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2023-07-11 18:50:22


One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.


Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.


Quit!don"t quit! Noodles!don"t noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be .Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: That"s why we call it----the Present.


Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it"s called the present (the gift)


There are no accidents


but there are things we can control

I can control when the fruit will fall

... And I can control

What time to seed

7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果 或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。

Yes, but no matter what you do,

That seed will grow to be a peach tree

You may wish for an Apple or an orange

But you will get a peach


But peache can not defeate Tai Lung

乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。

Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .


you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.

师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。

Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you

but you stayed









Yes ,I stayed .

I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head

or said I smelled ,it hurts.

But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .

I stayed ,because I thought ..

If anyone could change me ,

could make me not me ,

it was you

the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!

9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。



I"m sorry things didn"t work out …

It"s just what it"s meant to be

Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.

We are Noodle folk

Broth runs deep through our veins



The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.

To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.



  《功夫熊猫》以中国古代为背景,其景观、布景、服装以至食物均充满中国元素,讲述了一只笨拙的熊猫立志成为武林高手的故事。以下是我整理的功夫熊猫里的经典台词,欢迎参考阅读!   功夫熊猫里的经典台词 篇1   1.The more you take, the less you have.   得之越多 失之越多   2.Inner peace.   心如止水   3.Justice is about to be served!   正义即将降临   4.There is always something more to learn,even for a master.   学海无涯 即使你是大师   5.How was your first day teaching?   Humiliating.   第一天授课感觉如何? 特别丢脸.   6.Both! I don`t know why you ever thought I could teach that class.   两者都是 我不知道你为什么觉得我可以教他们   Oh, I knew you couldn`t.   我知道你不行   What? You set me up to fail? Why?   什么 你故意让我失败 为什么   If you only do what you can do,   如果你只做力所能及的.事   you will never be more than you are now.   就永远无法更进一步   I don`t wanna be more! I like who I am.   我不想更进一步 我喜欢自己   You don`t even know wha you are.   你连自己是谁都不知道   What do you...? Of course I do.   你说什么... 我当然知道   I`m the Dragon Warrior.   我是神龙大侠   And what exactly does that mean, Dragon Warrior?   而神龙大侠究竟意味着什么呢   It means, you know,just going around and punching and kicking.   这意味着 四处闯荡 挥拳踢脚   Defending the valley!And stuff.   守卫山谷 这一类的   7.Oogway saw greatness in you,Po.   乌龟看到了你的巨大潜力 阿宝   Against my better judgment.   尽管我不干苟同   More than you can see in yourself.   他对你寄以厚望   Incredible power awaits you.   惊人的力量在等着你   Power beyond anything you can imagine.   超乎你想象的力量   8.What was that?   那是什么   That was chi.   这是气   What`s chi?   气是什么?   The energy that flows through all living things.   生物筋骨中流淌的能量   9.There`s no way I`m ever gonna be like you.   我没法像你那样授课的   I`m not trying to turn you into me.   我不是要把你变成我   I`m trying to turn you into you.   而是要把你 变成你   10.You must rediscover what it is to be a panda.   你必须重新认识做熊猫的真谛   11.I knew I wasn`t eating up to my potential!   我就知道我没有完全发掘出吃东西的潜力   12.You know,you weren`t the only one who was lying.   你要知道 你不是唯一一个说谎的人   I didn`t really come along because I was worried Po would go hungry.   我不只是因为担心阿宝饿肚子才跟过来的   I was worried you`d steal Po from me.   我担心你会把阿宝从我身边夺走   I know,That was crazy.   我知道 我想多了   But I realize having you in Po`s life doesn`t mean less for me.   但我意识到让你进入阿宝的生活并非我的损失   It means more for Po.   而是阿宝的收获   13.Sometimes,we do the wrong things for the right reasons.   有些时候 我们会做错事但都是出于好意   功夫熊猫里的经典台词 篇2   1、一切都不是偶然。   2、何必躲呢,躲不过的。   3、着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。   4、做不做呢,要不要呢?   5、俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)。   6、乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。   7、师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种,那可不是幻觉大师。   8、乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。   9、师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。   10、乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。   11、阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。   12、你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。   13、师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。   14、你说它特别,它就特别了。   15、我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。
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功夫熊猫经典台词有哪些   1、老朋友,如果你不看清控制的幻想,熊猫 就无法完成它的使命,同样,你也完成不了你的使命。   2、我不是一只熊猫,我是超级熊猫。   I a nt A panda,I a THE panda.   3、我儿子终于梦到面条了,你不知道为了这一刻,我已经等待了多久,你已经初具资格成为我家煲汤秘方的传人 面条世家肉汤在我们的血管中流淌。   4、龙之典——没有隐藏的奥义,而是自己。   5、宗师:我一直都为你骄傲,从第一刻开始 我就为你自豪,可正是这份骄傲和自豪蒙住了我的眼睛,爱你太多,却让你走上了邪路,是我把你变成了现在的样子,对不起。   6、这是我生命中最悲催的一天。迄今为止,无事能及。那是我经历过的,最悲惨、最痛苦、最伤脑筋、最恐怖的时刻。   It was the wrst da f life. B far nthing else cae clse. It was the wrst, st painful, ind-destred, hrrible ent I have ever experienced.   7、我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。   I fund ur stupidit ildl ausing.   谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得灰常讨厌。   Than u, but I fund ur evilness is extreel anning.   你觉得你是谁啊,你个死熊猫?   Wh d u thin u are, panda?   你以为我是谁啊,你个臭孔雀?   Wh d u thin I a, peacc?   你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,不过这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看你后来的人生路,你自己选择怎么走下去。   ur str a nt have a such happ begining, but that desn"t ae wh u are. It is the rest f ur str, wh u chse t be.   你是怎么做到内心平和的?我让你父母双亡,无家可归。我给你的人生烙上了抹不掉的伤痕。   Hw did u find peace? I t awa ur parents, everthing. I scared u fr life.   伤痕是会愈合的。   Scars heel.   伤痕又不叫愈合,伤口才会愈合啥的。   N, the dn"t, wunds heel.   哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么样?会消退吧?   Oh, eah. What Scars d? The fade I guess?   我才不管伤痕会怎么样。   I dn"t care what scars d.   8.宗师:当你专心于功夫时,聚精会神时,你就很烂。   9.There are n accidents.   存在即为合理。   10.esterda is histr,   Trrw is a ster,   But tda is a gift,   That is wh it"s called the present. (the gift)   昨日不可留,明日未可知,然今日乃天赐之物。(最后那句须英文意会)   11.One eets its destin n the rad he taes t avid it.   子欲避之,必促遇之。 (归化翻译法运用到了极致啊)   12. Master Shi Fu: Mater Wu Gui, u suned e.Is there sething wrng?   Master Wu Gui: Wh ust sething be wrng fr e t want t see ld friend?   Master Shi Fu: S, nthing"s wrng?   Master Wu Gui: Well, I didn"t sa that.   师傅: 乌龟大师,您召见我,是出了什么事么?   乌龟大师: 缘何定要有事我才能与老友相聚呢?   师傅: 如此说来,没出什么事咯?   乌龟大师: 那个,我倒也没这么说。(乌龟极为地贱啊。哈哈~)   13. A: He"s t awese!   B: And attractive.   C: Hw can we repa u?   P: There"s n charge fr aweseness...r attractiveness!   路人甲: 他太彪悍了!   路人乙: 还很迷人。   路人丙: 我们该何以为报?   肥波: 彪悍的"人生不求回报,迷人更无所需。   14. The Guard: One wa in, ne wa ut.   One thusand guards, and ne prisner.   呆头护卫: 一进一出,唯此一路。   一囚千守,百密无疏。(典型被用来的自大型无辜路人角色用语)   15.T ae sething special ,u ust have t believe it"s special.   世间本无特别之物,汝信之,则其为之。   16.ur ind is lie this water, friend , when it is agitated ,it beces difficult t see ,but if u allw it t settle , the answer beces clear.   汝心类此水,乱则不明,然若心如止水,则答案自现。(乌龟让我想到了张三丰)   17.Tai lng: u"re ust a big fat panda.   P: I" nt a big fat panda. I" the big fat panda!(仅一字之差,尽显意境啊~)   太郎: 你不过是只肥头大耳的熊猫。   肥波: 我不是肥头大耳的熊猫。 我是独一无二的肥头大耳的熊猫!   18.世上没有意外。(世间无巧合、一切早已注定)(从来就没有意外)   There are n accidents.   19.何必躲呢,躲不过的。(往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇)(博友新译:一心逃避宿命,却撞个正着/可译成中国俗语:是祸躲不过/子欲避之,反促遇之)   One ften eets its destin n the rad ,he taes t avid it.   20.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。(你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。)(博友新译:你的心情便如这搅乱的池水,混沌不清;等静下来,答案自见分晓/心如惊澜,神思混沌;心若止水,茅塞顿开))   ur ind is lie this water, friend , when it is agitated ,it beces difficult t see ,but if u allw it t settle , the answer beces clear.   21.u can see light in the deepest cave and u will feel the universe in tin arund u.   能于至深之处明察秋毫,与天地运数息息相通。(师傅在描述龙之卷轴的神力)   22.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是礼物。(昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物)(博友新译:昨天已成过去,明日犹未可知;唯有今朝在手,当好好把握/昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金.好好把握现在吧/逝者长已矣,来着犹可追)   There is a saing,   esterda is histr,   Trrw is a ster,   But tda is a gift,   That is wh it"s called the present (the gift).   23.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,   我不能让树为我开花,   也不能让它提前结果   es ,l at this tree Shifu(师傅)   I can nt ae it blss and suits e ,   nr ae it bear fruit befre its tie .   师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制   我可以控制果实何时坠落   我还可以控制在何处播种   那可不是幻觉 大师   but there are things we can cntrl   I can cntrl when the fruit will fall   ... And I can cntrl   What tie t seed   That is nt illusin , Master   乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么   那个种子还是会长成桃树   你可能想要苹果 或桔子   可你只能得到桃子   那个种子还是会长成桃树   es, but n atter what u d,   That seed will grw t be a peach tree   u a wish fr an Apple r an range   But u will get a peach   师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎   But peach can nt defeat Tai Lng   乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。   Mabe it can if u are willing t guide it , t nurish it , t believe in it .   24. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,   况且这本不是天意,   阿宝,忘了其它的事情,   你的使命一直都在向你召唤。   我们是面条家族,   血管中流淌着面条的汤汁(面汤)。   I" srr things didn"t wr ut …   It"s ust what it"s eant t be.   Paul ,frget everthing else ,ur destin still awaits.   We are Ndle fl,   Brth runs deep thrugh ur veins.   25.牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命   ~There"s n charge fr aweseness r t attractiveness !!   26.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?   你知道我一直想把你赶走,   可你还是留下来了。   Wh didn"t u quit ? u nw I was tring t get rid f u   but u staed   阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。   我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,   或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。   可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。   我留下来,因为我以为,   如果还有人能改变我,   能让我焕然一新,   那就是你--   中国最伟大的功夫师父!   es ,I staed .   I staed ,because ever tie u threw up bric n the head   r said I selled ,it hurts.   But it culd never hurt re than I did everda in life ust being e .   I staed ,because I thught ..   If anne culd change e ,   culd ae e nt e ,   it was u   the greatest ng Fu teacher in the whle f China!   27.你一定要相信。   u ust belive!!!   28、退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。(博友新译:留下练功?还是回去抻面?这是一个选择题。)   Quit dn"t quit. Ndles dn"t ndles.   29.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。   The secret ingredient f secret ingredient sup is...nthing.   30. 你说它特别,它就特别了。   T ae sething special ,u ust have t believe it"s special.   31. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却.   u cannt leave ,real warrir never quits.   32.罗嗦什么,打吧!   Enugh tal~ let"s fight! ;
2023-07-11 17:53:081


