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One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800字

2023-07-19 14:19:38

I just finished reading "hundred years of solitude", and I can"t tell what it feels like. Heart slightly pantothenic acid, but more ignorant. To tell the truth, Nobel"s literary works are full of magic realism in the between the lines of author Garcia Marcks with its extremely absurd techniques and rich imagination, show a different world to readers -- alone.

In one hundred years of solitude, the rise and fall of a Boone family after a hundred years reflects the ups and downs of a small town called Macondo, and some people think it can even be said to reflect the rise and fall of Latin American culture. The book tells the story of the first generation of Boone Macondo and then create Lydia, breeding for 7 generations, but can not fight the curse of natural fate, the ultimate family or escape down to the unknown point, even the final, Macondo in the town is the destruction of Hurricane destruction.

"One hundred years of solitude" by the revolutionary army commander Aureliano Boone and Colonel of the seven generations of the family experience, described the whole family hundred years of ups and downs, honor, love and hate, happiness and ingrained culture and humanity in the lonely. When the seventh generation of heirs was eaten by ants, his father finally cracked the script of the gypsy Mel Kia Des. The manuscript frontispiece of the inscription reads: "the first person in the family will be tied to a tree, the last person in the family will be eaten by ants." This manuscript records the history of Boone"s family. He translated the last chapter of the moment, a sudden hurricane swept the whole town away from the town, village disappeared forever.

Like seven generations of people using the same name in a circle, the plot and narrative of the cycle, the entire Macondo is tightly wrapped into a ring of ruins. However, everyone"s heart is lonely, not a moment to feel the warmth of the family, the family is actually scattered, between husband and wife, between the father and the son, daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although everyone is using their own unique way to resist loneliness, to participate in the revolution, repeatedly do manual work, indulge in lust, reading translation...... But there is no way to find an effective way to unite the scattered forces, but escape the fate of family disintegration. This house is just a home, a house, a carrier, not a heart comforting and warm harbor. In addition to the full text of the soul of ur Sura, all people do not know how to love and be loved, they do just to fill their empty and selfish desires, so that life is living in the stubborn and lonely.

This unbelievable miracle and the most pure reality life, is a part of Columbia and Latin American history and social reality, the bloody reality and be a wild Legend Legend, the most profound human nature and the most shocking emotion. This has always been his loneliness, is the suffering of Latin America were excluded from the modern civilization process of resentment and protest, and the Latin American continent vitality and survival of the state"s unique cognitive and desire out of loneliness, stubborn. This is not only a narrative of a family, but also a self reflection of a nation.

At this point, after reading, as if feel the time in this moment suddenly stop, hold the book attentively, heart still unwilling, for a long time can not be drawn away, as if everything, is a big joke of time. Samsara, cycle, predestination, what you can read, are the naughty shadows of time. One hundred years, the rise and fall of a family road, lay out a flowing pain tears are as strong as a soul, if you can read, gently picked up, caress, listen to them tell soft, the moment you feel, not out of human history in the sky is very beautiful lonely aura, that is. Poor world, shocked from ancient to modern beauty, after the big flood destroyed the world, in the eyes of Noah"s Ark survivors presented by the next day from the beautiful rainbow. This is eternal, as Huw A Ross"s poem says: "time is a way of keeping us in the possession of eternity...... Eternal imagination is boundless. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in order to double shine on us, eternity sometimes presents its own form."


百年孤独 英文?

《百年孤独》,是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的代表作。被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”。全书共30多万字,这里为大家节选第一章节的内容原文。请点击输入图片描述One Hundred Years of Solitude - Chapter 1MANY YEARS LATER as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buend a was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point. Every year during the month of March a family of ragged gypsies would set up their tents near the village, and with a great uproar of pipes and kettledrums they would display new inventions. First they brought the magnet. A heavy gypsy with an untamed beard and sparrow hands, who introduced himself as Melqu ades, put on a bold public demonstration of what he himself called the eighth wonder of the learned alchemists of Macedonia. He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots, pans, tongs, and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge, and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melqu ades?magical irons. "Things have a life of their own,?the gypsy proclaimed with a harsh accent. "It"s simply a matter of waking up their souls.?Jos?Arcadio Buend a, whose unbridled imagination always went beyond the genius of nature and even beyond miracles and magic, thought that it would be possible to make use of that useless invention to extract gold from the bowels of the earth. Melqu ades, who was an honest man, warned him: "It won"t work for that.?But Jos?Arcadio Buend a at that time did not believe in the honesty of gypsies, so he traded his mule and a pair of goats for the two magnetized ingots. ?rsula Iguar n, his wife, who relied on those animals to increase their poor domestic holdings, was unable to dissuade him. "Very soon well have gold enough and more to pave the floors of the house,?her husband replied. For several months he worked hard to demonstrate the truth of his idea. He explored every inch of the region, even the riverbed, dragging the two iron ingots along and reciting Melqu ades?incantation aloud. The only thing he succeeded in doing was to unearth a suit of fifteenth-century armor which had all of its pieces soldered together with rust and inside of which there was the hollow resonance of an enormous stone-filled gourd. When Jos?Arcadio Buend a and the four men of his expedition managed to take the armor apart, they found inside a calcified skeleton with a copper locket containing a woman"s hair around its neck.请点击输入图片描述
2023-07-19 04:42:091


1、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。 All the brilliance in life, after all, needs to be paid back by loneliness. 2、一个人的孤单,未曾有过的寂寞心情被这暗夜层层包裹。 A person"s loneliness, never had the lonely mood by this dark night layer upon layer package. 3、孤独有时便是畅快的源头,孤独便意味着灵魂的释然。 Loneliness is sometimes the source of happiness, loneliness means the release of the soul. 4、世间没有什么值得以这样的沉沦为代价。 Nothing in the world is worth the cost of such degradation. 5、不用他说出是为了爱情而悲伤,她一下就猜出那是人类最古老的眼泪。 Without saying that he was sad for love, she guessed that it was the oldest tear of human beings. 6、那力量教会他朝内呼吸和控制心跳,使他明白人们为什么会惧怕死亡。 That power taught him to breathe inward and to control his heartbeat, to understand why people fear death. 7、孤独是一首缠绵的诗,丝丝缕缕笼罩着你。 Loneliness is a lingering poem, which envelops you. 8、她身上披着蔑视一切的厚厚的盔甲,这是世间的任何诱惑都无法刺破的。 She was wearing thick armor of contempt for everything, which could not be pierced by any temptation in the world. 9、我生下来就不走运,到死也是倒霉鬼。 I was born unlucky, and I"ll die unlucky. 10、当初如何为胜利而战,如今便如何为失败而战。 How to fight for victory at the beginning, how to fight for defeat now. 11、别错过机会,人生比你想象中的要短。 Don"t miss the chance. Life is shorter than you think. 12、当她把心里话一吐为快时,有人把月光熄灭了。 When she let her heart out, someone put out the moonlight. 13、死神一直追随他的脚步,嗅闻他的行踪,但尚未下定决心,给他最后一击。 Death has been following in his footsteps, sniffing his whereabouts, but has not yet made up his mind to give him a final blow. 14、她虽表面热情坦诚,实际秉性孤僻,从不敞开心扉。 Although she was warm and frank on the surface, she was actually eccentric and never opened her heart. 15、如果真是那样,请代我拥抱他,因为我不会再见到他了。 If that"s the case, please hug him for me, because I won"t see him again. 16、生未百年,死不孤独。 Life is not a hundred years, death is not lonely. 17、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life is not what you encounter, but what you remember and how you remember it. 18、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I"m just a craftsman with no memory. The only dream left is to be forgotten. 19、一个人只要能完全拥有良心上的安宁,就可以不断进食直到疲惫无力为止。 As long as a person has complete peace of conscience, he can eat until he is tired and weak. 20、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 A lot of people"s pain can not be said, and many people"s actions are helpless. 21、我们打了这么多年仗,一切都是为了我们的屋顶别涂成蓝色。 We"ve been fighting for so many years, and it"s all for our roof not to be painted blue. 22、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日渐贪婪,无情地吞噬一点一滴的记忆。 People are slack, but forgetting is greedy day by day, devouring every bit of memory mercilessly. 23、我年轻过,落魄过,幸福过。我对生活一往情深。 I"ve been young, down and happy. I have a passion for life. 24、在坎坷中奔跑,在挫折中涅槃,我们累却无从止歇,我们苦却无法回避。 Running in the rough, Nirvana in the frustration, we are tired but unable to stop, we are bitter but unable to avoid. 25、他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。 He hated the world and longed to be alone. 26、平庸将你的心灵蒸发到没有一丝水分,然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦。 Mediocrity will evaporate your soul without a trace of water, and then glory will stir the deepest chord of your heart. 27、只有用水将心上的雾气淘洗干净,荣光才会照亮最初的梦想。 Only when the mist on the heart is washed clean with water, the glory will light up the initial dream. 28、这次第,怎一个愁字了得! This time, what a sad word! 29、回忆没有尽头,未来才有方向。 Memory has no end, the future has direction. 30、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you"re not afraid of God, you"re afraid of metal. 31、世界新生伊始,许多事物还没有名字,提到的时候尚需用手指指点点。 At the beginning of the world"s rebirth, many things have no names and need to be pointed out. 32、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。 As long as there are no dead people buried in the ground, you don"t belong in this place. 33、守信是一项财宝,不应该随意虚掷。 Keeping one"s word is a treasure and should not be thrown at will. 34、人不是该死的时候死的,而是在能死的时候死的。 People don"t die when they die, but when they can. 35、等到人类坐一等车厢而文学只能挤货运车厢的那一天,这个世界也就完蛋了。 When human beings take the first class car and literature can only squeeze the freight car, the world will be over. 36、最讨厌的事情,就是变来变去而把生活搞得十分复杂。 The most annoying thing is to make life very complicated by changing. 37、生命不曾离开过孤独而独立存在,孤独犹如影子一样存在于生命一隅。 Life has never been separated from loneliness, and loneliness exists in a corner of life like a shadow. 38、既然奥雷里亚诺这么说,奥雷里亚诺就有把握。 Since Aureliano said that, Aureliano is sure. 39、背影是真的,人是假的。 The back is true, the person is false. 40、上帝啊!费了那么大力气培养你的好习惯,结果你倒活得像猪一样。 Oh, my God! It took so much effort to cultivate your good habits that you live like a pig. 41、那些日子家中空前忙乱,但崭新的煤油灯终究在预定的日期和时刻点燃。 In those days, the house was busy, but the brand-new kerosene lamp was lit at the scheduled date and time. 42、他一直凝视着孩子们,直到双眼湿润。 He gazed at the children until his eyes were moist. 43、你想做什么蠢事就做吧,而我想说什么蠢话就说吧。 Do what you want to do, and I"ll say what I want to say. 44、万物新始,一切尚未命名,提起来时人们只能用手,指指点点。 Everything has a new beginning, everything has not been named, people can only use their hands to point. 45、百年一参透,百年一孤独。 One hundred years of understanding, one hundred years of loneliness. 46、知音少,弦断有谁听。 If there are few bosom friends, who will listen to the broken string. 47、走路时,每跨一步,就如同把脚带到地面,我们要把快乐、祥和、宁静带到地面。 When we walk, every step is like taking our feet to the ground. We should bring happiness, peace and tranquility to the ground. 48、他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。 He did experience death, but he couldn"t stand loneliness, so he came back here. 49、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for solitude, and hatred for the whole world gnawed at his heart. 50、她的身影只出现在他心中,填满了他可怕的孤独。 Her figure only appeared in his heart, filled with his terrible loneliness. 51、任何东西都有生命,一切在于如何唤起它们的灵性。 Everything has life. It"s all about how to arouse their spirituality. 52、她才不会在乎下雨,她的一生中本就阴雨不停。 She doesn"t care about rain. It"s been raining all her life. 53、最好的朋友,是刚刚死去的朋友。 The best friend is a friend who just died. 54、我来是为了王的下葬。 I"m here to bury the king. 55、他们或因饥饿而死,或怀着一腔怒火苟活或在精致的荣誉粪堆中衰老腐烂。 They either die of hunger, or live with anger, or decay in the delicate dunghill of honor. 56、孤独才是寂寞的唯一出口。 Loneliness is the only outlet of loneliness. 57、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,终究都需要用寂寞来偿还。 All the brilliance in life, after all, need to use loneliness to repay. 58、面对掠夺和孤单,我们的回答是生活。 In the face of plunder and loneliness, our answer is life. 59、他隐约知道,幸福生活的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤独签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knows that the secret of a happy life is nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness. 60、爱情是一种本能,要么与生俱来,要么永远不会。 Love is an instinct, either born or never. 61、她并不想以这种方式打破孤独,相反,想以这种方式来保持孤独。 She doesn"t want to break loneliness in this way, on the contrary, she wants to keep loneliness in this way.
2023-07-19 04:42:321


