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2023-07-09 13:43:03
TAG: uss


discuss是讨论、论述、辩论的意思。discuss的第三人称单数形式是discusses,过去式形式是discussed,过去分词形式是discussed,现在分词形式是discussing。包含discuss的短语有discuss with与……讨论(某题目)。可造句子如下:

1、The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.


2、Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.


3、The magazine"s aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.


4、All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.




2023-07-09 12:29:021


politics英 [ˈpɒlətɪks] 美 [ˈpɑ:lətɪks] n.政治;政治事务;政治观点;权术
2023-07-09 12:29:222

Politburo Standing Committee 怎么翻译

2023-07-09 12:29:302


解放和发展生产力 to liberate and expand productive forces解放思想,实事求是 to emancipate the mind and seek truths from facts紧跟时代步伐 to keep abreast of the times经受住权力,金钱和美色的考验 to withstand the test of power, money and sexual temptations纠正不正之网 to correct unhealthy practices 纠正党风 to rectify the Party style 纠正有令不行,有禁不止的现象 to check the tendency to disobey orders and defy prohibitionsX 届全国人大X次会议 the X Session of the X National People"s Congress旧的中央计划经济体制 the old-style central planning stystem救国救民的道路 a path of salvaging the country and the nation举手表决 to vote by a show of hands具有公仆意思 to have public servant consciousness决不搞官僚主义,形式主义,强迫命令 never indulge in bureaucracy, formalism and coercion军民共建,警民共建精神文明创建活动 ethical and cultural building activities with the joint efforts of the military, the police and the civilians开创了具有中国特色社会主义事业,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴开创了正确道路 The initiation of the cause of building socilism with Chinese characteristics is a correct road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.开后门 to secure advantages for others by using one"s power unrighteously开拓创新精神 the pioneering spirit科学决策制度 a scientific policy-making system可持续发展道路 a path of sustainable development 克服不正之风 to overcome the unhealthy tendencies跨世纪宏伟蓝图 a monumental trans-century blueprint 宽松的政治环境 flexible political environment傀儡政府 puppet government拉关系 trying to establish underhand connections for the sake of personal gain拉选票 canvass立场坚定 to take a firm stand/to be steadfast in one"s stand联合公报 joint communique 联合政府 coalition government 廉洁奉公 to be honest in performing one"s official duties廉洁自律 clean and honest 廉政,勤政,务实,高效的政府 an honest, diligent, pragramatic and high efficient government廉政建设 to build a clean and honest government新官上任三把火 New brooms sweep clean.新老交替 to replace old cadres with new ones行政处分 administrative discipline punishment 新闻发布会 press conference行政干预 intervene administratively行政管理权 executive power 行政机关 administrative departments形成一种制度确保领导班子年轻化 to institute a system to ensure that a younger leadership is maintained选拔与培养 selection and nurturing 要搞群言堂,反对一言堂 to advocate "letting everyone have his say" and oppose the practice of "whatever I say goes"要自重,自省,自警,自励,始终注意讲学习,讲政治,讲正气to main a high degree of self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation, and always attach importance to study, political awareness and integrity.一刀切 to impose uniformity on all enterprises/to find a simple solution for all diverse problems一放就乱,一管就死 let up and it"s chaos, but crack down and it"s stagnation"一个中国”原则 "One China" principle一个中心,两个基本点 one central task and two basic points 一贯立场 consistent stand一国两制 one country, two systems一切向钱看 put money above all else一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明 always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress一元化领导 centralized leadership 一支党领导下的人民军队 a people"s army under the absolute leadership of the party依法行政 administration according to law依法制国 to govern the country according to law以德制国 to run the country with morality 以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人 to persevere in arming the people with scientific theories, guiding them with correct public opinions, shaping their outlook with noble ideas, and inspiring them with good cultural works.以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治 hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over weak因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 to suit our measures to different conditions in terms of localities, time, issue and people involved有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律 lofty ideas, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline有职有权 to enjoy authority eommensurate with their posts舆论监督 watchdog与党中央保持一致 to be at one with the Party Central Committee政风 style of the government 政府层次繁多 administrations with multi-tiered government departments政府大改组 government shake-up政府支持体系 a policy support framwork政界人士 government circles 政局动荡 political upheavals政治多元化 political pluralism政治解决轨道 track of a political solution 政治局 politburo =political bureau政治局常务委员会委员 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC政治敏锐性 political sharpness政法骗局 political fraud 政治骗子 political swindler支持适应市场经济的进一步改革 to support further market-oriented economic reforms制定反贪法规 to institute anti-corruption legislation制定更灵活的政策 to institute more flexible policies中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference 中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation中华民族的一切爱国力量 all the patriotic forces of the Chinese nation终身职务制 lifelong tenure自律机制 the self-restraining system 自主决策 to enjoy decision making autonomy 综合国力 comprehensive national strength政治庇护 political asylum 总揽全局 to grasp the overall situation走过场 just go through the motions 最广泛的爱国统一战线 the broadest possible patriotic united front
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分以下类别:1. 第一个单词词尾如果有重复的辅音字母,则被“精简”掉一个。举例如下:almost 来源于 all + mostalready 来源于 all + readyaltogether 来源于 all + togetheradverb 来源于 add + verb = 附加给动词 = 修饰动词的词walnut 来源于 wall + nut = 墙壁 + 坚果 = 核桃welcome 来源于 well + comewelfare 来源于 well + fare = 良好的 + 伙食 = 福利mistake 来源于 miss + takemisunderstand 来源于 miss + understand = 未命中的 + 理解 = 误解2. 第一个单词词尾的元音字母 y 改变为 i 。举例如下:manifold 来源于 many + fold (多种用途)holiday 来源于 holy + day = 神圣的 +日子 = 假日但是不是绝对的。如:anybody, anyhow, anyone, anytime,anyway, anywhere 中的 y 就不变更。2.第一个单词词尾的字母 与 第二个单词词首的字母相同,则省略一个字母。举例如下:Churchill 丘吉尔, 来源于 church + hill = 教堂 + 小山history 来源于 his + storymisspell 来源于 miss + spellmisspend 来源于 miss + spendmisstate 来源于 miss + statewherever 来源于 where + ever4. 第一个单词词尾被简化。举例如下:island 来源于 isolated + land = 被隔绝的土地 = 岛屿politburo 来源于 political + bureau = 政治局Saturday 来源于 Saturn + day = 土星日 = 星期六hydroelectric 来源于 hydraulic + electric = 水利发电pedicab来源于 pedal + cab = 脚踏的 + 车 = 货运三轮车
2023-07-09 12:29:492


Through the people"s efforts to disaster finally built in 2 as long as the politburo,surmount 3 areas will be better
2023-07-09 12:29:581


  会议是人们为了解决某个共同的问题或出于不同的目的聚集在一起进行讨论、交流的活动,它往往伴随着一定规模的人员流动和消费。那么你知道会议用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   会议英语说法1:   meeting    会议英语说法2:   conference    会议英语说法3:   congress    会议相关短语:   万隆会议 Asianu2013African Conference ;   日内瓦会议 Geneva Conference ;   华盛顿会议 Washington Naval Conference ;   洛桑会议 Lausanne Conference of 1932   亚琛会议 Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) ;   党团会议 caucus ;    会议英语例句:   1. We"ll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.   我们将去伯明翰参加会议,然后马上回来。   2. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   3. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.   俱乐部已经把会议日期改到1月22号,星期六。   4. The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.   代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。   5. The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London.   7个主要工业国家将在伦敦举行一年一度的会议。   6. Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting.   整个赛马业的代表都将参加这次会议。   7. But at the annual party conference he always made the right noises.   但在每年政党会议上,他总是随声附和。   8. Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.   今天举行的会议基本没有达成什么协议。   9. To an extent, that is the reason for the meeting.   在某种程度上,那就是召开这次会议的原因。   10. Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years.   数年来,杰克把参加这些会议当成是例行公事。   11. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.   英国工党的年度会议今天在布赖顿闭幕。   12. At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere.   这第二次会议至少起到了缓和气氛的作用。   13. The meeting had all the ingredients of high political drama.   这次会议具备了作为高度戏剧性的政治事件的一切要素。   14. The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991.   1988至1991年间,该委员会举行了14次会议。   15. He was not displeased at the way he had handled the meeting.   他对他主持会议的方式并无不满。
2023-07-09 12:30:061


  讨论,指就某一问题交换意见或进行辩论。下面就由我为大家带来关于讨论的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于讨论的相关短语   讨论 kick around   讨论 talk about   集体讨论group discussion   讨论底线 The Bottom Line of Discussion   讨论班 discussion class   讨论论坛 discussion forum   综合讨论 General Discussion   技术讨论 Technical Discussions   讨论法 discussion method;   讨论委员会 discussion committee   关于讨论的相关短句   talk out;   讨论透彻   discuss a question;   讨论一个问题   join in the discussion   参加讨论   关于讨论的相关例句   1. I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.   我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论。   2. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   3. Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.   有几个提案州议会正在讨论中。   4. Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory.   不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。   5. Their talks are expected to focus on arms control.   他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。   6. Council members are due to have informal discussions later on today.   委员会成员定于今日晚些时候进行非正式讨论。   7. Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.   查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。   8. The magazine"s aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.   该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。   9. A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.   关于工业为何陷入困境正在展开一场全面的讨论。   10. Throughout, she illustrates her analysis with excerpts from discussions.   自始至终,她摘引讨论内容来阐明她的分析。   11. After half an hour"s commis-eration, we turned to more practical matters.   惺惺相惜了半个小时后,我们转而讨论一些更为实际的问题。   12. Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrai-nian army.   建立一支拥有45万名士兵的乌克兰军队的计划被提出供讨论。   13. I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject.   讨论这个话题太尴尬,我不想让弗朗西斯难堪。   14. The two leaders will retire to Camp David for informal discussions.   两位领导人将到戴维营进行非正式讨论。   15. The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed.   实质性证据的性质和可用性毋庸讨论。   关于讨论的双语例句   他们讨论了气候和其他的话题。   They discussed the weather and other topics.   在内阁会议上讨论了这个问题。   The question was discussed in cabinet.   骑士们在小酒店里会合,讨论他们的计划。   The knights met in the tavern to discuss their plan.   他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。   They are discussing the morality of abortion.   那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。   The panel was chosen to take part in discussion.   我们一直就政治问题进行友好的讨论。   We"ve been having friendly argument on politics.   讨论会即讨论某一论题的聚会或会议。   A symposium is a meeting or conference ford discussion of a topic.   您还可以主持讨论板上的讨论。   You can also host discussions on a discussion board.   但这很重要,最好讨论讨论。   But these are important issues and it is better to broach them.
2023-07-09 12:30:211


Chou En-lai(also Zhou Enlai)Born: 1898 ADDied: 1976 AD, at 78 years of age.Nationality: ChineseCategories: None Chou En-lai 1898 - Born in Huaian, Kiangsu province, China-was a Chinese communist administrator who, as premier, organized and ran the central government of the peopleu2019s republic of China and personally directed the countryu2019s foreign affairs fore more than 25 years.1919-Zhou was an activist in the nationalistic May Fourth Movement.1920-he was arrested briefly.-later that year he went to France, where he joined the French branch of the Chinese communist party.1924-he returned to china and the next year married Deng Yingchao, an active revolutionary.1927-Zhou Enlai made many visits to the USSR.1935-his early specialty, military affairs, bought him into frequent conflict with Mao Zedong before Mao became party chairman.-Zhou Enlai was the Chinese communist partyu2019s best negotiator and one of the great diplomats of the 20th century.1937-1945-during the second SINO-JAPANESE WAR, he was the liaison representative of the communist force at the Kuomintang (Nationalist) capital.1950-high points of his later diplomacy include the Sino-Soviet friendship treaty.1955-the bandung conference of nonaligned nations.1972-signed with U.S. president Richard Nixon, and the Shanghai communique.1927-1976-Zhou Enlai served continuously on the politburo of the Chinese communist party.-as premier, he ran the government from 1949 until his death.-he held primary responsibility for foreign relations during those years and was influential in domestic affairs.1976- Died on January 8
2023-07-09 12:31:051


Stalin, JosephI INTRODUCTION Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), general secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, the despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the Soviet regime and shaped the direction of Europe after World War II ended in 1945.Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili in the town of Gori, Georgia, which at the time was part of the vast Russian Empire. He was the third and only surviving child of a cobbler and a housecleaner. In 1888 Stalin began attending the Gori Church School, where he learned Russian and excelled at his studies, winning a scholarship to the Tbilisi Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894.II YOUNG REVOLUTIONARY Stalin began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity. He was soon exposed to the radical ideas of fellow students, however, and began to read illegal literature based on the works of German political philosopher Karl Marx. In 1899, just as he was about to graduate, he gave up his religious education to devote his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. While employed as an accountant in Tbilisi, Stalin spread Marxist propaganda among railway workers on behalf of the local Social Democratic organization. After moving to the seaport of Bat"umi, where he organized a large workers" demonstration in 1902, Stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police. A year later he was sentenced to exile in the Russian region of Siberia. He soon managed to escape, however, and was back in Georgia by early 1904.When the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) split into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions in 1903, Stalin was drawn to the more militant Bolsheviks, who were led by Vladimir Lenin. In Georgia, where Menshevism predominated, Stalin soon gained a reputation as a belligerent and staunch follower of Lenin, whom he had first met in 1905 at a conference in Finland.In 1905 Stalin married Yekaterina Svanidze, a Georgian woman who died two years later. Stalin was arrested and exiled by imperial police in 1908 because of his illegal underground activities. His escape the next year was followed by further arrests, exiles, and secret trips abroad during the years leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. In 1912 Lenin elevated Stalin, who by this time had adopted the Russian pseudonym meaning “man of steel,” to the leading Bolshevik Party body, the Central Committee. At Lenin"s behest, Stalin wrote his chief theoretical work, Marxism and the National Question. Stalin was arrested and sent to Siberia before the essay was published in 1913.Stalin was released from exile upon the overthrow of the Russian monarchy in the February (or March, in the New Style calendar) phase of the Russian Revolution. He went to Petrograd (later Leningrad; now Saint Petersburg), where he became a member of the party"s Central Committee bureau. He then asserted editorial control over the party newspaper, Pravda (Truth).Although he did not play a prominent role in the Bolshevik takeover of the government in October (November, New Style), Stalin became a member of the new government"s Soviet (Council) of People"s Commissars (Russian acronym, Sovnarkom), heading the Commissariat for Nationality Affairs. Given the vital importance of nationality issues at a time when the Bolsheviks were trying to keep the territories of the former Russian Empire under their power, Stalin"s post was crucial to the Bolshevik victory in the ensuing Russian Civil War (1918-1921). He was elected a member of the Communist Party"s highest decision-making body, the Politburo, and the Central Committee"s Orgburo (Organizational Bureau) in 1919. As a political commissar in the Red Army during the height of the civil war, Stalin supervised military activities against the counterrevolutionary White forces along the western front that were led by General Pyotr Wrangel. During the war between Russia and Poland from 1920 to 1921, his decisions as a political commissar ended in disaster and led to a long-standing conflict with Commissar of War Leon Trotsky. Meanwhile, Stalin, whose first wife had died in 1907, married Nadezhda Alliluyeva in 1918 and moved with the government from Petrograd to Moscow.III SOVIET DICTATOR After the Bolshevik victory in the civil war, Stalin threw himself into organizational work and administrative tasks. Having served as commissar for state control since 1919, he continued this post until 1923, while in 1922 he was elected general secretary of the Communist Party, a position that gave him control over appointments and established a base for his political power. Stalin"s rude and aggressive behavior brought him into conflict with the ailing Lenin, who shortly before his death in 1924 wrote his political “testament” in which he voiced misgivings about Stalin. In the testament Lenin expressed doubt whether the party"s general secretary would use his authority with sufficient caution, and he called for Stalin"s removal from the post. Adroit political maneuvering enabled Stalin to have Lenin"s testament discounted and suppressed, however, while Lenin"s death freed Stalin to establish a ruling coalition with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinovyev, excluding Stalin"s rival Trotsky from the succession struggle. Stalin reversed his course in 1925 and joined with Nikolay Bukharin and Aleksey Rykov in a new coalition against his former partners, who in turn joined with Trotsky in 1926 to form an intraparty bloc against Stalin known as the “Left Opposition.” Once Stalin had succeeded in defeating these opponents, in 1928 he then turned against his former allies Bukharin and Rykov. By the end of 1929 Stalin had succeeded in political maneuvers that eliminated his political opponents and established him as the supreme leader of the USSR.IV DOMESTIC POLICIES In the late 1920s Stalin decided the New Economic Policy (NEP), which Lenin had introduced in 1921 to facilitate postwar economic recovery by encouraging limited private enterprise, no longer worked. The rate of economic growth was declining and peasants were not producing enough grain to satisfy demand. Instead of giving the peasants economic incentives to raise production, Stalin chose a policy that forced them into state-owned collective farms. Simultaneously, he pressed forward with a program of rapid industrialization, which began with the ambitious first Five-Year Plan in 1928. Stalin believed the Soviet Union had to industrialize rapidly in order to strengthen the Communist regime and enable the country to defend itself against foreign enemies. The plan, which was financed by exploiting resources in the countryside, resulted in the near collapse of Soviet agriculture and the deaths of millions of peasants from famine. Industrialization was achieved, but at great cost.Although his hold on absolute power was unchallenged by the early 1930s, Stalin worried about potential conspiracies against him, especially after the suicide of his second wife in late 1932. Stalin set in motion a massive purge of the party following the assassination of Leningrad party chief Sergey Kirov in December 1934, which many have speculated was masterminded by Stalin because he viewed Kirov as a threat. Although the purge began gradually, with selective arrests in 1934 and 1935, by 1936 the Soviet secret police were arresting and executing party members by the thousands. Highly publicized trials of leading party figures—including Kamenev, Zinovyev, and Bukharin—were staged in Moscow and resulted in their swift execution on trumped-up charges. In 1937 and 1938 the terror spread to all of Soviet society, including the military high command. Estimates of those arrested and executed from 1936 to 1938 in the Great Purge range between 1.5 million and 7 million. Countless others were imprisoned in forced labor camps. Winding down at the end of 1938, the purge left Stalin with a new generation of officials loyal to him alone. However, the decimation of the military ranks left the country more vulnerable to the threat from Adolf Hitler"s Germany during World War II.V FOREIGN POLICIES Although Stalin"s policy in the mid-1930s was to support the Communist International (Comintern) in forming a popular front against the rise of fascism in Europe, he gave up the idea of collective security with the West and in August 1939 decided upon an alliance with Nazi Germany. The “Secret Protocols” of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact carved up Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence; the Soviets allowed Germany to invade Poland in exchange for Hitler"s promised nonaggression against Soviet territory. Despite warnings, Stalin was taken by surprise in June 1941 when the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa, a three-pronged attack against the USSR. Although the Soviets were poorly prepared for the invasion and at first suffered huge losses, the country rallied behind Stalin, who assumed direct leadership of the war effort. Following their defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in January 1943, the Nazis lost the initiative and were finally forced to retreat in 1945, which allowed Soviet troops to move into Eastern Europe. Having obtained recognition from Allied governments of a Soviet sphere of influence in these newly liberated countries, Stalin established puppet Communist regimes and drew the so-called Iron Curtain between Eastern and Western Europe.In 1947 the Soviets established the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), an international body of Communist leaders that was to ensure conformity with the Soviet line. Yugoslavia was expelled from the alliance in 1948 after Stalin condemned renegade Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito for refusing to follow Soviet orders. That same year Moscow announced a blockade of Berlin, fueling the Cold War with the West. Stalin was determined to catch up with the United States in developing the atomic bomb; he ordered that no resources be spared toward that goal, which was achieved in August 1953, shortly after his death.A Final Years By 1950 Stalin"s mental and physical health had begun to deteriorate and he was absent from the Kremlin, the government headquarters in Moscow, for long periods of time. His subordinates were fearful of becoming victims of Stalin"s growing paranoia, which manifested itself in plans for another purge. In January 1953 Stalin ordered the arrest of a group of Kremlin doctors on charges of plotting the medical murder of high-level Soviet officials. Just as a renewal of mass terror seemed imminent, Stalin died of complications from a stroke in March. Although the nation was plunged into grief, Stalin"s political successors expressed relief and moved quickly to reverse some of the most brutal features of his regime. Nikita Khrushchev, who replaced Stalin as general secretary (called first secretary until 1966) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), denounced Stalin"s methods of rule and political theories, known as Stalinism, in his “secret speech” to the 20th Party Congress in 1956.B Evaluation Stalin"s historical legacy is overwhelmingly negative. Although his policies transformed the USSR from an agrarian-based society into an industrialized nation with a powerful military arsenal, the transformation was accomplished at the cost of millions of lives. Stalin"s militant distrust of the West and his assertion of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe gave rise to the Cold War. His purges of society through violent police terror left a permanent scar on the collective memory of the people under his rule. Although admired by some Russians, most would agree with the assessment in the West that Stalin was one of the cruelest dictators in history.
2023-07-09 12:31:144


