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当然是刘宪权 傅鼎生的课啦,金可可的也不错。一般来说选课第一轮时爆满的老师课都是上的不错的。华政的课都是可以蹭的,但是有些课人爆满,需要提前去占位的。


  第三部分从前两部分内容中提炼出本案的争议焦点,并在第四部分围绕其摘开讨论:视频网站版权侵权损害赔偿责任认定;“通知与移除”免责条款的适用;损害赔偿数额的认定方式。其中,第一个问题在理论界主流观点一直存在分歧,过错说及无过错说均不乏支持者。后两个问题则是对近年法院针对视频网站版权侵权审判方式加以探讨。“通知与移除”免责条款是借鉴美国法律的结果,而在对通知的作用与意义、作为被告的视频网站主观心态的认定的理解上却存在误区,以致各地法院在适用条件上标准不一。至于赔偿数额的计算方法,由于此类案件的复杂性和特殊性,法院在审判中常用的和创造性采用的方法均值得研究。  第五部分是研究结论,通过对上述三个争议焦点的分析论证,笔者提出了自己的观点,对于视频网站版权侵权问题,首先必须适用过错责任原则解决损害赔偿责任。其次,对于“通知与移除”免责条款这一舶来品,要结合法律本义及具体案情在认定网站主观过错的基础上决定是否适用,尤其要厘清通知的性质。而鉴于视频网站版权侵权屡禁不止,赔偿数额采用补偿式的计算方式已无法独立解决这一问题。最后,笔者针对上述问题对立法及审判方式提出了自己的一些建议。  Before the third part of contents of the two parts to extract the focus of controversy in this case and in the fourth part of open discussion around its pick: Video website copyright infringement liability for damage found; "notice and remove the" exemption clauses apply; amount of damages identification methods. One of the first questions at the theoretical circles have been the mainstream opinion differences, fault and no-fault Say Say there is no lack of supporters of both. After two questions, it is the courts in recent years web for video copyright infringement trial mode to be explored. "Notice and remove the" exemption clause in the United States are drawing on the results of the law, while in the notification of the role and significance, as the defendant"s subjective video web mentality on the understanding that there are errors all over the court at which the conditions on the application of standards 1. As for the method of calculating the amount of compensation, such cases because of the complexity and particularity, the court at trial and creative use of commonly used methods are worth studying.  The fifth part is the conclusion of the study, through focus on the above analysis of three controversial argument, the author put forward their opinion, the web video copyright infringement problem, we must first resolve the application of the principle of fault liability damages. Secondly, for "notice and remove the" exemption clause in the imports, in conjunction with the legal merits of the original meaning and the specific website at that subjective fault on the basis of deciding whether to apply, in particular, want to clarify the nature of the notice. In view of the video website of repeated copyright infringement, the amount of compensation using the method for calculating the compensation has been unable to independently solve this problem. Finally, the author of legislation to address these issues and the trial by way of some of the recommendations of its own.  权能:Empowerment


  法律英语即法律领域使用的英语,我国在处理国际法律事务中,需要借助法律英语,法律英语不同于其他英语,它需要注重逻辑性、缜密性、专业性,在具体使用过程中有许多注意事项.下面学术堂整理了二十个法律英语论文选题,供大家进行参考:  1、影响法律英语翻译的因素分析  2、我国法律英语教材编撰与出版探析  3、法律英语的冗余性及其翻译策略  4、法律英语术语误译  5、浅议法律法规绘本制作对高职旅游英语专业学生素质能力的培养  6、法律英语文本中的后修饰语歧义分析  7、英语法律语篇中的言语行为研究  8、法律英语教学中的自我效能感研究  9、大陆法系与英美法系的法律差异对法律英语翻译的影响  10、法律英语教学面临的问题  11、超学科视野下的法律英语教学研究  12、浅谈法律英语的词汇特征  13、结合理论浅谈法律英语的翻译  14、法律英语两个译名的译法商榷  15、高校法律英语教学的现状和对策  16、基于生态翻译学的法律英语翻译误译研究  17、法律英语中的隐喻研究及其汉译  18、浅析法律英语翻译的精确性与模糊性--以法律语言为视角  19、法美学何以为人学--从话语分析角度看法美学与法律英语翻译的关联  20、法律英语翻译中原文风格的再现--UCP600两个汉译本的对比研究


1、 你选这个专业的原因 Please tell me the reason why you choose this major. 我之所以选择这个专业,我因为这个专业的名字太cool了,金融工程(financial engineering),既有金融,又有工程,两者的结合一定是很棒的东西 Because I think the major name is so cool. Financial engineering comprises finance and engineering. The integration of those two things will produce a great thing. 2 遇到的困难 please tell me the difficulty you will meet. 金融工程这个专业最难的就是数学了。金融工程专业是一门利用数理方法分析经济问题的学科,因此包含了大量复杂的树立问题,这些方法是最核心的内容同时也是最困难的。我常常在数学的计算上遇到困难 Mathematics is the biggist problem for learning financial engineering. Financial engineering uses mathematics method to deal economics problems. So it includes many complex mathematics issues. Those methods are the core content and ,meantime, most difficult. I always meet problem at Mathematics calculation. 3 这个专业又什么吸引你的地方 Could you tell me other thing of this major which attract you? 除了很cool的名字外,金融工程最吸引我的地方就是它能运用工程技术的方法设计。开发和实施新型的金融产品,创造性的解决金融问题。是一门很有吸引力的科目。 Besides the cool name, using engereering technology attract me most. Developing and implement of new financial product and solving finacial problem activity are very attractive. 4 你最喜欢的课程是什么 What courses do you like most? 我许多课程我都非常喜欢,比如money and banking,investments,international finance等,但我最喜欢的还是数学,因为数学是这门学科的核心,学不好数学就等于学不好金融工程。 I like many courses such as money and banking,investments,international finance and so on. And I like mathmatics most. Beacouse it is the core of this major. If I can not learn mathematics well, I can not learn financial engineering well 5、 6、为什么喜欢和不喜欢骑? Do you like riding bicycle? 我喜欢骑自行车,除了因为骑自行车是一种比较好的休闲运动方式外,自行车还是一种环保的交通工具,它不会对空气造成污染。 I like riding bike , not only because it is a casual activity, but also it will not pollute the atmosphere. 7、 中国骑自行车的人多吗? Is there maye people who ride bicycle in china? 以前非常多。但随着汽车越来越多,在马路上骑自行车也越来越危险,因而现在骑自行车的人比过去少了许多。不过,由于最近广州禁止驾驶摩托车,骑自行车的人又慢慢多起来了。 Many people before. But now , with the more and more autos, riding bicyycle is mor and more danger. So The number of people who ride bicycle lessed much. But , because of the forbition of motorcycle, the number of people who ride bike will more and more. 8、自行车的好处和坏处是什么? What is the advantage and disadvantage of riding bike? 自行车的好处在于它的环保和省钱。但坏处也是显而易见的,就是自行车行驶速度慢,去地方要耗费大量时间。 The advantage is environmental protection and economical. Obviously, the disadvantage is the slow speed. 9、学校重视课外 活动吗? Does the school emphasize after school activies? 学校虽然经常强调要以学业为重,但还是比较重视我们的户外活动的。学校会经常举办各种体育比赛,用以丰富我们的课余生活。 Although the schoole emphasize the studing, it pay attantion to school activities. The school often hold many kinds of sports competitions to enrich our after school life 10、喜欢户外活动还是户内活动,为什么? Do you like indoor activies or outdoor activies? 我更喜欢户内活动。因为我喜欢在运动的同时能呼吸到大自然的清新空气,这样更健康,更有益。 I like outdoor activies. Because I can breahte fresh air when I do the activies. It is more healthy and more benifit. 11、 一般做什么户外活动? What kind of outdoor activites do you usually do? 户外活动我最喜欢就是打网球。这是我最大的爱好,也是我最擅长的运动,无论有多忙,我都会抽空和朋友打上几盘网球,这能使我从紧张的学习中得到暂时的解脱。 I like plying tennis. This is the biggist hobby. I am good at it very much. Whatever how busy I am, I will make time to play tennis with my friends. It can make me free from the intense studing life. 12、一星期花多少时间在这上面?为什么? How much time do you spend on it? Why? 这要视情况而定,如果空闲时间比较多,我会多打几次,如果时间紧,那么一个星期也就只能打一两个小时而已。 It on depends. If I am free, I will play much. If I am busy, I will spend not more than one or tow hours each week on it. 13、喜欢电影吗? Do you like movies? 是的,我非常喜欢看电影,经常去电影院看。 Sure, I like movies very much. I always go to movie. 14、喜欢什么类型的电影,为什么。 What kind of muvie do you like? 我比较喜欢看科幻体裁的电影,例如星球大战。这类题材的电影一般都是大制作,场面震撼,内容精彩。另外,像蜘蛛侠这样的由漫画改编的电影我也非常喜欢看。 I enjoy fictions such as........ That kind of movie are big manufacture. The scene shocks people, the content is wonderful. Other wise, I like some movie, eg " the spide man", which come from comics very much. 15、多久去一次电影院? How often do you go to the movie? 这个很难说,一般来说,有比较精彩的,有符合我口味的电影上映,我就会去看。如果要说多久去一次的,一般来说一个月去一次吧,因为广州的电影票非常贵,80块一张。 It is hard to say. Usually, I will go to the movie as long as there is a wonderful movie which meet my taste. If I must tell you a time, usually, I will go to the cinema once a month, because the movie ticket in Guangzhou are very expensive, 80 yuan each. 16、认为看电影在电影院好还是在家好?为什么? Do you like to see film at home or in the cinema? 当然是在电影院好啦,在电影院看电影说带来的视听震撼不是在家看电影说可以比拟的。当然也不是全部电影都在电影院看好,有些体裁的电影,如文艺片,我认为在家看和在电影院看没什么区别。 It certainly is in the cinema. Cenima can give you a shockness which you can not get at home. But ,some life style film is no difference for me to see in the cinema or at home. 17 会几种语言? How many language can you speak? 让我数数……,1……4,我会四种,普通话,粤语,客家话和英语,哦,还有日语也稍微懂一点。 Let me count...., one...four, I can speak four lanugages, mandarin, contongues, Hakka and English.En....and I can speak a little Japanese. 18 为什么学英语? Why you study English? 学会英语非常游泳。首先可以与外国人交流,比如我要去外国留学,学会英语是必须的。其次是可以看懂外国文献,这对我的专业学习非常有帮助。 Learning English is important. Firstm I can communicate with the foreigners. If I go abroad, the ability of speak English is essencial. Second, I can read foreign literature. It is important to my specialty studying. 19、 怎样学习英语? How to study English well? 我认为,要学好英语,最关键的是要有浓厚的兴趣。但光有兴趣还不够,还学要懂得学习的方法。如果具备了这两点,我相信必定能学习好英 I think interest is the key to learn English well. Certainly interest is not enough, I must know the studying method. If I possess those two, I am sure I can learn English great look..............look..........ァΑぁ