1、在坎坷中奔跑,在挫折中涅槃,我们累却无从止歇,我们苦却无法回避。 Running in the rough, Nirvana in the frustration, we are tired but unable to stop, we are bitter but unable to avoid. 2、往日的推心置腹已经一去不返,同谋和交流变成敌意与缄默。 The old days of heart to heart have gone, conspiracy and communication become hostility and silence. 3、重新合好的一分钟,比一生的友好还宝贵。 A minute of reunion is more precious than a lifetime of friendship. 4、荒凉帝街道,巴旦杏树上凝结帝水珠,感觉自己在孤独中迷失路。 Desolate street, almond tree condensation emperor water, feel lost in loneliness. 5、你很幸福,因为你知道为什么战斗,而我现在才明白,我是由于骄傲才参加战斗的。 You are very happy, because you know why you fight, and now I understand that I fight because of pride. 6、那力量教会他朝内呼吸和控制心跳,使他明白人们为什么会惧怕死亡。 That power taught him to breathe inward and to control his heartbeat, to understand why people fear death. 7、每一个才华横溢的脸庞身后,总会是每一个寂寞聊赖的孤独身影。 Behind every brilliant face, there will always be every lonely figure. 8、任何东西都有生命,一切在于如何唤起它们的灵性。 Everything has life. It"s all about how to arouse their spirituality. 9、面对大海,他的梦想破灭,这灰白肮脏、泡沫翻腾的大海,不值得为之冒险和牺牲。 Facing the sea, his dream was shattered, and the grey, dirty, foaming sea was not worth the risk and sacrifice. 10、我去旅行,是因为我决定了要去,并不是因为对风景的兴趣。 I travel because I have decided to, not because of my interest in scenery. 11、我伤心极了,豆大的泪水从眼眶中流落,心中像断了线的珍珠洒落一地。 I am very sad, big tears from the eyes, heart like a broken line of pearls scattered on the ground. 12、多少的叙述都不足以说明一段经历,多少寂寞的言语也表达不出孤独的心境。 How many narratives are not enough to explain an experience, how many lonely words can not express a lonely mood. 13、最好的朋友,是刚刚死去的朋友。 The best friend is a friend who just died. 14、他隐约知道,一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knows that the secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness. 15、她每隔十五天给孩子们写一封长信,其中没有一句是真话。 She wrote a long letter to the children every 15 days, none of which was true. 16、她终于得出结论,自己不惜为他付出生命的这个儿子,不过是个无力去爱的人。 She finally came to the conclusion that her son, who did not hesitate to give his life, was just a man unable to love. 17、一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。 A person"s biggest shortcoming is not selfish, amorous, savage, capricious, but paranoid to love a person who does not love themselves. 18、他对哗哗的雨声也习已为常,两个月后,这雨声就成一种新的寂静。 He was used to the sound of rain. Two months later, it became a new kind of silence. 19、平庸将你的心灵烘干到没有一丝水分,然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦。 Mediocrity dries your soul to the point where there is no water, and then glory stirs the deepest chord of your heart. 20、我们累,却无从止歇;我们苦,却无法回避。 We are tired, but can not stop; We are suffering, but we can"t avoid it. 21、结束一场战争,要比发动它艰难得多。 It is much harder to end a war than to start it. 22、孤独是一种别样的幸福,在每个寂静的时刻,我都会忍不住去品味孤独的真谛。 Loneliness is a different kind of happiness, in every silent moment, I can"t help but taste the true meaning of loneliness. 23、不要乞求任何人,也不要向任何人低头。 Don"t beg anyone, don"t bow to anyone. 24、浪掷了多少时光,才找到共享孤独的天堂。 How much time did it take to find a paradise to share loneliness. 25、生命从来不曾离开过孤独而独立存在。 Life has never been independent without loneliness. 26、当她把心里话一吐为快时,有人把月光熄灭了。 When she let her heart out, someone put out the moonlight. 27、他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。 He did experience death, but he couldn"t stand loneliness, so he came back here. 28、我来是为了王的下葬。 I"m here to bury the king. 29、对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。 For me, it"s enough to be sure that you and I exist at this moment. 30、她并不想以这种方式打破孤独,相反,想以这种方式来保持孤独。 She doesn"t want to break loneliness in this way, on the contrary, she wants to keep loneliness in this way. 31、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。 As long as there are no dead people buried in the ground, you don"t belong in this place. 32、他逐渐明白,安度晚年的秘诀不是别的,而是跟孤独签订体面的协议。 He gradually understood that the secret of living in peace in his old age was nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness. 33、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。 All the brilliance in life, after all, needs to be paid back by loneliness. 34、等到人类坐一等车厢而文学只能挤货运车厢的那一天,这个世界也就完蛋了。 When human beings take the first class car and literature can only squeeze the freight car, the world will be over. 35、孤独和喧嚣都难以忍受。如果一定要忍受,我宁可选择孤独。 Loneliness and noise are unbearable. If I have to bear it, I"d rather be lonely. 36、既然除了看雨无事可做,那么将时光分为年月,将日子分为终点都终归是徒劳。 Since there"s nothing to do but watch the rain, it"s futile to divide time into years and days and days into ends. 37、我该如何隐藏,那散落一地的忧伤。 How can I hide the sadness scattered all over the place. 38、一个幸福晚年的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness. 39、穷尽孤独心呐喊,犹入地府失晨昏! Exhausted lonely heart cry, still into the earth lost dawn and dusk! 40、其实他在意的不是死亡,而是生命! In fact, what he cares about is not death, but life! 41、一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness. 42、这次第,怎一个愁字了得! This time, what a sad word! 43、万物新始,一切尚未命名,提起来时人们只能用手,指指点点。 Everything has a new beginning, everything has not been named, people can only use their hands to point. 44、这实在荒唐,基督信仰的卫士摧毁教堂,共济会的人却下令重建。 This is ridiculous. The guardians of the Christian faith destroyed the church, but the Freemasons ordered the reconstruction. 45、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away. 46、不要死,也不要孤独的活。 Don"t die, don"t live alone. 47、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for solitude, and hatred for the whole world gnawed at his heart. 48、时间过得很快,话是没错,可也没那么快。 Time goes by very fast. It"s true, but it"s not that fast. 49、他大权独揽却在孤独中陷入迷途,开始失去方向。 However, he lost his way in loneliness and began to lose his direction. 50、谎言说得越来越真诚,最后连她自己也从中得到了安慰。 The lie became more and more sincere, and finally even she got comfort from it. 51、生命中真正重要的。不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life. It"s not what happened to you, it"s what you remember and how you remember it. 52、死亡是一面镜子,反射出生命在它面前做的各种徒劳的姿态。 Death is a mirror, reflecting the futile attitude of life in front of it. 53、时间平复了一时的冲动,却加深了挫败感。 Time calms the impulse, but deepens the frustration. 54、纵然岁月蹉跎天各一方,写信人依然对他深情不改。 Even though the years have gone by, the writer is still affectionate to him. 55、当初如何为失败而战,如今便如何为胜利而战。 How to fight for defeat at the beginning, how to fight for victory now. 56、父母是隔在我们和死亡之间的帘子。 Parents are the curtain between us and death. 57、他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。 He hated the world and longed to be alone. 58、如果我有一颗心,我愿将所有的仇恨写在冰上,然后等待太阳的升起。 If I have a heart, I would like to write all the hatred on the ice, and then wait for the sun to rise. 59、原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。 The original time will also make mistakes and accidents, and therefore burst, leaving an eternal fragment in a room. 60、死人是不会出现的,只不过我们自己受不了良心上的负担。 The dead will not appear, but we can"t bear the burden of conscience. 61、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。 A man does not die when he should die, but when he can.
2023-07-19 04:42:391


1、谎言说得越来越真诚,最后连她自己也从中得到了安慰。 The lie became more and more sincere, and eventually she herself was forted by it. 2、死亡是一面镜子,反射出生命在它面前做的各种徒劳的姿态。 Death is a mirror reflecting the futile gestures of life in front of it. 3、幸福晚年的秘诀不过是与孤独签下不失尊严的协定罢了。 The secret of a happy old age is to sign a dignified agreement with loneliness. 4、如果不是战争,那就是死亡把他带走。 If it wasn"t war, it was death that took him away. 5、对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。 For me, it"s enough to be sure that you and I exist at this moment. 6、买下一张永久车票,登上一列永无终点的火车。 Buy a permanent ticket and board a train that never ends. 7、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for loneliness, and hatred for the whole world gnawed at his heart. 8、一分钟的和好抵得过一辈子的友谊。 A minute of peace is worth a lifetime of friendship. 9、守信是一项财宝,不应该随意虚掷。 Trusorthiness is a treasure and should not be thrown at will. 10、她才不会在乎下雨,她的一生中本就阴雨不停。 She doesn"t care about rain. It"s rainy all her life. 11、过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路。 The past is false. Memory is a road without a return. 12、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日益贪婪。 People are slack and fetting is greedy. 13、钟摆能让任何东西飞起来,却无法使自己腾空。 The pendulum can make anything fly, but it can"t make itself fly. 14、不到一百年,就不该有人知道其中的含义。 In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means. 15、生命中曾经有过的所有喧嚣,都将用寂寞来偿还。 All the noise in life will be repaid by loneliness. 16、只有用水将心上的雾气淘洗干净,荣光才会照亮最初的梦想。 Only when the mist in the heart is washed away with water can the glory illuminate the original dream. 17、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。 You don"t belong to this place as long as there are no dead people buried underground. 18、生命中曾经经历过的所有绚烂,终究都要用寂寞来偿还。 All the splendor in life must be repaid by loneliness after all. 19、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you are not afraid of God, you are afraid of metal. 20、注定经受百年孤独的家族不会有第二次机会在大地上出现。 Families destined to endure 100 years of loneliness will not have a second chance to appear on the earth. 21、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。 A man dies not when he should die, but when he can. 22、别错过机会,人生比你想象中的要短。 Don"t miss the chance. Life is shorter than you think. 23、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 Many people"s pain can not be said, many people"s actions helpless. 24、往日的推心置腹已经一去不返,同谋和交流变成敌意与缄默。 Past confidences have gone forever, and plicity and munication have bee hostility and silence. 25、世间没有什么值得以这样的沉沦为代价。 Nothing in the world is worth such a fall. 26、时间平复了一时的冲动,却加深了挫败感。 Time calmed the impulse for a while, but deepened the sense of frustration. 27、他大权独揽却在孤独中陷入迷途,开始失去方向。 But he lost his way in solitude and began to lose his direction. 28、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日渐贪婪,无情地吞噬一点一滴的记忆。 People are slack, and fet the growing greed, ruthlessly swallowing up bits and pieces of memory. 29、死亡跟他没有什么关系,而生命对他才有意义。 Death has nothing to do with him, but life has meaning for him. 30、你看那天,看那墙,看那秋海棠,今天还是星期一。 Look at that day, look at that wall, look at that begonia, today is Monday. 31、我们打了这么多年仗,一切都是为了我们的屋顶别涂成蓝色。 We fought for so many years that everything was for our roof not to be painted blue. 32、他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。 He did experience death, but he couldn"t stand loneliness, so he came back here. 33、有的人想睡觉,但不是因为困倦,而是出于对睡觉的怀念。 Some people want to sleep, but not because of sleepiness, but out of the nostalgia for sleep. 34、我确实一度死去,但难以忍受孤独又重返人世。 I did die for a time, but I couldn"t stand being alone and returning to life. 35、其实他在意的不是死亡,而是生命! In fact, what he cares about is not death, but life! 36、不仅孩子长的更快,连人的感情也变了样。 Not only do children grow up faster, but people"s feelings also change. 37、她的身影只出现在他心中,填满了他可怕的孤独。 Her figure only appeared in his heart, filled with his terrible loneliness. 38、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I"m just a craft *** an with no memories. The only dream left is to be fotten. 39、记忆因思绪无情的力量化为实体。 Memory is transformed into substance by the relentless power of thought. 40、人不是该死的时候死的,而是能死的时候死的。 People don"t die when they should, they die when they can. 41、浪掷了多少时光,才找到共享孤独的天堂。 How much time is wasted before we find a paradise to share our loneliness. 42、死人是不会出现的,只不过我们自己受不了良心上的负担。 Dead people will not appear, but we can not bear the burden of conscience. 43、只有等你父母入土为安,你才会幸福。 You will be happy only when your parents are safe in the earth. 44、最好的朋友,是刚刚死去的朋友。 The best friend is a friend who has just died. 45、他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。 He hated the world and longed to be alone. 46、他没有想到结束一场战争要比发动它艰难得多。 He did not realize that ending a war was much harder than launching it. 47、一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness. 48、生命中所有的灿烂,终要寂寞偿还。 All the splendor in life will be repaid by loneliness.
2023-07-19 04:42:461


  One Hundred Years of Solitude  Hailed as "the history of social reproduction in Latin America Part hung a picture of the masterpiece" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", is Garcia Marquez"s masterpiece, but also the Latin American magic realism literary masterpiece. Complex content, the characters are many bizarre plot twists and turns, along with fairy tales, religious stories, folklore, and writers from the original point of view the future of the new flashback memories of the past practices so dazzling. The end of the century in 1830 from the first 70 years, scores of Colombia"s civil war had erupted, so that hundreds of thousands of people were killed. The book went to great lengths to describe the facts in this regard, and through the book, the heroine of his legendary focus on China. The hypocrisy of politicians, rulers of the cruel, blind obedience and ignorant people have written and so thoroughly. Writer to vivid strokes, vivid portrait of the character of many characters, describes the loneliness of the spirit of the family. In this family, between husband and wife, between father and son, between mother and daughter, brothers and sisters, not the feelings of communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although many people had to break the loneliness of exploring a variety of hard, but can not find an effective way to unify the scattered forces, and finally all ended in failure. This is not only filled with loneliness and Asia in the Boone family and more than the town of Macon, and the infiltration of the narrow-minded thinking, become an obstacle to national progress, national progress, a great burden.  Writers to write this, is to unite the people of Latin America to work together out of loneliness. Therefore, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" steeped in the loneliness of the main connotation of suffering should be the whole of Latin America have been excluded in the process of the modern civilized world outside of resentment and protest, is an author of nearly a hundred years the history of Latin America, as well as the people of this continent"s unique vitality, survival, and imagination to the formation of a unique study of stubborn self-confidence.  Finally, it is noteworthy that the history of the book dignified the connotation of sharp criticism of vision, profound self-examination of national culture, the myth of massive metaphor system by a fresh it always runs through the mystery of language. Some critics believe that the novel comes from the mouth of 8-year-old children, Garcia Marquez said this was not too pleased. This is a profound eyes judge. Because such an intuitive, simple and effective language to reflect a new perspective, a backward nation (human child) of self-consciousness. The parties to replace the bitter tears of the spectators, "fool" feel the pains of self-expression to replace the "wise man" looks like a fair criticism and analysis, but also those who received a raise was to fool the objective groups in the effect of deep introspection.
2023-07-19 04:42:531


