DNA图谱 / 问答 / 问答详情


2023-07-04 23:14:53






  1. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.


  2. Grass"s novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.


  3. He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.


  4. She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.


  5. Everything is hideously ugly.


  6. The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.


  7. He"s very sensitive about his ugly appearance.


  8. They"re not like dogs; they"re hideous brutes.

  它们不像狗, 是丑陋的畜牲.

  9. Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.


  10. Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.



  disfigurement 外貌损伤

  hideousness 可怕

  violence 猛烈

  hostility 敌意

  cruelty 残酷

  viciousness 恶意

  malice 恶意

  unpleasantness 不愉快

  obnoxiousness 可憎

  foulness 纠缠

  vileness 可耻

  nefariousness 邪恶



2023-07-04 23:04:242


2023-07-04 23:04:411


ugly 英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared.一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。
2023-07-04 23:04:481


2023-07-04 23:04:541


ugly 音标:["ʌgli] 读:(用汉语说哈)阿格里
2023-07-04 23:05:039


分类: 外语/出国 解析: 丑陋: [ chǒu lòu ] 1. ugly 其它相关解释: <ungainliness> <ugliness> <Caliban> 例句与用法: 1. 丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。 The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly. 2. 在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。 The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin. 3. 狒狒非常丑陋。 The baboon is very ugly. 4. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 5. 天宫图上的动物没有一种被认为是愚笨的或丑陋的或邪恶的。 No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
2023-07-04 23:05:261

丑陋的的英语翻译 丑陋的用英语怎么说

hideous 英[u02c8hu026adiu0259s] 美[u02c8hu026adiu0259s] adj. 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的,可怕的; 丑恶的,讨厌的; 媸; [例句]She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.她在窗口看到了一张极丑陋的脸,吓得尖叫了起来。
2023-07-04 23:05:363


丑陋的 ugly是形容词 (没有可数与不可数的说法)
2023-07-04 23:05:421


sick [sik] n.病人adj.厌恶的;病态的;不舒服;渴望的;恶心的skunk [skʌŋk] n.[俚]讨厌鬼;[俚]卑鄙的人shame [ʃeim] n.1.羞耻,羞愧2.羞耻心;廉耻心;羞愧感3.耻辱,无耻行为4.丢脸;倒霉的事,令人憎恶的事5.带来耻辱的人(或事物)vt..使丢人,使感到羞耻:shameless ["ʃeimlis] adj.无耻的;不要脸的;伤风败俗的
2023-07-04 23:05:521


hideous adj. 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的,可怕的; 丑恶的,讨厌的
2023-07-04 23:06:165

Ugly orange是什么意思?

该指:牙买加丑橘(英语:Jamaican tangelo 或 Ugli fruit)是原产自牙买加的柑橘类水果,由葡萄柚(学名:Citrus paradisi)与橘(Citrus reticulata)杂交而成,属於橘柚的一种。其果皮粗糙多皱、外表丑陋,因而被称为「丑橘」。其英文名称「ugli」即源於「ugly」(意为丑陋)。
2023-07-04 23:07:0315


不好看的英文是. disgraceful,也有一个相对应的词叫做丑陋,英文就是ugly,希望能够帮到你
2023-07-04 23:07:356


ugly 丑陋的,难看的
2023-07-04 23:08:154


丑陋的笔画:丑陋,指相貌或样子难看。多局限于指外表、长相;也可指内心、行为丑恶。内心恶劣。引证解释:丁玲 《韦护》第二章:“她想起适才的争执,简直觉得那是太愚蠢和丑陋了。”扩展资料:反义词:美丽美丽,汉语词语,读音为měi lì,意思是好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦。引证解释:魏巍《谁是最可爱的人》:“他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广!”
2023-07-04 23:08:464


