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once i slept on a feather bed什么歌

2023-07-07 19:13:57


in bed 专指卧床或睡觉。

in the bed 用在四周或两边有遮挡的床或者在被窝里。

on bed 指的是在床上,在床上休息。

on the bed 强调与床面接触,坐在床上,把东西放在床上。与睡觉没有联系。


in bed

1、He turned over in bed and fell asleep again.


2、Are you in bed?


3、I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.


4、By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.


in the bed

1、In the bed with someone I love.


2、The child huddles down in the bed, listening to the sound of the storm.


3、I slept in the bed nearest the door.


4、It sank in the bed where getting warm faintly remained and it collapsed.


on bed

1、We"re a bit low on bed linen.


2、We"re a bit low on bed linen. You"ll have to make do.


3、How can a woman on bed rest not be home?


4、We were lying on bed, feeling endlessly grateful to the owner of the house.


on the bed

1、She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.


2、He set him on the bed and rubbed him down with a coarse towel.


3、The tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.


4、Nick jabbed his finger at the clothes on the bed.





应该是英剧名姝里的配乐 following the drum



最近一部叫《名姝》的英剧火的一塌糊涂啊,豆瓣评分8.6,目前第一季更新完毕,剧情与演技始终在线。服饰、场景、BGM更是集体被赞。“尺度大”、“女权主义”、“鸨斗剧”等都是这部剧最显眼的标签。作为资深剧迷,瓜姐当然不能错过啦。《名姝》英文名《Harlots》,Harlots就是妓女的意思。这部剧说的就是18世纪的英国伦敦,两个老鸨带领手下的一帮员工(基本都是女的,有的员工还是自己女儿)打拼江山的故事。本质上这部剧是女性职场剧嘛,类似于《杜拉拉升职记》。在那个时期的英国,女人可以求职的岗位真的不多:妻子、女工、女仆、妓女,也就是这么几样。妓女应该是最幸福的选择了。女工、女仆工作极其辛苦,地位低下,挣钱极少,还要随时准备接受工厂主、男户主和男同事的性骚扰。当时的女工工作一周能获得15-20先令(20先令=1英镑),而街边普通站街的妓女一次劳动能获得多少钱呢?低等站街女一次劳动就能get到5先令。那老鸨妈妈精心培养的小女儿露西的初夜值多少钱呢?而且露西她妈还把她的初夜卖了两次,twice!有富豪包养她的话,吃喝玩乐肯定是不愁了,每年还有400英镑的酬劳。从此再也不用出来卖了,只服务富豪一人即可。所以老鸨妈妈觉得这是对女儿来说,最好的出路了。老鸨妈妈的大女儿夏洛特就是这么一手培养出来的。夏洛特成功找到富豪乔治(被称为伦敦醋王,因为他不让夏洛特和别的男人接触)包养她。在剧中这样的富豪被称为“keeper”(主人),可见当时女人毫无人权可言啊,完全依附于男人。即使这样,大姐夏洛特非常有反叛精神,追求自由,为人洒脱。她抗拒与伦敦醋王签署卖身契,因为她不想被属于任何人。大姐夏洛特的这句话很有深意啊,“我不想被人拥有 像你老婆一样”。那么我们再来看看“给别人的妻子”,这个岗位咋样?贫民的妻子,就不说了,悲哀到尘埃,苦累到现代人根本无法理解。富人的妻子呢?夫妻感情好的就帮着老公嫖娼,感情不好的就各过各的。对于有钱人家的妻子来说,人不是你的,钱更不是你的。伦敦醋王就是花乡下老婆的钱在伦敦包养夏洛特的小白脸。乡下老婆是一点办法都没有,因为男人对财产有绝对的支配权、所有权、继承权。“即使这钱是你死去的前夫的,我娶了你,钱就归我了。”你说这哪儿说理去!所以,妓女在当时确实不算个坏差事。电视剧一开头就说明了:虽然钱也是男人的,但是妓女没有固定的男人啊,所以老鸨妈妈巨燃的励志金句走进了无数女人的心坎儿啊:等等,我们毕竟说影视剧中的家居,好多人因为这部剧爱上洛可可,可是为啥还没看见洛可可的影子?憋捉急额,这部“鸨斗剧”的另一个老鸨 - 奎格利夫人,在苏豪区的金色广场经营着一家高档妓院,专门服务于达官贵族。他们家的装修就是十足的洛可可风格。一转到高档妓院,画风就变了哈。不再是肮脏黑暗的贫民区,一下子感觉整个世界都温柔了许多。但是,这个老鸨家房子虽然好看,人可真是恶毒得很!她手底下员工的吃穿住的花销从姑娘的工资里扣,这没什么。关键是扣款永远都扣不完,姑娘们永远欠老鸨奎格利夫人的钱,完全沦为赚钱机器。奎格利夫人还为达官显贵拐骗无知处女供他们消遣。为了阻止老鸨妈妈进军她所在的高端商圈,使尽各种手段。当然,老鸨妈妈也各种还击,最后成功进驻金色广场。故事所在的18世纪,正是恢宏华丽的巴洛克没落,更加简洁实用的洛可可兴起的时代。洛可可以极其华丽纤细的曲线著称,室内装饰以镶嵌画以及许多镜子,形成了一种轻快精巧、优美华丽、闪耀虚幻的效果。奎格利夫人家应该是上下两层整栋大house,无论是客厅还是姑娘们的房间(员工办公室),空间都超级大,绝对hold得住洛可可风格。宽阔挑高的空间,给金色的窗帘、华丽的水晶吊灯、描金的罗马柱足够的发挥空间。洛可可更加倾向于明快的色彩和纤巧的装饰。奎格利夫人的超高端妓院,墙面用浅黄色打底,下半部分用护墙板,上半部分用石膏线走出方形图案,内里用蓝底黄色大花纹的壁纸装饰。壁灯、镜子、装饰画和镶板的运用是洛可可室内装饰的特色之一。故事发生的时期,电灯还没被发明出来,所以家家户户都是蜡烛灯具。我猜当时壁灯能流行,肯定是为了让烛光照的更远,哈哈哈。剧中的歌剧院,露西的初夜就是在这里出售镜子和装饰画常被用在墙面上进行装饰,这一点现在也是哟。尤其是金边镜子,法式装修的标配。镶板主要指的是镶板类墙面,用竹、木以及石膏板、金属板等材料制成的饰面板。洛可可风格的装饰少不了饰面板,看起来就贵贵的。在家具的选择上,洛可可风格的家具更加小巧典雅,曲线优美轻快。洛可可时期的家居有精细纤巧的雕饰、凸曲线和弯脚、华丽的织物包面,将最优美的形式与最可能的舒适效果灵巧地结合在一起。到这里,大家get到洛可可风的装饰重点没:
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英剧《名姝第一季》(Harlots)是2017年美国Hulu网与英国ITV合拍的历史题材电视剧,由科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨执导,莫拉·巴芙妮、艾莉森·纽曼编剧,萨曼莎·莫顿、莱丝利·曼维尔、杰西卡·布朗·芬德利、亚历克萨·戴维斯、凯特·弗利特伍德、理查德·麦凯布、摩根·华金斯、罗里·弗莱克-拜恩、波佩·科比-特曲等主演。《名姝第一季》于2017年3月29日在英国的ITV Encore平台和美国的Hulu流媒体服务平台上播出,总共播出8集。  英剧《名姝第一季》背景设置在十八世纪的英国乔治王朝时期,是一部会让人重新审视这个城市最具商业价值的产业——性产业的家庭剧。本剧根据真实女性事件改编,讲述了Margaret Wells和她的女儿们的生活,她努力让自己在一个母亲和妓院所有者这两个角色之间调和。当她的事业遭到了来自一个无情的竞争对手Lydia Quigley的威胁,她决定奋起反击,即使这样会破坏她的家庭。Brown Findlay将饰演Margaret的长女Charlotte,她是城里数一数二的花魁,不过她也在努力追求自己在社会和家庭中的地位。
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1763年的伦敦,妇女通过婚姻或性工作获得了经济发展的机会。玛格丽特·威尔斯(Margaret Wells)和莉迪亚·奎格利(Lydia Quigley)等精明的女企业家经营着这座城市的妓院,但这种道德正在兴起。宗教传教士要求关闭妓院,警察很高兴发动野蛮袭击。该节目围绕着威尔斯决心通过将妓院搬到苏荷区希腊街以服务格鲁吉亚社会中较富有的客户而改善其生活和“家人”生活的决心。她搬到希腊街(Greek Street)的举动使她与之前为之工作的竞争对手夫人莉迪亚·奎格利(Lydia Quigley)直接冲突。奎格利(Quigley)在黄金广场(Golden Square)设有一家精英妓院,为富有而有影响力的人们服务。名姝(英语:Harlots)是一部由艾莉森·纽曼和莫伊拉·巴菲尼所创作的英国历史时代题材电视剧。本剧将通过英国的ITV Encore频道和美国的Hulu网站面向全英和全美播出,英国首播日期为2017年3月27日,美国首播日期为2017年3月29日。演员和角色1、莎曼萨·莫顿饰玛格丽特·威尔斯(MargaretWells)2、莱斯利·曼维尔饰莉迪亚·奎格利(LydiaQuigley)3、杰西卡·布朗·芬德利饰夏洛特·威尔斯(CharlotteWells)4、埃洛伊塞·史密斯(EloiseSmyth)饰露西·威尔斯(LucyWells)5、凯特·弗利特伍德饰南希·博奇(NancyBirch)6、丹尼·萨帕尼饰威廉·诺斯(WilliamNorth)7、道奇·麦克米金(DouggieMcMeekin)饰查尔斯·奎格利(CharlesQuigley)8、休·斯金纳饰乔治·霍华德爵士(SirGeorgeHoward)9、爱德华·霍格饰托马斯·哈克斯比(ThomasHaxby)10、罗里·弗莱克·伯恩(RoryFleckByrne)饰丹尼尔·玛尼(DanielMarney)
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名姝露西和法伦第二季第4集在一起了。《名姝》(Harlots)是一部由科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨执导,萨曼莎·莫顿、莱丝利·曼维尔、杰西卡·布朗·芬德利、亚历克萨·戴维斯等主演的电视剧,于2017年3月29日在美国播出。剧情简介:名姝该剧背景设置在十八世纪的英国乔治王朝时期,是一部会让人重新审视这个城市最具商业价值的产业——性产业的家庭剧。根据真实女性事件改编,讲述了Margaret Wells(Morton饰)和她的女儿们的生活,她努力让自己在一个母亲和妓院所有者这两个角色之间调和。当她的事业遭到了来自一个无情的竞争对手Lydia Quigley(Manville饰)的威胁,她决定奋起反击,即使这样会破坏她的家庭。《名姝》(Harlots)是一部由科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨执导,萨曼莎·莫顿、莱丝利·曼维尔、杰西卡·布朗·芬德利、亚历克萨·戴维斯等主演的电视剧,于2017年3月29日在美国播出。虽然是女性剧,在英伦风格下,没有停留在谴责的层面,而是让我们通过镜头结结实实地感受到这些活生生的生命,嗅到了她们的悲喜。最后要夸一夸配乐,似细水流长,别有韵味。
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《名姝》(harlots)系列电视剧,也叫花魁,是非常好看的英剧,豆瓣评分非常高,近期公开第叁季的消息。名姝第叁季什幺时候播?名姝第叁季在哪可以看? 名姝第三季什幺时候播?名姝第三季在哪可以看? 《名姝》第三季将在2019年7月10开播,继续讲述在男权时代,敢于同命运斗争,敢于反抗,靠自身的努力和勇敢争取独立和自由的一群交际花们,非常高水准的一部电视剧。名姝第三季已经确认续订,近期公开了名姝第叁季的预告片信息,有着一贯的英剧高水准,古典英伦范,华丽的服饰与配色,简直是一场古典时装秀,优雅的伦敦腔和淑女范,也是一场视觉盛宴。 《名姝》第三季可以在Hulu上看,还有一些字幕组会及时的更新,也可以找B站、美剧、英剧的app观看。名姝第叁季预告片近期公开,大姐(杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 饰)、妹妹露西、贵族交际花(丽芙·泰勒 饰)、老鸨(萨曼莎·莫顿 饰)和死对头Lydia Quigley(莱丝利·曼维尔 饰)等悉数回归!第三季,还有《权游》“席恩”阿尔菲·艾伦Alfie Allen、《汉密尔顿》艾什·亨特全新加盟! 《名姝》是英国电视剧,电视剧讲诉18世纪后半叶,五分之一的伦敦女性靠卖淫维持生计。剧情由两位老鸨的斗争展开:一家是位于苏荷区的高级会所,姑娘们被包装成淑女,装潢服饰充斥着洛可可风格的轻佻与奢侈。另一家位于混乱肮脏地段的小规模妓院。服装华丽养眼,人物掌控很棒,配乐相当加分,尺度很大的!慎入!服装真的好美!!!!bgm也棒!! 该剧由Hulu和ITV合拍的讲述了Margaret Wells(Samantha Morton饰演)和她的女儿们的生活,她努力让自己在一个母亲和妓院老鸨这两个角色之间调和。当她的事业遭到了来自一个无情的竞争对手Lydia Quigley(Lesley Manville饰)的威胁,她决定奋起反击,即使这样会破坏她的家庭也在所不惜。主演阵容包括:萨曼莎·莫顿、杰西卡·布朗·芬德利、 丽芙·泰勒、莱丝利·曼维尔 、布朗温·詹姆斯等。
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因为资源知道了老板的秘密,所以即使他已经按老板的吩咐做足了一切的戏码,依然逃不出在监狱中被毒死的命运。因为只有死人的嘴巴才是最严密的。资源,此人身份复杂,颇有一股江湖大佬金盘洗手的味道。只是江湖这个局,你进去了容易,想出来就难了。何况他还是一桩命案与揭开绿藤市背后黑幕的关键。他的公开身份是个商人,绿藤市新帅集团的老总。他的法律顾问兼哥们就更为特殊,前绿藤市刑警,因涉嫌受贿而被辞退的李成阳。他黑白两道都有人,甚至可以在拘留所的会见室里吃鱼生喝洋酒抽雪茄。这样一个看起来足以在绿藤市呼风唤雨的人物,在听到李成阳和何勇都分别提到“十四年前”这四个字时,顿时呆若木鸡噤若寒蝉。可即使他已经按老板的吩咐做足了一切的戏码,依然逃不出在监狱中被毒死的命运。因为只有死人的嘴巴才是最严密的。《名姝》(Harlots),是由Alison Newman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和Jill Robertson联合执导,Bronwyn James和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。威廉姆因为玛格丽特卖了女儿而与她争吵,要她为两个女孩负责,玛格丽特说她需要这笔钱来与莉迪亚斗。轿夫送夏洛特回家,并再次表示他会给她爱情,这一幕被窗边的仆人乔治看到。夏洛特回家后,霍德华祈求她原谅他,说他爱她爱得疯狂,争吵之后,夏洛特原谅了他并让他尝到了甜头。而门外的乔治听到屋里的动静,十分生气。玛格丽特与南希商量着应该如何打击莉迪亚,最终她们决定毁了她的名声,而这个办法就是找到从莉迪亚那里染上梅毒的玛丽,并且找个记者来写她的故事,让整个城市的人都不再去莉迪亚的人间天堂。埃米莉被其他姑娘叫醒,她很受那些男人的欢迎,因此为莉迪亚赚了很多钱,查尔斯也在向母亲夸赞着埃米莉,莉迪亚却指望着儿子多动动脑筋。
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名姝中伊莎贝拉的兄长是Marquess of Blayne,是朱利安·林希德-图特饰演的《#名姝#Harlots》第二季该剧讲述了MargaretWells(SamanthaMorton饰演)和她的女儿们的生活,她努力让自己在一个母亲和妓院老鸨这两个角色之间调和。当她的事业遭到了来自一个无情的竞争对手LydiaQuigley(LesleyManville饰)的威胁,她决定奋起反击,即使这样会破坏她的家庭也在所不惜。
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名姝 第一季 Harlots Season 1 (2017)导演: 科奇·吉尔佐 / 琪娜·木杨编剧: 莫拉·巴芙妮 / 艾莉森·纽曼主演: 萨曼莎·莫顿 / 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 / 莱丝利·曼维尔 / 布朗温·詹姆斯 / 亚历克萨·戴维斯 / 多萝西·阿特金森 / 罗伊·贝克 / 罗里·弗莱克-拜恩 / 波佩·科比-特曲 / 霍莉·登普西 / 罗莎琳德·以利亚撒 / 凯特·弗利特伍德 / 艾丽·海登 / 爱德华·霍格 / 理查德·麦凯布 / 乔丹·A·纳什 / 史蒂文·罗伯特森 / 休·斯金纳 / 艾洛伊思·史密斯类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语首播: 2017-03-27(英国) / 2017-03-29(美国)季数: 集数: 8单集片长: 45分钟又名: 花魁 / 妈妈桑 / 风流韵事 / 烟花女子 / 青城逸梦 / 鸨王争夺战IMDb链接: tt5761478名姝 第二季 Harlots Season 2 (2018)导演: 科奇·吉尔佐编剧: 莫拉·巴芙妮主演: 萨曼莎·莫顿 / 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 / 丽芙·泰勒 / 莱丝利·曼维尔 / 布朗温·詹姆斯 / 亚历克萨·戴维斯 / 罗伊·贝克 / 多萝西·阿特金森 / 罗莎琳德·以利亚撒 / 凯特·弗利特伍德 / 丹尼·萨帕尼 / 塞巴斯蒂安·阿梅斯托 / 霍莉·登普西 / 泰·赫尔利 / 齐格西斯类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语首播: 2018-07-11(美国)季数: 集数: 8单集片长: 45分钟又名: 花魁 / 妈妈桑 / 风流韵事 / 烟花女子 / 青城逸梦 / 鸨王争夺战IMDb链接: tt7205712名姝 第三季 Harlots Season 3 (2019)主演: 萨曼莎·莫顿类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语首播: 2019-07(美国)季数: 集数: 8又名: 花魁 / 妈妈桑 / 风流韵事 / 烟花女子 / 青城逸梦 / 鸨王争夺战
2023-07-07 16:40:072