何家弘 法律出版社 最新版的 比较经典 附赠光盘

谁帮我翻译下这个 法律英语作业 。。。法律这一章真是太讨厌了

4.丙方在执行事务时如因其过失或不遵守公司章程、规定、股东大会决议而造成其他共同投资人损失时,应承担赔偿责任。4. Party c in executive affairs such as because of its fault or not abide by the articles of association, and the provisions of shareholders, and cause other common investor losses, shall bear the liability for compensation.5.共同投资人可以对丙方执行共同投资事务提出异议。5. Common investors can to party c perform common investments to protest.提出异议时,应暂停该项事务的执行。Objection, should suspend the affairs of execution.如果发生争议,由全体共同投资人共同决定;If has the dispute, by all the common investors decided together;6.共同投资的下列事务必须经全体共同投资人同意:6. Common investment of the following issues must be approved by all of the joint investors agree:(1)转让共同投资于有限公司的股份;(1) transfer to invest in the shares of a company limited;(2)以上述股份对外出质;(2) with the above shares out of quality;(3)更换事务执行人。(3) change affairs executor.(4)有限公司二十万元人民币以上的经营项目。(4) Co., LTD. Of above two hundred thousand yuan business projects.(5)有限公司的贷款、借款、转投资事项。(5) Co., LTD. Of the loan, loan, investment transfer matters.(6)其它经任一投资人提出,认为需要全体共同投资人同意的事情。(6) by any other investors to put forward, think need all of the joint investors agree to things.第五条 投资的转让Article 5 the transfer of investment1.共同投资人向共同投资人以外的人转让其在共同投资中的全部或部分出资额时,须经全部共同投资人同意;1. Common to outside investors to investors transfer of his investment in common in all or part of his investment, must be approved by all common investors agree;2.共同投资人之间转让在共同投资中的全部或部分股权时,应当通知其他共同出资人;2. Common investors in common between the investment transfer all or part of the equity, shall notify the other common investors;3.共同投资人依法转让其出资额的,在同等条件下,其他共同投资人有优先受让的权利。3. Common investors transferred according to law of its capital contribution, under the same conditions, and other common investors have the preemptive right of purchase.4、丙方不得向共同投资人以外的人转让其享有的股权,丙方可向其它共同投资人转让股权,但需经全体共同投资人同意。4, party c can not to common people outside the investors to transfer its enjoy the equity, and c may refer to other common transfers equity investors, but need through all of the joint investors agree.5、转让股份价格可以三方协议约定,协议不成的以三方共同聘请的评估机构作价为准。5, transfer stock prices can tripartite agreement, to reach an agreement with three party hired to evaluate an orgnaization to evaluate shall prevail.第六条 其他Article 6 other1.本协议未尽事宜由共同投资人协商一致后,另行签订补充协议。1. This agreement by common investors matters not through negotiation, sign compensatory agreement separately.2.本协议经全体共同投资人签字盖章后即生效。2. This agreement by all the common investors" signature is effective.本协议一式_________份,共同投资人各执一份。This agreement is in _______ copies, common investors hold each a copy of.甲方(签字):_________ 乙方(签字):_________Party a (signature) : _______ party b (signature) : ________________年____月____日 _________年____月____日In _______ _____ _____ _____ on day in _______ _____ on day签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________Sign site: _______ sign site: _______丙方(签字):_________Party c (signature) : ________________年____月____日In _______ _____ _____ on day签订地点:_________Sign site: _______4. Party c in executive affairs such as because of its fault or not abide by the articles of association, and the provisions of shareholders, and cause other common investor losses, shall bear the liability for compensation.5. Common investors can to party c perform common investments to protest. Objection, should suspend the affairs of execution. If has the dispute, by all the common investors decided together;6. Common investment of the following issues must be approved by all of the joint investors agree:(1) transfer to invest in the shares of a company limited;(2) with the above shares out of quality;(3) change affairs executor.(4) Co., LTD. Of above two hundred thousand yuan business projects.(5) Co., LTD. Of the loan, loan, investment transfer matters.(6) by any other investors to put forward, think need all of the joint investors agree to things.Article 5 the transfer of investment1. Common to outside investors to investors transfer of his investment in common in all or part of his investment, must be approved by all common investors agree;2. Common investors in common between the investment transfer all or part of the equity, shall notify the other common investors;3. Common investors transferred according to law of its capital contribution, under the same conditions, and other common investors have the preemptive right of purchase.4, party c can not to common people outside the investors to transfer its enjoy the equity, and c may refer to other common transfers equity investors, but need through all of the joint investors agree.5, transfer stock prices can tripartite agreement, to reach an agreement with three party hired to evaluate an orgnaization to evaluate shall prevail.Article 6 other1. This agreement by common investors matters not through negotiation, sign compensatory agreement separately.2. This agreement by all the common investors" signature is effective. This agreement is in _______ copies, common investors hold each a copy of.Party a (signature) : _______ party b (signature) : _______In _______ _____ _____ _____ on day in _______ _____ on daySign site: _______ sign site: _______Party c (signature) : _______In _______ _____ _____ on daySign site: _______


Penalty goal theory [Content summary] The penalty goal is the national formulation, the demand, decides after deliberation, the execution and the surveillance penalty anticipated the wish achieved ideal effect.It was deciding the penalty system and the type, as well as penalty being suitable with the execution, may say the penalty goal is the starting point and the home to return to which the entire penalty system depends establishes.What but (1) is the penalty goal? The theorists it may be said has wide divided opinions.This article through to the Chinese government criminal law theorists to the penalty goal theory narration, proposes the penalty goal level theory. Key word: Concept restructuring; Narration; Level theory; Forecast 手打的哦 打了十多分钟呢


The application of proper law of the contract, the contract is the core issue of the application of the law. Through the theory and practice of long-term exploration of context in determining the proper law of the contract has been formed by some of the world universally accepted principles, such as the most closely linked to the principle of self-contract theory.China"s contract law scholars basically advocates the application of the principle of autonomy mainly to the most closely linked to the principle of complementary. However, the threshold of the 21st century, international economic and commercial relations between the increasingly complex and diverse, especially in the economic globalization, the globalization of law put forward a new theory, such as the need for the application of the rules of contract law and to improve the timely adjustment.

高分求法律英语判例翻译 (可追加)

fendant第一请求指令规定的产品的用户不需要采取更多的预防措施以使其更安全但授权条件中使用它作为聚氨酯追从制造商,正常磨损除外,它是用来在方式和目的,它是生产。同时,陪审团无法找到被告过失未能使看台的安全向其中添加的东西如果他们被用的方式为目的,他们制造的。被告人的请求,拒绝异议,声称它允许陪审团来推测,有责任在被告提高制造的产品而没有这样的义务。的要求似乎是基于在瓦格纳诉拉尔森的语言,257,爱荷华1202,1211,1212,136 n.w.2d 312,318。摘要正确性可以假定。然而,我们认为法院是不需要如此指示,这么做会注入情况下不承认的问题,如案件提交给陪审团,并且可能有LED混乱。有陪审团对被告进行漂白ERS时相比,从制造商获得更安全的故障恢复,它就会在该法院指令。看到×1072哈特诉欣克利,215爱荷华,915,919,247,西北258;Murphy诉滑铁卢市,255,爱荷华557,566,123 n.w.2d 49,54。


In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Committee is entitled to form and delegate any or all of its responsibilities to a subcommittee consisting of one or more members of the Committee, when appropriate and permitted by applicable legal and regulatory requirements; provided, however, that the Committee shall not delegate its responsibilities for any matters that involve executive compensation or any matters where it has determined such compensation is intended to comply with Section 162(m) of the Code or is intended to be exempt from Section 16(b) under the Exchange Act pursuant to Rule 16b-3, unless the members of such subcommittee qualify as “outside directors” under Section 162(m) and “non-employee directors” under Rule 16b-3. Where so permitted, a subcommittee of the Committee may exercise the powers and authority of the Committee and the Board while acting within the scope of the powers and responsibilities delegated to it.在履行职责的过程中,委员会有权组织或任命小组委员会,以承担其部分或所有职责。小组委员会由一名或一名以上委员会成员组成,且成员必须合法,并且遵守相关的规章要求。但是,若议题涉及管理层薪资水平时,或者任何需根据Section 162(m) of the Code(这是一个专门的法规,有专门的名称,你应该知道的)决定,以及根据交易法第16b-3条款而不受Section 16(b)制约的事务,执行委员会不应进行委任。除非此小组委员会成员为Section 162(m )所认可的“独立董事”或交易法第16b-3条款所认可的“非雇员董事”。经此任命后,在委员会和董事会规定的权力职责范围内,小组委员会可执行其权力和职权。The Committee, in discharging its oversight role, is empowered to study or investigate any matter of interest or concern that the Committee deems appropriate. The Committee shall have the authority to retain special legal, accounting or other advisers to advise the Committee, including without limitation the sole authority to retain and terminate any compensation consulting firm used to assist in the evaluation of Director, CEO or senior executive compensation and the sole authority to approve such firm"s fees and other retention terms. The Company shall provide for appropriate funding for such counsel or experts retained by the Committee. 委员会在执行监管职能时,有权对涉及股权的任何事务,或委员会认为有必要监管的任何事务进行调查研究。委员会有权雇用特殊的法律,财务或其他领域的人士进行咨询,并对于用来对董事,CEO或其他高管薪金水平评估的薪金咨询公司具有唯一管辖权,可对其进行雇用或解聘。委员会对于薪金咨询公司和其他咨询事务的费用同样具有唯一管辖权。公司需对委员会聘任的咨询人士或专家提供足够的资金。Management of the Company is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Company"s business. As a result, the Company"s officers and employees and other persons who may be engaged by the Committee may have more time, knowledge and detailed information about the Company than do the Committee members. The Committee will review information, opinions, reports or statements presented to the Committee by the Company"s officers or employees or other persons as to matters the Committee members reasonably believe are within such other person"s professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the Company. While the Committee has the responsibilities and powers set forth in this Charter, each member of the Committee, in the performance of his or her duties, will be entitled to rely in good faith upon reports presented to the Committee by these experts. Accordingly, the Committee"s role does not provide any special assurances with regard to matters that are outside the Committee"s area of expertise or that are the traditional responsibility of management.公司管理层应对公司商务的日常运作负责。所以,由委员会任命的公司高级职员、普通职员和其他所有人员应具备比委员会更多的时间,知识和公司详细信息。委员会必须根据或为了公司利益决定上述人员的雇佣与否,并相信其专业或专家能力。委员会应对公司高级职员、普通职员和其他所有人员向委员会提出的信息,意见,报告或声明仔细审阅。除本纲领提出的义务和权力之外,委员会每个成员须对上述专家对委员会提出的报告具备足够的信任。相应的,因上述事务超出委员会的专业领域或被认为是管理层的职责,委员会不承担任何特殊责任。译者:看来委员会真是不干活啊,呵呵

法律英语中的herein, thereof, therefrom之类的词该如何翻译?



1. To establish an effective contract, the parties must be consensual, and the agreement is adopted by the party to put forward an offer that the other party to accept an offer to be embodied in 2. If the commitment to the force of law to become an exchange, it is necessary to carry out 3. Must have a valid contract for the parties to support the price."s Definition of price is reached through bargaining and exchange. In other words, those who accept the commitment to give up something or suffer damage to the contract in exchange for promises 4. Revocable contracts can mean the cancellation of the contract, that is to say, even if the contract by the agreement constitutes a clear and there is value and purpose of the law, a party can legally withdraw 5. Contract can be considered as null and void a number of reasons, such as illegal, not price, or one or both parties do not ability. In some cases, out of public order and good customs of the reasons, the court will determine a legal contract null and void 6. Intentional tort some of the accused can show that the infringement is allowed to raise legal defense 7. Fraud as a violation of a defense 8. Tort law is what the violations, and that can be socially acceptable and responsible standards of conduct 9. Contract is an agreement of both parties, a party that is in violation of the agreement constitute a breach of contract 10. Waiver of individual freedom does not constitute unlawful detention


Appeal to Court of Appeal(1)If any party is dissatisfied with a decision of the High Court on an appeal under section 31,such party may, with leave to appeal granted by the Court of Appeal upon application, appeal to the Court of Appeal.向上诉法庭提起的上诉(1)如果任何一方对高院关于第31节的上诉案件所作的裁定不满,该方向上诉法庭申请上诉获得许可后,可以向上诉法庭提起上诉。(2)The Court of Appeal may grant leave to appeal under subsection (1) if it is satisfied that a question of law of general public importance is involved.(2)如果上诉法庭认为涉及的法律问题对公众是重要的,可根据(1)小节给予批准上诉。(3) An application for leave to appeal under this section shall be--(a) in the form specified by the Registrar of the Supreme Court, setting out the question of law; and (b) lodged with the Registrar of the Supreme Court within--(i) 7 days after the date of the decision against which the appeal is made; or(ii) such time as may be extended by the Registrar of the Supreme Court on good cause.(3)根据这一节申请上诉许可,将按下列程序进行:(a)由最高法院司法常务官规定的形式,阐述法律的问题;以及(b)向最高法院司法常务官提交申请 –(i)于裁定日期后的7天之内;或者(ii)如有合理原因,由最高法院司法常务官指定的延长时间之内。(4) A refusal by the Court of Appeal to grant leave to appeal shall be final.(Laws of Hong Kong,Cap.453:Art.33)(4)如上诉法庭拒绝上诉许可的申请,这将是最终裁定(根据香港法Cap.453::第33条款)。 【英语牛人团】


trustee 是受委托人


CIF FO外贸商品价格术语的一种。CIF全文是cost insurance and freight named port of destination 就是成本加保费加运费 。FO 就是FREE OUT, 船方不负责卸货费用.上文大概意思为 CIF FO 至中国大连,买家需保证提供卸货港一安全泊位,而运载船船长不管船舶是否在泊(当抵港时)都须书面或通过电报等形式及时向买方、其指定代理递交准备就绪通知书。买方须保证卸货港每个晴天工作日卸货率为1500吨,星期天、节假日除外,除非已经使用,一经使用,便计入装卸时间内 没看到你的划线部分,所以不好解释,我的QQ号99961493,有事我们共同学习进步!祝好




1. 准确性和正确性 鉴于立法语言所表述的内容是全体公民的行为规范,同时也是司法人员的执法依据,立法者要通过语言文字的准确运用来表述国家的立法思想和具体的法律内容。因此,翻译时一定要反复推敲,做到用词准确,不产生歧义。 所谓准确性(precision),就是指内容表达清楚明了,用词准确无误,不产生歧义。正确性(correctness)是指用语恰当、符合、一致。为保持法律专业术语的稳定性及概念表达上的一致性,英美国家的法学界和司法界人士常常奉行的是坚持一贯的原则,结果既保留了法律英语惯有的表达方式,又明显地区别于其他行业用语。 2.庄重性 法律代表着国家意志,是权力的象征,具有至高无上的权威性,法律英语即赋予正式和严谨的特点,表现出庄重性的特点。法律语言的庄重性主要体现在法律词汇的特殊性征上,反映在以下几个方面: (1)含有法律专业意义的普通词汇 法律英语和普通英语的重要区别之一就是法律英语中用到的很多普通词汇往往具有专业特定含义。例如:prejudice指损害,counterpart指有同等效力的副本,更复杂的,如:dominion 在民法中指完全所有权,在国际公法中为主权;estoppels在合同法中是不得反悔,在刑事讼诉法中是禁止翻供。因此,法律英语有其特定的意义与效果,不可随便改变形式。 (2)特定的法律专业术语 法律法规的规范调节作用主要是通过法律言语行为来实现的。正是法律语言的特殊社会功能使法律语言成为表达特有法律概念的专门术语。如defendant(被告),cause of action(案由),damages (损失赔偿费)等,这些术语通常不会在其他语域中出现。 (3)古英语词的运用 古词语在现代英语中不再广泛应用,但它在法律英语中却不可或缺,多为一些表示语法关系的复合副词。这些副词由here,there,where 词根加上一个或几个作为后缀的介词构成,用于英语法律公文,例如:hereafter,hereof,thereby,therefore,thereafter,thereon,whereat,whereby等等,以增加法律英语的神圣性、权威性和严密性。 (4)外来词 英语词汇的绝大部分都来源于法语与拉丁语。当代法律英语的基础是普通法,普通法的基础是中世纪的罗马法,而罗马法是拉丁文写成和实施的,故法律英语中留下许多拉丁词不足为奇,例如:alibi(某人不在犯罪现场的申辩或证明),declaration (申诉,陈述,证言)。 (5)模糊性词语 法律语言的模糊性,是指某些法律条文或法律表述在语义上不能确指,它一般用于涉及法律事实的性质、范围、程度、数量等无法明确的情况。如:Everyone has the right on arrest or detention to be informed promptly of the reasons therefore (the Constitution Act 1982).采用模糊词汇promptly (迅速)对无法量定的情况进行限制,概括地规范了法律主体应当施行的法律行为,体现法律的科学性。 3.复杂性 复杂的名词结构、被动句的频繁使用是法律英语的句法特点,复合条件状语从句与高频率介词短语的使用更增加了法律语言的理解难度。正式的法律条规和文本中由于对中心词的限定过多,语法结构往往比较复杂,大句套小句,小句套分句。 4.规范性 英美国家沿袭的是判例法,故对各种文书、表格的要求非常严格。而中美两国属于不同的法系,实行的是不同的法律制度,因此我们在学习法律英语时,不仅要求我们要读懂常用的司法文书格式,而且还要学会起草这类文件。法律文件中常有些平常不大用的词语,例如条约和合同的序言或前言部分,常有以Whereas (鉴于)开头的几段,文件的最后则用in witness of (以资证明) 等词。 鉴于法律英语的上述特点,我们可以总结出法律翻译的难点所在。在今后的翻译中,对于相关翻译难点给予相应的重视,便可使许多问题迎刃而解。 (1)要用法律专业术语来译,而且要正确地使用专业术语。 这一点是针对法律英语中词汇具有特定含义而言的。例如:opinion 按字面意思很容易被翻译成“决意见书”际上,judgment的正确译法应该是判决,decision是裁判(包括裁定和判决,如reported decision 正确含义为既决案件的判决),而opinion 则是判决书。再如,execution一词,与合同、文书、协定等连用时,根本不是“执行”,而是“签订”的意思。合同等的performance 才是合同的“执行、履行”。 (2)以直译为主,掌握固定的表达格式,甚至直接仿效套用。 鉴于法律文本涉及权利、义务关系,产生法律效力,具有法律后果的特殊性和法律语言庄重、严密、逻辑性强等特点,对原文的忠实是法律翻译特别强调的方面。因此,翻译法律文件主要采用直译的方法,运用固定的表达格式,以免使人产生多变反复之感。 (3)尽量使用被动语态。 法律英语句子中大量地使用被动句,是由法律文书的客观性所决定的。被动结构表达法律语言的概括性特征,特点就是不带个人的主观性。法律文本的功能是传达信息,核心就是客观真实可信,因而建议译者尽量使用被动句,特别是在立法语言和合同语言中。 法律翻译工作者在进行法律翻译时,既要从法律角度,更要从语言特点这一角度来考虑,保证原文的意义能够得到准确地传递,同时还需要灵活地采取一定的翻译策略来保证译文能够通顺、地道。译者在进行法律翻译时,把握好以上三个翻译难点并加以注意,方可在实际训练中做到有的放矢。


Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative system; The applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisons; The main body for controls debates both sides and the victim; The content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penalty; Examines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedure; Explains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative system; The applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisons; The main body for controls debates both sides and the victim; The content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penalty; Examines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedure; Explains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative system; The applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisons; The main body for controls debates both sides and the victim; The content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penalty; Examines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedure; Explains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.Content summary: Debate and tell the trade system is a kind of new criminal suit system developed in U.S.A. since the 20th century, since emerging in it, not only American and French department country popularize in Great Britain, until Germany, Italy continent law department country develop, become a kind of important lawsuit system in the world. Tell the trade system in debating, the educational circles of our country have greater disputes, mainly must say, deny and say, walk slowly and speak three kinds of main views. Analyze from of our country judicial practice our country have, establish, debate, tell trade thought foundation, system foundation, legal foundation and fact foundation of system already. Tell the construction of the trade system in debating, can set about from six following respects: A generally refered one debate, tell trade system change into and accuse of debating the system of consulting; Applicable scope section control in might penalty, case of detention to sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 3 year; The subject, in order to accuse of debating both sides and victim; The content is restricted to and can only do a deal to penalty; Simplify, examine, go on, revise to ordinary procedure, accede to and debate and tell the transaction procedure; Debate, tell trade agreement assert, fix his legal effect in the form of court verdict. Keyword: Debate the trade of telling, the concept, historical evolution, the comparative law analyzes, legislate to proposeContent summary: Debate and tell the trade system is a kind of new criminal suit system developed in U.S.A. since the 20th century, since emerging in it, not only American and French department country popularize in Great Britain, until Germany, Italy continent law department country develop, become a kind of important lawsuit system in the world. Tell the trade system in debating, the educational circles of our country have greater disputes, mainly must say, deny and say, walk slowly and speak three kinds of main views. Analyze from of our country judicial practice our country have, establish, debate, tell trade thought foundation, system foundation, legal foundation and fact foundation of system already. Tell the construction of the trade system in debating, can set about from six following respects: A generally refered one debate, tell trade system change into and accuse of debating the system of consulting; Applicable scope section control in might penalty, case of detention to sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 3 year; The subject, in order to accuse of debating both sides and victim; The content is restricted to and can only do a deal to penalty; Simplify, examine, go on, revise to ordinary procedure, accede to and debate and tell the transaction procedure; Debate, tell trade agreement assert, fix his legal effect in the form of court verdict. Keyword: Debate the trade of telling, the concept, historical evolution, the comparative law analyzes, legislate to propose


In case any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement,万一这里的一个或者更多条款, 由于任何原因, 在任何方面被认为作废,非法,或者不可强制性, 这样的作废,非法性或者非强制性不可影响本合约的其他条款. and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) had never been contained herein, 本协议的构成和加强,可当成作废的, 非法的或者强制性的条款根本没存在.provided that such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) shall first be curtailed, limited or eliminated to the extent necessary to remove such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability with respect to the applicable law as it shall then be applied. 前提是, 作废,非法或者不可强制的条款首先需要根据现行的法律在一定范围内缩减, 限制或者去除.


1:The largest , most important family is the so-called civil-law family. 民法所指的家庭,有最大最重要之意。2: Civil-law systems are , generally speaking , “codified” systems: the basic law is set out in code. 一般而言,民法体系乃是“法典化”体系,即:其基本法律以法典呈现。3: Another influential civil code was Germany"s ,which dates from the late nineteenth century . 德国民法典发端于十九世纪晚期,为另一颇具影响力的民法典。4: Judicial review was officially recognized in 1803 by the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Marbury v.Madison .(P36) 1803年,全美最高法院对Marbury v.Madison案的一纸裁决正式认可了司法复审制度。(36页)5: Ripeness and mootness issues are related to standing and might be understood simply as standing in a time frame .(P39) 实然与未然问题关乎持续力,对其理解易流于简单的时间上的持续力。(39页)6: This means two things: the Court could ignore ripeness in a given case if it wants to get to the merits and Congress could remove ripeness as a barrier to review if it chose , by providing for review . 这便意味着两种情况:最高法院若为事功计,在具体案件上可能会撇开实然性问题;议会这方面,鉴于复议之需,如采纳实然性,则在复议时,又可能因其构成障碍而将其抛弃。7: Mootness issues arise when the redressable harm is over and the case therefore no longer presente a live controversy . 当案件的可救济型伤害已了结,因而实际纠纷也不复存在时,未然性问题便出现了。8: Executive orders and executive agreements are widely used in foreign Affairs .(P40) 行政令与行政协定在外交事务中广为采用。(40页)9: While many of the country"s most important international commitments are still made b way of the formal treaty process . 国家为数不少的至为重要的国际承诺仍是通过正式条约程序达成。10: But the President has used American troops several times in history without going to Congress for a declaration of war .(P41) 但是历史上已有几次先例,不通过议会程序宣战,总统便径行动用武力开战。(41页)11: Federalism is most visible in its limitations on actions of the states through the supremacy clause .(P42) 联邦主义在对联邦诉诸最高条款的诉讼限制上,表现最为明显。12: Similarly ,the Court has prohibited discriminatory exemptions from income taxation that a state provided for retirement pay of state and local governmental employees , but not federal employees . 各州为备付本州本地方政府而非联邦的职员退休金,所征收的收入所得税的歧视性免除,也已为最高法院所禁止。13: “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States , are reserved to the States respectively ,to the people.” 联邦宪法未赋予联邦,也未对联邦禁止的权力,分属联邦及人民。14: Criminal Law, branch of law that defines crimes, establishes punishments. (P74) 刑法作为部门法,界定罪,并确定刑罚。(74页)15: Criminal law includes both substantive law , which is addressed in this article . 刑法包括两类实体法,本文对此进行了阐述。16: Crimes are claeeified in many different ways 罪的分类不拘一格。17: An important classification is the division of crimes into felonies or misdemeanors . 罪的一种重要分类,是厘分轻罪与重罪。18: In other jurisdictions, crimes punishable by imprisonment for one year or more are felonies , and those punishable by fine or imprisonment for less than one year are misdemeanors. 判决处以一年或一年以上徒刑的为重罪,处以罚款或一年以下徒刑的为轻罪。19: The crime of muder is loosely defined as the unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill .(P76)谋杀罪的宽泛定义为,带有致人死亡意图者非法致人死亡。(76页)


1. Power of Attorney 2. Indictment 3. The evidence (the conversation transcripts, witness statements, documentary evidence and material evidence) 4. Represented by counsel words 我是通过Google网页翻译进行翻译的,我一般是用这个,起码很快。希望我的回答可以帮到你!

法律英语比较好的帮忙翻译下:legal terms of art

legal terms of art指的是一些有明确的、固定的法律意义,通常不能用其他词替换其意思的专业词汇或者词组。这样的词有一些是为普通人所熟悉的,如patent,share,royalty,etc.而有一些通常只是为从事法律工作的人所知,如bailment, abatement, etc.legal terms of art要注意同legal jargon区分开。legal jargon可以理解为法律术语,仅为从事法律工作的人所使用,而其他人难以理解,legal jargon 包含一些已经不存在于日常用语中的词,也包含那些晦涩难懂的有确切法律意义的只会出现在法律文件上的词。但Jargon 可以尽量用其他表达替换。




2012年02月13日 09时00分,《英语资源网:英语论文:法律英语的汉译[1]》由liuxue86.com英语我整理. 摘要: 法律英语有其独特特征,表现为用词正式庄重,句式复杂冗长,篇章结构规范严谨。本文从“功能对等”理论出发,结合其文体特征,在分析其遣词造句和篇章特点的基础上,探讨如何实现法律英语汉译的“功能对等”。 关键词:尤金?奈达 功能对等 法律英语 一、引言 刘宓庆认为,法律文书即狭义上的公文文体;贾文波将法律文书归类为经贸文体;而吕俊等人则认为法律文书属于专门用途文体。尽管看法不一,但都强调了法律语言的特殊性,即:用词准确规范,句子长且复杂,语篇结构严谨。奈达提出“功能对等”翻译原则。论文论文参考网他强调在语言的诸多功能中信息功能最为重要,认为翻译应追求一种“共同语言”,使得译文读者能够以原文读者理解和欣赏原文的方式理解和欣赏译文文本。因此法律文本的译者不仅要熟悉原语和目的语的法律术语和文体特点,还要对这两种语言的词汇、句法以及语篇有深刻的认识,从而达到翻译的“功能对等”。 二、法律英语的功能对等汉译 (一)语言特征下的功能对等汉译 1.法律词汇 法律英语用词正式庄重。它有许多专业词汇,使用古体词和外来词,一些普通词有其特殊的法律意义。译者应遵循语言“规范化”,即使用官方认可的规范化语言,也应在两种语言中建立完全对等的语义关系,以找到等价术语。译者还需注重语言的“一致性”,即一个术语在同一个语篇中只用一个表达。 2.法律词组 法律文本经常使用近义词,近义词组rectify,amend or modify体现了法律语言“准确性”特征,译为校正、修改和修正。法律英语也常使用大量的同义词来表达同一概念的现象。这些同义词组只表达一个含义,如fair and equitable(合理的)。译者应遵循“精炼性”,做到精练准确。 3.动词名词化 动词名词化在法律英语中较普遍。汉语是动词占优势的语言,所以英译汉时应将名词翻译为动词,以符合汉语表达方式。如:The obligations under Articles 3 and 4 do not apply to procedures provided in multilateral agreements concluded under the auspices of WIPO relating to the acquisition or maintenance of intellectual property rights.划线部分应译为动词:获得和维护。 4.情态动词 法律英语中使用大量情态动词,如shall和may。shall的使用表现出立法成员的强烈意志,具有强制性,通常译为应该、必须,但在翻译时注重其“规约性”,把这种强制的语气表达出即可。 5.模糊语言 法律文书有时须使用意义模糊灵活的词语去准确表达法律概念或事实。如:necessary,as early as possible等,可译为:所需和尽早,这些词是对无法量定的情况进行限制概括,体现了法律的“科学性”。 (二)句式特征下的功能对等汉译 法律英语句式复杂冗长。刘宓庆将长句翻译分六步:紧缩主干、辨析词义、区分主从、捋清层次、调整搭配及润饰词语。通过庖丁解牛,分析句子逻辑关系和语义关系,理解句子的各成分之间的关系,并用符合中文的表达方式进行翻译,译者方可达到翻译的“功能对等”。如: China shall establish or designate an official journal dedicated to the publication of all laws,regulations and other measures pertaining to or affecting trade in goods,services,TRIPS or the control of foreign exchange and,after publication of its laws,regulations or other measures in such journal,shall provide a reasonable period for comment to the appropriate authorities before such measures are implemented,except for those laws,regulations and other measures involving national security,specific measures setting foreign exchange rates or m


对,Cotton LJ, Brett MR,Abinger CB里面的LJ,MR,CB就是职位相关的缩写.如,LJ就是指上诉法院法官 (Lord Justice),但是具体MR,CB是什么就不清楚了,对法律系统专业词汇不大清楚.


翻译:如果质量、数量、重量或货物被发现不符合规定的本合同经重新由中国进出口商品检验局在履行完毕后60多天货物的卸货,或如集装箱货物发运,60日开幕后这些器皿,买方有权要求卖方取回货物或卖方索取赔偿损失打击后实力检验局签发的说法,唯一的例外或保险公司索赔的乘客被车主,所有费用,包括但不限于检验费用, 利益返还损失的货物或索赔,应由卖方.


Terminal includes any place, whether covered or not, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal. "终点站”包括任何地点,是否有上盖,如码头、仓库、集装箱场站或 公路、铁路,或航空货运站。The Seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them at the terminal at the named port or place of destination. 在指定港口或地点目的地的终点站,卖方承担所有涉及把货物运抵及卸货的风险。The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely. 建议卖方订立与上述决定适宜的运输合同。Moreover, if the parties intend the seller to bear the risks and costs involved in transporting and handling the goods from the terminal to another place, then the DAP or DDP rules should be used.此外,如果当事人想要卖方承担从终点站到另一地点运输和装卸货物的风险和费用,应使用DAP贸易术语或DDP贸易术语。However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities. 然而,卖方并没有义务办理货物进口清关、负担任何进口关税或办理任何进口海关手续。


除了由本协议引起的或为执行本协议条款而提出的任何权利主张外,双方均以信托声明方式放弃已对对方个人财产提起的任何(结果性的、推定性的或其他性质的)权利主张。release from免除,放弃;claim权利主张;separate property个人财产(属于夫或妻一方的财产,非共同所有的财产);declaration of trust(信托声明);resulting(结果性的),constructive(推定性的)这两个词与otherwise(或其他性质的)一起修饰any claims they may have 中的claims;other than除了。arising under (this Agreement)和to enforce the provisions of this Agreement均为any claims的定语。


想学习法律知识最简单的就是参加法律自学考试。要学习法律翻译知识的话推荐孙万彪的 英汉法律翻译教程,我的网站有该书内容下载,还有更多法律英语翻译方面的文章。我的法律英语翻译独立博客网站域名已经绑定,欢迎收藏 www.lawelites.com 本网站是侧重法律英语翻译,兼及本人其他爱好的独立博客网站,分下面几个栏目:词典。因为各种原因,现在此栏目主要以文章的形式探讨法律英语词汇的翻译。翻译。主要探讨法律翻译中的各种问题。培训。主要涉及本人提供的法律英语培训项目以及付费文档等内容。文章。主要是与法律英语翻译有关的各种文章,如职业与培训、书报刊、法律语言、文书写作等。英美法是侧重英美具体法律规定和文章的栏目,将主要侧重下列法律;合同法、公司法、证券法、风险投资、知识产权、证据程序。法律汉语。主要内容包括汉语语法 法律术语 法律写作 公民权利等。资讯。主要涉及国外最新法律资讯、国外法律期刊杂志最新文章简介等。下载。主要是法律英语、法律翻译类资料的下载。博客。本人其他方面的兴趣爱好,具体包括电影、读书、游玩、教育、文摘、绿色生活、杂谈、烟台方言、新中国史等。每周发帖至少四篇。1、提供法律英语培训 按需定制,保证质量。每小时300元起。目前不提供法律英语考试类培训。站长简介与简历及对本人培训能力疑问的答复2、提供法律英语翻译及其他相关服务(审校、资料收集、法律英语资料付费下载等) 法律英语翻译2010年千字240元起。3、付费答疑(法律英语、法律翻译方面的问题)1500元解答70个问题所提问题字数不得超过300字。此字数包括问题本身字数和提问者的疑问和分析的字数。所提问题需写明提问者的疑问所在及自己的分析,最好附上自己的翻译。不接受只是需要翻译的问题。只需要翻译的疑难句子千字2000元,2000元起付。4、法律英语翻译付费文档2010年第1期 每份35元起。法律英语、法律翻译类文章合集。主要内容法律英语学习工具书三剑客 论shall在法律文书中的使用和翻译 推荐指数:五星 4116字 主要内容:shall概述,含义及评论,滥用及其判断(介绍了三种判断方法)、修改,翻译 翻译审校 委托书 中文及英译点评 推荐指数:四星 书报刊 《〈民法通则〉AAA译本评析》 存在的错误和不足 推荐指数:三星 4158字主要内容:该书优点,专业术语翻译存在的问题,漏译,错译,其他问题 法律英语翻译培训调查问卷本文禁止转载(除非另有声明)本文来源于刘素林法律英语翻译 http://www.lawelites.com/ , 原文地址:http://www.lawelites.com/post/46.html 本站2010年9月文章一览198 做好法律英语翻译工作的前提 付费文档199 本站文章一览2010年8月共36篇197 你是否遇compensation就译“赔偿”?196 证券术语1 存量发行含义及其翻译195 陈世美雇凶杀妻——必要或可取的情况下neccessary or desirable194 谈《A序列优先股购买协议》中的一个句子的理解193 法庭口译资料下载192 一英文句子该如何理解和翻译的讨论191 翻译杂谈 两则190 我们该如何悼念189 挣钱不过是享受翻译乐趣的副产品 兼谈新学期计划188 与翻译有关的国家标准 下载 不定期更新187 法律金融证券英语翻译转载资料库已经开通网址http://zhuan.lawelites.com 欢迎各位浏览。186 中国法律的篇章结构体系用语——立法法释义 置顶2 法律英语及法律翻译类网站一网通 http://www.lawelites.com/post/37.html

法律英语求翻译:the Stolen Valor Act

这个应该可以翻译成:偷来的勇气法案。具体的来源就是:The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 , signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006, was a US law that broadened the provisions of previous US lawaddressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals .2012年6月28日,美国最高法院裁定该法案违宪,违反了宪法第一修正案的言论自由原则,裁定撤销。


如果在签署这项协议,中国政府是在国家、省、市和地方一级采取任何新的法律、规章、法令和规定,修正或废除任何 条款的任何法律、规章、法令和规定,或通过任何不同的解释和执行方法的任何法律、规章、法令和规定, 违反本协议或有重大的不利影响,损害了党的经济利益损害,根据这项协议,从当时的情况书面通知当事人向另一方 双方应立即进行协商,并决定是否:(一)继续执行这项协议按照原规定,按有关规定,合同法的损害损害中华人民共和国; (二)实行必要的调整,以维护各缔约方损害损害中国的经济利益,根据这项协议基于同样有利比经济利益将得到如法律、规章、命令或规则尚未通过、修正、废止或实施。


中华人民共和国民用航空法(2) 国务院民用航空主管部门设立的地区民用航空管理机构依照国务院民用航空主管部门的授权,监督管理各该地区的民用航空活动。 The regional civil aviation administrative organs set up by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council supervise and administer the civil aviation activities in their respective regions in accordance with the authorizations of the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. 第四条 国家扶持民用航空事业的发展,鼓励和支持发展民用航空的科学研究和教育事业,提高民用航空科学技术水平。 Article 4 The State supports the development of civil aviation industry, and encourages and supports the progress of scientific research and education in the field of civil aviation and the improvement of civil aviation science and technology. 国家扶持民用航空器制造业的发展,为民用航空活动提供安全、先进、经济、适用的民用航空器。 The State supports the development of civil aircraft manufacturing industry so as to provide safe, advanced, economical and suitable civil aircraft for civil aviation activities. 第二章 民用航空器国籍 Chapter II Nationality of Civil Aircraft 第五条 本法所称民用航空器,是指除用于执行军事、海关、警察飞行任务外的航空器。 Article 5 Civil aircraft as referred to in this Law means aircraft other than those used in flight missions of military, customs and police services. 第六条 经中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门依法进行国籍登记的民用航空器,具有中华人民共和国国籍,由国务院民用航空主管部门发给国籍登记证书。 Article 6 A civil aircraft that has performed its nationality registration with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People"s Republic of China according to law has the nationality of the People"s Republic of China, and shall be issued a nationality registration certificate by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