In the past are false, memory is a road of no return, past all spring cannot recover, even the most the most virtuous love, in the end is just a fleeting reality, only the eternal loneliness.
2023-07-19 04:43:022


...wherever they might be they always remember that the past was a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by could never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love was an ephemeral truth in the end.原书为西班牙文,这段话出于书中第二十章。整段话为:Upset by two nostalgias facing each other like two mirrors, he lost his marvelous sense of unreality and he ended up recommending to all of them that they leave Macon-do, that they forget everything he had taught them about the world and the human heart, that they shit on Horace, and that wherever they might be they always remember that the past was a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by could never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love was an ephemeral truth in the end.《百年孤独》英文版(One Hundred Years of Solitude):http://www.woyouxian.com/b06/b061201/100yearsolitude_en39.html
2023-07-19 04:43:102


1、过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路。 The past is false, memory is a road without return. 2、我确实一度死去,但难以忍受孤独又重返人世。 I did die for a time, but I couldn"t bear to be alone and come back. 3、我渐渐能意会到,深刻并不等于接近事实。 I"ve come to realize that being deep doesn"t mean being close to the truth. 4、漂亮的脸孔是给别人看的,而有智慧的头脑才是给自己利用的。 A beautiful face is for others, but a wise mind is for yourself. 5、人生比你想象的要短。 Life is shorter than you think. 6、既然这片土地下没有埋着死人,我们就不属于这片土地。 Since there are no dead people buried under this land, we do not belong to this land. 7、时间平复了一时的冲动,却加深了挫败感。 Time calms the impulse, but deepens the frustration. 8、从云雾弥漫的山顶望去,大沼泽无边无际的水面一直延伸到世界的另一边。 From the misty top of the mountain, the boundless waters of the Everglades extend to the other side of the world. 9、他走过了荣誉和怀念荣誉的阶段,到达了希望的终点。 He went through the stage of honor and memory of honor, and reached the end of hope. 10、答应我,你如果在那边碰上难缠的事,就想想你母亲。 Promise me, if you"re in trouble over there, think about your mother. 11、生命从来不曾离开过孤独而独立存在。 Life has never been independent without loneliness. 12、结束一场战争,要比发动它艰难得多。 It is much harder to end a war than to start it. 13、别生了,母牛们,生命是短暂的。 Don"t give birth, cows. Life is short. 14、我们累,却无从止歇;我们苦,却无法回避。 We are tired, but can not stop; We are suffering, but we can"t avoid it. 15、这块天地还是新开辟的,许多东西都叫不出名字,不得不用手指指点点。 This world is still new, many things are nameless, have to point with your fingers. 16、以真理的力量,我在我所征服的世界里永生。 With the power of truth, I live forever in the world I conquer. 17、平庸将你的心灵烘干到没有一丝水分,然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦。 Mediocrity dries your soul to the point where there is no water, and then glory stirs the deepest chord of your heart. 18、我们的正常之处,就在于自己懂得自己的不正常。 Our normality lies in our understanding of our own abnormality. 19、不要恳求任何人,不要在别人面前卑躬屈节。你就当别人早就把我枪毙了。 Don"t plead with anyone, don"t grovel in front of others. You think someone else shot me. 20、地球是圆的,就像橙子一样! The earth is round, just like an orange! 21、人类最真实可触的便是孤独中的沉默。 The most real thing human beings can touch is the silence in loneliness. 22、父母是隔在我们和死亡之间的帘子。 Parents are the curtain between us and death. 23、既然除了看雨无事可做,那么将时光分为年月,将日子分为终点都终归是徒劳。 Since there"s nothing to do but watch the rain, it"s futile to divide time into years and days and days into ends. 24、不要乞求任何人,也不要向任何人低头。 Don"t beg anyone, don"t bow to anyone. 25、我独自一人在人海寻找,在这孤独的世界里,寻觅一个不想孤独的身影。 I alone in the sea of people to find, in this lonely world, looking for a lonely figure. 26、心若得不到栖息的地方,到哪儿都是流浪。 If the heart can"t get a place to live, it"s wandering everywhere. 27、一个人最大的缺点不是自私多情野蛮任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。 The biggest shortcoming of a person is not selfish, amorous, savage and capricious, but bigoted love for a person who doesn"t love himself. 28、就在那边,在河的另一边,各种魔法机器应有尽有,而我们却还像驴子一样生活。 Just over there, on the other side of the river, there are all kinds of magic machines, but we still live like donkeys. 29、他隐约知道,一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knows that the secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness. 30、越文明,越孤独。 The more civilized, the more lonely. 31、只有等你父母入土为安,你才会幸福。 You will be happy only when your parents are safe. 32、孤独是一种别样的幸福,在每个寂静的时刻,我都会忍不住去品味孤独的真谛。 Loneliness is a different kind of happiness, in every silent moment, I can"t help but taste the true meaning of loneliness. 33、多少的叙述都不足以说明一段经历,多少寂寞的言语也表达不出孤独的心境。 How many narratives are not enough to explain an experience, how many lonely words can not express a lonely mood. 34、大概生命中所有的灿烂,都要用寂寞来偿还。 Maybe all the brilliance in life should be paid back by loneliness. 35、地球是圆的,就像个橙子。 The earth is round, like an orange. 36、她终于得出结论,自己不惜为他付出生命的这个儿子,不过是个无力去爱的人。 She finally came to the conclusion that her son, who did not hesitate to give his life, was just a man unable to love. 37、我宁愿掂起一个活人,也不愿意后半辈子都惦记着一个死人。 I would rather pick up a living person than think about a dead person for the rest of my life. 38、记忆因思绪无情的力量化为实体。 Memory is transformed into substance by the merciless power of thought. 39、不到一百年,就不该有人知道其中的含义。 In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means. 40、生命中所有的灿烂,终要寂寞偿还。 All the brilliance in life will be paid back by loneliness. 41、荒凉帝街道,巴旦杏树上凝结帝水珠,感觉自己在孤独中迷失路。 Desolate street, almond tree condensation emperor water, feel lost in loneliness. 42、人不是该死的时候死的,而是能死的时候死的。 People don"t die when they die, but when they can. 43、穷尽孤独心呐喊,犹入地府失晨昏! Exhausted lonely heart cry, still into the earth lost dawn and dusk! 44、生命中真正重要的。不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life. It"s not what happened to you, it"s what you remember and how you remember it. 45、我们的孤独就像天空中漂浮的城市,仿佛是一个秘密,却无从述说。 Our loneliness is like a city floating in the sky, as if it is a secret, but there is no way to tell. 46、人们总是在最永久的回忆里寻求最后的慰藉! People always seek the last comfort in the most permanent memory! 47、死亡是一面镜子,反射出生命在它面前做的各种徒劳的姿态。 Death is a mirror, reflecting the futile attitude of life in front of it. 48、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。 A man does not die when he should die, but when he can. 49、对我来说,确信你我共存此刻就足够了。 For me, it"s enough to make sure that you and I coexist at this moment. 50、不仅孩子长的更快,连人的感情也变了样。 Not only children grow faster, but also people"s feelings change. 51、与其沉浸在灿烂中,不如享受寂寞孤独。 It"s better to enjoy loneliness than to be immersed in brilliance. 52、回忆没有归路,春天总是一去不返,连最疯狂执着的爱情也不过是过眼云烟。 Memories have no way back, spring is always gone, even the most crazy persistent love is just passing away. 53、在这深深浅浅的印迹中,映影的是我那执着的孑孓独影。 In this deep and shallow imprint, the reflection is my persistent lonely shadow. 54、墙上的时钟,滴滴答答的走过相约的时间,走过错失相遇的岁月。 The clock on the wall, ticking through the appointment time, through the years of missing meeting. 55、我自己从来不跟任何人说运气好,你只要仔细想一想,就会觉得这话真是可怕。 I"ve never told anyone that I"m lucky myself. If you think about it carefully, you"ll find it terrible. 56、她每隔十五天给孩子们写一封长信,其中没有一句是真话。 She wrote a long letter to the children every 15 days, none of which was true. 57、孤独和喧嚣都难以忍受。如果一定要忍受,我宁可选择孤独。 Loneliness and noise are unbearable. If I have to bear it, I"d rather be lonely. 58、当初如何为失败而战,如今便如何为胜利而战。 How to fight for defeat at the beginning, how to fight for victory now. 59、谁见幽人独往来,飘渺孤鸿影。 Who can see lonely people coming and going alone. 60、我该如何隐藏,那散落一地的忧伤。 How can I hide the sadness scattered all over the place. 61、死亡跟他没有什么关系,而生命对他才有意义。 Death has nothing to do with him, but life has meaning to him.
2023-07-19 04:43:171


