我精心选择的,希望接纳!
2023-07-05 03:19:002

Owl City 《Butterfly Wings》的歌词

歌曲:Butterfly Wings歌手:Owl City语言:英语所属专辑:Ocean Eyes 发行时间:2009-07-14歌词:If I was a raindrop"Would you be my thunderstorm?It"s cold so surround me"With rain clouds to keep me warm.I feel like I"m falling"So darling dont let me go.The thought is appalling"but should I slip away"Into the stormy sea"will you remember me?Asleep in the warm cocoons"We dream of lovely thingsWere both gonna wake up soon"So we hope that tomorrow brings-Us our butterfly wingsIf I was a grain of sand"Would you be Miami Beach?So dusty with starlight"Close your eyes and cuddle close to me.I"ll try not to wake you"Or make a sound while youre dozing off.But in the night should the high tideSweep me away from you"Tell me again my dear"will you be waiting here?Whenever we leave the ground"And take to the sky.I"ll smile as I"m gazing down"Cause I"ve always wondered whyWe won"t need feathers to fly?
2023-07-05 03:19:072

owl city 好听的歌

这些是Owl city的专辑。和专辑歌曲。 《Ocean Eyes》 01. Cave In  02. The Bird and The Worm  03. Hello Seattle  04. Umbrella Beach  05. The Saltwater Room  06. Dental Care  07. Meteor Shower  08. On The Wing  09. Fireflies  10. The Tip Of The Iceberg  11. Vanilla Twilight  12. Tidal Wave  13. Hello Seattle (Remix)  14. If My Heart Was a House  《Maybe I"m Dreaming》 01. On The Wing  02. Rainbow Veins  03. Super Honeymoon  04. The Saltwater Room  05. Early Birdie  06. Air Traffic  07. The Technicolor Phase  08. Sky Diver  09. Dear Vienna  10. I"ll Meet You There  11. This Is The Future  12. West Coast Friendship (Bouns Track)  《Of June》 01.Swimming In Miami  02.Captains and Cruise Ships  03.Designer Skyline  04.Panda Bear  05.The Airway  06.Fuzzy Blue Lights  07.Hello Seattle  08.The Christmas Song (Bouns Track)  09.Super Honeymoon (Bouns Track)  《Hot Air Balloon-single》  《Strawberry Avalanche》  《Sunburn》  《An Airplane Carried Me To Bed》 1 Captains of the Sky  2 Brielle  3 Steady As She Goes  4 Explorers  5 A Little Opera Goes a Long Way  6 Tennis Elbow  7 Blue and Red  8 Alaska  9 I Live Alone  10 Take Me Somewhere Nice  11 Sailboats  12 Flowers of the Field  《All things bright and beautiful》 01. The Real World  02. Deer In The Headlights  03. Angels  04. Dreams Don"t Turn to Dust  05. Honey and the Bee  06. Kamikaze  07. January 28, 1986  08. Galaxies  09. Hospital Flowers  10. Alligator Sky  11. The Yacht Club  12. Plant Life  13. Alligator Sky (No Rap Version)  14. How I Became The Sea  15. Shy Violet 当然我个人最喜欢 the saltwater room 一直是我的手机铃声呢呵呵~
2023-07-05 03:19:1614

跪求owl city所有歌词

Owl City - To The Sky  Shipwreck in the sea of faces,  There"s a dreamy world up there,  Dear friends in higher places,  Carry me away from here,  Travel light let the sun eclipse you, "Cause your flight is about to leave,  And there"s more to this brave adventure,  Than you"d ever believe,  Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,  Take to the sky,  Take to the sky,  On the hills of lore and wonder,  There"s a stormy world up there,  You can"t whisper above the thunder,  But you can fly anywhere,  Purple burst of paper birds this,  Picture paints a thousand words,  So take a breath of mist and mystery,  And don"t look back!  Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,  Take to the sky,  There"s a realm above the trees,  Where the lost are finally found,  Touch your feathers to the breeze,  And leave the ground,  Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,  Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,  Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,  Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,  So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,  Take to the sky,  U take to the sky
2023-07-05 03:19:403


2023-07-05 03:19:471

速求owl city To the Sky的中文歌词

LZ 我有些意译的,感觉理解更通顺些~能力有限,外加困了。。希望满意。歌曲:To The Sky向天空 歌手:Owl CityShipwreck in the sea of faces, 迷失在茫茫人海There"s a dreamy world up there, 就在那里 有一个梦幻般的世界Dear friends in higher places, 亲爱的朋友身在天空高处Carry me away from here, 带着我离开这里吧Travel light let the sun eclipse you, 轻装前行,让太阳射下你的阴影"Cause your flight is about to leave, 你的航班就要起飞了And there"s more to this brave adventure, Than you"d ever believe, 等着你的还有更多难以置信的勇敢冒险呢Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue, 睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery, 追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high, 因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky, 飞上了蓝天Take to the sky, 直到了苍穹On the hills of lore and wonder, 在传说和奇迹的山丘上There"s a stormy world up there, 有一个狂暴的世界You can"t whisper above the thunder, 电闪雷鸣,你不能切语But you can fly anywhere, 但你能自由翱翔Purple burst of paper birds this, 紫色的千纸鹤Picture paints a thousand words, 绘上万语千言So take a breath of mist and mystery, 呼吸着迷和雾And don"t look back! 别回头Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue, 睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery, 追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high, 因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky, 飞上了蓝天Take to the sky, 直到了苍穹There"s a realm above the trees, 树木王国Where the lost are finally found, 在那迷失全被拾起Touch your feathers to the breeze, 微风轻抚你的羽翼And leave the ground, 带你离开Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you, 鸟瞰大地,唤醒你周围的群星Wide eyes will always brighten the blue, 睁大眼睛终会照亮黑夜Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery, 追逐着梦想,记住我,勇敢地说出来Because after all those wings will take you, up so high, 因为最后那双翅膀将带你飞向了苍穹So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and, 那么向森林道一声珍重吧,风带你高飞Take to the sky, 飞上了蓝天Take to the sky, 直到了苍穹
2023-07-05 03:19:544


Owl City--FirefliesYou would not believe your eyes你不会相信自己的眼睛If ten million firefliesLit up the world as I fell asleep在我的梦中千万只蝴蝶点亮了整个世界"Cause they"d fill the open air她们会在空中飞舞And leave teardrops everywhere并四处洒落她们的眼泪You"d think me rude你也许会认为我很粗鲁But I would just stand and stare但我会静静地站着 欣赏她们曼妙的舞姿I"d like to make myself believe我深信That planet Earth turns slowly我们生活的地球在变化着 无时无刻但是微乎其微It"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleep我宁愿这样实际上睡觉 但在梦中仍然清醒"Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切都会变的耳目一新Cause I"d get a thousand hugs因为我会得到千万次拥抱From ten thousand lightning bugs得到千万只萤火虫的温暖As they tried to teach me how to dance当它们试着教我如何跳舞A foxtrot above my head那旋转在空中的狐步舞A sock hop beneath my bed在我床下地板上踢踏的跳步舞A disco ball is just hanging by a thread以及摇摇欲坠的迪斯科舞球I"d like to make myself believe我深信That planet Earth turns slowly我们生活的地球在变化着 无时无刻但是微乎其微It"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleep我宁愿这样实际上睡觉 但在梦中仍然清醒"Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切都会变的耳目一新When I fall asleep在我的梦中Leave my door open just a crack咿呀一声打开了我的门(Please take me away from here)请带我离开这里"Cause I feel like such an insomniac我感觉好像是个失眠症患者(Please take me away from here)请带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep我早已经数羊数得不耐烦了(Please take me away from here)请带我离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep我真的 真的睡不着To ten million fireflies没法梦见那千千万万只蝴蝶I"m weird "cause I hate goodbyes我不想说再见I got misty eyes as they said farewell在离别时我会泪水盈眶But I"ll know where several are但我总能找到个别的几只萤火虫If my dreams get real bizarre因为我的梦境真的很奇异"Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar我救了几只放在我哥的蚊帐里(蚊子吧??)I"d like to make myself believe我深信That planet Earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I"d rather stay我们生活的地球在变化着 无时无刻但是微乎其微Awake when I"m asleep我宁愿这样实际上睡觉 但在梦中仍然清醒"Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为一切都会变的耳目一新在我的梦中I"d like to make myself believe我深信That planet Earth turns slowly我们生活的地球在变化着 无时无刻但是微乎其微It"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleep我宁愿这样实际上睡觉 但在梦中仍然清醒"Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep因为一切都会变的耳目一新在我的梦中I"d like to make myself believe我深信That planet earth turns slowly我们生活的地球在变化着 无时无刻但是微乎其微It"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleep我宁愿这样实际上睡觉 但在梦中仍然清醒Because my dreams are bursting at the seams因为我的梦正在如火如荼的上演(梦太多了)
2023-07-05 03:20:024

owl city--《hello seattle》中文歌词

Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsAnd awake in your houseHello Seattle, I am a manterayDeep beneathe the blue wavesI"ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget SoundAnd construct a summer homeHello Seattle, I am the cresant moonShining down on your faceI will disguise myself as a sleeping pillAnd descend inside of youHello Seattle, I am a cold seahorseFeeling warm in your sandI sing about the tide and the ocean surfRolling in the evening breezeHello Seattle, I am an albatrossOn the docks and your boatsI sail above your inlets and interstatesThrough the rain and open windHello Seattle, I am an old lighthouseThrowing beams of bright lightsRed in the morning, blue in the evening sunTaken heed from everyoneHello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsTake me above your lightCarry me through the nightHold me secure in flightSing me to sleep tonightTake me above your lightCarry me through the nightHold me secure in flightSing me to sleep tonight你好西雅图,我是一个登山者 跋涉在丘陵与高原 在医院停车场入睡 在你的嘴里醒来 你好西雅图,我是一只蝠鲼(动物名,软骨鱼类中鳐目的蝠鲼科动物,跟巨翅飞鱼长的一样) 深深潜行在蔚蓝海浪下 在普捷湾的海底沙滩蠕动 筑造夏日的家园 你好西雅图,我是一轮新月 在你的脸庞上洒下清光 我会变成一枚安眠药 落入你心里面 你好西雅图,我是一只冰冷的海马 被你的沙粒温暖 在傍晚的微风中摇晃 歌唱着潮汐和浪花 你好西雅图,我是一只信天翁 翱翔在码头和船舶之上 我在你的港湾和公路上滑翔 不管风吹雨打 你好西雅图,我是古老的灯塔 放射出明亮的光 清晨绛红,傍晚苍蓝 注视着每一个人 带我飞向你的光芒
2023-07-05 03:20:201


2023-07-05 03:20:261


goodtimeowlcity发行时间为2012-08-23。《Good Time》由美国Owl City(猫头鹰之城)乐队和加拿大女歌手Carly Rae Jepsen共同演唱,发行于2012年。
2023-07-05 03:20:331

Owl City的the saltwater room的女声是谁唱的啊???

是Breanne Düren全名:Breanne Elizabeth Dürenberger 出生在1987.10.8 美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯 在一个初生音乐家数不尽的世界中,年轻的明尼亚波尼斯州歌手兼音乐创作人 Breanne Düren 无疑是很突出的。她的多变的流行风格,以爵士乐与民歌的暗示和极其有深度的歌词来装饰,融合成一种格外有趣又独特的听觉感受。在鼓,贝司以及偶尔连绵的大提琴的伴奏下,藉由在她的如丝声音、有创造力的钢琴,二十一岁 Breanne Düren 一定会使各种类型音乐的收听者吃惊和着迷。 另外,Breanne Düren 还参与了著名电音乐队Owl City一首The Saltwater Room的演唱,歌曲后半段的那个奶油般的女声就是Breanne Düren 。
2023-07-05 03:20:533

owl city翻唱的enchanted的歌词和翻译、

这是OC版歌词翻译今晚我再次踏入此地 继续强颜欢笑There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles同样在这个陈旧、充满寂寞的地方Same old tired, lonely place每个人都假装友善Walls of insincerity当我看见你时候,我飘忽不定的眼神和空虚的心灵顿时消失Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face我所能说的是看见你让我很着迷All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you你迷人双眼像是在低语“我们曾否见过面?”Your eyes whispered "have we met?"穿过房间时你的身影开始为我引路Across the room your silhouette starts to make it"s way to me俏皮的对话开始The playful conversation starts细数你所有的俏皮话就像在秘密地传纸条Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy我所能说的是看见你真让我着迷All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you亲爱的taylor 遇见你同样让我着迷Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too今晚极其美好 你想让它就此消失吗This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go我真的惊讶不已 在回家路上一直觉得脸红I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我觉得我永远都会疑惑如果你知道I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew当我遇见你同样让我很着迷I was enchanted to meet you too你究竟深爱着谁?这个疑惑不解的问题The lingering question kept me up一直困扰着我无法入眠直到凌晨2点 2am, who do you love?直到我完全醒来我还是很疑惑I wonder till I"m wide awake现在我心烦意乱地来回走动 希望你出现在我门前Now I"m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door希望当我开门时候你会对着我说I"d open up and you would say,我看见你让我很着迷It was enchanted to meet you亲爱的taylor 遇见你同样让我心花怒放Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too今晚真的很完美 你想让它就此消失吗This night is flawless, don"t you let it go我真的惊讶不已 在回家路上一直觉得脸红I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我觉得我永远都会疑惑如果你知道I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew当我遇见你同样让我很着迷I was enchanted to meet you too这是我扉页的祈祷This is me praying that this was the very first page并非故事的结局Not where the story line ends我的思绪回荡着你的名字直到我再次遇见你My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again正因为我太早的离开所以这段话语一直保留在我心里These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon遇见你同样让我非一般着迷I was enchanted to meet you too请亲爱的你别爱上别人Please don"t be in love with someone else请亲爱的你别让爱你的人一直等待Please don"t have somebody waiting on you请亲爱的你别爱上别人Please don"t be in love with someone else请亲爱的你别让爱你的人一直等待Please don"t have somebody waiting on you今晚极其美好 你想让它就此消失吗This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go我真的惊讶不已 在回家路上一直觉得脸红I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我觉得我永远都会疑惑如果你知道I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew今晚真的很完美 你想让它就此消失吗This night is flawless, don"t you let it go我真的惊讶不已 因此独自狂奔乱跳I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alonetaylor我一生都会疑惑如果你知道Taylor I"ll spend my whole life wondering if you knew遇见你同样令我心花怒放I was enchanted to meet you too我从没爱上过别人I was never in love with someone else我从未让别人等待我I never had somebody waiting on me因为我梦想成真只是就是与你天长地久"Cause you were all of my dreams come true我只是希望你知道And I just wish you knew taylor我深深地爱上你Taylor I was so in love with you.附加中文读音翻译:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1020744784
2023-07-05 03:21:002

Owl City红过吗?最红是第几年????对他不是很了解

最红的应该是在出Ocean Eyes这张专辑的时候,也就是09到10年。专辑里的Fireflies在Billboard榜上获得单冠,另外,同时发行的单曲的Vanilla Twilight也登上了Billboard冠军宝座。之后,2011年,Owl City发行了专辑all thing bright and Beautiful不过明显没有之前那么大的成就了。去年2012年,他发行了专辑the midsummer Station,虽然专辑也没有那么成功,但其中与Carly Rea Jepsen合作的Good Time,我记得最高一周是Billboard第8名吧,其中Shooting star和为电影无敌破坏王写的单曲When can i see you again也都挤进了Billboard hot 20。虽然他在国外被人熟知,但在国内还没有难道红。总之一句话吧,2009到2010年发行Ocean Eyes时最红
2023-07-05 03:21:071

Owl city sailboats的歌词

Swimming In Miami by Owl City with lyrics Owl City - "Fireflies" Live (Free concert in Kansas City, Oct 1, 2009) E Tubbs Dubstep Remix ft. Catt) - FREE DL Sharif: Fireflies (Owl City Acoustic Cover) - Free MP3 The Saltwater Room- Owl City (FREE DOWNLOAD) 铀?~Vanilla Twilight ~ Owl City ~ Lyrics ~ HD~ 铀?/div> Owl City - Hello Seattle (Lyrics) WenSdy The Puppet Available to Download Owl City - Fireflies (Lyrics) Lockerz.com? - Scam? - Free iPod Touch and Playstation 3? Fireflies by Owl City! (FREE DOWNLOAD) David Choi - Happiness is Always Near 1/4 (FREE MP3!!!!) Owl City - Fireflies Fireflies | Owl City | dj Dark Intensity [Remix] Amsterdam Hotel - Owl I"ll Meet You There - Owl City Owl City Fireflies Instrumental w/ Hooks FREE DOWNLOAD JMcClainMusic.Webs.Com Punk Goes Classic Rock NOW! Naughty Hayley Williams and Owl City "Vanilla" official video! Owl City - Fireflies (Cover by Billy Simons) w/ FREE MP3 Fireflies by Owl City (Cover by Jake Coco) OFFICIAL DUBSTEP REMIX: Owl City - Fireflies (Marlow Remix) Free Download Owl City- "Fireflies" (Music Video) Fireflies - Owl City (Piano Cover / Remake - Laurence"s Take) Owl City "Cave In" West Coast Friendship - Owl City OWL CITY - FIREFLIES WITH LYRICS-DOWNLOAD Owl City - Fireflies (cover) by mike isberto Fireflies - Owl City (Lyrics + Free MP3 Download) Owl City - Fireflies lyrics Fireflies - Owl City (FREE MP3) Before OWL CITY there was SKY SAILING (Parody-Ikea) 钬?Sunny Choi - International Piano Artist Owl City Fireflies Drum cover Owl City - Fireflies The Bird and the Worm - Owl City Music Video (With Lyrics) Hello Seattle- Owl City (FREE DOWNLOAD) Vanilla Twilight / Fireflies Remix (Owl City cover) Owl City- Swimming in Miami Owl City New S
2023-07-05 03:21:141

Owl city -THE saltwater Room的中文和英文歌词`!!

歌名:The Saltwater Room〖泪水伤心地〗专辑:Maybe I"m Dreaming演唱:Owl CityI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore〖凝望着天空中早已远逝的飞机〗I was feeling the night grow old〖漫漫长夜 若是有情也已经衰老〗And you were looking so cold like an introvert〖你看起来犹如一个内敛的人 如此的冷漠〗I drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violently〖披上我残旧的衬衣 开始猛烈的颤抖〗Before you happened to look〖你无意的一瞥〗And see the tunnels all around me〖看见了环绕在我身边的隧道〗Running into the dark underground〖向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸〗All the subways around create a great sound〖地道里的声音响彻云霄〗To my motion fatigue: farewell〖跟我疲惫的身心说再见〗With your ear to a seashell〖你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳〗You can hear the waves in underwater caves〖就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音〗As if you actually were inside a saltwater room〖仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般〗Time together is just never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗We need time, only time〖我们需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of〖当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓〗If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?〖如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独〗So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗All the time, all the time〖一直相爱...永远相守...〗Can you believe that the crew has gone〖你能相信那些人群已经远去〗And wouldn"t let me sign on?〖且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗?〗All my islands have sunk in the deep〖我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了〗So I can hardly relax or even oversleep〖所以我根本无法放松入睡 更不用说睡过头了〗I feel as if I were home〖我仿佛感觉又回到了家〗Some nights when we count all the ship lights〖回到了你我一起数着船舶灯光的那些夜晚〗I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow〖我猜我永远也不会知晓麻雀喜爱雪的理由〗We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow〖我们将要关上所有的灯 让这舞厅一片火红〗So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗All the time〖一直相爱〗Time together is just never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗We need time, only time〖我们需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of〖当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓〗If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?〖如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独〗So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗All the time, all the time〖一直相爱...永远相守...〗Time together is just never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?〖当我们分开的时候 无论你在想什么〗What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗All the time...〖永远相爱...〗我有这首歌 千千静听可以自动搜索到歌词。。。
2023-07-05 03:21:213

owl city --In Christ Alone的歌词

歌名:In Christ Alone歌手:Owl CityIn Christ alone, my hope is foundHe is my light, my strength, my songThis cornerstone, this solid groundFirm through the fiercest drought and stormWhat heights of love, what depths of peaceWhen fears are stilled, when strivings ceaseMy comforter, my all-in-allHere in the love of Christ I standThere in the groundHis body layLight of the world by darkness slainThen bursting forth in glorious dayUp from the grave He rose againAnd as He stands in victorySin"s curse has lost its grip on meFor I am His and He is mineBought with the precious blood of ChristNo guilt in life, no fear in deathThis is the power of Christ in meFrom life"s first cry to final breathJesus commands my destinyNo power of hell, no scheme of manCan ever pluck me from His handTill He returns or calls me homeHere in the power of Christ I"ll standTill He returns or calls me homeHere in the power of Christ I"ll standHere in the power of Christ I"ll stand
2023-07-05 03:21:295

Owl City的《Tidal Wave》 歌词

歌曲名:Tidal Wave歌手:Owl City专辑:Ocean Eyes (Deluxe Edition)Owl City - Tidal WaveI wish I could cross my arms and cross your mindCause I believe you"d unfold your paper heart and wear it on your sleeveAll my life I wish I broke mirrors instead of promisesCause all I see is a shattered conscience staring right back at meI wish I had covered all my tracks completelyCause I"m so afraid, is that the light at the far end of the tunnel or just the trainLift your arms, only heaven knows where the danger growsAnd it"s safe to say there"s a bright light up ahead and help is on the wayhelp is on the wayI forget the last time I felt brave, I just recall insecurityCause it came down like a tidal wave and sorrow swept over meDepression please cut to the chase and cut a long story shortOh please be done, how much longer can this drama afford to runFate looks sharp, severs all my ties and breaks whatever doesn"t bendBut sadly then, all my heavy hopes just pull me back down againI forget the last time I felt brave, I just recall insecurityCause it came down like a tidal wave and sorrow swept over meThen I was given grace and loveI was blind but now I can seeCause I"ve found a new hope from aboveAnd courage swept over meIt hurts just to wake up whenever you"re wearing thinAlone on the outsideSo tired of looking inThe end is uncertainAnd I"ve never been so afraidBut I don"t need a telescope to see that there"s hopeAnd that makes me feel bravehttp://music.baidu.com/song/331958
2023-07-05 03:21:551

