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2023-07-07 04:28:34
TAG: 区别


[sE5dVest; (?@) sE^5dVest]

vt.建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗示

advise hint imply insinuate intimate propose




来自拉丁语 suggerere “携带,提供”的过去分词 suggestus <sub- 在下 + gerere 携带

[sE5dVest; (?@) sE^5dVest]




I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train.


""I suggest," said the inspector, "that you are not telling the truth.""



"I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o"clock train, but that you caught the 8.25 train."


"When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head."


advise hint imply insinuate intimate propose






建议, 提出(意见、计划等)

暗示, 启发, 间接表明

使想起, 使联想到

It is suggested that ...


I suggest that ...


He suggested going out for a walk.


That girl"s sun-tanned face suggests excellent health .


The thought of summer suggests swimming.

想到夏天, 就使人联想到游泳。

An idea suggested itself to me [to my mind].


suggest itself to

产生...念头; 浮现在...心中


AHD:[s単-j祍t? s?j祍t挥

D.J.:[s*g6d/est, s*6d/est]

K.K.:[s*g6d/Wst, s*6d/Wst]


sug.gest.ed; sug.gest.ing; sug.gests;

To offer for consideration or action; propose:

suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk.

To bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke:

a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.

To make evident indirectly; intimate or imply:

a silence that suggested disapproval.

To serve as or provide a motive for; prompt or demand:

Such a crime suggests apt punishment.

Latin suggerere suggest-

sub-[ up ]

*See Also : sub-

gerere[ to carry ]


suggest imply hint intimate insinuateThese verbs mean to convey thoughts or ideas by indirection. <SKW> Suggest refers to the calling of something to mind as the result of an association of ideas or train of thought:

揾is erect and careless attitude suggesting assurance and power?(Joseph Conrad). To imply is to suggest a thought or an idea that is unexpressed but that can be inferred from something else, such as a statement, that is more explicit:

The effusive praise the professor heaped on one of the students seemed to imply indifference toward or disapproval of the rest. <SKW>Hint refers to an oblique or covert suggestion that often contains clues:

He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended.

My imagination supplied the explanation you only hinted at. <SKW>Intimate applies to indirect, subtle expression that often reflects discretion, tact, or reserve:

She intimated that she and her husband were having marital problems. To insinuate is to suggest something, usually something unpleasant, in a covert, sly, and underhanded manner:

The columnist insinuated梑ut never actually asserted梩hat the candidate had underworld ties.


AHD:[s単-j祍t? s?j祍t挥

D.J.:[s*g6d/est, s*6d/est]

K.K.:[s*g6d/Wst, s*6d/Wst]


sug.gest.ed; sug.gest.ing; sug.gests;

To offer for consideration or action; propose:


suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk.


To bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke:


a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.


To make evident indirectly; intimate or imply:


a silence that suggested disapproval.


To serve as or provide a motive for; prompt or demand:


Such a crime suggests apt punishment.


Latin suggerere suggest-

拉丁语 suggerere suggest-

sub-[ up ]

sub-[ 向上 ]

*See Also : sub-

gerere[ to carry ]

gerere[ 搬运 ]


suggest imply hint intimate insinuateThese verbs mean to convey thoughts or ideas by indirection. Suggest refers to the calling of something to mind as the result of an association of ideas or train of thought:

揾is erect and careless attitude suggesting assurance and power?(Joseph Conrad). To imply is to suggest a thought or an idea that is unexpressed but that can be inferred from something else, such as a statement, that is more explicit:

“他直截了当和粗心的态度让人想到确信和力量”(约翰)。 Imply的意思是提出一个没有明确表示的想法或主意,但可以从别的较明显的事物,如一声明中推断出来:

The effusive praise the professor heaped on one of the students seemed to imply indifference toward or disapproval of the rest. Hint refers to an oblique or covert suggestion that often contains clues:


He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended.


My imagination supplied the explanation you only hinted at. Intimate applies to indirect, subtle expression that often reflects discretion, tact, or reserve:


She intimated that she and her husband were having marital problems. To insinuate is to suggest something, usually something unpleasant, in a covert, sly, and underhanded manner:

她含蓄地暗示她和她丈夫的婚烟出现了问题。 Insinuate指以隐蔽的、委婉的或秘密的方式暗示通常是不愉快的事:

The columnist insinuated梑ut never actually asserted梩hat the candidate had underworld ties.




n.忠告, 建议, [商]通知

counsel direction instruction plan recommendation suggestion tip






some advice


a piece of advice


give advice


take one"s advice


That"s my advice to you.


On his advice I am staying in bed.



advice of arrival


counsel direction instruction plan recommendation suggestion tip




忠告, 劝告; 建议; 指点; 磋商

通知, 公函; 诊断

[常用复](政治、外交上的)报道, 消息

an advice note


a remittance advice


advices from foreign countries


a piece [bit or few words] of advice


a written advice


act on advice


ask advice of

向...征求意见, 请教

by [on] sb."s advice


follow sb."s advice


give [tender] advice

劝告, 忠告

take advice

征求意见, 请教

take medical advice


accepted bill of advice


amendment advice


as per advice


automatic advice of the approach of a train


broker"s advice


cable advice


cargo accounting advice


credit advice [note]


debit advice

借记报单, 借项通知单

definite advice


delivery advice


draft advice


extension advice


legal advice


loss advice


railway advice


shipment advice


shipping advice


telephonic advice


track release advice


traffic advice

行车通知; 运输通知书

treasury remittance advice


verbal advice


advice of arrival


advice of audit


advice of bill accepted


advice of charge


advice of circumstances preventing carriage


advice of collection


advice of deal


advice of delivery

货到[交付]通知书, 回执

advice of drawing


advice of receipt (A. R.)


advice of settlement


advice of transfer of L/ C (L/ C=letter of credit)







Opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem; counsel.


