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这部电影的原声音乐由澳大利亚音乐家 Tex Perkins 和他的黑马乐队伙伴 Murray Paterson 创作。以下是电影的原声曲目:01. Beautiful Kate (Main Theme) 3:2002. Wilpena Pound 1:4503. The Shed 0:3304. Weeping Windmill 2:3205. The Old School Room 1:1006. The Memory 1:1907. Room Service 1:3408. Beautiful Kate (Kiss And Make Up) 1:0009. The Chase 2:2310. Ned Walks Back 1:2811. Always On My Mind / Finding Kate 3:0212. Beautiful Kate (The Dam) 1:0413. You"re Not Gonna Tell Him Are You? 1:1614. Forgiveness 0:5715. Washing Bruce 1:4616. Beautiful Kate (Goodbye) 1:1717. This Little Bird 1:5818. Closing Titles (Remembering Russell Dunlop) 5:34

电影《美丽的凯特》 凯特饰演者是谁啊?

楼上说的是个男的演喜剧的 汗。应该是瑞切尔·格里菲斯 我很喜欢的明星之一 这是他所有演过的电影:l 美丽的凯特 Beautiful Kate (2008)   l 月满荒原 Comanche Moon (2008) .....Inez Scull  l 兄弟姐妹 Brothers & Sisters (2006) .....Sarah Whedon   l 舞出我人生 Step Up (2006) .....Director Gordon  l 天使 Angel (2005) .....Nicole  l 凯利党/凯利帮 / 法外凶徒Ned Kelly (2003) .....Mrs. Scott  l 艳舞男孩 Showboy (2002) .....Herself  l 姆指仙童历险记 The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina (2002) .....Albertine (voice)  l 新手 / 心灵投手 / 棒球新秀The Rookie (2002) .....Lorri Morris  l 强词 The Hard Word (2002) .....Carol  l 六尺之下 / 六尺风云 Six Feet Under (2001) .....Brenda Chenowith  l 爱情洗剪吹 Blow Dry (2001) .....Sandra  l 美国毒枭 Blow (2001) .....Ermine Jung  l 疯狂的安妮玛丽 Very Annie Mary (2001) .....Annie Mary Pugh  l 第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) .....Herself - Nominee  l Me Myself I (1999) .....Pamela Drury  l 再见,不联络 Since You"ve Been Gone (1998) .....Sally Zalinsky  l 杰克离婚 Divorcing Jack (1998) .....Lee Cooper  l 欲望天堂 Among Giants (1998) .....Gerry  l 艾美的世界 Amy (1998) .....Tanya Rammus  l 她比烟花寂寞 Hilary and Jackie (1998) .....Hilary du Pré  l 我最好朋友的婚礼/新娘不是我? / 真的想嫁你  l My Best Friend"s Wedding (1997) .....Samantha Newhouse  l Jude欢迎来到伍普 Welcome to Woop Woop (1997) .....Sylvia  l 我儿狂热 My Son the Fanatic (1997) .....Bettina/Sandra  l 革命小子 Children of the Revolution (1996) .....Constable Anna  l 无名的裘德 Jude (1996) .....Arabella  l 穆丽尔的婚礼 Muriel"s Wedding (1994) .....Rhonda Epinstalk