以下是依你的格式翻译的:中国到毫秒vanilli对我们的 At this point in time, nothing the Chinese do anymore at these Olympic Games would surprise me.在这一点上的时间,没有中国人再在这些奥运会,我会感到惊讶。 They could shave a bear and put him out on the wrestling mat and it wouldn"t shock me in the least.他们可以节省一紧,并把他列于摔跤垫,并不会冲击我在最不发达国家。 And on top of that, I"m sure the bear would test positive for steroids as well.和最重要的是,我敢肯定,黑熊可能会测试呈阳性反应,以及类固醇。 The reason why nothing surprises me anymore is primarily because of this.之所以没有惊喜,我不再是主要是因为这一点。 While we all know the Opening Ceremony used CGI effects to upgrade the experience for TV viewers, it appears they also pulled a Milli Vanilli on us.虽然大家都知道,开幕式上使用的CGI效果,以提升经验,为电视观众,看来他们也拉一毫秒vanilli对我们的。 Yep, the girl in the top right hand corner there, 9-year-old Lin Miaoke, charmed the whole world when she came out and "sang" the patriotic song "Hymn to the Motherland" at the Opening Ceremony. yep ,该名女童在右上角有, 9岁的林miaoke ,魅力整个世界,当她出来和“生”爱国歌“ ,歌奉献给祖国”在开幕礼上致辞。 But of course, she didn"t actually sing it.不过,当然,她实际上并没有唱。 So who did?那么谁呢? That would be 7-year-old Yang Peiyi.这将是7岁的杨佩仪。 I bet you can"t guess why she didn"t actually get to sing the song in person.我敢打赌,你不能猜测她为什么实际上并没有得到唱这首歌在人。 At the last moment a member of the Chinese politburo who was watching a rehearsal pronounced that the winner, a girl called Yang Peiyi, might have a perfect voice but was unsuited to the lead role because of her buck teeth.在最后一刻的成员之一,中国中央政治局谁是观看了彩排突出,即赢家,一个女孩所谓的杨佩仪,可能有一个完美的声音,但不适应的主导作用,因为她将责任推卸的牙齿。 Damn, that"s harsh.可恶,这是苛刻。 Although the fact that they didn"t throw her out into the forrest to fend for herself after they ripped her song is probably considered a compliment in China.虽然事实,即他们并没有丢她到福里斯特自生自灭自己,他们受骗后,她的歌,可能是考虑配合在中国。 See, they"re sort of behind on women"s rights.看到,他们正在排序的背后,对妇女的权利。 She should just be glad she"s still alive.她应该高兴,只是她的还活着。 But, really, was this just about looks, China?不过,说真的,这只是看起来,中国呢? Tell us more.告诉我们更多。 "The main consideration was the national interest," Chen Qigang, the show"s musical designer said. “主要的考虑因素是国家利益, ”陈齐刚,这一节目的音乐设计师说。 "The child on the screen should be flawless in image, in her internal feelings, and in her expression." “儿童在屏幕上应该是天衣无缝,在形象,在她的内部感情,在她的表达” 。 I"m just guessing here, but I could have sworn some infamous German guy may have said something similar to that during the 1936 Olympic Games.我只是猜测,在这里,但我可以宣誓就职,一些臭名昭著的德国佬可能说了一些类似,在1936年奥运会。 Anyway, Chen said the decision was "fair" which must be Chinese for "not fair at all."无论如何,陈水扁说,这一决定是“公平” ,必须为中国“不公平,在所有” 。 But it also begs the question, why was 9-year-old Lin Miaoke allowed to give interviews right after her performance to all the top Chinese newspapers in which she lapped up the praise for her singing?但它也回避了问题,为什么是9岁的林miaoke允许给予面试的权利后,她的表现向所有顶端中文报纸,她在其中重叠起来称赞她的歌唱呢? Mr Chen said she might not have known that the words she was singing could not be heard.陈先生说,她可能不知道的话,她的歌唱无法被听到。 She had, in fact, only known she was going to perform at all 15 minutes beforehand.她,事实上,只知道她是去演出,所有事前15分钟。 Oh, that"s a good one China.哦,这是一个很好的一个中国。 How dumb do you think I am?如何哑巴,你想我吗? You"ve been planning these Olympics since time immemorial and you"re going to throw a 9-year-old girl out there who doesn"t know she"s lip synching?您一直在规划这些奥运会,自古以来,和您去丢一9岁的女孩在那里谁也不知道她的唇同步? Man, that could go Ashlee Simpson real fast.男子,即能去艾希莉辛普森真正的快速。 I wonder why that didn"t happen?我不知道为什么没有发生? And here"s the best part of this whole story.和这里的最好的一部分,这整个故事。 The 7-year-old girl with buck teeth had this to say when asked if she was upset about what had happened. 7年岁的小女孩与推卸责任的牙齿是这样说当被问到如果她底价约发生了什么事。 "I am proud to have been chosen to sing at all." “我很自豪地已被选为唱在所有” 。 Sounds exactly like something a 7-year-old would say.听起来完全一样的东西一7岁会说。 Moral of the story: Always be attractive, don"t live in China.故事的寓意:永远有吸引力的,不要生活在中国。
2023-07-09 12:31:246


  has和had这两个单词我们都很熟悉,那么你知道has和had是什么时态吗?下面是我为你整理的has、had的时态的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   has、had的时态   has   一般现在时   v. 有,吃,得到,从事,允许,雇用,享有(have的第三人称单数)   had   一般过去式和过去完成时   v.有( have的过去式和过去分词 ); (亲属关系中)接受; 拿; 买到   has的造句   1. Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age.   美是一种态度,与年龄无关。   2. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   3. A changing world has put pressures on the corporation.   日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。   4. There has been a busy start to polling in today"s local elections.   今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。   5. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.   爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。   6. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   7. The strike has taken on overtones of a civil rights campaign.   罢工带上了民权运动的意味。   8. He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull.   他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。   9. There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision.   对于这个决定的反应非常不一致。   had的用法   1. The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.   房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像已经没人在住一样。   2. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.   我已经掌握了有关该组织诞生的可靠的详细资料。   3. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy"s aloof sophistication.   露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。   4. I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.   我清楚地记得希望自己没有被牵扯进去。   5. It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman.   这里曾是一个有钱贵族的宅邸。   6. The opportunity had gone. His mind scrabbled for alternatives.   机会已经失去。他苦苦思索别的方案。   7. I try to remember all the good times I"ve had here.   我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。   8. The commander and some of the men had been released.   指挥官和一些士兵已经获释。   9. They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors.   他们非常势利,不喜欢智力和社会地位不如自己的人。   10. Mark had for some time been making advances towards her.   马克追她已经有一段时间了。
2023-07-09 12:31:431

英语作文 急!!!

Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother. It"s very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes. The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.I will" always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.
2023-07-09 12:31:557


我找到了英文版Timeline: 1921 to 19301921 Russia"s Marxist government signs trade agreements with Britain, Germany, Norway and Austria. Membership in the Communist Party reaches 730,000, tripling what it was in 1919. Famine spreads in the Volga region and is to last into the next year.1921 South Africa"s white government creates the Natives Land Act, preventing blacks from holding land except in specially designated reserves.1921 Britain gives Ireland dominion status, except for six counties in the north which remain within the United Kingdom. And Britain gives Egypt independence, except for the Suez Canal, which Britain continues to control.1922 The British in India arrest Gandhi and sentence him to six years in prison.1922 The British in Kenya arrest the leader of the East African Association, Harry Thuku.1922 With tanks and aerial bombardment, Italian forces move deeper into Libya"s interior, beginning an eight-year war.1922 In Italy, Mussolini seeks respectability and entry into parliamentary politics, disturbing many in his movement who dislike politicians. King Victor Emmanuel appoints him prime minister. Mussolini forms a cabinet of fascists and nationalists, and he is granted "temporary" dictatorial powers.1922 The hormone insulin is discovered and used to treat diabetes.1922 In Japan, a communist party is formed.1922 Harvard University"s president, A.L. Lowell, advocates restricting Jewish applicants to his university. The Chamber of Commerce in Sharon Connecticut urges owners not to sell to Jews.1923 In Massachusetts the homicide rate is eleven times that of Scotland"s. An African-American show called "Runin" Wild" introduces the Charleston, a dance seen by whites as cheerfully impudent. In North Dakota a law is passed making dancing illegal on the Sunday.1923 In Southwest Africa, now under a League of Nations mandate, the Khoikhoi (Hottentot) and Herero peoples rebel against white South Africa"s domination. South Africa attacks them with airpower.1923 Inflation makes Germany"s money almost useless. Adolf Hitler and former general Ludendorff seize Munich"s city government. Their coup is crushed by the military. Four policemen and fourteen of Hitler"s supporters - mostly youths - die. Hitler promised to shoot himself if his coup failed, but he reconsiders. Ludendorff and Hitler - war veterans - are released. Hitler, who is less a national hero than Ludendorff, is to stand trial.1923 An earthquake strikes Tokyo. Around 106,000 persons die or disappear and 502,000 are injured. Hordes of people, made homeless by the quake and fires, roam the city. They were without food and water. They include the city"s Koreans. Pacts of Japanese attack and murder the Koreans - men, women and children - wherever they can find them. Police round up labor leaders, socialists, communists and anarchists.1923 U.S. President Warren Harding commutes the ten-year prison sentence of the socialist and former presidential candidate Eugene Debs, who has been in prison for the last four years for an anti-war speech he had made in 1918. Harding disturbs some anti-Communists by inviting Debs to the White House, where he shakes Debs" hand and says that he had always wanted to meet him.1923 The Soviet Union becomes a formal entity - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Since "22, Lenin has been incapacitated by a stroke.1924 Lenin dies. The Soviet government is dominated by the Communist Party, and in theory the ultimate power within the Communist Party is the Party Congress, a large body that selects the Central Committee, which selects members of the Party"s top body, the Politburo. The most influential member of the Politburo is Joseph Stalin, who barely manages to hang-on against rumors of conflict with Lenin.1924 The first winter Olympics are held in Chamonix, France.1924 Ho Chi Minh, a member of France"s Communist Party, travels from Moscow to Canton (Quangjour), where he becomes an assistant to Maichel Borodin, the Soviet Union"s advisor to Sun Yat-sen. From Canton, Ho begins directing rebel activities in his native Vietnam, still ruled by the French.1924 The British release Gandhi from prison.1924 Hitler is released from prison after 8 1/2 months of comfort and book writing. He has made a name for himself.1924 The United States ends its eight-year occupation of the Dominican Republic.1924 France begins its withdrawal from Germany"s Ruhr and returning to Germany its normal communications and transport connections. In elections, Communist seats drop from 65 to 45. The National Socialist (Nazi) Party drops from 32 seats to 14. The winners are the rightist Nationalist Party, with the largest representation in parliament.1924 New law in the United States effectively ends Asian immigration to the United States. Japan declares May 26, the effective date of the legislation, a day of national humiliation.1925 Immigration to the United States from Italy drops to from 56,246 in 1924 to 6,203. Immigration from Britain is down from 59,490 in 1924 to 27,172.1925 In Germany, President Ebert, a Social Democrat, dies. Germans elect a patriotic but mendacious 81 year-old wartime national hero, General Paul von Hindenburg.1925 Gandhi retires from politics, quits the Congress Party and turns his attention to the evils of alcohol and other drugs. He hopes to transform the world through spiritual power.1925 France begins building the Maginot Line, intended as a barrier against German aggression.1925 Membership in the Ku Klux Klan is at an new high. Forty thousand of them and their supporters march in Washington, D.C.1925 Sun Yat-sen, leader of China"s nationalist Guomindang movement, dies. Guomingdang organizers, followed by its army, begin extending Guomindang authority northward.1925 The Locarno Treaty attempts to normalize relations between World War I allies and Germany and to secure an understanding about political borders in Europe. Germany"s Rhineland is to remain demilitarized. France agrees to be completely out of the Rhineland by the first weeks of 1926. The participants agree to respect existing borders and to cooperate against any aggressor so far as their geography and military capabilities allow. Germany is a participant. The Russians are not. They sense isolation and are hostile to the gathering.1926 Germany joins the League of Nations.1926 In Morocco, a rebellion led by Mohammed ben Abel Krim is crushed by French and Spanish forces.1926 In South Africa, Prime Minister M.B. Herzog introduces the Mines and Works Amendment Act, which excludes blacks and Asians (people of Indian heritage) from all skilled and some semi-skilled mining jobs.1926 Japan"s Emperor Taisho dies. His son, Hirohito, 25, ascends the throne. He favors peace and cooperation with foreign powers. The political party in power, the Democratic (Minseito) Party, expresses agreement.1927 In Japan, factories are closing. Falling silk and rice prices hurt Japanese farmers. Starvation becomes a real threat to millions of people in rural areas. Banks are closing. The government fears unrest and subversion and pursues a campaign against "dangerous thoughts." Communists are sent to prison and professors are dismissed from universities. More hope is placed in empire. Fears arise concerning events in China, and military expenditures are increased.1927 The Guomindang"s movement northward from Canton has been accompanied by a wave of strikes that bring production in China to a standstill, and peasant unrest has been encouraged, raising fears among landowners across China. Warlords have been going over to the side of the Guomindang"s leader, Chiang Kai-sheck. Wealthy Chinese businessmen offer moderates within the Guomindang their support if they rid the Guomindang of its leftists. Chiang Kai-shek has developed a dislike for communists. His forces take control of Shanghai and turn against the Guomindang"s communists and against labor unions.1927 A book written by André Gide creates indignation in France regarding mistreatment of people in the Congo - blacks forced to work on the construction of 300 miles of railroad from Brazzaville to Pointe Noire that over a ten-year period killed nearly ten thousand.1927 Bavaria lifts its ban against Hitler speaking. In his first speech, Hitler attacks agreements that Germany made at Locarno.1927 The Jazz Age spreads to Germany. Many in Germany, including Hitler and some of his followers, express a puritanical contempt for the new hedonism.1927 Joy erupts in response to the first non-stop solo transatlantic flight, from the U.S. to France, by Charles Lindbergh.1927 The United States advocates discussions between the warring sides in Nicaragua"s civil war between Liberals and Conservatives. The U.S. sends warships and Marines to establish order. A conference between the the Liberals and Conservatives produces a settlement. But a dissident general, Sandino, pursues guerrilla warfare, attacking the Marines at Ocotal, in the north about 70 miles from the Pacific Coast. The Marines responds with airpower.1927 In the Chicago area, Al Capone controls gambling, prostitution, distilleries and has a large share in a cleaning and dyeing plant chain. His income is estimated at $105 million per year. The Supreme Court decides that illegal income can be taxed, a tool the U.S. starts to use to fight crime.1927 Catholics - some of them priests - take up arms against anti-clerical provisions of Mexico"s 1917 Constitution. Trains are blown up. Public schools are attacked and burned and teachers are killed. The government retaliates and tries to kill a priest for every murdered teacher. It"s called the Cristero War.1928 A Catholic partisan assassinates Mexico"s president-elect Alvaro Obregon. The Cristero War is to last into 1929.1928 France wants assurances of U.S. help should another war erupt in Europe. The U.S. Secretary of State, Frank B. Kellogg, wants to avoid U.S. involvement in another European War. He does this by turning an agreement with France into a grandiose renunciation of war. His Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed by sixty-three nations, including Italy, Germany and Japan.1928 The economy in the Soviet Union has been part private enterprise, part state run and mismanaged. The country is suffering economically, and communists are searching for "saboteurs and wreckers." A trial begins against 53 engineers accused of sabotage. Communists are complaining and flinging accusations at each other while Stalin appears to be a reasonable and a symbol of unity. He wants to build socialism at home and good relations abroad rather than pursue revolution abroad. Stalin and the Politburo move the country to an all-out socialist economy. The first Five-Year Plan and collectivization of agriculture begins.1928 Voting in Italy drops by two-thirds in the wake of new voting restrictions, including a prohibition on the vote of women.1928 By June, Chiang Kai-shek"s forces were in control in Beijing, in China"s north. Chiang was the chairman of his political party, the Guomindang. He was the republican army"s commander-in-chief, and in September 1928, his government"s Organic Law gave him dictatorial powers, with the title of President.1929 In Kenya missionaries have been critical of the Kikuyu custom of female circumcision. The Kikuyu claim that it was an essential part of their culture and accuse the missionaries were undermining their rights. many Kikuyu to break away from the Christian churches and mission schools. And in place of these, Kikuyu developed their own schools1929 In the United States, investing in stocks has been encouraged by a rising stock market, which has created a lot of dreams of wealth and more investing. Investing has become a craze, too much of it on borrowed money. The reality of limitations is ignored. The smarter investors begin to withdraw from the market. More selling follows. The bubble bursts.1929 A Scot, Alexander Fleming, discovers penicillin, an anti-biotic1929 Edwin Hubble discovers that galaxies are moving away from each other.1929 The Lateran Treaty restores Vatican City to the pope. The Roman Catholic Church is established as the state church, and it is assured substantial control over Italy"s educational system.1929 King Alexander proclaims a dictatorship and changes the name of his kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes to Yugoslavia.1929 Jews are accused of having seized Muslim holy places in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem enraged mobs attacked Jews and loot their homes. The attacks spread to other cities. A Jewish settlement of 700 people in Hebron comes to an end. The uprising helps convince Jews in Palestine of the need for a separate state.
2023-07-09 12:32:326


