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NEPCS省级一等奖指的是,全国中学生英语能力竞赛省级一等奖。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。该竞赛由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心主办,英语辅导报社承办。奖项设置全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。一等奖学生名单将在中国英语外语教学研究网站 、英语辅导报社网站和全国主要外语报刊上宣传表彰。自从1991年至2019年,全国中学生英语能力竞赛已经成功地举办了27届,全国32个省(自治区、直辖市)(包括台湾在内)逾六千万名中学生参加了此项竞赛。每年举办一次,初赛时间在每年的11月中旬(星期日),决赛时间在每年的12月中旬(星期日)。初赛包括笔试和听力。决赛分两种方式,各地可任选一种:第一种是只参加笔试(含听力),第二种是参加笔试(含听力)和口试。由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心主办,英语辅导报社承办。全国竞赛组委会下设办公室,具体负责竞赛的各项赛务组织工作和后续系列活动。省(自治区、直辖市)级教研部门可成立相应的竞赛组织机构,搞好竞赛的各项工作。
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1、全国中学生英语能力竞赛,简称NEPCS。是经教育行政部门批准的目前我国中学生唯一的全国性英语学科竞赛,其竞赛成绩已成为中学生升学、留学、高校优先录取、加分、面试等必备条件或重要参考依据; 2、参赛对象:全体城乡普通中学初、高中各年级学生;初赛人数不限,决赛人数为初赛总人数的2%,决赛名单由初赛产生,未参加初赛的学生不得参加决赛; 3、报名时间:提倡“重在参与”的奥林匹克精神,坚持“自愿参加”的原则,以学校为单位组织报名工作。初赛报名时间为每年7月份到10月底,各省报名时间不一,具体请咨询中学老师; 4、竞赛分初赛和决赛和全国总决赛三个阶段。初赛为笔试,满分150分,其中听力30分,由各校自行组织;决赛除笔试外加赛口试30分,由竞赛组委会组织。
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1、从中选取优秀中学生组成中国代表团参加国际中学生英语夏令营等活动。2、是中学生升学、加分、留学、高校优先录取等重要参考依据。3、可以参加全国优秀中学生英语学习经验交流会等系列活动。4、竞赛试题成绩和相关数据已成为教改和考试评价改革的动力和资源。5、加强了学生自己对英语基础知识和基本技能的掌握,并在此基础上提高学生综合运用英语的能力。扩展资料:全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。一等奖学生名单将在中国英语外语教学研究网站 、英语辅导报社网站和全国主要外语报刊上宣传表彰。参考资料:百度百科-全国中学生英语能力竞赛
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Nepcs全国中学生英语能力竞赛获奖证书 这是全国二等奖还是全市二等奖?

