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Hard Disk1 Password的user+master什么意思

hard disk1 password是硬盘密码,一般笔记本BIOS设置里面有一项可以设置超级管理员密码 user代表用户 master字面意思是大师也就相当于超级管理员密码,单独设置设置USER+MASTER密码以后 user密码如果忘记可以直接由master去修改掉

Jeep发布多款概念车 将亮相Easter Jeep Safari越野大会

易车讯 第56届Easter Jeep Safari越野大会将于4月9日至17日在美国举行,Jeep品牌及Mopar旗下Jeep Performance Parts性能部件团队联袂推出多款概念车。官方透露,今年将在国内举办相似的活动,并将展出其中部分概念车。Jeep牧马人Magneto 2.0概念车此前Jeep曾推出过Magneto版本,新车为升级款,彰显了Jeep品牌致力于推进“零排放自由出行”愿景的决心。车辆动力系统最大功率625马力,纯电驱动系统的峰值电流增加了一倍多,60英里加速时间在2秒内。为了配合70千瓦时电池和电动机的布局,整车轴距增加了12英寸,底盘进行了3英寸套件升高,20英寸轮圈配合40英寸越野轮胎使用。细节方面,前后桥为Dynatrac 60 Pro-Rock及Pro-Rock Dynatrac 80,速比5.38且配有差速器锁。外观方面,碳纤维B柱、碳纤维引擎盖中间的透明玻璃设计格外显眼。Jeep大切诺基Trailhawk PHEV概念车目前,全新Jeep大切诺基还未引入国内,海外市场的Trailhawk 4xe车型纯电续航里程25英里,曾以纯电驱动征服卢比肯小道。概念车在此基础上应运而生,个性化涂装、配置以及20英寸轮圈、33英寸MT轮胎,让它的性能超越同级竞品。Jeep Rubicon 20周年概念车熟悉牧马人的朋友可能还有印象,Jeep Rubicon 10周年版本曾在国内上市销售。如今,传奇小道的命名已有20周年。新车以牧马人家族最强版本392为基础打造,采用乙烯基包覆的哑光花岗岩晶体外观,搭配金色的拖钩与品牌标识、Rubicon 20周年纪念引擎盖贴纸、翼子板贴纸以及Mopar气泵等。Jeep Bob概念车新车兼顾了牧马人和角斗士的优势,并且缩短一英尺的货箱长度,从而应对各种地形条件。四个车门和B柱均被拆除,只为重新定义敞篷自由。此外,新车的定制化硬顶采用帆布穿孔设计。新车使用角斗士海外市场的3.0T柴油发动机,配合8挡自动变速箱,进气系统和变速箱进行了单独的设定。底盘方面,进行了3英寸套件的升高,配合Dynatrac 60 Pro-Rock车桥及部分第三方改装件。此外,还使用了20英寸防脱圈及40英寸MT轮胎。除此之外,还有Jeep "41 概念车和由Jeep Performance Parts性能部件团队打造的Jeep D-Coder、Jeep Bridcage概念车,其提供了由官方出品的最新改装零配件及改装方案。值得注意的是,车身改动的部分在零配件上印有二维码,用户可直接扫描查看具体信息并进行订购。最后,曾在2021 SEMA改装展亮相的三款概念车也将在第56届Easter Jeep Safari越野大会展出。作为参考,Easter Jeep Safari越野大会由摩押红岩四驱俱乐部(Red Rock 4-Wheelers)主办,由摩押商会(Moab Chamber of Commerce)于1967年发起。多年来随着参与人数的增加,活动规模不断扩大,Jeep官方也会参与其中,以下为近些年的全家福。


朋友,你讲的有点小问题, “rar”是压缩文件的格式,“html”是网页文件的格式。去掉任何都行! 要么“*.rar”要么“*.html”(*是这个文件的名字)。 如果真是你说的那种格式那么很简单,说明它是一个文件名叫“rar”的网页文件,使用方法如下:打开你的浏览器,然后单击这个文件不放,拖拽到浏览器中即可。或者,在浏览器的菜单栏中最左角“文件”中选择“打开”,然后在弹出来的选显卡中,选择右边的“浏览”,如果你的文件放在桌面上,在弹出来的选项卡中单击该选项卡左边的“桌面”,这时候你就会看到那个文件,双击它,OK了!







kpop star唱baby的是哪一位明星


kpop star一二三季排名

按冠亚季军排名Kpopstar season 1: 朴智敏 李夏怡 白雅言Kpopstar season 2: 乐童音乐家 房艺谈 Andrew崔Kpopstar season 3: Bernard ParkSam kim 权珍雅

Kpop star 2的赛后情况

(1)冠军-乐童音乐家:2013年5月24日签约YG Entertainment [2014年4月6日 KpopStar3出道](2)亚军-房艺谈:2013年6月28日签约YG Entertainment(3)季军-andrew崔:2013年5月23日签约索尼 [同时solo出道](4)第四名-两千元:签约Reve entertainment(5)第五名-raccoon boys金民石:签约NH media(6)第六名-申智熏:2013年6月19日签约CUBE Entertainment [2013年10月16日solo出道](7)八强-YouU全敏珠:2013年6月27签约KeyEast[作为The Ark成员于2015年4月12日出道](8)八强-YouU宋荷艺:2013年6月25日签约CRAZY SOUND(已凭借单曲《第一次》出道)(9)八强-YouU朴素妍:2013年11月23日签约LOEN Entertainment(10)八强-YouU李美林:2013年8月21日签约GH Entertainment [作为TINT成员于2013年10月30日出道](11)八强-YouU孙佑智:签约DSP Entertainment(参加kara project综艺作为kara备选人员出现)(11)十强-成秀珍:2013年6月25日签约CRAZY SOUND(12)十强-李振宇:在知名制作人Don Spike的支持中准备专业歌手出道 (1)raccoon boys-brain(2)raccoon boys-mckay金




第一名 乐童音乐家第二名 房艺谈第三名 andrew崔

kpop star 三季所有学选手签约情况

第一季 朴智敏 朴再兴 白雅言----JYP 李夏怡 李胜勋 具俊会---YG 金宇成---Polaris Entertainment(金范秀、杨东根等) 尹贤尚---LOEN Entertainment(IU) 金娜允---Starship Entertainment(SISTAR) 李建宇(Blast)---Kings娱乐 Matthew Kim ---DSP Entertainment (rainbow) 这个人没印象 白志雄 ---BOB music 李米歇尔---Dima Entertainment 许智媛 ---Neganet work (Brown Eyed Girls) 吴台锡---公司没找到,今年9月以组合obroject出道,没印象~第二季 乐童音乐家 房艺谈 ---YG Andrew崔---索尼音乐娱乐公司 两千元---Reve Entertainment(新沙洞老虎) 申智熏---Cube Entertainment(BEAST) 全敏珠(YouU)---KeyEast(裴勇俊家) 成秀珍 宋艺荷(YouU)---CRAZY SOUND 李美琳(YouU)---GH Entertainment 朴素妍(YouU)---LOEN Entertainment (IU) 孙瑜智(YouU)---DSP Entertainment    金民石(raccoon boys) ---HN media 第三季 Bernard Park、李氏姐妹----JYP Sam Kim、权珍雅 ---Antenna Music  南英珠---JJ Holic Media 张汉娜、李彩英 ---YG 朴多惠 ---Plain Ent 郑世云 ---Starship Entertainment (SISTAR) Almeng---YNB Ent 韩熙俊---Polaris Entertainment(金范秀、杨东根等) 矮个子们---CS娱乐(有一个没签) 裴敏雅---我记得前段时间看到说她出道,但是现在这么也搜不到新闻。。。