  discuss表讨论,谈论; 论述的意思,那么你知道discuss的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了discuss的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   discuss的短语:   discuss with (v.+prep.)   与(某人)讨论(某题目) have usually long talk about (a subject), usually trying to reach agreement   ▲discuss with sb   He squatted in the grass discussing with someone.他蹲在草地上与一个人谈话。   He is discussing questions with his men. 他在和下级商讨问题。   I discussed the question with him the other day.那天我和他讨论了这一问题。   同义词辨析:   argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason   这些动词均含"辩论,争论,说理"之意。   argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。   quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指"吵嘴、吵架"。   debate :侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。   dispute :侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含"各持已见"或"争论不休"意味。   discuss :最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。   reason :指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。   discuss的短语例句:   1. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   2. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.   高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。   3. The magazine"s aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.   该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。   4. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.   他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。   5. They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.   他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。   6. Parents will be able to discuss their child"s progress with their teacher.   家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。   7. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.   在社交场合讨论生意被认为是不礼貌的。   8. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.   很明显,她想谈些私事。   9. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.   他总是愿意谈论各种假设的可能性。   10. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.   议会临时安排会议讨论问题。   11. I"m not prepared to discuss this over the telephone.   我不想在电话里讨论这件事。   12. He flatly refused to discuss it.   他断然拒绝讨论此事。   13. We will discuss these three areas in depth.   我们将深入探讨这3个领域。   14. She"d rung up to discuss the divorce.   她打过电话来协商离婚事宜。   15. I just won"t discuss my intimate relationships.   我就是不想讨论我的恋爱关系。
2023-07-09 12:32:481


问题一:“老挝万荣”英语怎么写? Vang Vien, Laos 山水如画的地方,有老挝小桂林之畅,很多洋背包客在那儿放松、消磨时间(在东南亚背包的确很耗心力……)。 问题二:老挝的英文读音 老挝Laos,音标是 [la?s],发音类似:闹使 问题三:一篇关于老挝的英语介绍 急用!!!!! LAOS Geography Laos is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar and China, Vietnam to the Map of Laoseast, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west. Laos has thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,817 m, with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam. Political System The only legal political party is the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party (LPRP). The head of state is a president elected by parliament for a five-year term. The head of government is a prime minister appointed by the president with parliamentary approval. Government policies are determined by the party through the all-powerful nine-member Politburo and the 49-member Central Committee. Important government decisions are vetted by the Council of Ministers. This unicameral parliament, expanded in February 2002 elections to 109 members for a five-year term, approves all new laws, although the executive branch retains authority to issue binding decrees. Education System The French system of education was replaced wit耿 a Laotian curriculum, although lack of teaching materials has impeded effective instruction. Although school enrollment has increased since 1975, the goal of achieving universal primary education was postponed from 1985 to 2000 as a res......>> 问题四:求一篇用英语介绍老挝的,尽量长 The Lao People"s Democratic Republic has a population of 5.6 million (2005), a population growth rate of 2.1%, a sparse population density (23.7per square kilometre) with large inter-provincial variations, and an average household size of 5.9 persons.? The topography breaks into lowland areas along the Mekong River that depend predominantly on paddy rice, and highland areas that depend on upland rice and the gathering of non-timber forest products for livelihoods. The population is young, but there are signs of changes in the demographic structure; the percentage of the population under 15 years of age decreased from 43.6% to 39% between 1995 and 2005. The nation is rural, with the beginnings of a rural-to-urban shift; the percentage of the population living in rural areas decreased from 83% to 72.9% from 1995 to 2005. The latest census identified 47 distinct ethnic groups. The ethnic Lao prise 52.5% of the total population and predominate in the lowlands, while ethnic minorities predominate in the highlands, although mixing is mon. The highlands have more poverty, worse health indicators and fewer services available for multiple reasons, including remoteness, lower education levels, land that is less agriculturally productive and increasing land pressure, and limited rural health care services. Ethnic diversity presents a major challenge in health care delivery and education due to cultural and linguistic barriers. Women have lower literacy rates than men and gir......>> 问题五:老挝这个国家的英文名是什么? laos 在南亚次大陆 东临越南 北临中国 南部与越南接壤 西部与缅甸接壤 问题六:老挝波乔的英语 因题干条件不完整,缺少文字,不能正常作答。
2023-07-09 12:33:011


  situation表情况; 局面,形势的意思,那么你知道situation的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了situation的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   situation的同义词辨析1:   condition, state, status, situation, circumstance   这些名词均有"状况,情况"之意。   condition : 一般强调产生影响的原因或环境,复数形式指笼统的情况。   state : 普通用词,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式。   status : 指一个人在政治、社会、经济、法律上的地位或身份,暗含地位显要意味。也可用于指政治等事态的状况。   situation : 指明确具体的环境情况或处境。   circumstance : 多指周围的情况或某事发生时的情况。   situation的同义词辨析2:   place, position, post, situation   这些名词均有"职位"之意。   place : 指任何不分高低贵贱的职位;有时侧重指在政府、法庭所谋求的职位。   position : 侧重指社会地位较高,工作较为庄重,领取工资的职位。   post : 普通用词,指人的职务,职位,岗位。   situation : 正式用词,一般指雇员或为富有人家工作所担任的职位,现多见于广告中。   situation的同义词辨析3:   place, position, spot, situation, site, location, locality, setting, scene   这些名词均含"地点,位置,场所"之意。   place : 含义广泛,最普通用词,既可指很小的地点,又可指很大很远的地方或场所。   position : 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。   spot : 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。   situation : 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。   site : 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。   location : 指某物设置的方向或地点。   locality : 指某物所处的客观位置和周围地区。   setting : 一般特指戏剧或小说所写的环境或场所。   scene : 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。   词组习语:   situations vacant (或 wanted)   1. (尤指报纸上的)招聘广告   situation的例句:   1. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   2. Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation.   官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。   3. We sat in Lily"s sunroom while I sketched in the situation.   我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。   4. He is the one man who could retrieve that situation.   他是唯一能挽回局面的人。   5. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow"s Guardian.   土耳其局势将成为明天《卫报》的头条。   6. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.   他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。   7. The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.   这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。   8. There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.   以前曾发生过暴乱,现在局势不太稳定。   9. We were in a disaster situation that defies description.   我们陷入了难以言表的糟糕处境。   10. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors.   这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。   11. It was time for a re-examina-tion of the situation.   该重新审视一下局势了。   12. Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation.   只有国会法案才能矫正这种形势。   13. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.   安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。   14. I find myself growing increasingly angry at the absurdity of the situation.   对如此荒谬可笑的情况我感到越来越生气。   15. You couldn"t be more mistaken, Alex. You"ve utterly misread the situation.   亚历克斯,你真是大错特错,你对局势的判断根本不对。
2023-07-09 12:33:091

英文简述 周恩来 生平 200-260 字 200 分悬赏

Born March 5,1898 Jiangsu Huai An,Zhou Enlai is the previous premier of the People"s Republic of China . He was a great leader in the history of China. Most of people in China are respectful to him and cherish the memory to him very much. He survived 60 years of revolutionary turmoil, five civil wars, two World Wars and 12 years of Japanese invasion. His adroitness and resilience saw him through upheavals like Mao Zedong"s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. He emerged from these epochal events not only intact but enhanced in status. Though an infallible survivor, bending with the winds of political change to weather the many storms of his career, he was at the same time a principled revolutionary and remained a loyal communist throughout his life. Being a great man ,he has many characters that superior than normal people. Having a clear purpose and agreat goal in his life ,he trained himself to be a man with courage ,vision and activism. Though experienced the most rough time like the Long March ,he had firm will and never gave up and always used his wisdom to overcome all kinds of difficulties. As a leader,the one who is worshiped by the whole country, Premier zhou has broad interests ,such as reading ,doing exercise ,dancing and so on.,and he is a well known great diplomat. Everyone including giants has his own personality weakness. Zhou was, too. Generally, Zhou wasn"t a decisive leader. His weakness made him reject the disaster of the Cultural Revolution unfirmly and uneffectively. Died by the bladder cancer in 1976, he donated his health to the country"s development If he lived for a longer time ,it"s sure that he will bring more benefits for his citizens and the china"s history. His death is a tremendous loss of the chinese. Zhou Enlai, Shaoxing, Zhejiang origin, was born in Jiangsu in 1898 Huaian. 1917 Nankai School in Tianjin to Japan to study after graduation. 1919 return to Nankai University in September, in the exercise 54 students to become leaders in Tianjin, and other sports activist groups organized觉悟社progress. Work-study program in France in 1920. Take part in the Communist Party of China in 1921, and Zhao Shiyan in 1922 (and later the leader of the party, one of the important pre-) organization in Europe, such as juvenile Chinese Communist Party (renamed the following year for the Chinese branch of the Socialist Youth League in Europe). Chinese Socialist Youth League, served as branch secretary in Europe, the European branch of the Chinese Communist leaders. The fall of 1924 after returning home, a former director of the Political Department of Guangdong Huangpu Military Academy, the National Revolutionary Army of directors of First Army, the first Vice party, such as military grade, and served successively as chairman of the CPC Guangdong District Committee, the Standing Committee of Ministers and the military. At March 1927 the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army near the Shanghai case, the leadership of Shanghai, the third armed uprising of workers, stationed in Shanghai to get rid of the warlords of the Northern forces. The CPC in May at the Fifth National People"s Congress was elected member of the Central Committee, at the Fifth Plenary Session of one elected member of the Central Political Bureau. Office in July the Provisional CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee (a total of 5 people). Overall split between he and He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng together at the August 1 Nanchang, Jiangxi leading an armed uprising, he was appointed secretary of the CPC Committee前敌. Communist China in 1928 at the sixth plenary session of First elected to the Politburo Standing Committee, he served as minister of the central organization, secretary of the Central Military Commission. At that time, the CPC Central Committee in Shanghai to work in a secret status. Him in order to ensure the safety of the CPC Central Committee, contact and guidance for all regions of the armed struggle led by the Communist Party, the Kuomintang rule for the development of the revolutionary work area has played an important role. At this stage most of the time, he is in fact the main moderator of the CPC Central Committee. In 1931, the former secretary of the CPC Central Bureau Soviet Area, the total中国工农红军and first political commissar, political commissar of the General Area, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission Vice-President. Chun and Zhu De in 1933 with the leadership and command of the Red Army defeated the nationalist forces of the Central Revolutionary Base fourth "encirclement and suppression." In October 1934 to participate in long march. In January 1935 in Zunyi County, Guizhou Province, held an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee (that is, the Zunyi Meeting), the support of Mao Zedong"s correct position, continue to be selected as the central one of the main military leaders. December 1936, was in Xi"an in Shaanxi patriotic generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang, as opposed to Chiang Kai-shek against the Japanese aggression and refuse to concentrate on anti-communist force detained Chiang Kai-shek launched the Xi"an Incident. Ren Zhou Enlai and Plenipotentiaries秦邦宪CPC, Ye Jianying with Chiang Kai-shek in Xi"an, such as negotiations go, and Zhang, Yang together with Chiang Kai-shek forced to accept the "cessation of civil war, the same anti-Japanese" and to unite the anti-Japanese situation in China. During the War of Resistance against Japan, Zhou Enlai, on behalf of the CPC and the Kuomintang in Chongqing long-term control of the united front work to do in other areas, and strive to unite all advocates the power of the anti-Japanese national salvation, and has
2023-07-09 12:33:3810


  meeting既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来meeting的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   meeting的英语音标   英 [u02c8mi:tu026au014b]   美 [u02c8mitu026au014b]   meeting的意思   n. 会议;会见;集会;汇合点   v. 会面;会合(meet的ing形式)   meeting的 近义词   session   meeting的词语用法   n.(名词)   meeting可指“会见”,也可指“会议”。作“聚会”解时,多指出于偶然的机会,在某地与某人相遇。meeting作“会议”解时,指任何有组织的、有领导的、公开的或私下的各种集会,多在室内举行,目的是商讨议案、作出决定等。   meeting用作主语,谓语动词多用单数形式。   meeting前常加介词at,表示“在会议上”; 而表示“在会议期间私下说话”则用介词in。   meeting的词语辨析   rally, congress, session, assembly, meeting, gathering, convention, conference, council这 组词 都有“会,会议”的意思,其区别是   rally 指大规模的群众性政治集会。   congress 指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。   session 一般指议会等召开的正式会议。   assembly 多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。   meeting 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于任何场合。   gathering 指两人以上的聚会或集会,强调非正式性。   convention 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。   conference 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。   council 在国际上多指由各国代表参加的政治会议,或常设的政治机构。在国内、地方上,此词多指常设的政务领导机构,如市政委员会等。   meeting的词汇搭配   plenary meeting 全会;全体会议   at the meeting 在会议上;开会   annual meeting 年会   meeting room 会议室   at a meeting 在开会   general meeting 全体大会   sports meeting 运动会   regular meeting 例会   have a meeting 开会   meeting的英语例句   1. We"ll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.   我们将去伯明翰参加会议,然后马上回来。   2. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   3. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.   俱乐部已经把会议日期改到1月22号,星期六。   4. The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.   代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。   5. The seven major industrial countries will have their yearly meeting in London.   7个主要工业国家将在伦敦举行一年一度的会议。   6. Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting.   整个 赛马 业的代表都将参加这次会议。   7. From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.   由此,他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。   8. To an extent, that is the reason for the meeting.   在某种程度上,那就是召开这次会议的原因。   9. I wrote back to Meudon at once to fix up a meeting.   我马上给缪顿回信安排会面。   10. I"ve got to rush. Got a meeting in a few minutes.   我得赶紧走了。几分钟后要开个会。
2023-07-09 12:34:111