2023-07-07 16:40:131


  千本桜 (千本樱) - 初音ミク (初音未来)   词:黒うさP   曲:黒うさP   大胆不敌にハイカラ革命   磊々落々反戦国家   日の丸印の二轮车転がし   悪霊退散   环状线を走り抜けて   东奔西走なんのその   少年少女戦国无双   浮世の随に   千本桜夜ニ纷レ   君ノ声モ届カナイヨ   此処は宴钢の槛   その断头台で见下ろして   三千世界常世之闇   叹ク呗モ闻コエナイヨ   青蓝の空遥か彼方   その光线铳で打ち抜いて   百戦錬磨の见た目は将校   いったりきたりの花魁道中   アイツもコイツも皆で集まれ   圣者の行进   わんっつーさんしっ   禅定门を潜り抜けて   安楽浄土厄払い   きっと终幕は大団円   拍手の合间に   千本桜夜ニ纷レ   君ノ声モ届カナイヨ   此処は宴钢の槛   その断头台で见下ろして   三千世界常世之闇   叹ク呗モ闻コエナイヨ   希望の丘遥か彼方   その闪光弾を打ち上げろ   环状线を走り抜けて   东奔西走なんのその   少年少女戦国无双   浮世の随に   千本桜夜ニ纷レ   君ノ声モ届カナイヨ   此処は宴钢の槛   その断头台を飞び降りて   千本桜夜ニ纷レ   君が歌い仆は踊る   此処は宴钢の槛   さあ光线铳を撃ちまくれ
2023-07-07 16:40:202


