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细致地刻画了人物形象 这里“细致地” 英语怎么表达?

2023-07-19 08:12:32
TAG: 人物




2023-07-18 08:07:123


2023-07-18 08:07:281


mysterious,表示神秘的。specificly,修饰动词,用副词。serve,用动词。Windy,修饰days,用形容词。written,表示被动。That news made them very happy.He has good taste in music.He often asks his parents for money to buy things.
2023-07-18 08:07:386

初三 英语 用所给单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。

1.specially.副词修饰前面的动词aimed.2.impressive.形容词,was strongly impressive,令人印象极其深刻。3.loss,是lose的名词。4?没有题啊?5.terribly,是terriable的副词。注意是去e加y.副词的变法比较特殊。最后的一题应是首字母吧,我觉得是learnt 翻译是 最后他们意识到如果他们不能及时到那的话,他们会陷入极大的危险当中。
2023-07-18 08:07:558


. 精通的,熟练的,娴熟的,训练有素的填前者确实好,空洞, 太大,但不如后者具体,建议将specificly. 改为fluently, 或加上也行。
2023-07-18 08:08:123


Dual personality belongs to Multiple personality,and is a severe mental disorder.It refers to a man having more than two relatively separated sub-personality.It is a kind of hysteria dissociation mental disorder
2023-07-18 08:08:192

能说具体点吗? 是个误会? 英文

能说具体点吗? Can you say it (or put it) more specifically? 是个误会吗?Is it a misunderstanding?
2023-07-18 08:08:273


在巴拉圭的脱水产业题目:在巴拉圭的脱水产业来自:PABLO PASCUALI 这个应该是个人名(非会员)日期:2008年11月27日 星期四 16:21:44格林尼治时间来源:贸易指引(?)这个应该是一个杂志之类的东西亲爱的先生:我真的对于脱水产业十分感兴趣,虽说它在我们国家并不很发达。巴拉圭位于南美洲的中心——靠近阿根廷和巴西——是一个国际性的各种农产品生产中心,但是由于技术力量的缺乏,在世界需要我们的食品的同时,每年都有大量的蔬菜和水果被浪费和丢弃。我一直在寻找一个愿意投资于我们国家并可以同我开展脱水产业的合作公司,要投资他们的技术、知识以及质量管理办法,从而可以从大量的时令水果的加工中得到利益,特别是可以从芒果的加工开始。我们负责:最近的农产品数据、专业的管理、同官方的联系接触、在本地公司中服务的经验、后勤工作、同本地农产品提供者的联系,雇佣协议同本地的金融和贸易交易一样,希望可以将产品100%的出口给你的国际客户。我希望你能对这些感兴趣。盼望着你的回信。寄件人的信息寄件人:PABLO PASCUALI公司:MATRIX贸易国家:巴拉圭
2023-07-18 08:08:362

求英文的翻译 谢谢

Foreign Affairs Office said that their visa has run down,we will be notified specificly tomorrow
2023-07-18 08:08:444


您好,翻译为: I feel that I have been working too much, and it is difficult to finish the work in time. There"s a lot of learning to do not understand. Suggested that the teacher can explain in detail, the assignment should be appropriate.希望帮助你
2023-07-18 08:08:545


