高二历史小作文 考试用的帮忙啊!给分了 帮忙 历史的智慧 历史的智慧也就是我们能够从历史中获得的教益。我们之所以要了解和研究历史,是因为历史不单给我们提供政治、经济、文化等方面的借鉴和知识,还能在其他各个方面为我们提供答案。历史可以提供的智慧是最全面的。 --------葛剑雄、周筱赟《历史学是什么》 学习该单元(天朝的危机)后,你从中分汲取了那些历史智慧?请写一篇学习心得。 (急~~~~~!该题是高二历史第五册练习册p9的一道题,帮忙写一下,要联络书本里的知识100到200字 谢谢!) 大家帮忙写个英语作文啊!考试用的 A mobile phone,as is the case of many issues,has both positive and negative aspects.One major advantage of a mobile phone is that it allows calls to be made instantly from almost any location.This can be vital where emergency services need to be called to the scene of a crime,aident or fire.Another advantage is its convenience for social or business purposes.A further advantage is that a mobile phone can also serve as a connection to the Inter,which can be extremely convenient for obtaining information wherever you may be. There are,however,also a number of disadvantages to a mobile phone.The fact that a mobile phone allows a person to be contacted at any time can in itself be a disadvantage to a mobile phone .A further disadvantage is the nuisance it can cause at times when the sound of a phone ringing is irritating ,such as in the classroom,during a business meeting or at the theater . Therefore,a mobile phone has both advantages and disadvantages,but on balance,perhaps the advantages oueigh the disadvantages since a mobile phone seems to be getting increasingly popular. 帮忙写几个英语作文,考试用的谢谢!(5个作文) Difficulties in Learning English I have difficulties studying English. Firstly, my first language isn"t English, but Chinese. Secondly, I don"t speak English frequently. I only speak English when I am in school. At home and with my friends, I speak Chinese. Also, unlike Chinese, there are some words that are very hard pronounce and spell, that can go up to 8 letters together. Example, Chinese pinyin only has up to 5 to 6 letters, while some English words have 10 letters, such as “Kidnapping”. I hope I can defeat these problems, and learn English in an easier way. Physical Exercise Physical Exercise, which is called PE in short, is something that is very important in all of our lives. Physical Education, keeps us healthy as we keep our body active, and not always sit or lie down. Also, Physical Exercise keeps our body in shape, both girls and boys. If we exercise and eat a healthy meal, our body will be strong, and not too skinny or too fat. Some of my favorite sports are badminton and basketball. I play it after I finish my work and sometimes in school too. 对不起啊!2, 3, 4 是要你的感觉,经历和背景,所以不能帮你做!真的对不起啊! P.S 你自己改改吧!可能我的英语不是那么好! 帮忙写个英文作文,考试用的,尽量语法别错 I am looking for a penpal who speaks English. I prefer a girl, because girls write better than boys. I want her to be about my age, and it"s better if she"s older than me, so that I can learn something from her. I like travelling, so it would be great if she likes travelling, too, so that we can travel together. Maybe she could invite me to visit her country. I like playing badminton, I hope that she enjoys it, too, and we could do exercise together. I like cats, so it would be great if she likes animals, too. We could talk about animals and exchange experiences on how to keep them well. java高手帮帮忙啊 编个程式啊啊,考试用的 public class BankAount { private String name; private double balance; private int year; private final static double rate = 0.03; public BankAount(String name, double balance, int year){ this.name =name; this.balance = balance; this.year = year; } public BankAount(String name){ this(name, 10D, 1); } public void save(double money){ this.balance += money; } public void fetch(double money) throws Exception{ if(money > balance){ throw new Exception("Insufficient money!"); } this.balance -= money; } public double calcTotal(){ return balance * Math.pow(1+rate, year); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BankAount fans = new BankAount("fans", 1000, 3); fans.save(2000); fans.fetch(5000); double total = fans.calcTotal(); System.out.println("After 3 years, the total is: " + total); } } 英语达人,帮帮忙!考试用的 1.The chlildren jumped with joy. 2.They were praised for the excellent performance. 3. Do you hear someone knocking? 1.经过一番努力之后,他(还是)失败了。 2.何时才能在新马路上开车,这还不清楚。 3.我可喜欢游泳了,我堂兄弟也是。 翻译没有最好,只有更好,适当翻译即可 希望我的翻译对您有所帮助 很高兴为您解答 历史达人快帮忙解解,考试用啊! 1.优化产业结构,转变经济发展方式;2.运用先进科学技术,促进生产力的发;3.积极发展第三产业;4.由传统的粗放型经济增长方式向集约型方式改变 高二历史,求帮忙 58-62增加,63-65减少。58年为推进工业化,国家搞了“大炼钢铁”的大跃进运动。而62年进行国民经济调整,提出“调整、巩固、充实、提高”八字方针,修改了大跃进错误,经济发展回到正常轨道上来了。 历史小题,帮忙~ A 从根本原因上来讲,生产力决定生产关系 经济基础决定上层建筑。新经济政策就跟我国现在的经济建设方式差不多,虽然我们运用资本主义中的市场经济,但我们的制度还是社会主义制度。 显然是选A。 这题考得其实是经济常识,主要是货币主义和凯恩斯主义的区别。 罗斯福的新政是对自由市场经济采取国家干预政策,是类似于咱们国家的巨集观调控的,当然与崇尚完全自由的费力德曼的货币主义相左,而更多的运用了凯恩斯的经济思想。