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求matlab 2010 所有函数包括图论 优化 等函数

help的Content里每个工具箱都有Function Reference的,该类函数都在里面典型的是点上面菜单的help->Product help->MATLAB->Function Reference点进去以后标题右边有Alphabetical List,单击可以按字母查找还有种方法可以按文件夹查找help->Function Browser全部贴出来不可能,因为实在太多了,这里贴下R2009a主要函数的a-c部分abs Absolute value and complex magnitudeaccumarray Construct array with accumulationacos Inverse cosine; result in radiansacosd Inverse cosine; result in degreesacosh Inverse hyperbolic cosineacot Inverse cotangent; result in radiansacotd Inverse cotangent; result in degreesacoth Inverse hyperbolic cotangentacsc Inverse cosecant; result in radiansacscd Inverse cosecant; result in degreesacsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecantactxcontrol Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure windowactxcontrollist List all currently installed Microsoft ActiveX controlsactxcontrolselect Open GUI to create Microsoft ActiveX controlactxGetRunningServer Get handle to running instance of Automation serveractxserver Create COM serveraddCause (MException) Append MException objectsaddevent Add event to timeseries objectaddframe Add frame to Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaddlistener (handle) Create event listeneraddOptional (inputParser) Add optional argument to inputParser schemaaddParamValue (inputParser) Add parameter-value argument to inputParser schemaaddpath Add directories to search pathaddpref Add preferenceaddprop (dynamicprops) Add dynamic propertyaddproperty Add custom property to COM objectaddRequired (inputParser) Add required argument to inputParser schemaaddsample Add data sample to timeseries objectaddsampletocollection Add sample to tscollection objectaddtodate Modify date number by fieldaddts Add timeseries object to tscollection objectairy Airy functionsalign Align user interface controls (uicontrols) and axesalim Set or query axes alpha limitsall Determine whether all array elements are nonzeroallchild Find all children of specified objectsalpha Set transparency properties for objects in current axesalphamap Specify figure alphamap (transparency)amd Approximate minimum degree permutationancestor Ancestor of graphics objectand Find logical AND of array or scalar inputsangle Phase angleannotation Create annotation objectsAnnotation Arrow Properties Define annotation arrow propertiesAnnotation Doublearrow Properties Define annotation doublearrow propertiesAnnotation Ellipse Properties Define annotation ellipse propertiesAnnotation Line Properties Define annotation line propertiesAnnotation Rectangle Properties Define annotation rectangle propertiesAnnotation Textarrow Properties Define annotation textarrow propertiesAnnotation Textbox Properties Define annotation textbox propertiesans Most recent answerany Determine whether any array elements are nonzeroarea Filled area 2-D plotAreaseries Properties Define areaseries propertiesarrayfun Apply function to each element of arrayascii Set FTP transfer type to ASCIIasec Inverse secant; result in radiansasecd Inverse secant; result in degreesasech Inverse hyperbolic secantasin Inverse sine; result in radiansasind Inverse sine; result in degreesasinh Inverse hyperbolic sineassert Generate error when condition is violatedassignin Assign value to variable in specified workspaceatan Inverse tangent; result in radiansatan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangentatand Inverse tangent; result in degreesatanh Inverse hyperbolic tangentaudiodevinfo Information about audio deviceaudioplayer Create audioplayer objectaudiorecorder Create audiorecorder objectaufinfo Information about NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileauread Read NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileauwrite Write NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileavifile Create new Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaviinfo Information about Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaviread Read Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaxes Create axes graphics objectAxes Properties Modify axes propertiesaxis Axis scaling and appearancebalance Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracybar, barh Plot bar graph (vertical and horizontal)bar3, bar3h Plot 3-D bar chartBarseries Properties Define barseries propertiesbaryToCart TriRep method Converts point coordinates from barycentric to Cartesianbase2dec Convert base N number string to decimal numberbeep Produce beep soundbench MATLAB benchmarkbesselh Bessel function of third kind (Hankel function)besseli Modified Bessel function of first kindbesselj Bessel function of first kindbesselk Modified Bessel function of second kindbessely Bessel function of second kindbeta Beta functionbetainc Incomplete beta functionbetaincinv Beta inverse cumulative distribution functionbetaln Logarithm of beta functionbicg Biconjugate gradients methodbicgstab Biconjugate gradients stabilized methodbicgstabl Biconjugate gradients stabilized (l) methodbin2dec Convert binary number string to decimal numberbinary Set FTP transfer type to binarybitand Bitwise ANDbitcmp Bitwise complementbitget Bit at specified positionbitmax Maximum double-precision floating-point integerbitor Bitwise ORbitset Set bit at specified positionbitshift Shift bits specified number of placesbitxor Bitwise XORblanks Create string of blank charactersblkdiag Construct block diagonal matrix from input argumentsbox Axes borderbreak Terminate execution of for or while loopbrighten Brighten or darken colormapbrush Interactively mark, delete, modify, and save observations in graphsbsxfun Apply element-by-element binary operation to two arrays with singleton expansion enabledbuilddocsearchdb Build searchable documentation databasebuiltin Execute built-in function from overloaded methodbvp4c Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equationsbvp5c Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equationsbvpget