法律英语翻译技巧  “开场白”、“结束语”以及“规定与罚则”是每一部法律法规必不可少的内容,掌握了这三个部分的翻译,法律法规翻译会变的简单、容易的多。  一、“开场白”  下面便是一部典型的地方法规的卷首语:  第一条为加强市容和环境卫生管理,创造和维护整洁、优美的市容环境,保障人民身体健康,促进经济发展和社会文明进步,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。(摘自天津市市容和环境卫生管理条例)  开场白一般有四个雷打不动的组成部分。即“为了”、“根据”、“结合”、“制定”。根据英语行文特点,应该先翻译“制定”,These Regulations are enacted(formulated),一般formulate用的多些,从英语词义分析,enact似乎更加准确些。有学者主张把enact与 formulate一起用上。准确是准确了,但是毕竟显得有点儿累赘。下面是译文:  Article 1These Regulations are enacted in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations and in light of the concrete conditions of this Municipality,with the purpose of strengthening the administration of cityscape and environmental sanitation,creating and maintaining aclean,beautiful cityscape and environment,protecting people"s health,promoting economic growth,civilization and progress of society.还有三处小地方需要说明一下。  1.条例也可以用单数。  2.“条例”与“本市”大写的目的是为了醒目、突出,并与本条例中提到的另外一些条例加以区别。  3.With the purpose of或者with the aim to后边都应该用动词+ing的形式。  在开场白中,往往还有一些关键名词的解释,实施本法的范围以及负责单位的任命等项内容。现分别说明如下:  关键名词解释:  第三条本条例所称的劳动和社会保障(以下简称劳动保障)监察,是指劳动保障行政部门依法对用人单位和劳动者、就业服务机构、医疗服务机构遵守劳动保障法律、法规的情况进行监督检查,对违反劳动保障法律、法规的行为依法进行处理的行政执法活动。(摘自《天津市劳动和社会保障监察条例》)   Article 3The labour and social security(hereinafter abbreviated as labour security)supervision mentioned in this Regulation refers to the activities of the administrative department for labour security,in supervising and checking,according to law,employing units and labourers,employment intermediary agencies,and medical facilities of their observation of the laws and regulations on labour security and,in handling,according to law,acts breaching laws and regulations on labour security.实施本法范围:  第二条在本市行政区域内从事建设工程的新建、扩建、改建等有关活动,以及对建设工程质量实施监督管理的,必须遵守本规定。(摘自《天津市建设工程质量管理规定》)  Article 2These Regulations apply to the newly-built,expanded and renovated construction projects carried out in this Municipality and the quality control thereof.负责单位:  第六条天津经济技术开发区管理委员会(以下简称开发区管委会)是天津市人民政府(以下简称市人民政府)的派出机构,代表市人民政府对开发区实行统一管理。(摘自《天津经济技术开发区条例》)  Article 6The Administrative Committee of the Tianjin Economic― Technological Development Area(hereinafter referred to as TEDAAC)is delegated by the Tianjin Municipal People"s Government(hereinafter referred to as the Municipal People"s Government),and shall exercise auniform administration of TEDA on behalf of the Municipal People"s Government.既然在中文法律文书行文中,开场白的上述内容是必不可少的,翻译起来,也有一些比较固定的译法,不妨一记。“所称”…“是指”,有几种常见的译法。  一是如上面的译文所示“mentioned…refers to”,也可以翻译成“be referred…shall be”;  “必须遵守本规定”或者“适用本规定”,可以一律翻译成“apply to”,不要把前者翻译成“must abide by”…  二、“结束语”  结束语首先要说,本条例从何时起生效,有的时候还要说明以前制定的某某条例同时废止。请看上述有关市容条例的结束语以及译文:  第五十九条本条例自公布之日起施行。1998年2月25目天津市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十次会议通过的《天津市环境卫生管理条例》同时废止。  Article.59 These Regulations shall become effective as from the date of promulgation.The Regulations of Tianjin Municipality on Environmental Sanitation that was adopted at the 40th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People"s Congress on February 25,1998 shall be abrogated simultaneously.“生效”译法不一而足。经常选用的有:take effect,come into effect,become effective等等。如果原文是从某日起实施,要用as of这个词组,比如从2003年12月20日起实施,要说These Regulations shall take effect as of December 20,2003,而不要说成as from December 20,2003.“同时废止”则比较简单,译成be abrogated simultaneously即可。






English conflict of laws in the application of foreign law in national legislation with that in can be called unique. In the nature of foreign law, whether ex officio application of proven methods, and can not prove that a foreign law or have proved inadequate when to how to resolve and so on will have their own unique characteristics. In today"s society continues to develop foreign trade gradually developed, gradually increasing cases, the application and proof of foreign law is increasingly subject to national attention, China is no exception. However, due to China"s legislation and practice are lagging behind the developed countries, so this unique approach in the analysis of the UK the same time,Also exists in our country"s problems and their solutions are expounded.


fine 主要是指罚金,也就是罚款。而penalty意思更为广泛,一般指在双方有约定的时候,一方违反协定时所要承担的责任,这里也可以包括罚金,主要看约定时的违约责任条款。


1.divine‘s punishments, though slow, are always sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 2.an act is not a crime unless the law says it is one. 法无明文规定者不为罪。 3.this contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals, all of which are of the same effect. 本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。 4. the law does not concern itself about family trifles. 法律难断家务事。 5.this document is legally binding. 该文件具有法律约束力。 6. this law is in abeyance. 此法暂缓执行。 7. this law has become a dead letter. 此法已成为一纸空文。 8. this law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation. 本法自公布之日起施行。 9 the court dismissed the action. 法院驳回诉讼。 10. the court ordered the case to be retried. 法院命令重审此案…… 11.giving the killer what he deserves. 予杀人者以应得之罪。 12. hate the sin but not the sinner. 可恨的是罪行而非罪人。 13.everyone has the right to freedom of expression. 每个人都享有言论自由。 14. everyone is equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。 15. first in time, first in right. 先在权利优先。 16. no rights can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons. 没有无义务的权利。 17. in most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is “gross” or “slight”。 在多数民事事项环境中,过失行为是否“严重”或“轻微”并不关紧要。 18. traditionally, firm referred to a partnership, as opposed to a company. 按惯例,firm是指合伙企业,与公司相对。 19.a transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third. 合约不约束第三人。 20. an acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents. 除非要约人同意,一经做出即不得撤回。 21. a contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。 22. any amendments to this contract shall become effective only by a written agreement by party a and party b. 对本合同的任何修改,只有经甲、乙双方签署书面协议后方能生效。 23. any annex is the integral part of this contract. 本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。 24. any departure from the terms and conditions of the contract must be advised in writing. 任何与合同条款相背离的地方,都应以书面形式通知。 25. any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be considered as a substantial breach. 一方当事人不履行本合同的全部或任何部分义务均应被视为是根本违约。 26. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party‘s agreement. 未经另一方当事人同意,任何当事人均无权终止本合同。 27.examples of void contracts are those entered as a result of misrepresentation, duress or undue influence. 因欺诈、胁迫和乘人之危而签订的合同属于可撤销合同。 28. if any of the above-mentioned clauses is inconsistent with the following additional clauses, the latter to be taken as authentic. 以上任何条款如与下列附加条款相抵触,以下列附加条款为准。 其他法律对合同另有规定的,应依照这些规定。 30.no consideration, no contract. 合同无对价不成立。 31. other special terms will be listed bellows. 甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行约定。 32. party a and b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 甲、乙双方,经友好协商一致,订立本合同。 33. parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein. 本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商修订或补充。 34. the parties may dissolve the contract upon consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。 35. counsel must not lead the witness. 律师不得诱导证人。 36. the jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge will pass sentence next week. 陪审团裁定有罪,法官将于下周判刑。 37. the jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪审团未能达成意见一致的裁决。 38.judgment was entered for the plaintiff. 判决原告胜诉。 39. now the court is in session. 现在开庭。 40. order in the court. 法庭内保持肃静。 41. objection -反对 objection overruled——反对驳回



法律英语翻译of the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered

of the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered对指控的性质,提出了抗辩  双语例句1.Is it not in the nature of all human beings to yearn for freedom?渴望自由不是人类的天性吗?  2.The report issued this week is surprisingly frank about the nature of those abuses.报告出乎意料地“坦白”了供应商的种种恶行。3.The nature of this traceability depends on the means used to express atomic rules.这种可跟踪性依赖于原子性规则的表达方式。

法律英语词汇 中译英

买卖合同 Business Contract /Buying and Selling Contract商标特许协议 Trademark License Agreement 谅解备忘录 Memorandum of Understanding意向书 Letter of Intent(LOI)保密协议 Confidentiality Agreement -租赁协议 Lease Agreement -协作协议 Collaboration Agreements -特许经营协议 Franchise Agreements咨询协议 Advisory Agreement 合作经营企业协议 Joint Venture Agreement 形象代言协议 Image Representing Agreement独家经销协议 Exclusive Distribution Agreement


1. This agreement was signed on June 18, 2013. The parties are: ABC Company, a company established and existing under the laws of the People"s Republic of China. The registered office address is located at ________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A); and DEF Company It is a company that is properly established and existing under the laws of Japan. The registered office address is located at ________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B). 2. If a party fails to perform the terms and conditions of this agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.