Kpop star 2的每轮介绍

【Kpop Star 2】E14.130217 Top10直播赛 第一轮 李振宇(悲伤活用法) VS 崔艺瑾(girls on top)胜 成秀珍(so sick) VS You U(ugly)胜 乐童musican(是拉面吗) VS Andrew崔(那XX)胜 (SBS《K-POP STAR 2》12.8%)【Kpop Star 2】E15.130224 Top10直播赛 第二轮 两千元(电梯) VS 房艺谈(black or Write)胜 申智熏(you are no along) VS reccon boys(love on top)胜 短信投票进入Top8:乐童音乐家、申智熏 最后wild卡:两千元 【淘汰:李振宇、成秀珍】 (SBS《K-POP STAR 2》10.9%)【Kpop Star 2】E16.130303 Top10直播赛 第三轮 崔艺瑾( Price Tag-Jessie J) VS Andrew 崔(Got us fallin"in love-Usher)胜 You U(我有女人-朴振英) VS 申智熏(信—金光珍)胜 reccon boys(now-fin.k.l) VS 房艺谈(sir Duke)胜 两千元(我自己-sistar) VS 乐童Musican(ring ding dong-SHINee)胜 短信投票进入Top6:两千元 最后wild卡:racoon boys 【淘汰:YouU、崔艺瑾】(SBS《K-POP STAR 2》10.6%)【Kpop Star 2】E17.130310 Top10直播赛 第四轮 reccon boys(so hot-wonder girls) VS Andrew崔(要死了-10 cm)胜 申智熏(You raiseme up-Secret Garden) VS 乐童Musican(Crescendo-自制曲)胜 两千元(淘气鬼-山谷回音) VS 房艺谈(I do-rain)胜 短信投票进入Top5:两千元 最后wild卡:racoon boys 【淘汰:申智熏】 (SBS《K-POP STAR 2》11.9%) 【Kpop Star 2】E18.130317 Top10直播赛 第五轮 CASTING(指定歌曲,casting audition) 出演次序 选手 歌曲 JYP YG SM 结果 1号 两千元 lonely-2NE1 85 87 89 YG 2号 房艺谈 What a man loves a woman-Michael Bolton 98 95 93 JYP 3号 Andrew崔 睡不着的夜晚下起了雨--金建模 90 90 93 SM 4号 reccon boys I"ll be Missing you<Police原曲改编>P.Daddy 85 83 88 淘汰 5号 乐童Musican offivially missing you--Tamia 98 95 94 SM (SBS《K-POP STAR 2》11.6%) 【Kpop Star 2】E19.130324 Top10直播赛 第六轮CASTING 次序 选手 歌曲 JYP YG SM 结果 1号 Andrew崔 在雨中<编曲:金泰城>--李文世) 96 90 95 SM 2号 房艺谈 只有你--朴振英 94 85 93 YG 3号 两千元 一百万束玫瑰--沈秀峰 82 88 95 淘汰 4号 乐童Musican 爱在银河咖啡馆--10cm 85 88 95 JYP (SBS《K-POP STAR 2》10.8%) 【Kpop Star 2】E20.130331 Top10直播赛 第七轮 出场次序 选手 歌曲 结果 1号 房艺谈 Where is the love -Black Eye Pea top2 2号 Andrew崔 baby-Justin Bieber 淘汰 3号 乐童Musican 外国人的告白-自创曲 top2 【Kpop Star 2】E21.130407 Top10直播赛 第八轮 出场次序 选手 歌曲 结果 1号 房艺谈 Mmmbop-Hanson)(火热的再见)] 亚军 2号 乐童Musican Mmmbop-Hanson)(火热的再) 冠军

K-POP STAR第二季亚军是谁?男的年龄蛮小的

中文译名:房艺谈 房艺谈韩国本名:ubc29uc608ub2f4(Bang Yedam)中国昵称:小房子性别:男出生日期:2002年5月7日家庭成员:爸爸 妈妈 奶奶喜欢的歌手:G-Dragon(Kpop star 2 E20时亲述)




HARDOX400与NM400区别:主要是产地的区别,HARDOX400是由SSAB钢厂生产的耐磨板,已经有40多年的历史。而NM400是中国国内钢厂的牌号,执行国标《GBT 24186-2009 工程机械用高强度耐磨钢板》。1)化学成分不同:HARDOX400(瑞典SSAB)(%)C 0.32,Si 0.70,Mn 1.60,P 0.025,S 0.010,Cr 2.50,Ni 1.50,Mo 0.60,B 0.004;NM400(兴澄)(%) C 0.27,Si 0.30,Mn 0.72,P 0.011,S 0.002,Cr 0.81,Ni 0.02,Mo 0.18,B 0.02;HARDOX耐磨板2)力学性能不同:HARDOX400(瑞典SSAB)抗拉强度1250,屈服强度916,延伸率10%,冲击功(-40℃)45J,硬度400;NM400(兴澄)抗拉强度1256,屈服强度1161,延伸率13.5,冲击功(-20℃)35J,硬度416

Sarah Riani这个女歌手的简介

SARAH资料在美剧《越狱》中出演女一号sara的莎拉·韦恩·卡利斯(Sarah Wayne Callies)出生于伊利诺斯州的La Grange农庄,一岁的时候随家人搬到了夏威夷的首府檀香山。Sara毕业于女演员Kelly Preston和导演Jim Simpson(即 Sigourney Weaver的丈夫)以及美国在线的Steve Case所就读过的贵族私立学校,她的双亲是座落于Manoa的夏威夷州立大学的教授。Callies从小在夏威夷长大,她的父母都是大学教授。1999年在Dartmouth学院毕业,学习的是女权主义,在本色化神学方面获得高级研究基金。之后她因为爱好演艺进入了丹佛国家戏剧音乐学院,并在那里得到了美术研究生学位。毕业之后Callies到了纽约,并开始了幕前的演艺工作:在《Queens Supreme》里面和Oliver Platt演对手戏。 Callies还在电视剧中客串过《法律与秩序:SVU》,《警网擒凶》和《数字追凶》。Callies演得最好的角色当数电视短剧《泰山》里的 Jane。最近,Callies又完成了2部电影的制作:基于同名的畅销小说《塞莱斯廷预言》和《Whisper》(与Lost中Sawyer扮演者Josh Holloway演对手戏)。最新消息!!!《越狱》女主角,扮演女医生 Sara Tancredi 的莎拉·韦恩·卡利斯Sarah Wayne Callies,在这个冬天也有了身孕,Sarah 和 Josh Winterhalt 在2002年结婚, 而这也也将他们这对新婚夫妇的第一个孩子。据悉,孩子将在今年夏天出生!



flotherm优化分析,响应面优化后,chart中3D RSO Result Reviewer观察期打开没有显示!



LZ;*^_^*: 《 歌曲:风吹麦浪 》QQ空间音乐链接;亲,已经发 【私信】 或【 HI 】 ;如果还不熟悉使用知道可追问留个邮箱!好发给您。【提醒一下WMA、MP3格式都可以哦】同求资源者请将鼠标放在我的网名上,再点击“求助知友”按钮,就可向俺求助了!

Martin 是什么意思?




查理兹·塞隆( Charlize Theron .....Mary Embrey)曾主演过那些电影了?注:是指出道到现在为止的.

