interface epon 0/1 //此处可以通过查看PON口下设备状态来获取需要替换的ONU ID.假设故障设备位于2端口,ID为6
ont modify 2 6 mac 1111-1111-1111 //替换设备.
MA5680T (config)# switch language-mode 中英文切换
MA5680T (config)#display board 0 查看所有的单板 0 是框号
MA5680T (config)# interface gpon 0/1进入GPON命令模式 1是PON口号
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# port 0 ont-auto-find enable 0是 端口号
MA5680T (config)#display ont autofind all 查看自动发现的ONU(如果存在自动发现的ONU则如下所示)
序列号 : 1
框/槽/端口 : 0/1/0
ONT SN : 4857544350F5FB0A
密码 : 0x30303030303030303030(0000000000)
逻辑标识 :
校验码 :
生产厂商ID : HWTC
ONT版本 : MA5626 VER.D
ONT软件版本 : V8R308 C00
ONT设备ID : SmartAX MA5626
ONT自动发现时间 : 2012-03-19 15:37:40+08:00
GPON自动发现ONT个数为 1
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-2.MAN.MA5680T(config)#display ont info by-loid 510000000000(订单号)
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-1.MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/11)#display ont port state 2 8 et
h-port 1
ONT编号 端口号 端口类型 端口 端口双工 端口链路 环路状态
速率(Mbps) 状态
8 1 ETH 100 全双工 在线 -
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-1.MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/11)#display ont port state 2 8 po
ts-port 1
端口号 端口物理 端口管理 摘挂机 当前会话 业务运行 端口接续 业务编码
状态 状态 状态 类型 状态 状态 方式
1 - 解锁 - - - - -
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-1.MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/11)#display ont port attribute 2
8 eth 1
端口号 协商模式 速率 双工 端口 流控 Native 上行流量 下行流量
(Mbps) 开关 开关 Vlan 模板索引 模板索引
1 自协商 自协商 自协商 打开 关闭 1041 不关注 不关注
说明: *标识该ONT的端口流量模板是通过离散命令配置的
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-1.MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/11)#ont port attribute 2 8 eth 1
operational-state (<on,off>) 开关口
HEB-GuoYuan-OLT-1.MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/11)#ont port attribute 2 8 eth 2
epon-0/11 模式命令:
auto-neg 自协商
ds-policing 下行限速功能
flow-control 流控开关
operational-state ONT端口开关
speed 速率
up-policing 上行限速功能
MA5680T (config)# display mac-address port 0/1/0 (0/1/0是框号/槽号/端口号)
MA5680T (config)# display mac-address vlan 100 ( 100是VLAN id)
3、查看ONU的service-port 信息
MA5680T(config)#display service-port port 0/1/0 ont 1(0/1/0是框号/槽号/端口号 1是ONU id)
MA5680T(config)# display version
5、查看DBA 模板
MA5680T(config)# display dba-profile all
MA5680T(config)#display ont-lineprofile gpon all
MA5680T(config)# display board 0
MA5680T(config)# display board 0/1 (0/1是框号/槽号)
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont optical-info 0 1 (0是端口号 1是ONU id 号)
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont info 0 1 ( 0是端口号 1是ONU id 号)
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display port info 0 (0是端口号
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display port state 0 (0是端口号
MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont register-info 0 1 ( 0是端口号 1是ONU id 号)
索引编号 : 2
认证方式 : SN认证
ONT序列号 : 485754436E3EDB04
密 码 :
ONT类型 : SmartAX MA5620
上线时间 : 2012-03-07 06:42:56
下线时间 : 2012-03-09 06:00:49
下线原因 : ONT掉电
索引编号 : 1
认证方式 : SN认证
ONT序列号 : 485754436E3EDB04
密 码 :
ONT类型 : SmartAX MA5620
上线时间 : 2012-02-10 09:25:58
下线时间 : 2012-03-07 06:15:55
下线原因 : ONT掉电
5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont version 0 1 ( 0是端口号 1是ONU id 号)
框/槽/端口 : 0/1/0
ONT编号 : 1
厂商编号 : HWTC
ONT版本 : MA5620 VER.B
产品编号 : 111
设备编号 : SmartAX MA5620
主用软件版本 : V8R308 C00
备用软件版本 :
MA5680T(config)#vlan 10 smart (vlan可以随意添加没用过的)
MA5680T(config-if-vlanif10)#ip address ///(只要是192.168.100段除了1和255都可以)
MA5680T(config)#service-port vlan 10 epon 0/1/0 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1000 ///(0/1/0 ont 1 是ont所在端口和ont id)
MA5680T(config)#display ont info ?