A Ab initio Ab initio是拉丁文,其意思是“自开始之时”或“从头开始”,可以直接翻译为“自始”。在法律英语中,ab initio的使用频率较高,比较常见。如:ab initio mundi(有史以来),void ad initio(自始无效)等。 Accord accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 Accused 被告 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 Acquire acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 Acquittal 罪名不成立。刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。详见民法中和刑法中表达不同意思的“acquit”一文。 Act act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。 Action act在普通英语中的含义是行动,在法律英语中则理解为诉讼,相当于suit或lawsuit,如initiate an action提起诉讼,win an action在诉讼中获胜,defend oneself in an action在诉讼中为自己辩护等。 Adjourn 休庭,押后 法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。 Admission admission是admit的名词,在普通英语中的含义是承认或接纳。在法律英语中,则通常是法律程序中的一个用语,意思是采纳,采信(证据),如The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.被告以证据没有相关性为由反对法院对其予以采信。 Adopt adopt的最常见含义是采用,通过,如adopt a law通过一项法律,adopt a proposal采纳一个建议等,这种用法在法律英语中也较为常见。另外,adopt在法律英语中可能会用到一个含义是收养,如adopt an orphan according to law根据法律规定收养孤儿。 Affect affect是普通英语中最常见最普通的单词之一,意思是影响,通常用在口语和非正式的场合中。但在法律英语,affect(本义没有改变,仍然是影响),确实非常正式的用法,通常不能用influence等单词替换。如The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。 Affidavit 誓章 以宗教仪式发誓后签署的书面证供称为Affidavit,而以真诚发誓所签署的证供称为Affirmation,两者的格式用词有些分别,但主要作用相同。 Affiliate affiliate是法律英语的常见单词之一,意思是关联方,关联公司,也可以associate或connected person表示。如“Affiliate” means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party,including a Party"s parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party.“关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。 Agent agent也是法律英语中常见单词之一,意思是代理人,代理商,通常指商业代理,如果指非商业性质的代理,如替别人出席会议等,则可用proxy。例:Nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of any of its provisions is intended or shall be construed to constitute either party an agent, 1egal representative, subsidiary,joint venturer,partner,employer,or employee of the other for any purpose whatsoever.参考译文:本协议的任何内容或本协议任何条款的履行,无意表示、亦不应被理解为任何一方为任何目的可以充当另一方的代理人、法定代表、子公司、合营方、合作伙伴、雇主或雇员。 Allegation 声称 诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant"s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。Allegation是名词。 Applicable applicable在法律英语中的意思是可适用的,如例句:If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement or any document executed in connection herewith shall be invalid,illegal,or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the provision/provisions shall be deemed to have been severed from this agreement.如果本协议或涉及本协议而签署的任何文件中某条或数条条款,根据任何适用法律在任何方面是无效的、不合法或不能强制执行的,视为该条款从本协议中删除。 A right of audience 发言权 Assault 殴打,侵犯 以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。 As is 现状 “As is”意指“现状”。常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。“The property is and will be sold on an “as is” basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。又如deliver the house as is. 按照房屋的现状交付房屋。The software is provided as is.按软件现有状况提供软件等。 As of as of 是“到…截止”或“在…时”的意思。有些中文参考书对“as of”含义的解释是不对的,它们把as of解释为从…开始,相当于since。“as of”具体使用和翻译方法请参见为什么“as of”的中文翻译常出错?一文 Asset asset的含义是资产、财产,不仅包括动产,不动产,也包括可以动用的资源。如fixed asset固定资产,floating asset流动资产,Asset and capital verification 清产核资,asset management资产管理等。 Assign assign是法律英语中常用单词之一,意思是转让,也可以指受让人,通常指权利的转让。如assign the rights to a third party。把权利转让个第三方。又如Without the prior express written consent of the Principal, the Agent may not assign this Agreement to any other party.未经委托方事先明确的书面同意,代理方不得将本协议转让给任何第三方。 Attach attach在普通英语中的含义是依附,粘贴,在法律英语中指扣押财产。Attach the property扣押财产。Attachment order扣押令等。 B Bail 保释 刑事案中的疑犯或被告,可以暂时被释放。保释可以是有条件的,也可以是无条件的。保释的条件包括缴交指定金额的保释金、提供人事担保及定时向警署报到等。 Balance of Probabilities 可能性较高者。这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。相对刑事案而言,民事案中败诉的后果一般都只是经济利益,所以法庭对举证的要求,相对也较刑事案为低。 Bankrupt bankrupt的意思是破产,既可以指单位也可以指个人破产。如go bankrupt破产,declare bankrupt宣布破产,adjudicate sb. Bankrupt判决某人破产等。 Beyond a reasonable doubt 无合理疑点。这是刑事案件中举证的标准,控方向法庭提出的证据,必须是在合理的情况下并无疑点,法庭才会判处被告有罪。刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“benefit of doubt”归于被告。具体翻译可参见刑事诉讼中的“beyond a reasonable doubt”该如何翻译一文。 Bind bind在普通英语中的含义是包扎,粘合。在法律英语中含义是约束,对…产生约束力。如the agreement binds all the parties to it协议对各方均有约束力,bind sb. to do使某人负有做…事情的义务等。具体用法参见怎样把“bind”一词“约束”好?一文 Binding 有约束力的 “binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:This provisional agreement is a binding contract。这份临时协议是有法律约束力的。 Board of directors/supervisors board of directors/supervisors分别为董事会和监事会,是公司的重要权力或监督机构。Board在法律英语中的含义是委员会,如果没有特别说明,一般指董事会,如果是单独的董事、监事,可以分别以director和supervisor表示。 Body Corporation 法人团体 经法律程序而产生具有与自然人相同法律地位的组织,例如:根据公司条例注册成立的有限公司Limited Company,可以拥有资产,可以向外借贷,可以提出控诉,也可以被申索。法人团体没有自然的死亡因素,所以必须经法律程序才可以将它消除。 Breach breach的意思是违反,侵犯,通常指违反合同、协议等。如If Party A materially breaches this Contract,Party B or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract.如果甲方实质性违反本合同,乙方或其权益承继人有权终止本合同或要求得到损害赔偿。 Burden of Proof 举证责任 无论是刑事或民事案件,提出控诉的一方,都负有举证的责任,即是向法庭提出证据,支持控诉和申索的事由。虽然在一般的情况下,向法庭举证是主控和原告的责任,但如果被告在刑事案中被法庭判罪之后,再被受害人以民事追讨赔偿,则在有关的民事诉讼中,如果被告否认他对受害人的损失需要负上赔偿的责任,被告便有责任向法庭举证,支持他的抗辩。 C Call call在普通英语中意思是呼唤,召集,如call the board meeting 召集董事会。另外在法律英语中通常为催促,催款。如The seller issued a notice of call to the buyer to urge the buyer to pay off the balance of the amount due and owing to seller.卖方向卖方发出催款通知,要求买方向卖方支付已到期尚未支付的账款余额。 Capital capital是法律英语中的常见单词,意思是资本,如current capital流动资本,authorized capital授权资本,capital reserve资本公积,capital investment资本投资等。    Cause of Action 诉讼理由 提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。 Caution 警诫词。执法人员(警察及海关人员等)在拘捕疑犯时,提醒疑犯保持缄默的权利的警告说话。执法人员在没有给予疑犯警诫词的情况下所录取的供词,可能不会被法庭接纳为有效的证供。 Certified Copy 核证副本。指经律师或其它合资格人士核证的文件副本,核证副本都有核证人的签署和核证日期,以确认该副本进行了核证,除特别声明必须用文件正本的情况外,核证副本一般都视为有效的文件。 Chamber 办公室。诉讼律师和法官的办公室,称为“Chamber”。诉讼程序中有部份的聆讯是在法官的办公室中进行的,称为内庭聆讯”hearing in chambers”,内庭聆讯只准许当事人及其法律代表出席。 Charge 收费,控罪,抵押,押记 Charge可以是名词,也可以是动词,它包含了多个不同的解释:1. 是提供服务的收费,例:Legal Charge 律师收费;2. 是刑事控罪,例:This case has more than one charge 这案件包含多于一项的控罪;3. 是借贷的抵押,例:The company charged its property for the loan 这间公司以其物业作为借款的抵押;4. 是对法定债务人的物业的押记,用以偿还有关的法定债务。 Circumstance circumstance在普通英语中指环境,情景。在法律英语中指法官予以定罪量刑的情节等。如aggravating/mitigating circumstance加重/减轻情节,legal circumstance法定情节等。 Claim claim在法律英语中的意思是索赔,诉求,既可以作名词,也可以作动词。如claim damages要求损害赔偿金,claim on the insurance 进行保险索赔,reject a claim拒绝一项索赔请求等。 Communication communication在这里不是抽象意义的交流,沟通,而是商业往来中的具体讯息,书信,包括来往函电,信件信件等。如Notices or other communications required to be given by one Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be written in Chinese.一方根据本协议要求发出的通知或其他书信应以中文书写。 Company company是法律英语翻译中最常用的单词之一,意思是公司,如controlling/holding company 控股公司,parent company母公司,limited liability company有限责任公司,company limited by shares 股份有限公司,listed company上市公司等。 Composition composition在普通英语中的常见意思为作文,结构,在法律英语中的意思为和解协议,指债务人与全部或至少相当一部分债权人达成的此类协议。如In case a settlement agreement is reached through conciliation between the debtor and creditors, the court shall make a decision in accordance with the contents of the composition reached by and between both parties.经债务人和债权人经调解达成和解协议的案件,法院应当根据双方当事人和解协议的内容,作出判决。 Concession concession指(政府授予的)特许权,特许经营权,如BOT project concession period consists of two parts: concession period limit and concession period length. BOT项目特许权转让协议中有关特许期的约定涉及两部分内容,包括特许期限定和特许期长度。 Concurrent Sentence 合并判决。刑事案中的被告犯了两项或以上的罪名同时成立,但各项罪名的判刑同时执行,例如第一项罪的判刑是一年监禁,而第二项罪的判刑是监禁两年,两项罪合并判决,被告只需要被服刑两年。 Confidential confidential是法律英语中的常用词汇,意思是保密的,机密的,相当于secret,但一般不能用secret替换。如Each party agrees to protect the other"s Confidential Information at all times and in the same manner as each protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential materials.各方同意,在任何时候都以保护自身专有资料和机密资料相同的方式保护另一方的机密信息。 Consecutive Sentence 连续判决。刑事案中的被告所犯的不同罪行,是以连续判决执行,则被告需要分别服刑,例如一项罪被判了两年,另一项罪则被判了三年,被告便需要连续服刑五年,才会被释放。 Consideration 对价,约因 合约是订约方自愿建立的法律关系,是一方以有价值的代价或者以换取对方的或代价,这些合约中的或代价称为对价或约因,缺乏有效的对价或约因,合约便不能成立。如Party A agrees to pay RMB 5000yuan in consideration for the service rendered by Party B.甲方同意支付5000元人民币作为乙方提供服务的对价。 Consolidation consolidation也是法律英语中的一个重要词组,意思是合并,兼并,即若各干企业合并成一个新企业,原企业解散,亦即新设合并,如Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Party"s prior written consent, expect to any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning Party.任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意,不得转让本协议的全部或部分,除非转让给涉及转让方的因兼并、合并或其他重组而产生的任何公司。 Construction construction在普通英语中的最常见含义是“建设,构建”,“construction of the country”(国家建设)。在法律英语中,construction也有一个常见含义,即“解释”通常指对法律、条例、判决或其他法律规范的含义和适用所作的说明,相当于interpretation。如construction of the contract in accordance with the law(根据法律规定解释合同),strict construction of the law(对法律的严格解释)等。我们在使用时要注意区分,不能看到construction就当做“建设”理解。 Construe construe是法律英语中的重要单词,意思是解释,即对法律、合同等法律文件的内容作出解释,与interpret意思相同。如A waiver by one of the parties at any time of a breach of any term or provision of this Agreement committed by the other party shall not be construed as a waiver by such party of any subsequent breach to be committed by the other party.一方在任何时候放弃追究另一方违反本协议任何条款或规定的行为,不应被视为该一方放弃追究另一方以后的违约行为。 Contempt of Court 藐视法庭 是一种严重的罪行,可以被判罚款或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、违反对法庭作出的,妨碍司法公正等行为。 contribution contribution是公司法中常用的一个单词,意思是出资,不同于其在普通英语中的意思(贡献、投稿、捐赠),如When a Party (the “Disposing Party”) wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the “Notice”) to the other Party (the “Non-Disposing Party”).一方(“转让方”)欲将其全部或部分注册资本出资额转让给第三方时,应向另一方(“非转让方”)提供书面通知(“通知”)。 Contributory Negligence 共同过失。意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的赔偿额也会相对地减少。 Copyright 版权。是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便自动产生及受法律保护,毋须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。 Counterclaim 反申索,反诉。在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,而该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索是有关连的,反申索是一项独立的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进行抗辩等。 Creation creation有两个意思,一个创造,通常出现在有关知识产权的法律中,如invention and creation发明创造。另一个意思是创设,通常指权利的设定,如The effect of all this is that, on the creation and sale of the Bankers" Acceptance, the Borrower receives a sum of money and, on the later maturity date, the Borrower pays back a slightly higher sum of money. 全部这种做法的效果在于,在设立和售出银行承兑时,借方收到一笔钱款,而在以后的到期日,借方付还一笔略高的钱款。 Customs 很多人望文生义,看到这个单词,直接把它理解成为“风俗,惯例”,而忽略了其形式是复数。Custom在法律英语中有“惯例、惯例法”的意思,如custom and usage(惯例、习惯法)。但Customs用作复数时,在法律英语中指海关,如customs declaration(报关),customs duty (关税,有时候也可以直接用customs表示关税),customs officer(海关官员等)。 Custody 保管,监护,拘留 一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。


第四条款-中石化的商标与符号4.1 顾问将不得使用中石化的商标,贸易名字或任何其它符号。4.2 顾问兹此同意不得注册也不得曾有注册任何商标,贸易名称或中石化的符号或者与中石化相同的商标,贸易名称或符号。第五条款-排他性5.1 顾问将在此协议生效期间关于该竞标,项目及其合约仅能为中石化办事。不过,中石化将可以随意聘请其它顾问及聘用其它方的服务为做竞标,项目及其合约事宜。第六条款-顾问将会接到及时通知6.1 中石化将提供顾问一切所需的资料为了完成它在此的义务(比如科技,商务及相同资料)。6.2 中石化将准时通知顾问它对于任何合约的接受,拒绝及/或任何不执行部分。


一般讲where在法律英语中通常是当.....什么样的情况发生时 1是表时间 相当于 when 当....时 2是表状态发生 相当于 if汉语说法是:什么什么的,表示if 比如 where a party fails to performs....

法律英语翻译: __________________________________________, hereby declare that the attached



The new company law of our company is the new milestone, the legislation of one-person company name is much, but the new "law of one-man company system design also regret. The most obvious defects is only specified lawmakers established the legal status of one-man company, but did not make clear the legal status of one-man company, and the emperor l degrees between them. This paper is intended to clarify the surviving theoretically the necessity of establishing one company law and its characteristics of the perfect company some Suggestions. On January 1, 2006, the new company law formally implement system of one-man company, is a formal establishment method, the debate over a long time, finally in our company legislation has been clear. This is our company LiFaShi the progress, but the new "law of one-man company system design also regret. The most obvious defects is only specified lawmakers established the legal status of one-man company, but did not make clear the legal status of one-man company, and between the two systems. It will be on the actual operation of the "law of cause trouble. This paper is intended to clarify the surviving theoretically the necessity of establishing one company and the legal characteristics, and the improvement of the law of some Suggestions.The first part of the surviving company mainly discussed the basic theoretical analysis.The second section describes all of one company legislation and comments.The third part of the existence of law of one-man company to stand.