Information communicated; news:

advices from an ambassador.

Middle English avis, advice

fromOld French avis

from (ester) a vis[ to seem ]

a[ to ]

fromLatin ad

*See Also : ad-

vis[ seen ]

fromLatin v簊um[ what seems (good) ],from neuter past participle of vid秗e[ to see ]

*See Also : weid- In Appendix

advice counsel recommendationThe central meaning shared by these nouns is 揳n opinion as to a decision or course of action?

sound advice for those looking for work;

accepted the counsel of her attorney;

refused to follow his recommendation.

See Also: news






Opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem; counsel.




Information communicated; news:


advices from an ambassador.


Middle English avis, advice

中古英语 avis, advice

fromOld French avis

源自古法语 avis

from (ester) a vis[ to seem ]

源自 (ester) a vis[ 似乎 ]

a[ to ]

a[ 至 ]

fromLatin ad

源自拉丁语 ad

*See Also : ad-

vis[ seen ]

vis[ 被看见的 ]

fromLatin v簊um[ what seems (good) ],from neuter past participle of vid秗e[ to see ]

源自拉丁语 v簊um[ 似乎是(良好的)东西 ], 源自vid秗e的中性过去分词[ 看见 ]

*See Also : weid- In Appendix

advice counsel recommendationThe central meaning shared by these nouns is 揳n opinion as to a decision or course of action?

sound advice for those looking for work;


accepted the counsel of her attorney;


refused to follow his recommendation.


See Also: news






suggest doing sth. / suggest that sb. (should) do sth.


advice on/to/about。



asserted[英][u0259"su025c:tu026ad][美][u0259"su025c:tu026ad]adj.宣称的(尚待证实的)的; v.声称( assert的过去式和过去分词 ); 维护; 坚持自己的主张; 生效; 例句:1.The country"s press has only recently asserted its independence. 国家的新闻界最近才声称其独立性。2.The african union this week asserted maritime security as a priority for thecontinent. 这周,非盟声称将把海上安全作为非洲大陆的优先事务
2023-07-07 03:13:563


assert 英[u0259u02c8su025cu02d0t]美[u0259u02c8su025cu02d0rt]v. 明确肯定; 断言; 坚持自己的主张; 表现坚定; 维护自己的权利(或权威);例句:Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。第三人称单数:asserts 现在分词:asserting 过去式:asserted 过去分词:asserted
2023-07-07 03:14:0413


assert[英][u0259u02c8su025c:t][美][u0259u02c8su025c:rt]vt.声称,断言; 维护,坚持; 坚持自己的主张; 生效; 第三人称单数:asserts过去分词:asserted现在进行时:asserting过去式:asserted例句:1.While the navy has struggled to assert its relevance. 同时海军却在为维护自己的必要性苦苦挣扎。2.That is something his enemies readily assert. 这也正是他的对手不难断言的。
2023-07-07 03:14:272

请问“the signal is asserted (deasserted)”中assert和deassert分别怎么翻译

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 解析: assert KK: [] DJ: [] vt.1. 断言,声称[+that][O2] She asserted her innocence. 她宣称她是清白的。 He asserted that he was not guilty. 他声明他无罪。 2. 维护,坚持;主张拥有 The boss asserted his authority by punishing his employees. 老板靠惩罚雇员来维护自己的权威。 3. 显示;确立 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供 deassert 与ASSERT相反, 你先声名了一下信号把它置"1"以后, 要把它恢复成0,这就是DEASSERT 就是取消断言的意思
2023-07-07 03:14:341


assert: to state clearly that and firmly that sth is true 明确肯定,断言。如:She asserted that she was innocent.她坚称自己是无辜的。She asserted her innocence. 她宣称她是清白的。The boss asserted his authority by punishing his employees. 老板靠惩罚雇员来维护自己的权威。claim: to say that sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it.宣称,声称。如:He claimed that he was not given a fair hearing.他声称他未得到一个公正的申诉机会。He claimed a breakthrough in ....他宣称在……获得一个重大突破。allege: (1)to state sth as a fact but without giving a proof. (未提出证据)断言,指称,宣称。如:It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.他被指控虐待犯人。A newspaper article alleged that the cabinet was going to resign. 一家报纸宣称内阁即将辞职。(2)To state (a plea or excuse, for example) in support or denial of a claim or accusation: 推诿,藉口,辩称:提出(如请求或理由)以支持或否认一项要求或指控: The defendant alleges temporary insanity. 被告以暂时精神失常作为藉口。 第一句:嫌疑犯坚称案发时他不在现场。重在“明确”肯定,填asserted。第二句:他们宣称,如果更多的人骑自行车上班,这片市区的车辆就会减少。未提出证据,别人也许不会相信他们的话。填claimed。第三句:他推说自己爱她。 填alleged。
2023-07-07 03:14:501