  影视  2013年   《巴西任务》The Brazilian Job......Stella Bridger   2012年   《白雪公主与猎人》Snow White and the Huntsman......The Evil Queen   《普罗米修斯》Prometheus......Vickers   2011年   《青少年》Young Adult......Mavis Gary   《疯狂的麦克斯4》Mad Max: Fury Road(本片尚未上映)   2009年   《阿童木》 "Our Friends" Narrator (voice)    2008年 查理兹·塞隆  《抵抗癌症》......Herself   《末日危途》The Road......Woman   《燃烧的平原》The Burning Plain......Sylvia   《全民超人》Hancock ......Mary   《梦游》 sleepwalking......Joleen   2007年   《西雅图之战》 Battle in Seattle......Ella   《决战以拉谷/进退维谷/以拉谷的传奇》......Det.Emily Sanders   In the Valley of Elah 魔力女战士  2005年   《魔力女战士》......Aeon Flux   《决不让步/北方风云》......Josey Aimes   2004   《巴黎烟云乱世三人行》Head in the Clouds......Gilda Besse   《彼得·塞勒斯的生与死》The Life and Death of Peter Sellers ......Britt Ekland   2003年   《偷天换日》the Italian job......Stella Bridger   《女魔头》monster......Aileen   2002年   《陷入绝境》Trapped ......Karen Jennings   《情归雷诺》Waking Up in Reno......Candy Kirkendall   2001年   《玉蝎子的魔咒》......Laura Kensington 查理兹·塞隆  《千均一刻》 15 Minutes ......Rose Hearn   《甜蜜十一月》 Sweet November ......Sara Deever   2000年   《重返荣耀》 The Legend of Bagger Vance ......Adele Invergordon   《潜水风暴》 Men of Honor ......Gwen Sunday   《家族生意》 The Yards ......Erica Stoltz   《驯鹿游戏》 Reindeer Games ......Ashley   1999年   《苹果酒屋法则》 The Cider House Rules   《太空异种》 The Astronaut"s Wife ......Jillian Armacost   1998年   《巨猩乔扬》 Mighty Joe Young ......Jill Young   《名人百态》 Celebrity   1997年   《魔鬼代言人》 The Devil"s Advocate   1996年 查理兹·塞隆  《挡不住的奇迹》 That Thing You Do!   《山谷两日》 2 Days in the Valley   代表作:《巨星乔阳》、《重返荣耀》、《潜水风暴》、《甜蜜十一月》、《偷天换日》《女魔头》   《魔鬼代言人》 《乱世三人行》 《挡不住的奇迹》   所有电影英文表:   Charlize Theron Filmography:   2008 The Road   2008 The Burning Plain   2008 John Hancock   2008 Sleepwalking   2007 Battle in Seattle   2007 In The Valley of Elah   2005 Class Action   2005 Aeon Flux   2004 Head in the Clouds   2004 The Life and Death of Peter Sellers   2003 Monster   2003 The Italian Job   2002 Trapped   2001 15 Minutes   2001 Captured on Film: The True Story of Marion Davies   2001 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion   2001 Sweet November   2001 Waking Up in Reno   2000 Men of Honor   2000 The Yards   2000 Saturday Night Live: Charlize Theron   2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance   2000 Reindeer Games   1999 The Cider House Rules 查理兹·塞隆  点击此处添加图片说明   1999 The Astronaut"s Wife   1998 Mighty Joe Young   1998 Celebrity   1997 Hollywood Confidential   1997 Trial and Error   1997 The Devil"s Advocate   1996 That Thing You Do!   1996 2 Days in the Valley   1994 Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

charlize Theron演过哪些电影?

2008年 查理兹·塞隆《抵抗癌症》 《末日危途》The Road 《燃烧的平原》The Burning Plain 《全民超人》Hancock 《梦游》 sleepwalking 2007年 《西雅图之战》 Battle in Seattle 《决战以拉谷/进退维谷/以拉谷的传奇》 In the Valley of Elah 魔力女战士2005年 《魔力女战士》 《决不让步》 2004 《巴黎烟云乱世三人行》Head in the Clouds 《彼得·塞勒斯的生与死》The Life and Death of Peter Sellers 2003年 《偷天换日》the Italian job 《女魔头》monster 2002年 《陷入绝境》Trapped 《情归雷诺》Waking Up in Reno 2001年 《玉蝎子的魔咒》 查理兹·塞隆《千均一刻》 15 Minutes 《甜蜜十一月》 Sweet November 2000年 《重返荣耀》 The Legend of Bagger Vance 《潜水风暴》 Men of Honor 《家族生意》 The Yards 《驯鹿游戏》 Reindeer Games 1999年 《苹果酒屋法则》 The Cider House Rules 《太空异种》 The Astronaut"s Wife 1998年 《巨猩乔扬》 Mighty Joe Young 《名人百态》 Celebrity 1997年 《魔鬼代言人》 The Devil"s Advocate 1996年 查理兹·塞隆点击此处添加图片说明 《挡不住的奇迹》 That Thing You Do! 《峡谷二日》 2 Days in the Valley 代表作:《巨星乔阳》、《重返荣耀》、《潜水风暴》、《甜蜜十一月》、《偷天换日》《女魔头》 《魔鬼代言人》 《乱世三人行》 《挡不住的奇迹》 所用电影英文表: Charlize Theron Filmography: 2008 The Road 2008 The Burning Plain 2008 John Hancock 2008 Sleepwalking 2007 Battle in Seattle 2007 In The Valley of Elah 2005 Class Action 2005 Aeon Flux 2004 Head in the Clouds 2004 The Life and Death of Peter Sellers 2003 Monster 2003 The Italian Job 2002 Trapped 2001 15 Minutes 2001 Captured on Film: The True Story of Marion Davies 2001 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion 2001 Sweet November 2001 Waking Up in Reno 2000 Men of Honor 2000 The Yards 2000 Saturday Night Live: Charlize Theron 2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance 2000 Reindeer Games 1999 The Cider House Rules 查理兹·塞隆点击此处添加图片说明 1999 The Astronaut"s Wife 1998 Mighty Joe Young 1998 Celebrity 1997 Hollywood Confidential 1997 Trial and Error 1997 The Devil"s Advocate 1996 That Thing You Do! 1996 2 Days in the Valley 1994 Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest


《阿衰on line》系列《豌豆笑传》系列《戏游记》系列《莫林的眼镜》系列《反斗档案》系列《爆笑水晶球》系列《小布丁的幸福生活》系列《鳄鱼大宝》系列《跳跃星球》系列(第一部已剧终)《猫3狗4》系列《嘻哈小天才》系列《漫画K掐掐》系列《搞笑测测你》系列《星太奇》系列《淘气小甜心》系列《非常小子》系列《雷人一族》系列《葱头爱问问》系列《西游大学堂》系列


莫林并没有把刀插进博林的脑袋而是插进了第三天使的脑子 拿到了假兔子 真兔子还在第三天使脑内 莫林在幻境中被第三天使碎镜 后来莫林他们在不死鸟现实基地真身集合了 但帕尔雅戴了面具 莫林还是认为她是余露璐

请问,都有哪些漫画杂志,比如漫画party 、阿衰 .......


JSP页面报错:org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login_check.jsp(60,15) Invalid standard action

额,这个是Tomcat在把.jsp文件编译成Servlet类文件时,发现了错误,所以无法编译成功。没有源代码,所以无法指出具体的问题,而且出现这个问题的可能性是非常多,下面针对这种错误做一些分析。message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request这段话的意思是服务器(就是Tomcat)发现了一个内部错误阻止了完成这个需求,就是编译了。org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login_check.jsp(60,15) Invalid standard action这个是指出了错误的地方,是/login_check.jsp文件中65行、15列出现了"Invalid standard action"错误。这个是异常捕获的最高的异常。下面的每行语句,是针对这个jsp文件在编译过程中需要调用的类,然后不同地方都捕获了这个错误,相信应该理解,jsp文件在被使用前,是需要被编译成为一个类文件的,而这个编译Tomcat就是通过jasper类编译的,所以到处都是jasper,然而jsp文件并不是一个Java文件,它实际上相当与一种标签文件,Tomcat编译前先需要将这个文件转换一个可编译的Java源码文件,这个文件你是可以看到的(在work路径中,自己找找看,单一路径的,容易找)。jsp文件转换为Java源码文件后,内容和jsp本身是大有区别的,Tomcat自动把需要的类和语句添加到生成的源码文件中。当你的jsp中存在错误,那么编译就会失败,Invalid standard action就是错误的一种。这是一种比较通常的错误,比如你jsp中的关键字写错了,如将jsp:useBean,写成jsp:usebean就可能出现这种错误,但是又不是完全错误,所以报错是无效的标准行为,差不多就是这个意思了。你查查看的你的语句65行15列中的代码是不是有错,比如大小写或者是写错了。


用Map传递是sql语句中的查询条件:如:select * from emp where id>$P{aa};


jDK安装安装jdk并配置系统环境变量JAVA_HOME;在classpath,path中均要配置。例如:JAVA_HOME: C:/java/jdk1.5.0_06;classpath: c:/java/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/tools.jar;c:/java/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/dt.jar;path: c:/java/jdk1.5.0_06/bin;iReport的安装:iReport的安装直接下一步就可以了,如果下载的是解压版的,解压后就可以用了。