  在当下社会,接触并使用台词的人越来越多,台词是戏剧舞台上唯一可以运用的语言手段。还苦于找不到好的台词?下面是我精心整理的《功夫熊猫》经典台词,欢迎阅读与收藏。   1. 一切都不是偶然。 There are no accidents.   2. 何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.   3. 着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.   4. 俗语说,昨天已经过去,明天一切未知,但“今天”是上帝赐给我们的“礼物”。 There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it"s called the present (the gift).   5. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 Yes, look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it blossom and suits me, nor make it bear food before it"s time.   6. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。 But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control what time to seed. That is not illusion , Master.   7. 乌龟:是啊,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange but you will get a peach.   8. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。 But peach can not defeate Tai Long.   9. 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .   10. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的"血。 I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins   11.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。You cannot leave, real warrior never quits.   12. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。   Why didn"t you quit ? You know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed   13. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!   14. 少废话,决斗吧! Enough talk, let"s fight!   15. 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命。There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness.   16. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.   17. 认为它特别,它就特别了。 To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special.   【剧情简介】:   故事发生在很久以前的古代中国,而且要从一只喜欢滚来滚去、滚来滚去的大熊猫身上说起。话说熊猫阿宝是一家面条店的学徒,虽然笨手笨脚,也勉强算是谋到了一份职业,可是阿宝天天百无禁忌地做着白日梦,梦想着自己有一天能够在功夫的世界里与明星级的大人物进行一场巅峰之战。别看阿宝所在的“和平谷”一派欣欣向荣的安详景象,其实是一个卧虎藏龙的风水宝地,先不说五大功夫高手皆坐镇于此,更有一大师级别的宗师在这里隐居,可是在一场特殊的比武大会上胜出的人要代表“和平谷”将邪恶的大龙永久地驱除出去,啥都不会的阿宝却在经历了一系列阴差阳错之后屏雀中选,让所有人都大跌眼镜。   “和平谷”的五位功夫大师对种戏剧性的结果持各种不同的态度:一身正气、勇敢无畏老虎大师将阿宝看成了一个名副其实的笑话;友好、顽皮却很热心肠的猴子大师则是一副看好戏的有趣神情;仙鹤大师是五人中最具“母性”的那一位,他很同情阿宝;自负的毒蛇大师虽然给人的感觉稍显轻浮,但对这件事的态度就有如她善变的性格,不太明朗;螳螂大师算是几位高手中最聪明的一个,对阿宝的现状很是无奈,总是暗中帮忙。   最后要将阿宝调教成“功夫高手”的一代宗师“师父”华丽丽地出场了,然而有着一身好功夫并不意味着就是完美的,“师父”因为过去犯下的一个错误,一直纠结着没办法释然。他的任务,就是将那个软弱、除了做面条什么都不会的阿宝训练成一个拥有着足够的武术技巧、可以打败强大敌人的顶级战士。   至于那个让人人都如临大敌的大龙,则是一只非常自恋的雪豹,他等待复仇的这一天,已经整整等了20年了,可是他做梦也没想到,自己等来的竟然是一只大熊猫。激烈的战斗后,阿宝以自己对武功的悟性和师父传授的武术,战胜了大龙,拯救了山谷,为山谷带来了和平。
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功夫熊猫台词   1.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了.   2.Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.   3.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇   4.One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it   5.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why itu2019s called the present (the gift).   6.昨日已成过去,未来充满可能,唯有珍惜现在。   7.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.   8.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。   9.I"m sorry things didnu2019t work out u2026 Itu2019s just what itu2019s meant to be   10.天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意   11.世间无巧合   12.There are no accidents.   13.伤痕是会愈合的。   14.你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,不过这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看你后来的人生路,你自己选择怎么走下去。   15.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇   16.过去的,已经过去了,未来的",还未可知,现在,却是上苍的礼赠。   17.你的心好似这潭湖水,老朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。   18.没错 可是无论你做什么,这个种子最终也还是长成棵桃树,你或许想要苹果或是橘子,但到头来还是桃子。   19.Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn"t make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.   20.是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中原最伟大的功夫师父!   21.你的思想好似这潭湖水,我的朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,答案就清晰可见。   22.You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now. 过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为其实都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要做出什么样的选择。   23.Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn"t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be. 你的故事也许没有一个快乐的开始,可这并不能决定你的人生。你想要成为什么样的人,全看你自己的选择。-   24.命中注定的事,躲也躲不过。   25.但是有些事情我们是可以控制的,我可以控制果实的坠落的时刻,我可以控制它的种子在哪里安家,那可不是幻觉,仙人。   26.这是我生命中最悲催的一天。迄今为止,无事能及。那是我经历过的,最悲惨、最痛苦、最伤脑筋、最恐怖的时刻。   27.你不能走,真正的勇士永不放弃。   28.我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。   29.天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿波,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。   30.你应该关心下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为其实都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。   31.我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。   32.是的,看看这棵树,我不可能让它随便开花,也不可能让它提前结果。   33.你是怎么做到内心平和的?我让你父母双亡,无家可归。我给你的人生烙上了抹不掉的伤痕。   34.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是u2026什么都没有。没必要,你认为它特别,它就特别了。   35.那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。   36.谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得非常讨厌。   37.I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water.   38.希望这次的结果比你那个先吃生米再喝开水的煮饭计划好一点。 ;
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《功夫熊猫》是一部美国动作喜剧电影,不过里面的题材全是中国风。不由得感叹中国这类型的电影与国外的差距啊! 这部影片的故事是围绕中国国宝大熊猫,里面的搞笑成份十足,对白也非常的经典,看完之后回味无穷。现在我们就来回味下里面的精彩台词。 1.There are no accidents. 一切都不是偶然。 2.One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇(命中注定的事,躲也躲不过)。 3. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated , it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 你的心好似这潭湖水,老朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 4.There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it"s called the present (the gift). 俗语说,昨天已经过去,明天一切未知,但“今天”是上帝赐给我们的“礼物”。 5.Yes, look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it blossom and suits me, nor make it bear food before it"s time. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 6.But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control what time to seed. That is not illusion , Master. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。 7.Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange but you will get a peach. 乌龟:是啊,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 8.But peach can not defeate Tai Long. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。 9.Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it . 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 10.I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 11.You cannot leave, real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。 12.Why didn"t you quit ? You know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 13.Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父! 14.Enough talk, let"s fight! 少废话,决斗吧! 15.There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness. 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命。 16.The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。 17.To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special. 认为它特别,它就特别了。 18.Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 退出,不退出;做面条,不做面条。 19.You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now. 你应该关心当下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。 《功夫熊猫》的出色不言而喻,它的成功迎来了 《功夫熊猫2 》。第三部也会映入人们的眼帘,无奈的是,第三部的时间太久远了,估计在2015年年底,所以大家还是不要花太多的时间关注第三部的到来,与其等待,还不如多看看近期的精彩电影。
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1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 3.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。 Quit dont quit. Noodles dont noodles. 4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why its called the present (the gift). 5.从来没有什么意外。 There are no accidents. 6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。 But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, ... And I can control what time to seed. 7.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. 师傅:可桃子不能打败大龙。 But peach can not defeate Tai Long. 乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it. 8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。 You cannot leave, real warrior never quits. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Why didnt you quit? you know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。 我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。 可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。 我留下来,因为我以为, 如果还有人能改变我, 能让我焕然一新, 那就是你-- 中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought... If anyone could change me, could make me not me , it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。 我们是面条家族,血管中流着面汤。 Im sorry things didnt work out, its just what its meant to be. Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk, broth runs deep through our veins. 10.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是什么都没有。 认为它特别,它就特别了。 The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. To make something special, you just have to believe its special. Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 小四之所以把英文听记下来,是因为中文在翻译时,有时候会失去英语韵味,比如下面这句话: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 此外还有一些话,蛮好的啦,乍一看很普通,结合影片,结合实际,结合自己来看的话,感觉会很不同。 There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的"现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didnt you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个鸭子爸爸,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的真理。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有!
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1.我们为何苦苦随大流地争夺不属于自己的东西呢?找到自己的位置,人人生而有其价值!需要发现!2.为何不把握现在?这才是最重要的!3.选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。4.无论是于人还是于己,信任和自信都是重要的!5.没有人可以陪你走一辈子,我们都要学会好好照顾自己。6.五个徒弟在面对强敌的时候,选择了主动出击,其实是自我牺牲!伟大!7.平平凡凡才是真!这也是最重要的!8.我就是我,一切从这个我开始!真正的自我接纳!试问:自我的任何开创不都是从这开始的的吗?9.中庸之道,在于内定,好奇妙啊!10.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。11.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。12.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。13.过去的,已经过去了;未来的,还未可知;现在,却是上苍的礼赠。14.世间无巧合。15.是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。16.也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。17.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却18.忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。19.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。认为它特别,它就特别了。20.天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意。扩展资料《功夫熊猫》是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影,影片以中国古代为背景,其景观、布景、服装以至食物均充满中国元素。故事讲述了一只笨拙的熊猫立志成为武林高手的故事。影片的场景设定在中国,影片也以宽银幕规格拍摄,所以在影片的画面采用壮观的风景与类似国画中留白的视觉风格。片中重要场景“玉皇宫”和“和平谷”,代表宫殿建筑与山水风光两种景观。透过雄伟的桂林山川呈现令观众震撼的美感电影的故事发生地放至中国本土,影片中的崇山峻岭、绵延不断,犹如曾名耀世界的中国传统山水画一般,透着一股朦胧的迷人气息。影片中和平谷的建筑风格更让观众想起了武当山的古迹。《功夫熊猫》于2008年6月28日在中国大陆上映,上映3周累计总票房超过1.35亿元人民币,成为内地第一部票房过亿的动画片。
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1. There are no accidents.   世间无巧合。   2. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.   欲避之,反促之。   3. Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.   你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。   4. Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles.   退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。   5. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it"s called the present.   昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。   6. Yes, look at this tree Shifu, I can not make it blossom and suit me, nor make it bear food before it"s time.   (乌龟)是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。   But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed That is not illusion, Master.   (师傅)但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。   Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an Apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.   (乌龟)是啊,不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子那个种子,还是会长成桃树。   But peaches can not defeat Tai Long. (师傅)可桃子不能打败太郎。   Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it.   (乌龟)也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。   7. I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins.   天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着肉汤。   8. you cannot leave, real warrior never quits.   你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。   9. Why didn"t you quit? You know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed.   (师傅)那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。   Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought ... If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! (阿宝)是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父!   10. Enough talk, let"s fight!   少废话,决斗吧!   11. There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness!   牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命!   12. The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special.   我私家汤的食材,就是……什么都没有。认为它特别,它就特别了。
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功夫熊猫经典台词There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn"t you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为···每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有! 认为它特别了,它就特别了。 To make something special,you just have to believe it special!
2023-07-11 17:56:181