assert :“宣称,坚持”,指不管事实如何,是否有证据在所不提,主观自信地宣称;affirm :“断言,肯定”,指根据事实坚信不移地宣称,而且有可靠证据,任何时候都不动摇。例句:1.Justice will assert itself,正义必将伸张。2.He asserted his innocence of the crime.他坚称自己无罪。3. I affirm I can like it,我肯定我会喜欢它。4.The ministers issued an affirmation of their faith in the system.部长们表示了对该体制坚定的信心。扩展资料:其他相近意思的英文单词辨析:1.claim, “声称,主张”,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点,或指根据某种规定提出的要求或主张。2.allege, “宣称,断定”,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称。例句:A.It has been alleged that Jack stole the money. 有人声称钱是杰克偷的。B.She claims to be a good pianist. 她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。参考资料来源:百度百科——assert参考资料来源:人民网—教育—考研英语冲刺要领
2023-07-07 03:14:589

[A] justified[B] asserted[C] located[D] maintained

2023-07-07 03:16:401

The RESET pin must be asserted during a power-on reset.怎么翻译

计算机领域翻译:开机状态下重启过程中,复位针脚必须为已经插入的状态。通用翻译:在带电状态下复位的过程中,复位针脚必须为已插状态。assertV. 坚持,在硬件领域,用法类似于insert,为“插入”
2023-07-07 03:16:482


2023-07-07 03:17:302


是不是:stop asserted意思是:停止宣称,停止断言希望可以帮到你望采纳
2023-07-07 03:17:371

claim 、declare 、 announce 、assert有什么区别?

2023-07-07 03:17:462

DELL服务器报警CPU1 Status: Processor sensor for CPU1, IERR was asserted是什么问题啊

你的服务器是多CPU吗,你问题的标题大概意思是第一个CPU传感器出现内部校错错误。下面提示是说:你的服务器入侵系统检测单元检测到在系统运行过程中,服务器机箱被打开过,内存出现不可挽回的奇偶校验错误,内存配置出错。 是不是有人打开了你的服务器,并且动了CPU或CPU旁边的协同单元模块,并且插拔了内存条,而且重新插内存时,插错了位置,基本可以肯定是这种情况,如果这样,你的CPU和内存有报废的可能。这算人为造成的损坏,厂家不保的。
2023-07-07 03:18:251

一天一句英语口语:assert that

  The letter asserted that the two were friendly at the time and remained so afterward.   【全句解释】   这封信中断言,那个时候他们二人的关系就很友好,后来还一直持续着这种关系。   【词语】   【注释】   ①主语+assert that+宾语从句:“主语”坚称......   ②本句中的the two是指:这两个人。【注】这里two的用法相当于“代词”,代指“两个人或两个事物等”。   ③at the time:在过去某个特定的时候=then   ④remain:继续某种状态。这时remain是个“系动词”,后面应接“主语补足语”,俗称“表语”。   ⑤为了避免重复,remained so(保持着这样的关系)中的so代指前文中的friendly。【注】so(如此;如是)常用来指代:前文提到过的想法、行动、品质、情况等内容。   ⑥afterward:以后;随后;后来=afterwards/u02c8ɑu02d0ftu0259(r)wu0259(r)dz/。【注】afterward或者afterwards常置于句尾和句首。   公众号:一句话学英语   本文为原创文章,版权归作者所有,未经授权不得转载!
2023-07-07 03:18:321


The internal watch dog timer clears whenever reset is asserted, WDI is three-stated, or WDI sees a rising or falling edge.这个英特尔计时监控器(watch dog timer clears)清楚表示了无论什么时候重设都是可以的WDI是三面的,或者说WDI明白了一个上升或者下降的边缘
2023-07-07 03:18:574

帮帮忙 英语问题!!!!!!谢谢了

2023-07-07 03:19:065


语言教学理论111页。原文:"Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed."作者:Wilkins,David A.(1972).(1972年出版的)书名:Linguistics in Language Teaching.(翻译过来是《语言教学理论》)出版社所在城市:Cambridge出版社:MA:MIT Press这句话首次出现在该书的第111页作者简介戴卫平,中国石油大学(北京)外语学院教授。主要代表作有:《语言学——语言·语法·语义》(科学出版社)、《英汉文化词语研究》(科学出版社)、《美语词汇与美利坚文化研究》(吉林大学出版社)、《英语说文解词》(大连理工大学出版社)。《词汇·翻译·文化》(吉林大学出版社)、《英语变体语言文化》 (科学出版社)、《词汇隐喻研究》(世界图书出版公司)、《英语词汇文化喻义研究》(天津科学技术出版社)等。
2023-07-07 03:19:244


1,B 感知能力;洞察力2,A 刺激;鼓励;动机[U][C][(+to)][+to-v]3,A 与...一致4,D (用复数)剩余物;残羹剩菜 5,D6,B 不一致,不符,差异;不一致之处[U][C(+between/in)]7,8,B 9,B 收入,收益[U][C]10,B11,D 忍住;抑制,节制;戒除[(+from)]12,D 全部地13,C 渴望[S1][(+for/after)]14,D 从容地15,C 相等物;等价物[(+of/to)]
2023-07-07 03:19:501


2023-07-07 03:19:571

p-asserted-identity是什么意思 如题

P-Asserted-Identity能够使SIP服务器信赖的网络 维护已鉴别用户的身份信息,同时也能够解决对用户身份保密的问题(即匿名问题).不过它只适用于同一个管理域的内部.
2023-07-07 03:20:031


