
DNA图谱 / 问答 / 标签


参考:心灵和脸一样丑陋。The heart is as ugly as a face.


  我们常常对丑陋的事物都没有好感,都喜欢美好的事物。其实丑也有丑的独特之处。你知道吗?下面是我为你整理的丑陋的英文,希望大家喜欢!   丑陋的英文   ugliness   ugly   丑陋的英文例句   1. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.   那只丑陋的***幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。   2. Grass"s novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.   格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。   3. He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.   他设法让自己那张丑陋的脸上了电视。   4. She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.   她尽量不去看那张带有疤痕的丑陋脸庞。   5. Everything is hideously ugly.   一切都非常丑陋。   6. The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.   仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙.   7. He"s very sensitive about his ugly appearance.   他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感.   8. They"re not like dogs; they"re hideous brutes.   它们不像狗, 是丑陋的畜牲.   9. Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.   超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。   10. Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.   大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是丑陋的现代建筑物。   ugliness的近义词   disfigurement 外貌损伤   hideousness 可怕   violence 猛烈   hostility 敌意   cruelty 残酷   viciousness 恶意   malice 恶意   unpleasantness 不愉快   obnoxiousness 可憎   foulness 纠缠   vileness 可耻   nefariousness 邪恶   wickedness 邪恶




问题一:丑的英文怎么读 英 [??gli] 美[u02c8?li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西); 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题二:丑陋的英文单词 ugly 英[??gli] 美[??li] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest 问题三:英文丑了怎么读 ugly ["?gl?] adj. 丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的 he is ugly. 他好丑。 问题四:太丑英文怎么读 太丑 [网络] Ugly; too ugly; 丑 [chǒu] [形] ugly; loathsome; disgraceful; shameless; [名] clown in Beijing opera, etc.; the second of the Twelve Earthly Branches; a surname; [例句]我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly 问题五:你好丑!用英语怎么念? you are so ugly 问题六:丑陋的英语单词是什么? 丑陋 [chǒu lòu] n. ugliness 双语例句: 1.We should look定into the ugliness in ourselves, he said. 他说:“我们必须检讨我们自己的丑陋。” 2.When they have no one to trample on and sneer at, the truth is revealed, theugliness in them arises. 当他们无人可以踩踏和嘲笑的时候,真相就显而易见了,他们内在的丑陋就会暴露。 3.Some of our purebred pets like this bloodhound look like little mutants, and welove them, not in spite of their ugliness, but because of it. 像猎犬这样的一些人类纯种宠物看上去有时也像突变体,并且我们之所以喜欢它们,恰恰是因为它们的丑陋之处。 问题七:丑用英语怎么说? shameful 可耻的 Examples: Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery. 他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻. _______________________________ ugly 丑陋的,难看的 Examples: Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful. 蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。 What an ugly mug! 多难看的脸! ________________________________ disgraceful 可耻的,不名誉的 Examples: It"s simply disgraceful of you Peter, threw in Betty. 彼得,你简直可耻。贝蒂插嘴说。 Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character. 丑行, *** 行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格


美丽 beautiful丑陋 ugly美丽与丑陋beautiful & ugly


  我们常常对丑陋的事物都没有好感,都喜欢美好的事物。其实丑也有丑的独特之处。你知道丑陋的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的丑陋的英文,希望大家喜欢!   丑陋的英文   ugliness   ugly   丑陋的英文例句   1. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.   那只丑陋的杂种幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。   2. Grass"s novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.   格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。   3. He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.   他设法让自己那张丑陋的脸上了电视。   4. She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.   她尽量不去看那张带有疤痕的丑陋脸庞。   5. Everything is hideously ugly.   一切都非常丑陋。   6. The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.   仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙.   7. He"s very sensitive about his ugly appearance.   他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感.   8. They"re not like dogs; they"re hideous brutes.   它们不像狗, 是丑陋的畜牲.   9. Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.   超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。   10. Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.   大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是丑陋的现代建筑物。   ugliness的近义词   disfigurement 外貌损伤   hideousness 可怕   violence 猛烈   hostility 敌意   cruelty 残酷   viciousness 恶意   malice 恶意   unpleasantness 不愉快   obnoxiousness 可憎   foulness 纠缠   vileness 可耻   nefariousness 邪恶


hideous adj. 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的,可怕的; 丑恶的,讨厌的


丑陋的 ugly是形容词 (没有可数与不可数的说法)