how many pieces do you need specificly?
2023-07-18 08:09:265


对比中求思索 思辨中起智慧八级拳和心意拳都是中国优秀的拳种,但其拳架有着显而易见的不同。八级拳是完全侧身的(我不懂八级拳,就我看到的几个经典动作。) 心意拳是正身侧面的不同往往是看清问题,解决问题的key。八级拳 完全侧身就是完全侧身: 1.两肩在一直线;两脚在一直线;(这两条线应该是一致的,或至少是平行的。) 2.对敌的肩;对敌的脚;和对敌的骨盆(传武用胯,但对胯有不同理解不同认识。对骨盆这个人体结构没有二义性。)在同一侧。心意六合拳 正身侧面需要解释一下: 1.肩膀斜45度对敌;一肩膀前一个肩膀后对敌; 2.骨盆正面对敌 3.一脚在前对敌;一脚前一脚后;后脚45度对敌;正身指:身体正面对敌,脸正对敌人;骨盆正对敌人,几乎以180度面对敌人。 侧面指:肩膀和脚不在一线上,都是一前一后斜对敌,即侧面。正身侧面是非常中国式的表达,非常简洁但省去了主语,使得大家有可能造成误解。 正身的主语是:脸和躯干 侧面的主语是:四肢我还是说要纵横捭阖贯穿东西,中国式的优美要学习;西方式的严谨定义也要学习。很简单一句话:出手横拳势难招 好像变成了千古谜题。横读“狠”的时候就一个解释,唯一一个解释:意外出手横拳势难招,就是省略了主语: 你打出了《令》对手意外的拳,所以对手招架不住。不是从你去定义的: 你认为你出拳快 或者你出拳力量大这个是从对方去定义的,你打出了《令》对方感到意外的拳。这就是我说的内家拳的相对性: 你打的再快,对方比你还快,你就是慢。 你打的再慢,对方没想到,没意料到,你就是慢动作也是快。八极拳的完全侧身和心意拳的正身侧面: 1.外观上是显而易见的不同。 2.拳架的不同其实是本质的不同。本质有什么不同?我不知道,我知道但我不能说,我得罪不起八级拳。我心意门的我只能说心意好啊,屁股决定脑袋的事情,没有办法的事情。我其实是想和八极拳进行某种探讨,谈论问题大家求同存异,君子和而不同。我先表态:我心意门的,只能说心意好。 我认可:八级的说,八级好,八级最好。这个我们不讨论,我们就specificly 讨论这个拳架,这个拳架的不同。Result: NO result.Result基本都是action,而不是八级的说:心意厉害。或心意的说:八级厉害。Result是什么? Action是什么? 是八级改成心意的拳架,或心意的改成八级的拳架。这不可能的!即便是一方比另一方好很多,一方比另一方绝对的好。 冷兵器时代早过去了。即便是一方比另一方好很多,一方比另一方绝对的好。 八级拳和心意拳都是中国优秀的拳种。都应该去保存去继承,还改不可能的。理论探讨,大家都喜欢传武,聊聊玩玩是可以的。心意拳是正身侧面的。心意六合拳为什么要采用正身侧面的拳架?教我人就给了我一个字:打!其他废话没有,其他废话不许说!他是打出来的,我没有实战过,我没有发言权。心意六合拳本身就是为了打发明出来的,为了打存在的。那肯定是为了打啊!但我们还是要去做一下庖丁解牛的分析。我是从打练去pide & conquer这个问题的: 练法是练法;打法是打法卢师卢嵩高的原话和我传过一次,我听过一耳朵,卢师的河南话很重,我记得好像是:盘法是盘法;用法是用法 盘法就是河南话的练法。(应该好像)那么这个问题就变成了,正身侧面打什么?练什么?我先说一下我对:《练拳不练功 到老一场空》的解释。 这个解释是基于,打练分离这个逻辑基础的。如果打练是可以分离的,或者说练的不能直接的exactly的去用的,运用中一定要有些变化的。而我们又有打法和练法。《练拳不练功 到老一场空》的解释是: 你不能光练打法,打法很直接,打法可以直接用,心意六合拳的打法又很巧妙,有些人沉醉其中,就光练打法了。补充一点,打法很多时候练起来不累,练法很枯燥很累的。 我们的基础是老三篇,我们的母拳是踩步,特别是踩步是无法直接应用的,无此可能。那你练不练?你练,练踩步就是练功。练踩步就是正身侧面,正身侧面打什么?练什么?特别是练什么?练什么?练胯;练中节。老三篇都是正身侧面,正身侧面你走走看,练练看,你就知道了。我的感觉specificly练的是:腰大肌;臀肌;腿肌;腹肌。 1.人最大最有力量的肌肉都在参与运动,所以累。 2.胯是人力量的源泉,和西方的核心有一定的区别的,我理解西方的核心不包括腿上肌肉的。 3.tips:如果你老三篇打对了,你应该腹肌紧张。腹肌很薄,耐力差的,所以动起来以后练对了,一定有点抽的。我还有一个感受是臀部的肌肉紧张,不到抽的程度,但有充血感。相比较腹肌很多白肌,臀部肌肉是红肌,《练拳不练功 到老一场空》 如果你光练打法,不练踩步不练功,就是上面说的中节,中节在这里又可以理解为丹田。 气血没有加强,身体没有固本。你把打法弄成了奇技淫巧了。 这就是到老一场空,到老了身体不会好。正身侧面练的是什么?正身侧面是什么?其实正身侧面就是曲断中节。曲断中节既是一把实际的拳名(也叫乌牛摆头),也是拳理。正身侧面是什么?就是《曲》 1.头正 2.肩膀斜45度 3.骨盆正 4.脚一前一后正身侧面练的是什么?《中节》;练力量;练劲;练整劲;练合力;练丹田;练身体。《断》我的解释就是《断桥》的《断》:路断桥不断。 人的身体在腰这段明显是个节点,身体在腰这里算分节,但力量在这里要能接上续上。 劲断意不断,有点神奇,但是对的。这个以后解释。 腰这里身体肌肉结构从新组织,大致就是分成了,大腿和躯干。物竞天择我们被这样进化出来肯定是对的,我理解这个结构有利于直立行走和奔跑,但对力的传递是不利的。打拳的时候利用腿部的力量,利用腿部的力量传递到手是不利的。但是力量绝对不能断,这个要练的。中节劲练出来是让你的力上通下达的。力从地起,根节是支点。 稍节是打人的,光用稍节的力量不够,借点地的根节力,用中节的源泉力,加上稍节的速度和精准。 这就是三节变一节了。正身侧面打的是什么?为什么要采用这个拳架结构?先引入形意拳,来帮你看清楚。 我要讲八级拳吗?我不懂八级拳。我为的是讲清楚心意拳。形意拳: 1.也是正身侧面的拳架结构。 2.形意拳的重心在中间;两腿之间;我认为是一种静稳定设计; 3.相对于心意拳是一种静不稳定设计,心意拳的攻击阵位(运动过程中,相对于形意拳。),力量吃在一条腿上。(这个有大复杂,还要看你高低架) 4.形意可以两腿做支点发力,心意一条腿。 5.从势能和重心角度讲:心意拳的攻击阵位上(在运动中),向前时向前,向后时向后,形意相对还是居中的。发起进攻时心意可以用身体势能重心超过身体的。(这是真打的时候,不是练的时候。练的时候要打停,不能过的。打到那里停到那里。这不是我说的,这是传我的口诀。)老一辈形意拳和心意拳做过友好的交流,双方都发表了各自坦诚的意见: 形意拳认为形意拳对,心意拳的拳理不对。 心意拳认为心意拳对,形意拳的拳理不对。