Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points, 1 point for each) 1uff0eWhich of the following is NOT true of Elizabeth I? Auff0eHer religious reform was a compromise of views. Buff0eHer religious reform was welcomed by both the Puritans and ardent Catholics. Cuff0eShe desired “that there should be outward conformity to the Established religion”. Duff0eShe broke Maryu2019s ties with Rome and restored her fatheru2019s independent Church of England. 2uff0eThe Restoration in English history took place in _______. Auff0e1042 Buff0e1066 Cuff0e1606 Duff0e1660 3uff0eHistorically, _______ were ferocious people, but they laid the foundations of the English state. Auff0ethe Celts Buff0ethe Vikings Cuff0ethe Anglo-Saxons Duff0ethe Normans 4uff0eWilliam, Duke of Normandy, is now known as _________. Auff0eWilliam Rufus Buff0eWilliam the Confessor Cuff0eWilliam the Great Duff0eWilliam the Conqueror 5uff0eIn Britain, the Tories were the forerunners of _______ which still bears the nickname today. Auff0ethe Social and Democratic Liberal Party Buff0ethe Liberal Party Cuff0ethe Labor Party Duff0ethe Conservative Party 6uff0eThe person who was responsible for the religious Reformation of England in the 16th century was _________. Auff0eEdward VIII Buff0eHenry VIII Cuff0eElizabeth I Duff0eEdward VI 7uff0eQueen Mary Tudor has been known as “Bloody Mary ”because under her reign ________. Auff0ea series of bloody wars were fought Buff0emany Protestants were persecuted and burnt as heretics Cuff0emany rebel peasants were put to death Duff0emany protesters against her rule were killed 8uff0eThe _______ developed later into the Lords and the Commons known as Parliament. Auff0eWitan Buff0ePrivy Council Cuff0ePublic Records Office Duff0eGreat Council 9uff0eIn Britain,________ is the symbol of the whole nation. Auff0ethe Queen Buff0ethe Prime Minister Cuff0ethe Prince Duff0ethe Parliament 10uff0eEaster is the chief Christian festival, which celebrates________. Auff0ethe birth of Jesus Christ Buff0ethe Resurrection of Jesus Christ Cuff0ethe coming of spring Duff0ethe revival of Christianity 11uff0eThe English king, who gave up his crown for the sake of a marriage with Wallis Simpson, was _______. A. Henry u2167 Buff0e Edward u2167 Cuff0eGeorge u2165 Duff0eJames u2165 12uff0eThose who tried to destroy the hated machines during the English Industrial Revolution were called ______. Auff0eDestroyers Buff0eBreakers Cuff0eUnionists Duff0eLuddites 13uff0eThe great King of Wessex who fought against the invasion of the Danes in the 9th century was known as _______. Auff0eHengist Buff0eAlfred the Great Cuff0ethe Pilgrim Duff0eKing of Picts 14uff0eThe Seven Yearu2019s War (1756—1763) was fought between Britain and _______ for the colonization in North America. Auff0eSpain Buff0eRussia Cuff0eHolland Duff0eFrance 15uff0eIn Britain, the national newspapers can be divided into two groups: _______. Auff0edaily papers and weekly papers Buff0edaily papers and Sunday papers Cuff0eweekly papers and monthly papers Duff0eweekly papers and quarterly papers 16uff0eThe Peopleu2019s Charter was drawn up by _______ as their demands. Auff0ethe London Working Menu2019s Association Buff0ethe British Steel Corporation Cuff0ethe activists in the Chartist Movement Duff0ethe Trade Union 17uff0eMrs. Margaret Thatcher, a Conservative Party leader in the 1980s, believed in the following EXCEPT _______. Auff0eself-reliance Buff0eprivatization Cuff0ethe strengthening of the trade unions Duff0ethe keeping of law and order 18uff0eThe two main tiers of local authority throughout England and Wales are ______. Auff0ecounties and districts Buff0ecities and towns Cuff0ecities and villages Duff0ecities and shires 19uff0eIn Britain, official public holidays are also called ______. Auff0ereligious holidays Buff0esaintsu2019 holidays Cuff0ememorial holidays Duff0ebank holidays 20uff0eThe English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from ______. Auff0eDenmark Buff0eBelgium Cuff0ethe Netherlands Duff0eFrance 21uff0eMost of the first Chinese immigrants who came to the United States between 1850—1880 settled down in ______. Auff0eFlorida Buff0eWashington Cuff0eCalifornia Duff0eNew Jersey 22uff0eIn September, 1774 the First Continental Congress was held in ______, which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods. Auff0eNew York Buff0eBoston Cuff0ePhiladelphia Duff0eConcord 23uff0eDuring the American westward movement, Democratic politician John L. Ou2019Sullivan produced the famous theory of ______. Auff0e “Isolationism” Buff0e “Good Neighbor Policy” Cuff0e “Social Darwinism” Duff0e “Manifest Destiny” 24uff0eThe American Constitution was finally adopted in 1789 by a narrow margin on the understanding that ______ after the Constitution came into force. Auff0eWashington would be president of the U.S. Buff0ethe House of Representatives would be elected by each state Cuff0ea Bill of Rights would be amended Duff0eeach state would be equally represented in the Senate 25uff0eIn 1972, U.S. President ______ visited China, which led to the establishment of diplomatic relations with China in January 1979. Auff0eRonald Reagan Buff0eRichard Nixon Cuff0eJimmy Carter Duff0eGerald Ford 26uff0eWhich work praised the idea of equality and democracy and also celebrated the dignity, the self-reliant spirit and the joy of the common man? Auff0eLeaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Buff0eSelf-reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Cuff0eLife on the Mississippi by Mark Twain. Duff0eSister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. 