2023-07-07 03:20:101


assert(this)是C++里面对this指针的断言,断言assert 是仅在Debug 版本起作用的宏,它用于检查“不应该”发生的情况。断言的作用是防止程序执行时出现异常导致不应该的情况发生,assert(this)就是对this指针进行断言,判断this指针指向的内容是否为空(NULL),若果为NULL,程序就会中止,一般地还会出现提示对话,说明在什么地方引发了assert
2023-07-07 03:20:184


2023-07-07 03:20:272

assert和afirm都有“断言、宣称”的意思,请问两词之间区别是什么?如题 谢谢了

assert:肯定,断言.暗示说话者显著的肯定性或力量. 例:He asserted his innocence/that he was innocent. affirm:断言,证实.指正面地宣布或阐述实情,表明坚定的信仰和不要动摇的信念. 例:I affirm that he was telling the truth.
2023-07-07 03:20:341

服务器前显示屏显示:system software event drive slot sensor drive fault was asserted 怎么解决?

2023-07-07 03:20:431


2023-07-07 03:20:514

The moral right of the author has been asserted 中文意思是什么

2023-07-07 03:21:203

MATLAB中读取示波器波形时警告:The EOI line was asserted before SIZE values were available.怎么破?

that the first read terminates due to the EOSCharCode being detected, while the second read terminates due to the EOI line being asserted.data = fread(v, 30);char(data)"Warning: The EOI line was asserted or the EOSCharCode was detected % before SIZE values were available.ans =9.9Edata = fread(v, 30);char(data)"Warning: The EOI line was asserted or the EOSCharCode was detected % before SIZE values were available.ans =37
2023-07-07 03:21:382


  嵌套定语从句   1. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic and dispassioned manner 社会学科是知识探索的一个分支,它致力于研究人类及其所作所为,使用和自然科学家研究自然现象一样的理性的,有序的,系统的,冷静的方式。   2.On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities ?in a manner? (which is parallel to the links( 另一方面,它以一种平行于记者在报道和评论新闻时在日常事实上造假的方式与日常关系概念相连。   同位语&同位语从句   1【.Being interested in the relationship of language and thought】, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.   Whorf对语言与思维关系很感兴趣,随即提出了社会中语言结构决定习惯思维的主张。   2.But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.   但是记者必须比普通市民对法律有更深刻理解的主张在于对既成惯例的理解和对新闻媒体的特殊责任。   3.In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful; bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.   欧洲和其他地方一样,多媒体集团越来越成功,这些团体把相互关系的电视、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社整合到了另一个地方。   状语从句   1.While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.   律师们的评论和回应也许能增强新闻报道,但是对记者来说依靠他们对重要性的理念做出自己的决定才是最可取的。   2.Until these issues are resolved a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.   这些问题不被被解决,行为的科学将会继续被排斥,这也将可能是解决我们问题的唯一方法。   动宾分隔   1.I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic (苏格拉底的)way about moral problem。   我把他定义为这样一个人,他把用苏格拉底方式思考道德问题作为首要责任和生活的乐趣。   2.We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far —that of direct tuition or schooling.   在我们长期考虑的广泛的教育过程下,我们去区分更正式的教育方式,那就是直接的指导和教学。   后置定语   1.The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.   自然选择的作用仅仅在一百年钱形成,环境在塑造和维持个人行为的选择作用仅仅开始被认识和研究。   2.He asserted, also, that his power (to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought) was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. 他也断言:他去追随长期而纯粹地抽象思维的力量是有限的,因为他确切的"感受到他用不会再数学方面成功。   分词   1.Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.   而且,人类有能力改变他们居住的环境,因此让其他所有的生命屈服于他们的奇特想法和想象。   2.The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.   强调收集第一手资料,结合对过去和现在文化的分析的跨文化视角,使得这个研究成为独特唯一的重要的学科。   3.Tylor defined culture as “?that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”   Tylor把文化定义为,“文化是包括信仰,艺术,道德,法律,风俗和其他人类作为一个社会成员所必须的能力和习惯”。   被动语态   1. The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to   find.   行为科学变化缓慢,部分原因在于似乎能直接观察出解释,并且部分原因在于找不到它的其他解释。   2.It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motives.   可以说任何社会机制的价值举措在于它在扩大和提高经验的影响上,但这种影响不是原始动机的一部分。   3. Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.   只有当这种制度的副产品被逐渐注意到,而且在制度实施中被考虑为直接因素的这种影响会更加缓慢。
2023-07-07 03:21:451


分享”的英文:share读法:英[_e_]美[__r]释义:1、vt.分享,分担;分配。Childrenliketoshareinterestsandenjoymentswiththeirparents.Thecompanyisofferingyouthechancetoshareinitssuccess。Johnhadnobrothersorsistersandwasn"tusedtosharing.一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com
2023-07-07 03:22:105


