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小精灵凤凰矮人火枪手德鲁伊月之骑士变体精灵月之女祭司巨魔战将矮人直升机黑暗游侠圣堂刺客复仇之魂水晶室女魅惑魔女仙女龙圣骑士光之守卫众神之王先知沉默术士秀逗魔导士风暴之灵风行者萨尔地精工程师双头龙地精修补匠暗影萨满大魔导师天怒法师骷髅弓箭手地穴编织者灵魂守卫(变身)剧毒术士冥界亚龙闪电幽魂蛇发女妖弧光守卫者痛苦之源死亡先知恶魔巫师谜团巫妖死灵法师湮灭法师黑曜石毁灭者痛苦女王术士暗影恶魔蝙蝠骑士暗影牧师卡尔死灵飞龙受折磨的灵魂巫医极寒幽魂寒冬飞龙that is all

求一首歌,一个女的唱的。全程英文。 开头是那拉那 拉拉那 那那那那拉 下面补充

Liekkas---Sofia Jannok 歌名:Liekkas 北极光的征兆歌手:Sofia Jannok 索菲娅·杰纳克语种:萨米族语


Aerospace Studies, aviation electrical, aircraft engines principle, aeroengine construction, aviation English, aviation engine adjustment principle, aircraft construction, aircraft maintenance Studies, aircraft maintenance technology




腾讯游戏旗下首款DOTA类网游HON(中文名:“超神英雄”)自8月20日正式开启国服内测日以来,便凭借其爽快的游戏节奏,绝佳的打击感,独具特色的英雄,继承竞技地图Dota的经典玩法,极易上手的操作指引,能让玩家们快速的融入到游戏当中。内测期间,每周推出一个全新英雄,给玩家们全新游戏感受。9月10日全新女性远程英雄“繁育女神·芙雷雅”登场,她是一名具有强大爆发能力的英雄,能够浮起战场中的树木对敌人造成致命伤害。芙雷雅繁育女神·芙雷雅拥有着非常不错的群体控制、爆发、单杀能力的强悍法系英雄,在整个赛局过程中,均有着较好的控制和单体战斗能力,在中后期团战中,可以成为团战先手力量,也可以在混战中切入战斗瞬间实现多杀,可谓不可忽略的威慑杀手。精彩团战精彩团战2繁育女神技能介绍Q-静滞轰撞:芙雷雅用魔法举起一个单位,之后狠狠砸落,对附近敌军造成伤害与眩晕。这是芙雷雅常用的先手技能,既可以控制敌人,也可以减少己方队友所受伤害。跟其他技能衔接的时候,需要取消举起状态,实现集火。W-魔法控制:芙雷雅浮起周围的小东西,丢向敌军,造成伤害与减速。这是芙雷雅的主要输出和追杀技能,也非常具有创意,若掌握熟练可以在对线中,产生极佳的压制效果。E-固有防御:芙雷雅的魔法能量循环反复,她在造成魔法伤害的同时将为自身提供护盾,抵挡伤害。该技能为芙雷雅提供了较好的生存能力,法系并不意味着就是被打击碾压的命运,护盾能够帮助芙雷雅在追击或逃跑时候,带来更多的生存空间。R-群集控制:芙雷雅解放魔法能量,浮起大量单位,一起射向敌军,在小范围内造成伤害。这个技能可以说是“魔法控制”的升级版,能够举起更多的士兵和树木,对敌人进行暴风雨般的狂轰乱炸,操作熟练的话,能够在团战中形成极大的杀伤力。芙雷雅皮肤-冰雪奇缘繁育女神背景故事“我已燃起了魔法之火,烈焰狂炽将这里团团围住。你休想从此地脱身逃走,纵然插翅怕是亦飞不出去。”——《The Elder Edda》(诗体埃达),AD.1270有时候往往悲剧的泪水才能浇灌出幸福之花,刀锋般的北风才能带来春天的信使。芙雷雅是北境永冬之地中最娇人的鲜花,当她第一次以人质身份来到阿斯加德,她带着春日暖阳的气质,让每一位阿斯加德神祗如沐春风。清雅高洁的气息让奥丁也放弃了强迫她作为人质的念头,也许这便是“春意盎然”几个字带给冰雪大陆的最好诠释。芙雷雅能带走阿斯加德的严冬,但阿斯加德却给不了这位繁育女神生机萌发的温床。冰雪世界中的一切都显得接近死亡,要么就是残酷挣扎的求生,或者是生者依存死者的血肉而苟延残喘的生命。雪国大地缺乏生机和繁育所必要的温暖气候,虽然丈夫是掌管夏日的奥都尔,但也丝毫无法改变极地那短日的夏季和漫长的冬夜。丈夫的苦闷让芙雷雅变得伤感,芙雷雅的面容曾如春天的银莲,但在阿斯加德漫长的冬夜下,也渐露凋零。大地永远是带给土壤生机的母体,在地脉深处流淌的热度能击碎冰封冻土,也有着世界之树散播生命的古老知识,为了寻找适合繁育的温床和古老的知识,芙雷雅开始了漫长孤寂而凶险的旅程,而奥都尔则前往温暖的南方,他想要为北地带回南方温暖的季风。芙雷雅穿过属于精灵的亚尔芙海姆,也穿过邪恶种族混居的瓦特海姆。用智慧和法术骗过邪恶的地底矮人,穿过层层考验和凶险来到古老的约顿海姆,见到了代表智慧与知识的尤德希尔。神树从不拒绝任何一个用牺牲自身的代价换取知识的神,芙雷雅的付出让神树给予她更好的礼物,密米尔的圣泉洗去满身伤痕,古老的知识和唤回春天的方法抹去芙雷雅心中的绝望。带着世界之树的礼物,芙雷雅回到阿斯加德,给这片冰封大地带来春季的滋养和万物繁盛的气息,芙利嘉的花园首次绽放出美艳的郁金香。奥丁赞赏她的努力和勇气,但却没有人知道她受过的痛苦和付出的代价。春天已经回到这片曾经永久的冻土,生机勃勃将周而复始在严寒之后击破凋零的冬日气息。但芙雷雅的旅程远未结束,她挚爱的丈夫还在遥远的南方寻找未知的季风,而她已经踏上寻回丈夫的另一段旅程。


远大前程英语读书笔记   《远大前程》又译《孤星血泪》,是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯晚年写成的"长篇小说。以下是我搜索整理的《远大前程》的英语读书笔记,欢迎阅读!   远大前程英语读书笔记1   “Great expectations” is one of Dicken"s most maturest works. After Dicken had experienced large part of meaningful life, he had a deeper cognition for people, environment, as well as the life which he had gone through. And all the mature cognitions are included in this writing---Great expectations.   Pip was brought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband—Joe. Joe himself had arranged a common hard but satisfied path for Pip to go through, and on the other hand, Pip beheld this as his highest goal to achieve.   But the two things which he had experienced later had changed his pursue and his fate as well. Met Abel Magwith(an escaped convict) in the swamp, and unwillingly helped him out of danger by stealing food from his own home. If say that had changed his attitude for material life, then, his introduction to Miss Havisham, an aging woman who had been jilted at the alter and Estella who had been brought up by Havisham only to revenge for her own pain had brought vast shock for his world of spirit.   