
DNA图谱 / 问答 / 标签






darkwing duckDaring duck of mysteryChampion of rightSwoops out of the shadowsDarkwing owns the nightSomewhere some villain schemesBut his number"s up!(3, 2, 1!)Darkwing Duck! (When there"s trouble you call D.W.!)Darkwing Duck! ("Let"s get dangerous!")Darkwing Duck! (Darkwing, Darkwing Duck!)Cloud of smoke and he appearsThe master of surpriseWho"s that cunning mind behindThe shadowy disguise?Nobody knows for sureBad guys are outta luck!"Cause here comesDarkwing Duck!Look out!(When there"s trouble you call D.W.!)Darkwing Duck! ("Let"s get dangerous!")Darkwing Duck! (Better watch out you bad boys!)Darkwing Duck!



狡猾飞天德 怪鸭历险记 Count Duckula所有的开场白

  I am the Terror that Flaps in the night.  I am the winged Scourge that pecks at your nigthmares.  I Am Darkwing Duck!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是在你噩梦中折磨你的带翅膀的蛔虫~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night,  I am the ITCH that ITCH"s Your trigger finger!  I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是你食指上的牛皮癣~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night.  I am the telephone operator that disconnects your phone call!  I am Darwing Duck!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是切断你电话的接线员~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night!  I am the batteries that aren"t included.  I am Darwing Duck!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是没装弹药的大炮~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night.  I am the bubble gum that clings to your shoe.  I am Darwing Duck!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是粘在你鞋底的口香糖~  我就是~飞天~德!  (这个俺最喜欢)  I am the terror that flaps in the night  I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3 am.  I am Darwing Duck!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是凌晨三点把你吵醒的打错的电话~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night  I am the onions that stink in your eyes  I am Darkwing Duck!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是把你眼睛刺得流泪的洋葱头~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night.  I am... obviously out of my trademark blue smoke.  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是……看来我招牌的蓝色烟雾用光了  I am the terror that flaps in the night,  I am a special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show.  I am Darkwing Duck!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是打断你最喜欢的电视剧的特别插播新闻~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night,  I am the low ratings that cancel your program.  I am DARKWING DUCK!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是终止你项目进展的低投票率~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night,  I am the slug that slimes your Begonias.  I am DARKWING DUCK!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是趴在你海棠花上的鼻涕虫~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night.  I am the chainsaw that cuts down the trees of crime.  I am.....DARKWING DUCK!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是砍掉罪恶之树的链锯~  我就是~飞天~德!  "I am the terror that flaps in the night...  I am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus!  I am DARKWING DUCK!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是在公交车上紧挨着你的怪人~  我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the night...  I am the surprise you find in your cereal box!  I am DARKWING DUCK!!!  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~  我是你在麦片盒子里发现的惊喜~  我就是~飞天~德!


 I am the Terror that Flaps in the night.   I am the winged Scourge that 邪恶军团(耐歌德军团) pecks at your nigthmares.   I Am Darkwing Duck!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是在你噩梦中折磨你的带翅膀的蛔虫~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night,   I am the ITCH that ITCH"s Your trigger finger!   I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是你食指上的牛皮癣~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night.   I am the telephone operator that disconnects your phone call!   I am Darwing Duck!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是切断你电话的接线员~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night!   I am the batteries that aren"t included.   I am Darwing Duck!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是没装弹药的大炮~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night.   I am the bubble gum that clings to your shoe.   I am Darwing Duck!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是粘在你鞋底的口香糖~   我就是~飞天~德!   (这个俺最喜欢)   I am the terror that flaps in the night   I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3 am.   I am Darwing Duck!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是凌晨三点把你吵醒的打错的电话~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night   I am the onions that stink in your eyes   I am Darkwing Duck!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是把你眼睛刺得流泪的洋葱头~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night.   I am... obviously out of my trademark blue smoke.  我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是……看来我招牌的蓝色烟雾用光了   I am the terror that flaps in the night,   I am a special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show.   I am Darkwing Duck!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是打断你最喜欢的电视剧的特别插播新闻~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night,   I am the low ratings that cancel your program.   I am DARKWING DUCK!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是终止你项目进展的低投票率~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night,   I am the slug that slimes your Begonias.   I am DARKWING DUCK!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是趴在你海棠花上的鼻涕虫~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night.   I am the chainsaw that cuts down the trees of crime.   I am.....DARKWING DUCK!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是砍掉罪恶之树的链锯~   我就是~飞天~德!   "I am the terror that flaps in the night...   I am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus!   I am DARKWING DUCK!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是在公交车上紧挨着你的怪人~   我就是~飞天~德!   I am the terror that flaps in the night...   I am the surprise you find in your cereal box!   I am DARKWING DUCK!!!   我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~   我是你在麦片盒子里发现的惊喜~   我就是~飞天~德!


http://www.gougou.com/search?search= 狡猾飞天德&id=16


就是怪鸭历险记吧!http://www.emule.com.cn/html/26905.html 这里有下载,好多啊,还有,迅雷,http://www.gougou.com/search?search=%E6%80%AA%E9%B8%AD%E5%8E%86%E9%99%A9%E8%AE%B0&suffix=&restype=-1&id=2【英文名称】Count Duckula 【中文名称】怪鸭历险记【出品年代】1988年 【出品公司】Cosgrove-Hall Productions 【国别归属】英国 【剧集总数】65集【类 别】动画【对白语言】英语【字幕语言】外挂英语 【内容简介】怪鸭故事情节荒诞离奇,颠覆了传统故事中对恶魔的描述,虽然在音乐和画面上营造出一种令人毛骨悚然的气氛,但是恰恰这些设计却成为了故事搞笑的手段,使故事充满了强烈的对比。全剧的所有人物都是禽鸟造型。达寇拉,是居住在特兰斯瓦尼亚城堡里吸血伯爵。虽然暴露于阳光或者被木桩刺透心脏都会让他死去,但是他却能够通过一种神秘的仪式再次地复活。然而,当最近一次仪式举行的时候,本该倒入棺材的血液错被错拿成了蕃茄汁――于是,重生的达寇拉伯爵变成为了一只只会吃素、略有点神经质的绿鸭子。他有两个仆人:雨果,是一只年迈的老鹰,一辈子都在这个城堡里做管家,对达寇拉家族忠心耿耿。 女仆南妮负责照顾达寇拉伯爵的饮食起居,不爱走门,总是撞墙而入,令人哭笑不得。 达寇拉伯爵还有一个死敌葛斯威恩博士,在原着中是着名的除妖大侠范海辛,在这部动画片里,却成了一个戴眼镜的鸭子,他发誓要除掉吸血鬼伯爵,执着地追杀达寇拉。还有四个大笨贼,他们总是觉得这个城堡里会有宝藏,可是没有一次得逞。达寇拉伯爵居住的城堡很神奇,可以瞬间移动,所以达寇拉总是能够随心所欲的到世界各地冒险,但是城堡的移动是有时间限制的,时间一到,自动回到特兰斯瓦尼亚。 故事就是围绕着这些人物展开的,一次又一次冒险旅行,一个又一个搞怪的情节,带我们走进这个恐怖的鸭子世界。这个故事里面充满了笑料与调侃,有一种无厘头式的幽默,是对英国传统故事的改编,让人以一种轻松的心情来观看吸血鬼主题的动画片,带给了我们非常多的欢笑。

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