Silhouette(Owl City演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《Silhouette》是Owl City演唱的歌曲,发行于2012年的专辑《The Midsummer Station》中。 基本介绍 中文名称 :残影 外文名称 :Silhouette 所属专辑 :The Midsummer Station(仲夏驿站) 发行时间 :2012-08-21 歌曲原唱 :Owl City 音乐风格 :电子,流行 歌曲语言 :英语 英文歌词,完整版译本,简版译本,乐队简介,兰博基尼, 英文歌词 I"m tired of waking up in tears Cos I can"t put to bed these phobias and fears I"m new to this grief I can"t explain But I"m no stranger to the heartache and the pain The fire I began is burning me alive But I know better than to leave and let it die I"m a silhouette asking every now and then Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again? 歌曲配图 I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone So I watch the summer stars to lead me home I"m sick of the past I can"t erase A jumble of footprints and hasty steps I can"t retrace The mountain of things I still regret Is a vile reminder that I would rather just forget (no matter where I go) The fire I began is burning me alive But I know better than to leave and let it die I"m a silhouette asking every now and then Is it over yet? Will I ever *** ile again? I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone so I watch the summer stars to lead me home cause I walk alone (no matter where I go) cause I walk alone (no matter where I go) cause I walk alone (no matter where I go) I"m a silhouette asking every now and then Is it over yet? Will I ever love again? I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone so I watch the summer stars to lead me home I watch the summer stars to lead me home 完整版译本 Silhouette Owl City I"m tired of waking up in tears 醒来伴随着泪水 我的心已不堪疲惫 Cos I can"t put to bed these phobias and fears 是我无法带着沉痛入睡 I"m new to this grief I can"t explain 这种无法言喻的痛苦似是而非 But I"m no stranger to the heartache and the pain 但心头之伤痛认清了我是谁 The fire I began is burning me alive 曾经点燃的火焰 如今折磨着我的心 But I know better than to leave and let it die 但我明白离开是最好的选择 哪怕烧成灰烬 I"m a silhouette asking every now and then 我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应 Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again? 一切都结束了吗?这种感觉是否会重回我心? I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own 我只是一抹残影 追逐著彩虹的方向 But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone 可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤 So I watch the summer stars to lead me home 夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡 I"m sick of the past I can"t erase 回忆泛滥印在心上 A jumble of footprints and hasty steps I can"t retrace 连纷乱的脚步也无法效仿 The mountain of things I still regret 我淹没在悔恨的海洋 Is a vile reminder that 它们卑鄙地提醒着我 I would rather just forget (no matter where I go) 也许该遗忘(无论去向何方) The fire I began is burning me alive 曾经点燃的火焰 如今折磨着我的心 But I know better than to leave and let it die 但我明白离开是最好的选择 哪怕烧成灰烬 I"m a silhouette asking every now and then 我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应 Is it over yet? Will I ever *** ile again? 一切都结束了吗?我是否还会有微笑发自内心? I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own 我只是一抹残影 追逐著彩虹的方向 But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone 可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤 So I watch the summer stars to lead me home 夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡 Cos I walk alone 独自前行 (no matter where I go) 没有方向 Cos I walk alone 孤单作伴 (no matter where I go) 无论何方 Cos I walk alone 迷失在回忆 (no matter where I go) 迷失了有你的地方 I"m a silhouette asking every now and then 我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应 Is it over yet? Will I ever love again? 一切都结束了吗?我是否还能再拥有爱情? I"m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own 我只是一抹残影 追逐著彩虹的方向 But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone 可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤 So I watch the summer stars to lead me home 夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡 I watch the summer stars to lead me home 夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡 简版译本 已厌倦了醒来时的泪 因为我还是无法拥著噩梦安然入睡 在陌生的人群中迷茫 但心底的痛楚有唤起了熟悉的悲伤 我点燃的篝火 将我的生命照亮 可离开也是我 任它熄灭被遗忘 我只是残影 询问著现在和曾经 还要过多久 才能体会最初的心境 我只是残影 追逐著消失的彩虹 一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛 孤独的繁星请伴我入梦 已错过的身影一去不回 纷乱的足迹和记忆没勇气去面对 悔恨和失望放肆生长 擦不掉的阴影渐渐填满这一颗心脏 我点燃的篝火 将我的生命照亮 可离开也是我 任它熄灭被遗忘 我只是残影 询问著现在和曾经 还要过多久 才能学会微笑的表情 我只是残影 追逐著消失的彩虹 一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛 孤独的繁星请伴我入梦 一人彷徨 没有你的方向 一人悲伤 没有你的时光 一人眺望 你到底在何方 我只是残影 询问著现在和曾经 还要过多久 才能寻回失去的爱情 我只是残影 追逐著消失的彩虹 一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛 孤独的繁星请伴我入梦 —— by 青陌 乐队简介 2007年美国大学二年级学生Adam Young在明尼苏达州创建了猫头鹰之城乐队,Adam是该乐队的唯一成员,乐队的创作、编曲、作词、混音合成、主唱全由Adam担任。乐队成立不久,便发行了首张EP《Of June》。2008年乐队发行了首张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》。2009年,乐队先后发行了单曲《Hot Air Balloon》、《Strawberry A valanche》,2009年7月14日乐队发行了全新专辑《Ocean Eyes》。近年不断创作出一首首单曲,2011年,Adam宣布了新专辑《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》的创作的讯息。《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》终于于2011年6月14日发布。2012年4月Adam在OwlCity官网上透露8月将会推出新专辑《The Midsummer Station》。作为新专辑的预热,2012年5月15日推出了EP《Shooting Star》。2012年8月21日正式推出《The Midsummer Station》。 兰博基尼 Silhouette 1976年的日内瓦车展Silhouette正式展出。 在Silhouette身上于拉科的痕迹很明显,Silhouette采用了滑动玻璃式的顶棚,于拉科的2+2的座椅配置被迫改裁减了后排座椅,敞蓬时滑动玻璃隐藏在前排座椅之后。Silhouette前后车轮拱罩设计为外凸的方形,前扰流板与之连线严丝合缝。原于拉科的后散热百叶窗被取消,原百叶窗的地方架起了可动保持架用以防止意外情况对乘员的伤害。 馆藏的兰博基尼Silhouette车型 兰博基尼Silhouette侧面 Silhouette内部仪表盘重新设计,各种内饰更符合人体工程学。车身和底盘依然延承于拉科P300设计,由于V8发动机输出功率提高到265马力,纵然是敞蓬状态也可以跑出与于拉科P300相当的车速。 兰博基尼Silhouette 兰博基尼预计的Silhouette热销并没有出现。持币观望者对兰博基尼的不佳的金融状况心有余悸。兰博基尼也因为经济原因无力进军最大的市场——美国。事实上1977-1982年兰博基尼没有出口美国的跑车,一些走私者带到美洲的兰博基尼中有一小部分是Silhouette。种种原因交合,Silhouette只生产了两年就退场了,总计52辆Silhouette问世,今天可统计其中31辆尚保存完好。Silhouette出厂时的售价是27,000美元,今天价值已经飚升至31,000 - 42,000美元。Silhouette的底盘编号为40.000 - 40.104,极速260公里/小时。
2023-07-05 03:22:011

求owl city 的tidal wave 歌词及翻译

2023-07-05 03:22:152

Owl City的《Live It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Live It Up歌手:Owl City专辑:The Smurfs 2 (Music From and Inspired by)Let"s live it upLet"s live it upLet"s live it upLet"s live it upLead the way, and let"s get it started,Sees the day, and reach for the sky,Carry on, "cause those brokenhearted days are gone,So wave goodbyeWe"re gonna blow up because we"ve got nothing to lose,We"re gonna rise up above when we break all the rules,We"re gonna re-write the book "cause it"s long overdue,Tear up the script, this is it "cause it"s all up to youBecause tomorrow will show up on time,It"s gonna follow the night of your life,You know tomorrow begins when you say,Tomorrow is on it"s way”So, let"s live it up todayLet"s live it up todayPack your bags, adventure is waiting,Gonna have the ride of your life,Smile wide, cause there"s no debating,It feels so right, so hold on tightWe"re gonna blow up because we"ve got nothing to lose,We"re gonna rise up above when we break all the rules,We"re gonna re-write the book "cause it"s long overdue,Tear up the script, this is it "cause it"s all up to youBecause tomorrow will show up on time,It"s gonna follow the night of your life,You know tomorrow begins when you say,Tomorrow is on it"s way,So, let"s live it up todayToday, let"s live it up, let"s live it up toda-a-a-ayLet"s live it up todayBecause tomorrow will show up on time,It"s gonna follow the night of your life,You know tomorrow begins when you say,Tomorrow is on it"s way,So, let"s live it up,Because tomorrow will show up on time,It"s gonna follow the night of your life,You know tomorrow begins when you say,Tomorrow is on it"s way,So, let"s live it up todayLet"s live it up toda-a-a-ayLet"s live it up todayLet"s live it up todaylive it upWe"re gonna live it up todayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/65508822
2023-07-05 03:22:221

求owl city的angels 的歌词

Angles〉众天使Wake me if you"re out there如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒Through the glass in my bedroom window透过我卧室的那些窗户In the bushes far below在楼下远处的灌木丛中I thought I saw an unfamiliar shadow我想我看到了一个陌生的身影Among the ones I so clearly know也是我曾清楚了解的一个I"ve been sleeping with the night lightunplugged夜晚的灯光熄灭,我已入睡With a note on the rocking chair摇椅上的笔记上That says, "I"m dreaming of the life I once loved,So wake me if you"re out there.写着:“我梦想着这一个我曾经爱过的世界,所以如果你在那里,就请将我唤醒”"Living close to the ground生活在那靠近大地的地方Is seventh Heaven "cause there are angels all around是第七个天堂,只因在那儿天使四处飞翔Among my frivolous thoughts在我那些琐碎的想法中I believe there are beautiful things seen by the astronauts我一直深信在那儿的美好事物已被宇航员见到Wake me if you"re out there如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒Wake me if you"re out there如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒In the dust on my cellar staircase在我地窖楼梯的尘土上A pair of footprints followed me一双脚印伴随着我I saw a flicker in the fake fireplace我看到假的壁炉上光辉闪动Blinked again but there was nothing to see再一次睁眼却空无一物I"ve been leaving all the windows unlocked我将所有的窗户打开With a basket by the oak tree带着篮子走向了那棵橡树"Cause I"ll be pickin" up the acorns that fall off因为我将拾起所有掉落的橡子If you"ll be climbing up to meet me如果你能爬上树来看我Living close to the ground生活在靠近大地的地方Is seventh Heaven "cause there are angels all around是第七个天堂,只因在那儿天使四处飞翔Among my frivolous thoughts在我那些琐碎的想法中I believe there are beautiful things seen by the astronauts我一直深信在那儿的美好事物已被宇航员见到Wake me if you"re out there如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒I keep my knees black and blue我把我的膝盖碰得伤痕累累"Cause they often hit the hard wood floor(Wake me if you"re out there)因为他们经常撞到硬木地板(如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒)And I believe so I"m not praying to the ceiling anymore我深信我以不会再去祈求更多I"ve been sleeping with the night lightunplugged夜晚的灯光熄灭,我已入睡With a note on the rocking chair摇椅上的笔记上That says, "I"m dreaming of the life I once loved,So wake me if you"re out there.写着:“我梦想着这一个我曾经爱过的世界,所以如果你在那里,就请将我唤醒”"Living close to the ground生活在那靠近大地的地方Is seventh Heaven "cause there are angels all around是第七个天堂,只因在那儿天使四处飞翔Among my frivolous thoughts在我那些琐碎的想法中I believe there are beautiful things seen by the astronauts我一直深信在那儿的美好事物已被宇航员见到The indications reveal(Wake me if you"re out there)那些暗示都告诉我们(如果你就在那儿,请将我唤醒)That few of us realize life is quite surreal只有少数人才会领会到我们生活的怪诞So if you"re dying to see所以如果你渴望看见I guarantee there are angels around your vicinity我保证天使就飞翔在你的身边So if you"re dying to see所以如果你渴望看见I guarantee there are angels around your vicinity我保证天使就飞翔在你的身边鹅姐。。。不写出处是不对滴。。。
2023-07-05 03:22:444