Aspiring to be a gentleman despite his humble born, Pip fortunately or unfortunately received a fund of wealth from an unknown source and being sent to London with a lawyer. From then on, he became a gentleman without question at the price of losing everything.   The title of this book is ‘Great expectations” which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectations just as the title goes. But in fact this title has a tone of sarcastic on the other way around.   This story full of quirkiness from the very beginning to the end, the relations among characters are anfractuous as well which actually attracted me a lot.   One of the paragraphs, which I appreciate most implicatively as well as beautifully expresses the feeling between Pip and Estella.   “We are friends,” said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.   ‘And will continue friends apart.” Said Estella.   I took his hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first let the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.   At the view of language, this works had achieved a step o f highest, Dicken had made this writing plain and fluent as well, which surely can attract lots of readers and high comments.   To be frank, I really impressed by this art of beauty. So I like Dicken"s works very much.   远大前程英语读书笔记2   In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.   People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.   If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don"t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.   The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up ‘by hand". His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn"t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn"t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.   Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.   After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip"s ‘great expectations" destroyed his life.   This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don"t feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don"t despise your poor friends.   远大前程英语读书笔记3   All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her,but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house,and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out,or that any food was missing.At half-past one our two guests arrived.Mr Wopsle had a large nose and a shining,bald forehead,and was the church clerk.Mr Pumblechook, who had a shop in the nearest town,was a fat,middle-aged man witn a mouth like a fish,and staring eyes.He was really Joe"s uncle but it was Mrs Joe who called him uncle.Every Christmas Day he arrived with two bottles of wine,handing them proudly to my sister.   ‘Oh Uncle Pumblechook!This is kind!"she always replied.   ‘It"s no more than you deserve,"was the answer every time.   Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I hadn"t robbed my sister.Not only was Pumblechook"s elbow in my eye,but I wasn"t allowed to speak,and they gave me the worst pieces of meat.Even the chickens must have been ashamed of those parts of their bodies when they were alive.And worse than that,the adults never left me in peace.   ‘Before we eat,let us thank God for the food in front of us,"said Mr Wopsle,in the deep voice he used in church.   ‘Do you hear that?"whispered my sister to me.‘Be grateful!"   ‘Especially,"said Mr Pumblechook firmly,‘be grateful,boy,to those who brought you up by hand."   ‘Why are the young never grateful?"wondered Mr Wopsle sadly.   ‘Their characters are naturally bad,"answered Mr Pumblechook,and all three looked unpleasantly at me.   When there were guests,Joe"s position was even lower than usual(if that was possible),but he always tried to help me if he could.Sometimes he comforted me by giving me extra gravy.He did that now.   ‘Just imagine,boy,"said Mr Pumblechook,‘if your sister hadn"t brought you up—"   ‘You listen to this,"said my sister to me crossly.   ‘If,as I say,she hadn"t spent her life looking after you,where would you be now?"   Joe offered me more gravy.   ‘He was a lot of trouble to you,madam,"Mr Wopsle said sympathetically to my sister.   ‘Trouble?"she cried.‘Trouble?"And then she started on a list of all my illnesses,accidents and crimes,while everybody except Joe looked at me with disgust.Joe added more gravy to the meat swimming on my plate,and I wanted to pull Mr Wopsle"s nose.   In the end Mrs Joe stopped for breath,and said to Mr Pumblechook,‘Have a little brandy,uncle.There is a bottle al-ready open."   It had happened at last!Now she would discover I had stolen some brandy,and put water in the bottle.Mr Pumblechook held his glass up to the light,smiled importantly at it and drank it.When,immediately afterwards,he jumped up and began to rush round the room in a strange wild dance,we all stared at him in great surprise.Was he mad?I wondered if I had murdered him,but if so,how?At last he threw himself gasping into a chair,crying ‘Medicine!"Then I understood.Instead of filling up the brandy bottle with water,I had put Mrs Joe"s strongest and most unpleasant medicine in by mistake.That was what the big brown bottle contained.   ‘But how could my medicine get into a brandy bottle?"asked my sister.Fortunately she had no time to find the answer,as Mr Pumblechook was calling for a hot rum to remove the taste of the medicine.‘And now,"she said,when the fat man was calmer,‘you must all try Uncle Pumblechook"s pre-sent to us!A really delicious meat pie!"   ‘That"s right,Mrs Joe!"said Mr Pumblechook,looking more cheerful now.‘ Bring in the pie!"   ‘You shall have some,Pip,"said Joe kindly.   I knew what would happen next.I could not sit there any longer.I jumped down from the table,and ran out of the room.   But at the front door I ran straight into a group of soldiers.Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen,‘The pie-has-gone!"but stopped when she saw the soldiers.   ‘Excuse me,ladies and gentlemen,"said the officer in charge.‘I"m here in the King"s name,and I want the black-smith."   ‘And why do you want him?"said my sister crossly.   ‘Madam,"replied the officer Politely,‘speaking for myself,I"d like the pleasure of meeting his fine wife.Speaking for the King,I"d like him to repair these handcuffs."   ‘Ah,very good,very good!" said Mr Pumblechook,clap-ping.   The soldiers waited in the kitchen while Joe lit the forge fire and started work.I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie.   ‘How far are we from the marshes?"asked the officer.   ‘About a mile,"replied Mrs Joe.   ‘ That"s good.We"ll catch them before it"s dark."   ‘ Convicts,officer?"asked Mr Wopsle.   ‘Yes,two escaped convicts out on the marshes.Has anyone here seen them?"   The others all shook their heads.Nobody asked me.When the handcuffs were ready,Joe suggested we should go with the soldiers,and as Mrs Joe was curious to know what happened,she agreed.So Joe,Mr wopsle and I walked behind the men through the village and out on to the marshes.   ‘ I hope we don"t find those poor men,Joe,"I whispered.   ‘ I hope not either,Pip,"he whispered back.It was cold,with an east wind blowing from the sea,and it was getting dark.   Suddenly we all stopped.We heard shouts in the distance.   ‘This way!Run!"the officer ordered,and we all rushed in that direction.The shouts became clearer.‘ Murder!"‘Escaped convict!"‘Help!"At last we discovered two men fighting each other.One was my convict,and the other was the man who had run away when I had seen him near the shelter.Somehow the soldiers held the men apart and put the hand-cuffs on them.   ‘Here he is,I"m holding him for you!"shouted my convict.   ‘Officer,he tried to murder me!"cried the other man.His face was bleeding and he was clearly very frightened.   ‘ Murder him!No,"said the first,‘ that would be too easy.I want him to suffer more,back on the prison-ship.He"s lying,as he did at our trial!You can"t trust Compeyson!"   Just then he noticed me for the first time.I shook my head at him,to show that I had not wanted the soldiers to find him.He stared at me,but I did not know if he understood or not.   The prisoners were taken to the riverside,where a boat was waiting to take them on to the prison-ship.Just as he was about to leave,my convict said,‘Officer,after my escape,I stole some food,from the blacksmith"s house.Bread,cheese,brandy and a meat pie.I"m sorry I ate your pie,blacksmith."   ‘I"m glad you did,"replied Joe kindly.‘ We don"t know why you"re a convict,but we wouldn"t want you to die of hunger."   The man rubbed his eyes with the back of his dirty hand.We watched the small boat carry him out to the middle of the river,where the great black prison-ship stood high out of the water,held by its rusty chains.He disappeared into the ship,and I thought that was the last I had seen of him. ;


一 电气自动化专业的英文介绍。 The students trained in this major should have engineering technology foundation and certain professional knowledge in a wide range of fields, such as electrical technology, electronic technology, control theory, automatic detection and instrumentation, information processing, system engineering, puter technology and application, and neork technology. They can be trained in motion control, instrial process control, power electronics technology, detection and automation instruments, electronics and puter technology. Senior engineers and technicians engaged in system *** ysis, system design, system operation, scientific and Technological Development and research in the fields of technology, information processing, management and decision-making. 本专业培养的学生要具备电工技术、电子技术、控制理论、自动检测与仪表、信息处理、系统工程、计算机技术与应用和网络技术等较宽广领域的工程技术基础和一定的专业知识。 能在运动控制、工业过程控制、电力电子技术、检测与自动化仪表、电子与计算机技术、信息处理、管理与决策等领域从事系统分析、系统设计、系统运行、科技开发及研究等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。 (1)自动化课程英语扩展阅读: 一、主要课程 电路原理、电子技术基础、计算机原理及应用、计算机软件技术基础、过程工程基础、电机与电力拖动基础、电力电子技术、自动控制理论、信号与系统分析、过程检测及仪表、运筹学、计算机仿真、计算机网络、过程控制、运动控制、系统辨识基础、计算机控制系统、系统工程导论、复变函数与积分变换、自动化概论、嵌入式系统原理与设计。 二、就业前景 电气自动化专业是电气信息领域的一门新兴学科,触角伸向各行各业,小到一个开关的设计,大到宇航飞机的研究,都有它的身影。由于和人们的日常生活以及工业生产密切相关,发展非常迅速,现在也相对比较成熟。 控制理论和电力网理论是电气工程及自动化专业的基础,电力电子技术、计算机技术则为其主要技术手段,同时也包含了系统分析、系统设计、系统开发以及系统管理与决策等研究领域。 该专业还有一些特点,就是强弱电结合、电工电子技术相结合、软件与硬件相结合,具有交叉学科的性质,电力、电子、控制、计算机多学科综合。 二 自动化专业英语教程翻译 English course for Automatic Major 三 自动化有哪些课程请用英语回答 好心人翻译以下内容。 