1、只有用水将心上的雾气淘洗干净,荣光才会照亮最初的梦想。 Only when the mist on my heart is washed away with water will glory illuminate the original dream. 2、任何东西都有生命,一切在于如何唤起它们的灵性。 Everything has life. It"s all about how to evoke their spirituality. 3、很多人选择了向虚拟现实的魅力屈服,寄情于自我幻想,这纵然不切实际却更能与人安慰。 Many people choose to succumb to the charm of virtual reality and place their feelings in self fantasy, which is more comforting even if it is impractical. 4、其实他在意的不是死亡,而是生命! In fact, what he cares about is not death, but life! 5、有时两人会一直默默坐到傍晚,面对着面,彼此凝视,在静谧中相爱,并不比当初在癫狂中相爱减色。 Sometimes they will sit quietly until evening, face to face, gaze at each other, and love each other in silence, which is no less than love in madness. 6、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 A lot of people"s pain can"t be said, and many people"s actions are helpless. 7、不论在什么地方都要记住,过去都是假的,回忆没有归路,春天总是一去不返,最疯狂执著的爱情也终究是过眼云烟。 No matter where you are, you should remember that the past is false, memories have no way back, spring is always gone, and the most crazy and persistent love is gone. 8、这时,一种神秘而重要的东西在他心中兀然出现,使他完全脱离了现实,浮游在往事的回忆里。 At this time, a mysterious and important thing suddenly appeared in his heart, making him completely divorced from reality and floating in the memories of the past. 9、不管走到哪,都要永远记住:过去是虚假的,往事时不能返回的,每一个消逝的春天都一去不复返了。最狂热、最坚贞的爱情也只是过眼云烟。 No matter where you go, you should always remember: the past is false, the past can not be returned, and every disappearing spring is gone forever. The most fanatical, most faithful love is just passing away. 10、她长着一对大大的,依然很美的眼睛,眼睛里最后的一丝希望的火花早已熄灭,脸上的皮肤由于索然无味的孤独都裂开了口子。 She had a pair of big, still beautiful eyes, the last spark of hope in the eyes had long been extinguished, and the skin on her face was split by the dull loneliness. 11、不变的坐姿令他脊柱变形,精确到毫米的工艺使他视力受损,但不容丝毫分心的专注让他获得了心灵的平静。 The constant sitting posture deformed his spine, and the millimeter precision technology impaired his eyesight, but his concentration without any distraction allowed him to have peace of mind. 12、别生了,母牛们,生命是短暂的。 Don"t give birth, cows. Life is short. 13、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。 In the life once had all splendid, originally after all, all need to use the loneliness to repay. 14、雷奥里亚诺,马孔多在下雨。 Rioliano, it"s raining in Macondo. 15、她每隔十五天给孩子们写一封长信,其中没有一句是真话。 She wrote long letters to the children every fifteen days, none of which was true. 16、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I am just a craftsman who has no memory. The only dream left is to be forgotten. 17、我们的正常之处,就在于自己懂得自己的不正常。 What we are normal is that we know our own abnormality. 18、你那么憎恨那些人,跟他们斗了那么久,最终却变得和他们一样,人世间没有任何理想值得以这样的沉沦作为代价。 You hate those people so much, fight with them for so long, and finally become like them. There is no ideal in the world worthy of such degradation as the price. 19、许多年后,面对着行刑队,奥雷连诺上校都会回想起那个下午,他的父亲带他去见识冰块。 Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano would recall that afternoon when his father took him to see the ice. 20、最好的朋友,是刚刚死去的朋友。 The best friend is a friend who has just died. 21、时间也会有差错,也会出故障,它也能被撕成碎片,在一间屋子里留下一块永恒的碎屑。 Time can go wrong, it can also break down, it can be torn to pieces, leaving a piece of eternal debris in a room. 22、往日的推心置腹已经一去不返,同谋和交流变成敌意与缄默。 The old confidants have gone forever, and conspiracy and communication have turned into hostility and silence. 23、他对哗哗的雨声也习已为常了,两个月后,这雨声就成了一种新的寂静。 He was used to the noise of the rain, and two months later, it became a new silence. 24、不到一百年,就不该有人知道其中的含义。 In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means. 25、哪儿有贫穷,哪儿就有爱情。 Where there is poverty, there is love. 26、死人在雨中望着他时流露出的无尽伤痛,对活人的深沉眷恋,在家中寻遍清水来润湿芦草的焦灼神情,总在他脑海里浮现,令他饱受折磨。 The endless pain of the dead looking at him in the rain, the deep attachment to the living, and the burning look of looking for water to wet the reed grass in his home, always came to his mind, which made him suffer. 27、此时微风初起,风中充盈着过往的群声嘁喳,旧日天竺葵的呢喃窸窣,无法排遣的怀念来临前的失望叹息。 At the beginning of the breeze, the wind is filled with the past group sound chirp, the old Geranium whisper rustle, unable to dispel the disappointment sigh before the arrival. 28、他想着他的亲人,并无感伤,只是在严格盘点过往时发现,实际上自己是多么热爱那些曾经恨得最深的人。 He thought about his family members, without any sentimentality. He only found out how much he loved those who had hated the most when he checked the past strictly. 29、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。 A man dies not when he should die, but when he can. 30、百年一参透,百年一孤独。 One hundred years of understanding, one hundred years of loneliness. 31、只有等你父母入土为安,你才会幸福。 You will be happy only when your parents are settled down. 32、你看那天,看那墙,看那秋海棠,今天还是星期一。 Look at that day, look at the wall, look at the Begonia. Today is still Monday. 33、那些日子家中空前忙乱,但崭新的煤油灯终究在预定的日期和时刻点燃。 In those days, the house was busy, but the brand-new kerosene lamp was finally lit on the scheduled date and time. 34、他走过了荣誉和怀念荣誉的阶段,到达了希望的终点。 He went through the stage of honor and memory of honor, and reached the end of hope. 35、家族中第一个人被捆在树上,最后一个人正被蚂蚁吃掉。 The first person in the family is tied to a tree, and the last one is being eaten by ants. 36、八月的一个下午,阿玛兰妲在彻底拒绝了这位坚毅的追求者后,再也无法忍受执拗性情的重压,锁在房间里为自己孤独到死的命运痛哭起来。 On an August afternoon, amaranda, after completely rejecting this determined suitor, could no longer bear the pressure of her stubborn temperament. She locked herself in her room and cried bitterly for her lonely fate to death. 37、背影是真的,人是假的。 The figure of the back is true, the person is false. 38、生命中曾经经历过的所有绚烂,终究都要用寂寞来偿还。 All the splendor that once experienced in life must be paid back with loneliness. 39、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life is not what happened to you, but what you remember and how. 40、买下一张永久车票,登上一列永无终点的火车。 Buy a permanent ticket and board a train with no destination.
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1、她的身影只出现在他心中,填满了他可怕的孤独。 Her figure only appeared in his heart, filled with his terrible loneliness. 2、对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。 For me, it"s enough to be sure that you and I exist at this moment. 3、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日益贪婪。 People are slack, but forgetting is increasingly greedy. 4、或许我的心包有一层硬壳,能破壳而入的东西是极其有限的。所以我才不能对人一往情深。 Maybe my pericardium has a hard shell, and the things that can break through the shell are extremely limited. That"s why I can"t be passionate about people. 5、我们战斗了那么久,只不过为了不把墙面刷成蓝色而是刷得像鸽子那么白。 We fought for so long, just to make the walls not blue but as white as pigeons. 6、生命中最重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 The most important thing in life is not what happened to you, but what you remember and how. 7、生未百年,死不孤独。 Life is not a hundred years, death is not lonely. 8、原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。 The original time will also be wrong and unexpected, and thus burst, leaving an eternal fragment in a room. 9、他大权独揽却在孤独中陷入迷途,开始失去方向。 However, he lost his way in solitude and began to lose his direction. 10、不仅孩子长的更快,连人的感情也变了样。 Not only do children grow faster, but also their feelings change. 11、我渐渐能意会到,深刻并不等于接近事实。 I have come to realize that profundity does not mean being close to the truth. 12、上校对他的战友说,你真好啊,还知道为什么奋斗。 The captain said to his comrades in arms, it"s very kind of you to know why you"re fighting. 13、人不是该死的时候死的,而是能死的时候死的。 People don"t die when they die, but when they can. 14、死人是不会出现的,只不过我们自己受不了良心上的负担。 Dead people don"t show up, but we can"t bear the burden on our conscience. 15、在这种清醒的梦幻中,他们不仅能看到自己梦中的形象,还能看到别人梦见的景象。 In this lucid dream, they can not only see the image of their own dream, but also see the scene of others" dream. 16、我们趋行在人生这个亘古的旅途,在坎坷中奔跑,在挫折里涅槃,忧愁缠满全身,痛苦飘洒一地。我们累,却无从止歇;我们苦,却无法回避。 We tend to travel in this ancient journey of life, running in the rough, Nirvana in frustration, sadness all over the body, pain floating on the ground. We are tired, but we can"t stop; we suffer, but we can"t avoid it. 17、不用他说出是为了爱情而悲伤,她一下就猜出那是人类最古老的眼泪。 He did not have to say it was for love and sadness, she guessed that it was the oldest human tears. 18、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you"re not afraid of God, you"re afraid of metal. 19、即使以为自己的感情已经干涸得无法给予,也总会有一个时刻一样东西能拨动心灵深处的弦,我们毕竟不是生来就享受孤独的。 Even if we think our feelings are too dry to give, there will always be a moment when something can touch the strings in our hearts. After all, we are not born to enjoy loneliness. 20、曾几何时一段真实的经历,一股青春年代不可抗拒的激情,如今对他而言已成为遥远的注脚、虚无而已。 Once upon a time, a real experience, an irresistible passion in his youth, has become a distant footnotes and nothingness to him. 21、此刻,两个孤独的情人正在末日的时光里逆水行舟,那蛮横的,不祥的时间徒劳地想把他俩推向失望和遗忘的荒漠。 At the moment, two lonely lovers are sailing against the current in the time of doomsday, and the brutal and ominous time tries in vain to push them to the desert of disappointment and forgetfulness. 22、他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。 He hated the world and longed for solitude. 23、他买了一张永久性车票,登上了一列永远不停止运行的火车。 He bought a permanent ticket and boarded a train that would never stop running. 24、她的生命就消麿在刺绣裹尸布上了。据说她是白天绣,晚上拆。她本不想以这种方式打破孤独,相反,想以这种方式来保持孤独。 Her life was lost in the embroidered shroud. It is said that she embroidered during the day and disassembled at night. She didn"t want to break her loneliness in this way. Instead, she wanted to stay lonely in this way. 25、我自己从来不跟任何人说运气好,你只要仔细想一想,就会觉得这话真是可怕。 I never tell anyone that I"m lucky. If you think about it carefully, you"ll think it"s terrible. 26、我宁愿掂起一个活人,也不愿意后半辈子都惦记着一个死人。 I"d rather pick up a living man than think about a dead man for the rest of my life. 27、我们打了这么多年仗,一切都是为了我们的屋顶别涂成蓝色。 We"ve been fighting for so many years. It"s all about our roof. Don"t paint it blue. 28、他隐约知道,一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knew that the secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness. 29、正因为当初对未来做了太多的憧憬,所以对现在的自己尤其失望。生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,终究都需要用寂寞来偿还。 It is because at the beginning of the future to do too much, so the present self is particularly disappointed. In the life once had all splendid, after all needs to use the loneliness to repay. 30、他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。 He did experience death, but he couldn"t stand loneliness, so he came back here. 31、过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路。 The past is false, memory is a road without return. 32、多生一些吧,母牛,生命短促呀! Give birth to more cows. Life is short! 33、以真理的力量,我在我所征服的世界里永生。 With the power of truth, I live forever in the world I conquer. 34、他隐约知道,幸福生活的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤独签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knew that the secret of a happy life is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness. 35、地球是圆的,就像个橙子。 The earth is round, like an orange. 36、失眠的最可怕之处,不在于让人毫无倦意不能入睡;而是会不可逆转地恶化到更严重的境地:遗忘。 The most terrible thing about insomnia is not that people can"t sleep without tiredness; it will irreversibly deteriorate to a more serious situation: forgetting. 37、一旦到了人们只顾自己,乘头等车厢,却用货车车厢装运书籍的那一天,就是世界末日的来临。 The end of the world will come on the day when people only care about themselves and take the first-class carriages to load books in the freight cars. 38、这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。 The family"s history is a machine that can"t be stopped. It"s a rotating wheel. If the shaft doesn"t wear out gradually and inevitably, this gear will rotate forever.
2023-07-19 04:44:091


Some people are destined to appear in your life by chance, but you need to spend your whole life to forget him.
2023-07-19 04:44:181


century loneliness
2023-07-19 04:44:281


All brilliant that has appeared in life will eventually be rapaid for lonely
2023-07-19 04:44:351


One Hundred Years of Solitude
2023-07-19 04:44:501


梅尔基亚德斯  何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚  乌尔苏拉·伊瓜兰--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚之妻     何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚之长子  丽贝卡--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥之妻  奥雷里亚诺上校--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚之次子  蕾梅黛丝·莫斯科特--奥雷里亚诺·布恩迪亚上校之妻  阿玛兰妲--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚之小女儿  庇拉尔·特尔内拉--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥,奥雷里亚诺上校之情妇     阿尔卡蒂奥--何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥之子  桑塔索菲亚·德拉·彼达--阿尔卡蒂奥之妻  奥雷里亚诺·何塞--奥雷里亚诺·布恩迪亚上校之子  十七个奥雷里亚诺(姓氏随母亲)--奥雷里亚诺·布恩迪亚上校之子     美人儿蕾梅黛丝--阿尔卡蒂奥之长女  何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥第二--阿尔卡蒂奥之次子  奥雷里亚诺第二--阿尔卡蒂奥小儿子  费尔南达.德尔.卡皮奥--雷里亚诺第二之妻  佩特拉·科特斯--奥雷里亚诺第二之情妇     何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥(神学院学生)--奥雷里亚诺第二之长子  梅梅(雷纳塔,原名亦为蕾梅黛丝)--奥雷里亚诺第二之次女  马乌里肖·巴比伦--梅梅的情人  阿玛兰妲·乌尔苏拉--奥雷里亚诺第二之小女儿  加斯通--阿玛兰妲·乌尔苏拉之夫     奥雷里亚诺·巴比伦(破译手稿者)--梅梅之子,阿玛兰妲·乌尔苏拉之情人
2023-07-19 04:44:591