法律英语翻译,领域:law of property

1, 这是一个双重否定句。Neither......NOR...... 不是.......也不是.......with respect to 是一个连接词组:意思关于 是“ 关于,(至于)谈到的” 连接了things governed整个句子,感觉根据上下文的专业意译的成分很多。2,private utility 根据上下文,可理解为:(个人)私有所属公用部分供参考。


1.一个不公正的法律是没有任何法律2.法律必须稳定,不能停滞不前3.没有人可以在他自己的情况判断4.司法拖延就是拒绝司法5.法官不但要伸张,而且必须是有目共睹1.This law foreign trade operators, is engaged in foreign trade in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the activities of corporations and other organizations.2.Conclusion of the contract the parties know the process of trade secrets, whether the contract is established, shall not disclose or improper use. Disclosure or improper use of trade secrets to the other party caused the loss shall be liable for damages.3.Contract null and void, revoked or terminated, the contract does not affect the independent existence of the dispute resolution clause.4.In the selling of goods, shall not be contrary to the wishes of the purchaser of goods or attach other unreasonable tying conditions.1.对本合同附件应视为本协议的一部分,并须提供有效的任何其他协议。2.临时工程“是指各种(除合同的设备除外)或为执行和完成工程以及修补其任何缺陷所需的所有临时工程。3.该委员会应当审查必要的,但至少每两年一次,执行与本协定的运作,考虑到目标的信息,该文所载的权利和义务。4.除另有规定的信用证中,“货物”的规定,最早及/或最迟装运日期,应理解为包括中,“上”加载中,“调度”和“参与费”。


艺术。8 -期限的劳动合同。该协议应当从为8.1级(从1月1日)、2011年,应当提前终止,除依第九条下,留在完整的力量,直到拒绝中石化?收盘招标投标(PROC-FD / CB /(钻机)-1479/2010或在合同或其中任何一个中国石化集团颁发给在整个和充分的时间.Provided合同(s)然而,比照本协议终止对客户提出终止合同。艺术。10 -仲裁-适用法律:10.1任何争议由双方协商解决本合同产生的或与本协议应当在合同双方之间,妥善加以解决,否则应提交仲裁由两名仲裁员,一个指定一方,或遇有分歧一名仲裁员由仲裁员会被提名前在进入参考。仲裁应由仲裁条例,1940年和仲裁地点伊斯兰堡。仲裁人的裁决或裁判,可以根据具体情况,是终局的,对各方均有约束力。10.2本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖并依此法律解释巴基斯坦。第11 -作业艺术。本协议11.1所不能交办顾问在未经甲方书面同意下,中国石油化工股份有限公司。中国石油化工股份有限公司有权转让或者novate本协议父母,其任何关联公司或姐妹。证人该协议已经被处决的今天,年写的,上面首次由买卖双方授权代表AOBE命名。




Notwithstanding anything herein contained, either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on thirty days prior notice in writing on account of a breach of the terms of this Agreement by the other Party. Provided, however, that Sinopec shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time if Consultant having been served with a notice for unsatisfactory performance fails to cure the default within 15 days of the receipt of such notice. 尽管在此包含了所有内容,在一方违反合同时,另一方有权提前30天提出终止协议的书面申请。然而,如果咨询方在收到行为不当的提醒通知后15日内仍然未能采取补救措施, 中国石化有权随时终止协议。9.2 This Agreement may be terminated forthwith by the non affected Party in the event of insolvency (de facto or declared), bankruptcy, moratorium, receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between the debtor and the creditors, or any circumstances which are likely to affect substantially one Party"s ability to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.在出现资不抵债,破产,延缓履行,破产管理,清算,以及其它债权人和债务人之间的债务清算的情况,或者有可能极大影响一方履行本协议的情况,不受影响的一方可以立即终止本协议


1.A valid contract usually includes the following four elements: (1) the contract both sides agree (2) the price (3) contracts required agreement (4) each party hereto with legal qualifications.2.The jury system refers to a group of vowed of people gathered to debate the fact that the referee, make justice in the jury to perform the duties of the members which is juror.3.The United States constitution stipulates the congress is the main lawmakers, but congress of law must obey the President"s veto. Administrative agencies responsible for foreign affairs, but the treaty concluded with foreign governments need to pass the senate approval.4.Tort law aims to compensate the person or property by others illegal act of infringing upon man, damage compensation is usually money compensation.5.In our country main punishment have the following kinds: (1) control (2) criminal detention (3) fixed-term imprisonment, (4) life imprisonment (5) the death penalty6.In the United States, the court has the authority to examine congress, the state, and the laws of the region, aimed to determine whether these laws consistent with the constitution.7.A country"s property law reflects his personal and collective right basic attitude, the American constitution recognition and protection of private property.8.Citizens from birth till death, has civil rights, shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations.1.受人权法案保障的权利不是绝对的。在合同章程中阐述的原则是得到政府的形式和内容。归根结底,这是美国最高法院的合同章程,即赋予意义解释,并确定边界,由合同章程的权益保障每当受到抑制成为诽谤性言论。2.对过失侵权的侵权行为是最广泛,是最人身伤害案件的基础。它的四个经典内容如下:(1)被告欠了应有的谨慎责任(也就是说,他的行事作为的情况下,合理谨慎的人)向原告(2)被告违反该义务;(3)被告的违约是原告受伤的法律和近因;(4)原告蒙受作为被告的行为而遭受损失。3.违反合同的法律概念是一个有约束力的协议是由一个或多个得不到尊重当事人多次未履行合同或受到干扰,另一方的性能。4.一个轻微违规、部分违约或无形违约一方,破坏方发生的无权定单的义务的履行,但只有收集实际耗用的损害。(这句完全不知在说什么)*****本人几近法盲,以上内容,请再自行修改。******


The network information technically flies to soon develop and extensively applied, also brought a new challenge for people"s protection of the right of privacy at the time of bringing people the convenient and fast life style and huge business benefits.Practice medium on-line infringement affairs, particularly the affairs multifarious occurrence which violates network right of privacy, make the lawmaking protection of network right of privacy become theories and practice a medium hot point problem.The international communities all are aware of urgency to carry on the law protection to network right of privacy nowadays, but the our country law definitely didn"t rule right of privacy currently.The provision just passed reputation power as to it"s carry on a protection, belong to lawmaking blank more to the protection of network right of privacy.Therefore should try to draw lessons from abroad of related protection mode, combine our country state of the nation, take lawmaking rules and regulations as predominance, assist it take charge of by profession self-discipline, technique protection and government, set up citizen to protect personal consciousness of privacy in the meantime, with realization to network right of privacy of valid protect.This text takes the United States and EU as the representative"s two greatest lawmakings mode through a research and currently our country"s lawmaking condition in network right of privacy, put forward some counterplans and suggestion towards set up our country network right of privacy lawmaking protect system.Promote thus our country to the mechanism that the law of network right of privacy protect of perfect, attain full protection network right of privacy of purpose.基本上是对的,累死我了,我可没用机译哦,是我自己翻译的,要选我的哦


债务加入制度,近来成为我国司法审判中的热点和难点问题,我国法律对此项制度却无明确规定,理论界的研究也不充分。 Debt join the system, recently became the administration of justice in the hot and difficult issues, our legal system has failed to specify the provisions of this theoretical research community is not sufficient. 实务之难主要在于债务加入制度与诸如保证、免责的债务承担、第三人代为履行等相似制度的区分上。 The main practical difficulty is that the debt, such as adding system and guarantee the debt exemption commitments on behalf of a third party to fulfill such a distinction similar to the system on. 欲解决此实务上的难题,从理论上考察债务加入制度的产生、发展、建构等仍是不可缺少的步骤。 To resolve this practical problem, from a theoretical study by adding a system of debt creation, development, construction, etc. is still an indispensable step. 债务加入制度在理论上也存在诸多难点和争点,本文主要以我国民法的现实结构为基础,对这些难点和争点作出解释。 Debt to join the system in theory, there are many difficulties and strive for, this article primarily on the reality of China"s civil law based on the structure of these problems and strive for an explanation. 在研究方法上,因着眼于解决实务问题,所以做了大量的案例研究;为求在理论上对债务加入制度作较全面、深刻的探讨,运用了比较的、历史的研究方法。 In research methods, due to focus on solving practical problems, so did a lot of case studies; for the sake of adding a system of debt, in theory, be a more comprehensive and profound exploration of the use of the comparative and historical research methods. 研究过程中,始终注意理论联系实际,在查阅了大量有关债务加入的案例以及相关文献资料的基础上,提出了一些新的见解。 Course of the study, always pay attention to integrating theory with practice, in the access to a large number of cases related to debt, as well as to join on the basis of the relevant literature and put forward some new ideas. 如:在论述债务加入概念时,提出了债务加入制度除了具有保证的功能外还具有融通的功能;在论述债务加入制度与其他制度的区分时,结合各级法院的判决理由以及国外实务中的一些判断方法,总结归纳出相对清晰的裁判规则。 Such as: in his discussion of the concept of debt by adding proposed addition to the debt guaranteed by adding a system function, also has the function of intermediation; in his discussion of the debt by adding the distinction between system and other systems, the combination of reasons at all levels of court decisions and foreign practice in the judgments and methods, are summarized with relative clear-cut rules of adjudication. 通过理论上的构建以及考察债务加入制度在实务中的运用,认为债务加入制度有其自身独特的无法取代的制度功能,我国民法应对其作出一般性规定。 Through the theoretical construct and to study the debt-to join the system in practice in the use of debt by adding a system that has its own unique system of functions can not be replaced, our country also needs to be the general provisions of civil law. 最后得出结论,即债务加入制度是一项独立的民事法律制度。 Finally come to the conclusion that the debt to join the system is an independent civil legal system.关键词债务加入制度架构裁判规则独立制度 Key words institutional structure of debt to join an independent system of rules of adjudication


始终被指责的1被假定是无辜的,除非他承认进攻或,直到他在合理的doublt之外被证明是有罪的。 2从adversay模型是法官的普通法的主要区别是在党之间的一位被动裁决者,而检察官是较少党羽。 3合同被分类至于他们怎样被形成了。 他们可以被表达,暗示,或者以quosicon短文的形式。 4 Deriratively。 通过销售、礼物或者由物品或土地强制地的法律的强制的承购,即,获取由法规或者采取由在判决实施的困厄。 5事实发明的细节是可利用的手段竞争,研究员等等有对信息的立刻访问,他们也许学习,并且使用受违犯支配的范围行动 6什么精确地它是那由期限法律规定意味,是法律的哲学家辩论的主题。 7包括司法的原则,恳求试验发现、品行和执行判决。 8例如,智能是这样的人他是不能胜任的了解他们的行动的本质和作用也是不能胜任的开始vaild合同。 除真实的物品之外, 9物品发现者有资格获得他们与所有人比较。 10它也是包括的共同性在法律冲突的事项各种各样的相关事态关于计数的司法和对程度尊敬由于外国评断。 11实际上,许多律师争辩说,不应该允许损坏惩罚,因为人能结束两次惩罚,一旦,当判罪和判刑由刑事法庭和再由民事法庭,如果损坏惩罚被授予。 12我们叫就其本身而言是可控诉的这样侵权行为一,因为它是可控诉的没有损伤证明对原告的 在合同的若不同13 rrovisions是不一致的,法院将给特选在被键入的或打印的那些的书面词组和在打印的那些的被键入的词组。 14透露是一个中央前提对于专利的津贴,并且它一定是总的,与被扣压的没什么物质。 15一台无商量余地的仪器是,虽则有能力在调动上由交付的一个(与任何必要的背书),以与一个流通票据在持有人相似的方式不可能商谈更好的权利比在发件人被授予了

法律英语翻译 急 急 急



机制来处理隐私问题 互联网是国际和基本上无管制。这就是说,法律在任何一个国家通常并不适用于因特网活动原产于其他国家。所有国家都未曾实施法律关于互联网的隐私。因此,有必要讨论如何保护隐私可以实现在全球一致的方式。一些可能的解决办法可能是立法,自律,技术解决方案和组合的解决方案。 3 。 1立法 隐私倡导者认为立法是需要停止互联网数据收集,未经允许。其他支持者立法建议规范隐私问题的法律是更好的,如果自律没有解决隐私问题充分。 3 。 2自我调节 网站必须自己管理自己,如果他们不希望政府介入有关消费者的隐私问题。倡议者自律不希望政府规管的活动,也许是担心过于官僚系统或升级的遵从成本。他们认为,自我调节可以更灵活。 TRUSTe是一个自我监管的隐私制度,可以建立消费者的信任和信心,在互联网上通过一项计划,其中网站可以授权,以显示个人印章或信任的网站。信用保证为消费者提供一个网站的政策,准确地反映其做法和将有追索手段如果网站不遵守其既定的政策。这是自愿的网站,以决定是否应该执行如有保密制度。据认为,这些网站都愿意自律可以消除消费者隐私的关注。






