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美国101空降师军歌《blood on the risers》 歌词: He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. You ain‘t gonna jump no more. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. He ain"t gonna jump no more. "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. And he ain"t gonna jump no more. There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. And he ain"t gonna jump no more.

求音乐:美国军歌 我是个士兵

求音乐:美国军歌 我是个士兵 官网并提供下载:三w.thewarriorsong. 这首歌叫《勇士之歌》(The Warrior),分原版和陆战队专用版,马上就要出空军和海军的专用版。它是美军征兵广告的BGM,由民间流行音乐艺术家创作。”我是个士兵,我在前进“是歌词中“I am a soldier and I"m marching on”段落。 在国内各大视屏网站,特别是土豆有各种版本提供下载(需itudou工具)。由于其他网站过于不安全或存在各种质量问题,请注意。 美利坚合众国武装力量通用军歌(目前没有得到官方立法确认) March into War(向战争进军)(2007年起) 各军兵种军歌: 陆军:The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军挺进) 陆战队:Marines" Hymn(陆战队之颂) 空军:The U.S. Air Force (合众国空中力量) 海军:Anchors Aweigh(起锚) 海岸警卫队:Semper Paratus (进行曲)(时刻准备就绪) 求音乐:美国军校军歌 西点军校校歌 Hail, Alma Mater dear, To us be ever near, Help us thy motto bear Through all the years. Let duty be well performed, Honor be e"er untarned, Country be ever armed, West Point, by thee. 亲爱母校, 永驻心头, 校训铭记, 岁月悠悠。 职责毋忘, 荣耀闪光, 西点西点, 戍吾家乡。 Guide us, thy sons, aright, Teach us by day, by night, To keep thine honor bright, For thee to fight. When we depart from thee, Serving on land or sea, May we still loyal be, West Point, to thee. 日夜教诲, 您之赤子, 珍惜荣誉, 为之战之。 吾等毕业, 卫戍海空 求美国军歌《这就是陆军》 试试这个连线 美国陆军军歌《这就是陆军》 :uspatrioticpictures./music/Patriotic%20-%2082nd%20Airborne%20All%20American%20Chorus%20-%20This%20Is%20The%20Army%20Mr.%20Jones%20(vocals).mp3 参考资料::wswin./home/forumdata/viewthread_cache/15/2004/08/25/130623_1.htm 求一首歌。是美国的军歌还是国歌来着。关于士兵的。 勇士之歌 求美国军歌勇士之歌 MP3版 谢谢啊 附件给你了 美国101空降师军歌和中国军歌 个人感觉 101说是歌 不如说是一种真实的情感流露 通过歌曲表达了战争的残酷 而我军 歌曲主要是宣扬主旋律的 鼓舞人心 一听就一种要冲锋的感觉 体现东西不一样没有什么可比性 美国军歌有哪些 您好,美国陆军军歌 《陆军勇往直前》"The Army Goes RollingAlong" 美国空军军歌 《美国空军》"The U.S. Air Force”(有时也取歌曲的第一句wild blue yonder,叫《蓝色远方》) 美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!) 美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn" 美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备) 求音乐:德国陆军军歌 "闪电部队在行动"不是德军军歌...以讹传讹了,那个的原版是<布兰诗歌>的第一章<O Fortuna>, 现在流传的<The Mass>是流行乐团Era同名专辑里的. 和德国装甲兵有关的军歌是<Panzerlied>,就是<坦克大决战>里德国人跺着脚唱的那个. 另外比较有名的是<Die Horst Wessel Lied>,<Westerwaldlied>,<我们的隆美尔>等等. 我收藏了一个德国军歌很全的站,找一下再发上来 :nazi..uk/multimedia.htm 另外国内视讯网站也有一些 :56./u93/v_NDQ3MDA0NzQ. 美国大兵军歌歌词 勇士之歌The Warrior Song 我是武装到牙齿的杀人机器 I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine, 绿光闪烁之间让你血流如溅 with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, 不要怀疑,这是我的地盘 best blieve, I"m in a zone to be, 我的阴阳两界,我的长江流域 from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze. 当你奔袭而来我得意地微笑 Put a grin on my chin when you e to me, 因为胜利是属于我的,我是一流的杀手,带给你的将是死亡 "cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death 大地在我脚下 to the place you"re about to be: 你将成为另一条在我脚下流淌的血河 another river of blood runnin" under my feet. 历练之火早已燃起 Fed in a fire lit long ago, 与我比肩,你将永不孤独 stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone. 第一个冲锋,最后一个离去 I"m last to leave, but the first to go, 上帝啊,请在老去之前赐我以死亡 Lord, make me dead before you make me old. 吞噬著恐惧,当敌人以魔鬼的面孔进入视线 I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights: 用手瞄准,用意志扣动扳机,用冷酷的心杀戮 aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 乐战好斗,令敌国焦土一片 I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, 跋涉血海,誓要斩尽杀绝 wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more. 子弹飞啸,电光石火 Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, 假如死亡不能带给你恐惧 if death don"t bring you fear, 我发誓,定要让你敬畏我的铁足 I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet. 走近噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在地黑暗 Come to the nightmare, e to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de, 咽喉横亘,利刀如鲨 in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, 地狱火起,天使哭泣 where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. 我的影子将是你的死神,当你被我遇到,呼唤所有的神明吧 Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; 希望瞬间寂灭,我的身影就是你死亡的影子 hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast. 