英文版本的百年孤独难度懂吗,比较双塔骑兵怎么样?哪个更难 或其他的衡量参照

2023-07-19 04:45:261


Gregory Rabassa(格里高利·拉巴萨)英译本也有很多版本的,其中最好的(被作者认可的)是拉巴萨翻译的。
2023-07-19 04:45:442


2023-07-19 04:45:511


  乐手克列斯比在疯狂的弹了一夜的大提琴后割腕自杀,读到阿玛兰塔变态无耻的苟活着,只是为了给自己的姐姐也是自己的情敌编织殓衣,读到第十七个小奥雷连诺躲过数十年的追杀,却被家人拒之门外,最终逃不掉额头被钉死的宿命,读到那装满了两百节车厢的死尸被倒入大海...会悚然惊觉,经过了开头几节的艰深滞涩,写到这里已经是酣畅淋漓,仿佛马尔克斯十几年的悄没声息的创作磨练将所有的情节浑然一体,所有的情感在这一瞬厚积薄发不可抑制。我感觉自己似乎身处一个黑暗的隧道,面前是一个似乎无所不知的老太婆,说着自己的往事,那么多惊心动魄的故事在平静的语调中娓娓道来。你被每一个情节震撼,但是你能隐隐约约的清楚其实所有的事情都已注定,似乎每个人都被一个线牵引着无法偏离轨道。她偶尔会透露一些宿命的迹象,比如皮拉?苔列娜用来算命的纸牌,奥雷连诺上校对死亡的预感,羊皮纸上的梵语密文;但是,这些宿命的暗示却被那些自认为清醒的人们当作疯子的澹语和梦呓,而那些真正清醒的人从中得到的却是更加无边无际的绝望和痛苦――发现自己的孤独和苦难是不可避免,无论你是否努力去抗争都摆脱不了的绝望和痛苦。读着读着,你会被这种悲观的念头击溃,会傻傻的想人生就是这样,一切的命运都没法改变,难道这样就不要活了吗?人生的意义何在?如何才能摆脱这宿命的孤独?当我终于读完这本书,合上之后唯一的念头就是走出门外呼吸一下新鲜的空气;我需要面对阳光来证明自己其实刚才只是做了一场恶梦。虽然走出去之后,我看着屋外的天空,怎么也想不起到底是上午还是下午,但仍然觉得很幸运,真的是一种解脱,从恶梦里惊醒的感觉,一种逃离死境的庆幸,一种劫后余生的喜悦。  《百年孤独》里给人印象最深的是布恩蒂亚家族的孤独者们。孤独成了这个家族的徽记,如同他们血液中固有的冒险、冲动、勇敢和不屈,还有遗传的高高的颧骨,以及骨子里隐藏至深的luan伦渴望。这种孤独不同于中世纪贵族的那种“高贵的忧郁”,象莎士比亚笔下的威尼斯商人安东尼奥,它不是在华丽的客厅里,踱着方步慨叹生命之短暂、蔷薇之枯萎;也不是用天使的丽目俯察人世的风云无常、世态炎凉。它是对世界本体的一种凄凉的绝望,是低贱的、卑微的,有一种浓灰色的压抑感,有是一种惨淡的幽默。这是一种绝顶的忧郁,无可逃遁甚至无法减轻。  Keres musicians shells than in the wild after a night of cello割腕suicide, read苟活shameless阿玛兰塔a metamorphosis, but in order to own their own sister is also a rival mortuary woven clothing, read the seventeenth a small奥雷连诺escaped down for decades, but his family out, and ultimately can not escape the fate of his forehead was crucified, read the compartment filled with 200 dead bodies were dumped into the sea ... will be surprised悚然, after the beginning of the difficult sections滞涩, wrote here already earned dripping, as if Marquez was done in not more than ten years of creative silence temper seamless all the circumstances, all the厚积薄发emotion in this moment can not be inhibited. I seem to feel that they live in a dark tunnel, the face of a seemingly all-knowing the old woman, said his back, so many soul-stirring story in a calm tone in娓娓道来. You are the circumstances of each shock, but you can clearly vague in fact all the things have been doomed, it seems that everyone is towed by a line with no deviation from the track. She occasionally revealed some signs of fate, such as Pilar? Carex Lena cards for fortune-telling, the proofing奥雷连诺premonition of death, the Sanskrit parchment ciphertext; However, the fate implied by those sober people think of Dan as a crazy language and balderdash, and those who really get sober but it is more despair and suffering immense - they found that their loneliness and suffering is inevitable, no matter whether you try to fight all and could not shake off the despair and misery. Reading reading, you will be pessimistic about the idea of such a defeat would傻傻is the wish of life, the fate of all could not change it so do not live it? What is the meaning of life? How to get out of this lonely fate? When I finally finished reading this book, after the close of the idea is only going outside to breathe some fresh air; I need to prove himself to face the sun in fact, done just a nightmare. While going out, I looked at the sky outside, also can not remember how the morning or afternoon in the end, but still feel very lucky, really is a relief, awoke from a nightmare in the sense of a territory to escape death Fortunately, a kind of joy survivors.  "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and the most impressive布恩蒂亚family who are lonely. Lonely has become the emblem of the family, as they take the risk inherent in the blood, impulsive, courageous and unyielding, as well as the high genetic cheekbone, as well as bones hidden deep desire of luan lun. This is different from the medieval aristocracy alone the kind of "noble and melancholy," as Shakespeare"s The Merchant of Venice Antonio, it is not in the gorgeous living room, walking with measured steps sigh Life is short, the withered rose; not use angels Li heads down review of the situation and volatile world,世态炎凉. It is one of the world body bleak despair, is inferior, and humble, there is a thick gray depression, there is a kind of bleak humor. This is an excellent shape and depression, it is unable to escape or even to mitigate.  Nietzsche said that the Lonely  I opened it again, once again starting from the beginning of time. Macon and more clear that the village side of the river, River hearts of those left behind as prehistoric Dome-like pebbles, giving the world the beginning of a fresh open feeling.埃利蒂斯with words, as if there is a bird, from the beginning of time, with its red beak distribute its sweet. However, Marquez"s description of the speed is so fast, like a hurricane will be吹成dust clouds in heaven: he will soon put into the village Gypsies, all kinds of modern facilities, the streets quickly filled with the nation the myth of national post-colonial theory and the blink of an eye to start a war on. "The Naked and the Dead," Mailer once lamented author, he took dozens of pages of ink before the Nile Po a bend, but only a section of text Marquez can write on the rise and fall of a family, and it"s on male tail length. Such a formulation, and the "Golden Lotus", "A Dream of Red Mansions" by the Chinese to build the family is obviously very different from the novel. Novels in China, we have to go through the number of corridors to reach the Pan"s bedroom, how many children to pave the way long the situation will we be able to see Lin黛玉葬花scene. I do not know at that time, a literature on the "Roots Revolution" which inspired the book was being planned, and some time later in the year蔚成Wonderland.  I捧读of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", the window is the rain water霏霏South. Once again, I feel drowsy, I was Marquez"s speed caused the collapse, those who need to be replaced by the second tone in order to finish a long sentence drop. Days later, when I read Han Shaogong the "Father Dad", I think it even than the "One Hundred Years of Solitude," but also look good, it is because Han Shaogong the sentence is very short, very slow, mix the wisdom of the East. It is for this reason may be, when some of the most radical critics even think that, "Dad Dad" with the "One Hundred Years of Solitude" shoulder to shoulder, if the稍矮1, that is only because "Daddy Dad" is a novella. I still remember Mr. Li Oufan University of Chicago to East China Normal University speech, some critics question is that. Mr. Li Oufan answer is very simply, he said, no, they can not be compared. If the "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by "Daddy Dad" written by the impact, it can be said that "Dad Dad" enough and the "One Hundred Years of Solitude" shoulder to shoulder. The answer is paradoxical, I remember the audience a sigh. Jiyuan my home, and often reminds me of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", he mentioned at the beginning of the scene. Economy of water, once with the Yellow River, Yangtze River, Huaihe River, one of four parallel, known as "四渎", that is, from the origin to the Yan into the sea full of water thousands of miles, self-contained. Jiyuan relief is the birthplace of water, but it is now dry, in its only source of the smell of a narrow ditch, a dandelion on the Cong River from the coast it spread to the other side. Stand in a river has disappeared the source, when百舸争流, the scene of the evening singing fish is also illusory than dreams, a novice writer"s brow紧蹙that he seems to have something to say. In fact, in the long holiday, I really ambitious to "One Hundred Years of Solitude" for copy, wrote a novel几万字. I am a fictional Shunhe drift fleet, which through time and space, from the Song Dynasty to the 20th century has been the 80"s, like I was in a Calvino novel "dinosaur" in to see a dinosaur through time and space through so many plains and valleys, straight to the 20th century a small railway station. However, such a novel, but the reason is because my grandfather had有始无终.  A holiday afternoon, my grandfather came to me to talk, his hands holding a book, that is, "One Hundred Years of Solitude." He put the book gently on the bed, and then asked me where the book got the. I said it was borrowed from the library. I also told him that I was about to write a novel to imitate it. My grandfather, scaring the daylights out immediately. The Marxist-Leninist teaching staff of the Yan"an period, the elderly still remember a lot of words in English and Russian elderly, blood red at the moment, the room kept the pace of walking. He told me that he had read the book and read twice. I asked him not well written, he said, write good, this person seems to come to China, it is this book written in Chinese. But then he told me that the writer is fortunate that foreigners, who, if born in China, certainly is a big right-wing, because he has the anti-bone growth days, from the antithesis of the Organization; if he lived in Yan"an, he will be more than Tupac Tupac also. "Yan"an", "Tupac", "Marquez", "Nobel Prize in Literature" and "anti-bone", "organization", when you string these words together, when a flavor of magic realism on the the same mustard as a straight nose and choking. "To call your father." He said to me. My father came to the time, my grandfather, he just said it re-made. Doubt my father took over the book up, but he did not get put up on the soon to read into with relish. My father was a writer of the same age and youth, early years, also wrote several novels, the lives of the rich must have seen him more experience, that is, he read that book, he is both physically and mentally to and Like his grandfather as head of God moved away. Unlike me, because of the lack of experience, paying attention to literary techniques and the only narrative form. My grandfather on my father"s obviously very annoyed silent. Grandfather almost a roar, and he told me his father said: "He has also written novels imitate other people, too scary. He should dare to write such a novel, the family may be the peace we all followed him down a big Youmei . "grandfather would be that book from the hands of my father confiscated and taken away easily I just wrote a few pages of the novel. The next day, his grandfather said to me: "You write novels I read, with others没法比. However, this or it will not stir up trouble." Do you know, this is what I have heard so far on my evaluation of the worst novels? Two years later, my grandfather passed away. I remember before the coffin covered with my father to a radio license on the Yellow River grandfather ears. From home to the mountain cemetery, the radio broadcast has been the party"s 13 major upcoming news挥汗如雨farmers to use the fruits of the fall of 13 major gift to the workers day and night fighting for the motherland in the derrick building next to fresh blood. Announcers sound accompanied by passionate music in a coffin through the spread of the hilly and forest crow乱叫sorts of ups and downs --- the voice of all this, however, as the novel"s scenes, it even made me shameful to forget crying. But two decades later, on these scenes, I have not written a word. When a variety of real change in the lie quietly under cover of the time, I slowly focus attention to another aspect. However, I would like, then it might be that day, I will write all this, it is dedicated to the grandfather, sleeping. The grave of his grandfather, who, like Marquez, as described, hair and nails still grow it?  尼采说,孤独者  我再一次将它打开,再一次从开头读起。马贡多村边的那条清澈的河流,河心的那些有如史前留下的巨蛋似的卵石,给人一种天地初开的清新之感。用埃利蒂斯的话来说,仿佛有一只鸟,站在时间的开端,用它的红喙散发着它的香甜。但马尔克斯的叙述的速度是如此之快,有如飓风将尘土吹成天上的云团:他很快就把吉卜赛人带进了村子,各种现代化设施迅疾布满了大街小巷,民族国家的神话与后殖民理论转眼间就展开了一场拉锯战。《裸者与死者》的作者梅勒曾经感叹,他费了几十页的笔墨才让尼罗河拐了一个弯,而马尔克斯只用一段文字就可以写出一个家族的兴衰,并且让它的子嗣长上尾巴。这样一种写法,与《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》所构筑的中国式的家族小说显然迥然不同。在中国小说中,我们要经过多少回廊才能抵达潘金莲的卧室,要有多少儿女情长的铺垫我们才能看见林黛玉葬花的一幕。当时我并不知道,一场文学上的“寻根革命”因为这本书的启发正在酝酿,并在当年稍晚一些时候蔚成大观。  我捧读着《百年孤独》,窗外是细雨霏霏的南方水乡。我再次感到了昏昏欲睡,我被马尔克斯的速度拖垮了,被那些需要换上第二口气才能读完的长句子累倒了。多天以后,当我读到韩少功的《爸爸爸》的时候,我甚至觉得它比《百年孤独》还要好看,那是因为韩少功的句子很短,速度很慢,搀杂了东方的智慧。可能正是由于这个原因,当时有些最激进的批评家甚至认为,《爸爸爸》可以与《百年孤独》比肩,如果稍矮了一头,那也只是因为《爸爸爸》是个中篇小说。我还记得,芝加哥大学的李欧梵先生来华东师大演讲的时候,有些批评家就是这么提问的。李欧梵先生的回答非常干脆,他说,不,它们还不能相提并论。如果《百年孤独》是受《爸爸爸》的影响写出来的,那就可以说《爸爸爸》足以和《百年孤独》比肩。这个回答非常吊诡,我记得台下一片叹息。 我的老家济源,常使我想起《百年孤独》开头时提到的场景。济水,曾经是与黄河、长江、淮河并列的四条大河之一,史称“四渎”,即从发源到入海潋滟万里,自成一体。济源就是济水的发源地,但它现在已经干枯,在它的源头只剩下一条窄窄的臭水沟,一丛蒲公英就可以从河的这一岸蔓延到它的另一岸。站在一条已经消失了的河流的源头,当年百舸争流、渔歌唱晚的景象真是比梦幻还要虚幻,一个初学写作者紧蹙的眉头仿佛在表示他有话要说。事实上,在漫长的假期里,我真的雄心勃勃地以《百年孤独》为摹本,写下了几万字的小说。我虚构了一支船队顺河漂流,它穿越时空,从宋朝一直来到20世纪80年代,有如我后来在卡尔维诺的一篇小说《恐龙》中看到的,一只恐龙穿越时空,穿越那么多的平原和山谷,径直来到20世纪的一个小火车站。但这样一篇小说,却因为我祖父的原因有始无终了。  假期的一个午后,我的祖父来找我谈心,他手中拿着一本书,那就是《百年孤独》。他把那本书轻轻地放到床头,然后问我这本书是从哪里搞到的。我说是从图书馆借来的。我还告诉他,我正要模仿它写一部小说。我的祖父立即大惊失色。这位延安时期的马列教员,到了老年仍然记得很多英文和俄文单词的老人,此刻脸涨得通红,在房间里不停地踱着步子。他告诉我,他已经看完了这本书,而且看了两遍。我问他写得好不好,他说,写得太好了,这个人好像来过中国,这本书简直就是为中国人写的。但是随后他又告诉我,这个作家幸好是个外国人,他若是生在中国,肯定是个大右派,因为他天生长有反骨,站在组织的对立面;如果他生活在延安,他就要比托派还要托派。“延安”、“托派”、“马尔克斯”、“诺贝尔文学奖”,“反骨”,“组织”,当你把这些词串到一起的时候,一种魔幻现实主义的味道就像芥末一样直呛鼻子了。“把你爸爸叫来。”他对我说。我的父亲来到的时候,我的祖父把他刚才说过的话重新讲了一遍。我父亲将信将疑地拿起那本书翻了起来,但他拿起来就没有放下,很快就津津有味地看了进去。我父亲与知青作家同龄,早年也写过几篇小说,丰富的生活一定使他从中看到了更多的经验,也就是说,在他读那本书的时候,他是身心俱往的,并且像祖父一样目夺神移。而不像我,因为经验的欠缺,注意的只是文学技巧和叙述方式。我的祖父对我父亲的不置一词显然非常恼火。祖父几乎吼了起来,他对我父亲说:“他竟然还要摹仿人家写小说,太吓人了。他要敢写这样一部小说,咱们全家都不得安宁,都要跟着他倒大楣了。”祖父将那本书从我父亲手里没收了,并顺手带走了我刚写下的几页小说。第二天,祖父对我说:“你写的小说我看了,跟人家没法比。不过,这也好,它不会惹是生非。”你可知道,这是我迄今为止听到的对我的小说最为恶劣的评价?两年以后,我的祖父去世了。我记得盖上棺材之前,我父亲把一个黄河牌收音机放在了祖父的耳边。从家里到山间墓地,收音机里一直在播放党的十三大即将召开的消息,农民们挥汗如雨要用秋天的果实向十三大献礼,工人们夜以继日战斗在井架旁边为祖国建设提供新鲜血液。广播员激昂的声音伴随着乐曲穿过棺材在崎岖的山路上播散,与林中乌鸦呱呱乱叫的声音相起伏———这一切,多么像小说里的情景,它甚至使我可耻地忘记了哭泣。但是二十年过去了,关于这些场景,我至今没写过一个字。当各种真实的变革在谎言的掩饰下悄悄进行的时候,我的注意力慢慢集中到另外的方面。但我想,或许有那么一天,我会写下这一切,将它献给沉睡中的祖父。而墓穴中的祖父,会像马尔克斯曾经描述过的那样,头发和指甲还在生长吗?
2023-07-19 04:45:595


loneliness英/u02c8lu0259u028anlinu0259s /美/u02c8lou028anlinu0259s /n.孤独,寂寞短语1、The Well of Loneliness寂寞之井;孤独之井;孤寂深渊2、season of loneliness寂寞的季节;寂寞季节;季节近义词:solitude英/u02c8su0252lu0259tjuu02d0d /美/u02c8sɑu02d0lu0259tuu02d0d /n.独居,独处,孤独;偏僻的地方,无人居住的地方短语1、One Hundred Years of Solitude百年孤独;百年孤寂;英文版;书名2、Whispering Solitude低语孤独
2023-07-19 04:46:131