求OWL CITY 的Youtopia中文歌词

歌名:《Youtopia》歌手:OWL CITY时长:3分钟语言:英语流派:流行歌词:I can feel you in the rising tide 我感受到了你情感高涨时刻Can you feel me by the fireside 而你是否也感觉到我那温暖你的炙热的情感From the moonlight through the cherry trees 在那樱桃树下透下的月光Open the roof and take in the view 打开天窗远眺美景Cause you"re my sweetest dream come true 这瞬间你让我最甜美的梦变的真实Colour the dusk a deep navy blue and try to be brave 勇敢的在这黄昏的天际著色成深深的藏青蓝cause I"ll be right beside you 因为我将永远守候在你的身旁There"s a world so high 那有个令人心之向往的美好世界Hold out your hands 伸出你的双手and you can go anywhere 你就能咨意遨翔So reach for the stars 在你到达那星空之时cause I"ll be waiting up there 我早巳在那等候巳久You can finally fly 你终将展翅高飞cause you"ll be lighter than air 轻如燕鸟般自在飞翔
2023-07-05 03:22:523

Owl city 的fireflies中文歌词!!!

  Owl City单曲  歌手简介:  猫头鹰之城乐队是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。乐队仅由一名成员组成:亚当·扬(Adam·Young)。亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐飘逸、灵动,既有梦幻的神秘色彩,又有电子音乐的动感节奏。乐队的主打歌曲《Fireflies》一经推出就登上了各大音乐电台以及音乐榜单的冠军宝座。受到乐迷的热烈追捧。  歌词:  You would not believe your eyes   你也许不会相信你的眼睛   If ten million fireflies   Lit up the world as I fell asleep   如果当你熟睡时 10万只萤火虫照亮这个世界   Cause they fill the open air   And leave teardrops everywhere   因为他们将空气填满   留下了遍地的泪瓣   You"d think me rude but I would just stand and stare   尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   因为一切都已经变了一个样   Cause I"d get a thousand hugs   From ten thousand lightning bugs   As they tried to teach me how to dance   萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈   A foxtrot above my head   A sock hop beneath my bed   A disco ball is just hanging by a thread   狐步舞在我头上跳起,赤袜舞在我床下跳起,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去   Leave my door open just a crack   把我的门打开一点点   Please take me away from here   能不能请你带我也离开这里   Cause I feel like such an insomniac   Please take me away from here   如果你知道我无法睡去,能不能请你带我离开这里   Why do I tired of counting sheep   厌倦了数着没完没了的数羊游戏   Please take me away from here   请带我离开,离开这里   When I"m far too tired to fall asleep   太过疲惫,我无法睡去   To ten million fireflies   I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes   我变得很奇怪,因为我讨厌对那十万只萤火虫说再见   I got misty eyes as they said farewell   But I"ll know where several are   当它们说离别的时候,我模糊了双眼,但我会知道你们都在哪里   If my dreams get real bizarre   Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar   如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里   I"d like To make myself believe   That Planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不宁愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的曾经   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Because my dreams are bursting at the seas   因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边
2023-07-05 03:22:591


应该是owl city,也就是猫头鹰之城乐队,他是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。乐队仅由一名成员组成:亚当·扬(Adam·Young)。亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐飘逸、灵动,既有梦幻的神秘色彩,又有电子音乐的动感节奏。
2023-07-05 03:23:062

Owl City的《Fireflies》 歌词

歌曲名:Fireflies歌手:Owl City专辑:us billboard 2010 year-end hot 100 songsOwl City - Fireflies送给小烦 ^^You would not believe your eyesIf ten million firefliesLit up the world as I fell asleepCause they fill the open airAnd leave teardrops everywhereYou"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stareI"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleepCause everything is never as it seemsCause I"d get a thousand hugsFrom ten thousand lightning bugsAs they tried to teach me how to danceA foxtrot above my headA sockhop beneath my bedA disco ball is just hanging by a threadI"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleepCause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleepLeave my door open just a crackPlease take me away from hereCause I feel like such an insomniacPlease take me away from hereWhy do I tire of counting sheepPlease take me away from hereWhen I"m far too tired to fall asleepTo ten million firefliesI"m weird cause I hate goodbyesI got misty eyes as they said farewellBut I"ll know where several areIf my dreams get real bizzareCause I saved a few and I keep them in a jarI"d lke To make myself believeThat Planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleepCause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleepI"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleepCause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleepI"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say I"d rather stayAwake when I"m asleepBecause my dreams are bursting at the seahttp://music.baidu.com/song/28612549
2023-07-05 03:23:371

owl city 的两首歌词

  On the wing 羽翼之上  Owl City  Breathe and I"ll carry you away into the velvet sky  深深呼吸,我将要把你带入这天鹅绒般柔软光滑的天空。  And we"ll stir the stars around  我们会唤醒周围的每一颗星星,  And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay  注视着他们垂直落入哈德逊河海湾,  And plummet out of sight and sound  凝望着他们从眼里、从耳中渐渐消失。  The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills where I live in the alpine heights  那旷野里吹来的夏季风会把你带到我居住的山间,那里的犹如阿尔卑斯般高耸。  Below the Northern Lights,I spend my coldest nights  在炫美的北极光下面,我度过了我最冷的一个夜晚。  Alone, awake and thinking of...the weekend we were in love  独自一人、从梦中醒来,不断的回想,那个我们相爱的周末。  Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull  坐落在群山山顶上的家异常的宁静单调  A thousand miles from the tide  远离了主流生活的浪潮  But photos on the walls of New York shopping malls  Distract me so I stay inside  但是墙上那纽约购物中心的照片中那一片喧嚣却又让我如此困扰,所以我待在安静的家里。  I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade  我希望火箭能在在我们散步的地方暂时的停下,  Cuz I would make a hook and eye  因为我将会制作一个挂钩和一个孔环  And fish them from the sky,  然后从星空里像钓竿一般垂下来,  my darling, she and I ,we"re hanging on so take us high  我亲爱的,她和我在一起,我们只要抓紧绳子,那火箭就一定能带我们飞很高。  To sing the world goodbye:  向整个世界吟唱着道别  I am floating away  我随风而去,  Lost in a silent ballet  迷失在沉静的芭蕾舞中。  I"m dreaming you"re out in the blue and  I am right beside you  我梦想着你被天空包围,我就刚好在你的旁边。  Awake to take in the view  梦醒过来,看着眼前景色:  Late nights and early parades  那些深夜和清晨的炫耀,  Still photos and noisy arcades  沉静的影像和吵闹的走廊。  My darling, we"re both on the wing,  我亲爱的,我们两个都在那羽翼之上。  look down and keep on singing.  向下张望,不断地吟唱。  And we can go anywhere  并且我们可以去想去的任何地方。  Are you there?  你在那儿吗?  Are you there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head?  你真的在那儿吗?还是你仅仅是我脑海中诱惑我的梦?  Am I home or am I simply tumbling all alone?  我真的是在家中吗?还是说我只是一个人孤单的慢慢从梦境中坠落…  I am floating away  我随风而去。  Lost in a silent ballet  迷失在沉静的芭蕾舞中。  I"m dreaming you"re out in the blue and  I am right beside you  我梦想着你被天空包围,我就刚好在你的旁边。  Awake to take in the view  梦醒过来,看着眼前景色:  Late nights and early parades  那些深夜和清晨的炫耀,  Still photos and noisy arcades  沉静的影像和吵闹的走廊。  My darling, we"re both on the wing,  我亲爱的,我们两个都在那羽翼之上。  look down and keep on singing!  向下张望,不断地吟唱。  And we can go anywhere  我们可以去想去的任何地方。  Are you there?  你在那儿吗?  Are you there?  你在那儿吗?...  来自百度owl吧 ~绿扑蓝扑的翻译
2023-07-05 03:23:442