by-desc 根据描述信息查找ONT
by-ip 根据IP地址查找ONT
by-loid 根据逻辑标识查找ONT
by-mac 根据MAC地址查找ONT
by-password 根据密码查找ONT
by-sn 根据序列号查找
ONT frameid<U><0,1> 机框号
3查看ONU的service-port 信息
MA5680T(config)#display service-port port 0/1/0 ont 1(0/1/0是框号/槽号/端口号1是ONU id)
5、查看DBA 模板
MA5680T(config)# display dba-profile all
MA5680T(config)#display ont-lineprofile gpon all
22 查看语音扣板 narrow resource----display dsp state 0/0/1 (Failure: frame 0 slot 0 does not have dsp resource) 上述语句说明查询失败,ASDA语音扣板故障
MAN.MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/18)#pppoe simulate start 3 21 eth 1 untagged user-name n0451***** user-password ****** authentication-mode chap
ONT PPPoE 测试结果
框/槽/端口 : 0/18/3
ONT编号 : 21
ONT ETH 端口索引 : 1
ONT Vlan ID : -
Vlan 优先级 : -
PPPoE 测试结果 : 成功
会话 ID : 12903
用户 IP :
用户网关 :
disp vlan
disp mac-a v
disp int vlanif
disp boa
boa c
int gp
int ep
int vlanif
ip add
acl ACL status and configuration information
adsl <Group> adsl command group
alarm Display alarm correlation information
ancp <Group> ancp command group
anti-rogueont <Group> Anti-rogueont command group
arp <Group> arp command group
arp-detect Arp Detect
auth Authentication parameters
auto Display AUTO users
auto-backup Auto backup
auto-vccv Display the auto-vccv infomation
autosense Autosensing service virtual port
autounloop Automatic unloop
base-gemport Base GEM port ID
bfd Specify BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)
configuration information
bgp BGP information
bind <Group> bind command group
bit-error-define PRA Bit Threshold parameters
board Display information of board
bonding-group Bonding group
bpdu BPDU
bra Display bra port state
bra-alarm-threshold BRA Alarm Threshold parameters
bra-degrade-threshold BRA Degrade Threshold parameters
bra-error-define BRA Define Threshold parameters
buffer Display buffer occupancy
car-group Car-Group
car-threshold Car thresholds of 802.1p priorities
cesop-connect <Group> cesop-connect command group
cfm <Group> cfm command group
classification <Group>ONT traffic classification profile command group
clip Clip parameters configuration
clock <Group> clock command group
dhcp-option82 Dhcp-option82
dhcp-server <Group> dhcp-server command group
digitmap Digitmap configure
digitmap-timer DMM T timer configure
dns <Group> dns command group
dot1ad Dot1ad TPID
dot1x 802.1X
dpbo-esel DPBO-ESEL
dscp-to-pbits DSCP mapping table
dsl XDSL
dsp DSP attributer configure
dsp-para-template Display information of DSP parameters template(s)
dtmf DTMF parameter configure
E1 Display E1 port state
e1-degrade-threshold PRA Degrade Threshold parameters
e1-error-define PRA Define Threshold parameters
e2etrace End to end signalling trace
early-drop <Group>early-drop command group
efm Ethernet Fault Managment
electro-switch Display electronic switch
emu Display environment monitor unit(s)
encapsulation Display encapsulation type
epon <Group>EPON command group
esl The online user information
exchange-weight Overload control weight exchange
explicit-path Show IP explicit paths
F5 Display F5 oam configuration of port data
fault Display the board fault list
fax FAX parameter configure
fax-modem Fax and modem parameter configuration
fib FIB status and configuration information
file-server Display file server configuration
firewall <Group> firewall command group
flush Smart Link FLUSH packet
frame Display information about Frame
ftp FTP user and password configuration
global-digitmap Global digitmap information
gpon <Group> gpon command group
h248profile Display the used profile info
h248stack Display H248 stack transactions reliability parameter
h248statistics H248 message statistic
hwtacacs-server HWTACACS server information
icmp ICMP status and configuration information
if-h248 MG interface
igmp <Group> igmp command group
interface <Group> interface command group
io-packetfile IO packet file in flash
ip <Group> ip command group
ip-aware Ip aware feature command
ipoa IPoA config