如果词汇量在1500以下,建议先背一背单词(新东方得四级词汇乱序就很。错的选择)。如果词汇量4000以内,读一读童话类的书籍(例如格林童话,伊索寓言,绿野仙踪,迪士尼系列)比较合适。如果9000以内可以读小说(例如莎士比亚的喜剧集,海底两万里)。如果9000,10000或者更高, 就可以读一些科学著作或者比较晦涩的小说。个人不建议读百年孤独,因为百年孤独的原著是西班牙语(作者是哥伦比亚人,加西亚马尔克斯)。译制作品本身已经是经过润色之后的成品,所以我觉得不如直接读英语著作对英语学习的帮助大。同理也不推荐很多法语和希腊语原著的古老著作(例如安提戈涅)。
2023-07-19 04:46:291


2023-07-19 04:47:091


封面是名画嘛,我不确定……我怕知道一个03年封面是一个男人,戴着帽子,底色是蓝紫色……如果是的话……那么是潘立民译,西苑出版社如果都不是你要的,可以去文库看看这个版本,和你的开头是一样的,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/aa1a0029bd64783e09122bbd.htmltxt版的:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/0146090590c69ec3d5bb75f9.html希望对你有帮助,, 另外, (以下摘自维 基 百 科 ) 《百年孤独》的英译本在数十种外文版中被公认为最佳。以此为基础的中译本(高长荣译,十月文艺出版社,北京)也为几种中译本中的佼佼者。 《百年孤独》另有从西班牙文直接翻译的版本:黄锦炎等合译的上海译文出版社版与吴健恒独力翻译的云南人民出版社版。 台湾推出过2种透过英译本转译的版本,分别是宋碧云翻译的《一百年的孤寂》(远景出版公司,台北)和杨耐冬翻译的《百年孤寂》(志文出版社,台北),有些评论认为宋碧云的译本比较动人,杨耐冬还从英文转译了题为《马奎斯小说杰作集》的马尔克斯中短篇小说集
2023-07-19 04:47:162

百年孤独 one hundred years of solitude 小说的英文有声读物下载地址,或者谁有请发给我

我也帮你找了 好像都没有。你可以下载它的文字版,然后找一个 看文字就可,以自动朗读的软件 ,用软件自带的声音把文字版变成又是小说版。不过 是半自动化的 所以没有专人朗读那么抑扬顿挫。希望你满意我的回答。对喽,给你推荐一个有很多有声小说的地方——好看听书网,跟你一样我也爱闭着眼睛享受阅读的乐趣。
2023-07-19 04:47:243


百年孤独----《One Hundred Years of Solitude》作者:加西亚.马尔克斯----GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ
2023-07-19 04:47:343


1 【高长荣 译,北京十月文艺出版社(据称此版本由英文转译而成)】2 【黄锦炎 译,浙江文艺出版社(据称此版本是根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。此版本被现在的高中三年级语文教科书选用)】  ——事实上,这是一个大家公认的最好的译本。这也是它能入选人教版高中语文教材的原因。3 【吴健恒 译,云南人民出版社(依据波哥大1981年出版的第七版全文译出,未做任何删节)】4 【仝彦芳、要晓波、李建国 译,内蒙古人民出版社】(我也不知道这是根据什么译来的) 另附中译本说明  1、马尔克斯没给中国版权。1991年,“伯尔尼国际版权公约”生效后,中国有好几家出版社,都曾想买下它的版权,但都被马尔克斯代理人开出的5年25万美元的版权费吓退了。而随着拉美文学近年来在中国的阅读热潮的衰退,对《百年孤独》感兴趣的出版社更是所剩无几了。故坊间全是非法出版,这就是鼎鼎大名的《百年孤独》主流出版社(人民文学、上海译文、译林等)均不出该书的原因。大概要等老马死后50年,版权成为公版才行吧。  2、中文版《百年孤独》曾经有好几个版本:北京《十月》杂志在该书获奖当年就部分选译了《百年孤独》;同年,台湾远景出版事业公司推出一套《诺贝尔文学奖全集》,其中以《一百年的孤寂》为名翻译了《百年孤独》,译者宋碧云;上海译文出版社也在1982年推出了《加西亚·马尔克斯中短篇小说集》,让马尔克斯和拉美文学在国内一下火了起来,随即在文学界引领了魔幻现实风格的创作潮流;两年后,《百年孤独》在内地同时出现了北京十月文艺出版社和上海译文出版社两种译本,前者的译者是高长荣,由英译本转译而成,后者的译者是黄锦炎和沈国正,根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,尤其受到读者的欢迎,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。之后,上海译文出版社还推出了珍藏本《百年孤独》。中国有不少作家在写作生涯中都受到《百年孤独》的影响,如莫言、张贤亮、余华等人。
2023-07-19 04:47:435

翻译能超越原著本身吗?(《1Q84》翻译者Philip Gabriel的采访)

Q:据说,《百年孤独》的作者加西亚·马尔克斯对他的小说英文翻译者说过他翻译的《百年孤独》英文版甚至超越了西班牙语的原著。你觉得原著翻译可以改善原著本身吗?你觉得你的翻译作品有这样的情况出现过吗? A:这样想会让人很高兴,但我不认为我不会常有这样的类似感觉。当我完成了Kenzaburo Oe的小说《Somersault》时候,他想从翻译中删减一些简短的段落,以及他想加入三页手写稿。很显然,他在此期间重新思考了这个部分的故事。他告诉我,通过这些更改,我的翻译比原著更能接近他想要的小说风格。我从中得到的启示是,一些作家,包括村上春树,如何经常修改和重新编写他们的故事。尽管会有权威的文本出现,但也许只是暂时的。原文地址: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/10/how-haruki-murakamis-1q84-was-translated-into-english/247093/?fbclid=IwAR0HH2ve8hBqVkR1ER-jwzo8oTq1vtg4frWVktDVz1BmwWBq6oXA-6kHzKQ
2023-07-19 04:48:281


Soledad是西班牙语孤独的意思。 Soledad It is a keeping for the lonely .这里It是指Soledad,全句翻译为“SOLEDAD,它是对孤独的一种keeping。”意味着“孤独的延续”,也可以理解为“永恒的孤独”。 加西亚·马尔克斯(Garcia Marques)的《百年孤独》(西班牙语为Cien A os de Soledad,英语译名是Century Loneliness)书名中的Soledad就是孤独之意。 Soledad等于英文中的solitude,也是一个女孩的名字 所以, “Why did you leave me soledad?”= “Why did you leave me lonely?”-为什么你要离我而去? 亦可以为 “Why did you leave me, Soledad?”-Soledad,为什么要离开我。
2023-07-19 04:48:373


若指的是警察,policepolicemanpolicewoman若指电话,英文中就用阿拉伯数字表示,写作:110,读作:one one zero(o)若指数字110,则为one hundred and ten
2023-07-19 04:48:542


高中语文课本上的《百年孤独》是著名翻译家林一安先生翻译的 1987由三联出版社出版 翻译的还是非常好的 因为林一安先生是以哥伦比亚黑绵羊出版社1982在马尔克斯获得诺贝尔文学奖以后精心编辑出版的版本为基础翻译的 是直接从西班牙语翻译过来的 所以是原汁原味的 非常不错 不过国内还有其他很多种版本 因为《百年孤独》对我国的文学创作影响深远 所以各种译本很多 我看的是上海译文出版社出版的黄锦炎先生的译本 这个版本也非常好 当然还有1984年北京十月文艺出版社高长荣先生的译本 这是最早的译本之一此外还有吴健恒老先生的全译本 云南人民出版社出版 这个版本的我没有看过 不方便评论 不过吴老先生的能力还是值得信赖的 其他的还有台湾译本 一个是宋碧云的 一个是杨耐冬的版本 我都没有看过 我个人非常喜欢黄锦炎先生的译本 但林一安先生的也是不错的 因为是从西班牙语翻译过来的 《百年孤独》是一本好书 特别是其中的宏大的历史感和奇妙的叙事方式都很引人入胜
2023-07-19 04:49:204


2023-07-19 04:49:311


高长荣 译,北京十月文艺出版社(据称此版本由英文转译而成)。黄锦炎 译,浙江文艺出版社(据称此版本是根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。)吴健恒 译,云南人民出版社(依据波哥大1981年出版的第七版全文译出,未做任何删节),此版本被现在的高中三年级语文教科书选用。仝彦芳、要晓波、李建国 译,内蒙古人民出版社
2023-07-19 04:49:391


Jane Eyre《简·爱》,Charlotte Bronte
2023-07-19 04:50:002


Tears is false, it is really sad, after a thousand years without you I do not. 眼泪是假的,悲哀是真的,一千年以后没有你也没有我。The history of the family can not stop a machine cycle is a rotation of the wheels, this gear, if not inevitably-axis will gradually wear and tear, then it will always rotate .这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。
2023-07-19 04:50:171