丑陋:相貌或样子难看。多局限于指外表、长相;也可指内心、行为的丑陋。 讪笑:讥笑嫉妒:一种极想排除或破坏别人的优越地位的心理倾向。来势汹汹:人或事物到来的气势庞大弥漫:(烟尘`、雾气、水等)充满、布满。丑陋 英文ugly 俄语 Уродливый讪笑 英文 Ridicule 俄语Ridicule嫉妒 英文 Jealousy 俄语Ревность来势汹汹 英文Menacing 俄语Грозные弥漫 英文Diffuse 俄语Диффузные
2023-07-04 23:09:193


美丽 beautiful丑陋 ugly美丽与丑陋beautiful & ugly
2023-07-04 23:09:387


ugly 英[u02c8u028cgli] 美[u02c8u028cɡli] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西); [例句]She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.她让我自惭形秽。[其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest ugliness 英["u028cɡlu026anu0259s] 美[u02c8u028cɡlu026anu026as] n. 丑陋的东西; 难看,丑陋; [例句]They simply don"t like the environment of civilization; this is, the city, with all itsugliness and tension.他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。
2023-07-04 23:09:549


丑陋: ugly 丑惡: evil 小丑: clown
2023-07-04 23:10:423


ugly英 ["u028cglu026a] 美 ["u028cɡli] adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的[比较级uglier最高级ugliest]短语:uglyduckling 丑小鸭;小时难看长大后变得才貌出众的人近义词:evil , ill , black , wicked
2023-07-04 23:11:371


ugly 英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli]adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的;n. 丑陋的人(东西)
2023-07-04 23:11:535


2023-07-04 23:12:072


问题一:丑的英文怎么读 英 [??gli] 美[u02c8?li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西); 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题二:丑陋的英文单词 ugly 英[??gli] 美[??li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题三:英文丑了怎么读 ugly ["?gl?] adj. 丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的 he is ugly. 他好丑。 问题四:太丑英文怎么读 太丑 [网络] Ugly; too ugly; 丑 [chǒu] [形] ugly; loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; [名] clown in Beijing opera, etc.; the second of the Twelve Earthly Branches; a surname; [例句]我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly 问题五:你好丑!用英语怎么念? you are so ugly 问题六:丑陋的英语单词是什么? 丑陋 [chǒu lòu] n. ugliness 双语例句: 1.We should look定into the ugliness in ourselves, he said. 他说:“我们必须检讨我们自己的丑陋。” 2.When they have no one to trample on and sneer at, the truth is revealed, theugliness in them arises. 当他们无人可以踩踏和嘲笑的时候,真相就显而易见了,他们内在的丑陋就会暴露。 3.Some of our purebred pets like this bloodhound look like little mutants, and welove them, not in spite of their ugliness, but because of it. 像猎犬这样的一些人类纯种宠物看上去有时也像突变体,并且我们之所以喜欢它们,恰恰是因为它们的丑陋之处。 问题七:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格
2023-07-04 23:12:281


2023-07-04 23:12:368


问题一:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 问题二:丑陋英语怎么说 丑陋英语 Ugly jing rui wu jiao chang 问题三:丑陋用英文怎么说 ugly 丑陋的 问题四:丑陋用英语怎么说 ugly 问题五:“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 问题六:丑英文怎么说? ugly 丑陋的,难看的 问题七:丑陋用英语怎么写? unly
2023-07-04 23:12:501


问题一:丑陋英语怎么说 丑陋英语 Ugly jing rui wu jiao chang 问题二:丑陋用英文怎么说 ugly 丑陋的 问题三:丑陋用英语怎么说 ugly 问题四:“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 问题五:丑用英语怎么说 deformed homely ill-looking ugly weedy miscreated unlovely 都是的吧 当然也有拓展意译的 问题六:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 问题七:“丑陋”的用英语怎么写? ugly 问题八:丑陋用英语怎么写? unly
2023-07-04 23:12:561