这就是坦诚的交流,为什么又是友好的呢?至少没打起来,话大家也都讲了。达成一致:Let"s agree for the disagree 你打你的 我打我的回来以后至少心意门的,肯定是把形意的拳理当一回事的。他们也是有道理的,他们认为:形意的如果一击不中,至少可以收回来。因为他们的重心在身体范围内。心意太一往无前,打出去收不回来的。我坚定的认为:心意对。 这不是因为我是心意门的。 我也不认为这是个技战术动作,这是最高拳理。我和你打,如果我和你打,给我的教育是:生死置之度外,处于死地而后生。十大形就是一往无前的上。出手如锉 回手如钩我人上,我人就不打算回来了。我手出,我要么不出手,出手,我没打算要这个手回来,但我一定要你身上点东西,不然我干吗出这个手呢?我知道你厉害,我知道我打不过你的话,我有两手准备: 1.在某个打法下可能我会得手,我可以带你一起走。这个概率可能低。 2.再狠点就走一个高概率,我走,我走准备好走了,我让你这辈子也不会舒坦的过了。这才是十大形的拳理啊! 这根本就不在一个错对的范畴。八级拳的最高纲领性拳理是什么呢?我不知道。我第一次看见八级拳的时候,我用的是心意形意的拳理去解读的。我觉得这拳怎么这么狠啊!?我们出去的还是稍节出去了,重心也出去了,形意认为都不应该出去。八级拳是整个人都出去了。我很想知道形意的如何看待八级?心意的稍节可以理解成武器,八级把整个人都当武器了?心意硬打硬进无遮拦,还是稍节出去了。 八级是自己整个人进去了。八级这个冲撞性打法,以我的认知,我可以做出的解释是:要么第一把,要么最后一把。最后一把 他已经得手了,他想来个重击KO对手。 可以argue的是:如果你已经得手了,你已经怎么弄怎么有了,还有必要去冲吗?开把第一把 有人和我说吧,是靠冲撞冲散对手,以至于你可以打进去。 可以argue的是:你进不去是因为对方是高手,冲可以被你冲乱的是很普通的人,如果你觉得对方没有破绽,说明他不简单啊,这个冲很冒险的。对于八级的完全侧身: 1.完全侧身的我只知道,只有八级是这样的。 2.我对完全侧身,持有非常保留的态度。要么我猜的对,你是第一把,或最后一把。完全侧身上。一般来说完全侧身,有相当的drawback。我的理论推算是: 正面对敌,我有两手啊! 完全侧面,我就一只手了!你懂的话,不是两手对比一手,就多一手。计算机就两个信息0 1 有了两个信息就可以变换出无穷的组合。无穷无尽的!孙子兵法 声不过五 五声之变 不可胜听也 不过五 五 之变 不可胜观也 味不过五 五味之变 不可胜尝也 战势不过奇正 奇正之变 不可胜穷也 奇正相 如循环之 端 孰能穷之哉两手就是奇正,两手就是无穷。我还有一种认识,就是完全侧身就是:二维。 正身对敌,两手可以变换的就是:三维。这个有点像:二维的和三维的打。刘慈欣说的降维打击。八级这个真的狠啊!!! 1.先去一手 2.自降一维 3.以身试敌给我们的教育,还是多读点书,珍惜生命。为了某种价值观可以上: 风萧萧兮 易水寒 壮士一去兮 不复还这个八级的打法,我怎么感觉像死士的打法。心意真上了是以死相搏的,所以我觉得心意的拳理是对的。这个不是在公园比试啊,重心在身体范围之内,打不中,收后来再打。或者说心意的预想战场和形意的不一样。我怎么感觉八级是:我无所谓,但我一定要弄dead你。如果是这既是他的优势,用气势让你怵。 我也可以利用他的打法,给他设个陷阱。很多东西你要top down去看,才能看的清楚。我不懂八级的拳理,所以不懂八级的意图。有点盲人摸象。很多人看不懂以前毛子的兵器,对比美丽国的装备。其实是没有懂毛子的战法。战法如同拳理:一解百解 一开百开从他的一招一式,这件兵器那件兵器是很难从底层bottom up去理解的。毛子自知,经济; 科技 ;物力;人力不如美丽。他的战法很的值得我们学习,特别是我们练传武的。这个是通的。毛子的陆军有一支帝王部队,其他部队都是听命于这支部队的。你不要听什么: 以后的战争都是以空战开始的。 掌握海洋掌握世界。他们从他们的角度是对的。如果你是一个将军你要实际打的,打不了军法处置的。屁股坚定脑袋你一定会去想怎么打?具体怎么弄。传武真的打,就是你自己亲自上。这个时候你不会想什么圆不圆了,不是你dead,就是他dead了。毛子的帝王部队是坦克,其他部队必须完全服从于坦克部队。他们是这么计算的:实际能占领一个地方的部队是坦克部队。 1.战机出动,消灭对方空中力量。怕对方的空中力量打击坦克。 2.轰炸机轰炸,减轻坦克上去的阻力。 3.炮兵,进一步精准打击坦克会遇到的对手。 4.坦克占领。所有的一切行动都是为了这一步。 5.步兵收场。坦克继续推进。对比毛子的陆军,毛子海军的战法更加简洁精妙。毛子海军所有的目的:为了战略核潜艇有15分钟的洲际导弹齐射时间。毛子是为了保持最低核威慑,讲穿了就是你不敢打我,你打我,我们一起毁灭。三位一体的核打击能力,陆基;空基;海基 海基的机动隐藏能力和载弹量是最大的。如果毛子可以保证他的战略核潜艇有15分钟的时间,上浮齐射,美丽国永远不敢动。他海军所有的装备都是为了这15分钟。毛子没有像样的航空母舰?他要航空母舰干什么?这航空母舰和他的15分钟相关吗? 如果我猜对了八级干什么要两只手?对比全世界所有的反舰导弹在舰船的两侧安装,毛子的向前安装。为什么? 一旦准备开打,核潜艇准备上浮,毛子的舰船就是拼命的去奔向一个阵位,到那里有打一轮反舰导弹的齐射,以保证在核潜艇的发射场在一个范围内绝对的安全。反舰导弹向前安装,舰船是奔着某个目标去的,到他射程范围就打,向前安装省去了向两侧或向上发射的绕行时间。 如果我猜对了这就是八级要完全侧身冲进去的原因。从这个你想了什么?不是传武!我指其他部队。毛子red海军整个一支海军整个一支舰队是什么?是小日子的GoD风敢死队!明白了吗?我对八级拳就是这么理解的。我记得山本56讲过:我可以批准九死一生的战斗,但肯定回不来的不是战斗。所以,心意是对的。 不好意识,我是心意门的。 这个对是,这个对是必须走到或走回这个逻辑的。我是心意门的,所以心意是对的。从哲学的高度看: 心意是对的 形意是对的 八级是对的为什么?就是我说的继续。 继续就是对的,不继续就是错的。打下去继续打下去就是对的,虽然: 拳理不同 拳架不同 拳路不同西方有句话:hope the best win。 说明赢的未必是最厉害的。继续的留下来的未必是最好的,但是不继续的没有流传下来的就是错的。我诚恳的希望:心意;形意;八级都可以流传下去。长长久久 生生世世花醉客 ###——凌氏拳艺——###想了解《凌氏拳艺》的点这里: ###——凌氏拳艺——###各位英雄来助拳助力的点这里: ###——助拳助力——###能看到这里; 觉得在下写的也还算过得去,至少买了力气; 或许支持心意六合拳十大形,或许支持传武; 觉得传武有必要保留和发展的; ( : (: (:
2023-07-18 08:09:411