200分悬赏一些很好英文歌曲 要多~

我看了前面给你的答案,都不太符合我们对歌曲的英文歌曲的高要求,按照,我说滴做,保管下载到的英文歌让你满意,不满意你抽我!呵呵,电驴会用么?这里有电驴的下载地址:http://www.emule.org.cn/download/下载好电驴以后,进入这个连接:http://lib.verycd.com/2006/03/31/0000096728.html-《环球音乐极品典藏集》对了,这个就是近两年现在欧美最前卫,最流行的音乐我下载了,听滴我如痴如醉。 全 1.7GB 《环球音乐极品典藏集》诞生于2005年,试运行一年后,于2006年推出精装正式版,同时附送多支超清晰Music Video。其中,Lesson系列每月出品一辑,一年12辑,辑目排列遵从Lesson 1、Lesson 1.5、Lesson 2……Lesson 99.5、Lesson 100命名格式。2006年Lesson 1~Lesson 6.5共12张专辑已全部推出,2007年,《环球音乐极品典藏集》仍将继续带你遨游世界音乐之旅。音乐收录原则:全球范围精心筛选,以悦耳动听为前提,以触动听者感情为目的,所有曲目必须是极具收藏价值的珍品,过于大众化或普遍流行的音乐不在本典藏集收藏范围内。下面给你列出所有曲目:环球音乐极品典藏集 Lesson 1 出品时间:2006年1月01. Madonna - Papa Don"t Preach——性感女神麦当娜玩弄爱情迷惑亿万大众浪漫代表作02. Jamiroquai - Dynamite——杰米罗锅乐队土著风格新专辑同名单曲打造最激时尚旋律03. Mandy Moore - Walk Me Home——美国变身美少女曼迪甜心唱不腻凄美魔力欲念金曲04. Jason Mraz - Geek In The Pink——天才创作歌手维吉尼亚嘻皮男巫杰森金榜爱情曲05. Evanescence feat. Paul McCoy - Bring Me To Life——林肯公园变性版伊凡塞斯演绎21世纪最惊艳心理恐怖歌06. Bobby Valentino - My Angel (Never Leave You)——巧克力情圣好男人鲍比咏唱天使之恋泪水横流巨作07. Meja - All "bout The Money——瑞典才女歌姬麦嘉妹妹金榜怀旧曲《拜金女人心》08. Suzi Kim - The Edge Of Soul——PS血腥刀剑格斗游戏《魂之利刃》绝赞超长主题歌09. Yehuda Levi - The Power Of Love (D-Brosh Fun Remix)——《我的军中情人》主演以色列性感男星耶哈达榜首金曲10. Britney Spears - Mona Lisa——小甜甜摇身一变性感妈咪布兰妮露出蒙娜丽莎的微笑11. Flipsyde feat. t.A.T.u - Happy Birthday——北美最火爆说唱摇滚乐队与俄罗斯同性恋少女合唱生日歌12. Bo Bice - The Real Thing——美国偶像2005大赢家长发鲍蓝先生唱出世上真爱情13. The Smashing Pumpkins - Eye——碎南瓜乐队献唱全球禁映法国变态恐怖片《妖夜荒踪》主题曲14. YUI - Life——日本16岁少女歌手忧郁为卡通片《死神》演唱绝美凄情曲15. Hoobastank - If I Were You——加州摇滚乐队胡巴斯坦克2006年无敌新曲《如果我是你》16. Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes (Joe Bermudaz Mix)——美国偶像元老丰满美女凯丽痛斥绝情男人白金曲17. Ayumi Hamasaki - Rainy Day——东洋魔女滨崎步为PS2游戏《新鬼武者》献唱伤感结尾歌18. Justin Timberlake feat. Clipse - Like I Love You——全球男人整容首选帅哥小甜甜前男友贾斯丁热门情歌环球音乐极品典藏集 Lesson 2 出品时间:2006年3月01. Switchfoot - Meant To Live——全球最High摇滚乐团浪行者唱出蜘蛛侠网上爱欲公告牌摇滚榜双白金猛歌02. Fefe Dobson - Everything——羞涩男生爱慕对象野蛮派摔吉他摇滚少女霏霏甜心响彻心扉泡泡糖新曲03. Jeremy Jordan - The Right Kind Of Love——20世纪美国全民偶像杰瑞米1993年绝版专辑中的热门情歌《爱的方程式》04. Pretty Ricky - Your Body——新组合帅黑小子R&B嘻哈美男团风靡全美电台热门情歌《吻遍你的胴体》05. Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can——英美排行榜霸主摇滚艳女安娜全力打造喷火女郎欲望无限大作不可不听06. Daniel Powter - Bad Day——加拿大吟唱诗人丹尼尔倾情演唱2006“美国偶像”主题歌《坎坷成名路》07. Tomoko Tane - Broken Wings——亚洲大好评吸血鬼成人卡通片《圣魔之血》迷幻凄情片尾曲《折断的美翼》08. Joey McIntyre - I Can"t Do It Without You——美国无敌帅绝不露点纯情男生创作天王乔伊绝对稀有唱作《不能没有你》09. Ashley Ballard feat. So Plush - It Was You——美女艾莎莉与长毛怪皮卡丘的爱情结晶《宠物小精灵》好莱坞电影版靓歌10. B2K - I Bet (Darkchild Remix)——美国万人迷黑人组合失恋人群的情感保护伞B2K超劲爆猛歌Hip-hop重制版11. Avril Lavigne - I Don"t Give——北美耍酷魔女艾薇尔演绎好莱坞青春猛片《美国派3》青葱校园主播金曲12. Adema - Giving In (Radio Mix)——林肯公园亲弟兄狂魔乱舞电台暴力摇滚听后口吐白沫不省人事自杀专用曲13. Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E.——一夜间黑发变金发好莱坞个性女孩流行摇滚猫最佳派对金曲《爱的拼写》14. C21 - You Are The One——丹麦美少年组合C21悲情作品为你的泪腺做手术让你嚎啕大哭停不住之歌15. Tamaki Nami - Reason——动画片《机动战士高达》御用歌手日本乐坛女红人热舞女侠玉置成実作品16. Billie Piper - Something Deep Inside——英伦乐坛流行公主比莉嫁给超级富豪前推出的榜首歌曲《爱情深不可测》17. Eros Ramazzotti - Una Nueva Edad——索尼音乐秘密武器意大利国宝级男歌手师奶杀手情圣爱若斯2005年情歌18. Shania Twain feat. Mark Mcgrath - Party For Two——乡村乐圣洁女王莎尼亚与性感王子马克首度拍拖情侣合作曲《二人世界》环球音乐极品典藏集 Lesson 2.5 (嗜血魔音)出品时间:2006年4月01. A Perfect Circle - Annihilation 死魂灵02. Gravity Kills - Guilty 七宗罪03. Tori Amos - She"s Your Cocaine 可卡因04. Michael Suby - Blowing Up Kayleigh 蝴蝶效应05. Melissa Williamson - Letter (From The Lost Days) 人间蒸发06. Marilyn Manson - The Nobodies 精神分裂07. Toshiro Masuda - Hinata Vs. Neji 家族恩仇08. Radiohead - Exit Music (For A Film) 远离尘世09. Nirvana - Raped Me 受虐者10. Massive Attack feat. Elizabeth Fraser - Teardrop 魔婴泪11. Sound Of Horror - Torture Chamber 拷问室12. U2 - Mofo 忏悔录13. Akira Yamaoka - Tears Of 寂静岭14. Trent Reznor - I"m Deranged (Reprise) 妖夜荒踪15. System Of A Down - Lonely Day 百年孤独16. Linda Scott - I"ve Told Every Little Star 穆赫兰道17. Nick Cave feat. Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow 毒玫瑰18. Mike Wyzgowski - Nothing Can Be Explained (Vocal Version) 尸魂界19. Diary Of Dreams - Dead Letter 死亡书信20. Bjork - Hunter 撒旦猎人21. Rob Zombie - Sawdust In The Blood 世界末日环球音乐极品典藏集 Lesson 3出品时间:2006年5月01. Tonic - If You Could Only See——北美首屈一指摇滚乐队汤尼克经典大作《如果你看到爱》02. Brie Larson - Life After You——15岁纯情坏女孩布瑞妹妹人小胆大处女专辑演绎成人爱情03. Jon Secada - Window To My Heart——全球女子票选最值得托付终身的古巴好男人打开你的心窗04. S Club 7 - Never Had A Dream Come True——眼泪游泳池七匹狼快感俱乐部又一首哭死人不偿命金榜歌05. Jesse McCartney feat. Fabolous - She"s No You (Neptunes Remix)——17岁白人美少男杰赛与黑人说唱家法博乐斯再造情歌神作06. Takahashi Hitomi - Kaze No Kirin——日本狂热少女高桥瞳独家秘传挑逗你的泪腺哭湿枕巾凄情大作07. Bobby Brown - Humpin" Around——夫妻双双传绯闻黑人天后惠特尼的帅老公鲍比打造最激情歌08. Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why——幼齿小情人八岁美男孩发送催泪弹一次性K.O所有成人歌手09. Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean - Hips Don"t Lie——纯真与性感的综合体夏奇拉与拉丁猛男维克莱夫爱情牵手歌10. Nelly Furtado - ...On The Radio (Remember The Days)——格莱美最佳流行女歌手葡萄牙性感甜姐尼莉阳光酥爽单曲11. The Four Tunes - Baby Girl——复古R&B组合绅士灵歌四人组2006年首发酷单曲《宝贝女孩》12. Vanessa Carlton - Pretty Baby——美国纯情小女生瓦内萨首张专辑两小无猜主题曲《漂亮宝贝》13. Ace Of Base - Unspeakable——瑞典魔法乐队爱斯基地狂热舞曲《无可言喻》再现乐坛传奇14. Hot Action Cop - Doom Boom——前卫摇滚代言人喷火快警同名专辑强档主打曲《注定猖狂》15. Mai Kuraki - Time After Time (Hana Mau Machi De)——仓木麻衣倾情演唱《柯南》剧场版主题曲《樱花飘飞的街市》16. Keith Urban - Days Go By (Jeremy Wheatley Mix)——迷死人不偿命美国西部首屈一指牛仔帅哥基思今夏狂野情歌17. Blue - Made For Loving You——英国组合蓝色男子从未公之于众情欲单曲惊世作不可不收藏18. Jessica Simpson - A Little Bit——今年遭遇婚变的美国大美人杰希卡爱情得意时的肉麻酷作品呼,终于都发完了。由于百度字数限制不能把所有的歌名都给你贴出来,呵呵不好意思。看看这些就知道有多诱人啦,呵呵抓紧时间弄吧,保你喜欢!!
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1.【高长荣 译,北京十月文艺出版社(据称此版本由英文转译而成)】2.【黄锦炎 译,浙江文艺出版社(据称此版本是根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。此版本被现在的高中三年级语文教科书选用)】  ——事实上,这是一个大家公认的最好的译本。这也是它能入选人教版高中语文教材的原因。3.【吴健恒 译,云南人民出版社(依据波哥大1981年出版的第七版全文译出,未做任何删节)】4.中文版《百年孤独》曾经有好几个版本:北京《十月》杂志在该书获奖当年就部分选译了《百年孤独》;同年,台湾远景出版事业公司推出一套《诺贝尔文学奖全集》,其中以《一百年的孤寂》为名翻译了《百年孤独》,译者宋碧云;上海译文出版社也在1982年推出了《加西亚·马尔克斯中短篇小说集》,让马尔克斯和拉美文学在国内一下火了起来,随即在文学界引领了魔幻现实风格的创作潮流;两年后,《百年孤独》在内地同时出现了北京十月文艺出版社和上海译文出版社两种译本,前者的译者是高长荣,由英译本转译而成,后者的译者是黄锦炎和沈国正,根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,尤其受到读者的欢迎,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。之后,上海译文出版社还推出了珍藏本《百年孤独》。中国有不少作家在写作生涯中都受到《百年孤独》的影响,如莫言、张贤亮、余华等人。
2023-07-19 04:51:501


如果是说英译本,最好的(被作者认可的)是格里高利·拉巴萨(Gregory Rabassa)翻译的。中译本的话,比较好的是黄锦炎翻译的(从西班牙语译过来的),高长荣的也还不错(从英文译本翻译过来的) 。现在最新的中文版本是范晔的译本(是现在唯一的正版)。因为以前的都是原作者没授权时的中译本。
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蕾梅黛丝的英文名和西班牙语名:西班牙语名:Remedios la bella英文名:Remedios the Beauty《百年孤独》,是哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯创作的长篇小说,是其代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”。作品描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品融入神话传说、民间故事、宗教典故等神秘因素,巧妙地糅合了现实与虚幻,展现出一个瑰丽的想象世界,成为20世纪重要的经典文学巨著之一。最初令世界震惊的是它独特的叙述方式:“多年以后,奥雷良诺·布恩蒂亚上校面对行刑队,准会想起父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午……”。这句为全书奠定“圆周模式”或圆形叙事结构的开篇语,仿佛一个永恒而孤寂的圆心,却能把过去和将来牢牢地吸附在某个人们可以想见,甚至感同身受的现在。
2023-07-19 04:52:301


还可以 范晔翻译的, 网上都说不如黄锦炎的版本,但总体还是不错的,有些翻译虽然拖沓啰嗦了些,但也有可取之处。毕竟是翻西班牙文,总会有生涩之处,【马尔克斯也较认同英文版】。但是正版的就是正版,这次是马尔克斯官方授权,以前的包括高中语文书中的均非授权过。
2023-07-19 04:52:371