不知道爱看剧的朋友们有没有发现 在一些 历史 题材的英剧中 时不时会出现一些豪宅镜头 里面的贵族生活让人十分憧憬 幸运的是,剧中出现的奢华豪宅 实际上就在伦敦哦! 而且全都属于National Trust旗下! 下面就带大家看看 伦敦附近值得 探索 的豪宅有哪些! Fenton House and Garden Fenton House and Garden建于1686年左右,早在1952年以来就成为了National Trust的财产,它位于伦敦北部美丽的汉普斯特德西斯的边缘。 从远处看这是一栋宽敞的独立住宅,有一个漂亮的围墙花园,还有一条绿树成荫的车道,难怪能够出现在 Merchant Ivory的电影里。 来到此处,你可以在这美丽的下沉式花园里漫步,也可以看一看豪宅内藏有的大量名画、17世纪的刺绣画和著名的本顿弗莱彻(Benton Fletcher)键盘乐器收藏(这些乐器有时候会被用来为游客演奏) 这套豪宅房子将从3月开始开放,大家可以趁下个月的周末和银行假期参观。 地址 Fenton House, Hampstead Grove, London NW3 6SP Ranger"s House 这座优雅的格鲁吉亚红砖别墅,实际上并不是National Trust的财产,而是由英国遗产团队管理的一座可爱而庄严的豪宅。 它位于格林威治公园和布莱克希思之间的边界,在同名电视剧ridgerton family中有过出镜。不过,要说Ranger "s House最著名的,可能还属这里的Werhner Collection,这是一个世界级的艺术展览,里面许多藏品都由19世纪的商人Julius Wernher爵士所收藏。 豪宅里一共展出了700多件艺术品,包括中世纪雕像、文艺复兴时期的绘画、华丽的珠宝和昂贵的法国挂毯。另外,一些格林威治最好的餐厅和酒吧离这里都很近,步行就能到达,所以非常适合来这里出游! 地址 Chesterfield Walk, London SE10 8QX Sutton House and Breaker"s Yard 被列为二级的Sutton House是另一个值得列入National Trust财产清单的豪宅,它的 历史 最早可以追溯到都铎王朝时期。它是目前Hackney最古老的住宅建筑,在 历史 里,它曾被用作男校、消防管理员中心和音乐场地,在1991年的修复工程后,如今成了带有博物馆性质的豪宅。 在500多年的 历史 中,从都铎王朝朝臣到20世纪的car-breakers,这里招待无数宾客。豪宅里有詹姆士王朝时期美丽的壁画,雕刻的木制壁炉,还有华丽的彩绘楼梯,非常值得亲自来此地一览。 除了可以在室内参观之外,你还可以在导游的带领下参观附近的Breaker "s Yard。这是一个非常雅致的花园,由英国皇家园艺协会的景观设计师Daniel Lobb设计。 地址 Sutton House, 2 and 4 Homerton High St, London E9 6JQ Osterley House 这是一座宏伟的新古典主义宅邸,横跨Ealing和Hounslow的边界,据说这座占地面积巨大的Osterley House是伦敦仅存的乡村庄园之一。 16世纪70年代,托马斯·格雷欣爵士(Sir Thomas Gresham)首先建造了它,18世纪60年代,苏格兰建筑师罗伯特·亚当(Robert Adam)又对它进行了改造,最后才成了我们现在所看到的样子。 作为Georgian National Trust的财产,这里周围环绕起伏着美丽的花园、公园和农田——非常适合休闲的野餐或体验你所渴望的英伦贵族生活。 这里定期会提供各种展览和工作坊,包括炉边讲故事和冬季野餐等非常温馨的活动,同时这里还有一个非常可爱的小café馆,在你 探索 完这里的一切之后,可以在那里喝杯茶或者是咖啡。 地址 Osterley House on Jersey Road, Isleworth, London, TW7 4RB Rainham Hall Havering的Rainham Hall是一座二级乔治亚时期的豪宅,最初是1729年为海军上尉约翰·哈尔建造的,风格和安妮女王的宅邸很像,是深受英国人喜爱的建筑风格。 如今,它已经加入了National Trust的清单内,并于2015年向公众开放。在可以最值得做的一件事情就是参观The Denney Edition的展览,这个展览的灵感来自20世纪60年代的 时尚 大师和古典装饰学家安东尼·丹尼。 除此之外,这座富丽堂皇的住宅的花园也是可以免费进入的。一到春天,花园就会铺上美丽的“雪花莲地毯”,花园旁还有一小块林地,是一个非常浪漫的散步好去处。 地址 Hall, Broadway, Rainham RM13 9YN Red House 如果你是位喜爱文艺的朋友,那么Bexleyheath的Red House非常值得一去,因为它是由威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)委托、建造和居住的唯一一栋房子,是一座十分具有重要建筑意义和 社会 意义的建筑。 这座National Trust旗下的豪宅,曾经被著名的Edward Burne-Jones描述为“世界上最美丽的地方”,站在这里你仿佛进入了Netflix里的英国 历史 剧当中。 地址 Red House Lane, Bexleyheath, DA6 8JF Hatfield House 这座富丽堂皇的宅邸位于伦敦北部21英里处,要问它为何会出名,因为这里是伊丽莎白女王一世得知自己继承王位的地方! 这座詹姆士一世时期的宅邸由罗伯特·塞西尔于1611年建造,参观者可以有机会欣赏到珍藏着的大量照片、家具和骑士的盔甲,这些都曾出现在电影《宠儿》和《蝙蝠侠》中。 另外,Hatfield House的最大亮点无疑是这里华丽的花园,它为这座伟大的建筑提供了超过40英亩的林地,园区充满了漂亮的植物,围绕在一片湖周围,难怪皇室也会爱上这里! 地址 Great North Road, Hatfield, AL9 5HX. Emery Walker"s House 这座高大的阶梯式住宅位于Hammersmith市中心,虽然它看起来本身并不是一座富丽堂皇的住宅,但由于其迷人的 历史 ,它绝对值得大家来此参观。 埃默里·沃克之家现在是一个由埃默里·沃克信托基金运营的博物馆,旨在为这座住宅打造一个安全且长期的未来。景区周围有一些很棒的河边酒吧,离住宅很近,步行就能到达,所以来此地游览可以尽情享受完美的一天。 地址 7 Hammersmith Terrace, London, W6 9TS Syon House Syon house是大伦敦地区仅存的一座属于一位公爵的乡间别墅,也是Bridgerton的拍摄地,在剧中出现的作为夏洛特女王的餐厅出现。除了布里吉顿,这座房子还在《杀死伊芙》(Killing Eve)、《高斯福德公园》(Gosford Park)和Hulu的《妓女》(Harlots)中出现过哦! 而它离我们并不远,就在里士满公园和邱园的拐角处,如今是个十分美丽的地方,在当下的家族中已经存在了400多年。这座宏伟的房子具有深远的 历史 意义,内部藏有丰富的艺术作品,广阔的庭院和花园都非常值得一看。 另外,此处还有Tide Meadow neatby,这是一个具有特殊科学价值的地点,当你漫步于此时,你可能会发现包括蝙蝠、鸟类和稀有真菌在内的各类物种,非常适合前来 探索 ! 地址 Park Road, Isleworth, TW7 6AZ
2023-07-07 16:40:261


上映日期: 2016-06-08(中国大陆)这部电影现在中国还没有上映,出来内部人员不会有人看过。现在也不会有任何网络资源,至少要等到电影上映之后再来寻找,不要着急,请耐心等待。
2023-07-07 16:40:542

行尸走肉 阿尔法扮演者?

Samantha Morton 代表作应该是harlots
2023-07-07 16:41:031

名姝的结构 名姝的结构是什么

名姝的结构是:名(上下结构)姝(左右结构)。 名姝的结构是:名(上下结构)姝(左右结构)。 拼音是:míng shū。 注音是:ㄇ一ㄥ_ㄕㄨ。名姝的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】著名的美女。二、引证解释⒈著名的美女。唐李希济《妖妄传·张和》:“蜀郡豪家,富拟卓郑。引蜀之名姝,无不毕致。”宋文天祥《名姝吟》:“名姝从何来,婉_出神京。”清李渔《蜃中楼·述异》:“访名姝,_尽花街。”廖仲恺《<全民政治论>译本序》:“而场内演_后之_兴,则有名姝之音乐会,舞蹈会。”三、国语词典著名的美女。四、网络解释名姝(2017年Hulu制作英剧)《名姝》(Harlots),是由AlisonNewman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和JillRobertson联合执导,BronwynJames和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。名姝(汉语词汇)名姝是一个汉语词语,拼音是mínɡshū,释义:指著名的美女。该词语在文天祥的《名姝吟》有记载:“名姝从何来,婉娈出神京。”关于名姝的诗词《湘春夜月·彭春谷为析津名姝求赋其画芍药山屏》《秋思(夹钟商荷塘为括苍名姝求赋其听雨小阁)》《秋思·荷塘为括苍名姝求赋其听雨小阁》关于名姝的诗句遣名姝绕秋池名姝偃仰倾国名姝关于名姝的成语钓名欺世驰名当世暖暖姝姝钓名沽誉钓誉沽名驰名中外臭名昭彰砥厉名号变名易姓砥砺名号关于名姝的词语驰名中外砥厉名号钓名欺世驰名当世砥砺名号师出无名不务空名变名易姓臭名昭彰驰名天下点此查看更多关于名姝的详细信息
2023-07-07 16:41:421

求tera patrick的作品名和每件作品的时间

她的作品及作品时间:Farmer"s Daughters Do Beverly Hills (1999) ,Talking Blue (1995) ,Helpless Heroines, Volume 2 (2002),Penthouse: Harlots of Hell (2000),禁忌的神话 (2001),Aroused (1999),Night Calls: 411 (2000),Live Nude Girls (2014),Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie (2009),赤*裸的诱惑 (2001) ,摄影棚下的明星 (2003),Spike Guys Choice 2007 (2007),Playboy: Lusty Latin Ladies (2000),50 Most Shocking Celebrity Scandals (2007),想入非非 (2004),Foot Bottom Festival (2002),拉斯维加斯快车道 (2000),虚拟后宫 (2002) ,Spread TV (2007)个人情况介绍:Tera Patrick 本名: Linda Ann Hopkins Shapiro ,特拉·帕特里克,模特,演员1976年7月25日 国籍:美国(英国、泰国混血) 出生地:美国蒙大拿州 身高:175 cm 体重:103 lbs 头发:棕褐色 眼睛: 棕褐色
2023-07-07 16:41:492


暗黑血腥HBO,娜娜同志SM都有 10部全尺度欧美宫斗剧!献给不甘平淡的你。 都铎王朝 The Tudors 简直不能太香艳,要不是这国王这么帅 (后来实在太暴力) ,这剧情和换女人的速度我真想给电视一脚。大概呢就是围绕着国王亨利八世宗教改革和妻子西班牙公主凯瑟琳,以及小三上位的安妮·博林 (伊丽莎白一世的生母) 展开。被剧迷们誉为是古代版的Gossip Girl绯闻女孩。 名姝 Harlots 主角是18世纪英国的妓女们。 这个剧的开头自己讲,“1763年,伦敦,五分之一的女性都卖身。” 不知道剧里引用的这个数字来源是哪里,但从历史学家的研究文献,及当时出现的各种艺术作品来看,18世纪的英国,的确卖淫业兴盛。 凡尔赛 Versailles 号称历史上法国电视剧制作史上投资最贵、耻度最大、颜值最高的的法剧! 童年爱变装,青年睡骑士,就算是这样竟然也没有耽误他自己的王室的义务。这位奥尔良家族的创始人,一个基佬,通过两次婚姻,睡出了一个血脉,这是怎样的精神! 白王后 The White Queen kingmaker的两个女儿被权力折磨又无能为力的顺从忍耐,白皇后实在弱气,依靠美色引诱国王,之后用巫术河边施法,各种诅咒。二女儿anne和richard的雪中表白很美丽,救于水火也因姑娘百般波折后的过人勇敢和胆识,这才是伴侣完美的契合。 空王冠 The Hollow Crown 这个剧为什么叫空王冠? 看看它的组成部分:亨利四世、亨利五世、亨利六世、查理二世、查理三世 非常经典的一部英国历史剧。 王冠 The Crown 由Netflix重金打造的网剧《王冠》作为英国女王伊丽莎白二世的传记剧,两季共花费了1亿美元的制作费。美国流媒体的财大气粗,也让这部英国王室题材剧集摆脱了BBC剧一贯的“寒酸”,变得金贵养眼起来。 英国王室内一个又一个的矛盾与冲突,王冠的沉重与责任,布景灯光服装保持教科书水准 人物刻画和心理塑造深入人心,每一季,每一集都在把把整个剧带上新的高度! 风中的女王 Reign 奥地利作家斯蒂芬·茨威格曾在《断头女王》这部传记说过一句经典的句子:“她那时候还太年轻,不知道命运赠送给她的礼物,早已在暗中都标明了价格。” 这个她就是英国苏格兰女王玛丽·斯图亚特,有着跌宕起伏的悲情一生,美貌绝伦又才华横溢,却一步又一步把一手好牌打烂。 波吉亚家族 The Borgias 历史上最污的教皇的家族史。亚历山大六世本名罗德里戈·波吉亚,史上最为声名狼藉的教皇之一,据说他第一次杀人时是12岁,25岁时被他的叔叔教皇加里斯都三世任命为红衣主教,61岁时以贿选得任教皇,在位11年。 罗马 Rome 本以为是沉重无趣的历史剧拍的却如此扣人心弦,曾经只为看激情场面的猥琐想法在这样伟大的剧集面前不由得自惭形秽,号称H.B.O三部曲的另两部分别是《权力的游戏》《斯巴达克斯》 叶卡捷琳娜大帝 Екатерина 果然俄罗斯璀璨的文明,史诗一样的音乐,建筑金碧辉煌,莽莽雪原,而宫斗,是完全不同的类型,战斗民族的简单粗暴直接有效。 最后推荐一部集大成的宫斗剧!权力的游戏 Game of Thrones 真正的全尺度,刺激的盛宴! 不多评论了,留图以示致敬!
2023-07-07 16:42:011