英汉两种语言都有被动语态,但由于表达习惯上的差异,英语往往习惯用被动语态来表达,而汉语则和主动语态来表达。如:That young man cannot be relied upon.译成汉语就应该是“那位年轻人不可信赖”或者“我们不能信任那位年轻人”。如果将此句译成汉语的被动句“那位年轻人不可以被信赖”,译文就会显得很别扭,不符合汉语的表达习惯。由此可见,翻译时经常进行语态的转换是十分必要的。英语中被动语态的使用十分广泛,尤其在考研翻译中,这种现象更为多见。相比之下,汉语被动语态使用的范围要小得多。因此,在英译汉时,大量被动语态的句子需要通过种种方法加以处理,以保证译文通顺流畅地表达原意。英语被动语态的汉译一般有以下几种方法。 一、译成汉语主动句 将英语被动语态译成汉语主动语态的方法一般包括以下几种: (一) 保存原文主语 当英语被动句中的主语为无生命的名词,而且句中不出现由by引导的行为主体时,翻译时往往将原句中的主语仍然译成主语。 The meeting is scheduled for April 6th. 会议定于四月六日举行。 Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid. 水能从液体变成固体。 When rust is formed , a chemical change has taken place. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 ( 二) 主宾颠倒 英语中很多被动句子在表示行为主体的词前都加上by, 翻译时可将这类by结构中的宾语译成主语,而将原来的主语译成宾语。 She was given a new pen by her father. 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change. 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us. 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。 有时英语被动句中并未出现by结构,而只是代之以一个由介词短语构成的状语。这时仍可采用主宾颠倒的译法,将介词短语中的名词或名词词组译成句子的主语。 Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。 The numerical data concerned are provided in the next chapter. 下一章提供了有关的数据资料。 (三) 增加主语 有些英语被动句并未在句中出现表示行为主体的词或词组,在翻译这类句子时,可适当增添一些不确定的主语,如“人们”、“有人”、“大家”、“我们”等。 The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored. 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。 She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。 What we say here will not be long remembered, but what we do here can change the world. 我们在这里所讲的话,人们不会长久记住。然而我们在这儿所做的事,却能改变世界。 二、译成汉语无主句 英语中有些被动句不需要或无法说出行为的主体,因此,翻译时往往译成汉语的无主句。这时,原句中的主语一般译成宾语。 Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading quickly. 已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。 Water can be shown as containing impurities. 可以证明,水含有杂质。 The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end. 必须全部停止这种讨厌的噪声。 三、译成汉语判断句 有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对事物的状态、过程和性质等加以描述,其作用与系表结构类似。因此,翻译这种英语被动句,经常采用“是...的”判断句式。 The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定 不是轻易作出的。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。 The manuscript was sent to the printer in London a few weeks before the French revolution. 手稿是在法国革命前几周寄往伦敦付印的。 The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872. 美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实施的。 四、译成汉语被动句 有些英语被动句着重被动的动作,因此,翻译时仍然可以翻译成汉语的被动句,以突出英语原文的被动意义。一般说来 ,被动句指的是具有被动形式标记的句子。虽然英语被动语态使用范围颇广,但其被动标记却很单一,主要是“be+动词的过去分词”及其变化形式。另一方面,汉语被动句式使用较少,但其被动标记要繁杂得多。汉语中表达被动意义的语言手段主要包括使用“被、受、遭、让、给、由、把、得到、受到、加以、得以、为...所、由...来”等等。 The minister was found to have appropriated government money. 部长被发现挪用公款。 He had been fired for refusing to obey orders from the head office. 他因拒绝接受总公司的命令而被解雇了。 The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street. 那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。 He was praised by his teacher. 他得到了老师的表扬。 Problems should be resolved in good time. 问题应及时加以解决。 For a long period to come, most of China"s elderly will continue to be provided for by their families. 在未来较长的一段时间里,中国的老年人仍旧要由家庭来赡养。 五、常用被动句型“It+被动语态+that”的翻译 在这种句型中,it是形式主语,that引导出的是主语从句。汉语译文习惯上采用主动语态,有时还需要增译出泛指性的主语“我们”、“人们”、“大家”、“有人”等等,有时也可译成无主语的汉语句子,并酌情加上汉语介词“根据”或“据”。 It is considered that bioclimatology is an involved subject. 有人认为,生物气候学是一门复杂的学科。 It is stressed that the field of science may be divided into two major areas: natural science and social science. 有人强调说,科学的范畴可以分成两个主要领域:自然科学和社会科学。 It should be pointed out that this process is oxidation. 应该指出,这一过程就是氧化。 下面是一些常用被动句型的习惯译法: It is hoped that... 希望,有人希望 It is assumed that... 假设,假定 It is claimed that... 据说,有人主张 It is believed that... 有人想信,大家相信 It is reported that... 据报道,据通报 It is considered that... 人们认为,据估计 It is said that... 据说,有人说 It is supposed that... 据推测,人们猜测 It has been announced that... 已经宣布 It is asserted that... 有人主张 It is rumored that... 有人主张 It is rumored that... 听说,谣传 It is noticed that... 有人指出,人们注意到 It is suggested that... 有人建议,建议 It is reputed that... 人们认为,可以认为 It is learned that... 据说,据闻,已经查明 It is demonstrated that... 据证实,已经证明 It is estimated that... 据估计,有人估计 It is estimated that... 有人指出,人们指出 It is pointed out that... 有人推荐,有人建议 It is proposed that... 有人提出 It was told that... 有人曾经说 It was first intended that... 最初就有这样的想法 It will be said that... 有人会说 It will be seen from this that... 由此可见,因此可知 It was noted above that... 前面已经指出 It must be admitted that... 必须承认,老实说 It has been illustrated that... 据图示,据说明 It is stressed that... 有人强调说 It is stressed that... 有人列举出了 It can not be denied that... 无可否认 It can be said without exaggeration that... 可以毫不夸张的说 It is sometimes asked that...人们有时会问 It was felt that... 有人认识到了 It is universally accepted that... 人们普遍认为 It is unanimously agreed that... 大家一致同意 It is alleged that... 据说 It is calculated that... 据计算 It has been proved that... 已经证明 It has been found that... 人们已经发现 It is still to be hoped that... 我们仍然希望 It is well-known that... 众所周知,大家都知道 It should be realized that... 我们应该认识到…… 《被动语态的翻译》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
2023-07-07 03:22:431

