1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
2. I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.
3. I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know.
4. We must hang together, or we"ll be hanged separately.
【点评】这是一句双关语。前面的hang together是“团结一致”的意思,后面的hanged是“绞死”的意思。
5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
6. Was it a bar or a bat I saw?
7. 上联:To China forchina, China with china, dinner
on china.
下联:Go front door buy front door, front door no front door, behind door with front door.
上联:去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器。 下联:到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门。
8. He never saw a saw saw a saw.
【点评】第一个saw是动词see的过去时, 第二和第四个saw带有不定冠词"a"在前,是名词"锯子",第三个saw是动词"锯"。
Thereu2019s nothing worse than a rich person whou2019s chronically angry or unhappy. Thereu2019s really no excuse for it, yet I see this phenomenon every day. It results from an extremely unbalanced life, one with too much expectation and not enough appreciation for whatu2019s there.
Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasnu2019t) happened to you. The quality of your life is controlled by the meaning you give these things.
Most of the time you may be unaware of the effect of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to lifeu2019s events.
你下意识地赋予各种事情以意义,但是大多数时间里却并不清楚这一行为有何影响。 When something happens that disrupts your life (a car accident, a health issue, a job loss), do you tend to think that this is the end or the beginning?
If someone confronts you, is that person insulting you, coaching you or truly caring for you?
Does a devastating problem mean that God is punishing you or challenging you? Or is it possible that this problem is a gift from God?
Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. With each meaning comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves where you live emotionally.
I always ask during my seminars, “How many of you know someone who is on antidepressants and still depressed?” Typically 85 percent to 90 percent of those assembled raise their hands.
How is this possible? The drugs should make people feel better. Itu2019s true that
antidepressants do come with labels warning that suicidal thoughts are a possible side effect.
But no matter how much a person drugs himself, if he constantly focuses on what he canu2019t control in life and whatu2019s missing, he wonu2019t find it hard to despair. If he adds to that a meaning like “life is not worth living,” thatu2019s an emotional cocktail that no antidepressant can consistently overcome.
Yet if that same person can arrive at a new meaning, a reason to live or a belief that all this was meant to be, then he will be stronger than anything that ever happened to him.
When people shift their habitual focus and meanings, thereu2019s no limit on what life can become. A change of focus and a shift in meaning can literally alter
someoneu2019s biochemistry in minutes.
So take control and always remember: Meaning equals emotion and emotion equals life. Choose consciously and wisely. Find an empowering meaning in any event, and wealth in its deepest sense will be yours today.
Without gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, youu2019ll never know true fulfillment. But how do you cultivate balance in life? Whatu2019s the point of achievement if your life has no balance?
For nearly four decades, Iu2019ve had the privilege of coaching people from every walk of life, including some of the most powerful men and women on the planet. Iu2019ve worked with presidents of the United States as well as owners of small businesses.
Across the board, Iu2019ve found that virtually every moment people make three key decisions that dictate the quality of their lives.
If you make these decisions unconsciously, youu2019ll end up like majority of people who tend to be out of shape physically, exhausted emotionally and often
financially stressed. But if you make these decisions consciously, you can literally change the course of your life today.
Decision 1: Carefully choose what to focus on.
At every moment, millions of things compete for your attention. You can focus on things that are happening right here and now or on what you want to create in the future. Or you can focus on the past.
Where focus goes, energy flows. What you focus on and your pattern for doing so shapes your entire life.
Which area do you tend to focus on more: what you have or whatu2019s missing from your life?
Iu2019m sure you think about both sides of this coin. But if you examine your habitual thoughts, what do you tend to spend most of your time dwelling on?
Rather than focusing on what you donu2019t have and begrudging those who are better off than you financially, perhaps you should acknowledge that you have much to be grateful for and some of it has nothing to do with money. You can be grateful for your health, family, friends, opportunities and mind.
Developing a habit of appreciating what you have can create a new level of emotional well-being and wealth. But the real question is, do you take time to deeply feel grateful with your mind, body, heart and soul? Thatu2019s where the joy, happiness and fulfillment can be found.
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you canu2019t?
If you focus on what you canu2019t control, youu2019ll have more stress in life. You can influence many aspects of your life but you usually canu2019t control them.
When you adopt this pattern of focus, your brain has to make another decision: 当你决定采用这种关注模式,你的大脑就需要作出另外一个决定: