Bart!Hey, Bart.Lisa! It"s 6:00 a.m.Something"s wrong.Dad died.No, no, he"s fine.What do you know?I"m relieved.My birthday"s in two days.I"ll be eight years old.It"s a big number--almost double digits.Enjoy it while you can.Everything changeswhen you hit the big 1 -0.Your legs go.Candy doesn"t taste as good.Let me pour my little heart out.Sorry.This old-timer doesramble on sometimes.I do so much for youand you have disappointed me...- on all my birthdays.- Okay.I"ve made things for you--Okay, okay, okay!It"s done.Birthday giftcoming your way!Oh, thank you.Bart, watch Maggiewhile I get the laundry.Can do.Hmm, Krusty Hotline.Hi, kids!You"ve reached the Krusty Hotline.If you haven"t askedyour parents" permission--naughty, naughty...but Krusty forgives you.Two dollarsfor the first minute...50 cents for each additional minute.Thanks for calling, kids.A new message every day.Maggie!Bart, I asked you to watch your sister.I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me.Who stole my shirt?I washed it.Thank you, Marge.Ahh!Pink?! I can"t wear pink to work.Everybody wears white.I"m not popular enough to be different.You have plenty of white shirts.Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme.Oh, no! Pink!It"s all over, Marge! It"s all over!I don"t know how this happened.Ah, my lucky red hat.Clean as a whistle.<i>You</i> did this to me!I... apologize.No one will notice...if you wear a pink shirt to work.Wait a minute.Go back.Zoom in.Why is that man in pink?!That"s Homer Simpson-- a boob from Sector 7-G.Judging by his outlandish attire...he"s some sort of freethinking anarchist.I"ll call security, sir.Excellent.Yes, these color monitors...have already paid for themselves.Pink! I don"t get his statement.Shh, shh, shh.Coming.Hey, Homer...we saved you a doughnut.It has <i>pink</i> frosting.Thanks.It looks--Hey, wait a minute!Just because I"m wearing pink...doesn"t mean I"m some kind of pink doughnut-eater...although it is tempting.Drop that doughnut.Let"s go, pinky.You don"t understand. 是不是这个
Anyone in America heard of The Simpsons. It"s an animated "sitcom" that"s been running on Fox for the past18 years. It"s possibly the longest running animated sitcom of all time. "The Simpsons Movie", is witty,fast paced, touching, hugely entertaining and most importantly: laugh out loud funny."The Simpsons Movie", is based on the FOX cartoon series about Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The show relies on the conventions of situation comedy, with the stuff of everyday life being funny. The family has a wacky neighbor, Ned Flanders, who is a widower and evangelical. Homer works for Mr. Burns, an archetypal robber baron for our day. Marge is a stay-at-home mom who struggles to keep her family fed, both physically and spiritually. The movie took place in Springfield. Time is unknown. Homer adopts a pig who"s run away from Krusty Burger.At the same time, the lake is protected after Green Day sunk in Lake Springfield. In the mean time, Spider Pig"s waste has filled up a silo. Homer dumped the silo in the lake, polluting it. Russ Cargill, the leader of EPA, received an order to destroy Springfield, and to put a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation. Homer, however, has escaped, along with his family, to Alaska. At the end, Homer and Bart saved the Springfield town and its people by removing the bomb and distroyed the dome. He"s the hero again.Throught out the movie, every joke makes you laugh. There are excellent quotes and great moments. Homer is as funny as in the show. The Simpsons Movie might be the funniest animation movie ever made. You can laugh the whole film through. For Simpsons Fan it will be the best of all feelings to watch this movie.
辛普森是美国最普通的一个五口之家:爸爸荷马·辛普森是一个简单到不能再简单的男人,在斯普林菲尔德的核能工厂勉强算是有一份工作,只是在同一个职位上被解雇和再次聘用了无数次。《辛 普 森 一 家 The Simpsons Movie 2007》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I0VqmlFVTda6U47FU2jupA?pwd=76z4 提取码:76z4绿日乐队在春田镇办了环保演唱会,惨遭冷遇,成员落水而亡。为了悼念,教堂举办了弥撒仪式。辛普森一家又迟到了,而且爷爷突然灵魂附体,说出了灾难降临的预言。
辛普森一家的导演-大卫·西佛曼 David Silverman
David Silverman之前入读于马里兰大学,但是在大二学期之后,他转学来到UCLA(也就是加州大学洛杉矶分校)学习电影制作专业,在那里,他拿到了硕士学位这是我在yahoo英文网上查到的,帮你翻译好了,呵呵
可以说毫无关联!辛普森一家是从上世纪8乀9乀年到现在一直在播的动画片,而辛普森杀妻案是1994年美国发生的一起命案,凶手是美式橄榄球运动员辛普森(O.J. Simpson)。两者只是碰巧同名了而已,其实叫辛普森的并不少,我记得高中历史课本上就有一个搞外交的叫辛普森。纯手打,望采纳!