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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 在竞赛考试中NQEEPC和NEPCS一样吗?它们分别是什么,或者给我一些相关资料,谢谢 解析: 全国中小学素质教育英语知识能力竞赛 NQEEPC 全国中学生英语能力竞赛 NEPCS
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NECPSNational English Contest For Primary Students全国小学生英语竞赛NECPS:全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)是经教育部有关部门批准的、我国唯一的全国性小学生英语学科竞赛,次竞赛每年举办一次,已成功举办过十届,共有近七百万小学生参赛,是我国小学英语教学的一项重要的评价手段和激励机制。本竞赛旨在进一步推动九年义务教育的实施,深化小学英语教学和测试方法的改革,激发广大小学师生英语教育学的兴趣,激励在小学英语教学和学习中取得优异成绩的师生和教学、教研单位。本竞赛的获奖证书是师生教学业绩和学业成绩的有力证明,是教育行政部门和教研部门评优、晋升和评职的重要佐证,是出国留学和上一级学校招生录取的重要依据。
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2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三年级组试题 (总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I. 听辨单词(Words) (共5小题,计5分) 从下列各组单词中选出所听句子里含有的那个选项.每句只读一遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. allow B. aloud C. *** D. afford 2. A. tired B. quiet C. dare D. stared 3. A. studying B. singing C. saying D. staying 4. A. thief B. received C. relative D. realized 5. A. fight B. bite C. guide D. grade II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分) 从下列各组句子中选出与你所听到的句子所表达的意思相同或相近的选项.每句将只读两遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. The club nights are held every Thursday and Friday. B. You can go to club nights twice a week. C. The club nights start at 7 pm every day. D. The club nights are held only twice every year. 7. A. The band was great to watch and they played wonderful music. B. The band was no good and the music they played was terrible. C. The band was nice to watch but their music was bad. D. The band used to be a good one but it isn"t now. 8. A. I couldn"t buy that car because there"s no place to park it. B. I could afford the car but I couldn"t find a place to park it. C. I couldn"t afford the car. Besides, there"s nowhere to park it. D. That car is so cheap that I decide to buy it. 9. A. Computers are bad for our health so we should never use them. B. Computer users should exercise by going for a walk every day. C. It is helpful for unhealthy people to use puters. D. It"s healthy for us to work on puters for long hours. 10. A. I learned a lot before my dancing lessons. B. I"ve started changing my way of dancing. C. Dancing makes me feel confident. D. I"ve changed a lot since I started dancing. III. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) A) 你将分别听到五段小对话,针对每段对话将提出一个问题,从下面各组图片中选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项.对话及问题只读一遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B) 你将听到一段对话,请根据对话选择下面各题的最佳答案.对话将读两遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. Why does Harry look terrible? A. Because he goes out so late. B. Because he hasn"t seen a doctor. C. Because he is ill. D. Because he works so hard on his exam. 17. Why is Harry busy preparing for the exams? A. He didn"t do much last term. B. He"s got lots of homework to do. C. He"ll have his exam in two weeks" time. D. He wants to get better grades than Jodie. 18. How does Jodie feel about the exams? A. She hates them. B. She likes them. C. She is confident about them. D. She is nervous about them. 19. What"s Jodie"s idea of preparing for exams? A. Studying all night does help. B. Having enough sleep is helpful. C. Getting nervous can help. D. Going to a party every weekend is good. 20. What does Harry agree with Jodie about? A. He should go to the cinema. B. He should stay up all night. C. He does need some exercise. D. He used to go out very often. IV. 短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分) A) 根据所听短文的内容,选出下列各题的最佳答案.短文将读两遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 21. What is the woman"s main aim in telling her experience? A. To explain how the brain works. B. To talk about problems with the brain. C. To describe how clever she has bee. D. To tell ways to make the memory better. 22. What can we learn about the woman from the passage? A. She has a camera. B. She is learning another language. C. She likes shopping. D. She enjoys travelling. 23. How does the woman improve her memory? A. By doing some medical research. B. By looking after her body. C. By picturing what she needs to remember. D. By doing a lot of shopping. 24. What does the woman say about her own memory? A. It has been possible to make her memory better. B. She finds dates more difficult to remember than numbers. C. It has got worse over the years. D. She often forgets birthdays. 25. Which would be the best title for the passage? B) 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容选择下面各题的最佳答案.短文将读两遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 26. Why is a fashion show being held at Iffley College? A. To sell more clothes. B. To attract more students. C. To learn more about clothes. D. To collect money for children. 27. When will the fashion show take place? A. Sunday, 25th July. B. Saturday, 25th June. C. Sunday, 15th July. D. Saturday, 5th June. 28. Where will the show be held? A. High Street store. B. Third floor of the college. C. New drama studio. D. Fashion department. 29. What will the show begin with? A. Men"s fashion. B. Women"s fashion. C. Winter and summer wear. D. The students" own designs. 30. How can you buy tickets for the show? A. Go to the ticket office. B. Go to the college website. C. Over the phone. D. Both B and C. 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项.(答案涂在答题纸上) 31. Orange juice? Sorry, no, we haven"t got ________. A. some B. any C. many D. none 32. There ________ so much work that I have ________ now! A. is; to do B. am; do C. are; done D. have; been done 33. —Wow, this soup you ________ is great. —Thanks. Katrina really likes the soup, and ________. A. cook; so Jack does B. are making; Jack does it
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2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题参考答案听力部分Sentences(句子理解)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)1—5 DABBCResponses(问句应答)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)6—10 ACBBDDialogues(对话理解)(共10 小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)11—15 DCACB 16—20 CBBADPassages(短文理解)(共10小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)A) 21—25 BCADDB) 26. 8:15 27. Art Garden 28. ten / 10 dollars 29. an umbrella 30. student card笔试部分I援Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)31—35 CBBDC 36—40 BCADB 41—45 ABBCD陨陨. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;46—55 题每小题1 分;56—65题每小题2分,计30分)A) 46—50 BDCBAB) 51—55 FTFFT56. Monica57. head; hairstyle58. a little kiss59. wins the contest60. Sparky 和Monica 都想赢得比赛。但这场比赛不是选美比赛,而是选丑比赛。Sparky 希望赢得的正是“最丑陋犬比赛”。61. Chocolate comes from the seeds of cacao trees.62. People inMexicoloved chocolate very much and, at times, they used it as money or for trade and they evenhad a god of chocolate.63. After Joseph Fry made the first chocolate bar in 1847, people began to eat chocolate.64. Factories in Holland and the US cook and package most of the world蒺s chocolate.65. 巧克力是世界上最流行的食品之一。如今,全世界的人都在享用巧克力。每年,人们花费100多亿美元Cloze(完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)A) 66. no 67. dreams 68. true 69. interested 70. went71. Working / To work 72. kinds 73. easy 74. hundreds 75. sameB) 76. nothing 77. earth 78. Plants 79. that 80. takes Sentences pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10 分)81. How; far82. How; delicious83. doesn蒺t; or84. Does; need85. feel; likeTranslation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)86. I used to go to the concert in my spare time.87. It蒺s never too late to learn. / One is never too old to learn.88. It蒺s very necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.89. They are very good friends, but they don蒺t have much in common.90. We should not depend on our parents too much. Sentence formation(连词成句)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)91. How much do you like sports?92. Show me your photos when you come back.93. Where did he buy that interesting book?94. They looked after the patients in the hospitals.95. Gavin does not go to work because he is ill.Dialogues completion(补全对话)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)96—100 FGADBIQ test(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5 分)101. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。102. Our.103. 32 / Thirty-two.104. 27. (奇数位置数字24,30,36,42依次递加6;偶数位置数字18,9 递减9,36-9=27)105. C(注意观察:上面大图中每一幅小图里面都有一个黑圈和一个白圈,这样可排除答案B 和D;然后观察黑圈和白圈在姨两侧的位置,可见,黑圈都是在姨的内侧,白圈都是在姨的外侧,所以答案为C。). Writing(作文)(共2小题;A 题满分10 分;B 题满分15 分,计25 分)A) One possible version: A Survey about Smokers in a Middle SchoolThe survey about smokers in a middle school tells that although 89% of the students never smoke, 3% of themoften smoke and 8% sometimes do. In other words, 11% of the students smoke. That"s terrible.As we know, smoking is harmful to health, not only the health of those smokers, but also that of peoplearound. Every year, thousands of people die from smoking. And also smoking may cause a loss of money.Sometimes, cigarette ends may cause a fire.All in all, smoking is so dangerous that we should keep away from it.B) One possible version: Save WaterWater is very important for living things. Without water, there could be no life on earth. However, there is ashortage of water all over the world. We have to do something to save water.First of all, we must keep in mind the importance of water and try to save water in our daily life. Second,factories and companies and all of us should not pollute water. Third, try to reuse the waste water.Let"s work together to save water and save our lives or the last drop of water will be our tear drop.一、评分原则:1援本题总分为A) 10 分;B) 15 分,按四个档次给分。2援评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言水平初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。3援文章词数少于规定词数,从总分中减去1 分。4援如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。二、各档次的给分范围和要求:第四档(很好):A) 9-10 分;B) 13-15 分完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,无词汇和语法错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A) 6-8 分;B) 9-12分完成了试题规定的任务,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求,符合英语表达习惯,基本无词汇和语法错误,达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(一般):A) 3-5分;B) 5-8 分未恰当完成试题规定的任务,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有词汇和语法错误,影响写作内容的理解,未能清楚地传达信息。第一档(差):A) 1-2 分;B) 1-4分未完成试题规定任务,明显遗漏了主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响写作内容的理解,未能传达信息。0分未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求的内容无关或所写内容根本无法看清。2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题听力部分录音原文I援SentencesListen to the following five sentences, and choose the best picture for each sentence. Each sentence will be readonly once.1. Lucy蒺s favorite hobby is collecting coins.2. Ben蒺s dream is to be a writer in the future.3. Mr. White bought his daughter a skirt for her birthday.4. Robert thought about going toJapan.5. Grace is ill in bed now.II. ResponsesListen to the following five questions, and choose the best response to each question. Each question will be readonly once.6. What day is it today?7. When did he become a movie star?8. How often does he climb the hills?9. What蒺re you doing for the vacation?10. Where蒺s the National Museum?III. DialoguesA) Listen to the following five mini-dialogues, and choose the best answer to each question. Each dialogue willbe read twice.11. M: Finally you蒺增藻come back. So, how was your trip, Maria?F: Oh, it cost me 泽燥much and I felt very tired.12. M: What time is your flight tomorrow, Suzan? F: A quarter to eleven, in the evening.M: OK, so you need to get to the airport two hours before that time.13. F: Would you like a drink, Eric? M: Yes, please. Do you have any fruit juice? F: Yes, sure. What would you like?Orange, apple or pineapple? M: Well, I really don蒺t like apple 燥则pineapple.14. M: Hey, mum, I have to tell you something. F: OK, what is it, Chris?M: Shirley invited me to go to her birthday party. I don蒺t 憎葬灶贼to go, so I told her that I was going fishingwith my dad.15. F: How was your class, Joanna?M: It went really well. Everyone liked it.F: What was it about?M: It was on learning a second language.B)Listen to a long dialogue, and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.F: Good afternoon. Goldrun Oil Company. This is Jenny. How may I help you?M: Hi, this is Don Davis. I蒺d like to speak with your project manager, Mr. Daniels. F: He蒺s in a meeting at the moment. May I take a message? M: Yes, I蒺d like to speak to him as soon as possible.F: OK, Mr. Davis. What is your telephone number? M: It蒺s5-7-8-4-9-3-8. F: That was 578-9438. Right? M: Jenny, it蒺s 5-7-8-4-9-3-8. Area code 555.F: I蒺ve got it. Is there anything else? M: Tell him I called about the Zenda Project.F: I蒺ll give him the m藻ssage soon. M: By the way, please tell him to call me before 5 p.m., or I will be flying toChicago. Thank you very much. F: You蒺re welcome. Goodbye.M: Bye now.IV. PassagesA) Listen to the following passage, and choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.There are many different kinds of sharks. The largest is the Great White Shark. These sharks can grow to be morethan 6 meters long. That is even larger than a car. They also have more than 3,000 very sharp teeth. They canfind food by smelling it from very far away.Generally, people think that Great White Sharks are quite dangerous. The fact is that sharks are usually veryafraid of people. If they attack, it is because they are afraid or interested. Actually, few people die from sharkbites. Still, every year, a small number of people are hurt in accidents with sharks.In fact, Great White Sharks really need our help. Every year, around the world, there are fewer of them thatcan survive. Fishermen sometimes take lots of fish from the ocean. And then, these sharks have nothing to eat. Ifwe are not careful, one day there could be no Great White Sharks. This is very sad.B) Listen to the following passage, and fill in each blank according to the passage with no more than two words.The passage will be read twice.Everyone, may I have your attention, please? I just want to make a brief announcement about tomorrow蒺s field tripto the museum. We are going to meet in front of the school gate at 8 o蒺clock. We will be getting on the buses andleaving school at 8:15. So, don蒺t be late. We are going to have lunch at the museum蒺s Art Garden from 11:35 to12:35. Therefore, you should bring your lunch or enough money to buy something to eat in the museum cafeteria.After that, we are going to take a tour of the theater. And then we蒺ll be back at 3 o蒺clock. Oh, yes, remember totake 10 dollars for the museum and theater entry fee, an umbrella and your student card. Any questions?
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2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初一年级组试题参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I.辨音(Words) 1—5 ADDCB II.句子理解(Sentences) 6—10 DACAB III. 对话理解(Dialogues) A) 11—15 DBACA B) 16—20 DDCBA IV. 短文理解(Passages) A) 21—25 AABDC B) 26—30 CABDC 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) A) 31—35 BBBCD B) 36—40 CAABA 41—45 DCCAD 46—50 BDACC II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) A) 51—55 CAABC B) 56—60 CBBCC C) 61. Saturday. 62. £2. 63. Bus number 24. / No. 24 Bus. D) 64. The Best Songs of the Week. 65. No, he can"t. 66. At 7:30 p.m. E) 67. On top of the Christmas tree. 68. Caring for others and sharing with them. 69. On Christmas morning. 70. Four. III. 完形填空(Cloze) A) 71. with 72. take 73. so 74. her 75. are 76. window 77. can"t 78. two 79. wrong 80. don"t B) 81. studying 82. tell 83. has 84. aren"t 85. come 86. is 87. helps 88. play 89. join 90. write IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) 91. This boy; plays; his playhouse 92. Is; or 93. Does; get up 94. doesn"t do 95. What"s his 96. Look after 97. in the same class / both in Class Four 98. Where can 99. Don"t put 100. I have V. 翻译(Translation) A) 101. 一天, 他们的妈妈想去购物,所以就让他们的姑姑 / 姨妈来照顾他们。 102. 两个孩子玩了很长时间。 103. 然后给你妹妹一块儿,但要记住一定要做得像一个绅士。 104. 他总是把大块儿给别人。 105. 玛莉,请像一个绅士那样将这个苹果切成两块儿吧。 B) 106. There are a lot of / lots of / many / trees between the two hills. 107. I don"t know the girl"s name. 108. Who is the boy in Picture Two? 109. Let me help you look for your daughter. 110. Do you like playing baseball or computer games? VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. very happy (很高兴) 112. 6413 (根据代表SEASON中每个字母的数字得出) 113. 5. / Five. 114. 115. (a) 5 (b) 3 VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: John: What"s this? Robert: It"s a photo of my sister, Ann. John: Oh, she"s very lovely. Is she ten now? Robert: No, she is 12. John: Is she in No. 7 Middle School? Robert: Yes, she"s in Class One, Grade One. John: Does your sister like sports? Robert: No, but she likes watching TV very much. John: What"s her favourite colour? Robert: Guess! John: Blue? Robert: No, it"s green. John: Oh, I like green, too. (62 words) B) One possible version: ... “Whose backpack is it?” Liu Qiang thinks. Then he opens it. There are a lot of things in it. Some books, a set of keys, some money... Liu Qiang also finds a name card in it. “Oh, it"s Li Jian"s. I know him. We are in the same school.” Liu Qiang says to himself. He thinks that Li Jian must be worried about his backpack. So he runs to the school. At the school gate, he sees Li Jian and gives him the backpack. Li Jian thanks him a lot for his help. Then they go into the school happily. (100 words) 一、 评分原则: 1. 本题总分为: A) 10分; B)15分。按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. A部分作文词数少于50或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分; B部分作文词数少于70的, 从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、 内容要点: 1. 包括图示所有内容,可适当增加情节,使内容连贯。 2. 故事发展的重要情节即内容要点。 三、 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯,基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 四、 说明: 1.内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3.漏掉每个要点扣1—2分。2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I. 听辨单词 (Words) 1—5 BADCD II. 句子理解 (Sentences) 6—10 ACBDC III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) A) 11—15 DCBDA B) 16—20 DDACA IV. 短文理解 (Passages) A) 21—25 CBADA B) 26—30 DADBC 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 单项选择(Vocabulary and structure) A) 31—35 CBDBA B) 36—40 BDABC 41—45 CCDBC C) 46—50 ADBBA II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) A) 51—55 DDBDB B) 56—60 BACBA C) 61. There are six. 62. Group 1. 63. Eat foods from all groups. / Eat a well-balanced diet. D) 64. cold 65. thick / heavy snow 66. stranger 67. school friends E) 68. Repeat it over and over. 69. A person and a colour. 70. Ask him / her. III. 完形填空(Cloze) A) 71. will fall 72. were 73. began 74. did, eat 75. thinking 76. eat 77. Don"t stop 78. telling 79. go 80. doesn"t like B) 81. started 82. broken 83. It 84. into 85. and 86. As 87. time 88. carefully 89. All 90. seemed IV. 句式转换(Pattern transformation) A) 91. Must, report 92. aren"t, any 93. How often 94. When did 95. How far B) 96. drove to 97. Turn, at 98. less than 99. It, bad 100. find, difficult V. 翻译(Translation) A) 101. (尽管)伦敦现在到处有警察,但是在1700年那里还根本没有警察。 102. 大约在300年前,伦敦(的区域)开始逐渐变大。 103. 人们不得不尽可能地呆在家里。 104. 他们中的大部分徒步工作,但是一少部分(警察)骑马/为骑警。 105. 给他们的报酬甚至比给其他警察的要高。 B) 106. They are going to a place called Maryland. 107. First, you should peel the potatoes and then cut them up. 108. I"m afraid the other kids will laugh at me because I don"t understand. 109. The factory doesn"t need so many workers any more. 110. The war didn"t come to an end until 1972. VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. SLED 112. ① six ② two 113. R (The letter on the outside is positioned midway between its two adjacent letters on the inside, in the alphabet.) 114. Schoolgirls" Life, James and the Peach and Standard Dictionary. 115. Very happy. VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: M: May I help you? W: Yes, I want to visit the zoo. Is it far from this hotel? M: Yes. But you can get there easily by bus. W: OK. M: When you walk out of the hotel, cross the street and you will see a bus stop down the street to your right. Take Bus 64 from that stop. It just stops at the zoo. W: That sounds easy. Thank you. M: My pleasure. B) One possible version: ... He remembered he still had one hundred yuan. His mother gave the money to him to buy a new pair of shoes. He went to a shop and bought some cheap gloves with the money. The next morning, he saw a woman with no gloves. He opened his school bag and took out a pair. Then he put the gloves on her hands. The gloves were very cheap, but they were warm! That day, Michael helped over ten people. He was very happy. 一、评分原则: 1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3.作文词数少于50或多于100的,从总分中减去2分。 4.如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、内容要点: 1. 包括图示所有内容,可适当增加情节,使内容连贯。 2. 故事发展的重要情节即内容要点。 三、 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 四、说明: 1.内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3.漏掉每个要点扣1—2分。2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I.听辨单词(Words) 1—5 BDCAB II.句子理解(Sentences) 6—10 BDCDA III. 对话理解(Dialogues) A) 11—15 BDCAA B) 16—20 BDCAB IV. 短文理解(Passages) A) 21—25 BADCB B) 26—30 CABDC 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) 31—35 ADBCC 36—40 DBACB 41—45 CBADB 46—50 BDABA II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension) 51—55 DABDD 56—60 BCDCB 61. on the radio / in a nightclub; on television 62. In the early 1980s. 63. popular in several different cultures 64. People who know a lot about music, are funny and not shy. 65. Maple 66. North. 67. Sixth Avenue 68. had something in common 69. He didn"t tell her a joke or tickle her. / He looked sad and just kissed her on the forehead. 70. One year. III. 完形填空(Cloze) A) 71. famous 72. If 73. become 74. idea 75. decided 76. already 77. put off 78. first 79. shown 80. much B) 81. haven"t written 82. received 83. was singing 84. forgot 85. didn"t say 86. like 87. have done / have been doing 88. to drive 89. lend 90. will go / am going IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) A) 91. Can, go skating 92. doesn"t taste 93. have left 94. how much this costs 95. have been discovered by B) 96. warm enough 97. can swim 98. the best 99. afraid of 100. able to V. 翻译(Translation) A) 101. 今晚是足球训练夜,明天将有一场校际大赛。 102. 一群男生聚集在足球场上,等待着体育老师琼斯先生的到来。 103. 他一头红发,脸上长着雀斑,看起来像根棍子一样,但是在阻挡进球方面他却很出色。 104. 唐娜认为他一定研究过迈克尔·欧文的录像带。 105. 当然他高大强壮的身体和他惊人的速度无人可比,但这并不是他取笑别人的理由。 B) 106. It has been / is more than ten years since Mr and Mrs Green left the USA. 107. Last winter she not only sang in the pub but also wrote songs for others. 108. When Lucy was young, she often used old clothes to make dolls. 109. They would rather buy a new car than repair the old one. 110. I like her a lot, even though she can be / is selfish sometimes / at times. VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. 2. (Because there are three 2s in the spinner.) 112. 8 times. 113. It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow"s tail always points downwards.) 114. GOAL 115. Kill two birds with one stone. VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: Dear Aunt Monica, I want to thank you for your invitation. I miss you a lot and I can"t wait to see you soon. I"ll arrive there on Friday at 11:15. While I am there I hope to help you with the farm work. I miss the cows and sheep on the farm. Best wishes, Elizabeth B) One possible version: In my opinion, students are given enough free time. In class, students learn what they should learn. They can enjoy themselves when they are free. But if students are given more free time, they may play all the time. For example, some of them will spend all their free time in the net-bar to play computer games. It is bad for their study. Furthermore, they will learn bad things from the games. So I think it is not a good thing to give students more free time. 一、 评分原则: 1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3.作文词数少于50或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分。 4.如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、 内容要点: 1. 包括所给要求中的所有内容,可适当增加情节,使内容连贯。 2. 故事发展的重要情节即内容要点。 三、各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 四、说明: 1.内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3.漏掉每个要点扣1—2分。
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同学你好!初中学生可以参加的全国范围内认定的英语考试(即有证书的)有:全国中学生英语竞赛(NEPCS)和全国中小学生英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)。【全国中学生英语能力竞赛】  (National English Proficiency Contest for Secondary Students,简称NEPCS)初赛将于11月14日(周日)上午9:00—11:00在全国各地同时举行,决赛将于12月12日(周日)上午9:00—11:00在全国各地同时举行。  全国中学生英语能力竞赛是经教育行政部门批准的目前我国中学生唯一的全国性英语学科竞赛,是全国中学英语教学的重要评价手段和激励机制,深受广大师生的欢迎。【全国中小学英语学习成绩测试】  (National English Achievement Test,简称NEAT)春季测试将于5月27日在全国各地同时举行。  本测试以教育部颁布的《英语课程标准(实验稿)》和现行的英语教学大纲为依据,对中小学生进行英语基础知识、基本技能和语言综合运用能力的阶段性学业成绩测试,以考查中小学生在现阶段对英语基础知识的掌握和在听、说、读、写、译诸方面运用英语的情况。NEAT测试不仅对学生在中小学各年级的英语学习提供阶段性终结评价,为教师的教学情况提供及时的反馈信息,同时也为各级教研机构提供教改、教研信息,为各级教育行政部门提供决策依据。总之,我个人认为NEPCS在国内认同度比较高,升学可能会比较看重,如果你得奖了的话可以在自主招生中算是有英语特长吧。NEAT我没有考过,但是看他的描述似乎是学校让考你才考,为教改提供依据,估计也可以作为打算高中出国去读的一种成绩认定。希望我的回答对你有帮助。
2023-07-05 21:16:101