披露。 discloser 同意披露,并收件人同意接收保密信息。 discloser 同意确定当作是书面,保密或专有性质的信息或如果提供口头、 口头、 直观地或任何其它方式,来标识为机密信息或在披露,与在披露后的三十 (30) 天内以书面确认时的专利信息


公证证明。。。在此证明依照公司章程X文件的主管函件决议,向我当面呈现并且其中的TOM和MIKE的签名,据我所知,已经足龄并且自愿履行上述所提文件的TOM和MIKE的亲笔签名,在此附上并列举。我对所附文件的内容无需了解并且不负任何责任。为了证明真实,我在2000年2月20号在此印上手印和办公章。检察官批准号。。。 日期 六月七号,有效至2009年六月17号。日期: 2000年2月20号




关于延缓行使诉讼与和解之约因涉事双方:Williams联合银行、Broom事务所uf097 债务人D(即Broom事务所,下同)系商业事务所,现亏欠(银行)借款22,000英镑;应银行(方)要求,D需以抵押财物偿还该笔款项。 D承诺以部分商品(或:资产)之物权证充当抵押、划归银行所有。uf097 基于此行,银行(方)承兑契约无需另行给予免于起诉声明。 若债务人未能提供抵押财务,银行将行诉讼。uf097 裁定(或:判决)结果:本约因已呈交(法庭/院方)。银行(方)有权实际履行(或:强制履行)对抵押的所有权。债务人确已从本约因未予诉讼中受益;若涉事双方未就本款承诺达成一致,相关裁定即行失效。供参。

法律英语翻译:Ownership 所有权

Ownership 所有权 1.A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement,such as a right of way,over it. 一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。 2.A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him. 占有者无须证明自已为物主。 3.He is the de jure owner of the property. 他是财产的注定所有权人。 4.His title to the property is defective. 他的产权具有瑕疵。 5.Marital property is the same as community property and is divided equally upon divorce. 夫妻财产也同样属于共同财产,离婚时应作平均分配。 6.One independent object can only and only needs to establish one property right. 一物只能且只须有一个产权。 7.One should enjoy his property in such a manner as not to injure that of another person. 享有自已的财产应以不损害他人的利益为限。 8.Ownership has been described as"the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law". 所有权被称作是“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。” 9.Ownership in indivision is ended by a partition of the property. 未分财产的所有权经财产分割即告疑终结。 10.The ownership of the company has passed to bank. 公司的所有权已经移交银行。


1.1 Party B shall keep all confidential information, and shall not use the confidential information for any purpose except with Party A and / or associated enterprises transaction outside. Without the prior written consent of Party A and Party B shall not be affiliated enterprise, disclose the confidential information to any third party; or through reverse engineering using the business secret; except for exchange is reasonably necessary, Party B shall not make copies of confidential information. 1.2 Party B in the confidentiality obligation under this agreement to be should include confidential information stored in the computer, database or any other electronic data or information storage medium, except for the computer, database or other electronic data or information storage medium under the exclusive control of Party B. Any meeting minutes shall record 1.3 any confidential information or reflected in Party B"s board of directors or a duly appointed Committee in. 1.4 in addition to the provisions of Article 2.5 below, and related enterprises without Party A"s prior written consent, Party B shall not disclose to any person or foreign to declare, show, exhibition, disclosure, way of sale of divulge any confidential information; or the transaction of any fact to negotiate; or between the two sides and transaction of any relevant agreement or arrangement.


Party statements and that in Qizu day before in the rental housing in or on the conduct of the Dangerous Goods (as defined below) the use, storage, processing or transport are in line with all applicable laws of China, Laws and regulations or orders. Party A further represent and warrant that, since the day after the Qizu in rental housing, above or below that there are no dangerous goods release, leakage, emissions, or distribution of overflow, and rental housing from the impact of all dangerous goods . Here the meaning of "dangerous goods" means any toxic, flammable, reactive or corrosive material goods, asbestos, PCBs, solvents, pesticides and oil, as well as the local government to control all the related items. Party A Party B compensation should be 12.5, and from B to make, during or after the lease rental housing because of the existence of or suspect the existence of dangerous goods and any claims, losses, a fine, ruling that a fine, expenditures, the responsibility Or loss, unless the dangerous goods is due to the existence of B-fault. Without limiting the foregoing provisions, including the compensation should be in accordance with government orders to carry out on-site inspection, cleaning, removal or restoration costs of what happened. The compensation included in the Qizu after Liu Yi as a result of dangerous goods, the proliferation of mobile, and filter into rental housing, on or above the resulting loss of all.来自谷歌在线翻译


内容摘要:离婚损害赔偿制度是规定配偶一方因其过错行为,不法侵害配偶他方基于配偶身份所享有的合法权益,导致婚姻关系破裂,配偶他方得请求赔偿其财产上的损失和非财产上的损失的民事法律制度。 Content abstract: divorce compensation for damage regulation is a regulation for its fault spouse other unlawful infringement behavior, spouse enjoys a spouse identity based on the lawful rights and interests of the breakdown of their marriage, spouses caused such may request compensation losses on the property and the property losses of civil law system. 我国2001年修改的《婚姻法》,首次在婚姻家庭法中确立了离婚损害赔偿制度,但该制度自身存在很多不完善。 Our 2001 modified "marriage law", for the first time in matrimonial and family law established during the divorce compensation for damage regulation, but the system"s own existence many imperfect. 在实际生活中当事人因家庭暴力、重婚、同居、虐待、遗弃而导致的离婚行为而遭受的身心痛苦远远超过了可以计算的财物损失。 In actual life by a party concerned because of family violence, bigamy, cohabitation, on account of the maltreatment or desertion of the divorce act caused suffered physical and mental suffering has far exceeded the property damage can be calculated. 本文主要通过“包二奶”及重婚现象和导致离婚的四种法定情形着重介绍关于离婚损害赔偿中的精神损害赔偿行为,以及相应的法律救济,从而捍卫无过错方的合法权益。 This paper mainly through the "pack two milks" and bigamy phenomenon and lead to divorce introduced four legal situation about divorce compensation for damage of the mental damage compensation behavior, and the corresponding legal remedy to defend the innocent party, the legitimate rights and interests. 关键词:重婚; Keywords: bigamy; 精神损害赔偿; The mental damage compensation; 虐待 abuse




简单的收费绝对是最常见的所有权interest.It让所有人几乎绝对的权利, property.The费简单绝对拥有者可无限次使用的财产,他可以出售,出租或以其他方式开拓较少的财产利益。拥有人可转让的财产的意愿,或所有人死亡,如果没有将财产转移给亲属所提供的国家法规。从本质上说,简单的费用绝对地产所有者拥有极大的兴趣,私人所有权在美国所提供的。


参考译文:This Agreement is made and entered into on June 18, 2013 by and between ABC, a company duly organized and existing under the laws of the People"s Republic of China with its registered office address ______________(hereinafter referred to as Party A), and DEF, a company duly organized and existing under the laws of Japan with its registered office address at ______________(hereinafter referred to as Party B).In the event any party fails to performe the terms and conditions hereof, the other party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.




Judge right to release tomorrow a judge in civil proceedings in the implementation of a legal action is extreme and the parties debate the appropriate constraints, the process in the civil proceedings, the judge discharged out through the exercise of the right to exchange information with clients. Appropriate exercise of the right to be able to guide the interpretation of the effective action to achieve fairness and efficiency of litigation; excessive litigation to act would seriously undermine the normal mechanisms and the legitimacy of the proceedings. Right out of the release of judges is not only the right to judge, but also the obligation of the judge, the right to specify the nature of interpretation in essence more or purpose is to help the parties make a disposition of rights, the point is the disposition of the parties, with a focus on entities and procedures to ensure fair and efficient proceedings. Right out from the release characteristics, the release out the main power must be exercised by a judge, and only in the course of the proceedings subject to certain conditions, limit the exercise, the exercise in accordance with the law in order to achieve procedural fairness and improve the effectiveness of the proceedings. Prescribed in different countries the right to release the content is different from the provisions of civil law countries can be seen that the right to release more or less out in the exercise of both cases: First, a party statement or lack of proof, and the other is the statement of the parties or the burden of proof inappropriate. Release of the judges in our country right out of the provisions established by the Supreme People"s Court found judicial interpretation, the law places the low-order, there is no release underlines the importance of the right-ming, the impact of the judge discharged the prescribed value of the right system to play a litigation, adverse to its In practice, the implementation. In judicial practice, the First, the correct position to urge the judge, and the other is the promotion of such parties, and the third is to maximize the effectiveness of the realization of the proceedings, the four is to broaden the field of judicial relief. The right to address the specific operation prescribed problem, the right to address the application of the prescribed principles: the principle of legality, the principle of openness, limited the principle of voluntary acceptance of the principle of fairness, efficiency principle, the principle of relief. The right to address the specific operation prescribed issues: hearing before the exercise of the right to release tomorrow, should be proof that the request of the parties and the legal consequences to the parties a reasonable period of time in a positive, comprehensive, correct, honest and complete proof. Release trial prescribed in the course of the exercise of the parties in the course of the trial because of literacy, knowledge and understanding of the legal restrictions on their statements that can not be exhaustive, then the judge should ask questions to discover a timely manner, neutral and obligation to address the prescribed exercise to guide the parties a clear statement of the true meaning of its own, said a party statement on the fact that the other party has neither acknowledged nor denied the judge should be asked and fully explained.


所有被巩固的债权人可以(原则上)执行受其他先得权或相似的兴趣支配,虽然受诚实的采购员支配权利(不那么可能在变卖)。 Bankruptcy法律也许任意和清楚地有时提供销售由委托人(体会估计过高)受根据他们的等级付清的被巩固的债权人支配出于收益(或被给alter




Abstract New "Company Law" is the formulation of legislation of a new milestone in the company, one is welcomed by name the company, but the new "Law" of one person"s unfortunate design of the system still has a place. The most obvious flaw is that legislators only a clearly defined set of one-man company"s legal status, but did not clear the existence of a person"s legal status and degree of both convergence between Royal l. This paper tries to clarify the existence theory of one-man company to establish the necessity and the legal characteristics which make a little improvement on the Law of the proposal. January 1, 2006, the new "Law" into effect, one system for the formal establishment of the company is one of the highlights of the law, ending a long debate, one of the company the company finally get a clear legislative recognition . Legislative history of the company which is a big step forward, but the new "Law" of one person"s unfortunate design of the system still has a place. The most obvious flaw is that legislators only a clearly defined set of one-man company"s legal status, but did not clear the existence of a person"s legal status, as well as convergence between the two systems. This will "Company Law" in practice cause some trouble. This paper tries to clarify the existence theory of the need to establish one-man company and its legal characteristics, and the "Company Law" perfect offer some suggestions.The first part focuses on the survival of a person"s basic theory.Part II describes the national legislation of one company"s inspection and assessment.The third part of the "Law" of the existence of one-man company position resolution. Keywords: one-man company; established one-man company; existence of one-man company俺用的是翻译软件


Each Party shall treat as confidential the Confidential Information, and adopt and maintain preventive and security measures, as required or suggested by any Applicable Laws and no less than the measures adopted by it for protecting its most important confidential information and trade secrets .意思:每一缔约方应视为机密的机密信息,并采取和维持预防和安全措施,要求或任何适用的法律,并没有比它通过保护其最重要的机密信息和商业秘密的措施建议


A ) On what constitutes infringement1 with illegality . Tort is the violation of the law of obligations , acts of infringement of personal rights or property rights according to law.2 hurt facts. The fact that there is damage to the objective existence . Damage is caused by the loss of behavior and mental damage to the property of others on . Damage is the objective consequences of a breach .3 causality. In other words, an act is the cause of damage to the facts of this result .4 perpetrator subjective fault . Divided according to their type of intentional fault and negligence . But as long as the perpetrator subjective fault , whether it is intentional or negligent , should bear the liability.(B ) The Impact of WTO on China "s international trade legal systemAfter China"s accession to WTO, issued by the central government unity on trade policies, laws and regulations.First, local government agencies but also in the popularity of the WTO and China"s accession to the WTO basic knowledge on legal documents , grasp the overall national policy of opening up , especially with the opening up of trade in goods and services related to import and export laws, regulations, grasp direction.Secondly , according to the central local government economic policy , trade policy and industrial policy formulation of relevant policies in the region , can not violate WTO rules and our commitment to the WTO.Some more enactments , particularly aspects of international economic law . Through all the NPC , China"s signed or acceded to the treaty that is in force for China
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