Sound The Alarm 歌词

歌曲名:Sound The Alarm歌手:Howie Day专辑:Sound The AlarmSound The AlarmAdeptAnother Year Of Disasterhold tight, miss cheater! you forgotto wipe the scent of your lover from your chesti guess i never believed you had it in you.burn the charade.ignore your own fireas the words from your lipsignores all the questions.i know what you"re up to,you ignorant slut.you never tasted so shallow.you have death on you lips,cunt!i always trusted every word you said,you gave me hope for the futureso how could i swallow every single spitof syllables from her tainted mouth?when all her words were fucking bollocks!So here"s to you and taking the easy way out!we raise our glass this is a toast to all unfaithful ones.with every inch of all our hearts still beating we will sing -goodbye my beautiful. goodbye my beautiful.there"s no one who will stand right beside youwhen all comes to how you"re treating your loved onesyou"re slipping away.can you feel how you"re fading?important to none, you"re dust in the windiput me trust in how the way she smileit gave me strength for the future.but waves are crashing in and we are drowning by the minute.do you have a hand to hold on to?for i have mine.you"re fucking dead to me!you"re fucking deadand as a heart need it"s beating surely yours will stopi know i have said it before but mark my wordsif shutting you up will be the last thing i ever do,i will wrap the silence around your throatand leave you breathless.i will take every word from a lonely harlots mouth,so pick your words wiselyfor they will be your last, they will all be your fucking last.the wind settles in, the clouds are getting closersound the alarmwe are the stormall her words were fucking bollocks!http://music.baidu.com/song/10219695
2023-07-07 16:42:071


品牌简介  Hermes早年以制造高级马具闻名于法国巴黎,及后推出的箱包、服装、丝巾、香水、珐琅饰品及家居用品,令品牌更全面多样化。  让所有的产品至精至美、无可挑剔,是Hermes的一贯宗旨。Hermes拥有的14个系列产品,包括皮具、箱包、丝巾、男女服装系列、香水、手表等,大多数都是手工精心制作的,无怪乎有人称Hermes的产品为思想深邃、品位高尚、内涵丰富、工艺精湛的艺术品。Hermes精品让世人重返传统优雅的怀抱。   Hermes品牌形象建立于其一贯的高档、高质原则和独特的法兰西轻松风格,在此基础上融入流行因素,这正是产品永具魅力的原因。保持经典和高质,将一流工艺的制作、耐久实用的性能与简洁大方和优雅精美相结合,Hermes不但是身份、地位的象征,而且也被誉为能够让你一生永不落伍的时尚之物。  历史发展  追溯回1837年,生于德国(1801年),原籍法国的Thierry HERMES,创始了他的马具制造公司,他的首宗生意即是为马匹制造项圈!为了让马匹能配戴最贴颈的项圈,Thierry HERMES耗费了大量的时间和心血,一丝不茍,终于在1867年的世界皮革展览中获得一等业务奖章,也由此奠定并开展他在马具皮革等系列的坚固基础。然而,这个由马具制造做出发的家族企业,在汽车的问世之时有了极大的变化,在第三代Charles-Emile HERMES的操控下,爱马仕(Hermes)不但没有濒临淘汰的命运,反而推出皮件系列和「马鞍针步」的行李箱,创造了爱马仕精神的崭新风格,使爱马仕事业经历有如脱胎换骨般的成长,并确立了爱马仕独树一帜的风格。   1920年代,爱马仕(Hermes)的发展路线也积极拓展至手提袋、旅行袋、手套、皮带、珠宝、笔记本,以及手表、烟灰缸、丝巾等。甚至在第五代Robert DUMAS的接掌后,更陆续推出了香水、领带、西装、鞋饰、沐浴巾、瓷器、珠宝、男女服饰、手表和桌饰系列等新商品,让爱马仕(Hermes)真正成为横跨全生活方位的品味代表。如今的爱马仕(Hermes)集团分为三个体系,即Hermes Sellier(皮革用品)、La Montre Hermes(手表)及Hermes Parfums(香水);在全球拥有186家专卖店、56个零售专柜,为了维持一贯保有的爱马仕品味与形象,所有产品的设计制作、对每家专卖店的格局设计,连陈列柜都是在法国原厂订制,才空运至各地,期望保持的是百年历史的坚持。   品牌现状  目前的爱马仕(Hermes)集团,总部坐落于著名的福宝大道24号,负责人则是Jean-Louis Dumas-HERMES杜迈64爱马仕。其中的女装总设计师是Martin Margiela(已离任),这位自1998年秋冬开始加入爱马仕家族的比利时籍设计师,以一向低调的风格作风与追求精致完美的创意,让爱马仕(Hermes)女装保有爱马仕(Hermes)集团依旧的优雅,没有多馀的设计,却彰显服饰的气质,同时展现衣服的机能性与高度的舒适性,是当今持续让爱马仕(Hermes)掳获人心的重要人物。   让所有的产品至精至美、无可挑剔,是爱马仕的一贯宗旨。目前爱马仕拥有14个系列产品,包括皮具、箱包、丝巾、男女服装系列、香水、手表等,大多数产品都是手工精心制作的,无怪乎有人称爱马仕的产品为思想深邃、品位高尚、内涵丰富、工艺精湛的艺术品。这些爱马仕精品,通过其散布于世界20多个国家和地区的200多家专卖店,融进快节奏的现代生活中,让世人重返传统优雅的怀抱。历经了160多年的风雨沧桑,爱马仕家族经过几代人的共同努力使其品牌生名远扬。早在20世纪来临之时,爱马仕就已成为法国式奢华消费品的典型代表。20世纪20年代,创立者蒂埃利。爱马仕之孙埃米尔曾这样评价爱马仕品牌:“皮革制品造就运动和优雅之极的传统。”爱马仕只是巴黎城中的一家专门为马车制作各种配套的精致装饰的马具店,在1885年年举行的巴黎展览会上,爱马仕获得了此类产品的一等奖。此后,爱马仕之子埃米尔。查尔斯再建专卖店,生产销售马鞍等物品,并开始零售业务。随着汽车等交通工具的出现和发展,爱马仕开始转产,将其精湛的制作工艺运用于其他产品的生产之中,如钱夹、旅行包、手提包、手表带,以及一些体育运动如高尔夫球、马球、打猎等所需的辅助用具,也设计制作高档的运动服装。爱马仕品牌所有的产品都选用最上乘的高级材料,注重工艺装饰,细节精巧,以其优良的质量赢得了良好的信誉。在爱马仕的历史上,又一起轰动一时的新闻时间,是其在1920年为威尔士王子设计的拉链式高尔夫夹克衫,成为20世纪最早的皮革服装成功设计。爱马仕的第四代继承人让。盖朗和萝伯特。迪马,在其皮革制品的基础之上,又开发了香水、头贴等新品类,到本世纪60年代,不断发展壮大的爱马仕公司又有了各类时装及香水等产品。1970年,爱马仕还只是一个纯手工业的家庭工厂,但15年后,它已发展成为制作高级精品的超级跨国公司,营业额扩大了5倍,如今,爱马仕公司的规模还在不断扩大。1992年的营业额达到25亿法郎(约值人民币37.2525亿元,纯利润为1.76亿法郎。). 答案补充 英语的我帮你找了,但是没有,建议你看一下爱马仕的中文介绍,希望对你有帮助! 答案补充 爱马仕基本没缺点,它的丝巾也很有名的!你想了解这个牌子,应该知道的啊!
2023-07-07 16:42:171


Chapter II The Neoclassical Period   一。新古典主义时期概述   1. 识记:(1)新古典主义时期的界定   (2)政治经济背景   (3)启蒙运动的意义与影响   2. 领会:(1)启蒙运动的主张与文学的特点   (2)新古典主义时期文学的艺术特点   3. 应用:启蒙运动,新古典主义,英雄双行诗,英国现实主义小说等名词的解释   1. 识记Definitions of literary terms   1) The Enlightenment Movement   The 18th-century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France & swept through the whole Western Europe at the time. The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th & 16th centuries. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modem philosophical & artistic ideas. The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality & science. They called for a reference to order, reason & rules & advocated universal education. Famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great writers like John Dryden, Alexander pope & so on.   2) Neoclassicism   In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek & Roman writers (Homer, Virgil, & so on)& those of the contemporary French ones. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion & accuracy, & that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity. This belief led them to seek proportion, unity, harmony & grace in literary expressions, in an effort to delight, instruct & correct human beings, primarily as social animals. Thus, a polite, urbane, witty, & intellectual art developed.   3) The heroic couplet   It means a pair of lines of a type once common in English poetry, which rhyme & are written with five beats each……   4) the Realistic Novel   The mid-century was, however, predominated by a newly rising literary form, the modern English novel, which, contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. This-the most significant phenomenon in the history of the development of English literature in the eighteenth century - is a natural product of the Industrial Revolution & a symbol of the growing importance & strength of the English of the growing importance & strength of the English middle class, Among the pioneers were Daniel Defoe ,Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias Creorge Smollott, & Oliver Goldsmith.   2. 领会Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature   According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek & Roman writers (Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, etc,)& those of the contemporary French ones. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws &rules for almost every genre of literature, prose should be precise, direct, smooth & flexible. Poetry should be lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic, & each class should be guided by its own principles. Drama should be written in the Heroic Couplets (iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines); the three unities of time, space & action should be strictly observed; regularity in construction should be adhered to & type characters rather than individuals should be represented.   二。该时期的重要作家   1,一般识记:重要作家的创作生涯   2,识记:重要作品及主要内容   3,领会:重要作家的创作思想,艺术特色其代表作的主题结构,人物刻画,语言风格,艺术特色,社会意义等。   4,应用:(1)《天路历程》中“名利场”的寓义。   (2)蒲伯的文学(诗歌)批评观及其诗歌特色。   (3)《格列佛游记》的社会讽刺。   (4)菲尔丁的“散文体史诗”。   (5)格雷诗歌的主题与意象。   I. John Bunyan   1. 一般识记His life   English author & preacher, born in Elstow, England, probably Nov.28, 1628,and died in London, England, Aug, 31, 1688.   2. 识记His major works   John Bunyan"s The Pilgrim"s Progress (1678) is the outstanding 17th-century English religious literature. For more than 200 years this book was second in popularity only to the Bible. Bunyan did not attempt to portray the political confusion & social upheaval of 17th-century England. His concern was rather the study of man"s spiritual life.   Bunyan chiefly wrote four prose works - Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1666), The Life & Death of Mr. Badman (1680), The Holy War (1682) & The Pilgrim"s Progress, part II (1684)。   3. 领会Characteristics of his works   Bunyan"s style was modeled after that of the English Bible. With his concrete &living language & carefully observed & vividly presented details, he made it possible for the reader of the least education to share the pleasure of reading his novel & to relive the experience of his characters.   4. 应用Selected Reading   "The Vanity Fair", an excerpt from Part I of The Pilgrim"s Progress.   (1) Theme: The Pilgrim"s Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to comply with Christian doctrines & seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness & all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also beats much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor-life as a journey-is simple & familiar.   (2) "Vanity Fair" is the most famous part of The Pilgrim"s Progress. It tells how Christian & his friend Faithful come to Vanity Fair on their way to heaven," a fair where in should be sold all sorts of vanity & that it should last all the year long: therefore at this fair all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honors, preferments, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures & delights of all sorts as harlots, wives, husbands, children, masters, servants, lives, blood, bodies, souls, silver, gold, pearls, precious stones & what not." As they refuse to buy anything but truth, they are beaten & put in a cage & then taken out & led in chains up & down the fair. They are sentenced to death-to be put to the most cruel death that can be invented." Vanity Fair" is a satirical picture of English society, law & religion in Bunyan"s day.
2023-07-07 16:42:231