The Saltwater Room ——Owl City这首歌为何经典

中文名:深海空间  通称:盐水屋  歌手:Owl City  所属专辑:《Maybe I"m Dreaming》编辑本段中英歌词  前奏【八个八拍】  I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗  Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗  Staring up at the stars that aren"t there anymore〖凝望着天空中早已远逝的星光〗  I was feeling the night grow old〖漫漫长夜 若是有情也已经衰老〗  And you were looking so cold so like an introvert〖你看起来犹如一个内敛的人 如此的冷漠〗  I drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violently〖披上我残旧的衬衣 开始猛烈的颤抖〗  Before you happened to look〖你无意的一瞥〗  And see the tunnels all around me〖看见了环绕在我身边的隧道〗  Running into the dark underground〖向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸〗  All the subways around create a great sound〖地道里的声音响彻云霄〗  To my motion fatigue: farewell〖跟我疲惫的身心说再见〗  With your ear to a seashell〖你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳〗  You can hear the waves in underwater caves〖就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音〗  As if you actually were inside a saltwater room〖仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般〗  间奏【两个八拍】  Time together is never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗  Only time, only time〖仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗  Can you believe that the crew has gone〖你能相信那些人群已经远去〗  And wouldn"t let me sign on?〖且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗?〗  All my islands have sunk in the deep〖我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了〗  and I can hardly relax or even oversleep〖所以我根本无法放松入睡 更不用说睡过头了〗  When I feel more with your hand in mine, when we walk in the shore 〖当我牵着你的手漫步于海滩时〗  I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow〖我猜我永远也不会知晓麻雀喜爱雪的理由〗  We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow〖我们将要关上所有的灯 让这舞厅一片火红〗  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗  All the time〖一直相爱〗  Time together is never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗  Only time, only time〖仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗  When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of〖当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓〗  If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?〖如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独〗  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗  All the time, all the time〖一直相爱...永远相守...〗  Time together is never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗  When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?〖当我们分开的时候 无论你在想什么〗  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗  All the time...〖永远相爱...〗编辑本段歌手简介Owl City  来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。  2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭。此外《Rainbow Veins》和《Dear Vienna》也都是重点推荐的曲目。让四月的好心情伴随好音乐蔓延。  他的声音象少女倾诉心事一样温文细气,但对旋律节奏的掌握却十分到位.Of June这张EP就以欢快的电子旋律征服了不少听众,象宝石般闪烁明亮.而首张专辑Maybe I"m Dreaming在演绎方面Owl City显然更加投入,从精致的和声到深情的合唱,Owl City的个人魅力也越加凸现.甜蜜的声线清新的电子音乐,这貌试简单的配搭却被Owl City演绎得绚丽多彩,尽管夏日未到但已仿佛感受到那份清爽的惬意!女声部分  《The Saltwater Room》后半段出现的女声来自于Breanne Düren,与Adam Young一样来自于明尼苏达州,Owl City的《Honey And The Bee》也是Breanne Düren的甜美女声。声音像奶油冰激凌一般,细腻动听。她的声音清新自成一派,目前没有与任何唱片公司签约。Breanne Düren(2张)在Breanne Düren的Myspace中有两支单曲,均为她演唱。
2023-07-05 03:23:501

Owl City的《Fireflies》歌词?(要有中文翻译)

You would not believe your eyes 睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep 10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere 因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems 因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance 萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread Foxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack 毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here 能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here 如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep 厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep 太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies 10万只萤火虫的哭泣I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes 讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are 充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea 因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边
2023-07-05 03:23:572

Owl City - Fireflies中文歌词

来自:liujackjack 的翻译版本:Owl City - FirefliesYou would not believe your eyes你也许不敢相信你的眼睛If ten million fireflies如果有无数的萤火虫Lit up the world as I fell asleep在我睡着时照亮了整个世界Cause they fill the open air因为它们飞满了整个天空And leave teardrops everywhere泪水撒落四方You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 也许你觉得我鲁莽,但我只会站着凝视I"d like to make myself believe我要让自己相信That planet earth turns slowly地球也会慢下来自转It"s hard to say that这难以启齿I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep躺在床上我宁愿保持清醒Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切东西都不能只看表面Cause I"d get a thousand hugs因为我会得到From ten thousand lightning bugs来自千万只小虫子的无数拥抱As they tried to teach me how to dance而它们试着教我跳舞A foxtrot above my head头顶上的狐步舞A sockhop beneath my bed床下的sockhop舞A disco ball is just hanging by a thread挂在线上的的士高球*I"d like to make myself believe我要让自己相信That planet earth turns slowly地球也会慢下来自转It"s hard to say that这难以启齿I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep躺在床上我宁愿保持清醒Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切东西都不能只看表面When I fall asleep 当我入睡时Leave my door open just a crack“砰”的一声摔门而去Please take me away from here请把我也带上吧Cause I feel like such an insomniac我是如此的难以入睡Please take me away from here请带我离开这里吧Why do I tired of counting sheep我为何厌倦了数绵羊Please take me away from here请带我离开这里吧When I"m far too tired to fall asleep我怎样也睡不着To ten million fireflies致给千万只萤火虫I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes我神秘兮兮是因为我讨厌告别I got misty eyes as they said farewell它们说再见时我泪眼迷蒙But I"ll know where several are但我会知道它们其中几只的去向If my dreams get real bizarre如果我的梦变得奇异无比Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar一旦抓到几只,我便会把他们关到瓶子里I"d like to make myself believe我要让自己相信That planet earth turns slowly地球也会慢下来自转It"s hard to say that这难以启齿I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep躺在床上我宁愿保持清醒Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切东西都不能只看表面When I fall asleep当我入睡时I"d like to make myself believe我要让自己相信That planet earth turns slowly地球也会慢下来自转It"s hard to say that这难以启齿I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep躺在床上我宁愿保持清醒Cause everything is never as it seems因为一切东西都不能只看表面When I fall asleep当我入睡时I"d like to make myself believe我要让自己相信That planet earth turns slowly地球也会慢下来自转It"s hard to say that这难以启齿I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep躺在床上我宁愿保持清醒Because my dreams are bursting at the sea因为我的梦都在大海上破灭了
2023-07-05 03:24:042