  我们常常对丑陋的事物都没有好感,都喜欢美好的事物。其实丑也有丑的独特之处。你知道吗?下面是我为你整理的丑陋的英文,希望大家喜欢!   丑陋的英文   ugliness   ugly   丑陋的英文例句   1. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.   那只丑陋的***幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。   2. Grass"s novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.   格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。   3. He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.   他设法让自己那张丑陋的脸上了电视。   4. She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.   她尽量不去看那张带有疤痕的丑陋脸庞。   5. Everything is hideously ugly.   一切都非常丑陋。   6. The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.   仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙.   7. He"s very sensitive about his ugly appearance.   他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感.   8. They"re not like dogs; they"re hideous brutes.   它们不像狗, 是丑陋的畜牲.   9. Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.   超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。   10. Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.   大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是丑陋的现代建筑物。   ugliness的近义词   disfigurement 外貌损伤   hideousness 可怕   violence 猛烈   hostility 敌意   cruelty 残酷   viciousness 恶意   malice 恶意   unpleasantness 不愉快   obnoxiousness 可憎   foulness 纠缠   vileness 可耻   nefariousness 邪恶   wickedness 邪恶
2023-07-04 23:13:031


问题一:丑的英语单词是什么? 丑 [形] ugly; loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; [名] clown in Beijing opera, etc.; the second of the Twelve Earthly Branches; a surname; [例句]我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly 问题二:丑的英语单词是什么 ugly[??gli] adj.丑陋的;?难看的;?有敌意的;?不祥的; n.丑陋的人(东西); [例句] She makes me feel dowdy and ugly. 她让我自惭形秽。 问题三:丑陋的英文单词 ugly 英[??gli] 美[??li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题四:丑的英文怎么写 ugly 问题五:“丑陋”的用英语怎么写? ugly 问题六:真的是丑暴了,英文的怎么写 真的是丑暴了, It"s really ugly, 真的是丑暴了, It"s really ugly, 问题七:请问小丑的英语单词怎么写 你好,很高兴为你解答, 小丑的单词是:clown 音标:[kla?n] 翻译:n.丑角,小丑; 乡下人,笨拙粗鲁的人; 经常闹笑话的人; 小气鬼,守财奴 v.扮小丑; 闹笑话; 说笑话,逗趣 复数:clowns 例句:You always clown around with the kids. 你老是在孩子面前扮小丑。 希望能够帮到你!
2023-07-04 23:13:341


“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 形容人丑用英语怎么说 ugly是最直接的 委婉一点可以是unattractive or unpleasant 丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: "It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter," threw in Betty. "彼得,你简直可耻。"贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 “丑恶的嘴脸”用英文怎么说? ugly face是形容这人脸长的太丑。 丑恶的嘴脸,我觉得是用来形容这个人的品德海 所以不能用
2023-07-04 23:13:411


ugly[英][u02c8u028cgli][美][u02c8u028cɡli]adj.难看的; 丑陋的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n.丑陋的人(东西); 最高级:ugliest比较级:uglier
2023-07-04 23:13:492


问题一:丑英语怎么写 丑陋: ugly 丑: evil 小丑: clown 问题二:英文丑怎么说 not butiful 问题三:丑英文怎么说? ugly 丑陋的,难看的 问题四:丑逼 英语怎么说? pretty ugly 若满意,请尽快【采纳】 谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y 如果能【增加财富值】就更好了! 也可以给一个【赞】哦~ 另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。 ――来自{上贼船莫怕死} 问题五:“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 问题六:丑英语怎么说 常用说法:ugly; 例句: 我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly 还有其他单词的也可以表示丑,如: loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; 问题七:丑的英文翻译 ugly
2023-07-04 23:13:561


uglyadj.丑陋的;难看的;有敌意的;不祥的;n.丑陋的人(东西);[网络]丑;可怕的;相貌丑陋;[例句]Shemakesmefeeldowdyand ugly.她让我自惭形秽。[其他]比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest
2023-07-04 23:14:031