[ti:千本桜][ar:初音ミク][al:][by:][00:01.75]千本桜[00:07.31][00:07.81]作词:うさP[00:10.50]作曲:うさP[00:13.74]编曲:うさP[00:16.98]呗:Miku[00:20.60]Powered by ①Kings|蕾米莉亚 4528732522[00:34.00]With a bold and sudden calling[00:35.90]Western Revolution"s starting[00:37.00]Let our hearts be open to it[00:38.50]Pacifist nation[00:40.00]Riding on a penny-farthing[00:42.24]It"s the flag of our sun rising[00:43.50]Warding evil spirits like an[00:45.36]I C B M[00:46.20]On the train tracks, running along the line[00:49.30]Let us move forward. Don"t look behind[00:52.27]Boys and girls becoming like samurai[00:55.47]Just like those from our previous life[00:58.30]Thousands of cherry blossoms[01:00.60]Dwingling in the light[01:01.60]Though I can"t hear your voice[01:03.67]Keep what I say in mind[01:04.80]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see,[01:07.60]Looking down at us from that big guillotine[01:11.10]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know[01:14.73]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore[01:17.05]We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies[01:20.60]Go ahead,keep shooting,with the ray gun,fight![01:23.17][01:29.17][01:33.17][01:36.17]Veterans who"ve trained through[01:37.60]Struggles are now officers in battle[01:39.48]Here and there,we ss the harlots in procession[01:42.32]This one, that one, doesn"t matter,[01:44.30]Every single person gathers[01:45.59]March on to our saintly deaths now![01:47.84]1 2 3 4[01:48.60]Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks[01:51.31]Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends[01:55.64]Surely this will end in a denouement[07:57.60]Among the crowds giving their applause[02:00.20]千本桜 夜ニ纷レ[02:03.63]君ノ声モ届カナイヨ[02:07.50]此処は宴 钢の槛[02:10.47]その断头台で见下ろして[02:13.26]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know[02:16.32]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore[02:19.45]We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope[02:22.64]Go ahead,keep shooting,use the flashing bolt![02:25.60]Music...[02:35.44][02:45.44][02:55.44][03:05.44][03:08.10]1 2 3 4[03:10.25]On the train tracks, running along the line[03:12.23]Let us move forward.Don"t look behind.[03:15.13]Boys and girls becoming like samural[03:18.40]Just like those from our previous life[03:20.05]..................................................................[03:23.05]Thousands of cherry blossoms[03:25.00]Dwingling in the light[03:26.38]Though I can"t hear your voice[03:28.31]Keep what I say in mind[03:29.22]This bouqust that surrounds is iron posion,see,[03:32.39]Leaping down to us from that big guillotine.[03:35.35]Thousands of cherry blossoms[03:37.10]Dwindling in the light[03:38.57]Once your song can be heard,[03:40.14]We"ll dance with all our might[03:42.23]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see,[03:45.23]Go ahead,keep shooting,with that ray gun,lead[03:49.23][04:28.23]终わり
2023-07-07 16:42:302


男做盗贼,女为娼妓。 形容 男女都做坏事或 思想 极其腐朽卑劣。 成语出处: 鲁迅《坟·论“他 妈的 !”》:“口上 仁义 礼智,心里 男盗女娼 。” 注音: ㄣㄢˊ ㄉㄠˋ ㄋㄩˇ ㄔㄤ 男盗女娼的近义词: 狗彘不知 行同狗彘 旧时指人无耻,行为和猪狗一样。 男盗女娼的反义词: 正人君子 ∶品行端正而无私的人 ∶现在常用来讽刺假装正经的角色现在正有许多正人君子和革命文学家,用明枪暗箭, 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 贬义成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: behave like thieves and prostitutes <the male are robbers and the female harlots> 俄语翻译: прожжёные негодяи 日语翻译: 男はどろぼう,女は女郎,〈喩〉一家の人はろくな人间がいない 其他翻译: <德>sich wie banditen und huren aufführen <durch und durch schurkisch und verdorben> 成语谜语: 偷鸡 写法注意: 娼,不能写作“昌”或“媪”。
2023-07-07 16:42:371


2023-07-07 16:42:469

求个ICBM Remix的英文版千本樱的歌词……

  [ti:千本桜]  [ar:初音ミク]  [al:]  [by:]  [00:01.75]千本桜  [00:07.31]  [00:07.81]作词:黒うさP  [00:10.50]作曲:黒うさP  [00:13.74]编曲:黒うさP  [00:16.98]呗:Miku  [00:20.60]Powered by ①Kings|蕾米莉亚 4528732522  [00:34.00]With a bold and sudden calling  [00:35.90]Western Revolution"s starting  [00:37.00]Let our hearts be open to it  [00:38.50]Pacifist nation  [00:40.00]Riding on a penny-farthing  [00:42.24]It"s the flag of our sun rising  [00:43.50]Warding evil spirits like an  [00:45.36]I C B M  [00:46.20]On the train tracks, running along the line  [00:49.30]Let us move forward. Don"t look behind  [00:52.27]Boys and girls becoming like samurai  [00:55.47]Just like those from our previous life  [00:58.30]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [01:00.60]Dwingling in the light  [01:01.60]Though I can"t hear your voice  [01:03.67]Keep what I say in mind  [01:04.80]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see,  [01:07.60]Looking down at us from that big guillotine  [01:11.10]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know  [01:14.73]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore  [01:17.05]We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies  [01:20.60]Go ahead,keep shooting,with the ray gun,fight!  [01:23.17]  [01:29.17]  [01:33.17]  [01:36.17]Veterans who"ve trained through  [01:37.60]Struggles are now officers in battle  [01:39.48]Here and there,we ss the harlots in procession  [01:42.32]This one, that one, doesn"t matter,  [01:44.30]Every single person gathers  [01:45.59]March on to our saintly deaths now!  [01:47.84]1 2 3 4  [01:48.60]Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks  [01:51.31]Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends  [01:55.64]Surely this will end in a denouement  [07:57.60]Among the crowds giving their applause  [02:00.20]千本桜 夜ニ纷レ  [02:03.63]君ノ声モ届カナイヨ  [02:07.50]此処は宴 钢の槛  [02:10.47]その断头台で见下ろして  [02:13.26]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know  [02:16.32]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore  [02:19.45]We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope  [02:22.64]Go ahead,keep shooting,use the flashing bolt!  [02:25.60]Music...  [02:35.44]  [02:45.44]  [02:55.44]  [03:05.44]  [03:08.10]1 2 3 4  [03:10.25]On the train tracks, running along the line  [03:12.23]Let us move forward.Don"t look behind.  [03:15.13]Boys and girls becoming like samural  [03:18.40]Just like those from our previous life  [03:20.05]..................................................................  [03:23.05]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [03:25.00]Dwingling in the light  [03:26.38]Though I can"t hear your voice  [03:28.31]Keep what I say in mind  [03:29.22]This bouqust that surrounds is iron posion,see,  [03:32.39]Leaping down to us from that big guillotine.  [03:35.35]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [03:37.10]Dwindling in the light  [03:38.57]Once your song can be heard,  [03:40.14]We"ll dance with all our might  [03:42.23]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see,  [03:45.23]Go ahead,keep shooting,with that ray gun,lead  [03:49.23]  [04:28.23]终わり
2023-07-07 16:43:452

名姝的引证解释 名姝的引证解释是什么

名姝的引证解释是:⒈著名的美女。唐李希济《妖妄传·张和》:“蜀郡豪家,富拟卓郑。引蜀之名姝,无不毕致。”宋文天祥《名姝吟》:“名姝从何来,婉_出神京。”清李渔《蜃中楼·述异》:“访名姝,_尽花街。”廖仲恺《<全民政治论>译本序》:“而场内演_后之_兴,则有名姝之音乐会,舞蹈会。”。 名姝的引证解释是:⒈著名的美女。唐李希济《妖妄传·张和》:“蜀郡豪家,富拟卓郑。引蜀之名姝,无不毕致。”宋文天祥《名姝吟》:“名姝从何来,婉_出神京。”清李渔《蜃中楼·述异》:“访名姝,_尽花街。”廖仲恺《<全民政治论>译本序》:“而场内演_后之_兴,则有名姝之音乐会,舞蹈会。”。 结构是:名(上下结构)姝(左右结构)。 注音是:ㄇ一ㄥ_ㄕㄨ。 拼音是:míng shū。名姝的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】著名的美女。二、国语词典著名的美女。三、网络解释名姝(2017年Hulu制作英剧)《名姝》(Harlots),是由AlisonNewman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和JillRobertson联合执导,BronwynJames和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。名姝(汉语词汇)名姝是一个汉语词语,拼音是mínɡshū,释义:指著名的美女。该词语在文天祥的《名姝吟》有记载:“名姝从何来,婉娈出神京。”关于名姝的诗词《名姝咏·阿娇年未多》《名姝咏》《名姝咏》关于名姝的诗句绝代名姝悲失路倾国名姝绝代名姝聘玉尘关于名姝的成语臭名昭彰砥厉名号驰名中外师出无名钓名沽誉钓誉沽名策名就列钓名欺世变名易姓暖暖姝姝关于名姝的词语利绾名牵砥厉名号钓名欺世不务空名策名就列臭名昭彰钓誉沽名变名易姓砥砺名号师出无名点此查看更多关于名姝的详细信息
2023-07-07 16:44:021


2023-07-07 16:44:091


ポルノグラフィ出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』(ポルノ から転送)移动: ナビゲーション, 検索ポルノは、この项目へ転送されています。日本のロックバンドについては「ポルノグラフィティ」をご覧ください。ポルノグラフィ(英语:Pornography)とは、ウェブスターの「国际辞典」は、「性的兴奋を起こさせることを目的としたエロチックな行为を(文章または絵などで)表现したもの」と定义している。ギリシア语の πορνογραφια (pornographia)(『オックスフォード英语辞典』によれば、writing of harlotsの意)が语源であるという说があり、直訳すると売春妇の行为に関する文章や絵という意味になる。しかし、実际には1850年前后にイギリスで作られた言叶であるといわれている(『オックスフォード英语辞典』による用例の文献初出は1857年のものである)。日本では略语ないし俗语で、ポルノとも言われる。不知你是否能看懂。。。只是说,是 英语。
2023-07-07 16:44:243