自动化 业务培养目标: 本专业培养的学生应具备电工技术、电子技术、控制理论、自动检测与仪表、信息处理、计算机技术与应用、系统工程、网络技术等较宽领域的工程技术基础和一定的专业知识,能在电力电子技术、运动控制、检测与自动化仪表、工业过程控制、电子与计算机技术、信息处理、管理与决策等领域从事系统分析、系统设计、系统运行、科技开发及研究等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。 业务培养要求: 毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1. 具有扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文社会科学基础和外语综合能力; 2. 掌握本专业领域必需的较宽的技术基础理论知识,主要包括电路理论、电子技术、控制理论、信息处理、计算机软硬件基础及应用等; 3. 较好地掌握电力电子技术与运动控制、自动化仪表与工业过程控制、信息处理等方面的知识,具有本专业领域的专业知识和技能,了解本专业学科前沿和发展趋势; 4. 获得较好的系统分析、系统设计及系统开发方面的工程实践训练; 5. 在本专业领域内具备一定的科学研究、科技开发和组织管理能力,具有较强的工作适应能力。 主干学科:控制科学与工程、电气工程、计算机科学与技术。 主要课程:电路原理、电子技术基础、计算机原理及应用、计算机软件技术基础、自动控制理论、现代控制理论、控制系统仿真、信号与系统分析、电机与电力拖动基础、电力电子技术、运动控制系统、过程检测及仪表、控制仪表及装置、过程控制系统、微型计算机控制技术等。 自动化专业有两个方向:过程控制和运动控制,基本上是弱电领域。就业面比较广,工矿企业车间流水线都可以,也可以搞科研,比如机器人。 四 急求一下自动化专业课英文翻译 电路理论 Theory of Circuitry 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control MATLAB程序设计及应用 Design and application of MATLAB procere 电机与拖动 Electrical Machinery and Towage 自动控制系统 Automatic Control System 电力拖动自动控制系统 Electric Drive Automatic Control System 电力电子技术 Power and Electron Technology 计算机控制技术 Computer Control Technology 现代控制理论 Modern Control Theory 工厂供电 Factory Electricity Supply 传感器原理及应用 Fundamentals and Application of Sensors 轮机自动化 Marine machinery Automation 船舶电气 Marine Electric 过程控制系统 Process Control System 交流电机控制技术 AC Electromotor Control Technology 电器与PLC控制技术 Electric Appliances and PLC Control Technology 搞定,查阅机械英语翻译,请验收 五 急!急!急!一些电气自动化课程的英文名字 供参考 供电技术Power supply technology ,电气控制与可编程控制器技术Electrical Control and PLC technology ,电机与拖动基础Motor and Drag ,电路Circuit ,电子技术基础Electronic Technology(数电/模电), 电力电子技术Power Electronics ,电力拖动自动控制系统Electric drive control system ,集散控制系统原理及应用Principle and Application of Distributed Control System ,检测与转换技术Detection and conversion technology ,自动控制原理Automatic Control Theory ,微机原理Microputer ,电路 六 求自动化课程名称英文翻译。。 1<Automatic control theory>2<singlechip>3<Principles and Application of PLC>4<Automatic measurement technology>5<Component of automation control system>6<Microputer Controling Technique>7<Process control>8<Digital electronic technique>9<Signals and Systems> 我学自动化的,打印英文版成绩单的时候都都名称滴 七 求工业自动化专业课程英语翻译。。。 1.electrotechnics 2.the technology and application of SCM(Single Chip Micyoco) 3.the technology of electric control and PLC application 4.control and application of SIEMENS 300 PLC 5.the elements graphics of circuit Protel99SE and the design of circuit board 6.the experiments of electrotechnics basic technique 7.the elements and application of college puter technique 8.the technology of electrotechnics 9.profi-bus neork 10.professional English 11.electrical engineering and drag technique 12.the elements and application of Program Logic Control 13.the application of AutoCAD2002 14.engineering graphics 15.automatic control instrument and process control 16.technique of hydraulic pressure and pneumatic 17.the elements of engine design 18.the technique of automatic detect and switch 八 求下列自动化专业课程的英文名 数字电子技术 Digital Electronic Technique 模拟电子技术 Analog Electronics Technique 信号与线性系统 Signal & Linear System 微机原理及接口技术 Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-puter 单片机 Mono-Chip Computers 通信原理 Principle of Communication PLC: Programmable Logic Controller 可编程逻辑控制器 九 和自动化专业有关的课程的中英文 电路分析Circuit Analysis 自动控制原理automatic control principle 微机原理与接口技术Principle and Interface of Microputer 单片机原理与应用Principle and Application of Single Chip Computer 模拟电子技术Analog Electronics 数字电子技术Digital Electronics 计算机控制系统Computer Control System 自动化专业英语Automation Specialty English 面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming 操作系统Operating Systems 数据结构Data Structures 计算机网络Computer Neorks