中文译本当前,读者能够较方便地找到且确属译者真正翻译的主要有四种,其主要译者分别为高长荣、黄锦炎、吴健恒、仝彦芳。此外,还有于娜的译本,但于娜的版本似乎和黄锦炎版本一模一样;而时代文艺出版社的那个奇妙版本则与高长荣版别无二致。粗略看一下这两种“子版”,虽未发现错字,但相对于真正的高长荣版与黄锦炎版,前言、注释均已不复存在。在网上有一种说法,《百年孤独》在中国其实根本就没有原作者合法授权的正版!那么,读者只能退而求其次,追求“国内自己的正版”好了。下面节选了高、黄、吴、仝四种版本在同一章节的部分内容,以便大家比较。在引文中,“……”表示该段尚未完结,中间省略。【高长荣 译,北京十月文艺出版社(据称此版本由英文转译而成)】第一章多年以后,奥雷连诺上校站在行刑队面前,准会想起父亲带他去参观冰块的那个遥远的下午。当时,马孔多是个二十户人家的村庄,一座座土房都盖在河岸上,河水清澈,沿着遍布石头的河床流去,河里的石头光滑、洁白,活象史前的巨蛋。这块天地……可以用来开采地下的金子。第十章多年以后,在临终的床上,奥雷连诺第二将会想起六月间一个雨天的下午,他如何到卧室里去看自己的头生子。儿子虽然孱弱、爱哭,一点不象布恩蒂亚家的人,但他毫不犹豫就给儿子取了名字。第二十章一个节日的晚上,皮拉. 苔列娜守着她那个“天堂”(注释:“天堂”指妓院)入口的时候,在一把藤制的摇椅里去世了。遵照……漫游公海的加冕国王。总结:这个版本删节较多,一些翻译与西班牙原意可能有出入,但是某些地方文笔很好。真正的高长荣译本开头有“内容简介”,指出“译者是老翻译家。译文忠实,优美,富于情味。另外在正文第一页就有个关于“第八奇迹”的注释。【黄锦炎 译,浙江文艺出版社(据称此版本是根据布宜诺斯艾利斯南美出版社1972年版由西班牙语直译而成,后来这一版本转由浙江文艺出版社出版。又听闻此版本被现在的高中语文教科书选用)】第一章许多年之后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺·布恩地亚上校将会回想起,他父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午。那时的马贡多是一个有二十户人家的衬落,用泥巴和芦苇盖的房屋就排列在一条河边。清澈的河水急急地流过,河心那些光滑、洁白的巨石,宛若史前动物留下的巨大的蛋。这块天地如此之新,……盒内有一绺女人的头发。第十章若干年之后,当他在病榻上奄奄一息的时候,奥雷良诺第二一定会记得六月份一个淫雨连绵的下午,他踏进房去看他头生儿子时的……(我手头的此版本该页后面残损)第二十章—个节日的夜晚,庇拉·持内拉在她的乐园门口看门的时候,坐在藤摇椅上死去了。人们……有的是公海上的加冕牌王。总结:对这个版本我没什么特别的感觉,就是很普通的一个译本。注意真正的版本在正文开头第二页就有关于里亚尔的注释。【吴健恒 译,云南人民出版社(依据波哥大1981年出版的第七版全文译出,未做任何删节)】第一章许多年以后,奥雷良诺·布恩蒂亚上校面对着行刑队时,准会记起他爹带他去看冰块的那个多年前的下午来。那时,马孔多(注1:这是作者把他出生市镇阿拉卡塔卡附近一个香蕉种植园的名字移作市镇的名字)是个只有二十户人家的村庄。一座座用土坏和箣竹(注2:箣竹,哥伦比亚的一种禾本科植物,很坚牢,可作建筑之用)建成的房子修在河岸上;清澈的河水在遍布卵石的河床上流过,卵石光滑洁白,大如史前巨蛋。当时,这片世界……里边装着一撮女人的鬈发。第十章多年以后,奥雷良诺第二卧病临终的时候,想必会记起六月间那个雨天的下午他走进卧室去看他头生子的情景来。那孱弱的婴儿尽管在哭,一直也没有布恩蒂亚家族成员的样子,可他却不用多想就给他取了名字。第二十章一个节日的夜晚,皮拉·特内拉在他的天堂入口看门的时候,坐在藤摇椅里死去了。大家……加了冕的牌王。总结:全译本,注释相对较多。【仝彦芳、要晓波、李建国 译,内蒙古人民出版社】(我也不知道这是根据什么译来的)第一章多年以后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺·布恩蒂亚上校还无法忘怀,他父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午。那时的马贡多是一个居住着二十户人家的小村子,屋子是用泥巴与芦苇盖的,就排列在一条小河边。清澈的河水潺潺流过,河中心那些巨石光滑、洁白,好像史前动物留下的巨大的卵。这块天地新鲜至此,很多……谈论它们时还得用手比划。第十章过了很多年,当奥雷良诺第二在病榻上奄奄一息的时候,他一定会记得六月份那个淫雨霏霏的下午,他第一个儿子出生时的情景。尽管孩子不那么活泼,又哭哭啼啼,毫无布恩蒂亚家族的特征,他还是毫不犹豫地给他起了名字。第二十章一个节日的夜晚,芘娅·蒂内娅守在他的乐园的门口,坐在藤摇椅上死去了。人们……有的是公海上的加冕牌王。总结:排版紧凑。
2023-07-19 04:52:522


外国文学作品中的上、下篇或者上、下卷通常会翻译为 "Part 1","Part 2","Volume 1","Volume 2" 等。例如,著名的文学作品《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude)就有多个部分,其中第一部分就被翻译为 "Part 1: The Golden Age",而第二部分则被翻译为 "Part 2: The Struggle for Peace"。同样的,像《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner)也有两个部分,分别被翻译为 "Volume 1: The Kite Runner" 和 "Volume 2: The Son Also Rises"。需要注意的是,有时候翻译的版本不同,可能会有一些细微的差别,但基本原则是一样的:即用 "Part" 或 "Volume" 来表示作品的上、下篇或上、下卷。
2023-07-19 04:53:013


El pasado era mentira, que la memoria no tenía caminos de regreso, que toda la primavera antigua era irrecuperable, y que el amor más desatinado y tenaz era de todos modos una verdad efímera. 找得我眼都花了,不过找到了,很开心~~不过“唯有孤独永恒”这句,原文咋没有。。。
2023-07-19 04:53:243


《百年孤独》([哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K8klJ_NqcX90nS_Khms9VA 提取码: 6ci7书名:百年孤独作者:[哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯译者:范晔豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:南海出版公司出版年份:2017-8页数:360内容简介:《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品融入神话传说、民间故事、宗教典故等因素,巧妙地糅合了现实与虚幻,展现出一个瑰丽的想象世界,成为20世纪重要的经典文学巨著。1982年加西亚·马尔克斯获得诺贝尔文学奖,奠定世界级文学大师的地位,很大程度上便是凭借《百年孤独》的巨大影响。————————————————————————编辑推荐【50周年纪念版!全新典藏内封;限量赠50周年精美魔幻明信片1套】【马尔克斯代表作,全球惟一正式授权中文版,未作任何删节!6年发行量超600万册!】缔造文坛传奇与文学奇迹;影响世界小说走向的文学巨匠加西亚·马尔克斯巅峰杰作!代表“魔幻现实主义”文学主峰;征服全球读者、作家、出版社、版权经纪人、书店、媒体的鸿篇巨制;被誉为“《堂吉诃德》之后zui伟大的西班牙语作品”;中国读者等待了近半个世纪的殿堂级经典《百年孤独》中文版惟一正式授权,根据马尔克斯指定版本翻译,未做任何增删!主要凭借《百年孤独》的巨大影响,马尔克斯赢得诺贝尔文学奖,奠定了世界文学大师的地位。作品中将现实主义场面和虚构情境巧妙融合,展现出一个光怪陆离的想象世界,映射了一个大陆的风云变幻和百年沧桑;《百年孤独》融神话故事、《圣经》典故、民间传说于一体,采用打乱时间次序的独特叙述手法,产生出令全球读者无比沉醉的巨大魔力,被誉为“自《创世记》后首部值得全人类阅读的文学巨著”。诺贝尔文学奖名人推荐我读《百年孤独》这本书第一个感觉是“震撼”。原来小说可以这样写。紧接着感觉到遗憾,我为什么早不知道小说可以这样写呢?二十多年来我始终在跟马尔克斯搏斗。这样的作家,我们既恨又爱,爱是因为打开我们头脑很多的禁锢,恨他是因为他的吸引力太强大了。——2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言《百年孤独》我读了三遍,现在我的孩子也已经读完《百年孤独》,他在英国跟我一块在火车上读的,一边读还一段一段念给我听。这是一本天才之作。——余华我对《百年孤独》有非常真实的、崇敬的感觉。这样的作品会不停地卖,一代一代的人都会读,是长销书,当年文学青年几乎人手一本。——苏童《百年孤独》乃是过去五十年来所有语言中zui伟大的杰作。——萨尔曼·拉什迪一部惟一的美洲《圣经》。——卡洛斯·富恩特斯《百年孤独》在马尔克斯构建的虚拟世界中达到了顶峰。这部小说整合并且超越了他以前的所有虚构,从而缔造了一个极其丰饶的双重世界。它穷尽了世界,同时自我穷尽。——巴尔加斯·略萨加西亚·马尔克斯是所有语言中zui伟大的作家。——比尔·克林顿他是个强有力的作家,有着丰富的想象。他继承了欧洲政治小说的伟大传统,其结果是历史剧与个人戏剧合二为一。——欧文·肖加西亚·马尔克斯是诺贝尔文学奖得主中惟一没有争议的一位。——韩素音媒体推荐《创世记》之后,首部值得全人类阅读的文学巨著。——《纽约时报》加西亚·马尔克斯以小说作品创建了一个自己的世界,一个浓缩的宇宙,其中喧嚣纷乱却又生动可信的现实,映射了一片大陆及其人民的富足与贫困。——诺贝尔文学奖颁奖辞作者简介:加西亚·马尔克斯(GarcíaMárquez),哥伦比亚作家,魔幻现实主义文学代表人物。1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年进入报界。五十年代开始出版文学作品。六十年代初移居墨西哥。1967年出版《百年孤独》。1982年获诺贝尔文学奖。其作品被认为是“20世纪的文学标杆”,影响滋养了几代中文作家。主要作品有长篇小说《百年孤独》《霍乱时期的爱情》,中篇小说《没有人给他写信的上校》《一桩事先张扬的凶杀案》,短篇小说集《世上最美的溺水者》《礼拜二午睡时刻》,自传《活着为了讲述》,非虚构文学作品《一个海难幸存者的故事》等。作为魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,《百年孤独》酝酿达十数年之久,1965年开始创作,1967年出版,在拉丁美洲乃至全球引起巨大轰动,被誉为“再现拉丁美洲社会历史图景的鸿篇巨著”、“值得全人类阅读的文学巨著”。
2023-07-19 04:53:441


《百年孤独》([哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iPL9BcjmUUElOrHomDLghA 提取码: 5pt3书名:百年孤独作者:[哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯译者:范晔豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:南海出版公司出版年份:2017-8页数:360内容简介:《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品融入神话传说、民间故事、宗教典故等因素,巧妙地糅合了现实与虚幻,展现出一个瑰丽的想象世界,成为20世纪重要的经典文学巨著。1982年加西亚·马尔克斯获得诺贝尔文学奖,奠定世界级文学大师的地位,很大程度上便是凭借《百年孤独》的巨大影响。————————————————————————编辑推荐【50周年纪念版!全新典藏内封;限量赠50周年精美魔幻明信片1套】【马尔克斯代表作,全球惟一正式授权中文版,未作任何删节!6年发行量超600万册!】缔造文坛传奇与文学奇迹;影响世界小说走向的文学巨匠加西亚·马尔克斯巅峰杰作!代表“魔幻现实主义”文学主峰;征服全球读者、作家、出版社、版权经纪人、书店、媒体的鸿篇巨制;被誉为“《堂吉诃德》之后zui伟大的西班牙语作品”;中国读者等待了近半个世纪的殿堂级经典《百年孤独》中文版惟一正式授权,根据马尔克斯指定版本翻译,未做任何增删!主要凭借《百年孤独》的巨大影响,马尔克斯赢得诺贝尔文学奖,奠定了世界文学大师的地位。作品中将现实主义场面和虚构情境巧妙融合,展现出一个光怪陆离的想象世界,映射了一个大陆的风云变幻和百年沧桑;《百年孤独》融神话故事、《圣经》典故、民间传说于一体,采用打乱时间次序的独特叙述手法,产生出令全球读者无比沉醉的巨大魔力,被誉为“自《创世记》后首部值得全人类阅读的文学巨著”。诺贝尔文学奖名人推荐我读《百年孤独》这本书第一个感觉是“震撼”。原来小说可以这样写。紧接着感觉到遗憾,我为什么早不知道小说可以这样写呢?二十多年来我始终在跟马尔克斯搏斗。这样的作家,我们既恨又爱,爱是因为打开我们头脑很多的禁锢,恨他是因为他的吸引力太强大了。——2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言《百年孤独》我读了三遍,现在我的孩子也已经读完《百年孤独》,他在英国跟我一块在火车上读的,一边读还一段一段念给我听。这是一本天才之作。——余华我对《百年孤独》有非常真实的、崇敬的感觉。这样的作品会不停地卖,一代一代的人都会读,是长销书,当年文学青年几乎人手一本。——苏童《百年孤独》乃是过去五十年来所有语言中zui伟大的杰作。——萨尔曼·拉什迪一部惟一的美洲《圣经》。——卡洛斯·富恩特斯《百年孤独》在马尔克斯构建的虚拟世界中达到了顶峰。这部小说整合并且超越了他以前的所有虚构,从而缔造了一个极其丰饶的双重世界。它穷尽了世界,同时自我穷尽。——巴尔加斯·略萨加西亚·马尔克斯是所有语言中zui伟大的作家。——比尔·克林顿他是个强有力的作家,有着丰富的想象。他继承了欧洲政治小说的伟大传统,其结果是历史剧与个人戏剧合二为一。——欧文·肖加西亚·马尔克斯是诺贝尔文学奖得主中惟一没有争议的一位。——韩素音媒体推荐《创世记》之后,首部值得全人类阅读的文学巨著。——《纽约时报》加西亚·马尔克斯以小说作品创建了一个自己的世界,一个浓缩的宇宙,其中喧嚣纷乱却又生动可信的现实,映射了一片大陆及其人民的富足与贫困。——诺贝尔文学奖颁奖辞作者简介:加西亚·马尔克斯(GarcíaMárquez),哥伦比亚作家,魔幻现实主义文学代表人物。1927年出生于哥伦比亚马格达莱纳海滨小镇阿拉卡塔卡。童年与外祖父母一起生活。1936年随父母迁居苏克雷。1947年考入波哥大国立大学。1948年进入报界。五十年代开始出版文学作品。六十年代初移居墨西哥。1967年出版《百年孤独》。1982年获诺贝尔文学奖。其作品被认为是“20世纪的文学标杆”,影响滋养了几代中文作家。主要作品有长篇小说《百年孤独》《霍乱时期的爱情》,中篇小说《没有人给他写信的上校》《一桩事先张扬的凶杀案》,短篇小说集《世上最美的溺水者》《礼拜二午睡时刻》,自传《活着为了讲述》,非虚构文学作品《一个海难幸存者的故事》等。作为魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,《百年孤独》酝酿达十数年之久,1965年开始创作,1967年出版,在拉丁美洲乃至全球引起巨大轰动,被誉为“再现拉丁美洲社会历史图景的鸿篇巨著”、“值得全人类阅读的文学巨著”。
2023-07-19 04:53:571


问题一:原文是西班牙语,我不懂。但是你给出的中文和英文显然不匹配。按照这个中文,英文应该是Memory is an endless road.问题二:no return 是没有回头路的意思,no turning back 也可以表达绝不回头的意思。
2023-07-19 04:54:111