Extract properties from options structure created with bvpsetbvpinit Form initial guess for bvp4cbvpset Create or alter options structure of boundary value problembvpxtend Form guess structure for extending boundary value solutionscalendar Calendar for specified monthcalllib Call function in shared librarycallSoapService Send SOAP message to endpointcamdolly Move camera position and targetcameratoolbar Control camera toolbar programmaticallycamlight Create or move light object in camera coordinatescamlookat Position camera to view object or group of objectscamorbit Rotate camera position around camera targetcampan Rotate camera target around camera positioncampos Set or query camera positioncamproj Set or query projection typecamroll Rotate camera about view axiscamtarget Set or query location of camera targetcamup Set or query camera up vectorcamva Set or query camera view anglecamzoom Zoom in and out on scenecartToBary TriRep method Convert point coordinates from cartesian to barycentriccart2pol Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindricalcart2sph Transform Cartesian coordinates to sphericalcase Execute block of code if condition is truecast Cast variable to different data typecat Concatenate arrays along specified dimensioncatch Specify how to respond to error in try statementcaxis Color axis scalingcd Change working directoryconvexHull DelaunayTri method Convex hullcd (ftp) Change current directory on FTP servercdf2rdf Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal formcdfepoch Construct cdfepoch object for Common Data Format (CDF) exportcdfinfo Information about Common Data Format (CDF) filecdfread Read data from Common Data Format (CDF) filecdfwrite Write data to Common Data Format (CDF) fileceil Round toward positive infinitycell Construct cell arraycell2mat Convert cell array of matrices to single matrixcell2struct Convert cell array to structure arraycelldisp Cell array contentscellfun Apply function to each cell in cell arraycellplot Graphically display structure of cell arraycellstr Create cell array of strings from character arraycgs Conjugate gradients squared methodchar Convert to character array (string)checkin Check files into source control system (UNIX platforms)checkout Check files out of source control system (UNIX platforms)chol Cholesky factorizationcholinc Sparse incomplete Cholesky and Cholesky-Infinity factorizationscholupdate Rank 1 update to Cholesky factorizationcircshift Shift array circularlycircumcenters TriRep method Circumcenters of specified simplicescla Clear current axesclabel Contour plot elevation labelsclass Create object or return class of objectclassdef Class definition key wordsclc Clear Command Windowclear Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memoryclearvars Clear variables from memoryserial.clear Remove serial port object from MATLAB workspaceclf Clear current figure windowclipboard Copy and paste strings to and from system clipboardclock Current time as date vectorclose Remove specified figureclose (avifile) Close Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileclose (ftp) Close connection to FTP serverclosereq Default figure close request functioncmopts Name of source control systemcmpermute Rearrange colors in colormapcmunique Eliminate duplicate colors in colormap; convert grayscale or truecolor image to indexed imagecolamd Column approximate minimum degree permutationcolorbar Colorbar showing color scalecolordef Set default property values to display different color schemescolormap Set and get current colormapcolormapeditor Start colormap editorColorSpec (Color Specification) Color specificationcolperm Sparse column permutation based on nonzero countcomet 2-D comet plotcomet3 3-D comet plotcommandhistory Open Command History window, or select it if already opencommandwindow Open Command Window, or select it if already opencompan Companion matrixcompass Plot arrows emanating from origincomplex Construct complex data from real and imaginary componentscomputer Information about computer on which MATLAB software is runningcond Condition number with respect to inversioncondeig Condition number with respect to eigenvaluescondest 1-norm condition number estimateconeplot Plot velocity vectors as cones in 3-D vector fieldconj Complex conjugatecontinue Pass control to next iteration of for or while loopcontour Contour plot of matrixcontour3 3-D contour plotcontourc Low-level contour plot computationcontourf Filled 2-D contour plotContourgroup Properties Define contourgroup propertiescontourslice Draw contours in volume slice planescontrast Grayscale colormap for contrast enhancementconv Convolution and polynomial multiplicationconv2 2-D convolutionconvhull Convex hullconvhulln N-D convex hullconvn N-D convolutioncopyfile Copy file or directorycopyobj Copy graphics objects and their descendantscorrcoef Correlation coefficientscos Cosine of argument in radianscosd Cosine of argument in degreescosh Hyperbolic cosinecot Cotangent of argument in radianscotd Cotangent of argument in degreescoth Hyperbolic cotangentcov Covariance matrixcplxpair Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairscputime Elapsed CPU timecreate (RandStream) Create random number streamscreateClassFromWsdl Create MATLAB class based on WSDL documentcreateCopy (inputParser) Create copy of inputParser objectcreateSoapMessage Create SOAP message to send to servercross Vector cross productcsc Cosecant of argument in radianscscd Cosecant of argument in degreescsch Hyperbolic cosecantcsvread Read comma-separated value filecsvwrite Write comma-separated value filectranspose (timeseries) Transpose timeseries objectcumprod Cumulative productcumsum Cumulative sumcumtrapz Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integrationcurl Compute curl and angular velocity of vector fieldcustomverctrl Allow custom source control system (UNIX platforms)