求人工翻译:i specificly said not to send it to that account and if tht was the only way than not

2023-07-18 08:09:481


2023-07-18 08:09:552


It"s very different here compared with China. Every year there are more and more students like me coming to Japan to study. For example, this year there expect to be over 130,000 foreign students studying in Japan, of which 80% are Chinese. That shows you how popular this country is. One of the most significant difference between schools in China and Japan is the teaching method. Compared with China, Japanese schools have much less homework. But uniforms and school policies are similar. The dress codes for girls here are more open. Unlike China where boys and girls all wear the same style pants and girls wear shoulder-length hair, many Japanese girls wear short skirts and casual hairstyle to school. I have beeninfluenced by the trend too.
2023-07-18 08:10:024


2023-07-18 08:10:111


Battery capacity: 5ACharging time: 3-4HCharging voltage: AC 220VMotor power: 300WBattery voltage: 72VType available for now: A and R. The quoted prices are in the attached file.Prices of the two types are $2200. The car with seats is just a concept vehicle, a sample hasn"t be quantity producted yet. We are expecting to do that in couple of months.What kind of information about the battery do you need? Could you tell us more specificly? Such as....
2023-07-18 08:10:214


Excepting best known daily English and academic English,business English as the most important communication instruments in modern foreigh enterprises is often used in business negotiation and social intercourse.Utilizing business English has a very deep influence on enterprises" future and even it"s the vital issue of marketing.This diss analyses marketing specificly via emboding the importance and skills of marketing using business English,
2023-07-18 08:10:303

antibiotics / antigens / antibodies / antiseptics

antibiotics 抗生素其实系由细菌提炼出黎 因为细菌与细菌之间都有竞争 抗生素的作用就系用一只细菌去杀死另一只细菌. 一般而言不同抗生素会对不同细菌产生作用 所以不能随便使用. antigen 抗原 其实任何蛋白质都可以系 antigen 而唔一定系致病性的. 例如红血球表面就会因应不同血型而有不同的抗原 但红血球本身对身体系冇影响的. 又例如某d 蛋白质 (eg. 海鲜) 对好多人都冇影响 但有部份人就会出现敏感 就系因为身体对呢d 抗原产生过敏反应. antibodies. 抗体就系因应抗原而产生的物质 用以对付该抗原的. 抗体由白血球制造 而且每一种 antibodies 都系 specificly 对付一种 antigen. antiseptics. 消毒剂 主要用作皮肤消毒作用 因为本身都有毒性所以不可内服 而 antiseptics 跟普通枧液不同之处在于 antiseptics 除左杀死细菌外仲可以在使用后一段时间内抑制细菌的生长. 另外 虽然同样能杀死细菌 但 antispetics 并不是来自其他细菌提炼物 所以不能称为 抗生素 (antibiotics) good wer I can learn more from it. antibiotics系抗生素 系要食落口 或者打入身体入面既 antigens系抗原 o系只病毒入面既 就系佢地会令到人病果d antibodies系抗体 o系人既身体入面 用黎对付入侵既病毒 系由白血球制造出黎既 antiseptics系防腐剂果类 用黎抗菌既 希望帮到你 参考: 自己
2023-07-18 08:10:361


The independence of the economic monitoring activities is the essence of the audit. In order to fully reflect the nature of the audit, the agency set up in the audit work of the audit process, must abide by the principle of independence, including what is concerned, firstly, an independent body, the audit agency should be independent of the audited units in order to more effectively the conduct of economic supervision to ensure that the use of independent audit institutions of an independent audit of the right to examine, among other things to make an objective and fair evaluation and certification, give full play to the role of audit and supervision. The second is an independent staff. Auditors perform the audit business, must be in accordance with the audit scope, audit contents, audit procedures and independent thinking. Insist on an objective and fair, the fact is that the spirit of making fair and rational evaluation and conclusions, shall not be subject to any departments, units and individuals interference. Third Audit Institutions must also maintain its economic independence, economic independence means the audit agency or organization must have the financial resources of certain laws and regulations do guarantee, free from the constraints units being reviewed to ensure that audit institutions or organizations, the needs of the development ! If there is no independent oversight of economic activities, there will be no audit reliability. Auditors also need to audit the reliability of the personal capacity. In the implementation of practical work and writing the audit report, should abide by the strict attitude should be. Specific terms of the audit agency should be a certain amount of accounting, management, economic analysis and expertise of the experts: the auditors to check the accounts of accounting, financial accounting reports on the authenticity, legitimacy of the judge, the benefits of economic activity of evaluation, are based on professional and technical knowledge and experience basis. 2:00 above is to ensure that audit the reliability of the most basic components
2023-07-18 08:10:477


质量赢得市场,诚信铸就品质.Quality counts in market, loyalty carves the quality.爱惜原料一点一滴,讲究质量一丝一缕.Cherish the material little by little, pursue the quality bit after bit.做无差错能手,向零缺陷迈进.To be an error-free expert, advancing toward zero-fault performance产量诚可贵,质量价更高Production emphasizes, after the quality铸造辉煌,唯有质量To create the splendid, only by quality全员齐动ue000风起云涌ue000快乐工作ue000心中有梦ue000 Come on everyone, blow the wind and rush the cloud, work happily, have dream in heart一马当先ue000全员举绩ue000团结拼搏 齐心协力ue000To be the first, achieve the goal together, struggle in union, hand in hand三心二意ue000扬鞭奋蹄ue000四面出击ue000勇争第一 absent minded, to ride a horse quickly, to fight around, to be the No.1精耕深耕ue000重在管理ue000坚持不懈ue000永葆佳绩 To farm deeply and specificly, focus on management, perseverance, keep good performance 目标明确ue000坚定不移ue000天道酬勤ue000质量第一With clear goal, to persist on, to be awarded by diligence, quality comes the first今天付出ue000明天收获ue000全力以赴ue000永续辉煌pain today, gain tomorrow, to spare no effort, coniture the gorious forever
2023-07-18 08:11:151

my most embarrassing moments 英语作文

My Most Embarrass MomentYesterday morning,I asked my headmaster for sick leave.He agreed me.In fact,I played a truant.I stayed at home watching football match between Italy and Germany.It was very exciting.I enjoyed the time.But at noon,my headmaster went my home to look after me.I was still watching the match.I was Cheering, applausing.My headmaster looked at me,and said,"It seems that you are so fine."At this moment,I was so embarrassed.
2023-07-18 08:11:253