《nekopara》18场景出现时间不明。电视动画片《猫娘乐园》改编自插画师Sayori策划制作的同名视觉小说游戏,于2020年1月9日开播,共12集。该片由山本靖贵担任导演,FelixFilm负责动画制作,作品以糕点师水无月嘉祥担任店长的蛋糕店“La Soleil”为舞台,展开嘉祥与人型猫娘巧克力和香草等伙伴们的“暖心猫娘故事。剧情介绍:水无月嘉祥的老家经营着一间历史悠久的日式点心老店。他决心以糕点师的身份,离开老家开一间自己的蛋糕店“La Soleil”。嘉祥发现从老家寄来的搬家行李中,竟然混进了两只在老家饲养的人型猫娘:巧克力和香草。嘉祥本来想将她们送回老家,但在两只猫娘的苦苦哀求下他也只好让步,开始和她们一起经营“La Soleil”。妹妹时雨,还有巧克力和香草的猫娘姐姐们:红豆、枫、桂、椰子,住在老家的猫娘们也都来店里帮忙,大家每天都过着开心热闹的生活。


它们的区别是:nekopara0是一部外传,123都有r18补丁,0是全年龄版。《猫娘乐园》是NEKO WORKs制作的恋爱冒险电脑游戏。作品以与人类拥有相近容貌与寿命的“人型猫娘”作为宠物存在的世界为舞台,讲述了离开历史悠久的日式点心老店老家开蛋糕店“La Soleil”的主人公和他饲养的猫娘之间的故事。

为什么注册kik账户出现这个英文:please prove that you are a huma


Trojan War(急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!)

特洛伊木马是木马屠城记里记载着的那只希腊军队用来攻破特洛伊城的大木马。而木马屠城记则是古希腊诗人 - 荷马,在其两部著作伊利亚特与奥德赛里所记载的特洛伊战争的一部份。木马屠城记一直被后人视为神话故事,直至十九世纪时,业余考古学者苏利曼才证实木马屠城记真有此事。 战争起因 据荷马与希腊神话所载,这个故事的起因是源自一个金苹果。 这个故事的开端,就是忒提斯(Thetis)与佩琉斯(Peleus)的婚礼,原本宙斯与忒提斯相恋,但那时传说忒提斯的儿子(也就是未来的阿基里斯(Achilles))会比他的父亲还强大,宙斯害怕当年推翻他父亲的事重演,于是将她嫁给了著名英雄珀琉斯,避免影响他的政权。婚礼上邀请了很多神,唯独争吵女神没有被邀请。她很生气,便抛出一个金苹果,上面写「给最美丽者」。雅典娜,阿佛洛狄德和希拉都宣称自己应该获得这个苹果。最后她们请求特洛伊王子帕里斯裁决。三个女神都贿赂帕里斯:雅典娜以天下第一聪明人作贿赂;希拉以王位作贿赂;阿佛洛狄德以天下第一的美人作贿赂。最后帕里斯选择了阿佛洛狄德。作为回报,斯巴达王后,世界上最漂亮的女人海伦和他堕入爱河。在一次访问斯巴达的过程中,帕里斯绑架了海伦,把她带到特洛伊。帕里斯的行动惹怒了斯巴达国王,使其联合希腊各城邦向特洛伊宣战。 战争经过 斯巴达国王美内劳斯因为其太太海伦被帕里斯所带走,因此向希腊各城邦求助,共同出兵特洛伊。但特洛伊因为有亚马逊女战士和黎明女神儿子梅农的帮忙,与维纳斯暗中协助,所以能抵抗希腊联军。但因为雅典娜得不到金苹果,所以不愿放过特洛伊,而且指示奥德修斯向希腊联军献上木马屠城之计。 有一天,希腊联军突然撤退,并留下一只木马,特洛伊人将其当作战利品带回城内。在当天晚上,当特洛伊士兵为胜利而庆祝时,藏匿在木马中的希腊兵悄悄打开城门,将城外的军舰迎进,在一夜间消灭特洛伊城,城内男丁悉数被杀。 对其他地方的影响 据古罗马传说所载,就在特洛伊城城破之际,有一人在乱军中逃脱,并到达今天的义大利,成为罗马人的始祖。而在特洛伊战争后,东地中海成为希腊人的天下,并使为希腊人能够向小亚细亚殖民,这亦使东西方的文化有初步交流。 重新发掘 苏利曼因为自小对这神话感兴趣,并坚信荷马所著的这篇木马屠城记并不是凭空捏造,而是真实记载。因此他花了很多时间赚钱,在储足发掘所需的金钱后,开始着手研究特洛伊城所在地,最后终于在土耳其爱琴海畔挖出特洛伊古城,并在第六层考古地层证实与史实吻合。...HY 参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E7%89%B9%E6%B4%9B%E4%BC%8A%E6%9C%A8%E9%A9%AC


游戏无法连接服务器,主要原因有以下几个: 1、网络没设置好; 2、服务分区被关闭; 3、系统时间被篡改;一、如果是网络没设置好,可通过以下方式解决: 1、检查网络,找到你所连接的网络,右键点击,选择状态选项。 2、进入这个窗口后,选择网络诊断选项,诊断结束后重新连接网络即可。 3、如果还是不能进入游戏,则可以选择重启电脑之后登陆。 二、如果是服务分区被关闭,可通过以下方式解决: 1、如果你想要进入的分区无法进入,你可以先选择登录其他分区,进入游戏后退出登录想要登录的分区。 2、若换区还是不行则可以选择重启电脑之后进入游戏。 三、如果是系统时间被篡改,可通过以下方式解决: 1、在控制面板选项中选择时间语言和区域设置。 2、在进入的窗口中选中《设置时间和日期》。 3、选中《Internet时间》选项,并点击更改设置。 4、选中与Iternet时间服务器同步,并选择好服务器,点击立即更新。 5、更新完成后,点击确认即可。

Learn Chinese (Edited) (Feat. Wyclef Jean) 歌词

歌曲名:Learn Chinese (Edited) (Feat. Wyclef Jean)歌手:Jin&Wyclef Jean专辑:The Rest Is HistoryArtist: JinSong: Learn ChineseAlbum: The Rest Is HistoryYeah, I"m Chinese and what?Yeah, you know who this is, JinLet me tell you thisThe days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wingscoming to your house five years is overYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseGo fuck with your head manI know a bunch of crypts that love RedmanBlood book in New York man things done changeStop, the chinks be all over the gameThis ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TVThis is a game of death when I aim for your chestToo much sex got me seeing slow motionEyes barely open with a roach roasting"And your girl, she loves the gin oceanRub it on her body like body shop lotionWhat"s the commotion, you never seen me?The original chinky eye emceeYou don"t want to step to the armyAnd Double-R rank refugeeAnd the battle of the gun is gonna make you speakanother languageAnd amigo I ain"t talking about SpanishYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseThis one goes out to those that order four chicken wingsAnd pork fried rice and throw diceIn the hood, you think this is all good?Till the cowboys roam through like Clint EastwoodI wish you would come to ChinatownGet lost in town, end up in the lost in foundEyewitnesses, you must be crazyWe don"t speak English, we speak ChineseAnd the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the windowEvery time they harass me, I wanna explodeWe should ride the train for free, we built the railroadsI ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya EnimemI ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinamanGinseng in the palm of my handShe looks suprirsed in the palm of my handsYou know what"s next? Safe sexI"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your thingsThe moral of the story isDon"t judge a book by its coverI know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercoverI saw his name on the affidavitIt was written in Chinese and this is what he said:(Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon)Bring about some local hooligans and thugs soCatch them at midnight when they close the shop upReading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckkaMovie small posters are all over the wallsIf they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"llMe, I"m just Jin just doing my thangJust doing my thang, just doing my thangWhy is there beef everywhere I go?I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get alongMy ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearmsYa"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese.Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. JinThe game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home)First Chinese rapperFirst page rapperRefugees(Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown)(Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)(Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)