谁有STEVE HOOPER的作品和他的照片

作品:1999《Leg Sex Shoe Shop》2000《Teresa Takes 10 Inches》2001《Deep Desires》2001《Have Dick, Will Travel Is in Town 》2001《Fill Me Right Up 》2001《Full of Cream 》2002《Wasteland 》2002《Pirate Fetish Machine: Fetish & Magic 》2002《Private: 24 Karat 》2002《Pirate Fetish Machine: Fetish TV 》2002《Private Movies: Pleasure Island 》2002《London"s Sorority House》(获得当年的颁奖典礼最佳男配角)2002《Private Black Label 24: D.N.A.》(提名当年的最佳男主角)2002《Teeny Car Wash Center 》2002《Royal Reamers 2 》2003《Passion 》2003《Sophie"s Nightmare 》2003《Private Movies: The Five Keys of Pleasure 》2003《Cleopatra》(提名当年的最佳男配角)2003《Carmen Goes to College 4 》2003《Island Fever 》2003《Private Eye 》2003《The House of Games 》2003《10 Magnificent Blondes 》2003《Memoirs of a Foot Fetist 》(提名当年最佳男主角)2003《Intensities in 10 Cities》2003《The Private Life of Jodie Moore 》2003《Cum Stains 2 》2003《The Private Life of Michelle Wild 》2003《The Gomorrah Club》2004《Barely Legal 50 》2004《R.S.V.P》2004《The Private Life of Jessica May 》2004《Fetish Desire 1 》2004《Layer Cake》(出演的第一部商业片,可看出hooper的演技)2004《Stuffin" Young Muffins 1 》2004《Swallow My Pride 4》2004《4 Sisters 》2004《Straight A Student 》2004《South American Pie 2》2004《Sluts in the Sun》(获得最佳男主角之称)2004《Hot Rats》2004《Hotel Hyde 》2005《House of Shame》2005《The Platinum Collection 》2005《Travelling Czechs》2005《Private 40th Anniversary, the Ultimate Anthology Set 1965-2005》2005《Secrets of the Land 》2005《Orgy Addicts 》2005《Young Harlots in London》(提名最佳男主角)2005《A Shady Past》2005《Mind Trip 》2005《DP Fantasies 2 》2005《I Love Lanny 》2005《The Ultimate Hardcore Collection 2》2006《Pedigree Chums 》2006《 Bring Your A Game 2 》2006《Golden High Heels 2》2006《I Love Katsumi 》2006《I Love Katja 》2007《Catch Her in the Eye 》2008《Young Harlots in Detention 》2008《Top Ten 》2008《Skin City 》2008《Chalet Girl》2008《A Week in Provence》2009《copz》2010《Poker Room》
2023-07-07 16:44:321

swing low sweet chariot coming for to carry me home是什么意思

直译的话是:“摇晃着的轻柔甜蜜的马车载我回故乡。”楼主最好结合上下文语境,你的这句话出自“Swing Low Sweet Chariot”这首歌吧。一首黑人灵歌。Swing Low, Sweet Chariot是美国教会福音音乐中极具代表性的一首,以前一直在乔克托人在印第安那地区传唱,在1850年左右被发现,在美国内战后的1872年正式出版。对于美国来讲,这首歌算得上历史悠久,再加上无数的歌手的不同风格演绎,使他变得家喻户晓。Scooby-Doo, Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, Silent, Humming and Harlots等都以各种方式演唱过这首歌,其中,以Joan Baez的最为著名,她从1969年的伍德斯托克音乐节就开始唱这首歌,而1988年的这次清唱,可以说是颠峰之做。Swing Low, Sweet Chariot的产生背景除了和乔克托人被迫迁居有关外,还和黑奴的历史有关,自1790至1810年,大批黑人被奴隶贩子从西非海岸贩运到美洲新大陆,变成黑奴。对于在苦难里挣扎的奴隶来讲,思念家乡,向往自由,信仰宗教,咏唱悲歌是多么重要。歌词里依托了约旦河,并借用了旧约中利亚希伯来先知的典故(利亚希伯来先知是旧约全书中记载的最伟大的一位先知,他寻求废除偶像崇拜并重建公平。据圣经所述,他并没有死而是乘着燃火的马车上了天)。Chariot是指古时用于战争、比赛或游行的马拉双轮车。黑奴们期待着天使们驾着马车接他们回归故里,那个安静平和,没有苦难,并且魂牵梦绕的天堂家园。楼主结合我给出的背景,再看歌词也就能很清晰的理解这首歌曲。黑人背井离乡,这首歌是心灵的依返,黑人信靠福音,渴望一架天使送来的幸福之车载他们回故乡。只做了这首歌寄托美好的心愿。愿上帝将幸福给予每个良善的人吧。
2023-07-07 16:44:413


RyanDan 双胞胎组合 推荐 The FaceJoshua Radin 推荐 I"d Rather Be With YouRobin Thicke 推荐Lost Without You, The Sweetest LoveMatt Duke 推荐 The Father, The Son And The Harlots Ghost 是一首,歌名比较长...Michae Buble 推荐Everything, Home, Haven"t Met You Yet
2023-07-07 16:44:484

弥尔顿的 夏娃的爱情 英文原文

  THE FIRST LOVE OF ADAM AND EVE  from Paradise Lost  by: John Milton (1608-1674)  Thus talking, hand in hand alone they passed  On to their blissful bower. It was a place  Chosen by the sov"reign Planter, when he framed  All things to Man"s delightful use; the roof  Of thickest covert was inwoven shade,  Laurel and myrtle, and what higher grew  Of firm and fragrant leaf; on either side  Acanthus, and each odorous bushy shrub,  Fenced up the verdant wall; each beauteous flower,  Iris all hues, roses, and jessamine,  Rear"d high their flourished heads between, and wrought  Mosaic; under foot the violet,  Crocus, and hyacinth, with rich inlay  Broidered the ground, more coloured than the stone  Of costliest emblem: Other creature here,  Beast, bird, insect, or worm, durst enter none;  Such was their awe of Man. In shadier bower  More sacred and sequestered, though but feigned  Pan or Sylvanus never slept, nor nymph,  Nor Faunus haunted. Here, in close recess,  With flowers, garlands, and sweet-smelling herbs,  Espousèd Eve decked first her nuptial bed  And heavenly quires the hymenean sung,  What day the genial Angel to our sire  Brought her, in naked beauty more adorned,  More lovely than Pandora, whom the Gods  Endowed with all their gifts, and, O! too like  In sad event, when to the unwiser son  Of Japhet brought by Hermes, she ensnared  Mankind with her fair looks, to be avenged  On him who had stole Jove"s authentic fire.  Thus at their shady lodge arrived, both stood,  Both turned, and under open sky adored  The God that made both sky, air, earth and heaven  Which they beheld, the moon"s resplendent globe,  And starry pole: "Thou also madest the night,  Maker Omnipotent; and thou the day,  Which we in our appointed work employed,  Have finished, happy in our mutual help  And mutual love, the crown of all our bliss  Ordained by thee; and this delicious place,  For us too large, where thy abundance wants  Partakers, and uncropt falls to the ground.  But thou hast promised from us two a race  To fill the earth, who shall with us extol  They goodness infinite, both when we wake  And when we seek, as now, the gift of sleep."  This said unanimous, and other rites  Observing none, but adoration pure  Which God likes best, into their inmost bower  Handed they went; and eased the putting off  Those troublesome disguises which we wear,  Straight side by side were laid; nor turned, I ween,  Adam from his fair spouse, nor Eve the rites  Mysterious of connubial love refused:  Whatever hypocrites austerely talk  Of purity, and place, and innocence,  Defaming as impure what God declares  Pure, and commands to some, leaves free to all.  Our Maker bids increase; who bids abstain  But our destroyer, foe to God and Man?  Hail, wedded Love, mysterious law, true source  Of human offspring, sole propriety  In Paradise, of all things common else!  By thee adult"rous love was driven from men  Among the bestial herds to range; by thee,  Founded in reason, loyal, just and pure,  Relations dear, and all the charities  Of father, son, and brother, first were known.  Far be it that I should write thee sin or blame,  Or think the unbefitting holiest place  Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets,  Whose bed is undefiled and chaste pronounced,  Present or past, as saints and patriarchs used!  Here love his golden shafts employs, here lights  His constant lamp, and waves his purple wings,  Reigns here and revels; not in the bought smile  Of harlots, loveless, joyless, unendeared,  Casual fruition: nor in court amours  Mixed dance, or wanton mask, or midnight ball,  Or serenade, which the starved lover sings  To his proud fair, best quitted with disdain.  These lulled by nightingales embracing slept,  And on their naked limbs the flow"ry roof  Showered roses, which the morn repaired. Sleep on,  Blest pair! and, O! yet happiest if ye seek  No happier state, and know to know no more!  "The First Love of Adam and Eve" is reprinted from Paradise Lost. John Milton. London: S. Simmons, 1671.
2023-07-07 16:44:551


2023-07-07 16:45:361


第六集。《名姝》(Harlots),是由Alison Newman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和Jill Robertson联合执导,Bronwyn James和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。剧情简介:1763年的伦敦正处于经济蓬勃发展的阶段,但与此同时,伦敦城里近五分之一的女性需要通过卖淫来维系生存。当时的女性如果想要获得优渥的经济待遇,要么嫁一个好老公,要么就是成为妓女。这个城市的妓院被玛格丽特·威尔斯(Margaret Wells)和莉迪亚·奎格利(Lydia Quigley)这样的残酷女商人们所把持。而一本名为《考文特花园哈利品花谱》的手册会对当时的妓女进行点评,而在电视剧的首集里,一些妓女也会阅读这本手册并发表看法。
2023-07-07 16:46:122


2023-07-07 16:46:261


2023-07-07 16:46:321


名姝 1-3季全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XHeSYQ65J4sJz_liGUNutA?pwd=7yxn 提取码: 7yxn简介:《名姝》(Harlots),是由Alison Newman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和Jill Robertson联合执导,Bronwyn James和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。
2023-07-07 16:46:541


如下:首先一开始法伦和露西见面是在一场舞会上,露西弹钢琴的样子吸引了法伦,使他对露西产生好感(但现在感觉可能当时法伦故意接近露西应该是别有目的)印象最深的,也是露西在第一季被喷的最多的就是作,无时无刻的作。而我认为这个作除了和她被教育的方式有关外,她被法伦喂石榴的变态方式也有一定关系,毕竟当她不断的接触阴暗面时,作为一个一直被保护的小女孩下意识的就想逃避,而这也为接下来她失手杀人做了铺垫。而法伦在露西迷茫无措的时候也逐渐揭示了他的身份谜团,我比较赞成有位评论者的分析,那就是法伦作为上流社会黑暗集团的一员,比下风光,比上如狗,这也可以解释为什么在第二季中他被另一个贵族警告与试探。第一季关于他俩感情戏并没有多少,更加突出表现的是两个人不同的性格特点,当然最后露西在南茜的帮助下重新出发,为第二季他俩感情线的发展做铺垫。还有其实我比较在意一句话,就是法伦对露西说“我想要成为你第一个keeper” ,我感觉那也暗示着法伦极有可能在这一季里领便当,因为法伦仅是露西生命中的一个拥有者,人生中的一个过客,而且最新一集上层者对法伦办事不利已经不耐烦,处处试探。《名姝》(Harlots),是由Alison Newman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和Jill Robertson联合执导,Bronwyn James和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。1763年的伦敦正处于经济蓬勃发展的阶段,但与此同时,伦敦城里近五分之一的女性需要通过卖淫来维系生存。当时的女性如果想要获得优渥的经济待遇,要么嫁一个好老公,要么就是成为妓女。这个城市的妓院被玛格丽特·威尔斯(Margaret Wells)和莉迪亚·奎格利(Lydia Quigley)这样的残酷女商人们所把持。而一本名为《考文特花园哈利品花谱》的手册会对当时的妓女进行点评,而在电视剧的首集里,一些妓女也会阅读这本手册并发表看法。但是为了弘扬新道德,宗教狂热份子们要求关闭妓院,而警察们则在狂热下野蛮地攻击妓女。玛格丽特·威尔斯决心将自己的妓院搬迁到苏豪区(Soho)的希腊街(Greek Street),以服务那里的贵族阶级并进而获得更好的收益。但是她的行动因为宗教分子的冲击而失败,为了100英镑的罚款,她不得不拍卖了她二女儿露西(Lucy)的初夜权,就像她曾经在大女儿夏洛特(Charlotte)12岁时拍卖了她的初夜权一样。夏洛特是糊涂爵士乔治·霍华德(Sir George Howard)的情人,而霍华德希望和夏洛特签署一份协议,成为夏洛特的主人。玛格丽特搬迁自己妓院前往希腊街的举动遭到了莉迪亚·奎格利的反对,莉迪亚和玛格丽特一样曾经都是妓女。和玛格丽特的低等妓院不同,莉迪亚在黄金广场经营着一家高档妓院,专为法官和高级警官等上流社会人士服务。为了破坏玛格丽特的计划,她写了一封举报黑函给某位宗教狂热分子。
2023-07-07 16:47:071


1763年的伦敦正处于经济蓬勃发展的阶段,但与此同时,伦敦城里近五分之一的女性需要透过卖淫来维系生存。当时的女性如果想要获得优渥的经济待遇,要么嫁一个好老公,要么就是成为妓女。这个城市的妓院被玛格丽特·威尔斯(Margaret Wells)和莉迪亚·奎格利(Lydia Quigley)这样的残酷女商人们所把持。而一本名为《考文特花园哈利品花谱》的手册会对当时的妓女进行点评,而在电视剧的首集里,一些妓女也会阅读这本手册并发表看法。但是为了弘扬新道德,宗教狂热份子们要求关闭妓院,而警察们则在狂热下野蛮地攻击妓女。玛格丽特·威尔斯决心将自己的妓院搬迁到希腊街的苏豪区,以服务那里的贵族阶级并进而获得更好的收益。但是她的行动因为宗教分子的冲击而失败,为了100英镑的罚款,她不得不拍卖了她二女儿露西(Lucy)的初夜权,就像她曾经在大女儿夏洛特(Charlotte)12岁时拍卖了她的初夜权。夏洛特是糊涂爵士乔治·霍华德(Sir George Howard)的情人,而霍华德希望和夏洛特签署一份协议,使夏洛特成为自己的“保密人”。 玛格丽特搬迁自己妓院前往希腊街的举动遭到了莉迪亚·奎格利的反对,莉迪亚和玛格丽特一样曾经都是妓女。和玛格丽特的低等妓院不同,莉迪亚在黄金广场经营着一家高档妓院,专为法官和高级警官等上流社会人士服务。为了破坏玛格丽特的计划,她写了一封举报黑函给某位宗教狂热分子。
2023-07-07 16:47:252


【典故出处】:明 谢谠 《 四喜记 天祐阴功 》:「眼前之报,男盗女娼,灭门绝户,日后之报。」 【 成语 意思】:盗:盗贼;娼: *** 。男的是盗贼;女的是娼妓。 形容 男女思想极其腐朽败坏;尽做坏事。 【成语注音】:ㄣㄢˊ ㄉㄠˋ ㄋㄩˇ ㄔㄤ 【通用拼音】:nan dao nǚ chāng 【拼音简写】:NDNC 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:男盗女娼,联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义。 【成语 结构 】:联合式成语 【成语辨形】:娼,不能写作「昌」或「媪」。 【 英语翻译 】:behave like thieves and prostitutes <the male are robbers and the female harlots> 【 日语翻译 】:男はどろぼう,女は女郎,〈喻〉一家の人はろくな人间がいない 【 俄语翻译 】:прожжёные негодяи 【其他翻译】:<德>sich wie Banditen und Huren auffuhren <durch und durch schurkisch und verdorben> 【 成语谜语 】:偷鸡 【近义词】:狗彘不知、行同狗彘 【反义词】:正人君子 【成语例句】:口 上仁 义礼智,心里男盗女娼。( 鲁迅 《坟 论「他妈的!」 》)
2023-07-07 16:48:001


IT RAINED FOR four years eleven months and o days. There were periods of drizzle during which everyone put on his full dress and a convalescent look to celebrate the clearing but the people soon grew accustomed to interpret the pauses as a sign of redoubled rain. The sky crumbled into a set of destructive storms and out of the north came hurricanes that scattered roofs about and knocked down walls and uprooted every last plant of the banana groves. Just as during the insomnia plague as ?rsula came to remember during those days the calamity itself inspired defenses against boredom. Aureliano Segundo was one of those who worked hardest not to be conquered by idleness. He had gone home for some minor matter on the night that Mr. Brown unleashed the storm and Fernanda tried to help him with a half-blown-out umbrella that she found in a closet. “I don"t need it ?he said. “I"ll stay until it clears.?That was not of course an ironclad promise but he would acplish it literally. Since his clothes were at Petra Cotes"s every three days he would take off what he had on and wait in his shorts until they washed. In order not to bee bored he dedicated himself to the task of repairing the many things that needed fixing in the house. He adjusted hinges oiled locks screwed knockers tight and planed doorjambs. For several months he was seen wandering about with a toolbox that the gypsies must have left behind in Jos?Arcadio Buendía"s days and no one knew whether because of the involuntary exercise the winter tedium or the imposed abstinence but his belly was deflating little by little like a wineskin and his face of a beatific tortoise was being less bloodshot and his double chin less prominent until he became less pachydermic all over and was able to tie his own shoes again. Watching him putting in latches and repairing clocks Fernanda wondered whether or not he too might be falling into the vice of building so that he could take apart like Colonel Aureliano Buendía and his little gold fishes Amaranta and her shroud and her buttons Jos?Arcadio and the parchments and ?rsula and her memories. But that was not the case. The worst part was that the rain was affecting everything and the driest of machines would have flowers popping out among their gears if they were not oiled every three days and the threads in brocades rusted and wet clothing would break out in a rash of saffron-colored moss. The air was so damp that fish could have e in through the doors and swum out the windows floating through the atmosphere in the rooms. One morning ?rsula woke up feeling that she was reaching her end in a placid swoon and she had already asked them to take her to Father Antonio Isabel even if it had to be on a stretcher when Santa Sofía de la Piedad discovered that her back was paved with leeches. She took them off one by one crushing them with a firebrand before they bled her to death. It was necessary to dig c *** s to get the water out of the house and rid it of the frogs and snails so that they could dry the floors and take the bricks from under the bedposts and walk in shoes once more. Occupied with the many *** all details that called for his attention Aureliano Segundo did not realize that he was getting old until one afternoon when he found himself contemplating the premature dusk from a rocking chair and thinking about Petra Cotes without quivering. There would have been no problem in going back to Fernanda"s insipid love because her beauty had bee solemn with age but the rain had spared him from all emergencies of passion and had filled him with the spongy serenity of a lack of appetite. He amused himself thinking about the things that he could have done in other times with that rain which had already lasted a year. He had been one of the first to bring zinc sheets to Macondo much earlier than their popularization by the banana pany simply to roof Petra Cotes"s bedroom with them and to take pleasure in the feeling of deep intimacy that the sprinkling of the rain produced at that even those wild memories of his mad youth left him unmoved just as during his last debauch he had exhausted his quota of salaciousness and all he had left was the marvelous gift of being able to remember it without bitterness or repentance. It might have been thought that the deluge had given him the opportunity to sit and reflect and that the business of the pliers and the oilcan had awakened in him the tardy yearning of so many useful trades that he might have followed in his life and did not; but neither case was true because the temptation of a sedentary domesticity that was besieging him was not the result of any rediscovery or moral lesion. it came from much farther off unearthed by the rain"s pitchfork from the days when in Melquíades?room he would read the prodigious fables about flying carpets and whales that fed on entire ships and their crews. It was during those days that in a moment of carelessness little Aureliano appeared on the porch and his grandfather recognized the secret of his identity. He cut his hair dressed him taught him not to be afraid of people and very soon it was evident that he was a legitimate Aureliano Buendía with his high cheekbones his startled look and his solitary air. It was a relief for Fernanda. For some time she had measured the extent of her pridefulness but she could not find any way to remedy it because the more she thought of solutions the less rational they seemed to her. If she had known that Aureliano Segundo was going to take things the way he did with the fine pleasure of a grandfather she would not have taken so many turns or got so mixed up but would have freed herself from mortification the year before Amaranta ?rsula who already had her second teeth thought of her nephew as a scurrying toy who was a consolation for the tedium of the rain. Aureliano Segundo remembered then the English encyclopedia that no one had since touched in Meme"s old room. He began to show the children the pictures especially those of animals and later on the mapsand photographs of remote countries and famous people. Since he did not know any English and could identify only the most famous cities and people he would invent names and legends to satisfy the children"s insatiable curiosity. Fernanda really believed that her hu *** and was waiting for it to clear to return to his concubine. During the first months of the rain she was afraid that he would try to slip into her bedroom and that she would have to undergo the shame of revealing to him that she was incapable of reconciliation since the birth of Amaranta ?rsula. That was the reason for her anxious correspondence with the invisible doctors interrupted by frequent disasters of the mail. During the first months when it was learned that the trains were jumping their tracks in the rain a letter from the invisible doctors told her that hers were not arriving. Later on when contact with the unknown correspondents was broken she had seriously thought of putting on the tiger mask that her hu *** and had worn in the bloody carnival and having herself examined under a fictitious name by the banana pany doctors. But one of the many people who regularly brought unpleasant news of the deluge had told her that the pany was di *** antling its dispensaries to move them to where it was not raining. Then she gave up hope. She resigned herself to waiting until the rain stopped and the mail service was back to normal and in the meantime she sought relief from her secret ailments with recourse to her imagination because she would rather have died than put herself in the hands of the only doctor left in Macondo the extravagant Frenchman who ate grass like a donkey. She drew close to ?rsula trusting that she would know of some palliative for her attacks. But her isted habit of not calling things by their names made her put first things last and use “expelled?for “gave birth?and “burning?for “flow?so that it would all be less shameful with the result that ?rsula reached the reasonable conclusion that her trouble was intestinal rather than uterine and she advised her to take a dose of calomel on an empty stomach. If it had not been for that suffering which would have had nothing shameful about it for someone who did not suffer as well from shamefulness and if it had not been for the loss of the letters the rain would not have bothered Fernanda because after all her whole life had been spent as if it had been raining. She did not change her schedule or modify her ritual. When the table was still raised up on bricks and the chairs put on planks so that those at the table would not get their feet wet she still served with linen tablecloths and fine chinaware and with lighted candles because she felt that the calamities should not be used as a pretext for any relaxation in customs. No one went out into the street any more. If it had depended on Fernanda they would never have done so not only since it started raining but since long before that because she felt that doors had been invented to stay closed and that curiosity for what was going on in the street was a matter for harlots. Yet she was the first one to look out when they were told that the funeral procession for Colonel Gerineldo Márquez was passing by and even though she only watched it through the half-opened window it left her in such a state of affliction that for a long time she repented in her weakness. She could not have conceived of a more desolate cortege. They had put the coffin in an oxcart over which they built a canopy of banana leaves but the pressure of the rain was so intense and the streets so muddy that with every step the wheels got stuck and the covering was on the verge of falling apart. The streams of sad water that fell on the coffin were soaking the flag that had been placed on top which was actually the flag stained with blood and gunpowder that had been rejected by more honorable veterans. On the coffin they had also placed the saber with tassels of silver and copper the same one that Colonel Gerineldo Márquez used to hang on the coat rack in order to go into Amaranta"s sewing room unarmed. Behind the cart some barefoot and all of them with their pants rolled up splashing in the mud were the last survivors of the surrender at Neerlandia carrying a drover"s staff in one hand and in the other a wreath of paper flowers that had bee discolored in the rain. They appeared like an unreal vision along the street which still bore the name of Colonel Aureliano Buendía and they all looked at the house as they passed and turned the corner at the square where they had to ask for help to move the cart which was stuck. ?rsula had herself carried to the door by Santa Sofía de la Piedad. She followed the difficulties of the procession with such attention that no one doubted that she was seeing it especially because her raised hand of an archangelic messenger was moving with the swaying of the cart.
2023-07-07 16:48:071