我的姐姐很丑陋.用英语翻译是:My sister is very ugly
2023-07-04 23:14:106


丑恶的英文是:ugly。一、ugly的详细释义adj.难看的;丑(陋)的;讨厌的;丑恶的;卑鄙的;不祥的;令人不安的;险恶的;烦人的;道德败坏的。二、ugly的短语搭配1.ugly duckling 丑小鸭2.ugly American 丑陋的美国人3.butt ugly 极丑的4.ugly face 丑陋的脸三、例句1.Her spirits rose as they left the ugly city behind.当他们远离那个丑陋的城市时,她的心情好转起来。2.The beast in you is rearing its ugly head.你身上的兽性露出了狰狞的嘴脸。3.The ugly scenes scared the holiday crowds away.可怕的场面吓跑了度假人群。4.In an ugly replay of the weekend before, Bear Stearns was imperiled again.和上周末一样,贝尔斯登再次陷入绝境。
2023-07-04 23:14:231


丑,英文ugly,读音[ˈʌɡli] (美式发音)。
2023-07-04 23:14:462


问题一:“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 问题二:形容人丑用英语怎么说 ugly是最直接的 委婉一点可以是unattractive or unpleasant 问题三:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 问题四:“丑恶的嘴脸”用英文怎么说? ugly face是形容这人脸长的太丑。 丑恶的嘴脸,我觉得是用来形容这个人的品德海 所以不能用
2023-07-04 23:14:531


问题一:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 问题二:丑的英文怎么读 英 [??gli] 美[u02c8?li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西); 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题三:“丑”用英文怎么说? 形容词:ugly 问题四:英文丑怎么说 not butiful 问题五:丑英文怎么说? ugly 丑陋的,难看的 问题六:丑英语怎么说 常用说法:ugly; 例句: 我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly 还有其他单词的也可以表示丑,如: loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; 问题七:你好丑!用英语怎么念? you are so ugly
2023-07-04 23:14:591

人物外貌的英语单词 胖 瘦 高 矮 漂亮 丑陋 卷曲 直

胖:fat/heavy 瘦:thin/light 高:tall 矮:short 漂亮:beautiful 丑陋:ugly 卷曲:Curl 直:Straight
2023-07-04 23:15:171


丑 [形] ugly; loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; [名] clown in Beijing opera, etc.; the second of the Twelve Earthly Branches; a surname; [例句]我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly
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2023-07-04 23:15:321


丑陋:ugly 或者 bad-looking进一步学习:study further 或者 study more Learn further 或者 learnmore
2023-07-04 23:15:401


shameful 可耻的Examples:Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character.丑行,无耻行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery.他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻._______________________________ugly 丑陋的,难看的Examples:Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful.蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。The baboon is very ugly.狒狒非常丑陋。What an ugly mug!多难看的脸!________________________________disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的Examples:"It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter," threw in Betty."彼得,你简直可耻。"贝蒂插嘴说。Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character.丑行,无耻行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格
2023-07-04 23:15:499


在某人身上看起来丑陋的 Look ugly on sb.在某人身上看起来丑陋的 Look ugly on sb.在某人身上看起来丑陋的 Look ugly on sb.在某人身上看起来丑陋的 Look ugly on sb.
2023-07-04 23:16:201


2023-07-04 23:16:261


没有缩写。ugly英 [ˈʌgli] 美 [ˈʌɡli] adj.丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的n.丑陋的人(东西)丑; 可怕的; 相貌丑陋比较级: uglier 最高级: ugliest
2023-07-04 23:16:331


答案:ugliest. 考查翻译填空.根据题干What a terrible painting!This is the_____(丑陋的)painting I"ve ever seen.可知句意为多么糟糕的画!这是我见过的最丑陋的画.根据句子后半句I"ve ever seen.我见过的.前边有定冠词the.可知句子应为形容词的最高级.最丑陋的ugliest,是形容词最高级.故答案为ugliest.
2023-07-04 23:16:521


丑死了英语直译ugly!!!!还可以说unsightly也是形容人丑的 不雅观的 hideous是形容人极其丑陋的 令人厌恶的
2023-07-04 23:16:592