Legendtalesofalegendarywarriorwhosekungfuskillswasthestaffoflegend,hetraveledtheinsearchofthefoes. Iseeyouliketochew,maybeyoushouldchewonmydesk. Thewarriorsaidnothingforhismouthwasfull,thenheswallowed,andthenhespoke Enoughtalk,let"sfight Hewassodeadlyinfactthathisenemieswillgoblindfortheoverexposuretopureawesomeness Heissoawesome,andattractive. Howcanwerepayyou? Thereisnochargeforawesomenessorattractiveness. Flew! Itmatterednothowmanyfoeshefaced,therewerenomatchforhisfoedesity Neverbeforehadapandabeensofeared,andsoloved. EventhemostrollerheroesinallofChina---thefuriousfive Bowedinrespectofthisgreatmaster Weshallhangout!---agreed Yeh! Buthangingoutwouldhavetowait,becausewhenyouarefacingtenthousanddemonsofdemonmountain Thereisonlyonethingandthat"s Getup You"llbelateforwork! Po~getup! Hi~Po,whatareyoudoingupthere? Oh.nothing Monkey!mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~ Po,let"sgo!You"relateforwork! Coming~ Sorrydad~ Sorrydoesn"tmakethenoodles~ Andwhatareyoudoingupthere~allthatnoise Oh…Nothing,just..hadacrazy Whatabout?Whatareyoudreamingabout? En.wasi….iwasdreamingabout..en…noodles. Noodles?Youwerereallydreamingaboutnoodles? Yeh…whatelsehaveIdreamedabout? Oh,careful,thatsoupissharp! Happyday!Mysonfinallyhadthenoodledream! Youdon"tknowhowlongIhavebeenwaitingforthismoment! Thisisasign,Po~ En..asignofwhat? You,arealmostreadytobeentrustwiththesecretingredientofmysecretingredientsoup, Andthenyou"llfulfillyourdestinyandtakeovertherestaurant! JustasItookitoverfrommyfather,whotookitfromhisfatherwhowonit FromagamenamedMajiang. Dad,dad,dad…thiswasjustadream. No,itwasjustthedream. Wearenoodlefolkbrothrunthoughourveins. Dad,didn"tyouever…wanttodosthelse?sthbesidesnoodles? Actually.whenIwasyoungandcrazy,Ithoughtaboutrunningawayandlearninghowtomaketofu. Sowhydidn"tyou? Becauseitwasastupiddream! Canyouimaginememakingtofu? Hahahaha……tofu……no! Weallhaveourplaceinthisworld,mineishere,andyoursis… Iknow…ishere. No…it"sthetableto2,5,7and12! Serviceswiththesmile! Welldone!students!ifyouaretryingtodisappointme,tigeressyouneedmoreaccuracy, Monkeyquickerspeed,cranehike,vipersubtlety,mantis…! MasterShifu! What? it"smasterWugui,hewantstoseeyou. Masterwugui,yousummonedme?IsSthwrong? Whymuststhbewrongformetoseemyoldfriend? So…nothingiswrong? Well,Ididn"tsaythat. You"resaying… Ihaveanvision…Tailangwillreturn. Thatisimpossible!Heisinprison! Nothingisimpossible… Sing!Flytoprison!Doubletheguards,doubletheweapons,doubleeverything, Tailangdoesnotleavethatprison. Yes!Mastershifu. Whenoftenmeetdestinyontheroad,ittakeswhatitreallyto… Wehavetodosth,beforehemarchonthevalley,andtakearrange…he"ll…he"ll… Mindthiswater,myfriend Whenitisagitated,itbecomesdifficulttosee. Butifyouallowittosettle,theanswerbecomesclear.thedragonscroll.Itistime… Butwho?Whoisworthytobetrustedwiththissecrettolimitthispower? Tobecomethedragonwarrior? Idon"tknow~ Excuseme…sorry… Hey~~~watchyourpose~ Sorry~ Sorry!doesn"tinpurpose~ What!Master"schoosingthedragonwarrior,today! Everyone!Everyone!Go!Gettothejadepalace! Oneofthefiveisgoingtolgetthedragonscroll! We"vebeenwaitingforthisforthousandsofyears!justleavethebowl! Thisisthegreatestthinginkungfuhistory!leaveaboutit,kidsgo~ Po~whereareyougoing? Tothejadepalace… Don"tforgetyournoodlecar!Thewholevalleywillbethere,you"llsellnoodlestoallofthem~ Sellingnoodles? But,dad…youknowIwasthinking…maybei…Ibecomesthingking… Couldalsosellthebeanbundles,they"re…they"reabouttogobad… That"smyboy!Itoldyouthatdreamwasasign!~ Yeh~gladIhadit~ Almostthere! What?no…no…no… Sorry~po~we"llbringyoubacksouvenir. No,I"llbringmebacksouvenir. Itisahistoricday,isn"tit,MasterWugui? Yes…andIevenfeltIwillnotlivetosee~ Areyourstudentsready?---yesmasterwugui. Youknowthis,oldfriend,whoeverIchoosewillnotonlybringpeacetothevalley,butalsotoyou~ Let"sourtournamentbegin~ Nonono~wei…I"vecome… Hey~openthedoor~letmein~ Citizensofthevalleyplease~itismyquitehonortopresentyou…tigeress,viper,crane,monkey,mantis! ----thefuriousfive Thefurious5? Warriors,prepare~ Nono,pickitahole Thethousandstonsoffire~ Wow~kookatthere!Hey~getaway! Andfinally!mastertigeress~ Believeme!citizens!you"venotseenanythingyet~ Iknow! Tigeress,playon!Andherplaysofgests~ Isensethedragonwarriorisamongus. Citizensofthevalleyofthepeace! Masterwuguiwillnowchoosethedragonwarrior! Oh?nonono,wait Po!whatareyoudoing! Oh,well…mean,it"snonelikeyougoinganywhere Wouldyouturnaround? Sure…hey,how"s…how…getyoufind…masterchifu Someonebrokethat…butI"mgoingtofixitup… Doyou…havesomeglue… So,you"rethelegendarydragonwarrior~ Iguessso~ Wrong!Youarenotthedragonwarrior!you"llneverbethedragonwarrior! Untilyouhavelearntthesecretofthedragonscroll. So..howisthisyou? Doyouhavealadder,trampoline… Youthinkisthateasy… I"mgoingtojusthandyouthesecrettothislimitlesspower?! No…I… Onemustfirstmasterthehighestlevelofkunfu,andthatisclearlyimpossibleifthatoneissomeonelikeyou. Someonelikeme? Yes!Lookatyou! Thisfatprat WhatSensitiveinthefattyparts… Andthisridiculousvalley!And,outer!Disregard,forpersonalhygine… Waitaminute…that"salongcountfor… Don"tstandthatcloseIcansmellyourbreath… WuguisaidthatIwas…the… TheWushifingerhold?Fingerhold? Oh…youknowthishold… Developedbymasterwushiinthethirddynasty,yes! Oh~thenYoumustknowwhathappenswhenIflexmypinky Nonononno… Youknowthehardestpartofthis? Thehardestpartiscleaningthepassedbloods.. Ok…oktakeiteasy… Nono…listen Panda,wuguimayhavepickedyou… ButwhenIthrewwithyou,Ipromiseyou Iaregoingtowish,he,hadn"t!areweclear? Yeh…weclear,clear,we"resoclear! Good…Ican"twaittogetstart~ Let"sbegin! Wait,wait,wait…what… Unlessyouthinkgreatwuguiwaswrong…andyou"renotthedragonwarrior~ Ok…well IthinkIcan"tdoall…those…moves…en… Wow…ifwedon"ttry,weneverknow… Yeh..it"sjust…maybewecanfindsomethingmoresuitedmylevel.. Andwhatlevelisthat …IknowI"m…notamaster…let"sjuststartzero,levelzero There"snosuchthingaslevelzero~ Hey~maybeIcanstartwiththat~ That?Weusethatfortrainingchildren~ Andforpropingthedooropenwhenitishot~ Butifyouinsist… Wow~thefuriousfive~you"resomuchbiggerthanyouractionfigures~ Exceptyou~mantis,you"reaboutthesame. Goahead,panda…showuswhatyoucando ShallIJustwaitthemtogetbacktoworkandstart… Hitit! Ok…Imean,I"mjustadate…someisstilldigesting Somykungfumaynotbeasgoodas…lateron… Justhitit! Whatyouget…hecannothingbutIcanstandrighthere.. Pickonmyfriends? Getreadytofeelthethunder~ Lookatmycrazyfeet,whatwillyoudoaboutmycrazyfeet! Comeon~I"mbluredI"mblured…you"veneverseenbear"sstyle~ He"sonlyseenplayingmantisormonkeystyle~andsnake"ssnake~ Whydidn"youhitit! Oh…Allright~allright~ Onetryagain~alittleharder~ How"sthat? Thathurts… ThiswillbeeasierthanIthought~ Mytenders… HowdiditthatIdo~ There"snowalevelzero~ There"snowords… Nodenyingthat… Idon"tunderstandwhatmasterwuguiwasthinking… ThePoorguyjustgetshimselfkilled Heissomighty…thedragonwarrior~ Felloutoftheskyandfulloffire Whenhewalks,theverygorgeshades… Onewouldthinkthatmasterwuguiwouldchoosesomeonewhoactuallyknowkungfu… Yeh..Orcouldatleasttouchhistoes…orevenseehistoes Ok…great… Hey..hi…you"reup… I"mnow… Iwasjust…someday……mykungfustaff…work,youmightthinkso… I"vehadalongandratherdisappointingday…so…yeh…i…shouldtroublygettosleepnow Yehyehyeh…ofcourse… Okthanks It"justhowIessenciallybeafan… You"retotallyamazingatthebankofweepingriver~ Irememberedthousandsofones…youdidn"tstop Oh…sorryaboutthat… Look!Youdon"tbelonghere. Iknow…Iknow…you"reright… Idon"thave…it"sjustamywhole-lifedream… Nono…Imean…youdon"tbelong…here!Imean,inthisroom…thisismyroom Crane"sproperty. Oh~ok~right,right So..yeh…youwanttogettosleep?! Iwon"tpickyouup~wegetthingstomorrow! You"reawesome…LastthingIwanttosay,okbyebye Wow… Whatwasthat? Ididn"tsayanything~ Ok~allright~goodnight~sleepwell~ Itseemedalittleawkward… Mastertigeress!Did"tIwakeyou!?Just… Youdon"tbelonghere… Yeh..yeh…ofcourse,thisisyourroom… Imeanyoudon"tbelonginthejadepalace… You"redisgracedkungfu…Ifyouhaveanyrespectforwhoweareandwhatwedo,you…willbegonebymorning~ Bigfan~~~ IseeyouhavefoundthesecretpeachtreeofheaventhatIknewwasthen Isthatwasthisis…Iwassosorry… IjustTakeitasaregularpeach…tree… Iunderstand,youeatwhenyou"reupset. Upset?I"mnotupset!whywhywhymakesmeupset… Sowhyareyouupset? Iprobablysuckedtoanyoneinthehistoryofkungfu.inthehistoryofchina,andinthehistoryofsucking… Probably…inthefive…manyoushouldseetheytotallyhateme… Totally? Howcanshifuoverturnmeintothedragonwarrior? I"m…notlikeThefive,I"vegotnoclaws,nowings,novenom… Evenmantishasthose…things… MaybejustIshouldjustquitandgobacktomakemynoodles. Quit,don"tquit,noodles,don"tnoodles. You"retooconcernedwithoutsideworldandwhatwillbe, Thereisasaying,Yesterdayishistory,tomorrowismystery, Buttodayisagift,Thatiswhyit"scalledthepresent(thegift)
2023-07-11 17:56:271


功夫熊猫经典台词英文如下:1、Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift,that"s why it"s called present。2、I"m sorry,I didn"t get that。Could you speak up,please。3、I"m not hallucinating,I"m hoping。4、You must save my soul。5、I"m not a big fan of needles。6、Your mind is like this water,my friend,when it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see。but if you allow it to settle,the answer becomes clear。7、Yes,there are definitely signs。8、Your mind is like this water,my friend,when it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see,but if you can settle down,the answer becomes clear 。9、I will make it up to you,I promise。10、One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it。
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1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.3.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles.4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it"s called the present (the gift).5.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, ... And I can control
2023-07-11 17:56:501


我比较懒,所以不像剧本那样把谁说的名字列前头,但是只要照片子看,除去说话混乱的场面应该很好看明白。基本原则是换人说话就分行,一个场景转换算一节。每节都做了编号和简单说明。大小写只照顾到了‘I",其他句头都直接小写。标点符号也是按喜好标的哈。   为表示尊重各位配音演员的辛苦工作,先列出配音的介绍:    Jack Black .....Po (voice)  Jackie Chan .....Master Monkey (voice)  Dustin Hoffman .....Shifu (voice)  Lucy Liu .....Master Viper (voice)  Ian McShane .....Tai Lung (voice)  Angelina Jolie .....Master Tigress (voice)  Seth Rogen .....Master Mantis (voice)  David Cross .....Master Crane (voice在我喜欢的HAROLD&KUMAR-white castle里扮演KUMAR的哥哥,装印度阿三)  Michael Clarke Duncan .....Rhino Commander (voice) (这位就是GREEN MILE里面那个神奇的大高个黑人犯人)  Randall Duk Kim .....Oogway (voice) (MATRIX里面的KEY MAKER,韩国人)  James Hong .....Mr. Ping (voice) (这位上海人从1955年开始演戏,饰演过无数各种各样的亚洲人,不过没怎么给人留下很深的影响。大家狗狗他的图片就知道,脸超级熟,就是想不起确切的什么角色)接下来是台词---------------1------------PO的梦境开场---------------     legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skill were a stuff of legend . he traveled the land in search of worthy foes  I see you like to chew , maybe you should chew on my fist  the warrior said nothing for his mouth was full . then he swallowed , and then he spoke : enough talk let"s fight . he was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from over-exposure to pure awesomeness!  my eyes ...  he"s too awesome  and attractive ...  how can we repay you  there"s no charge for awesomeness , or attrativeness . it mattered not how many foes he faced, they were no match for his foe-desity(实在找不出这个词是啥,怀疑是FOE带了个后缀,有知道的提醒我 ). never before had a panda been so feared , and so loved , even the most herotic heroes in all of the china - the furious five , bowed in respect of this great master  We shall hang out  agreed !  yeh ...  But hanging out would have to wait , coz when you are facing a ten thousand demons of demon mountain , there"s only one thing that it matters , and that"s ..  PO  get up  you "ll be late for work  what ? ...          ---------------2------------PO家里---------------    po , get up  hey po what are you doing up there  ah .. nothing ..  monkey mantis crane viper tigeress , roar~~  po ,let"s go , you "re late for work  coming...  sorry dad  sorry doesn"t make the noodles  and what are you doing up there , all that noise  oh nothing , just had a crazy dream  about what ?  uh ?  what were you dreaming about  what was I , ahhh, I was dreaming about uhhh noodles ...  noodles ? you were really dreaming about noodles?  uh yeh , what else would I be dreaming about ?   thank you~~  ...oh ...careful that soup is ... sharp  oh ... happy day.. my son finally having the noodle dream you don"t know how long I "ve been waiting for this moment, this is a sign ,po  ahh ..a sign of what?  you are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup and then you"ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant . just as I took it over from my father, who took it over from his father who won it from a friend in a game of Majiang.  dad dad dad, it was just a dream  no , it was THE dream  We are noodle folk, broth runs though our veins  but dad , didn"t you ever , I don"t know ,wanna do something else ? something besides noodles  actually when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu  so why didn"t you  oh , because it was a stupid dream, can you imagine me making tofu .. hahahahah... tofu ... no , we all have our place in this world , mine is here ,and yours is ...  I know , is here  no, it"s at table 2,5,7and12 , service with a smile  (sigh....)          ---------------3------------JADE PALACE---------------    Well done, students, if you were trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more ferocity , monkey quicker speed, crane hike,viper subtlety, mantis...  master Shifu!  what?  ahhh , it..it..it"s master oogway , he wants to see you.          ---------------4------------SACRED HALL OF WARRIOR---------------    Master oogway, you summoned me , is something wrong?  Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?  so , nothing is wrong?  Well, I didn"t say that.  you"re saying...  (oogway "s breathing and puffing to blow out the candles one by one )  you were saying...  I"ve had a vision , tailung will return  that is impossible , he"s in prison  nothing is impossible  zeng, fly to chor ghom prison , and tell them to double the guards, double the weapons, double everything , tailung does not leave that prison  yes ... master shifu  one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it  we have to do something, we can"t just let him marching on the valley, and take his revenge .. he"ll..he"ll…  your mind is like this water , my friend, when it is agitated , it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear  the dragon scroll  it is time  but who , who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power, to become the dragon warrior  I don"t know          ---------------5------------PO家的面档---------------    excuse me, excuse me, sorry ....  hey...watch it po....  sorry ...sorry .. a dozen pardon ...what , ohhh , master oogway"s choosing the dragon warrior , today...everyone ,everyone , go , get to the jade palace! one of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll , we"ve been waitin" a thousand years for this , just ink the pole/bowl ??? (不确定,谁听出来告诉我) . this is the greatest thing in kungfu history , don"t worry about it , just go  po , where are you going  to the jade palace  but you"re forgeting your noodle car! the whole valley will be there , and you"ll sell noodles to all of them.   selling noodles ? But,dad..you know I was kinda thinking maybe I ..  yeh ?  I was kinda thinking maybe I  uh huh  could also sell the bean buns, they"re...they"re about to go bad…  that"s my boy , I told you that dream was a sign ?  yeh , heheh ..glad I had it ...
2023-07-11 17:57:051