2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 一般分几等奖?每个级别的分数?

我参加过,但是分数不一定的。按比例取名次,所以``````不过你135到140,二等奖应该没问题的。我得奖的两次,都是二等奖,一次137,一次才117。加油吧 你的分数应该没问题的。Don"t be nervous~^_^
2023-07-05 21:16:305


NECCS是全国大学生英语竞赛,NEPCS是全国中学生英语能力竞赛。NECCS全称全国大学生英语竞赛(National English Competition for College Students),由国际英语外语教师协会中国英语外语教师协会(TEFL China)和高等学校大学外语教学研究会联合主办,英语辅导报社、考试与评价杂志社承办的大学生英语综合能力竞赛。自1999年创办以来已连续举办二十一届,得到了各省、自治区、直辖市大学外语教学研究会和各高校师生的大力支持,每年全国共有31个省(自治区、直辖市)的千余所高校的120余万大学生参加此项赛事。NEPCS全称全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students),是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛。自从1991年以来,全国中学生英语能力竞赛已经成功地举办了27届,全国32个省(自治区、直辖市)(包括台湾在内)逾六千万名中学生参加了此项竞赛。
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全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)省级一等奖的意思。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛。共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。扩展资料自从1991年至2019年,全国中学生英语能力竞赛已经成功地举办了27届,全国32个省(自治区、直辖市)(包括台湾在内)逾六千万名中学生参加了此项竞赛。每年举办一次,初赛时间在每年的11月中旬(星期日),决赛时间在每年的12月中旬(星期日)。初赛包括笔试和听力。决赛分两种方式,各地可任选一种:第一种是只参加笔试(含听力),第二种是参加笔试(含听力)和口试。由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心主办,英语辅导报社承办。全国竞赛组委会下设办公室,具体负责竞赛的各项赛务组织工作和后续系列活动。省(自治区、直辖市)级教研部门可成立相应的竞赛组织机构,搞好竞赛的各项工作。参考资料来源:百度百科--全国中学生英语能力竞赛
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NEPCS省级一等奖指的是,全国中学生英语能力竞赛省级一等奖。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。该竞赛由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心主办,英语辅导报社承办。扩展资料:奖项设置全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。一等奖学生名单将在中国英语外语教学研究网站 、英语辅导报社网站和全国主要外语报刊上宣传表彰。参考资料来源:百度百科-全国中学英语能力竞赛参考资料来源:中国新闻网-中小学生全国性竞赛活动
2023-07-05 21:18:221

Nepcs全国中学生英语能力竞赛获奖证书 这是全国二等奖还是全市二等奖?

该获奖证书是全国二等奖。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛,该比赛颁发的获奖证书是全国性质的。扩展资料全国中学生英语能力竞赛是经教育行政部门批准的目前我国中学生唯一的全国性英语学科竞赛,是全国各级中学英语教学的重要评价手段和激励机制,深受广大师生的欢迎与支持。该竞赛提倡“重在参与”的奥林匹克精神,坚持学生自愿报名参加的原则,避免仅仅选拔“尖子生”参加竞赛。该比赛对全国中学英语教学产生了积极而广泛的影响。竞赛测试结果和相关数据已成为改革教学改革和考试评估的动力和资源。学生们通过本次比赛获得了无可否认的学习英语的信心,并激发了学习英语的能力。这种兴趣为英语的可持续学习和个人发展奠定了良好的基础。此外,比赛结果已成为高中生接受高等教育,获得额外积分,出国留学和进入大学的重要参考。各地教研部门也建立了各种奖励机制,开展了各种宣传活动。参考资料:百度百科-全国中学生英语能力竞赛
2023-07-05 21:18:426


NEPCS省级一等奖指的是,全国中学生英语能力竞赛省级一等奖。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。该竞赛由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心主办,英语辅导报社承办。扩展资料:奖项设置全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。一等奖学生名单将在中国英语外语教学研究网站 、英语辅导报社网站和全国主要外语报刊上宣传表彰。参考资料来源:百度百科-全国中学英语能力竞赛参考资料来源:中国新闻网-中小学生全国性竞赛活动
2023-07-05 21:19:185


有。http://www.tefl-china.net 或 http://www.ecp.com.cn .NEPCS的官方网站。全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛。自从1991年至今,全国中学生英语能力竞赛已经成功地举办了27届,全国32个省(自治区、直辖市)(包括台湾在内)逾六千万名中学生参加了此项竞赛。全国中学生英语能力竞赛是经教育行政部门批准的目前我国中学生唯一的全国性英语学科竞赛,是全国各级中学英语教学的重要评价手段和激励机制,深受广大师生的欢迎与支持。本竞赛提倡"重在参与"的奥林匹克精神,坚持学生自愿报名参加的原则,避免仅仅选拔"尖子生"参加竞赛。本竞赛每年举办一次,分各赛区初赛、决赛和全国总决赛三个阶段,每年暑假举办全国总决赛。期间,各省选手有机会参加全国中学生英语演讲比赛、全国中学生英语辩论赛、全国中学生英语风采大赛以及全国优秀中学生英语学习经验交流会等系列活动。本竞赛对全国各地的中学英语教学产生了积极广泛的影响,竞赛试题成绩和相关数据已成为教改和考试评价改革的动力和资源,参赛学生通过此竞赛建立了学习英语的信心,激发了学习英语的兴趣,为英语的持久学习和个人发展打下了良好的基础。此外,竞赛成绩已成为中学生升学、加分、留学、高校优先录取等重要参考依据。各地教研部门也设立了各级奖励机制并开展多种表彰活动。
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1、从中选取优秀中学生组成中国代表团参加国际中学生英语夏令营等活动。2、是中学生升学、加分、留学、高校优先录取等重要参考依据。3、可以参加全国优秀中学生英语学习经验交流会等系列活动。4、竞赛试题成绩和相关数据已成为教改和考试评价改革的动力和资源。5、加强了学生自己对英语基础知识和基本技能的掌握,并在此基础上提高学生综合运用英语的能力。扩展资料:全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。一等奖学生名单将在中国英语外语教学研究网站 、英语辅导报社网站和全国主要外语报刊上宣传表彰。参考资料:百度百科-全国中学生英语能力竞赛
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http://www.tefl-china.net 或 http://www.ecp.com.cn ,NEPCS的官方网站。
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全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS) 的历届IQ题

VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 回答下列问题。(答案写在答题纸上)106. What number should replace the question mark?107. One letter in each word of a well-known saying has been changed. What is the saying? TAPE TIE PULL MY TOE CORNS108. What letter should replace the question mark?109. Tom beats Joe at pool (落袋台球戏) but loses to Sue. Hilary usually wins against Joe, sometimes against Tom, but never against Sue. Who is the weakest player?110.  is to as is to: ________ .VII. 写作(Writing)(共2小题,计25分)  A) Read the following passage, and then use your own words to give a brief summary of it in about 90 words.(10分)(答案写在答题纸上) All thanks to the mobile phoneDave Mill owes his life to his mobile phone. He was trying to make history by walking to the North Pole alone, without any help or support. But after 50 days of extremely bad weather, during which the temperature dropped as low as minus 30°C, Dave was forced toabandon his attempt. He had completed 185 miles of the 375-mile journey and had suffered several mishaps(不幸事故). He had broken his sunglasses, been followed by polar bears and fallen into freezing water twice. Then, after making the decision to give up, he had some more bad luck and found himself stranded (处于困境的) on a floating piece of ice that was slowly melting. The weather was too bad for any rescue attempt to be made. Dave waited for three days, hoping that conditions would improve. But the rescue planes could not land because dense fog prevented them from seeing the surface of the ice. It was a race against time. Then he remembered his mobile phone. He marked out a runway on the ice and took a photograph with his digital camera. Then he used his phone to e-mail it to the waiting air rescue team. Using the photograph to guide him, the pilot was able to land in spite of the weather, and Dave was lifted off the ice to safety. B) You have seen the following advertisement in a young people"s magazine. Write your composition in about 120 words. (15分) (答案写在答题纸上)
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以后保送那个大学是可以用上 而且向NEPCS这项奖很吃香。全国中先生英语才干竞赛由全国竞赛组委会分歧设奖,共设三种全国奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均经过各赛区的决赛发作,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛效果确定。优秀组织奖颁发给效果突出的各级教研部门、学校和集团。一等奖先生名单将在中国英语外语教学研讨网站(www.tefl-china.net)、英语辅导报社网站(www.ecp.com.cn)和全国主要外语报刊上宣传惩办。拓展资料全国中学生英语竞赛总决赛暨全国中学生英语夏令营是全国中学生英语能力竞赛的一项重要后续活动,选手均从全国中学生英语能力竞赛一等奖的学生中择优选拔。此活动期间将举办全国中学生英语辩论赛、全国中学生英语演讲赛、全国中学生英语风采大赛等活动,并从中选拔优秀中学生组成中国代表团参加国际中学生英语冬令营等活动。
2023-07-05 21:21:252