Learn Chinese (Album Version) (Feat. Wyclef Jean) 歌词

歌曲名:Learn Chinese (Album Version) (Feat. Wyclef Jean)歌手:Jin&Wyclef Jean专辑:The Rest Is HistoryArtist: JinSong: Learn ChineseAlbum: The Rest Is HistoryYeah, I"m Chinese and what?Yeah, you know who this is, JinLet me tell you thisThe days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wingscoming to your house five years is overYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseGo fuck with your head manI know a bunch of crypts that love RedmanBlood book in New York man things done changeStop, the chinks be all over the gameThis ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TVThis is a game of death when I aim for your chestToo much sex got me seeing slow motionEyes barely open with a roach roasting"And your girl, she loves the gin oceanRub it on her body like body shop lotionWhat"s the commotion, you never seen me?The original chinky eye emceeYou don"t want to step to the armyAnd Double-R rank refugeeAnd the battle of the gun is gonna make you speakanother languageAnd amigo I ain"t talking about SpanishYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseThis one goes out to those that order four chicken wingsAnd pork fried rice and throw diceIn the hood, you think this is all good?Till the cowboys roam through like Clint EastwoodI wish you would come to ChinatownGet lost in town, end up in the lost in foundEyewitnesses, you must be crazyWe don"t speak English, we speak ChineseAnd the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the windowEvery time they harass me, I wanna explodeWe should ride the train for free, we built the railroadsI ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya EnimemI ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinamanGinseng in the palm of my handShe looks suprirsed in the palm of my handsYou know what"s next? Safe sexI"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your thingsThe moral of the story isDon"t judge a book by its coverI know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercoverI saw his name on the affidavitIt was written in Chinese and this is what he said:(Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon)Bring about some local hooligans and thugs soCatch them at midnight when they close the shop upReading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckkaMovie small posters are all over the wallsIf they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"llMe, I"m just Jin just doing my thangJust doing my thang, just doing my thangWhy is there beef everywhere I go?I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get alongMy ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearmsYa"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese.Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. JinThe game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home)First Chinese rapperFirst page rapperRefugees(Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown)(Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)(Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)

请问:谁有jin 《LearnChinese》的歌词

Jin Learn Chinese Yeah, I"m Chinese and what? Yeah, you know who this is, Jin Let me tell you this The days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wings coming to your house five years is over [Chorus] Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna wanna be Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese [Jin] Go fuck with your head man I know a bunch of crypts that love Redman Blood book in New York man things done change Stop, the chinks be all over the game This ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TV This is a game of death when I aim for your chest Too much sex got me seeing slow motion Eyes barely open with a roach roasting" And your girl, she loves the gin ocean Rub it on her body like body shop lotion What"s the commotion, you never seen me? The original chinky eye emcee You don"t want to step to the army And Double-R rank refugee And the battle of the gun is gonna make you speak another language And amigo I ain"t talking about Spanish [Chorus] [Jin] This one goes out to those that order four chicken wings And pork fried rice and throw dice In the hood, you think this is all good? Till the cowboys roam through like Clint Eastwood I wish you would come to Chinatown Get lost in town, end up in the lost in found Eyewitnesses, you must be crazy We don"t speak English, we speak Chinese And the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the window Every time they harass me, I wanna explode We should ride the train for free, we built the railroads I ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya Enimem I ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinaman Ginseng in the palm of my hand She looks suprirsed in the palm of my hands You know what"s next? Safe sex I"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect [Hook] (Woman singing) (Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.) Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?) Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things [Jin] The moral of the story is Don"t judge a book by its cover I know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercover I saw his name on the affidavit It was written in Chinese and this is what he said: (Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon) Bring about some local hooligans and thugs so Catch them at midnight when they close the shop up Reading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckka Movie small posters are all over the walls If they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"ll Me, I"m just Jin just doing my thang Just doing my thang, just doing my thang Why is there beef everywhere I go? I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get along My ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearms Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese. (Wyclef: Refugees) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese (Woman singing) [Hook] [Wyclef] The game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game) Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home) First Chinese rapper First page rapper Refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown) (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game) (Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)

请问:谁有jin 《LearnChinese》歌词

Album: The Rest Is HistoryYeah, I"m Chinese and what?Yeah, you know who this is, JinLet me tell you thisThe days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wingscoming to your house five years is overYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseGo fuck with your head manI know a bunch of crypts that love RedmanBlood book in New York man things done changeStop, the chinks be all over the gameThis ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TVThis is a game of death when I aim for your chestToo much sex got me seeing slow motionEyes barely open with a roach roasting"And your girl, she loves the gin oceanRub it on her body like body shop lotionWhat"s the commotion, you never seen me?The original chinky eye emceeYou don"t want to step to the armyAnd Double-R rank refugeeAnd the battle of the gun is gonna make you speakanother languageAnd amigo I ain"t talking about SpanishYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseThis one goes out to those that order four chicken wingsAnd pork fried rice and throw diceIn the hood, you think this is all good?Till the cowboys roam through like Clint EastwoodI wish you would come to ChinatownGet lost in town, end up in the lost in foundEyewitnesses, you must be crazyWe don"t speak English, we speak ChineseAnd the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the windowEvery time they harass me, I wanna explodeWe should ride the train for free, we built the railroadsI ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya EnimemI ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinamanGinseng in the palm of my handShe looks suprirsed in the palm of my handsYou know what"s next? Safe sexI"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your thingsThe moral of the story isDon"t judge a book by its coverI know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercoverI saw his name on the affidavitIt was written in Chinese and this is what he said:(Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon)Bring about some local hooligans and thugs soCatch them at midnight when they close the shop upReading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckkaMovie small posters are all over the wallsIf they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"llMe, I"m just Jin just doing my thangJust doing my thang, just doing my thangWhy is there beef everywhere I go?I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get alongMy ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearmsYa"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese.Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. JinThe game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home)First Chinese rapperFirst page rapperRefugees(Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown)(Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)(Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)

Learn Chinese (Clean Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Learn Chinese (Clean Radio Edit)歌手:Jin专辑:Learn ChineseArtist: JinSong: Learn ChineseAlbum: The Rest Is HistoryYeah, I"m Chinese and what?Yeah, you know who this is, JinLet me tell you thisThe days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wingscoming to your house five years is overYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseGo fuck with your head manI know a bunch of crypts that love RedmanBlood book in New York man things done changeStop, the chinks be all over the gameThis ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TVThis is a game of death when I aim for your chestToo much sex got me seeing slow motionEyes barely open with a roach roasting"And your girl, she loves the gin oceanRub it on her body like body shop lotionWhat"s the commotion, you never seen me?The original chinky eye emceeYou don"t want to step to the armyAnd Double-R rank refugeeAnd the battle of the gun is gonna make you speakanother languageAnd amigo I ain"t talking about SpanishYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseYa"ll gonna wanna be ChineseYa"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak ChineseThis one goes out to those that order four chicken wingsAnd pork fried rice and throw diceIn the hood, you think this is all good?Till the cowboys roam through like Clint EastwoodI wish you would come to ChinatownGet lost in town, end up in the lost in foundEyewitnesses, you must be crazyWe don"t speak English, we speak ChineseAnd the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the windowEvery time they harass me, I wanna explodeWe should ride the train for free, we built the railroadsI ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya EnimemI ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinamanGinseng in the palm of my handShe looks suprirsed in the palm of my handsYou know what"s next? Safe sexI"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your thingsThe moral of the story isDon"t judge a book by its coverI know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercoverI saw his name on the affidavitIt was written in Chinese and this is what he said:(Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon)Bring about some local hooligans and thugs soCatch them at midnight when they close the shop upReading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckkaMovie small posters are all over the wallsIf they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"llMe, I"m just Jin just doing my thangJust doing my thang, just doing my thangWhy is there beef everywhere I go?I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get alongMy ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearmsYa"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese.Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo)Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here)Ya"ll gonna learn ChineseWhen the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese(Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.)Mr. Jin, you are the sexist manMr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?)Mr. JinThe game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home)First Chinese rapperFirst page rapperRefugees(Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown)(Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game)(Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)