Would you please describe your problems in details? What"s your temperature for disinfection? Please inform me whether problems exist in the aluminium part or the whole product? I suggest you display the pictures of the products with flaws by E-mail. Once I make the problems clear, I will solve them immediately. Sincerely hope that we will cooperate successfully. Wish you a happy holiday!
2023-07-18 08:11:324


the monograph has been specificly and throughly researched.
2023-07-18 08:11:403


Development Status 1.fairly perfect facilitiesGenerally speaking,large-scale bodybuilding fitness club such as Dynamic Muti-center,Fitness Center are divided into several regions.More specificly are: Aerobic training zone:treadmills, cross-training machines, aerobic cycling, rowing weight training machine devices, such as composites,and so on. Anaerobic training zone:professional muscle strength training equipment. Liberal forces District:dozens of sets of dumbbells, barbells equipment portfolio. Spinning: so-called "fat killer", with the light music, let you lose weight easily. Gymnastics room: Free Aerobic courses include: Essential Yoga, Latin dance, high and low aerobics, body balance, modern dance, shaping, hot dance, Pilates, Hyun ,and more than 10 types. Free professional squash courts,billiards and table tennis area, sauna shower area, the Internet, free parking and many other areas,which provide excellent service for customers. 英语8级,帮您翻译绝对准确无误!
2023-07-18 08:11:473


No car is made specificly to drift and grip.没有一辆,就是没有的意思。希望对你有帮助
2023-07-18 08:12:082


倒数第三 antepenultimate倒数第二penultimate倒数第一ultimate确切的说 precisely speaking基本不变 stay unchanged basically
2023-07-18 08:12:196


You and I did the duty yesterday.When you finished cleanning classroom yesterday,so did I.We have done our job of cleanning the room yesterday.Jack is not fourteen,nor am I.We,specificly Jack and I,are not fourteen.Jack and I are not fourteen years old.
2023-07-18 08:12:343


Since I started my course, I came to know better about how to research: to go to various displays and museums, trying to develop final ideas in better ways, during which period, I gained kinds of skills, such as workshop. Now I am good at choosing proper materials to display models, making them powerful and expanding my vision to get more interesting ideas.I am now taking fashion accessory, before which I learned fashion. I believe the course now combines jewelry and fashion. Designs themselves can affect one another. I love designing items used for body. Therefore my goal is to be a jewelry designer or fashion designer.My aim in this project is to design more powerful and delicate ornaments than before. I will be devoted to making a piece of jewel, a necklace or an ear ring, large or single item. And this time I will do more research to deep my thought, going to libraries, exhibitions and museums for reference, which are necessary. Surfing on the Internet to develop better ideas and films may inspire me. I will take the feedback down in my journal after presentation and I will process some samples in the workshop. On the sketchbook I will show more specificly the process of my final idea with more better drawings and sketch designs. For the final model I will choose the most proper material in various optionals.I will get the improvement and development down on my journal for adjustment, and show the process of research with sketchbook. The development of final model will be vividly shown by sketching and sample modeling.
2023-07-18 08:12:412


青少年犯罪问题,如果不加以预防以及管制,那么这个社会性的问题就会像以上数据所显示出的一样,与日递增。Youth offenses question, if does not perform to prevent as well as thecontrol above, then this social question can like the data todemonstrate the dissimilarity, increases progressively with the date. 这对于一个国家的未来人才趋向发展以及社会安全问题都将造成很大的影响,当然,最重要的应该是青少年的美好未来可能也会因为疏忽教育与缺乏管制而受到严重影响。This will tend to the development as well as the society securityproblem regarding a national future talented person all has the verytremendous influence, certainly, most important should will be youngpeople"s glorious future possibly also can because the negligenceeducation with will lack the control to come under the seriousinfluence. 所以就青少年犯罪问题,国家应该尽可能实行早教育,从源头上遏制,加强社会治安综合治理,净化社会环境,并且加强对青少年工作的研究,以此做到彻底的防治对策。Therefore on the youth offenses question, the country should implementas far as possible early educates, contains from the source,strengthens the comprehensive maintenance of public security, thepurification social environment, and strengthens the research whichworks to the young people, to this achieves the thorough preventingand controlling countermeasure. 报社机构灵活的采用了搜集来的中国和美国的调查研究数据,举例,到80年代增到70%以上,至今仍居高不下,美国青少年杀人案件几乎占26个最发达国家青少年杀人案件总数的3/4。The newspaper office organization nimble has used Chinese and US"Sinvestigation and study data which collects, gives an example,increases to the 80"s to 70% above, until now still stayed at a highlevel, the American young people murder case nearly accounted for 26most developed countries young people murder case total 3/4. 来显示出问题的重点,不仅一目了然,并且很有说服力,以至最终达到明确显示该问题严重性的目的。Demonstrates the question the key point, not only is clear, and hasthe persuasive power very much, down to finally achieved is clearabout demonstrates this question grave goal.
2023-07-18 08:13:036