  《功夫熊猫2》主要讲诉了阿宝成为了神龙大侠,跟随功夫大师与盖世五侠一起保护着和平谷、过着宁静的生活。然而,好景不长,邪恶反派沈王爷正打算用无人能挡的机密武器征服中国并且毁灭功夫,阿宝面临着一次新的挑战,他必须回首过去并揭开身世之谜,才能找到打败敌人的关键力量。   《功夫熊猫2》经典台词分享   ① 夸奖“太棒了”   初级:That"s cool.   中级:Awesome.   高级:That was Ptty hardcore.   这三个说法在这一集里都有出现哦。其中,cool“太酷了” 大家都会说;awesome“很好很强大”在《功夫熊猫》第一部里头已经被阿宝用得频 率非常高了。而这一集里,hardcore这个俚语多次出现,它在影片中有双重的意思。其一,单独作为一个形容词的话,它等同于awesome;其二,如 果说某个人很hardcore,就是说ta很严肃,坚韧不拔,不会轻易放弃,有点“硬汉”的意思。阿宝就多次说悍娇虎是hardcore铁娘子。   ② 抱怨“悲剧啊”   It was the worst day of my life. By far nothing else came close. It was the worst, most painful, mind-destroyed, horrible moment I have ever experienced.   这是我生命中最悲催的一天。迄今为止,无事能及。那是我经历过的,最悲惨、最痛苦、最伤脑筋、最恐怖的时刻。   It was the worst day of my life. 我们平时最多就说到这一层了吧。为了加强语气,你还能加上和过去碰到的事情作比较:无事能及啊。最后再用一串的形容词修饰,简直是悲催得没话讲了。这样的 表达,才够给力哦。不过,师父对阿宝这么说,还真是有不给面子的哈!   ③ 耍耍嘴皮子   - I found your stupidity mildly amusing.   我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。   - Thank you, but I found your evilness is extremely annoying.   谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得灰常讨厌。   - Who do you think you are, panda?   你觉得你是谁啊,你个死熊猫?   - Who do you think I am, peacock?   你以为我是谁啊,你个臭孔雀?   用和对方一样的句式回应,把关键的词句替换得巧妙,注意 stupidity对应evilness,amusing对应 annoying,mildly就对应程度很深的extremely咯。这段斗嘴大亮诶!被坏人囚禁还能有心情跟人耍嘴皮子的,恐怕也只有阿宝这样 心理 素 质的神龙大侠了吧?(其实也就是没心没肺而已u2026u2026)   ④ 最棒的一句台词   Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn"t make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.   你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,不过这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看你后来的人生路,你自己选择怎么走下去。   也许我们还记得《功夫熊猫》第一部中乌龟大师说得那一句:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "Psent".第二部山羊大师这一句同样打动阿宝、打动观众。   ⑤ 小小哲理   - How did you find peace? I took away your parents, everything. I scared you for life.   你是怎么做到内心平和的?我让你父母双亡,无家可归。我给你的人生烙上了抹不掉的伤痕。   - Scars heal.   伤痕是会愈合的。   - No, they don"t, wounds heal.   伤痕又不叫愈合,伤口才会愈合啥的。   - Oh, yeah. What scars do? They fade I guess?   哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么样?会消退吧?   - I don"t care what scars do.   我才不管伤痕会怎么样。   - You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now.   你应该关心下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为其实都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。   伤口是总会愈合的,伤痕也会慢慢消退。真是一个非常好非常到位的比喻,你平时用英文表述的时候也要记得这样生动的方法哦。不过更难能可贵的是,为 了保持阿宝耍宝的傻傻的个性,就算这一段特别正经的讲道理环节,也还是留了一个包袱给他耍,保持了人物角色统一,很好哦。   1、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇(命中注定的事,躲也躲不过)。   One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.   2、你的心好似这潭湖水,老朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。   Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated , it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.   3、退出,不退出;做面条,不做面条。   Quit donu2019t quit. Noodles donu2019t noodles.   4、俗语说:过去的,已经过去了,未来的,还未可知,现在,却是上苍的礼赠。   There is a saying,Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a mystery,But today is a gift,That is why itu2019s called the Psent (the gift).   5、世间无巧合   There are no accidents.   6、龟仙人:是的,看看这棵树,我不可能让它随便开花,也不可能让它提前结果。   Yes,look at this tree Chivu,I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,nor make it bear food before itu2019s time .   宗师:但是有些事情我们是可以控制的,我可以控制果实的坠落的时刻,我可以控制它的种子在哪里安家,那可不是幻觉,仙人。   but there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall,And I can control,What time to seed,That is not illusion , Master.
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《功夫熊猫》乌龟大师经典语录如下:1、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。2、你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。4、昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。5、从来没有什么意外。6、是啊 ,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。
2023-07-11 17:57:301


1.一切早已注定。 There are no accidents. 2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 4.做不做呢,要不要呢? Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来者尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物) There is a saying, yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why it"s called the present (the gift). 6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅),I can not make it blossom and suit me,nor make it bear food before it"s time. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。我还可以控制在何时播种,那可不是幻觉,大师。 But there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall... And I can control what time to seed.That is not illusion , Master. 乌龟:是啊,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 Yes, but no matter what you do,that seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an apple or an orange,but you will get a peach. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。 But peach can not defeat Tai Long. 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it. 7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 I"m sorry things didn"t work out.It"s just what it"s meant to be,Paul,forget everything else,your destiny still awaits.We are Noodle folk,broth runs deep through our veins. 8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。 You cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 9.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Why didn"t you quit ? You know I was trying to get rid of you,but you stayed. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你——中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes,I stayed. I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled ,it hurts.But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me.I stayed ,because I thought,if anyone could change me,could make me not me,it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 10.Enough talk!Let"s fight! 罗嗦什么,打吧! 11.There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness ! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命! 12.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是什么都没有。 The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. 13.你说它特别,它就特别了。 To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special
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Nothing is impossible. (听的我一惊啊当时``) I understand.U eat when u upset. ...so why r u upset? Quit?Don"t quit~Noodles?Don"t noodles~ Oh~~shifu~well it is just news~there is no good or bad~............That is bad news.. Yes.Look at this tree,shifu~I can"t make its flores suits me~and not make there be a fruite before its time. No.U just need to believe.Promise me,shifu,promise me u will believe. ....刚看完``但是只记得这些乌龟说的话了...呃...可能有错...还有一段关于种桃得桃的来着Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift
2023-07-11 17:57:545


- I found your stupidity mildly amusing。我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。- Thank you, but I found your evilness is extremely annoying。谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得灰常讨厌。- Who do you think you are, panda?你觉得你是谁啊,你个死熊猫?- Who do you think I am, peacock?你以为我是谁啊,你个臭孔雀?Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn"t make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be。你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,不过这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看你后来的人生路,你自己选择怎么走下去。3、小小哲理- How did you find peace? I took away your parents, everything. I scared you for life。你是怎么做到内心平和的?我让你父母双亡,无家可归。我给你的人生烙上了抹不掉的伤痕。- Scars heel。伤痕是会愈合的。- No, they don"t, wounds heel。伤痕又不叫愈合,伤口才会愈合啥的。- Oh, yeah. What Scars do? They fade I guess?哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么样?会消退吧?- I don"t care what scars do。我才不管伤痕会怎么样。- You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now。你应该关心下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为其实都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。
2023-07-11 17:58:181

求功夫熊猫中 功夫熊猫与师父在桃树下的对白。英文原版的台词,求大神啊

2023-07-11 17:58:351


楼主你好我找到了中英双语的那您怎么办呢,师傅?-Master: I will fight Him. 我来迎战。-All: What? 什么?-Master: I can hold him off long enough hold off: 耽搁我可以尽可能久的拖延,for everyone to escape. 这样大家都能全身而退。-Po: But, Shifu, he"ll kill you. 但是,师傅,他会杀了你的。-Master: Then I will finally have paid for my mistake. 那就是我为我犯的错误付出代价了。Listen to me, all of you. 都听我说,It is time for you to continue your journey without me. 没有我,你们也要继续走下去。I am very proud to have been your master. 身为你们的师傅,我十分自豪。We"ve got to get them out safely. 我们必须让他们平安无事地转移。-Monkey: Come, little one. Let"s find your mama. 别怕,小猪猪。我们去找妈妈。-Tigress: Viper, gather the southern farmers. Viper,聚集村子南边的人。Mantis, the north. Mantis,你去村北。Crane, light the way. Crane,点灯引路。-Pig: Look, it"s the Dragon Warrior. 看,那就是“龙武士”。-Po: Hey, Dad. 嗨,老爸。-Dad: Po!Po!Good to have you back, son. 很高兴见你回来,儿子。Good to be back. 真高兴能回来。Let"s go, Po. 我们走吧,Po。So for our next shop it"s time to face it, 我们该规划一下下一家面馆了。the future of noodles is dice-cut vegetables, dice: 切成丁面的未来就是切成块的蔬菜,no longer slices. 再不是蔬菜丝。Also, I was thinking, maybe this time 我还在想u201eu201e这次we"ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in. 也许这次我们可以有一个厨房,你可以堂堂正正做个大厨。You like that? 喜欢不?Po, I"m sorry if things didn"t work out. Po,我很遗憾事情不顺利。It just wasn"t meant to be. 命运本就不该如此。Po, forget everything else. Po,忘了这些不快吧。Your destiny still awaits. 你的命运还在等你。We are noodle folk. 我们是面条世家,Broth runs deep through our veins. broth: 肉汤 vein: 静脉血管里流淌着面条的血液!-Po: I don"t know, Dad. 我不知道,老爸。Honestly, sometimes I can"t believe I"m actually your son. 说实话,有时我甚至不相信我是你儿子。-Dad: Po... Po……I think it"s time I told you something 我想是时候告诉你,I should have told you a long time ago. 一些很久以前就该告诉你的事了。-Po: OK. 好的。-Dad: The secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup. ingredient:配料我那秘之又秘私酿密汤的配方,Come here. The secret ingredient is... 靠近点,秘之又秘的配方就是u201eu201enothing. 啥都没有。You heard me. Nothing! 你听到了,啥都没有!There is no secret ingredient! 根本就没什么秘之又秘的配方!-Po: Wait, wait. It"s just plain old noodle soup? 等等,不过是普通的面汤?You don"t add some kind of special sauce or something? 什么特别酱汁都没加?或者其他什么的?-Dad: Don"t have to. To make something special 没那必要,想让一件东西特别,you just believe it"s special.你只要相信那是特别的就够了。-Po: There is no secret ingredient. 根本没有秘方。[Scene: Tailung comes back, he almost kills Shifu, at that moment, Po comes to save Shifu.] -Tailung: I have come home, Master. 我回来了,师傅。-Master: This is no longer your home. 这里不再是你家了。And I am no longer your master. 我也不再是你师傅了。-Tailung: Oh, yes. You have a new favorite. 是啊,你已经另有新宠了。So where is this Po? 那么这个Po人呢?Did I scare him off? scare off: 吓跑我把他吓跑了吗?-Master: This battle is between you and me. 这是你我之间的战斗。-Tailung: So, that is how it"s going to be. 那么,就如你所言吧。-Master: That is how it must be. 必须如我所言!-Tailung: I rotted in jail for 20 years because of your weakness! rot in jail: 进监狱 rot: 腐烂我在大牢里蹲20年,就因为你的懦弱!Obeying your master is not weakness! 听师父的话,怎叫懦弱!You knew I was the Dragon Warrior. 你知道的,我原本应是“龙武士”。You always knew. 你一直知道。But when Oogway said otherwise what did you do? 但是当Oogway说:“非也。”你做什么了?What did you do?!你做什么了?Nothing!什么都没做!-Master: You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! 你本来就不是龙武士,That was not my fault! 那不是我的错!-Tailung: Not your fault?! 不是你的错?Who filled my head with dreams?! 是谁让我充满梦想?Who drove me to train until my bones cracked?! crack: 断裂是谁让我练功练到骨断筋逆?Who denied me my destiny?! 是谁否定了我的命运?-Master: It was never my decision to make! 这不是我能决定的事!-Tailung: It is now. 那就趁现在(快做决定)!Give me the scroll!给我卷轴!-Master: I would rather die. 我宁可死。(也不给你卷轴)。-Tailung: All I ever did , I did to make you proud! 我做的一切都是为了让你骄傲,Tell me how proud you are , Shifu! 告诉我你有多骄傲,师父!Tell me!告诉我!Tell me!告诉我!-Master: I have... I have always been proud of you. 我u201eu201e我一直都为你骄傲,From the first moment, I"ve been... 从一开始,我就u201eu201e...proud of you. u201eu201e为你骄傲。And it was my pride that blinded me.是这种骄傲,让我看不清你I loved you too much to see what you were becoming... 我太爱你了,而看不到你变成了u201eu201ewhat I was turning you into. 我让你转变成的样子。I"m... 我u201eu201eI"m sorry. 我很抱歉。-Tailung: I don"t want your apology. 我不要你的道歉,I want my scroll!我要卷轴!What?!什么!Where is it?!卷轴去哪了?!-Master: Dragon Warrior has taken the scroll halfway across China by now. 龙武士早已带着卷轴穿行在神州大地,You will never see that scroll, Tai Lung. 你永远见不到那卷轴了,Tailung。Never. 永远。Never. 永远。-Po: Stairs. 台阶太多了。-Tailung: Who are you? 你是谁?-Po: Buddy, I am the Dragon Warrior. 伙计,我就是“龙武士”。-Tailung: You? 你?Him? He"s a panda. 他?他是只熊猫。You"re a panda. What are you gonna do, big guy? 你就是只熊猫,你要干什么?大个子?Sit on me? 泰山压顶?-Po: Don"t tempt me. tempt: 触犯别把我惹毛了。Now. I"m gonna use this. 现在,我要用这个。(卷轴)You want it? Come and get it. 你要不?来拿啊。-Tailung: Finally! 终于!That scroll is mine! 那个卷轴是我的!Lightning! 闪电般!The scroll has given him power! 卷轴给了他力量!No! 不!Finally! Oh, yes. 终于!哦,太好了!The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine!龙轴的力量是我的!It"s nothing!什么都没!-Po: It"s OK. I didn"t get it the first time, either. 没关系,我第一次也没看出个所以然来. What? 什么?There is no secret ingredient. 根本没有秘方。It"s just you. 只有你。Stop it! 停下!I"m gonna pee. pee: 小便我要尿出来了。Don"t. 别u201eu201eDon"t! Don"t! 别!别!-Tailung: You... 你u201eu201e...can"t defeat me. u201eu201e不可能打败我的。You... 你u201eu201e...you"re just a big... u201eu201e你不过是只个u201eu201e...fat...panda! u201eu201e肥头大腚的u201eu201e熊猫!-Po: I"m not a big fat panda. 我不是肥头大腚的熊猫,I"m the big fat panda. 我是独一无二的肥头大腚的熊猫。-Tailung: The Wuxi Finger Hold! 巫师指?!-Po: Oh, you know this hold? 原来你知道这招啊?-Tailung: You"re bluffing. You"re bluffing. Shifu didn"t teach you that. bluff: 虚张声势你吹牛,你吹牛,师傅不会教你的。-Po: Nope. 当然没教。I figured it out. Skadoosh. 是我自己悟出来,看招吧![Scene: Po defeats Tailung, he returns to the valley, and is welcomed and bowed by the Five and citizens, finally he reunites Master Shifu.] -People: Look! 看啊!The Dragon Warrior. 是“龙武士”-Dad: That"s my boy!是我的儿子!That big lovely kung fu warrior is my son! 那个可爱的大个儿功夫武士就是我儿子!-Tigress: Yes! 太棒了!-Po: Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,老爸。Hey, guys. 嗨,伙计们。-All: Master. 大师。-Po: Master. 大师。Master? 大师?Master Shifu! 大师傅!Master!大师!Shifu, are you OK?! 师傅,你还好吗?-Master: Po. Po。You"re alive. 你还活着?Or we"re both dead. 还是咱俩都死了?-Po: No, Master, I didn"t die. I defeated Tai Lung. 不,师傅,我没死,我打败了Tailung。-Master: You did? 真的?Wow. It is as Oogway foretold. foretell: 预言哇噢,正如Oogway说的,You are the Dragon Warrior. 你就是“龙武士”。You have brought peace... to this valley 你给这个山谷u201eu201e带来了平和。...and... and to me. 也u201eu201e也给我u201eu201e带来了宁静。Thank you. 谢谢。Thank you, Po. 谢谢你,Po。Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢你。-Po: No! Master!No ,no, no don"t die ,Shifu, please! 不不不,师傅,别死啊!!-Master: I"m not dying , you idiot! idiot: 白痴我还没死,你个白痴!Dragon Warrior... 龙武士u201eu201eI am simply at peace. Finally. 我只是在享受平和。终于等到了。-Po: So, I should stop talking? 这样啊,那我也该闭嘴了?-Master: If you can. 如果你可以的话。-Po: Want to get something to eat? 想吃点东西吗?-Master: Yeah. 可以。
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1.We all have our places in the world.鸭子老爸说得极对,我们为何苦苦随大流地争夺不属于自己的东西呢?找到自己的位置,人人生而有其价值!需要发现!2.You eat when you are upset.师傅的这句很触动人心。吃东西也会成为一种解压的方式,电影的注解在此是第一次见到,很兴奋!3.Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present.智者乌龟师傅最经典的话!为何不把握现在?这才是最重要的!4.There are not accidents.乌龟师傅再次讲明世间万物的必然性!的确,万物皆有本然!5.No news are good or bad.乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢!《功夫熊猫》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1niCpCf6yNMUz-b7Ca6ws2Q?pwd=f35o 提取码:f35o
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功夫熊猫的 全部 中英文对白