2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高一年级组试题参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I. 句子理解(Statements) 1—5 CBDAC II. 问句应答(Responses) 6—10 BADCB III. 对话理解(Dialogues) 11—15 BDCAB 16—20 CBCDA IV. 短文理解 (Passages) 21—25 DABDC 26. colour printer 27. 1,500 28. funny story 29. in the future 30. (the) 8(th) (of) March / March 8(th) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) 31—35 CDBAB 36—40 BDACB 41—45 BDACC II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) 46—50 DBAAC 51. Internet chatting. 52. People feel freer and making friends becomes much easier. / People are more comfortable and not so shy. 53. subscribe to 54. The needs to connect with others and to make friends. 55. Stay anonymous, meet in a public place, and bring friends along. 56. Jersey Girl. 57. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. 58. Garden State; 9:00 (p.m.) 59. On Sky Movies 9. 60. Sleep makes new chemicals which will be used the following day. 61. Sleep keeps people safe and out of trouble. 62. Dreams can foretell the future. 63. Dreams mean nothing at all. 64. 这种理论的一条依据是我们睡觉的同时身体产生更多的生长激素 / 荷尔蒙(一种助长的化学物质)。 65. 然而,有些科学家如今认为梦毫无意义——梦是由我们睡觉时大脑中的电磁活动所致。 III. 完形填空(Cloze) 66. between 67. different 68. first 69. organised 70. fifteen 71. group 72. injured 73. stop 74. continued 75. last 76. top 77. started 78. housewife 79. enough 80. care IV. 翻译(Translation) 81. He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings. 82. The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died. 83. He is an able man, but on the other hand he demands too much of other people. 84. We have to think of his health before we recommend him for the job. 85. Not until I got to the station did I find that my wallet was missing / lost.V. 短文改错(Error correction) We arrived in Quito last night after a ten-hours bus journey—what a 86. ten-hours nightmare! The bus was noisy and crowd, so the journey was pretty 87. crowd uncomfortable, and Carrie felt sick most ∧ the way. It must have been the 88. of chicken she eat for lunch. I told her not to eat it!It wasn"t cooked properly.89. ate Anyway, she listened to her Walkman for the entire journey—even when 90. √ we stopped for dinner. All my battery were dead so I had nothing to 91. batteries do. She didn"t talk to me at all!I was so boring. We"re at a hotel 92. bored now. It"s being clean and the food seems OK. I"m on the balcony 93. being listening to Radiohead on his minidisc player as I write this. 94. my Carrie is sitting on her bed listen to her Walkman and writing 95. listening her diary. I wonder if she"s writing about me. VI. 智力测试(IQ) 96. Jill 30, Peter 40, Kate 50 97. 4.75 (20 × 2 + 5 × 3 = 55 55 - 18 × 2 = 19 19 ÷ 4 = 4.75) 98. The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. 99. TPHED (=DEPTH) 100. HEADMASTER / headmaster VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: Sandra and Lucy worked together. Sandra was quite aggressive while Lucy was timid and shy. Sandra often argued with her co-workers and manager, while Lucy quietly did her own work very well. Lucy was well liked by everyone, even Sandra, but Sandra"s co-workers were afraid of her. When the manager reviewed the workers he told Lucy he was impressed with her work. The manager told Sandra she was aggressive but she made him take this out of his review of her. B) One possible version: The idea of living on the moon is no longer science fiction. However, there will be drawbacks to living there as well as advantages. On the positive side, people will be able to escape from the earth"s overcrowded cities, and will have wonderful clear views of the earth and stars. On the other hand, the moon is an unfriendly place for humans. First of all, people will have to wear special suits and if their equipment fails, they will probably die. Secondly, they will have to get used to being weightless. Finally, they will probably miss the plants and wildlife that exist on the earth. In all, the moon might be the ideal place for a holiday or for scientists to carry out research, but not for ordinary people to live on all the time. 一、 评分原则: 1. 本题总分为30分, A) 10分; B)20分。按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. 作文词数少于或多于规定词数20词的, 从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 16—20分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 11—15分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯,基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 3—5分; B) 6—10分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—2分; B) 1—5分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高一年级组试题听力部分录音原文Part I. StatementsListen to the following sentences and choose the statement which has the same or almost the same meaning as the sentence you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.1. Switch off your mobile before entering the theatre.2. This is the first time I"ve been to a nightclub.3. There aren"t any good clothing shops in this town.4. A famous rock star used to live in that house.5. Any lost things left here after two weeks are sold.Part II. ResponsesListen to the following questions and choose the best response to each question you hear. Each question will be read only once.6. I"ve got a toothache. Can you recommend a good dentist in town?7. Excuse me, but would you mind not smoking here?8. I have to look this word up. Could you hand me that dictionary?9. I didn"t know you play basketball. How often do you play?10. Well, there are two benches. Which one are you talking about?Part III. DialoguesA) Listen to the following mini-dialogues and choose the best answer or picture to each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.11. W: So, how do you get to the university every day? M: I take the subway. It"s really fast from my apartment. How about you? W: Yes, the subway is fast... but I take the bus instead. Q: How does the man go to the university every day?12. M: Hey, listen to this: my cousin Neil got a new job, and his wife just had a baby. W: Gee, it"s great to get news from home, isn"t it? M: Yes. After reading this letter from my parents, I don"t feel so homesick. Q: What"s the man doing?13. W: What happened to you? Do you know what time it is? M: Jennifer, please try to understand. I tried to get here by 1 o"clock, but the traffic was terrible! W: Rob, it"s almost 2:30. The traffic couldn"t be that bad. Q: Why is the woman upset?14. W: Come on, Lee. Why can"t you go with me to the concert this Saturday? M: Sorry, I just don"t think I have enough money to pay for you and me. W: That"s OK. I"m inviting you, so I"ll pay. Q: Why can"t Lee go to the concert?15. W: Look at the sky!I don"t like this. It"s really cloudy. M: You"re right. I"ll turn on the radio. W: See if you can find a weather report. Q: What are they going to listen to?B) Listen to the following dialogue. According to the dialogue choose the best answer to each given question. The dialogue will be read twice. W: Excuse me, Mr Anderson. May I speak to you, please? M: Yes, but only for a few minutes. I have an important meeting at 2:30. W: I don"t think it will take long. I hear that you have a Business English Certificate evening course. I need your permission to attend it. M: Have you taken my test before? W: Not yet. That"s why I"m here. My friend Tony told me that you can give permmission without the test. M: That"s correct. Have you had any experience in business? W: I am working in a foreign company as a secretary, but I"ve had no formal training. I"m keen to learn and to get the certificate. M: Good. But I really don"t have time to make a decision now. You have to fill in this application form first and then you need my signature. I"ll let you know tomorrow. W: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.Part IV. PassagesPassage AListen to the following material and choose the best answer to each question. The material will be read twice.W: Before we go on to look at the principal church, we"re going to spend a couple of hours here in the shopping centre. So get out your wallets and your credit cards. Some of you might want to get some cash first of all. There is a bank on the first floor. You can"t miss it—it"s next to the cookie shop. Just follow the delicious smell!If you"re looking for a particular shop, it might be a good idea to have a map. The newsagent over there has some which are free. See where I mean? OK.Afterwards if you want to have something to eat, especially a proper meal, there"s a really good restaurant in the main square opposite the fountain. If you want to spend more time shopping, so just want to have a quick snack, there are several places where you can get a sandwich and a drink, but the best one is the snack bar just over there beside the lifts. As well as sandwiches you can get salads and cakes. It"s open now, but it does most of its business in the morning and at lunchtime, so it closes at a quarter past two. It"s best to get there by about one o"clock anyway or there isn"t much choice.Now, the last thing is very important. We"re meeting again at a quarter to three. If you go out of the centre through these doors and turn left, you"ll see a large shop selling carpets. The coach will meet us outside the shop. The shop"s name is Whitmarsh. That"s W-H-I-T-M-A-R-S-H. OK? Now, have a good time and I"ll see you later.Passage BListen to the following material and fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces. The material will be read twice.W: Now it"s time for me to tell you about our super new competition. I have to say, you won"t believe the prize we"ve got for you this month. Can you believe we"re giving you the chance to win your own computer? And not just a computer—it comes with a colour printer as well. This is a competition you really have to enter, isn"t it? So, what do you need to know? And what do you have to do?All you have to do is enter our short story competition. It couldn"t be easier. We want you to write a short story up to 1,500 words long. The rules are very simple. In fact, they could hardly be simpler. We want lots of entries. What you have to do is sit down and write a short funny story, using your own ideas—and they can be as interesting and wonderful as you like, in fact, the more interesting, the better. But, and this is important, everything that happens in your story must be in the future. So, just let your imagination fly away and start writing, because this could be your lucky month. Send your entries to me, Joy Jones, at the usual address. Put your name, address, telephone number and this is very important, don"t forget your age at the end of your story. Oh, and I forgot to say, for this competition there"s an age limit. You must be under eighteen when you enter. Make sure you post your story in time to reach me by the 8th of March. So good luck, good writing and good reading until next month.
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初三年级组2006年全国中学生 英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛试题参考答案 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I.听辨单词(Words) 1—5 BCABC II.句子理解(Sentences) 6—10 BCDCA III. 对话理解(Dialogues) A) 11—15 ACCBD B) 16—20 CBACB IV. 短文理解(Passages) A) 21—25 BBACD B) 26. Brothers 27. 11: 45/a quarter to twelve 28. (the) theatre 29. 639-884 30. Thursday 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) 31—35 DCBCA 36—40 BDCDA 41—45 ACBCD 46—50 BACCD II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) A) 51—55 BACAD B) 56-60 BACDD 61.奥斯卡典礼上最奇怪的工作之一就是“补空座”这一项差事了。 62.这样,电视镜头中就不会出现空位。 63. When a star needs to go to the bathroom or have a cigarette. 64. She was tired but excited. 65. more than 90% 66.1996 67.small/not very large; respected 68. half-price 69. contest 70. free III. 完形填空(Cloze) A) 71.game 72. In fact 73. popular 74. teams 75. playing 76.competitions 77.professional(s) 78. advertisers 79. brings 80. salaries B) 81. to go 82. were waiting 83.realised 84. had left 85. were working 86. was found 87. will be 88. ran 89. got 90. started IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) A) 91.Would you like 92.what she thought of 93. have already spoken 94. have we 95. were you paid B) 96. my best 97. looks after 98. some/any advice/suggestions 99. was disappointed 100. pay attention V. 翻译(Translation) 101.I hope what I have done can make you happy. 102. I prefer quiet traditional music, so concerts suit me just fine. 103. He came across so many difficulties, but he never gave up. 104. Although he has lived in China for two years, he can hardly speak Chinese. 105. Unless the team of England improves its game, it"s going to lose the match. VI. 智力测试(IQ) 106. Sunday.107. STOP 108 SOIL SPORT 109.V is on the top and X is at the bottom. 110. B&D VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: Dear Jonathan, I just got your letter and I think you shouldn"t worry so much. Things will get better soon if you have a positive attitude. Why don"t you join a sports club? You"ll meet lots of people there. If I were you, I would apply for a better job. This way you"ll have more money and you"ll also be able to go out more. I hope this advice is of some help to you. Good luck. Helen B) One possible version: Technology has made it possible for us to listen to our favourite music wherever we go. One of the advantages of listening to a Walkman is that we can listen to music without disturbing other people. It also keeps us from getting bored on long journeys. However, listening to a Walkman can cause some problems. Sometimes it can be dangerous because we can"t hear traffic. What"s worse, Walkmans stop communication between people. All in all, although Walkmans are popular among young people, I think we should be careful with them. 一、 评分原则: 1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3.作文词数少于50或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分。 4.如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
2023-07-05 21:22:033