my dream school初三英语作文带翻译

  你梦想中的学校是怎样的呢?大家不妨写一篇关于my dream school的英语作文分享一下吧。下面是我为大家精心挑选的my dream school英语作文带翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。   my dream school英语作文篇一   The evaluation criteria of a dream school,just a good school,is the contribution level of educating talents.In my opinon,the cause of high-quality education level includes the following.   In the first place,concerning the material,I don"t think that modern high-rise buildings is essential for a good school.   The plain and cultural building may be more conducive to teaching.But good green environment and the clean face is essential.   In the secend place,at the institutional level,the school must have an efficient management system,education system.   The system is like the skeleton of human body,plays an important role in supporting the whole.   In the third place,in the spiritual level,the school need to have advanced,clear school mission,which is the the guiding ideology of education and teaching activities in the school.   Finally,education is to cultivate talented person,completed by the teacher specificly.The school must have high-level teachers.   The so-called high-level includes solid professional knowledge,excellent teaching ability,good morals,and so on.   Above all,this is my dream school.   翻译:   一个梦想学校的评估标准,只是一所好学校,是教育人才的贡献水平。可是,高质量的教育水平包括以下的原因。   首先,有关材料,我不认为现代高层建筑是一所好学校所必需的。平原和文化建设可能更有利于教学。但良好的绿色环境和清洁面部是至关重要的。   二位,在制度层面上,学校必须有一个高效的管理系统,教育体系。这个系统就像人体的骨架,起着重要的作用在支持。   在第三位,在精神层面上,学校需要有先进、明确学校的使命,这是教育的指导思想,在学校教学活动。   最后,教育是培养人才,完成老师具体分析。学校必须有高级教师。所谓的高层包括扎实的专业知识,优秀的教学能力,良好的道德,等等。   最重要的是,这是我的梦想学校。   my dream school英语作文篇二   I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.   We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading.   The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We neednu2019t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.   Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings.   Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.   The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.   I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.   翻译:   我感觉一天八节课很累,所以我的梦想学校课程开始在上午8:30和下午3:30结束。有三个课程在早上和下午两个。我们可以选择我们喜欢的课程学习。我们可以花更多的时间做一些课外读物。学生做课外活动每天一个半小时。我们不需要做很多作业。我们都乐意呆在学校。   除此之外,我的梦想学校看起来像一个大花园。有各种各样的花在现代建筑。甜蜜的香水是四处扩散。如果我想休息,我可以躺在草地上,听音乐的湖泊或寻找在鲜花从教室窗户。   这里的老师是亲切和有用的。他们不仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的好朋友。学生是礼貌和友好。我们都知道如何保持我们的学校干净和整洁。没有垃圾在校园。   我爱我的梦想学校。我们将成长为快乐。   my dream school英语作文篇三   Everyone should go to school, of course, each person has their own ideal school. The ideal school does, indeed, than it is now for one hundred times.   Is my ideal school has a air conditioner in every classroom. In this way, students can study in a comfortable environment. The students will also develop the interest of reading.   Next, the school prepare a laptop to the students. So, every student have their own laptops, not with the students of class and don"t share.   Moreover, schools don"t have to set up the computer room, directly on computers in the classroom.   In addition, the school has two shades of the swimming pool. "Swimming pool for advanced learning swimming, shallow to lower grades.   The school can also hold swimming test every three months. So students can the drowning man, when he fell into the water can save his life.   Finally, set up the indoor basketball courts, badminton and table tennis games.   Then, the volleyball court and football field set to outdoor. Physical education, students can respectively to want to go to the stadium.   This is my ideal school. Hope I can study in this school.   翻译:   每个人都应该上学,当然每人都有自己理想中的学校。而理想中的学校确实比现在的学校好几百倍。   我理想中的学校就是每间课室都有冷气机。这样,学生们就可以在舒适的环境下学习。学生们也会培养读书的兴趣。   接下来,校方准备手提电脑给学生们。那么,每位学生就有属于自己的手提电脑了,并不用与别班的学生共用了。   而且,学校便不用设立电脑室了,直接在课室里上电脑课就好了。   除此之外,学校拥有两个分别深浅的游泳池。申的游泳池给高年级学习游泳,浅的则给低年级。校方还可以每三个月举办游泳测试。这样学生就那些溺水的人,当自己跌入水中时还可以自救。   最后,设立室内篮球场,羽毛球场和乒乓球场。接着,再把排球场和足球场设为室外。体育课时,学生们可以各自到想去的球场。   这就是我理想中学校的要求。希望能在这所学校求学。my dream school英语作文相关推荐: 1. 英语作文:My Dream我的梦想 2. my dream英语作文 3. 描写my dream 英语作文4篇 4. 描写梦想的英语作文4篇 5. 有关my dream的小学英语作文
2023-07-18 08:13:191

帮忙翻译成英语, 谢谢!

I am sorry that I did not clearly describe the questions last time. I resent the questions today"s email. I hope you can give us clear answers.补充:你写的不错,不过我觉得除非真的是你有重大错误,要不是不需要very sorry,我稍微修改了一下I am sorry that the questions were not clearly explained. I have reattached the three questions today. Would you please kindly review the questions and provide us with clear instructions. Thank you.
2023-07-18 08:13:264


This design is uses monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 to take this design the core part. Takes the display device using 7 section of altogether positive LED. Designed the Chinese Communist Party in this to turn on 8 7 section of altogether positive LED monitors, 4 used in recording the AB team the score, each team 2 LED monitor demonstrated that the scope might amount to 0~99 points, enough met the competition schedule needs, other 4 LED monitor used for to record the competition schedule time, 2 used in demonstrating the minute, 2 used in demonstrating the second. The competition schedule time selects the time method. Before namely the competition, establishes the time, the competition starts when starts the time, until times till zero. The time scope may amount to 0~99 minutes, also satisfies the actual competition schedule completely the need. next, to coordinate the timer and the string adjusts the time and the score, I have set up 11 pressed keys specificly in this design, 8 use in establishing, changes courts, functions and so on start and suspension. Uses the monolithic integrated circuit control is this system pressed key operation use is succinct, LED demonstrated that easy installation. Solved the basketball game counter to install the question, saved the wire rod, suited in each scale sports complexes use, definitely might replace the tradition to carry on the time with the clock and watch the method, modified certainly slightly may also use in other ball games competition, was the sports equipment to a intellectualized development example. 不对不要分!
2023-07-18 08:13:373


Things have their own unique views of the great independent thinking, and not a closed mind. Dedicated to the pursuit of a victory, no matter how difficult the situation, less than last moment absolutely will not give up. Teams from each individual should be unique and complementary knowledge and skills with the combination of the collective Chaojue individual capacity. With the idea, it was the scheme, the implementation, coordination of different people to work with the people to oversee the progress of the team, evaluate the progress of work in one team. We specific team in a role as what should be done by the expertise and capacity of our size decision.
2023-07-18 08:13:444