求Owl City的全部歌曲的歌词

OF JUNE (EP 2007)1. Swimming In MiamiI"m alone above the atmosphereAnd no one looking up can find me hereCause I can close my eyes, and disappearWhen I climb the stairs to watch the sunAbove station walls, the colors runTo fill the swimming pool when I am doneI am the captain of an oil tanker that travels through your veinsWhen the satellites hang all aroundAnd I can finally hear the lovely soundWhen all the engines in the backroom die downAll the airships move across the skyAnd my equipment just keeps standing byThe planets glow and intensifyI am the pilot of a cargo airplane that travels through your veinsWhen you are lying half asleep in your roomUnaware if it is midnight or afternoonBecause the water doesn"t flood the stairwellIt could be raining but then you can never tell.If you"re alone in this awful downpourThen struggle free and paddle out the cellar doorIn the evening light the boulevardConceals the night with disregardFor all the workers in a west coast ship yardWhen I rearrange the silverwareAnd re-install the lights and captian"s chairI"ll lift the ceiling off to breathe the ocean airI am the engineer of forty freight trains that travels through your veinsWhen you are lying half asleep in your roomUnaware if it is midnight or afternoonBecause the water doesn"t flood the stairwellIt could be raining but then you can never tell.If you"re awake in this awful downpourThen struggle free and paddle out the cellar doorWhen you are swimming in Miami at nightAnd all around you are the traffic and city lights2. Captains And Cruise ShipsI am stuck in L.A.Through the week and cant get awayAnd you"re alone on the pierIn West Palm Beach on your holidayStormy night, reawake the stomach ache that i"ve acquiredFrom feeling down, things look grimAnd i"m so sick of being tiredApartment lights go darkAnd its depressing but what can i do?The midnight streets feel deadWhen i am so used to driving with youBrighter lights fill the night andBluer sky"s reflect in your eyesAs I inspect and analyzeAll of these dreams I don"t recognizeIf you"re still up when the shipsIn the port prepare to set sailComb the beach and put those blue flowers up in your ponytailInside my head you"re voice is still resounding but what can i do?Empty rooms feel cold when I am so used to being with youCount the stars, watch the waves absorb the summer sunAnd think of me when you explore hidden coves and tiny island chains Throughout the sea can you still, hear my voice, when I"m outside from over the phone for what its worth, darling dear, I wish you were here cause I feel aloneWhen you were home we"d sing but since you"ve left I don"t hear anythingThough I feel so sad, I cant believe things are really that badOld captains and brand new cruise shipsSailing over the Briney seaWhen I crashed my beloved desk jobAnd swim through the debrisIll cut loose leave this mad house all for the Atlantic blueIll stroll down your treelined driveway, and sail the ocean with you3. Designer SkylineAffection, the gifted architectIs making a draft and beautiful designThe options and possibilitiesAre endless when we connect and re-alignCollections of books and documentsArise and parade around my cluttered deskReworking the math and measurementsUntil I"m convinced these plans are picturesqueLike mountains in the MidwestReaction creates the columns darkAnd wide like the roads around Fort LauderdaleThe structures begin to take their shapeBefore I"ve designed the public monorailThe turnpike and high-speed motorwayConnect and enclose the quaint suburban streetsThe airport, the broad suspension bridgeThe lake and the beach where several rivers meetCompounded from the spreadsheetA city sparkles in the nightHow can it glow so bright? The neighborhoods surround the soft florescent lightDesigner skyline in my headAbstract and still well-readYou went from numbered lines to buildings overhead4. Panda BearI"m moving to TokyoCuz I"m tired of San FranciscoMy contracts are finally voidAnd I am getting outOn houses and building topsI swallow the beams and sundropsIf my echos could reach your earsThen I could save my callsWhat happens when I"m aboveThe east river when you are in loveWe"re staring at all these lightsAnd I am going blindFill all of the navy yardsWith hard working security guardsCuz the numbers are wearing offMy plastic access cardsHow can I begin to sayI feel better off when we stayIn Paris on winter nightsBeneath the snowy veilContent like a panda bearStill breathing the fresh mountain airI"ll put on a diving tankAnd sing when I inhale5. The AirwayWhen I am fast asleepI dream and see you floating high above meAnd I awake at dawnBefore the rays of morning paint the front lawnFrom on the bedroom floorI watch you sailing far above the seashoreIn deep Atlantic skiesYou float as I look aft to watch the moon riseAbove the avenueI search among the clouds, trying to see youBut you are just a blurIn the sky when you parachute over the harborI can seeYou above with the ocean around meIf I could only stayOverhead in the airwayYou sail throughEndless sky with the evening around youWhen I"m out on the bayYou"re aloft in the airwayWhen I"m alone at nightI dream you paint the stars against the twilightSuspended in the airI wish your silhouette would always stay thereWhen I am on the beachI watch you held aloft way out of my reachBut I cannot take flightOr float upon the air the way that you mightWhen I am in the seaYou gaze down from the sky, trying to see me But I am just a blurThrough the waves as I scuba dive below the harborThe airwayYou and I in the airwayAloft in the airwayIn love on the airway6. Fuzzy Blue LightsIf I could look across the countryFrom California to New JerseyThen I would count the parks and lake resortsAnd number all the jets and airportsAll those rather dreary rain clouds still bother meCuz I look through the camera eyepiece and cannot seeIf I could open up my windowAnd see from Tampa Bay to JuneauThen I would survey all those open milesAnd line them up in single fileEverywhere I look I see green scenic sublimeAnd all those oceanic vistas are so divineIf I was standing on the balconyAnd you were walking down belowI"d feel rather depressed and out of placeAnd lonely just to watch you goIf you were swinging from the highway overpassWithin the western hemisphereI"d feel rather afraid and insincereIf you began to disappearIf I was walking through a sad art galleryAnd you were driving through the nightI"d feel rather alone and I"ll at easeBeneath the brilliant showroom lightIf I was flying on a plane above your townAnd you were gazing at the skySomehow I"d feel intact and reassuredIf you began to wave goodbye7. Hello SeattleHello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsAnd awake in your houseHello Seattle, I am a Manta RayDeep beneath the blue wavesIll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget SoundAnd construct a summer homeHello Seattle, I am the crescent moonShining down on your faceI will disguise myself as a sleeping pillAnd descend inside of youHello Seattle, I am a cold seahorseFeeling warm in your sandI sing about the tide and the ocean surfRolling in the evening breezeHello Seattle, I am an albatrosson the docks and your boatsI sail above your inlets and interstatesThrough the rain and open windHello Seattle, I am an old lighthouseThrowing beams of bright lightsRed in the morning, blue in the evening sunTaken heed from everyoneHello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsTake me above your lightCarry me through the nightHold me secure in flightSing me to sleep tonightTake me above your light (Hello Seattle I am)Carry me through the night (a mountaineer, In the hills)Hold me secure in flight (and highlands I fall asleep in hospital)Sing me to sleep tonight (parking lots and awake)MAYBE I"M DREAMING (2008)hi.baidu.com/lzh198977/.../6e57e3afa1e5ddc47cd92ac6.html (提交的答案超过10000字了,所以你自己看吧)
2023-07-05 03:24:111

owl city—cave in的歌词翻译

Owl City - Cave In 猫头鹰之城 - 倒塌二零零的妹妹(转载请注明出处)Please take a long hard look through your text book 请通过你的教科书认真地阅读吧"Cause I"m history 因为我就在历史中When I strap my helmet on I"ll be long gone 当我戴上我的头盔时就已不复存在"Cause I"ve been dying to leave 因为我已在死亡中离开Yeah, I"ll ride the range and hide all my loose change 是的,我会在骑程中藏起我所有零钱In my bedroom 在我的卧室中"Cause riding a dirtbike down a turnpike 因为在收费公路骑越野车Always takes its toll on me 都会一直对我收费I"ve had just about enough 我真是受够了Of quote, "diamonds in the rough" “未雕琢的宝石”的评价Because my backbone is paper thin 因为我的脊骨已如纸般轻薄Get me out of this cavern 让我离开这个洞穴Or I"ll cave in 不然我就要倒塌了If the bombs go off 如果引爆原子弹The sun will still be shining 太阳依然会闪耀Because we"ve heard it said that every mushroom cloud 因为我们曾听说每个蘑菇云过后 Has a silver lining 会有一线希望Swallow a drop of gravel and blacktop 燕子在柏油路上扔下一路碎石"Cause the road tastes like wintergreen 因为这样就有冬青路的味道The wind and the rain smell of oil and octane 微风与细雨石油味和辛烷值Mixed with stale gasoline 混合着陈旧的汽油I"ll soak up the sound trying to sleep on the wet ground 我会吸收声音并试图睡在湿地上I"ll get ten minutes give-or-take 我将有十分钟决定取舍"Cause I just don"t foresee myself getting drowsy 因为我不确定自己是否昏昏欲睡When cold integrity keeps me wide awake 在寒冷中让我保持完全清醒的时候Get me out of this cavern 让我离开这个洞穴Or I"ll cave in 让我离开这个洞穴Get me out of this cavern 让我离开这个洞穴Or I"ll cave in 让我离开这个洞穴I"ll keep my helmet on just in case my head caves in 我会继续戴着我的头盔以防我继续下陷"Cause if my thoughts collapse or my framework snaps 因为如果我的思想崩溃或是我的框架对齐It"ll make a mess like you wouldn"t believe 它会是个让你无法相信的烂摊子Tie my handlebars to the stars so I stay on track 把我的车把拴在星星上好让我留在轨道中And if my intentions stray I"ll wrench them away 即使我的思想要流浪时我也能挥手让它离开Then I"ll take my leave and I won"t even look back 这样我即使离去我也不会回头I won"t even look back 我也不会回头
2023-07-05 03:24:191