请问这个几单词有什么区别? argue controversy dispute debate altercate

看的懂英文的话我直接给你字典上的解释把Argue implies presenting one"s reasons: The scientists argued for a safer testing procedure; it may also imply disputing in an angry or excited way: His parents argue all the time.To debate is to interchange formal (usually opposing) arguments, esp. on public questions: to debate a proposed amendment. A controversy or a dispute may involve two or more persons. A dispute is an oral contention, usually brief, and often of a heated, angry, or undignified character: a violent dispute over a purchase.A controversy is an oral or written expression of contrary opinions, and may be dignified and of some duration: a political controversy. altercate is to quarrel, argue
2023-07-07 03:22:502

希钦斯剃刀 "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

你好!What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence我们可以断言,没有证据可以认为没有证据
2023-07-07 03:22:571


属于,具体的论述详见下文,我最近正在研读《西方现代哲学史》,科学主义方面,休谟的不可知论之后,才出现了孔德实证主义,马赫主义以及新实在论和批判实在论,最后导致美国产生了实用主义。连爱因斯坦都曾受过休谟的影响。在哲学里,怀疑主义指以下的一些见解,它提出: 1. 知识的有限程度。 2. 一种以系统化怀疑和不断考验,以达到求知的方法。 3. 武断、相对或主观的道德价值观。 4. 知识反冒进及暂缓的判断 5. 对人类行为的正面动机、或对人类经营过后而得出正面结果欠缺信心。亦即犬儒主义或悲观主义(Keeton, 1962) 在经典哲学中,怀疑主义指Skeptikoi 的教导及行径,他们称他们没有提出(见解), 只有(对见解)作出意见。"asserted nothing but only opined" (Liddell and Scott). 在这种理论下,哲学性怀疑主义或绝对怀疑主义,就是避免宣称有最终真理的一种哲学角度。 在宗教里,怀疑主义指"对宗教的基本原则(如永生,天命和启示等)作出质疑" 休谟生活在英国资产阶级“光荣革命”结束到产业革命开始的社会变革的时代。这时,英国资产阶级已经成为统治阶级的一部分,它继续维持同贵族的联盟以加强对劳动人民的统治,与此同时,迅速成长壮大起来的工商业资产阶级要求对这个联盟内部的关系作有利于本阶级的调整,并继续反对封建复辟势力。这时,资产阶级的进步性和保守性交织在一起。作为这个阶级思想的代表人物的休谟,贯彻经验论观点,提出了以动摇于唯物主义和唯心主义之间的怀疑论为特色的哲学体系。 大卫·休谟(1711—1776)是英国哲学家、历史学家,近代不可知论的著名代表。著有《人性论》(1739—1940)、《人类理智研究》(1748)和死后出版的《论灵魂不死》等。 休谟从贝克莱的主观唯心论走向不可知论,认为人们只能知道其感知的,至于是否有客观事物存在则是无法知道的。“我们所确实知道的唯一存在物就是知觉,由于这些知觉借着意识直接呈现于我们,所以它们获得了我们最强烈的同意,并且是我们一切结论的原始基础。我们由一个事物的存在能推断另一个事物的存在的那个惟一的结论,乃是凭借着因果关系,这个关系指出两者中间有一种联系,以及一个事物的存在是依靠着另一个事物的存在的。这个关系的观念是由过去的经验得来的,借着过去的经验我们发现,两种存在物恒常结合在一起,并且永远同时呈现于心中。但是除了知觉以外,既然从来没有其他存在物呈现于心中,所以结果就是,我们可以在一些差异的知觉之间观察到一种结合或因果关系,但是永远不能在知觉和对象之间观察到这种关系。”因此,“我们永不能由知觉的存在或其任何性质,形成关于对象的存在的任何结论”。休谟认为,因果性联系只是人心的一种习惯性倾向,他用习惯代替了我们过去确定的知识概念,认为我们的知识只是一些或然性的结论。 休谟对观念和感觉印象作了区分,——“人类心灵中的一切知觉(Perceptions)可以分为显然不同的两种,这两种我将称之为印象和观念。两者的差别在于:当它们刺激心灵,进入我们的思想或意识中时,它们的强烈程度和生动程度各不相同。进入心灵时最强最猛的那些知觉,我们可以称之为印象(impressions)……至于观念((idea)这个名词,我用来指我们的感觉、情感和情绪在思维和推理中的微弱的意象……”观念是印象的摹本。他把观念加以分类,“简单的知觉,亦即简单的印象和观念,不容再行区分或分析。复合知觉则与此相反,可以区分为许多部分。”复杂观念是通过简单观念的联想而成。他提出的两条联想律是相似律以及时空上的接近律。两个观念越相似和越接近,它们越容易形成联想。另外,休谟把因果律看作是人类经验的习惯。“在我看来,观念的联系只有三条原则,就是‘相似性"、时空上的‘连续性"以及‘原因"或‘结果"。” 罗素认为他是哲学家当中一个最重要的人物,因为“他把洛克和贝克莱的经验主义哲学发展到了它的逻辑终局,由于把这种哲学作得自相一致,使它成了难以相信的东西。从某种意义上讲,他代表着一条死胡同:沿他的方向,不可能再往前进。” 关于休谟问题——休谟问题,即所谓从“是”能否推出“应该”。“……可是突然之间,我却大吃一惊地发现,我所遇到的不再是命题中经常的‘是"与‘不是"等连系词,而是没有一个命题不是由一个‘应该"或一个不‘应该"联系起来的。这个变化虽是不知不觉的,却是有极其重大的关系的。因为这个应该或不应该既然表示一种新的关系或肯定,所以就必需加以论述和说明;同时对于这种似乎完全不可思议的事情,即这个新关系如何能由完全不同的另外一些关系推出来的,也应当举出理由加以说明。” 休谟在概述自己的哲学体系时指出,全部哲学可以区分为自然哲学和精神哲学两大部分,而科学的哲学研究法是实验和观察的方法。自从F.培根以来,哲学家和自然科学家已经运用这种方法建立起自然哲学的体系。但是,在精神哲学方面,仍然没有建立起一个新的体系。休谟给自己提出任务:应用实验推理的方法,直接剖析人性本身,以便建立一个精神哲学的体系。而作为这个体系的基础的“人性”本身,他认为主要由两个部分构成,即理智和情感。他对“理智”的研究是关于认识论问题的论述,对“情感”的研究是关于社会伦理和政治问题的考察,对宗教问题的探讨同理智原理和情感原理都有联系。休谟的精神哲学体系,大致包括认识论学说、社会伦理、政治学说以及宗教哲学学说等几个部分。 在哲学上,他首倡近代不可知论,对感觉之外的任何存在持怀疑态度,对外部世界的客观规律性和因果必然性持否定态度。他认为,感性知觉是认识的唯一对象,知觉分印象和观念两类,但认为人们不可能超出知觉去解决知觉的来源问题。否认因果联系的客观性,认为因果联系只是由于印象出现先后而形成的一种观念。在伦理观上,主张功利主义,认为快乐和利益是一致的。他还用其经验论、怀疑论和功利主义伦理学论述了有关上帝观念和宗教问题
2023-07-07 03:23:057