Abstract The process of acquiring images, due to a variety of factors, led to the degradation of image quality will be. The purpose of image enhancement by processing selectively highlight or machines to facilitate analysis of certain information of interest to suppress some useless information in order to enhance the value of images. Image sharpening is the image enhancement in the spatial domain of local computing methods with the aim of enhancing and judging the image edge and contour information. The specific methods of image sharpening is to highlight the differential of the image edge and clear. Image Sharpening most commonly used method is the gradient sharpening method, but in addition to the gradient algorithm, the image sharpening method also Sobel, Prewitt and Laplacian algorithm, etc., this paper introduce these methods, comparison and analysis, and select Several algorithms for performing experiments. Keywords: image enhancement; edge; Image Sharpening
2023-07-18 08:13:524


I have mastered how to use and update the AMDBuff0cand Yang Jiandong taught me carefully about the updating the AMDB two weeks ago, which has been updated in Dalian.
2023-07-18 08:13:593

About Coriolis Force

2023-07-18 08:14:084


你也忒小气了把,人家的篇幅只有你的第一段那么长,都给50分.手动翻译没人肯做,让软件帮你翻译吧In the recent 20 years, the international banking industry riskmanagement development course, has approximately experienced followingseveral stages: 1st, at the beginning of the 80"s because are affected the debtcrisis, the bank generally starts to pay great attention to the creditrisk guard and the management, its result is "the Barthel Agreement"birth. This agreement through to the different type propertystipulated different 权数 comes the quantification risk, is to thebank risk quite general one analysis method. Since 2nd, the 90"s somebig banks realized to the credit risk still was the essentialfinancial risk, and starts to pay attention to the credit risk surveyaspect the question, attempts to establish the survey credit riskinternal method and the model. Credit risk management system is mostnoticeable by J. P. Morgan"s Credit the Metrics. Since 3rd, in 1997the financial crisis in Asia eruption, the world finance industry riskappeared the new characteristic, namely the loss no longer is createsby the sole risk, but is and so on jointly creates by the credit riskand the market risk. The financial crisis urges the people even moreto take the market risk and the credit risk unified model as well asthe operation risk quantification question, causes (risk monitor modelfrom this the comprehensive risk management pattern which people"svalue for example AXIOM software company establishes). 4th, along withthe whole world money market swift and violent development, one kinduses in to manage the credit risk the new technical -- credit to growthe product gradually to become the object which the financial circlespeople pays attention. 1997 year"s end, the global credit grew theproduct not to level the contract amount only to have 170 billion USdollars, 1998 year"s end this numeral was 350 billion US dollars. Butto 2000 year"s end, this numeral increases 740 billion US dollars.Using grows the financial tool guard credit risk Puts briefly, the credit grows the product is uses for thetransaction credit risk the financial tool, grows the tool transactioncredit risk in the use credit in the process, the credit risk isstripped from the sign financial tool, causes the credit risk and thisfinancial tool other characteristics separates. Although the earliestcredit grew the product as early as to produce in 1993, at that timeJapan"s credit bank (Bankers Trust) in order to prevent it suffers theloss to the Japanese financial circles" loan, starts to sell one kindto cash the amount to be decided specificly by breaks a contract theevent bond. The investor may obtain the income from the bond, but whenloans cannot on time pay off, the investor must approach the creditbank indemnity. But only recently several years, the credit grows thedevelopment which the product only then obtained progresses by leapsand bounds. 1. 利用期 the power to flushes the credit risk 利用期 power toflush the credit risk the principle is: The bank when provides theloan, gathers one kind to be similar to the loan property is expectedto fall the reward which time power selling may obtain. This isbecause, the bank provides time the loan, its risk equally in value tosells this loan enterprise property to be expected to fall the timepower risk. Thus, the bank can seek buys up this enterprise propertyto be expected to fall the time power to come to flush this risk. Toflushes the way to this kind of credit risk the most early utilizationis the American mid-west agriculture loan. In order to guaranteerepays the loan, wheat 农场主 is requested to be expected to fallthe time power from the Chicago time power exchange purchase,approaches the bank loan by this issue of power achievement themortgage. If the wheat price drops, then wheat 农场主 repays thepossibility drop which completely loans, thus loans the market valuedrops; At the same time, the wheat is expected to fall the time powermarket price rise, thus counterbalances loans the market value thedrop. 2. To flushes the credit risk credit exchange using the exchangeis a bank management credit risk important method. The credit exchangemainly has two kinds: The total income exchanges and breaks a contractthe exchange. In the total income exchange, the investor acceptsoriginally belongs to bank the loan or the negotiable securities(generally is bond) the complete risk and the cash flows (includinginterest and handling charge and so on), simultaneously (LIBOR whichpays a bank definite income for instance in chart 3 to show), in theordinary circumstances can add and subtract the certain restdifference in the LIBOR foundation. The bank and the investor isdifferent which with the general exchange flow besides the exchange inthe exchange period cash, expired when the loan or appears breaks acontract, but also must settle accounts the loan or the bond pricedifference, the formula beforehand when signing a treaty determined.If expired time, the loan or the bond market price appears therevaluation, the silver about to pays the price to investor thedifference; Otherwise, if appears 减值, then pays the price thedifference by the investor to bank.
2023-07-18 08:14:152