问题一:课程怎么写 英文 课程course; curriculum有些课程,比如数学、物理和英语,本系学生都是必修的。Some subjects, such as mathematice, physics and English, are pulsory for the students in this department.补修不及格的课程repeat failed courses听李博士开设的课程attend a course by Dr. Li在大学开设世界语课程establish a course in Esperanto at a university大连大学开设自然科学和人文科学课程。Dalian University offers courses in science and in the humanities.我们学校课程中的主要科目the main (major) subjects in our school curriculum课程评价course evaluation课程设置courses offered in a college or school; curriculum你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分。You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.这门课程预定在一年内修完。The course of study is to be pleted within a year.中等教育课程secondary program进修课程安排得十分紧凑。The training program has a very tight schedule.系主任给新生介绍了课程。The department chairman briefed new students on the curriculum.学校新增设了计算机课程。The school has newly added the puter course. 问题二:英语单词课程怎么写 course 英 [k??s] 美 [k?rs] n. 科目;课程;过程;进程;道路;路线,航向;一道菜 vt. 追赶;跑过 vi. 指引航线;快跑 网络释义专业释义英英释义 课程 课程(Course):表示字串栏位,字元长度为20。 费用(Charge):表示实数栏位,总长度为6个数字,其中小数点后有2个 数字。 问题三:课程表用英语怎么写 syllabus; curriculum schedule 问题四:课程表用英文怎么写? 老外一般用:Subject Timetable 问题五:参加英语培训课程英语怎么写 我加强英语的方法就是看英文资料片 辅以英语学习软件,然后找一家英语学习中心帮我练口语,我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天口语还行 很专业 上课方便!明显才怪!忽悠人的学习学校!我买了万多的课程,学了几天就不学了,原因是天天对着那的电脑学,烦的要死,教材内容非常之无聊,想约外教跟见美国总统似的困难。而且我发现去那学的都是成天没事做的无聊人,跑那去就是找人解闷去的。大概类似很多学习学校都差不多, 问题六:“你教什么课程? ”用英语怎么说? What courses do you teach ? 问题七:专业课 用英文怎么说 专业课, major courses, professional cl抚sses 联合国的高官,senior officials of the United Nations, UN senior officials 自由职业者 self employed 问题八:校本课程 用英语怎么写 school-based lesson 问题九:英语课的英语怎么写 英语课 English class English lessons 上英语课have English class 上一堂英语课have an顶English lesson 问题十:课程设置用英语怎么说阿 Curriculum 专用名词 curriculum cur.ric.u.lum AHD:[k…-r1k“y…-l…m] D.J.[k*6r!kj*l*m] K.K.[k*6r!kj*l*m] n.(名词) 【复数】 cur.ric.u.la[-l…] 或 cur.ric.u.lums All the courses of study offered by an educational institution. 全部课程:由某一教育机构开设的所有学习课程 A group of related courses, often in a special field of study: 专业课程:一组相关的课程,通常指某一专业学习领域的: the engineering curriculum. 机械专业课程 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 课程:常用于修饰另一个名词: curriculum development; curriculum enhancements. 课程的发展;绩程的改进 Latin [course] 拉丁语 [道路] from currere [to run] * see current 源自 currere [跑] *参见 current curric“ular AHD:[-l…r] (形容词) curriculum [kE5rikjulEm] n. (pl.curriculums, -la [-lE]) 课程; 全部 课程 (一门)课程 路线, 途径 high school curriculum 中学课程 curriculum schedule 课程表 curriculum vitae [5vaiti:] [拉](简短的)履历 place...on its curriculum 把...列入课程之内 academic curriculum 学术课程 activity curriculum 活动课程 child-centeredcurriculum 儿童中心的课程 classicalcurriculum 人文科课程; 古典课程 core curriculum 基础[核心]课程 correlated curriculum 相关课程 differentiated curriculum 适应个别差异的课程 experience curriculum 经验课程 formal curriculum 正式[非正式]课程 informal curriculum 正式[非正式]课程 fused curriculum 混合课程 hidden curriculum 非正式课程 hono(u)rs curriculum [美]快速班课程 individualized curriculum 因材施教课程 integrated curriculum 一体化课程 primary school curriculum 小学课程 problem-of-living curriculum 生活问题课程 professional curriculum 专业课程 project curriculum 设计课程 spiral curriculum 圆周[螺旋]式课程 subject-centred curriculum 学科中心课程(强调 观念、结构和问题) student-centred curriculum 学生中心课程 termi......>>