2011年全国中学生英语 能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题答案

2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题参考答案听力部分Sentences(句子理解)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)1—5 DABBCResponses(问句应答)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)6—10 ACBBDDialogues(对话理解)(共10 小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)11—15 DCACB 16—20 CBBADPassages(短文理解)(共10小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)A) 21—25 BCADDB) 26. 8:15 27. Art Garden 28. ten / 10 dollars 29. an umbrella 30. student card笔试部分I援Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)31—35 CBBDC 36—40 BCADB 41—45 ABBCD陨陨. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;46—55 题每小题1 分;56—65题每小题2分,计30分)A) 46—50 BDCBAB) 51—55 FTFFT56. Monica57. head; hairstyle58. a little kiss59. wins the contest60. Sparky 和Monica 都想赢得比赛。但这场比赛不是选美比赛,而是选丑比赛。Sparky 希望赢得的正是“最丑陋犬比赛”。61. Chocolate comes from the seeds of cacao trees.62. People inMexicoloved chocolate very much and, at times, they used it as money or for trade and they evenhad a god of chocolate.63. After Joseph Fry made the first chocolate bar in 1847, people began to eat chocolate.64. Factories in Holland and the US cook and package most of the world蒺s chocolate.65. 巧克力是世界上最流行的食品之一。如今,全世界的人都在享用巧克力。每年,人们花费100多亿美元Cloze(完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)A) 66. no 67. dreams 68. true 69. interested 70. went71. Working / To work 72. kinds 73. easy 74. hundreds 75. sameB) 76. nothing 77. earth 78. Plants 79. that 80. takes Sentences pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10 分)81. How; far82. How; delicious83. doesn蒺t; or84. Does; need85. feel; likeTranslation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)86. I used to go to the concert in my spare time.87. It蒺s never too late to learn. / One is never too old to learn.88. It蒺s very necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.89. They are very good friends, but they don蒺t have much in common.90. We should not depend on our parents too much. Sentence formation(连词成句)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)91. How much do you like sports?92. Show me your photos when you come back.93. Where did he buy that interesting book?94. They looked after the patients in the hospitals.95. Gavin does not go to work because he is ill.Dialogues completion(补全对话)(共5小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)96—100 FGADBIQ test(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5 分)101. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。102. Our.103. 32 / Thirty-two.104. 27. (奇数位置数字24,30,36,42依次递加6;偶数位置数字18,9 递减9,36-9=27)105. C(注意观察:上面大图中每一幅小图里面都有一个黑圈和一个白圈,这样可排除答案B 和D;然后观察黑圈和白圈在姨两侧的位置,可见,黑圈都是在姨的内侧,白圈都是在姨的外侧,所以答案为C。). Writing(作文)(共2小题;A 题满分10 分;B 题满分15 分,计25 分)A) One possible version: A Survey about Smokers in a Middle SchoolThe survey about smokers in a middle school tells that although 89% of the students never smoke, 3% of themoften smoke and 8% sometimes do. In other words, 11% of the students smoke. That"s terrible.As we know, smoking is harmful to health, not only the health of those smokers, but also that of peoplearound. Every year, thousands of people die from smoking. And also smoking may cause a loss of money.Sometimes, cigarette ends may cause a fire.All in all, smoking is so dangerous that we should keep away from it.B) One possible version: Save WaterWater is very important for living things. Without water, there could be no life on earth. However, there is ashortage of water all over the world. We have to do something to save water.First of all, we must keep in mind the importance of water and try to save water in our daily life. Second,factories and companies and all of us should not pollute water. Third, try to reuse the waste water.Let"s work together to save water and save our lives or the last drop of water will be our tear drop.一、评分原则:1援本题总分为A) 10 分;B) 15 分,按四个档次给分。2援评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言水平初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。3援文章词数少于规定词数,从总分中减去1 分。4援如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。二、各档次的给分范围和要求:第四档(很好):A) 9-10 分;B) 13-15 分完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,无词汇和语法错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A) 6-8 分;B) 9-12分完成了试题规定的任务,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求,符合英语表达习惯,基本无词汇和语法错误,达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(一般):A) 3-5分;B) 5-8 分未恰当完成试题规定的任务,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有词汇和语法错误,影响写作内容的理解,未能清楚地传达信息。第一档(差):A) 1-2 分;B) 1-4分未完成试题规定任务,明显遗漏了主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响写作内容的理解,未能传达信息。0分未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求的内容无关或所写内容根本无法看清。2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题听力部分录音原文I援SentencesListen to the following five sentences, and choose the best picture for each sentence. Each sentence will be readonly once.1. Lucy蒺s favorite hobby is collecting coins.2. Ben蒺s dream is to be a writer in the future.3. Mr. White bought his daughter a skirt for her birthday.4. Robert thought about going toJapan.5. Grace is ill in bed now.II. ResponsesListen to the following five questions, and choose the best response to each question. Each question will be readonly once.6. What day is it today?7. When did he become a movie star?8. How often does he climb the hills?9. What蒺re you doing for the vacation?10. Where蒺s the National Museum?III. DialoguesA) Listen to the following five mini-dialogues, and choose the best answer to each question. Each dialogue willbe read twice.11. M: Finally you蒺增藻come back. So, how was your trip, Maria?F: Oh, it cost me 泽燥much and I felt very tired.12. M: What time is your flight tomorrow, Suzan? F: A quarter to eleven, in the evening.M: OK, so you need to get to the airport two hours before that time.13. F: Would you like a drink, Eric? M: Yes, please. Do you have any fruit juice? F: Yes, sure. What would you like?Orange, apple or pineapple? M: Well, I really don蒺t like apple 燥则pineapple.14. M: Hey, mum, I have to tell you something. F: OK, what is it, Chris?M: Shirley invited me to go to her birthday party. I don蒺t 憎葬灶贼to go, so I told her that I was going fishingwith my dad.15. F: How was your class, Joanna?M: It went really well. Everyone liked it.F: What was it about?M: It was on learning a second language.B)Listen to a long dialogue, and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.F: Good afternoon. Goldrun Oil Company. This is Jenny. How may I help you?M: Hi, this is Don Davis. I蒺d like to speak with your project manager, Mr. Daniels. F: He蒺s in a meeting at the moment. May I take a message? M: Yes, I蒺d like to speak to him as soon as possible.F: OK, Mr. Davis. What is your telephone number? M: It蒺s5-7-8-4-9-3-8. F: That was 578-9438. Right? M: Jenny, it蒺s 5-7-8-4-9-3-8. Area code 555.F: I蒺ve got it. Is there anything else? M: Tell him I called about the Zenda Project.F: I蒺ll give him the m藻ssage soon. M: By the way, please tell him to call me before 5 p.m., or I will be flying toChicago. Thank you very much. F: You蒺re welcome. Goodbye.M: Bye now.IV. PassagesA) Listen to the following passage, and choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.There are many different kinds of sharks. The largest is the Great White Shark. These sharks can grow to be morethan 6 meters long. That is even larger than a car. They also have more than 3,000 very sharp teeth. They canfind food by smelling it from very far away.Generally, people think that Great White Sharks are quite dangerous. The fact is that sharks are usually veryafraid of people. If they attack, it is because they are afraid or interested. Actually, few people die from sharkbites. Still, every year, a small number of people are hurt in accidents with sharks.In fact, Great White Sharks really need our help. Every year, around the world, there are fewer of them thatcan survive. Fishermen sometimes take lots of fish from the ocean. And then, these sharks have nothing to eat. Ifwe are not careful, one day there could be no Great White Sharks. This is very sad.B) Listen to the following passage, and fill in each blank according to the passage with no more than two words.The passage will be read twice.Everyone, may I have your attention, please? I just want to make a brief announcement about tomorrow蒺s field tripto the museum. We are going to meet in front of the school gate at 8 o蒺clock. We will be getting on the buses andleaving school at 8:15. So, don蒺t be late. We are going to have lunch at the museum蒺s Art Garden from 11:35 to12:35. Therefore, you should bring your lunch or enough money to buy something to eat in the museum cafeteria.After that, we are going to take a tour of the theater. And then we蒺ll be back at 3 o蒺clock. Oh, yes, remember totake 10 dollars for the museum and theater entry fee, an umbrella and your student card. Any questions?
2023-07-05 21:22:139


听力部分(共三大题,计30分)I. Responses: 1-5 CBACAII. DialoguesA)6-10 BDBCA B)11-15 BADCA C)DBECAIII. PassagesA)21-25 BCADD(http://www.171english.cn)B)26.attraction 27. No.2 28. other day 29. Chinatown 30. happier笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I. Multiple-choice31-35 CCADA 36-40 BBACA 41-45 CBABCII.CLOZE46.laughing 47.funny 48.public 49.expressions 50.important 51.start52.relaxed 53.together 54.health 55.betterIII. Reading comprehension56-60 DCATF(http://www.171english.cn)61.2000 62.Mice 63. The Calorie Restriction Society64.嗯,一些新的研究将预示着以上的做法是错误的。65.但一项新的理论看似揭示了一种可能,即卡路里的缺失将促使身体进行自我保护。66.convenient 67.grow/become 68.added 69.indicate/show 70.colours71-75 DAFCEIV. Translation76.BBC reports that British businesses should employ more young British workers.77.As winter approaches, billions of birds are flying south from their northern homes.78.I know she"ll want to carry on playing in this important match, even if she gets injured.79.Doctors say that any types of walking will improve your health.80.For many young people, their flame for learning is lighted when they"re provided with the opportunity to express themselves. (http://www.171english.cn)V. Error correction.During rush hour, a Canadian man and his teenage son got on the cab 81. inand asked me to take them to La Guardia airport. They were goingback to Canada. We had a nice conversation altogether and when they 82.togethergot out, they gave me a good tip. When my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and says 83.saidhe found it on the back seat. I immediately knew it belonged to()Canadian man. It contained a driving license and a credit card, 84.thenothing much else. (http://www.171english.cn) Now, I liked the Canadian guy, so I found the 800 number on the back of the credit card and phoned the company. I explained all 85.all(删去)what happened and gave them his number. After about half an hour, 86.mythe Canadian guy called and asked me to go back to the airport andreturn the wallet. So I started for the airport. Five or six people tried 87.√to stop me as I was driving through the city, then I didn"t stop. I was 88.butdoing a good thing! (http://www.171english.cn) Forty minutes later, I arrived at La Guardia. The guy was standing outside the terminal building and looked pretty stressed. I 89.lookinggave back the wallet and told him that I only did a little shoppingwith his credit card! It was just a joke. He was so unhappy and just 90.happylaughed. "You"re my favourite New Yorker," he said. Then he handedme fifty dollars and ran back into the airport. The whole thing - plusthe fifty dollars - really made my night.VI.IQ91.C 92.N 93.E 94.D 95.TEAMVII. WritingA)Dear Carl, Congratulations! I just read the news in the newspaper about your winning the Maths Marathon. (http://www.171english.cn) What a wonderful achievement and you"ve worked so hard for it, too.I am particularly pleased that you"ve proved yet again that there are brains in your family! Obviously I would like to know your plans for your holiday. Welcome to China if you have long enough holiday. Make sure you write and visit me if you can. Once again, my wholehearted congratulations. Yours, Li HuaB) If the system of grading of teachers by the school students is introduced, it will benefit both teachers and the administrations of the school for a number of reasons. The system will give teachers and the administration of school an insight into the minds of the students and show whether the teachers are successful in getting their lessons understood by the students. It will also encourage the good teachers to continue their efforts and motivate themselves. It will also expose those who are not doing enough and will lead them to correct their teaching methods as well as their attitude towards students. Thus the quality of teaching will certainly improve.In a word, it is a promising concept and will bring surprisingly good results if applied with the right conditions. (http://www.171english.cn)一、 写作评分原则:1. 本题总分为 30分: A) 10分; B) 20分。按四个档次给分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。3. 作文词数少于规定词数120-150词的,从总分中减去2分。4. 如书写较差,以至影响阅卷,将分数降低一个档次。二、 各档次的分数范围和要求:第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 16—20分完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇运用错误,具备较强的语言能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 11—15分完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇运用错误,达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(一般):A) 3—5分; B) 6—10分未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇运用错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档(差):A) 1—2分; B) 1—5分未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇运用错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。0分未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
2023-07-05 21:22:292