功夫熊猫》中英文台词1. There are no accidents. 世间无巧合。2. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 子欲避之,反促遇之。3. Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。4. Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。5. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it"s called the present. 昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。6. Yes, look at this tree Shifu, I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it"s time. (乌龟)是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed That is not illusion, Master. (师傅)但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。 Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an Apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. (乌龟)是啊,不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子那个种子,还是会长成桃树。 But peaches can not defeate Tai Long. (师傅)可桃子不能打败太郎。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it. (乌龟)也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。7. I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins. 天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 8. you cannot leave, real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。9. Why didn"t you quit? You know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed. (师傅)那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought ... If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! (阿宝)是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父!10. Enough talk, let"s fight! 少废话,决斗吧!11. There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命!12. The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。认为它特别,它就特别了。
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Tales of a legendary warrior Who"s kungfu skills with the stuff of legend He traveled the land in search of worthy foes I see you like to chew Maybe you would like to chew on my face! The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full then he swallowed then he spoke enough talk! Lets fight! He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind exposure to pure awesomness How can we repay you? There is no charge to awesomness or attractiveness It mattered not to how many foes he faced they measured not to his bodacity "there is no need by" Banda Mohab and beloved even the most powerful heroes in China five Angry We respected teacher and a great must spend time together Agree but spend time await it while facing thousands of 10000 demons of the mountain There is one thing of interest is conduct than the work conduct
2023-07-11 18:00:102


一切都不是偶然。 There are no accidents. 认为它特别,它就特别了。 To make something special ,you just ha一ve to believe its special. 何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to a一void it Theres no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命~ 着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 orrow is a mystery But today is a gift. That is why its called the present (the gift) 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却 you cannot lea一ve ,real warrior never quits. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树, 我不能让树为我开花, 也不能让它提前结果 Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before its time.《极限挑战》经典台词 1、小猪啊,以后想不想来内地发展。我会派弟兄们过去的。 2、嫂夫人是不是特善良? 3、我认为人与人之间最基本的就是信任。 4、我们不能报警,我们不能抱紧紧。 5、人追着,狗叫着。孙红雷你还好是个演员。你要是干别的对社会一点好处都没有。 6、我现在还在桥上……想跳下去…… 7、不怕神一样的敌人,就怕猪一样的队友。 8、我要免费的度假! 9、你(孙红雷)智商够用嘛。 10、登上巅峰,就要疯癫一点。 11、我太傻了,全世界最傻的就是我。 12、我还只是个孩子! 13、爱的最好证明,就是信任。 14、从现在开始,不要相信任何人。 15、艺兴这孩子太乖了,我来抱一下。 16、等待被营救的5人,孤身奋战的大松鼠。为了兄弟们,冲刺!抛弃我!辜负我!背叛我!本篇文章来自资料管理下载。只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟。这个才叫兄弟! 17、害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 18、哥哥给我两根金条,因为我要赢。 19、抛弃我!辜负我!背叛我!只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟,这个才叫兄弟! 20、王迅已经是盘中餐啦,随便咽一下就可以。 21、世人都说阳光总在风雨后,却不知风雨也在阳光后。 22、只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟。这个才叫兄弟! 23、这世上会永远包容你的除了父母,还有真兄弟。 24、红雷今天你颜值也不好使了,颜值王简称颜王。 25、因为要么就不做,一做就要做到最好。 26、人生是一场站役,命运却时而反转。 27、比起胜利,收获友情更重要。 28、淡然,生活就是这样,但也总有爆发的时候,只有在爆发后,能重新拾起理性。 29、职场不需要同情,但想赢,先学会尊重对手。 30、这就是命。 宫崎骏《侧耳倾听》经典台词 1、因为你,我愿意成为一个更好的人,不想成为你的包袱,因此发奋努力,只是为了想要证明我足以与你相配。 2、只要有你在,我就会努力。 3、我写了之后才知道,光是想写是不够的,要学的东西还有很多很多。 4、因为你,我想要变成一个更好的人,不想成为你的负担,因此发奋,只是想证明我足以与你相配。 5、我想早一点见到你,结果就真的见到你了。 6、恋爱应该是双方扶持对方共同完成自己的目标,而不是虚幻的思想、肤浅的物质、和纸醉金迷的生活。 7、你将来愿意嫁给我吗? 8、我早就想,要这样载着你……翻山越岭。 9、其实很早以前,我就在图书馆的借书卡上注意到你了,你不知道我在图书馆有几次跟你擦肩而过吧,好几次我还曾经坐在你旁边。为了要让我的名字早点出现在借书卡上,我看了好多书。将来...我如果去了意大利,会不停地唱着你那首歌来努力的。 10、一个人生活,就得离开城镇,不带走一片云彩。让自己更坚强。 11、只要有你在我就会努力,我很高兴我尽了力,让我比以前更了解我自己。 12、我不要变成你的包袱,我也早就想好了,要在背后支持你。 13、真是奇迹,我真的见到你了。我想早一点见到你,心里不断的叫着你的名字,结果我想不到,居然真的见到你了,我们俩太有默契了。 14、我...我写了之后才发现,光是想写是不够的,要学的东西还有很多很多。但是...因为圣司一步步走的好快,我好想跟上他的脚步,我真的好害怕,好害怕。 15、人为什么会变呢?我以前明明很乖,而且很温柔的。最近却老是心神不宁,也不像以前那么活泼了,心里总是有个声音,好像在对我说事情才没那么简单,变得一点都不可爱。 16、我有种感觉,好像很久以前,就已经认识你了。有时候,又一直急着想要看到你,今天看到你,又觉得心里酸酸的。 17、你朝着自己的理想一步步的前进,我就跟傻瓜一样,只希望跟你念一样的高中就好了。 18、将来,我如果去了意大利,会不停的唱着你那首歌来努力的。 19、我想早一点见到你,心里不断的叫着你的名字,阿雯出来,结果我想不到居然真的见到你了,我们俩太有默契了。 20、阿雯,有件事,我...当然不是说马上啦,但是将来你愿意嫁给我吗? 21、一生至少该有一次 ,为了某个人而忘了自己 ,不求有结果 ,不求同行 ,不求曾经拥有 ,甚至不求你爱我 ,只求在我最美的年华里 ,遇到你 。 22、许多往事在眼前一幕一幕,变的那麼模糊, 曾经那麼坚信的,那麼执着的,一直相信著的, 其实什麼都没有,什麼都不是... 突然发现自己很傻,傻的不行。我发誓,我笑了,笑的眼泪都掉了。笑我们这麼傻, 我们总在重复著一些伤害,没有一个可以躲藏不被痛找到。却还一直傻傻的期待,到失望, 再期待,再失望... 23、我习惯了等待, 于是,在轮回中我无法抗拒的站回等待的原点。 我不知道,这样我还要等多久才能看到一个答案; 我不知道,如此我还能坚持的等待多久去等一个结果? 思念,很无力,那是因为我看不到思念的结果。 也许,思念不需结果, 它只是证明在心里有个人曾存在过。 是不是能给思念一份证书, 证明曾经它曾存在过? 24、似乎习惯了等待, 单纯的以为等待就会到来。 但却在等待中错过了, 那些可以幸福的幸福。 在失去时后悔, 为什么没有抓祝 其实等待本身就是一种可笑的错误。 明知道等待着一份不知能否到来的幸福··· 25、在一段时间我喜欢一段音乐, 听一段音乐我怀念一段时光。 坐在一段时光里怀念另一段时光的掌纹。 那时听着那歌会是怎样的心情? 那时的我们是否相遇? 是相遇还是错过? 还是, 没有结局的邂逅?生活启示录经典台词 由胡歌、闫妮领衔主演的都市情感剧《生活启示录》正在江苏卫视、安徽卫视、东方卫视热播,《生活启示录》讲述失意鲜肉男鲍家明和离婚大龄女于小强在彼此人生最低谷时相遇,上演爆笑温情姐弟恋。 1、结婚前问开不开心,结婚后问土豆多少钱一斤! 2、人可以活的将就,也可以活的讲究! 3、好端端的夫妻,却不在自己家里呆着;好端端的同事深更半夜,却以工作的名义,呆在一个女人的房里;好端端的邻居,干嘛半夜爬人家的一阳一台,你以为你是蝙蝠侠呀;好端端的家不住,上外面租一房子,这社会都像你们这样,还有希望和正气可言吗? 4、解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是编故事! 5、你会把我一爱一死的。 6、你直接把一爱一情片变成恐怖片了。 7、什么都是原配的好。 8、打死也不招是男人绝技。 9、这个矿泉水烧开了就没了矿物质了,还能有营养吗? 10、小强:“你就把我当成货 不就行了!”家明:“我怎么碰上你这种货啊!” 11、付钱不等于负责! 12、姐,你是不是喜欢我啊,要是喜欢一个人才会莫名其妙的发火! 13、这个世界没有应该不应该,只有愿意不愿意。 14、于小强:你姓管,管人的管。管保姆:不是,被管的管 15、我又不是卖刀的,哪有那么多刀拔 16、婚姻不可太较真,有些事其实将就将就,缝缝补补也就过去了。 17、只要还有呼吸,生活就得继续! 18、他们两差不了6岁,都不好意思说“姐弟恋”! 19、女大一,穿锦衣; 女大二,生进儿; 女大三,抱金砖; 女大四,有喜事; 女大五,快致富; 女大六,总吃肉; 女大七,是闲妻; 女大八,事事发; 女大九,人长久; 女大十,人老实。 20、据说这个世界上的婚姻百分之九十五都是凑合的,我曾经以为自己是那幸运的百分之五,现在看来,我错了。 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《功夫熊猫2经典台词》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 三句话简短伤感台词 专题。
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功夫熊猫英语台词如下:1、One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。2、Your mind is like this water,my friend,when it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see,but if you allow it to settle,the answer becomes clear.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。3、Quit!don"t quit!Noodles!don"t noodles!You are too concerned with at once and what will be.Yesterday is History,Tomorrow is a Mystery,and Today is a Gift:That"s why we call it-the Present.放弃,不放弃。做面条,不做面条。你太在乎过去是怎样,将来会怎样了。有句谚语说得好,昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。这就是为什么叫做现金了。功夫熊猫简介:该片以中国古代为背景,讲述了阿波是一只圆滚滚、笨手笨脚的熊猫,也是天底下最热血的中国功夫迷,只可惜他每天得在老爸开的面馆帮忙打工。但是万万没想到,他竟然被选中,要靠他来实现一个古老预言,而且他的梦想终于成真。他可以和他的偶像武林的盖世五侠:悍娇虎、灵鹤、快螳螂、俏小龙、以及猴王,一起向他们的师傅功夫大师习武。但是这时候却传来消息,一心一意想要报仇,天生狡猾的残豹准备杀过来,而阿波必须保护每个人的生命的故事。功夫熊猫电影2009年,获得第81届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片(提名)、第66届金球奖电影类最佳动画长片(提名)、第36届动画安妮奖最佳动画长片(提名)。
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  1、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇(命中注定的事,躲也躲不过)。   One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.   2、你的心好似这潭湖水,老朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。   Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated , it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.   3、退出,不退出;做面条,不做面条。   Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles.   4、俗语说:过去的,已经过去了,未来的,还未可知,现在,却是上苍的礼赠。   There is a saying,Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a mystery,But today is a gift,That is why it"s called the present (the gift).   5、世间无巧合   There are no accidents.   6、龟仙人:是的,看看这棵树,我不可能让它随便开花,也不可能让它提前结果。   Yes,look at this tree Chivu,I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,nor make it bear food before it"s time .   宗师:但是有些事情我们是可以控制的,我可以控制果实的.坠落的时刻,我可以控制它的种子在哪里安家,那可不是幻觉,仙人。   but there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall,And I can control,What time to seed,That is not illusion , Master.   7、龟仙人:没错 可是无论你做什么,这个种子最终也还是长成棵桃树,你或许想要苹果或是橘子,但到头来还是桃子。   Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach tree,You may wish for an Apple or an orange,But you will get a peach.   宗师:但是桃子不可能击败太郎啊!   But peache can not defeate Tai Long!   龟仙人:也许可以呢?只要你愿意引导它、教育它、相信它。   Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .   7、宗师:你不能走,真正的勇士永不放弃。   you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.   8、师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。   Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you,but you stayed.   阿波:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中原最伟大的功夫师父!   Yes ,I stayed .I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head,or said I smelled ,it hurts.But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .I stayed ,because I thought .If anyone could change me ,could make me not me ,it was you,the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!   9、 阿波,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿波,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。   I"m sorry things didn"t work out…It"s just what it"s meant to bePaul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.We are Noodle folk,Broth runs deep through our veins.   10、我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。没必要,你认为它特别,它就特别了。   The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.   11、你应该关心下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为其实都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。   You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now.
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100:00:27,420 --> 00:00:33,140Kung Fu Panda200:00:37,700 --> 00:00:41,130Legend tells of a legendary warrior...300:00:41,200 --> 00:00:44,360...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.400:00:45,510 --> 00:00:50,070He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.500:00:59,920 --> 00:01:05,620l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist!600:01:05,690 --> 00:01:09,220The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full.700:01:09,300 --> 00:01:13,050Then he swallowed. And then he spoke.800:01:13,070 --> 00:01:14,830Enough talk. Let"s fight!900:01:14,850 --> 00:01:16,330Shashabooey!1000:01:19,310 --> 00:01:21,140He was so deadly in fact,1100:01:21,160 --> 00:01:24,900that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness.1200:01:24,980 --> 00:01:27,170- My eyes! - He"s too awesome!1300:01:27,250 --> 00:01:30,830- And attractive. - How can we repay you?1400:01:30,850 --> 00:01:33,250There is no charge for awesomeness.1500:01:33,320 --> 00:01:35,950Or attractiveness.1600:01:36,020 --> 00:01:37,280Kablooey!1700:01:38,200 --> 00:01:40,090lt mattered not how many foes he faced.1800:01:40,110 --> 00:01:43,030They were no match for his bodacity!1900:01:55,540 --> 00:02:00,210Never before had a panda been so feared! And so loved.2000:02:01,080 --> 00:02:03,830Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina,2100:02:03,850 --> 00:02:06,080the Furious Five,2200:02:06,150 --> 00:02:09,090bowed in respect to this great master.2300:02:09,160 --> 00:02:10,990We should hang out.2400:02:11,060 --> 00:02:12,180Agreed.2500:02:15,030 --> 00:02:17,190But hanging out would have to wait.2600:02:17,260 --> 00:02:21,700Because when you"re facing the 10,000 demons of Demon Mountain,2700:02:21,770 --> 00:02:24,570there"s only one thing that matters and that"s...2800:02:24,590 --> 00:02:26,400Po! Get up!
2023-07-11 18:01:371