Yeah, I"m Chinese and what? Yeah, you know who this is, Jin Let me tell you this The days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wings coming to your house five years is over Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna wanna be Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese Go fuck with your head man I know a bunch of crypts that love Redman Blood book in New York man things done change Stop, the chinks be all over the game This ain"t Bruce Lee, I watch too much TV This is a game of death when I aim for your chest Too much sex got me seeing slow motion Eyes barely open with a roach roasting" And your girl, she loves the gin ocean Rub it on her body like body shop lotion What"s the commotion, you never seen me? The original chinky eye emcee You don"t want to step to the army And Double-R rank refugee And the battle of the gun is gonna make you speak another language And amigo I ain"t talking about Spanish Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese Ya"ll gonna wanna be Chinese Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps go off, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese This one goes out to those that order four chicken wings And pork fried rice and throw dice In the hood, you think this is all good? Till the cowboys roam through like Clint Eastwood I wish you would come to Chinatown Get lost in town, end up in the lost in found Eyewitnesses, you must be crazy We don"t speak English, we speak Chinese And the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hood out in the window Every time they harass me, I wanna explode We should ride the train for free, we built the railroads I ain"t ya 50 Cent, I ain"t ya Enimem I ain"t ya Jigga Man, I"m a chinaman Ginseng in the palm of my hand She looks suprirsed in the palm of my hands You know what"s next? Safe sex I"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insect (Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.) Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?) Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things The moral of the story is Don"t judge a book by its cover I know you think he"s fam, but he"s really undercover I saw his name on the affidavit It was written in Chinese and this is what he said: (Jin Speaking Chinese: The chinese restaurant is closing soon) Bring about some local hooligans and thugs so Catch them at midnight when they close the shop up Reading the Ten Commandments, cooking up heckka Movie small posters are all over the walls If they think you"d save me the bullet, it"s so over ya"ll Me, I"m just Jin just doing my thang Just doing my thang, just doing my thang Why is there beef everywhere I go? I"m drunk skewing, can"t we all get along My ladies with the thongs, my thugs with the firearms Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the ghetto) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Wyclef: all the suburb) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese. Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: di lo) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: Hurry, get out of here) Ya"ll gonna learn Chinese When the pumps come out, ya"ll gon" speak Chinese (Jin speaking Chinese: This one sounds good. Let"s give her a call on the phone.) Mr. Jin, you are the sexist man Mr. Jin, I love the way you do your things (Jin speaking Chinese: Really?) Mr. Jin The game will never be the same (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game) Double-R refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Let"s go home) First Chinese rapper First page rapper Refugees (Jin speaking Chinese: Chinatown) (Jin speaking Chinese: I already played the game) (Jin speaking Chinese: That"s it)

Learn Chinese 的歌词及翻译?

Yeah I"m Chinese and what? 耶,我是中国人,那又咋了? yeah you know who this is, Jin 耶,你当然知道你眼前这位是谁,Jin let me tell you this 让我话比你知 the days of the pork fried rice and the chicken wings 中国佬给你家送叉烧肉饭和烧鸡翼的日子 coming to your house by me is over. 结束了 [chorus] y"all gon" learn Chinese 你们都会去学中文 y"all gon" learn Chinese 你们都得去学中文 y"all gon" learn Chinese 你们都将去学中文 When the pumps come out y"all gon" speak Chinese 等我成名,你们都得要说中文 y"all gon" learn Chinese 你们都得去学中文 y"all gon" wan" be Chinese 你们都会想成为中国人 y"all gon" learn Chinese 你们都将去学中文 When the pumps go off y"all gon" speak Chinese 等我成名,你们都得要说中文 this hiphop shit could fuck up your head man hiphop能搞呆你的脑子,老兄 I know a bunch of crips that love Redman 我知道一堆以暴制暴的呆子 bloodwalk in New York man things don"t change 在纽约城血雨腥风,老兄,现实也没啥改变 stop the chinks took over the game 停!现在轮到中国佬坐庄 this ain"t Bruce Lee ya"ll watch too much TV 这不是在说李小龙,你们洋鬼子都看太多电视 its a game of death when I aim for your chest 这是个死亡游戏,我要给你好看 yes too much sex got me seeing slow motion 太多性爱话题让我烦 eyes barely open with a roach roastin" 眼睛都懒得睁开,只觉得可笑 and your girl she loves the Jin potion 对了,你的妞,她爱死了Jin的魔药 rub it on her body like body shop lotion 把这药擦上她身,就像Body Shop卖的乳液 what"s the commotion you never seen me 大家在激动个什么,你从没见过我? original chinky eyed emcee 我这个原汁原味的中国佬MC you don"t want to step to the army 你们洋鬼子都不敢参军 Im double R rank refugee 还把我当成双R级别的难民 and the barrel of the gun gonna make you speak another language 但是我的枪管会让你不得不说另外一种语言 and amigo I ain"t talking about spanish 噢老兄,我不是说让你说西班牙语 [chorus] this one goes out to those that order four chicken wings 这一段要说给那些点“四个中式烧鸡翼” and pork fried rice and roll dice 还有“叉烧饭”和“肠粉”的鬼佬听 in the hood you think shit is all good 你以为你们自己什么都好到不行 til them cowboys roll through like Clint Eastwood 其实还不是一样糟糕 I wish you would come to Chinatown 有空你就来唐人街转转 get lost in town end up in the lost and found 小心自己在唐人街找不着北,最后连人被送去失物招领处 eyewitnesses you must be crazy 看见你被整的目击者给你作证?你疯了吧你 we don"t speak English we speak Chinese 我们可不说英语,我们只说中文 and the only po-po we know is the pigs on the hook out by the window 就只有挂在橱窗外头的猪头肉 every time they harass me I wanna explod 每次鬼佬找我茬,我就想发飙 We should ride the train for free we built the railroads 我们中国佬给你们修铁路,那我们就该免费搭乘 I ain"t ya 50 Cent I ain"t ya Eminem 我不是50Cent,也不是Eminem I ain"t ya Jigga Man I"m a chinaman 我不是小玩意儿,我是堂堂正正中国人 Ginseng in the palm of my hand 我手拿人参 she looked surprised when she saw it in the palm of my hands 那马子看见我手拿人参,惊讶到不行 you know what"s next safe sex 你猜我和她做了什么,嘿,就是你们所谓的“安全性交” I"ll be damned if I sleep in the flesh with the insects 中国佬都是在肉铺里和猪肉还有肉蛆一起睡?做梦呢吧你 [chorus] (Woman singing) joue la pula joue la pula parley joe la pula pi joue la pula piki pi pi piki piki pi pi pi Mr. Jin you are the sexiest man Mr. Jin,你是最性感的男人 Mr. Jin I love the way you do your thing Mr. Jin,我爱死了你做事的方式 Mr. Jin you are the sexiest man Mr. Jin,你是最性感的男人 Mr. Jin I love the way you do your thing Mr. Jin,我爱死了你做事的方式 the moral of the story 买药看啥 don"t judge a book by its cover 看疗效 I know you think that he"s fam he"s really undercover 我猜你一定觉得他又红又酷 I saw his name on the affidavit 我在宣誓书上看见他的名字 it was written in Chinese and this is what he said 中文名字,他还说…… (Jin rhymes in Cantonese) (Jin说了一段粤语) ran by some local hooligans and thugs so 这是些地痞流氓开的 catch them at midnight when they closin shop up 所以在他们午夜收工的时候,抓住他们 reading the Ten Commandments cooking the crack up (?) biggie smalls posters all over the walls 墙上贴满海报 if they think you sammy the bull it"s over for y"all (?) and me I"m just Jin just doing my thang 而我,我只是忠于自我的Jin just doing my thang just doing my thang 只是做我该做的 (Jin rhymes in Cantonese) why is there beef everywhere I go 为啥我走到哪儿都只听见争吵 I"m drunk screamin can"t we all get along 我喝个烂醉大叫,我们为何不能和平相处?! my ladies with the thongs the thugs with the firearms 小妞们拿着皮条儿,痞子们拽着手枪 [chorus] (Woman singing) joue la pula joue la pula parley joe la pula pi joue la pula piki pi pi piki piki pi pi pi Mr. Jin you are the sexiest man Mr. Jin你最性感 Mr. Jin I love the way you do your thing, Mr. Jin Mr. Jin,我爱死了你做事方式,Mr. Jin