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 目光似铁,视野无限 My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, 我是勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. (巴顿将军:我们不仅仅要射杀那些杂种) (General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards) (我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑) (We"re going to cut out their living guts) (掏出五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带) (and use them to grease the treads of our tanks) (我们还要大把大把地干掉这些该死的杂种) (We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel) 我身轻体健,誓要让你承受悲伤 Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, 而且让你无力还手 and the least of me"s still out of your reach. 杀人机器启动,一路勇猛冲锋 The killing machine"s gonna do the deed, 直到河流枯竭,直到生命的最后 until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. 昂首迎风 Chin in the air with a head held high, 直面敌人 I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line. 没有恐惧,只有自豪 Feet no fear, know my pride: 为了上帝,为了祖国,我将结束你的生命 for God and Country I"ll end your life. 我是一个战士,战士在前进 I am a soldier and I"m marching on, 我是一个勇士,这是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. 目光似铁,视野无限 My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, 我是勇士,这就是勇士之歌 I am a warrior and this is my song. =================================================== 下面是英文的歌词,储存问.lrc格式档案可以新增到千千静听里面 [00:00.00]勇士之歌The Warrior Song [00:27.00]I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine, [00:30.00]with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, [00:33.00]best blieve, I"m in a zone to be, [00:36.00]from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze. [00:38.00]Put a grin on my chin when you e to me, [00:41.00]"cuz i"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death [00:44.00]to the place you"re about to be: [00:45.20]another river of blood runnin" under my feet. [00:48.00]Fed in a fire lit long ago, [00:50.00]stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone. [00:53.00]I"m last to leave, but the first to go, [00:55.00]Lord, make me dead before you make me old. [00:58.00]I feed on the fear of the devil inside of theenemy faces in my sights: [01:03.00]aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart link arctic ice [01:07.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [01:12.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [01:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [01:22.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [01:27.00]I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, [01:31.00]wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more. [01:36.00]Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, [01:41.00]if death don"t bring you fear, [01:42.30]I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet. [01:46.00]Come to the nightmare, e to me, deep down in the dark where the devil de, [01:50.00]in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, [01:53.00]where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. [01:55.00]Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; [02:00.00]hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one i cast. [02:04.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [02:10.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [02:15.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, [02:20.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [02:24.00] [02:25.00](General Patton: We"re not just going to shoot the bastards) [02:29.00](We"re going to cut out their living guts) [02:32.00](and use them to grease the treads of our tanks) [02:38.00](We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel) [02:43.00]Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, [02:45.00]and the least of me"s still out of your reach. [02:48.00]The killing machine"s gonna do the deed, [02:50.00]until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. [02:52.00]Chin in the air with a head held high, [02:55.00]I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line. [02:58.00]Feet no fear, know my pride: [03:00.00]for God and Country I"ll end your life. [03:03.00]I am a soldier and I"m marching on, [03:07.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [03:12.00]My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, [03:17.00]I am a warrior and this is my song. [03:22.00]