初三年级组全国一等奖姓 名 学校名称韩小科 海南实验中学赵 旦 海口市九中吴惠婷 海口景山学校陈秋吟 万宁市万宁中学谢 华 海口市景山学校贾梦蝶 三亚市丹州中学黎建良 嘉积中学海桂学校林 柳 海口市第二中学张雪儿 海口市景山学校尤 悦 海口市第七中学赵瑞白 网络科技实验学校林 秋 海南实验中学张龙天 海南实验中学林雪琪 海口市第十一中学王莉雯 嘉积中学海桂学校桑小茹 海口景山海甸分校杨 海 海南华侨中学钟明慧 海口市第十中学毛端仪 海口市十中林 祺 国科园实验学校郑 炜 海南实验中学邢福宇 海南实验中学黄 斌 万宁市后安中学燕诗琪 国科园实验学校李 真 海口景山学校许戈雷特 海师附中廖 珊 澄迈县澄迈中学王倩如 儋州市那大二中曾维文 澄迈县澄迈中学王茜楠 嘉积中学海桂学校王之丞 琼山区海福学校朱威仁 农垦红光中学夏 曼 国兴中学黄金程 临高县临高中学潘丽雅 海南省第二中学王梦琪 加积中学海桂学校李舒宇 海师附中何明蔚 海师附中吴婉宁 三亚市八一中学王 苑 嘉积中学海桂学校陈 隆 东方市铁路中学张译尹 农垦中学陈 宁 文昌中学唐怡菲 三亚市实验中学宋 墨 万宁市兴隆一中钟 虹 万宁市万宁中学毛安阳 农垦中学陈华玲 东方市第二中学林诗婷 三亚市实验中学高 桦 乐东县冲坡中学肖净月 三亚市实验中学麦孟莹 白沙县白沙中学陈家斌 嘉积中学海桂学校郑 红 万宁市大茂中学刘 莉 嘉积中学海桂学校蔡菁菁 文昌中学万科成 儋州市松涛子弟学校杨玉江 嘉积中学海桂学校冯兰兰 琼山区第二中学张晓虹 文昌中学王一茹 嘉积中学海桂学校李丽霜 农垦红光中学吴 强 儋州市那大二中叶凤娇 文昌市文北中学林福丽 乐东县九所中学邓斯元 儋州市那大二中林传森 乐东县冲坡中学陈文祯 文昌中学陈 能 乐东县佛罗中学符茜茜 文昌中学黄伊尘 文昌中学黄斐斐 琼中县琼中中学杨桂养 农垦红明中学林 宁 保亭县保亭中学郑 钧 农垦红明中学陈 旭 农垦龙江农场中学曾 锐 定安县定安中学胡悦健 海南振发学校邢丹旅 陵水县陵水中学莫书奋 定安县定安中学赵成龙 儋州市正大阳光中学王泽阳 海钢一中杨诗惠 洋浦实验学校覃 美 昌江县昌江中学全国二等奖姓名 学校名称林婉莉 海口市十中李夏路 海南实验中学陈艺玮 海口市景风中学陈博凯 海南实验中学陈思捷 海口市第十一中学陈世超 海南实验中学高传升 海口市第十中学王 妃 海口市第九中学吴林颖 海南实验中学曾凡畔 海南华侨中学林佩羽 海口市第七中学李晓璇 海口十中吴鹏飞 海口市义龙中学胡 遥 海南华侨中学窦博文 国科园实验学校何 也 海口景山学校陈 智 海口市第九中学吴 可 海南实验中学林婷婷 国科园实验学校邱 琛 海口市第七中学古斯莹 海南实验中学韩明秦 海师附中谭 玉 国兴中学许凌霄 海南实验中学罗 刚 海口市沿江中学邱 悦 海口市第十中学纪怡菲 琼山华侨中学翁国友 国科园实验学校林舒婷 海口市第十一中学何 舟 国科园实验学校陈海佩 海南华侨中学曾燕萍 海口华兴学校吴柊珏 海师附中陈 颖 海南华侨中学杨 群 海口第十中学侯立巍 国科园实验学校许 荟 国科园实验学校吴 睿 海口市第九中学陈静娴 海南侨中颜 强 海口市海港学校王镱瑾 海口市义龙中学黄明笛 海口景山学校符雪玉 海口市第十一中学曾碧萍 海口市第十一中学戴雅竞 国科园实验学校黄吴恙 海口市双岛学园曾晓琳 海口市义龙中学颜体蕴 海口九中郭耀中 海口景山学校谭 武 海口市义龙中学郭晓萌 海师附中林 澍 海南第二中学刘一芾 海口华兴学校张艺腾 海口华兴学校杜大卫 海口双岛学园黄凯荣 海南实验中学李国彬 海南实验中学黄俊雄 东方市港务中学冯婷琳 万宁市万宁中学陈茜茜 嘉积中学海桂学校黄海舟 万宁市万城镇中学吴扬敏 嘉积中学海桂学校黄灵玲 儋州市那大第二中学赵 亮 海南华侨中学董庆辰 嘉积中学海桂学校王俊飞 白沙县白沙中学冯乃敬 澄迈县老城中学许 月 临高县临高中学龚建鹏 琼山区府城中学庞敬怡 琼海市长坡中学吴静娴 海师附中张逸君 海师附中李 响 农垦中学王盈盈 嘉积中学海桂学校羊儒官 儋州市那大二中李 昂 儋州市民族中学符宝尹 文昌中学陈 戈 东方市铁路中学吴 振 澄迈县澄迈中学苏 浪 万宁市北坡中学黄丽蓉 澄迈县第二中学钟昌宏 国兴中学李明芯 加积中学海桂学校林怡伶 文昌中学林 玲 文昌中学林 颉 文昌中学钟晓幸 万宁市礼纪中学吴芳嵩 三亚市南方公学雷 浴 加中分校黄 婵 儋州市那大二中潘俞蓉 嘉积中学海桂学校王益壮 嘉积中学海桂学校郭莉敏 琼海市长坡中学吴欣蓉 澄迈县澄迈中学李苏芮 三亚市实验中学吴晓颖 儋州市西华中学许辉玉 万宁市北坡中学陈华芳 乐东县英海中学刘小晶 临高县临高中学符莹萍 临高县临高二中麦卜元 加积中学分校李菲菲 嘉积中学海桂学校符园园 儋州市那大二中吴佳森 儋州市那大二中肖 鹏 保亭县新星中学彭 干 白沙县白沙中学王小云 琼山区府城中学刘 哲 儋州市松涛子弟学校陆 语 白沙县白沙中学林霞颖 万宁市兴隆一中卢文锋 琼海市长坡中学卢丹萍 儋州市海头中学吴 敏 农垦红光中学罗 鸿 澄迈县澄迈中学林 景 万宁市后安中学谢雯晶 嘉积中学海桂学校张晶晶 文昌中学黄宏雅 文昌中学池丽晶 农垦南茂中学林恋青 临高县临高中学谭朝冰 嘉积中学海桂学校黄小婕 嘉积中学海桂学校陈明珠 文昌市第二中学李娇梅 万宁市后安中学张辰颖 三亚市第五中学庞启明 加积中学海桂学校沙 颖 三亚市八一中学岑运书 东方市第二中学陈奕慧 澄迈县二中曾 雪 澄迈县第二中学陈小琳 万宁市万城镇中学王 婷 嘉积中学海桂学校林家文 万宁市后安中学朱望林 加积海桂中学冯俊孔 嘉积中学海桂学校黄 伟 文昌中学符小叶 文昌市第二中学符 丽 东方市八所中学刘兆矣 三亚市实验中学赵巧娘 嘉积中学海桂学校雷子慰 嘉积中学海桂学校黄彩霞 琼海市长坡中学钟丽梅 儋州市南丰职业中学林博进 儋州市那大二中殷有珍 文昌市启智中学王玲玲 农垦八一中学关 哲 万宁市万宁中学文 博 万宁市后安中学李 乙 嘉积中学海桂学校潘妙玲 文昌市文北中学陈美艳 文昌市华侨中学卞再芬 东方市民族中学林 超 三亚市崖城中学谢 剑 农垦西庆中学王振夫 琼中县琼中中学史昌槟 文昌市文昌中学范天芳 农垦和岭农场中学林 娜 农垦东升中学陈秋怡 三亚市三亚二中莫萍燕 定安中学容 斌 三亚市港务局中学何美瑾 文昌市文昌中学邢 福 农垦八一中学黄 浩 农垦乐中中学符芳恋 保亭县保亭中学曾晓阳 海南振发学校许丹英 儋州市长坡中学谭伟睫 农垦阳江农场中学陈道开 万宁市后安中学吴名选 振发学校符 雅 三亚市三亚二中吴嘉欣 琼山区琼山二中郑花仪 文昌市第二中学符 玲 文昌市华侨中学田晓彤 三亚市八一中学周 翔 三亚市鲁迅中学张美玲 文昌市华侨中学夏婷婷 三亚市第二中学黎小源 农垦东升中学李 梅 三亚市港务局中学周薇薇 琼山区琼山二中黄荟云 农垦八一中学吕 琼 农垦八一中学胡 腾 农垦新中中学韩 苗 文昌市文北中学冯丹丹 陵水县小太阳学校覃杨丹 琼山二中许环保 定安中学潘明农 乐东县联合中学陈雯希 国兴中学徐瑞湖 农垦和岭中学潘江梅 农垦新中中学孙鸿青 乐东县冲坡中学吉 婷 琼中县中学王明胜 琼山区琼山二中张晓阳 农垦新伟中学陈 欣 农垦西庆中学徐红豆 农垦西庆中学廖艳星 定安县居丁中学吴 源 昌江县海钢一中吴采芳 定安县定南中学吴钟山 定安县定安中学周 蒙 振发学校黄海凤 陵水县三才中学汪乃甫 儋州市正大阳光中学黄 芸 儋州市那大二中谢书玉 保亭县新星中学赵启宁 儋州市正大阳光中学陈大敏 洋浦实验学校林尤芬 陵水县新村中学郭周桢 昌江县民族中学张 灵 乐东县黄流中学李 誉 昌江县民族中学岳诗莹 陵水县小太阳学校吴 芳 洋浦实验中学蒋美玲 乐东县保显学校莫知余 琼中县中学李 凯 乐东县民族中学陆清果 乐东县利国中学邢慧莹 五指山中学孙琼韵 乐东县黄流镇二中孙惠春 乐东县邵逸夫中学陈 甫 乐东县邵逸夫中学林 润 乐东县利国中学
2023-07-05 21:22:383