八大关别墅区位于汇泉角景区北部,西邻汇泉湾,南接太平湾,最初因有8条以关隘命名的路是以八个关口命名的,即韶关路、嘉峪关路、涵谷关路、正阳关路、临淮关路、宁武关路、紫荆关路、居庸关路。这八条马路纵横交错,形成一个方圆数里的风景区,故称“八大关”(现已增到十条),是最能体现青岛"红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天"特点的风景区。 八大关别墅区汇聚了众多的各国建筑风格,故有“万国建筑博览会”之称。这里集中了俄、英、法、德、美、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、瑞士、日本等20多个国家的各式建筑风格,因而成为众多电影、电视外景拍摄的理想地方。如《家务清官》、《苗苗》、《13号魔窟》等40多部电影和20多部电视剧都在此拍摄,现在的很多歌星的MTV外景也选在这里,比如叶倩文、林子祥的《选择》、《重逢》就是在八大关拍的外景。 “一看道旁栽种的花木就知道路名”,这是八大关的又一特点。韶关路两侧种植了上百株各色“碧桃”与黄色的连翘;宁武关路上种植是如火如荼的海棠;正阳关路则是尽显风姿的紫薇,使许多外国朋友称之为“花街”。 近年在八大关东北角又新植了一片桃林,成为春季人们踏青的又一好去处。西南角则绿柏夹道,成双的绿柏隔成了一个个“包厢”,为许多情侣们所钟爱,因此这里又被称为“爱情角”。 这里还有很多的著名的景点,它们是: 花石楼是八大关中最著名也是最有代表性的一栋别墅,据说是1932年由一位俄罗斯人在此修建,由于是用花岗岩和鹅卵石建成,故得名花石楼。花石楼的建筑风格是典型的欧洲古堡式,又融入了希腊式和罗马式的风格,也有哥特式的建筑特色。相传解放前国民党特务头子戴笠曾在此住过,也有老百姓说蒋介石也在此避过难等等,解放后,花石楼成为接待中外贵宾的馆舍,现已对外开放。 花石楼的旁边是第二海水浴场,浴场由宁武关路入口处分为东西两部分,东区更衣室前有一个凉棚,是中共中央政治局会议的旧址。1957年,毛泽东主席来青岛主持召开中央政治局会议,在第二海水浴场游泳时发现这个凉棚面向大海、环境清静而且十分宽敞,于是提议大会在这里召开,工作人员便把凉棚用竹帘围起来,在这里召开了中央政治局会议。 山海关路5号是日寇第二次占领青岛期间,在这里建的一座日本式别墅。该建筑外墙用绿色的釉面砖装饰,显得格外别致,与花石楼一样,解放后, 山海关路5号成为了中外宾客的下榻的宾馆。1957年,时任中共中央总书记的邓小平同志在青岛参加中央政治局会议时就在此下榻。 沿山海关路再向西走不远就到了山海关路9号,这里接待的宾客大都是外国的国家元首和政府领导人,因此有"青岛钓鱼台"之称。山海关路9号是一幢美式建筑,解放前是美国第七舰队司令柯克上将的官邸,室内的家具全部是美国制造,有的现在还在使用。 与青岛钓鱼台一街之隔的是元帅楼,元帅楼也是一幢日式建筑,但与青岛钓鱼台不同的却是红瓦黄墙的"青岛风格",由于共和国的十大元帅中有五位曾在这里下榻过,故得名元帅楼。相传文革时期江青也在这里住过。另外,公主楼、宋家花园、朱德别墅、义聚合别墅等等也是十分有特色的建筑。别墅区位于汇泉角景区北部,西邻汇泉湾,南接太平湾,最初因有8条以关隘命名的路是以八个关口命名的,即韶关路、嘉峪关路、涵谷关路、正阳关路、临淮关路、宁武关路、紫荆关路、居庸关路。这八条马路纵横交错,形成一个方圆数里的风景区,故称“八大关”(现已增到十条),是最能体现青岛"红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天"特点的风景区。 八大关别墅区汇聚了众多的各国建筑风格,故有“万国建筑博览会”之称。这里集中了俄、英、法、德、美、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、瑞士、日本等20多个国家的各式建筑风格,因而成为众多电影、电视外景拍摄的理想地方。如《家务清官》、《苗苗》、《13号魔窟》等40多部电影和20多部电视剧都在此拍摄,现在的很多歌星的MTV外景也选在这里,比如叶倩文、林子祥的《选择》、《重逢》就是在八大关拍的外景。 “一看道旁栽种的花木就知道路名”,这是八大关的又一特点。韶关路两侧种植了上百株各色“碧桃”与黄色的连翘;宁武关路上种植是如火如荼的海棠;正阳关路则是尽显风姿的紫薇,使许多外国朋友称之为“花街”。 近年在八大关东北角又新植了一片桃林,成为春季人们踏青的又一好去处。西南角则绿柏夹道,成双的绿柏隔成了一个个“包厢”,为许多情侣们所钟爱,因此这里又被称为“爱情角”。 这里还有很多的著名的景点,它们是: 花石楼是八大关中最著名也是最有代表性的一栋别墅,据说是1932年由一位俄罗斯人在此修建,由于是用花岗岩和鹅卵石建成,故得名花石楼。花石楼的建筑风格是典型的欧洲古堡式,又融入了希腊式和罗马式的风格,也有哥特式的建筑特色。相传解放前国民党特务头子戴笠曾在此住过,也有老百姓说蒋介石也在此避过难等等,解放后,花石楼成为接待中外贵宾的馆舍,现已对外开放。 花石楼的旁边是第二海水浴场,浴场由宁武关路入口处分为东西两部分,东区更衣室前有一个凉棚,是中共中央政治局会议的旧址。1957年,毛泽东主席来青岛主持召开中央政治局会议,在第二海水浴场游泳时发现这个凉棚面向大海、环境清静而且十分宽敞,于是提议大会在这里召开,工作人员便把凉棚用竹帘围起来,在这里召开了中央政治局会议。 山海关路5号是日寇第二次占领青岛期间,在这里建的一座日本式别墅。该建筑外墙用绿色的釉面砖装饰,显得格外别致,与花石楼一样,解放后, 山海关路5号成为了中外宾客的下榻的宾馆。1957年,时任中共中央总书记的邓小平同志在青岛参加中央政治局会议时就在此下榻。 沿山海关路再向西走不远就到了山海关路9号,这里接待的宾客大都是外国的国家元首和政府领导人,因此有"青岛钓鱼台"之称。山海关路9号是一幢美式建筑,解放前是美国第七舰队司令柯克上将的官邸,室内的家具全部是美国制造,有的现在还在使用。 与青岛钓鱼台一街之隔的是元帅楼,元帅楼也是一幢日式建筑,但与青岛钓鱼台不同的却是红瓦黄墙的"青岛风格",由于共和国的十大元帅中有五位曾在这里下榻过,故得名元帅楼。相传文革时期江青也在这里住过。另外,公主楼、宋家花园、朱德别墅、义聚合别墅等等也是十分有特色的建筑。Eight critical junctions villas position Yu Huiquan north the anglescenic area, west the neighbour collects the spring bay, south meetsthe peaceful bay, at first because some 8 the road which to themountain pass name is names by eight important passes, namely theShaoguan road, the Jiayuguan road, contain Gu Guanlu, right noon timeGuan Lu, near Huai Guan Lu, Ningwu Guan Lu, Guan Lu, occupiesthe commonplace pass road. These eight streets criss-crossed network,forms surrounding area several miles scenic spots, therefore called"eight critical junctions" (already increased to ten), was most canmanifest Qingdao " Red tile green tree, blue sea blue sky "Characteristic scenic spot. Eight critical junctions villas area hasgathered the multitudinous various countries" construction style,therefore has "Wan Guo to construct the exposition" the name. Here hasconcentrated Russia, England, the law, Germany, America, Denmark,Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Japan and so on more than 20 nationalvarious types construction styles, thus becomes the multitudinousmovie, the television outdoor scene photography ideal place. If"Housework Honest official", "Seedling Seedling", "13th Devil"s lair"and so on more than 40 movies and more than 20 soap operas all in thisphotography, the present very many singing stars" MTV outdoor scenealso elects in here, for instance Ye Qianwen, the grove are auspicious"Choice", "Has a reunion" is an outdoor scene which pats in eightcritical junctions. "As soon as looked nearby plants the flowers andtrees know path", this is an eight critical junctions characteristic.The Shaoguan road two sides have planted on hundred assorted "theprunus persica" and the yellow weeping forsythia; Ningwu closes on theroad the planter is the like a raging fire hypericum; Right noon timeGuan Luze is reveals the graceful bearing , causes many foreignfriends to call it "the colored street". Recent years newly hasplanted a piece of peach forest in eight critical junctions northeastcorners, becomes an good destination which the spring people goes fora walk in the countryside at the qingming festival. The southwestcorner then the green cypress avenue, forms a pair green Bai Gechengone each one "theater box", for many lovers cherishes, therefore hereis called "the love angle". Here also has very many famous scenicspots, they are: Flowered Shilou is in eight critical junctions mostis famous also most has a representative villa, it is said was in 1932by a Russian in this construction, because was completes with thegranite and the cobblestone, therefore acquired fame flowered Shilou.The flowered Shilou"s construction style is the typical European oldcastle type, also melted into the Greek type and the Romanesque style,also had the Gothic style the construction characteristic. Handed downbefore the liberation the Kuomintang spy chief"s to wear the cooliehat once to live in this, also some common people said Chiang Kai-Shekalso in this evaded difficult and so on, after the liberation, spendShilou to become receives the Chinese and foreign distinguished guestthe dwelling, already foreign opened. Flowered Shilou"s side is the second sea water bathing place, thebathing place closes the road entrance by Ningwu to divide into thething two parts, east in front of the area changing room has anawning, is the Politbureau conference former site. In 1957, ChairmanMao Zedong came Qingdao to preside over the convention CentralPolitical Bureau conference, when second sea water bathing placeswimming discovered this awning quietly face the sea, the environmentmoreover is extremely spacious, thereupon the proposition congressconvened in here, the staff then enclosed the awning with the bamboocurtain, held the Central Political Bureau conference in here. ShanhaiPass road 5 are the Japanese invaders second time seizes Qingdaoperiod, in here constructs a Japanese type villa. This building outerwall with the green glazed tile decoration, appears especiallyuniquely, is same with flowered Shilou, after the liberation, ShanhaiPass road 5 have become the guesthouse which the Chinese and foreignguest stays. In 1957, when is appointed Central Committee of the CCPGeneral Secretary Comrade Deng Xiaoping when the Qingdao participationCentral Political Bureau conference stays in this. The Yanshan customsroad walked again to the west not not far arrived Shanhai Pass road 9,here received the guest mostly was the foreign head of state and thegovernment leader, therefore had " Qingdao Senkaku Islands "Name. Shanhai Pass road 9 are an American construction, before theliberation is American US seventh fleet commander general"sofficial mansion, in the room furniture completely is US makes, somepresent also are using. Is marshal separates which with a QingdaoSenkaku Islands street the building, marshal the building also is adate type construction, but and the Qingdao Senkaku Islands aredifferent actually are red tile Huang Qiang " Qingdao style" Because in republic ten generalissimo had five once to stay inhere, therefore acquired fame marshal the building. Hands down GreatCultural Revolution time Jiang Qing also to live in here. Moreover,the male main building, the Song garden, Zhu De villa, righteousnesspolymerization villa and so on also is extremely has thecharacteristic the construction. Villa position Yu Huiquan north theangle scenic area, west the neighbour collects the spring bay, southmeets the peaceful bay, at first because some 8 the road which to themountain pass name is names by eight important passes, namely theShaoguan road, the Jiayuguan road, contain Gu Guanlu, right noon timeGuan Lu, near Huai Guan Lu, Ningwu Guan Lu, Guan Lu, occupiesthe commonplace pass road. These eight streets criss-crossed network,forms surrounding area several miles scenic spots, therefore called"eight critical junctions" (already increased to ten), was most canmanifest Qingdao " Red tile green tree, blue sea blue sky "Characteristic scenic spot. Eight critical junctions villas area hasgathered the multitudinous various countries" construction style,therefore has "Wan Guo to construct the exposition" the name. Here hasconcentrated Russia, England, the law, Germany, America, Denmark,Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Japan and so on more than 20 national various typesconstruction styles, thus becomes the multitudinous movie, thetelevision outdoor scene photography ideal place. If "Housework Honestofficial", "Seedling Seedling", "13th Devil"s lair" and so on morethan 40 movies and more than 20 soap operas all in this photography,the present very many singing stars" MTV outdoor scene also elects inhere, for instance Ye Qianwen, the grove are auspicious "Choice", "Hasa reunion" is an outdoor scene which pats in eight critical junctions."As soon as looked nearby plants the flowers and trees know path",this is an eight critical junctions characteristic. The Shaoguan roadtwo sides have planted on hundred assorted "the prunus persica" andthe yellow weeping forsythia; Ningwu closes on the road the planter isthe like a raging fire hypericum; Right noon time Guan Luze is revealsthe graceful bearing , causes many foreign friends to call it"the colored street". Recent years newly has planted a piece of peachforest in eight critical junctions northeast corners, becomes an gooddestination which the spring people goes for a walk in the countrysideat the qingming festival. The southwest corner then the green cypressavenue, forms a pair green Bai Gecheng one each one "theater box", formany lovers cherishes, therefore here is called "the love angle". Herealso has very many famous scenic spots, they are: Flowered Shilou isin eight critical junctions most is famous also most has arepresentative villa, it is said was in 1932 by a Russian in thisconstruction, because was completes with the granite and thecobblestone, therefore acquired fame flowered Shilou. The floweredShilou"s construction style is the typical European old castle type,also melted into the Greek type and the Romanesque style, also had theGothic style the construction characteristic. Handed down before theliberation the Kuomintang spy chief"s to wear the coolie hat once tolive in this, also some common people said Chiang Kai-Shek also inthis evaded difficult and so on, after the liberation, spend Shilou tobecome receives the Chinese and foreign distinguished guest thedwelling, already foreign opened. Flowered Shilou"s side is the secondsea water bathing place, the bathing place closes the road entrance byNingwu to divide into the thing two parts, east in front of the areachanging room has an awning, is the Politbureau conference formersite. In 1957, Chairman Mao Zedong came Qingdao to preside over theconvention Central Political Bureau conference, when second sea waterbathing place swimming discovered this awning quietly face the sea,the environment moreover is extremely spacious, thereupon theproposition congress convened in here, the staff then enclosed theawning with the bamboo curtain, held the Central Political Bureauconference in here. Shanhai Pass road 5 are the Japanese invaderssecond time seizes Qingdao period, in here constructs a Japanese typevilla. This building outer wall with the green glazed tile decoration,appears especially uniquely, is same with flowered Shilou, after theliberation, Shanhai Pass road 5 have become the guesthouse which theChinese and foreign guest stays. In 1957, when is appointed CentralCommittee of the CCP General Secretary Comrade Deng Xiaoping when theQingdao participation Central Political Bureau conference stays inthis. The Yanshan customs road walked again to the west not not fararrived Shanhai Pass road 9, here received the guest mostly was theforeign head of state and the government leader, therefore had "Qingdao Senkaku Islands " Name. Shanhai Pass road 9 are anAmerican construction, before the liberation is American US seventhfleet commander general"s official mansion, in the roomfurniture completely is US makes, some present also are using. Ismarshal separates which with a Qingdao Senkaku Islands street thebuilding, marshal the building also is a date type construction, butand the Qingdao Senkaku Islands are different actually are red tileHuang Qiang " Qingdao style " Because in republic tengeneralissimo had five once to stay in here, therefore acquired famemarshal the building. Hands down Great Cultural Revolution time JiangQing also to live in here. Moreover, the male main building, the Songgarden, Zhu De villa, righteousness polymerization villa and so onalso is extremely has the characteristic the construction.
2023-07-09 12:34:252

ringling brothers barnum&bailey circus什么意思

ringling brothers barnum&bailey circus林林兄弟与巴纳姆贝利马戏团例句:1.Another activist says that the meetings which are held to give the process a democraticveneer resemble "the politburo combined with the ringling brothers barnum& baileycircus." 另一个活动家说为了带上民主的面具而举办的这些会议就像是政治局和林林兄弟-巴纳姆-贝利马戏团结合在一起一样。
2023-07-09 12:34:451

grey board是什么意思

grey board [英]ɡrei bu0254:d [美]ɡre bu0254rd 灰板纸 [例句]Of course not : members of the politburo , cabinet or large company board would have consulted grey men in suits like themselves.当然不会:无论是政治局、内阁还是大公司董事会,都只会去咨询那些与他们一样穿着西装革履的无趣人士。
2023-07-09 12:34:522


politburo standing committee 简称PBSC 中央常委
2023-07-09 12:35:024

situation 可不可数?

它是不可数名词例如:n. 地点; 位置; 场所, 场合 地位; 职位; 工作 形势, 局势, 局面, 情况, 境遇, 处境 紧张场面 在一定时间内作用于生物的内外总刺激; 【心理】情境 hold a situation 有职业 look for a situation 谋职 situations vacant [wanted] 事求人[人求事](报纸上的招聘栏标题) The house has a fine situation. 这所房子的地点很好。 The situation was complicated. 形势非常复杂。
2023-07-09 12:35:111

orientation session是什么意思

orientation session任职培训期orientation[英][u02ccu0254:riu0259nu02c8teu026au0283n][美][u02ccu0254riu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n, -u0259n-, u02ccor-]n.方向,定位,取向,排列方向; 任职培训; (外交等的)方针[态度]的确定; 环境判定; session[英][u02c8seu0283n][美][u02c8su025bu0283u0259n]n.开会,会议; (法庭的)开庭; 会期,学期; (进行某活动连续的)一段时间; 复数:sessions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A further grim session of the politburo followed at lushan in 1970. 1970年,一场更为严酷的政治局会议于在庐山召开。
2023-07-09 12:35:231