Marines Running Cadence美国海军陆战队跑步口号Mama and papa were laying in bed! 妈妈和爸爸躺在床上!Mama rolled over and this is what she said: 妈妈翻身向上然后说道:Oh, give me sone... 哦 给我些…Oh, give me sone... 哦 给我些…PT! 体能训练!PT! 体能训练!Good for you! And good for me! 对你对我都有好处!Mmm good! 好啊!Up in the morning to the rising sun! 随着太阳东升而起床!Gotta run all day till the runing"s done! 整日跑步,直到完成训练![00:31.13]Ho chi minh is a son of a bi*tch! 胡志明是个狗*娘养的!Got the blueballs, crabs and the seven-year itch!他染上了性*病阴*虱,患7年之痒!I love working for our Uncle Sam! 我喜欢为山姆大叔工作!Let me know just who I am! 让我知道自己究竟是谁!One two three four United States Marine Corps! 1 2 3 4 美*国海军陆战队!One two three four I love the marine corps! 1 2 3 4 我爱这个海军陆战队!My corps! Your corps! Our corps! Marine corps! 我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队!Full Metal Jacket合金子弹头


您好,美国陆军军歌 《陆军勇往直前》"The Army Goes RollingAlong"美国空军军歌 《美国空军》"The U.S. Air Force”(有时也取歌曲的第一句wild blue yonder,叫《蓝色远方》)美国海军军歌 《起锚》"anchor Aweigh"(第一代的版本里面还有一句搞笑的叫sink army grey揍沉这帮陆军灰的家伙!)美国海军陆战队 《海军陆战队赞歌》"Marines" Hymn"美国海岸警卫队 《时刻准备》"Semper Paratus"(海岸警卫队军歌的名字是拉丁文,翻译过来就是always ready时刻准备)


1、《陆军勇往直前》这首歌最早为1908年在美军中服役的英国人埃德蒙·L·格鲁伯所创作,原标题为《弹药车之歌》(英语:The Caissons Go Rolling Along)。在1917年一战中,当美国宣布参战后。有“美国进行曲之王”美誉的美国作曲家约翰·菲利普·苏萨对这首歌曲进行了重新编曲。最初命名为《美国野战炮兵进行曲》(英语:U.S. Field Artillery March)。后更名为《陆军勇往直前》。2、《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》,美国海军陆战队的官方军歌。同时也是美国最古老的军歌。通常由官兵立正演唱以示敬意。而第三节在正式场合(比如生日派对或者其他庆典)也常被用于祝酒歌。3、《美国空军》《美国空军》(The U.S. Air Force)美国空军的标准军歌,简称《空军歌》,有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。4、《美国野战炮兵进行曲》《美国野战炮兵进行曲》由约翰·菲利普·苏沙于1918年在纽约创作的进行曲。该曲最初是由在美国军中服役的英国人埃德蒙·格鲁伯创作,并在一战期间成为美军中多个团的团歌。1918年,62岁的约翰·菲利普·苏萨对该曲进行了改编。改编后的作品即美国野战炮兵进行曲。5、《星光灿烂的旗帜》《星光灿烂的旗帜》(The Star-Spangled Banner,又译作《星条旗》),由英国作曲家约翰·斯塔福德·史密斯(John Stafford Smith)作曲,美国律师弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)作词。

唐老鸭从军记里的 美国军歌是什么啊