1、押井守作品观看顺序:《攻壳机动队》:第一部剧场版,傀儡师事件,最著名的攻壳作品。《攻壳机动队2 INNOCENCE》:第二部剧场版,第一部的续作,素子离开九课以后的事件。整体上来说押井守的两部攻壳个人风格明显,相对沉重压抑,人物塑造也显得比较凝重,主要讨论的议题是存在主义哲学。2、神山健治作品观看顺序:《攻壳机动队 STAND ALONE COMPLEX》:第一部TV动画,笑脸男事件。《攻壳机动队 S.A.C. 2nd GIG》:第二部TV动画,第一部TV动画的续作,独立的十一人事件。《攻壳机动队 STAND ALONE COMPLEX :笑脸男》:第一部OVA,TV第一季的主线剧情整理版。《攻壳机动队 S.A.C. 2nd GIG:个别的十一人》:第二部OVA,TV第二季的主线剧情整理版。《攻壳机动队 Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society》:第三部OVA,第二部TV动画的续作,傀儡廻事件。《攻壳机动队 Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society 3D》:第三部剧场版,第三部OVA的3D重制。3、黄濑和哉作品顺序:《攻壳机动队 ARISE》:第四部剧场版,讲的似乎是九课的成立。主要剧情公元2029年,在这个时代,以光、电子和生化技术为基础的电脑、AI和网络主导着每个人的生活。移动通讯向人体靠拢,从可移动通讯终端(mobile、手机等)开始,经由可穿戴通讯终端的阶段,逐渐发展到了可移植通讯终端的阶段。技术的发展使得通讯终端直接植入人体成为可能,人类的躯体和思想从此可以直接与标准的计算机和网络互动。这些可移植的终端逐渐的替代了过时的可移动/可穿戴技术,最终的发展形态就是Cyberbrain(电子脑)的原型。Cyberbrain(电子脑)的流行,在将人脑与外部网络连接的同时,也使得人们开始处在脑部入侵的危险之下。最严重的脑部入侵犯罪就是“Ghost Hack”,在被入侵的情况下整个人的人格,包括过去的回忆和个人的身体判断都将完全受到黑客的支配。

[问题求助] 华为AR18-23路由器+DLINK DES 3326三层交换机怎么配置!急急!!

1 在三层交换上新作4个VLAN,ip为192.168.0.2/,作为vlan的网关。2 开启三层路由交换功能。3 三层交换加一条默认路由0.0.0.0默认下一跳为路由器)。4 路由器上加3条静态路由(回程路由) 把相应的端口放进你的VLAN

啦啦利达里 we like to party什么歌

we can"t stop

抖音有首歌bgm大概 is so party什么的 ,女生唱的 轻快音乐

We can"t stop吧


身着美国涂装的意大利超跑低里程法拉利最近美国互联网汽车销售平台上出现了一辆与众不同的超级跑车。身着美国国旗涂装的意大利汽车法拉利Testarossa,另外值得注意的这辆车的外观不是简单的贴膜,而是经过精心喷涂的车漆!法拉利Testarossa最初在1984年法国巴黎汽车展上首次亮相,“Testarossa”在意大利语中意为“红头”的意思,因它12缸发动机头涂成红色而得名,其发动机采用每缸4气门水平对置设计,动力和过弯操控能力在当时堪称完美。在上世纪80年代末和90年代初,法拉利Testarossa成为了众多好莱坞名人、亿万富豪们的必备座驾。同样它的身影也出现在很多车迷卧室的海报中。不可否认,截至目前它是法拉利最受欢迎的跑车之一。法拉利Testarossa最初是计划来替代法拉利Berlinetta Boxer车型,设计代号为F110,外观造型由宾尼法利纳(Pinin Farina)操刀。设计团队中的莱昂纳多·菲奥拉万蒂(Leonardo Fioravanti)曾经设计过很多法拉利经典车型。莱昂纳多·菲奥拉万蒂在Testarossa的整体设计中采用了许多创新功能,整车的空气阻力系数仅为0.36,这要比其主要竞争对手如兰博基尼Countach好得多。Testarossa侧面的梳齿形进风口无疑是当时最具特色的设计,而实际上却是由于包括美国在内的多个国家的法规严格禁止在车身上开大孔,因此便诞生了从车门到后挡泥板的被笑称为“奶酪刨丝器”的进风口。Testarossa通过侧面安装的散热器“呼吸”,这也是对Berlinetta Boxer的单个后置散热口的改进,后者导致了巨大的发动机过热问题。另外标志性的车尾,宽度接近2米,这种设计极大增加了尾部的下压力。当时车尾还被誉为“史上最美屁股”。Testarossa动力方面搭载中后置发动机,工程师们选择了自然吸气发动机提供动力,纵向安装的4.9L 12缸水平对置单顶置凸轮轴发动机,每个气缸有四个气门,并且具有干式油底壳润滑系统。发动机的压缩比为9.20:1,最大功率输出为287kW(390 马力)/6300rpm,峰值扭矩490N·m/4500rpm。百公里加速时间仅为5.8秒,最高车速290km/h。传动系统匹配五速手动变速箱,因为发动机位置在后部中央,所以这部车重心很稳定,重量分配是40%重量在前轮,60%重量在后轮,分布比较均匀,转弯能力非常好。并且在高速驾驶时拥有极高的稳定性,在转弯过程中也相当灵巧。Testarossa的销量可以分为三个阶段,从最早期1983年的前期版Testarossa,中期改进版512 TR,再到后期F512M(于1996年停产),从1983年到1991年,法拉利Testarossa整个车系生产了近一万辆,前期版红头占据了绝大多数,近7200辆。这对于法拉利来说无疑是巨大的数字,这也使其成为有史以来最受欢迎的法拉利车型之一。在停产后,取而代之的是法拉利550 Maranello。动力上同样搭载V12发动机,但是最大的不同是,发动机的位置被移到了车头部分。也就是说前置发动机再次回归,法拉利在中后置发动机这条路上探索了二十几年后,最终还是放弃了。其实如果你的钱包允许,现在你也可以很容易的用实际行动来回味曾经的经典。比如照片中这辆使用美国国旗涂装的法拉利Testarossa。这辆车最初白色的,对于法拉利Testarossa。来说,这是一种并不寻常的颜色。虽然现在的美国国旗涂装并不是贴膜,但看起来状态还是相当不错的。抛开引人注目的外观,这辆车的其它地方跟任何一款1989年生产的法拉利Testarossa一样。V12发动机最大功率390马力、峰值扭矩490N·m、百公里加速时间5.8秒、最高车速290km/h、五速手动变速箱、后轮驱动。这些数据感觉有点眼熟,其实在不久之前奥迪公布了,全新奥迪RS3的动力数据,动力上搭载了2.5T涡轮增压五缸发动机,最大功率400马力,峰值扭矩为500N·m,百公里加速时间3.8秒,最高车速290km/h!虽然全新奥迪RS3甚至比法拉利强那么一点点,但要知道在上世纪80年代末,法拉利就达到了这样的成绩!从这辆提供的原始发票可以看到,这辆车最初交货的地点是美国加州的法拉利经销商,零售价为145,580美元,这相当于今天的315,000美元。这辆车的第一任车主从1990年开始拥有这辆车,直到2021年才出售。在车主拥有的这三十几年里,总共只行驶了6000英里。我们可以认为,这辆上个世纪80年代的超级跑车并不是主人日常的代步工具,并且很少会真正被宠幸!虽然并没有被过多的驾驶,但是在维修养护方面,还是作了很多工作,多年来这辆车一直在法拉利授权经销商处进行保养维护,纪录显示最近一次维修是在美国宾夕法尼亚州进行的,当时出现的问题是发动机动力不足,记录显示总共花费为7300美元。在内饰方面,除了在驾驶座上左侧一些磨损以外,褐色的真皮内饰看起来状况很好。这辆车的出价为10万美元,拍卖还有几天结束。纵观目前法拉利Testarossa的市场行情,我们预计这辆车的成交价可能会超过15万美元。毕竟,这辆车的里程很低,而且保养维护的状态相当好,唯一的瑕疵可能是外观使用的星条旗涂装,不过话说回来,没准新的车主很喜欢这种外观呢?