2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题参考答案听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I. 听辨单词 (Words) 1—5 DCACBII. 问句应答 (Responses) 6—10 BABCBIII. 对话理解 (Dialogues) A) 11—15 BADCB B) 16—20 DCAABIV. 短文理解 (Passages) A) 21—25 CBDBC B) 26. 7:30 / half past seven / seven thirty 27. by bus 28. red 29. the office 30. (a) jacket笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) A) 31—35 ACBAB B) 36—40 DCDCA 41—45 BCDCB C) 46—50 CBABAII. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) A) 51—55 ABDBC B) 56—60 BCABB C) 61. 北极熊居住的地方很冷。(那里的)温度经常低达-55℃(零下55摄氏度)。 62. 如果它们活下来的话,它们和熊妈妈一起生活近两年,但是随后它们必须离开熊妈妈到冰上独自生活。 63. Because it needs to find food. 64. Pollution and thin ice. 65. Over 16 / sixteen. 66. In their own languages or in English if they want to. 67. Ireland. 68. Europe; parts 69. important holidays 70. hotels; 18 / eighteenIII. 完形填空(Cloze) A) 71. has 72. trying 73. lost 74. were 75. to collect 76. help 77. did 78. got 79. didn"t 80. said B) 81. wonderful 82. knife 83. watermelon 84. Sorry 85. bought 86. shouts 87. by yourself 88. can 89. pieces 90. outIV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) A) 91. How often 92. weren"t any 93. Why can"t 94. did; read 95. Do; need B) 96. favourite city 97. It; takes 98. quick breakfast 99. as; as 100. because ofV. 翻译(Translation) 101. Please add some sugar to the milk. / Add some sugar to the milk, please. 102. I will wait here until 2 p.m. / I won"t leave here until 2 p.m. 103. I think a good friend can make me happy. 104. If you have a bad headache, you should go to bed early. 105. Don"t forget to bring my book back tomorrow.VI. 智力测试(IQ) 106. 47. (Each number is the sum of the previous two numbers, e.g. 18+29=47) 107. Tuesday. 108. Sorry, I can"t take your call right now. If you leave your name and number, I"ll get back to you. 109. 10:15 a.m. 110. It means it is raining very heavily. / 下着倾盆大雨VII. 写作(Writing) A) One possible version: Kate: I"m going to have a party next Friday — I"m going to be seventeen. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Jeremy: That"s great. What time will it begin? Kate: At 8:30 p.m. Jeremy: Where will it be? Kate: It"s going to be at the London Hotel, near the town centre on Shindy Street. Jeremy: OK. I can find that. See you there. Kate: See you.B) One possible version:Dear Poor in Pennsylvania,Why not give your friend a call? Don"t forget to tell him about the computer repairs on the phone. You have to tell him in a polite way that you don"t have enough money for the repairs and you need the money back. If he thinks you are his friend, he will give the money back to you soon. If he makes an excuse, I hope you don"t need him as your friend any more. Good luck to you! Miss Advice 一、 评分原则: 1. 本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. 作文词数少于40或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以至影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题听力部分录音原文Part I. Words You will hear five sentences. Choose the word you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.1. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades and it makes me happy.2. Did you have fun going camping in the rain?3. Which animal likes eating grass, do you know?4. Holly is better at maths than any other subject.5. We have a problem with the car—it won"t start.Part II. Responses You will hear five questions. Choose the best answer to each question. Each question will be read only once.6. How far is it from the hospital to the zoo?7. What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?8. Can I borrow these books?9. How long is he staying?10. What"s your phone number?Part III. Dialogues A) You will hear five short dialogues. Choose the best picture for each question. Each dialogue will be read twice.11. M: Excuse me, can you tell me where the cinema is, please? W: Mm, just a moment. Oh yes!It"s past the post office, next to a big supermarket. M: Is it far from here? W: No, just two minutes" walk.12. W: Hi, David. What"re you looking for? M: I don"t know what to buy for Lisa"s birthday. W: Well, I made her a birthday card, why don"t you get her a book? M: Yes, that"s a good idea.13. M: Did you enjoy your holiday, Emma? W: Yes, but it was wet most of the time. M: Really? Isn"t it always hot in Canada? W: Mm, not when I was there.14. W: Oh hi!Did you have a good time at the theatre last night? M: Well, the play was excellent but the tickets cost 90 pounds each. W: That"s not too bad if the play was good. M: Well, perhaps you"re right.15. W: Where do you work, Mr Black? M: I work at the railway station. W: How do you go to work every day? M: By bus of course. B) You will hear a long dialogue. Choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.Mrs Lee: So, tell me about my trip to Europe. Will I leave on Saturday or Sunday?Secretary: I"ve booked your ticket for Saturday, Mrs Lee. Let me see, that"s the 11th and your plane leaves at 10 a.m.Mrs Lee: So, I should get to the airport at about eight?Secretary: Yes. And you"ll arrive in London at eleven fifty—you won"t stop in Frankfurt this time. Mr Porter from our Amsterdam office will arrive at about the same time, so you can go together to your meeting at the factory—no time to go to the hotel, I"m afraid.Mrs Lee: OK, and after the meeting?Secretary: You"ll have the afternoon free. Then in the evening you"ll meet Jane and Peter.Mrs Lee: Is that at their home?Secretary: Not this time. You"re going to meet in an Italian restaurant near your hotel. Then the next morning you"ll go to Paris by train.Mrs Lee: Yes, that"s better than flying again.Part IV. Passages A) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.Hello, I am Don and I am a postman. I work 51 hours every week. I work six days from five in the morning to half past one in the afternoon. At our office we get about 60,000 letters every day. I really like my job. I take letters to 278 addresses. I take letters to rich people and poor people and there are a lot of foreign people that I take letters to. I really like it when I give someone a letter from their country and it makes them happy. It means that my job is important to many people. There are some things I don"t like about my job but not many. I don"t like winter days and I don"t like dogs. B) You will hear a passage. Complete the form according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.Ladies and gentlemen. Here"s some information about our trip to Loch Ness tomorrow. It"s a long journey, about three hours each way, so we have to start early. That means we"ll have breakfast at half past seven. Don"t be late, please, as the bus has to leave at half past eight. When you finish breakfast, go to the car park. That"s where we"ll get on the bus. That"s the big car park behind the hotel. Remember to bring your red tickets for lunch. We"ll have lunch at a restaurant near Loch Ness and you must have your red ticket or you won"t get any lunch!If you haven"t got a red ticket yet, you can get one from the office. Oh, one more thing. I know it"s summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in July, so bring a jacket with you. You"ll need one in the evening. All right? I"ll see you tomorrow morning.
2023-07-05 21:22:452

求2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛,初三 全部答案

2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)(初三)初赛 参考答案 听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I. Sentences (句子理解) 1-5 BBCDC II. Responses (句子应答) 6-10 BACBA III. Dialogues (对话理解) A) 11-15 CBCDC B) 16-20 EADBC IV. Passages (短文理解) A) 21-25 BADCC B) 26. history 27. art 28. sport 29. computer / Internet 30. vegetables 笔试部分(共八大题,计120分) I. Multiple-choice (选择填空) 31-35 BDCCD 36-40 ABBCC 41-45 DABCB 46-50 DADCB II. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) A) 51-55 BBDAC B) 56. parents / family 57. taken / sent / rushed 58. die 59. trust / like 60. six months 61. Kids" Week 62. 14 63. hat 64. £30. 65. So they will get a chance to win a (new Ice Shark) snowboard. 66. 距离终点还有十米的时候,Dawson和Emily齐头并进。 67. Emily走上了沙滩,筋疲力尽,但是却很开心。 68. The strength that her family gave her. 69. Jack told him (about the race). 70. Jack. III. Cloze (完形填空) A) 71. special 72. or 73. rings 74. lists 75. also 76. expensive 77. messages 78. to 79. send 80. which B) 81. require 82. happened 83. hurt 84. standing 85. is IV. Sentence pattern transformation (句式转换) 86. Do many people agree that 87. was poor / wasn"t rich 88. which / that was 89. In what years / When did he help Brazil to win the World Cup? 90. Soccer was made a popular sport (by him) in the USA. V. Translation (翻译) 91. I don"t want to make a wrong decision. 92. She tried to pay attention to what he was saying. 93. Would you rather walk than take the / a bus? 94. Is that / this the best excuse you can come up with? 95. Mum used up all the milk when she was cooking. VI. IQ (智力测试) 96. $3.70. (The Frisbee costs $3.70 and the softball costs $2.50. As you can see, the Frisbee costs $1.20 more than the softball, and together they cost $6.20.) 97. begin 98. Saturday. 99. H N TIME TE USED 100. It"s now 4:39. [John has to wait 9 minutes for his train (to Newburgh). Heather has to wait 18 minutes for her train (to Springfield), while Barbara has to wait 36 minutes for her train (to Clarksville).] VII. Error correction (短文改错) 101. height 102. √ 103. many 104. drive 105. think VIII. Writing (写作) A) One possible version: Hi! I"m David and I"m a Junior 3 student. I usually do all my homework. I eat a lot of healthy foods because they are good for me and my studying. And I"m never late for school. I also have some bad habits. I don"t tidy my room and I seldom help with the housework because my mother won"t let me. She does all the work. I never play any sport. I spend my spare time watching TV. In the future I will try to give up my bad habits and live a healthy, happy life. B) One possible version: If I were the manager of the shop, I would have batteries. Kids love listening to their Walkmans, and they are not happy if their batteries run down. Today"s children have different tastes in music. I would have a great collection of CDs for them to choose from. Teenagers like to look different. I would also have cool T-shirts and bags. Lots of school shops sell junk food and fizzy drinks. They"re unhealthy, so I would not sell these things in my shop. 一、 评分原则: 1. 本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. 作文词数少于或多于所规定词数20词的, 从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅读,将分数降低一个档次。 二、 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):A) 9-10分; B) 13-15分 完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(好):A) 6-8分; B) 9-12分 完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯,基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(一般):A) 4-5分; B) 5-8分 未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差):A) 1-3分; B) 1-4分 未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法和词汇错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能准确地传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
2023-07-05 21:22:532

2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 一般分几等奖?每个级别的分数?

2023-07-05 21:23:111


31-45BDAAD DCBBA BCACD 46-50BCADB 51classial 52Seattle 53soul 54himself 55life 56$12 57Bluewater 58York 59 In Cafe 60Twenty minutes 63In the last week of August 64 Everyone picks up tomatoes and throws them at other people 65 There are parades,fireworks and dancing 66have 67Good idea 68reading 69Place 70to see 71 its 72 everything 73also 74 exciting 75is 76than 77them 78In 79of 80but 81too;to 82 What;do 83 was told 84 belongto 85 who bought 86Are you terrified of the dark in this big horse? 87 A lot of people in this office are interested in collecting stamps 88This story reminds him of an accident a few years ago 89A lot of my friends told me Li Ming is easy to get along with a few days ago 90 When you arrive at Beijing ,please send me an e-mail as soon as possible 91 a-an 92to wait-wait 93 does -did 94either-too 95 pass-pass 96-100FBAEC 101st;te 102 10 103 C 104It"s 3rd November 105 German
2023-07-05 21:23:181


听力部分(共三大题,计30分)I Responses(句子应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)1—5 DABCA II Dialogues(对话理解)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15 分)A) 6—10 BACCDB) 11—15 BADBAC) 16—20 EADBC III. Passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分)A) 21—25 BCADDB) 26. university 27.discipline problems 28. Science 29. paid well/ paidenough 30. put up/increase笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I Multiple-choice(选择填 空)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)31—35 CABDC 36—40ABCCC 41—45 ADBADII Cloze(完形填空)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10 分)46. grown 47.representing48.mixture 49. language 50.limited 51. realize 52.against 53. destroyed54. surprising 55. change/ developIII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;每小题2 分,计40 分)56. C 57. B 58. B 59. F 60.F 61. Between 1.5 and 1.9million.62. The school religiousvalues and educationquality.63. According to/Based on children蒺s interests andquestions.64. 有趣的是,接受在家教育的孩子在全国联考中的阅读和数学成绩往往高于平均成绩。 65. 但是,大多数父母没有时间和意愿在家教育孩子,因此大多数孩子依然在学校接受教育。66. printed 67. interesting68.magical/ fantasy 69. entertaining/ interesting70. immediate71—75 EACBDIV. Translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10分) 76. There are hundreds ofnewspapers in the UK,including national, regionaland local papers.77. The human (race) hascaused the global environmental problemsand we have to worktogether to solve them.78. It is often notimportant what we do, buthow we do it that catches people"s/one"s attention.79. Most secondary schoolstudents take it forgranted that their onlychoice is to enter auniversity for further education when theygraduate from high school.80. Students who do notrespect their parents arenot qualified forrecommendation/to be recommended to PekingUniversity.V. Error correction(短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10 分)Bhutan is a country of about 750,000 people inthe eastern Himalayas.Visitors may besurprising how much culture, tradition andnature are all flourishingin this very privatecountry.The Bhutanese peoplebelieves that all forms of life, human and non-human,are precious andsacred. Because thisattitude, they live inharmony with nature andtheir environment remains polluted, with an astonishing various of animals, birds and plants.The people live in harmonywith each other either, with no discrimination ofany kind.In order to safeguarding this rich naturalenvironment and peacefulculture, Bhutan hasadopted a cautious andcontrolled approach totourism. In 2003, there were less than 6000 tourists and this number isnot expected to increase greatly. No independenttravelers arepermitted in Bhutan; alltourists must not go on apre-planned, prepaid,guided, package tour. So, if you make the effort and manage to get a visaand arrange a trip, youwill certainly have alife-changing experience inthis magical kingdom.surprised believeofunpolluted varietysafeguardtoofewer HoweverVI IQ(智力测试)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)91. 50, 40 92. E 93. B 94.7:21 95. AVII. Writing(写作)(共2 题;A题满分10分,B 题满分20 分,计30 分)A)The way English has beenadopted around the worldcan be presented in three circles. In inner circlecountries, English is spokenas a native language, suchas Britain, New Zealandand so on. In outer circlecountries, English plays an important role as one ofseveral official languages,often because of coloniallinks with Britain, takeIndia and Jamaica forinstance. In expanding circle countries, English istaught as a foreignlanguage, for example inBrazil, Italy and China.B)A lot of people think that they are not good atlearning a new language.However, experts say thatwe can learn from thebehavior of good languagelearners to become better at languages.Good language learners trydifferent ways to maketheir message understood.For example, if the listenerdoes not know a word in their speech, they may tryto explain it in some easywords or phrases to makehim or her understand. Thepoint is that goodlanguage learners are creative and do not easilygive up.In addition, good languagelearners are prepared totake risks. Theyunderstand that making mistakes is natural and isnecessary to learn. Forexample, if someonecorrects their vocabularyor grammar, they try toremember instead of becoming shy aboutspeaking.Becoming fluent in alanguage takes time, itcannot be done in just afew months. However, trying different ways tocommunicate, taking risksand being prepared tomake mistakes will helpyou be a proficient andconfident language learner in the long run.
2023-07-05 21:23:368