No waiver of any breach of or default under this agreement shall be effective unless such waiver is in writing and has been signed by the party against which it is asserted 没有放弃任何违反或默认根据本协议生效,除非如此的弃权在写作和签署该党反对它断言
2023-07-07 03:23:214

请问“the signal is asserted (deasserted)”中assert和deassert分别怎么翻译

assertKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 断言,声称[+that][O2]She asserted her innocence.她宣称她是清白的。He asserted that he was not guilty.他声明他无罪。2. 维护,坚持;主张拥有The boss asserted his authority by punishing his employees.老板靠惩罚雇员来维护自己的权威。3. 显示;确立以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供deassert与ASSERT相反, 你先声名了一下信号把它置"1"以后, 要把它恢复成0,这就是DEASSERT 就是取消断言的意思
2023-07-07 03:23:401


记忆方法一:谐音:阿嫂她 阿嫂她断言决不放弃。◆记忆方法二:分析:ass——驴;er——“儿”的拼音;t——外形像伞。记忆:那头蠢驴,竟然断言我儿子偷了伞。◆记忆方法三:词根词缀记忆法:assert v 断言;主张(as+sert→强行插入观点→断言),Sert=join, insert,表示“加入,插入”◆记忆方法四:assert (考频:5)【记】词根记忆:[as-(=ad-,to)+sert(=join)]vt.断言,宣称:She asserted her innocence.她宣称她是清白的。【考】assert oneself坚持自己的权利(意见)【辨】allege,assert(1)allege指在缺乏证据的情况下宣称;(2)assert则指以强烈的信心或论点极力主张。【例】The teacher alleged that the student might have cheated on the exam,but the student asserted that he had not cheated.老师说那名学生可能考试作弊,但那名学生极力否认。【派】assertion n.断言,声明◆记忆方法五:assert v. 断言,宣称解析:assert oneself 坚持自己的权利(或意见),显示自己的权威(或威力)注意不要混淆:insert v.插入 n.插入物
2023-07-07 03:23:461

DELL服务器报警CPU1 Status: Processor sensor for CPU1, IERR was asserted是什么问题啊

2023-07-07 03:24:151

sip p-asserted-identity 什么作用

P-Asserted-Identity能够使SIP服务器信赖的网络 维护已鉴别用户的身份信息,同时也能够解决对用户身份保密的问题(即匿名问题).不过它只适用于同一个管理域的内部.http://blog.163.com/hlz_2599/blog/static/14237847420115963434825/
2023-07-07 03:24:233