what role did Joseph Stalin have in the Russian Revolution

在俄国革命中乔斯富斯大林扮演什么角色Russian Revolution [简明英汉词典]n.俄国革命(指发生于1917年的二月革命或十月革命,或泛指这两次革命)Stalin, Joseph I INTRODUCTION Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), general secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, the despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the Soviet regime and shaped the direction of Europe after World War II ended in 1945. Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili in the town of Gori, Georgia, which at the time was part of the vast Russian Empire. He was the third and only surviving child of a cobbler and a housecleaner. In 1888 Stalin began attending the Gori Church School, where he learned Russian and excelled at his studies, winning a scholarship to the Tbilisi Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894. II YOUNG REVOLUTIONARY Stalin began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity. He was soon exposed to the radical ideas of fellow students, however, and began to read illegal literature based on the works of German political philosopher Karl Marx. In 1899, just as he was about to graduate, he gave up his religious education to devote his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. While employed as an accountant in Tbilisi, Stalin spread Marxist propaganda among railway workers on behalf of the local Social Democratic organization. After moving to the seaport of Bat"umi, where he organized a large workers" demonstration in 1902, Stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police. A year later he was sentenced to exile in the Russian region of Siberia. He soon managed to escape, however, and was back in Georgia by early 1904. When the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) split into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions in 1903, Stalin was drawn to the more militant Bolsheviks, who were led by Vladimir Lenin. In Georgia, where Menshevism predominated, Stalin soon gained a reputation as a belligerent and staunch follower of Lenin, whom he had first met in 1905 at a conference in Finland. In 1905 Stalin married Yekaterina Svanidze, a Georgian woman who died two years later. Stalin was arrested and exiled by imperial police in 1908 because of his illegal underground activities. His escape the next year was followed by further arrests, exiles, and secret trips abroad during the years leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. In 1912 Lenin elevated Stalin, who by this time had adopted the Russian pseudonym meaning “man of steel,” to the leading Bolshevik Party body, the Central Committee. At Lenin"s behest, Stalin wrote his chief theoretical work, Marxism and the National Question. Stalin was arrested and sent to Siberia before the essay was published in 1913. Stalin was released from exile upon the overthrow of the Russian monarchy in the February (or March, in the New Style calendar) phase of the Russian Revolution. He went to Petrograd (later Leningrad; now Saint Petersburg), where he became a member of the party"s Central Committee bureau. He then asserted editorial control over the party newspaper, Pravda (Truth). Although he did not play a prominent role in the Bolshevik takeover of the government in October (November, New Style), Stalin became a member of the new government"s Soviet (Council) of People"s Commissars (Russian acronym, Sovnarkom), heading the Commissariat for Nationality Affairs. Given the vital importance of nationality issues at a time when the Bolsheviks were trying to keep the territories of the former Russian Empire under their power, Stalin"s post was crucial to the Bolshevik victory in the ensuing Russian Civil War (1918-1921). He was elected a member of the Communist Party"s highest decision-making body, the Politburo, and the Central Committee"s Orgburo (Organizational Bureau) in 1919. As a political commissar in the Red Army during the height of the civil war, Stalin supervised military activities against the counterrevolutionary White forces along the western front that were led by General Pyotr Wrangel. During the war between Russia and Poland from 1920 to 1921, his decisions as a political commissar ended in disaster and led to a long-standing conflict with Commissar of War Leon Trotsky. Meanwhile, Stalin, whose first wife had died in 1907, married Nadezhda Alliluyeva in 1918 and moved with the government from Petrograd to Moscow. III SOVIET DICTATOR After the Bolshevik victory in the civil war, Stalin threw himself into organizational work and administrative tasks. Having served as commissar for state control since 1919, he continued this post until 1923, while in 1922 he was elected general secretary of the Communist Party, a position that gave him control over appointments and established a base for his political power. Stalin"s rude and aggressive behavior brought him into conflict with the ailing Lenin, who shortly before his death in 1924 wrote his political “testament” in which he voiced misgivings about Stalin. In the testament Lenin expressed doubt whether the party"s general secretary would use his authority with sufficient caution, and he called for Stalin"s removal from the post. Adroit political maneuvering enabled Stalin to have Lenin"s testament discounted and suppressed, however, while Lenin"s death freed Stalin to establish a ruling coalition with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinovyev, excluding Stalin"s rival Trotsky from the succession struggle. Stalin reversed his course in 1925 and joined with Nikolay Bukharin and Aleksey Rykov in a new coalition against his former partners, who in turn joined with Trotsky in 1926 to form an intraparty bloc against Stalin known as the “Left Opposition.” Once Stalin had succeeded in defeating these opponents, in 1928 he then turned against his former allies Bukharin and Rykov. By the end of 1929 Stalin had succeeded in political maneuvers that eliminated his political opponents and established him as the supreme leader of the USSR. IV DOMESTIC POLICIES In the late 1920s Stalin decided the New Economic Policy (NEP), which Lenin had introduced in 1921 to facilitate postwar economic recovery by encouraging limited private enterprise, no longer worked. The rate of economic growth was declining and peasants were not producing enough grain to satisfy demand. Instead of giving the peasants economic incentives to raise production, Stalin chose a policy that forced them into state-owned collective farms. Simultaneously, he pressed forward with a program of rapid industrialization, which began with the ambitious first Five-Year Plan in 1928. Stalin believed the Soviet Union had to industrialize rapidly in order to strengthen the Communist regime and enable the country to defend itself against foreign enemies. The plan, which was financed by exploiting resources in the countryside, resulted in the near collapse of Soviet agriculture and the deaths of millions of peasants from famine. Industrialization was achieved, but at great cost. Although his hold on absolute power was unchallenged by the early 1930s, Stalin worried about potential conspiracies against him, especially after the suicide of his second wife in late 1932. Stalin set in motion a massive purge of the party following the assassination of Leningrad party chief Sergey Kirov in December 1934, which many have speculated was masterminded by Stalin because he viewed Kirov as a threat. Although the purge began gradually, with selective arrests in 1934 and 1935, by 1936 the Soviet secret police were arresting and executing party members by the thousands. Highly publicized trials of leading party figures—including Kamenev, Zinovyev, and Bukharin—were staged in Moscow and resulted in their swift execution on trumped-up charges. In 1937 and 1938 the terror spread to all of Soviet society, including the military high command. Estimates of those arrested and executed from 1936 to 1938 in the Great Purge range between 1.5 million and 7 million. Countless others were imprisoned in forced labor camps. Winding down at the end of 1938, the purge left Stalin with a new generation of officials loyal to him alone. However, the decimation of the military ranks left the country more vulnerable to the threat from Adolf Hitler"s Germany during World War II. V FOREIGN POLICIES Although Stalin"s policy in the mid-1930s was to support the Communist International (Comintern) in forming a popular front against the rise of fascism in Europe, he gave up the idea of collective security with the West and in August 1939 decided upon an alliance with Nazi Germany. The “Secret Protocols” of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact carved up Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence; the Soviets allowed Germany to invade Poland in exchange for Hitler"s promised nonaggression against Soviet territory. Despite warnings, Stalin was taken by surprise in June 1941 when the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa, a three-pronged attack against the USSR. Although the Soviets were poorly prepared for the invasion and at first suffered huge losses, the country rallied behind Stalin, who assumed direct leadership of the war effort. Following their defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in January 1943, the Nazis lost the initiative and were finally forced to retreat in 1945, which allowed Soviet troops to move into Eastern Europe. Having obtained recognition from Allied governments of a Soviet sphere of influence in these newly liberated countries, Stalin established puppet Communist regimes and drew the so-called Iron Curtain between Eastern and Western Europe. In 1947 the Soviets established the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), an international body of Communist leaders that was to ensure conformity with the Soviet line. Yugoslavia was expelled from the alliance in 1948 after Stalin condemned renegade Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito for refusing to follow Soviet orders. That same year Moscow announced a blockade of Berlin, fueling the Cold War with the West. Stalin was determined to catch up with the United States in developing the atomic bomb; he ordered that no resources be spared toward that goal, which was achieved in August 1953, shortly after his death. A Final Years By 1950 Stalin"s mental and physical health had begun to deteriorate and he was absent from the Kremlin, the government headquarters in Moscow, for long periods of time. His subordinates were fearful of becoming victims of Stalin"s growing paranoia, which manifested itself in plans for another purge. In January 1953 Stalin ordered the arrest of a group of Kremlin doctors on charges of plotting the medical murder of high-level Soviet officials. Just as a renewal of mass terror seemed imminent, Stalin died of complications from a stroke in March. Although the nation was plunged into grief, Stalin"s political successors expressed relief and moved quickly to reverse some of the most brutal features of his regime. Nikita Khrushchev, who replaced Stalin as general secretary (called first secretary until 1966) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), denounced Stalin"s methods of rule and political theories, known as Stalinism, in his “secret speech” to the 20th Party Congress in 1956. B Evaluation Stalin"s historical legacy is overwhelmingly negative. Although his policies transformed the USSR from an agrarian-based society into an industrialized nation with a powerful military arsenal, the transformation was accomplished at the cost of millions of lives. Stalin"s militant distrust of the West and his assertion of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe gave rise to the Cold War. His purges of society through violent police terror left a permanent scar on the collective memory of the people under his rule. Although admired by some Russians, most would agree with the assessment in the West that Stalin was one of the cruelest dictators in history.
2023-07-09 12:35:314


agro,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“(Agro)人名;(意)阿格罗”。短语搭配:agro ecosystem 农业生态系统、Agro Mashov 农业展、Agro Monitor 股份公司、agro town 农村地区的城填、Agro Farm 休闲农场、agro ecology 农业生态 ; 农业生态学、comprehensive agro 农业综合、agro intereropping 混农间作例句:In April, the Politburo disavowed the agro-town proposal.今年4月,中共中央政治局否决了农村城镇的提议。Drying mangoes in Ghana: the majority of agro-businesses in the world are at a basic level.加纳妇女加工芒果干:世界大多数农产品加工企业都处于基本水平。Technical and logistical support and materials for the rehabilitation of small irrigation schemes, market roads, and agro-processing and storage facilities are also needed.还需要为恢复小型灌溉设施、市场道路和农产品加工及储存设施,提供技术和后勤支持及器材。
2023-07-09 12:35:501

look set to 什么意思

look set to 即将要 Even as China"s banks raise new capital, their loan books look set to face new strains thanks to the Politburo"s decision to continue stimulus policies through 2010. 即便中国银行业筹集了新资本,他们的贷款帐面看起来仍然面临着新压力,主要是因为中国政府决定在2010年继续刺激性政策。
2023-07-09 12:36:121

How the Soviet Elite Lives的译文

克里姆林宫本身就是巨大的气势。但莫斯科没有匹配白宫官邸。苏联领导人把他们的国家dachas更大的股票,比在自己的intown公寓住宅。勃列日涅夫occupics一个沉重的老九层公寓楼在26 Kutuzovsky Prospeckt尾翼地板,秘密警察行政安德罗波夫和国内安全部长尼古拉Shchelokov在地板上,上面和下面。柯西金intown最令人羡慕的位置:背倚现代公寓建筑上的列宁山,俯瞰莫斯科河对岸莫斯科市中心。 Podgorny生活在一个身材高大,保存完好的,黄色的砖上阿列克谢托尔斯泰街公寓。还有其他一些政治精英和莫斯科党的机构的重要intown领域。但它的内饰,炫少捧得俄罗斯。一位女演员与在莫斯科的权力等级朋友告诉我,她惊讶地看到他们的厨房配备内置柜,蚁平顶的柜台,并Kuppersbusch西德炉灶和冰箱,客厅furished芬兰现代高雅,折扣买和进口关税。她说,设备是比任何Societ市场上通常提供这么多的鸽友,,力学已被发送到西德,受过专门训练的安装和维护精英的厨房。不仅小玩意儿,但奢侈的生活一间卧室和没有睡在客厅的印象其他俄罗斯。我所知道的一个研究生经常访问建立的儿子一个长期政治局委员米高扬阿列克谢阿列克谢米高扬,一般的家庭,慑于其价格昂贵,七个房间的公寓(不包括厨房和浴室)Govement楼。他听起来像公园大道最好的包房,在家庭everying,研究,客厅,和餐厅宽敞到足以容纳一个盛大pinao一次由Van Cilburn,unthinkably豪华的空间使用了99 %的人口。即使在平坦的天花板击中他几乎猥亵高,就像最Societ的公寓天花板罢工西方人令人不安的低。他是不寻常的醒目看到他们是如何生活的,因为俄罗斯没有多少特权阶层在自己周围绘制的帷幕背后的隐私。望采纳
2023-07-09 12:36:191

searching for是什么意思

searching for 搜索;寻找例句与用法 Police are searching for three more suspects.警方正在搜寻另三名嫌疑人。The police are searching for the missing papers.警察正在搜寻那些失踪的文件。The police are searching for a tall dark man with a beard.警察正在搜寻一位肤色黝黑、长胡子的高个子男人。He glanced around the small room,searching for a place to sit.用眼扫视了一下那间小屋子,想找个地方坐下来.Researchers are also searching for new drugs to dampen the inflammation process.科研人员还在研究一些新药来阻止发炎的过程。
2023-07-09 12:36:285


多用作不可数名词例如:n. 地点; 位置; 场所, 场合 地位; 职位; 工作 形势, 局势, 局面, 情况, 境遇, 处境 紧张场面 、情境 。例如:1.The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。2.Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation.官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。3.We sat in Lily"s sunroom while I sketched in the situation.我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。
2023-07-09 12:36:451

something about performance art 重酬!!!!

  行为艺术  行为艺术,也称行动艺术、身体艺术、表演艺术等,国外目前通用的用法是Performance Art,它是在以艺术家自己的身体为基本材料的行为表演过程中,通过艺术家的自身身体的体验来达到一种人与物、与环境的交流,同时经由这种交流传达出一些非视觉审美性的内涵。  概述  行为艺术,是20世纪五、六十年代兴起于欧洲的现代艺术形态之一。它是指艺术家把现实本身作为艺术创造的媒介,并以一定的时间延续。  特定的环境和含义为依托而进行艺术创造活动的艺术形态。行为艺术相较于架上绘画、传统雕塑等艺术注重艺术行为的结果留存而言,它更是强调、注重艺术家的行为过程意义,是典型的具有表演性特征的过程艺术形态。作为行为艺术家,大多坚信——艺术家个人的艺术创造自由。创作体验只能通过开放性的。即兴的、无情节而与生活融为一体的艺术创造实践活动才能够获得和实现。因此,行为艺术具有;开放的情感表演性特征。即行为艺术家不是象架上绘画艺术家那样多数时间是把自己关在室内“孤寂"地进行自己的艺术创作工作。而是在开放的时空环境里——街头、广场……等场所,将自己即时奔放的情感予以当众释发宣泄,并注重和强调展示行为过程的质量度。因此,行为艺术没有完形的如架上绘画那样的结果留存;行为过程就是其作品的全部所在。  其次,艺术泛化性特征。行为艺术家以自己特有的艺术创造行为过程展示,把传统艺术从高不可攀的、精英文化高度的神圣殿堂,摆放到了普通观众心目中的“不过如此”的“平淡”状态。尤其在有的作品中,还请一般观众参与,这就更消解了艺术家与观众之间的心理距离。增强了观者对艺术创造行为的认同感,同时,行为艺术强调的是行为过程,这在客观上,就把艺术注重行为结果的单一视域拓展到了充分认识、注重艺术行为过程的领域。从而有助于人们完整地认识人类艺术整体行为的,合乎艺术规律性和目的性的发展运动。最后,行为艺术具有平凡中的艺术深刻性特征。即是说,行为艺术是行为艺术家“有意味的”行为过程展示艺术。我们讲行为艺术打破了“艺术与非艺术”、“艺术与生活”的传统界线,行为艺术家曾邀请观众参与到其具体作品中去共同创造艺术作品。  行为艺术其实也就是当代实验艺术中的一种类型,但是,由于近一二年来,有一些在视觉上比较"刺激"的行为艺术作品被冠上"病态"、"血腥"、"暴力"等称谓之后,不仅在"圈"内,同时在社会上也引起了很多争议。在这个过程中,由于"行为艺术"的现场性、直接性的特点,在事后仅仅靠几张照片很难来完整地反映某个作品的具体实际情况,所以难免会引起别人对于行为艺术理解的片面性。  关于"行为艺术"的讨论进行到现在,已经在艺术界和社会范围内引起了一定的反响。但是,问题的关键是在这场讨论中,我们的一些大众媒体包括一些专业刊物在这场讨论中一直没有对所谓的"行为艺术"进行客观、公正、全面的介绍,道听途说、以偏概全式的报道误导了大众包括一些专业人士对于"行为艺术"的了解。  我们要客观、公正地讨论这些艺术现象,就必须要提供给业内人士包括一些对前卫艺术有兴趣的网友全面了解这些作品以及与"行为艺术"有关的评论文章和知识背景,这对于我们冷静、理性地对这一现象进行评论会有所帮助。  行为艺术的鼻祖是一名叫科拉因的法兰西人。1961年,他张开双臂从高楼自由落体而下,这称作人体作笔。  行为艺术采取很夸张的表现手法,用行为来表达人对世界的看法。这些行为有的是美的,有的是丑的,但不是人在正常状态下有的。  自行为艺术出现在中国以来,由于和中国人的审美观、道德观以及社会传统反差较大,始终是人们争论的焦点,在“行为艺术”的发展中部分创作者更以自虐、伤害、鲜血等极端行为作为表达的主要方式,直接挑战人性和道德的极限。我们在这里列举,希望可以拓宽我们对于艺术、人的生活乃至生命的思考。  行为艺术在中国  所谓行为艺术是一种艺术家用思维和行为过程来进行创作的艺术形式,现代行为艺术兴起于西方,是西方当代社会的一个奇特现象,行为艺术在本质上可以定义为一种自由的生命活动。  中国的行为艺术是中国艺术现代化进程中向西方拿来的一种艺术形式,从1985年新潮美术时期(1985—1989) 它就已出现。这一时期宋永平、宋永红兄弟的“一个场景的体验”、丁乙等人的“街头布雕”等具有行为展演倾向的艺术活动,普遍采用包扎或自虐的方式,这与80年代年轻艺术家企图通过反文明、反艺术的手段来求得精神自由的价值取向有关,透露出对“文革”、对精神压抑的反抗,表达了艺术家寻求思想解放的时代愿望。  90年代行为艺术  90年代行为艺术大致可以分为两种:一种是由艺术家参与社会活动的行为过程,一种是艺术家展现自身生存生活状态的行为活动。  第一种往往是规模较大、参与人数较多、涉及面较广的社会性行为,例如有一群艺术家从大都市来到贫困山区,在老乡家的炕头上创作,用来表达艺术家们厌恶商业文化希冀回归自然的心态,这整个过程就是一项行为艺术;一个名为“新历史小组”的团体出售自制的“集邮牛仔服”和著名企业家肖像画,用来说明消费时代艺术家与艺术欣赏者的关系;更有人把成千上万的红伞挂在公园的树上,让游人漫步其中,使观众成为行为艺术的一部分。或许您在不经意间也搞了一把行为艺术呢。但是这种行为艺术在进入日常生活的同时,也往往受社会、市场、公共秩序甚至法律的限制,所以这种行为艺术目前很难举行大规模的活动。  第二种形式,因为是艺术家展现自己生存生活状态的行为艺术,所以越来越成为行为艺术家热衷的形式和手段之一,结果就有了赵半狄与玩具熊猫就环保问题展开对话;舒勇在情人节找花草树木谈情说爱;王晋与一头骡子结婚等千奇百怪、层出不穷的行为艺术与行为艺术家。  在当下这个多元文化的时代,行为艺术作为艺术的一种形式,理所当然地进入了我们的生活,但当生活被艺术家们作为艺术呈现在我们面前时,却又是那么出忽我们意料,甚至远远超越了我们对常态生活的理解,猛烈地撞击着我们感官和精神的承受极限。他们用艺术的方式对我们的生活进行追问:我们是谁?我们在干什么?我们要往何处去?但同时我们也对艺术的底线提出了巨大的疑问  自己用英语翻译去吧!
2023-07-09 12:36:523


英文“组合词”浅说1. 第一个单词词尾如果有重复的辅音字母,则被“精简”掉一个。举例如下:almost 来源于 all + mostalready 来源于 all + readyaltogether 来源于 all + togetheradverb 来源于 add + verb = 附加给动词 = 修饰动词的词walnut 来源于 wall + nut = 墙壁 + 坚果 = 核桃welcome 来源于 well + comewelfare 来源于 well + fare = 良好的 + 伙食 = 福利mistake 来源于 miss + takemisunderstand 来源于 miss + understand = 未命中的 + 理解 = 误解2. 第一个单词词尾的元音字母 y 改变为 i 。举例如下:manifold 来源于 many + fold (多种用途)holiday 来源于 holy + day = 神圣的 +日子 = 假日但是不是绝对的。如:anybody, anyhow, anyone, anytime,anyway, anywhere 中的 y 就不变更。2.第一个单词词尾的字母 与 第二个单词词首的字母相同,则省略一个字母。举例如下:Churchill 丘吉尔, 来源于 church + hill = 教堂 + 小山history 来源于 his + storymisspell 来源于 miss + spellmisspend 来源于 miss + spendmisstate 来源于 miss + statewherever 来源于 where + ever4. 第一个单词词尾被简化。举例如下:island 来源于 isolated + land = 被隔绝的土地 = 岛屿politburo 来源于 political + bureau = 政治局Saturday 来源于 Saturn + day = 土星日 = 星期六hydroelectric 来源于 hydraulic + electric = 水利发电pedicab来源于 pedal + cab = 脚踏的 + 车 = 货运三轮车
2023-07-09 12:36:592


Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung (mou dzu016d-dng) , 1893—1976, founder of the People"s Republic of China. One of the most prominent Communist theoreticians, Mao"s ideas on revolutionary struggle and guerrilla warfare were extremely influential, especially among Third World revolutionaries.Of Hunanese peasant stock, Mao was trained in Chinese classics and later received a modern education. As a young man he observed oppressive social conditions, becoming one of the original members of the Chinese Communist party. He organized (1920s) Kuomintang-sponsored peasant and industrial unions and directed (1926) the Kuomintang"s Peasant Movement Training Institute. After the Kuomintang-Communist split (1927), Mao led the disastrous "Autumn Harvest Uprising" in Hunan, leading to his ouster from the central committee of the party.From 1928 until 1931 Mao, with Zhu De and others, established rural soviets in the hinterlands, and built the Red Army. In 1931 he was elected chairman of the newly established Soviet Republic of China, based in Jiangxi province. After withstanding five encirclement campaigns launched by Chiang Kai-shek, Mao led (1934—35) the Red Army on the long march (6,000 mi/9,656 km) from Jiangxi north to Yan"an in Shaanxi province, emerging as the most important Communist leader. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937—45) the Communists and the Kuomintang continued their civil war while both were battling the Japanese invaders.The civil war continued after war with Japan had ended, and in 1949, after the Communists had taken almost all of mainland China, Mao became chairman of the central government council of the newly established People"s Republic of China; he was reelected to the post, the most powerful in China, in 1954. In an attempt to break with the Russian model of Communism and to imbue the Chinese people with renewed revolutionary vigor, Mao launched (1958) the Great Leap Forward. The program was a failure, 20 million people starved, and Mao withdrew temporarily from public view.The failure of this program also resulted in a break with the Soviet Union, which cut off aid. Mao accused Soviet leaders of betraying Marxism. In 1959 Liu Shaoqi, an opponent of the Great Leap Forward, replaced Mao as chairman of the central government council, but Mao retained his chairmanship of the Communist party politburo.A campaign to reestablish Mao"s ideological line culminated in the Cultural Revolution (1966—76). Mass mobilization, begun and led by Mao and his wife, Jiang Qing, was directed against the party leadership. Liu and others were removed from power in 1968. In 1969 Mao reasserted his party leadership by serving as chairman of the Ninth Communist Party Congress, and in 1970 he was named supreme commander of the nation and army. The cultural revolution group continued its campaigns until Mao"s death in Sept., 1976. A month later its leaders were purged and Mao"s surviving opponents, led by Deng Xiaoping, slowly regained power, pushing aside Mao"s successor, Hua Guofeng, and erasing the cult surrounding Mao.BibliographySee his Selected Works (4 vol., 1954—56, repr. 1961—65), Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong (ed. by S. R. Schram, 1967), and Poems (tr. 1972). See also J. B. Starr, Continuing the Revolution: The Political Thought of Mao (1977); R. Terrill, Mao: A Biography (1980); S. R. Schram, Mao Zedong: A Preliminary Reassessment (1983); Z. Li, The Private Life of Chairman Mao (1994); P. Short, Mao: A Life (2000); J. Spence, Mao Zedong (2000).
2023-07-09 12:37:051

Second-o 发音相同的单词 还有 Also-o发音相同的单词

alsogo noso agoradiostudiovideometro下面很多都是发O的音1040 words found.The most frequently occuring words ending with oThe first number (in bold) is the number of letters in the word, to make it easier to spot the most common words of the length you want.The second number indicates the approximate number of times the word occurs per million words. The words occuring most frequently are shown first.to - 2, 42099do - 2, 8400two - 3, 3124go - 2, 3004no - 2, 2873so - 2, 2154who - 3, 2076into - 4, 1634also - 4, 1248too - 3, 701ago - 3, 198radio - 5, 179wo - 2, 166studio - 6, 160video - 5, 143ratio - 5, 66onto - 4, 62hero - 4, 57echo - 4, 52zero - 4, 47piano - 5, 41hello - 5, 38portfolio - 9, 35potato - 6, 34photo - 5, 33undergo - 7, 31tobacco - 7, 30solo - 4, 25tomato - 6, 22ego - 3, 20cargo - 5, 19disco - 5, 18scenario - 8, 17zoo - 3, 17hitherto - 8, 16ho - 2, 16jo - 2, 16manifesto - 9, 16pro - 3, 16trio - 4, 15embryo - 6, 14yo - 2, 13logo - 4, 12polo - 4, 12stereo - 6, 12commando - 8, 11undo - 4, 11audio - 5, 10concerto - 8, 10otto - 4, 10cuckoo - 6, 9loo - 3, 9mo - 2, 9patio - 5, 9duo - 3, 8embargo - 7, 8memo - 4, 8micro - 5, 8placebo - 7, 8politburo - 9, 8veto - 4, 8volcano - 7, 8colorado - 8, 7motto - 5, 7shampoo - 7, 7taboo - 5, 7tempo - 5, 7woo - 3, 7amino - 5, 6apollo - 6, 6auto - 4, 6bamboo - 6, 6euro - 4, 6fresco - 6, 6mungo - 5, 6proviso - 7, 6turbo - 5, 6bo - 2, 5buffalo - 7, 5casino - 6, 5combo - 5, 5demo - 4, 5fiasco - 6, 5ghetto - 6, 5kilo - 4, 5loco - 4, 5metro - 5, 5morocco - 7, 5mosquito - 8, 5palazzo - 7, 5rhino - 5, 5tattoo - 6, 5torso - 5, 5cello - 5, 4domino - 6, 4expo - 4, 4halo - 4, 4info - 4, 4limbo - 5, 4lo - 2, 4mayo - 4, 4portico - 7, 4soprano - 7, 4superego - 8, 4unto - 4, 4waterloo - 8, 4alto - 4, 3archipelago - 11, 3bingo - 5, 3boo - 3, 3folio - 5, 3indigo - 6, 3jumbo - 5, 3kangaroo - 8, 3macho - 5, 3macro - 5, 3memento - 7, 3neutrino - 8, 3overdo - 6, 3romeo - 5, 3tornado - 7, 3virtuoso - 8, 3aero - 4, 2aggro - 5, 2avocado - 7, 2bimbo - 5, 2bistro - 6, 2bravado - 7, 2bro - 3, 2calico - 6, 2cameo - 5, 2canto - 5, 2cheerio - 7, 2chico - 5, 2congo - 5, 2credo - 5, 2crescendo - 9, 2dynamo - 6, 2flamingo - 8, 2forego - 6, 2forgo - 5, 2grotto - 6, 2homo - 4, 2hullo - 5, 2impresario - 10, 2inferno - 7, 2innuendo - 8, 2intro - 5, 2kimono - 6, 2libido - 6, 2libretto - 8, 2limo - 4, 2lino - 4, 2maestro - 7, 2mango - 5, 2panto - 5, 2pedro - 5, 2peso - 4, 2polio - 5, 2psycho - 6, 2quarto - 6, 2repo - 4, 2salvo - 5, 2scherzo - 7, 2servo - 5, 2supremo - 7, 2tango - 5, 2tao - 3, 2thereto - 7, 2torpedo - 7, 2tremolo - 7, 2tuxedo - 6, 2vertigo - 7, 2vibrato - 7, 2voodoo - 6, 2ado - 3, 1aficionado - 10, 1aristo - 6, 1arpeggio - 8, 1banco - 5, 1bio - 3, 1bravo - 5, 1campesino - 9, 1campo - 5, 1cappuccino - 10, 1cicero - 6, 1continuo - 8, 1contralto - 9, 1coo - 3, 1dado - 4, 1ditto - 5, 1duomo - 5, 1flamenco - 8, 1fro - 3, 1gazebo - 6, 1gestapo - 7, 1goo - 3, 1gusto - 5, 1hallo - 5, 1hereto - 6, 1hippo - 5, 1hydro - 5, 1judo - 4, 1kudo - 4, 1machismo - 8, 1mono - 4, 1outdo - 5, 1portobello - 10, 1promo - 5, 1pseudo - 6, 1quango - 6, 1rococo - 6, 1romano - 6, 1santo - 5, 1serrano - 7, 1silo - 4, 1staccato - 8, 1stiletto - 8, 1stucco - 6, 1tho - 3, 1toledo - 6, 1weirdo - 6, 1There are 818 less common words:second/sekənd/lemonmeloncommon从下面选..Words ending with on, the most common words first3812 words found.The most frequently occuring words ending with onThe first number (in bold) is the number of letters in the word, to make it easier to spot the most common words of the length you want.The second number indicates the approximate number of times the word occurs per million words. The words occuring most frequently are shown first.on - 2, 7232information - 11, 773question - 8, 694person - 6, 540education - 9, 520million - 7, 517position - 8, 512action - 6, 491reason - 6, 481section - 7, 419decision - 8, 411union - 5, 387situation - 9, 358condition - 9, 325production - 10, 318son - 3, 297population - 10, 279attention - 9, 277application - 11, 263operation - 9, 261election - 8, 255association - 11, 250station - 7, 244region - 6, 240upon - 4, 234function - 8, 233commission - 10, 232season - 6, 231organisation - 12, 217provision - 9, 216division - 8, 202television - 10, 202discussion - 10, 201direction - 9, 196competition - 11, 195version - 7, 186common - 6, 183opposition - 10, 183collection - 10, 174afternoon - 9, 173mention - 7, 173opinion - 7, 168relation - 8, 168expression - 10, 163institution - 11, 163solution - 8, 163protection - 10, 161soon - 4, 161communication - 13, 157organization - 12, 156occasion - 8, 147option - 6, 146proportion - 10, 142legislation - 11, 140prison - 6, 138contribution - 12, 136administration - 14, 135introduction - 12, 135consideration - 13, 132reaction - 8, 132construction - 12, 129distribution - 12, 129nation - 6, 129conclusion - 10, 126selection - 9, 123exhibition - 10, 121conversation - 12, 120generation - 10, 120investigation - 13, 119tradition - 9, 118description - 11, 117won - 3, 117recognition - 11, 116explanation - 11, 111definition - 10, 110examination - 11, 110session - 7, 110hon - 3, 109intention - 9, 109pension - 7, 109reduction - 9, 109fashion - 7, 101motion - 6, 101iron - 4, 100billion - 7, 99second - 6, 520diamond - 7, 28millisecond - 11, 1abscond - 7, 1There are 17 less common words:picosecondfemtosecondmicrosecondnanosecondzeptosecond
2023-07-09 12:37:132

nevertheless, nonetheless 是不是组合词?

英文“组合词”浅说1. 第一个单词词尾如果有重复的辅音字母,则被“精简”掉一个。举例如下:almost 来源于 all + mostalready 来源于 all + readyaltogether 来源于 all + togetheradverb 来源于 add + verb = 附加给动词 = 修饰动词的词walnut 来源于 wall + nut = 墙壁 + 坚果 = 核桃welcome 来源于 well + comewelfare 来源于 well + fare = 良好的 + 伙食 = 福利mistake 来源于 miss + takemisunderstand 来源于 miss + understand = 未命中的 + 理解 = 误解2. 第一个单词词尾的元音字母 y 改变为 i 。举例如下:manifold 来源于 many + fold (多种用途)holiday 来源于 holy + day = 神圣的 +日子 = 假日但是不是绝对的。如:anybody, anyhow, anyone, anytime,anyway, anywhere 中的 y 就不变更。2.第一个单词词尾的字母 与 第二个单词词首的字母相同,则省略一个字母。举例如下:Churchill 丘吉尔, 来源于 church + hill = 教堂 + 小山history 来源于 his + storymisspell 来源于 miss + spellmisspend 来源于 miss + spendmisstate 来源于 miss + statewherever 来源于 where + ever4. 第一个单词词尾被简化。举例如下:island 来源于 isolated + land = 被隔绝的土地 = 岛屿politburo 来源于 political + bureau = 政治局Saturday 来源于 Saturn + day = 土星日 = 星期六hydroelectric 来源于 hydraulic + electric = 水利发电pedicab来源于 pedal + cab = 脚踏的 + 车 = 货运三轮车
2023-07-09 12:37:201


prominent Chinese dramatisthttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0DE4DF1E38F933A15757C0A963948260Li Bozhao, Chinese Dramatist And Wife of Politburo Official Print Save ShareDiggFacebookNewsvinePermalink AP Published: April 20, 1985Li Bozhao, a dramatist and the wife of Yang Shangkun, a member of the Communist Party Politburo, has died of a heart attack at the age of 74, the official press reported today. Mrs. Li, who kept her maiden name according to Chinese custom, died Wednesday in Peking, the Communist Party newspaper People"s Daily reported. Mrs. Li wrote plays, operas, stories and memoirs, most of them based on the Communist revolution in China. Born in Chongqing in 1911, she studied in Moscow and took part in the ""Long March"" led by Mao Zedong in 1934 and 1935, when the Red Army, having broken out of encirclement by the troops of Chiang Kai-shek, traveled to the north to establish a new base. After the Communist takeover in 1949, Mrs. Li became president of the People"s Art Theater in Peking and party secretary for the capital"s cultural affairs. Her husband, a former security minister, was accused of spying on Chairman Mao and was purged during the Cultural Revolution, but was rehabilitated in 1978. --------------------------------http://www.answers.com/topic/lao-sheLao She (born Feb. 3, 1899, Beijing, China — died Aug. 24?, 1966, Beijing) Chinese writer. He worked as an educator before going to England in 1924, and he was inspired to write his first novel while reading the works of Charles Dickens to improve his English. He originally championed strong, hard-working individuals but later expressed the futility of the individual"s struggle against society, as in Luotuo Xiangzi (1936), the tragic story of a ricksha puller; Rickshaw Boy, an unauthorized translation with a happy ending (1945), became a U.S. best-seller. After the onset of the Sino-Japanese War, he wrote lesser patriotic and propagandistic plays and novels. In 1966 he fell victim to the Cultural Revolution.
2023-07-09 12:37:393


1. 第一个单词词尾如果有重复的辅音字母,则被“精简”掉一个。举例如下:almost 来源于 all + mostalready 来源于 all + readyaltogether 来源于 all + togetheradverb 来源于 add + verb = 附加给动词 = 修饰动词的词walnut 来源于 wall + nut = 墙壁 + 坚果 = 核桃welcome 来源于 well + comewelfare 来源于 well + fare = 良好的 + 伙食 = 福利mistake 来源于 miss + takemisunderstand 来源于 miss + understand = 未命中的 + 理解 = 误解2. 第一个单词词尾的元音字母 y 改变为 i 。举例如下:manifold 来源于 many + fold (多种用途)holiday 来源于 holy + day = 神圣的 +日子 = 假日但是不是绝对的。如:anybody, anyhow, anyone, anytime,anyway, anywhere 中的 y 就不变更。2.第一个单词词尾的字母 与 第二个单词词首的字母相同,则省略一个字母。举例如下:Churchill 丘吉尔, 来源于 church + hill = 教堂 + 小山history 来源于 his + storymisspell 来源于 miss + spellmisspend 来源于 miss + spendmisstate 来源于 miss + statewherever 来源于 where + ever4. 第一个单词词尾被简化。举例如下:island 来源于 isolated + land = 被隔绝的土地 = 岛屿politburo 来源于 political + bureau = 政治局Saturday 来源于 Saturn + day = 土星日 = 星期六hydroelectric 来源于 hydraulic + electric = 水利发电pedicab来源于 pedal + cab = 脚踏的 + 车 = 货运三轮车
2023-07-09 12:37:484