Owl City的《Metropolis》 歌词

歌曲名:Metropolis歌手:Owl City专辑:The Midsummer StationMetropolisOwl CityOh oh, I can"t even take it inOh oh, I can"t even take it inOh oh, I left my heart in metropolisSo far apart, I checked but the coast was clearI feel like a postcardI wish you were hereSubway through the dark, carriage through the parkTaxi down the street, get out and use my feetDon"t matter much to me what it is that I doAs long as I"m coming home to youOh oh oh, as far as I can seeYou"re the only one, the only one who can get to meLike a hijacked plane or a runaway trainOr a speeding bullet, there"s no stopping thisI left my heart in metropolisA thousand miles feels like a million yearsLike hundreds of postcards that sayI wish you were here (I can"t even take it in)Airplane through the sky, greyhound racing byDirt bike on the beach, sailboat on the seaDon"t matter much to me what it is that I doAs long as I"m coming home to youOh oh oh, as far as I can seeYou"re the only one, the only one who can get to meLike a hijacked plane or a runaway trainOr a speeding bullet, there"s no stopping thisI left my heart in metropolisI left my heart in metropolisLike a hijacked plane or a runaway trainOr a speeding bullet, there"s no stopping thisI left my heart in metropolisI left my heart in metropolisI left my heart in metropolisI left my heart in metropolisOh oh, I can"t even take it inOh oh, I can"t even take it inOh oh, I can"t even take it inOh oh, I left my heart in metropolis.http://music.baidu.com/song/20150824
2023-07-05 03:24:251

Owl City的《To The Sky》 歌词

歌曲名:To The Sky歌手:Owl City专辑:All Things Bright and BeautifulTo The SkyOwl CityShipwreck in the sea of faces,There"s a dreamy world up there,Dear friends in higher places,Carry me away from here,Travel light let the sun eclipse you,"Cause your flight is about to leave,And there"s more to this brave adventure,Than you"d ever believe,Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,Take to the sky,Take to the sky,On the hills of lore and wonder,There"s a stormy world up there,You can"t whisper above the thunder,But you can fly anywhere,Purple burst of paper birds this,Picture paints a thousand words,So take a breath of mist and mystery,And don"t look back!Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,Take to the sky,...Take to the sky,...There"s a realm above the trees,Where the lost are finally found,Touch your feathers to the breeze,And leave the ground,Birdseye view, awake the stars "cause they"re all around you,Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,Take to the sky,...U take to the sky,U take to the sky,U take to the sky,http://music.baidu.com/song/7178734
2023-07-05 03:24:321

owl city--《hello seattle》中文歌词

Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsAnd awake in your houseHello Seattle, I am a manterayDeep beneathe the blue wavesI"ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget SoundAnd construct a summer homeHello Seattle, I am the cresant moonShining down on your faceI will disguise myself as a sleeping pillAnd descend inside of youHello Seattle, I am a cold seahorseFeeling warm in your sandI sing about the tide and the ocean surfRolling in the evening breezeHello Seattle, I am an albatrossOn the docks and your boatsI sail above your inlets and interstatesThrough the rain and open windHello Seattle, I am an old lighthouseThrowing beams of bright lightsRed in the morning, blue in the evening sunTaken heed from everyoneHello Seattle, I am a mountaineerIn the hills and highlandsI fall asleep in hospital parking lotsTake me above your lightCarry me through the nightHold me secure in flightSing me to sleep tonightTake me above your lightCarry me through the nightHold me secure in flightSing me to sleep tonight你好西雅图,我是一个登山者 跋涉在丘陵与高原 在医院停车场入睡 在你的嘴里醒来 你好西雅图,我是一只蝠鲼(动物名,软骨鱼类中鳐目的蝠鲼科动物,跟巨翅飞鱼长的一样) 深深潜行在蔚蓝海浪下 在普捷湾的海底沙滩蠕动 筑造夏日的家园 你好西雅图,我是一轮新月 在你的脸庞上洒下清光 我会变成一枚安眠药 落入你心里面 你好西雅图,我是一只冰冷的海马 被你的沙粒温暖 在傍晚的微风中摇晃 歌唱着潮汐和浪花 你好西雅图,我是一只信天翁 翱翔在码头和船舶之上 我在你的港湾和公路上滑翔 不管风吹雨打 你好西雅图,我是古老的灯塔 放射出明亮的光 清晨绛红,傍晚苍蓝 注视着每一个人 带我飞向你的光芒 带我穿越黑夜 带我稳稳地飞翔 今夜用歌声伴我入眠
2023-07-05 03:24:502

跪求owl city亚当·扬介绍资料

2007年,一位名叫亚当·扬(Adam·Young)的美国大学二年级学生在明尼苏达州创建了猫头鹰之城乐队,亚当·扬是该乐队的唯一成员,乐队的创作、编曲、作词、混音合成、主唱全由亚当·扬担任。乐队成立不久,便发行了首张EP《Of June》。2008年乐队发行了首张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》。2009年,乐队先后发行了单曲《Hot Air Balloon》、《Strawberry Avalanche》,2009年7月14日乐队发行了全新专辑《Ocean Eyes》,其中专辑的主打歌曲《Fireflies》更是一举跃上美国Billboard榜单的冠军宝座和itunes下载排名的冠军位置。猫头鹰之城在发行乐队的第一张专辑以及主要单曲时都是未和唱片公司签约的,直到2009年的早些时候,亚当·扬才同著名的音乐厂牌“Crazed Hits”签约,准备乐队的专辑《Ocean Eyes》。近段时间不断创作出一首首单曲。如:《The Technicolor Phase》、《In Christ Alone》《Peppermint Winter》、《How Deep The Father s Love For Us》、《lonely lullaby》、《To The Sky》等。随着一首又一首的单曲出现,粉丝们期盼专辑能早日诞生。终于在2011年,主唱Adam Young宣布了新专辑《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》的创作的消息。万众期待的《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》终于于2011年6月14日全球发布。
2023-07-05 03:25:043

Owl City 唱的歌曲 《fireflies》的歌词?

You would not believe your eyes If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep "Cause they"d fill the open airAnd leave teardrops everywhereYou"d think me rudeBut I would just stand and stare*I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I rather stayAwake when I"m asleep"Cause everything is never as it seems*"Cause I"d get a thousand hugsFrom ten thousand lightning bugsAs they tried to teach me how todanceA foxtrot above my headA sock hop beneath my bedA disco ball is just hanging by a threadRepeat*(When I fall asleep)Leave my door open just a crack(Please take me away from here)"Cause I feel like such an insomniac(Please take me away from here)Wht do I tire to counting sheep(Please take me away from here)When I"m far too tired to fall asleepTo ten million firefliesI"m weird "cause I hate goodbyesI got misty eyes as they said farewellBut I"ll know where several areIf my dream get real bizarre"Cause I save a few and I keep them in a jarRepeat*(When I fall asleep)Repeat*(When I fall asleep)I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowlyIt"s hard to say that I rather stayAwake when I"m asleepBecause my dreams are bursting as the seams.
2023-07-05 03:25:111

Owl City到底有几个人?

来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于去年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。     2008年3月18日,Owl City第二张专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》问世。梦幻的标题,简洁的封面,如同糖衣包裹的声线和旋律,在这个春暖花开的季节再次捎来令人欣喜的清新气息。曲风是Electronica和Pop的完美融合,似乎又有一点Indie Rock的味道。饶有趣味的歌词有如抒情诗一般的迷人魅力,又颇具美学的魔力。你会惊叹于冰冷的键盘上怎能滑落如此圆润的音符,电子元素的巧妙运用使得整张专辑饱满而不失利落,跃动着生机盎然的温情。Adam Young在他的MySpace上写到,由于失眠的缘故,大部分歌曲都是在凌晨的时候制作出来的。清晨的第一滴露水和青草的芳香,已无形地渗透到Owl City的音乐里,自然灵动的氛围贯穿其中。《The Saltwater Room》和《Air Traffic》后半段出现的女声好像奶油一样,甜甜的与曲子的整体气质都很搭夏日清凉的感觉!~`the owlcit--the saltwater
2023-07-05 03:25:181