<br>- As you order! 听从命令!<"You"re the lucky one." ---算你走运。=骂玩家音效="I hate what i"ve become." ---我憎恨我的前身。(女妖)"The living haunt me." ---到处都是活物!"Men are from Mars, I"m from the grave." ---男人来自火星,我来自墓穴。(开始开玩笑了,这女的还蛮有点 意思的)"I went on a job interview the other day and they were like "uhh, whats that smell?" and I was like, "Oh, sorry, it"s me". And then they said they didn"t think i"d be able to fit in with the other employees, "cause they"re living and, you know, i"m dead, so i wouldn"t be a team player. But then I said I could work 24 hours. And they said "Oh, right. You could work the graveyard shift"." ---曾经有一天我去参加了一个工作的面试,他们总是问“恩?什么味道?”(死人嘛,总是会有点味道的),然后总是我说“噢,对不起,那是我”。他们于是认为我不能够和其他同事共处。那是因为他们是活人,你知道,我是死人,所以我不能成为团队中的一员。但是接着我说我能够一天24小时工作,于是他们说“啊,对了,你可以干夜班。”(graveyard-shift:全体夜班的工人,而graveyard就是墓穴)深渊领主=建造音效=- I come from the darkness of the pit 我来自黑暗深渊=选定音效=- Ahh~~ 啊~~~- What trickery is this? 这是虾米把戏?- What is your feeble request? 给我你那弱智的命令- Dont waste my time 别浪费我时间- Tremble before me! 在我面前颤抖吧!=行动/执行动作音效=- Ahh~ 啊~~~~- What a foolish glory 多傻的荣耀啊- Pitful 真黑- I bring darkness 我带来了黑暗呀~~- You failed to amuse me 你根本没能让我开心~=攻击音效=- I go to destory 我去破坏- This would please me 这会让我高兴- To the Slaughter 杀 杀 杀=骂玩家音效=- You know what burns in my Ass?The flame of Desire. 知道我PP里虾米在燃烧么?欲望火!- Err~~I think I`ve someone stuck in my teeth 靠~不知谁塞进了我牙缝儿~~- Herr Herr Herr 呵...呵....呵.........- I think it`s certern.FINISH is called for here~~~OAhhhhhhrrrrrr~~~ 没错,终结即将到来.嗷嗷火焰领主=建造音效=- You`re here I live 你来了,我便得到了生命=选定音效=- Fire away. 你可以退下了.- You may speak 你可以说话- I`m lit 我被点着(火)了~~- I`ll reduce all to ashes. 我把一切变成灰烬=行动/执行动作音效=- I`ll like away(Fire away. 你可以退下了.的回答)- The order has given 得到了命令- It is done 搞定了- It shall be 我会搞定的=攻击音效=- Ashes to ashes 一个灰烬又一个灰烬- Consume 削弱- The order has given 得到了命令- They`ll be cleansed by fire 他们会被火净化=骂玩家音效=- They are mops,err~ 他们真难看- No thanx, i don smoke. 不,谢谢,我不抽烟- Though I`m hot or what 虽然我有点热- Why i`m here with a foreign stranger keep following me? 为什么总有个国外的陌生人跟着我- So thirsty.....hahaha 太渴了~~哈哈- I am Lord of all fire 我是一切火的领主炼金术士=建造音效=- care for a cocktail? 想要马尾酒吗?=选定音效=- I"m all stucked and ready to go, 我准备好了,可以出发- what do u want to be when u grow up, 你长大了想干什么?- i"m a chemical super freak 我是一个化学疯子no, shake it, not...(explosion) 不,叫你摇晃它,不是。。。(爆炸)one of those potions smell aweful, “hehehheeh”有一瓶药水闻起来很奇怪。。。(坐骑:嘿嘿嘿。。。)ay, pull his finger. "that"s not my finger" 把手指拿开, (坐骑:那不是我的手指)* glass shatter *o no what did i drop? "o yeah" o wait what are you doing? o No not the laugh potion(玻璃破碎)啊,不好,我丢了什么?(坐骑:太棒了)啊,等等,你在干什么?天啊为什么是那瓶让人发笑的药水?you love my new recipe 你喜欢我的新配方。。。wanna blow something up? 想炸掉些什么吗?=行动/执行动作音效=- i"ll shake that right up 我去摇它。(这是方言,可以理解为交给我了)- i"ll get that mixed up 我去把它解决(原文mix翻译为溶解)- don"t rush me 不要催我- you got it 没问题。=攻击音效=- hurry i got things to blow up 快,还有东西等着我去炸呢- taste my firery potions 尝尝我的火焰药水=骂玩家音效=- !@#(!@^*(&^(goblin language? -.-) you fool 地精语,你这个笨蛋- for the highest bidder!为出价最高的人卖力!兽王=建造音效=- I"m ready to track 我准备好追踪了=选定音效=- force them out 把它们赶出去- unleash my strength 让我发挥力量- my glory nears 我的荣耀即将来到- what lies before me 我前面有什么- the beasts obey me 野兽们受命于我=骂玩家音效=- where lay ahead is my home, see that block? that"s my pillow 前面的地方就是我家,看见那块石头没有?那是我的枕头- the beasts are on me, i"m nothing compare to the beasts within 野兽和我共存,于体内的野兽相比,我什么都不是- i will now summon the "afree dwinkto" 我现在要召唤可怕的“阿佛瑞 德文托(名字,音译-。-)”了。。。- i summon the...grasp*roar* 我开始召唤。。。(恐惧而发出的叹气)(野兽的怒吼)- don"t have a cow? mooo... o dear...*roar* bare with me..."moo"...*bear roar* 没有母牛吗?*召唤*mo(牛叫)天啊,(熊吼声)和我一起往下看吧,不要退缩。(母牛叫。。。熊吼声。。。)=行动/执行动作音效=- on the brawl 冲击中。(brawl指球赛中少见的群殴场面。。。)- i wander alone 我一个人漫步- our path converage 我们的路相并- i"m acting on an instant 我立即行动- i"ve got the decent 我有这种感觉。(decent不明?NE的:<br><br>恶魔猎手- (英雄,城镇中心)<br>=建造音效=<br>- At last, we shall have revenge! 终于,我们可以报仇了!<br>=选定音效=<br>- The time has come. 是时候了<br>- We must act! 我们必须行动了!<br>- My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着……<br>- Quickly! 快!<br>- Command Me! 命令我吧!<br>=行动/执行动作音效=<br>- [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了<br>- [蜕变] Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了<br>- [吸魂] Your soul is mine!*** 你的灵魂属于我<br>- [鬼怪视界] Hide no longer!*** 你无处可藏<br>- Anatorettador!** 精灵语<br>- Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的!<br>- Duranacal.** 精灵语<br>- At last. 终于<br>- Hmmm. 唔<br>=骂玩家音效=<br>- I shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰来克制火焰。<br>- Chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾<br>- Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 恶魔之血浓于……一般的血<br>- I like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下<br>- I love green trees! (注解: 这个很粗暴. 在游戏中其实是倒过来的, 我不想把它拼出来所以我把它倒过来了. )<br>- You will perish in flames (咳嗽声) Ops, sorry! 你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦,对不起!<br>- Darkness called, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: "Pick up the phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls. 黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀诎抵酢保撬焕砦摇:诎抵跻欢ㄊ瞧帘瘟怂牡缁啊?br />=攻击音效=<br>- [.vs 英雄] For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor<br>- None shall survive! 挡我者死!<br>- Your blood is mine! 喝你的血!<br>- Run for your life! 快逃命吧!<br>- Revenge! 复仇!<br><br>丛林守护者- (英雄,城镇中心)<br>=建造音效=<br>- I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。<br>=选定音效=<br>- Is there danger? 有险情吗?<br>- Command me. 命令我吧<br>- Who threatens the wilds? 谁在威胁着大自然?<br>- The time is now. 就是现在<br>- Nature is restless. 大自然永不宁静<br>=行动/执行动作音效=<br>- [自然之触] Everything I touch dies or comes back to life! 我的触碰带来死亡和再生!<br>- [扼死藤] This should weed out a few! 这些杂草应该清除<br>- [荆棘] You mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 你跟树枝战斗,就得面对荆棘。<br>- [宁静] The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静<br>- By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量!<br>- For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor!<br>- Well, there it is. 好,在那边<br>- So shall is be. 理应如此<br>- Naturally. 自然而然<br>=骂玩家音效=<br>- My father was mounted over someone""s fireplace. 我父亲是画在壁炉上方的座骑<br>- Feel natural, nature""s way. 感受大自然的自然<br>- Don""t let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要来扁你了<br>- When I Attack, part 3. 当我攻击时,第3部分<br>- Free rides for the ladies MM免费骑哦<br>- Heard up! 收到!<br>=攻击音效=<br>- [.vs 英雄] Smite the defilers of the land! 给污染者以致命一击!<br>- Feel nature""s wrath! 感受自然的愤怒!<br>- Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死!<br>- None shall harm the wilds! 没有人可以伤害大自然!<br><br>月亮女祭祀- (英雄,城镇中心)<br>=建造音效=<br>- Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,集结起来!<br>=选定音效=<br>- We are poised to strike! 我们随时准备战斗!<br>- We must act! 我们得行动了!<br>- I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着!<br>- Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧!<br>=行动/执行动作音效=<br>- [月光] Godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,赐予我慧眼吧!<br>- [月反射] Let me bounce this off you. 从你身上反弹吧!<br>- [灼光] Highbeams on! 强光照射!<br>- [强击] Shoot to kill! 射杀!<br>- [黎明] Darkness falls across the land. 黑暗降临大地(知道MJ的Thriller吗?Darkness Falls Across The Land ,The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand,Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood……""Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night……MJ开始与一群僵尸跳舞^o^ )<br>- Leading the way! 领路!<br>- Onward! 前进!<br>- As I thought. 正合我意<br>- The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿<br>=骂玩家音效=<br>- I command the army of Darkness! 我指挥着黑暗(暗夜)部队!<br>- I""m caught between the moon and NightElf city. 我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间<br>- Come on! We""re burning moonlight. 来吧!我们是燃烧的月之光<br>- When a Treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 一个树人在森林里倒下时,会发出声音吗?<br>=攻击音效=<br>- [.vs 英雄] By the Godess! 以女神的力量!<br>- Strike! 进攻!<br>- For the Godess! 为了女神!<br>- Prepare to be Moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(Moonstruck的字典解释:源于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?)<br><br>Warden<br>守望者<br>Ready - "My prey is near." ---我的猎物就在附近。<br>Warcry - "Justice has come." ---审判降临。<br>What1 - "Have you reached a verdict?"---你有判决了吗?<br>What2 - "Let me investigate." ---让我来仔细调查<br>What3 - (Elvish)<br>What4 - (Elvish)<br>What5 - "I am the iron hand of justice."---我是司法(正义)的铁碗。<br>Yes1 - "Let the hunt begin."---狩猎开始吧。<br>Yes2 - "Understood." ---明白。<br>Yes4 - "I can taste their fear."---我能感觉到他们的恐惧。<br>Yes5 - "Justice shall be swift." ---执法必须迅速。<br>YesAttack1 - "They shall not escape!" ---他们决对逃脱不了!<br>YesAttack2 - "Let justice be served!" ---为司法服务!<br>YesAttack3 - "I am the law." ---我就是法律。<br>Pissed1 - "I shall be your executioner." ---我会是你的死刑执行者。<br>Pissed2 - "Only the guilty need fear me." ---只有犯罪者对我感到恐惧。<br>Pissed3 - "Justice may be blind, but i"m not." ---司法可能有盲目,但,我没有。<br>Pissed4 - "Truth, Justice and the Night Elf way." ---执行真理,正义和夜精灵的路线(方法?)<br>Pissed5 - "You think you"re above the law?" ---你认为你能凌驾于法律之上?<br>Pissed6 - "What we have here is a failure to communicate." ---我们在这所面对的是沟通的失败(既然已经这样,没有沟通的必要了。)<br>Pissed7 - "I hold you in contempt."---对你,我只有蔑视。(鄙视你!!!:)<br>Pissed8 - "He"s no good to me if he"s dead." ---他死了的话,对我毫无价值。(追杀狂。。。)<br>ORC的:<br>剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)<br>=建造音效=<br>- I obey the six vengance! (原帖都没翻译...obey是执行的意思,vengance,复仇,报仇,连起来我也不知道.我执行这6个复仇?不通顺...)<br>=选定音效=<br>- I am yours! 我属于你!
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《功夫熊猫》是一部美国动作喜剧电影,不过里面的题材全是中国风。不由得感叹中国这类型的电影与国外的差距啊! 这部影片的故事是围绕中国国宝大熊猫,里面的搞笑成份十足,对白也非常的经典,看完之后回味无穷。现在我们就来回味下里面的精彩台词。 1.There are no accidents. 一切都不是偶然。 2.One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇(命中注定的事,躲也躲不过)。 3. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated , it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 你的心好似这潭湖水,老朋友,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清;但如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 4.There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it"s called the present (the gift). 俗语说,昨天已经过去,明天一切未知,但“今天”是上帝赐给我们的“礼物”。 5.Yes, look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it blossom and suits me, nor make it bear food before it"s time. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。 6.But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control what time to seed. That is not illusion , Master. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。 7.Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange but you will get a peach. 乌龟:是啊,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 8.But peach can not defeate Tai Long. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。 9.Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it . 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 10.I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 11.You cannot leave, real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。 12.Why didn"t you quit ? You know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 13.Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought if anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父! 14.Enough talk, let"s fight! 少废话,决斗吧! 15.There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness. 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命。 16.The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。 17.To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special. 认为它特别,它就特别了。 18.Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 退出,不退出;做面条,不做面条。 19.You should. You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn"t matter. The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now. 你应该关心当下。过去的事情就让它过去咯,因为都无关紧要了。重要的是,现在要选择做什么样的人。 《功夫熊猫》的出色不言而喻,它的成功迎来了 《功夫熊猫2 》。第三部也会映入人们的眼帘,无奈的是,第三部的时间太久远了,估计在2015年年底,所以大家还是不要花太多的时间关注第三部的到来,与其等待,还不如多看看近期的精彩电影。
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功夫熊猫经典台词 功夫熊猫中的出色台词