跪求把下面的文章翻译成英语,不要软件翻译的,坐等大神解答! 今天,我向大家介绍一种运动,骑行。 首先

今天,我向大家介绍一种运动,骑行。Today, I"d like to introduce a motion, riding.首先我先介绍一下自行车的起源和发展。I first introduce the origin and development of a bicycle.1790年,一个叫西夫拉克的人研制出了自行车的雏形,就是这个。但是骑车时要用两只脚蹬踩地面才能推动车子前进。到了1874年,英国人罗松设计出了第一辆可以骑的自行车。但是它的前轮很大,不容易掌握平衡。In 1790, a man named Siv Lark developed a bike prototype, this is. But the bike will use two pedal ground to drive the car forward. By 1874, the British Luo Song designed the first car can ride a bicycle. But it is not easy to master the balance wheel.经过发展,自行车到现在已经出现了不同的种类,比较常见的有一下六种。After development, the bicycle now appeared in different species, more common are about six.1,山地车。它非常结实,抓地性好,可以变速,适用于山路。2,公路车,为了追求速度设计,车架风阻小,轮胎窄,阻力小。3,旅行车,为长途旅行设计,适用于几百或者上千公里的旅途。4,死飞,它很简洁,只有19个零件组成。它很漂亮也很危险。1, mountain bike. It is very strong, grip good, can change, suitable for mountain. 2, road vehicles, in order to speed the frame design, small wind resistance, tire narrow, small resistance. 3, travel car, long-distance travel design, suitable for hundreds or thousands of kilometers of travel. 4, dead flies, it is very simple, only composed of 19 parts. It is very beautiful also very dangerous.下面介绍几种骑行装备,头盔,手套,骑行服,风镜,码表,前灯,尾灯,水壶架。Here are some cycling equipment, helmet, gloves, apparel, goggles, stopwatch, headlights, taillights, bottle rack.骑行是一种世界范围内都受欢迎的运动。无论年龄,无论地区,都有自行车爱好者。Cycling is a worldwide popular sport. Regardless of age, regardless of region, has a bike lovers.这是我们学校的自行车协会,里面有200多名成员。如果天气允许,我们每个星期都有骑行活动。只要你喜欢,可以随时加入我们。This is our school"s bicycle association, there are more than 200 members. If weather permits, we are riding activities every week. As long as you like, can join us.最后,展示一下我的自行车。Finally, to show my bicycle.
2023-07-18 08:14:244


看你想表达什么在什么情况下了,有很多:outstandinglyuniquelydistinctivelyspecificlypeculiarlysignificant lyespeciallyparticularlysecificallyexclusivelyexceptionally等等
2023-07-18 08:14:442


specific的副词 specificlycomplete的动词 complete
2023-07-18 08:14:531


The air quality is specificly good for now. 或 The air is specificly clean for now.如果满意,望采纳
2023-07-18 08:15:001


i really look like my father.People aways say that my father and i come from the same moulding machine.Specificly however, there are still some place of me like my mother, such as my nose. From the bottom of my heart, i wish i could grow a little more like my mother due to her extraordinary beauty.
2023-07-18 08:15:072

在线等英语高手 自我介绍

hello, everyone! i am xxx. i am really glad to introduce myself in front of you.i think i am a very outgoing guy and love making friends,and besides, i am a good badminton player and skillful in photographing and automobile race.as a people person, i could not live my life without friends. i enjoy every single minute together with them. we study together, hang out together, and cook and eat together. i feel really proud of myself because i am always the first one they come to for help and comfort when they are going through something sad or hard.all in all, the longer we get along, the more you would like me! thank you!
2023-07-18 08:15:142


In terms of “Report on specializing projects declaration by China-capital contracting enterprises in Saudi and support procedure” and “notification on filling and registration institution of China-capital Corporation and Organization in Saudi” the 8th file of 2010, the Business Department specifically prescribed, 1. Chinese investors should participate in contracting project by means of bidding, and have to back up and register at the business department in the Embassy in order to receive the bidding support application and project declaration.2. The registered entities should complete the rest procedure in Saudi"s local institute or other relate organizations, the procedure conforms the codes of Saudi or other wise the business department will not hand out the bidding support letter.
2023-07-18 08:15:213

求一篇英语作文,题目是My dream school(最好有中文翻译),拜托了~

My dream school 理想的学校,即一所好学校,总的评判标准是其在育人方面的贡献程度。而要有高质量的教育教学水平,我认为有以下方面。 首先,在器物层面上,我认为一所好学校不一定要有现代的高楼大厦,简朴、富有文化底蕴的建筑物或许更有利于教育教学。但是,良好的绿化环境和干净整洁的面貌必不可少。 其次,在制度层面,学校要有高效率的管理制度、教学制度。这些制度好比人体的骨架,起着贯穿和支撑全局的作用。 再次,在精神层面,学校要有先进的、明确的办学理念,这是学校一切教育教学活动的指导思想。 最后,教育是培养人的活动,由教师具体完成。一所学校必须有高水平的教师,所谓高水平包括:扎实的专业知识、过硬的教学能力、良好的道德素养等等。 拥有以上几点,即是我梦想的学校。 The evaluation criteria of a dream school,just a good school, is the contribution level of educating talents. In my opinon, the cause of high-quality education level includes the following. In the first place,concerning the material, I don"t think that modern high-rise buildings is essential for a good school. the plain and cultural building may be more conducive to teaching. But good green environment and the clean face is essential. In the secend place, at the institutional level, the school must have an efficient management system, education system. The system is like the skeleton of human body, plays an important role in supporting the whole. In the third place, in the spiritual level, the school need to have advanced, clear school mission, which is the the guiding ideology of education and teaching activities in the school. Finally, education is to cultivate talented person, completed by the teacher specificly. The school must have high-level teachers. The so-called high-level includes solid professional knowledge, excellent teaching ability, good morals, and so on. Above all, this is my dream school.要是能帮到你,记得采纳哦~~O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-18 08:15:301


Mediacal corruption as well as overcharged drugs is among the several causes that lead to the civilians" heavy expenses in seeking medical advice. While these problems are serving as a hot topic in our daily life, they still succeeded in raising the awareness of Party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments. The goverment has been introducing the Drug Public Bidding System since 2001, however, this much concerned program hasn"t met its expected goal. Failing to solve the medical corruption problem has put the governmental bill in a controversial situation. And this eassay just aims at researching and analysizing this social problem specificly. 楼主,我辛辛苦苦翻了也不给分?祝贺你论文答辩不过。
2023-07-18 08:15:372


We are glad to cooperate with your company very much. Just because this is the first time we work together, so many details need considering. We still have to ensure some problems:1. We need to make sample card, please pay charges to us first and your company have the responsibility for the expense of transportation. We will make the products according to your sample card.2. Ensure the specific kind and quantity as soon as possible and we will tell you the integrated price.3. We need 70% advance payment and you can send the money by the Electronic Funds Transfer, not the L/C.
2023-07-18 08:15:456

How did they became poor?(中文;他们怎么变穷的?)

Because of your dishonorably exploitation of them,you abominable capitalist!
2023-07-18 08:16:003


2023-07-18 08:16:182