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Mayonaise》 歌词

歌曲名:Mayonaise歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamFool enough to almost be itCool enough to not quite see itDoomedPick your pocket full of sorrowRun away with me tomorrowJuneWe"ll try and ease the painSomehow we"ll feel the sameWell, no one knowsWhere our secrets goI send a heart to all my deariesWhen your life is so, so drearyDreamI"m rumored to the straight and narrowWhile the harlots of my perilsScreamAnd I failBut when I can, I willTry to understandThe way I can, I willMother weep the years I"m missingAll our time can"t be givenBackShut my mouth and strike the demonsCursed you and your reasonsOut of hand and out of seasonOut of love and out of feelingSo badWhen I can, I willWords defy the plansWhen I can, I willFool enough to almost be itCool enough to not quite see itTall enough to always feel itAlways older, I"ll always feel thisNo more promise no more sorrowNo longer will I followCan anybody hear meI just want to be meWhen I can, I willTry to understandThe way I can, I willhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647342
2023-07-07 16:48:141


男盗女娼的解释[behave like thieves and prostitutes;the male are robbers and the female harlots] 男的做盗贼,女的做娼妓。借指行为卑劣肮脏 详细解释 亦作“ 男盗女娼 ”。1.詈词。男的做强盗,女的当娼妓。 形容 没有一个 好人 。 明 谢谠 《四喜记· 天佑 阴功》 :“眼前之报, 男盗女娼 ;灭门绝户,日后之报。” 鲁迅 《伪 自由 书·赌咒》 :“‘天诛地灭, 男盗女娼 "--是 中国 人赌咒的经典, 几乎 像诗 云子 曰一样。” (2).形容 品质 行为 卑鄙 恶劣 。 《二十年目睹之怪 现状 》 第四回:“据他说起来,这两个道台、一个知县的行径,官场中竟是 男盗女娼 的了。” 老舍 《蛤藻集·且说屋里》 :“无父无君, 男盗女娼 的 一群 东西 。” 曹禺 《雷雨》 第三幕:“ 文明 词越用得多,心里头越 男盗女娼 , 王八蛋 !” 见“ 男盗女娼 ”。 词语分解 男的解释 男 á 阳性的人:男性。男人。男孩。男女 平等 。 儿子 :长(僴 )男。 封建 制度 五等爵位的第五等:男爵。 女 部首 :田; 娼的解释 娼 ā 妓女:娼妓。娼寮( * 。亦称“娼窑”)。 古同“倡”,唱戏的女子。。 部首:女。
2023-07-07 16:48:211


男做盗贼,女为娼妓。 形容 男女都做坏事或 思想 极其腐朽卑劣。 成语出处: 鲁迅《坟·论“他 妈的 !”》:“口上 仁义 礼智,心里 男盗女娼 。” 注音: ㄣㄢˊ ㄉㄠˋ ㄋㄩˇ ㄔㄤ 男盗女娼的近义词: 狗彘不知 行同狗彘 旧时指人无耻,行为和猪狗一样。 男盗女娼的反义词: 正人君子 ∶品行端正而无私的人 ∶现在常用来讽刺假装正经的角色现在正有许多正人君子和革命文学家,用明枪暗箭, 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 贬义成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: behave like thieves and prostitutes <the male are robbers and the female harlots> 俄语翻译: прожжёные негодяи 日语翻译: 男はどろぼう,女は女郎,〈喩〉一家の人はろくな人间がいない 其他翻译: <德>sich wie banditen und huren aufführen <durch und durch schurkisch und verdorben> 成语谜语: 偷鸡 写法注意: 娼,不能写作“昌”或“媪”。
2023-07-07 16:48:271

名姝的解释 名姝的解释是什么

名姝的词语解释是:著名的美女。 名姝的词语解释是:著名的美女。 注音是:ㄇ一ㄥ_ㄕㄨ。 拼音是:míng shū。 结构是:名(上下结构)姝(左右结构)。名姝的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、引证解释【点此查看计划详细内容】⒈著名的美女。唐李希济《妖妄传·张和》:“蜀郡豪家,富拟卓郑。引蜀之名姝,无不毕致。”宋文天祥《名姝吟》:“名姝从何来,婉_出神京。”清李渔《蜃中楼·述异》:“访名姝,_尽花街。”廖仲恺《<全民政治论>译本序》:“而场内演_后之_兴,则有名姝之音乐会,舞蹈会。”二、国语词典著名的美女。三、网络解释名姝(2017年Hulu制作英剧)《名姝》(Harlots),是由AlisonNewman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和JillRobertson联合执导,BronwynJames和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。名姝(汉语词汇)名姝是一个汉语词语,拼音是mínɡshū,释义:指著名的美女。该词语在文天祥的《名姝吟》有记载:“名姝从何来,婉娈出神京。”关于名姝的诗词《名姝咏》《闻歌·流云行水出名姝》《秋思·荷塘为括苍名姝求赋其听雨小阁》关于名姝的诗句江南到处名姝少绕秋池名姝偃仰绝代名姝聘玉尘关于名姝的成语驰名当世驰名天下钓名沽誉变名易姓钓名欺世臭名昭彰砥厉名号驰名中外砥砺名号师出无名关于名姝的词语驰名中外钓誉沽名钓名欺世驰名当世驰名天下变名易姓师出无名砥厉名号利绾名牵砥砺名号点此查看更多关于名姝的详细信息
2023-07-07 16:48:341

名姝的成语 名姝的成语是什么

名姝的成语有:驰名中外,钓名欺世,暖暖姝姝。 名姝的成语有:驰名当世,臭名昭彰,钓名沽誉。2:注音是、ㄇ一ㄥ_ㄕㄨ。3:拼音是、míng shū。4:结构是、名(上下结构)姝(左右结构)。名姝的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】著名的美女。二、引证解释⒈著名的美女。唐李希济《妖妄传·张和》:“蜀郡豪家,富拟卓郑。引蜀之名姝,无不毕致。”宋文天祥《名姝吟》:“名姝从何来,婉_出神京。”清李渔《蜃中楼·述异》:“访名姝,_尽花街。”廖仲恺《<全民政治论>译本序》:“而场内演_后之_兴,则有名姝之音乐会,舞蹈会。”三、国语词典著名的美女。四、网络解释名姝(2017年Hulu制作英剧)《名姝》(Harlots),是由AlisonNewman和莫伊拉·布菲尼编剧,科奇·吉尔佐、琪娜·木杨和JillRobertson联合执导,BronwynJames和亚力克莎·戴维斯领衔主演的剧情类英剧。名姝(汉语词汇)名姝是一个汉语词语,拼音是mínɡshū,释义:指著名的美女。该词语在文天祥的《名姝吟》有记载:“名姝从何来,婉娈出神京。”关于名姝的诗词《名姝咏·阿娇年未多》《名姝咏》《秋思·荷塘为括苍名姝求赋其听雨小阁》关于名姝的诗句绝代名姝悲失路遣名姝绝代名姝聘玉尘关于名姝的词语利绾名牵砥砺名号钓誉沽名师出无名策名就列砥厉名号不务空名变名易姓臭名昭彰驰名中外点此查看更多关于名姝的详细信息
2023-07-07 16:48:401

求初音 千本桜英文版歌词

ti:千本桜]  [ar:初音ミク]  [al:]  [by:]  [00:01.75]千本桜  [00:07.31]  [00:07.81]作词:黒うさP  [00:10.50]作曲:黒うさP  [00:13.74]编曲:黒うさP  [00:16.98]呗:Miku  [00:20.60]Powered by ①Kings|蕾米莉亚 4528732522  [00:34.00]With a bold and sudden calling  [00:35.90]Western Revolution"s starting  [00:37.00]Let our hearts be open to it  [00:38.50]Pacifist nation  [00:40.00]Riding on a penny-farthing  [00:42.24]It"s the flag of our sun rising  [00:43.50]Warding evil spirits like an  [00:45.36]I C B M  [00:46.20]On the train tracks, running along the line  [00:49.30]Let us move forward. Don"t look behind  [00:52.27]Boys and girls becoming like samurai  [00:55.47]Just like those from our previous life  [00:58.30]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [01:00.60]Dwingling in the light  [01:01.60]Though I can"t hear your voice  [01:03.67]Keep what I say in mind  [01:04.80]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see,  [01:07.60]Looking down at us from that big guillotine  [01:11.10]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know  [01:14.73]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore  [01:17.05]We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies  [01:20.60]Go ahead,keep shooting,with the ray gun,fight!  [01:23.17] [01:29.17] [01:33.17] [01:36.17]Veterans who"ve trained through  [01:37.60]Struggles are now officers in battle  [01:39.48]Here and there,we ss the harlots in procession  [01:42.32]This one, that one, doesn"t matter,  [01:44.30]Every single person gathers  [01:45.59]March on to our saintly deaths now!  [01:47.84]1 2 3 4  [01:48.60]Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks  [01:51.31]Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends  [01:55.64]Surely this will end in a denouement  [07:57.60]Among the crowds giving their applause  [02:00.20]千本桜 夜ニ纷レ  [02:03.63]君ノ声モ届カナイヨ  [02:07.50]此処は宴 钢の槛  [02:10.47]その断头台で见下ろして  [02:13.26]Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know  [02:16.32]The lament that you sing can"t reach ears anymore  [02:19.45]We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope  [02:22.64]Go ahead,keep shooting,use the flashing bolt!  [02:25.60]Music...  [02:35.44] [02:45.44] [02:55.44] [03:05.44]  [03:08.10]1 2 3 4  [03:10.25]On the train tracks, running along the line  [03:12.23]Let us move forward.Don"t look behind.  [03:15.13]Boys and girls becoming like samural  [03:18.40]Just like those from our previous life [03:20.05]..................................................................  [03:23.05]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [03:25.00]Dwingling in the light  [03:26.38]Though I can"t hear your voice  [03:28.31]Keep what I say in mind  [03:29.22]This bouqust that surrounds is iron posion,see,  [03:32.39]Leaping down to us from that big guillotine. [03:35.35]Thousands of cherry blossoms  [03:37.10]Dwindling in the light  [03:38.57]Once your song can be heard,  [03:40.14]We"ll dance with all our might  [03:42.23]This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison,see, [03:45.23]Go ahead,keep shooting,with that ray gun,lead [03:49.23] [04:28.23]终わり
2023-07-07 16:48:471

Mayonaise (Acoustic) (Live Everywhere, 1988-1994) 歌词

歌曲名:Mayonaise (Acoustic) (Live Everywhere, 1988-1994)歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesFool enough to almost be itCool enough to not quite see itDoomedPick your pocket full of sorrowRun away with me tomorrowJuneWe"ll try and ease the painSomehow we"ll feel the sameWell, no one knowsWhere our secrets goI send a heart to all my deariesWhen your life is so, so drearyDreamI"m rumored to the straight and narrowWhile the harlots of my perilsScreamAnd I failBut when I can, I willTry to understandThe way I can, I willMother weep the years I"m missingAll our time can"t be givenBackShut my mouth and strike the demonsCursed you and your reasonsOut of hand and out of seasonOut of love and out of feelingSo badWhen I can, I willWords defy the plansWhen I can, I willFool enough to almost be itCool enough to not quite see itTall enough to always feel itAlways older, I"ll always feel thisNo more promise no more sorrowNo longer will I followCan anybody hear meI just want to be meWhen I can, I willTry to understandThe way I can, I willhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2699014
2023-07-07 16:48:531