1、Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 2、You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 3、Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 4、Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present. 智者乌龟师傅最经典的话!为何不把握现在?这才是最重要的! 5、No news are good or bad. 乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢! 6、one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 子欲避之,反促遇之 7、Internal peace, harmony and focus. 这又回到了中华文化佛道儒文化的身心平衡上来了!中庸之道,在于内定,好奇妙啊! 8、Because i am THE fat panda. 此句来自Po领会了爸爸一番话后的自信宣言!不错,我就是我,一切从这个我开始!真正的自我接纳!试问:自我的任何开创不都是从这开始的的吗? 9、If he believes in himself, he can do anything. Po最终明白了自信的重要性。 10、No news are good or bad. 乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢!
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you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。 我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。 可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。 我留下来,因为我以为, 如果还有人能改变我, 能让我焕然一新, 那就是你-- 中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes ,I stayed . I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled ,it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me . I stayed ,because I thought .. If anyone could change me , could make me not me , it was you 浣熊大师:"That"s impossible,he"s in the prison."乌龟大师:"Everything"possible." 雪豹:"You, you just a big fat panda!"阿宝:"No,I"m not a big fat panda.I"m a unique big fat panda." 雪豹:"What are you want to do?Sit on me?"阿宝:"Don"t bother me!" 那是没对话的。 用汉语行吗?阿宝:“我是武林史上最烂的,烂人史上最烂的。唉,我也许该一走了之,回家煮面。”乌龟大师:“你太在意过去怎样,将来怎样了。有句话说得好:‘@%¥&…(就是昨天早已是历史,明天是个谜团。但是,今天是上苍给我们的礼物)"那你就知道什么叫‘现今"了”。 Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 小四之所以把英文听记下来,是因为中文在翻译时,有时候会失去英语韵味,比如下面这句话: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 此外还有一些话,蛮好的啦,乍一看很普通,结合影片,结合实际,结合自己来看的话,感觉会很不同。 There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn"t you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为616161每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有! 认为它特别了,它就特别了。 To make something special,you just have to believe it special! 望采纳 /?
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功夫熊猫经典台词 功夫熊猫中的出色台词

1、Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 2、You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 3、Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 4、Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present. 智者乌龟师傅最经典的话!为何不把握现在?这才是最重要的! 5、No news are good or bad. 乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢! 6、one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 子欲避之,反促遇之 7、Internal peace, harmony and focus. 这又回到了中华文化佛道儒文化的身心平衡上来了!中庸之道,在于内定,好奇妙啊! 8、Because i am THE fat panda. 此句来自Po领会了爸爸一番话后的自信宣言!不错,我就是我,一切从这个我开始!真正的自我接纳!试问:自我的任何开创不都是从这开始的的吗? 9、If he believes in himself, he can do anything. Po最终明白了自信的重要性。 10、No news are good or bad. 乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢!
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1. There are no accidents. 世间无巧合。2. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 欲避之,反促之。3. Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。4. Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。5. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it"s called the present. 昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。6. Yes, look at this tree Shifu, I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it"s time. (乌龟)是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed That is not illusion, Master. (师傅)但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an Apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. (乌龟)是啊,不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子那个种子,还是会长成桃树。But peaches can not defeate Tai Long. (师傅)可桃子不能打败太郎。Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it. (乌龟)也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。7. I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins. 天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着肉汤。8. you cannot leave, real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。9. Why didn"t you quit? You know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed. (师傅)那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought ... If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! (阿宝)是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父!10. Enough talk, let"s fight! 少废话,决斗吧!11. There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命!12. The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. To make something special, you just have to believe it"s special. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是……什么都没有。认为它特别,它就特别了。
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  1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇  One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.  2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。  Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.  3.放弃,不放弃。做面条,不做面条。你太在乎过去是怎样,将来会怎样了。有句谚语说得好,昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。这就是为什么叫做"现金"了。  Quit!don"t quit! Noodles!don"t noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be .Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: That"s why we call it----the Present.  4.昨天是历史了,明天还是未知,但今天是礼物,所以今天才叫present(有“现在”和“礼物”的意思)。  Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it"s called the present (the gift)  5.存在即合理  There are no accidents  6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。  but there are things we can control  I can control when the fruit will fall  ... And I can control  What time to seed  7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果 或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。  Yes, but no matter what you do,  That seed will grow to be a peach tree  You may wish for an Apple or an orange  But you will get a peach  师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。  But peache can not defeate Tai Lung  乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。  Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .  8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却  you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.  师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。  Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you  but you stayed  阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。  我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。  可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。  我留下来,因为我以为,  如果还有人能改变我,  能让我焕然一新,  那就是你--  中国最伟大的功夫师傅!  Yes ,I stayed .  I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head  or said I smelled ,it hurts.  But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .  I stayed ,because I thought ..  If anyone could change me ,  could make me not me ,  it was you  the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!  9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。  我们是面条家族,  血管中流着面汤。  I"m sorry things didn"t work out …  It"s just what it"s meant to be  Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.  We are Noodle folk  Broth runs deep through our veins  10.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是……什么都没有。  认为它特别,它就特别了。  The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.  To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.
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Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 小四之所以把英文听记下来,是因为中文在翻译时,有时候会失去英语韵味,比如下面这句话: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 此外还有一些话,蛮好的啦,乍一看很普通,结合影片,结合实际,结合自己来看的话,感觉会很不同。 There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn"t you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为···每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有! 认为它特别了,它就特别了。 To make something special,you just have to believe it special!
2023-07-11 18:05:081


1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物 Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it"s called the present (the gift) .从来没有什么意外 There are no accidents 7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果 或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree You may wish for an Apple or an orange But you will get a peach 乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 .
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you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。 我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。 可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。 我留下来,因为我以为, 如果还有人能改变我, 能让我焕然一新, 那就是你-- 中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes ,I stayed . I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled ,it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me . I stayed ,because I thought .. If anyone could change me , could make me not me , it was you 浣熊大师:"That"s impossible,he"s in the prison."乌龟大师:"Everything"possible." 雪豹:"You, you just a big fat panda!"阿宝:"No,I"m not a big fat panda.I"m a unique big fat panda." 雪豹:"What are you want to do?Sit on me?"阿宝:"Don"t bother me!" 那是没对话的。 用汉语行吗?阿宝:“我是武林史上最烂的,烂人史上最烂的。唉,我也许该一走了之,回家煮面。”乌龟大师:“你太在意过去怎样,将来怎样了。有句话说得好:‘@%¥&…(就是昨天早已是历史,明天是个谜团。但是,今天是上苍给我们的礼物)"那你就知道什么叫‘现今"了”。 Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现。 小四之所以把英文听记下来,是因为中文在翻译时,有时候会失去英语韵味,比如下面这句话: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。 此外还有一些话,蛮好的啦,乍一看很普通,结合影片,结合实际,结合自己来看的话,感觉会很不同。 There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn"t you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有! 认为它特别了,它就特别了。 To make something special,you just have to believe it special! 望采纳 /?
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 1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇   One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it   2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了.   Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.   true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃   3.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。   Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles.   4.俗语说,   过去的,已经过去了   未来的,还未可知   现在,却是上苍的礼赠   那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)   There is a saying,   Yesterday is history   Tomorrow is a mystery   But today is a gift   That is why it"s called the present (the gift)   5.世间无巧合   There are no accidents.   6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,   我不能让树为我开花,   也不能让它提前结果   Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)   I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,   nor make it bear food before it"s time .   师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制   我可以控制果实何时坠落   我还可以控制在何处播种   那可不是幻觉 大师   but there are things we can control   I can control when the fruit will fall   ... And I can control   What time to seed   That is not illusion , Master   乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么   那个种子还是会长成桃树   你可能想要苹果 或桔子   可你只能得到桃子   那个种子还是会长成桃树   Yes, but no matter what you do,   That seed will grow to be a peach tree   You may wish for an Apple or an orange   But you will get a peach   师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎   But peache can not defeate Tai Long   乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。   Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .   7.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.   8.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?   你知道我一直想把你赶走,   可你还是留下来了。   Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you   but you stayed   阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。   我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,   或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。   可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。   我留下来,因为我以为,   如果还有人能改变我,   能让我焕然一新,   那就是你--   中国最伟大的功夫师父!   Yes ,I stayed .   I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head   or said I smelled ,it hurts.   But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .   I stayed ,because I thought ..   If anyone could change me ,   could make me not me ,   it was you   the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!   9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,   况且这本不是天意,   阿宝,忘了其它的事情,   你的使命一直都在向你召唤。   我们是面条家族,   血管中流着这样的血。   I"m sorry things didn"t work out …   It"s just what it"s meant to be   Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.   We are Noodle folk   Broth runs deep through our veins   10.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。   认为它特别,它就特别了。   The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.   To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.
2023-07-11 18:06:141