27uff0eThe Constitution requires the President to be a natural-born American citizen at least ______ years of age. Auff0e30 Buff0e35 Cuff0e40 Duff0e45 28uff0eOn April 30th of 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in ______ which housed the first American government. Auff0eNew York Buff0eWashington Cuff0ePhiladelphia Duff0eBoston 29uff0eWhich of the following may NOT be President Wilsonu2019s achievements in his program of New Freedom? Auff0eMaking loans available to farmers at low rates. Buff0eAdopting an income tax. Cuff0eRegulating trusts by stating clearly the unfair business practices. Duff0eRegulating railroad prices and their rebates. 30uff0eIn the U.S. the ______ refers to the people born in the period 1946—1964. Auff0e “lost generation” Buff0e “me generation” Cuff0e “blue-collar generation” Duff0e “baby boom generation” 31uff0eThe conference that decided to set up a world organization ——the United Nations was held in ______. Auff0eTeheran Buff0eCairo Cuff0eYalta Duff0eWashington 32uff0eThe President of the United States can issue rules, regulations and instructions, which are called ______. Auff0elegal acts Buff0estanding orders Cuff0everdicts Duff0eexecutive orders 33uff0eThe political theory of American Revolution came from the well-known philosopher ______. Auff0eThomas Jefferson Buff0eThomas Paine Cuff0eAlexander Hamilton Duff0eJohn Locke 34uff0eWhich statement is NOT true about the Great Depression in the 1930s? Auff0eBillions of dollars of paper profits were wiped out within a few days. Buff0eMisery and personal sufferings were widespread. Cuff0eMany lost their land and other properties because of foreclosures. Duff0eThe stock market crash was the beginning of long economic recovery. 35uff0eDuring the American Civil War, the victory at ______ proved to be the turning point for the Union Army. Auff0eHarrisburg Buff0eGettysburg Cuff0eLexington Duff0eFort Sumter 36uff0eWhich statement is NOT true about the American Indians? Auff0eHeavy drinking and suicide rates are far above the national averages. Buff0eThe average life expectancy of Indians is around 50 years. Cuff0eAll the American Indians are now living in the government reservations. Duff0eOne fourth of the Indian families live below the poverty level. 37uff0eThe American Standard Oil Company was founded by ______. Auff0eJohn Rockefeller Buff0edu Pont Cuff0eJ.P. Morgan Duff0eAndrew Carnegie 38uff0eA typical example of American intolerant nationalism from 1919—1920 was ______ that exaggerated the danger of Communism. Auff0eMcCarthyism Buff0ethe Ku Klux Klan Cuff0ethe Red Scare Duff0eDesegregation 39uff0eCurrently between 80% and 90% of immigrants to the U.S. are from ______ countries. Auff0eAsian and African Buff0eEuropean and Hispanic Cuff0eAsian and Hispanic Duff0eScandinavian and Asian 40uff0e______ is the only organization which has the power to interpret the U.S. Constitution. Auff0eThe Supreme Court Buff0eThe Department of State Cuff0eThe House of Representatives Duff0eThe Senate 41uff0e______ is British Columbiau2019s largest city and the third largest city in Canada. Auff0eVancouver Buff0eToronto Cuff0eQuebec City Duff0eMontreal 42uff0eAlmost half the land area of Canada is covered by ______. Auff0eforests Buff0edeserts Cuff0eswamps Duff0ebogs 43uff0eDuring World War II, Canada fought as an ally of ______ with nearly one million people serving in the armed forces. Auff0eGermany Buff0eSwiss Cuff0eItaly Duff0eBritain 44uff0eIn Australia ______ has the countryu2019s richest farmland and best grazing land. Auff0ethe Great Western Plateau Buff0ethe Eastern Highlands Cuff0ethe Central Eastern Lowlands Duff0ethe Outback 45uff0eIn recent years Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to keep their own cultures. This policy is called ______. Auff0eassimilation Buff0eintegration Cuff0emulticulturalism Duff0ealienation 46uff0eWhich of the following statements about Australia is NOT true? Auff0eIt lies south of the equator. Buff0eIt is the worldu2019s smallest continent. Cuff0eIt is the flattest and lowest continent. Duff0eIt is the continent that contains more than one country. 47uff0eThe first European to visit New Zealand was a/an ______, Abel Tasman. Auff0eEnglishman Buff0eDutchman Cuff0eFrenchman Duff0eGerman 48uff0e______ is the capital of New Zealand. Auff0eAuckland Buff0eWellington Cuff0eToronto Duff0eMontreal 49uff0eWhich statement is NOT true about Ireland? Auff0eIreland is divided into two political units. Buff0eNorthern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Cuff0eThe Republic of Ireland is an independent country. Duff0eIreland is called the Emerald Isle because of its rich deposit of emeralds. 50uff0eThe largest river in Ireland is the ______, which provides electric power for much of the Republic. Auff0eMissouri River Buff0eShannon River Cuff0eSevern River Duff0eThames River II. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each) 51. What is the official name of Great Britain? 52. What does “Oxbridge” refer to in Great Britain? 53. What are the responsibilities of British government education departments? 54. What does SAT stand for? 55. What are the two most important acts passed in the 1960s that helped to improve the political equality of the black people? 56. What is known as the “winner-take-all” system? 57. What does ACT stand for in Australian political division? 58. Why does New Zealand remain green all the year round? 59. What are the three main groups of settlers living north of 55 degree north latitude in Canada? 60. What is the most significant feature of Irish landscape, which covers all the mountains and large areas of lowlands? III. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each) 61. the Industrial Revolution 62. the Commonwealth 63. checks and balances 64. Electoral College