可以直接在电脑打开 一、关于rar文件Rar文件跟之前介绍的zip格式一样都是属于一种文件压缩格式,能够把一个文件压缩到原来文件的几分之一大小,从而节省存储空间。打开rar文件需要使用winrar,360压缩之类的压缩软件来进行打开。Rar文件还可以设置解压密码,从而保护一些重要文件。二、如何打开rar文件1、rar文件可以双击压缩文件,在打开的界面选择“解压到”就会将压缩文件里面的文件解压出来。2、或者大家可以鼠标右键选择压缩文件来解压出文件。A、选择“解压到”则会弹出一个对话框,提示大家需要解压到什么位置。B、选择“解压到当前文件夹”则是会把rar压缩文件里面的文件解压到当前的文件位置,压缩文件在桌面存放不建议使用这个。C、选择“解压到……”则是会在当前文件位置解压出跟当前压缩文件名字一样的文件夹。

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exagear报错,打开后显示 cannot import dll,求解决。

skin.dll :使用方法1、解压下载的文件;2、复制文件到系统目录下;3、一般情况下系统目录为:32为系统:C:WINNTSystem3264位系统:C:WindowsSysWOW644、最后点击开始->菜单->运行->输入regsvr32 skin.dll,然后回车即可解决错误问题了。


首先我们打开逸xatear, 然后点击设置,再点击语言环境,然后我们切换到中文语言就可以了。



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 【1】病毒引起的,对电脑全盘杀毒。   【2】硬件上的原因,主要是内存条不兼容引起的。   【3】系统或其它软件引起的,如是系统文件,建议重新安装操作系统,调整显示模式为增强色 16位,建议将 directx版本升级到最高(目前是 directx 9:在游戏主程序上单击右键。  某个软件出现的问题,这里主要是看看开机时运行的软件,(用360等检查开机运行的软件,把不必要运行的软件都去掉),软件冲突,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键,打“粘贴”,回车,(一般来解决办法就是卸载重新安装、升级或更换其它版本,不行只有卸载该软件,问题才能解决)。  系统本身有问题。   这个问题的出现比较普遍,它可以彻底的检测出内存的稳定度,这时,你就要检查是不是内存出问题了或者和其它硬件不兼容,如是游戏文件,则建议重新安装游戏。






ctrl +alt+del打开任务管理器,找到gta的进程(此处以win8示范,其他版本系统请灵活应用),右键--gt;转到详细信息。如果不能控制是因为失效,打开游戏,键盘操作,在选项卡界面选择option--gt;controller setup,选择standard controls, 按esc键返回游戏。另外键盘上点击鼠标右键的方法:鼠标放在需要点击的位置,按键盘上“Ctrl”键左侧的“鼠标右键”按键即可。






建议提供下机器的配置,可以和游戏的配置做下比较。现在因为看不到实际配置也无法确认。如果配置达到要求的话,可能程序不兼容, 可以更换个版本试试。或者右键需要运行的程序 选择兼容性 用兼容模式运行试试。




安卓11怎么运行exagear安卓11运行exagear的步骤是:1、下载模拟器,解压并安装apk文件。2、复制解压得到的Android目录至手机默认存储卡根目录。3、把下载好的游戏在电脑上解压完毕最好把目录全都改成纯英文,复制到手机默认存储卡的ExaGear文件夹中。4、你复制的目录,运行里面的exe可执行文件即可。运行exagear需要注意的是:运行模拟器之后,点击查找安装,运行CP51024X768之后,右边的菜单拉到最下面发现读取的默认目录是DOWNLOAD目录,所以需要把游戏文件夹复制到目录里,否则模拟器查找不到。exagear的特点是:1、快速:ExaTool内大部分文件均保存在阿里云服务器上,为国内用户提供更快速的下载体验。2、安全:ExaTool内提供安装的软件均由开发团队测试软件安全之后才添加到软件内,保证用户不被安装恶意软件。 同时ExaTool所需权限都确保为软件必要权限,绝不会自动收集您的隐私信息,请放心使用。3、轻便:整个ExaTool安装包大小仅为5M,安装快速软件内大部分资源均在网络上下载,用完既删,保证用户内存只用于关键操作。




将simsun.ttc复制到Android/data/将wqy-microhei.ttc复制到 Android/data/文件夹里用文本编辑器打开 /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/此处注意备份,改错没备份可能得重装模拟器),拖到最下面在[Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements] 上面添加一行"Simsun"=" \\?\unix\usr\lib\i386-linux-gnu\..\..\bin\..\share\wine\fonts\\simsun.ttc"删除倒数第二行 "SimSun"="WenQvuanYi Micro Hei",在原来 "SimSun"="WenQvuanYi Micro Hei"的位置添加"Arial"="simsun""Arial CE,238"="simsun""Arial CYR,204"="simsun""Arial Greek,161"="simsun""Arial TUR,162"="simsun""Courier New"="simsun""Courier New CE,238"="simsun""Courier New CYR,204"="simsun""Courier New Greek,161"="simsun""Courier New TUR,162"="simsun""FixedSys"="simsun""Helv"="simsun""Helvetica"="simsun""MS Sans Serif"="simsun""MS Shell Dlg"="simsun""MS Shell Dlg 2"="simsun""System"="simsun""Tahoma"="simsun""Times"="simsun""Times New Roman CE,238"="simsun""Times New Roman CYR,204"="simsun""Times New Roman Greek,161"="simsun""Times New Roman TUR,162"="simsun""Tms Rmn"="simsun"






1。用个人物修改器。在修改器里可以用简体中文,改了后,不是乱码。不过,我不知道在建新武将的时候能不能改,我是建好后开始游戏了才改的。 2。只要搜索下载“游戏输入法1.0”就可以在光荣历代中文版中正确的输入想要的汉字。 游戏输入法1.0(实际上都是0.9版,无所谓的)使用方法: 安装好后,进人游戏,切换出游戏输入法,点输入法工具条把“GB”改为“B5”,再按正确拼音输入汉字就可得到想要的任何汉字并正确显示! (已测试,新登陆武将名字、列传都可以随心所欲的输入了,嘎嘎)






1、游戏文件发生了错误,非正常流程关机、断电等情况会导致文件损坏或丢失,重要文件出问题就会导致游戏发生异常,重新下载游戏重新安装可解决此问题,注意安装时不要安装在C盘,路径中不要出现中文文件夹,尽量不要修改默认安装路径。 2、CPU、内存、显卡等硬件带不动游戏导致游戏报错,游戏能否运行主要在于CPU、内存、显卡这三个硬件上,可以比照推荐配置,尽量大于等于推荐配置方可正常运行游戏。 3、系统与游戏之间有冲突,重装电脑系统可解决异常。


简单的来说,本模拟器是一款能让 Android 设备用户重温经典 PC 游戏的 Android 游戏模拟器,全程为 ExaGear Strategies。该模拟器的功能是,让安卓手机模拟电脑以便运行各种电脑游戏。目前本模拟器可以运行各种经典怀旧游戏、小游戏,如:三国群英传,魔法门,红警等等。当然本模拟器在运行喜闻乐见游戏方面也有不错的表现,其中喜闻乐见游戏网友实测运行成功的超过50款,其他对配置要求不高的小游戏拿来试试经常有惊喜。(但3D游戏,大作等就别想了)其实杨老师是不愿意介绍的,群里有会用的老铁私聊我要游戏我都非常愿意给,但是介绍模拟器的痛苦——不说了,我先去哭一会。以前介绍KR模拟器和ONS模拟器使用教程的时候,居然有人问我WINRAR在哪下载,怎么安装- -!老铁们,该百度还是去百度呀!重要提示一、建议使用电脑进行文件操作,实在没电脑的老铁去网吧弄一下。否则用手机直接操作解压出错,复制粘贴文件麻烦,一堆破事。二、部分手机不兼容——比如杨老师自己的VIVO X7 plus,不管什么版本的模拟器不管装的再正确,运行游戏就闪退!这就是和模拟器没缘分了。如果装完闪退或不能运行不要打我,自己百度几个其他版本试试,都不行的话就说明手机型号不兼容!三、因为时间关系,有些分辨率不对不全屏拉,字体不太对啦的小问题,我没时间一一解释咯- -!明天要上的课还没准备。/溜了
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