Stalin, JosephI INTRODUCTION Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), general secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, the despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the Soviet regime and shaped the direction of Europe after World War II ended in 1945.Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili in the town of Gori, Georgia, which at the time was part of the vast Russian Empire. He was the third and only surviving child of a cobbler and a housecleaner. In 1888 Stalin began attending the Gori Church School, where he learned Russian and excelled at his studies, winning a scholarship to the Tbilisi Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894.II YOUNG REVOLUTIONARY Stalin began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity. He was soon exposed to the radical ideas of fellow students, however, and began to read illegal literature based on the works of German political philosopher Karl Marx. In 1899, just as he was about to graduate, he gave up his religious education to devote his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. While employed as an accountant in Tbilisi, Stalin spread Marxist propaganda among railway workers on behalf of the local Social Democratic organization. After moving to the seaport of Bat"umi, where he organized a large workers" demonstration in 1902, Stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police. A year later he was sentenced to exile in the Russian region of Siberia. He soon managed to escape, however, and was back in Georgia by early 1904.When the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) split into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions in 1903, Stalin was drawn to the more militant Bolsheviks, who were led by Vladimir Lenin. In Georgia, where Menshevism predominated, Stalin soon gained a reputation as a belligerent and staunch follower of Lenin, whom he had first met in 1905 at a conference in Finland.In 1905 Stalin married Yekaterina Svanidze, a Georgian woman who died two years later. Stalin was arrested and exiled by imperial police in 1908 because of his illegal underground activities. His escape the next year was followed by further arrests, exiles, and secret trips abroad during the years leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. In 1912 Lenin elevated Stalin, who by this time had adopted the Russian pseudonym meaning “man of steel,” to the leading Bolshevik Party body, the Central Committee. At Lenin"s behest, Stalin wrote his chief theoretical work, Marxism and the National Question. Stalin was arrested and sent to Siberia before the essay was published in 1913.Stalin was released from exile upon the overthrow of the Russian monarchy in the February (or March, in the New Style calendar) phase of the Russian Revolution. He went to Petrograd (later Leningrad; now Saint Petersburg), where he became a member of the party"s Central Committee bureau. He then asserted editorial control over the party newspaper, Pravda (Truth).Although he did not play a prominent role in the Bolshevik takeover of the government in October (November, New Style), Stalin became a member of the new government"s Soviet (Council) of People"s Commissars (Russian acronym, Sovnarkom), heading the Commissariat for Nationality Affairs. Given the vital importance of nationality issues at a time when the Bolsheviks were trying to keep the territories of the former Russian Empire under their power, Stalin"s post was crucial to the Bolshevik victory in the ensuing Russian Civil War (1918-1921). He was elected a member of the Communist Party"s highest decision-making body, the Politburo, and the Central Committee"s Orgburo (Organizational Bureau) in 1919. As a political commissar in the Red Army during the height of the civil war, Stalin supervised military activities against the counterrevolutionary White forces along the western front that were led by General Pyotr Wrangel. During the war between Russia and Poland from 1920 to 1921, his decisions as a political commissar ended in disaster and led to a long-standing conflict with Commissar of War Leon Trotsky. Meanwhile, Stalin, whose first wife had died in 1907, married Nadezhda Alliluyeva in 1918 and moved with the government from Petrograd to Moscow.III SOVIET DICTATOR After the Bolshevik victory in the civil war, Stalin threw himself into organizational work and administrative tasks. Having served as commissar for state control since 1919, he continued this post until 1923, while in 1922 he was elected general secretary of the Communist Party, a position that gave him control over appointments and established a base for his political power. Stalin"s rude and aggressive behavior brought him into conflict with the ailing Lenin, who shortly before his death in 1924 wrote his political “testament” in which he voiced misgivings about Stalin. In the testament Lenin expressed doubt whether the party"s general secretary would use his authority with sufficient caution, and he called for Stalin"s removal from the post. Adroit political maneuvering enabled Stalin to have Lenin"s testament discounted and suppressed, however, while Lenin"s death freed Stalin to establish a ruling coalition with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinovyev, excluding Stalin"s rival Trotsky from the succession struggle. Stalin reversed his course in 1925 and joined with Nikolay Bukharin and Aleksey Rykov in a new coalition against his former partners, who in turn joined with Trotsky in 1926 to form an intraparty bloc against Stalin known as the “Left Opposition.” Once Stalin had succeeded in defeating these opponents, in 1928 he then turned against his former allies Bukharin and Rykov. By the end of 1929 Stalin had succeeded in political maneuvers that eliminated his political opponents and established him as the supreme leader of the USSR.IV DOMESTIC POLICIES In the late 1920s Stalin decided the New Economic Policy (NEP), which Lenin had introduced in 1921 to facilitate postwar economic recovery by encouraging limited private enterprise, no longer worked. The rate of economic growth was declining and peasants were not producing enough grain to satisfy demand. Instead of giving the peasants economic incentives to raise production, Stalin chose a policy that forced them into state-owned collective farms. Simultaneously, he pressed forward with a program of rapid industrialization, which began with the ambitious first Five-Year Plan in 1928. Stalin believed the Soviet Union had to industrialize rapidly in order to strengthen the Communist regime and enable the country to defend itself against foreign enemies. The plan, which was financed by exploiting resources in the countryside, resulted in the near collapse of Soviet agriculture and the deaths of millions of peasants from famine. Industrialization was achieved, but at great cost.Although his hold on absolute power was unchallenged by the early 1930s, Stalin worried about potential conspiracies against him, especially after the suicide of his second wife in late 1932. Stalin set in motion a massive purge of the party following the assassination of Leningrad party chief Sergey Kirov in December 1934, which many have speculated was masterminded by Stalin because he viewed Kirov as a threat. Although the purge began gradually, with selective arrests in 1934 and 1935, by 1936 the Soviet secret police were arresting and executing party members by the thousands. Highly publicized trials of leading party figures—including Kamenev, Zinovyev, and Bukharin—were staged in Moscow and resulted in their swift execution on trumped-up charges. In 1937 and 1938 the terror spread to all of Soviet society, including the military high command. Estimates of those arrested and executed from 1936 to 1938 in the Great Purge range between 1.5 million and 7 million. Countless others were imprisoned in forced labor camps. Winding down at the end of 1938, the purge left Stalin with a new generation of officials loyal to him alone. However, the decimation of the military ranks left the country more vulnerable to the threat from Adolf Hitler"s Germany during World War II.V FOREIGN POLICIES Although Stalin"s policy in the mid-1930s was to support the Communist International (Comintern) in forming a popular front against the rise of fascism in Europe, he gave up the idea of collective security with the West and in August 1939 decided upon an alliance with Nazi Germany. The “Secret Protocols” of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact carved up Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence; the Soviets allowed Germany to invade Poland in exchange for Hitler"s promised nonaggression against Soviet territory. Despite warnings, Stalin was taken by surprise in June 1941 when the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa, a three-pronged attack against the USSR. Although the Soviets were poorly prepared for the invasion and at first suffered huge losses, the country rallied behind Stalin, who assumed direct leadership of the war effort. Following their defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in January 1943, the Nazis lost the initiative and were finally forced to retreat in 1945, which allowed Soviet troops to move into Eastern Europe. Having obtained recognition from Allied governments of a Soviet sphere of influence in these newly liberated countries, Stalin established puppet Communist regimes and drew the so-called Iron Curtain between Eastern and Western Europe.In 1947 the Soviets established the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), an international body of Communist leaders that was to ensure conformity with the Soviet line. Yugoslavia was expelled from the alliance in 1948 after Stalin condemned renegade Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito for refusing to follow Soviet orders. That same year Moscow announced a blockade of Berlin, fueling the Cold War with the West. Stalin was determined to catch up with the United States in developing the atomic bomb; he ordered that no resources be spared toward that goal, which was achieved in August 1953, shortly after his death.A Final Years By 1950 Stalin"s mental and physical health had begun to deteriorate and he was absent from the Kremlin, the government headquarters in Moscow, for long periods of time. His subordinates were fearful of becoming victims of Stalin"s growing paranoia, which manifested itself in plans for another purge. In January 1953 Stalin ordered the arrest of a group of Kremlin doctors on charges of plotting the medical murder of high-level Soviet officials. Just as a renewal of mass terror seemed imminent, Stalin died of complications from a stroke in March. Although the nation was plunged into grief, Stalin"s political successors expressed relief and moved quickly to reverse some of the most brutal features of his regime. Nikita Khrushchev, who replaced Stalin as general secretary (called first secretary until 1966) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), denounced Stalin"s methods of rule and political theories, known as Stalinism, in his “secret speech” to the 20th Party Congress in 1956.B Evaluation Stalin"s historical legacy is overwhelmingly negative. Although his policies transformed the USSR from an agrarian-based society into an industrialized nation with a powerful military arsenal, the transformation was accomplished at the cost of millions of lives. Stalin"s militant distrust of the West and his assertion of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe gave rise to the Cold War. His purges of society through violent police terror left a permanent scar on the collective memory of the people under his rule. Although admired by some Russians, most would agree with the assessment in the West that Stalin was one of the cruelest dictators in history.
2023-07-09 12:37:551


Chen Yi (August 26, 1901 - January 6, 1972) was a Chinese communist military commander and politician. He served as the 2nd Mayor of Shanghai and the 2nd Foreign Minister of China.Chen was born in Lezhi, near Chengdu, Sichuan, into a moderately wealthy magistrate"s family.A comrade of Lin Biao from their guerilla days, Chen was a commander of the New Fourth Army during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), spearheaded the Shandong counter-offensive during the Chinese Civil War, and later commanded the Communist armies that defeated the KMT forces at Huai-Hai and conquered the lower Yangtze region in 1948-49. He was made a Marshal of the People"s Liberation Army (PLA) in 1955.After the founding of the People"s Republic of China, Chen became mayor of Shanghai. He also served as vice premier from 1954 to 1972 and foreign minister from 1958 to 1972 and president of the China Foreign Affairs University from 1961 to 1969. During the Cultural Revolution, he was criticized in 1967, but never dismissed, so Zhou Enlai performed the duties of foreign minister in his place. He was a member of the 8th CPC Politburo from 1956 to 1967 and he was not admitted to the 9th Politburo (1969), though he was a member of the 9th CPC Central Committee.After Marshal Lin Biao"s death in 1971, he was restored to favor, although not to his former power. Mao personally presided over his funeral arrangements. This was Mao"s last public appearance and his first appearance at anyone"s funeral during the Cultural Revolution.
2023-07-09 12:38:021


毛泽东的。虽然长点,但是没有难的词汇Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung), the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Chaochan, China, in 1893. He became a Marxist while working as a library assistant at Peking University and served in the revolutionary army during the 1911 Chinese Revolution.Inspired by the Russian Revolution the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was established in Shanghai by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in June 1921. Early members included Mao, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and Lin Biao. Following instructions from the Comintern members also joined the Kuomintang. Over the next few years Mao, Zhu De and Zhou Enlai adapted the ideas of Lenin who had successfully achieved a revolution in Russia. They argued that in Asia it was important to concentrate on the countryside rather than the towns, in order to create a revolutionary elite. Mao worked as a Kuomintang political organizer in Shanghai. With the help of advisers from the Soviet Union the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) gradually increased its power in China. Its leader, Sun Yat-sen died on 12th March 1925. Chiang Kai-Shek emerged as the new leader of the Kuomintang. He now carried out a purge that eliminated the communists from the organization. Those communists who survived managed to established the Jiangxi Soviet. The nationalists now imposed a blockade and Mao Zedong decided to evacuate the area and establish a new stronghold in the north-west of China. In October 1934 Mao, Lin Biao, Zhu De, and some 100,000 men and their dependents headed west through mountainous areas. The marchers experienced terrible hardships. The most notable passages included the crossing of the suspension bridge over a deep gorge at Luting (May, 1935), travelling over the Tahsueh Shan mountains (August, 1935) and the swampland of Sikang (September, 1935).The marchers covered about fifty miles a day and reached Shensi on 20th October 1935. It is estimated that only around 30,000 survived the 8,000-mile Long March. When the Japanese Army invaded the heartland of China in 1937, Chiang Kai-Shek was forced to move his capital from Nanking to Chungking. He lost control of the coastal regions and most of the major cities to Japan. In an effort to beat the Japanese he agreed to collaborate with Mao Zedong and his communist army. During the Second World War Mao"s well-organized guerrilla forces were well led by Zhu De and Lin Biao. As soon as the Japanese surrendered, Communist forces began a war against the Nationalists led by Chaing Kai-Shek. The communists gradually gained control of the country and on 1st October, 1949, Mao announced the establishment of People"s Republic of China. In 1958 Mao announced the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to increase agricultural and industrial production. This reform programme included the establishment of large agricultural communes containing as many as 75,000 people. The communes ran their own collective farms and factories. Each family received a share of the profits and also had a small private plot of land. However, three years of floods and bad harvests severely damaged levels of production. The scheme was also hurt by the decision of the Soviet Union to withdraw its large number of technical experts working in the country. In 1962 Mao"s reform programme came to an end and the country resorted to a more traditional form of economic production. As a result of the failure on the Great Leap Forward, Mao retired from the post of chairman of the People"s Republic of China. His place as head of state was taken by Liu Shaoqi. Mao remained important in determining overall policy. In the early 1960s Mao became highly critical of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union. He was for example appalled by the way Nikita Khrushchev backed down over the Cuban Missile Crisis.Mao became openly involved in politics in 1966 when with Lin Biao he initiated the Cultural Revolution. On 3rd September, 1966, Lin Biao made a speech where he urged pupils in schools and colleges to criticize those party officials who had been influenced by the ideas of Nikita Khrushchev. Mao was concerned by those party leaders such as Liu Shaoqi, who favoured the introduction of piecework, greater wage differentials and measures that sought to undermine collective farms and factories. In an attempt to dislodge those in power who favoured the Soviet model of communism, Mao galvanized students and young workers as his Red Guards to attack revisionists in the party. Mao told them the revolution was in danger and that they must do all they could to stop the emergence of a privileged class in China. He argued this is what had happened in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev. Lin Biao compiled some of Mao"s writings into the handbook, The Quotations of Chairman Mao, and arranged for a copy of what became known as the Little Red Book, to every Chinese citizen. Zhou Enlai at first gave his support to the campaign but became concerned when fighting broke out between the Red Guards and the revisionists. In order to achieve peace at the end of 1966 he called for an end to these attacks on party officials. Mao remained in control of the Cultural Revolution and with the support of the army was able to oust the revisionists. The Cultural Revolution came to an end when Liu Shaoqi resigned from all his posts on 13th October 1968. Lin Biao now became Mao"s designated successor.Mao now gave his support to the Gang of Four: Jiang Qing (Mao"s fourth wife), Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan and Zhange Chungqiao. These four radicals occupied powerful positions in the Politburo after the Tenth Party Congress of 1973. Mao Zedong died in Beijing on 9th September, 1976.
2023-07-09 12:38:111


问题一:老挝波乔的英语 因题干条件不完整,缺少文字,不能正常作答。 问题二:老挝用英语怎么说 Laos 问题三:一篇关于老挝的英语介绍 急用!!!!! LAOS Geography Laos is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar and China, Vietnam to the Map of Laoseast, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west. Laos has thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,817 m, with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam. Political System The only legal political party is the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party (LPRP). The head of state is a president elected by parliament for a five-year term. The head of government is a prime minister appointed by the president with parliamentary approval. Government policies are determined by the party through the all-powerful nine-member Politburo and the 49-member Central mittee. Important government decisions are vetted by the Council of Ministers. This unicameral parliament, expanded in February 2002 elections to 109 members for a five-year term, approves all new laws, although the executive branch retains authority to issue binding decrees. Education System The French system of education was replaced wit耿 a Laotian curriculum, although lack of teaching materials has impeded effective instruction. Although school enrollment has increased since 1975, the goal of achieving universal primary education was postponed from 1985 to 2000 as a res......>> 问题四:“万象之都”怎么翻译 Capital of elephant. 这样就可以了。有时候中文需要加些“千”、“万”字眼来体现程度,英文则不需要。 问题五:“老挝万荣”英语怎么写? Vang Vien, Laos 山水如画的地方,有老挝小桂林之畅,很多洋背包客在那儿放松、消磨时间(在东南亚背包的确很耗心力……)。 问题六:老挝波乔的英语 因题干条件不完整,缺少文字,不能正常作答。 问题七:老挝用英语怎么说 Laos 问题八:一篇关于老挝的英语介绍 急用!!!!! LAOS Geography Laos is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar and China, Vietnam to the Map of Laoseast, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west. Laos has thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,817 m, with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam. Political System The only legal political party is the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party (LPRP). The head of state is a president elected by parliament for a five-year term. The head of government is a prime minister appointed by the president with parliamentary approval. Government policies are determined by the party through the all-powerful nine-member Politburo and the 49-member Central mittee. Important government decisions are vetted by the Council of Ministers. This unicameral parliament, expanded in February 2002 elections to 109 members for a five-year term, approves all new laws, although the executive branch retains authority to issue binding decrees. Education System The French system of education was replaced wit耿 a Laotian curriculum, although lack of teaching materials has impeded effective instruction. Although school enrollment has increased since 1975, the goal of achieving universal primary education was postponed from 1985 to 2000 as a res......>> 问题九:“万象之都”怎么翻译 Capital of elephant. 这样就可以了。有时候中文需要加些“千”、“万”字眼来体现程度,英文则不需要。 问题十:“老挝万荣”英语怎么写? Vang Vien, Laos 山水如画的地方,有老挝小桂林之畅,很多洋背包客在那儿放松、消磨时间(在东南亚背包的确很耗心力……)。
2023-07-09 12:38:351

给一份Tracy Mcgrady的英文个人简介

Tracy McGrady family life: Tracy McGrady, nickname T - MAC. He in 1979 was born on May 24 Bartow, is Melanise Williford son. Tracy Auburndale grew up in Florida. He lives in Auburndale piece is called "the Hill" place. It was a in Tampa, around Orlando and between the interesting around the lake town. In Auburndale he soon grew into an amphibian sports star. Tracy first love baseball and dream can in major league baseball team. Some Auburndale local coach almost sure he will be in major league baseball team playing in the NBA, rather than gallop on stage. Tracy family to his influence. His mother and grandmother Melanise Roberta will he grow-up. Later, he gradually put both women as a mother. Melanise Williford in World hotel when gentlemen waitress. In order to work to earn their living every day she takes 90 minutes trip in the hotel and her in Tampa near home. Tracy McGrady, old daddy Tracy finished he"s life, but that does not say he is not Tracy side. Tracy often say, "my father has been at my side, he did he should do, he is not a bad father." Joe Hopkins, Tracy mount zion Christian college basketball coach, he is very important in life Tracy a person. He has taught Tracy respect other people, respect yourself and respect match. Tracy always said, "he is my support, no Hopkins coach, today everything is impossible." Hopkins is located in north Carolina Durham mount zion, where Christ college basketball coach. One day he received a about Tracy telephone, is in high school (Kathleen Auburndale high school basketball coach near) calling. Hopkins immediately drove straight to escort family to Orlando, gentlemen World. Came to Auburndale, he visited Tracy as well as two of his "mother". Tracy a return in and on the way to Durham, Hopkins gave Tracy a on mount zion Christian colleges scholarships, and the remaining everything will never forget history. Tracy career highlights: Tracy McGrady Lamar, Jr Birthday: f. 1979 on May 24th Birthplace: U.S. Height: 6 feet 8 inches (about 202 meters) weight: 215 pounds High school: mount zion Christian college, Auburndale high school Draft: 1997 first-round draft picks the ninth by marrying the Toronto raptors Location: guard/striker Number: 1. Career transactions: 1997NBA first-round draft picks ninth overall Toronto raptors singled out. August 2000 3 be traded to Orlando, get a future first-round pick. June 30, 2004 with Tracy, Orlando point Tyronn Lue, Howard and Reece Gaines exchange to rockets Francis, Cuttino Mobley and Steve Kelvin Cato. Career highlights: Was elected the eastern all-star team starting member. For the second consecutive year get averaging 28.0 points scoring () 04 March 10 and the Washington wizards game get career highest 62 points 02-03 season averaging more than 30 points in the NBA in scoring title. Get He became NBA/ABA since 1976-77 established since the start of the youngest averaged 30 + scoring titles. He is also the Bob McAdoo in 1974-75 season he averaged 34.5 points, has obtained the scoring 30 + the youngest one In 2001 and 2003, were selected for NBA all-star starter members March 17 and Philly game sent out a career-high 13 assists, and on March 15th and Denver after scoring a career-high 6 steals April 2001, 28 and Milwaukee in game 3 of the highest 42 points obtained the playoffs Rookie season, in the "98 feb. 13 and New Jersey"s game get season-high 22 points and eight rebounds 98 years at New York"s all-star weekend rookie challenge played in 10 minutes, scored nine points On December 31, 1997, the individual first in the NBA scoring, to the Miami heat had 13 points and five rebounds On October 31, 1997, NBA debut and against the Miami heat In mount zion Christian college senior, Tracy was yonhap nominated for national player of the year and north Carolina"s player of the year Individual situation: Between Tracy in central Florida communities had made great efforts, has been awarded to 2003 sorrow and Helen DeVos community Rich prize In 2003, due to Tracy outstanding personality and exemplary citizen responsibility, by sport news programrns nominated for professional athletes model Summer 2000, at the nearby Rollins university read some relevant curriculum leadership skills In 1997NBA draft before declaring his candidacy, considering going to Florida college. Kentucky or Drafted by the Toronto raptors to mount zion, after marrying donated $300,000 and intends to aid Auburndale high school Favorite actor Jim Carrey and Martin Lawrence, like watching karate film (martial arts blockbuster) My favorite dish is mother tailor-made spaghetti and meat ball Cousin is an NBA all-star and former annual rookie Vince politburo High school when Tracy Tracy basketball myth began his in Auburndale first year of junior high. He Bloodhounds (retriever team) in his first season got averaging 23.1 points and 12.2 rebounds. But despite this amazing data, but the name of Tracy did not appear in any one of the most promising new list. Only Florida Miami schools and he had shown some interest In the Florida after the first year of high school Auburndale, he was invited to the ABCD camp. Tracy are still looking for opportunities to put themselves in basketball maps forever, he had to let whole Tracy McGrady is the brightest all know who. In New Jersey"s Teaneck held annual Adidas ABCD camp is a good opportunity for basketball. In high school students in all-star games the ball from the left, he rushes straight down, block before him and the rim only between James Felton - a from New York university of St Johns 6 "9 inch big tall. Tracy right hand with the ball forward, James head in a large wind turbines type dunk. He let whole gymnasium are crazy. Tracy said after the game, "after filling the basket, my whole body feels all felt tremors, that moment I know I"ve made it." Hoop Scoop newcomer newsletter praise for "Tracy decade the most unexpected guy". In the summer before he didn"t even enter new 500 list, but now Tracy"s schedule in the first two, Lamar Odom the Redemption ranked only after the striker Christian college. Then Tracy was nominated for the American"s player of the year. February 1997 10 sports pictorial magazine or there is a report for three pages for special introduce him. Senior, he moved to mount zion Christian colleges play a year. In mount zion academy of this precious one season quite successful, he led the Mighty Warriors hit a record 20 wins 1 negative. In the United States today 25 jia awards he also took the second. As a high school student, he"s averaging 27.5 points, 8.7 7.7 rebounds, assists, steals and meanwhile 2.8 shooting as much as 56.4%, 3-point percentage 38.9% 79.1% free-throw percentage. He was nominated for the American"s player of the year and north Carolina"s player of the year, also has been nominated for the national team members McDonald. In the traditional; shooting game, he made six of seven, only will only misses 3-pointers and scored 13 points Tracy McGrady prepared to go in Kentucky and sorrow Pitino, Hopkins received NBA veteran scout Marty Blake telephone call, asked him about the schedule, NBA team wanted to mount zion see Tracy playing Tracy really want earlier realize his dream. Tracy McGrady, who came from Durham mount zion Christian academy, 6 "8 inches tall and weigh 200 pounds, can be competent all five position all-around outstanding player, announced he decided to participate in the June 25 NBA draft. McGrady in Auburndale and his mother and grandmother Melanise dwell together, and he in the farewell mount zion coach Joel Hopkins and 11 teammates said, "I think this is for me and my family, the best decision, I considered going to a university, but my dream is to become the best player, and now I receive advance the chance." At the end of the day, Tracy can be singled out, can at any time have been singled out has become a question. And now the Toronto raptors is preparing in the 9th sequence made their choice. David Stern announced the result Isiah Thomas and, yes, the raptors on his ninth Tracy McGrady picked sequence
2023-07-09 12:38:431