ipprec-to-pbits IP precedence mapping table
isis ISIS status and configuration information
isolate <Group> isolate command group
iua-link IUA link
iua-linkset IUA linkset
l2ua L2ua protocol
l3vpn L3vpn module
lacp Link Aggregation Control Protocol
license Display license information
line Display parameter of ADSL port
link-aggregation Link aggregation group
linktrap Link trap switch of the port
local-digitmap The local digitmap
location Display MAC address location
lspv Lsp verification
mac-address <Group> mac-address command group
mac-count-zero Maxmum MAC address learning number is zero
mac-pool Configure/display MAC pool
mbgp Multicast-bgp routing table
meth Meth routing
mg-overload-control MG overload control parameters
mg-ringmode Operation of ring mode
mg-software MG interface software parameters
mgbrauser MG-BRA user operation
mgc-overload-control MGC overload control parameters of the MG interface
mgprauser MG-PRA user operation
mgpstnuser MG-PSTN user operation
mguser MG user operation
migp Multicast-igp routing table
mix Mix info
modem MODEM parameter configure
monitor-link Monitor link group
mpls <Group> mpls command group
mrt Multicast-static routing table
msginfo Ten record of msg overloading
multi-portid Multicast GEM port
multicast <Group> multicast command group
multicast-unknown Multicast-unknown keyword
norollback Display undo rollback time information
ntp-service NTP(Network Time Protocol) service
ont <Group> ont command group
ont-alarm-policy Alarm policy profile
ont-digitmap-profile Ont digitmap profile
ont-learned-mac The mac that the ont learned
ont-lineprofile <Group> ont-lineprofile command group
ont-pots-profile Config pots profile
ont-sipagent-profile Ont sipagent profile
ont-slaprofile Ont-slaprofile
ont-srvprofile ONT service profile
ont-voip-media Ont voip media
onu Display the state of the function of managing the ONU
through the NAT proxy for the OLT
optical-alarm-profile Optical alarm profile
ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
oversea Oversea parameters
packet Packet
packet-filter Display the configuration information of packet filter
pbits-to-pbits Priority mapping table
pim PIM status and configuration information
pitp <Group> pitp command group
port <Group> port command group
power Query system power
power-dialer-control Power dialer control parameters
pppoa <Group> pppoa command group
pppoe <Group> pppoe command group
progress Display progress
protect-group Protect group
protocol <Group> protocol command group
pstn Display pstn port state
ptp <Group> ptp command group
pw <Group> pw command group
pw-ac-binding PW AC binding
pw-description PW description
pw-para Specifing PW PARA Mode configuration
pw-ps PW protection group
qos-info QoS interface configuration information
queue-buffer CoS queue buffer size ratio
queue-scheduler CoS queue scheduling mode
queue-shaping Queue shaping configuration
rack Display information about Rack
radius-server RADIUS status and configuration information
raio Relay Agent Information Options
raio-anid ANID
raio-anip ANIP
raio-mode Display relay agent info option mode
rawlink RAWLINK statistics information
rrpp <Group> rrpp command group
rsa Display RSA module status and configuration information
runstat Display running statistic information of system
saved-configuration The saved configuration information
sctp Sctp protocol
section-details Section details
security <Group> security command group
service-num Display service number(s)
service-port Service port
service-port-bundle Service virtual port bundle
shdsl <Group> shdsl command group
snmp-agent <Group> snmp-agent command group
snmp-profile <Group>SNMP profile command group
special-portid Special GEM port
ssh <Group> ssh command group
stacking VLAN stacking
standalone Info for stand alone
tcp TCP status and configuration information
trap <Group> trap command group
trap-sync Display trap synchronization switch
tunnel-info Tunnel Info