哪位英语大将帮忙找一下 分别以 E V E L 开头的 贬义英语单词

yahoo 粗人 yak 喋喋不休地讲 瞎扯 yank 美国佬(具有侮辱性) yecch 讨厌!!(用于对某事强烈的厌恶) yid 犹太人(在国外犹太人是被看不起的) yob 野小子 yokel 乡八佬 土包子 yuck 讨厌!!(用于对某事强烈的厌恶) 以I、L、O、V、E、Y、O、U分别以这几个字母开头的单词。 要贬义的。一个字母有一个就可以了。inconsistency反复无常的 lust淫欲 outrageous蛮横的 vain自负的 evil邪恶的 yucky令人极度厌恶的 oppressive残酷的,不公正的 ugly丑陋的idiot白痴 lazy懒惰的 venomous狠毒的 eerie可怕的 obdurate顽固的 ugly丑陋的 记得很久以前有一天,我和一位朋友看CCTV的英语新闻,那天有一位国家领导人逝世,播音员正在播送讣告,称赞他是“久经考验的共产主义战士,杰出的政治家(politician)”,等等。听到politician这个词,我大吃一惊!politician这个词,在英语中通常是一个贬义词,意思是“耍手腕、弄权术、搞阴谋的政客”,而汉语中的“政治家”,通常是一个褒义词,两者在深层含义方面是有很大差别的。   我把这个想法告诉我身边的朋友,他却反问我:你凭什么说politician是贬义词?你可以查查词典,那上面根本没有“耍手腕、弄权术、搞阴谋”的意思。我说,是的,国内出版的《英汉词典》上,确实没有这些贬义含义,但如果你查一下比较大型的《英英词典》,就能看到这些贬义含义。听我这样一说,朋友又反问我:如果不用politician,你说用什么?我说应当用statesman,这才是“政治家”的褒义词。我朋友听后,连连摇头,说这个词不常用。   通过这件小事,我发现一个很奇怪的现象,国内的英语文章中,经常使用一些并不恰当的单词,而真正恰当的单词,却没有使用。比如propaganda(宣传),在西方人的印象中,这是一个很贬义的单词,意思是“把不正确、不可靠的消息灌输给大众”,有煽动、鼓动的含义(比如agitprop),而在国内,这个词却广泛使用,甚至连各级党委宣传部门的英文名称中,也包含这个单词。我认为,与propaganda相比,publicizing要好一些,基本上没有贬义,比较中性,建议优先使用后者。   写到这里,我又想起另外一个本来是贬义,却被错误地当成褒义,一直沿用了几十年的单词,peasant(农民)。我听一位教英语的朋友讲,随便找一位90年代以前毕业的大学生,问他“农民”怎样说,他肯定会说是peasant。其实这个单词是相当贬义的,通常用来表示那些粗鲁、无知的乡巴佬,已经近乎骂街。幸亏有一些留学归国人员,向教育主管部门反映了这个问题,90年代以后出版的英语教科书中,才删除了这个单词,改用farmer代替它。   总之我觉得,随着中国逐渐融入国际社会,我们有必要对英语词汇进行更加深入的研究,以便我们能够用比较准确、比较恰当的英语词汇,来反映中国的现实和形象,从而达到让外国人更好地理解中国,而不是更多地误解中国的目的。inconsistency反复无常的lust *欲outrageous蛮横的vain自负的evil邪恶的yucky令人极度厌恶的oppressive残酷的,不公正的ugly丑陋的earbashing斥责eccentric古怪的edginess烦躁vacant茫然的vacuity愚蠢lazy愚蠢
2023-07-04 23:17:051