  discuss表讨论,谈论; 论述的意思,那么你知道discuss的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了discuss的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   discuss的同义词辨析:   argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason   这些动词均含" 辩论 ,争论,说理"之意。   argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。   quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指"吵嘴、吵架"。   debate :侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。   dispute :侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含"各持已见"或"争论不休"意味。   discuss :最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。   reason :指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。   discuss的例句:   1. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   2. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.   高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。   3. The magazine"s aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.   该杂志的宗旨是在____框架下讨论时下的热门话题。   4. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.   他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。   5. They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.   他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。   6. Parents will be able to discuss their child"s progress with their teacher.   家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。   7. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.   在社交场合讨论生意被认为是不礼貌的。   8. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.   很明显,她想谈些私事。   9. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.   他总是愿意谈论各种假设的可能性。   10. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.   议会临时安排会议讨论问题。   11. I"m not prepared to discuss this over the telephone.   我不想在电话里讨论这件事。   12. He flatly refused to discuss it.   他断然拒绝讨论此事。   13. We will discuss these three areas in depth.   我们将深入探讨这3个领域。   14. She"d rung up to discuss the divorce.   她打过电话来协商离婚事宜。   15. I just won"t discuss my intimate relationships.   我就是不想讨论我的恋爱关系。
2023-07-09 12:38:521


The general structure English name for: the first name + + the name of the surname himself. Such as William Jafferson Clinton. But on many occasions middle name often didn"t write, such as omitting the Bush, and many people prefer a nickname Christian name, such as replacing Clinton official ali. The first name and middle name also called personal name. Now will English national personal name, nicknames and surname is introduced as follows:I. personal nameAccording to the custom of the English people, be in commonly baby when baptized by pastor or parents, called for the family named Christian name. Later I can access the second name, row after in the first name.The source of English personal name roughly several situations:1. Using the bible, ancient Greek and Roman mythology, the celebrity or literary classics as the first name names.2.adopt ancestors origin, mountains and rivers, birds and animals such as trees, flowers water flea name as a Christian name.3. The first name of different variants.4. Adopt (fart.very) nicknames.5. Use word-formation technology to create new Christian name, such as transferable, mergers.6. The mother"s surname as her middle name. English national common man name: James, John, David, Daniel, Michael, common woman like some more, Mary, called: Elizabeth, Ann, even, new Catherine.II. The nicknameNicknames including nickname, merchants and middle name, is an English national relatives and friends often come between cordial call, is the basis of the first name of derivative. Usually has the following situations:1. Keep the first syllable. Such as Donald = > > Timothy = Don, Tim. If specific to beginning with a vowel sound,Can be derived by "N" led nickname, such as: Edward = > Ned.2. + ie or - such as: Don = > y > Timmy Donnie, Tim =.3. By day, such as: both Anthony end Beuben = > Tony, = > Ben.4. Christian name derives from a nickname, such as: two Andrew = > Andy & to Drew.5. Irregular derived method, such as: William"s nickname is Bill.III. A surnameBritish people for a long time had only one name without surname. Until the 16th century the use was widely popular surname apart. English surname of etymology mainly include:1. Christian name, such as Clinton directly borrow.2. Add said in the first name of bloodline relations, such as suffix - s affix, - companies - ing; Prefix M "-, Mc -,Mac -, Fitz - are says so-and-so sons or offspring.3. Before the first name of additional says identity, such as St - affix, De La, ethnic =, Le -,.4. Showing places, geomorphic or environment characteristics of Brook, Hill, such as etc.5. Projected the identity or professional, such as: politburo, Smith.6. Projected the personal characteristics, such as: Black, Longfellow.7. Use the name of the animals and plants, such as Bird, Rice.8. ShuangXing mergers by Jones, such as Burne -.English surname although appeared more Christian name late, but much more number. Commonly used are: Smith, Miller,This time, Jones, Johnson, Williams.IV. Some instructions1. Earlier from the bible, produced the Greek and Roman mythology Christian name usually don"t borrow for a surname.2. British habits Christian name and middle name will all abbreviations, such as m. h. Thatcher; Americans are used toIn middle name, such as only abbreviations Ronald w. Reagan.3. Even before the names are sometimes interpersonal appellation, such as position rank. Dr., Prof. Pres. Can be used as a surname, before before or name; But Sir only for the first name or the name before.
2023-07-09 12:38:581

把下面的话翻译成正统英文 谢谢

Last May 12, the China earthquake of wenchuan. In under the strong leadership of the party central committee and state council and the people of all ethnic groups, especially of the people of disaster areas politburo, surmount, where SheShengWangSi, charge before, the fastest in the history of our country, and mobilize rescue efforts, the biggest aseismatic fight. We insist to rescue people"s life in the first place, from the ruins of rescue survivors 8.4 million. Fast repair infrastructure, decisive disposal tangjiashan, avoid serious secondary disasters occur, To develop epidemic prevention, after calamity without pandemic. The central government for 384 million yuan of any type and 7.4 million yuan capital, rapid recovery and rehabilitation stage a series of policy measures to support area. Actively provide assistance. Social circles, the money donated enthusiastically compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese and international society caring dedication to lend a helping hand, make a concerted effort against the disasters majestic strength. The arduous struggle the aseismatic emerge, countless move ground, inspiring heroism, adequately, China"s indomitable spirit of self-empowerment, wrote a great nation of magnificent promissory note.
2023-07-09 12:39:084


秦始皇简介,不知道能不能帮上LZQin Shihuang, named Own, eliminate after six countries, the unification of China, said that the first emperor, the founding emperor of the Qin dynasty.Two thousand years, evaluation of him is very controversial, the emperor what in the end is a figure?Li difficult childhood and youth born into imperial emperor"s son about his father (also known as different people) do has a direct relation with the hostages.He was born in the era of the late Warring States Period, and the struggle between the countries unusually fierce.Qin was one of Pharmacology, listened to the emperor"s great-grandfather Qinzhaowang Fan osprey "long diplomatic offensive" strategy.put offensive spearhead of the country"s first at the Han and Wei and Zhao joint and distant.Follow the practice, the two countries exchanged hostages to express their sincere.Zhao was sent to the Qin emperor"s son about his father because he is not very high in the Chancellor"s position.Chu is the grandson Qinzhaowang son, Prince Edward security monarch (emperor"s grandfather) son.Xia Ji son"s mother about not being cared for Guo, popular son about his son in more than 20 security monarch ranked in the middle, not the son,So low status, and when it chose to select him hostage.Chu Zhao very pleased with the son, but he did change the destiny of Lü Buwei, Prime Minister.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister at that time was a rich businessman, he will be speculation,Chu would think that he is like a son to see a precious commodity, like a rare commodity.He earned fame and fortune through the future (this is now "a rare commodity," the origins of this phrase).Lü Buwei, Prime Minister very familiar with the Chancellor of the Insider, while focusing on the most popular knows the value of his wife, but she has no son.would give up its mind about the value of his wife over son to son, then the security monarch ascended the throne after Prince Edward,Chu is the son Prince Edward, he was definitely going to make use of the enormous sums of money and political capital.Minds, it Lü Buwei, Prime Minister of those actions.He cited 1000 as the capital, about 500 elements of the gift, let him make a lot of friends,Jizhenyibao 500 payment for the purchase, then brought to the Chancellor.He was very clever, and not directly to see the value of focusing on his wife, but a more secure more effective diversionary tactics :looking for the value of his wife"s sister.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister display of eloquence, Setsuko about how wise and intelligent and how to make friends in the world, full of ambition.While living abroad, but miss the kind of everyday security monarch and his wife, the value of the Xian - hui,He often said to him, "his wife, Chu is the son of God", and sometimes at night have also miss tears.Lastly, see the value of his wife"s sister was so moved, she transferred to the value of the gift his wife.Huayang Lü Buwei, Prime Minister"s wife accepted the gift on behalf of her son to Chu, heard about her son"s attitude and security monarch,Chu will have goodwill toward.Huayang Lü Buwei, Prime Minister also persuaded his wife to persuade the value of his wife"s sister.let her in the House as soon as possible to select a good son as his own son, for saving immediately.Even in death Qinzhaowang then have to keep its status, and the son is clearly the most suitable candidate.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister of astute businessmen calculations, the value of his wife the night of the anxious feelings precisely, a sister to put the mattersuit.Thus, the value of focusing on the use of his wife would love to convince Ritsuko clear for his successor.Matter what the situation and status of the son about a lot of changes have taken place :An Guojun and his wife, the value of a son to clear enough money, Lü Buwei, Prime Minister also let him do the job, assisting son Chu.Since then, Lü Buwei, Prime Minister longer live in the Handan and son work together to make the world about the guests, waiting to return to do Prince,ready to inherit the throne after the arrival earlier in the day.To better befriend son talked about sending a good son Lü Buwei, Prime Minister returned to the beautiful singing and dancing, because it was the capital of Zhao.Therefore, the history of her ZHAO Ji.Later, ZHAO Ji Chusheng son to son, and this is the emperor.Started his surname, Zhao was born.Because it is born in the first lunar month, the name is now, and later on changed political.When returned to the Qin surname changed only win.Just born emperor of Qin and Zhao allies will by the enemy.The next year, Zhao Qin siege of the son was going to kill him and that the results clearly son Lü Buwei, Prime Minister"s help,Cheng Mun bribed the officials, escaped from the Handan City.In his grandmother"s and mother emperor under the cover to escape the disaster.Six years later, 475, 215, Qinzhaowang death, security monarch ascended the throne, which is Slight WENWANGGOU, Huayang wife of the queen,Chu is the son Prince Edward.At this time, Qin Zhao, and the friendly relations restored to its previous state, and the mother returned to the emperor Qin.An incumbent ruler is a very short time, the first year mourning for his father, died just three days after the formal enthronement.Chu son ascended the throne, Qin Zhuangxiangwang.Just turned out, I would let a prime minister Lü Buwei, Prime Minister, 1771 letter Hou.Son knew about but did not last long, only three years, then died.475, 247, just 13 years old emperor ascended the throne Own it, because young,Zhao Lü Buwei, Prime Minister and political affairs fall into the hands of the Empress.
2023-07-09 12:39:184


North Korea: Kim"s Uncle Sacked for ‘Criminal Acts"这几天的,金正恩姑父遭清洗(国内sina也有报道)SEOUL — North Korea announced on Monday the dismissal of Jang Song Thaek, the once powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong Un, for what it described as a string of criminal acts including corruption, womanizing and drug-taking.South Korea"s spy agency last week said it believed Jang, long regarded as the second most powerful man in the secretive state, had been relieved of his posts in November.The sacking means Pyongyang is undergoing its biggest leadership upheaval since the death in 2011 of former leader Kim Jong Il, the younger Kim"s father.”Jang and his followers committed criminal acts baffling imagination and they did tremendous harm to our party and revolution,” the North"s KCNA news agency said in a report following a meeting of the ruling Workers" Party politburo on Sunday.The meeting decided to dismiss Jang from all his posts and expel him from the Workers" Party, KCNA said. Kim Jong Un attended and `”guided” the meeting, it said.KCNA listed a series of acts committed by Jang that it said led to the decision to remove him, including mismanagement of the country"s financial system, corruption, womanizing and abusing alcohol and drugs.”Jang pretended to uphold the party and leader but was engrossed in such factional acts [such] as dreaming different dreams and involving himself in double-dealing behind the scene,” KCNA said.”Affected by the capitalist way of living, Jang committed irregularities and corruption and led a dissolute and depraved life.”Jang is married to Kim"s aunt, the daughter of the North"s founding leader Kim Il Sung, and was widely considered to be working to ensure his nephew firmly established his grip on power in the past two years.Last week a South Korean official said Jang was likely alive and in no immediate physical danger, as was his wife, Kim Kyong Hui.Experts say Jang"s removal will help the younger Kim consolidate his power base with a group of younger aides.Jang had been a prominent fixture in many of the reports and photographs of Kim Jong Un"s public activities, but his appearances have tapered off sharply this year and he has not been in official media since early November.South Korean media said on Friday that a man who managed funds for Jang had fled and sought asylum in South Korea.The aide, who has not been not named, was being protected by South Korean officials in a secret location in China, cable news network YTN and the Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper said, citing sources familiar with the matter.
2023-07-09 12:39:381

elite series是什么意思

精英系列双语对照例句:1.The series was based on research by a team of elite chinese historians, whoalso briefed the ruling politburo about their findings. 剧情以一群的顶尖中国历史学家的研究成果为根据,这些人同时负责向政治局汇报这些研究成果。
2023-07-09 12:39:451

《The Oilandthe Glory》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Oil and the Glory》(Steve LeVine)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xPYQiLfohhy5AbJnGeFCig 提取码: d8av书名:The Oil and the Glory作者:Steve LeVine出版社:Random House出版年份:2007-10-23页数:496内容简介:Remote, forbidding, and volatile, the Caspian Sea long tantalized the world with its vast oil reserves. But outsiders, blocked by the closed Soviet system, couldn"t get to it. Then the Soviet Union collapsed, and a wholesale rush into the region erupted. Along with oilmen, representatives of the world"s leading nations flocked to the Caspian for a share of the thirty billion barrels of proven oil reserves at stake, and a tense geopolitical struggle began. The main players were Moscow and Washington-the former seeking to retain control of its satellite states, and the latter intent on dislodging Russia to the benefit of the West. The Oil and the Glory is the gripping account of this latest phase in the epochal struggle for control of the earth"s "black gold." Steve LeVine, who was based in the region for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Newsweek, weaves an astonishing tale of high-stakes political gamesmanship, greed, and scandal, set in one of the most opaque corners of the world. In LeVine"s telling, the world"s energy giants jockey for position in the rich Kazakh and Azeri oilfields, while superpowers seek to gain a strategic foothold in the region and to keep each other in check. At the heart of the story is the contest to build and operate energy pipelines out of the landlocked region, the key to controlling the Caspian and its oil. The oil pipeline that resulted, the longest in the world, is among Washington"s greatest foreign policy triumphs in at least a decade and a half. Along the way, LeVine introduces such players as James Giffen, an American moneyman who was also the political "fixer" for oil companies eager to do business on the Caspian and the broker for Kazakhstan"s president and ministers; John Deuss, the flamboyant Dutch oil trader who won big but lost even bigger; Heydar Aliyev, the oft-misunderstood Azeri president who transcended his past as a Soviet Politburo member and masterminded a scheme to loosen Russian control over its former colonies in the Caspian region; and all manner of rogues, adventurers, and others drawn by the irresistible pull of untold riches and the possible "final frontier" of the fossil-fuel era. The broader story is of the geopolitical questions of the Caspian oil bonanza, such as whether Russia can be a trusted ally and trading partner with the West, and what Washington"s entry into this important but chaotic region will mean for its long-term stability. In an intense and suspenseful narrative, The Oil and the Glory is the definitive chronicle of events that are understood by few, but whose political and economic impact will be both profound and lasting.
2023-07-09 12:39:521