谁知道啊 问老师去吧
2023-07-05 21:23:501


· 学科竞赛从1990年以来,盐城中学学生参加省级以上数理化等学科竞赛共有768人次获奖,其中一等奖176人,二等奖240人,先后有12名学生进入国家冬令营,6名学生进入国家集训队。 盐城中学学生参加的竞赛(部分)全国创新英语大赛  全国中小学生创新作文大赛  全国高中数、理、化、生、信息技术等学科竞赛 “希望之星”英语风采大赛  “星星火炬”英语风采展示活动  全国天文奥林匹克竞赛  美国数学竞赛(AMC)  全国青少年高校科学营  盐城市英语读写大赛  国际中学生数学竞赛  江苏省各学科竞赛  全国青少年科技创新大赛  全国中学生模拟联合国大会  亚洲奥林匹克数学竞赛  江苏省校园文化艺术大赛  新概念作文大赛中国青少年机器人竞赛全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)·高考成绩近几年盐城中学的教育教学质量一直处于全省前列。高考本科升学率稳定在95%以上。在整个盐城市乃至苏北,都是数一数二的学校。1994年,学生严挺以703分的总成绩夺取了江苏省理科状元。 2008年,江苏省盐城中学高三(38)班的祁明怡获得江苏省理科状元。 2012年,盐城中学学生阮沐颖获得9所名校录取通知书。 2014年,囊括盐城高考文理科状元。2015年,盐城高考文理科最高分均出自盐城中学。盐城中学的倪羌頔和戴尚琪分别摘得盐城市文科最高分和理科最高分。 · 瓜井位于盐城中学北校区东北角,“盐城八景”之一。以井深水甜、大旱不涸,保存了近两千年。东汉熙平元年(公元172年),会稽句章有农民许昌、许韶父子揭竿起义,自封阳明皇帝,吴郡富春人孙坚募兵讨平许氏父子。盐渎县自汉武帝元狩四年建县以来,一直“有县无治",一直由射阳县丞代管,孙坚是有史书记载的盐城第一任长官。孙坚在盐城任官期间,为官清正,他的父亲孙锺在县城南门外开挖深井,引水种瓜,以此为生,这瓜井便是他留下的。孙坚任满离去,后来他起兵入吴,长子孙策战死,次子孙权自立为吴王,以京口(镇江)为都城。孙锺发迹的瓜地和瓜井被人称为“真龙地”,至今犹存。明万历年间,孙锺故居遗址犹存。知县杨瑞云有《经孙司马坚故居二首》,其一曰:风景萧萧起暮愁,英雄去矣地还留。 中原当日悲刘氏,建业行看有仲谋。近海鱼龙千叠浪,西风葭苇满城秋。只今吊故凭词赋,不尽凄凉对古邱。隋大业十一年 (公元616年),农民起义领袖叫韦彻,据盐城称王,在县城南门外修建皇宫,瓜井成了御花园的一部分。唐武德四年(公元621年),唐高祖李渊的堂弟、淮安王李神通发兵征讨韦彻,被韦彻打败。后来唐太宗李世民招降韦彻。为了破坏这块真龙地的风水,下旨将韦彻的皇宫拆除,在瓜井旁边建一座永宁寺,瓜井又成了寺内僧人饮用水之井。唐太宗统一天下后,修复盐城的土城,宋、元两朝又四次修土城,直到明永乐十六年(公元1418年),才将县城移向西南方,改土城为砖城,此时瓜井被圈入县城东门以内。清人高岑有《瓜井仙踪》诗云: 从他名地说东门,那及孙公故址尊。 满径春未瓜自蔓,丹炉人去井犹存。 海天岁月无今古,汉室皋夔有子孙。 渺渺仙踪何处听,教人仰止暗销魂。· 正北楼位于盐城中学北校区,建于1931年,现为盐城市文物保护单位。1940年,刘少奇、陈毅曾经在此工作过,并在此召开过华中总指挥部会议。1941年初,即成为抗日军政大学第五分校校部,该校在此的两年时间,培养了三千多名军政干部。如今,正北楼已经成为抗大五分校的校史陈列室,薛暮桥为陈列室题名。正北楼前的草坪上是伟大的党和国家领导人刘少奇同志的半身像,在塑像底座上,镌刻着刘少奇为之所题的词:为正义,为自由,为民族的和社会的解放战斗到底!    · 共青山和少先湖位于历史悠久的北校区,共青山为广袤的盐城大地上的最高峰,而少先湖中的湖心亭则是最能代表盐中形象的,二者建于上个世纪六十年代,为了美化校园,盐中学子不到一个月的时间就垒起了这座共青山,也成为了盐城中学的文化象征。 还有一些官方的或者半官方的学生组织同样也是盐中的一部分,他们大多由团委组织,盐城中学的校团委也于2014年被团中央授予“五四红旗团委”荣誉称号。· 学生会:由各年级优秀的学生干部组成,下设主席团、社团管理部、网络宣传部、青年志愿者服务部、报社等部门组成。· “盐中之声”广播台:统一选拔,统一调用,负责放学上学时的音乐播放、新闻播报和节目制作,并且负责主持盐城中学的各大活动,为江苏省十佳社团之一。· 住校生联盟:由全体住校生选举选出,负责住校生的管理和监督工作。· 阳光检查组:由各班主任向政教处统一推荐的优秀学生干部组成,接受学校聘书,负责对学校各项常规工作进行检查和监督。· 仪仗队:前身是盐城中学国旗班,于2014年改建升级,成为国内第一支中学仪仗队,主要负责学校的升旗、护旗、司礼、迎接贵宾等任务。· 盐中风暴橄榄球队:成立于2011年12月,也是“江苏省盐城中学橄榄球俱乐部” · 校训:博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之· 教风: 严,勤,实,活· 学风:严,勤,钻,恒· 校风:严格,勤奋,团结,上进· “四个盐中”精神:2014年,张瑞卿校长提出全面建设“四个盐中”的精神:即平安盐中、人文盐中、精彩盐中、创新盐中。重点建设以平安盐中为前提,以精彩盐中为目的,以创新盐中为途径,以人文盐中为灵魂的盐中梦。努力实现“学生成人成才、教师专业成长、学校永续发展”的“盐中梦”,把盐城中学建设成为具有“盐城特质、江苏特征、中国特色”的“全市第一、全省领先、全国一流”现代化学校。 《盐中,光荣的盐中》词:张钟人 曲:孔兰生一、 盐中,盐中,光荣的盐中诞生在抗日战争的烽火中共产党的领导,盐阜人民的培育形成了读书战斗生产劳动的光荣学风串场河畔,戎马倥偬有多少师生献身于民族革命事业为拯救中华立下了汗功啊,盐中,啊,盐中,光荣的盐中!二、盐中,盐中,光荣的盐中成长在祖国建设的洪流中马列主义的指引,教育方针的传承形成了三八作风又红又专的光荣传统建军路上,岁月峥嵘有多少师生献身于社会主义事业为建设中华创建了新功啊,盐中,啊,盐中,光荣的盐中!三、盐中,盐中,光荣的盐中前进在四化建设的洪流中新世纪的要求,祖国人民的期望发扬了严格勤奋团结上进的优良校风正北楼前,桃李争荣有多少师生献身于四化建设事业为振兴中华再创建新功啊,盐中,啊,盐中,光荣的盐中! 姓名任职时间周宣德1927-1934王义珏1934-1946李西垣1946-1947李景周1947-1949江重言1949-1951姜光斗1951-1954姜亚材1954-1958薛一凡1958-1964邵沛1964-1977刘则先1977-1983庞天仪1983-1985陆云翔1985-1992朱五华1992-2005李志成  2005-2014 张瑞卿  2014-  参考资料:
2023-07-05 21:23:571


2023-07-05 21:24:258


你看看和你的卷子相不相符听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I. Sentences (句子理解)1—5 DCBDAII. Responses (句子应答)6—10 DACDCIII. Dialogues (对话理解)A) 11—15 BBADCB) 16—20 CEABDIV. Passages (短文理解)A) 21—25 BACACB) 26. 1.83 27. adult 28. (basketball) player 29. jobs 30. the same笔试部分(共八大题,计120分)I. Multiple-choice (选择填空)31—35 BBDCD 36—40 ACDCB 41—45 BCCAB 46—50 ACABDII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)51—55 BADAC56. cars / buses 57. lights 58. tall 59. lost 60. policeman61. 布赖恩 / Brian非常害怕,他在颤抖,但是他尽力不让自己恐慌。62. 经过54天在加拿大森林里的生活,布赖恩 / Brian惊人的历险终于结束了。63. He landed the plane on the lake. Then he got out of the plane.64. He made a spear, and a bow and arrow.65. brave, clever / bright / intelligent66. The Zoom 400. 67. The DYNO Raptor. 68. The Zoom 400. 69. expensive 70. The Zoom 300 and the DYNO Raptor. III. Cloze (完形填空)A) 71. best 72. in 73. cover(s) 74. happy 75. followed 76. living 77. difficult 78. stay 79. marriages 80. exampleB) 81. seen 82. started 83. enjoying 84. has been / is 85. talkingIV. Sentence pattern transformation (句式转换)86. I"m planning a small party with my old schoolfriend.87. won"t you88. I don"t expect the party will go on very late.89. you could come / you could make it90. haven"t seen youV. Translation (翻译)91. At first they hated each other, but they ended up getting married.92. I don"t understand why they chose him instead of you. 93. My friend was not in the slightest interested in the film but I was impressed.94. The project is designed to provide young people with jobs.95. I gave most of my books away when I left college.VI. IQ (智力测试)96. At 11:55 am. 97. ART 98. C H I PA R R O O TT N99. 20,000. (The total number of the shoes is 20,000, the same as the total population of the town. That"s because the one-legged people wear one shoe, and, of the remaining people, half wear two shoes and half wear no shoes at all, for an average of one shoe per person.) 100. 425VII. Error correction (短文改错) 101. friends 102. likes 103. nothing 104. share 105. √VIII. Writing (写作) A) One possible version:Tingting: Did you get paid for your work?Wang Lin: No, I didn"t. I was a volunteer.Tingting: Did you meet any famous athletes?Wang Lin: Yes, I did. I met Michael Phelps.Tingting: Did you speak to him?Wang Lin: Yes, I did. We had a short talk.Tingting: Did you volunteers stay in the Olympic Village?Wang Lin: No, we didn"t. Only the athletes stayed there.Tingting: Did you work hard?Wang Lin: Yes, we did, but it was fun.B) One possible version:First of all, we need more clubs and other places where we can meet. Teenagers wouldn"t cause problems in the street if there were more places for them to go to.Also, teenagers here need more sports equipment. There are places to play ball games like tennis and football, but what about other sports, like skateboarding?Finally, I"m sure that we will make the town better if we don"t litter! Our town will be much better for everyone in the future if we all do something to help now.
2023-07-05 21:24:522


2023-07-05 21:25:022


只要参加决赛就一定有奖。全国中学生英语能力竞赛由全国竞赛组委会统一设奖,共设三种奖励等级:一等奖、二等奖和三等奖,三种奖全部为师生同奖,另设优秀组织奖。一等奖、二等奖和三等奖均通过各赛区的决赛产生,由省(自治区、直辖市)竞赛组织机构根据决赛成绩确定。优秀组织奖颁发给成绩突出的各级教研部门、学校和个人。扩展资料:全国中学生英语能力竞赛(National English Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students,简称NEPCS)。是全国规模最大的英语学科竞赛,是我国基础外语教育中的重要奖励机制之一,是面向全国中学生举办的综合性英语能力竞赛。竞赛每年举办一次,分各赛区初赛、决赛和全国总决赛三个阶段,每年暑假举办全国总决赛。比赛期间,选手们有机会参加全国中学生英语演讲比赛、全国中学生英语辩论赛、全国中学生英语风采大赛以及全国优秀中学生英语学习经验交流会等系列活动,并从中选拔优秀中学生组成中国代表团参加国际中学生英语夏令营等活动。参考资料来源:百度百科-全国中学生英语能力竞赛
2023-07-05 21:25:291