嗨 你醒啦? Hi. You"re up. 被你吵醒的 I am now. 我只是~ I was just... 今天够呛~啊? Some day, huh? 我只是想 有时候武功这东西很难 是吗? That kung fu stuff is hard work, right?Are your biceps sore? 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气~所以 I"ve had a long and rather disappointing day, so... 是啊 我现在也许~真该睡一会了Yeah, i should probably get to sleep now. 对 当然 - 那好 谢谢 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.-Okay, thanks. 我只想说~我好崇拜你们 It"s just... Man, i"m such a big fan! 叹息河之战 你们表现神勇 You guys were amazingat the Battle of Weeping River. 面对千倍敌人 毫不退缩而且~ 啊! Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn"t stop. You just... 哦 请多包涵 Sorry about that. 呃 你不该来这里的 Look, you don"t belong here. 我知道 我知道 你说得没错 I know. i know. You"re right. 不~ 我只是~ I don"t have... i just... 我一直都在想~ My whole life i dreamed of... 不不不 我的意思是这间屋子 这是我的房间 No, i meant you don"t belong here.I mean, in this room. This is my room. 哦 懂了对对 Okay. Right, right. 那么 是的你想睡觉了 So, you want to get to sleep. 你要睡了 我在打扰你 Yeah.I"m keeping you up. 我们明天还有大事要干. We got big things tomorrow. 你很牛!我就说这些啦,OK 拜拜~ all right. You"re awesome.Last thing i"m gonna say. Bye-bye. 你说什么? What was that? 我什么都没说 I didn"t say anything. 哦 晚安 晚安 真尴尬Okay. all right. Good night.Sleep well.it seems a little awkward
2023-07-11 18:06:233


功夫熊猫经典台词There are no accidents.世间无巧合。 You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。 师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变很难。 ---那你为什么不放弃?And then why didn"t you quit? ----是的,我留下来了,因为···每次你向我扔砖头,说我很臭,都很伤自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,这些伤害远远比不上,我原来那样过日子的伤害大。 But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下来,我觉得如果有人可以改变我,让我不再像现在这个样子!那就是你!中原最伟大的武林宗师! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。大家一直以为熊猫家的面条是秘方调制,所以才那么好吃,其实什么秘方也没有! 认为它特别了,它就特别了。 To make something special,you just have to believe it special!
2023-07-11 18:06:291


Shashabooey!他的一招一式如此彪悍Kablooey!他征战无数They were no match for his bodacity!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧 又让人如此爱戴
2023-07-11 18:07:001


  Legend tales of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills was the staff of legend, he traveled the in search of the foes.  I see you like to chew, maybe you should chew on my desk.  The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full, then he swallowed, and then he spoke  Enough talk, let"s fight  He was so deadly in fact that his enemies will go blind for the over exposure to pure awesomeness  He is so awesome, and attractive.  How can we repay you?  There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.  Flew!  It mattered not how many foes he faced, there were no match for his foedesity  Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.  Even the most roller heroes in all of China ---the furious five  Bowed in respect of this great master  We shall hang out!---agreed  Yeh!  But hanging out would have to wait, because when you are facing ten thousand demons of demon mountain  There is only one thing and that"s  Get up  You"ll be late for work!  Po~ get up!  Hi~ Po, what are you doing up there?  Oh.nothing  Monkey! mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~  Po ,let"s go! You"re late for work!  Coming~  Sorry dad~  Sorry doesn"t make the noodles~  And what are you doing up there~all that noise  Oh…Nothing, just ..had a crazy  What about? What are you dreaming about?  En.was i….i was dreaming about..en…noodles.  Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?  Yeh…what else have I dreamed about?  Oh, careful, that soup is sharp!  Happy day! My son finally had the noodle dream!  You don"t know how long I have been waiting for this moment!  This is a sign, Po~  En..a sign of what?  You , are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup,  And then you"ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!  Just as I took it over from my father, who took it from his father who won it  From a game named Majiang.  Dad,dad,dad…this was just a dream.  No, it was just the dream.  We are noodle folk broth run though our veins.  Dad, didn"t you ever…want to do sth else?sth besides noodles?  Actually.when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.  So why didn"t you?  Because it was a stupid dream!  Can you imagine me making tofu?  Hahahaha……tofu……no!  We all have our place in this world, mine is here, and yours is…  I know…is here.  No…it"s the table to 2,5,7and12!  Services with the smile!  Well done!students!if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy,  Monkey quicker speed, crane hike,viper subtlety, mantis… !  Master Shifu!  What?  it"s master Wugui, he wants to see you.  Master wugui, you summoned me? Is Sth wrong?  Why must sth be wrong for me to see my old friend?  So…nothing is wrong?  Well, I didn"t say that.  You"re saying…  I have an vision…Tailang will return.  That is impossible! He is in prison!  Nothing is impossible…  Sing!Fly to prison! Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything,  Tailang does not leave that prison.  Yes! Master shifu.  When often meet destiny on the road, it takes what it really to…  We have to do sth, before he march on the valley, and take arrange…he"ll…he"ll…  Mind this water, my friend  When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see.  But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. the dragon scroll. It is time…  But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with this secret to limit this power?  To become the dragon warrior?  I don"t know~  Excuse me…sorry…  Hey~~~watch your pose~  Sorry~  Sorry!doesn"t in purpose~  What! Master"s choosing the dragon warrior, today!  Everyone! Everyone! Go! Get to the jade palace!  One of the five is going tol get the dragon scroll!  We"ve been waiting for this for thousands of years!just leave the bowl!  This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!leave about it,kids go~  Po~ where are you going?  To the jade palace…  Don"t forget your noodle car! The whole valley will be there, you"ll sell noodles to all of them~  Selling noodles?  But,dad…you know I was thinking…maybe i…I becomes thingking…  Could also sell the bean bundles, they"re…they"re about to go bad…  That"s my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!~  Yeh~glad I had it~  Almost there!  What?no…no…no…  Sorry~po~we"ll bring you back souvenir.  No, I"ll bring me back souvenir.  It is a historic day, isn"t it, Master Wugui?  Yes…and I even felt I will not live to see~  Are your students ready?---yes master wugui.  You know this, old friend, whoever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you~  Let"s our tournament begin~  No nono~wei…I"ve come…  Hey~ open the door~ let me in~  Citizens of the valley please~ it is my quite honor to present you…tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis!  ----the furious five  The furious 5?  Warriors, prepare~  Nono, pick it a hole  The thousands tons of fire~  Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away!  And finally!master tigeress~  Believe me!citizens! you"ve not seen anything yet~  I know!  Tigeress, play on! And her plays of gests~  I sense the dragon warrior is among us.  Citizens of the valley of the peace!  Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior!  Oh?nonono,wait  Po!what are you doing!  Oh, well… mean, it"s none like you going anywhere  Would you turn around?  Sure…hey, how"s… how …get you find…master chifu  Someone broke that…but I"m going to fix it up…  Do you …have some glue…  So, you"re the legendary dragon warrior~  I guess so~  Wrong! You are not the dragon warrior!you"ll never be the dragon warrior!  Until you have learnt the secret of the dragon scroll.  So..how is this you?  Do you have a ladder, trampoline…  You think is that easy…  I"m going to just hand you the secret to this limitless power?!  No…I …  One must first master the highest level of kunfu, and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.  Someone like me?  Yes! Look at you!  This fat prat  What Sensitive in the fatty parts…  And this ridiculous valley! And, outer! Disregard, for personal hygine…  Wait a minute…that"s a long count for…  Don"t stand that close I can smell your breath…  Wugui said that I was…the…  The Wushi finger hold? Finger hold?  Oh…you know this hold…  Developed by master wushi in the third dynasty, yes!  Oh~then You must know what happens when I flex my pinky  Nonononno…  You know the hardest part of this?  The hardest part is cleaning the passed bloods..  Ok…ok take it easy…  Nono …listen  Panda, wugui may have picked you…  But when I threw with you, I promise you  I are going to wish, he, hadn"t! are we clear?  Yeh…we clear, clear,we"re so clear!  Good…I can"t wait to get start~  Let"s begin!  Wait,wait,wait…what…  Unless you think great wugui was wrong…and you"re not the dragon warrior~  Ok…well  I think I can"t do all …those …moves…en…  Wow…if we don"t try, we never know…  Yeh..it"s just …maybe we can find something more suited my level..  And what level is that  …I know I"m…not a master…let"s just start zero, level zero  There"s no such thing as level zero~  Hey~maybe I can start with that~  That? We use that for training children~  And for proping the door open when it is hot~  But if you insist…  Wow~ the furious five~you"re so much bigger than your action figures~  Except you~mantis, you"re about the same.  Go ahead,panda…show us what you can do  Shall I Just wait them to get back to work and start…  Hit it!  Ok…I mean, I"m just a date…some is still digesting  So my kungfu may not be as good as…later on…  Just hit it!  What you get…he can nothing but I can stand right here..  Pick on my friends?  Get ready to feel the thunder~  Look at my crazy feet, what will you do about my crazy feet!  Come on ~I"m blured I"m blured…you"ve never seen bear"s style~  He"s only seen playing mantis or monkey style~and snake"s snake~  Why didn" you hit it!  Oh…All right~all right~  One try again~a little harder~  How"s that?  That hurts…  This will be easier than I thought~  My tenders…  How did it that I do~  There"s now a level zero~  There"s no words…  No denying that…  I don"t understand what master wugui was thinking…  The Poor guy just gets himself killed  He is so mighty…the dragon warrior~  Fell out of the sky and full of fire  When he walks, the very gorge shades…  One would think that master wugui would choose someone who actually know kungfu…  Yeh..Or could at least touch his toes…or even see his toes  Ok…great…  Hey..hi… you"re up…  I"m now…  I was just…someday……my kungfu staff …work, you might think so…  I"ve had a long and rather disappointing day…so…yeh…i…should troubly get to sleep now  Yehyehyeh…of course…  Ok thanks  It"just how I essencially be a fan…  You"re totally amazing at the bank of weeping river~  I remembered thousands of ones…you didn"t stop  Oh… sorry about that…  Look!You don"t belong here.  I know…I know… you"re right…  I don"t have…it"s just a my whole-life dream…  Nono…I mean…you don"t belong…here! I mean, in this room…this is my room  Crane"s property.  Oh~ok~right, right  So..yeh…you want to get to sleep?!  I won"t pick you up~we get things tomorrow!  You"re awesome…Last thing I want to say, ok byebye  Wow…  What was that?  I didn"t say anything~  Ok~all right~good night~sleep well~  It seemed a little awkward…  Master tigeress! Did"t I wake you!? Just…  You don"t belong here…  Yeh..yeh…of course, this is your room…  I mean you don"t belong in the jade palace…  You"re disgraced kungfu…If you have any respect for who we are and what we do,you …will be gone by morning~  Big fan~~~  I see you have found the secret peach tree of heaven that I knew was then  Is that was this is…I was so sorry…  I just Take it as a regular peach…tree…  I understand, you eat when you"re upset.  Upset? I"m not up set!whywhywhy makes me upset…  So why are you upset?  I probably sucked to anyone in the history of kungfu.in the history of china, and in the history of sucking…  Probably…in the five…man you should see they totally hate me…  Totally?  How can shifu overturn me into the dragon warrior?  I"m…not like The five, I"ve got no claws, no wings, no venom…  Even mantis has those…things…  Maybe just I should just quit and go back to make my noodles.  Quit, don"t quit, noodles, don"t noodles.  You"re too concerned with outside world and what will be,  There is a saying ,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery,  But today is a gift ,That is why it"s called the present (the gift)
2023-07-11 18:07:071


1.世间无巧合(存在的就是合理的)  There are no accidents.2.欲避之,反促之。  One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it  3.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了.  Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.  true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃  4.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。  Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles.   5.俗语说,  既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!  那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)  There is a saying,  Yesterday is history  Tomorrow is a mystery  But today is a gift  That is why it"s called the present (the gift)6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,  我不能让树为我开花,  也不能让它提前结果  Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)  I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,  nor make it bear food before it"s time .  师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制  我可以控制果实何时坠落  我还可以控制在何处播种  那可不是幻觉 大师  but there are things we can control  I can control when the fruit will fall  ... And I can control  What time to seed  That is not illusion , Master  乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么  那个种子还是会长成桃树  你可能想要苹果 或桔子  可你只能得到桃子  那个种子还是会长成桃树  Yes, but no matter what you do,  That seed will grow to be a peach tree  You may wish for an Apple or an orange  But you will get a peach  师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎  But peache can not defeate Tai Long  乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。  Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,  况且这本不是天意,  阿宝,忘了其它的事情,  你的使命一直都在向你召唤。  我们是面条家族,  血管中流着这样的血。  I"m sorry things didn"t work out …  It"s just what it"s meant to be  Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.  We are Noodle folk  Broth runs deep through our veins  8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.  9.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?  你知道我一直想把你赶走,  可你还是留下来了。  Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you  but you stayed  阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。  我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,  或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。  可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。  我留下来,因为我以为,  如果还有人能改变我,  能让我焕然一新,  那就是你--  中国最伟大的功夫师父!  Yes ,I stayed .  I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head  or said I smelled ,it hurts.  But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .  I stayed ,because I thought ..  If anyone could change me ,  could make me not me ,  it was you  the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!10,Enough talk~ let"s fight!少废话,决斗吧11、There"e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命~    12.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。  认为它特别,它就特别了。  The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.  To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.
2023-07-11 18:07:221