1.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 2.描写人物外貌的词语(英语) beautiful,漂亮 amazing,非常美 handsome,英俊潇洒 cute,可爱 ugly,丑 short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 3.描写人外貌的英语词组 1 外貌Appearance He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative). He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. She"s pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative). S/he"s in her / his mid-40s. / S/he is somewhere beeen 25 and 30 years old. / S/he"s at least 30 years old. / S/he"s 40 at the most. S/he"s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall. She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair. He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face. She has a slim/ plump/ sensitive face, His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect. Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent. He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin.。 4.英语写一篇描写人物长相、外貌、习惯的短文 My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it es to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 姥爷很疼爱我。” 他也非常喜欢我,把我视为掌上明珠。但一说到学习,他就对我极其严厉。 每天他都要花一个多小时检查我的作业。在他的帮助下,我的学习一直非常好。 姥爷对邻居也很热心,他总是乐于助人。一天,邻家的女孩不慎伤了腿,姥爷马上带她去医院,并用自己的积蓄帮她支付药费。 姥爷是一个热心随和的人。现在他和我阿姨住在另一个城市。 我们都很想他,我希望不久就能见到他。 My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man. He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern. Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 我姥爷70多岁了,他是一位和蔼、热心的老人。 他过去和我们一起住。那段日子里,他每天都花一个多小时的时间检查我的功课。 在我生病时,细心照料我。他非常疼爱我。 姥爷对邻居们也很热心,总是乐于助人。一天,邻居家的女孩不慎摔伤了腿,姥爷马上带她到医院去,并用自己的积蓄帮她支付药费。 现在姥爷和我阿姨一起住在另一个城市。我和爸爸妈妈都很想他。 我希望不久就能见到他。4、介绍兵坛名将(邓亚萍)Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won o gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overe many disadvantages. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national petition of the *** sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything. 邓亚萍,女,28岁,河南人,一位杰出的乒乓球运动员。 她分别在11届亚运会和41届世界乒乓球锦标赛上获得冠军,并在25后奥运会中获得两枚金牌。为什么她能在个子不高的状况下取得如此辉煌的成就呢?是她的勤奋和决心弥补了她的缺陷,指引她走向功。 4岁时,她在父亲的指导下开始打乒乓球;8岁时就夺得业余体校全国冠军;1998年,成为国家集训队员。在成功的路上,她向我们证明了:个子矮小并不重要,勤奋才是成功的关键。 Deng Yaping, 28, is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She es from Henan Province. At the age of 4, she began to play ping-pong under her father"s instructions. When she was 8 years old, she won the championship in the national petition of the *** sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another, including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games" Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and o gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height, which is her disadvantage. However, she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will, there is a way. 邓亚萍,女,28岁,世界著名乒乓球运动员,河南人。4岁时,在父亲指导下开始打乒乓球。 8岁时,获得业余体校全国冠军。1988年进入国家集训队,之后获得了一枚又一枚的奖牌。 其中包括:11后亚运会冠军,41后世界乒乓球锦标赛冠军及25届奥运会金牌2枚。邓亚萍天生扰是乒乓球运动员吗?不。 她身高只有1.5米,这对她非常不利。然而,她靠勤奋和毅力克服了这些不利因素。 她的成功证明.有志者事竟成。5、介绍妈妈的XX My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. 。 5.谁能告诉我20个描写人外貌的词语 用英语 slim(苗条) plump(丰满)stout(胖)fat(肥) skinny(消瘦的) rosy cheeks(红润的面庞) gloomy(忧郁的)ugly(丑陋的)dignified in appearance(仪表堂堂)figure(体型) good shape (体型好)tall bridge of the nose (高鼻梁)pupil(瞳孔)baldiash(秃头的)tan skin (古铜色肌肤) healthy(健康的) vigorous(精力充沛的) strong(强壮的) tall short medium beauty handsome sexy lovely。 6.英语描述人外貌的形容词 choleric 易怒的 phlegmatic 性子慢的,就是做事不着急的 melancholic 忧郁的 sanguine 性格乐观的 easygoing 随和的 passionate 有同情心的 good-natured 性格好的 bad-tempered 性格不好的 optimistic 是乐观的 pessimistic 是悲观的 beautiful *** art 美丽的 pretty 漂亮的 handsome 帅的 cute 可爱的 ugly 是丑的
2023-07-04 23:17:131


1、short 矮的2、tall 高的3、overweight 胖的4、plump 丰满5、thin 瘦的6、slim 苗条的7、medium height 不胖不瘦8、tubby 矮胖9、strong强壮的10、elegantly 优雅
2023-07-04 23:17:213

你很丑 用英语 怎麼说

You"re so ugly
2023-07-04 23:17:441