P-Asserted-Identity能够使SIP服务器信赖的网络 维护已鉴别用户的身份信息,同时也能够解决对用户身份保密的问题(即匿名问题)。不过它只适用于同一个管理域的内部。http://blog.163.com/hlz_2599/blog/static/14237847420115963434825/
2023-07-07 03:25:011

race hub造句 race hubの例文

In October 2014, he took over hosting NASCAR Race Hub . For his final scheduled race, Gordon unveiled a new scheme on " NASCAR Race Hub ". His segments on the Tuesday and Thursday editions of " NASCAR Race Hub " are done from the studio of that show. S . Karivardhan, spearheaded motor racing, making Coimbatore the country"s motor racing hub when he designed and built entry level race cars. Owner Kevin Buckler said on NASCAR Race Hub before the Watkins Glen race that the No . 71 team would continue to race full-time in 2011. Gwacheon accordingly replaced Seoul"s Ttukseom area as the city"s horse racing hub , and the first race at the new location occurred on September 1, 1989. In 2011, Arrington began his new entity, called ""Race Engines Plus ""and located in the auto racing hub of Concord, North Caropna. Vincie moved to Charlotte, North Caropna in the summer of 2012, and Speed placed her on their daily news and update show " NASCAR Race Hub " late in the season. In June 2013, during an appearance on " NASCAR Race Hub ", Kyle Petty called Patrick a " marketing machine " and asserted that " She"s not a race car driver. As of 2014, Byrnes was the co-host of " NASCAR Race Hub " on Fox Sports 1 and was expected to be the lead announcer for the Camping World Truck Series in 2015. It"s difficult to see race hub in a sentence. 用 race hub 造句挺难的 On May 21, Gordon announced on " NASCAR Race Hub " that he will join Fox Sports as a full-time *** yst for Cup Series events, beginning with Speedweeks at Daytona in 2016. Starting in 2017, " Race Hub " will gain a Spanish-language version to be jointly simulcast on Fox Deportes in the United States and Puerto Rico and Fox Sports 3 for the Spanish-speaking Latin America. It was announced on July 06, 2016 that Fox has hired Spake and will serve as a sidepne reporter on their college football and basketball broadcasts, as a pit road reporter for NASCAR events and a contributor to NASCAR Race Hub , and as a sidepne reporter for select NFL broadcasts. In 1985, he began his involvement with auto racing, including most prominently NASCAR . In 2001, he began working with " Fox NASCAR " as a pit reporter, and later became the host of Speed / Fox Sports 1"s studio show " NASCAR Race Hub ".
2023-07-07 03:25:071

为什么英国国旗的英文翻译是"Union Jack"?

英国国旗也称联合王国国旗。英语 是 the Union Jack.或Union Flag。Union指1606年英格兰和苏格兰的联合。Jack意为悬挂在船首表示国籍的小旗。
2023-07-07 03:25:142


怀疑主义在哲学里,怀疑主义指以下的一些见解,它提出:1. 知识的有限程度。2. 一种以系统化怀疑和不断考验,以达到求知的方法。3. 武断、相对或主观的道德价值观。4. 知识反冒进及暂缓的判断5. 对人类行为的正面动机、或对人类经营过后而得出正面结果欠缺信心。亦即犬儒主义或悲观主义(Keeton, 1962)在经典哲学中,怀疑主义指Skeptikoi 的教导及行径,他们称他们没有提出(见解), 只有(对见解)作出意见。"asserted nothing but only opined" (Liddell and Scott). 在这种理论下,哲学性怀疑主义或绝对怀疑主义,就是避免宣称有最终真理的一种哲学角度。在宗教里,怀疑主义指"对宗教的基本原则(如永生,天命和启示等)作出质疑"
2023-07-07 03:25:322


2023-07-07 03:25:402

PROC_IERR_STATUS: Processor sensor, IERR was asserted

2023-07-07 03:25:551


2023-07-07 03:26:011


(1) dedicated; (2) distinguished; (3) fame; (4) successive; (5) liberate; (6) exerted; (7) owe; (8) bears; (9) evolve; (10) existed
2023-07-07 03:26:081


三个耶鲁大学的教授在今晚的一个讨论会上一致同意,汽车是这个国家公共卫生的头号敌人。除了污染空气、使城市拥挤化,汽车是造成伤残事故的主要原因。另外医学和公共卫生学教授h.richard weinerman博士认为,由于我们不再步行,汽车同时也会引起心脏病。生物学教授Arthur w.galston认为,汽车是这些危害的罪魁祸首,而制造出尽量减少烟雾的煤油燃机汽车也是可能的。然而他怀疑美国人是否愿意在回乡下时放弃90英里/小时的出行方式。他说:“美国人似乎已将自己托付给汽车了—每家人都有至少两辆汽车,其中一辆还必须是300马力的敞篷车。正因这些价值,我们选择了这种生活方式?”Sears教授认为,造成这种现象的部分责任要归咎于“一个以利润为最高价值的社会,一个误以为所有高科技的东西都合乎伦理的社会”。他们还把国家对现代汽车的依赖称之为“可耻的经济学”,因为汽车的作用仅仅是造就一个人的经济利益。而他也不得不承认,国家经济对汽车业如此的依赖,使美国人陷入一个困境。Weinerman博士认为,解决的方法不是去寻找危险度较低的燃料,而是去寻找一种不同的城市交通系统。由于汽车的大量增加,公共交通渐渐衰落。所以当你无法步行到你想去的地方时,你就不得不拥有一辆汽车。Weinerman博士表示,反过来这也会造成公共道路的“动脉硬化”和城市的衰落,使大量中产阶级迁移到郊区。
2023-07-07 03:26:184


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2023-07-07 03:26:392